Teacher Is The Best Aid

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The teacher as a

teaching aid

Dr. Tapan K.Dutta

Associate Professor & Head
Teachers Education Department
Panskura Banamali College
The Teacher is the best aid
Uses no electricity
Can be used effectively in light or
Available all the time
What should a teacher do?
(to be an effective aid)
Use body language
Eye contact
Facial expression
Student talk
Sitting behind a desk or standing on a
dias creates a Distance between the
teacher and the students.
Try to have an aisle and enough space
between rows so that you can easily
reach those at the back
Some movement on the side is essential
Step forward to emphasize a point take
small steps to different sides of the class
Use of Body language
Your body should be in your control
Hold it in such a way that you look
alert and awake
Avoid slumping & sagging
Just as too little movement is boring,
too much movement can be a
When you are alert, it encourages the
students subconsciously to become
Eye contact
Keep your eyes lively, aware and interested
Move them around to take in everything
Fix them on individual students, but not for
so long that they become uncomfortable!
Avoid focusing on the best or not so good
Make sure you make eye contact with each
Knowing that the teacher demands eye
contact keeps the students alert.
Arms and hands are a very expressive
visual aid
They can be used to describe shapes,
actions, movements etc.
Remember to keep still while listening
to a student
Avoid habits such as fiddling with
notes & books, key chains pens etc
Facial expression
There is nothing worse than a constant
frown, which discourages students from
asking questions or seeking help.
A smile can work wonders
It encourages the student to participate
Look interested while a student is speaking
Cultivate a sympathetic & encouraging
A low monotone or a high
pitched voice can be difficult to
understand or grating to the ears
Make sure that
You are speaking at the right
You are not speaking too fast
Your diction is clear
Student talk
Break the monotony and give students
plenty of time to talk

It will keep them alert

Be friendly

Names: Call students by their name

It sounds warmer & friendlier
Best way to learn is to learn from the best

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