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The DRV is a guide for both males and females, for how much energy and nutrient is needed to

maintain good health. People differ in the daily recommended amounts of nutrients they need.

Reference Nutrient Intakes (RNIs)

Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) refers to the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals required
by the different ages from babies to adults and where suitable, the different amounts required by
pregnant or nursing mothers and other special cases. RNI is the amount of each nutrient that is enough
to prevent the negative effects brought about by nutrient deficiencies in nearly all the individual in a

Estimated Average Requirements (EARs)

The daily intake of a specific nutrient estimated to meet the requirement in 50% of healthy people in an
age- and gender-specific group. The EAR is used to calculate the recommended dietary allowance.

Lower Reference Nutrient Intakes (LRNIs)

Lowest Recommended Nutrient Intake The amount of a nutrient or energy which is sufficient for only a
few individuals in the group(2.5%)

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