Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan: by The End of The Lesson, Students Should Be Able To

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NAME: Heather DeLude DATE: 10/3/17 TIME: 58 minutes

SCHOOL: Bellamy Middle School LESSON#: 1 of 4
FACILITIES: Small gym CLASS SIZE: 30, 14, 24 GRADE: 6, 7, 8
UNIT/THEME: Circuit Training GENERIC LEVEL: Control/Proficiency
EQUIPMENT: Task Sheets, dumbbells, music, speaker, jump ropes, bosu ball, step boxes,
FOCUS OF LESSON: Introducing the Components of Fitness
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P): By the end of the lesson the students should be able to properly complete 13 out of 15 of the stations
that are rotated through, by utilizing the proper skill cues as instructed on each of the task cards with
100% accuracy as observed throughout the lesson.

(C): By the end of the lesson the students should be able to identify what the 5 components of fitness are,
as well as be able to define at least three out of the five components with accuracy as determined by a
score of a 7/10 on a exit slip collected at the end of class.

(A): By the end of the lesson the students should be able to respectfully and kindly encourage their
classmates and teammates with encouragement and helpful tips throughout the entire lesson with 100%
accuracy as observed by the teacher.
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:

1. Make sure to have a loud confident PE voice and be able to properly explain and demonstrate all 15
of the stations that are being utilized in that particular days circuit.

2. Utilize more guided thinking in closing questions so that I am actually getting to know if the students
actually do understand what I am asking them to do. Making sure to connect the skills back to something
relatable for them.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?



0-6 Students Arriving: Students will
min be coming into the locker rooms
and changing then we will be
walking outside for attendance.

Transition: Have everyone come in

and take a seat on the floor

6-11 Instruction: Fitness Components

min Today we are going to be going
over the five components of fitness
and what their definition is. The
five components of fitness are as
follows; Body Composition,
Muscular Strength, Muscular
Endurance, Flexibility, and
Cardiovascular Endurance. The
Definition of Body Composition is
the amount of muscle compared to
fat in the body. Muscular Strength
is the amount of force produced by
a muscle. Muscular Endurance is
the ability to use muscles with little
fatigue. Flexibility is the range of
motion at a particular joint.
Cardiovascular Endurance is the
ability of the heart and lungs to
work together during exercise.
Throughout all of these stations
today you will be working on
improving all five of the
components of fitness in your body.
Signals: Go: Music Starts
Stop: Music Stops, or Whistle
Boundaries: Stay in the space that
has been provided for your
particular station.
Safety: Do not use weights or
materials that are too heavy or
challenging for you. If you are
unable to do a station as explained
on the task card, as Ms. DeLude for
an easier variation.
Demonstration: I will walk around
the gym in a circle and I will state
and demonstrate each of the
stations, before they find a partner
and begin their exercising.

Transition: Now find a partner and

a station and wait for the music to
start so you may begin.

Activity 1: There will be 15

11-50 different stations (3 upper body, 3
min lower body, 3 core, 3 cardio, and 3
stretching/yoga stations) set up
around the small gym. Each of the
groups will begin at each station.
Only one group of partners per
station. The partners will work at
that first station for a minute and a
half. When the minute is over the
song will switch. This gives the
students 30 seconds to move on to
the next station. When the song
switches again, they are to begin the
next exercise. They will go around
to all of the stations at least once
depending on how much time the
students have, they may be at some
stations more than once.
Extension UP: Each of the task
cards have an extension up on them
Extension DOWN: Each of the
task cards have an extension down
on them.
Check for Understanding: When
are we switching stations? How
many groups should be at each
station at a time?

The students will bring it in for

50-52 Closure: Go over all five of the

min components of fitness. Ask the
students what was one of the
stations that they were at that they
think worked on a certain
component of fitness. Go over how
the students feel after working out
and explain how working out
releases endorphins. Talk about
how tomorrow there will be new
stations for them to experience.

52-58 Transition:
min Students going back to the locker
room and changing

Day 1 Day 3:

1. Push-Ups 1. Physio ball Push ups

2. Bicep Curls 2. Superman planks
3. Kettle Bell Swings 3. Triceps extension
4. Bodyweight squats 4. Wall sits
5. Glute Bridges 5. Squat jumps
6. Lunges 6. Box jumps
7. Push up planks 7. Side plank
8. Sit ups 8. Russian twist
9. Yoga ball pass 9. Bicycle Crunches
10. Burpees 10. Cone jumps
11. Jump rope 11. Mountain climbers
12. Jog in place 12. Butt kicks
13. Downward dog 13. Cow pose
14. Cobra pose 14. Pigeon pose
15. Upward dog 15. Corpse Pose

Day 2: Day 4:

1. Tree pose 1. Childs pose

2. Chair pose 2. High knees
3. Warrior pose 3. Crunches
4. Step-ups 4. Stability ball leg curl
5. Jumping jacks 5. Medicine ball slams
6. Agility Hurdles 6. Push ups
7. Roll outs 7. Squat jumps
8. Toe touches 8. Downward dog
9. Planks 9. Russian twists
10. Line jumps 10. Burpees
11. Ski jumps 11. Squats
12. Bosu ball squats 12. Planks
13. Band pull apart 13. Jump rope
14. Arm raises 14. Corpse pose
15. Triceps dips 15. Biceps curl

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