Goverdhan Mehta Committee Report

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Goverdhan mehta committee report

It happened after 10 years of my service and i was having Senior Lecturer designation with a basic of approx. In india it is difficult to link
performance with salary in government sector as recruitment is not absolutely on the performance basis ,it is on the basis of
cast,region,religion,influence,bribe etc. There are many fellow from NIT's as you do. Please don't leave in fantasy. What will be the designation and
scale for those who were appointed directly as assitant Professor in all India based selection without Ph. D have acquired a degree of Ph. So why
should be they given higher pay scales than UGC. I still have a couple of months to decide on this offer. It is under the cover in Cabinet. Kaushal,
If you got your ph. What is the teaching load?. For the rest, at least review the implications thoroughly before you take the flight. One a person is in
PB4, do you thing he will be bothered with all these trivial facilities and do research!!. I trust that such decisions will be based on merit. D and the
post of professor without any dedication to that topic or subject ,they have just done an administrative duties which can be done by a simple cleark
also and also while doing that administrative duties they have taken lot of undue benifits from the institutes. I certainly feel that 2, to 3, difference
between PB-3 or PB-4 should not influence any decision. There does not seem to be a single valid reason for this push-from-cliff action of this
world class institute by the great MHRD whose actual job should be to help improve the premier and other institutes rather than to downgrade
them. Given the latest revision of the pay scales, could you tell what salary I could expect if I were to join as an Assistant Professor? As here I
have all freedom to do research, consultancy and above all get the best students to work with. Can you please let me know or direct me to the
correct person to get the answer? You will get Pb-4 only after three years as assistant professor or five years after Ph. My paper presentation was
in the afternoon session of first day. Mehta is also chairman of NITK. Higher pay scales for IIT will cause heartburn to them. How much is the
take home salary after tax and other things of assistant prof. They are in all type of institutes right from caltech to your IIsc. India should be looking
to develop within itself rather than looking to east or west. Having said that, I am a little bit confused about what kind of salary I should expect if I
accept this offer under the proposed pay scale; when will I be elligible to more from PB-3 to PB-4 etc. I think it is biggest joke in the world. My
father is a government employee. Any and all help in this regard is welcome. Please do not accept any such comment without name and details. I
have a PhD and over 6 years of post-doctoral experience University and industry combined. Professors Readers with Ph. If this happens, then
existing IITs will perish in no time. Right now they are contributing nothing towrds subjects and research but they are busy with making plan and
policies to prevent the junior faculities from getting higher pay and also restricting a lecturer selection gradeor lecturer without Ph. Meetings after
meetings and committees after commmittees - that may be the progress. Current scale K for Ass Prof. However, the scales will be introduced by
Aug 1. Whwn i was about to present my paper, i got my wife's call from home that she just received one notice addressing me from my institute
stating that "why the action should not be taken against you for following reasons: First, you see yourself with otherrs and improve than suggesting
me to improve NIT's. Just curious, how long it takes for a reader with 4 tier system:

UGC invites comments to improve higher education

Tuesday mass casual leave. In both cases, the institute provides house. Maybe senior professors think if you spend all the time in consulting and
three months abroad every year, how can you ever do experimental research in India? According to Govt of India norms, pay will anyway be
protected but things could complicate after implementation of 6th PC. The general role models in society are the affluent. That will make our
country proud. People in IITs are doing nothing but wasting hard earned money of poor and others. Believe me, these guys are going to give u lot
of sleepless nights and insecurity. In NIT many of the professors and asst. I don't have much idea about faculty pay in India but researching a bit of
late, when I ran into this blog. Those who join with PhD are infact, treated inferior. Many average universities in the US have faculty with a better
track record. They can be atmost co-supervisors!!! Including all the "allowances", my pay is close to , but I wonder about taxes and the like not to
mention, I probably will stay in the quarters, so HRA and transport are probably out. IIT graduates are nothing before them. I can do it at least in
my blog, can't I? Will it be possible for me to get a position in some good institute in India as an assistant professor with out any prior teaching
experience. My paper presentation was in the afternoon session of first day. I completed my PhD in from a top 5 european Univ. Giridhar, Thank
you for your suggestion. BTW, has this proposal of revised pay scales been implemented? We provide personalized career solutions on an
individual basis keeping in mind the aspirations of our client as well as the affordability factor. Hope they will be placed directly as Associate
Professor with a grade pay of Rs. Which is the correct number in this case. The new pay commission recommendations are, by design, intended to
reward mediocrity while squeezing out the top performers. Having said that, I am a little bit confused about what kind of salary I should expect if I
accept this offer under the proposed pay scale; when will I be elligible to more from PB-3 to PB-4 etc. Sorry for bombarding you with such
questions. If you go through some of the professors remarks in your site, most of the awards rae given on pleasing personality than anything else. D
within a period of seven years after selection. I now know that I need to talk to the department about this issue. First don't be proud of yourself. In
india it is difficult to link performance with salary in government sector as recruitment is not absolutely on the performance basis ,it is on the basis of
cast,region,religion,influence,bribe etc. A committee set up to recommend revised pay scale for faculty of IITs and IIMs has suggested fat salary
packages for them while the commendations are being processed by the government, the Rajya Sabha was told on Tuesday. Institute professor
will receive Rs. If you are aware of where the paypanel is heldup, please let us know. Several incompetent persons are serving as teachers in IITs.
So i feel there is a demand of time to reconsider a promotion policy in a technical education system and it should be based on continous
perfomance of a faculty ,where perfomance means soulution of real life problems and good teaching related to their subjects and not related to
acquiring only degree and publishing n nubers of hypothetical papers. To make the story short, look at the fact that i was still a lecturer SS after 10
years of service and 8 years of post-ph. This is based on the information that was given to me. The work on the revised pay for tech teachers is
going on? D guide ,so in real sense in NIT level of teaching and quality of research is moving in the downward direction.
Goverdhan Mehta - Wikipedia
You will get Pb-4 goverdhan mehta committee report after three years as assistant professor or five years after Ph. How much is the take
home salary after tax and other things of assistant prof. Dear Professor, Please accept my wishes for maintaining coommittee a wonderful blog. D
then join NIT or other engineering college join iit only after having that degree,one more thing join IIT when you are intrested in doing research not
in teaching if you want to do teaching then give goverdhan mehta committee report preference to the ohter engineering college then NIT and at
the last to IIT. I was awarded ph. Anyhow, I could get issued interview letter on the govverdhan of interview after having lot of arguments with the
Director. First know the facts and then send your comments. I can further understand that you wish to be extremely modest about your
achievements, and I fully respect that. Hope you would thow some light in this. They can be atmost co-supervisors!!! A strange 'secracy' is
maintained over 'what is going on' whether anything is going on is also doubtful in the Ministry. The cabinet meeting is slated for tomorrow, 3rd
July, BTW, You guys are getting crores mulla from government for research for not goverdhan mehta committee report in the name of block
grant, grant for research, special grantfrom Chidabaram etc. Thanks and best regards, Giridhar. Of course, jehta things goverdhan mehta
committee report matter to some very few of us - like me - who plan to come back for the sake of ageing parents. The only way this can be
solved is by following the Chinese model. They should get adequate funds and continuously improving working reporg, and be encouraged to
collaborate among institutes. Thanks for bringing this up. They would ask everybody to accept it and they will review it again sometime soon. It is
re;ort strange that even after 11 months of that there is no sign of pay scales for technical teachers. Our department did not even have a projector
for power point presentations yes, they do now! Also there is nothning for those who are Asstt. Can you please let me know or mehfa me to the
correct person to get the answer? So did goverdhaj goverdhan mehta committee report reject the committee's recommendation? There are
many fellow from NIT's as you goverdhan mehta committee report. I hope i am wrong This is currently Rs. Goverdhan mehta committee
report universitties, all the teachers deport be evaluated by students for teaching level and also rrport be avaluated by DOE for research. Giridhar,
I came across this blog when searching to see if new pay scale has been implemented for university teachers. I am not able to understand the
psyche of people sending messages as "Anonymous". What portion if goverdhan mehta committee report of the consulting fees does the
institute keep and what do the professor typically get? Goverdhan mehta committee report respect for goverxhan and scholars is a thing of the
past. In IITs, normally, assistant professors get promoted to full professors in years. So please dont mislead youngsters. Also dirctors of all Reort
are from IIT and they are keeping faith in the professors of NIT and they give them authority to run the college but all Directors are not aware
mehtx the committes games of the professors. The committee had given 3 gpverdhan time to submit report. Please don't leave in fantasy. I'm not
greedy or anything like that, it's just that I am used to a certain lifestyle even as goverdhan mehta committee report studentand having to make
some sacrifices is fine because you get to live near homebut is something I got offered fresh out of my BE from college. All NITs are useless only
house of politics. First don't be proud of yourself. I can understand your concerns, and Repoet sincerely apologize to you in this regard. The
committee, which was supposed to submit the report by May end, has been given extension till June What was the final outcome of the
interministrial committee? Moreover, CSIR is making all efforts to makesure that all universities get access to most journals. In selections they
outrightly reject people who have got the degrees from NITs and other places. No web access to Journals or library catalogs. Giri probably can
reply me regarding this query! The criteria for applying for distinguished professor in IISc is one should be a fellow of two academies. I was given
a table and chair kept in one corner of a room, other three corners of that room were already occupied by my fellow lecturers. That will make our
country proud. Given the latest revision of the pay scales, could you tell what salary I could expect goverdhan mehta committee report I were
to join committeee an Assistant Professor would I be in the PB-3 or in the PB-4 scale? It has further said three advance increments on non-
compoundable basis may be allowed for those with M Tech and six advance increments on non-compoundable basis may be allowed to lecturers
with PhD. I can express my opinion and say that I really yoverdhan IISc and its academic freedom. Professor, the candidate has to complete Ph.
The story is same in most goverdhan mehta committee report the IITs. Committde Union Cabinet in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh approved the revision of pay-scales of the faculty, design and scientific staff and other academic staff of the Centrally funded
institutions. But please do not involve me personally. IITs have not produced any classical research as teport claim. Anon - The scale on which you
will be placed depends on the selection committee's recommendation. This is a cospiracy by Mehta to kill IITs once and for all. Show one NIT
goverdhan mehta committee report in chemical engineering who has equal number of publications even though he can be older. Once I tried to
get dissociated with this guy and published 1 paper in international conference with me as a single author.

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