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Reflections on Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational

Needs (SEN)

1. What is the school policy for inclusion for SEN students in the school?
School SEN Aims:

Describe the process of initial assessment to identify the childs specific problem and his
learning style.
Describe the identification of students with special needs (SEN).
To develop individual educational plan IEP for students to meet their needs.
To implement different teaching and learning strategies to maximize achievement
Manage favorable class room environment for learning and can organize learning
activities per the individual differences.
Select appropriate teaching techniques as per the student capabilities
Adopt the curriculum as per the specific needs of student
To identify the roles and responsibilities of all staff to work with student with special
need (SEN)
Explain the way INCLUSION is implemented.
Describes arrangements for monitoring and evaluating the effective provision for student
with (SEN)
To maintain good work relationship with parents and outside agencies to ensure
education provision for students with SEN.
School SEN Mission
Through Assessments and well planned strategies, the SEN team intervene and accommodate the need
of students having different difficulties.

Definition of Persons with Special Needs:

Special educational needs' refers to all those children and youth whose needs arise from disabilities or
learning difficulties.
Federal law no. 29 of 2006, In Respect of the Rights of People with special needs (UAE) describes a
Person with Special Needs as:

Every person suffering from a temporary / permanent, full /partial deficiency or infirmity in his
physical, sensational, mental, communicational, educational or psychological faculties to an
extent decreasing the possibility of satisfying his ordinary requirements in the conditions of
people without special needs.
2. What accommodations were made for the identified SEN students in the
Modification of content
Reduction of content
Collaboration of class teacher and SEN teacher
Follow IEP objectives in classroom
Provision of shadow teacher if needed
Separate assessment for SEN students

3. Was there any assistive technology, other equipment or materials used

with the identified SEN students? If yes, please describe the equipment that
was used and what it was used for.
Yes they were using equipment for identified SEN students but it was according to the schedule of SEN
students. As the school was following inclusion strategies so they used different strategies with in the
class and for used different intervention once in a week in rehabilitation room.

Within the classroom are:

Extra work sheets according to the topic studied in the class

Reduced content worksheets
SEN teacher help to understand the student

Within the Rehabilitation room are:

Writing practice work sheets according to the class content

Assistive tool to develop fine motor skills
Cutting pasting
Repetition of concept
The equipment used for intervention are:

Paint Colors
Color papers
Alphabets cards
Matching activities sheets
Assessment tools
Sand for writing
Toys for development skills

4. What teaching strategies did your MST use with the identified SEN
Different teaching strategies were used for SEN students.

Report writing
Reduction of content
Worksheets development
Quiz for assessment

5. Where there any other school staff that worked with the identified SEN
students? If yes, please explain their role and what they did with the
identified SEN student.

Al Resalah school they dont have any SEN students they only have
hyperactive students and that kind of SEN.

6. Do you think that SEN students should be included in the classroom or

taught in class specifically for SEN students? Why / Why not?

I think that SEN students should be included in the classroom because they
are a part of the normal student they can understand and learn same as the
other children.

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