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{ asana solutions } WHY ARE WE PRONE TO KNEE femoral groove), you need to learn to

PROBLEMS? strengthen the vastus medialis. In fact,

Yoga Therapy for Your Knees Our bodies are predisposed to injuries
of the extensor mechanism because the
physical therapists consider exercises to
strengthen this neglected muscle key in
With a simple anatomy lesson, isometric exercises, and attention to alignment in standing poses, hip joints are wider than the knees in a the rehabilitation of knee injuries.
you can undo chronic pain in your knees. neutral standing position. The natural
Y-shaped configuration to the leg THE CHALLENGE OF WORKING WITH
bones promotes uneven contraction of THE INNER QUAD
By doug keller the quadriceps, and problems such as Yoga students are often told to lift
hyperextension of the knees make these the kneecaps in straight-legged poses to
natural imbalances even worse. As a engage their quadriceps and, ostensibly,
If you have chronic pain in your knees, if they snap, crackle, and pop when you bend or extend them, or if they result, when we contract the quadriceps protect their knees from hyperextension.
tend to hyperextend, you may have improper tracking or dislocation of the kneecap. This misalignment causes to straighten the leg, the unevenness of But lifting the kneecaps in a healthy and
the contraction tends to pull the kneecap balanced way requires focused attention,
the most common kind of chronic knee pain and damage to the knee joint, which develop slowly over time. to the outside, thanks to the greater pull especially if you already have problems in IN A RELAXED
of the outermost quadriceps (the vastus your knees. standing posture the hip
Heres a simple anatomy lesson: The above the knee into a single lateralis). This is easy enough to check. Sit or joints and knees form a
kneecap is designed to slide along a quadriceps tendon. This The innermost quadriceps (the vastus stand with your legs straight and your Y-shaped angle, which
groove in the femur, and it has to move tendon surrounds and medialis) is most responsible for counter- feet parallel to each other, then engage encourages an uneven
smoothly within that groove to do its job attaches to the kneecap, acting this pull. This muscle tends to be your thigh muscles so that your kneecaps pull to the upper outside
well. If it goes off track (and it often continuing down below weak and underused, while the outer lift or pull toward your hips. Do your of the kneecap.
does) it grinds away at the cartilage the kneecap as the patellar thigh muscle tends to be stronger from kneecaps move up in a straight line, or do
underneath and destabilizes the knee. ligament, where it attaches overuse. So if you want to keep the knee they move in an angle toward the outside
The ensuing wear and tear is a key rea- to the tibia (shin bone). The healthy (i.e., tracking properly in its of your knees? If the latter is the case,
son for knee replacement surgery, which kneecap serves an important
a lot of people believe is necessary mechanical function. The
because they think the cartilage is quadriceps tendon passes over
gone. But the truth is that cartilage can the kneecap like a rope over a
grow back, albeit slowly. The main prob- pulley, and the kneecaplike a pul-
lem is that if we dont correct the imbal- leyincreases the strength of the
anced pull of muscles on the kneecap, we quadriceps to straighten the leg 30 per-
will continue to grind our cartilage down cent. Together, the quadriceps and the
faster than our body can replenish it. kneecap form the extensor mechanism
So why does the kneecap go off track? for straightening the leg. Misalignments
The cause lies mainly in the quadriceps, a come when the rope of the quadriceps
group of four muscles that merge just exerts a sideways pull on the kneecap
pulley, creating friction in the mecha-
Kneecap nism.
(Patella) Hatha yoga has a lot to offer to correct
this misalignment; the standing poses are 1/2 Page Ad Horizontal
especially effective. But be forewarned:
Misalignments of the knee in various
7 x 4 5/8
asanas can amplify the imbalances that
lead to injury and can aggravate existing
problems instead of correcting them.
Femoral The good news is that good alignment
and proper tracking are easy to achieve
once you know what to pay attention to.

WHEN THE KNEECAP slides straight up and
Photo credit.

Tibia down the femoral groove the joint remains

healthy. If it slides up and to the outside it will
grind away the cartilage and damage the joint.

80 yoga + joyful living july - august 2007 january - february 2007 yoga + joyful living 81
If you want to keep the knee healthy you need to strengthen the vastus medialis (the inner quadricep). In fact, physical
therapists consider exercises that strengthen this neglected muscle key in the rehabilitation of knee injuries.

VASTUS LATERALIS, VASTUS MEDIALIS, vent hyperextension while your quadri- Repeat this exercise with the other leg.
the outer quadricep, pulls the inner quadricep, pulls ceps are contracted. Next, rotate your Next, do the same exercise without
the kneecap up and outward. the kneecap up and inward. legs out 10 to 15 degrees (if the soles of rotating the leg out. Keep your leg
When the muscle is overde- It counters the pull of the your feet were on a clock face, your toes aligned so that your kneecap faces
veloped it pulls the kneecap vastus lateralis. would be pointing to one oclock). To straight up toward the ceiling. Extend
out of the femoral groove. find the vastus medialis, place your fin- your leg fully and see if you can engage
gers about one inch above the inner (or the inner part of the quadricepswhere
medial) corner of your kneecap, and then youre touching with your fingersas
walk your fingers about one and a half strongly as you can engage the outer part
inches toward the inner thigh. Straighten of the quadriceps. Watch how your
your leg slowly to feel the quadriceps kneecap moves in a straight line along the
engage. Youre looking in particular for center of the knee joint when your quads
then you need to strengthen the vastus Second, structural misalignments that useless if the knee is already hyperextend- the firming of the teardrop-shaped mus- are engaged in a balanced way, rather
medialis, the inner quad, and learn how cannot be changed (like being knock- ed. Consequently, its important to con- cle just under your fingers. This is the than pulling to the outside. Repeat on the
to use it properly. kneed or bowlegged) tend to limit the sciously avoid hyperextension in the first vastus medialis, the inner quadriceps.
This has its challenges. First, it can be vastus medialiss proper functioning place, rather than relying on the strength- You will feel it fully engage as your leg AS THE RIGHT LEG
difficult to find and isolate this muscle, and can even weaken it in relation to the ening exercises to prevent it. This is criti- straightens completely. Hold the contrac- straightens, youll feel the
because you can feel the vastus medialis other quadriceps muscles, making it even cal, because the habit of hyperextension tion for 8 to 10 seconds, then release. vastus medialis engage. Use
firming most only in the last 10 to 20 harder to work with. will otherwise pull you right back into Repeat this for two more rounds, making your fingers to make sure
degrees of knee extension. So it takes Finally, although engaging the vastus your imbalanced patterns of knee exten- sure you dont extend the leg so hard that its as engaged as much as
focused attention to even feel and under- medialis properly can prevent hyperex- sion even after you do the work of you feel locking or pinching in the knee. the outer quadriceps.
stand what the muscle does. tension of the knee, doing so is essentially strengthening the vastus medialis.
Heres what you can do to keep your
kneecaps tracking properly:
1. Find your vastus medialis, the inner
quadriceps muscle.
2. Strengthen it with small extension
3. Continue to strengthen the vastus
medialis in bent-knee warrior poses.
4. Incorporate that work into straight-
legged asanas.


Isometric extensions will help you
identify the inner quad and its action as 1/6 Vertical 1/6 Vertical 1/6 Vertical
1/3 Page Ad Square you strengthen it. To do this, sit in dan-
dasana (staff pose), with your legs 2 1/8 x 4 1/2 2 1/8 x 4 1/2 2 1/8 x 4 1/2
4 9/16 x 4 3/8 extended forward. Support your upper
back against a wall if thats more comfort-
able. Roll up a small blanket or sticky
mat and place it under your knees to pre-

Doug Kellers yoga journey includes 14 years of

practicing in Siddha Yoga ashrams, intensive train-
ing in the Iyengar and Anusara methods, and near-
ly a decade of teaching in the United States and
Photo credit.

abroad. Asana instruction, essays, and other

enlightening information is available on his website:

82 yoga + joyful living july - august 2007 july - august 2007 yoga + joyful living 83
other leg. You can do these exercises sev- and your weight shifts into your toes, are in the same plane by allowing a slight straighten the leg mindfully, engaging the
eral times a dayjust be careful not to widen the distance between your feet. turn of the hips. (If you were doing the vastus medialis, especially in the last 20
fatigue the muscle by doing too many Turn your head to look out over pose next to a wall, your outer right degrees of extension. If you engage this
sets at a time. your right fingertips. ankle, knee and right hip would all be muscle properly and your leg is aligned
Even when your stance is the proper touching it.) To achieve this, when you as you straighten it, youll see your
THE WARRIOR POSES width and your knee bends to a right bend your knee, let your outer hip kneecap draw straight up your leg, and
Among the traditional asanas, the angle, a commonand harmfulmis- descend toward the floor (as if you had youll find it nearly impossible to lock
warrior poses (virabhadrasana I and II), alignment is to let the thigh turn inward something heavy in your hip pocket) as your knee. But if you let go of the vastus
in which the front leg is bent and the so that the knee points more toward the you lift energy from your inner arch up medialis even for an instant, the knee can
back leg is straight, are particularly effec- big toe. This happens especially when through your inner knee. This will make easily hyperextend and lock into that
tive for strengthening the vastus medi- the arch of the foot collapses, which your leg spiral out as you bend it, until position.
alis, if done with proper alignment and places stress on the inner knee and pre- your heel, kneecap, and right hip joint are Fold at the hip crease to take
action. Because although its easiest to vents you from strengthening the all aligned. trikonasana to the right. Keep the vastus
isolate this muscles action when the leg quadriceps in a balanced way. A less The purpose of these three actions in medialis firm and lift along your inner
is fully extended, it is also engaged and common misalignment is to shift the the bent leg is to ensure that all four thigh, maintaining the straightness of
strengthened when the knee is bent at a weight to the outer edge of the foot, so quadriceps muscles are working harmo- your leg without locking the knee. If you
90 degree angle and the leg is bearing that the knee turns more toward the lit- niously to stabilize the knee. As a result, feel pressure in the knee joint, youve
weightas long as the knee is positioned tle toe. In this case the muscles along the vastus medialis gets a much-needed probably relaxed the vastus medialis and
vertically over the heel, and the inner heel the outer thigh tighten, and the outer workout that brings it into balance with hyperextended your knee. Come out of
remains grounded. This is the case in a (lateral) side of the knee is stressed. In the other quadriceps. To confirm this, the pose and try again. As a bonus for
well-aligned warrior pose. this case too, the vastus medialis doesnt gently pinch your thigh above the inner good alignment, youll feel a stronger
To come into the pose, step your feet function properly. knee to check that the muscle therethe stretch along the inner edge of your
wide apart, while extending your arms Proper alignment in the warrior pose WARRIOR II Ground the inner heel and toe mound vastus medialisis as firm as the thigh thigh, from your inner knee back toward
out to either side. Your feet should be allows the vastus medialis to work in har- while lifting the arch up all the way through the inner muscles at the outer knee. your sit bone. Be careful not to over-
roughly beneath your wrists. Turn your mony with the other quadriceps to align knee as your outer hip drops down. stretch: use the support of a block for 1/3 Page Ad
left foot in about 30 degrees and your and strengthen the extensor mechanism TRIKONASANA your hand if you need it.
right leg out 90 degrees. Keep your torso
upright as you bend your right knee.
of the knee. Misalignments, on the other
hand, disable the vastus medialis and First, make sure your knee is bent
Proper alignment of the knee in the
warrior poses automatically CONCLUSION
Make sure your knee does not go beyond increase the muscular imbalances that properly to a right angle, so the weight is gives the vastus medialis a The standing poses of hatha yoga pro-
your ankle and toes: Keep the shin verti- cause wear in the knee. You can protect centered in your heel. If your toes are healthy workout. Now you can vide powerful and effective means for 2 1/8 x 8 7/8
cal while striving to bring the thigh paral- your knees and strengthen the vastus gripping, its a sign that your knee is apply these same actions to the strengthening and stabilizing our knees,
lel to the floor, so the leg is bent at a right medialis by following three basic rules for going too far beyond your heel. straight-legged poses like helping us to overcome structural imbal-
angle. If the knee goes beyond your ankle the warrior poses. Second, dont let the inner arch of trikonasana, in which working ances that might otherwise lead to chron-
your foot collapse, for this is a sign that the vastus medialis consciously ic wear and tear (and ensuing pain) in
your knee is turning inward too much. is more challenging. your knees. A little extra mindfulness in
We sometimes compensate for this col- Step your feet wide apart, aligning and working our legs in these
lapse by shifting weight to the outer edge turning your left foot in 45 poses will enhance the natural therapeu-
of the foot, causing the inner heel to lift. degrees and your right leg out tic benefits these poses have to offer.+
But this stresses the outer knee and 90 degrees, toward the edge
defeats the purpose of the pose. The chal- of your mat. Bend
lenge of aligning the knee is to keep your your right knee
inner heel and big toe mound grounded slightly and align
while keeping the inner arch of the foot your heel, knee,
lifted. These two actionsgrounding and hip as in war-
and liftingwill keep the knee from rior pose. Then
turning inward or outward too much. Lift
your toes to help engage and lift the inner
arch; as you bend your knee, draw the TRIANGLE POSE
TO PROTECT THE KNEE IF THE VASTUS MEDIALIS is not properly engaged energy from the inner arch up through If the vastus medialis is
make sure its above the second the knee falls inward. The vastus lateralis then pulls the the calf to your inner knee, so that your engaged properly youll feel a
toe and that both the toe and the kneecap outward, stressing the inner knee. When the knee remains directly over your heel and stretch along the inner thigh and
Photo credit.

knee are on the same plane as the weight shifts to the outer heel the knee splays out over does not turn inward. the kneecap will slide along the
sit bone. the little toes and stresses the outer knee. Third, make sure that the heel, femoral groove, which pre-
kneecap, and hip joint of your bent leg vents hyperextension.

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