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Governor generals of india and their achievements

This was the first educational institute established by the Company's government. After the Indian Rebellion of , the company rule was brought to
an end, and the British India along with princely states came under the direct rule of the Crown. Introduced Cornwallis Code based on the
principle of separation of powers in High Court were constituted at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in Boosted up the development of railways-laid
the first railway line in from Bombay to thane and second from Calcutta to Raniganj. The harbors of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta were also
developed. Bhutan War Establishment of Shimla as India's summer capital in Doctrine of Lapse started by Lord Dalhausie was officially withdrawn
in In the Imperial Cadet Corps was set up. He repealed the Vernacular Press Act in Made the appointment of collectors and other revenue
officials. In , a convict Sher Ali stabbed him to death at Port Blair. Lyall Commission was appointed. Launching of the civil Disobedience
movement. Gandhiji went on a epic fast in protest against this division. Poona Pact was signed. Warren Hastings Warren Hastings succeeded Clive
in and became the first Governor of Bengal for two years and in , after enactment of Regulating Act of , he became first Governor-General of
Bengal. This report was based on downwards filtration it means teach some people and they will teach further many more. In , Indian Councils Act
was passed. First Around Table Conference Facts About India Forum. Shimla became the summer capital of India and permanent headquarters of
army. Lord Wellesley, He is the famous for introducing Subsidiary Alliance system. The Marquess Cornwallis Council were made incharge of
separate departments. Started dual Government in Bengal in John Adam He held the post temporarily. Superintendent of Police was made the
head of district police and became the incharge of an area of sq. Redirected from List of Governors-General of India. Thank u for the
informartion', 'timestamp': The first Anglo-Maratha war and the treaty of salbai in Many bridges were constructed and the work on Grand Trunk
Road was started.

Governor Generals of India

This system got prosperity to both the Company and zamindar had the cost of the common peasantry. Lord Ripon Passing of the first Factory Act
in for the welfare of child labour. Retrieved from " https: Constitution of the Hunter commission on education William Wilberforce Bird He held the
post temporarily. Lord Northbrook The main events of this period were: Lord Irwin 1 Simon Commission visited India in The Marquess of
Ripon Lord Cornwallis Lord Cornwallis established lower grade courts and Appellate courts. Rajagopalachari, the first and the last Indian
Governor General of free India. William Wilberforce Bird acting He introduced the policy of Subsidiary Alliance to keep the Indian rulers
under control by keeping British forces in their territory. The Lord Auckland [nb 6] Who was the first Governor General of British India? Shah
Shuja conceded his sovereign right to the company over Sind on condition of receiving the arrears of the tribute, the amount of which was to be
determined by the company. The Lord Lytton Repeal of Vernacular Press Act in First Round Table Conference. Creation oa a new
Department of Commerce and Industry. Passing of Vernacular Press Act of which empowered a magistrate to call upon the printer and publisher
of any vermacular newspaper to enter in into an undertaking not to publish any news which would create antipathy against the government. Lord
Canning Annexation of Avadh; enactment of Hindu Widow Remarriage Bill, ; establishment of universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay; the
revolt of who were some of the important events during his post of Governor General. Lord Willingdon Important events were: By using this site,
you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. A Criminal Investigation Department was opened in each district. Government of India Act,
enforced in the provinces. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jawajarlal Nehru's leadership; Attlee's Declaration that his government was
intended to hand over the Administration of India to her people before June , even if no agreement was reached between the Congress and the
Muslim League. Thursday, February 24, Sir John Lawrence, Bt Partition of Bengal in Sent in mission of Malcom of Persia and that of
Elphinstone to Kabul. Warren Hastings Administrative reforms And of the dual systems; shifting of treasury froom Murshidabad to Calcutta. You
are commenting using your WordPress. List of Governor Generals and Viceroys of India. After the Indian Rebellion of , the company rule was
brought to an end, and the British India along with princely states came under the direct rule of the Crown. Mandavi state was annexed in Lord
Lansdowne Indian Council Act was passed in The Regulation of on land revenue settlement by Mertins Bird called father of land-revenue
settlement in the North. Sir Charles Metcaffe He abolished all restrictions on vernacular press He was also called Liberator of the press. The
communal award, ; the Poona act; 4. Gurukha war or the Anglo-Nepal war and the Treaty of Sugauli. The Earl of Minto Who was the last
British Viceroy of India? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here I have reproduced this content from, prepare to be surprised- a
Study Forum of civil service aspirants of Pakistan: First line from Calcutta to Agra. Penal code was prepared by incorporating the suggestions
earlier made by the First Law Commission headed by Lord Macaulay. That is why he is also called the Father of the Civil Services in India. Sard
Act was passed in Marriages of girl below 14 and boys below 18 years of age was prohibited. Subsequently, this college came to known as the
'Mayo College". Council held meeting of two kinds one was ordinary meetings which were associated with executive business. Satautory Civil
Service in This was the first educational institute established by the Company's government. Hedgewar at Nagpur in The college was setup and
Ajmer to impart suitable education to the sons of the Indian princess. Cripps Mission visited India in
Governor General of British India and their important contributions - Punjab Govt. Exam Portal
Before him, the designation was Governor General of Governor generals of india and their achievements. The Charter Achifvements of
passed. Arrival of the Cripps Mission. East India Company Macaulay report on English education was passed and English language accepted
as the official language of India, after recommendations of Macaulay. Creation oa a new Department of Commerce and Industry. The Lord
Ellenborough The maximum age for these candidates were reduced from 21 to 19 years. Passing of Arms Act of which declared keeping,
bearing and trafficking in arms without a licence a criminal offence The Europeans, Anglo-Indians and same categories of government officials were
exempted. Post Office Act, was passed and first time postage stamps were issued, Postal and Telegraph systems were established. Simon
Commission visited India in Randhakant Deb opposed abolition of Sati Pratha. You are commenting using your WordPress. This system got
prosperity to both the Company and zamindar had the cost of the common peasantry. Dandi March was launched. Indian Arms act, forbade the
Indian people from keeping or deeling in arms with the permission of the Government. There was a strong protest on the part of the Gejerals
particularly the English and eventually under pressure the government amended the bill and provided for the rights of the European to claim trial by
jury of 12, out of which at least 7 were to be European. Created the Province of Agra in William Bayley He held the post temporarily. Lord
Willingdon Important events were: Young Hilton Committee on Currency On the annexation of Sind, Charles Napier commented - we have no
right to seize yet we shall do and a very advantages, useful, Humane piece of governor generals of india and their achievements it will be.
Warren Hastings tendered his resignation in protest adn the Pits India Bill in The designation 'Viceroy', although it was most frequently used in
ordinary parlance, governor generals of india and their achievements no statutory authority, and was never employed by Parliament. By using
this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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