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The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National

Character in Indonesia


NAME STUDENT : NUR AINI / 4163322004

LECTURE : Rugaya M.Si







First of all, let us say praise and gratitude the presence of GOD Almighty God
Almighty, for His grace and the gift of the Critical Journal Report Tasks can be done on time.
I would like to thank the lecturers Mom Rugaya M.Si for their support and directives, so I got
knowledge about this task.

Critical Journal purpose of the Report is in addition to fulfilling the tasks assigned
also to gain knowledge about the course of civic with material The Policies on Civic
Education in Developing National Character in Indonesia. I realize that there are still many
shortcomings in this paper, for that I expect criticism and positive advice from fellow
students and teachers for the betterment of the Day to come.

Hopefully Critical Journal Report is helpful in the development of our personal

character, especially for the readers.

Medan, October 28th 2017

Nur Aini

FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................. i
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefits ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Identity Of Journal .................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Summary Of Journal ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. OPINION OF ABOUT JOURNAL ............................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 Background
In the journal certainly The many shifts in the trend of Indonesian students' life are
now becoming a very important issue for education in Indonesia. And nowadays, too many
juvenile delinquents are increasingly rampant, even today the more faded nationalism,
collusion and nepotism with the face of democracy, corruption, political ethics especially the
organizers of today's state is disappointing the people. As one example: In the television
media, we witness a member of the people's representatives who are processed in court for
corruption, but they still smile and wave to the viewers, making it seem as if the offense is
Based on the current reality of life that is faced by various crises, then we as a good
citizen is very important to realize the development of nation character in the young
generation. The process of building kakter nation can not be separated from education
process. In this case, Citizenship Education is expected to be a vehicle for the development of
young character of a dignified nation.
1.2 Purpose
Critical Review Journal useful to add insight and literature author on how the course of
The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National Character in Indonesia, and knowing
the contents of the journal, advantages, and disadvantages.

1.3 Benefits

The benefits of this paper is that the reader better understand how the content of the
journals, etc.

1.4 Identity Of Journal

A. Tittle : The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National

Character in Indonesia
B. Author : Encep Syarief Nurdin
C. Publication Years : July 30, 2015, Vol. 8, No. 8
D. City Rises : Canadian Center
E. Publisher : Canadian Center of Science and Educatio

2.1 Summary Of Journal
a. Introduction

The policy on the implementation of Civic Education in Indonesia is not something new,
as can be identified from various legal products explaining the enactment of Civic Education
in various versions and names. Civic Education in Indonesia is still posed with challenges
which include:Civic Education as a field of academic study still requires epistemological
development and academic communities in order for its position to be increasingly sturdy and
steady; Civic Education needs the support from academic communities in order to
consolidate its body of knowledge, so that its existence as an educational discipline will be
more reliable and trustworthy; and Conceptual-philosophical studies to strengthen and
develop the structure and body of Civic Education as an educational discipline means
development at the level of scientific foundation (Sapriya, 2007, p. 621).

However, even though the policies on Civic Education have been implemented in formal
institutions, such as schools and higher education institutions, moral crisis never ceases to
ravage in Indonesia. (2001), there are at least seven primary problems encountered by the
education of Indonesia, which are the roots of crisis of morality and morals, namely (1) the
orientation of education has lost its objectivity; (2) self-maturity does not occur appropriately
in the school environment; (3) education process in school severely restricts the space for
creativity both for students and teachers; (4) the load of the curriculum is too burdensome and
tends to be oriented at developing cognitive domain only; (5) even if there are content
materials cultivating affection, such as religious education and moral education, or what is
now familiarly termed Civic Education; (6) at the same time, students are posed with
contradictory set of values; and (7) a small number of living moral exemplary for students in
their lives.

b. Method

This study was conducted through library research. Previous documents were analysed to
established the condition of civic education in Indonesia. The researcher focused more on the
civic education policy has tried to shape national character and identity. Documents relevant
to the study were critically identified including: constitution Acts, Articles, Chapters among
others. Secondary data was collected by identifying the relevant books, papers or articles,
magazines, journals and or other related information. The steps taken involved: general

identification of the appropriate source, specific identification of the more specific and most
relevant literature and finally, reading and sorting the most relevant literature. This help the
researcher to establish the most appropriate and important literature for the study. The data
was interpreted and analyzed descriptively, the process involved excerpts and processing the
data to provide an overview about the way policies have been created with the intention of
facilitating national character formation or building. Content analysis was also conducted
(Suryabrata, 1983, p. 94) to establish the appropriatedness nature of the content. In qualitative
research, content analysis focuses on consistency of the findings.

c. Result

Indonesias education policy based on Law Number 20 of 2003 suggests that citizenship
education should consider: (1) personnel and religious life, faith and piety in all aspects of
life; (2) political literacy, law-understanding; (3) human being and democratic life; (4) human
and individual intelligence, peace and prosperity; (5) human being and spirit of nationalism,
national identity, patriotism and defense for the State; and (6) living in harmony. The terms
used, the content selected and organized, and the strategies of teaching and learning
employed in the subject of Civics or Civic Education or Pancasila Moral Education or
Pancasila and Civic Education have had fluctuating development for almost four decades
(1962-1998), showing the unsteadiness of the framework of thought, as well as demonstrating
that conceptual crisis has taken place, thereby impacting on crisis in curricular operations.
The unsteadiness can be observed in: Civics in 1962 that was in the form of political
indoctrination, Civics in 1968 as the element of Citizenship Education that had the nuance of
social sciences; Civic Education in 1969 that was in the form of the teaching of constitution
and Temporary Peoples Consultative Assemblys provisions; Civic Education in 1973 that
was identical with the teaching of Social Sciences; Pancasila Moral Education in 1975 and
1984 that came to replace Civic Education with the content of the Guidelines for Instilling
and Implementing Pancasila (P4); and Pancasila and Civic Education in 1994 that was the
combination of learning materials of Pancasila Education and Civic Education in the form of
the teaching of concepts of values synthesized from Pancasila and the P4. The operational
crisis is reflected in the changes in content and textbook format, teachers development that is
not articulate, and phenomena in the classroom that have not much shifted from the emphasis
on cognitive process of memorizing facts and concepts from the explanation above seem all
that happened because the school still treated as a socio-cultural institution, and yet still
effective implementation of the learning method conceptually, because there is a paradigm of

the Civic Education steadily nationally accepted and used as a reference and operational
patterns. Below are the bases of implementing Civic Education in Indonesia. From the above
explanations, it is clear that all of the phenomena were a consequence of the continued
treatment of schools associo-cultural institutions and the ineffectiveness of the
implementation of learning methods conceptually, as there had been no paradigm of Civic
Education that had been accepted and used steadily at the national scope as references and
operational patterns. Belo are the foundations of the implementation of Civic Education in

1. Historical Basis

Therefore, based on the historical objective facts, the life of Indonesia as a nation has
been inseparable from the values of Pancasila. Consequently, historically Pancasila in its
position as the philosophical foundation of the state and ideology of the nation and state, is
not an ideology that dominates the nation; instead, the values of each principle of Pancasila
are inherent in and originally from Indonesia.

2. Philosophical Basis

Therefore, in state realization, including todays reform era, it is a must that Pancasila
become the source of values in the state administration, both in national development
(including national character development) in the fields of economy, politics, law, socio-
cultural, and defense and security.

3. Conceptual Basis

Essentially, Pancasila reflects the values of equality, harmony, unity, kinship,

togetherness, and wisdom in developing national life.

4. Formal-Juridical Basis

Formal-juridical basis, In line with the policies of Ministry of National Education through
its Department of National Education Standard, the curriculum of Civic Education for formal
education institutions is implemented by referencing the School-Based Curriculum. The
statement contains quite deep meanings. Educating the national life bears the message of the
significance of education for all people. In civic life, this statement conveys a message for the
state administrators and the whole people in order to have the abilities of thinking, taking

attitudes, and behaving intelligently both in problem solving and decision making related to
the state, national, and social life.

5. Curricular Basis

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 concerning
Content Standards for Primary and Secondary Education, the subject of Civic Education is
one focusing on the molding citizens who understand and are able to fulfill their rights and
obligations to be Indonesian citizens who are intelligent, skilled, and with character as
mandated by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The subject of Civic Education intends to
develop students to have the abilities of (1) Thinking critically, rationally, and creatively in
coping with civic issues; (2) Participating actively and responsibly, and acting intelligently in
social, national, and state activities, as well as in corruption eradication; (3) Developing
positively and democratically to shape themselves based on the characters of Indonesian
people to be able to live side by side with other nations; and (4) Interacting with other nations
in the international stage, whether directly or indirectly, by taking advantage of information
and communication technology.

e. Discussion
It is further explained by Budimansyah and Suryadi (2008, p. 68) that Civic Education is
one of the field of studies that carry out the national mission of educating the life of
Indonesian people through the corridor of value-based education. Civic Education, in
addition to carry the mission of sustaining noble values of Pancasila, has the mission of
developing students to understand their rights and responsibilities and be able to position
themselves to be good citizens. Character educations knowledge focus is more on moral
concepts, manners and civility, the citizenship education knowledge base focuses more on
politics, government and the interdependencies of social life.
Critics of the moral dilemma approach argued that values clarification promoted ethical
relativism because it encouraged students to reason through situations that present artificial
moral choices and dilemmas (Lockwood, 1997, p. 74). Former President William Jefferson
Clinton, in his 1997 State of the Union Address, emphasized the need for character education
as one of the ten central points about education reform (Berkowitz, 1998, p. 1). Budimansyah
(2010, p. 69) reveals that character education in the classroom is implemented in the subject
of civic education or other subjects. Specifically for Civic Education that is theoretically
designed as a subject containing the dimensions of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor that

are confluent in nature or penetrate each other and integrated in terms of ideas, values,
concepts, and morals, should necessarily give birth to two impacts simultaneously, namely
instructional and accompaniment impacts.

f. Conclusion
The obstacles encountered in the implementation of Civic Education as a medium for
national character development are located in the commitment and quality of those who
implement it and in the learning methods. This phenomenon signals the need for further
studies focused on the implementation and evaluation of policies onthe implementation of
Civic Education. It is expected that the implementation of Civic Education in the future will
be more effective, so that a strong national character can be developed.


The journal is able to make the reader easily understand. The contents of the journal
are very competece , Another plus is the language of the journal is easy to understand
because This journal comes with words that fact ( according to expert ), Journal have a step
by step in prosess procedure and The journal explains something accordance with the facts
and data, so The journal also provides map idea is easy to understand with Author make a
journal with have much reference.

But that keeps the journal weak, it's true that every journal should use references, but
this journal is full of all content according to the experts.


The growing democratic character of every citizen is necessary to support the achievement
of national education goals in the context of nation-building and character. Democratic
character of citizens who become social capital of character and nation building must be
based on the philosophical values of the nation, namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

One effort that can realize the character for young generesai is to use an educational
institution that is very close to every young generation of the nation's successor. A media
application is implemented through a course and subject of civic education. Therefore,
through civic education, it is hoped that it will increase the awareness of the young generation
towards the character of their nation.

2. Nurdin S.Y (2015) The Policies on Civic Education in Developing National
Character in Indonesia. Canadia Center : Canadian Center of Science and Education

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