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Thermalfluid Lab MEC 554 / LSRC / SCA Rev.




Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) Mechanical

Course : Thermalfluids Lab
Course Code : MEC 554
Lecturer/Tutor Name :
Group : EMD5M4A

Lab Report

Experiments Tittle

Bil Student Name Student ID Signature

1. 2015667016
2. 2015520904
3. 2015239086
4. 2016229584
5. TAJUL ARIF 2016229784

Lab Session : Approved by:


Submission of Report : Received by:

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3
OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................. 4
THEORY ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
APPARATUS ............................................................................................................................................... 6
PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................................. 7
DATA AND RESULT .................................................................................................................................... 8
SAMPLE CALCULATION ........................................................................................................................... 10
a) Refrigeration mass flow rate (kg/s) ............................................................................................. 10
b) Evaporator cooling load, Qevap (kW) ........................................................................................ 11
c) Coefficient of performance, COPref............................................................................................. 12
d) Average Coefficient of performance........................................................................................... 12
DISCUSSION............................................................................................................................................. 13
CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................ 16
REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................................. 17

Refrigeration is the achievement of temperatures below that of the local environment. The
main purpose of refrigeration is thermal conditioning (e.g. for food preservation or air
conditioning), and the basic apparatus is a refrigerator, a thermal machine producing cold. Other
names for special types of refrigerators are freezers, chillers, cryo-coolers, as well as the informal
word fridge. Small refrigerators usually comprise the cabinet to be cooled (e.g. the fridge), but
larger refrigerators are placed in machinery rooms outside the cold storage (applicable to air
conditioners too). Refrigeration is one of the major application area of thermodynamics.

The history of refrigeration is very interesting since every aspect of it, the availability of
refrigerants, the prime movers and the developments in compressors and the methods of
refrigeration all are a part of it. In olden days refrigeration was achieved by natural means such as
the use of ice or evaporative cooling. In earlier times, ice was either by transported from colder
regions, harvested in winter and stored in ice houses for summer use or made during night by
cooling of water by radiation to stratosphere.

Refrigeration as it is known these days is produced by artificial means. Though it is very

difficult to make a clear demarcation between natural and artificial refrigeration, it is generally
agreed that the history of artificial refrigeration began in the year 1755, when the Scottish professor
William Cullen made the first refrigerating machine, which could produce a small quantity of ice
in the laboratory. Based on the working principle, refrigeration systems can be classified as vapor
compression systems, vapor absorption systems, gas cycle systems etc.

The objective of this experiment is to investigate the variation of Coefficient of

Performance (COPR) of a vapor compression refrigeration system at different cooling load


Four components involved the vapor compression refrigeration cycle which are
compressor, condenser, expansion valve or throttle valve and evaporator. It is a compression
process, whose purpose is to raise the refrigerant pressure, as it flows from an evaporator. The
high-pressure refrigerant flows through a condenser before attaining the initial low pressure and
going back to the evaporator.

Figure 1 four components of compression refrigeration cycle

For this particular experiment, the energy transfer equation used for:

a) Compressor

q4-1 = h4 h1 + w4-1

If compression is adiabatic, q4-1 = 0, and w4-1 = h1 h4 = wcomp

Power requirement, P = (h1 h4), where is the flow rate of working fluid per unit time.
b) Condenser

q1-2 = h2 h1 + w

w = 0, therefore q1-2 = h2 h1 and rate of heat rejection Q1-2= ( h2 h1 )

c) Expansion Valve

q2-3 = h3 h2 + w

w = 0, therefore q2-3 = h2 h3 and process is assumed adiabatic (q = 0)

therefore h2 = h3.

d) Evaporator

q3-4 = h4 h3 + w

w = 0 therefore q3-4 = h4 h3 and rate of heat absorbed Q3-4 = ( h4 h3 )

e)Coefficient of Performance, COPref:

q h3
COP 3 4
w h h
1 4

Bil. Equipment Name Description

1 The Vapor Compression Cycle Consist of 4 part air-conditioning

Example; condenser, expansion valve,
evaporator and compresser

2 Water supply valve To supply water and set to constant 5


3 Evaporator Evaporative cooler is a device that

draws outside air through a wet pad,
such as a large sponge soaked with

4 Condenser Changes state from a hot vapor to a

hot liquid at high pressure and moves
onto the expansion valve

5 Computer Software Software use to insert the information

of the experiment and the interpret

a). Condenser-water and evaporator-air

1. The valve AVS-3 and AVS-5 consist of air is opened use as heat source. Then START button was
2. The water flow rate was adjusted at condenser to 5 L/m and set the air flow of evaporator until
50% of the maximal flow.
3. The button COMPRESSOR was clicked.
4. Wait the system until stable state, then start the recording by pressed the START SAVING
5. Sampling rate was set at 180 second per sample.
6. The data were recorded for 15 minutes ( 5 sample @ 900 second),and clicked STOP SAVING.
7. For second experiment, the evaporator load was set to 100% by repeat step 1 to step 6.

b) Condenser air and evaporator-air

1. The valve AVS-3 and AVS-6 consist of air is opened use as heat source. Then START button was
2. The water flow rate was adjusted at condenser to 5 L/m and set the air flow of evaporator until
50% of the maximal flow.
3. The button COMPRESSOR was clicked.
4. Wait the system until stable state, then start the recording by pressed the START SAVING
5. Sampling rate was set at 180 second per sample.
6. The data were recorded for 15 minutes (3 sample @ 900 second), and clicked STOP SAVING.
7. For second experiment, the evaporator load was set to 100% by repeat step 1 to step 6.

Time (s)

Vref v2 (table) mref (kg/s) h3 h4 (kW) =

Exp #

Qevap/ (SW-
(m3/s) (m3/kg) = Vref/v2 (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) mref (h4 -

7.64E-06 0.0010083 7.58E-03 63.5787 91.2934 0.2100 0.1020


7.84E-06 0.0010092 7.77E-03 67.8051 94.2290 0.2052 0.1006


7.99E-06 0.0010095 7.91E-03 68.2029 93.4943 0.2001 0.0982


7.76E-06 0.0010097 7.69E-03 67.9664 92.6682 0.1899 0.0929


7.83E-06 0.0010098 7.75E-03 68.5681 93.3338 0.1920 0.0934


Average COP
180 8.26E-06 0.0010097 8.18E-03 74.1977 102.5389 0.2318 0.1144

8.59E-06 0.0010101 8.51E-03 78.6280 105.3960 0.2277 0.1140


8.89E-06 0.0010103 8.80E-03 81.0437 106.9149 0.2277 0.1140


8.94E-06 0.0010104 8.85E-03 82.2459 107.7910 0.2261 0.1134


8.98E-06 0.0010105 8.89E-03 83.1269 108.5811 0.2263 0.1139


Average COP
Qevap COP =
Vref v2 (table) h3 h4 (kW) = Qevap/
Time (s)
Exp #

(kg/s) =
(m3/s) (m3/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) mref (h4 - (SW-
h3) 1/1000)

180 8.09E-06 0.0010106 8.01E-03 80.1646 103.4943 0.1868 0.0930

360 8.26E-06 0.0010109 8.17E-03 81.6600 104.5770 0.1873 0.0940

540 8.43E-06 0.0010111 8.34E-03 82.9220 106.0621 0.1929 0.0972

720 8.53E-06 0.0010112 8.43E-03 83.9924 106.5879 0.1906 0.0960

900 8.66E-06 0.0010114 8.56E-03 85.8737 109.4212 0.2015 0.1017

Average COP
180 9.01E-06 0.0010114 8.91E-03 85.9656 112.2240 0.2339 0.1189

360 9.37E-06 0.0010119 9.26E-03 90.9607 114.4332 0.2174 0.1122

540 9.38E-06 0.0010121 9.27E-03 91.9875 114.6604 0.2101 0.1087

720 9.37E-06 0.0010121 9.26E-03 92.3100 114.7007 0.2074 0.1071

900 9.40E-06 0.0010120 9.29E-03 92.4531 114.7320 0.2070 0.1066

Average COP 0.0917


a) Refrigeration mass flow rate (kg/s).

To get mass flow rate we must first find velocity of refrigeration, vref which we will convert
SC-1 from (L/h) to (m3/s).
SC-1 = 27.509468 (L/h)
27.509468 (L/h) x (1/3600)(hr/s) x (1/1000)(m3/L) = vref = 7.64E-06 (m3/s)
Then we must find v2 by interpolation of ST-2.
ST-2 = 40.66396 oC

Table 1 shows temperature against saturated liquid to find v2


30 0.001004
27.509468 v2
25 0.001003

27.509468 25 () 2 0.001003 ( )
= 3
30 25 () 0.001004 0.001004 ( )
2 = 0.0010083( )

Mass flow rate of refrigeration of working fluid, mref

mref = vref / v2

= (7.64E-06) / (0.0010083) (m3/kg)

= 7.58E-03 (m3/kg)
b) Evaporator cooling load, Qevap (kW).

First we need to find entalphy, h3 by using ST-3 and interpolate.

ST-3 = 15.142533oC

Table 2 shows temperature against enthalpy to find h3


20 83.915
15.142533 h3
15 62.982

20 15.142533 () 83.915 3 ( )
20 15 ()
83.915 62.982( )

3 = 63.5787( )

Then we find h4 using ST-4 with same process used at ST-3

ST-4 = 21.763905oC

Table 3 shows temperature against enthalpy to find h4


20 83.915
21.763905 h4
25 104.83

21.763905 20 () 4 83.915 ( )
25 20 ()
104.83 83.915 ( )

3 = 91.2934( )
Thus evaporator cooling load, Qevap

Qevap = mref (h4-h3)

= (7.58E-03)(kg/s)[ 91.2934 63.5787](kJ/kg)

= 0.2100kW

c) Coefficient of performance, COPref.

To find COP we need to devide SW-1 by 1000 and insert the value into this equation.

SW-1 = 485.638275

COPref = Qevap / (SW-1/1000)

= 0.2100kW / (485.638275/ 1000)

= 0.1020

d) Average Coefficient of performance.

Addition of 5 data on COP and divide it into 5.
. + . + . + . + .
= .

***All data for interpolations are referred to table A-4.

From the result we get, as the evaporating cooling load is increased, the COP or coefficient of
performance is decreased. This is because by referring to equation of COP of refrigerant, the COP
is inversely proportional to COP, the higher the wattage produced , the lower the COP of the

The term load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be removed from a space (cooling)
to maintain the temperature in an acceptable range. In real application, the actual load is a room
full of student or a space in a factory that if the temperature in the space does not have a air
conditioning, the space will become hot.

When the cooling medium is set as water, the COP of the refrigeration system is higher than when
the cooling medium is air. This is because; water has a higher heat transfer coefficient at 1 atm
that cause the refrigerant to cool after being compressed and can move through the expansion valve
at a lower temperature.

The compressor pumps the refrigerant to a higher temperature and pressure. Then the refrigerant
flow into the condenser, where it loses energy (heat) to the outside, cools, and condenses into its
liquid phase. Then by the time it go through expansion valve, the temperature of the fluid goes
down and the pressure also goes down. From the table of data summary table, ST-2 is always
higher than ST-3 where ST-2 is the temperature reading before the refrigerant flow into expansion
valve while ST-3 is the temperature reading before the refrigerant flow into expansion valve. Then
the liquid refrigerant flow through an evaporator to evaporate the refrigerant to allow it flow into
the compressor. At ST-4, we can observe that the temperature reading after the evaporator is
increased. This allow for the refrigerant to vaporize into room temperature before flow into the

If we observe, the enthalpy at T3 are lower than T4, this is because, at T4, it has absorbed energy
from the evaporator so that the refrigerant flow into the compressor at a vapor state.

At 50% vapor cooling load, with condenser is water and air at evaporator, the COP is 9.7% then
when vapor cooling load is 100% with same medium of cooling used, the COP decreased to 9.5%.
this indicate that where the vapor cooling load has increased, the COP will gradually decrease as
the system need to work harder.

When the cooling is both chosen both as air, the COP decreased to 9.17 that indicates that water
is a better cooling medium compared to air.

Since this process is computerized, there are very few mistakes that can be made during the
experiment, one of it is, we might start the saving process too early that the machine not yet stable
and can affect our reading.

In conclusion, water is a better cooling medium in this system as water has better heat transfer
coefficient at this particular experiment condition compared to air.

The application of this experiment is when for instance in a factory, we wanted to maintain its
temperature and humidity so that the people in the environment are comfortable to work in the
space. Air conditioning also crucial in a car system as we want to maintain a comfortable condition
in the car so that the driver comfortable to drive the car.

1) Cengel, Boles .,Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach, 7th edition in SI units

2) Eastop & McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists 5th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 1993.
3) UiTM, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ., MEC551 Thermal Engineering, 2013.

Loads. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
5) Retrieved 6 October 2017

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