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31 oct 2017

BAHRAIN MEDIA ROUNDUP rules and urged authorities 25 km (15 mile) causeway,
to strengthen security is strategically important to
measures in the tiny Gulf the West as it hosts the U.S.
kingdom, the official BNA Fifth Fleet. It has a Shiite
news agency said. Muslim majority population
but is ruled by a Sunni royal
Bahrain's Foreign Minister Bahrain court sentences family.
on Monday said Qatar's 10 men on terrorism
Bahrain imposes visas
GCC membership should charges The government, citing
on Qatar visitors
be suspended until it years of deadly bombing and
Bahrain has decided to accepts the demands of its A Bahraini court shooting attacks against its
impose visas on travellers neighbours. sentenced 10 men to life security forces, says it faces
from Qatar, which is imprisonment and revoked a militant threat backed by
King Hamad also accused arch-foe Iran.
embroiled in a diplomatic their citizenship on charges
Qatar the same day of
crisis with its Arab of forming a terrorist cell
undermining the security of Read more
neighbours, Bahraini state and plotting attacks, the
other GCC member states.
media reported Tuesday. Bahraini Public Prosecution
said on Tuesday.
Under Gulf Cooperation
Council agreements, Read more The men were accused of
citizens of countries in the receiving training in military
six-state bloc, including camps in Iran and Iraq in
both Bahrain and Qatar, can the use of arms and bombs
visit other GCC countries to carry out terrorist attacks
without visas. in Bahrain, the prosecution
said in a statement.
But Bahrain's King Sheikh
Hamad bin Issa Al-Khalifa Bahrain, a small island state
on Tuesday ordered the new linked to Saudi Arabia by a

particularly in light of the

latest repercussions of the
crisis with Qatar, said a
statement from the official
Bahraini news agency BNA.
Bahrain imposes Citizens from the six-nation
entry visas on Qatar Gulf Cooperation Council
nationals, residents countries are supposed
to be able to travel within
Bahrain said on Tuesday it
the GCC carrying only an
would impose entry visas
identity card. Bahrains visa
on Qatar nationals and
requirements will apply
residents in what it called a
from Nov. 10.
security measure.

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Read more

the United Arab Emirates
and Egypt cut diplomatic,
transport and trade ties with
Qatar in June, accusing it of
financing terrorism. Doha
denies that and says the
boycott is an attempt to rein
in its support for reform.

The new measures aim

at preventing harming the
security and stability of
the kingdom of Bahrain

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