Minimally Invasive Endodontics Challenging Prevailing Paradigms

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Minimally invasive endodontics: IN BRIEF

Explains the structural weakening that

challenging prevailing paradigms occurs as a result of endodontic and

restorative procedures.
Recognises fracture susceptibility in
all endodontically treated teeth and
A. H. Gluskin,*1 C. I. Peters1 and O. A. Peters1 the predisposition for damage in
functioning roots.
Reflects upon the principles of cervical
VERIFIABLE CPD PAPER dentin preservation in stabilising
load transfer to roots after endodontic

The primary goal of endodontic therapy is the long-term retention of a functional tooth by preventing or treating
apical periodontitis. However, there are many other factors that impact endodontic outcomes such as the quality of the
restoration and structural integrity of the tooth after root canal preparation. Contemporary research efforts are currently
directed to better understanding dentin behaviour and structure during aging and function. An alternative approach is to
minimise structural changes during root canal therapy, which may result in a new strategy that can be labelled minimally
invasive endodontics. This review addresses current clinical and laboratory data to provide an overview of this new
endodontic paradigm.

INTRODUCTION endodontically treated tooth with the intent

Technological advances in optics, that it will last the patients lifetime.
instrumentation, materials, robotics, and Just as in medicine, the dental surgeon
computer systems over the last decades treating endodontic disease must develop
have introduced new strategies and new skills and dexterity in order to adapt to
possibilities to the medical profession. These a limited working environment within the
innovations are clearly beneficial to patients confines of the pulpal space. These skills
by dramatically improving morbidity and include working with new instruments
mortality outcomes associated with many and irrigants for cleaning the system;
surgical procedures.1 utilising advanced imaging modalities and a
Compared to medicine, such a shift to computer software for demonstrating both
a non-invasive approach to surgery in the complexities of the root canal system
dentistry2 has been more moderate and and improving the accuracy of techniques;
cautious, perhaps with the exception of employing increased magnification and
endodontic and periodontal microsurgery.3 lighting for visualising the pulpal space as
It is difficult to directly compare operative well as applying new materials that enhance
procedures done to the human body versus the prognosis for restoring structure and
those done on a tooth, however, a rational retaining the natural dentition.
approach to dental procedures aiming to There are, however, currently no
remove or reverse disease should be to developed protocols for minimally invasive
conserve maximum structural integrity. endodontics. The aim of this review is to
This in turn has the potential to increase illustrate the current status of non-surgical
the functional prognosis for any given tooth. endodontic procedures highlighting the
The concept of minimally invasive conservation of tooth structure to enhance
endodontics calls for the treatment and longevity after root canal treatment.
prevention of pulpal pathoses and apical
periodontitis, while causing the least amount PRESERVING STRUCTURAL
of change to the dental hard tissues. This INTEGRITY
preserves the strength and function of the It is apparent that remaining structural
integrity of the tooth (Fig. 1) is a key
Department of Endodontics, University of the Pacific factor that determines prognosis as it c
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, 2155 Webster relates to future function of the tooth after Fig.1 Undue dentin removal during
Street, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States restoration.4,5 Maintaining strength and access preparation in tooth 16, forever
*Correspondence: Dr Alan H. Gluskin compromising tooth strength; (a) Bite-wing
Email: stiffness that resists structural deformation
becomes the recognised goal of all restorative radiograph; (b) Pre-operative periapical
Refereed Paper radiograph; (c) Composite build-up with fibre
procedures, especially in endodontics.
Accepted 11 December 2013 post in the palatal canal after completion of
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.201 Appreciation for the biomechanical the root canal treatment in tooth 16
British Dental Journal 2014; 216: 347353 behaviour of dentin, as the limiting strength


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factor of any restorative complex, requires

the recognition that dentin is weakened
unequally by our restorative procedures.6
More than two decades ago a study
was designed to compare the impact of
endodontic versus restorative procedures
on tooth strength. The stiffness of cusps
was assessed when comparing traditional
cavity preparations to endodontic access
openings on bicuspid teeth. It was found that
endodontic access openings by themselves a a
have only a small (5%) impact on tooth
stiffness as opposed to any restorative
preparation that removes the tooths marginal
ridges (for example, a MOD preparation)
reducing cuspal stiffness by 63%. The study
identified approximately a 20% loss of tooth
strength with each prepared surface. These
findings highlight that marginal ridges are a
key factor in retaining tooth strength.7
Another fundamental understanding of
dentin behaviour within remaining structure
Fig.2 Vertical root fracture originating
comes with the abandonment of the widely from post preparation in tooth 15; (a) b
held clinical perception that endodontically Periapical radiograph after attempted Fig.3 Minimally invasive access preparation
treated teeth are more brittle and hence more apical surgery; (b) Extracted tooth 15 after in tooth 37. (a) View of the access
vulnerable to fracture. An early investigation complete fracture. Note large and long post preparation; (b) After root canal filling
that demonstrated moisture loss of 9%
after root treatment in dogs teeth gave
credence to this hypothesis.8 While animal increasing patient age and the incremental to experience this outcome. It has been
models have some translation to humans, rate of crack extension is up to 100times demonstrated in the dental literature that all
there is currently an abundance of studies greater in seniors.15,16 teeth, especially molars, can fracture without
in human teeth showing that the dentin any endodontic treatment, and while some
properties of endodontically treated teeth BIOMECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR state this is not a common finding there
do not differ in any meaningful way from OF DENTIN are others who declare that the incidence
vital dentin.911 Conversely, the predominant When endodontically treated teeth fail is under-reported.18 However, when fracture
reason that endodontically treated teeth are under function, that outcome is determined occurs, it will inevitably have a devastating
more prone to fracture relates more than primarily by twoaetiologies. Those causes effect on both the periodontal attachment
any other attribute to the structural loss of stated most simply are: 1) the degree of stress and the bone adjacent to the fracture. Once
those root treated teeth requiring restoration. experienced by the tooth under load, and a fracture begins in the root and continues
Collectively, these studies show minimal 2) the inherent biomechanical properties it is characterised by involvement of the root
dehydration effects from pulpal removal of the remaining structure responsible for canal in the fracture progression; bacterial
and demonstrate biomechanical behaviours resisting fracture. It appears that, among contamination of the failed section; food-
in strength and toughness testing that are technical elements of root canal therapy, debris, cements, necrotic tissue and bacteria;
similar to vital dentin.911 access preparation and post preparation are as well as inflammation associated with a
Unfortunately, structural loss alone cannot most relevant in rendering the tooth more reactive periodontium.19 Studies involving
answer every clinical question that relates susceptible to significant destabilisation.17 Chinese populations have reported that
to dentin failure. The relevance of fatigue Unfortunately, only a minimal number of fractures may occur within teeth with
as a main mechanism for tooth fracture long-term controlled clinical studies are vital pulps in individuals with excessive
and the resistance of dental tissues to both available to assess the relationship between or repetitive oral chewing habits.18 This is
the initiation and propagation of cracks is restoration, especially with posts, tooth in agreement with Yeh who also suggested
an important research area.12,13 Recently, fracture (Fig. 2) and the biomechanical heavy masticatory forces as a cause for root
investigations have focused on the impact behaviour of restored dentin. Within fracture.20 In addition, root fractures seem
of chemical factors such as irrigants and the limitations of bench top research, to be more prevalent in seniors and male
medicaments on dentin; the effects of experimental evidence compels us to populations; pre-existing attrition is often a
bacteria on the matrix of dentin; structural utilise best practices, yet our long-term component of the condition.18,21
loss; the effect of post and core restorations data remains incomplete. The mechanical
and the results of age changes in dentin.6,14 demands of human mastication create an MINIMALLY INVASIVE
Of note, there is a reduction of up to 50% endless number of impacting variables and ACCESS STRATEGIES
in the tensile strength and fatigue strength only those long-term clinical outcomes Root canal anatomy and the complexity of
of coronal dentin in seniors (over 55years) remain the gold standard for evidence. human pulpal systems provide significant
when compared to that of young adults. Teeth that physically fail through a challenges for endodontic therapy. The first
Similarly, the resistance to propagation vertical or unrestorable root fracture do priority of effective therapy is to access, shape
of fatigue cracks in dentin decreases with not have to undergo endodontic treatment and clean the system in a manner that will


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allow efficient and total filling of the root

canal space, while leaving the tooth with
sufficient strength to function successfully.
For almost a century endodontic textbooks
have taught the student of dentistry to expose
the pulp chambers of teeth with straight-
line access to the orifice(s) of the root canal.
Access cavities were to be prepared and
expanded so that their smallest dimensions
were dictated by the separation of the
orifices on the pulpal floor and their widest
dimensions were at the occlusal. In this era of
enhanced lighting and magnification, as well
as highly flexible rotary instruments, this Fig.4 Gouging of middle canal third due to
use of Gates-Glidden bur in tooth 46 Fig.6 Tooth 36: extremely long roots makes
approach to a doctrinaire access paradigm is
minimal preparation size a good strategy. Case
being questioned as perhaps overly invasive by Dr Jordan West
of the tooth and an approach that may
condemn a tooth to structural failure.22,23
Recently, maintaining structural integrity
of the peri-cervical area of the tooth (about
fourmm above and below the alveolar crest)
has been emphasised. Maintenance of the
peri-cervical dentin (PCD), especially in
molars is felt to be critical to their long-
term survivability and optimum function.23
Some argue that in treatment planning for a Fig.7 Tooth 36: peparation of short canals to
endodontics, on a molar tooth especially, an apical size 55 (mb, ml size 55, d size 70) in
clinicians must consider the significantly an attempt to be antimicrobially effective
higher overall compressive forces that
create a situation requiring a different set leave sufficient remaining strength in the
of rules for the calculation of ferrule, post root. After biomechanical instrumentation,
and core design, resistance to fracturing, and the completed root canal shapes need to
most importantly, endodontic access (Fig.3) withstand the internal compressive forces
and removal of radicular dentin during of obturation; provide sufficient resistance
endodontic shaping.23 form to contain softened and compressible
In keeping with this philosophy of b filling materials and retain enough strength
minimal invasion of bulk dentin structure, for mastication (Fig.5).
the use of round burs and Gates-Glidden In a series of morphometric measurements
burs is now discouraged. While both of on anterior and posterior teeth, Kerekes
these types of instruments have been and Tronstad2527 found a wide range of
essential in endodontics for decades, they measurements at the apical constriction
are now recognised in endodontic treatment of all teeth, thus creating two separate
as instruments that commonly gouge the philosophies for practitioners, each focused
endodontic access and the coronal third of on its own set of evidence-based protocols
the root canal (Fig.4), those areas adjacent supporting a position on how to clean
to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of the these apical diameters and ultimately shape
tooth with critical structural prerequisites. the root.
Gouging of the access and coronal canal Fig.5 Tapered preparation aligned with In another study that questioned our
access preparation in tooth 36;
space must be avoided in order to preserve (a) Bite-wing radiograph; (b) Pre-operative
understanding of the true horizontal
maximal resistance to structural flexure periapical radiograph; (c) Completed root diameters necessary to clean the terminus,
and ultimate failure.7,23 By directing the canal treatment and temporary filling Jou etal.28 coined the term working width
conservation of dentin and protecting dentin to alert clinicians to the critical need to
above and below the PCD the practitioner understand the horizontal dimension of
ensures a more viable and proven method do not reflect the intricate anatomical apical size and its clinical implication in
to reinforce the endodontically treated tooth. structure and complexity of root canal cleaning the apical terminus.
No man-made material or technique can systems. They are often asymmetrical or Consequently, current shaping strategies
compensate for tooth structure lost in those oval in cross section, they branch, dilacerate employed by todays clinicians align
key areas. and divide and the canal walls show with two general trends in contemporary
concavities and convexities.24 Complex endodontic practice. A significant number
SHAPING THE ROOT CANAL SPACE root canal anatomy should be considered of practitioners believe that enhanced apical
Root canals are sometimes depicted as one of the most significant challenges instrumentation and larger apical diameters
smooth hollow tubes that are more or less in creating root canal shapes that will with minimal taper in the canal shape leads
tapered in shape. These misleading images support good obturation outcomes and to weakening of the root structure and a loss


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Table1 Summary of selected evidence in the last decade to suggest apical preparation
geometry. Note the very wide variation for favoured apical sizes and several studies with
inconclusive findings
Size Ref. Conclusion Design
There was no significant difference in intracanal bacterial reduction
when Ni-Ti GT rotary preparation with NaOCl and EDTA irrigation was
used with or without apical enlargement preparation technique. It may
Small 54 invitro
therefore not be necessary to remove dentin in the apical part of the
root canal when a suitable coronal taper is achieved to allow satisfactory
irrigation of the root canal system with antimicrobial agents.
Root canal enlargement to sizes larger than #25 appeared to improve
>#25 55 invitro
the performance of syringe irrigation. a b
The minimum instrumentation size needed for penetration of irrigants
#30 56 invitro
to the apical third of the root canal is a #30 file.
Root canal preparation to apical size #30and tapers 0.04, 0.06, or
>#30 57 invitro
0.08did not affect canal cleanliness.
The degree of root canal curvature decreased the volume of irrigant
at the working length for a given apical size and taper. An apical
#40 58 invitro
preparation of #40.06 significantly increased the volume and
exchange of irrigant at the working length regardless of curvature.
An increase in apical preparation size and taper resulted in a
statistically significant increase in the volume of irrigant. In addition,
#40 59 an apical enlargement to ISO #40 with a 0.04 taper will allow for invitro
tooth structure preservation and maximum volume of irrigation at the
apical third when using the apical negative pressure irrigation system.
Endotoxin levels of dental root canals could be predicted by increasing
#40 60 the apical enlargement size. Note: The diameters compared were invitro
twosizes #25/.06, 30/.05, 35/.04, 40/.04.
Better microbial removal and more effective irrigation occurred when
canals were instrumented to larger apical sizes. Although bacteria
Large 61 may remain viable in dentinal tubules proper instrumentation and review
adequate irrigation significantly reduces bacteria from the canal and
the dentinal tubules.
It was concluded that greater apical enlargement using LS rotary
Large 62 instruments is beneficial as an attempt to further debride the apical invitro
third region in mesiobuccal canals of mandibular molars. c
Fig.8 Adhesive build-up with orifice plugs
When comparing ProTaper size #30; taper 0.090.055and Hero Shaper
size #30, taper 0.04, both to the full WL, the difference between
in teeth 13, 14, 15as part of a full-mouth
or statistically 63 invitro rehabilitation. Restorative treatment by Dr
changes in bacterial numbers achieved with two instrumentation
insignificant Till N. Ghring; (a) Periapical radiograph
techniques was statistically not significant.
teeth 14, 15; (b) Postoperative periapical
Root canals with mild curvature prepared with the #45.02 instrument
Inconclusive to the full WL showed the highest values for extruded material to the radiograph with permanent restoration and
or statistically 64 periapical region (0.870.22). It seems more reasonable to establish invitro composite build-ups into the coronal root
insignificant final instrument diameters based on the anatomic diameter after canal area; (c) Corresponding clinical view
cervical preparation. of teeth prepared for adhesive build-up
An appropriate apical sizing method can help the operator avoid
unnecessary enlargement of the apex whereas predictably reducing
intracanal debris. Method: During crown-down preparation, the first
shaping continue to remain a compelling
or statistically 65 invitro argument for conservative shapes.
crown-down file to reach the apex during instrumentation was noted
(CDF). Teeth were then divided into three master apical file size groups Weine etal.43 and others44,45 have described
of CDF+1, CDF+2, and CDF+3. and elucidated the structural damage and
preparation errors that can occur while
of control over the obturation component flush debris, allow deeper irrigation to the shaping root canals with stainless steel
of treatment. They advocate smaller apical terminus and decrease remaining bacterial instruments to large sizes. Transportation,
preparations, continuous taper, and a contamination in the system.3338 Studies ledging, apical perforation and loss of
preparation that promotes resistance form, vary on which size diameter will accomplish the original canal position are all well
a tight apical seal and a conservative maximum cleaning. Some researchers recognised shaping errors that often lead to
approach to creating sufficient shape for have suggested file diameters ranging loss of working length, ledging and damage
adequate disinfection (Fig.6). Smaller apical from #35#45 to accomplish significant to the apical terminus leading to weakening
sizes preserve dentin. The arguments are bacterial reduction. Others have shown that of the root structure at its most fragile levels.
strategic and technique-driven, albeit often minimal sizes can accomplish this task as There is now a large body of conclusive
supported by inferred outcomes. The impetus adequately as larger diameters.40,41 What research quantifying the use of rotary and
for smaller apical sizes has been directed at is remarkably clear from the evidence is hand nickel-titanium instruments first
the disinfection and obturation phase of that no matter which school of thought described by Walia,46 who report that the
endodontic therapy.2932 oneascribes to, it is not possible that any use of this super-elastic metal alloy offers
On the other hand, there is a significant apical preparation technique will render less straightening and better centered
body of literature that presents evidence the terminus entirely free of bacterial preparations compared to traditional stainless
that larger apical canal diameters (Fig. 7) contamination in an infected canal. 24,42 steel instruments in preparing the wide range
are important to shape the apical canal wall, In essence, structural considerations in of anatomical variability seen in teeth.4752


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These studies have focused on the approach, Krishan et al.72 found that in with teeth restored without a ferrule.82 Even
geometry of shape produced by these premolars shaping was not impacted and if the clinical situation does not permit
instruments alone or in combination with load to failure was significantly higher for a circumferential ferrule, an incomplete
stainless steel; including conicity, taper, flow teeth with minimal access cavity designs. ferrule is considered a better option than
and maintenance of original canal position. While the idea of minimally invasive a complete lack of ferrule.85,86 However, it
Most of these studies have recorded the endodontics has been promoted recently, can be generally concluded that providing
degree of change from original position there is a scarcity of independent evaluations an adequate ferrule lessens the destabilising
and have measured the loss of original for such a strategy. For example, root impact of the post and core system85,87,88
canal positions based on the definitions by canal preparation instruments sometimes and the final restoration81 in the long-term
Weine.43 In comparing stainless steel versus associated with this strategy such as VTaper performance of restored root treated teeth.
nickel-titanium, researchers have focused (SS White, Lakewood, NJ, USA) and Endo- When it comes to severely damaged teeth
on both the metallurgy of the systems and EZE AET (Ultradent, South Jordan UT, USA) with little or no coronal structure, in order
the systems themselves. 52,53 Collectively have not been shown to actually perform to provide space for a ferrule, orthodontic
these studies suggest that Nickel-titanium in a superior way to traditional rotary extrusion should be considered rather than
technology alone or in combination with instrumentation in the laboratory.73,74 surgical crown lengthening. This approach
the conservative use of stainless steel Another aspect of this discussion is preserves more tooth structure and ensures
instruments provides shapes that are better the finding of micro-cracks induced by a more favourable biomechanical behaviour
centered, maintaining the original canal various rotary shaping procedures in of remaining dentin structure.89,90 If neither
positions with greater conservation of dentin canal preparation. In recent years several of the alternative methods for providing a
and safer radicular preparations. investigations have illustrated such micro- ferrule for the restoration can be performed,
cracks in extracted teeth.75,76 While it is currently available evidence suggests that a
DISINFECTION AND OTHER not clear at this point if such cracks are poor treatment outcome and the ultimate the
CONSIDERATIONS IN MINIMALLY generated invivo, it may be reasonable to loss of the tooth has a high probability.5,82,91,92
INVASIVE ENDODONTICS develop instruments that reduce vibration
In order to address the microbiologic and rotational stresses during intracanal IS ROOT STRENGTHENING
aetiology of endodontic disease, that is, procedures in an effort to lessen additional A POSSIBILITY?
periapical inflammation, disinfection is loads on a structurally weakened root. The past decade has seen a considerable
and will always remain, a key element Micro-computed tomography studies change in clinical strategies for using and
of the overall treatment strategy. At first not only show overall canal shaping placing posts. An advancing principle
glance, any minimally invasive approach outcomes4752 but have also demonstrated promoting minimally invasive therapy
to root canal treatment is at conflict with that hard tissue debris is compacted into directs the nominal use of posts in
disinfection. Microbiological studies invitro, unshaped canal areas rendering them endodontically treated teeth. That principle,
however, do not provide a definitive potentially inaccessible to irrigation. 77 based on evidence, affirms that retaining
answer as to the required preparation size It is likely future root canal preparation tooth structure is more valuable than the use
for antimicrobial efficacy. Table 1 shows techniques will have to focus on balancing of a post in almost every circumstance where
selected studies suggesting a wide range disinfection capacity and iatrogenic damage adequate structure exists for a ferrule.93,94 The
of apical sizes. More recently a clinical with enhanced debridement and disinfection. long-term success of endodontic treatment
study rekindled the notion of a preparation has always been highly dependent on the
three sizes larger than the initial size;66 RESTORATION STRATEGIES restorative treatment that follows. A restored
however, a large clinical data set does not FOR MAXIMUM PROTECTION tooth must be structurally sound and the
support any particular canal shape as being AND MINIMAL INVASION sealed state of the root canal system must
associated with apical healing67 or retention Patients are not well served if the endodontic be maintained. Most endodontically treated
of a root canal-treated tooth.68 treatment is successful but the tooth fails, teeth today are restored with adhesive
Current cleaning and shaping methods especially with the emergence of implants materials. Adhesive bonding provides
appear to be unlikely to predictably remove into the mainstream of dentistry and their an immediate seal of the pulpal spaces
all bio-burden from the root canal system. choice as an alternative to saving the and some immediate toughening of the
Therefore, and particularly under the natural dentition.78 In extensive reviews tooth. These materials are generally not
conditions of smaller apical preparation sizes, of evidence surrounding the restoration dependent on gross mechanical retention,
the search continues for techniques to enhance of endodontically treated teeth, preserving so tooth structure can be preserved and
irrigation efficacy. The possibilities for physical intact coronal and radicular tooth structure, these materials can certainly be termed
means that enable enhanced disinfection vary especially maintaining the peri-cervical minimally invasive (Fig. 8).
from ultrasonic or sonic activation up to and structure to allow a substantial ferrule Conventional thought has been that posts
including laser activation.6971 effect, is considered to be crucial for the do not reinforce the root. Early restorative
In the absence of adequate models for optimal biomechanical behaviour of restored protocols considered this true for metal
clinical outcomes, only direct clinical studies teeth.79,80 Encircling the parallel walls of posts, but there is now a growing body of
assessing both apical bone fill and tooth remaining dentin with the crown margin evidence that bonded fibre posts can be
function/survival will provide convincing allows a ferrule that provides a protective placed with no removal of dentin structure,
evidence regarding canal disinfection effect by reducing stresses within a tooth. may protect the root and make it more
efficacy. The presence of a 1.5to 2mm ferrule has resistant to fracture. Fibre-reinforced resin
The effect of a modified access cavity a positive effect on fracture resistance of posts were introduced over 20years ago with
design has only recently been tested in endodontically treated teeth.8184 Teeth with a the intent to provide more elastic support
extracted teeth. Using a combined micro- ferrule of onemm of vertical tooth structure to the core. The reduced stress transfer to
computed tomography and load-to-failure doubled the resistance to fracture compared tooth structure lowered the likelihood of


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