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AMPHITRITE monologue/ TedTalk

Greetings mortals! You may not be familiar with my name because Im not an Olympian Goddess. I
am Amphitrite, the goddess and the queen of the sea. I am the daughter of Nereus (the eldest son of
Pontus and Gaia) and Doris (the daughter of Oceanus). Unlike other gods and goddesses, I have
limited powers, related to the sea. But these powers are nowhere near the power of my husband,
Poseidon, the god of the sea. I am the picturesque image of how a queen should be; quiet, graceful
and devotedly standing by my husband.

I grew up lost among my 50 sisters. This caused me to grow up feeling devoid of affection and
attention directed towards myself and my accomplishments as an individual.

As I grew older, marriage was far from my mind, for it meant sharing and giving yourself up entirely
and unconditionally to another. The fates had other plans for me however on the day when my
sisters and I danced on the aisle of Naxos. I earned Poseidons attention accidentally. He was
perhaps mesmerized by my beauty? When he first sought my hand in marriage, fear grew in my
heart, thats why I ran away. I hid myself away near Atlas in the Ocean stream at the far ends of the
earth. The dolphin-god Delphin eventually tracked me down and persuaded me to return and
marry Poseidon. I was convinced under promises that Delphin would have anything that I desired.

After being married, we had children, Triton, Rhode, I also gave birth to dolphins and seals. As time
passed by, I found out that Poseidon was a husband of no faith. Out of spite, I sometimes turn his
women into ugly sea monsters. I have a strong sense of justice and I believe in the power of
forgiveness. As time wore on for me, I began to get used to the pain of being the wife of Poseidon.
Yet I still stand by his side, being his queen. I am Amphitrite, the Goddess of the Sea.

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