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Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals

Ancient Magic
and Divination

tzvi abusch ann k. guinan nils p. heeel
francesca rochberg frans a. m. wiggermann

Corpus of Mesopotamian
Anti-Witchcraft Rituals
Volume One

Tzvi Abusch and Daniel Schwemer

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

ISSN: 1566-7952
ISBN: 978 90 04 18913 3

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PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................ ix
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ................................................................................................ xiii

1. That man is bewitched ................................................................................................. 1
2. The Nature of Witchcraft ...................................................................................................... 2
3. The Stereotype of the Witch .................................................................................................. 4
4. Witchcraft and Other Sources of Evil .................................................................................. 6
5. Witch Trials and Witchcraft Accusations ............................................................................. 7
1. Character and Formats of Anti-witchcraft Texts ................................................................. 8
2. Scope and Organization of the Present Corpus ................................................................... 10
3. ASPECTS OF THE COMPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEXTS ......................................... 17
1. Ceremonial Rituals ............................................................................................................... 20
2. Prescriptions ........................................................................................................................ 24
5. INTRODUCTORY NOTES ON THE PRESENTATION OF THE TEXTS ................................................ 24


KUB 37, 44 (+) 37, 46 (+) 37, 47 (+) 37, 49 (+)?? 37, 48 // KUB 37, 43 .............................. 27
KUB 37, 51 (+) 37, 53 (+) 37, 99 ......................................................................................... 40
KUB 37, 52 ........................................................................................................................... 43
KUB 4, 60 + KBo 36, 38 ...................................................................................................... 44
KUB 4, 99 // KBo 9, 47 // BAM 317 // KAR 275 // KAL 2, 43 (+) 44 // VAT 12153 ............ 46
BAM 206 ............................................................................................................................... 53
BAM 197 ............................................................................................................................... 56
KAL 2, 42 // BAM 161 // BAM 436 // BAM 282 ................................................................... 60


BAM 393 ............................................................................................................................ 65
KUB 37, 55 + KBo 36, 32 // KUB 37, 9 // BAM 140 // KAL 2, 43 (+) 44 //
BAM 208 // AMT 85/1 (+) 86/1 // Th 1905-4-9, 92 // CTN 4, 124 .................................... 67
AMT 85/1 (+) 86/1 // K 6586 (AMT 85/1) (+) AMT 85/3 (+) 29/9 (+) 82-3-2, 103 (+)
Sm 1960 // KUB 37, 56 // KUB 37, 55 + KBo 36, 32 // BAM 208 .................................... 83
BAM 208 ............................................................................................................................ 99
BAM 205 // 81-7-27, 73 // KAR 70 // STT 280 // K 9451 + 11676 + Sm 818 + 961 //
BM 68033 // LKA 144 // BAM 207 // BAM 320 // SpTU 1, 9 ............................................ 101


VS 17, 31 ............................................................................................................................ 115
BAM 438 // BAM 437 ........................................................................................................ 117
BM 128037 ........................................................................................................................ 122
CT 51, 194 ......................................................................................................................... 124
K 3661 //? AMT 44/7 .......................................................................................................... 126
7.6 RITUALS AGAINST ENEMIES: THE INCANTATION KR-KR BL ........................................ 129
7.6.1 The Incantation Kr-kr bl
7.6.2 KAL 2, 14
7.6.3 KAL 2, 13
7.6.4 KAL 2, 34
7.6.5 K 8107
7.6.6 A 2720 + 3022 (with KAL 2, 30 and 31)
7.6.7 STT 256
BAM 443 + 444 + K 6240 + 16808 + 81-2-4, 393 // K 15055 // KAR 92 //
VAT 14183 //? BAM 445 // AMT 35/3 // BAM 434 ............................................................ 150
K 8079 (+) 8112 + 9666 (+) 8162 + 10357 (+) 8933 (+) 10358 (+) 11243 (ABRT 2,
18) (+) 12936 // Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 // K 13718 // Sm 275 + Rm 329 (+) Sm 352 //
80-7-19, 146 + K 10559 + 11993 + Sm 1330 // K 10341 // Rm 252 // K 9467 //
KAL 2, 10 // KAL 2, 11 // CBS 1720 // PBS 1/2, 120 // TCL 6, 49 // RA 22, 15456 //
SpTU 4, 140 // Sm 756 // KAL 2, 36 // 81-7-27, 140 // BM 38635 // BM 38013 ............... 159
PBS 1/1, 16 // BM 45419 ................................................................................................... 200
7.10 PRESCRIPTIONS AND DRUG LISTS FOR UBURRUDA .......................................................... 204
7.10.1 BAM 43436 with duplicates
7.10.2 BAM 90
7.10.3 BAM 190 with duplicates
7.10.4 BAM 430 and BAM 431
7.10.5 AMT 48/2


BAM 214 // K 3196 + 3344 // KAL 2, 22 (BAM 334) // KAL 2, 23 (LKA 156) .................. 246
KAL 2, 25 (LKA 157) // KAL 2, 24 (LKA 154 + 155) // K 3394 (RT pl. 7) + 9866 ......... 256
SpTU 2, 19 // KAL 2, 28 // K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + 14734 + Sm 1143 //
PBS 1/2, 133 // K 3379 + Sm 1178 (+) K 2585 // PBS 10/2, 18 // Sm 1115 //
UET 7, 119 // LKA 158 (KAL 2, 29) // Bu 91-5-9, 143 + 176 ........................................... 270
KAL 2, 8 (KAR 80) // K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 13813 (+)
3000 (+) 6996 (+) 7201 + 10819 (+) 9216 + 17321 // Bu 88-5-12, 95 // K 10245 //
KAL 2, 15 // VAT 11567 ................................................................................................... 293
KAL 2, 15 // KAL 2, 8 (KAR 80) // K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 +
13813 (+) 3000 (+) 6996 (+) 7201 + 10819 (+) 9216 + 17321 // Bu 88-5-12, 95 //
IV R2 17 + K 5326 + 16854 // Ki 1904-10-9, 108 // KAL 2, 20 // VAT 14215 ................. 306
AMT 22/1 + K 3648 + 15966 + Sm 1280 // K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 +
13358 + 13813 (+) 3000 (+) 6996 (+) 7201 + 10819 (+) 9216 + 17321 // BAM 232 //
STT 129 + 262 (+) 130 (+) 134 (+) 135 (+) 328 // K 2493 + 7102 + 9081 + 10352 (+)
8965 // K 5088 + 6918 + 11307 (+) 10353 + 11159 // LKA 58 (+)? VAT 13960 //
K 10722 // K 15445 ........................................................................................................... 318
8.7.1 The Library Version: BAM 231 (+)? KAL 2, 26 (+)? KAL 2, 27 // BAM 332 //
CBS 1498 // RIAA 312
8.7.2 The Memorandum Version: K 888
K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + 17984 ........................................................................................ 353
Sm 1923 // KAL 2, 58 (+)?? KAL 2, 59 (LKA 161) ............................................................. 355
K 10203 + 11590 ............................................................................................................... 358
K 12765 ............................................................................................................................. 360
VAT 35 .............................................................................................................................. 362
IV R2 55/2 // BM 66627 ..................................................................................................... 365
STT 257 .............................................................................................................................. 372


K 2563 + 2820 + 2821 + 2843 + 5750 + 9601 + 10537 + 16716 // K 2368 + 9830 +
11661 + 11768 + 20281 (+) 13305 (+)? IV R2 23/3 (+) DT 120 // Sm 94 // PBS 1/2, 129 //
STT 76 // STT 77 // BM 123376 ........................................................................................ 375
PBS 1/1, 13 // Sm 635 + 1188 + 1612 // K 15234 (+) 16344 ............................................ 387
SpTU 2, 19 // SpTU 4, 139 ................................................................................................. 393


AMT 44/4 + KMI 76a ........................................................................................................ 399
PBS 1/2, 121 ...................................................................................................................... 403
BAM 449 (+) 458 // BAM 454 (+) 455 (+) 467 // Sm 1304 // SMEA 30, 245 no. 27 ......... 407
K 2351 + 5859 + 8184 + AMT 13/4 + BAM 460 // BAM 454 (+) 455 (+) 467 // BAM 453,
BAM 452 ............................................................................................................................ 416
BAM 464 ............................................................................................................................ 423


UET 7, 125 // KAR 298 // K 9873 + 79-7-8, 240 // K 2481 ............................................... 425
STT 254 // A 3471 ............................................................................................................. 430


STT 89 ............................................................................................................................... 434

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................ 444

CONCORDANCES ............................................................................................................................. 452
1. Botanical and Mineral Substances Used in the Prescriptions .................................................. 468
2. Incantation Incipits .................................................................................................................... 474
3. Words Discussed ....................................................................................................................... 477
4. Selected Texts ............................................................................................................................ 478
COPIES OF CUNEIFORM TEXTS .................................................................................................... pl. 1
COLLATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... pl. 129

Forming a significant branch of the magical and had selected so that he might study them more care-
medical literature written in the Sumerian and Ak- fully and at leisure.
kadian languages, Mesopotamian anti-witchcraft Working on the published and unpublished pieces,
texts attribute misfortune and ill-health to the Abusch transliterated during the 1970s almost all
machinations of people designated as witches and the texts known to him at that time and made many
prescribe the various ceremonies, devices and treat- joins and identifications, thus restoring known witch-
ments for dispelling witchcraft, destroying the witch craft texts and piecing together unknown ones. To
and protecting and curing the patient. The Corpus of assist him in assembling and editing the corpus, he
Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals aims to compiled a collection of photographs of virtually all
present a reconstruction of the technical literature witchcraft texts known to him in the British Museum;
consulted by the Mesopotamian experts when they he also gathered photos from Istanbul, Philadelphia,
treated a patient who had been affected by witch- Berlin and Brussels. In addition to reading the texts
craft or felt threatened by witchcraft. from copies and photos, he was able to collate a
This project has been in the works on and off for number of tablets in Berlin, London, New Haven
some forty years. Abusch initiated it in 1968 and and Philadelphia.
Schwemer joined the project in 2001. We have As the corpus grew, it became clear to Abusch that
shared the work and are both responsible for the he had to prepare a detailed catalogue in order to
volume. We would like to sketch here a picture of keep track of the many texts and to study them.
some of the efforts that stand behind this volume Accordingly, he created a database containing in-
and to acknowledge and thank the many individuals formation on all the tablets that he had assembled,
and institutions without whose help and support this including lists of duplicates and parallels as well as
project would not have succeeded and this volume reconstructions and descriptions of the textual com-
would not now be appearing. positions that make up the corpus.
When Abusch began to study Mesopotamian witch- In 1999, Abusch started working with Petra Gesche
craft literature, he reviewed all the known published as she began sorting through the copies of Assur
anti-witchcraft texts as well as all cuneiform publi- witchcraft texts for the Assur-text publication pro-
cations that might contain new witchcraft texts or ject directed by Stefan M. Maul in Heidelberg (now
duplicates and joins. Indeed, he did find new mate- the Forschungsstelle Edition literarischer Keil-
rials in this way. But early on he realized that a schrifttexte aus Assur at the Heidelberger Akade-
proper reconstruction of the ancient corpus and a mie der Wissenschaften). After Gesche left the
comprehensive understanding of the topic required Assur project, Schwemer took over the responsibi-
the study of unpublished texts as well. For that rea- lity of editing the new witchcraft texts from Assur.
son, he followed the lead of several earlier students Knowing that Abusch was looking for a collabora-
of Mesopotamian magic and took up the study of tor and that Schwemer was scheduled to edit the
the copies of the late Frederick W. Geers. Over the new witchcraft texts from Assur, Gernot Wilhelm in
course of several decades, Geers had copied thou- 2000 suggested to Abusch that he invite Schwemer
sands of tablets and fragments of religious and to join him in preparing the edition of the Mesopo-
literary content in the Kuyunjik collections of the tamian anti-witchcraft corpus. In spring 2001,
British Museum; in addition, Geers copied or trans- Abusch and Schwemer met for two weeks and
literated many similar Assur texts in Berlin and decided to work together on the edition of the cor-
Sippar texts in Istanbul. During research visits to the pus; they have worked together constantly ever
Oriental Institute in 1969 and again in 1973, Abusch since. They have met regularly on both sides of the
systematically examined the Geers collection and Atlantic in Waltham, Wrzburg, Heidelberg and
read cursorily through most of the unpublished cop- London and have been in regular contact by
ies prepared by Geers. Abusch identified several email and phone. Abusch is appreciative of the
hundred pieces that dealt with witchcraft, some of scholarship, energy and dedication that Schwemer
which had already been identified as duplicates by brought to the project. He believes that this volume
Geers himself, and reproduced those copies that he would not have been brought to completion were it
not for Schwemers contribution.

Abusch placed his preliminary editions and materi- Christopher Walker, who kindly examined numer-
als at Schwemers disposal for his work on the edi- ous tablets and fragments in the British Museum in
tion as well as for his work on the Assur witchcraft response to the many joins suggested by Abusch
texts and a Habilitationsschrift.* The textual find- during the 1970s; he also processed extensive orders
ings of the latter two projects were shared with of photographs. At a later stage Walker provided
Abusch and incorporated by Schwemer into the text lists of texts in the Babylon collection of the British
editions of the corpus. It should be said that all cop- Museum that had been provisionally identified as
ies of cuneiform texts and most physical collations rituals or incantations for our perusal; Schwemer
were made by Schwemer. In the course of the dec- has examined these texts and made several new
ade, Schwemer has copied and collated tablets for identifications. In 1975, Veysel Donbaz sent Abusch
the corpus in Berlin, Jena, London, Brussels, Anka- photographs of a number of tablets housed in the
ra, Istanbul and Philadelphia.** stanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri, Istanbul. Similarly, in
By the summer of 2003, the texts had been reviewed 1995 Evelyn Klengel-Brandt sent Abusch photo-
and reorganized, and the groupings described in the graphs of a number of Assur tablets in the Vorder-
introduction had taken shape; needless to say, these asiatische Museum, Berlin.
groupings have since been overhauled more than Here we would emphasize our gratitude to the di-
once and new texts added. Based on Abuschs pre- rectorates and staffs of the several institutions that
liminary editions, his materials and our joint work, have allowed us access to their tablets, provided
Schwemer prepared the text editions of this volume; assistance, and granted permission for publication:
these were then reviewed, revised and updated by the Trustees of the British Museum, the Middle East
both authors a number of times in collaboration and Department (formerly Western Asiatic Antiquities)
individually. The initial draft of the introduction to of the British Museum, and curators Christopher
this volume was prepared partly by Abusch (section Walker, Irving L. Finkel and Jon Taylor; the Vor-
3), partly by Schwemer (sections 12, 45) and then derasiatische Museum, Berlin, its directors Liane
jointly reviewed and revised. Jakob-Rost, Evelyn Klengel-Brandt and Beate Salje,
It should be obvious from even this very sketchy re- and curator Joachim Marzahn; the Hilprecht-Samm-
view of the history of the project how deeply indebted lung, Jena, and curator Manfred Krebernik; the
the authors of this volume are, both individually and Collections Proche-Orient et Iran of the Muses
jointly, to many scholars (alive and dead) for their Royaux dArt et dHistoire, Brussels, and curators
advice and help and to many institutions for their Denise Homs-Fredericq and Eric Gubel; the Orien-
hospitality and support. tal Institute, University of Chicago, and curators
Ignace J. Gelb, John A. Brinkman and Walter Far-
Abusch began the project as part of his doctoral dis- ber; the Babylonian Collection, University of Penn-
sertation; he would again like to express his grati- sylvania, and curators ke Sjberg, Erle Leichty,
tude to his dissertation advisors, the late Thorkild Barry Eichler and Stephen Tinney; the Yale Baby-
Jacobsen and the late William L. Moran for their lonian Collection, and curators William W. Hallo,
encouragement and forbearance. The late A. Leo Benjamin Foster and Ulla Kasten; the Ashmolean
Oppenheim placed the Geers collection at the Ori- Museum, Oxford, and curator Jack Green as well as
ental Institute, Chicago, at Abuschs disposal and Stephanie Dalley; the Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mze-
permitted him to reproduce some of the copies. The si, Ankara, its directors Hikmet Denizli and Melih
contribution of Geers Nachla to this project cannot Arslan, and curators Rukiye Akdoan, Ismet Aykut,
be emphasized enough. Abusch started working erife Ylmaz and Mine ifi; and the stanbul Ar-
with photographs at the suggestion of the late Abra- keoloji Mzeleri, Istanbul, its director Zeynep Kzl-
ham Sachs. Special mention should be made of tan, and curators Veysel Donbaz and Asuman Dn-
We have worked on the corpus in a number of teach-
Schwemer completed the Habilitationsschrift in 2005; an
ing and research institutions, and we are grateful to
Assur volume was published in 2007 (Schwemer, KAL 2)
and a study of Mesopotamian witchcraft beliefs was pub-
them for their support and hospitality: Abusch thanks
lished later in the same year (Abwehrzauber und Behexung). Harvard University; the Hebrew University of Jeru-
Schwemer has also copied and collated tablets of Maql in salem; Brandeis University; the Center for Judaic
support of Abuschs edition of that text and for that purpose Studies, University of Pennsylvania; the Nether-
has visited Chicago and Oxford in addition to the collections lands Institute for Advanced Study; the Institute for
mentioned above. The Maql copies will be published sepa- Advanced Study, Princeton; the W. F. Albright In-
stitute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem; and Stefan Maul, who brought Schwemer into the Assur
the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew project and gave us his support.
University of Jerusalem. Schwemer thanks Julius- Several students assisted Abusch in the preparation
Maximilians-Universitt, Wrzburg; Ruprecht-Karls- of the catalogue, most notably Aviva Schwartzfeld
Universitt, Heidelberg; and the School of Oriental (197476), Tamar Kamionkowski (199094) and
and African Studies, University of London. Ely Levine (199899). A number of students input-
Each of us has received financial aid in support of ted Abuschs transliterations and editions during the
work on the project. In addition to the institutions 1990s, most notably Diane Feinman Baum, Tamar
mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Abusch thanks Kamionkowski, Benjamin Studevent-Hickman and
the American Philosophical Society (1972), the Chris Wyckoff. Abusch read some of the texts pub-
American Council of Learned Societies (1973), the lished in this volume with students at Brandeis, and
National Endowment for the Humanities (197677, Schwemer did the same with colleagues and stu-
198990, 2004), the Fulbright Commission (1994) dents in the London Cuneiforum; this volume has
and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst benefitted from their comments and corrections.
(2003); Schwemer thanks the Jubilumsstiftung der After the volume was completed, Gene McGarry
Julius-Maximilians-Universitt, Wrzburg (2002), subjected it to a light copy editing and Nils Heeel
the Arts and Humanities Research Council (2009) reviewed it from a scholarly point of view. Our
and the British Academy (2007, 2009). editors at Brill, Jennifer Pavelko, Michael Mozina
A number of scholars have been helpful and have and Katelyn Chin, have been very understanding,
generously communicated their knowledge of texts helpful and generous.
to us, sometimes even sharing their copies, trans- We are deeply grateful to all the aforementioned
literations, or photos: Richard I. Caplice, Irving L. individuals.
Finkel, Andrew R. George, the late Oliver R. Gur-
ney, Nils P. Heeel, the late Stephen J. Lieberman, Finally, we express our heartfelt gratitude to our
Wiebke Meinhold, Anais Schuster-Brandis, Marten families who have lived with this project for many
Stol, Christopher Walker, Egbert von Weiher, Ger- years and have given us their love and support
not Wilhelm, and most notably, Rykle Borger, throughout.
Markham J. Geller, Wilfred G. Lambert, Erle Leich-
ty and Stefan M. Maul. Special mention should be June 2010
made of Gernot Wilhelm, who was Schwemers
teacher, Abuschs friend, and our matchmaker, and Tzvi Abusch Daniel Schwemer
Waltham, Massachusetts London

See generally R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur, vol. II, Berlin New York 1975, pp. XIXXXIII;
in addition the following abbreviations are used:
AMD Ancient Magic and Divination.
AMD 1 Mesopotamian Magic. Textual, Historical, and Interpretative Perspectives, AMD
1, ed. T. Abusch K. van der Toorn, Groningen 1999.
AMRP Ancient Magic and Ritual Power, ed. M. Meyer P. Mirecki, Leiden Boston
ARM 26/2 D. Charpin F. Joanns S. Lackenbacher B. Lafont, Archives pistolaires de
Mari I/2, ARM 26, Paris 1988.
AuOr Aula Orientalis, Sabadell.
BaF Baghdader Forschungen.
BSA Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture, Cambridge.
CM Cuneiform Monographs.
CM 6 Mesopotamian Poetic Language: Sumerian and Akkadian, ed. M.E. Vogelzang
H.L.J. Vanstiphout, CM 6, Groningen 1996.
CM 36 Disease in Babylonia, ed. I.L. Finkel M.J. Geller, CM 36, Leiden Boston 2009.
CM 37 Advance in Mesopotamian Medicine from Hammurabi to Hippocrates. Pro-
ceedings of the International Conference Oeil malade et mauvais oeil, Collge
de France, Paris, 23rd June 2006, ed. A. Attia G. Buisson, CM 37, Leiden
Boston 2009.
Ebla 19751985 Ebla 19751985. Dieci anni di studi linguistici e filologici. Atti del convegno
internazionale (Napoli, 911 ottobre 1985), ed. L. Cagni, IUO 27, Napoli 1987.
HANES History of the Ancient Near East: Studies.
HANES 6 Drinking in Ancient Society. History and Culture of Drinks in the Ancient Near
East, ed. L. Milano, HANES 6, Padova 1994.
HTR Harvard Theological Review, Cambridge, MA.
JMC Le Journal des mdecines cuniformes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
JuMau Jurer et maudire: pratiques politiques et usages juridiques du serment dans le
Proche-Orient ancien. Actes de la table ronde organise par Francis Joanns et
Sophie Lafont le Samedi 5 octobre 1996 lUniversit de Paris X - Nanterre,
Mditerranes. Revue de lassociation Mditerranes No 1011, ed. S. Lafont,
Paris Montral 1997.
KAL Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts, ed. S.M. Maul, Wiesbaden.
KAL 2 D. Schwemer, Rituale und Beschwrungen gegen Schadenzauber (KAL 2),
WVDOG 117, Wiesbaden 2007 (KAL 2).
KAL 4 S.M. Maul R. Strau, Ritualbeschreibungen und Gebete I (KAL 4), Wiesbaden
2010 (in press).
KAL forthcoming W. Meinhold, Ritualbeschreibungen und Gebete II (KAL), Wiesbaden, forthcom-
MARI Mari. Annales de recherches interdisciplinaires, Paris.
MC Mesopotamian Civilizations.
NABU Nouvelles assyriologiques brves et utilitaires, Paris.
Natural Phenomena Natural Phenomena. Their Meaning, Depiction and Description in the Ancient Near
East, ed. D.J.W. Meijer, Amsterdam et al. 1992.

PNA The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, ed. K. Radner H. Baker,

Helsinki 1998.
SAA State Archives of Assyria, Helsinki.
SAA 16 M. Luukko and G. van Buylaere, The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon,
SAA 16, Helsinki 2002.
SAM 27 Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine, ed.
H.F.J. Horstmanshoff M. Stol, Studies in Ancient Medicine 27, Leiden Boston
Studies Abusch Gazing on the Deep. Ancient Near Eastern and Other Studies in Honor of Tzvi
Abusch, ed. J. Stackert B.N. Porter D.P. Wright, Bethesda 2010.
Studies Biggs Studies Presented to Robert D. Biggs, June 4, 2004, ed. M.T. Roth et al., AS 27,
Chicago 2007.
Studies Birot Miscellanea Babylonica. Mlanges offerts Maurice Birot, ed. J.-M. Durand
J.-R. Kupper, Paris 1985.
Studies Borger Festschrift fr Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Mai 1994. tikip santakki
mala bamu , ed. S.M. Maul, CM 10, Groningen 1998.
Studies Falkenstein Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, ed. D.O. Edzard, Wiesbaden 1967.
Studies Greenfield Solving Riddles and Untying Knots. Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in
Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield, ed. Z. Zevit S. Gitin M. Sokoloff, Winona Lake
Studies Gterbock Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History. Papers in Memory of
Hans G. Gterbock, ed. K. Aslhan Yener H.A. Hoffner, Jr., Winona Lake 2002.
Studies Houwink ten Cate Studio historiae ardens. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Philo H. J.
Houwink ten Cate on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, ed. Th.P.J. Van den Hout
J. de Roos, Publications de Stamboul (PIHANS) 74, Leiden 1995.
Studies Jacobsen Riches Hidden in Secret Places, Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of
Thorkild Jacobsen, ed. T. Abusch, Winona Lake 2002.
Studies Lambert Wisdom, Gods and Literature: Studies in Assyriology in Honour of W.G. Lambert,
ed. A.R. George and I.L. Finkel, Winona Lake 2000.
Studies Landsberger Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21,
1965, AS 16, Chicago 1965.
Studies Leichty If a Man Builds a Joyful House. Assyriological Studies in Honor of Erle Verdun
Leichty, ed. A. Guinan et al., CM 31, Leiden Boston 2006.
Studies Moran Lingering over Words. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of
William L. Moran, ed. T. Abusch P. Steinkeller J. Huehnergard, HSS 37,
Atlanta 1990.
Studies Parpola Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars. Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in
Honour of Simo Parpola, ed. M. Luukko S. Svrd R. Mattila, Studia Orientalia
106, Helsinki 2009.
Studies Sachs A Scientific Humanist. Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs, ed. E. Leichty M.
deJong Ellis P. Gerardi, Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer
Fund 9, Philadelphia 1988.
Studies Singer Pax hethitica. Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar
Singer, ed. Y. Cohen A. Gilan J. Miller, StBoT 51, Wiesbaden 2010.
Studies Sjberg dumu-e2-dub-ba-a. Studies in Honor of ke W. Sjberg, ed. H. Behrens D.
Loding M.T. Roth, Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund
11, Philadelphia 1989.
Studies Tadmor Ah, Assyria . Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historio-
graphy Presented to Hayim Tadmor, ed. M. Cogan I. Ephal, Jerusalem 1991.
Studies Talmon Shaarei Talmon. Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and the Ancient Near East Pre-
sented to Shemaryahu Talmon, ed. M. Fishbane E. Tov, Winona Lake 1991.
Studies Westenholz A Woman of Valor: Jerusalem Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Joan
Goodnick Westenholz, ed. W. Horowitz U. Gabbay F. Vukosavovi, Biblioteca
del Prximo Oriente Antiguo 8, Madrid 2010.
Studies Wilcke Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamien. Festschrift fr Claus Wilcke, ed. W.
Sallaberger K. Volk A. Zgoll, Wiesbaden 2003.
Studies Wilhelm Festschrift fr Gernot Wilhelm anllich seines 65. Geburtstages am 28. Januar
2010, ed. J. Fincke, Dresden 2010.
TMaql K.L. Tallqvist, Die assyrische Beschwrungsserie Maql nach den Originalen im
British Museum, vols. III, ASSF 20/6, Helsingforsi 1895 (TMaql).
TUAT NF Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testamentes, Neue Folge.
TUAT NF 4 Omina, Orakel, Rituale und Beschwrungen, ed. B. Janowski G. Wilhelm,
Gtersloh 2008.
TUAT NF 5 Texte zur Heilkunde, ed. B. Janowski D. Schwemer, Gtersloh 2010.
U M.J. Geller, Evil Demons. Canonical Utukk Lemntu Incantations, SAA Cunei-
form Texts 5, Helsinki 2007 (Udug-ul).


u! emended, but certain reading (against unidentifiable or irregular sign on tablet)
u!(ma) emended, but certain reading (against identifiable sign on tablet)
u!? emended, but uncertain reading (against unidentifiable or irregular sign on tablet)
u!?(ma) emended, but uncertain reading (against identifiable sign on tablet)
usic! collated reading according to tablet against modern copy (used selectively and only if no revised
copy or collation is provided)
u? uncertain reading of a single sign
x undecipherable damaged sign
: :. cuneiform division marks
[ ] break
[x] indicates space available in break
partially broken sign(s)
{ } sign(s) to be deleted from the text
< > sign(s) to be added to the text
* * sign(s) written over erasure
*{ }* erased signs to be deleted from the text
untranscribed, untranslated sign(s), word(s) or passage(s) of text
(( )) indication of a variant reading in the transcription and translation
indicates a missing word in a given manuscript in relation to a duplicate edited in the same score
/ indicates the end of a line if two or more lines in a given manuscript are edited on one line
indicates the continuation of a line if one line in a given manuscript is spread over more than one
line in the edition
\ indentation
+ joined to
(+) indirectly joined to
// duplicate of
n, n line x+n, line x+y+n etc.
Ass.-Mitt. Assyro-Mittanian
col. column
coll. collated; collation
ctd. continued
e. edge
fem. feminine

frg. fragment; fragmentary

l. left
l., ll. line(s)
LB Late Babylonian
lit. literally
lo. lower
MA Middle Assyrian
masc. masculine
MB Middle Babylonian
ms(s). manuscript(s)
NA Neo-Assyrian
NB Neo-Babylonian
OA Old Assyrian
OAkk. Old Akkadian
OB Old Babylonian
obv. obverse
ph. coll. photo collated
pl. plural
r. right
rev. reverse
s.v. sub voce
sg. singular
u. upper
unpubl. unpublished



1. That man is bewitched * been untroubled. His attempts to place his son in a
Nab-erba, a court-official of fairly high rank favourable position at court had met with hostility,
active during the reign of the Neo-Assyrian king and his own reputation had been tarnished by accu-
Esarhaddon, had suddenly fallen ill. He was tor- sations levelled against him by one of his many
mented by unrelenting headache and neck pain, rivals for the favour of the royal family. Inevitably,
experienced vertigo, suffered from insomnia, lost this recent decline in his fortunes weighed even
his appetite and grew weaker by the day. Soon he heavier on him when his unwonted lack of success
was bedridden, and his limbs started to fail him. was compounded by what appeared to be a severe
Even before his illness Nab-erbas life had not illness.
When Nab-erbas condition continued to deterio-
rate and an extispicy performed on his behalf pro-
The present introduction is intended as a brief account of the duced unfavourable signs, an ipu (exorcist) was
ideas underlying Mesopotamian anti-witchcraft rituals and
called in. His family hoped that this healing expert,
as an overview of the groups and subgenres of texts edited
who was trained to treat severe illnesses by the per-
within the present corpus. We do not include references and
evidence that can easily be obtained from the authors mo-
formance of rituals and the application of drugs in
nographic studies or general overviews of Mesopotamian various forms, would be able to determine the cause
witchcraft and magic. We refer the reader to Abuschs of their patriarchs suffering and recommend a suit-
Babylonian Witchcraft Literature (1987) and Mesopotamian able cure. After examining Nab-erbas symptoms
Witchcraft (2002; a collection of articles published during and being informed of his recent disappointments,
the period 19742002) as well as Schwemers Abwehrzau- the ipu confirmed that the patients condition was
ber und Behexung (2007). For a list of further articles by the serious and was probably caused by some form of
authors that are relevant for this introduction, see the gen- kip (witchcraft) that had been brought about
eral bibliography at the end of this volume. Another impor- either by evil rituals performed against the patient
tant description of Mesopotamian witchcraft beliefs was
or by manipulated substances that the victim had
given by M.-L. Thomsen (Zauberdiagnose und schwarze
unknowingly ingested with food or drink. In short,
Magie in Mesopotamien, 1987). For recent overviews of
Mesopotamian magic and witchcraft, see W. Farbers
Nab-erba probably suffered from a witchcraft-
Witchcraft, Magic, and Divination in Ancient Mesopo- induced disease, and his cure required the perfor-
tamia in the third volume of Civilizations of the Ancient mance of an anti-witchcraft ritual which could, if
Near East (1995), M.-L. Thomsens Witchcraft and Magic necessary, be supplemented by the administration of
in Ancient Mesopotamia in the first volume of Witchcraft a potion or salve containing drugs that had pre-
and Magic in Europe (2001), Abuschs Witchcraft Litera- viously been shown to be effective against this kind
ture in Mesopotamia in The Babylonian World (2007) and of witchcraft-induced suffering. The exorcist deter-
Schwemers introduction to KAL 2 (2007) as well as his mined the next New Moon as an auspicious day for
Mesopotamian Magic: Texts, Practice and Underlying the performance of the ritual. The proceedings
Ideas in The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Cultures
would be carried out at sunrise, when ama, the
(2011), all with further literature.
sun-god and divine judge, rose from the nether-
As evident from their publications, the present authors do
not always concur in their understanding of individual texts
world and crossed the mountains to the east of
and also disagree on some more general points of interpreta- Mesopotamia to start his daily journey across the
tion. The present introduction attempts to cover the common sky.
ground while the reader is referred to the individual publi- During the night prior to the appointed day the ritual
cations for the more contentious issues of interpreting the paraphernalia were set up on the flat roof of Nab-
history and structure of Mesopotamian anti-witchcraft texts
erbas house. To begin with, the exorcist purified
and their underlying ideas.

the area by sweeping the floor and sprinkling it with symptoms persisted even after a potion against
pure water. Then he set up an offering table, a cen- witchcraft had been drunk. The unexpected in-
ser and a crucible; next to the latter he put a small stallation of Nab-erbas son in a promising posi-
bowl with burning sulphur. A whole set of small tion at court was generally interpreted as a sign of
anthropomorphic male and female figurines made the rituals success. When Nab-erba died two
of various materials such as tallow, wax, dough, months later, it was a sad occasion, but his death
clay and bitumen was arranged in pairs alongside was not interpreted as the result of a sorcerous
the crucible. Shortly before sunrise, Nab-erba was attack by ill-wishing fellow-humans this danger
helped to the roof to join the exorcist for the per- had been removed by the performance of the anti-
formance of the ritual. The exorcist placed a portion witchcraft ritual two months earlier.
of emmer bread on the offering table, strewed the Nab-erba, of course, is an invented figure, and his
glowing acacia charcoal in the censer with juniper story, while inspired by surviving anti-witchcraft
incense and libated beer for the rising sun-god. Next rituals such as those edited here as texts 8.3 and 8.4,
he loaded the crucible with fast-kindling poplar was conceived by the authors of the present lines in
twigs and bound the hands and feet of the figurines an attempt to imagine what kind of cases a time-
with string. Then he lit a torch in the sulphur fire traveling anthropologist would encounter if he were
and, reciting the short standard incantation begin- to study ancient Mesopotamian witchcraft beliefs in
ning with the words I raise the torch, he lit the fire a seventh-century BC Neo-Assyrian city like Nine-
in the crucible with the torch. Once the fire in the veh. While studies of contemporary witchcraft be-
crucible was burning, the exorcist put the figurines liefs can rely on first-hand observation and on inter-
into the blaze and, taking Nab-erba by the hand, views with patients, their relatives and healing ex-
he recited three times on his patients behalf an perts, the student of the ideas associated with witch-
extensive prayer addressed to ama. The prayer, craft in ancient Babylonia and Assyria has to base
which had a fixed text and formed a standard part of his conclusions on fragmentarily preserved cunei-
the ritual, praised ama as the divine judge and form texts. Some of these, especially letters and
lord of justice, presented the figurines as repre- legal documents, provide an almost immediate
sentations of the evil warlock and witch, described glimpse of cases of witchcraft suspicions and accu-
the witches evil activities against the patient at sations and of the practice of the ipu and other
some length and, most importantly, asked that the experts who could be consulted when someone had
witchcraft be returned to the evildoers, thereby fallen seriously ill or witchcraft was perceived to be
reversing the unjust verdict imposed on Nab-erba an imminent threat. But the bulk of our sources is
and inflicting his evil fate on those who had caused formed by the corpus of the technical literature of
it by practising witchcraft against him. When the the exorcist, the lore of iptu, an extensive body
figurines had been burnt the wax, tallow and of traditional texts that provides a wealth of infor-
bitumen melted, the clay burst, the dough was mation, but, unfortunately, contains not one actual
charred and the symbolic destruction of the case description. Nevertheless, the rituals and pre-
witches had thus been accomplished, the exorcist scriptions used by the ipu and the recipes for
extinguished the fire, reciting a standard incantation remedies administered by his colleague the physi-
that was typically used at that point in a burning cian (as) form our most important source of infor-
ritual. Then Nab-erba stripped off his clothes and mation on Mesopotamian witchcraft beliefs, and the
donned a clean garment, reciting with the exorcists goal of the Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft
help a short standard incantation that focused on the Rituals is to provide Assyriologists and students of
transfer of his impurity to the sorcerers. This rite magic and witchcraft generally with reliable edi-
marked the end of the ritual. Nab-erba had been tions of these all too often fragmentary sources. It is
purified, and the witchcraft affecting him had been our hope that these editions will further stimulate
returned to its initiator(s) whose figurines the fire the study of the various aspects of Mesopotamian
had destroyed. It was left to the exorcist to dispose magic and serve as a useful basis for future com-
of the burnt remains by throwing them into a river parative research.
or by taking them out of the city to an uninhabited
place in the steppe. 2. The Nature of Witchcraft
To the great relief of the patient and his family, the Akkadian kip witchcraft designates both the
evil witchcraft had been repelled. Subsequent to the evil actions performed by the witch and the result-
performance of the ritual, the patients condition ing evil which takes possession of the patient,
was found much improved, though some of the makes him impure and binds him. The witchcraft
affecting the patient was often conceived of as a sorcerer, pitu sorceress, ip sorceries,
foul substance that could be washed off like dirt or up sorcerous devices, up machinations).
stripped off like a soiled garment. The concept of Besides kip, the two nouns ru and rus serve as
witchcraft as a transferable quality or substance is the main general terms for witchcraft in Akkadian
also implied in the ubiquitous motif of returning the texts; often the three words are found in the formu-
witchcraft to those who performed it; the similar laic sequence kip ru rus up lemntu trans-
theme of the witch sending her witchcraft against lated here as witchcraft, magic, sorcery, evil mach-
the patient sometimes presupposes the same con- inations. The specific semantic connotations of
cept, though this theme is often associated with ru and rus may be inferred from their respective
concrete embodiments of evil omens sent by the etymologies, but these seem to have had little signi-
witch to her victim. ficance for the actual usage of the two words in our
Since E. E. Evans-Pritchards seminal studies of texts. ru is derived from re to beget, insemi-
Central African witchcraft beliefs, anthropologists nate, also to overcome, and refers to the image
commonly distinguish between witchcraft as the of the casting of the evil spell or spittle upon the
activity of someone whose innate character and body of the victim, where it then unfolds its evil
abilities identify him or her as a witch, on the one power just as the male semen grows in the female
hand, and sorcery as a learned technique of per- body; probably also the more general notion of be-
forming harmful rituals and applying magically ing overcome by a superior force is implied. The
manipulated substances, on the other. This distinc- meaning of the verb russ that underlies rus is
tion is not reflected in the Akkadian and Sumerian more difficult to establish. CAD R 425b argues for a
terms belonging to the semantic field of witchcraft meaning to sully, to wet, which would tally
and indeed is largely irrelevant to the Mesopota- nicely with the well-attested image of witchcraft as
mian evidence. In our sources, an innate witchcraft the spittle of the witch (see infra). But there is also
character is clearly implied only in occasional de- evidence for a verb russ to bind (whether or not
scriptions of the witch as a demonic, superhuman connected with russ to wet), and this meaning
being, while in most texts the stereotype of warlock would, of course, fit the context of witchcraft as
and witch represents them as fellow-humans who well.2
have used specific sorcerous techniques or who A number of other terms refer to specific methods
have acquired a professional knowledge of such or techniques of witchcraft. The most important
techniques and have been employed by other people among them are zikurud (ZI.KU5.RU.DA) cutting-
to deploy their skills against the patient. of-the-throat magic, kadabbed (KA.DAB.B.DA)
A great variety of terms can be used in Akkadian to seizing-of-the-mouth magic, dibal (DI.BAL.A)
refer to witchcraft, and some of these terms seem to distortion-of-justice magic and zru (UL.GIG)
have been largely divested of their specific connota- hate-magic. The first three seem to be Sumerian
tions in the preserved textual record. The main term loanwords, but they may well represent artificial
for illegal, evil witchcraft is kip witchcraft,1 a Sumerian renderings of Akkadian phrases within
noun that is usually used in the plural. It is derived the context of rubrics from which the technical
from the corresponding verb kapu, which also terms were then derived. Cutting-of-the-throat
forms the basis of the agent nouns kapu war- magic was regarded as an especially dangerous and
lock and kaptu witch. Many other terms that often deadly kind of witchcraft3 whose performance
refer to witchcraft, its performance and its agents regularly involved the invocation of astral deities
are derived from the verb epu to do, to per- and the sending of evil-portending omens against
form, practise rituals and then also to perform, the victim. Both seizing-of-the-mouth and dis-
practise witchcraft rituals. Since most of these tortion-of-justice made its victim helpless and
terms are, in principle, ambiguous and can refer unable to defend himself before judges and supe-
both to acts of legitimate, healing magic and to evil riors generally, though kadabbed was held respon-
witchcraft, they are mostly rendered with terms sible for actual speech disorders, too (see here text
derived from sorcery in our translations (e.g., piu 12.1, ll. 96101). Hate-magic caused the victim to
become the object of social isolation and hostility,

1 2
For a rare exception to this negative connotation of kip See here the note on text 9.1, l. 20 with further references.
(probably due to a scribal mistake when translating from For this deadly dimension of zikurud, see Abusch, Studies
Sumerian to Akkadian), see Schwemer, NABU 2008/16. Stol, 6366.

just as its antonym rmu (KI.G.G) love-magic ejaculation of male semen, the casting of spittle by
was thought to make its object fall in love with an- the gods grants life and recovery (cf. also Atraass
other person. I 23134); on the other hand, the witchs spittle and
Love-magic (cf. here text 8.14) and a number of spell spread contamination and illness. The latter
other forms of aggressive magic, such as rituals for theme is frequently attested in Sumerian and Akka-
bringing back a runaway slave, for weakening ones dian anti-witchcraft incantations, while the motif of
adversary at court or for attracting customers to a Marduks and Eas healing spittle seems to disap-
tavern, fall into a category of rituals that belong to a pear from the later incantation literature.6
grey area between illegal witchcraft, i.e., black mag- In principle anyone can become the victim of witch-
ic, and the legal art of the exorcist (iptu), i.e., craft, but most Babylonians and Assyrians went
white magic. These types of rituals, some of which about their daily business without the constant fear
can be included in lists of various methods of witch- of being bewitched; witchcraft belief became viru-
craft (a prescription for inflicting kadabbed on lent only in situations of crisis, illness, insecurity
ones adversary has even come down to us), are not and conflict. Pregnant women and infants were
mentioned in the Exorcists Manual and are suspi- regarded as potential victims, but most descriptions
ciously absent from the royal libraries at Nineveh. of sufferings diagnosed as induced by witchcraft
On the other hand, manuscripts of such rituals were give the impression that witchcraft affected first and
found in other libraries, and there can be no doubt foremost men, an observation that agrees well with
that exorcists not only studied them, but put them to the stereotypes of the agents of witchcraft (see
good use when required to do so. infra). The person of the king always deserved
The Sumerian term for witchcraft is u, written syl- special protection; the texts of the Bt rimki ritual in
labically (u) or with the word signs u7 (KALI) and particular show that because of his many adver-
u11 (KA) in the Old Babylonian period; from saries and enemies the king was regarded as a prime
the mid-second millennium the latter becomes the potential victim of witchcraft. One war ritual ac-
predominant writing and the standard logogram for cuses the foreign enemies of having tried to bewitch
kip, ru and rus. The basic meaning of u is the kings weapons and soldiers by wooing the
spittle (then also poison), and when referring to favour of the Mesopotamian gods. Sumerian and
witchcraft u is often further qualified as u7/11-ri-a Akkadian texts are silent about bewitching whole
cast (i.e., expectorated) spittle; occasionally villages, cities or countries; also animals, canals,
witchcraft is referred to as (a6), another word wells, fields or orchards do not seem to be typical
for spittle and phlegm. It is significant that the logo- victims of witchcraft, though purification rituals for
gram KALI not only stands for u7 witchcraft, but stables and agricultural areas are well known.7 This
also for tu6 and mu7, the two basic words for spell overall impression may to some degree be due to
or incantation. The close association of pouring the fact that our main source of information on
spittle and casting a spell emerges most clearly in Mesopotamian witchcraft beliefs is a corpus of texts
two passages, one describing the witchs evil activi- that, in modern terms, forms part of human medi-
ties, the other referring to Eas life-giving spell. cine and focuses primarily on male elites. On the
CT 17, 32 rev. 1617 reads u11-du11-ga u11-a d-a other hand, it seems hardly possible to dismiss the
ba-da-an-e, which is translated as kip a ina ruti concentration of relevant sources in this segment of
nadti bullul witchcraft (Sumerian: spoken Babylonian technical literature as insignificant.
witchcraft) that is mixed into the cast spittle. A
3. The Stereotype of the Witch
first millennium incantation begins with the words
N iddi Ea ipat Ea rutu Ea Incantation: Ea cast The incantations and prayers that were recited
(it), the incantation of Ea, the spittle of Ea.4 Eas during the performance of anti-witchcraft rituals
son Marduk is praised as the lord of incantation, provide colourful and detailed descriptions of those
spittle and spell.5 Just as a spell can be evil or life- who are accused of having practised witchcraft
giving, spittle is regarded as an ambivalent sub-
stance. On the one hand, probably on analogy to the 6
Note that BRM 4, 18 rev. 2021 // frg. Rm 2, 314 rev. 1819
(ed. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 1718, fn. 52) harks back to
a Sumerian incantation of the Marduk-Ea type; for the text
BAM 338 rev. 27 with parallels (cf. also U II 20; for these as a whole and its dependency on an older model, see
and related attestations, see in more detail Schwemer, Abusch, MesWi, 1213.
Abwehrzauber, 1621. See, e.g., ll. 2124 of the Exorcists Manual (ed. Geller,
bl ipti rutu u t, see BAM 338 rev. 3 // K 8104: 10. Studies Lambert, 24254, and Jean, Magie, 7275).
against the patient. These descriptions, of course, attested on his own; his existence is restricted to the
must not be read as accounts of the doings of indi- aforementioned undetermined expressions that refer
vidual persons, but represent the narrative realiza- to the evildoers as the pair kapu u kaptu. In
tion of conventional ideas associated with the agents addition to the female stereotype of the kaptu,
of witchcraft. Thus, one can reconstruct the typical the texts also know a male agent of witchcraft in the
characteristics and activities ascribed to witches by form of the bl dabbi. Just as the kapu serves
Babylonians and Assyrians i.e., the stereotype of only as the male counterpart of the kaptu and
the witch based on the relevant passages of the plays no independent role, the blet dabbi (the
incantations and on the description of the various female counterpart of the bl dabbi, the adversa-
forms of witchcraft in the diagnostic sections of ry, litigant or accuser) is only mentioned
anti-witchcraft rituals and in exclusively diagnostic alongside her male partner in lists that arrange the
texts. potential evildoers afflicting the patient in pairs.
The incantations often refer to the agents of witch- Both stereotypes, the female kaptu and the male
craft as a pair; most commonly the texts call them bl dabbi, can be readily understood against the
kapu u kaptu warlock and witch, other background of Babylonian and Assyrian society.
designations include piu u pitu sorcerer and The professional art of magic and healing (iptu)
sorceress or bl dabbi u blet dabbi male and was restricted to males, but at the same time wo-
female adversary. This uncertainty with regard to men, on a lower and more private social level, were
the gender of the accused perpetrator forms part of a widely involved in the preparation of remedies and
general tendency in the incantations and prayers to food, the care of the sick and the safe delivery of
leave the identity of the evildoers undetermined, a newborns;9 these activities provided a ready back-
characteristic that is most obvious when the texts ground for the formation of gender polarization and
have the patient profess not to know who his witch- the creation of the stereotype of the female witch.
es are, but can also be expressed by lists of alterna- Certain female cultic officials like the nadtu and
tives of the type be it a man or be it a woman, be it the qaditu were involved in various ritual and
a living or a dead person or by the common phrase therapeutic activities, and when these professions,
attmannu kaptu whoever you are, witch. The certainly from the mid-second millennium onward,
motif of the unknown identity of the witches forms lost their earlier prestige, they came to be part of the
an important rhetorical ploy in the plea of the stereotype of the witch. The bl dabbi (equivalent
patient who stresses his complete innocence and designations include bl dni, bl amti and bl
ignorance in the matter. It also prevents the anti- lemutti), on the other hand, represents the stereo-
witchcraft ritual from creating even further social typical opponent and competitor of a male Babylo-
tensions through public witchcraft accusations nian who is actively involved in business, public
against specific persons. This, of course, says little affairs and at court; it is not due to chance that a
about the actual suspicions individual patients may group of anti-witchcraft rituals whose symptomo-
have had about who had performed or instigated the logies focus on social failure and degradation hold a
witchcraft against them, and a few anti-witchcraft bl dabbi responsible for the witchcraft performed
rituals instruct the exorcist to inscribe the figurines against the patient (see here text group 7.6). But, all
representing the witches with their names. Texts in all, the texts in which the bl dabbi is the main
that give instructions in case the name of the evil- opponent and agent of witchcraft form a small
doer is unknown indicate that these inscriptions group within the body of anti-witchcraft texts and
could consist of actual names rather than generic may possibly be a later development. It should be
designations like my witch.8 noted that both stereotypes, that of the female witch
and that of the male adversary, are formulated from
The common reference to the potential witches as a a predominantly male perspective, a fact that agrees
pair and as either male or female must not distract well with the observation that many descriptions of
us from the fact that the Babylonian stereotype of witchcraft-induced illnesses include exclusively
the witch is clearly gendered. The witch is primarily a male symptoms.
female character, and while many incantations
address or describe the kaptu (witch), her male
counterpart, the kapu (warlock) is never 9
Whether the professional term kaptu was originally a
designation for a female healing expert has been a point of
discussion; see especially Abusch, BWiL, 13139, and
For examples, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 200201 with MesWi, 325, 6566, 8487, and differently Schwemer, Ab-
fn. 42. wehrzauber, 13946.

The texts describe the evil activities of the sorcerers rituals form a body of their own within Babylonian
at great length: They bewitch the patient and recite ritual literature, their underlying ideas were natural-
their evil spell against him. They chase, seize and ly not isolated from those associated with other po-
destroy him. They scheme, they are angry, they tential sources of evil in the Mesopotamian world-
slander their victim before gods and men. They bind view, and often these different causes of evil were
and sully the victim and cause him to suffer all linked together.
kinds of ailments; the descriptions of the ailments Neither the evil tongue (eme-ul, linu lemuttu)
can be quite concrete and sometimes resemble the nor the evil eye (igi-ul, nu lemuttu), as such,
symptomologies of anti-witchcraft rituals with features prominently in Akkadian anti-witchcraft
regard to their vocabulary and phrasing. They trans- incantations. The evil tongue and the related ka-ul
fer their sorceries to the victim by means of food, evil mouth are mainly attested in Sumerian incan-
drink, bathwater, ointments and presents; they send tations directed against slander that do not explicitly
messages of witchcraft (often in the form of evil- refer to witchcraft; of course, slander as such is one
portending omens). They fashion figurines and of the activities routinely ascribed to witches, and
identify them with the patient by pronouncing his the witch can occasionally be represented by a clay
name and by using materials that have been in con- model of a tongue rather than by an anthropomor-
tact with him. They gag the figurines, dirty them, phic figurine.10 The evil eye was considered to be a
pierce them, burn and dissolve them in different demonic force in its own right, and a number of
ways. They immure them in a wall; they inter them Akkadian incantations address the evil eye directly
in a grave (symbolizing the death of the victim) or without mentioning witchcraft, even though its de-
under a launderers mat (making sure that all the scription leaves no doubt that it quintessentially
dirty laundry water constantly runs over the figur- represents the hostile, baneful glance of a fellow-
ine); they bury them under a threshold, in a gate, on human.11 In Sumerian anti-witchcraft incantations
a bridge or under a crossroads, places where people the igi-ul plays a prominent role, and later Akka-
constantly trample over them. They make funerary dian incantations also describe the witch roaming
offerings for the patient by pouring out water; they the streets peering out for her victims, the prime
perform evil rituals before the stars or other deities, example being Maql III 116.12
including ama himself.
A fair number of prescriptions give instructions for
Some incantations, not least within the ritual Maql, remedies that are effective not only against witch-
describe the kaptu not as a mere human who has craft, but also against mmtu (nam-rim), the curse
employed evil rituals or substances that have been or ban a person inflicts on himself by breaking a
bewitched against the patient, but as a demonic taboo.13 Rituals against witchcraft and mmtu are
superhuman figure who roams the earth and be- also connected by the fact that they both use burn-
witches humans and gods alike. One incantation ing as a prominent ritual technique: in the case of
describes a group of seven demonic witches who anti-witchcraft rituals, to burn representations of the
descend to the land. They carry water from the sea, witches or their witchcraft; in the case of rituals
but unlike the helpful Daughters of Anu, they do not against ban, to burn substances representing the
use it as a remedy for the patient quite the oppo- patients transgressions and sins. The two extensive
site: they spill the water on the streets and spread rituals against witchcraft and ban, respectively
silence and death everywhere (see here text 7.8, 1.). Maql and urpu, were regarded as a pair by the
Possibly connected to this group of seven heavenly ancient scholars, and uburruda and namerimburru-
witches, who seem to represent a perverted counter-
part of the Daughters of Anu, is the goddess Kani-
surra, the lady of the witches, a young goddess of 10
See here text 7.8, 2., and cf. also UET 6/2, 410, ed. Gurney,
Itars circle who is, by her name, associated with Iraq 22 (1960) 22127.
the netherworld. In the anti-witchcraft rituals known 11
See Thomsen, JNES 51 (1992) 1932, Geller, Studies Wil-
thus far, however, Kanisurra is only mentioned cke, 11534 and idem, ZA 94 (2004) 5258.
within stereotypical formulas that give little infor- In addition to the image of the evil eye, this incantation re-
mation on her actual role and character. fers to the poisonous spittle of the witch (see Abusch, Stu-
dies Parpola).
4. Witchcraft and Other Sources of Evil This includes outright murder and other crimes (e.g., the
performance of witchcraft), but also less tangible offenses
In Babylonian medicine and magic witchcraft is re- like arrogance against gods or fellow-humans and mere
garded as only one of the possible causes of serious contact with an accursed person or substances touched by
illness and calamity. And while anti-witchcraft such a person.
da rituals are likewise mentioned together in the chance that the symptomologies of witchcraft- and
Exorcists Manual (ll. 1214). Furthermore, there ghost-induced illnesses are sometimes very similar
seems to be a certain complementary relationship and that anti-witchcraft rituals can seek the dismiss-
between the symptoms indicating that a person suf- al of a pursuing ghost at the same time as they fight
fered from witchcraft and those indicating that a witchcraft (see here text 8.6).
person suffered from a curse. The symptoms of the
upper part of the body (epigastrium, lungs) indicate 5. Witch Trials and Witchcraft Accusations
witchcraft as the source of the patients ailment and Law collections from all periods of Mesopotamian
those of the lower parts of the body indicate a curse. history, from the late third millennium to the first
The texts themselves do not state any reasons why half of the first millennium, impose a severe punish-
mmitu-curse and witchcraft were associated with ment, usually the death penalty, on those who have
each other, but it seems noteworthy that both con- been found guilty of practising witchcraft against
cepts seek the origin of the evil in humans: witch- other people. In Akkadian the criminal offense is
craft in persons other than the patient, curse in the usually referred to as kip or kapu. Only the
actions of the patient himself. In this sense the two Neo-Babylonian Laws use npeu ritual and
concepts are set apart from the other sources of evil takpertu purification rite (see 7). The latter are
and form, at the same time, complementary oppo- non-judgemental terms, and the rites are regarded as
sites. The fact that witches can curse and contami- criminal here because the act of purification is per-
nate their victim may also have played a role in the formed by a woman who causes the miasma re-
association of the two motifs, and even though m- moved from an object to contaminate and negative-
mtu is foremost a self-inflicted curse, the witch is ly affect someone elses property. Of course, a
occasionally accused of having inflicted this kind of witchcraft accusation was notoriously difficult to
curse on the patient (see BRM 4, 18 obv. 6; cf. Maq- prove, and false witchcraft accusations would be
l VII 140). punished as severely as the crime itself (Laws of
A concept closely related to both witchcraft and ammurpi, 2). This legal principle may have
curse is that of the anger of the gods. Of course, a contributed to the fact that witchcraft suspicions
persons wrongdoings and transgressions were be- seem to have led to public court cases only in ex-
lieved to incite the anger of the gods, but also witch- ceptional cases and were usually dealt with on a
craft-induced suffering was interpreted as a sign of ritual level by the performance of an anti-witchcraft
the anger and absence of ones personal gods. The ritual.
ultimate source of the patients unjustified suffering There are, however, a number of letters from the
is, of course, the sorcery of warlock and witch; Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian and Neo-
among other charges levelled against them, they are Assyrian periods that deal with cases where witch-
accused of having driven off the patients protective craft accusations were publicly made against specif-
deities and of having slandered him before the di- ic people and resulted in legal proceedings. The
vine and human authorities, thereby causing his dis- accusations arise within small social circles, usually
missal and rejection. On another level, within a con- within one (extended) family or village. They are
cept that is based less on analogy with interhuman regularly embedded in preexisting conflicts and
personal relations and more on the Mesopotamian concern persons who have been isolated within their
understanding of destiny and divine will, the witch social group. In all cases so far known, the accused
can ritually change a persons fate (mtu) for the persons are women, a fact that agrees with the pri-
worse and can send evil-portending omens to her marily female characterization of the witch in the
victim; the actual manifestations of these omens, the stereotypes found in the incantations and prayers of
messages of witchcraft, have to be disposed of by the anti-witchcraft rituals.
an anti-witchcraft ritual, just as manifestations of
Also the methods and effects of witchcraft as de-
normal evil-portending omens have to be removed
scribed in the letters are in line with the evidence
through the performance of namburbi rituals.
from the ritual and medical texts. A man in an Old
Finally, witches can not only send out bad omens Babylonian village accuses his daughter-in-law and
against their victim, but can also incite the ghost of her mother of witchcraft because his son has be-
a deceased person to pursue the patient, e.g., by come estranged from him a typical case of what
handing over a figurine representing the patient to a the iptu-texts would refer to as zru hate-
skull representing a ghost (cf., e.g., Maql IV 16 magic (AbB 9, 268 and 269, cf. also AbB 9, 270
19, BRM 4, 18 rev. 16). It is therefore not due to 72). Letters from Old Babylonian Mari attest two

cases of women being accused of having practised suspicions. The apparent absence of large-scale
witchcraft by mixing bewitched herbs or spices witch crazes from Mesopotamian history and
(amm a kip and i kip respectively) into with it the absence of large numbers of legal docu-
their victims food (ARM 26/2, 253 as well as 312 ments referring to witch trials may be explained
and 314). This method of witchcraft is, of course, by a number of factors, two of which should be
well known from the ritual texts. A Neo-Assyrian mentioned here. According to the standards set out
official reports to King Esarhaddon about problems by the Laws of ammurpi, one who made a public
and conflicts in the city of Guzana (SAA 16, 63). witchcraft accusation ran a high risk of severe pun-
The complaints focus on the powerful clan of a cer- ishment. In the absence of direct proof, the accused
tain Tar; the women of that family, the official was required to undergo an ordeal; if he was cleared
claims, are able to bring down the moon from the by the ordeal, the accuser was treated as if he had
sky. This is very likely an allusion to the per- brought a false charge and was executed, thereby
formance of witchcraft before astral deities (includ- suffering the very punishment that would have been
ing the moon), a technique that the diagnostic texts, imposed on someone found guilty of practising
rituals and incantations primarily associate with witchcraft. Another factor that contributed to limit-
cutting-of-the-throat magic (zikurud). ing the public impact of witchcraft suspicions lies in
As in all societies, in Mesopotamia too witchcraft the fact that anti-witchcraft rituals themselves were
belief became virulent only in situations of crisis, never delegitimized and labelled as illegal magic
illness and conflict. But the evidence suggests that, during Mesopotamian history but continued to act
in contrast to early modern Europe, it never took as an important way of coping with the social ag-
hold of whole segments of society, even though the gressions and tensions produced and invigorated by
hothouse atmosphere of the royal courts probably witchcraft belief.
formed an especially fertile matrix for witchcraft


1. Character and Formats of Anti-witchcraft Texts In principle, the Babylonian magical and medical
The corpus of Babylonian magical and medical literature dealing with witchcraft can be divided into
literature14 can in the main be subdivided into three the same three categories (to be sure, illness is the
major categories: Diagnostic texts associate brief major though not the only concern of this corpus).
descriptions of symptoms with a diagnosis that pro- However, only within the category of therapeutic
vides either the name of the given illness or infor- texts did the ancient scribes tend to organize anti-
mation on the cause of the illness (etiology); diag- witchcraft rituals and prescriptions together as a
nostic texts usually also offer prognoses on the type in its own right. Nevertheless, anti-witchcraft
further prospects of the patient and the treatability therapeutic texts always continue to form part of
of his illness. Therapeutic texts detail instructions general compendia (such as the Therapeutic Hand-
for the cure of specific illnesses or crises; they give book, see here text 7.5) or of collections arranged
directions either for the execution of a ritual or for according to an overriding theme, such as pregnan-
the preparation and application of a medicine. cy and birth or impotency. In the case of the diagnos-
Pharmaceutical texts list individual plants, parts of tic and pharmaceutical texts, witchcraft-themed
plants, minerals and stones, supplying information entries, as a rule, form part of more general com-
on their appearance, therapeutic effects and appli- pendia, though this does not exclude the occasional
cation. formation of specific sections devoted to witchcraft
in particular. An evident example of such a section
is contained in the older Diagnostic Handbook; in
The phrase magical and medical is used as a convenient this handbook a considerable number of entries
way to refer to the whole body of Babylonian therapeutic concerned with witchcraft-induced illnesses are
and diagnostic texts; we do not wish to imply that the inter-
brought together in a single chapter (tablet 33?, see
nal structure of the Babylonian texts reflects a dichotomy
here text 12.1).
(or, for that matter, antagonism) between what would be
called in contemporary everyday speech (irrational, super- Diagnostic, therapeutic and pharmaceutical texts are
stitious, supernatural) magic and (rational, empirical, interconnected in various ways. Rituals and pre-
scientific) medicine.
scriptions can include a symptom description, diag- spects of success.16 It seems that in principle both
nosis and prognosis, and in some cases these sec- types of cures were regarded as self-sufficient and
tions can be shown to correspond directly with could be used on their own.17 But in many cases,
identical entries in diagnostic texts and can even both methods would have been employed, especial-
include the negative prognoses given by the corre- ly when the first therapeutic approach failed. The
sponding diagnostic text (see here texts 10.1 and strict association of the two strategies with the pro-
10.3). The dividing line between pharmaceutical fessions of the exorcist (ipu) and the physician
and therapeutic texts is not always easy to draw, and (as), respectively, reflects the ideal organization of
it has been argued that extensive enumerations of up the technical literature of Babylonian therapeutics,
to 51 plants effective against witchcraft should be but must not be given too much weight with regard
interpreted as pharmaceutical lists from which the to the actual practise and competence of individual
expert could pick individual drugs for application; Mesopotamian experts and practitioners.
but note that these lists form part of collections of The therapeutic texts exhibit a number of variable
prescriptions for the preparation mainly of potions formats and layouts that share a certain number of
containing a mixture of various botanical and common elements. While Sumerian anti-witchcraft
mineral ingredients (see here text group 7.10, cf. incantations generally follow the formats identified
also text 7.2).15 and described by Falkenstein in his Haupttypen der
The therapeutic texts concerned with witchcraft sumerischen Beschwrung and consist only of one
split into two major groups: (a) instructions for the continuous incantation text into which the ritual
performance of ceremonial rituals, typically com- instructions are integrated, the Akkadian rituals and
prising offerings, the recitation of prayers and in- prescriptions are subdivided into several parts. One
cantations, the manipulation of representations of frequent format found with both ceremonial rituals
the witches and various purification rites; and and prescriptions uses rubrics, usually a single-
(b) instructions for the preparation of drugs (pre- line purpose clause introduced by KA.INIM.MA
scriptions), detailing the effective ingredients, the wording; the most basic rubric in anti-witchcraft
carrier substances (mostly without an indication of texts is KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is the
quantities and ratios), the basic steps of the produc- wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft,
tion process and brief advice on the application of but more extensive rubrics, sometimes in Akkadian,
the medication. Usually the texts of these two can be found. The rubric, set off by rulings, stands
groups are transmitted separately, but collections of after the text of the incantation or prayer and is
prescriptions against witchcraft sometimes contain followed by the instructions, which are introduced
instructions for the performance of simple rituals by the formulaic D.D.BI or KD.KD.BI the per-
(see here, e.g., texts 1.1 or 7.10.1); instructions for tinent actions or, more simply, its ritual. Within
ceremonial rituals are sometimes followed by pre- this format, the legomena are presented at the very
scriptions for medications that served the same beginning of the text; the point at which the lego-
therapeutic purpose as the ritual and could be used mena are to be recited within the proceedings is
if the ritual failed to thoroughly cure the patients indicated by the ritual instructions, which refer to
condition (e.g., LKA 144 and duplicates, ed. by Far- them as this incantation. Rubrics introduced by
ber, BID, as Hauptritual B), and some tablets contain KA.INIM.MA and followed by instructions introduced
indiscriminate collections of anti-witchcraft rituals by D.D.BI or KD.KD.BI can also be integrated
and prescriptions (e.g. KAL 2, 36+). Based on the into more complex formats that include several
rituals and prescriptions concerned with witchcraft, additional elements.
the mutual relationship between these two basic The fullest opening of a ritual or prescription text
therapeutic strategies is best described as comple- begins with a symptom description introduced by
mentary. The specific symptoms and individual umma amlu if a man . The description of the
diagnosis indicated which strategy had the best pro-

Cf. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 18592.
15 17
See Abusch, MesWi, 8586, and Studies Leichty; he argues But note that it has been argued with regard to other bodies
that these lists originate in inventory lists of therapeutic of magical and medical texts that the successful application
plants. Schwemer interprets even the long lists as enumera- of drugs was thought to require the prior performance of a
tions of the individual components of one single medication ritual that removed the basic cause of the illness, while the
(see Abwehrzauber, 194; cf. now also Worthington, CM 37, drugs provided the remedy for the symptoms (see Maul,
74). SAM 27, 7995, and Scurlock, MMTGI, 7883).

symptoms is concluded by a diagnosis which can easy formal instrument for dividing the corpus of
just state amlu kaip that man is bewitched or anti-witchcraft texts into neat subgroups that are
can be more extensive; often the methods by which formally and thematically coherent. Nevertheless,
the bewitchment had been brought about are de- some manuscripts show a tendency to pull together
scribed in more detail. The diagnosis may then be texts of a specific format, and it makes sense to treat
connected to the following instructions be they such formally coherent groups together (see here
for the performance of a ritual or for the preparation text groups 1 and 2 for texts introduced by the ana
of a medicine by a bridging phrase, as a rule an pierti kip and the umma amlu kaip formula,
infinitive construction. Its simplest form is ana bul- respectively). Other texts, such as the rituals against
luu to cure him: , but extended variants oc- the adversary (bl dabbi), are clearly related the-
cur, especially in the introduction of rituals against matically and also show significant similarities in
the adversary (see here texts 7.6.6, 7.6.7 and 8.13). their format and phrasing. Generally, however, anti-
Depending on the overall layout, this bridging witchcraft texts do not exhibit a systematic agree-
phrase may be followed by the recitanda, rubric and ment between format and contents.
instructions. Alternatively, it may be followed di-
rectly by the instructions; in that case, the full text 2. Scope and Organization of the Present Corpus
of an incantation that is to be recited as part of the The goal of the Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-
proceedings can be imbedded into the ritual instruc- witchcraft Rituals (CMAwR) is to provide up-do-
tions (longer recitations are usually set off by rul- date editions of Babylonian magical and medical
ings). Or, the incantation can be referred to only by texts that are primarily concerned with witchcraft
its incipit, and the actual text placed after the in- and witchcraft-induced illnesses. Because of its
structions, especially if it is not a standard incanta- length, complexity and unique importance, the ritual
tion that an exorcist would know by heart. Maql has been excluded from CMAwR. A new
As noted above, a text may begin with a conditional edition of this ritual is being prepared by Abusch
clause detailing the patients symptoms followed by and will be published separately.18 This edition of
a diagnosis of witchcraft. Texts can also be intro- Maql will also include the non-canonical frag-
duced by a diagnosis phrased as a conditional clause ments that are closely related to Maql.19
(umma amlu kaip if a man is bewitched) which Since the ancient scholars did not organize a com-
may be extended by a short description of the symp- prehensive corpus of all anti-witchcraft rituals and
toms (umma amlu kaip-ma , see text 2.5) or by prescriptions, our arrangement and presentation of
a more detailed description of the witchcraft em- the texts cannot simply follow the ancient sources.
ployed against the patient (umma amlu zikurud Nevertheless, the modern editions should reflect the
epussu-ma , see text 10.3). Alternatively, texts different textual contexts in which the individual
may begin with just a purpose clause, such as ana units i.e., separate and independent prescriptions
pierti kip for undoing the witchcraft or a and rituals were transmitted in antiquity. It was
more extensive infinitive phrase; the latter is typical therefore decided not to organize CMAwR accord-
for rituals or prescriptions with prophylactic inten- ing to single units. Rather, we present the discrete
tion (ana ana amli l e so that will not units, as far as possible, within their original con-
come near a man). texts; moreover, we provide the different contexts in
Many texts conclude with a positive prognosis for the form of separate texts. When, however, the
the patient on whose behalf the ritual or remedy had manuscript contains much material that is of a non-
been employed. Prescriptions often conclude with a witchcraft nature, as is often the case especially
simple iballu or in he will recover; rituals often
make statements like kip par the witchcraft 18
will be undone. The most recent edition of Maql is that of G. Meier (Die
assyrische Beschwrungssammlung Maql, 1937) which is
It is worth pointing out that for all the differences supplemented by posthumously published notes that Meier
with regard to their actual content and to their wrote in preparation of a revised edition (AfO 21 [1966] 70
length, the general structure and format of texts with 81). A new German translation of Maql based on all manu-
instructions for ceremonial rituals and texts with in- scripts known at the time has recently been published by the
structions for the preparation of remedies are re- present authors (TUAT NF, vol. 4, 2008, 12886).
markably similar. The concrete arrangement and Some of them have been recently edited elsewhere (for texts
realization of the typical elements described above from Aur, see KAL, vols. 2 and 4 [with new editions of
KAR 226 and 269]; for a fragment from Nimrud, see Schwe-
differ from text to text and thus cannot be used as an
mer, Abwehrzauber, 4453).
with collections of prescriptions, the non-witchcraft Group 7: Uburruda Texts
parts of the edited texts are presented in the form of Group 8: Ceremonial Rituals for Undoing Witch-
summaries.20 craft
As for the overall organization of the texts, it was
decided to roughly subdivide the extant sources into The royal purification ritual Bt rimki contains a
more or less coherent groups according to their spe- number of ritual sections that are directed against
cific content and format. witches and adversaries threatening the king, among
Groups 13 mainly comprise prescriptions with them a cycle of incantations also found in Maql.
instructions for the preparation of remedies against While CMAwR is not the place for an edition of Bt
witchcraft; the subgrouping of the texts reflects the rimki as such, the sections primarily concerned with
various introductory formulas that are used in these witchcraft will be included, especially since some of
texts: them were also transmitted outside the context of
the Bt rimki ritual:
Group 1: Prescriptions for Undoing Witchcraft
(ana pierti kip) Group 9: Anti-witchcraft Incantations within Bt
rimki and Related Texts
Group 2: Prescriptions to be Used for Bewitched
Persons (umma amlu kaip) A number of rituals and prescriptions address par-
Group 3: Prescriptions for Symptoms Indicating ticular forms of witchcraft, most notably cutting-
Witchcraft of-the-throat magic (zikurud), hate-magic (zru)
and seizing-of-the-mouth magic (kadabbed).
A number of anti-witchcraft therapies form part of They were assigned a group of their own, as were
larger groups of texts that are devoted to specific rituals against ominous signs announcing the immi-
kinds of patients, specific illnesses or particular nent threat of witchcraft:
forms of remedies; these groups include but are not Group 10: Rituals against zikurud and Other Spe-
limited to witchcraft-induced illnesses: cial Types of Witchcraft
Group 4: Cures for the Witchcraft-induced Loss Group 11: Rituals in Case of Evil Omens Indicating
of Potency Witchcraft
Group 5: Protecting Pregnant Women and Infants
against Witchcraft The texts belonging to groups 111 all belong to the
Group 6: Instructions for the Fabrication of Amu- corpus of therapeutic texts. A final separate section
let Necklaces against Witchcraft is reserved for the diagnostic texts concerned with
witchcraft-induced illnesses:
As briefly described above, the rubric KA.INIM.MA Group 12: Diagnostic Texts
U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM can in principle be used to
classify any anti-witchcraft incantation or, more The decision to follow the lead of the ancient sour-
precisely, any incantation used within a ritual or ces in the arrangement of the individual units inevi-
prescription against witchcraft. At the same time, tably results in some inconsistencies in the assign-
the uburruda label became the name of the most ment of certain rituals and prescriptions to specific
comprehensive series of anti-witchcraft rituals and groups. While the definition of the twelve groups
prescriptions. It was therefore decided to group outlined above is guided by the arrangements, con-
texts with this label together, even though we are far ventions and lines of transmission found in the sour-
from being able to reconstruct the uburruda series, ces themselves, the corpus of anti-witchcraft texts
and, in any case, many of the uburruda texts in- as a whole as well as the individual manuscripts are
cluded in this group may never have been integrated by no means as strictly organized as a modern editor
into the extensive series of that name. A similarly might wish. Further, more serious problems, in par-
heterogeneous group was established for all cere- ticular with regard to the texts assigned to the sev-
monial rituals that are transmitted outside a larger enth group, arise from our still very limited under-
series context: standing of the overall character, structure and ex-
tent of the uburruda series.

A more detailed characterization of each of the
For more technical details on the structure and arrangement aforementioned groups is called for, and since the
of the editions, see part 5 of this introduction and the list of
present volume presents only a selection of texts, a
abbreviations and symbols.

more detailed overview of all the sources available units were established, but there is no evidence for
at present is also in order. We arrange this overview the formation of an actual series with this title. With
according to the group headings under which the the exception of MS 3277 all texts of this type known
texts are edited in this volume and will be edited in to us are edited in the present volume.
a future volume.21 Group 3 Prescriptions for Symptoms Indicating
Group 1 Prescriptions for Undoing Witchcraft Witchcraft: The vast majority of prescriptions for
(ana pierti kip): The formula ana pierti kip the preparation of remedies against witchcraft are
for undoing witchcraft can be used as an introduc- introduced by a brief description of the patients
tory formula of prescriptions and, occasionally, of symptoms followed by a simple diagnosis, often
simple anti-witchcraft rituals. Prescriptions of this just amlu kaip that man is bewitched. Texts
type were sometimes transmitted together with of this type are frequently found within collections
prescriptions that follow a different format. Some of medical prescriptions that have various purposes
collections, however, consist mostly of ana pierti or alongside anti-witchcraft therapies with a differ-
kip units (especially from 13th cent. Boazky ent format; examples of the latter can be found
[text 1.1], but apparently also from 7th cent. Aur especially in the texts edited within groups 1, 2 and
[text 1.5, ms. D]). Nevertheless, a proper series of 7.10 of the present volume. The following texts
this name was never established, and it seems that have been assigned to group 3 and are scheduled for
the format became less common in the first millen- edition within a future volume of CMAwR:
nium. The introductory formula itself corresponds KUB 4, 27 (fragmentary prescriptions).
to Sumerian u11-br-ru-da, but only in a very few KUB 37, 3 (fragmentary prescriptions, possibly a partial dup-
cases does U11.BR.RU.DA serve as a logographic licate of KUB 4, 27).
writing for ana pierti kip. Except for BM 47695 KUB 37, 4 (fragmentary prescriptions); note that KUB 37, 3
+ 47781, a Late Babylonian collection of ana pierti and 37, 4 may originally belong to the same tablet as KUB
kip prescriptions,22 all texts of this type known to 37, 2 and 59 (see Kcher, KUB 37, p. II; for KUB 37, 9, see
us are edited in the present volume. here text 2.2).
BM 64174 (ed. Geller, AfO 35 [1988] 2122) with relevant
Group 2 Prescriptions to be Used for Bewitched duplicates (passages in STT 95 + 295, BAM 326 and BAM
Persons (umma amlu kaip): Another common 446) and parallels (passages in BAM 315 // Bu 91-5-9, 214,
formula used to introduce prescriptions for the pre- BAM 316, SpTU 2, 22 + 3, 85); see the editions and discus-
paration of remedies against witchcraft is umma sion by Abusch, MesWi, 3845.
amlu kaip if a man is bewitched; in a group of LKA 102 with its duplicate BAM 369.
first millennium texts this formula is extended by a KAL 2, 39 (= VAT 13606 + BAM 198).
short symptom description (see here text 2.5). The AMT 31/432/1; for a partial parallel, cf. here text 7.8, 5.
format itself goes back at least to the Old Babylo- The fragments AMT 50/3, AMT 55/2 and AMT 87/3.
BM 42328 + 43127 + 43310 with its duplicates BM 42250
nian period where entries introduced by umma
and BM 43123 + 43219 (ed. Finkel, Studies Lambert, 2036).
awlum kaip can be found in collections of various SpTU 2, 22 + 3, 85 with its partial duplicate AMT 92/1.
medical prescriptions (see here text 2.1).23 Later,
collections consisting mainly of umma amlu kaip Group 4 Cures for the Witchcraft-induced Loss
of Potency: The loss of potency is one of the typical
symptoms of bewitchment in male patients. It is
All texts listed here have been prepared in one form or an-
therefore not a surprise that a number of the thera-
other. We would greatly appreciate public or private com- peutic rituals and prescriptions against impotency
munications regarding anti-witchcraft texts not found in our state explicitly that witchcraft was the cause of the
listing. Some texts will surely be unknown to us; others will patients suffering. Though the same etiology may
have been omitted either by accident or as the result of a be implicated also in other texts of this genre, only
decision perhaps erroneous not to include the text in those texts that state explicitly that the patients im-
CMAwR. In either case, we welcome additional information. potence is witchcraft-induced will be included in
This tablet was brought to our attention by M.J. Geller; un- CMAwR. Aside from a small group of texts that are
fortunately, its identification came too late for an inclusion edited here within the umma amlu kaip section
in the present volume. For provisional comments on individ-
(text 2.5), the following relevant texts have become
ual passages, see pp. 3536, 54, 63 and 128.
23 known so far:
Another, still unpublished example of an Old Babylonian
medical text with umma awlum kaip entries is kept in the Biggs, TCS 2, no. 4 (AMT 88/3 with its duplicates LKA 96
Schyen Collection, Oslo (MS 3277); we would like to and 100).
thank A.R. George for providing us with his provisional
copy of the tablet.
Biggs, TCS 2, no. 1112 (KAR 236 with its partial duplicates Group 7 Uburruda Texts: As pointed out above,
KAR 243, LKA 99b, 99d, STT 280 and K 11076; for other the Sumerian and Akkadian incantations provided
sections of STT 280, see here text 2.5). in antiquity with the label uburruda do not form a
SpTU 1, 10. homogeneous group of texts, even though at least in
Group 5 Protecting Pregnant Women and Infants the first millennium this label became the epony-
against Witchcraft: A few of the rituals and pre- mous title for an extensive series known from tab-
scriptions for amulets for the protection of pregnant lets written for Ashurbanipals library (highest tab-
and delivering women specifically address witch- let number: 63). Apparently, an uburruda series,
craft. Most common are prescriptions for the pre- but in a different form from that of Nineveh, is also
paration of strings with stone beads that are attached known from tablets of the N 4 Library at Aur.
to the womans hands, arms, legs and thighs (cf. Very few tablets can be assigned to the extensive
text group 6). The following texts can be assigned uburruda series with any certainty (see here texts
to this group: 7.24; for Aur, see KAL 2, 14, here text 7.6.2),
Farber, MC 2, 11014: 39, 39A, 40 with the partial dupli- and the integration of typical uburruda rituals into
cate SpTU 3, 84 rev. 5661 (note the use of a typical in- the relevant parts of the large Therapeutic Series
cantation for calming a baby in the preparation of an anti- (see here text 7.5) cautions us against assigning spe-
witchcraft bracelet for a pregnant woman). cific fragments to this series without explicit evi-
Farber, MC 2, 184 15, ll. 21922 (protection of an infant dence. The tablets which can be assigned to the
against witchcraft). Nineveh uburruda series exhibit a uniform single-
TCL 6, 49 obv. 825, ed. Thureau-Dangin, RA 18 (1921) 64 column format and a comparatively large script;
71 (amulet strings for pregnant women; for the incantation It- each tablet of this type usually comprised no more
tardni ana mti, see here text 7.8, 1.; cf. also ibid., Summary
than one or two units, and therefore a differently
KAL 2, 41 (amulet strings for pregnant women).
formatted version of the series could have consisted
LKA 9 rev. I 26 (phylacteries for pregnant women). of far fewer tablets than the 63+ tablets attested for
K 3025 + 5982 + 8917 // K 879 + 2769 + 10527, ed. Borger, the single-column version.24 It has been argued that
OrNS 54 (1985) 1418, cf. now also Polonsky, Studies Leich- the Nineveh uburruda series was actually compiled
ty, 297300 (bilingual incantation addressed to ama for the at Nineveh for the kings Esarhaddon and Aurbani-
protection of a woman giving birth). pal,25 but this remains uncertain and a Babylonian
SpTU 5, 248 (rituals for women encountering difficulties in origin of the series cannot be excluded.
childbirth; only the first ritual [obv 1rev. 11] is certainly
directed against witchcraft, cf. KAR 247).
Among the uburruda texts outside the ritual Maql
BAM 237 rev. IV 2940 (prescription to cure watery dis- rubrics in some manuscripts of Maql indicate
charge from the vagina that is caused by sorcerous herbs; not that in principle the incantations of this ritual were
specifically for pregnant women). regarded as uburruda incantations we can dis-
tinguish a number of typical groups: Sumerian in-
Group 6 Instructions for the Fabrication of Amu-
cantations of various types (cf. here text 7.1), incan-
let Necklaces against Witchcraft: A number of
tations to be recited over substances used as, or in
mostly large tablets record the stone beads to be
the preparation of, remedies against witchcraft (see
used for necklaces (occasionally also bracelets and
here text group 7.8), short rituals using figurine
anklets) that served as amulets against various
magic usually performed before ama (see, e.g.,
threats, witchcraft being only one of them. Typical
texts 7.6.2 and 7.6.3) and, finally, prescriptions for
manuscripts of this type include CTMMA 2, 32,
the preparation of potions and salves whose ingre-
SpTU 2, 22 + 3, 85, STT 271, 273 + 202 and 275 as
dients are designated as drugs for uburruda,
well as BAM 370 and 37376. Of special interest
some of them containing extensive lists of drugs
are texts that contain full symptomologies, as they
effective against witchcraft (see here text group
can be shown to be related to other, more fully
7.10). Apart from the texts edited within the present
worded therapeutic texts and to diagnostic entries of
volume the following texts of this group are known
the older Diagnostic Handbook (see here the notes
to us at present:
on the relationship of text 12.1: 4849, 5256 and
5758 to corresponding entries in BAM 361 and
other therapeutic texts). A comprehensive edition of
this text group was recently published by A. Schus- 24
Note that small tablets containing only one or two uburruda
ter-Brandis; for a convenient overview of the neck- units are also known from first-millennium Babylonia; see,
laces used against witchcraft, see Schuster-Brandis, e.g., SpTU 4, 140 (text 7.8, ms. k), BM 38635 (text 7.8, ms.
Steine, 9498. t) as well as SpTU 1, 19.
See Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 5661.

K 1289 obv. 1rev. 7 with its duplicates AMT 92/1, K 15177 section 4 of this introduction). Many of these rituals
+ Rm 491, Rm 2, 314, K 2351 + 3293 (BAM 460) + 5859 + are introduced by a symptom description and witch-
8184 + 10639 and K 10221 (bilingual uburruda incantation craft diagnosis (see here texts 8.14, 8.67, 8.10,
to be recited over drugs effective against witchcraft; for a full 8.13), but this is not obligatory. Apart from the
edition of K 2351+, see here text 10.4).
standard rituals which accomplish the destruction of
K 1289 rev. 817 with its duplicates (uburruda and namerim-
burruda incantation Anku nubattu at Marduk, ed. Stol,
the sorcerers or the adversary by burning or burial
Natural Phenomena, 25155; see here text 7.10.1, Summary and the transfer of the patients impurity back onto
5. ad BM 42272 obv. 917). the evildoers by means of washing rites, this text
BRM 4, 18 with its duplicates AMT 92/1, K 15177 + Rm 491, group also includes a few more unusual rituals, such
Rm 2, 314 (uburruda incantation; the pertinent ritual instruc- as a war ritual that accuses the enemy of having per-
tions are not preserved). formed witchcraft against the kings weapons, a
K 885 + 4538 with its duplicates LKU 27 and BM 45482 (u- piece of counter love-magic that addresses Itar
burruda and namerimburruda incantation to be recited in the with the goal of bringing back an estranged husband
preparation of a potion against witchcraft). to his wife (here text 8.14) and a ritual for protect-
K 2785 + 7237 + 9026 (uburruda ritual to be performed be- ing the srtu-plate? of the diviner against witchcraft.
fore ulpae, i.e., Jupiter).
Here, then, is a list of the relevant texts not included
BM 35672 (uburruda incantation addressed to the anull-
in group 8 of the present volume:
BM 40568 (bilingual uburruda incantation, ed. Geller, AfO KUB 30, 1 (+) 37, 109 with its duplicates PBS 1/2, 122, Ry-
4243 [199596] 24548, Schwemer, OrNS 78 [2009] 58 lands Box 24 P 28 and CBS 11933, ed. Geller, Studies Sj-
66). berg, 193205 (Sumerian and bilingual anti-witchcraft incan-
BM 47451 (bilingual uburruda incantation, ed. Schwemer, tation preserved in Old and Middle Babylonian manuscripts;
OrNS 78 [2009] 4658). cf. also KBo 36, 13).
BM 47806 + 48445 + 48997 + 49040 (uburruda ritual for Meturan A with its duplicates Meturan B, CT 58, 79, CT 44,
banning warlock and witch to the netherworld, ed. Schwemer, 34 and UET 6/2, 149, ed. Cavigneaux Al-Rawi, ZA 85
Iraq 72 [2010] 6378). (1995) 1946 (Sumerian anti-witchcraft incantation preserved
KAL 2, 9 (fragmentary uburruda ritual involving figurines of in Old Babylonian manuscripts).
warlock and witch). Th 1905-4-9, 93, copy Meek, AJSL 35 (191819) 14142 (bi-
KAL 2, 3 (fragmentary uburruda ritual for burning figurines lingual anti-witchcraft incantation, late copy of an Old Baby-
of warlock and witch). lonian text).
KAL 2, 12 (collection of uburruda rituals to be performed be- MDP 57, 2 (bilingual incantation[s] addressed to Girra and
fore ama). ama; the texts main concern may not be witchcraft).
LKA 151 with its duplicate LKA 152 (uburruda and namerim- CT 44, 25 (Sumerian incantation, perhaps against witchcraft,
burruda incantation to be recited over a substitute bird). cf. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 2627, and Veldhuis, CM 22,
SpTU 2, 25 with its partial duplicate K 9046 (uburruda and 29091).
namerimburruda incantation to be recited in the preparation of UET 6/2, 193 (fragmentary Old Babylonian incantation con-
a potion; the catchline shows that the text forms part of a col- cerned with witchcraft, ed. Cavigneaux Donbaz, OrNS 76
lection). [2007] 33135).
SpTU 5, 241 (uburruda ritual for burying a figurine of the YOS 11, 15 obv. 1rev. 20 // 29 rev. 2426 (Old Babylonian
witch in a river). anti-witchcraft ritual for the protection of a house).
Less well preserved fragments with uburruda rubrics include KAR 26 = KAL 2, 21 with duplicates, ed. Mayer, OrNS 68
the following: KAL 2, 10; K 6840 (TMaql 2, 97), K 13236, (1999) 14563 (ritual addressed to Marduk; for the prepara-
K 17905, K 19529; Sm 76; BM 42317 (uburruda and nam- tion of an apotropaic urdimmu-figurine against witchcraft).
erimburruda), BM 53806; Si 17, Si 96; SpTU 1, 13, 15 and BMS 12+ with duplicates, ed. Mayer, OrNS 62 (1993) 31337
19. (ritual addressed to Marduk; for the preparation of an apotro-
paic salve and necklace).
Group 8 Ceremonial Rituals for Undoing Witch- Si 34 (+)? 745 + 818 // 722 + 725 (ritual addressed to Sn and
craft: This category is at least as heterogeneous as ama involving the preparation of a pouch and a potion
the preceding text group; it comprises all ceremo- against witchcraft).
nial rituals against witchcraft that have not been KAR 227 with its duplicates LKA 89 + 90, K 9860 + 13272 +
edited within one of the other more specific groups. 13796, K 6793 + Sm 41 + 617 + 717 + 1371 + 1877, Si 747
Ceremonial anti-witchcraft rituals (as opposed to and BM 98638 (ritual addressed to ama, Gilgame, the
prescriptions for the preparation of remedies against Anunnakki and ghosts; for banning warlock and witch to the
witchcraft) typically include offerings, prayers or netherworld).
incantations addressed to one or several deities; in BM 54650 and its duplicates, ed. Farber, BID, Hauptritual B
addition, they often include the manipulation of to which add KAL 2, 36 + VAT 13628 (ritual addressed to
Itar and Dumuzi; for banning warlock and witch to the
substitute figurines representing the sorcerers and,
occasionally, the patient (see in more detail infra,
KAR 92 rev. 433 and its duplicates (ritual addressed to Itar, Bt rimki ritual are directed against witchcraft that
uses the same Itar-prayer as the preceding entry; against threatened the king; this is explicitly stated in the
witchcraft-induced depression, cf. here text 7.7). rites of the first, second, fourth and sixth houses of
UET 6/2, 410, ed. Gurney, Iraq 22 (1960) 22127, with its the ama-cycle.26 The Akkadian prayers recited
duplicates CTN 4, 121 and BM 36310 + 36468 (collection of
within these sections focus on witchcraft and the
anti-witchcraft rituals against enemies and slander; one ritual
is transmitted with an alternative ritual instruction drawn from
pertinent rituals use substitute figurines of warlock
a second tablet [UET 6/2, 410 obv. 21], another ritual uses and witch (for the second house, see here text 9.1;
the incantation a puanni utpianni [ibid. rev. 26, cf. for the ama-prayer of the fourth house, see text
Maql III 11624]). 8.5: 7799; the fragments K 2380 [RT, pl. 3] //
83-1-18, 427 (BBR 2, 80) + Ki 1904-10-9, 118 with its partial Rm 447 represent the Akkadian prayer of the first
duplicate BBR 2, 16 (ritual for protecting the srtu of the di- house; K 3214 perhaps preserves the beginning of
viner against witchcraft; the ritual uses an incantation related the Akkadian prayer of the sixth house). Apart from
to a puanni utpianni in Maql III 11624). the anti-witchcraft rites in the individual houses, Bt
Ki 1904-10-9, 18, ed. Schwemer, Iraq 69 (2007) 2942 (war rimki includes the recitation of a cycle of incanta-
ritual accusing the enemies of witchcraft). tions also known from Maql. The same cycle is
BBR 2, 52, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, 54345 (fragmentary ritual
used in a few anti-witchcraft rituals whose proceed-
for banning warlock and witch to the netherworld).
BMS 20 (+) 49 with its duplicates, ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 (1990)
ings are very similar to the relevant sections of Bt
46669 (Kaksisa 1). rimki; the two texts of this type are edited here as
BMS 51 with its duplicates, ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 (1990) 474 texts 9.2 and 9.3. The series of uila prayers recited
76 (Sipazianna 2). within Bt rimki also includes several that are di-
BMS 7 rev. with its duplicates BMS 57 and AOAT 34, 25, ed. rected against witchcraft; they too will be edited
Ebeling, AGH, 5861 (Iara 1, fragmentary prayer to Scor- within CMAwR:
pius, the astral manifestation of Iara; see Mayer, UFBG, KAR 59 obv. 29rev. 24 and its duplicates, ed. Mayer, UFBG,
388, and Seux, HPDBA, 34345). Note that the fragmentary 44249 (Ea 1a; for its recitation within Bt rimki, see BRR 2,
Akkadian prayer with Hittite rubric and ritual instructions 26 obv. III 45).
preserved in KBo 21, 20 rev. 118 may represent an early KAR 25 obv. II 2734 and its duplicates, ed. Ebeling, AGH,
version of Iara 1 (see Schwemer, Gauging the Influence of 1419 (Nab 2; see Mayer, UFBG, 400, and Seux, HPDBA,
Babylonian Magic, forthcoming). 29497; for its recitation within Bt rimki, see BRR 2, 26 obv.
BMS 21+(+) obv. 42rev. 25, ed. Schwemer, Wettergott- III 57).
gestalten, 66871 (Adad 1b, prayer to Adad with secondary BMS 50 (K 2808 + 9490) with its duplicates AOAT 34, 68 and
witchcraft theme). 69 (Sipazianna 1, see Mayer, UFBG, 431; for its probable
BAM 325 = KAL 2, 51 (fragmentary ritual for the preparation recitation within Bt rimki, see BRR 2, 26 obv. III 65).
of a phylactery against witchcraft; Middle Assyrian manu-
script). Group 10 Rituals against zikurud and Other
KAL 2, 30 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft rituals; cf. here text Special Types of Witchcraft: The most prominent
7.6.6). special type of witchcraft was cutting-of-the-
KAL 2, 33 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft ritual with prayer ad- throat, and a number of rituals are preserved that
dressed to Girra and prescription for a salve). address this affliction, even though the prognoses
KAL 2, 32 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft rituals addressed to given in the zikurud-section of the older Diagnos-
ama). tic Handbook mostly predict the patients death.
K 2395 (fragmentary burning ritual before ama).
Rituals to counter zikurud are typically performed
K 2467 + 80-7-19, 116 (fragmentary collection of incanta-
tions against witchcraft).
before astral deities, just as the zikurud magic itself
K 6418 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft incantation; cf. here the was believed to have been practised in the presence
note on text 9.1: 4449). of the stars (for examples, see here texts 10.1 and
K 7930 // BM 17004 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft ritual ad- 10.2); another feature particularly associated with
dressed to ama). zikurud is the interpretation of rodents as evil-
K 8183 (fragmentary anti-witchcraft rituals addressed to Sn). portending messages of witchcraft sent by the witch
K 3387 (RT pl. 10), ed. Mayer, UFBG, 51516 (ama 88, (see here texts 10.3 and 10.5). Potions and salves
fragmentary prayer mentioning witchcraft). likewise were employed against zikurud (see here
Rm 2, 155 (fragmentary prayer to Girra concerned with witch- texts 10.3 and 10.4), and such prescriptions can be
craft). found together with instructions for the preparation
BAM 468 with its duplicate STT 63 rev. 4766 (fragmentary
ritual against all evils, among them witchcraft).
Group 9 Anti-witchcraft Incantations within Bt 26
These house numbers follow PBS 1/1, 15 and various in-
rimki and Related Texts: Some of the sections of the cantation tablets; they correspond to houses two, four, six
and seven of the Nineveh ritual tablet (BBR 2, 26+ //).

of remedies against other special forms of witch- tended a witchcraft attack. The following relevant
craft, such as seizing-of-the-mouth (kadabbed), texts are not edited within the present volume:
hate-magic (zru) and distortion-of-justice (diba- K 2773+ with its duplicates, ed. Maul, BaF 18, 44552
l). The same combination of different types of (namburbi ritual against witchcraft; cf. now also VAT 13607
special witchcraft can be found in the witchcraft + 13970 + 14027, to be edited in KAL, vol. 4).
chapter of the older Diagnostic Handbook (STT 89 Tablet amulets against witchcraft (all with the same prayer to
obv. I 1II 43, see here text 12.1), a text whose Ea, Asallui and ama): KAR 35, KAR 36 + 261, LKA 129
composition is closely associated with correspond- (all ed. by Maul, BaF 18, 18184), KAL 2, 40. The most
ing therapeutic texts. We add a list of texts of this complete example is kept in the Schyen collection (MS 3187,
group not edited within the present volume: written for Nab-zru-iddina; to be edited by A.R. George).
BM 49141 + 65953 + 68455 (incantations for amulets against
KAR 121 = BAM 203 = KAL 2, 35 (prescription against ziku- witchcraft; to be edited by I.L. Finkel).
rud performed before Scorpius, cf. STT 89 obv. I 5256, LKA 115, ed. Maul, BaF 18, 5024 (ritual for protecting a
here text 12.1). house against witchcraft with an incantation addressed to
K 72 (IV R2 59/1) + 3400 + 9648 // K 2565 (RT pl. 9) + 3509 Ium and a prescription for a potion with the same purpose).
+ 9612 + 10634 + 10760 // K 9285 + 13861 // K 7140 (+) 81-2-4, 166, ed. Oppenheim, Dreams, 3067, 344, pl. 3, and
12483 (rituals against zikurud sorceries that have appeared in Butler, Dreams, 40710, pl. 13 (threat of witchcraft an-
a mans house; for a partial edition, see Mayer, UFBG, 510 nounced by a bad dream).
15; for K 72+ rev. 1120, cf. Seux, HPDBA, 401).
BMS 56 and its duplicates, ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 (1990) 469 Group 12 Diagnostic Texts: Already the oldest
74 (ritual against zikurud with a prayer addressed to Kaksisa preserved diagnostic texts from the Old Babylonian
[Kaksisa 2 = 3 = Ninurta 4]). period mention witchcraft as a cause of illness (see
The text group BAM 473 // 209 // 461 // 463 // KUB 37, 58 TLB 2, 21 obv. 17rev. 21, ed. Geller, AfO 4849
(prescriptions for various salves against zikurud, kadabbed, [20012] 7374). While none of the known major
dibal and zru). Note that the indirect join between KUB 37, sections of the later Diagnostic Handbook (SA.GIG)
57 and 58, tentatively proposed by Kcher (KUB 37, p. III), is is concerned primarily with witchcraft-induced
not confirmed by collation, for the fragments have different diseases, the older Diagnostic Handbook contained
size scripts.
a chapter devoted exclusively to symptoms caused
Prescriptions for potions against kadabbed can be found in
SpTU 1, 58, AO 17622 (Labat, RA 54 [1960] 171), CBS
by cutting-of-the-throat magic (zikurud), hate-
14161 (Leichty, Studies Sachs, 26162), BAM 190 rev. 1316 magic (zru) and seizing-of-the-mouth magic
(see here text 7.10.3, 1.) and AMT 78/1 (K 2418) + K 2465 + (kadabbed). This chapter, preserved on the Neo-
2458 + 2488 + 5893 + 9140 + 10174 + 11127 + 16410 + Rm Assyrian tablet STT 89, is edited here as text 12.1.
141 + Rm 2, 143 + Sm 1397 rev. VI (for its partial duplicate Finally it must be mentioned that many small frag-
CTN 4, 124 obv. 16, see here text 2.2, 4.; for a discussion ments of anti-witchcraft rituals and prescriptions
and partial edition of the text, see Kinnier-Wilson Reynolds,
could not as yet be assigned definitively to a spe-
CM 36, 7276). For a necklace against kadabbed, see BM
36330 rev. 47.
cific group. Future joins, identification of duplicates
Fragments of rituals against zikurud: BAM 466 (zikurud be- and new texts will certainly contribute to a better
fore Nimru, i.e., Cygnus), K 6763 (witchcraft before Ereqqu, understanding of these fragmentary texts and place
i.e., Ursa Major), K 13447, K 13477. them in their proper context.
Group 11 Rituals in Case of Evil Omens Indicat- The following fragments have been scheduled for inclusion in
ing Witchcraft: A small group of anti-witchcraft CMAwR: KBo 8, 4; KBo 9, 46; KUB 4, 35; KUB 37, 54, 72
(// Beckman Foster, Studies Sachs, no. 19), 89, 90, 94, 98;
rituals were designed to be performed as a preven-
KAR 136; KAL 2, 2, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63; CTN 4, 97; BMS
tive measure when an omen indicated that a witch- 47; K 4735, K 4912 + 10827, K 5648, K 6838, K 6855 (refer-
craft attack had been initiated. Naturally, the nam- ence to the performance of Maql by the king in the middle of
burbi rituals against witchcraft form part of this the night), K 7988, K 8326, K 8943, K 9028 // 9496, K 9208,
group (cf. here text 11.2), as do amulet-shaped tab- K 10246, K 14170, K 14714, K 15189 (cf. BM 42317), K
lets bearing an anti-witchcraft prayer addressed to 19529, K 20043; Sm 310, Sm 468 (+) 1424, Sm 1415, Sm 1426,
Ea, Asallui and ama. These amulet-shaped tab- Sm 1554; Rm 278; Rm 2, 566; 82-3-23, 36; Bu 89-4-26, 101;
lets were mounted in a house in order to protect the BM 42733, BM 71958; VS 24, 104; SpTU 2, 18 rev. 19; Si 1 //
family and guests from sorcerous attacks. Other 738, Si 727, Si 860; VAT 12004 (Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming);
anti-witchcraft rituals are elicited by a creaking door A 2731 (Istanbul).
indicating that a witchcraft attack had been initiated Fragments that might be relevant, but cannot be as-
(see here text 11.1) or by an evil dream that por- signed to our body of texts with reasonable certainty
have not been listed here.


Many Babylonian rituals and incantations exhibit been expanded to accommodate witchcraft as the
clear signs of having been rewritten and expanded cause of evil omens, and KAR 35 and its duplicates
over time. Such transformations, which sometimes (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 18185 [see above, texts of
lead to the creation of new types of texts, may be group 11]), an amulet directed primarily against
the result of an internal development within one witchcraft, but derived from a namburbi amulet
body of texts, but they can also reflect the contact type. Moreover, witchcraft is one of the targets of
between different streams of therapeutic thought, the namburbi amulet type directed against all evil
modes of ritual behaviour and forms of literature. (see LKA 128 with duplicates, ed. Maul, BaF 18,
Anti-witchcraft texts display numerous similarities 18589). It is of interest to note that the list of evils
and points of contact with other groups of texts in this group was used in full in the Maql incanta-
belonging to the lore of the ipu. tion Amsi qtya (VII 11440, cf. infra). Not sur-
Some of these similarities reflect general cultural prisingly, rituals against zikurud a method of
currents or common epistemological or phenomeno- witchcraft that often involved the sending of evil-
logical structures that become prominent in one pe- portending omens by the witch have features in
riod or another and are shared by different bodies of common with namburbi rituals.
diagnostic and therapeutic texts. Other similarities Anti-witchcraft and anti-ghost rituals: Of course,
between texts reflect specific contact and intrusion any influence, whether unidirectional or mutual,
or adaptation, and here we should note that even will often have operated on more than one level. An
when we describe the influence as a one-way pro- example where both ritual structure and even pre-
cess from the point of view of witchcraft, we are cise prayers were taken over is KAR 227 and dupli-
usually dealing with an interactive process involv- cates (see above, texts of group 8). This ritual
ing mutual influence between rituals against witch- against witchcraft in which the witch is sent to the
craft and other bodies of ritual literature. It may be netherworld makes use of ritual structures and
that sometimes when witchcraft makes use of other materials that were originally unrelated to witches
materials, this reflects the growing importance of and witchcraft, but derive instead from rituals that
witchcraft; but in other instances, it can equally well dealt with ghosts and demonic personifications of
reflect the importance of the other group of texts, an evil, usually entailing their exorcism and relegation
importance which has led to its being adapted for to the netherworld. Compare K 2001+ and dupli-
use against witchcraft, thereby redefining witchcraft cates (ed. Farber, BID, Hauptritual A IIa); note
in terms of the other group. particularly that close genetic parallels to the in-
Here we cannot enter into questions of religious and cantations addressed to the Anunnakki and to the
cultural history, rather we shall point to clear textual family ghosts in KAR 227 // appear in K 2001+ //.
similarities, influences and adaptations between anti- Other examples of the adaptation of motifs and
witchcraft texts and other rituals and incantations. techniques from anti-ghost rituals are texts 8.7 and
Contact may be seen in descriptions of illnesses 8.8, edited in the present volume.
(symptomologies), diagnoses, statements of pur- Anti-witchcraft rituals and rituals for soothing the
pose, in the rites themselves and in the prayers and anger of the gods: Often there are differences in the
incantations recited during the performance of the introductions to related texts. Compare, e.g., BAM
relevant rituals. Examples from a few select areas of 316 obv. II 525, its forerunner STT 95 + 295 rev.
contact may be noted here. III 13044 // BM 64174 obv. 1-8, its parallel BAM
Anti-witchcraft and namburbi rituals: There is sig- 315 rev. III 116 // Bu 91-5-9, 214, and the latters
nificant contact between anti-witchcraft rituals and variant duplicate SpTU 2, 22+ obv. I 3946.27 In
rituals used to counteract evil omens (namburbi). this group of texts, a statement that witchcraft was
This contact was fostered by the idea that witches performed against the patient was introduced into a
could send evil signs, which led to the use of nam- text group that originally ascribed the patients
burbi types against witchcraft. Examples include problems to the anger of gods; witchcraft was even
K 2773+ with duplicates (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 44552
[see above, texts of group 11]; cf. also Abusch, 27
For an edition and discussion of these texts, see Abusch,
Studies Stol), a namburbi ritual that seems to have MesWi, 3145.

sometimes made into the cause of the divine anger reflects the use of motifs from namburbi rituals in
and the primary cause of suffering. anti-witchcraft texts (see Abusch, Studies Wilhelm).
Here we should add a comment on changes that are The interaction of witchcraft texts with prayers that
discernible in the scribal context i.e., the de- originally were not concerned with witchcraft can
scription, diagnosis, ritual purpose and prognosis best be illustrated by examining occurrences of the
of therapeutic texts. These statements will often witchcraft theme within uila prayers. The structure
reflect the latest purpose for which the ritual was of the uila prayers was taken over for the purpose
intended. Thus, a ritual that was originally directed of combatting witchcraft and applied to various
primarily against the anger of a deity may be re- gods,28 stars29 and ritual substances.30
directed against witchcraft, and the text containing In some cases, it is of course possible perhaps
that ritual may be rewritten in such a way as to likely that a special uila prayer used in an anti-
make that purpose explicit, thereby turning the witchcraft ritual was a fresh creation, though surely
combatting of witchcraft into the primary purpose it drew upon ritual motifs that reflect the basic anti-
of the ritual. An excellent example of such revision witchcraft ritual.31 But in other cases, we can trace
is the Marduk ritual BMS 12+ with duplicates (ed. textually how the uila form evolved. In this con-
Mayer, OrNS 62 [1993] 31337); in addition to text, we draw attention to one group of related texts
revisions in the prayer, a new statement of purpose that attest to a series of changes in an address to the
(l. 1) was composed to introduce the ritual after it sun-god ama. The texts of this group are edited
had been transformed into an anti-witchcraft ritual. here as text 7.8, 7., text 7.5 and text 9.2. The centre
Turning now to the oral rites that are often the of the prayer forms a not atypical witchcraft address
centrepiece of our texts, we discuss first incanta- in which the speaker invokes ama, describes his
tions and then prayers addressed to deities. Within ritual actions and expresses the wish that he live but
the first group we limit our examples to incantations the witch perish. In one group of texts, the address
found in Maql. Some incantations that were com- is followed by a short hymnic section at its end (text
monly used and were originally of a general or at 7.8, 7.); in another, a new line is affixed at the
least a non-witchcraft type were taken over for use beginning (text 7.5). But finally, a long hymnic
against witchcraft. Sometimes this was done with- section is added as an introduction, and our address
out explicit adaptation or mention of witchcraft. For becomes a typical uila-type prayer (text 9.2).
example: In other cases, witchcraft themes seem to be intru-
amnu ellu (Maql VII 2946), an incantation that was re- sions into general uila prayers. We may distin-
cited over oil. guish here between (1) those cases where the intru-
Is is (Maql V 15875), an exorcistic incantation used at sion transforms the text into an anti-witchcraft text
the climax of an exorcism. and (2) those where the intrusion seems not to
Sometimes the incantations were revised by the ad- change the text into an anti-witchcraft text, but
dition of a line mentioning witchcraft: simply adds another entry to a longer list of evils.
Araka ramn (Maql VII 2228). This incantation was (1) The revisions of several texts share some simila-
recited over oil meant to infuse the patients body with the rities: The revision of the Marduk uila BMS 12+ //
power of the incantation. The incantation was adapted by the
addition of l. 28.
Ina ri mes qtya (Maql VII 16269). This incantation Note especially the construction of uila-type prayers for
against evil portended by a bad dream was adapted by the gods of fire: e.g., Maql II 117 (Nuska), 1975 (Girra; this
addition of l. 168. incantation has been greatly expanded, hence it looks less
like a uila than the others), 77103 (Girra), 10525 (Gir-
A more interesting example is provided by Amsi ra), 12734 (Girra), and 13648 (Girra).
qtya, Maql VII 11440. This text originally de- 29
Sipazianna 2 (ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 [1990] 47476); Kak-
scribed the washing off of general miasma (mimma sisa 2 = 3 = Ninurta 4 (ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 [1990] 469
lemnu) onto a substitute and had nothing to do with 74). Kaksisa 2 = 3 may have undergone revision and thus
witchcraft. This short incantation was expanded first might be better assigned to the uila prayers that have been
by the insertion of a list of evils, the most important changed by means of intrusions. But while it is true that this
of which was witchcraft, and then by a further ex- prayer seems to contain several groups of evils, these are
pansion at its end. Thus, it was tripled in length and similar to those in Maql II 1975 (Girra) cf. ll. 1315
grew from about 9 lines to 27 lines. This incanta- with Maql II 6169.
E.g., salt in Maql VI 11926.
tion, like Attmannu kaptu (Maql VII 5579), 31
See, e.g., Maql II 13134 and, in a more expanded form,
Maql II 10816.
is extensive (see Abusch, BWiL, 6175). Some si- has been modified by stereotypical additions. That
milar revisions are to be found as well in Ea 1a this (still fragmentary) text is some form of compo-
(ed. Mayer, UFBG, 44249). For this text, note es- site is clear from the following:35 (1) whereas ll. 1
pecially the variant in SpTU 3, 78 which has kip- 25 are addressed not only to Iara but to other
unu ruunu rus[unu] lemntu l btu instead deities as well, ll. 26ff. seem to be addressed only to
of Ea ina tka a bali mimma lemnu mimma l Iara; (2) there are two addresses or openings: ll.
bu in l. 15; this variant expands the already added 14 and l. 26; (3) ll. 1725 are directed against
section in ll. 14 and 1718.32 Finally, note Nab 2 witchcraft, whereas ll. 1415 deal with sin, a theme
(KAR 25 obv. II 2734 //, ed. Ebeling, AGH, 14 that normally does not occur alongside witchcraft;
19), a uila which reflects the transformation of a (4) the request is broken up, and requests against
text originally concerned simply with illness into different evils occur at different places in the text:
one where witchcraft is the cause of the illness. The sin (l. 15), witchcraft (ll. 2325), evil (ll. 3738).
prayer Adad 1b (BMS 21+(+), ed. Schwemer, The text is a composite that, at the very least,
Wettergottgestalten, 66871) has been adapted for combines the uila form and content (ll. 115) with
use against witchcraft by means of the insertion of an anti-witchcraft section (ll. 1625) and possibly
ll. 1415 ([]ull[i]q ayybya urrud lem[ntya], another independent prayer (ll. 26ff.). It is difficult
[ay i]ni kip ru rus up [lemnti]) be- to specify with certainty the stages of the
tween ime tes[lt] of l. 13 and [kni] naplisanni- development of this prayer: it is possible that two
ma of l. 16. Without the insertion, the emphasis of prayers have been joined together (ll. 125 and
the original text was on the relationship between 26ff.). But if so, we must treat ll. 1415 as a later
Adad and the personal god. Certainly, BMS 12+ // addition, and it would then look as if the theme of
has been transformed into a prayer to be used in an sin has been added to a witchcraft text. This
anti-witchcraft ritual. This may also be the case with scenario, however, seems unlikely. Perhaps it is
Ea 1a, Kaksisa 1 and Adad 1b, since witchcraft simpler to assume that a witchcraft section was
seems to have become the central element in each of added on to a fully developed text addressed to Iara
these prayers, even though the attached rituals and and others; if so, l. 26 would serve rather as a
rubrics show no indication of such a usage. Wiederaufnahme inserted after the addition of the
(2) As noted, witchcraft may be an addition that witchcraft section ll. 1625.
now forms part of a longer list of evils without K 2563+ // (see here text 9.1) is a prayer to ama
changing the overall character of the text. Examples that was recited during the second house of the Bt
include ama 88 (ed. Mayer, UFBG, 51516), l. rimki ritual. It is the most developed anti-witchcraft
16, and Nab 3 (ed. Mayer, UFBG, 47375), l. 12. ama prayer in that ritual. While not particularly
In the latter text, ll. 1112 in which the hand of a difficult to understand, the prayer seems to be some-
ghost, uburruda and mmtu are mentioned what jumbled and in disarray. This is due in this
were added secondarily; note that these lines are text at least not to textual development or change,
omitted in ms. E (LKA 56) and that l. 10 leads di- but probably to a form of composition in which
rectly into l. 13, as clearly indicated by the related major themes are repeated over and over again.
text Marduk 2 (BMS 9 obv. //).33 (1) The speakers full description of the ritual of
In the main, what we have seen till now in the in- washing oneself over the representation of the witch
cantations and prayers involves insertions of various occurs three times:
sorts. There are other kinds of activity involved in ll. 32b34b: ana mua m arammuk (a)
the construction of oral rites. We choose two prayers ara utri limuranni-ma (c)
dealing with witchcraft to illustrate how texts could ela umtassa (b)
be composed or combined. l. 39 ela umtassa (b)
The prayer Iara 134 is not a simple witchcraft ana mua m arammuk (a)
text in the form of a prayer nor a simple uila that ll. 5354 ela umtassa (b)
ana mua m arammuk (a)
ara utri limuranni-ma (c)
Cf. Kaksisa 1 (ed. Mayer, OrNS 59 [1990] 46669), ll. 17
20, which are similar to the intrusion in Ea 1a and seem to
be an insertion. Note that the prayer addressed to Scorpius-Iara frag-
For BMS 9 obv. //, see Abusch, JAOS 103 (1983) 315. mentarily preserved in KBo 21, 20 rev. 18 possibly repre-
BMS 7 rev. // BMS 57 // AOAT 34, 25, ed. Ebeling, AGH, sents an early version of Iara 1 (see Schwemer, Gauging
5861, cf. Mayer, UFBG, 388, Seux, HPDBA, 34345. the Influence of Babylonian Magic, forthcoming).

The patterns are acb, ba and bac. The repetitions actually make the text seem amor-
(2) Lines 40, 4243 are repeated in ll. 5557. phous and difficult. Moreover, in each case there is
a change of some sort introduced in the repetition.
kma m a zumrya iaa-ma ana mua u lna illak

In (1) there is a difference in order of the elements

mimma lemnu a ina zumrya rya ernya ba in each of the three occurrences. In (2) the evil is
kma m a zumrya liai-ma ana mua u lna lillik rinsed off his body and flows upon the witch in
kma m a zumrya iaa-ma ana mui annti illak l. 43, while the evil is rinsed off his body and flows
mimma lemnu a ina zumrya rya ernya ba away from him in the parallel l. 57. In (3) the last
kma m a zumrya liai-ma ina zumrya littai item in the first chain seems to be identical with the
(3) In ll. 1115 there are two chains of five parallel first item in that chain, while it should have been
items (ll. 1113a // 13b15): identical with the last item of the second chain. Do
these differences reflect intentionality? While in (1)
a ina akali ukilanni ina ikari iqnni one might find some literary form (e.g., the chiastic
ina m urammikanni ina amni ipuanni
arrangement between a(c)b of ll. 3234 and
ina ukull ukilanni
ba of l. 39), it seems forced to attribute much sig-
aum mimma umu a ukilu
nificance to these forms. It is therefore more likely
aum mimma umu a iq aum mimma umu a
that the composer was careless or was following a
aum mimma umu a ipuu ina bulti ubila
patchwork pattern of composition.


1. Ceremonial Rituals witchcraft rituals employ a consistently defensive

In ancient Mesopotamia, witchcraft was one of the rhetoric and regularly emphasise the patients
explanations for evil that befalls the individual; it ignorance of the identity of the witch. The rituals
imputes illness and misfortune to the actions of claim to be (and probably mostly were) performed
other humans. In general terms, the basic goal of openly, while the sorcerers are accused of having
most Babylonian anti-witchcraft rituals is a simple acted in secret. Any form of contact with the ac-
reversal of the patients and the witches fate. The cused (but usually unknown) sorcerers is avoided
witchcraft that warlock and witch employed against witchcraft ingested with food is not returned to the
their victim is removed from the latter and returned witch by putting it into her food; scraps of an
to its originators: warlock and witch are destroyed alleged witchs clothing, her hair, her fingernails
by having their witchcraft sent back to them and by i.e., identifying materials are never used in
the ritual destruction of their representations. The defensive figurine magic. Rather, the occasional
patient regains his former position in life, while naming of the figurine (sometimes by means of an
those who wished him ill are brought down by their inscription on its shoulder) had to suffice to ensure
own evil schemes. its identification with the person it was meant to
represent. There certainly was a grey area between
Naturally, the ritual enactment of this reversal with- what was regarded as illegal kip witchcraft and
in the anti-witchcraft ritual bears much resemblance legitimate ritual practice. However, this grey area
to the evil ritual activities that warlock and witch was formed not by the anti-witchcraft rituals, which
are accused of in the diagnoses and, more elaborate- were part of legitimate ritual practice,36 but by the
ly, in anti-witchcraft incantations; often the anti- various types of aggressive magic briefly discussed
witchcraft ritual gives the impression of being a above (see section 1.2).
mirror-image of the acts that the witches are ac-
cused of having performed (cf., e.g., the structure of Many anti-witchcraft rituals, and certainly most
the ritual edited here as text 8.1). The difference texts of this group addressed to ama, the divine
between an anti-witchcraft ritual and actions that judge, are clad in the language of a ritual lawsuit.
would have been regarded as evil witchcraft may Within this image the patient takes the role of a
therefore seem to be merely a matter of perspective. wronged party who has been unfairly attacked by
But in fact there are some significant differences
between anti-witchcraft rituals and the actions com-
monly imputed to warlock and witch. Anti- 36
Though, of course, the performance of anti-witchcraft rituals
would have fueled witchcraft beliefs.
the evildoers. He argues his case, and, at the end of some other rituals recommended a performance on
the ritual, he is purified and acquitted, while the specific dates (cf. here text 9.3), anti-witchcraft
witches suffer the evil they had intended for their rituals generally did not have a fixed calendrical set-
innocent victim; their punishment thus conforms ting, but could be performed on any auspicious day,
with one of the basic principles of ancient Mesopo- whenever the occasion arose and circumstances de-
tamian law. Some texts accuse the witches of hav- manded it.
ing performed their witchcraft before a god. In those Typical elements of a ceremonial anti-witchcraft
cases, it would seem that the witches were accused ritual include offerings presented to the deities in-
of having slandered their victim before the divine voked in the ritual, prayers and incantations (both
authority and of having elicited thereby a divine referred to as iptu in Akkadian), the fabrication and
verdict against the patient that manifested itself in manipulation of substitutes representing the witches
his illness and misfortune. The patient then appeals to or their witchcraft and various rites of purification
the gods to gain a just and favourable verdict. In this of the patient, which rites could also serve apotro-
form, the image of the lawsuit was part of a sys- paic purposes.
tematic reconciliation between a theistic conception
of the world and witchcraft beliefs. The offerings of an anti-witchcraft ritual were
usually presented at the beginning of the proceed-
Anti-witchcraft rituals usually involved only the ings and conform to the regular offering arrange-
patient and the exorcist as active participants and ments known from other types of iptu-rituals.
were performed in a private setting. Their perform- After the purification of the locale by sweeping and
ance was not restricted to a specific locale or time. sprinkling water, a portable altar and a censer with
Typical places where these rituals were performed juniper incense were set up. The altar was loaded
include the patients house (often on the roof), the with bread and with a confection made of honey (or
uninhabited steppe outside the city or the bank of date syrup) and ghee; dates and fine flour were
a river or canal. When the ritual was performed in strewn on top. If a sheep was sacrificed, the various
the patients house the impure remains of the per- meat portions were put on the altar as well. A liba-
formance were disposed of in the steppe or thrown tion of beer was made; often a special libation
into the river. The time of the performance largely vessel was set up for this purpose, but sometimes
depended on which deity was invoked in the ritual. the beverages were provided in bottles that were
If ama was addressed, the time when the sun-god then placed on the altar. The offering arrangement
leaves or enters the netherworld to judge the living could be set off from the rest of the ritual area by
and the dead, sunrise or sunset, usually plays an lines drawn with flour; in any case, the destructive
important role in the ritual proceedings. If an astral rites carried out at a later point in the ritual would
deity was addressed, the performance took place often take place at some distance from the offering
after sunset, when the stars illuminate the night sky. arrangement.
If Sn was invoked, the fifteenth day of the lunar
month, when the full moon can be seen, was an Once the offerings had been set up, the deity or
obvious time for the ritual. The period of the new deities invoked in the ritual were addressed in a
moon was regarded as especially auspicious for the prayer with a fixed text that asked for divine pres-
performance of anti-witchcraft rituals; one uburru- ence and help, for a just that is, favourable
da incantation addresses the personified New Moon verdict for the patient; the witches were accused of
thus: their evil deeds, and the speaker asked that they be
convicted of their crimes. The length of these pray-
Purifier of heaven and of the subterranean ocean, day of the
ers ranges from short invocations to lengthy compo-
New Moon, who undoes witchcraft (and) magic. The mes-
sages of the night and of the whole day which you (scil. the
sitions of more than a hundred lines. Sometimes the
witches) keep sending against me day of the New Moon, whole procedure is condensed in the simple ritual
may your day of wrath overpower them! (text 7.8, 3.: 26) instruction you convict them before ama (ana
maar ama tadnunti).
The performance of certain anti-witchcraft rituals
seems to have been prohibited on holidays.37 Though As already noticed, a great number of anti-witchcraft
Abu, the month of the dead, was regarded as a rituals address the sun-god ama. But he was not
favourable time for the performance of Maql, and the only god that could be invoked against a witch.
Especially zikurud-rituals were performed before
various astral deities as well as the moon-god Sn,
See BAM 461 obv. II 37 (zikurud therapies): ina mi rqi ul just as the evil zikurud witchcraft itself was be-
inneppe it is not performed on a holiday. lieved to have been performed before these deities.

A number of anti-witchcraft rituals address Marduk in ceremonial rituals. During the performance of the
(cf. here text 8.6). This may be due to Marduks extensive ritual Maql, incantations of both types
position as the most prominent male god in the first were recited. In addition, there are standard incanta-
millennium Babylonian pantheon, but these prayers tions that are not witchcraft-specific and were spo-
also reflect Marduks role as the divine exorcist. ken as accompaniment to certain common ritual
This function certainly explains his role in the anti- actions, such as dousing the fire (Attunu m), strip-
witchcraft prayers that address the divine exorcistic ping off impure clothes (Au au) or removing
triad of Ea, ama and Asallui-Marduk or invoke the impure ritual remains from the house (Udugul
Ea and Marduk. Some of the anti-witchcraft rituals edinnazue). Finally, it should also be mentioned
that invoke Itar clearly refer to her function as the that ritual instructions sometimes enjoin the patient
goddess of sexual desire and love (see Biggs, TCS to speak an extemporized prayer (usually with the
2, no. 11, and Farber, BID, Hauptritual B). In other phrase mala libbau abtu ana DN liqbi Let him
rituals, however, she is not invoked for this reason tell DN everything that worries him), though this
(cf. here text 8.13); in those cases, her preeminent type of utterance is not a standard element in anti-
role as the goddess of the Mesopotamian pantheon witchcraft rituals.
may have prompted the composers to address the In the case of the extemporized prayer, it was cer-
text to her. Within ritual contexts that focus on tainly the patient who spoke. How the fixed prayers
transferring the witches to the netherworld, under- and incantations were recited is less certain. Their
world deities such as the Anunnakki, Gilgame, text is always written from the perspective of the
Namtar, Bidu and Dumuzi may be addressed; in patient: the I of a Babylonian prayer is the ritual
such contexts ghosts of deceased people may also client. The instruction for reciting an incantation is
be addressed and asked to accompany the witches to usually written logographically ID-nu or DU11.GA,
the netherworld (see KAR 227 and duplicates, Far- and often it is difficult to tell whether a second or
ber, BID, Hauptritual B, and here text 8.7). Some third person verb form is hidden behind the logo-
anti-witchcraft rituals invoke personified and dei- gram. Some rituals instruct the exorcist to hold the
fied natural phenomena that play an important role patients hand during the recitation of the incanta-
in the ritual proceedings: within burning rites Girra, tion; it seems likely that the exorcist in these cases
the deified fire, was called upon; when materials recited the text on behalf of the patient, and this
were disposed of in the river, the deified River would certainly have been the case when the patient
could be addressed; when clay for figurines was was too ill to recite a lengthy text. Other rituals in-
taken from the clay-pit, the latter was often invoked, struct the exorcist to have the patient speak the
just as one addressed the grain-goddess Nissaba as prayer (tuadbabu, tuaqbu); in these cases, the
the divine flour (cf. infra, 4.2, for Heilmittel incan- exorcist probably spoke a few lines at a time, which
tations in the context of prescriptions). were then repeated by the patient, and this mode of
Since anti-witchcraft rituals were not performed in recitation may have been widely practised. It is
temples or shrines, they could not rely on ready re- highly unlikely that the average patient could read
presentations of the deities addressed in the rituals. the prayers and incantations from a tablet or would
In a few cases the texts include instructions for set- know them by heart.
ting up divine images; this instruction may be impli- A regular feature of anti-witchcraft rituals is the use
cit in other ritual texts which make no mention of of substitute figurines representing the warlock and
this activity. Mostly, however, the gods would have witch. A number of prayers explicitly justify the use
been addressed in the form of their natural mani- of figurines with the fact that the warlock and witch
festation: ama as the rising or setting sun, Sn as themselves were not present during the performance
the full moon in the night sky; Itar was visible as of the ritual: kma unu l izzazz since they are
Venus, just as other astral deities such as Sipazian- not present (see here texts 8.3: 19, 38; 8.4: 54; 9.1:
na, Kaksisa and Ereqqu could be seen in the night 31). Most commonly, the rituals in line with the
sky. And, of course, Girra, the divine fire flaring up rhetoric of the incantations use pairs consisting
in the crucible, and the divine River with its purify- of a male and a female figurine; often the rituals
ing waters were not represented by images. prescribe employing a whole series of such pairs of
Besides incantations addressed to deities (in our ter- palm-sized, anthropomorphic figurines, each pair
minology prayers), anti-witchcraft rituals also use made of a different material. The typical materials
incantations addressing the witch directly; this type used for making these figurines include, among
of incantation is more common in prescriptions than others, clay, tallow, wax, bitumen, dough, sesame
pomace, wood and reed. Sometimes, a clear correla- into an evil fate for the witch whose death is de-
tion between the particular material and the method creed by this rite. Some rituals use figurines as a
of destroying the figurine can be observed. In text representation of the patient. In text 8.1, a thorn
8.7 the materials of the figurines correspond to the similar to the thorn which the witches are accused
type of oven that was used to burn them (figurines of having stuck into the patients figurine is re-
of clay in a potters kiln, figurines of dough in a moved from a figurine representing the patient and
bread oven, figurines of beer mash and beer bread stuck into figurines representing the witches.40 In
in a brewers oven). In text 8.4 figurines of tallow, Farber, BID, Hauptritual B, a figurine representing a
wax, bitumen, cedar and tamarisk wood are burnt, patient who had been sent down into the nether-
while figurines of clay and dough are put in water, world by means of figurine magic is brought up
crushed by the patient and then buried. In many from the world of the dead, whereas figurines of the
rituals, however, figurines of clay and dough are warlock and witch are buried, thereby banning the
burnt. Fire turns the dough into coal, it bursts and evildoers to the netherworld.
deforms the clay; although fire does not fully Besides anthropomorphic figurines, the witch would
destroy these materials, their transformation by the sometimes be represented by the model of a tongue
fire is regarded as a sufficient symbol of the annihi- (here text 7.8, 2., cf. also UET 6/2, 410 //), the
lation of warlock and witch. instrument the witch used for uttering her spell and
Burning and burying were the most common ways slandering her victim (cf. Maql I 3133). In Maql
of destroying the figurines and ritually killing the hands of wax and tallow representing the witch and
sorcerers represented by them. Burning symbolizes her evil manipulations were melted (ritual tablet
the complete annihilation of the evildoers, while 5859); a sherd from the street could also serve as
burying symbolizes their banishment to the nether- a representation of the witch (Maql III 13653 and
world.38 If the figurines were exposed to the fire, ritual tablet 56; IV 12351 and ritual tablet 70).
their burnt remains had to be eliminated at the end Both anthropomorphic figurines and tongue models
of the ritual; usually they were either thrown into a were placed in boats and sent across the waters of
river or carried out to the uninhabited steppe. The death to the netherworld (UET 6/2, 410 // and Maq-
final destruction of the figurines was often preceded l, ritual tablet 5355). The witchcraft itself could
by other actions which served to humiliate, defile be represented by knotted strings which were burnt
and hurt the evildoers: twisting their arms behind (Maql, ritual tablet 6769). One ritual employs a
them or binding them symbolized their imprison- purse filled with precious stones as a substitute for
ment; they were smeared with malodorous fish oil the patient, thereby passing his witchcraft on to a
or black paste; the patient washed himself over the passerby who picks up the leather bag (see here text
figurines, thereby transferring the impure witchcraft 8.2), but usually witchcraft was transferred onto
back to the warlock and witch; the figurines were figurines of the warlock and witch.
pierced with thorns of the date palm or beaten with Washing was the most common purification rite that
an iron spike; the patient crushed them under his was performed by the patient, often over figurines
foot symbolizing the victorious triumph over his of the warlock and witch. The patients full body or
enemies. just his hands were washed; sometimes purifying
While substitute figurines of the warlock and witch substances were added to the water that was pre-
are the most common feature of anti-witchcraft pared in the holy water vessel (egubb) before its
rituals, the evildoers are not the only beings that can use in the washing rite. The washing-of-the-mouth
be represented by figurines.39 A ritual segment of rite formed a special type of washing and was occa-
Maql (III 10215, ritual tablet 5052) employs a sionally employed in anti-witchcraft rituals (see text
clay figurine of a goddess to represent the deified 7.6.5 and Maql, ritual tablet 3; cf. also text 8.5:
fate (mtu) of the witch; the mtu-goddess is 94). Alternatively, the patient achieved purification
doused with a black liquid and thereby transformed by chewing purifying substances or just taking them
into his mouth (see here text 7.8, 4. and 7. with par-

Similarly, casting the figurine into the river can symbolize
banishment to the netherworld (e.g., SpTU 5, 241), though Note that the accompanying prayer designates this figurine
often it refers to sending the witches to the Aps, the realm as figurine that the warlock and the witch made of me.
of Ea. Strictly speaking, the figurine of the patient represents the
For the (rare) use of figurines representing the deities ad- figurine of the patient that was used by the warlock and
dressed in the ritual, see supra. witch.

allels). Standing on black stone or on tar pitch puri- (but cf. here text 2.2, 1.: 92117). If the individual
fied the patient, as did looking onto silver or gold botanical ingredients usually between three and
(see here texts 10.3 and 7.8, 7. with parallels). More ten were administered as a salve or in a potion,
conventional purification rites involve donning a they were usually dried and pounded together be-
clean garment, moving a censer, torch and holy fore they were mixed with oil or another liquid
water vessel past the patient or fumigating the pa- (beer, wine and water are the most common). Po-
tient. tions and wash water were often left outside over-
Finally, it should be noted that a few anti-witchcraft night under the stars; this served the double pur-
rituals, such as the Marduk-rituals KAR 26 = KAL 2, pose of maceration and exposure to the influence of
21 // and BMS 12+ // (ed. Mayer, OrNS 68 [1999] the astral deities. The potions prescribed often
14563 and OrNS 62 [1993] 31337), include de- served as emetics; it was probably assumed that the
tailed instructions for the production and ceremonial witchcraft residing in the patients body was dis-
consecration of apotropaia effective against witch- charged with the vomit. Prescriptions often give in-
craft. A ritual to be performed before Sn and ama structions to apply potions and salves repeatedly;
(Si 34 (+)? 745 + 818 // 722 + 725) involves the pre- sometimes a seven-day rhythm is apparent (see text
paration and consecration of a pouch and a potion 1.6: 1; cf. also text 1.1, 1.: 1012, 69, 75), but
against bewitchment. But usually the instructions other combinations of days are also attested (see,
for the preparation of potions, salves, phylacteria or e.g., text 1.1, 1.: 101102).
amulet necklaces are given in the form of brief For therapeutic and prophylactic necklaces, typical-
prescriptions. ly either stone beads or plants were strung on a
wool thread and then placed around the patients
2. Prescriptions neck as amulets. The plants were attached with
Besides the introductory passage containing a symp- knots. Sometimes plants or beads were not used,
tom description (phrased as a conditional clause), a and only knots were made in the string. The accom-
diagnosis and/or a purpose clause, prescriptions for panying incantation was usually recited over these
remedies against witchcraft-induced illnesses pro- knots; the knots then absorbed and retained the
vide information on the ingredients to be used, incantations power (for examples, see especially
usually botanical or mineral substances, instructions text group 7.8). Incantations were regularly recited
on how these basic ingredients should be processed, over salves, sometimes also over potions. The
advice on the application of the finished medication incantations used within these contexts often refer
and a short prognosis regarding the patients recov- directly to the main ingredient(s) used in the medi-
ery. Only a few prescriptions provide information cation (Heilmittel incantations, for numerous exam-
on the quantities of each ingredient to be used; ples, see text group 7.8).
many texts give no information about which parts of Some plants were regarded as especially effective
the plants were to be used. Apparently, educated against witchcraft. Most lists of ingredients contain
exorcists knew such typical details from memory. tarmu (lupine?), imur-lm, imur-er, matakal-
Drugs against witchcraft come in various forms; the soapwort and sikillu; these plants are also named in
most common are salves, potions, phylacteries the list of simplicia as effective against witchcraft
(drug-filled leather pouches worn around the neck) (KADP 1 rev. V 19, 24, 2728, 30). Other plants
and necklaces to which plants or stone beads were whose effectiveness against witchcraft is praised in
attached. Washing with water to which another sub- incantations include anull and GAN.U5-wood, the
stance was added is attested several times. Rarely, latter probably identical with i piri wood of re-
drugs were to be ingested in a dry form; enemas are lease and buknu (see the register of botanical and
virtually absent from anti-witchcraft prescriptions mineral substances, s.v.).


As explained above, the texts in CMAwR are ar- Content. A short general characterization of the
ranged in groups; this volume contains editions of relevant sources and their contents.
texts from groups 12 and 712. Each separate edi- List of Manuscripts. A catalogue of the relevant
tion of a text or a set of related texts comprises at its cuneiform manuscripts. This list provides the
maximum the following sections:
following information regarding each manu- at different times and in different places can
script: the sigla in the edition; museum num- only achieve a certain degree of consistency in
ber(s); the location of hand-copies (both those its rendering of logographic writings41 and in its
published elsewhere and in this volume); form, normalization of syllabic spellings. It should be
date and provenance of each individual cunei- noted that in the transcription of logograms,
form source. conventional triptotic case-endings were used,
Synopsis of Text Units. An overview of the in- except when syllabically written words in
dividual rituals and/or prescriptions (units) agreement with the logogram suggested other-
that are contained in the edited text or set of wise. The transcription is an attempt to repre-
texts. Each unit is characterized by a brief head- sent the language in which the texts were com-
ing and given a number, and its place both in posed, but, of course, it is to some extent a mod-
the individual manuscripts and in the present ern artifice, and the reader is encouraged to con-
edition is indicated by line numbers. sult the transliterations, though they represent
writing more than language.
Previous Editions. Information regarding pre-
vious editions of the text or of its parts. Notes. Comments on the text that usually deal
primarily with epigraphical and philological
Transliteration. A transliteration of all relevant matters. Normally, notes do not repeat informa-
cuneiform manuscripts laid out in synoptic tion readily available in the dictionaries.
(score) fashion. This transliteration is almost
always based on an examination of the original
tablet; in the few cases where this was impos-
sible, photographs could usually be consulted.
In the score, words partially preserved in an in-
dividual manuscript are usually fully restored.
Words that are entirely lost in a manuscript are
restored in the transliteration of that manuscript
only if they are not preserved in any of the other
manuscripts (and the manuscript in question is
regarded as the lead manuscript in that line) or
if the expected wording and/or spelling to be
restored differ from that in the better preserved
Summaries of those parts of the individual ma-
nuscripts that were excluded from the edition
because they do not deal with witchcraft. When
non-witchcraft sections form a very minor part
of a manuscript, however, these sections were
usually included in the edition.
Bound Transcription, Translation. A bound
transcription (normalization) and translation laid
out in parallel columns. The text in this section
is based upon the synoptic transliteration. The
transcription provides a composite text, but also
indicates significant variants between individual
manuscripts. These variants are either placed 41
The correct Akkadian reading of logograms cannot always
within double curved brackets or given in foot- be ascertained, even if the basic reading of the logogram is
notes. Especially because of the fragmentary well known. In the magical and medical texts, certain com-
nature of many of our sources, the text pre- mon actions are regularly written logographically and their
sented in the transcription usually has to draw exact rendering is sometimes not clearly defined by the con-
on multiple sources and often therefore does not text or by a phonetic complement. Thus, for example, it is
follow one lead manuscript. often uncertain whether NAG stands for at to drink or
A bound transcription of Standard Babylonian for aq to give to drink or whether ID stands for taman-
nu you recite or for imannu he recites. In these cases,
texts preserved in multiple manuscripts written
the transcription should be taken cum grano salis.


TEXT 1.1


The two tablets contain collections of rituals and medication. Gula, the goddess of healing and patron
recipes for undoing witchcraft. Many (but not all) of of the art of astu, is involved in the ritual actions in
the units are introduced by the formula ana pierti two of the preserved units. One section includes an
kip, followed by a specification of the kind of invocation of a demonic (female) witch(?) repre-
magically manipulated food or beverage that had sented by an ankle-bone within the ritual as an
brought about the bewitchment. Most of the units ally against an evil (male) witch. A6, a fragment that
prescribe short recipes for potions or simple lists of might belong to manuscript A, preserves parts of a
herbs, minerals and metals to be consumed by the typical incantation formula. The units are separated
patient. Normally this is connected with advice re- by paragraph dividers, which are occasionally also
garding the time and circumstances for taking the used for marking off sections within single units.

List of Manuscripts

A1 614/b + 157/c + 1433/c (+) KUB 37, 44 coll. Frgs. of a 2-col. tablet, MB script, attua, Bykkale
A2 409/c + 669/c (+) KUB 37, 45 coll. 14th13th cent.
A3 350/c (+) KUB 37, 46 coll.
A4 173/c + 200/c (+) KUB 37, 47 coll.
A5 216/c (+)?? KUB 37, 49 coll.
A6 1317/c KUB 37, 48 coll.
B 231/g KUB 37, 43 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, Ass.-Mitt. attua, Bykkale
script, 14th13th cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary prescription ..................................................................................................... ]112
A1 obv. I 112
ii Prescription (ana pierti kip).............................................................................................1320
A1 obv. I 1320 // B obv. I 16
iii Prescription (ana pierti kip)........................................................................................... 2132[
A1 obv. I 2127 // B obv. I 719
iv Fragmentary prescription ..................................................................................................]3335
A4 obv. II 13
v Fragmentary prescription ................................................................................................... 3646
A4 obv. II 414
vi Fragmentary prescription ..................................................................................................4752[
A4 obv. II 1520

vii Fragmentary prescription(s) ..........................................................................................]5363[

B obv. II 111
viii Prescription (ana pierti kip) .......................................................................................6473
A2 rev. III 110 // B rev. III 15
ix Fragmentary prescription (ana pierti kip) ................................................................ 7478[
A2 rev. III 1114 // B rev. III 610
x Fragmentary prescription.............................................................................................]7989
A3 rev. III 111
xi Fragmentary prescription.............................................................................................9091[
A3 rev. III 1213
xii Fragmentary prescription.........................................................................................]92103
A2 rev. IV 112 // B rev. IV 19
(possibly a new unit begins in l. 98)
xiii Ritual and incantation ........................................................................... 10416 or 117[
A2 rev. IV 1314 // B rev. 1023
xiv Fragmentary prescription(s) .................................................................................]11827[
A3 rev. IV 110
2nd Part
i Fragmentary prescription(s) ................................................................................................. ]17[
A5: 17
3rd Part
i Fragmentary prescription.................................................................................................... ]110[
A6: 110

Previous Editions



1. A1 (+) A2 (+) A3 (+) A4 // B

1 A1 obv. I 1 [x x x x x] x x [
2 A1 obv. I 2 [x x x x x s]u-a-a-d[i
3 A1 obv. I 3 [x x x x x m]u-ur-du-d[a-a
4 A1 obv. I 4 [x x x x x] la-al-[la-ga(?) im-u-ur-lim(?)]
5 A1 obv. I 5 []im-u-ur-[-r]a ta-ar-m[u-u task-ma]
6 A1 obv. I 6 [i-n]a KA.SAG LUIN ka-ra-na x [
7 A1 obv. I 7 [d]i-i-pa i-m-ta ru-u-ti-t[a]
8 A1 obv. I 8 [i]m-bu-u ta-am-ti K.SI22 K.BABBAR pa-ar-[zi-il-la]
9 A1 obv. I 9 sa-an-ta uq-na-a ba-al--su-nu ta-r[a-as-s-an]
10 A1 obv. I 10 [p]a-na tu-ka-at-ta-am i-na mu-i U4.6.KAM m[a-ar MUL(?)]
11 A1 obv. I 11 [t]u-ka-a-an i-na se-bi-i u4-mi ba-lu [pa-tan]
12 A1 obv. I 12 [NA]G-u-ma i-ba-al-lu-u
A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 A1 obv. I 13 [a-na pi]-e20-[e]r-ti ki-i-pi a i-na i-ka-r[i aq]
14 A1 obv. I 14 [x x x x x (x) e]r-ku-ul-la im-bu-u[ ta-am-ti]
B obv. I 12 [(x)] x x [ ] / [K]A A.A[B.BA]
15 A1 obv. I 15 [x x x x x (x)] a-na li-ib-bi [.GI]
B obv. I 23 [ ] / ana -bi? ?.GI?
TEXT 1.1 29
16 A1 obv. I 16 [tu-bal-lal p]a?-na t[u-ka-at-ta-am]
B obv. I 3 [ ]
17 A1 obv. I 17 [ina ka-ka]-bi t[u-u-bat]
B obv. I 4 ina MUL tu-bat
18 A1 obv. I 18 [ina r-t]i dUTU l[a i-im-mar .GI]
B obv. I 4 ina [r-ti ]
19 A1 obv. I 19 [tu-e-e]l-le a-am-mi ku-u[l?-la-as-su-nu(?)]
B obv. I 5 tu-e-el-le a-am-[mi ]
20 A1 obv. I 20 [ ka]-ra-a-na [ ]
B obv. I 6 KA.GETIN [NAG(-u)]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 A1 obv. I 21 [a-na pi-]e20-er-ti ki-i-pi a i-na [u-mi ]
B obv. I 7 a-na p[i]-e-er-ti ki-pi a ina SUMsar u-kl
22 A1 obv. I 22 [a-e]-e ti-ia-ta a-ta-i-i [ ]
B obv. I 89
23 A1 obv. I 23 [ni-n]-e i-ib-bu-ur-ra-ta [ ]
B obv. I 910 .KUR.RA si-ib-bu-ra-ta / giINIG IN.NU.U
24 A1 obv. I 24 [si-ki-i]l-la a-ki-re-e qa-an [ ]
B obv. I 1012
25 A1 obv. I 25 [a-a]r-ti ba-al-ti a-[ar-ti ]
gi gi
B obv. I 12 PA D PA KII16
26 A1 obv. I 26 [ u]--a [ ]
B obv. I 13 NAM.TAR u--a la-a-pa-at A.
27 A1 obv. I 27 [x x x x x] x [

B obv. I 14 u-ur-ra-ta mu-ur-du-da-a ar-ta-tl-la
(A1 obv. I breaks)
28 B obv. I 15 a-a-u-ra-ka LAL m-er-ru-ta

29 B obv. I 16 EME-UR.GI7 PA u-lu-up-p im-ur-lim

30 B obv. I 17 im-ur--na tar-mu si-i-a

31 B obv. I 18 ar-ga-an-na ba-ri-ra-ta ti-[x(-x)]
32 B obv. I 19 a-e-e GU7-u [(x x x x)]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of B obv. I)
33 A4 obv. II 1 [ ] x ri
34 A4 obv. II 2 [ i-n]a e-er-ti
35 A4 obv. II 3 [ tu-a]-ak-ka-al-
A4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 A4 obv. II 4 [ ina m]e-e ra-am-ku
37 A4 obv. II 5 [ ] me-e na-a-ri
38 A4 obv. II 6 [ ]-x-ti te-e-eb-bu
39 A4 obv. II 7 [ ] qa-an a-la-al-l[i]
40 A4 obv. II 8 [ ].GI .SAG .GI x [(x)]
41 A4 obv. II 9 [ ina KA]? ta-nam-di
42 A4 obv. II 10 [ pa-na] tu-ka-at-ta-am
43 A4 obv. II 11 [ n]i-ik-*ku*
44 A4 obv. II 12 [ ana li-i]b-bi ta-nam-di
45 A4 obv. II 13 [ it-ti a]-a-mi-i
46 A4 obv. II 14 [ p]a-an *x*
A4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

47 A4 obv. II 15 [ ] tu-ra-a
48 A4 obv. II 16 [ a-a]-u-ra-ak-k[a]
49 A4 obv. II 17 [ s]-pa-la
50 A4 obv. II 18 [ ] a?-na
51 A4 obv. II 19 [ ] x su-a-a-d[i]
52 A4 obv. II 20 [ ]xx[
break (A4 obv. II breaks, B obv. II for the most part lost)
53 B obv. II 1 [
54 B obv. II 2 .I.A ki-[
55 B obv. II 3 ina imU.GAR.LAGAB.N[A
56 B obv. II 4 it-ti a-a-m[i
B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

57 B obv. II 5 IN.NU.U [
58 B obv. II 6 mu-ur-du-da a[r-ta-tl-la]
59 B obv. II 7 a-a-u-ra-k [
60 B obv. II 8 U.R.MN s-p[a-la
61 B obv. II 9 LI li-b[a-a-ra
62 B obv. II 10 x[ ]x[
63 B obv. II 11 x[
break (three lines missing to the end of B obv. II)
64 A2 rev. III 1 a-na pi-e20-er-ti ki-i-[p]i a i-na a-[am-mi u-kl(?)]
65 A2 rev. III 2 im-bu-u ta-am-ti ru-u-ti-i-[ta
66 A2 rev. III 3 ta-sa-a-ak a-na li-ib-bi .GI KU6 [.GI x (x)]
67 A2 rev. III 4 .GI u-ur-m-ni ta-ba-al-l[a-al]
68 A2 rev. III 5 pa-na tu-ka-at-ta-am it-ti me-e N[AG-]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 A2 rev. III 6 i-na se-bi-i u4-mi ki-ma dUTU it-ta-a[p-a]
B rev. III 1 i?-[na ]
70 A2 rev. III 7 me-e MUL.ME me-e em-mu-ti *ta*-t[a-ba-ak]
B rev. III 2 A.ME [ ]
71 A2 rev. III 8 -u-ul-ta te-se-er-u-[ma?]
B rev. III 3 a x (x) [ ]
72 A2 rev. III 9 me-e u-nu-ti tu-ra-am-ma-a[k-u]
B rev. III 4 A.ME u-nu-ti [ ]
73 A2 rev. III 10 a-am-na a-a-u ta-pa-a-a-a[s-su]
B rev. III 5 .I.A a-a-[u ]
A2, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 A2 rev. III 11 a-na pi-e20-er-ti ki-i-pi a i-na a-ka-li [u-kl]
B rev. III 6 a-na pi-e-er-t[i ]
75 A2 rev. III 12 i-na i-ka-ri *a*-qu- i-na U4.7.KAM [
B rev. III 7 ina KA a-q- [
76 A2 rev. III 13 ba-lu pa-ta-an [
B rev. III 8 ba-lum pa-tanan [
77 A2 rev. III 14 i-na [
B rev. III 9 ina ka-ap-pi [
(A2 rev. III breaks)
78 B rev. III 10 up-pu-ul-[tV
break (lower half of B rev. III lost)
79 A3 rev. III 1 xx[
TEXT 1.1 31
80 A3 rev. III 2 ar-ga-an-[na
81 A3 rev. III 3 su-a-a-di [
82 A3 rev. III 4 um-la-le-e ni-[ki-ip-ta(?)
83 A3 rev. III 5 i-na KA.SAG ta-[nam-di-ma(?)]
84 A3 rev. III 6 a-na pa-an dgu-[la
85 A3 rev. III 7 mu-i-ta tu-u-ba-a-a[t i-na e-ri]
86 A3 rev. III 8 UTU la i-im-ma-ar [
87 A3 rev. III 9 ta-a-a-a-al-ma [
88 A3 rev. III 10 la-a-am e-ep-u [ana qaqqari iakkanu]
89 A3 rev. III 11 ta-a-aq-q-u-ma [iballu]
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 A3 rev. III 12 [x] x ba .NUN [
91 A3 rev. III 13 [x x] a ? x [
(A3 rev. III breaks)
92 A2 rev. IV 1 [ t]u-ub-b-al ta-a--a-al
93 A2 rev. IV 2 [ta-na-ap-pi] a-na li-ib-bi KA.SAG ta-nam-di
94 A2 rev. IV 3 [ ] x bi a-na pa-an dgu-la
B rev. III endIV 1 [ ] / [ana I]GI dgu-la

95 A2 rev. IV 4 [ u]-tk-ki GAR mu-i-ta tu-u-ba-a-at
B rev. IV 12 ana u-tk-ki GAR-an / [mu-]i-ta tu-bat
96 A2 rev. IV 5 [ ] dUTU la i-im-mar
B rev. IV 2 ina e-ri dUTU NU i-mar
97 A2 rev. IV 6 [ ] NAG-
B rev. IV 3 ba-lum pa-tan NAG-ma
A2, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 A2 rev. IV 67 [ e-ri]-bi pe-e-e su-pa-la / [IN.NU.U]
B rev. IV 4 SAG.DU e-ri-bi BABBAR s-pa-la IN.NU.[U]
99 A2 rev. IV 78 im-u-ur-li-i-mi im-ur-a-ra / [ta-ar-mu-u]

B rev. IV 5 im-ur-lim im-ur--na-an tar-m[u]
100 A2 rev. IV 910 il-te-ni-i t[a-s]a-a-ak / [ ]
B rev. IV 6 il-te-ni-i ta-sa15-ak ana .GI
101 A2 rev. IV 1011 []u-ur-m-ni ta-na-[a]m-di / [ ] U4.20.KAM
B rev. IV 7 U.R.MN UB-di ina U4.15.KAM U4.20.KAM
102 A2 rev. IV 11 bi-ib-li t[a-ap-t]a-na-a-su-ma
B rev. IV 8 u *U4*.N.A -s-ma
103 A2 rev. IV 12 [ pa]-a-ru a-na a-m[-li i-]e4-e-u-u
B rev. IV 9 ki-pu pa-a-ru ana L NU i-e4-e-u-u
A2, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 A2 rev. IV 13 [ka-ba-ar-t]i mi-i-t[i ]u-me-la
B rev. IV 10 ka-ba-ar-ti mi-i-ti a GB
105 A2 rev. IV 14 [ ]x[
B rev. IV 11 .GI tu-pa-a-as-s tgBAR.SI.IG
(A2 rev. IV breaks)
106 B rev. IV 12 tu-a-ar-k-as-s L ki-pu
107 B rev. IV 13 ki-a-am i-qb-bi um-ma u--ma
108 B rev. IV 14 .GI ap-u-u-ki ka-ba-ar-ta-ki
109 B rev. IV 15 pr-i-ig-ga ar-ku-us a ki-pi ru-e-e
110 B rev. IV 16 ru-se-e up-a-e-e la a-bu-ti

111 B rev. IV 17 is-u-ra i-te-a-a a-ab-ti-u-ma

112 B rev. IV 18 la tu-ma-a-a-ri-u ma-la i-pu-u
113 B rev. IV 19 a-na UGU- te-er-ri ia-a-i tu-?-[ri?]
114 B rev. IV 20 u- li-ir-bi-i-ma a-na-k[u lu-ut-bi(?)]
115 B rev. IV 21 u- li-mu-ut-ma a-[na-ku lublu]
116 B rev. IV 22 an-na-a L DU11.GA x [
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 B rev. IV 23 MUEN AN-e [
(B rev. IV breaks)
118 A3 rev. IV 1 [ ]x
119 A3 rev. IV 2 [ ] x x x x ri ta-nam-di
120 A3 rev. IV 3 [ ] x tu-a-kal
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 A3 rev. IV 4 [ ] za-la-qa as-q-q-a
122 A3 rev. IV 5 [ ] i a-nu-ga-al-la
123 A3 rev. IV 6 [ ] il-la-at ta-am-ti
124 A3 rev. IV 7 [ ] pa-ar-zi-il-la
125 A3 rev. IV 8 [ ] im-bu-u ta-am-ti
126 A3 rev. IV 9 [ ] x ta-a-ak-ka-an-
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 A3 rev. IV 10 [ ] x me?

2. A5 (original position unknown)

1 A5: 1 ]x[
2 A5: 2 qanni(?) M]A.D [
3 A5: 3 ] nu-u-u[r-ta
4 A5: 4 ]-ri-i-it [
5 A5: 5 il-te-ni-i] ta-sa-a-a[k
6 A5: 6 ina M]UL.ME tu-u-ba-a[t
A5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 A5: 7 ] x di (x) x x x [

3. A6 (indirect join to A15 doubtful; if part of the tablet, the fragment probably belongs to rev. III or IV)
1 A6: 1 [ ]x [
2 A6: 2 [ ]x[ a]m [
3 A6: 3 [ ]x[ ] u [
4 A6: 4 [x] i [ ] am [
5 A6: 5 [ ] [x x x (x)] x u [
6 A6: 6 [i-i]p-tum ul ia-ut-tu-un
7 A6: 7 [ipat] dda-mu dnin-kar-r[a-ak]
8 A6: 8 [ipat ap]-ka-al i-li dAMAR.UTU [u-nu]
9 A6: 9 [iqb-ma a-n]a-ku -a-an-[ni]
10 A6: 10 [ ]x[
TEXT 1.1 33

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A1 (+) A2 (+) A3 (+) A4 // B 1. A1 (+) A2 (+) A3 (+) A4 // B

1 2 5
[ ] [ ] [ s]ud[ ] [You pound] 1[ ] [ ] 2[ su]d[u-plant ]
[ m]urdud[ ] 4[ ] lal[laga 3
[ m]urdud-plan[t ] 4[ ] lal[lagu-pea, heals-a-
imur-lm(?)] imur-[ar] tarm[u thousand-plant], 5heals-twenty-plant, (and) lup[ine]. 6[I]n
task-ma] [in]a ikari uluinni karna beer (and) emmer beer 9you s[teep] 6wine, [], 7[s]yrup,
[ ] 7[d]ipa imta rutt[a] 8[i]mbu ghee, ruttu-sulph[ur], 8[im]bu tmti-mineral, gold, silver,
tmti ura kaspa par[zilla] 9snta uqn ir[on], 9carnelian, (and) lapis lazuli, (all of) them fresh.
balssunu tar[assan] 10[p]na tukattam 10
You cover the [o]pening (of the vessel); 11you set it out
ina mi eet m m[aar kakkabi(?)] during the night be[fore the star(s)] for six days. 11On the
[t]ukn ina seb mi balu [patn] 12[ta- seventh day, 12[you have] him [dr]ink (the potion) 11on an
aq]qu-ma iballu empty stomach, 12and he will recover.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
[ana pi]erti kip a ina ikar[i aq] [For un]doing witchcraft which (the patient) [was given to
[ e]rkulla imbu[ tmti] 15[ ] drink] in bee[r]: 16[You mix] 14[ e]rkulla-plant, imbu
ana libbi a[mni] 16[tuballal p]na t[ukat- t[mti-mineral], 15[ ] in o[il]. 16Y[ou cover the o]pening;
tam] 17ina kakkabi tubt 18ina [rt]i 17
you leave (it) out overnight under the star(s). 18It must n[ot
ama l[ immar amna] 19tuelle amm be exposed to] the sun(-god) in the mo[rni]ng. 19You take up
ku[llassunu(?)] 20u karna [taaqqi(u)] 18
[the oil]. 20[You have (him) drink] a[ll] the herbs and wine.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 21
ana p[i]erti kip a ina m kul(u) For undoing w[i]tchcraft which (the patient) was given to
a tyata ati inib ka[rai(?)] 23nn eat with garlic: 32You have him eat 22a-plant, tyatu-plant,
ibburrata bna matakal 24sikilla akir atiu-plant, the bulb of a l[eek], 23nn-plant, ibburratu-
qan appri qan-alli giimmara 25arti plant, tamarisk, matakal-soapwort, 24sikillu-plant, akir-
balti arti agi 26pill a lapat eqli plant, marsh-reed, allu-reed, date palm, 25leaves of baltu-
urrata murdud artatilla 28arakka thorn, leaves of agu-thorn, 26pill-plant, licorice, field-
aqulla merruta 29lin-kalbi arti uluppi turnip, 27madder, murdud-plant, artatillu-plant, 28apple-
imur-lm 30imur-ana tarmu sa 31ar- bush, aqullu-plant, merrutu-plant, 29dogs-tongue, leaves
ganna barrt[a] 32a tuakkalu of the uluppu-tree, heals-a-thousand-plant, 30heals-twen-
[()] ty-plant, lupine, su-plant, 31argannu-plant, barrtu-plant,
(and) , (all these herbs) 32you have him eat separately.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
break break
33 34 35 33
[ ] [ in]a rti [ tu- [ ] 34[ i]n the morning 35[ you] have him
]akkalu eat [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ina m] ramk/u 37[ ] m nri 36
[ ] soaked [in w]ater 37[ ] river water 38You scoop
[ ] teebbu 39[ ] qan-alal- [ ]. 39[ ] allu-reed, 40[ o]il, fine oil, [ ] oil,
l[i] 40[ am]ni aman rti aman(?) [ 41
[()] you put [ into be]er. 42[ ]. You cover [the
] 41[ ina ik]ari(?) tanamdi 42[ opening]. 43[ ] 44You put [ in]to (it). 45[
pna] tukattam 43[ ] 44[ ana to]gether 46[ b]efore [ ].
li]bbi tanamdi 45[ itti a]mi 46[
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] tur 48[ a]rakk[a] 47
[ ] tur-garlic 48[ ap]ple-bus[h] 49[ s]uplu-

[ s]upla 50[ ] ana(?) 51[ ] juniper 50[ ] for 51[ ] sud[u-plant] 52[ ] [
sud[] 52[ ] [
break break
[ ] 54amm [ ] 55ina 53
[ ] herbs ..[.. ] 55in an ove[n ] 56to-
tinr[i ] 56itti am[i ] geth[er ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
matakal [ ] 58murdud a[rtatilla] 57
matakal-soapwort [ ] 58murdud-plant, a[rtatillu]-

arakka [ ] 60urmna sup[la plant 59apple-bush [ ] 60cypress-(resin), suplu-
] 61bura lib[ra ] (ll. 6263: juni[per ] 61buru-juniper lib[ru-fruit ] (ll. 62
traces) 63: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
64 64
ana pierti ki[p] a ina [amm For undoing witchcr[a]ft which (the patient) [was given to
kul(u)(?)] 65imbu tmti rut[ta ] eat] with he[rbs]: 66You pound 65imbu tmti-mineral,
task ana libbi aman nni [aman ] rut[tu]-sulphur, [and ]. 67You mi[x] (it) 66in fish oil,
u aman urmni taball[al] 68pna tu- [ oil], 67and cypress oil. 68You cover the opening. You
kattam itti m ta[aqqu] have [him drink] (it) with water.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 69
ina seb mi kma ama itta[pa] On the seventh day, at sunr[ise], 70you p[our] water of
m kakkab u m emmti tat[abbak] the stars and warm water. 71You smear him with soda ash
uulta tesru-[ma?] 72m unti tu- [and] 72was[h him] with those (two kinds of) water. 73You
ramma[ku] 73amna (var.: amm) u anoin[t him] with that oil.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 74
ana pierti kip a ina akali [kul(u) For undoing witchcraft which (the patient) [was given to
ina ikari aq ina seb mi [ ] eat] with bread 75(and) to drink in beer: On the seventh day,
balu patn [ ] 77ina kappi [ ] [ ] 76on an empty stomach [ ] 77in a bowl [ ]
78 78
uppul[tV ] [ ]
break break
79 80 83
[ ] argan[na ] You [put] 79 [ ] 80argan[nu-plant, ],
sud [ ] 82umlal ni[kip- 81
sudu-plant, [ ], 82umlal-spice, nik[iptu-plant,
ta(?) ] 83ina ikari ta[namd-ma(?)] ] 83into beer; and 84[you place it ( )] before Gu[la].
ana pn Gu[la ] 85muta tub[t 85
You leave (it) out overnight. [In the morning], 86it must
ina ri] 86ama l immar [ ] not be exposed to the sun(-god). 87You crush 86[ ], and
taaal-ma [ ] 88lm pu [ana [you ]. 88Before [he sets] his foot [on the floor], 89you
qaqqari iakkanu] taaqqu-ma have him drink (it), and [he will recover].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] imta [ ] 91[ ] 90
[ ] , ghee, [ ] 91[ ] [
break break
92 93 92
[ t]ubbal taaal [tanappi] [ y]ou dry, crush, 93[(and) sieve]. You put (it) into
ana libbi ikari tanamdi 94[ ] ana beer. 95You place (it) 94[ ] before Gula into the
pn Gula 95ana utukki taakkan muta reed-hut. 95You leave (it) out overnight. 96In the morning,
tubt 96ina ri ama l immar 97ba- it must not be exposed to the sun(-god); 97you have him
lu patn taaqqu (var. adds -ma) drink (it) on an empty stomach.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 100
qaqqad erib pe supla matakal You pound together 98the head of a white locust,
imur-lm imur-anan (var.: -ar) suplu-juniper, matakal-soapwort, 99heals-a-thousand-
tarmu 100iltni task ana libbi aman plant, heals-twenty-plant, (and) lupine. 101You put (it)
101 100
urmni tanamdi ina apatti er into cypress oil. 101On the fifteenth day, on the twen-
u bibli taptanaassu-ma 103kip tieth day, 102and on (the day of) the new moon, you rub him
par ana amli l ie each time, and then 103the witchcraft will be undone; it will
not approach the man (any more).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 1.1 35
kabarti mti a umla 105amna 105
You have him (the patient) anoint 104the ankle-bone
tupaassu parigga 106tuarkassu aml from the left (foot) of a dead person 105with oil. 106You
kip 107kam iqabbi umma -ma have him gird (it) 105with a headband. 106The man
amna apuki kabartaki 109parig- (whom) witchcraft (keeps hold of) 107speaks as follows:
ga arkus a kip ru 110rus up l 108
Herewith I anoint you (fem.) with oil! Your ankle-bone
bti 111isura ite abtu-ma 109
I gird with a headband! 111Seize 109the one who
l tumaaru mala puu 113ana 111
turned to (and) sought 109witchcraft, magic, 110sorcery
muu terr yi t[r(?)] 114 lirbi- (and) wicked machinations 111against me, and 112do not
ma ank[u lutbi(?)] 115 limt-ma a[n- release him! Whatever he did 113send back to him! To me
ku lublu] 116ann amlu iqabbi [ ] tu[rn in favour]! 114Let him lie down (on the sick-bed), but
let me [arise (from it)]! 115Let him die, but let me [live]!
The man says this. [].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 117
ir am [ A wild bird [
break break
118 119 118
[ ] [ ] tanamdi [ ] 119You put [ ] 120You have
[ ] tuakkal (him) eat [ ].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] zalqa asqiq 122[ ] 121
[ ] zalqu-stone, arsenic, 122[ ] , alabaster,
anugalla 123[ ] illt tmti 124[ ] 123
[ ], spittle-of-the-sea, 124[ ], iron, 125[ ],
parzilla 125[ ] imbu tmti 126[ ] imbu tmti-mineral. 126You place it (or: for him) [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 127
[ ] [ ]

2. A5 2. A5
1 2 1
[ ] [ ] [ qanni(?) ]abti [ ] [ ] 2[ horn of a g]azelle [ ] 3[ ]
[ ] 3[ ] nuu[rta ] 4[ ] nuu[rtu-plant ] 4[ ] [ ] 5You crus[h togethe]r
[ ] 5[ iltni] tas[k ] 6[ [ ] 6You leave (it) out overni[ght under the s]tars. [ ]
ina k]akkab tub[t ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

3. A6 3. A6
6 6
(ll. 15 only traces)[i]ptu ul yuttun (ll. 15 only traces) The incantation is not mine! 7[It is the
[ipat] Damu u Ninkarr[ak] 8[ipat incantation] of Damu and Ninkarr[ak], 8[it is the incantation
ap]kal il Marduk [unu] 9[iqb-ma of the s]age of the gods, Marduk! [They] 9[spoke (it), but] I
an]ku uan[ni] 10[ ] [ ] did only repe[at (it)]! 10[ ] [ ]


General: A1A6 were identified as part of the can be no doubt that these fragments originally
same tablet by F. Kcher whose work was based on belonged to the same tablet. The light brown colour
photographs of the fragments (KUB 37, p. III; see of fragment A6, however, differs significantly from
now also Koak, StBoT 39, 56 and modify Schwe- that of the other fragments and calls into question
mer, THeth 23, 5, fn. 19 accordingly). Collation of the possibility of an indirect join of A6 to A15 even
the originals led to an approximate placement of the though the script is very similar to that of the other
fragments A14: A1 belongs to obv. I, A4 to obv. II fragments.
(probably upper half or middle), A2 represents the
1.: 112: A very similar prescription is partial-
upper part of the reverse, while A3 belongs to the
ly preserved on BM 47695 + 47781, a fragmentary
middle or lower half of the reverse. The original
Late Babylonian collection of ana pierti kip pre-
position of A5 remains uncertain. The reddish colour
scriptions (obv. 819). The tablet was brought to
and the clay texture of A15 is identical, and there
our attention by M.J. Geller; but, unfortunately, the

identification of the tablet came too late for an in- 20: KA.GETIN in ms. B corresponds to
clusion in the present volume. The portions of text karnu in ms. A; there is no room for a restoration
preserved in BM 47695+ do not add significantly to ikaru (KA) before karnu in ms. A. This usage
the text as it is known from the Boazky manu- agrees with scribal customs at Ugarit and Alala
script. (CAD II 428). In Emar rituals, the logogram
KA.GETIN is used for the West Semitic word am-
3: The corresponding passage in BM
ru wine (see Fleming, Installation, 14243); in
47695+ obv. 15 suggests that ardadillu and ar
Hittite texts, KA.GETIN serves alongside the ab-
api are to be restored in the break after murdud.
breviated variant GETIN as the normal logogram
56: The restoration task-ma in l. 5 fol- for wine (see Del Monte, Studies Houwink ten
lows BM 47695+ obv. 16 (cf. the preceding note). Cate, 21124). Like the Hittite cuneiform or-
thography and Syrian scribal customs, the present
The apparent accusative form of karna militates
ms. B written in the Assyro-Mittanian script
against an interpretation of this word as dependent
follows Upper-Mesopotamian scribal traditions.
on ina. The restoration of the following break re-
mains unclear; the corresponding passage in the late 21: As indicated by aq in l. 75, u-
duplicate BM 47695+ is also fragmentary. kl(u) should be understood as a subordinate form.
The subject of the relative clause must be the patient
KA.SAG is rendered as ikaru, cf. Stol, HANES 6,
(see GAG3 145h for the passive stative construc-
16164 and Borger MesZ, p. 321 (with further
tion of verbs with two accusatives; for the active
literature) for the interchangability of KA.SAG and
construction of aq with two accusatives, cf., e.g.,
KA after the Old Babylonian period. It is not ex-
Koch-Westenholz, Liver Omens, no. 19: 90). The
cluded, however, that the present manuscripts
frozen kul-form is used in a similar context even
differentiated between KA.SAG (ikaru rt) and
with a feminine subject (BAM 237 rev. IV 29).
simple ikaru (KA, cf. ll. 13, 75).
2224: The syllabic spellings in ms. A show
7: For dipu (date-)syrup, honey, see
clearly that a, ati, nn and akir are plural
Stol, HANES 6, 15657, Volk, BBVO 18, 28390.
forms, while the logographic writings of ms. B have
8: balssunu indicates the fresh, un- no plural markers. The grammatical plural ap-
touched condition of plants (cf. CAD and AHw s.v. parently refers to the plurality of (pieces of) leaves;
baltu with reference to BAM 482 obv. II 61, 578 cf. the plurale tantum words sal cress? (seed)
obv. II 21, Labat Tournay, RA 40 [194546] 114 and m [SUMsar] garlic, and cf. also the phrase
16 obv. 6). Here it is used to refer to syrup, ghee, a-i-i [ar-q]u-ti in AMT 85/1 rev. V 1516, here
metals and minerals. This indicates probably that text 2.3, 1.: 11213.
the substances are not reused leftovers, but were
22: The expected Akkadian rendering of
processed for the first time for this potion. The
NU.LU.Asar is nuurtu (here attested syllabically
translation dans leur intgrit given by Labat and
in A6: 3, if restored correctly), whereas tyatu was
Tournay has not been accepted by the dictionaries
tentatively identified with NU.LU by Thompson
and is contradicted by the present context where the
(DAB, 35758). The lexical lists do not confirm
minerals are certainly understood to have been
such an assumption: The Ugarit recension of
XVII offers for both tyatu and naurutu (a variant
9: The reading ta-r[a-as-s-an] is cer- of nuurtu) Sumerian -lusar (MSL 10, 113: 173
tain; cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 1. 74); later lists differentiate nu-lu-asar | nuurtu,
naurutu from ()KU-nu-lu-asar | tyatu (MSL 10,
10: Alternatively, restore a deitys name
93: 28586, Landsberger Gurney, AfO 18 [1957
at the end of the line, possibly dgu-la.
58] 329: 7475). Both drugs, nuurtu and tyatu, are
15: For the reading in B, cf. collation, pl. frequently used together, and, according to the
129, no. 2. lexical lists, are closely associated with each other.
It is therefore difficult to decide whether the sylla-
16: A restoration taballal is equally
bic spelling in ms. A is due to a mistake of the
possible (cf. ll. 6 and 67).
copying scribe (confusing nuurtu and tyatu) or
19: The restoration at the end of the line should be interpreted as a genuine attestation of the
remains doubtful; it fits the traces, but the expres- use of NU.LU.Asar for tyatu as well as for nuur-
sion has no parallels in other prescriptions of this tu. Neither hypothesis would contradict Thomp-
type. sons identification of NU.LU with tyatu.
TEXT 1.1 37
The logogram .KUR.KUR.RA is a variant form of found in Hittite texts, but is proved to originate in
the more frequently attested KUR.KUR. At least in Babylonia by CBS 4852, an unpublished forerunner
the present writing, an etymology plant of the to X quoted by M. Civil within the framework
foreign lands is clearly intended (therefore is not of his discussion of imtu-ru-na etc. oven (JCS 25
treated as a determinative here). [1973] 174). The evidence offered by Civil on
etymological grounds is much in favour of a
28: A plant name merrutu is not attested
reading imu-rin-na, even though the present variant
in the Babylonian lexical tradition. The same writ-
and its parallels seem to suggest a reading *imu-
ing occurs in KUB 37, 55 rev. IV 11 (here text 2.2, ng
ngin-na. The restoration of the sign NA at the end
1.: 134: m-er-ru-ta, accusative sg.), where the
of the preserved line is quite likely, but note that in
context suggests an interpretation as a plant name as
peripheral Akkadian also a shortened variant
well. A connection with the better known plant im
U.RIN is in use (Huehnergard, RA 77 [1983] 35
name(s) err, merr seems possible (therefore bet-
with fn. 91, Tsukimoto, Priests and Officials, 199
ter merrtu?), whereas marrtu bitter onions (pl.)
obv. 3).
should be kept separate.
59: Restore [LAL ] after arakku
30: For im-ur--na instead of im-
(cf. l. 28)?
ur--na-an, cf. KADP 1 rev. V 28 (MA) and RS
17.155 rev. 38 (Nougayrol, Ugaritica 5, 2940, no. 60: CAD III 352 draws attention to the
17). The form imur-ana(n) is typical for second fact that urmnu is measured by volume in AMT
millennium sources (cf. here l. 99, furthermore 55/1 obv. 11; therefore a meaning cypress resin
KUB 37, 32: 4, BAM 325: 3 [MA]) and corre- might be intended there and elsewhere in medical
sponds to imur-er in first millennium manu- prescriptions. Note that different kinds of woods are
scripts. used as medications within the present text (ll. 23,
31: For the reading at the end of the line,
cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 3. 61: For the restoration, cf. KUB 37, 55
rev. IV 6 (here text 2.2, 1.: 125; for further refer-
3352: The beginning of the curvature of the
ences, see CAD, AHw s.v. lipru).
right edge is preserved in ms. A4.
62: Cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 6.
39: qan-alalli is a variant form of qan-
alli (GI.UL.I, see CAD I 19596 without refer- 65: At the end of the line a restoration
ence to the present attestation); for the logographic iltni (task) is quite likely.
writing, cf. here l. 24.
69: Of course, a restoration it-ta-a[p-u]
40: Cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 4. is equally possible.
41: ana li-ib-b]i ta-nam-di is equally 70: m kakkab water of the stars re-
possible (cf. l. 44). fers to water that stayed outside under the stars
overnight; it was thereby exposed to the influence
43: Cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 5.
of the astral deities as it cooled; see Schwemer,
54: The reading of ki before the break is THeth 23, 122.
beyond doubt, and one might suggest a restoration
72: For the reading in ms. B, cf. colla-
ki-[i-pi] magical plants. The phrase amm
tion, pl. 129, no. 7.
kip occurs hitherto only outside ritual texts, where
it refers to plants used for witchcraft with evil intent 73: In view of the following u the
(OB Mari: ARM 26/2, 314 rev. 26, cf. also 26/2, 253 variant .I.A (amm) is probably a mistake for
rev. 8; unaura treaty, Akkadian version: KBo 1, amna.
5 rev. III 30, 34, corresponding Hittite paragraphs
74: The same purpose clause is quoted in
not preserved). One could therefore, within the
the catalogue LKA 94 rev. III 7: ana BR-ti ki-pi
present context, think of a fuller restoration amm
[ina NIN]DA.ME [u-kul].
kip pari, which would correspond to
U11.BR.RU.DA, well attested in later texts (cf. 7478: The prescriptions for the ailment
Abusch, MesWi, 7988, especially 80, 8586). specified in ll. 7475 begin with the seventh
day. The instructions for the previous diagnosis (ll.
55: The writing imu-GAR.LAGAB-na in-
6473) probably applied here as well, and the
stead of the usual imu-rin(LAGAB)-na can also be
scribe did not bother to repeat them in extenso; this

would explain the odd use of a paragraph divider be continued by the following broken section
within the preceding section (after l. 68) to beginning with l. 117. This unit lacks the usual
separate the initial prescriptions from those of the incipit ana pierti kip etc.; therefore it probably
seventh day. provides an alternative ritual to the preceding
prescription and shares the same goal. However, the
78: The restoration is virtually certain;
scribe did not make this explicit by beginning with
for uppultu of uncertain meaning, see now CAD
KIMIN (cf. also commentary on ll. 7478). The
III 326.
incipit formula of the preceding unit xii is not
7989: This prescription is fairly similar to preserved and has to be restored within the broken
ll. 9297 and may perhaps be restored ac- passage preceding l. 92.
The whole section was probably misunderstood and
85: A restoration [ i-na r-ti] is therefore erroneously emended by CAD K 19. The
equally possible. incantation addresses a female, which can be neither
the kabartu (kabartaki in l. 108), nor the evildoer
91: Read [NU.LU].A x [ ]?
(note the 3rd sg. masc. forms in ll. 11115),
92: Above the first line of ms. A rev. IV nor the dead person (mtu in l. 104 is masculine).
a few traces of an erased line are visible. The posi- Furthermore, the following kabartaki apu
tion of this erased line is slightly higher than that of leaves no doubt that apuki means Herewith I
rev. III 1, while the actual rev. IV 1 stands a bit anoint you (accusative, not dative, pace CAD, loc.
lower than its counterpart in rev. III. cit.). That the D-stem of pau has a causative
meaning is clearly shown by the -stem tuarkassu
The syllabic value b (PA) is unexpected in ms. A,
in the following, strictly parallel phrase (pace AHw
for this source normally follows Babylonian ortho-
844a). Our form should be added to the one
graphy and may well have been imported from
example of pau D quoted by Kouwenberg,
Babylonia; it was certainly not written by a Hittite
Gemination, 222; Kouwenbergs overall conclusion
that we never find the D-stem as causative of
94: A restoration of the beginning of the transitive verbs in Akkadian (p. 266) is hard to
line remains difficult. The line- and column-division reconcile with the present attestation. Note that
of ms. B suggest that the broken phrase, traces of pau like most verbs of the structure *C
which are preserved in ms. A, is an independent has no -stem.
sentence, probably dealing with the container of the
Taking into account the correspondence between
potion and its handling (cf. pna tukattam ll. 10,
ritual action and incantation, the overall sense of the
16, 42, 68) or the setting up of the reed hut. On
proceedings becomes clear: The ankle-bone, serving
the other hand, it cannot be excluded that the whole
as a pars pro toto representation of a certain female
phrase was omitted in ms. B, and that this manu-
person, is treated with oil and clothed by the patient;
script provides additional information on the ritual
apparently this is done in order to assure the favour-
action that followed (e.g., an indication of the time
able disposition of this female towards the patient.
of the day).
Then the patient addresses the female person: after
95: For the reading in ms. A, cf. colla- having mentioned the kind treatment the invoked
tion, pl. 129, no. 8. The reed hut (utukku) is a typi- person receives (represented by her ankle-bone), she
cal feature of Babylonian rituals. Being a kind of ad is beseeched to send the evil magic back to the male
hoc sanctuary, it served especially as a place where sorcerer. Unfortunately, the text does not state the
representations of deities could be set up. identity of the invoked female person. The context
suggests that she is neither a living human (for a
98: For the usage of body parts of
human bone would probably not be used as a repre-
insects as materia medica, cf. KBo 36, 27 obv. 9
sentation of a living person) nor a goddess (who
10, where besides the tail of a scorpion the
would have been named and venerated in the form
following ingredients are named: the tail of a wasp
of a cultic symbol, certainly not in the form of a part
(adumm, variant form of or mistake for adamm-
of a human body). She is apparently demonic, but
mu), the tail of a bee, and the head of a red ant (see
also human. Since her opponent is the male witch, it
Schwemer, ZA 94 [2004] 5969 with commentary).
seems likely that a demonic female witch is invoked
104ff.: The ritual and incantation given in ll. here as an ally of the patient (for this argument, cf.
10416 form a unit of their own, probably to also Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 11516; for the
TEXT 1.1 39
demonic dimension of the witch in Babylonian 122: A reading SAAR for I is extremely
literature, see Abusch, MesWi, 325, and for the unlikely within the present context. The name of a
witch as an ally, see ibid., 18891). stone used as medication is certainly expected. Per-
haps one should read [ al-ga-mi]-i. The unusual
104: The word kab(b)artu was studied
spelling without an Akkadian case-ending could
most recently by Adamson, RA 87 (1993) 15859,
possibly be influenced by the Sumerian form of this
who concludes that it seems to refer to the whole
foreign stone-name (na4al-ga-mes, na4algames).
of the ankle joint (159, cf. already CAD K 1819
with similar results). In the present context (not dis- 123: CAD R 437 s.v. rutu concludes
cussed by Adamson), kab(b)artu almost certainly The Akk. equivalent of the medicinal substance
designates a distinct bone of the human skeleton, A.AB.BA, lit. spittle of the sea is unknown. The
rather than the whole joint. Among the possible present mineral illt tmti, however, is a likely
candidates the ankle-bone seems to be the best candidate. A.AB.BA is referred to besides ruttu
choice (rather than calcaneum, shin- or splint-bone). (.dD spittle of the river), likewise a mineral
For a similar prescription involving the use of a (see BAM 434 rev. IV 67 //, 1617, AMT 48/2 obv.
dead persons maartu-bone, see KUB 37, 55 rev. II 8, here texts 7.10.1, 1.: 9697, 7.10.5: 8), and
VI 3842 // (here text 2.2, 1.: 15761). as logographic writing for illtu is attested
otherwise (see Farber, MC 2, 125, on BAM 183 obv.
106: Rather than being a mistake for aml
8 // BAM 248 rev. IV 40).
kip or amlu kapu, the phrase L ki-pu should be
interpreted as a shortened expression for aml kip 2.: 2: For the restoration proposed here, cf.
abtu (or similar) and is translated accordingly. KUB 37, 55 rev. VI 24 (text 2.2, 1.: 143). For
animal horns used as medication, see CAD Q 136.
11314: The restorations are based on the
visible traces (l. 113, cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 4: Cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 11.
9), the context, and the usual phraseology of incan-
3.: 69: For the restorations, cf. the similar
tations and prayers.
incantations quoted in CAD I 400401 and III
116: Cf. collation, pl. 129, no. 10. 88. In the break at the end of l. 6 there is room for a
restoration, but the usual wording of the ul yttun
119: The traces suggest a reading a-na
formula suggests that nothing is missing. In l. 9 a
na-a-ri ta-nam-di, but this is unexpected within the
restoration [idd-ma a-n]a-ku is equally possible.
present context.
TEXT 1.2


Three small fragments of a tablet copied by a Hittite effective against witchcraft; at least one of the
scribe with Akkadian prescriptions and incantations preserved units follows the ana pierti kip format.

List of Manuscripts

A1 598/b (+) KUB 37, 51 coll. Small frgs. of a 2-col. tablet, Hittite attua, Bykkale
A2 2787/c (+) KUB 37, 53 coll. script, late 13th cent. attua, Bykkale
A3 478/c KUB 37, 99 coll. attua, Bykkale

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary prescription...................................................................................................... ]18[

A2 obv. I 18
ii Fragmentary prescription....................................................................................................]911
A1 obv. II 13
iii Fragmentary prescription (ana pierti kip) ....................................................................1213[
A1 obv. II 45
iv Fragmentary incantation: K libi kede ....................................................................... ]1420
A2 obv. II 17
v Fragmentary.................................................................................................................... 2123[
A2 obv. II 810
vi Fragmentary incantation ............................................................................................... ]2425
A3 obv. II 12
vii Fragmentary..........................................................................................................................26[
A3 obv. II 3
viii Fragmentary anti-witchcraft prescription ....................................................................]2728
A3 rev. III 12
ix Fragmentary.................................................................................................................2933[
A3 rev. III 37
x Fragmentary anti-witchcraft prescription ................................................................ ]3440[
A1 rev. III 17

Previous Editions

Schwemer, THeth 23, 143 (ms. A2).


1 A2 obv. I 1 [ i]-i
2 A2 obv. I 2 [ ]

3 A2 obv. I 3 [ im-u]r-a-ra
4 A2 obv. I 4 [ ]-i?
5 A2 obv. I 5 [ ]x
TEXT 1.2 41
6 A2 obv. I 6 [ ]
7 A2 obv. I 7 [ ]x
8 A2 obv. I 8 [ ] x-ra-a
break (A2 obv. I breaks)
9 A1 obv. II 1 KI.MIN nu-u-ur-t AN.DA.UM!sar [
10 A1 obv. II 2 ina A.ME ta-ra-as-s-an pa-an d[
11 A1 obv. II 3 NAG-ma TI-u [ (nothing missing)
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 A1 obv. II 4 [ana] pi-er-ti ki-pi EME x [
13 A1 obv. II 5 [ ]xx[
break (A1 obv. II breaks)
14 A2 obv. II 1 N ke?-[e-e(?)
15 A2 obv. II 2 a-ri-bi-[i
16 A2 obv. II 3 ra-ki-ib [a-(a-)ri
17 A2 obv. II 4 ka-a!(a)-a-a i-za-[nnun
18 A2 obv. II 5 GIM-ma <li->te-ru-[ba-ma
19 A2 obv. II 6 N GAL-t[?
20 A2 obv. II 7 ki-ib x [
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 A2 obv. II 8 x[
22 A2 obv. II 9 ana [
23 A2 obv. II 10 x[
break (A2 obv. II breaks)
24 A3 obv. II 1 [ ]xxx[
25 A3 obv. II 2 [ N] .NU.RU
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 A3 obv. II 3 [ ]xxxx[
break (A3 obv. II breaks)
27 A3 rev. III 1 [ ]xxx[
28 A3 rev. III 2 [ ] x ru-u-u pa-a-[ru]
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 A3 rev. III 3 [ ] x im a x [
30 A3 rev. III 4 [ ] x a di ba a? [
31 A3 rev. III 5 [ ] za qu x [
32 A3 rev. III 6 [ ] x a [
33 A3 rev. III 7 [ ]x[
break (A3 rev. III breaks)
34 A1 rev. III 1 [ u]k? ri [
35 A1 rev. III 2 [ ] x E.BAR? x [
36 A1 rev. III 3 [ ] x SUM giGIIMMAR [
37 A1 rev. III 4 [ ]e-er-a-ni A.ME t-k-[a
38 A1 rev. III 5 [ ] ru-e-e ta at te e ga x [
39 A1 rev. III 6 [ ] x dur ana UGU t[a?-
40 A1 rev. III 7 [ ka]-ap-t ru-u mim-ma [
(end of rev. III, rev. IV lost)


General: The script and syllabary are those of forms adopted from the Assyro-Babylonian scribal
a late Hittite scribe copying Babylonian tablets tradition as well as frequent disregard of the
i.e., Hittite script with certain distinctly late sign Akkadian opposition between voiceless and voiced

stops. The indirect joins have been confirmed by alternatives. Since there is evidence for the usage of
collation; all of them are certain. Pace Kchers sinews in the fabrication of potions (KUB 4, 48 l. e.
suggestion of an indirect join of KUB 37, 53 and 54 5, cf. Biggs, TCS 2, 56), ern might represent the
(KUB 37, p. III) and the tentative suggestion by last member of a long list of ingredients (continued
Schwemer, THeth 23, 14344, KUB 37, 54, 90 and from the preceding line, where the preserved text
96 do not belong to this tablet and indeed are frag- lists garlic and wood of the date palm). Alternative-
ments of different tablets. ly one could understand this line as you cool (his)
sinews with water.
9: Probably KI.MIN does not represent
the ana pierti kip formula found at the beginning 38: The second half of the line is appar-
of the following paragraph. It may indicate the re- ently corrupt. Possibly the scribe misunderstood and
petition of a symptom description or of a umma misreconstructed a damaged up-a-e-e of the origi-
amlu kaip opening. nal; if that is correct, the succeeding signs might be
read k-[-a- ] or the like.
1420: This is a variant form of the incanta-
tion K libi kede of Maql II 15059. It seems 39: The broken sign at the beginning is
that the text is partly corrupt. This Boazky ver- either tu or sar. A plausible reconstruction of the
sion is the earliest attestation of a Maql incanta- word eludes us; one might even think of a reading
tion; the abracadabra quality may be a function of [ -t]utr.
its early date and would have rendered it susceptible
40: The restoration at the beginning is
to corruption.
fairly certain, even though one might expect a geni-
37: The restoration ]e-er-a-ni seems tive form within a list of evils. Note the unusual
certain; in any case, we do not know any plausible spelling ru-u, which undoubtedly stands for ru.
TEXT 1.3


Small fragment with ritual instructions.

List of Manuscripts

A 337/e KUB 37, 52 coll. Small frg., Ass.-Mitt. script, 14th attua, Bykkale
13th cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary ritual............................................................................................................... ]113[

A: 113

Previous Editions



1 A: 1 x[
2 A: 2 x[
3 A: 3 im x [
4 A: 4 ALAM [
5 A: 5 s-u-[na?
6 A: 6 tu-al-la[p
7 A: 7 a-bu-us-s(-)[
8 A: 8 GUG [
9 A: 9 .ME.DA [
10 A: 10 NG.<SILA11.>??G an x [
11 A: 11 tu-la-ap-[pa-ap
12 A: 12 ta-a-a[k-ka-ak(?)
13 A: 13 xx[


General: The inclusion of this fragment in the KBo 36, 29 (see Schwemer, THeth 23 and Scurlock,
present corpus is prompted by its overall similarity MMTGI, nos. 220, 221 with further bibliography).
to KUB 37, 43 (text 1.1, ms. B), noted already by F.
46: These lines deal with the fabrication
Kcher (KUB 37, p. III). The few signs preserved,
of a substitute figurine.
however, contain none of the usual keywords of
anti-witchcraft rituals. Therefore, the text could 12: A reading ta-a-a[k-ka-an ] is
address the expulsion of demons just as well. The equally possible.
present fragment might actually belong to rev. IV of
TEXT 1.4


Small fragment with instructions against witchcraft. phylactic purposes; similarly, the reverse seems to
While the second unit follows the ana pierti kip contain a list of amulet stones.
format, the first prescription serves apparently pro-

List of Manuscripts

A Bo 9014 (Istanbul) + KUB 4, 60 coll. Small frg., Syrian script, 14th13th attua, Bykkale
209/g KBo 36, 38 coll. cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual...................................................................................................17

A obv. 17
ii Fragmentary therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip) ................................................................. 814[
A obv. 814
iii Fragmentary ritual ..............................................................................................................]1519
A rev. 16

Previous Editions



1 A obv. 1 um4-ma ki-[i-pu

2 A obv. 2 ba-lum pa-t[an
3 A obv. 3 E ana a?-x [
4 A obv. 4 a pa-an x [
5 A obv. 5 -u e-e[m
6 A obv. 6 -u um-m[a
7 A obv. 7 um-ma mim-m[a
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A obv. 8 a-na p[i-]e-er-ti [ki-pi
9 A obv. 9 7? qa-qa-ad s[i-ki-il-li(?)
10 A obv. 10 tu-ur-ra-ar ta?-x [
11 A obv. 11 ba-lum pa-tanan tu-[akkalu
12 A obv. 12 UZU a lu-ur-mi x [
13 A obv. 13 ba-lu pa-t-an tu-[akkalu
14 A obv. 14 [x (x)] x a ta-a-a!?-[al?
15 A rev. 1 [x] x x x [
16 A rev. 2 NA4ia G [
17 A rev. 4 sa-a-a-a [
TEXT 1.4 45
na4 na4
18 A rev. 5 GUG [
19 A rev. 6 u-lu-u-a [

A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(remaining space blank, no colophon or catchline visible)


General: The join between the two fragments obv. 7?). The present text uses only the heads (i.e.,
housed in the Istanbul Arkeoloji Mzeleri and the the buds?), probably of the sikillu-plant, although
Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mzesi, Ankara, has been the restoration of the plant name remains doubtful.
checked on the basis of modern digital photographs
12: Ostrich meat is very rarely used as a
and collation of both originals.
medication, but cf. BAM 318 rev. III 4.
1: For the introductory phrase of this
16: The few signs preserved can hardly
unit, cf. KUB 37, 55 obv. II 3031 // (here text 2.2,
mean anything but aban kidi stone amulet(s).
1.: 7172).
The sign ia is bothersome, but may be explained as
56: Both lines deal with similar symp- a gloss to the preceding sign (NA4, IA4), indicating
toms: libbau m, libbau umm[a ukl (or: iri)] that the latter represents a logogram, not a deter-
his stomach is hot. Does this symptom description minative. For indications that scribes occasionally
form the introductory part of a second prescription read and pronounced logograms as logograms,
within the first unit? Perhaps it introduced supple- especially during dictation, cf. Finkel, Studies Lam-
mentary instructions in case the first cure had failed. bert, 139, fn. 4.
9: The designation of the top part of 1719: These three lines form part of an ex-
various plants as qaqqadtu heads is well attested tensive list of minerals. In the light of l. 16, one
(CAD Q 109). Occasionally medical prescriptions might suggest that they were to be threaded on a
demand the usage of seven-headed crows foot string and worn as amulets.
(p ribi) or atu (cf. perhaps also KUB 4, 27
TEXT 1.5


The main body of this text (1st Part, unit iii, ll. 11 pains, emotional disorder), most of them supposed
19) follows the ana pierti kip format. It contains to have been caused by the anger of the personal
a short ritual involving the fabrication of substitute god. Apparently, only two of these units address
figurines of warlock and witch, their presentation witchcraft (cf. the summary below); the obverse of
before ama, the burning of these figurines and the tablet, however, is largely destroyed. Manuscript
their final disposal in the river. Preceding this ritual, D contains several short prescriptions of the ana
manuscript A gives another prescription against pierti kip type, all badly broken; one unit gives a
witchcraft, apparently following a different format; ritual included in a umma amlu kaip collection
the materia magica used consists mainly of 14 from attua (see here text 2.2). Due to their state
small pieces of different minerals. Manuscript C of preservation, the overall character of manuscripts
offers a number of prescriptions to be used in case B and E remains unclear.
of several ailments connected with the libbu (inner

List of Manuscripts

A 212/n KBo 9, 47 coll. Small frg., Ass.-Mitt. script, 14th attua, Bykkale
13th cent.
B Bo 5206 KUB 4, 99 coll. Small frg., MB? script, 14th13th cent. attua, Bykkale
C VAT 13786 BAM 317 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
D1 VAT 14051 (+) KAL 2, 43 coll. Frgs. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4 (?)
D2 VAT 14052 KAL 2, 44 coll. 8th7th cent.
E VAT 11603 KAR 275 coll. Small frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, MA Aur
KAL 2, 45 script, 13th11th cent.
F VAT 12153 Meinhold, KAL, coll. Small frg., MA script, 13th11th cent. Aur

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual................................................................................................]13
A: 13
ii Fragmentary therapeutic ritual............................................................................................... 410
A: 410 //? B: 23
iii Therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip) ................................................................................... 1119
A: 1118 // B: 413 // C rev. 48 // D1 m. col. 17 // E r. col. 16 // F: 26
iv Fragmentary........................................................................................................................2021[
B: 1416
2nd Part
i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip) ................................................................... 14
D1 m. col. 811
ii Fragmentary therapeutic ritual................................................................................................. 57
D1 m. col. 1214
iii Fragmentary therapeutic ritual............................................................................................... 812
D1 m. col. 1519
TEXT 1.5 47
iv Fragmentary therapeutic ritual........................................................................................... 1315[
D1 m. col. 2022
v Fragmentary unit............................................................................................................. ]1618[
D1 r. col. 13
vi Fragmentary unit....................................................................................................................]19
D2 rev. VI? 1
vii Fragmentary unit.............................................................................................................. 2026
D2 rev. VI? 28
viii Fragmentary therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip) .......................................................... 2730[
D2 rev. VI? 912
3rd Part
i Therapeutic prescription for curing qt amlti ....................................................................... 13
C rev. 2426 (cf. KAR 186 = BAM 311 obv. 14)

Previous Editions

Schwemer, KAL 2, nos. 4344 (mss. D and E).

Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming (ms. F).


1. A // B // C rev. 48 // D1 m. col. 17 // E // F
1 A: 1 [ ]x[
2 A: 2 [ ]xxx[
3 A: 3 [ ] x GAR-an [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 A: 4 [BAD? KIMI]N? <na4>NR.MU.GR x [
5 A: 5 [na4D]UR.MI.NA na4E.TI[R
6 A: 6 [na4PR]IG.GN.A na4AR.U.BA.[IR
7 A: 7 [x (x)] x bu na4u-lu-a [
8 A: 8 [NA4 M]U BABBAR 14 ni-bu x [
B: 1 [ ]x[
9 A: 9 [x (x)] x ga GAR-an- lU[11.ZU
B: 2 [ ] x x [
10 A: 10 [x x x (x)] [
B: 3 [ ] x a [
(unclear traces in F: 1)
A, B, C, F? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 A: 11 [a-n]a! p-r-ti ki-[p ]
B: 45 [a-na p-r]-ti ki-p [a / la ti-du]-
C rev. 4 ana BR-ti ki-pi NU ZU-u
D1 m. col. 1 [a-na] p-[e-er-ti ]
F: 2 [ ] NU ZU-u
12 A: 12 [NU DU].LL a l
U11.Z[U ]
B: 56 NU DU.LL [a] / [lU11.ZU] u munusU11.ZU
C rev. 4 NU DU.LL l
U11.ZU u munusU11.ZU
D1 m. col. 2 ALAM ka-a-[pi u ka-ap-ti]
F: 23 NU D[U.LL] / [ ] U11.ZU
mun us

13 A: 13 [NIT]A u [MU]NUS D-u a-na [ ]

B: 7 [ D]-u ana IGI UTU
C rev. 45 D-u / ana IGI d
D1 m. col. 23 [ ]/ ma-ar dUTU
F: 34 D-u[] / [ ]
14 A: 14 [t]a-a-da-an-u-nu-ti [ ]
B: 8 [ta-da-an-]u-nu-ti uzu
.U[DU ]
C rev. 5 ta-da-an--nu-te .UDU [M]U4.MU4-s[u-n]u-t[i]
D1 m. col. 34 t[a-dnunti] / .UDU MU4.MU4-su-nu-ti
E r. col. 1 (preceding lines lost in E) ] / MU4.MU4-s[u-nu-ti]
F: 45 [ta-da-a]n--nu-ti .UDU / [ ]
15 A: 15 [ina d]ugSLA.GAZ GAR-an-u-n[u-ti ]
B: 9 [ GAR-a]n-u-nu-ti ta-qa[l-lu-u-nu-ti]
C rev. 6 ina dugSLA.GAZ GAR-an--nu-ti BL--nu-te
D1 m. col. 45 ina d[ugSLA.GAZ ] / ta-qal-lu-[u]-nu-ti
E r. col. 12 [ ] / ta-ql-lu--nu-[ti]
F: 56 [ d ug
] [SLA].GAZ GAR--nu-ti / [taqallun-t]i
16 A: 16 UTU -p-u-u-n[u ]
B: 1011 [ -p-]u-u-nu a-na UG[U-u-nu / ]
C rev. 67 d
[UTU] -pi-i-[-nu] / ina UGU--nu li-tu-ru
D1 m. col. 56 d
UT[U ] / ana UGU--nu li-tu-r
E r. col. 23 [ ] / [ina] UGU--nu li-[tu-ru]
F: 6 dUTU -pi-e--[nu] /
(F breaks)
17 A: 17 []a ia-a-i it-ti [UL ]
B: 11 []a ia-i [UL ]
C rev. 7 ana i-a-i UL-t[im ]
D1 m. col. 67 [a ] / iz-zi-zu-nim
E r. col. 4 [ a-n]a i-i [UL-tim ]
18 A: 18 UR5.GIM DU11.GA u dug
B: 1213 [UR5.GIM 3-] DU11.GA [ / ]
C rev. 8 3-[ D]U11.GA-ma dug
D1 m. col. 7 NU
E r. col. 45 /[ D]U11.GA-ma d ug
(A breaks)
19 B: 1314 a-du q-lu-[ti] / [ ] D [ ]
C rev. 8 EN! q-l[u-t]i ana D [UB-di]
D1 m. col. 7 ana [D ]
E r. col. 6 [ x x q]?-l[u?-ti?
(E breaks)
B, C, D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the remaining text in C, see 3. and Summary 4., for the continuation of D1, see 2.)
20 B: 15 [x x x (x)] x D [
21 B: 16 [x x x x (x)] x [

2. D1 m. col. 822, r. col., D2 rev. VI?

1 D1 m. col. 8 a-na [p]-e-er-ti ki-pi si? ik? x [
2 D1 m. col. 9 ki-bal-tu giNAM.TAL NTA x [
3 D1 m. col. 10 N[UM]UN er-gu-la KA A.AB.BA [
4 D1 m. col. 11 [k]ak-ku-s tu--a(-)ba? x x [(x)]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 D1 m. col. 12 [DI] L x x x-? -za-qat x x x [
TEXT 1.5 49
6 D1 m. col. 13 [x] x x PI10.dD x x x x [x (x)]
7 D1 m. col. 14 [ ] .GI giER[E]N E.E? x x [x] x
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 D1 m. col. 15 [ ] x ? ga? [x] x ? x x x
9 D1 m. col. 16 [ ] x [n]ir u k[a x x] x x x
10 D1 m. col. 17 [ ] x x su x x x x [x]
11 D1 m. col. 18 [ ] x tar-mu8 ak-tam
12 D1 m. col. 19 [ ] x ra NAG?--ma TI
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 D1 m. col. 20 [ ]xxxx
14 D1 m. col. 21 [ ] B[]R
15 D1 m. col. 22 [ ]xx
16 D1 r. col. 1 x[
17 D1 r. col. 2 x[
18 D1 r. col. 3 x[
break (mutual position of D1 and D2 unknown)
(for D2 obv. I //, see text 2.2, ll. 3961)
19 D2 rev. VI? 1 illegible
D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 D2 rev. VI? 28 illegible
D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 D2 rev. VI? 9 [a-na p]i-e-er-ti ki-p[i
30 D2 rev. VI? 1012 illegible

3. C rev. 2426
1 C rev. 24 DI NA IGI.ME- NIGIN-du ME.DM.ME- DUB.DUB-ka u-u-a GAZ []
2 C rev. 25 pi-rit-tum TUK.TUK-i U NAM.L.U18.LU UGU- GL-[i]
ZLAG ina [KU]

4. Summary of the paragraphs in C not included in the transliteration

715 Only a part of the symptom description is preserved ( pi libbi), cf., e.g., BAM 445 obv. 10
16 (see here text 7.7: 4753), BAM 438 obv. 113 (see here text 7.2: 113).
16 Only the very first signs of the symptom description are preserved (pi [libbi etc.]).
13 Ritual and incantation against the anger of the personal god (only last few lines preserved //
BAM 316 rev. VI 1113).
48 = 1.5, 1.: 1119.
9 Fragmentary rubric referring to the personal god and goddess.
10 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical plants to be worn in case of
depression (// BAM 316 obv. III 2325).
11 Identical purpose (ditto): Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical plants.
12 Identical purpose (ditto): Prescription involving the usage of various insects and minerals.
1315 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical plants and minerals to be worn
in case of depression and occasional states of panic caused by the anger of the personal deities
(// BAM 316 obv. III 811).
1618 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical plants and minerals to be worn
in case of depression and persistent states of panic caused by the anger of the personal god
(// BAM 316 obv. III 1316).
19 Identical purpose (ditto): Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical
plants (// BAM 311 obv. 7).

2021 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with insects, minerals, medical plants and
human bone to be worn in case of depression.
22 List of drugs effective against depression (no specification of their processing).
23 List of drugs used in powder form against depression (no specification of its application // BAM
311 obv. 5).
2426 = 1.5, 3.: 13.
2730 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with seven medical plants to be worn in case
of inner pains while eating and other worries caused by Marduks wrath (// STT 95 + 295 obv. I
3132 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag filled with medical plants and minerals to be worn
in case of emotional upset and confusion (// BAM 316 obv. III 2022).

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B // C rev. 48 // D1 m. col. 17 // E 1. A // B // C rev. 48 // D1 m. col. 17 // E // F

// F
(ll. 110: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 110: too fragmentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ana pierti kip a l td 12alam ((i- 11
For undoing witchcraft which you do not know, 12you
kri a)) kapi u kaapti 13(([zik]ari u make figurines ((of wax)) of the warlock and the witch, 13((of
[sin]niti)) teppu ((ana)) maar ama a man and of a woman)). 14You convict them 13before ama.
tadnunti lip tulabbissunti 15ina 14
You coat them with tallow, 15you put them in a disposable
up taakkanunti taqallunti 16a- pot. You burn them: 16ama, may their sorcerous devices
ma upunu ana (var.: ina) muunu return to them 17who turned to evi[l] against me! (or: who
litr 17a ((ana)) yi idi (or: idat) stood as an evil sign against me)18((Thus)) you speak ((three
lemutt[i] izzzni 18((kam)) ((alu)) times)), then 19[you throw] 18the disposable pot 19together
taqabbi((-ma)) ((u)) up 19adi (var.: adu) with the burnt mater[ia]l into the river. (var. for ll. 1819 in D:
qil[t]i ana nri [tanaddi] (var. for ll. 1819 [You throw] the figurine(s) into the ri[ver])
in D: alma ana n[ri tanaddi])
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 2022: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 2022: too fragmentary for translation)

2. D1 m. col. 822, r. col., D2 rev. VI?: too 2. D1 m. col. 822, r. col., D2 rev. VI?: too fragmentary for
fragmentary for transcription. translation.

3. C rev. 2426 3. C rev. 2426

umma amlu pnu ianund mintu 1
If a man has vertigo, his limbs are poured out, 2he con-
ittanapak ua [libbi] 2pirittu irtan- tinually suffers 1from depression 2(and) fear, (then) there is
ai qt amlti elu ibai 3kaspu uru hand of mankind against him. 3(To cure it:) Silver, gold,
siparru parzillu anzau uluu kutp bronze, iron, anzau-glass, uluu-glass, black frit, zalqu-
zalqu ina [maki] stone in [a leather (bag around his neck)].


1.: General: Note that an indirect join between the determinative of the following mineral name.
manuscripts E and F seems to be excluded because The following list of minerals (and metals?) is
of ductus differences. summarized in l. 8 as 14 nb, 14 small pieces
(cf. CAD N II 206). The sign after nb is half
48: The space available in the beginning
broken, but certainly either DUGUD or GIG. Parallels
of this section does not allow the restoration of a
favour a reading G[IG giMA.NU ] a cu[t piece of
full introductory formula. The copied traces suggest
ru-wood ]; cf. especially BAM 237 rev. IV
[BAD KIMI]N (cf. KUB 37, 9; see here text 2.2); but
3941: DI KIMIN tu-ka-ar-i na4al-ta na4UBA
note that if this restoration is correct, one is then
.ZI.DA na4U[BA] .[GB.BU] / na4GUG a la-
forced to assume that the scribe mistakenly omitted
TEXT 1.5 51
tik-ta 7 e-er-i giMA.NU ta-pa-la- (after which attested, e.g., in KAR 80 = KAL 2, 8 obv. 33 (here
the perforated tokens are to be strung on a thread). text 8.4: 33). Consequently, the form idt in KAL 2,
For the writing of one eru with the bare logo- 11 // would represent an adverbial accusative plural
gram, cf. AMT 33/3 obv. 8: GIG giMA.NU. Only eight of idu (arm; side; strength, also purpose), there-
mineral names from a total of 14 remain; all are fore: who stood on (or: stepped over to) the side
well known from lists of magically effective stones: (or: purpose) of evil against me, i.e., who had evil
muaru-stone, turmin breccia, pind-stone, pi- intentions against me. The of the variant in PBS
riggun-stone, AR.U.BA.IR-stone, uluu-glass, 1/1, 13, however, serves as the direct object of
and white snake stone. The first four are described pua and must certainly be interpreted as the plural
as speckled, grained or multicoloured by the ancient of ittu ominous sign, therefore: who produced
scribes (cf. the dictionaries, and, for piriggun, cf. evil signs against me. The form it-ti in ms. A of the
Steinkeller, ZA 77 [1987] 9295, Civil, Ebla 1975- present text seems to suggest that this manuscript
1985, 151). We are not able to provide a reading for had a similar variant. But since the verb is not pre-
the beginning of l. 7. [ku]E.SR does not fit the served and might not have been pua, it cannot be
present context; read perhaps [na4i]a<-a>-pu? excluded that the scribe of ms. A simply confused
idu and ittu. Abusch (Studies Stol, 5659) disputes
9: Restore [ ] / [ina UD ]E.GA
this translation (and transcription idi). He argues
that ittu sign is the underlying word in all variants
1119: The introductory formula character- of the formula and that idat lemutti izzza and idat
izes the following ritual as effective against cases of lemutti pua are semantically equivalent. Abusch
witchcraft whose technique cannot be identified. prefers to translate the present text as who stood as
The corresponding formulas in other ana pierti an evil sign against me, pointing to the use of izuz-
kip texts leave no doubt that the present phrase zu in Maql V 78. He sees the usage here as an ex-
does not refer to the anonymity of warlock and ample of a form of witchcraft in which the witch
witch (otherwise a common motif in anti-witchcraft harmed her victim by means of ominous signs. Note
incantations). that Maul (BaF 18, 67) differentiates *ittu I (plural
idtu) (negative) power, influence (of an ominous
14: [t]a-a-da-an-u-nu-ti in A: 14 is
sign) from ittu II (plural itttu) ominous sign
certainly a mistake for ta-da-a-an-u-nu-ti (cf.
without discussing the relationship between *ittu I
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 2067). In B: 8 the
and idu arm; side; strength.
scribe wrote several signs on the edge or, if it is not
the right column, on the space between the columns. 1819: The wording in ms. D1 differs from
the rest, but gives essentially the same instruction.
15: In contexts like the present one
disposable pot, sherd (of a dispo- 19: adi (adu) qilti is fragmentary in
sable pot) should be read up according to sylla- both manuscripts, but the reading is tolerably cer-
bic spellings; see Schwemer, OrNS 78 [2009] 64, tain. The variant form adu(m) of adi occurs pace
commentary on BM 40568 rev. 2 (with further lit- AHw, CAD, CDA not only in OAkk., OA and
erature). NA, but also in different scribal traditions of mid-
and late-second-millennium Upper Mesopotamia
17: The same phrase also occurs in the
(for Emar, see Seminara, LAccadico di Emar, 497,
uburruda-incantation KAL 2, 11 r. col. 24 //
for Nuzi, e.g., JEN 239 obv. 11, 430 obv. 8, HSS 19,
K 11243 (ABRT 2, 18) r. col. 6 // K 9467: 13 (a ia-
3 obv. 25, for Ugarit RSO 7, 1 rev. 21). The de-
i i-da-at UL-tim GUB-za) and in the closely related
signation of the burnt remains of a substitute figur-
text K 3661 rev. IV 78 ([ a yi] / UL-ti iz-
ine as qiltu can be found elsewhere: a ritual against
zi-za), see here texts 7.8 and 7.5 (cf. also fragmen-
the ghost of a deceased person, which can alter-
tary BAM 461 obv. II 18). An interesting variant of
natively be used against the demon called Spy,
the phrase is preserved in PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 16:
instructs the exorcist to throw the qiltu into waste-
a-[na i]a-a-i UL-tim i-pu- (see here text 9.2:
land upon having burnt the figurine of the demon in
16, cf. KAL 2, 15 obv. I 9, here text 8.5: 9, cf. also
a burzigallu-container accompanied by an incan-
ana i-di lemutti izzazz-ma in BBSt 7 ii 1). The
tation addressed to Girra (KAR 267 obv. 911 //
translation above preferred by Schwemer is
LKA 85 rev. 2932, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, 35258,
based on the assumption that the phrase in mss. B,
no. 119). Cf. also fragmentary Maql ritual tablet
C, D1 and E of the present text as well as the quoted
91 (q-l[u?-t? in K 2961 obv. II 4).
passages from KAL 2, 11 // and K 3661 are equi-
valent to the shorter phrase ana lemutti izzzam-ma,

What looks like a double paragraph divider in the sion when a duplicate becomes available. For D2
copy of ms. B is in fact the expected single one. The obv. I 114, see text 2.2.
upper ruling is a line ruling and not as deep as the
3.: passim: A very similar prescription is given
following paragraph divider (cf. also ms. B: 34).
in KAR 186 = BAM 311 obv. 14 as part of a section
2.: passim: Both fragments are in a poor state of summarized as 15 mlu-bags, if a person suffers
preservation; the readable signs suggest that most continually from depression (l. 22). But the list of
units contained the usual prescriptions for potions ingredients given there is slightly different from the
and salves. Copy and transliteration must remain present one, and, following the rubric, symptom
preliminary and will certainly need thorough revi- description and diagnosis are also different (in 14
only KIMIN, referent not preserved).
TEXT 1.6


The small tablet is a school exercise and contained duced by the ana pierti kip formula. This is con-
no more than one or two prescriptions. Based on the firmed by the presence of the same prescription
catchline, probably referring to the young scribes within a Late Babylonian collection of ana pierti
next exercise, it is very likely that the fragmentary kip prescriptions; unfortunately, the introductory
ritual recorded on the present tablet was also intro- formula is lost there too (see Notes).

List of Manuscripts

A A 245 BAM 206 coll. Frg. of a single-col., landscape- Aur, Library N 4

format tablet, NA script, 7th cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual............................................................................................. ]114

A rev. 114
ii Catchline of a therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip) ....................................................................15
A rev. 15
A rev. 16

Previous Editions



(beginning broken; no more than 13 lines are missing)

1 A obv. 1 ina U4.7.KAM U4.14.KAM U4.21.KAM U4.[x.KAM x x x]
2 A obv. 2 x kul UR ba-lu pa-tan x [
3 A obv. 3 <NG>.SILA11.G Z E.MU5 Z ZZ.A.[AN Z x x]
4 A obv. 4 [Z] eIN.NU.A ina .NUN.NA ta[r?-bak?
5 A obv. 5 [x] x DDA GU.LA MUNU4? [
6 A obv. 6 DDA pa x [
7 A obv. 7 [D]DA ki is [
8 A lo. e. 1 [x x] ? lum kur [
9 A lo. e. 2 [DD]A na-a-p[
10 A rev. 1 [D]DA na-a-p sag x [
11 A rev. 2 DDA mu-re-e tir [
12 A rev. 3 DDA mu-re-e x [
13 A rev. 4 1 GN.TA.M ina SN T.BI tu-b[al-lal-ma]
14 A rev. 5 ba-lu pa-tan N[AG-(-ma TI.LA)]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

15 A rev. 6 a-na pi-e-er-ti ki-pi ina UZ[U kulu]

blank line
16 A rev. 7 GD.DA I
(A rev. breaks)


General: For collations, see pls. 12930 no. 34: Probably one more flour variety was
1218. The same prescription is partially preserved listed after the break in l. 3. Likely candidates in-
on BM 47695 + 47781, a fragmentary Late Babylo- clude flour of arsuppu-barley (E.ETUB), of peas
nian collection of ana pierti kip prescriptions (allru, G.GAL), of lentils (kakk, G.TUR) or of
(rev. 14). The tablet was brought to our attention wheat (kibtu, eGIG). Also the restoration at the end
by M.J. Geller; but, unfortunately, the identification of l. 4 remains uncertain. Parallels suggest that the
of the tablet came too late for an inclusion in the mush was applied as a poultice. One could, there-
present volume. The portions of text preserved in fore, restore: la a qm egui qm kun[i qm
BM 47695+ do not add anything to the text known ] / [q]m inninni ina imti tar[abbak?
from BAM 206. taammid?] You sti[r] a dough made from flour of
eguu-barley, emmer, [ ] / and ennnu-barley
1: The whole series of days on which
into ghee; [you apply (the resulting paste) as a
the medication is to be administered probably
extended over one month; the exact restoration of
the line, however, remains uncertain. VAT 13607 + 514: This section gives a list of ingredi-
13970 + 14027 rev. 45 prescribes repeated treat- ents; apparently, most or all of them form part of the
ment on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 27th, 28th and 29th day of process of beer brewing. Lines 1314 summarize
the month; a slightly different series is found in the whole section: itn iqla ina narabi itni
KUB 37, 45 rev. IV 11 // (see here text 1.1, 1.: tub[allal-ma] / balu patn ta[aqqu(-ma iballu)]
101102): 15th, 20th and the day of the New You m[ix] one shekel of each in beer mash [and]
Moon. It seems most likely that only one further you [have him drink (it)] on an empty stomach,
date followed U4.[28.KAM in the break and that the [(and he will recover)]. For the restoration of the
beginning of l. 2 gives the immediate continuation final phrase, cf. our cautionary remark in the note
of the text. on l. 2. Besides other ingredients, the list contains
several varieties of billatu-substance; unfortunately,
2: The logogram UR is probably to be
the broken text does not admit a satisfying recon-
read taaat: On the 7th, 14th, 21th (and) [th] day
struction of this section.
you strain [ ] and [have him drink (it)] on an
empty stomach [(and he will recover)]. A read- 5: No obvious restoration for the be-
ing teerri (SUR) is highly unlikely, since er oc- ginning of the line comes to mind. Probably another
curs in medical prescriptions only within a well- ingredient preceded DDA; one could think of bappi-
defined set of contexts (see Farber, BiOr 33 [1976] ru (BAPPIR), a malt-product (see Powell, HANES 6,
33133). atu (UR) pressed, squeezed does not 9799), but the traces preserved do not support this.
fit the context either. The adjective regularly quali- DDA(.)GU.LA is not attested elsewhere. The
fies karnu (wine, grape mash, see CAD 64), following traces look like MUNU4; therefore, the text
could be emended to DDA MUNU4.GU.LA, that is,
One expects N[AG-u(-ma)], taaqqu(-ma), but the
billat biqlti billatu-substance made from ger-
traces preserved before the break cannot be recon-
minating malt (and ). For billatu, a dry crumbly
ciled with this reading. It is also open to doubt
substance which was used as an additional (sweet-
whether the final phrase (-ma) iballu (and) he
ening?) ingredient in the beer brewing process and
will recover was actually written on the tablet or
also as a sort of instant-beer to be mixed with water,
skipped for the sake of brevity. It is possible that l.
see most recently Maul, BaF 18, 51 with further re-
2 is the end of the first preserved prescription on
the tablet; note, however, that a paragraph divider is
missing and the following is not introduced by an 6: DDA here is qualified as a
introductory formula. made from . Kchers copy suggests gi mu
for the following signs, but collation shows that one
must read pa mu/kul.
TEXT 1.6 55
910: Apparently, these two lines mention able known words makes much sense in the present
two different sorts of billat napi, though the further context; could it be an unusual writing for murru
qualifications are lost or inintellegible (read re-t[a- myrrh?
a ] first-quality in l. 10?). The word napu
15: ana pierti kip a ina r[i kulu]
denotes a certain kind of light-coloured beer (see
For undoing witchcraft, which (the patient) [was
Powell, HANES 6, 1056); billat napi then prob-
given to eat] with mea[t]. The restoration of the
ably means billatu-substance used for the produc-
line follows the usual ana pierti kip format.
tion of napu-beer.
16: The tablet was written either by Ki-
1112: As in the preceding lines, two simi-
ir-Aur or by Kiir-Nab, both central persons of
lar varieties of billatu are listed. Both are qualified
the N 4 texts from Aur (see PNA 2/I, 62324,
as mu-re-e and probably further differentiated in the
62728). It is explicitly labelled as a school exercise
broken, inintellegible parts of the lines. The mean-
(imGD.DA = liginnu).
ing of mu-re-e remains unclear: None of the applic-
TEXT 1.7


BAM 197 contains a small collection of instructions of drugs to be used against witchcraft and curse,
for the cure of diseases caused by a ghost; it was which is accompanied by an incantation directed
probably compiled for practical purposes. At least against (witchcraft-induced) numbness or paralysis.
the first two prescriptions on the obverse refer to At the end of the tablet a recipe for a salve against
ailments affecting the arms of the patient; this might all diseases is added.
be the reason for the inclusion of a short inventory

List of Manuscripts

A A 236 BAM 197 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 8th7th Aur, Library N 4

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual (ana pierti kip u mmti)......................................................14

A rev. 2225

Previous Editions



1. A rev. 2225
1 A rev. 22 [a-na pi-]r-ti ki-pi u NAM.R[IM]
2 A rev. 23 [x x x P]I10.dD KUR.[KUR]
3 A rev. 24 [x x x (x)] IN6. 5 .ME[]
4 A rev. 25 [x x x x (x)] N ki-pi ze-r[u-ti]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Summary of the paragraphs in A not included in the transliteration

15 Prescription against hand-of-a-ghost affecting the right arm of the patient; he is to be cleaned
with various plants mixed in water that have been exposed to the stars overnight.
67 Continuation of the preceding prescription: [ ] of a shrew and cobweb are tied to the
patients [ ]; then he will recover.
813 Prescription against hand-of-a-ghost affecting the left arm of the patient; he is to be cleaned
with various plants mixed in water that have been exposed to the stars overnight; afterwards he
is rubbed with oil.
1416 Continuation of the preceding prescription: Plants are wrapped in a tuft of wool and tied to the
patients neck with a red thread.
1721 Identical purpose (ditto): Various plants are crushed together; the patient drinks one (?) shekel of
the drug in beer.
TEXT 1.7 57

2225 = 1.7
2629 Recipe for a potion against hand-of-a-ghost.
3031 Recipe for a salve against hand-of-a-ghost (// BAM 471 rev. III 2122).
3236 Prescription for the fumigation of 13 plants against hand-of-a-ghost mixed in cedar balsam
(catalogue of duplicates: Scurlock, MMTGI, 707).
3741 Recipe for a salve against all diseases (catalogue of duplicates: Scurlock, MMTGI, 707).

Bound Transcription Translation

[ana pi]erti kip u mam[ti] 2[ 1
[For dispe]lling witchcraft and cur[se]: 2[ , sul]phur,
ki]brtu ati[u] 3[ ] matakal at[iu-plant], 3[ ,] matakal-soapwort five drug[s]
amat amm[] 4[ ] N kip zr[ti] 4
[against ]. Incantation: Odio[us] witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General: All prescriptions on BAM 197 but 4 A: 12 [ SAR-]? u? N ki-pu ze-ru-ti MIN
the present one and rev. 3741 are edited in Scur- B obv. 16 [ina M]D giEREN E.E [tu-qat]-tar-
lock, MMTGI (see the overview with references to A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the single units on p. 707). 1
If a man is stricken with paralysis: atiu-plant,
4: The incantation Kip zrtu occurs buru-juniper, sulphur, 2upuru-cedar, sweet
in a variety of contexts. It was recited within the reed, wa[x, ca]ul fat which is around the kidneys
ritual Muuu accompanying the rubbing of the pa- of a ram: 3Seven drugs (as) fumigation in case of
tients right calf and foot; the incipit is quoted in paralysis. 4You mix it [in] cedar [re]sin, [you
BAM 215 obv. 13 as [N] ki-pu ze-ru-tum (// ki-pi fumi]gate him, and the incantation Odious
ze-ru-t in K 3996+; see Kcher, AfO 21 [1966] 16: witchcraft ditto (= you recite)42.
13, and ibid., 19 for the identification of the text; cf. Both fragments, Rm 265 and AMT 91/1+, seem to
furthermore Finkel, AuOr 9 [1991] 101, and, for an be concerned with paralysis (immatu) exclusively;
edition of the ritual instructions, Bck, JNES 62 but only a small portion of each tablet has survived.
[2003] 116). Its recitation is also prescribed by Contents and phraseology of Rm 265 show close
incipit in Rm 265: 12 (von Oefele, Keilschrift- parallels to what, at least in Seleucid times, is
medicin, Tf. II = A, coll.), a small fragment pro- known as the series Qutru Fumigation (see
viding prescriptions of fumigations against para- Finkel, AuOr 9 [1991] 103 with further references);
lysis. Essentially the same prescription is preserved it remains uncertain whether Rm 265 originally also
in AMT 91/1 (K 7845) + Rm 533 obv. 1316 (= B, contained prescriptions of fumigations for diseases
coll.); but the overall format differs and the other than immatu, or rather provided further pre-
incantation is omitted: scriptions against immatu involving other tech-
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ niques (like salves etc.). The latter is the case in
1 A: 10 [DI KIMIN(?)
KUR.KUR] AMT 91/1+.
B obv. 13 DI NA im-mat GIG KUR.KUR The full text of the incantation Kip zrtu is
A ctd. [i]mLI kib-ri-ti known from a number of sources, again from va-
B ctd. LI PI10.d[D] rious contexts. In BAM 124 (catchline, rev. 34) and
2 A: 1011 giEREN.BAD GI DU10sic!.G[A]sic! / BAM 128 (rev. IV 3338) it follows an incantation
B obv. 14 giEREN.BAD GI DU10.GA and ritual against sagall, a muscle-disease closely
A ctd. [DU.LL .UD]U LLAG UDU.NTA associated with immatu and rimtu (cf. Geller,
B ctd. DU.L[L] .UDU LLAG UDU.NTA Studies Lambert, Text E: 32). In AMT 67/3 = Rm
3 A: 11 7 .I.A qu5-taru5 im-mat
B obv. 15 7 .I.A qu5-taru5 [ ]i-ma-ti 42
The ditto-sign in A: 12 prescribes the recitation of the in-
cantation; cf. the preceding paragraph-endings: [x .I.A
qu5-tar]u5 im-mat N im-mat MIN ID-n[u] (l. 5); [x
.I.A q]u5-taru5 N im-mat MIN [MIN ] (l. 9).

545 (r. col. 812), however, it forms part of a col- 15 A, E, M ki-pi- liq-qa?-lu?-u e-pi-ti :sic
lection of self-incantations (nigaideda), a genre ina q-bit x [
studied in detail by Cavigneaux, AMD 1, 25871. 16 A, E, M N K-tum? ? x x x li-bal-li qin-na-
Note that the preceding incantation in AMT 67/3 a[t?
(Uapka ramn) was secondarily adapted in Maq- 1
Odious [sorc]eries, get out to the countryside!
l as an anti-witchcraft incantation (VII 2228, cf. 2
Paralysis [(was) ]ed in(to) a person.
Abusch, MesWi, 199 and idem, Studies Westen- 3
[It snatch]ed the girl from her husbands lap,
holz). Furthermore several sources of Muuu VIII 4
[it snatche]d the young man from the girls lap
preserve portions of the text: BM 45483+ obv. II 5
and the girl from the young mans lap.
1931 (Bck, Muuu, pl. 3839), Sm 312 obv. 6
May Marduk, the exorcist, remove [you from the
1516 (Bck, Muuu, pl. 48), K 12910 obv. II bod]y,
13 (Bck, Muuu, pl. 45) and STT 136 obv. II 7
may [Ningi]rima, the la[dy of the incantation], im-
3244. The opening section was edited and com- prison you!
mented on by Cavigneaux, AMD 1, 26869 with fn. 8
Go away, get o[ut, paralysis ( )]!
84 and fn. 85; a synoptic edition of the full text has 9
You went to [ ],
now been provided by Bck, Muuu, 27981. For 10
when the young man saw you, bi[nding entered his
the convenience of the reader we add a translitera- body].
tion and translation of the received text here; the 11
[May Ea undo] what has been performed against
sigla follow Bcks edition.43 Where possible, our the you[ng man],
presentation of the text follows AMT 67/3. This 12
and (what) bound the girl, [may the exorcist of the
source seems to preserve a more conservative ver- gods, Asallui, undo (it)].
sion of the text that is close to a now lost OB fore- ll. 1316 too fragmentary for a continuous translation.
runner of the incantation:
Variorum and Notes on Kip zrtu:
1 A, O, f, l, j [ki]-pu ze-ru-tum i-ta-i-a ana ki-di-
im 1: Ms. A and probably also ms. j have
2 A, O, f, l [x x] x x im-ma-tum a-na lb-bi N at the beginning of the line; ms. A: ze-ru-t; mss.
a!(ud)-mi-lim A, O, l, j: it-ta-u-; ms. O: a-na; mss. O, l, j: ki-di.
3 A, f, l [u-te-l]i ar-da-tam ina su-un mu-ti- Following Cavigneaux, AMD 1, 269, fn. 85, we
4 A, f, l [u-te-l]i ela(GURU) ina su-un have preferred the imperative Gtn itai of ms. f
ardati(KI.SIKIL) (cf. also AHw 1477b) to the preterite forms in the
5 A, E, f, l u ardata(KI.SIKIL) ina [s]n([]R) eli other manuscripts. For the use of an apparent Gtn
(GURU) imperative of (w)a where a Gt form is expected,
6 A, E, l li-is-su[-ka ina zumr]i(S]U)? cf. CT 16, 39: 13 (= Geller, U IX 25) and the per-
dAMAR?.UTU? m[a]??-ma??-?? tinent note in AHw, loc. cit. (but cf. ta here in l. 8).
7 A, E li-lu-u-ka [dnin-g]rima be-l[et ipti] It is possible, however, that the preterite form it-ta-
8 A, E at-lak ta-[i-i im-m]a-[tum ( )] u- is to be preferred, because the following lines
9 A, E tal-li-ki ana x [ give a description of the doings of personified para-
10 A, E ip-pal-lis-ki-ma elu(GURU) k[a-su- lysis, and therefore the first line might better be
tereb zumuru] understood as part of this description; note, more-
11 A, E in-n-ep- el[a(GURU[) Ea lip- over, that the demand that the evil depart occurs in
ur] l. 8, where the incantation uses a Gt of (w)a.
12 A, E ardata(KI.SIKIL) -ks-su- [lipur 2: Ms. A: [im-ma-t ana] lb-bi a-
mama il Asallui] me-lu (coll.); ms. l: ana L.
13 A, E Marduk(AMAR.UTU) ma-x (x) x [x lip?]-
ur im [ 3: Ms. A has here and in the following
14 A, E zumur(SU) eli(GURU) u [ar]dati line i-ta-da-ad it has dragged off, instead of what
([KI.S]IKIL) x x d-a pa-i-[ir is almost certainly to be restored as [u-te-l]i or [u-
e-l]i in ms. f (cf. the close parallel in BAM 398 rev.
910 //, see Bck, Muuu, 272: 3637); the verb
is not preserved in ms. l. Mss. A, l: KI.SIKIL; ms. l:
A: BM 45483+ (coll.); E: STT 136 (coll.); M: K 12910 R DAM-.
(coll.); O: Sm 312 (coll.); f: AMT 67/3 (coll.); l: BAM 128; j:
BAM 124 (lower case letters indicate sources not belonging 4: In ms. A read probably: i-ta-da-[a]d
to Muuu). The incipits quoted in BAM 197 (= text 1.7) <GURU> (coll.); mss. A, l: R.
and in Rm 265 are not included in the following.
TEXT 1.7 59
58: The traces preserved in ms. E obv. II 12: Ms. A: t[u-kass.
3236 cannot be assigned with certainty to the
1316: We follow the line division in ms. E
individual lines.
which does not necessarily conform with the syntax
6: Note that ms. A regularly uses -ka of the text; unfortunately, the fragmentary state of
instead of -ki; for the tentative restoration, cf. the all three available sources does not permit a full re-
similar lines in Bck, Muuu, 272: 67b and 278: construction of the text.
13: Bck restores ma--[ma]-, but
812: The restorations are based on the such a spelling of mamau would be quite un-
parallel passage in the incantation immatu imma- usual, and collation does not support this restoration
tu; see Bck, Muuu, 275: 4953. (read perhaps ma-lik AD-[ lip]-ur im [ ]?).
Note that ms. A has a zumur eli u ardati at the end
10: Ms. E (STT 136) reads ip-pa-lis-ki-
of l. 13.
ma GURUsic k[a-su- ].
1416: For ms. E obv. II 4244, see colla-
11: Ms. E: in-n-ep-u GURU[ ]. In
ms. A one sign is partially preserved after in-n-ep-
; but it is difficult to reconcile the traces with a 16: Ms. A: ina ip-tum.
reading GUR[U ] or e-[lu ].
TEXT 1.8


Manuscript A is a small fragment containing pre- diseases (ms. B). The latter source contains a num-
scriptions for potions against ailments caused by ber of related prescriptions for medications against
witchcraft (ana pierti kip format). Basically only witchcraft-induced diseases (// mss. C and D) as
one unit is preserved. The same prescription forms well as simple lists of drugs effective against witch-
part of a large collection of therapies against various craft and ban (see Summary 3.).

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 11015 KAL 2, 42 coll. Small frg., early NA script, 9th8th Aur
B A 239 BAM 161 coll. Frg. of a large 6-col. tablet, early NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 9th8th cent.
C K 3461 AMT 29/5 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
BAM 436 cent. Library
D VAT 13925 BAM 282 coll. Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Aur

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary prescription.......................................................................................................... ]1
A: 1
ii Prescription (ana pierti kip) ................................................................................................ 26
A: 26 // B obv. IV 1115
iii Fragmentary prescription (ana pierti kip) ..........................................................................79[
A: 79
2nd Part
i Fragmentary prescription against various methods of witchcraft ........................................]110
B obv. IV 110
ii B obv. IV 1115 = 1st Part, unit ii
iii Prescription against witchcraft that was given to eat .......................................................... 1628
B obv. IV 1629 // C rev. VI 1219 // D: 18
iv Fragmentary prescription.......................................................................................................... 29[
D: 9

Previous Editions

Thompson, PRSM 19 (1926) 73 (ms. C).

Schwemer, KAL 2, no. 42 (ms. A).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 503 (2nd Part, unit iii, ll. 1621).
TEXT 1.8 61


1. A // B obv. IV 1115
1 A: 1 [(x)] x x x [
(for the preceding units in B, see 2. and Summary 3.)
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 A: 2 [a]na BR-ti ki-pi ina sa-l-e u-k[ul]
B obv. IV 11 ana BR ki-pi <ina> sa-l-e u-ku-lu
3 A: 3 KUR.KUR r-n-e

B obv. IV 12 KUR.KUR r-nu-u NU.LU
4 A: 4 [NU]MUN [i]mLI NUMUN tu-lal ina K[A]
B obv. IV 13 im
LI NUMUN tl-lal ina KA
5 A: 5 LL! KUR.RA ba-lu pa-tan NAG KA-[u]
B obv. IV 1314 LL KUR-e / NU pa-tan NAG- KA-
6 A: 6 [um-t]a-as-sa-ma! il-la-t[u]- K[U5-sa]
B obv. IV 1415 um-ta-as-sa-ma / el-la-tu- KU5-sa!
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in B, see Summary 3.)
7 A: 7 [ana BR-ti] ki-pi a? x x [x] x [
8 A: 8 [x x N]AM.TAR NTA x [
9 A: 9 [ ] x x N[A]G? [
(A breaks)

2. B obv. IV 110, 1629 // C rev. VI 1219 // D: 19

1 B obv. IV 1 x[
2 B obv. IV 2 NUMUN gix [
3 B obv. IV 3 15.TA.M x x [
4 B obv. IV 4 GAZ SIM lu ina KA lu ina GA lu ina G[ETIN?]
5 B obv. IV 5 lu ina KA lKRUN.NA NAG.ME-ma
6 B obv. IV 6 ki-pu ru-u-u ru-su-u DI.BAL.A
7 B obv. IV 7 KA.DAB.B.DA ana NA NU TE-a
8 B obv. IV 8 - ap-lusic! GUB.GUB-za AR.ME-
9 B obv. IV 9 KM SD e-pi KA- UGU DINGIR
10 B obv. IV 10 u LUGAL -ab lat-ku ana U u-u-u
B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1115 B obv. IV 1115 see 1st Part, unit ii.
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding units in C, see Summary 4.)
16 B obv. IV 16 DI NA ina DU11.DU11- el-la-t- DU-ka
C rev. VI 12 DI NA ina DU11.DU11- il-la-t- DU.ME
17 B obv. IV 17 ru-ussic!-su ana IGI a-wi-lim
C rev. VI 13 -su ina IGI L
18 B obv. IV 18 i-[al-l]u INIM.ME- im-ta-x-x-x
C rev. VI 13 i-al-lu INIM.ME- im-ta-na-[-i]
19 B obv. IV 19 KA- i-ta-na-a-a-u
C rev. VI 14 KA- i-ta-na-a-a-
(undecipherable traces in D: 1)
20 B obv. IV 2021 zi-q KA- te-bu-u L BI nu-u/-ul!-la-a-ti u-kul
C rev. VI 1415 zi-i-qu a K[A- ]/ NA BI nu-ul-la-a-ti u-ku[l ana bulluu(?)]
D: 2 / [ ] nu-ul-la-a-tu -k[ul]

D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 B obv. IV 2122 GR / imMAN.DU NUMUN imLI AKIRA
C rev. VI 16 GR imMAN.DU NUMUN i[mLI ]
D: 34 [ ] GR imMAN.DU NUMUN imLI / [
i m
22 B obv. IV 23 NUMUN D NUMUN giKII16 r-nu-u

C rev. VI 17 NUMUN gi
D NUMUN giKII16 [ ]
D: 4 [NU]MUN D NUMUN giKII16 r-n[e-e]

23 B obv. IV 24 ti-i-t NA4 ga-b-e KUR.KUR
C rev. VI 1718 [ ] / NA4 ga-bi-i [KUR.KUR]
D: 5 [ ] / NA4 ga-b-e imGR.GR

24 B obv. IV 25 IGI-lim IN6. NUMUN gibi-nu
C rev. VI 1819 [ ]/ NUMUN giINIG [
D: 56
[IGI-lim ]/ [ ]
(C rev. VI breaks, undecipherable traces in C rev. VI 20)

D: 6 [Z.LUM].MA al-la-na AN.DA[.UM]
26 B obv. IV 27 16!(15) .I.A!(.a.i) E GAZ SIM NU pa-tan
D: 7 [ ] ba-lu pa-tan
27 B obv. IV 28 NAG.ME- zi-q Z!?(NAG).ME-
D: 7 zi-i[q-q ]
28 B obv. IV 29 TAG.ME-ma KA- um-ta-sa-ma (end of B obv. IV, beginning of obv. III broken)
D: 8 [ um-t]a-sa-ma KA-[ x x (x)]
(for the following text in B, see Summary 3. and text 7.10.1)
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 D: 9 [ ] x a GR.PAD.D[U
(D breaks)

3. Summary of the paragraphs in B not included in the transliteration

obv. III Fragmentary prescriptions.
obv. IV
110 = 1.8, 2.
1115 = 1.8, 1.
1629 = 1.8, 2.
obv. V
17 List of drugs against witchcraft and ban, see text 7.10.1.
810 List of drugs against witchcraft and ban, see text 7.10.1.
1114 Prescription for a potion against hand-of-a-ghost, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, no. 304a.
1518 Prescription for a potion against hand-of-a-ghost, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, no. 305.
1925 Prescription for a potion against hand-of-a-ghost, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, no. 194.
2629 Prescription for a potion against hand-of-a-ghost, ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, no. 195.
obv. VI Prescriptions for urinary tract problems, see Geller, BAM VII, nos. 5, 9, and the overviews by
Kcher, BAM, vol. II, p. xvi, and Scurlock, MMTGI, p. 705.
rev. VII Prescriptions for urinary tract problems, see Geller, BAM 7, nos. 7, 8, and the overviews by
Kcher, BAM, vol. II, p. xvi, and Scurlock, MMTGI, p. 705.
rev. VIII, IX Prescriptions for anus diseases and internal diseases, see Geller, BAM 7, nos. 35, 36, and the
overviews by Kcher, BAM, vol. II, p. xvi, and Scurlock, MMTGI, p. 705.

4. Summary of the paragraphs in C not included in the transliteration

rev. V
16 Prescription and incantations against the adversary (bl dabbi), see text 7.10.1.
TEXT 1.8 63
rev. VI
13 Fragmentary.
411 Prescription for a bandage and potion against the adversary (bl dabbi), see text 7.10.1.

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B obv. II 1115 1. A // B obv. II 1115

(l. 1 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
ana pierti kip a ina sal kulu For undoing witchcraft which (the patient) was given to eat
atia urn NU.LU 4(([z]r)) buri zr with cress: 5You have him drink 3atiu-plant, urn-plant,
tullal ina ikari 5diip ad balu patn ta- NU.LU-plant, 4 ((seed of)) buru-juniper (and) seed of the

aqqu pu 6umtass-ma illtu pars! tullal-plant in beer 5(and) in mountain honey on an empty
stomach. 6He washes 5his mouth, 6 and his flow of saliva
will be stopped.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 79 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 79 too fragmentary for translation)

2. B obv. II 110, 1629 // C rev. VI 2. B obv. II 110, 1629 // C rev. VI 1219 // D: 19

1219 // D: 19
[ ] 2zr [ ] 1
[ ] 2seed [ ] 315 [ ] 4you crush
15.TA.M [ ] 4taaal (and) sieve. 5He shall drink it repeatedly 4either in beer or in
tanappi l ina ikari l ina izbi l ina milk or in [wine] 5or in brewers beer. Then 6witchcraft,
[karni(?)] 5l ina ikar sb itanatt-ma magic, sorcery, distortion-of-justice magic, 7seizing-of-
kip ru rus dibal 7kadabbed ana the-mouth magic, will not come near that man. 8His
amli ul ie 8libbau aplu ittanazzazza depression will gradually dissipate, his 9hot 8lungs 9will be
au 9emmti ka epi pu eli ili 10u cool, his speech 10will be pleasant 9to god 10and king
arri b latku a ana qti tested (prescription) that is well proven.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 1115, see 1st Part, unit ii. ll. 1115, see 1st Part, unit ii.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 16
umma amlu ina dabbu illtu illa- If a mans saliva flows when he speaks, 18he sprays 17his
k 17ruussu ana maar amli 18iallu spittle in public (lit.: in front of a man), 18he keeps forge[t-
amtu imtana[i] 19pu itanau ting] his words, 19his mouth constantly fails him, 20he is
zq pu (var.: zq a p[u) teb amlu belching, that man has been fed maliciousness. (([To cure
nullti kul (([ana bullu(?)])) 21asu him])): 21Myrtle, sudu-plant, buru-juniper seed, akir-
sudu zr buri akir 22zr balti zr a- plant, 22seed of the baltu-thorn, seed of the agu-thorn,
gi urn 23tyatu aban gab atiu (var.: urn-plant, 23tyatu-plant, alum, atiu-plant (var.: kukuru-
kukuru) 24imur-lm matakal zr bni 25su- plant), 24heals-a-thousand-plant, matakal-soapwort, tama-
lupp sikillu (var. allna) andau 2616! risk seed, 25dates, sikillu-plant (var.: oak), andau-plant:
amm annti taaal tanappi balu patn These 16! plants you crush (and) sieve. 27((You have him
((tatanaqqu)) ziqq innu(?) 28tulap- repeatedly drink it)) 26on an empty stomach. 28You smear (it)
pat-ma pu umtass-ma p[u ] on the edges of his teeth, 28then he will wash his mouth,
and [his] mouth [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 29 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 29 too fragmentary for translation)


1.: 26: This prescription is also preserved tablet came too late for an inclusion in the present
on BM 47695 + 47781, a fragmentary Late Babylo- volume. The relevant passage reads: ana BR ki-pu
nian collection of ana pierti kip prescriptions. ina sa-le-e u-ku-lu KUR.KUR [r-nu-u],

The tablet was brought to our attention by M.J. NU.LU.A imLI NU[MUN ], NAG.NAG--ma KA-
Geller; but, unfortunately, the identification of the u[m-ta-as-sa-ma ] (obv. 57).

6: Collation of ms. B reveals that the partially restored in ms. C and that the correspond-
problematic form u-ta-as-sa-ma in A 239 obv. IV ing traces in ms. B remain undeciphered; the last
14, 29 (so in KAL 2, based on Kchers copy, BAM sign in the line may well be - (cf. coll., pl. 130,
161) does not exist. no. 25).
2.: 3: After the number we expect amm 20: zq pu teb, lit. the winds of his
annti or similar (cf. here l. 28). The traces pre- mouth are rising. The second half of the line in ms.
served would admit a reading NA4 [ ], but this C is broken and the duplicates have no correspond-
remains quite uncertain. ing text; it seems most likely that ms. C added the
optional phrase ana bulluu to cure him which
8: libbau aplu ittanazzazza, lit. his
often introduces the instruction section of prescrip-
low heart will stand up again and again; the phrase
tions. Note that the word nullti is written over two
libbu aplu (apku heaped up can hardly be cor-
lines in ms. B. This is highly unusual, and the cor-
rect) seems to be without parallel, but note that lib-
rupt form of ul at the beginning of obv. IV 21 (see
bau apil is a common idiom to describe the de-
coll.) indicates that the scribe misunderstood the
pressed state of the patients mind.
10: The phrase a ana qti is now
27: zi-q NAG.ME- TAG.ME-ma is
commonly understood to mean what is at hand,
apparently corrupt, therefore Z!?(NAG).ME-.
available (see CAD A II 371, Black, BiOr 44
The phrase ziqq inn probably refers to the edges
[1987] 34, fn. 7); for objections against this inter-
or the tops of the teeth (following CAD Z 128a,
pretation, cf. Schwemer, KAL 2, p. 114, note on
derived from a basic meaning crest for ziqqu;
BAM 190 obv. 19 and note Reiner, OrNS 30 (1961)
differently AHw 1531b eye-tooth?, derived from a
10, fn. 1: which are suitable for use(?).
basic meaning pillar). Note the similarity of this
18: amtu imtanai he keeps for- phrase to that at the beginning of l. 20 (is it possible
getting his words usually forms part of a descrip- that this similarity is more than superficial?).
tion of a confused state. In view of the context here,
28: See the note on 1., ll. 56.
however, it seems to refer to his physical inability to
speak. Note, however, that the form imtanai is


TEXT 2.1


Two short recipes for drugs against witchcraft form prescriptions. Both prescriptions are introduced by
part of this Old Babylonian collection of medical the formula umma awlum kaip.

List of Manuscripts

a HS 1883 BAM 393 coll. Single-col. tablet, early OB script Nippur

(cf. Notes)

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Prescription against witchcraft (umma awlum kaip) ............................................................ 13
A obv. 13
2nd Part
i Prescription against witchcraft (umma awlum kaip) ............................................................ 12
A rev. 1314

Previous Editions

Haussperger, Wrzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 16 (1997) 13149.

Geller, JMC 8 (2006) 712.


1. a obv. 13
1 a obv. 1 umma?(6,40?) a-wi-lum ka-i-ip la-ba-at ar-ma!(ba)-nim!(at) -ab-ti ku-pa-ad
2 a obv. 2 ka-li-it ka-lu-mi-im a a-di-ni a-am-ma-am la i-ru-m
3 a obv. 3 er-ni-ni tu-ra-ar-ma i-ka-al-ma i-n-a-a

2. a rev. 1314
1 a rev. 13 umma?(6,40?) a-wi-lum ka-i-ip i-i-id nu-u-ur-t[im]sic
2 a rev. 14 i-na e-li-im i-a-ti-ma i-n-a-a

3. Summary of the paragraphs not included in the transliteration

13 = 2.1, 1.
47 Medical prescription against jaundice.
814 Medical prescriptions against toothache.
1418 Medical prescriptions against gergium skin complaint.
1920 Medical prescription against scorpion sting.
2122 Medical prescription against eye disease.
2326 Medical prescription against tum (heat).
27 Medical prescription, fragmentary.
12 Medical prescription, fragmentary.
34 Medical prescription against a heavy forehead.
58 Medical prescription against dog bite.
910 Medical prescription against toothache.
1112 Medical prescription against inner disease (libbu).
1314 = 2.1, 2.
1518 Medical prescription against anal disease.
1921 Medical prescription against bibirrum-disease of the feet.
2225 Medical prescription against tum (heat) of the head.
2627 Medical prescription against inner disease (libbu).

Bound Transcription Translation

1. a obv. 13 1. a obv. 13
1 1
umma awlum kaip labat armannim If a man is bewitched: You parch apricot-turnip, kupad-
bti kupad 2kalt kalmim a adni am- salt, 2the kidney of a lamb that has not yet eaten grass, 3(and)
mam l iruam 3ernn turrar-ma ikkal- ernnu-(plants). He eats it and will recover.
ma inea

2. a rev. 1314 2. a rev. 1314

1 2 1
umma awlum kaip iid nuur[tim] ina If a man is bewitched: He drinks root of nuurtu-plant 2in
ellim iatt-ma inea sesame oil and will recover.


General: Finkel, AMD 1, 213, fn. 3 observes 2: For the use of the kidney of a lamb
that the tablet might possibly be a later copy of an that has not yet eaten grass, see Stol, BSA 7 (1993)
Old Babylonian tablet; this later copy would then 107 (rennet?).
have imitated the script and language of the older
tablet. Collation did not produce any unambiguous
support for this observation.
TEXT 2.2


The main manuscript underlying text 2.2 (ms. A) sentences, either giving a symptom description and
contains a collection of rituals for dispelling witch- diagnosis of the ailment (witchcraft of various types)
craft. Most of these prescriptions are introduced by or the purpose of the prescription (protection against
the formula umma amlu kaip. They give short witchcraft). One of these prescriptions provides a
recipes for potions and less often enemas or lengthy ritual involving the fabrication of substitute
prescribe washing and rubbing with special fluids figurines of warlock and witch as well as an incan-
and powders; one of the umma amlu kaip texts tation addressed to ama. Even though the overall
contains a ritual using substitute figurines of war- character of the other manuscripts is similar to the
lock and witch. The other preserved units in manu- collection in manuscript A, the actual number and
script A are introduced by several kinds of umma- combination of the units differ from tablet to tablet.

List of Manuscripts

A 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + KUB 37, 55 pls. 15 Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, Ass.-Mitt. attua, Bykkale
468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + script, 14th13th cent.
323/c KBo 36, 32
B 166/d KUB 37, 9 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, Ass.-Mitt. attua, Bykkale
script, 14th13th cent.
C VAT 14427 LKA 160 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, early NA Aur, Library N 4
BAM 140 script, 9th8th cent.
cf. KAL 2, 46
D1 VAT 14051 (+) KAL 2, 43 coll. Frgs. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4 (?)
D2 VAT 14052 KAL 2, 44 8th7th cent.
E VAT 10088 KAR 189 coll. Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, MA script, Aur, Archive M 2 (?)
BAM 208 13th11th cent.
F1 Sm 385 + 757 (+) AMT 86/1 (+) pls. 614 Frgs. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
F2 K 6488 AMT 85/1 cent. Library
G Th 1905-4-9, 92 = BM pl. 16 Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
98586 cent. Library
H ND 4405/23 CTN 4, 124 pl. 15 Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nimrud, Temple of Nab

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary prescription ....................................................................................................... ]18
A obv. I 18
ii Prescription against bewitchment contracted by contact with dirty water ............................924
A obv. I 924 // B obv. I 1014
iii Fragmentary prescription .....................................................................................................2535
A obv. I 2535
iv Fragmentary prescription ................................................................................................... 3637[
A obv. I 3637

v Anti-witchcraft ritual ......................................................................................................... 3870

C obv. 7rev. 10 // D2 obv. I? 115 // A obv. II 129
vi Prophylactic ritual against witchcraft ...............................................................................7178[
A obv. II 3031 // C rev. 1114 // H obv. I 713
vii Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................ ]7991
A rev. V 113
viii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) .......................................................... 92119[
A rev. V 1441
ix Fragmentary prescription............................................................................................ ]12022
A rev. VI 13
x Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................12337
A rev. VI 418
xi Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................13842
A rev. VI 1923 // E r. col. 35 // F2 rev. V 34
xii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................14348
A rev. VI 2429 // E r. col. 1314
xiii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................14956
A rev. VI 3037 // F2 rev. IV 15
xiv Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................15761
A rev. VI 3842 // F2 rev. IV 67
2nd Part
i Fragmentary prescription........................................................................................................]13
G obv. I 13
ii Prescription against witchcraft (ana pierti kip with preceding symptom description) ....... 49
C obv. 16 // G obv. I 49
iii Fragmentary prescription....................................................................................................1012[
G obv. 1012
3rd Part
i Fragmentary prescription........................................................................................................]19
B obv. I 19
ii Prescription against bewitchment = 1st part, unit ii
B obv. I 1014
iii Fragmentary prescription..................................................................................................]1015
B obv. II 16
iv Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................... 1622
B obv. II 7rev. III 2
v Fragmentary prescription..................................................................................................2328[
B rev. III 38
vi Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................ ]2930
B rev. IV 12
vii Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................. 3134
B rev. IV 36
viii Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................. 3536
B rev. IV 78
ix Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................. 3738
B rev. IV 910
x Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................. 3940
B rev. IV 1112
xi Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................ 4142[
B rev. IV 1314
4th Part
i Fragmentary prescriptions ......................................................................................................]14
H obv. I 14
TEXT 2.2 69
Subscript(?) ..............................................................................................................................56
H obv. I 56
ii Prophylactic ritual against witchcraft = 1st part, unit vi
B obv. I 713
iii Fragmentary ...................................................................................................................... ]713[
H obv. II 17

Previous Editions

Thompson, AJSL 47 (1930) 1115 (translation of ms. F).

KAL 2, no. 43, no. 44, no. 46 (transliterations and translations of mss. C and D).


1. A // B obv. I 1014 // C obv. 7rev. 14 // D2 obv. I? 114 // E r. col. 35, 1314 // F2 rev. V 34,
IV 17 // H obv. I 713
1 A obv. I 1 [ ]-
2 A obv. I 2 [ ]x
3 A obv. I 3 [ ] i
4 A obv. I 4 [ ]x
5 A obv. I 5 [ ] ka
6 A obv. I 6 [ -m]a
7 A obv. I 7 [ a-n]a me!(di)-e
8 A obv. I 8 [ ] NAG-
(B obv. I 19 is apparently not parallel with A, see 3.)
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 A obv. I 9 BAD [L ] x u
B obv. I 10 [ ]
10 A obv. I 10 i-ra-[-a-a-u] a-pu-la-a-u
B obv. I 10 [i-r]a--a-a- a-pu-la-u
11 A obv. I 11 it-ta-na-a[b-l]a-ak-ka-ta-*u*!
B obv. I 11 [ ]
12 A obv. I 12 -ba-na-at e-pi-u
B obv. I 11 [ -a]t? GR.ME-
13 A obv. I 13 it-te-n-en-i-la-a-u
B obv. I 11 iq-qa-an-na-na7
14 A obv. I 14 me-e ri-im-ki ka-bi-is!(it)
B obv. I 12 [ ] ka-bi-is
15 A obv. I 15 si-ki-il-la []a-e-e
B obv. I 13 [ ]
16 A obv. I 16 [b]i-i-na qa-[na]-a []a-a-ba
B obv. I 13 [ ] GI SIKIL
17 A obv. I 17 GIIM[MAR x x x (x)] giMA.NU
B obv. I 14 [ ]
18 A obv. I 18 i-na me-e [(x x x)] te-se-ek-ke-er
B obv. I 14 [i-n]a A.ME te-se-ker
(B obv. I breaks or is uninscribed, beginning of obv. II lost; for the remaining text of B, see 3.)
19 A obv. I 19 e-pi-u [tu-p]a-a-a-a

20 A obv. I 20 ta-ar-mu-u [im-u-u]r-li-i-mi

21 A obv. I 21 im-[u]-ur-a-ra x [x (x)-r]a?
22 A obv. I 22 x [x] x x [ ]x
23 A obv. I 23 x[ ]
24 A obv. I 24 [ ]
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 A obv. I 25 [ ]x
26 A obv. I 26 [ ]
27 A obv. I 27 [ ]x
28 A obv. I 28 [ ]
29 A obv. I 29 x[
30 A obv. I 30 x[
31 A obv. I 31 x[
32 A obv. I 32 x[
33 A obv. I 33 x[
34 A obv. I 34 i-n[a
35 A obv. I 35 ud x [ ]/[ ] TI.LA (between columns)
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 A obv. I 36 BAD [L?
37 A obv. I 37 x[
(A obv. I breaks; for C obv. 16 // G, see 2.)
38 C obv. 7 DI L SU.ME- im-ma-tum -kal-lu i-te-ne-mi-im-[ma]
39 C obv. 8 [U]ZU.ME- -tab-ba-t u a-na MUNUS
D2 obv. I? 1 [ ] -t[ab-ba-t ]
40 C obv. 89 a-la-km la i-le-i / [NU?.ME-] IM u-nu-lu
D2 obv. I 23 ?
[a-la]-kam la i-le-i A[LAM.ME-] / a [ ] u-nu-lu
41 A obv. II 1 a-na ku-u[l-la-ti ]
C obv. 9 ina kul-la-tim DU-ma
D2 obv. I? 3 ana kul-la-te DU
42 A obv. II 2 u-e-et [ ]
C obv. 9 1 E K.BABBAR 1 E K.SI22
D2 obv. I? 34 1 E [ ] / [ ] E K.SI22
43 A obv. II 3 a-na ku-ul-[la-ti ]
C obv. 10 [ U]B-ma
D2 obv. I? 4 ana KI.GAR UB-ma
44 A obv. II 4 i-da! [ ]
C obv. 10 IM ta-am
D2 obv. I? 4 IM ta-am-ma
45 A obv. II 5 a-la-am [ ]
C obv. 10 ALAM U11.ZU
D2 obv. I? 45 A[LAM] / lU11.ZU
46 A obv. II 6 ka-a-[a-ap-ti ]
C obv. 10 u munusU11.ZU D-u-ma
D2 obv. I? 5 u munusU11.ZU D-ma
47 A obv. II 7 u-um-u-[nu ]
C obv. 11 [ ]
D2 obv. I? 56 u[m--nu] / ina
48 A obv. II 8 a-i-u-nu [ ]
C obv. 11 a-i--nu SAR-r
D2 obv. I? 6 a-i--nu S[A]R-r
TEXT 2.2 71
49 A caret
C obv. 1112 i-di-u-nu ana EGIR-u-nu / [ ta-k]s-su
D2 obv. I? 67 II--nu ana E[GIR--nu] / ina a-lim ta-ks-su
50 A obv. II 9 mu-a- [ ]
C obv. 12 mu--i NIGIN--nu-ti
D2 obv. I? 7 mu--i NIG[IN--nu-ti]
51 A obv. II 10 ku-ur-ra a-[na ]
C obv. 12rev. 1 .AB / [ana UG]U--nu tu-ra-ak
D2 obv. I? 8 .AB ana UGU--nu tu-ra-ak
52 A obv. II 11 ina bu-ur-z[i-gal-li(?) ]
C rev. 1 ub-ga-tim la-a a-ri-ip-tim
D2 obv. I? 89 ub-[x-tum] la a-ri-ip-tum
53 A obv. II 12 ta-na-a-i-[u-nu-ti ]
C rev. 2 ta-an-na-i--nu-ti ma-ar dUTU
D2 obv. I? 910 ta-an-na-i-[-nu-ti] / ma-ar dUTU-i
54 A obv. II 13 ta-da-an-[u-nu-ti ]
C rev. 23 ta-danan--nu-te / ina A A.GB.BA
D2 obv. I? 10 ta-dan--nu-t[i] [ ]
55 A obv. II 14 qa-ti-ka [ ]
C rev. 3 UII-ka GRII-ka
D2 obv. I? 11 UII-ka u GRII-ka
56 A obv. II 15 a-na mu-u-i-[u-nu ]
C rev. 3 ana UGU--nu ta--at
D2 obv. I? 11 ana UG[U--nu ]
57 A obv. II 16 ina li-i-i [ ]
C rev. 4 z
D2 obv. I? 12 ina zNG.SILA11.G Z e
58 A obv. II 17 re-e-e15 li-i[b-bi-u ]
C rev. 4 SAG - tu-kap-pr-ma
D2 obv. I? 1213 [ ] / [t]u-kap-pr-ma
59 A obv. II 18 a-na mu-u-i-[u-nu ]
C rev. 5 ana UGU--nu UB-di
D2 obv. I? 13 ana UGU--nu UB-[di]
60 A obv. II 19 a-na pa-an dU[TU ]
C rev. 56 ina ma-ar dUTU ki-a-am tu-ad-bab- / um-ma at-ta-ma
D2 obv. I? 1314 [ ] / [ki]-a-[a]m tu-ad-bab- um-ma a[t-ta-ma]
61 A obv. II 20 UTU a-ar [ ]
C rev. 6 UTU MAN AN-e u KI-t[e]
D2 obv. I? 15 [ ] KI-[ti]
(D2 obv. I? breaks; for D2 rev. and D1, see 1.5)
62 A obv. II 21 da-a-a-an i-l[i ]
C rev. 7 da-a-a-an DINGIR u L at-ta-ma
63 A obv. II 22 UTU a a-na [ ]
C rev. 7 d
UTU ana i-ti ki-pi ru-e-e
64 A obv. II 23 ru-si-i u[p-a-e-e ]
C rev. 8 ru-si-i up-a-e-e NU DU10.ME
65 A obv. II 24 i-pu-a [ ]
C rev. 8 D- NIGIN-ra i-i-am

66 A obv. II 25 ul-tu u4-[mi a?]

C rev. 8 i-t u4-m[i]
67 A obv. II 26 i-na ma-a-[ri-ka ]
C rev. 9 in[a IG]I-ka!(i) DU11.GA
68 A obv. II 27 lu pa-a-ra-a-[ni ]
C rev. 9 lu DU8-ni lu K-ma
69 A obv. II 28 da-li-li-k[a ]
C rev. 9 da-li-li-ka lud-[lul]
70 A obv. II 29 7- i-[qa-ab-bi-ma ]
C rev. 10 [ ] D[U11.G]A-ma BR-i[r]
A, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(preceding lines in H differ from A and C, see 4.)
71 A obv. II 30 BAD ki-i-[pu ]
C rev. 11 [ ru-u]- ru-su-
H obv. I 7 DI ki-pu ru-u- ru-su-u
72 A obv. II 31 up-a-[u- ]
C rev. 11 up---u ana L NU T[E-?]
H obv. I 7 up---u ana L NU TE
73 A obv. II 32 [G]N u[r-ne-e
C rev. 12 [x x r-ne]-e 1 GN NU.LU.A GN a-e-[e]
H obv. I 8 GN r-ni5-i 1 GN NU.LU.A GN a-i-i
(A obv. II breaks; obv. III lost)
74 C rev. 13 [ G]N GETIN [UR]
H obv. I 9 [x G]N LL KUR.RA ina 10 GN giGETIN UR.RA
75 C rev. 1314 [ ] IGI d
UTU NA[G-u] / [ ]
H obv. I 10 [ina ma-]ar dUTU NAG- man-[nu] i-i
76 C rev. 14 [ i-e-a]-a-am
H obv. I 11 [is-u]-ra-am i-e-a-a-a[m]
77 C rev. 14 x[
H obv. I 12 [x x x x] x [x]-i-ir-ma i-[i
(C rev. breaks)
78 H obv. I 13 [x x x x x x] x x x [
(H obv. I breaks; for the rest of H, see 4.)
break (end of A obv. II, A obv. III, rev. IV and beginning of rev. V are lost)
79 A rev. V 1 [(x)] x (x) [
80 A rev. V 2 [m]u-ur-d[u-da-a
81 A rev. V 3 gi
AUR a-[pi
82 A rev. V 4 ba-ri-ra-[ta
83 A rev. V 5 me-e bi-i-[ni
84 A rev. V 6 GIIMMAR [( ) tesekker(?)]
85 A rev. V 7 i-na me-e x [
86 A rev. V 8 ta-ar-ta-n[a-a-as-s(?)]
87 A rev. V 9 e-nu-ma ul-[tu tinri(?)]
88 A rev. V 10 i-te-la-a [
89 A rev. V 11 il-te9-[ni-i ()]
90 A rev. V 12 ta-sa-a-ak [tanappi(?)]
91 A rev. V 13 ina .GI [NAG-u-ma TI.LA(?)]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 A rev. V 14 BAD L ka-[i-ip
93 A rev. V 15 re-e15 -[
TEXT 2.2 73
94 A rev. V 16 [
95 A rev. V 17 NINDA u A.ME [
96 A rev. V 18 ni-na-a k[a-x-x iltni(?)]
97 A rev. V 19 ta-sa-a-ak [ina .GI ta-nam-di(?)]
98 A rev. V 20 ina u-bu-ur-[ri-u taappak(?)]
99 A rev. V 21 ina u4-mi-u-m[a
100 A rev. V 22 ur-n-e x [
101 A rev. V 23 nu-u-ur-t[a
102 A rev. V 24 qa-na-a [a-a-ba
103 A rev. V 25 a-am-ma(-)ni [
104 A rev. V 26 ma-al-la(-)a x [
105 A rev. V 27 ta-a-a-a-al [
106 A rev. V 28 it-ti a-a-mi-i[
107 A rev. V 29 a-na 3- [
108 A rev. V 30 x x ta am i x [x (x)] x x [
109 A rev. V 31 [i-na ]u-bu-u[r-r]i-u t[a-appak(?)]
110 A rev. V 32 [-]e-e15-e-ra-[a]m-ma i-na [u4-mi-]u-ma
111 A rev. V 33 [i-n]a ka-ra-a-ni i-a-ap-pa-ak
112 A rev. V 34 -e-e15-e-ra-ma i-na u4-mi-u-ma
113 A rev. V 35 i-na i-iz-bi ma-at-q
114 A rev. V 36 i-a-ap-pa-ak -e-e15-e-r[a-ma]
115 A rev. V 37 mu-ru-us-su i-ta-at-[la-ak]
116 A rev. V 38 in[a u4-mi-]u-ma .GI [a-al-a]
117 A rev. V 39 [i-a-ap-p]a-ak-ma [
118 A rev. V 40 [x x] x [
119 A rev. V 41 [x x x] x [
break (end of A rev. V lost)
120 A rev. VI 1 [i]+na e-ri [
121 A rev. VI 2 tu-e-el-la-am-ma x [x x (x)]
122 A rev. VI 3 ta-ar-ta-na-a-a x [x x (x)]
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 A rev. VI 4 BAD L ka-i-ip [(x x)]
124 A rev. VI 5 s-lu-up-pi a-a-u-ri t[i-n]a?-ti!?(u)
125 A rev. VI 6 li-ba-a-ra mu-un-zi-iq-q
126 A rev. VI 7 ze-er u-lu-up-pi il-te-ni-i
127 A rev. VI 8 ina me-e [ta-r]a-as-s-an-u-nu-ti
128 A rev. VI 9 ina MUL.ME [tu]-u-bat
129 A rev. VI 10 ina e-er-[ti me]-e u-nu-ti
130 A rev. VI 11 [x x x x x] x m-er-ru-ta
131 A rev. VI 12 [ta-a-a-a-al(?)] a-na li-ib-bi
132 A rev. VI 13 ta-[ba-al-la-al] ta-a-q-u
133 A rev. VI 14 in-bi ki-i an-nu-ti-ma
134 A rev. VI 15 ta-a-a-a-al ina KA.SAG
135 A rev. VI 16 ta-ma-a-a ina MUL.ME tu-u-bat
136 A rev. VI 17 ina e-er-t[i] KA.SA[G] tu-s-a-ak
137 A rev. VI 18 ba-lu p-[t]a-a-an NAG--ma TI.LA
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(preceding lines in E and F2 differ from A, see texts 2.3 and 2.4)
138 A rev. VI 19 BAD L ka-i-ip s-a-a-di a-e-e
E r. col. 3 DI KIMIN MUN imIM.DU!
[ ]
F2 rev. V 3 DI L ka-ip ba-lu-a

139 A rev. VI 20 nu-u-ur-ta a-ab-ta ina me-e

E r. col. 4
NU.LU.A ina A
F2 rev. V 34
NU.LU.A / ina A
140 A rev. VI 21 ta-ra-as-s-an ina MUL.ME tu-u-bat
E r. col. 4 tara-s-an ina [ ]
F2 rev. V 4 tra-s-an ina UL tu-bat
141 A rev. VI 22 ina e-er-ti tu-s-a-ak
E r. col. 5 ina r-ti tu-sak6
F2 rev. V 4 ina r-ti
142 A rev. VI 23 ba-lu pa-t-an NAG--ma TI.LA
E r. col. 5 ba-lu pa-[tan
F2 rev. V 4 ba-lu pa-tan NAG-ma TI
A, E, F2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(following lines in E and F2 differ from A, see texts 2.3 and 2.4)
143 A rev. VI 24 BAD L ka-i-ip qa-an-[n]i a-bi-ti
E r. col. 13 DI KIMIN SI MA.[D]
144 A rev. VI 25 tu-ur-ra-ar t[a]-s-a-ak
E r. col. 1314 [ ]/ xx[
(E r. col. breaks)
145 A rev. VI 26 ina me-e ki-ma -u-li tu-ra-am-ma-ak-u
146 A rev. VI 27 u ar-ki-i-u u-[]u-ul-ta
147 A rev. VI 28 i-ra-am-mu-uk-ma a-am-na
148 A rev. VI 29 ip-pa-a-i-i-ma TI.LA
A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(preceding lines in F2 differ, but cf. Notes)
149 A rev. VI 30 BAD L ka-i-ip bu-ur-i-a-na
F2 rev. IV 1 DI L ka-ip -ka-i-pu-nin-n[i? ]
150 A rev. VI 31 tu-ub-b-al ta-a-a-a-al
F2 rev. IV 2 -bal i-a-al-ma
151 A rev. VI 32 ul-tu me-e u -u-ul-t[e]
F2 rev. IV 2 i-tu A [ ]
152 A rev. VI 33 [ir-t]a-am-ku a-a-
F2 rev. IV 23 [ ] /u u-a-tum
153 A rev. VI 34 [ki-ma] a-am-ni ta-pa-a-a-as-s
F2 rev. IV 3 ki-ma .GI ip-ta-a[--a]
154 A rev. VI 35 [? k]i-ma .GI ip-pa-a-i-i-ma
F2 rev. IV 34 [ ] / .GI ip-ta-na-a--a[s-su]
155 A rev. VI 36 [a-di(?) ba?-a]l- ki-i-pu
F2 rev. IV 45 [ ] / ki-pu
156 A rev. VI 37 [la i-e-e]-u--u
F2 rev. IV 5 la i-[eu]
A, F2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 A rev. VI 38 [BAD L ka-i]-ip ma-i-ir-ti mi-i-ti
F2 rev. IV 6 DI L ka-ip ma-i-ir-ti L.[]
158 A rev. VI 39 [a u-me-la(?)] ina a-ra-at
F2 rev. IV 6 [ ]
159 A rev. VI 40 [x x (x x)] ta-la-ap-pa-ap
F2 rev. IV 6 [ ]
TEXT 2.2 75
160 A rev. VI 41 [ ta-a(-ap)-p]u ina i-a-t[i]
F2 rev. IV 7 .GI ta-ap-pu
161 A rev. VI 42 [x-x-x-x]-ma T[I.LA]
F2 rev. IV 7 SAR-ma [ ]
(A rev. VI breaks)
F2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for following lines in F2, see text 2.3)

2. C obv. 16 // G
1 G obv. I 1 [ ] x x x [
2 G obv. I 2 [ N]AG AN.DA.[UM
3 G obv. I 3 [x x x x x ina] U4.14.KAM U4.21.KAM U4.[N.A(?)
G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 C obv. 1 [ ] x L [
G obv. I 4 [DI L a]-a- bir-ka- kab-ta-a-!(u) : SA[G
5 C obv. 23 [ ] x GI [x x (x x)] / [x x x]
G obv. I 5 [a-na B]R-ti ki-pi gibi-n[i] a x [ ]
6 C obv. 34 [x x] gi!?G[IIMMA]R? A pa-i-ri D
G obv. I 6 [x x giG]IIMMAR A pa-i-ri a D
C ctd. ina KA [ ] / ina I[M.U.RIN.N]A
G ctd. ina KA ud x [ ]
7 C obv. 45 te-sek-ker ana UB.UB-u
G obv. I 7 [BAD-er ana ] UB.UB-
C ctd. su-x-x NUMUN ti-ia-[ti] / NUMUN SIKIL
G ctd. ku x [(x) NUMUN] ti-ia-tim NU[MUN ]
8 C obv. 56 NUMUN gi

G obv. I 8 [NUMUN gi
C ctd. ta-sk ina KA.[SAG] / ina MUL tu-bat
G ctd. ina KA.S[AG ]
9 C obv. 6 ina r-ti NAG-u-ma ina ITI.1.KM 7- D-u-ma BR-[ir]
G obv. I 9 [ina r]-ti NAG--ma ina ITI.1.KM 7- D-u-[ma ]
C, G ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for C obv. 7rev. 14 // A, D2, see 1., ll. 4576)
10 G obv. I 10 [DI NA EN] DU11.DU11- -ag-ga-ar-[u
11 G obv. I 11 [M.GE6].ME- ma-a-da INIM.ME[
12 G obv. I 12 [x x x] x ku pi? x x x [
(G rev. IV? as far as preserved uninscribed)

3. B obv. I 19, II, rev.

1 B obv. I 1 ] x x [x x x]
2 B obv. I 2 ]-ma- u [x x]
3 B obv. I 3 ] x mi-i-ir? [x (x)]

4 B obv. I 4 SIK]IL? giINIG x [x]
5 B obv. I 5 GI]?.I.A EDIN.NA PA GI.I.A [
6 B obv. I 6 ] i a-ar-musar (sic?) MUN
7 B obv. I 7 ] x KI NAGA i-ra-muk
8 B obv. I 8 ] x ti-ia-ti ina GA NAG-
9 B obv. I 9 ] TI.LA
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1014 B obv. I 1014 see 1., ll. 918.

15 B obv. II 1 BAD K[IMIN
16 B obv. II 2 x[
17 B obv. II 3 UT[U
18 B obv. II 4 L x [
19 B obv. II 5 ia-a-[i
20 B obv. II 6 ti x [
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 B obv. II 7 BAD KIMIN 15 G[N
22 B obv. II 8 15 GN x [
23 B obv. II 9 2 GN i[m
24 B obv. II 10 E.E a-na [
25 B obv. II 11 AN u K[I
26 B rev. III 1 A.ME u-nu-ti [
27 B rev. III 2 te-te-nq-q-ma [
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 B rev. III 3 BAD KIMIN uzu.UD[U
29 B rev. III 4 .UD[U
30 B rev. III 5 .U[DU
31 B rev. III 6 uzu
32 B rev. III 7 x[
33 B rev. III 8 d[u
34 B rev. IV 1 ] EME-UR.GI7 erasure
35 B rev. IV 2 i-n]a KA.SAG NAG-ma TI.LA
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 B rev. IV 3 ]- i-ba-a-u
37 B rev. IV 4 b]i? ta-a-al
38 B rev. IV 5 mu]-i-*u* erasure
39 B rev. IV 6 ] i-ne-e
B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 B rev. IV 7 ] kam-ka-d-am
41 B rev. IV 8 in]a KA <NAG-ma> i-n
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 B rev. IV 9 G].GAL * e x*
43 B rev. IV 10 ]x TI.LA
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 B rev. IV 11 SAA]R a-s-ur-ri
45 B rev. IV 12 ] TI.LA
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 B rev. IV 13 ] x ku x [(x)]
47 B rev. IV 14 ] x ta-zar-[ra-aq]
(B rev. IV breaks)

4. H obv. I 16, II 17
1 H obv. I 1 [ K]A- i-k[a-bar]
2 H obv. I 2 [ ina KA NAG-ma] TI-u
3 H obv. I 3 [DI KIMIN nu-a-bu] IGI-lim ina KA NAG-ma TI-u
4 H obv. I 4 [DI KIMIN nu-a-bu SU]U EME-UR.GI7 ina KA NAG-ma TI-u
H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 H obv. I 5 [3 ma-q]-a-tum GABA.RI eri-du10
6 H obv. I 6 [la]-at-ka-a-tum
H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for H obv. I 713 // A, C, see 1., ll. 7178)
TEXT 2.2 77
7 H obv. II 1 x[
8 H obv. II 2 x[
9 H obv. II 3 x[
10 H obv. II 4 ana? I[GI?
11 H obv. II 5 N x [
12 H obv. II 6 lugal [
13 H obv. II 7 a[
(H obv. II breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B obv. I 1014 // C obv. 7rev. 1. A // B obv. I 1014 // C obv. 7rev. 14 // D2 obv. I? 1

14 // D2 obv. I? 114 // E r. col. 35, 14 // E r. col. 35, 1314 // F2 rev. V 34, IV 17 // H
1314 // F2 rev. V 34, IV 17 // H obv. I 713
obv. I 713
(ll. 18: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 18: too fragmentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma [amlu ]u 10irau 9
If a [man , his ] 10develop 9[ ] , 10his two up-
aplu 11 ittana[bl]akkatu 12ubnt !
per thighs 11keep twi[st]ing out of place, 12(and) the toes of
pu 13ittenenilu (var.: iqqannan) his feet 13are more and more contracted (var.: immobilized),
m rimki kabis 15sikilla []a 16[b]na 14
he has stepped into (unclean) wash water. 18You heat 15si-
qa[n] []ba 17giimm[ara ] ra 18ina killu-plant, [th]yme, 16[ta]marisk, [s]weet re[e]d, 17date palm,
m tesekker 19pu [tup]aa 20tarmu [ ], and ru-wood 18in water. 19[You r]elax his feet (ap-
[imu]r-lmi 21im[u]r-ar [ ] (ll. 22 plying the liquid). 22[You put] 20lupine, [heal]s-a-thousand-
24: too fragmentary for transcription) plant, 21he[a]ls-twenty-plant, (and) [ ] (ll. 2224: too frag-
mentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 2537: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 2537: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
38 38
umma amlu zumru immatu ukall If a mans body is afflicted with paralysis, he is constantly
tenemmim-[ma] 39[]ru utabbat u feverish, 39his [f]lesh is being ruined, and 40he cannot have
ana sinniti 40alka l ilei [almu] a intercourse 39with a woman, 40(then) f[igurines] of clay
di unull 41ana (var.: ina) kullati tal- representing him have been buried (in a grave). 41You go to
lak((-ma)) 42uet kaspa uet ura 43ana the clay pit, and 43you put 42one grain of silver (and) one
kullati tanadd-ma 44da tam((-ma)) grain of gold 43into the clay pit. 44You buy clay, 46(then)
alam kapi 46u kapti teppu-ma you make 45figurines of the warlock 46and the witch. 48You
umunu ina 48aunu taaar then write 47their names on 48their sides. 49((You tie their
((idunu ana arkunu ina ali takassu)) arms with a rope on their back.)) 50You wrap them with
mu talammunti 51kurra (var.: combed-out hair. 51You pour out tanning fluid (var.: rancid
ikka) ana muunu turk 52((ina)) l oil) over them. 53You lift them up 52in an unfired -bowl.
aripti 53tanaunti (var.: tanna- 53
Before ama 54you convict them. 56You wash 55your
unti) maar ama (var.: ami) 54ta- hands and your feet 56over them 53with water from the holy
dnunti ina m egubb 55qtka u p- water vessel. 58You rub his epigastrium 57with dough made
ka 56ana muunu taaat 57ina l(i) of wheat flour (and) egg; then 59you put (the dough) on them.
qm kibti pel 58r libbu tukappar-ma 60
You make him recite before ama as follows; ((thus you
ana muunu tanaddi 60ana pn (var.: speak)):
maar) ama kam tuadbabu ((umma
61 61
ama ar am u erete ama, lord of heaven and earth,
62 62
dayyn ili u amli att-ma you alone are the judge of god and man!
ama ((a)) ana yti kip ru 64rus 63
ama, 65he (var.: 63the one who) performed, turned to,
up l bti 65pua isura ia (and) sought witchcraft, magic, 64sorcery, (and) wicked
machinations 65against me
ultu (var.: itu) mi [a?] 67ina ma[r- 68
may they be dispelled from me, may they be attached (to
k]a aqabb (or: aqtab) him)
l parni l raks-ma 69dallka ludlul 66
from the (very) day that 67I speak (this prayer) before you,
then 69I shall proclaim your glory!
70 70
sebu i[qabb]-ma paer He recites (this) seven times, and it will be undone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma? (or: ana) kip ru rus 72up- 71
If (or: so that) witchcraft, magic, sorcery, 72(and) machina-
ana amli l ie? (or: e) 73miil tions are not to approach a man, 75before ama you have
iqil urn 1 iqil nuurta alu iqil a him drink 73half a shekel of urn-plant, one shekel of nuur-
[x i]qil diip ad ina eeret iqil karni tu-plant, a third of a shekel of a-plant, 74[ she]kel of
ati 75[ina] maar ama taaqqu man- mountain honey in ten shekels of grape juice. (ll. 7578: too
[nu] a ysi 76[isu]ra ia (ll. 7778: too fragmentary for translation)
fragmentary for transcription)
break break
79 80 84
[()] [ ] [m]urd[ud ] [You heat ] 79[()] [ ], 80[m]urd[ud-plant,
ar a[pi ] 82barr[ta ] ], 81mar[sh]-apple, [ ], 82barr[tu-plant, ],

m b[ni ] 84giimmara [( ) 83
ta[marisk]-extract, [ ], 84(and) date palm. 86You
tesekker(?)] 85ina m [ ] 86tartan[a- wa[sh him] repeatedly 85with water [ ]. 87As soon as
assu] 87enma ul[tu tinri(?)] 88tel [ (the plants) have come ou[t of the oven], 90you pound 88[]
] 89ilt[ni ()] 90task [tanappi(?)] 89
togeth[er ()], 90[you sift (them)], 91and you [have him
u ina amni [taaqqu-ma iballu(?)] drink] (them) in oil; [then he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma amlu ka[ip ] 93r libb- 92
If a man is bewitch[ed ] 93hi[s] epigastrium [ ]
[u ] 94u [ ] 95akala u m [ ] 94
and [ ] 95bread and water [ ], 96nn-plant, [
nn [ iltni(?)] 97task [ina ] you pound 98[together], 97[you put (it) into oil]. 98[You

amni tanamdi(?)] 98ina ubur[ru taap- pour (it)] into [his] anu[s]. 99At the appropriate time [ ]
pak(?)] 99ina mu-m[a ] 100urn 100
urn-plant, [ ], 101nuurtu-plant, [ ], 102s[weet]
[ ] 101nuurta [ ] 102qan [ba reed, [ ], 103[( )] herbs [ ] 104 [ ] 105you
] 103ammn(?) [ ] 104 [ crush [ ] 106togeth[er ] 107three times [ ] (l. 108:
] 105taaal [ ] 106itti ami[ ] too fragmentary for translation) 109 [You pour (it) into] his [a]n[u]s;

107 110
ana alu [ ] (l. 108: too fragmen- [he] will have a bowel movement. Then, at the [appropri]-

tary for transcription) 109 [ina ]ubu[rr]u t[a- ate [time] 111he pours (it into his anus) [wi]th wine; 112he
appak(?)] [u]eeram-ma ina [m]u- will have a bowel movement. Then, at the appropriate time,
ma 111[in]a karni iappak 112ueeram- 114
h[e pours (it into his anus)] 113with sweetened milk;
ma ina mu-ma 113ina izbi matqi 114
he will have a bowel movement. 115(After) his illness has
iappak ueer[am-ma] 115murussu le[ft], 116a[t the appro]priate [time], 117[he po]urs filt[ered]
ittat[lak] 116in[a m]u-ma amna [al- 116
oil (into his anus) 117and [ (ll. 11819: too fragmentary
a] 117[iapp]ak-ma [ (ll. 11819: too for translation)
fragmentary for transcription)
break break
120 121 120
[i]na ri [ ] tuellm-ma [ ] [I]n the morning [ ] 121you take up, [ ] 122you
tartanaa [ ] wash repeatedly, [ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma amlu kaip [()] 124sulupp 123
If a man is bewitched [()], 127[you s]teep 124dates,
ar t[n]ti(?) 125libra munziqq apples, f[ig]s, 125libru-fruit, raisins, 126(and) seed of the
zr uluppi iltni 127ina m [tar]as- uluppu-tree together 127in water. 128[You] leave (it) out
sanunti 128ina kakkab [t]ubt 129ina overnight under the stars. 130[You ] 129this water in the
r[ti m] unti 130[ ] merruta morn[in]g, 131[you crush] 130[ ] (and) merrutu-plant,
[taaal(?)] ana libbi 132ta[ballal] 132
(and) you [mix (the plants)] 131within (the water).
taaqqu 133u inb k annti-ma 134ta- 132
You have him drink (it). 133Just like these (herbs),
aal ina ikari 135tamaa ina kakkab 134
you crush the fruit. 135You stir (it) 134into beer. 135You
TEXT 2.2 79
tubt 136ina rt[i] ikara tusk 137
balu leave (it) out overnight under the stars. 136In the mornin[g],
pa[t]n taaqqu-ma iballu you strain the beer. 137You have him drink (it) on an empty
sto[m]ach, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 138
umma amlu kaip sud (var.: If a man is bewitched, 139you steep 138sudu-plant (var.:
balua) a 139nuurta bta44 ina m baluu-plant), a-plant, 139nuurtu-plant, and salt in
tarassan ina kakkab tubt 141ina water. 140You leave (it) out overnight under the stars. 141In
rti tusk 142balu patn taaqq((u))-ma the morning, you strain (it). 142You have him drink (it) on
iballu an empty stomach, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 143
umma amlu kaip qan[n]i abti If a man is bewitched, 144you parch (and) pound 143a
turrar t[a]sk 145ina m kma uli gazelles horn. 145[Yo]u wash him with water (containing
turammaku 146u arku u[]ulta the crushed gazelles horn) like potash; 146and afterwards
irammuk-ma amna 148ippai-ma 147
he washes himself 146with soda ash and 148rubs himself
iballu with oil; 148then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 149
umma amlu kaip ((ukaipninni(?) If a man is bewitched, 150you dry (and) crush (var.: he
)) burrina 150tubbal taaal (var.: dries and crushes) 149burrinu. 151After 152[he has
ubbal iaal-ma) 151ultu (var.: itu) m u w]ashed himself 151with water and soda ash, 153you rub
uulte 152[irt]amku ((u)) u (var.: utu) him (var.: he ru[bs himself]) (with the crushed burrinu) like
kma amni tapaassu (var.: ip- (with) oil. 154[And] he rubs himself (var.: he rub[s him]
t[aa]) 154[u k]ma amni ippai (var.: repeatedly) (with the crushed burrinu) [li]ke (with) oil.
iptanaa[ssu]) 155[adi ba]lu(?) kip 155
[As long as he l]ives, witchcraft 156will not ap[pro]ach
l i[e]u him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 157
umma amlu kaip mairti mti If a man is bewitched, 159you wrap 157the mairtu-bone
[a umla(?)] ina rt 159[ ] 158
[from the lef]t (leg [or: foot]) 157of a dead person
talappap 160amna taappu (var.: ta- 158
with hair of 159[a ]. 160You soak (it) with oil.
appi) ((ina iti)) 161tuqattar?-ma (var.: 161
You fumigate (it) 160((with fire)), and 161he will [re-
[ ]-ma) ib[allu] cover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. C obv. 16 // G 2. C obv. 16 // G
(ll. 13: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 13: too fragmentary for translation)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 4
[umma amlu a]u berku kabtu u [If a man]s [a]rms (and) knees feel heavy, and ; [ ]
amlu(?) [ ] 5[ana pi]erti kip person [ ]. 5[For dis]pelling the witchcraft 6you
bn[i] mata[ka]l(??) GI [ ] 6[ ] 5tama[risk], matakal-soapwort, [ ] reed, [ ]
giimmara m piri a nri ina ikari [ ] date palm (and) water from a river-fed pool in beer.
[ ] ina t[in]ri 7tesekker ana libbi 7
You heat (it) 6in the o[ve]n. 7You apply it to him internally.
tattanaddu supla(?) zr tyati zr sikilli You ((pound)) 7suplu-juniper, seed of the tyatu-plant, seed
zr bni a atia ((task)) ina ikari of the sikillu-plant, 8tamarisk-seed, a-plant, (and) atiu-
ina kakkabi tubt 9ina rti taaqqu-ma plant. You leave (it) out overnight under the star(s) in beer.
ina ari sebu teppu-ma paer In the morning you have him drink it. You do this seven
times within one month, then it (the witchcraft) will be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 1012: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 1012: too fragmentary for translation)

3. B obv. I 19, II, rev.: too fragmentary 3. B obv. I 19, II, rev.: too fragmentary for translation, cf.
for transcription. Notes.
4. H obv. I 16, obv. II 17: see Notes. 4. H obv. I 16, obv. II 17: see Notes.

Note that bta is missing in ms. F and stands
before sud in ms. E.


General: None of the duplicate manuscripts is fragmentarily preserved, but is almost certainly to
offers a continuous text parallel to ms. A; the units be restored as syllabic bu-ur-z[i-gal-li ] or
that they have in common with ms. A are trans- pseudo-logographic BU.UR.Z[I.SAL.LA ] (even bu-
literated within the score; for the other portions of ur-z[i-sal-li ] cannot be excluded; cf. Maul, BaF
these manuscripts, see here Parts 2.4. as well as 18, 149, fn. 153). Reading r-q-tim as raqqati
texts 1.5, 2.3 and 2.4. Thus, for example, besides would provide a counterpart to BU.UR.Z[I.SAL.LA
ll. 3961 (first part, unit v) ms. D contains short ] (but cf. CAD R 171, where BUR.ZI SAL.LA is
prescriptions of the ana pierti kip-type (see text rendered provisionally purstu raqqatu); of course,
1.5). the unusual syllabograms used (inverse spelling r
for ra, archaizing q) cast serious doubt on such an
1.: 9: The gap probably contains the name
interpretation. For a dugBUR.ZI.SAL.LA l ariptu
of a body part which should perhaps be restored at
used in a namburbi-ritual, cf. Caplice, OrNS 40
the end of the line, -u representing the 3rd sg. pro-
(1971) 148: 53, and Maul, BaF 18, 133: 73 (partial-
nominal suffix (read ]-x-me-u?). Note, however,
ly restored).
that a body part would normally be the subject of
the sentence and would stand in the first position; 53: Note that both manuscripts from A-
thus the body part would be mentioned first, and the ur have N-stem forms (ingressive to pick up and
affliction affecting the body part would appear in keep holding).
second position as an accusative object immediately
60: umma att-ma in mss. C and D2
preceding the verb. This may still be the case here,
shows that the ritualist recites the words of the
but there is no obvious restoration of an affliction
prayer first, with the patient repeating them after
ending in -u.
1013: Cf. CAD II 492 s.v. aplu. Note
6368: The syllabic writing in ms. A indi-
the parallel description of symptoms in AMT 54/3
cates a reading par(ni) and raks for the two
rev. 78: -pu-la- BAL.BAL-, [U.SI(.ME)]
stative forms; these statives must refer to the pre-
GRII- iq-qa-an-na-an.
ceding list of evils (i.e., kip ru rus up l
16: SIKIL in ms. B is probably a mistake bti; for comparable phrases, see urpu VIII 43
for DU10.GA; the erroneous writing of SIKIL here is 47, 49, 55, 7982). The relative clause in ms. A (a
probably due to sikillu (SIKIL) in the preceding line. in l. 63, omitted by ms. C), therefore, has no ex-
plicit point of reference within the main sentence;
38: CAD III 7 renders SU.ME- here
perhaps this reference is to be sought in the present-
as zumuru; but the plural form of the predicate
ly destroyed form in ms. A that corresponds to K-
(ukall) indicates that the scribe had a real plural in
ma in ms. C: *a l parni l raks(u) may
mind (probably by analogy to r [UZU.ME]).
they (the evils) be dispelled from me, may they be
40: In ms. C obv. 9 [ALAM.ME-] is attached to him who . Nevertheless, the sentence
expected, but the space available suggests the resto- remains awkward, and the version of ms. C is pre-
ration of a shorter sign. ferred in the present translation.
48: The reading in ms. C is beyond any 71: Note that a conditional clause (um-
doubt (cf. already Ebelings editio princeps and the ma with durative if is to , cf. GAG3 161i)
collation report in KAL 2, ad no. 46). is very unusual within the present context; one
expects instead the more common infinitive con-
51: For kurru, see Deller, OrNS 54
struction (ana with infinitive, so that ). But the
(1985) 32730, and with respect to the present
writing BAD in ms. A is in favour of a reading um-
attestation idem, NABU 1991/75. An interpre-
ma; DI in ms. H is ambiguous.
tation of the present word as a defective, syllabo-
logographic writing for napu (.KUR.RA), hence 7991: Due to the fragmentary state of the
<.>KU.UR.RA, appears less likely, but should not be text, the reconstruction remains rather uncertain.
96: Restore perhaps k[a-si-i ] or k[a-
52: Ms. D2 confirms the enigmatic ub- ra-a ]?
ga-tim of ms. C. The corresponding word in ms. A
TEXT 2.2 81
100: Restore [a-e-e ]? certain. Thus here the ritualist rubs the patient
(iptanaa[ssu]). According to this reconstruction,
104: ma-al-la(-)a is apparently corrupt;
both manuscripts have approximately the same text,
read <tu->ma-al-la-a?
though the order of actors in ms. A is first ritualist,
10917: In part of this section, the third per- then patient, whereas in ms. F1 it is first patient,
son is apparently used for both the healing expert then ritualist. Given the difficulties, one might try to
and the patient, though one could also assume that a emend ms. F1. But since the text of ms. F1 makes
part of the medication is self-administered by the sense as it stands, we have chosen to treat it as a
patient. legitimate variant.
124: For the reading t[i-n]a?-ti!?, cf. AHw 15758: In KUB 37, 43 rev. IV 1022 // (here
1363 s.v. tittu. text 1.1, 1.: 10416) a dead persons left
ankle-bone (kabarti mti a umla) is used as a
13031: For merrutu, see the note on KUB
magical substitute. According to the lexical lists
37, 43 obv. I 15 (text 1.1, 1.: 28). The proposed
mairtu designates a specific bone of the ankle or
restorations are based on the usual phraseology and
lower leg (grouped with kabartu ankle-bone and
the logic of the prescription.
kappaltu groin in MSL 18, 38: 21719, preceded
144: For urruru to parch, see Kcher, by kursinntu ankles, fetlocks in MSL 9, 13: 237
Studies Landsberger, 32325. 38); the most likely candidate is the splint-bone
(fibula, cf. CAD M I 92); for shin (tibia) one would
14956: CAD A I 90 understands (a)burri-
rather expect Akkadian kurtu, for calcaneum Akka-
nu to be an insect (CDA 3: mng. unkn.). This is
dian asdu.
far from certain, but may very well be correct (of
course, one could also think of a small reptile or the 159: An animals name should probably
like); the lexical attestations seem to exclude an in- be restored at the beginning of the line; note that
terpretation as a plant name. Ms. F1 is only partially within such contexts goats hair is frequently used
preserved, and what can be read is even more con- in magical texts.
fusing. Reading the following kaip as a determi-
16061: Rather than ina iti one expects ina
native of a plant name is certainly possible, but a
pnti (cf. Mayer, OrNS 47 [1978] 453, Stol, Studies
satisfactory reading of the following signs escapes
Borger, 35051 and CAD P 325). A reading tanap-
us. Therefore, a reading ukaipninni they have
pa for SAR (M) is not excluded, but unlikely with-
bewitched me seems preferable. Either this repre-
in the present context.
sents an otherwise not attested artificial plant
name (cf. imur-lm etc.), or F1 continued with a 2.: 45: At the end of l. 4 one might suggest
verbum dicendi (DU11.GA or similar): If a man is a restoration amlu [u- ka-ip] [that] man [is
bewitched, [he says: ] They bewitched me!; he bewitched]. Given their fragmentary state, it is not
dries (and) crushes [ ]. even certain that both manuscripts have the same
text in these lines; the coordination of the texts sug-
Further difficulty is caused by the fact that ms. F1
gested in the transliteration of l. 5 remains doubtful.
renders the actions of both participants, the ritualist
After tamarisk and matakal-soapwort, one would
and the patient, in 3rd sg. verbal forms throughout
expect GI.[UL.I].
this unit. This is a particular problem in ll. 153
54. In both manuscripts the patient is rubbed 6: The exact meaning of the phrase m
twice with powder that was produced beforehand. pa-i-ri a nri remains difficult to determine. Be-
Ms. A indicates quite clearly that the first time the sides the present spelling the following writings are
ritualist rubs the patient with the powder, while the attested: m pa-r nri, m pa-i-r nri (see CAD
second time the patient rubs himself (tapaassu in P 253a); simple m pa-i-ri occurs once (Th 1905-
l. 153 vs. ippai in l. 154). In l. 153 of ms. 4-9, 72+ obv. II 8; see here text 7.8, 4.: 14). AHw
F1 the visible traces suggest the restoration of a 84445 and CAD P 25253 interpret piru as an
reflexive Gt-stem (ipta[a]); thus the subject of adjective (AHw: dissolving, purging, clarify-
the broken form must be the patient, which would ing; CAD without translation) and compare the
logically correspond to the N-stem in l. 154 of phrase to m pirtu, also attested in magical
ms. A. But ms. F1 in l. 154 has a 3rd sg. Gtn-stem rituals (for the latter, see also Maul, BaF 18, 88 with
expressing a transitive action; given the transitive fn. 45, who gives preference to a literal translation
verbal form, the restoration of the 3rd sg. accusative of the term). River water is associated with the
pronominal suffix referring to the patient is fairly spell-dissolving qualities of the Aps and its lord

Ea, and is therefore commonly used in rituals as a 3.: General: According to Kcher, KUB 37, p. II,
purifying substance. Accordingly, one could assume this fragment originally belonged to the same tablet
that pir(i a) nri is an epithet of this kind of as KUB 37, 28; this, however, remains uncertain.
water, lit. dissolver from the river (cf. CDA 269);
147: The diagnosis in the beginning of the
however, a literary epithet is not what we would
units is either lost or if ditto. The text is poorly
expect within the context of ritual instructions. As
preserved, but the overall format and the ingredients
first pointed out by Landsberger, MSL 8/2, 90,
used for the potions seem to suggest that the tablet
fn. 25, m pirtu is used by lexical lists to explain
contained prescriptions of the type umma amlu
lirnu standing (high) water (see CAD A/2, 63
for the relevant attestations). This cannot be sepa-
rated from the fact that piru and awirnu (variant 4: See collation (pl. 130, no. 28).
of lirnu) are attested as equivalents of Sumerian
4.: 16: The text can be restored according to
(a-)nigin dammed up water, water reservoir,
the duplicate AMT 78/1 (K 2418) + AMT 28/7 (Sm
pond (see PSD A I 12526). It therefore seems
1397) rev. VI 1922. AMT 78/1+ is now joined to
likely that m piri within our contexts refers to
the following fragments: AMT 78/1 (K 2418) + K
standing water drawn from a pool fed by river wa-
2465 + 2458 + 2488 + 5893 + 9140 + 10174 +
11127 + 16410 + Rm 141 + Rm 2, 143 + Sm 1397.
Note that the correlation of the manuscripts in the The relevant section of the text records recipes for
second half of the line remains rather uncertain; the potions against kadabbed (cf. Kinnier-Wilson
transliteration offers what seems to be the most like- Reynolds, CM 36, 7276); this section will be fully
ly reconstruction in the absence of a further dupli- edited together with other texts of the kadabbed
cate. type.
7: The reading of the beginning of the
line is uncertain in both manuscripts, which seem to
differ from each other.
TEXT 2.3


After an introductory section of witchcraft diag- diagnostic statement amlu kaip or by an exact
noses (and symptomologies?), the main manuscript diagnosis of the method the witch employed to
A provides numerous recipes for potions, salves and harm the victim. Also a few prescriptions of the
other medicines against witchcraft. Many of these prophylactic type are included. Manuscript D seems
are introduced by the umma amlu kaip formula, to be a similar collection of anti-witchcraft texts, but
others by detailed symptomologies followed by the the tablet is still very fragmentary.

List of Manuscripts

A1 Sm 385 + 757 (+) AMT 86/1 (+) pls. 614 Frgs. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
A2 K 6488 AMT 85/1 cent. Library
B 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + KUB 37, 55 pls. 15 Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, Ass.-Mitt. attua, Bykkale
468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + script, 14th13th cent.
323/c KBo 36, 32
C VAT 10088 KAR 189 coll. Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, MA script, Aur, Archive M 2 (?)
BAM 208 13th11th cent.
D1 K 6586 (+) AMT 85/1 pl. 16 Frgs. of a multi-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
D2 K 2441 (+) AMT 85/3 pl. 16 script, 7th cent. Library
D3 Sm 380 (+) AMT 29/9 pl. 17
D4 82-3-2, 103 (+) pl. 17
D5 Sm 1960 pl. 17
E Bo 7925 (Ankara) KUB 37, 56 coll. Small frg. attua, Bykkale

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Symptomologies and witchcraft diagnoses............................................................................ 116[
A1 obv. I 116
ii Fragmentary prescription .....................................................................................................1718
A1 obv. II 12
iii Prescription introduced by symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis ........................1927
A1 obv. II 311
iv Prescription introduced by symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis ...................... 2837[
A1 obv. II 1221
v Fragmentary prescription ..................................................................................................]3841
A2 obv. II 2225
vi Prescription introduced by symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis ...................... 4253
A2 obv. II 2637
vii Prescription introduced by symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis ...................... 5471
A2 obv. II 38A1 obv. III 13
viii Fragmentary prescription ....................................................................................................... 72[
A1 obv. III 14
ix Fragmentary prescription against witchcraft .................................................................. ]7375
A2 obv. III 1517

x Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ............................................................. 7677

A2 obv. III 1819
xi Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ............................................................. 7879
A2 obv. III 2021
xii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................... 8084
A2 rev. IV 15 // B rev. VI 3037
xiii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................... 8586
A2 rev. IV 67 // B rev. VI 3842
xiv Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ............................................................. 8788
A2 rev. IV 89
xv Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ............................................................ 8991[
A2 rev. IV 1012
xvi Fragmentary prescription.............................................................................................. ]9295
A1 rev. IV 1316
xvii Prescription for prophylaxis against witchcraft..............................................................9697
A1 rev. IV 1718
xviii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)..................................................................................9899
A2 rev. V 12
xix Prescription (umma amlu kaip)..............................................................................100101
A2 rev. V 34 // B rev. VI 1923 // C r. col. 35
xx Prescription (umma amlu kaip)..............................................................................102103
A2 rev. V 56
xxi Prescription (umma amlu kaip)..............................................................................104106
A2 rev. V 79 // D1 r. col. 1
xxii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................10711
A2 rev. V 1014 // C r. col. 69 // D1 r. col. 24
xxiii Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................11213
A2 rev. V 1516 // D1 r. col. 5
xxiv Prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................................11415
A2 rev. V 1718 // D1 r. col. 6
xxv Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................11617
A2 rev. V 19 // D1 r. col. 7
xxvi Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................11821
D1 r. col. 89
xxvii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................12223
D1 r. col. 10
xxviii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................12427
D1 r. col. 1112
xxix Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................12829
D1 r. col. 13
xxx Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ..........................................................13033
D1 r. col. 1415
xxxi Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ................................................................134[
D1 r. col. 16
xxxii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ........................................................ 13536
A1 rev. V 2021
xxxiii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ........................................................ 13738
A1 rev. V 2223
xxxiv Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip) ........................................................ 13941
A1 rev. V 2426
xxxv Fragmentary prescription...........................................................................................14247[
A2 rev. VI 16
Colophon .................................................................................................................]14853
A1 rev. VI 712
TEXT 2.3 85
2nd Part
i Prescription (umma amlu kaip) ......................................................................................... ]12
D2 r. col. 12
ii Prescription (umma amlu kaip) ...........................................................................................34
D2 r. col. 34
iii Prescription against witchcraft or subscript? ...........................................................................56
D2 r. col. 56
iv Prescription (umma amlu kaip) ...........................................................................................78
D2 r. col. 78
v Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)....................................................................910
D2 r. col. 910
vi Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................ 1112[
D2 r. col. 1112
3rd Part
i Fragmentary prescription ............................................................................................................ ]1
E: 12
ii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip).................................................................... ]23
D3 r. col. 1 //? E: 34
iii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)......................................................................46
D3 r. col. 24 //? E: 57
iv Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)......................................................................79
D3 r. col. 57
v Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)....................................................................... 10[
D3 r. col. 8
4th Part
i Fragmentary prescription (ana pierti kip) ......................................................................... ]13
D4 (+) D5 l. col. 13
ii Fragmentary prescription with Sumerian uburruda-incantation ............................................49
D4 (+) D5 l. col. 49
iii Fragmentary ....................................................................................................................... 1011[
D4 (+) D5 l. col. 1011

Previous Editions

Thompson, AJSL 47 (1930) 1115 (translation of mss. A and D1).

Various excerpts in Thomsen, Zauberdiagnose: A2 rev. V 1014 (64 with fn. 156); A1 obv. II 37 (51 with fn.
119); 311 (66 with fn. 165); 1214 (52 with fn. 123); III 3 (36 with fn. 69).


1. A // B rev. VI 3042, 1923 // C r. col. 35, 69 // D1

1 A1 obv. I 1 [DI NA ALAM.ME-(?) ]u-nu-lu
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 A1 obv. I 2 [ ALAM.ME(?)]-? u-nu-lu
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 A1 obv. I 3 [ ALAM.M]E- .UDU u-nu-lu
A1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 A1 obv. I 4 [ A]LAM.ME- DU.LL u-nu-lu
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 A1 obv. I 5 [ ] x-tum ALAM.ME- IM u-nu-lu
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 A1 obv. I 6 [ ] ALAM.ME- NG.SILA11.G u-nu-lu

7 A1 obv. I 7 [ ] ALAM.ME- .UDU u-nu-lu
8 A1 obv. I 8 [ A]LAM.ME- DU.LL u-nu-lu
9 A1 obv. I 9 [ ] x u-te-mu-du-ma ana D UB-
10 A1 obv. I 10 [ u-t]e-mu-du-ma ana IZI UB-
11 A1 obv. I 11 [ ki-p]u DAB-u
12 A1 obv. I 12 [ ] ep--um
13 A1 obv. I 13 [ ]u-kul
14 A1 obv. I 14 [ ]u-kul
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 A1 obv. I 15 [ t]i?
16 A1 obv. I 16 [ ]x
(A1 obv. I breaks)
17 A1 obv. II 1 DI KIMIN MUN NAGA ina A x[
18 A1 obv. II 2 ta-ab-bu A -nu-ti x [
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 A1 obv. II 3 DI NA SAG.DU-su i-a-na-bat-su it-t[um
20 A1 obv. II 4 M.GI6.ME- pr-da ina it-ti- ig-da-n[a-lu-ut]
21 A1 obv. II 5 bir-ka-u ka-si-a ba-ma-as-su im-ma-[tum -kal]
22 A1 obv. II 6 UZU- ru-i-ib-[ta] im-ta-na-al-lu-u
23 A1 obv. II 7 L BI ka-i-ip gi[IN]IG IN.NU.U
24 A1 obv. II 8 PA giA.LU.B T.BI ta-sk ina A t[u-ra-ma-a]k-u
25 A1 obv. II 9 giEREN -su EGIR-[ giI]NIG

26 A1 obv. II 10 IN.NU.U u NAGA ina [A? GA]R-an
27 A1 obv. II 11 ina imU.RIN.NA te-sek-ker TU5-[-m]a TI
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 A1 obv. II 12 DI NA GU7 NAG-ma ana UZU.BI NU i-e4-e-e za-mar SIG7
29 A1 obv. II 13 za-mar SA5 za-mar pa-nu- i-a-na-al-li-mu
30 A1 obv. II 14 -ta-ad-dar u-ta-na-a
31 A1 obv. II 15 ana da-ba-bi - N[U L- i-]u-u
32 A1 obv. II 16 q-ad-di-i i[l-la-ka
33 A1 obv. II 17 ma-a-a-al- [l inai(?)
34 A1 obv. II 18 L BI lU11.Z[U u munusU11.ZU
35 A1 obv. II 19 ALAM lU11.Z[U u munusU11.ZU D-u]
36 A1 obv. II 20 IGI dUTU GAR-an-u-nu-t[i
37 A1 obv. II 21 lu NITA lu M[UNUS
(traces of two signs in A1 obv. II 22, then A1 obv. II breaks)
38 A2 obv. II 22 KA A.AB.BA x [
39 A2 obv. II 23 giEREN .GI gi[UR.MN
40 A2 obv. II 24 ana dugA.GB.BA UB-[di
41 A2 obv. II 25 [ina ]er-ti tu-ra-ma-a[k--ma TI]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 A2 obv. II 26 [DI N]A IGIII- i-a-nun-du UGU- [
43 A2 obv. II 27 [u?] i-da-im i-kin- it-t[a-na-ak-ki-ir(?)]
44 A2 obv. II 28 [i?-ki]n?-u u-ta-a-a at-mu- [
45 A2 obv. II 29 [u-u]-a GAZ TUK.TUK ana MUNUS a-la-ka ?-[ma-a-a(?)]
46 A2 obv. II 30 [ik]-ka- ik-te-n-er-r GETUII- i-a[g-gu-ma]
47 A2 obv. II 31 [NA B]I ALAM.ME- a IM u-n[u-lu]
48 A2 obv. II 32 [ze?-r]i a NAGA SI ka-mun gib[i-ni]
49 A2 obv. II 33 [x (x)] x AN KI-tim Z G.GAL Z G.T[UR]
50 A2 obv. II 34 [GI..G]I a GI DU10.GA ta-sk
51 A2 obv. II 35 [ina .GI giU]R.MN UB N ez-ze-ta ana ID-nu
TEXT 2.3 87
52 A2 obv. II 36 [ina U4.2]7.KAM U4.28.KAM ina r-ti
53 A2 obv. II 37 [AN.BAR7 u i-me-tan t]a-ap-ta-na-a--as-su-ma TI
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 A2 obv. II 38 [DI NA x x x (x)] x ub ki-in-a-a- ir-ta-nam-ma-a-
55 A2 obv. II 39 [x x x (x) il?-t]a-na-za-zu u i-ta-na-a-a
56 A2 obv. II 40 [ ] x-am? GETUII- G.G-a
57 A2 obv. II 41 [ -] i-k-a--
58 A2 obv. II 42 [ u]r-ba- TUK.TUK
59 A1 obv. III 1 [x (x)] x x ma-li-a(-)at ru x x x-ma-a-[u?]
60 A1 obv. III 2 []- i-ta-[n]a-a-a-a ip-ta-na-a[r-r]u?
61 A1 obv. III 3 [L] BI ALA[M.ME]- ina IZ.ZI p-u-
62 A1 obv. III 4 gi
E..SU5 1 G[N? x (x)] x ana .GI giUR.MN E.E
63 A1 obv. III 5 N ez-ze-ta am-[ra-ta nad-r]a-ta ga-ap-a-ta
64 A1 obv. III 6 ga-a-ta [lem-n(?)-t]a dan-na-ta
65 A1 obv. III 7 a la d-a [man-nu -n]a-a-ka
66 A1 obv. III 8 a la dasal-l[-i man-nu -p]a-a-a-ka
67 A1 obv. III 9 DI UN.G-ka da[sal-l-i li-pa-a-]i-ka TU6 N
68 A1 obv. III 10 ana .GI giUR.MN [ta-n]a-ad-di-ma
69 A1 obv. III 11 U4.21.KAM U4.22.KAM U4.2[3.KAM ina] r-ti AN.BAR7
70 A1 obv. III 12 u i-me-tan [.ME-su-m]a [x x (x)]
71 A1 obv. III 13 mu--ap-i-ir NITA u M[UNUS NA B]I ina-[e]
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 A1 obv. III 14 DI L x x x x [x x] x [
(undecipherable trace of one sign in A1 obv. III 15, A1 obv. III breaks)
73 A2 obv. III 15 x[
74 A2 obv. III 16 ina U4.N[.M
75 A2 obv. III 17 U11.ZU x [
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 A2 obv. III 18 DI L ka-i[p
77 A2 obv. III 19 EGIR- NAG[A
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 A2 obv. III 20 DI L ka-ip q-lip-ti K[U6
79 A2 obv. III 21 ina A i-ra-muk [
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(preceding lines in B differ from A, see text 2.2)
80 A2 rev. IV 1 DI L ka-ip -ka-i-pu-nin-n[i? ]
B rev. VI 30 BAD L ka-i-ip bu-ur-i-a-na
81 A2 rev. IV 2 -bal i-a-al-ma i-tu A [ ]
B rev. VI 3133 tu-ub-b-al ta-a-a-a-al / ul-tu me-e u -u-ul-t[e] / [ir-t]a-am-ku
82 A2 rev. IV 3 u u-a-tum ki-ma .GI ip-ta-a[--a ]
B rev. VI 3335 a-a- / [ki-ma] a-am-ni ta-pa-a-a-as-s / [u? k]i-ma
83 A2 rev. IV 4 .GI ip-ta-na-a--[as-su ]
B rev. VI 3536 .GI ip-pa-a-i-i / [a-di(?) ba?-a]l-
84 A2 rev. IV 5 ki-pu la i-[eu]
B rev. VI 3637 ki-i-pu / [la i-e-e]-u--u
A2, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 A2 rev. IV 6 DI L ka-ip ma-i-ir-ti L.[ ]
B rev. VI 3840 [BAD L ka-i]-ip ma-i-ir-ti mi-i-ti / [a u-me-la(?)] ina a-ra-at / [x x (x x)]
A2 ctd. [ ]
B ctd. ta-la-ap-pa-ap

86 A2 rev. IV 7 .GI ta-ap-pu SAR-ma [ ]

B rev. VI 4142 [ ta-a(-ap)-p]i ina i-a-t[i] / [x-x-x-x]-ma T[I.LA]
(B rev. VI breaks)
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 A2 rev. IV 8 DI L ka-ip NAGA [
88 A2 rev. IV 9 tu-u-te-mi-id x [
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 A2 rev. IV 10 DI L ka-ip NUMUN x [
90 A2 rev. IV 11 a N[AGA?
91 A2 rev. IV 12 xx[
(A2 rev. IV breaks)
92 A1 rev. IV 13 [ ] x ka x [
93 A1 rev. IV 14 [ ] x ina LL KUR u .[GI]
94 A1 rev. IV 15 tu-u-ta-bal i-tu SAG- EN GRII-[]
95 A1 rev. IV 16 ra-man-u -ma KIN BI NU TE-[u]
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 A1 rev. IV 17 [a]na ki-pu NU TE-e na4AN.BAR URUDU NTA GAR-ma
97 A1 rev. IV 18 [U]11 NU TE-
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 A2 rev. V 1 DI L ka-ip SUMsar ta-sk-ma ina AGARIN4 GU7-ma
99 A2 rev. V 2 KA.SAG NAG u .A -na-ab-ma AL.TI
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the preceding lines in B and C differ from A; for B, see text 2.2, for C, see text 2.4)
100 A2 rev. V 3 DI L ka-ip ba-lu-a AR.AR NU.LU.A
B rev. VI 1920 BAD L ka-i-ip s-a-a-di a-e-e / nu-u-ur-ta a-ab-ta
C r. col. 34 DI KIMIN MUN imIM.DU! [ ] / NU.LU.A
101 A2 rev. V 4 ina A tra-s-an ina UL tu-bat ina r-ti
B rev. VI 2023 ina me-e / ta-ra-as-s-an ina MUL.ME tu-u-bat / ina e-er-ti tu-s-a-ak /
C r. col. 45 ina A tara-s-an ina [ ] / ina r-ti tu-sak6
A2 ctd. ba-lu pa-tan NAG-ma TI
B ctd. ba-lu pa-t-an NAG--ma TI.LA
C ctd. ba-lu pa-[tan
A2, B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following lines in B differ from A; for B, see text 2.2, for C, see ll. 10711)
102 A2 rev. V 5 DI L ka-ip AR.AR ti-ia-tu
103 A2 rev. V 6 nu-ur-t e-ri-t a-da-mu-ti 1 GN NAG-ma TI
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 A2 rev. V 7 DI L ka-ip LLAG ka-lu-mi TUR a a-di-na am-mu
105 A2 rev. V 8 la i-le-em-mu tu-bal ta-a-al
D1 r. col. 1 ta-a-a]l
106 A2 rev. V 9 ina NAGA tuu-te-mid ina A TU5-ma AL.TI
D1 r. col. 1 ina NAGA t[u-tmid
A2 , D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 A2 rev. V 10 DI L ka-ip a-a-ab-ti D u ku-up-ra
C r. col. 6 DI KIMIN a-a-ab-t a ina SILA UB-at
D1 r. col. 2 [DI L ka-]ip a-a-ab-ti D u k[u-up-ra]
108 A2 rev. V 11 ina uruduEN.TUR i-te-ni su-lu-uq-ma KA.SAG i-di
C r. col. 67 in[a ] / ana KA.SAG UB-di
D1 r. col. 23 [ ]/ KA.SAG i-di
TEXT 2.3 89
109 A2 rev. V 12 ina U4.N.M IGI dUTU i-ti-ma ki-a-am q-bi
C r. col. 7 ina U4.N.A ana IGI [ ]
D1 r. col. 3 ina U4.N.M
IGI d [UTU ]
110 A2 rev. V 13 ka-ap-tum ki-pu-ki i-sa-a-a-ru-ni-ik-ki-im-ma
C r. col. 8 ka-ap-ti ki-pu-ki li-s-[u-ru-ni-ik-ki-im-ma]
D1 r. col. 34 [ ] / ki-pu-ki i-sa-a-a-ru-ni-ik-[ki-im-ma]
111 A2 rev. V 14 i-a-ab-ba-tu-ki i-qa-ab-bi-ma TI
C r. col. 9 li-i-ba-tu-ki t[asic!-qabb-ma ]
D1 r. col. 4 [ ]
A2, C, D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(following lines in C differ from A, see text 2.4)
112 A2 rev. V 15 [DI L k]a-ip an-nu-a-ra a-ru-uq-t a-i-i
D1 r. col. 5 DI L ka-ip an-nu-a-ra a-ru-uq-t [a-i-i]
113 A2 rev. V 16 [ar-q]u-ti IN.NU.U a-ru-uq-t i-kal-ma T[I]
D1 r. col. 5 [ ]
A2 , D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 A2 rev. V 17 [ U]DU.NTA u NINDA tur-r ta-sk ina A GIM NA[GA]
D1 r. col. 6 DI L ka-ip 45 UDU.NTA NINDA tur-r ta-s[k ]
115 A2 rev. V 18 [turammaku u EGI]R-u NAGA TU5-ma [AL.TI]
D1 r. col. 6 [ ]
A2 , D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 A2 rev. V 19 [ ] x (x) [
D1 r. col. 7 DI L ka-ip a-i-i nu-ur-t r-n[u-u ]
(A2 rev. V breaks)
117 D1 r. col. 7 [ ]
D1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 D1 r. col. 8 [D]I L ka-ip an-nu-a-ra GAZIsar u [ ]
119 D1 r. col. 8 [ ]
120 D1 r. col. 9 [.GI]? i-ap-pu {*ina*} KA- a-d[i ]
121 D1 r. col. 9 [ ]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 D1 r. col. 10 [DI L] ka-ip tar-mu N[UMUN ]
123 D1 r. col. 10 [ ]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 D1 r. col. 11 [DI L k]a-ip im-ur-a-la ta-sk ba-l[u pa-tan]
125 D1 r. col. 11 [ ]
126 D1 r. col. 12 [(x x) ta(-a)k?-t]a-na-a-ra-um-ma [ ]
127 D1 r. col. 12 [ ]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 D1 r. col. 13 [DI L ka-]ip SUU nu-ur-ti [ ]
129 D1 r. col. 13 [ ]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 D1 r. col. 14 [DI L ka-i]p im-ri kab-ba-ra x [ ]
131 D1 r. col. 14 [ ]
132 D1 r. col. 15 [ ] x te MUN k-pad ni bu u k[i ]
133 D1 r. col. 15 [ ]
D1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 D1 r. col. 16 [DI L ka-i]p x x x x (x) x [
(D1 r. col. breaks; in l. col. only few traces preserved)

Below the the scribe of ms. D1 noted a variant reading in small script: SI.

135 A1 rev. V 20 DI L[ ka-ip

136 A1 rev. V 21 ina x [
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 A1 rev. V 22 DI L ka-ip x [
138 A1 rev. V 23 ina A GAR-an n[i?
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 A1 rev. V 24 DI L k[a-ip ]x
140 A1 rev. V 25 la i-x-[ t]a-sk
141 A1 rev. V 26 ina re-e x [ ] TI
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 A2 rev. VI 1 [ ]
143 A2 rev. VI 2 [ ]x
144 A2 rev. VI 3 [ ]x
145 A2 rev. VI 4 [ ]x
146 A2 rev. VI 5 [ ]x
147 A2 rev. VI 6 [ ]x

ll. 14853 (A1 rev. VI 16): Last lines of Ashurbanipal colophon, type c (Hunger, ABK, no. 319).

2. D2
1 D2 r. col. 1 DI L ka-ip mu--a a SILA4 la-ki-i a am-[mu l ilemmu]
2 D2 r. col. 2 tu-bal ta-a-al ta-nap-pi ina NA[GA tutmid ina m irammuk-ma iballu]
D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 D2 r. col. 3 DI L ka-ip a-nu-nu-t -bal i-a-al i-nap-pi ina [
4 D2 r. col. 4 ina KA i-ra-s-an ina UL u-bat ina r-ti -sak6-ma [
D2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 D2 r. col. 5 17 ni-bu [
6 D2 r. col. 6 e-pi-um an-nu- ina U4.N.A [teppu-ma iballu(?)]
D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 D2 r. col. 7 [DI] L ka-ip LU.Bsar r-ma-nim MUN k-pad uzuLLAG ka-l[u-mi a ammu l
ilemmu turrar(?)]
8 D2 r. col. 8 [t]u-dak-kak ana KA ta-ma-a-ma ina N[AGA tutmid ina m irammuk-ma
D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 D2 r. col. 9 [DI L] ka-ip u-ru-u NU.LU.Asar AR.A[R
10 D2 r. col. 10 [ina U]L u-bat ina r-ti [
D2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 D2 r. col. 11 [DI L ka-i]p er-re-e a-e-e ba-l[u-u-u(?)
12 D2 r. col. 12 [x x x x x x (x) ina U]L u-b[at ina rti
(D2 breaks)

3. D3 //? E
1 E: 1 ta-ma-a-a ana? NA[GA? ] \ TI-u
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 E: 2 BAD ZA ka-ip i-i-la x [
3 D3: 1 [.G.ZI.(?)].GA [i?
E: 3 tu-ba-at A.KU.ZE.EN.GA [
D3 , E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 D3: 2 [DI L ka-i]p q-lip-ti bi-ni x [
E: 45 BAD ZA ka-ip q-lip-ti bi-ni x (x) [ ]/
D3 ctd. [
E ctd. IN.NU.U NUMUNsic! -ra-nim [
TEXT 2.3 91
5 D3: 3 [x x x] A.GAR.GAR MA.D x [
E: 6 [ A].GAR.GAR MA.D [
(E breaks)
6 D3: 4 [x x x s]ag? ta nu x [
D3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 D3: 5 [DI L ka-i]p Z.LUM.MA x [
8 D3: 6 [ ] x x [
9 D3: 7 [x (x)] bi an-nu-[
D3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 D3: 8 DI L ka-ip [
D3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(D3 breaks)

4. D4 (+) D5
1 D4 l. col. 1 a-na U11.BR.RU.D[A
2 D4(+)5 l. col. 2 E.UM ZZ.A.AN GI[G (x x) G.NG.AR(?).R]A na4K.SI22 na4ZA.GN
3 D4(+)5 l. col. 3 GUG na4NR x [x x x te-t]em-me-er-ma U11.BR.RU.DA.KM
D4(+)5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 D4(+)5 l. col. 4 n -nu-ru d+en:z[u? x (x)] x an-e d+en-ki-ke4
5 D4(+)5 l. col. 5 lugal-mu-ra [x x (x)] x asal-l-i
6 D4(+)5 l. col. 6 tum-gu dingir-re-n[e (x x)] nam-mu-un-da-an-br-re
D4(+)5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 D4(+)5 l. col. 7 KA.INIM.MA [(x x x x)] U11.BR.RU.DA.KM
D4(+)5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 D4(+)5 l. col. 8 D.D.BI bad? x [x x x x x] x x x ta-sk
9 D4 l. col. 9 ina .G[I
D4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 D4 l. col. 10 u-ru-u ?[
11 D4 l. col. 11 xxx[
(D4 breaks; only a trace of the beginning of one line is preserved in D5 r. col.)

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B rev. VI 3042, 1923 // C r. 1. A // B rev. VI 3042, 1923 // C r. col. 35, 69 // D1

col. 35, 69 // D1
(ll. 116: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 116: continuous translation not possible, cf. Notes)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
umma KIMIN bta ula ina m If ditto, [you ] salt (and) potash in [ ] juice.
[ ] 18taabbu m unti [ ] 18
You scoop 17[ ]. 18This liquid [
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 19
umma amlu qaqqassu ianabbassu If a mans head keeps on hurting him, slee[p ], 20his
itt[u ] 20untu pard ina ittu dreams are terrifying, he is constan[tly frightened] in his
igd[anallut] 21berku kasi bmassu im- sleep, 21his knees are immobilized, his chest [is afflicted
ma[tu ukl] 22ru ruib[ta] imtanall with] paralysis, 22(and) his flesh is full of dampne[ss] all
amlu kaip [b]na matakal 24arti over, 23that man is bewitched. 24You pound 23[tama]risk,
aluppi itni task ina m t[uramma]ku matakal-soapwort, 24(and) leaves of the aluppu-tree
aman erni tapaassu ark[u b]na together. Yo[u was]h him with water (to which the afore-
matakal u ula ina [m(?) taa]kkan mentioned substances have been added), 25you rub him with
ina tinri tesekker turammak[u-ma] cedar oil. Afterwar[ds] 26you put 25[tam]arisk, 26matakal-
iballu soapwort and potash in [water]; 27you heat (it) in the oven
(and) wash [him] (with it), [then] he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 28
umma amlu ikkal iatt-ma ana ru If a man eats and drinks, but it (the food) does not
l iee zamar aruq 29zamar sm zamar approach his flesh, he is sometimes pale, 29sometimes
pnu ianallim flushed (and) sometimes his face grows darker and darker,
taddar utanna 31ana dabbi libba[u 30
he becomes gloomy, is depressed 31(and) does [not w]ant to
l inau i]u 32qaddi i[llaka ] talk, [he is sa]d, 32he w[alks] hunched [ ], 33[he cannot
mayylu [l inai(?) ] 34amlu stand] his bed, 34(then) war[lock and witch have ] that
kap[u u kaptu ] 35alam ka- man. 35[You make] figurines of the warl[ock and the witch].
p[i u kapti teppu] 36maar ama ta- 36
You place them before ama. [ ] 37either male or
akkanunt[i ] 37l zikar l si[nni fe[male
break break
38 39 38
imbu tmti [ ] aman erni spittle of the sea, [ ], 39cedar oil, c[ypress] oil
aman [urmni ] 40ana libbi egubb 40
[ ] You place [ ] in a holy water vessel [ ]
tanaddi [ ] 41[ina ]rti turamma[ku- 41
[In the mo]rning you was[h him and he will recover].
ma iballu]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 42
[umma am]lu pnu ianund mu- [If a ma]n continually has vertigo, his head [ ],
au [ ] 43[u?] idaim ikinu 43
[and] is dark, his appearance constantly [changes], 44his

itt[anakkir(?)] 44 [iki]nu(?) taa atmu [appearan]ce is darkened, his ability to speak [ ], 45he
[ ] 45[u]a pi libbi irtanai ana becomes more and more depressed, he i[s not able] to have
sinniti alka u[maa(?)] 46[ik]kau ik- intercourse with a woman, 46he is constantly irritable, his
tenerru uznu ia[ggum] 47[amlu ] ears bu[zz], 47(then) clay figurines representing [th]is [man]
almu a di un[ull] 48[zr]i(?) a have been bu[ried]. 50You pound 48[see]d of the horned
uli qarnn kamn b[ni] 49[ ] salt-plant, ta[marisk] grain, 49[ ] of heaven (and)
am ereti qm allri qm kak[k] earth, pea flour, lentil flour 50(and) [pit]h from the inside of
[and] a libbi qan bi task 51[ina sweet reed. 51You put (it) [into cyp]ress [oil]; you recite the
aman u]rmni tanaddi N ezzta ana incantation You are angry over (it). 53[Y]ou rub him (with
libbi tamannu 52[ina 2]7 [mi] 28 mi ina it) 52[on the 2]7th [day] (and on) the 28th day in the morning,
rti 53[mulla u imtn t]aptanaassu- 53
[at midday and in the evening], then he will recover.
ma iballu
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 54
[umma amlu ] kinu irtan- [If a mans ] , his legs are limp all the time,
ammu 55[ ilt]anazzaz u tanaa 55
[ per]sist, and he is always distressed, 56[ ] ,
[ ] uznu itanass 57[ his ears buzz continually, 57[ , h]is [ ] cause him a
-]u ikaau 58[ u]rbu gnawing pain, 58[ ], he gets cold tremors repeatedly,
irtanai 59[ ] maliat(?) 60[libba]- 59
[ ] are filled [with ] , 60his [heart] is al-
u tanaa iptana[rr]u(?) 61[am]lu ways distressed (and) he repeatedly vo[mits], 61(then) fig[ur-
al[m]u ina igri pe 62terinnata 1 ines] representing that [ma]n have been enclosed in a wall.
[iqil(?) ] ana libbi aman urmni You mi[x] a cone (and) one s[hekel of ] in cypress
tuball[al] oil. 68You recite over the cypress oil
the incantation: You are furious, [you are] wil[d], you are
N ezzta am[rta nadr]ta gapta [agressive], you are proud,
64 64
gata [lemnt]a(?) dannta you are cruel, you [are evil], you are strong!
65 65
a l Ea [mannu un]ka [Who] is able to [ca]lm you but Ea?
66 66
a l Asall[ui mannu up]aaka [Who] is able to [pa]cify you but Asall[ui]?
67 67
Ea linka A[sallui lipa]ika TU6 N May Ea calm you, [may] A[sallui paci]fy you!
ana libbi aman urmni [tan]add-ma Incantation-formula.
69 70
U4.21.KAM U4.22.KAM U4.2[3.KAM ina] You rub [him] (with it) 69on the 21st, 22nd (and) 2[3rd] day
rti mulla 70u imtn taptanaas[su- [in] the morning, at midday 70and in the evening; [a]nd
m]a [ ] 71muaper zikari u si[nniti [ ] 71who dispells (the evil) of man and wo[man. Th]is
amlu ] in[] [man] will recov[er].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 72: too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 72: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
73 74 73
[ ] ina bi[bli ] [ ] 74on (the day) of ne[w moon ]
75 75
kaptu [ the witch [
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 2.3 93
umma amlu kai[p ] 77arku 76
If a man is bewitch[ed, ], 77afterwards [ ]
u[la pota[sh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 78
umma amlu kaip qulipti n[ni ] If a man is bewitched, [ ] the scaly skin of a fi[sh
ina m irammuk am[na ] 79he bathes in water, with oi[l
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 8084: see text 2.2, 1.: 14956 ll. 8084: see text 2.2, 1.: 14956
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 8586: see text 2.2, 1.: 15761 ll. 8586: see text 2.2, 1.: 15761
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 87
umma amlu kaip ula [ ] If a man is bewitched, [ ] potash [ ], 88you
tutmid [ mix [
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 89
umma amlu kaip zr [ ] If a man is bewitched, [ ] seed [ ] (ll. 90
(ll. 9091: too fragmentary for transcription) 91: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
92 93 92
[ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 94You mix 93[ ] in
ina diip ad u am[ni] 94tutabbal mountain honey and oi[l]. 95He rubs himself 94from head to
itu ru adi p[u] 95ramnu ipa- foo[t], 95then this affliction will not approach hi[m].
a-ma ipru ul ie[u]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 96
[a]na kip l e na4AN.BAR er zikara [So] that witchcraft does not approach (him), you lay
taakkan-ma 97[ki]p ul ieu down iron stone (and) male copper, then 97[witch]craft
will not approach him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 98
umma amlu kaip m task-ma ina If a man is bewitched, you pound garlic and he eats it in
agarinni ikkal-ma 99ikara iatti u na beer mash. 99He then drinks beer and sucks lard, and he will
unaab-ma iballu recover.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 100101: see text 2.2, 1.: 13842 ll. 100101: see text 2.2, 1.: 13842
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma amlu kaip a tyatu 103nu- 102
If a man is bewitched: a-plant, tyatu-plant, 103nuur-
urtu ertu adamuti 1 iqil iatt-ma tu-plant, silt, adamutu-plant. He drinks one shekel (of each
iballu substance), then he will recover.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 104
umma amlu kaip kalt kalmi eri If a man is bewitched, 105you dry (and) crush 104the
a adna ammu 105l ilemmu tubbal kidney of a young lamb that has 105not yet eaten 104grass.
taaal 106ina uli tutmid ina m 106
You mix it with potash; he washes himself with water
irammuk-ma iballu (and the potash-mixture), then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 107
umma amlu kaip aabti nri u If a man is bewitched, 108boil 107a sherd from the river
kupra (var.: aabtu a ina sqi nadt) and pitch (var.: a sherd that lies in the road) 108in the tam-
ina tamgussi itni suluq-ma ((ana gussu-pot, then put it into beer. 109Drink (it) on (the day of)
libbi)) ikari idi 109ina bibli ((ana)) maar the New Moon before ama and speak thus: 110Witch,
ama it-ma kiam qibi 110kaptu ki- your witchcraft shall (var.: may your witchcraft) return to you
pki isaarnikkim-ma (var.: lis[urnik- and 111they shall (var.: may they) seize you! He (var.: You)
kim-ma]) 111iabbatki (var.: libatki) say(s) (this), then he will recover.
iqabb-ma (var.: t[aqabb-ma]) iballu
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 112
umma amlu kaip annuara aruqtu If a man is bewitched, 113he eats 112fresh annuara-
a 113[arq]ti matakal aruqtu ikkal-ma alum, 113[fr]esh 112a-plant (and) 113fresh matakal-
iball[u] soapwort, then he will recover.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 114
umma amlu kaip libba (var.: qarna) If a man is bewitched, you parch (and) pound the heart
a immeri ((u)) akala turrar task ina m (var.: horn) of a sheep (and) bread. 115[You wash him]
kma u[li] 115[turammaku u ar]ku 114
with water (into which the crushed sheeps heart and
ula irammuk-ma [iballu] bread have been mixed), like with pota[sh]. 115[After]wards
he washes himself with potash, then [he will recover].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 116
umma amlu kaip a nuurtu If a man is bewitched, [ ] a-plant, nuurtu-
urn[ ] 117[ ] plant, min[t ] 117[ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 118
[u]mma amlu kaip annuara kas u [I]f a man is bewitched, [ ] annuara-alum,
[ ] 119[ ] 120[am]na(?) iappu mustard and [ ] 119[ ] 120He soaks (it) with
pu ad[i ] 121[ ] [oi]l. [ ] his mouth [ ] 121[ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 122
[ummu am]lu kaip tarmu z[r ] [If a m]an is bewitched, [ ] lupine, se[ed of ]
123 123
[ ] [ ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 124
[umma amlu k]aip imur-al task [If a man is be]witched, you pound heals-twenty-plant.
bal[u patn] 125[ ] 126[() tak- On an empt[y stomach] 125[ ] 126[You r]ub his
t]anaaraum-ma(?) [ ] 127[ ] [ ] repeatedly [ ] 127
[ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 128
[umma amlu ka]ip uru nuurti [If a man is bewit]ched, [ ] root of nuurtu-plant,
[ ] 129[ ] [ ] 129[ ]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 130
[umma amlu kai]p imri kabbara [If a m]an is bewitch]ed, [ ] very thick imru-
[ ] 131[ ] 132[ ] fennel(-leaves), [ ] 131[ ] 132[ ]
bat kupad [ ] 133[ ] kupad-salt, [ ] 133[ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 134: too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 134: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
ll. 13547: too fragmentary for tran- ll. 13547: too fragmentary for translation.
break break
ll. 14853 (A1 rev. VI 16): Last
lines of Ashurbanipal colophon, type c
(Hunger, ABK, no. 319).

2. D2 2. D2
1 1
umma amlu kaip mua a pudi lak If a man is bewitched, 2you dry, crush and sift 1the brain of
a am[mu l ilemmu] 2tubbal taaal an unweaned lamb that had not yet eaten grass. 2[You mix it]
tanappi ina u[li tutmid ina m iram- with pot[ash; he washes himself with water (and the potash-
muk-ma iballu] mixture), then he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 3
umma amlu kaip anuntu ubbal If a man is bewitched, he dries, crushes (and) sifts anuntu-
iaal inappi ina [ ] 4ina ikari plant. [He ] (it) in [ ], he steeps (it) in beer (and)
irassan ina kakkabi ubt ina rti usk- leaves (it) out overnight under the stars. In the morning he
ma [ ] strains (it) and [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 nb [ ] 6epu ann ina 5
17 [ ]. 6[You perform] this ritual on (the day of) the
bibli [teppu-ma iballu(?)] New Moon, [then he will recover].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
umma amlu kaip lapat armanni bat If a man is bewitched, [you parch] apricot-turnip, kupad-
kupad kalt kal[mi a ammu l ilemmu salt (and) the kidney of a la[mb that had not yet eaten grass].
turrar(?)] 8[t]udakkak ana libbi ikari 8
You grind (it) up and stir (it) into beer. Then you [mix] (it)
tamaa-ma ina u[li tutmid ina m with pot[ash; he washes himself with water (and the potash-
irammuk-ma iballu(?)] mixture), then he will recover].
TEXT 2.3 95
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
[umma am]lu kaip uru nuurti a[ [If a ma]n is bewitched, [he ] root of nuurtu-plant,
] 10[ina kakk]abi ubt ina rti a-pla[nt, ]. 10He leaves (it) out overnight [under the
[ sta]rs. In the morning [
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
[umma amlu kai]p err a bal[u- [If a man is bewitch]ed, [he ] colocynth, a-plant,
u(?) ] 12[ ina kakk]abi ub[t bal[uu-plant ]. 12[ ]. He leaves (it) out overnight
ina rti [under the sta]rs. [In the morning
(text breaks) (text breaks)

3. D3 //? E 3. D3 //? E
1tamaa ana u[li(?) ] iballu 1you stir; into pot[ash ]; he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
umma amlu kaip la [ ] If a man is bewitched, [you ] resin [ ] 3you leave
tubt ra [ ] (it) out overnight. In the morning [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 4
umma amlu kaip qulipti bni [ ] If a man is bewitched, [you ] tamarisk bark [ ]
matakal zr urni [ ] 5[] piqan matakal-soapwort, urnu-fennel seed [ ] 5[] gazelle
abti 6[ ] [ ] droppings 6[ ] [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
[umma amlu kai]p sulupp [ ] [If a man is bewitch]ed, [you ] dates [ ] 8[ ]
[ ] [ ] 9[] [ ] [ ] 9[] [ ].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
umma amlu kaip [ ] If a man is bewitched, [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(text breaks) (text breaks)

4. D4 (+) D5: too fragmentary for tran- 4. D4 (+) D5: too fragmentary for translation, cf. Notes.
scription, cf. Notes.


General: Stol, JEOL 32 (199192) 47, fn. 31 Note that parts of mss. A and C are edited above
designates ms. A2 as a faithful copy of an OB ori- with text 2.2, which gives a full edition of the units
ginal. Indeed ms. A offers more syllabic spellings that ms. B shares with the present text; for ms. C, cf.
than one might normally expect in this type of liter- also text 2.4.
ature; moreover, the syllabary occasionally shows
1.: 116: The tablet begins with a list of diag-
archaic features restricted in the late period to liter-
noses. This section covers at least the first 14 lines,
ary manuscripts (e.g., q A1 obv. II 16, s A2 rev. V
each line probably providing a short symptom de-
4, p A1 obv. III 3); uncontracted ma-li-a(-at) (A1
scription accompanied by the pertinent diagnosis.
obv. III 1) and ka-si-a (ibid. obv. II 5) point in the
Certainly the first eight lines and probably the first
same direction, and also the wording of the incan-
ten refer to witchcraft performed by means of fig-
tation Ezzta amrta (ll. 6367) seems to re-
urines. The purpose of the opening section may
present a comparatively early form of this text. On
have been that of giving a concise overview of the
the whole, however, ms. A represents a typical sev-
ailments for which the following lines offer cures.
enth century Ashurbanipal library tablet, and con-
The fragmentary state of ms. A prevents an overall
clusions regarding the exact character of its original
structural analysis of the text. But there is little
are difficult to establish as long as the colophon
support for the assumption that the order of the
remains fragmentary. In any case, the text of the
diagnoses corresponds to the arrangment of the pre-
present ms. A cannot be treated as early in its entire-
scriptions: Only the units of obv. II and III are intro-
ty if one accepts the hypothesis that only later texts
duced by detailed symptomologies and diagnoses.
differentiate between the ways by which the witch
Lines 47 and 61 refer to the manipulation of
has reached his / her goal (art. cit., p. 47): cf. ms.
figurines representing the patient, and only l. 47
A2 obv. 31, A1 obv. III 3 and, especially, the open-
finds a literal counterpart in l. 5. Beginning no later
ing section preserved in ms. A1.
than l. 76 the therapeutic sections are introduced

by the stereotypical umma amlu kaip formula, eased person, cf., e.g., TDP 214: 21. The phrase
which can refer to any kind of bewitchment. These probably refers to repeated sudden attacks of pain.
two types seem to be arranged in blocks. The reading it-ta given by Thomsen, Zauberdia-
gnose, 83, fn. 119, does not agree with the traces
The attempt to determine the nature of the opening
lines is not made easier by the fact that the present
series of diagnoses is without parallel in the Diag- 20: The reading iq-b[i (Thomsen, Zau-
nostic Handbook. The burying of the patients fig- berdiagnose, 83, fn. 119) is excluded by the traces.
urines is referred to in a general way in Sakikk
21: There is no room for a restoration
XXII 23 (Heeel, Diagnostik, 25051, 258, 263):
irtanai instead of the ukl proposed in the main
umma smtu imtanaqqussu r libbu ianab-
bassu magal innessil murussu qt amlti almu
unull ipu ana bulluu qab ul iakkan If 24: tu-[la-ba]-ak-ma (Thomsen, Zau-
smtu afflicts a person constantly, his epigastrium berdiagnose, 88, fn. 165) is excluded: the last sign
seizes him continually (and) he suffers bad flatu- is certainly -u, and not -ma.
lence, his illness is caused by humans (the hand of
28: Thomsen, Zauberdiagnose, 52, 83,
mankind), figurines representing him have been
fn. 123 translates: Wenn ein Mensch it und trinkt,
buried. The exorcist shall not give a prognosis con-
aber Fleisch und Bier sich nicht nhert. Though the
cerning his therapy. Sakikk XXII 5 has the diag-
signs permit this interpretation (ana UZU KA l
nosis amlu ana matak/qti kip kul that man
iee), the specification of a persons diet is un-
has been given witchcraft to eat for (Heeel,
expected in the framework of the symptom descrip-
Diagnostik, 251, 258, 263). But therapeutic texts
tion. Therefore we prefer a reading ana UZU.BI here.
show that this is certainly not the only possible
The meaning of the phrase is most probably that the
restoration of our ll. 1314. There are two small
patient, though regularly eating and drinking, loses
fragments that seem to follow a similar overall
weight rapidly (see now also Scurlock Andersen,
format: K 10203 + 11590 (see here text 8.10) gives
Diagnoses, 160).
in obv. 12 two short symptomologies with their
pertinent diagnoses ([ NU.M]E- u-nu-lu in 30: The reading i[t-t]a-na-a (Thomsen,
both lines). After a paragraph divider a more de- Zauberdiagnose, 83, fn. 123) would represent a ra-
tailed symptom description follows accompanied by ther unusual spelling of tanna; the traces visible
the diagnosis almu ina kima mti unull. This on the tablet are in favour of the reading u.
is followed immediately by the first therapeutic in-
3133: For the proposed restoration, cf. the
struction; the rest of the tablet is lost. Similarly,
parallels given in CAD N II 105 (l. 31), CAD Q 47
K 12765 (here text 8.11) has a series of symptom
(l. 32) and CAD M I 118 (l. 33).
descriptions and diagnoses in obv. 17, among
them: [ alm]u a li un[ull], [ alm- 34: Restore amlu kap[u u ka-
u] a di un[ull], [ almu] a lip [unull] ptu alamu puu]?
(cf. here ll. 3, 57).
37: This may belong to a short address
910: utmudu probably refers to distort- to ama.
ing the images of the patient by squeezing them to-
4244: Cf. the excerpt of this passage in
gether before their final destruction in river water or
Fincke, Augenleiden, 157, fn. 1195. Parallels and
the verbal form ianund suggest that IGIII in this
11: kip abtu witchcraft keeps hold instance stands for pn (IGI.ME) face (different
of him is a well-known formula; the restoration Fincke, loc. cit., but cf. already CAD 58). The
therefore is reasonably certain. interchange between the dual- and the plural-
determinative is also attested with UZU, see Schwe-
17: A gix [ is probably water of the
mer, BiOr 66 (2009) 174.
[]-tree, i.e., some kind of juice or extract; it is
uncertain whether m unti in the following line 43: There seems to be space for one sign
refers to the same liquid. only in the break at the beginning of the line.
19: Note that Thomsen, Zauberdiagnose, 44: The broken sign in the beginning
51 translates sein Kopf ist immer wieder angegrif- looks very much like the distinctive form of KIN
fen. ianabbassu, however, has a transitive mean- used by our scribe (EN excluded). Only one sign is
ing; for ill members of the body seizing the dis- missing in the beginning, so that [i-ki]n-u seems
TEXT 2.3 97
to be the best restoration, though the repetition of 6367: The incantation You are furious
symptoms affecting the iknu is odd. After atmu (cf. Abusch, MesWi, 158, fn. 95) serves primarily as
one expects mai: his ability to speak is reduced; a spell recited over salves; cf. here l. 51 (incipit
cf. KAL 2, 15 rev. III 17: atmya uma they (sor- only), and furthermore BMS 12+//: 117 (incipit
cerer and sorceress) reduced my ability to speak only, see Mayer, OrNS 62 [1993] 323), UET 7, 125
(here text 8.5: 108). obv. 35 (// KAR 298 rev. 42 // K 9873+ rev. IV 6
[Wiggermann, CM 1, 207; see here text 11.1, 1.: 3
45: Neither ana sinniti alka l ilei
5]), AMT 97/1 obv. 815 (full text, salve against
nor ana sinniti alka muu can be reconciled with
hand-of-a-ghost), BAM 221 rev. III 2531 // BAM
the traces before the break; the restoration proposed
385 rev. IV 2026 // BAM 471 rev. III 2527 (full
has no parallels (but cf. -ma-a-a in KUB 4, 27
text, salve against hand-of-a-ghost, see Scurlock,
obv. 3 in fragmentary context), but it fits the traces
MMTGI, 44445), DT 186 rev. VI 24 // SpTU 5,
and would be equivalent to the attested phrases.
247 rev. V 1619 (full text, see Wiggermann, CM 1,
48: The restoration at the beginning of 33, 200).
the line remains uncertain, but there is hardly any
The wording of the incantation within the present
alternative to reading -r]i and an archaic construct
manuscript is restored according to the parallels.
state zri is not entirely unexpected in ms. A, which
The sequence in the beginning, however, varies
contains a number of features that point to the possi-
slightly from the qt eemmi texts (there consistent-
bility that this manuscript was copied from an Old
ly: ezzta amrta nadrta gata gapta dannta
Babylonian original (see supra).
paqta lemnta ayyabta); therefore one could
49: The reading AN KI-tim is clear but restore paqta or ayyabta instead of lemnta.
difficult within the present context, which demands Note that Thompsons copy gives an incorrect im-
the restoration of a plant name. In general terms one pression of the space available in the break; restor-
might compare ulullu a am, an alternative name ations like those given in CAD I 332 are therefore
for aballuru (see AHw 305), and ammi qaqqari excluded.
mentioned in Uruanna (see CAD Q 113b). One
The Ezzta incantation is closely related to Maqls
should also envisage the possibility of an emen-
Ezztunu amrtunu (V 13241) and Muuus
dation [x] !an-ki-<nu->-tim (ankintu); the traces
Ezzti amrti gati (see Bck, Muuu, 29495).
before AN, however, are not in favour of a reading .
Cf. furthermore the incipit quoted in TCL 6, 49 obv.
For AN.KIsar in Hittite texts, see Haas, OLZ 97
27 (ez-ze-ta a-am-ma-rat dan-na-at; prescriptions
(2002) 503 with fn. 9.
for a woman in childbirth).
51: For the incantation Ezzta amrta,
7071: muaper zikari u sinniti seems to
cf. ll. 6367.
be part of an incantation incipit or short utterance;
53: Cf. ll. 6970. most likely it is an epithet of a deity or of a di-
vinized substance.
55: For the restoration, cf. CAD A II
424. Alternatively, one could think of [itt]anazzazz 104: For the use of the kidney of a lamb
they stand still. But this expression usually char- that has not yet eaten grass, see Stol, BSA 7 (1993)
acterizes a disorder of the eyes (cf. Fincke, Augen- 107 (rennet?).
leiden, 11213), and the form should have been
10711: Note that the instructions in this unit
are formulated in the imperative. This suggests that
59: Instead of maliat, one could also the present collection of prescriptions drew upon
read mali. The rest of the line remains problematic; more than one source and that these sources were
the clear LI before ma-a in Thompsons copy gives styled differently.
a wrong impression of the traces visible on the
108: tamgussu is a small metal pot used
tablet today; in fact, a reading LI is unlikely.
regularly in the preparation of medicines.
60: *ip-ta-na-a[r-ru]d he is terrified
11415: Cf. KUB 37, 55 rev. VI 2429 //
would fit the context better than iptana[rru] he
(here text 2.2, 1.: 14348). CAD R 114 reads
vomits repeatedly, but the traces are not in favour
TU5.TU5 (irammuk); calculations of the space avai-
of reading -ru]d nor is there enough space for read-
lable in the break and the unexpected reduplication
ing -ru-u]d.
of the logogram seem to be in favour of the reading
proposed here.

120: Cf. l. 86. 78: A similar prescription is known from

an Old Babylonian medical tablet (BAM 393 obv.
2.: 34: Cf. BAM 208 r. col. 1012 (here text
12; see here text 2.1: 12).
2.4: 2224), which may even be a duplicate.
8: Cf. ms. E: 12?
56: It is unclear whether this entry is a
subscript summarizing 17 preceding units (in which 3.: 6: Read perhaps [ ] x pa-ta-nu?
case nb is perhaps to be interpreted as nbu A
4.: 1: This is one of the very few logo-
name, number) or an independent unit prescrib-
graphic writings of the ana pierti kip formula.
ing the use of 17 small pieces of stones or metal (cf.
U11.BR.RU.DA.KM at the end of the unit (l. 3)
CAD N II 206 s.v. nbu B and KBo 9, 47: 8; see
probably stands for Akkadian kip par.
here text 1.5: 8). e-pi-um seems to be a singular
form of up, ep, otherwise regularly used in the 6: tum-gu is certainly a syllabic spell-
plural. ing which probably stands for orthographic tu6-du11-
ga: May no one be able to undo the spell of the
gods!. For the formula, cf. U I 37, VI 128, 152
and PSD B 192b with further parallels.
TEXT 2.4


As far as preserved, the tablet contains short therapeutic prescriptions against witchcraft introduced by the
umma amlu kaip formula.

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 10088 KAR 189 coll. Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, MA script, Aur, Archive M 2 (?)
BAM 208 13th11th cent.
cf. KAL 2, 47

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary prescription ....................................................................................................... ]12

A l. col. 12
ii Fragmentary prescription(s)................................................................................................. 312[
A l. col. 312
iii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................ 1314
A r. col. 12
iv = text 2.2, unit xi and 2.3, unit xix.............................................................................. 1517
A r. col. 35 //
v = text 2.3, unit xii ........................................................................................................... 1821
A r. col. 69 //
vi Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip)................................................................ 2224
A r. col. 1012
vii = text 2.2, unit xii ..........................................................................................................2526[
A r. col. 1314 //

Previous Editions



1 A l. col. 1 [ ]xxx
2 A l. col. 2 [ ] AL.TI
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 A l. col. 3 [ ] UB-di
4 A l. col. 4 [ ] NG.AK.A
5 A l. col. 5 [ ] x da
6 A l. col. 6 [ ] x tu
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 A l. col. 7 [ ] x ib
8 A l. col. 8 [ d]u
9 A l. col. 9 [ ]x
10 A l. col. 10 [ ]x
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 A l. col. 11 [ ]x
12 A l. col. 12 [ ]x
(A l. col. breaks)
13 A r. col. 1 [DI]sic! KIMIN GA U8 MA.TAB.BA .TU [x x x x (x)]
14 A r. col. 2 u 7- DU11.GA-ma SIKIL ina GET[IN? x x (x)]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1517 A r. col. 35 see text 2.2, 1.: 13842 and text 2.3, 1.: 100101
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1821 A r. col. 69 see text 2.3, 1.: 10711
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 A r. col. 10 DI KIMIN <a->nu-nu-t tu-bal GAZ [
23 A r. col. 11 NUMUN BABBAR.Isar ina [
24 A r. col. 12 tu-sak6 ba-lu [patn
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2526 A r. col. 1314 see text 2.2, 1.: 14344
(A r. col. breaks)


13: milk from an ewe that has given 2224: Cf. AMT 85/3(+) r. col. 34 (here
birth to twins (cf. CAD M I 402). text 2.3, 2.: 34), which may even be a duplicate.
14: A reading 17- seems unlikely.
TEXT 2.5


A few short therapeutic rituals of the umma amlu were not handed down within the framework of
kaip type exhibit an extended form of the opening larger umma amlu kaip collections or other
formula where a number of symptoms are added to collections of anti-witchcraft texts. In one case,
the introductory phrase. They all deal with potency medical prescriptions of this type were added to an
problems and sexual impurity and prescribe potions, extensive ceremonial anti-witchcraft ritual that
salves or substances for leather bags that are to be serves as a therapy for witchcraft-induced sexual
worn around the neck by the patient. Overlaps with impurity (Farber, BID, Hauptritual B, here mss. G,
other potency-related prescriptions that do not ex- M and n). There seems to be only a very limited
plicitly address witchcraft can be observed in a common textual tradition of arranging the single
number of places. Therefore, a clear definition of units in a specific order. Some manuscripts contain
the text units relevant to the present corpus is not anti-witchcraft prescriptions that do not follow the
always possible. Usually the umma amlu kaip pattern of our main text; these will be edited with
texts of this special type form part of larger col- their text groups. Ms. J gives only therapeutic in-
lections of aziga-texts or medical prescriptions structions without the introductory symptom de-
dealing with potency problems. Apparently, they scription and diagnosis.

List of Manuscripts

A A 2715 BAM 205 coll. Large frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 8th7th cent.
B 81-7-27, 73 TCS 2, pl. 2 coll. Small frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
C VAT 8916 KAR 70 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 8th7th Aur, Library N 4
D SU 52/139 + 161 + 170 + STT 280 coll. 2-col. tablet, NA script, 8th7th cent. Sultantepe
250 + 250A + 323 + 379
E K 9451 + 11676 + TCS 2, pl. 1 Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
Sm 818 + 961 cent. Library
f BM 68033 pl. 18 Small frg., NB/LB script, 6th3rd Babylonia, unknown pro-
cent. venance
G VAT 13616 LKA 144 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 8th7th Aur, Library N 4
H VAT 13917 BAM 207 Frg. of a small single-col. tablet, NA Aur
BID, pl. 24 script, 8th7th cent.
J VAT 13893 + 13982 BAM 320 Small single-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
8th7th cent.
k W 22307/4 + 68 SpTU 1, 9 Frg. of a single?-col. tablet, NB/LB Uruk, U 18
script, 4th3rd cent.
L A 522 BAM 318 coll. Large frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 8th7th cent.
M VAT 14111 BAM 319 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 8th7th cent.
n BM 54650 BID, pl. 1921 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NB/LB script, Babylonia, unknown
6th3rd cent. provenance

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary................................................................................................................................ ]1
A obv. 1
ii Fragmentary prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ............................................................... 26
A obv. 26
iii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) .................................................................................. 713
A obv. 713 // B obv. II 915 // C obv. 1114
iv Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ................................................................................ 1416
A obv. 1416 // B obv. II 1617
v Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ................................................................................ 1718
A obv. 1718
2nd Part
i Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ......................................................................................12
C obv. 1516 (possibly two units)
ii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ......................................................................................35
C obv. 1719 // D obv. I 1820 // E obv. I 24
iii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ......................................................................................67
C obv. 2021 // D obv. I 21 // E obv. 56
3rd Part
i Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ....................................................................14 and 1213
D obv. I 2227 // f rev.? 911 // G rev. 2326 and 3132 //
H obv. 10rev. 1(?) // J obv. 1315
ii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ......................................................................................57
G rev. 2628 // J obv. 79 (missing in D and f)
iii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ....................................................................................811
G rev. 2930 // J obv. 1012 (missing in D and f)
iv Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ....................................................................................511
H obv. 19 (closely related to G rev. 2630 and J obv. 712, combining elements
of both and therefore scored with them)
v Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma?).......................................................................................14
D obv. I 28 // G rev. 33 // H rev. 23(?) // J obv. 16 (part of preceding unit?)
vi Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ........................................................................................15
D obv. I 29
vii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma?).................................................................................1619
D obv. I 3033
4th Part
i Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma) ....................................................................................110
D obv. I 817 // k obv. 1925
ii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma?).................................................................................1112
k obv. 2627
iii Prescription (umma amlu kaip-ma?).................................................................................1314
k obv. 2829
5th Part
1) i Prescription against witchcraft ..................................................................................................13
f rev.? 68
2) i Prescription against witchcraft ..................................................................................................13
A rev. 3133 // D rev. II 89 // f rev.? 68 // G rev. 2122 // J obv. 56 //
L rev. III 1618 // M rev. 34 // n rev. IV 1216
TEXT 2.5 103

Previous Editions

Ebeling, MAOG 1/1, 2831 (ms. A).

Biggs, TCS 2, 5354 (ms. C), 65 (ms. E), 6668 (ms. D), 6869 (ms. B).
Hunger, SpTU 1, no. 9 (ms. k).
Farber, BID, 23435, 260 (ms. G and relevant parts of mss. A, D, H [new copy] and J).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 25657 (excerpts from mss. A, D, f, G, H, J and k).


1. A obv. 118 // B obv. 917 // C obv. 1114

1 A obv. 1 [x (x)] x x [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 A obv. 2 DI NA ka-ip-ma UZ[U.ME- rissu(?)]
3 A obv. 3 pi-qa NU pi-qa GI[N-ak(?)
4 A obv. 4 SUU giNU.R.MA x [

5 A obv. 5 IN.NU.U x [x x x x x] x [
6 A obv. 6 1-ni SD ina KA[?.SAG?] NA[G.ME]
(the preceding lines in B and C differ from A, see infra Summary 7. and 8.)
A, B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 A obv. 7 DI NA ka-ip-ma UZ[U.ME- ta]b-ku mun-ga T[UK-]
B obv. II 9 DI NA ka-ip-ma UZU.ME- tab-ku mun-ga TU[K-]
C obv. 11 DI NA ka-ip-ma mu-un-ga i-u
8 A obv. 8 u bir-ka- ga-[an-n]a - MUNUS a-i-[ma]
B obv. II 10 bir-ka-a- ga-an-na - MUNUS a-[i-ma]
C obv. 1112 bir-ka- ga-a[n!?-na -] / MUNUS a-i-ma
9 A obv. 9 MUNUS IGI.BAR-ma -[ GU]R-rsic! NA BI ri-u-[su]
B obv. II 1112 MUNUS IGI.BAR-ma - GUR-[ra] / NA BI ri-u-su
C obv. 12 MUNUS IGI-ma - i-tu-ra N[A BI ri-u-su]
10 A obv. 10 KI ADDA u-nu-[lat] ana TI- .KUR.RA
B obv. II 1213 KI ADDA u-[nu-lat] / ana TI- .KUR.RA
C obv. 13 KI [ADDA] u-nu-lat ana TI- NU.LU.A (sic!)

11 A obv. 11 AR.AR IGI-lim
B obv. II 1314
AR.AR [IGI-lim] / NU.LU.A
C obv. 13
[AR.AR ]

12 A obv. 12 su-pa-lam tu-lal A.TL.TL

B obv. II 14 NIGINsar
tu-lal A[.TL.TL]
C caret
13 A obv. 13 1-ni SD ina [G]ETIN UR NU pa-tan NAG.ME
B obv. II 15 1-ni SD ina GETIN UR.RA NU pa-tan NAG.[ME]
C obv. 1314 [ ] / ina G[ETIN ]UR {NU pa}(erased) NAG.ME-ma [iballu(?)]
A, B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following lines in C differ from A and B, see infra 2.)
14 A obv. 14 DI KIMIN KUR.KUR at-ma BIL.ZA.ZA SIG7 gi
B obv. II 1617 [ ] KUR.KUR at-ma BIL.ZA.ZA [ ] / [ ]
15 A obv. 15 ina .GI EREN E.ME-su NA BI EN TI.LA
B obv. II 17 [ ER]ENsic! E.M[E-su] /
(B obv. II breaks, for rev. III, see Summary 7.)
16 A obv. 16 - L- ki-pi NU TE-
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 A obv. 17 DI KIMIN imGR.GR giLIsic! MUN a-ma-nim

18 A obv. 18 KUR.KUR ina .GI giUR.MN E.ME-s[u]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the remaining units in A, see Summary 6.)

2. C obv. 1521 // D obv. I 1821 // E: 26

1 C obv. 15 DI K[IMI]N na4
mu-a na4KA.A.AB.BA AN.BA[Rsic! S]D-ma ina [x NAG.ME]
C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 C obv. 16 GAN.U5 tarsic!-mu ina KU GAG.GAG-p ina G- GAR-[an]
(for the preceding unit in D, see 4.; for the preceding line in E, see Summary 10.)
C, D, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 C obv. 17 DI KIMIN IGI-lim tarsic!-mu AN.BAR KA tam-tim
D obv. I 18 [ ta]r-mu AN.BAR KA A.AB.BA ESI

E obv. I 2 [ I]GI-lim tar-mu AN.BAR KA A.AB.BA gi
4 C obv. 18 MD [BU]RU5.ABRUDru.DAmuen!(u) NITA!(na4) zap!-p A! ana U5 ZI-
D obv. I 1920 [ BURU5.ABRUD.DA]muen NTA zap-pi A ana U5 / [ZI]-
E obv. I 3 [ BURU5.ABRU]D.DAmuen NTA zap-p A ana U5 ZI-u
5 C obv. 19 ina KU GAG.GAG-p ina G- GAR-an
D obv. I 20 ina KU GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an
E obv. I 4 [ KU] GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an
C, D, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 C obv. 20 DI KIMIN IN.NU.U EM[E-U]R.GI7 .K[U6] A.TL.TL
D obv. I 21 [ ] IN6. EME-UR.GI7 .KU6 A.TL.TL
E obv. I 5 [ ] IN6. EME-UR.GI7 .KU6 A.TL!(ud).TL!(ud)
7 C obv. 21 ina KU GAG.GAG-p ina [G]- GAR-an
D obv. I 21 ina KU
E obv. I 6 [ KU] GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an
C, D, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in C, see Summary 8.; for D, see 3.; for E, see Summary 10.)

3. D obv. I 2227 // f rev.? 911 // G rev. 2333 // H obv. 1rev. 1 // J obv. 715
(preceding units: see 5. for f, 2. for D; for G, see Summary 12.)
1 D obv. I 22 [ k]a-ip-ma UZU.ME- tab-ku lu ina DU- lu ina GUB-[]
f rev.? 9 DI NA ka-ip-ma UZU.ME- tab-ku lu-u ina DU- lu-u ina KI.GUB-
G rev. 23 [ k]a-ip-ma UZU.ME- tab-ku lu ina DU-u lu-u ina i-u-zi-u
2 D obv. I 23 [ ] KI.N- lu e-nu-ma Ksic!.ME-[] i-[at-t]i-nu
f rev. 910 ?
lu-u ina K[I].N[-] / lu U4-ma!(lu) K i--tin-ni
G rev. 24 [ ] i-tul-i-u lu-u i-nu<-ma> K-[]u i--ti-nu
3 D obv. I 24 [ri-]u-su DU-ak GIM MUNUS su-u-su l[a e-l]il
f rev.? 10 ri-u-us-su <DU-ak> GIM MUNUS u-u- la e-[el]
G rev. 2425 ri-u-su DU-ak / [ ] MUNUS su-u-su NU e-el
4 D obv. I 25 [ B]I ri-u-su KI ADDA ina KI u-nu-lat ana TI-
f caret
G rev. 2526 NA BI ri-u-su KI .ME ina KI u-nu-lat / [ TI]-
(ll. 511 are not in D and f. The preceding lines in H are lost, but the unit there probably had three more drugs in the
beginning; note that also in ll. 511 H is not a strict duplicate of G or J. For the preceding units in J, which partly duplicate
A and f, see Summary 6.)
5 G rev. 26 SUU giD SUU giKII16 na4
an-nu-a-ra NA4 ga-bi-i
H obv. 13 SU[U ] / NUMUN x [ ] / NA4 [g]a-[bi-i]
J obv. 78 SUU giD SUU giKII16 na4
[an-nu-a-ra] / NA4 ga-bi-i
TEXT 2.5 105
6 G rev. 27 [AN.BA]R ITA giNU.R.MA SAAR d-ru 7 .I.A an-nu-ti
H obv. 34 [ ] / ITA gi[NU.R.MA ]
J obv. 89 AN.BAR ITA giNU.R.MA / SAAR d-ru
7 G rev. 28 [1-ni] SD ina GETIN UR NU pa-tan NAG-ma TI
H caret
J obv. 9 ina GETIN UR NA[G]
G, J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 G rev. 29 [K]A.K na4
H obv. 5 G.GAL LAL
J obv. 10 KA.K na4
ad-nu DAB G.GAL [LAL]
9 G rev. 29
IN6. a[k-ta]m NU.LU.[A]

H obv. 56 IN6.[] / ak-tam NU.LU.[A]

J obv. 11 IN6. ak-tam NU.L[U.A]
10 G rev. 30 [ gi]INIG 7 .ME E T.BI SD lu ina KA
H obv. 78 [ ] gibi-ni 16 .I.A / [a]n-nu-ti 1-ni SD lu in[a ]
J obv. 12 PA giINIG ina KU[]
11 G rev. 30 lu ina G[ETI]N NU pa-tan N[AG-ma TI]
H obv. 9 [l]u ina GETIN la pa-tan N[AG]
J caret
G, H, J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding lines in D and f, see ll. 14)
12 D obv. I 26 [LA]L DILI SIKIL NA-a-na

f rev. 11
G rev. 31 []LAL DILI SIKIL
NA-a-nu NUM[UN]

H obv. 1011 LAL DILI [SIKIL] / NA-a-nu NU[MUN ]
J obv. 1314

]/ [NU]MUN
13 D obv. I 27 [ ]AKIRA SUU gi
f rev.? 11 NUMUN AKIRA SUU gi
D[ ]
G rev. 3132 NUMUN AKIRA / [ ] UGU KI.MA
H lo. e. [ ] (sic?)
J obv. 1415 NUMUN A[KIRA ] \ UGU KI.MA[]
D ctd. i[na] KU ina G- GAR
f ctd. [ ]
G ctd. ina KU GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-ma TI
H rev. 1 ina? [ ] (sic?)
J ctd. [ ]
D, f, G, H, J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following unit in f, see 5.)
(the wording of the text in H deviates from the rest in the following and therefore has not been coordinated with the other
manuscripts; nevertheless it seems to present basically the same therapy)
14 D obv. I 28 [ UD]U.NTAsic! IKA [SILA LMMU]-t sic!-ratsic! UR.M[A ina] KU
H rev. 23 ina? KU? x [ ] / [I]KA SILA LMMU S[K
D ctd. ina G- GAR-an
G ctd. GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-ma TI
J ctd.
D, G, H, J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the remaining units of G and J, see Summaries 12. and 13.; in H, a few fragmentary lines follow upon a second ruling)
15 D obv. I 29 DI KIMIN PI10.dD []!?(x.a).dD in[a KU? in]a MRU- K
D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


17 D obv. I 31 SUU SAG {SUU SAG} [SUU] [A].ZAL.L

18 D obv. I 32 SUU km-ka-d[u] S[UU] A.TL.T[L]
19 D obv. I 33 [SUU] ka-zal-l[sic! ..Z]I.GA ina [KU in]a G[- GAR-an]
D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in D [in all probability not umma amlu kaip], see Summary 9.)

4. D obv. I 817 // k obv. 1929

(for the preceding units in D, see Summary 9.; for the preceding units in k, see Summary 14.)
1 D obv. I 8 [ TU]K-i b[ir-k]a-
k obv. 19 [DI NA] ka-ip-ma mun-ga TUK-i bir-ka-
2 D obv. I 9 [ ] DU-ak - [x]-ub-t
k obv. 1920 ga-an-na k[a]-la-tu- DU-k[a]? / [ ]
3 D obv. I 10 [ ] NU L- L []-
k obv. 20 [x(-x)]-x-ma ana e-pe . NU L- ni-i[ ]
4 D obv. I 11 [ LA]L - MUNUS a-[i]-ma
k obv. 2021 DAB-ma ana MUNUS DU-k[a ]/ [ a-i]-ma
5 D obv. I 12 [ GU]R-ra NA BI ri-[u-s]u
k obv. 21 MUNUS IGI-ma - GUR-ra NA BI r[i-u-s]u
6 D obv. I 13 [ ] u-nu-lat G- ka-[nik-ma]
k obv. 2122 KI ADD[A ] / [G]-u [k]a-nik-ma
7 D obv. I 14 [ d
UTU.].A -i ana BR
k obv. 22 ina KI.GAR dUTU..A [ ] ana [ ]
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 D obv. I 1415 t[ar-mu] / [AR.AR ]KUR.KUR ak-tam E[ME-UR.GI7]
k obv. 23 [KUR.KUR ]tar-mu AR.AR ak-tam EME-UR.GI7
9 D obv. I 16 [ T.BI S]D lu ina KA.SAG
k obv. 2324 tb-[bal ] / [um-ma ana] gi[GE]TIN UR.RA
D ctd. lu ina GETIN UR U[B-ma]
k ctd. um-ma ana KA UB-ma
10 D obv. I 17 [N su-zi MIN] 3- ana lb-bi ID-nu-ma
k obv. 2425 N su-z[i su-zi -zi-ga] / [-z]i-ga gur ana ID-nu-ma
D ctd. NA[G.ME]
k ctd. NAG.ME-ma [.ZI.GA]
D, k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in D, see 2. and 3.)
11 k obv. 26 [DI KIMIN(?)] EME-UR.GI7 GIM dUTU..A tu-qad-da ina e-rim ana IGI dUTU
G[UB??-az(?) ()]
12 k obv. 27 [x x] x x x ina GR ZABAR TA ur-i- ZI-a- SD ina KA NA[G.ME(-ma
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 k obv. 28 [DI KIMIN(?) ] BURU5.ABRUD.DAmuen NITA ina MU[N N]-al NU pa-tan i-al-lut
SU[U? ]
14 k obv. 29 [NUMUN?? a]-u-ut-t GUR5.U ina KA NA[G.ME(-ma .ZI.GA)]
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(k obv. ends, rev. not preserved)
TEXT 2.5 107
5. 1) f rev.? 68
(for the preceding unit in f, see Summary 11.)
1 f rev.? 6 DI NA .GI lu-u -pi UL-tim A ? ana x x x x x m[e?]
2 f rev.? 7 ina K ANE TU5- ina A GAZIsar gi .GI .M-[su]
3 f rev.? 8 .KUR.RA ina NG<.NA>? tu-qat-tar--ma ki-pi pa--ru ana NA BI NU TE-[u]
f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following unit in f, see 3.)

5. 2) A rev. 3133 // D rev. II 89 // f rev.? 1213 // G rev. 2122 // J obv. 56 // L rev. III 1618 // M rev.
34 // n rev. IV 1116
In f this unit follows, though not directly, a umma amlu kaip unit (see 3.) and probably was understood as being subsumed
under the same diagnosis; all other manuscripts but D have this prescription under a different heading where witchcraft is
not explicitly mentioned. Apparently DI KIMIN in ms. D obv. II 8 refers back to a ritual for the treatment of sexual impurity
associated with the anger of Marduk and Itar (obv. II 17); cf. Summary 9.
1 A rev. 31 gi
si-u IM.dMA


f rev.? 12
G rev. 21
J obv. 5

si-u IM.[dMA N]TA u MUNUS SK [ ]
L rev. III 16 gi
M rev. 3 [gisi]-u IM.dMA N[TA ] UGU.DUL.BI
n rev. IV 1213

si-i-[u ]I[M].dMA NITA u MUNUS / [SK] UGU.DU[L.B]I
2 A rev. 32 K.SI22 AN.BAR T.BI ina KU .GR G.NU.ZU
D obv. II 9 K.SI22 AN.BAR 1-ni ina [KU]
f rev.? 1213 K.SI22 AN.B[AR ]/ munus
G rev. 2122 K.SI22 AN.BAR T[.BI] / [ m unus
J obv. 6 K.SI22 AN.BAR ina KU

L rev. III 17 K.SI22 AN.BAR T.BI ina KU .GR G.NU.ZU
M rev. 34 K.SI22 [ ]/ [ m unus
n rev. IV 1314 K.SI22 AN.BAR T.BI / ina KU .GR G.NU.ZU
3 A rev. 33 GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-ma L NU K e-lil
D obv. II 9 GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an
f rev.? 13 GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an L N[U ]
G rev. 22 GAG.GAG ina G- GAR L NU K e-li-i[l]
L rev. III 18 GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an-ma L NU erasure K el
M rev. 4 [ G]- GAR-an-ma [ ]
n rev. IV 1516 GAG.GAG-p ina G- GAR-an-ma / L la el-lum il-li-il
A, D, f, G, J, L, M, n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in f, see Summary 11.; for the preceding and following units in A, see Summary 6.; for D, see
Summary 9.; for the following units in J, see 3. and Summary 13.; for other units in L, see Summary 15.; for other units in M,
see Summary 16.; for the following units in G, see 3.; for other units in n, see Summary 17.)

6. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. A not included in the transliteration

1 = text 2.5, 1.: 1
26 = text 2.5, 1.: 26
713 = text 2.5, 1.: 713
1416 = text 2.5, 1.: 1416
1718 = text 2.5, 1.: 1718
19rev. 27 Instruction for a therapeutic ritual against sexual impurity (anger of Marduk and Itar) // STT 95
+ 295 obv. I 1622, 280 obv. II 17.
2830 Necklace with stone beads (same purpose) // BAM 320 rev. 3436.
3133 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13, but here the same purpose as in obv. 19rev. 27.
3439 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. G (Summary 12.), J
(Summary 13.), L (Summary 15.), M (Summary 16.) and n (Summary 17.).
3435 Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
36 Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
37 Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
38 Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
39 Therapy for the same (touching ).
40ff. Instruction for a therapeutic ritual against sexual impurity // BAM 320 rev. 3742, cf. BAM III,
p. xii.

7. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

obv. II
12 Fragmentary instruction for a potion against impotency.
3 Fragmentary instruction for a potion against impotency caused by a ghost to whom the patient
has been given over (perhaps by means of witchcraft).
46 Instruction for a potion against impotency.
78 Instruction for the fabrication of a bandage against impotency.
915 = text 2.5, 1.: 713.
1617 = text 2.5, 1.: 1416.
rev. III
1 Fragmentary.
2ff. aziga incantation (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 35).

8. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. C not included in the transliteration

110 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 27).
1114 = text 2.5, 1.: 713.
1516 = text 2.5, 2.: 12.
1719 = text 2.5, 2.: 35.
2021 = text 2.5, 2.: 67.
2227 Instruction for a potion against impotency.
2833 Therapeutic ritual against impotency.
3435 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck against impotency.
3637 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck against impotency.
3839 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck against impotency.
4044 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck against impotency.
45rev.9 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 13).
1024 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 14 // A 483 obv. [rev. published as BAM 369]).
2534 aziga incantations with ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 2223).

9. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. D not included in the transliteration

obv. I
16 Instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck against impotency, possibly
caused by witchcraft (but the restoration of obv. I 2 by Biggs, TCS 2, 66, remains uncertain).
7 Instruction for a potion against impotency (same purpose).
817 = text 2.5, 4.: 110.
1820 = text 2.5, 2.: 35.
21 = text 2.5, 2.: 67.
TEXT 2.5 109
2227 = text 2.5, 3.: 14 and 1213.
28 = text 2.5, 3.: 14.
29 = text 2.5, 3.: 15.
3033 = text 2.5, 3.: 1619.
3437 Fragmentary, probably instruction for the fabrication of a leather bag worn around the neck,
certainly a cure for impotency; it has a different introductory formula than the preceding units,
restore probably: [DI NA ana MUNUS] TE-ma [ (cf., e.g., AMT 65/7: 2).
3859 Several prescriptions for the fabrication of leather bags worn around the neck against impotency
(all have the same purpose as 3537).
60 Fragmentary.
obv. II
17 Instruction for a therapeutic ritual against sexual impurity (anger of Marduk and Itar) // STT 95
+ 295 obv. I 1622 and BAM 205 obv. 19rev. 27.
89 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13, but here the same purpose as preceding.
1021 aziga incantations with ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 25, variant duplicate in BM 41279).
2224 Fragmentary therapeutic instructions against impotency.
2532 Instruction for a therapeutic ritual against sexual impurity (anger of Marduk and Itar).
3335 Therapeutic incantation ritual against impotency.
3650 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 29).
5153 aziga incantation with rubric (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 30).
5461 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 31).
62III 23 aziga incantation ritual with symptom description; incantation mentions witchcraft as the cause
of the patients impotency (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 11).
rev. III
2433 aziga incantation with rubrics (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 32).
3442 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 10).
4346 Probably additional ritual instruction for the preceding paragraphs.
4752 Instruction for the fabrication of a bandage against impotency.
53ff. Fragmentary.
rev. IV
17 Fragmentary.
823 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 5).
2431 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 33).
3236 Instruction for the fabrication of a bandage against impotency using the incantation of ll. 2428.
3741 aziga incantation ritual (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 15).

10. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. E not included in the transliteration

obv. I
1 Fragmentary.
24 = text 2.5, 2.: 35.
56 = text 2.5, 2.: 67.
7ff. aziga incantation rituals (Biggs, TCS 2, no. 26).
obv. II Fragmentary.
rev. IV aziga incantation ritual (fragmentary, followed by colophon).

11. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. f not included in the transliteration

15 Fragmentary therapeutic ritual against witchcraft with incantation (cf. l. 2), see copy (subject to
further study).
68 = text 2.5, 5. 1): 13.
911 = text 2.5, 3.: 14 & 1213.
1214 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.
1517 Therapeutic prescription for soothing the anger of Marduk.
18 Fragmentary.

12. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. G not included in the transliteration

1rev. 17 Ceremonial ritual against sexual impurity caused by witchcraft (BID, Hauptritual B).
1820 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. A (Summary 6.), J
(Summary 13.), L (Summary 15.), M (Summary 16.) and n (Summary 17.).
18 Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
19 Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
20 Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
Therapy for the same (touching ).
2122 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.
2333 = text 2.5, 3.: 114.
3436 Fragmentary.

13. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. J not included in the transliteration

14 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. A (Summary 6.), G
(Summary 12.), L (Summary 15.), M (Summary 16.) and n (Summary 17.).
1 Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
2 Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
3 Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
4 Therapy for the same (touching ).
56 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.
716 = text 2.5, 3.: 114.
1722 Fragmentary recipes.
2324 Fragmentary recipe.
2526 Recipe for a salve.
2733 Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity // STT 95 + 295 obv. I 1822.
3436 Necklace with stone beads (same purpose as preceding) // BAM 205 rev. 2830.
3742 Instruction for a therapeutic ritual against sexual impurity // BAM 205 rev. 4248, cf. BAM III,
p. xii.
43 Fragmentary.

14. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. k not included in the transliteration

118 Fragmentary rituals and prescriptions against impotency.
1929 = text 2.5, 4.: 114.

15. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. L not included in the transliteration

obv. III
1II 37 Mostly fragmentary; rituals and recipes for curing different diseases.
obv. IIrev. III
38III 10 Fourteen prescriptions for curing impurity caused by witchcraft.
1115 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. A (Summary 6.), G
(Summary 12.), J (Summary 13.), M (Summary 16.) and n (Summary 17.).
1112 Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
13 Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
TEXT 2.5 111
14 Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
15 Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
Therapy for the same (touching ).
1618 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.
1929 Various medicinal drugs and their effects.
3034 Prescriptions for curing tu of the head.
35ff. Incantation rituals against the anger of the gods.
rev. IV
124 Prescriptions and rituals against the anger of the gods.
2536 Instructions for a bath and an amulet against snakes portending evil.

16. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. M not included in the transliteration

1ff. Ceremonial ritual against sexual impurity caused by witchcraft (BID, Hauptritual B).
12 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. A (Summary 6.) G
(Summary 12.), J (Summary 13.), L (Summary 15.) and n (Summary 17.).
Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
Therapy for the same (touching ).
34 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.

17. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. n not included in the transliteration

obv. Irev. IV
rev. IV 5 Ceremonial ritual against sexual impurity caused by witchcraft (BID, Hauptritual B).
611 = BID, Hauptritual B: 8488; see also summaries for the duplicate mss. A (Summary 6.), G
(Summary 12.), J (Summary 13.), L (Summary 15.) and M (Summary 16.).
Instruction for a potion against sexual impurity.
Therapy for the same (kissing patina).
Therapy for the same (touching bitumen).
Therapy for the same (touching bronze).
Therapy for the same (touching ).
1216 = text 2.5, 5. 2): 13.

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A obv. 118 // B obv. 917 // C 1. A obv. 118 // B obv. 917 // C obv. 1114
(l. 1: too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1: too fragmentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
umma amlu kaip-ma r[u If a man is bewitched and (the bewitchment is manifested by
rissu(?)] 3pqa l pqa ill[ak(?) ] the fact that) [his] bod[y , his semen] 3flo[ws] from
uru nurm [ ] 5matakal [ ] time to time, [ ] 4root of pomegranate, [ ],
itni task ina [ ] ita[natti] matakal-soapwort, [ ] 6you pound together. He
dr[inks (it) repeatedly] in [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
umma amlu kaip-ma ru tabk If a man is bewitched and (the bewitchment is manifested by
munga u 8u berku gann libbau sin- the fact that) his body is poured out and he suffers from
nita ae-[m]a 9sinnita ippallas-ma stiffness, 8and his knees are contracted, his heart desires a
libbau iturra amlu (var.: a amli woman, 9but upon seeing the woman his heart falters, that
uti) rissu 10itti mti unullat mans semen has been buried 10with a dead person.
ana bulluu nn 11a imur-lm To cure him: 11nn-plant, a-plant, heals-a-thousand-
nuurtu 12supla tullal ardadillu 13itni plant, nuurtu-plant, 12suplu-juniper, tullal-plant (and) ar-
task ina karni ati l patn itanatt((- dadillu-plant 13you pound together. He drinks it repeatedly in
ma [iballu(?)])) grape juice on an empty stomach, ((then he will recover)).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
DI KIMIN atiu atma muairni a- If ditto: atiu-plant, frogspawn, apple (and) reed 15in
ru qan 15ina aman erni taptanaas- cedar oil. You rub him repeatedly (with this oil), (then) this
su amlu adi balu 16libbau inau man 16will have potency 15as long as he lives. 16Witchcraft
kip l ieu will not come near him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
DI KIMIN kukuru buru bat amanni If ditto: kukuru-plant, buru-juniper, amannu-salt (and)
18 18
atiu ina aman urmni taptanaas- atiu-plant in cypress oil. You rub hi[m] repeatedly (with
s[u] this oil).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. C obv. 1521 // D obv. I 1821 // E: 26 2. C obv. 1521 // D obv. I 1821 // E: 26

1 1
ma imbu tmti parzill[u If d[itto] (= a man is bewitched and (the bewitchment is
tas]k-ma ina [ itanatti] manifested by the fact that) his body is poured out and he
suffers from stiffness, and his knees are bent, his heart
desires a woman, but upon seeing a woman his heart falters,
(then) that mans semen has been buried with a dead person):
you crush mu-stone, imbu tmti-mineral (and) iro[n]. [He
drinks (it) repeatedly] in [].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
GAN.U5 tarmu ina maki taappi ina ki- You wrap up GAN.U5-plant (and) lupine in (a) leather (bag)
du taakkan and put it around his neck.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DI KIMIN imur-lm tarmu parzillu 3
If ditto: Heals-a-thousand-plant, lupine, iron, imbu tmti-
imbu tmti u 4dm ir urri zikari mineral, ebony, 4blood of a male rock-partridge (and) a
zappi a a ana rakbi teb 5ina maki bristle from a sexually aroused pig 5you wrap up in (a) leather
taappi ina kidu taakkan (bag) (and) put it around his neck.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DI KIMIN matakal lin-kalbi .KU6 6
If ditto: matakal-soapwort, dogs tongue, .KU6-fennel
ardadilli 7ina maki taappi ina kidu (and) ardadillu-plant 7you wrap up in (a) leather (bag and)
taakkan put it around his neck.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. D obv. I 2227 // f rev.? 911, 1213 3. D obv. I 2227 // f rev.? 911, 1213 // G rev. 2332 // J
// G rev. 2332 // J obv. 715; parallel obv. 715; parallel H obv. 1rev. 1
H obv. 1rev. 146
1 1
umma amlu kaip-ma ru tabk l If a man is bewitched and (the bewitchment is manifested by
ina alku l ina uzuzzu 2l ina itlu the fact that) his body is poured out, 3his semen flows
l inma ntu iattinu 3rissu illak 1
whether he is walking, standing 2or lying down or when he is
kma sinniti suussu l l 4amlu ris- urinating, his private parts are impure like those of a (men-
su itti mti ina ereti unullat ana bulluu struating) woman, 4(then) that mans semen has been buried
uru balti uru agi annuara aban with a dead person in the earth. To cure him: 5root of baltu-
gab 6parzillu aab nurm eper idri sebet thorn, root of agu-thorn, annuara-alum, alum, 6iron,
amm annti 7[itni] task ina karni pomegranate-rind, saltpetre dust: These seven drugs 7you
ati l patn iatt-ma iballu pound [together]. He drinks (it) in grape juice on an empty
stomach, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The variants in mss. J and H are not indicated in
the transcription and translation.
TEXT 2.5 113
kiir adni biti allru aqullu 9ma- 8
A lump of magnetite, peas, aqullu-plant, 9matakal-
takal aktam nuurt[u] 10arti bni sebet soapwort, aktam-plant, nuurtu-plant, 10tamarisk leaves:
amm annti itni task l ina ikari these seven drugs you pound together. 11He dri[nks] (it) on an
l ina karni l patn ia[tt-ma iballu] empty stomach either in beer or in wine, [then he will re-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
aqullu du sikilli amlnu zr mata- aqullu-plant, du-plant, amlnu-plant, matakal-soapwort
kal 13zr akir uru balti a eli kimai seed, 13akir-plant seed (and) the root of a baltu-thorn that
ina maki taappi ina kidu taakkan- grew over a grave you wrap up in (a) leather (bag and) put
ma iballu (it) around his neck, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
kalt immeri aabti sq erbetti rt A sheeps kidney, a sherd from a crossroad (and) lion hair
ni ina maki taappi ina kida taak- you wrap up in (a) leather (bag and) put (it) around his neck,
kan-ma iballu then he will recover.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
DI KIMIN kibrtu [ru]ttu(?) in[a ma- If ditto: sulphur (and) [rut]tu-sulphur i[n (a) leather (poul-
ki(?) in]a qablu tarakkas tice)], you gird his loins (with it).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DI KIMIN ur[u] lin-kalbi [bar]rtu 16
If ditto: roo[t] of dogs tongue, [saga]penum, root of ur-
uru urdun 17uru SAG [uru a]zall dun-plant, 17root of SAG-plant, [root of a]zall-plant, 18root
uru kamkad[i] [uru] ardadill[i] 19[u- of kamkad[u-plant], r[oot] of ardadill[u-plant], 19[root] of
ru] kazall[i (ammi) az]iga ina [maki kazall[u-plant, pote]ncy-plant in [(a) leather (bag). You put
in]a ki[du taakkan] (it) rou]nd [his] ne[ck].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. D obv. I 817 // k obv. 1929 4. D obv. I 817 // k obv. 1929

1 1
[umma amlu] kaip-ma munga i ber- [If a man] is bewitched and (the bewitchment is manifested
ku 2gann k[a]ltu illak(?) libbau by the fact that) he has stiffness, his knees 2are contracted, his
3 -ma ana ep ibti l inau n kidneys run, his heart 3 and does not motivate him
[li]bbu 4abit-ma ana sinniti alka to achieve (his) wish, his potency 4is seized, so that he only
[mu]u libbau sinnita a[e]-ma 5sin- [rare]ly has intercourse with a woman. His heart desires a
nita ippallas-ma libbau iturra amlu woman, 5but upon seeing the woman his heart falters, (then)
ri[ss]u 6itti mt[i] unullat muaru that mans se[men] 6has been buried with a dead person, his
kanik-ma 7ina kullati ereb ami pei ana penis 7has been sealed 7and shut up in a clay pit towards sun-
pari set. To undo:
((-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))
tarmu a atiu aktam lin-kalbi 8
Lupine, a-plant, atiu-plant, aktam-plant, dogs
tub[bal itni tas]k l ina ikari l ina tongue 9you dr[y (and) crus]h [together]. You put it either in
karni ati tanadd-ma 10N su-z[i su-zi] beer or in grape juice. 10You recite the incantation Radi-
alu ana libbi tamann-ma itanatt((- an[ce, radiance] three times into (the potion), then he drinks
ma [n libbi])) (not all variants in k are included (it) repeatedly ((and (will recover his) [potency])). (not all
in the transcription) variants in k are included in the translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[DI KIMIN(?)] lin-kalbi kma ama 11
[If ditto]: When the sun has set you purify dogs tongue. In
irtab tuqadda ina ri ana maar ama the morning, he st[ands] before ama [()] 12[] (starting)
iz[zz(??) ()] 12[] ina patar siparri from its root you remove with a bronze knife, pound (it),
itu uru tanassau task ina ikari and he dr[inks (it) repeatedly] in beer, [(then he will recover
ita[natt-(ma n libbi)] his potency)].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
[DI KIMIN(?) li]bbi ir urri zikari ina [If ditto]: You pickle [the he]art of a male rock partridge in
b[ti tu]nl l patn iallut u[ru(?) ] sal[t]. He swallows (it) on an empty stomach. R[oot of ],
14 14
[zr(??) a]utti armadu ina ikari [seed of a]uttu-plant, armadu-plant: he dr[inks (it)
ita[natt-(ma n libbi)] repeatedly] in beer, [(then he will recover his potency)].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. 1) f rev.? 68 5. 1) f rev.? 68
1 1
umma amlu amnu lu a up lemutti If a man has been anointed with a sullied oil of evil sorcery,
pai 2ina nt imri turammaku . 2You bathe him in donkeys urine, with kas-extract ,
ina m kas amnu taptanaas[su] you rub [him] repeatedly with oil. 3You fumigate him with
nn[] ina libbi nig<nakki>(?) tuqattaru- nn-plant in the fumi<gation vessel>, then the witchcraft will
ma kip par ana amli uti ul ie be undone and will not come near this man (anymore).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. 2) A rev. 3133 // D rev. II 89 // f 5. 2) A rev. 3133 // D rev. II 89 // f rev.? 68 // G rev.

rev.? 68 // G rev. 2122 // J obv. 56 2122 // J obv. 56 // L rev. III 1618 // M rev. 34 // n
// L rev. III 1618 // M rev. 34 // n rev. IV 1116
rev. IV 1116
((DI KIMIN)) su nikiptu zikar u sinni 1
((If ditto:)) su-plant, nikiptu-plant, male and female, ape
rt pag 2uru parzillu itni ina hair, 2gold (and) iron 3you wrap up 2together in (a) leather
maak unqi l petti 3taappi ina kida (bag) made from a female kid that has not yet mated with a
taakkan-ma amlu l ellu elil/l (var.: male, 3you put it around his neck, then the impure man will
illil) be((come)) pure.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.: 23: For the restoration, cf. AMT 31/4- 3.: 3: For susu pubic triangle (not
32/1 rev. 11. bed, cf. CAD S 34950), see Civil, Studies Leich-
ty, 55.
78: The ruling between ms. C obv. 11
and 12 indicated in Ebelings copy is not on the tab- 15: Biggs reads [BA.BA.Z]A!.dD, but the
let. sign before dD is clearly A (as copied), and the
traces preceding A suggest [] rather than [B]A.
8: ga-an-na (so all manuscripts, cf. also
Also the space available in the break fits [] better
here 4.: 2) is understood as a stative of kannu, qa-
than [BA.B]A.
nnu to roll up, to contract; the consistent spell-
ing with ga suggests a variant form gannu (cf. also 17: SAG is equated with la-a-ar-tu in
BAM 575 rev. III 12). XVII (MSL 10, 108: 25, cf. CAD L 103a).
9: Note that the enigmatic GUR-tum is 4.: 10: For the variant in ms. k, cf. Farber,
a mistake in Kchers copy (cf. collation, pl. 130, ZA 69 (1979) 302. The incantation is also attested in
nos. 2930); it is worth noting that instead of the the aziga-catalogue LKA 94 obv. I 19 (ed. Biggs,
equally mysterious GUR-tam copied by Kcher in TCS 2, 12).
ms. A obv. 19 the tablet has e-u (// STT 95 + 295
13: For the restoration in the beginning
obv. I 16, STT 280 obv. II 1).
of the line, cf. STT 280 obv. II 22.
12: The logogram NIGIN is attested for
5.: The paragraph ruling that precedes
suplu in the Uruanna commentary CT 41, 45, BM
ms. L rev. III 16 in Kchers hand-copy (BAM 318)
76487: 8 (partially restored), ed. CAD S 390b.
does not exist.
2.: 4: The corrupt text in ms. C clearly re-
flects a lapsus oculi of the scribe who mixed up the
signs in his Vorlage.


TEXT 7.1


This small Old Babylonian tablet contains a short pulation of figurines representing the witch, which
Sumerian incantation against witchcraft. There is no were burnt with fire and probably also dissolved in
ritual section, but the text of the incantation sug- river water.
gests that the accompanying rites included the mani-

List of Manuscripts

a VAT 8360 VS 17, 31 coll. Small tablet , landscape format, OB Babylonia, unknown
script, 19th17th cent. provenance

Synopsis of Text Units

i Incantation: Munus-u11-zu u bal-e-da .................................................................................. 110

a obv. 1rev. 2
Rubric.......................................................................................................................................... 11
a rev. 3

Previous Editions

Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 2526.

Geller, BSOAS 71 (2008) 56061.


1 a obv. 1 munus-u11-zu u bal-e-da

2 a obv. 2 nam-ri-pad-r-ni-ta pa-an b-ku4-ku4
3 a obv. 3 ka-ni abula i6-da k-da
4 a obv. 4 d
utu di-ku5 tu6 zu NE al bal-e-da
5 a obv. 5 saar-bi d-da ub-ba
6 a obv. 6 i-b-bi an-na b-e11
7 a obv. 7 d
nin-girimax(A.KUD.A.DU) ere mu7-mu7-ke4
8 a obv. 8 ki-gub-ba-gu10 nu-gub-ba ki-l-la-u10 nu-l-la
9 a rev. 1 igi-dutu e-sr ti-la du-du-m
10 a rev. 2 ti-la ar-ra-m
11 a rev. 3 ka-inim-ma u11-br-ru-da-kam
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To overturn the witch,
Her mouth is (like) a city-gate barred at night.
Utu, judge, who knows the incantation: to uproot ,
this earth is thrown into the river,
this smoke went up into the sky.
Ningirima, lady of incantations, (effectuate)
that she does not stand where I stand, that she is not present where I am present.
I shall walk before Utu in the streets healthily,
I shall have a healthy heart!
It is the wording (of the incantation) for undoing witchcraft.


General: The text was registered as Text ly he understands al- as the verbal prefix, whose
252 by Cunningham, Deliver Me from Evil, 144. presence, however, is unexpected within a sub-
ordinate form in -eda. We prefer to see al as a
2: The structure of the first phrase can
nominal component of an otherwise unknown com-
be analysed as /nam-N-ani-ta/. A noun composed of
pound verb albal (perhaps derived from al hoe,
nam- and ri-pad-r (status of bones?), however,
therefore uproot?). One expects this phrase to
is semantically not very plausible (but cf. Geller,
have an object, and this object may be hidden be-
art. cit., who interprets the phrase as skeleton).
hind the difficult NE (perhaps gir10 anger or du14
Possibly the construction may be compared with
nam--d-da-lugal-la-na- in Gudea Cyl. A (see
Edzard, Studies Falkenstein, 51); the expected geni- 56: -bi is here interpreted as a demon-
tive, however, is missing in the present phrase. One strative suffix. The passage may refer to the treat-
could also envisage an emendation zi!pa-an. ment of figurines representing the witch and sug-
Geller emends the second half of the line to pa an- gests that they were burnt and thrown into the river.
<ni->b-ku4-ku4 and proposes to interpret the com- Therefore one could also translate its earth, its
pound verb paku4, which, to our knowledge, smoke. Note, however, that saar loose earth, dirt,
would be attested only here, as an antonym of the dust is not commonly used for making figurines.
well known pa. Geller proposes that -bi refers to the incantation (p.
560) or the accompanying ritual actions generally
3: See PSD A II 182. For the motif of
(p. 561).
the city-gate closed at night, cf. especially Lamen-
tation over Ur 412: abula i6--na-gin7 giig -b- 6: This is the Sumerian counterpart of
k-da as with a city-gate at night may the door be the Akkadian stock phrase quturkunu ltelli am,
barred. well known from many anti-witchcraft incantations.
4: The tentative English rendering of- 9: Alternatively, ti-la in the present
fered here remains doubtful. PSD B 58 transliterates context might possibly represent a syllabic writing
utu di-ku5 tu6 zu-d al-bal-e-da, but refrains from for tlla - sul.
translating the passage; Geller adopts the same
10: ti-la is rendered bulu libbi in Izbu
transliteration and translates O judge Utu, to know
Comm., see Leichty, TCS 4, 217: 165.
the incantation is to overturn (the spell). Apparent-
TEXT 7.2


The tablet was counted by the scholars at Ashurba- reverse contains a fragmentarily preserved incanta-
nipals court as the 63rd of the series uburruda. On tion against witchcraft and other evils, followed by
the obverse it gives prescriptions for potions against ritual instructions.
witchcraft, including a lengthy drug inventory. The

List of Manuscripts

A K 6053 BAM 438 pls. 1920 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
B Rm 950 BAM 437 pl. 20 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

Synopsis of Text Units

i Therapeutic ritual against witchcraft ..................................................................................... 128[

Symptom description ...................................................................................................... 113
A obv. 113
Diagnosis ...................................................................................................................... 1314
A obv. 1314
Purpose statement ......................................................................................................... 1516
A obv. 1516
Therapeutic prescription .............................................................................................. 1628[
A obv. 1628 // B obv. 16
ii Ritual with incantation against witchcraft and other evils................................................. ]2942
Incantation ................................................................................................................. ]2934
A rev. 18 // B rev. 68
Rubric ..........................................................................................................................3536
A rev. 78
A rev. 914 // B rev. 910
Catchline (symptom description)................................................................................................43
A rev. 15
A rev. 1621

Previous Editions

Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 171 (ms. A obv. 514).



12 A obv. 12 broken
3 A obv. 3 x[ ] x ud lu x x x [
4 A obv. 4 x[ ] x ki MRU?.ME- kid x [
5 A obv. 5 [x x] x mu-u ana da-ba-bi - l[a L-]
6 A obv. 6 [u]-u GAZ TUK.ME-i mi-na-ti- it-[ta-na--pa-ka(?)]
7 A obv. 7 it-te-nen-bi-i NUNDUM.ME- -na--ak GETUII- G[.G-a]
8 A obv. 8 UII- i-am-ma-ma- bir-ka- kim-a- i-ks-s[a-sa-]
9 A obv. 9 SAG - it-ta-na-z-qar ana MUNUS DU-ka mu[-u]
10 A obv. 10 ana MUNUS - NU L- ur-ba-u UB.UB-[su]
11 A obv. 11 i-kab-bir i-ba-a-u ina KA- it-ta-na-[di]
12 A obv. 12 ik-ka- LGUD.DA.ME KI.N NU L-[i]
13 A obv. 13 pi-qa la pi-qa -ta-al NA BI ka-[ip]
14 A obv. 14 NU.ME- D-ma ina R ADDA u-nu-[lu]
15 A obv. 15 ana ki-pi BR ZI- KAR it-ti DINGIR kam-li su-lu-m[]
16 A obv. 16 ana TI- tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-[NI]

17 A obv. 17 SIKIL el-kul-la imBULU ak-[tam]
18 A obv. 18
KUR.KUR AUR GI.GI la-pat ar-ma-ni NA4 ga-b[-e]

19 A obv. 19 KA A.AB.BA NU.LU.A KU.NU.LU.A AR.[AR]

B obv. 12 [KA] A.AB.BA [ ] /[ ]

20 A obv. 20
KUR.ZI ib-bur-ra-t AR.S[AG]

B obv. 23 []r-nu-
KU[R. ZI ] / [AR.S]AG

21 A obv. 21 .KUR.RA u-mut-t E.GAG giD E.GAG gi
B obv. 34 .KUR.RA
[u-mut-t ] / [E.GAG gi
22 A obv. 22 E.GAG GI.UL.I gibi-nu NUMUN gi
bi-nu IN.N[U.U]
B obv. 45 E.GAG GI.U[L.I ] / [I]N.NU.U
23 A obv. 23 NUMUN IN.NU.U imLI NUMUN im
LI MUN k[-pad]
B obv. 56 NUMUN I[N. NU.U ] / [MUN k-p]ad
24 A obv. 24 MUN a-ma-nim Z.LUM.MA NUMUN giA.LU.B imMA[N.DU]
B obv. 6 MUN a-ma-[ni
(B obv. breaks)

25 A obv. 25 [kurkan GAZIsar] 37 U11.BR.R[U.DA]
26 A obv. 26 [a ina ]UII u-u-
27 A obv. 27 [lu ina KA.SAG lu ina GETIN lu ina A.ME lu ina] .GI lu ina i-qa-a-ti
28 A obv. 28 [ ] x ki? [x (x)]
29 A rev. 1 [N?
30 A rev. 2 l
31 A rev. 3 i-pu- munusU11.Z[U
(the preceding lines in B are fragmentary and not assignable with certainty, cf. Notes)
32 A rev. 4 N ul ia-ut-tu-u[n ]
B rev. 6 [N ul ia]--tu-un N d-a u [dasal-l-i]
33 A rev. 5 N dAMAR.UTU LUGAL : d-zu d[ ]
B rev. 7 [ LUG]AL N d-zu dza[r-pa-ni-tum]
34 A rev. 6 u dnin-grima iq-bu-nim-ma [ ]
B rev. 8 [ iq-b]u-nim-ma a-na-k[u uanni (TU6 N)]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 7.2 119
35 A rev. 7 KA.INIM.MA ki-pi ru-u- ru-su- dD[IM10.ME]
36 A rev. 8 i-bit ma-mti tur-ti [U]DUG lem-nu ana [L] NU T[E-e]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

37 A rev. 9 D.D.BI tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-NI SIKIL [ ]
B rev. 910 [
tar]-mu IGI-[lim ]/[
38 A rev. 10 GI BR dDIM10.ME im
GR.GR imLI giE[REN qan bu bnu]
B rev. 1011 GI[ L]I [
39 A rev. 11

B rev. 12 I]N.[NU.U
(B rev. breaks)
40 A rev. 12 N an-ni-t 3- ana UGU ID-nu-m[a
41 A rev. 13 ina .GI -su-ma ki-pi-u NIGIN x (x) x [
42 A rev. 14 NU TE.M- L BI K - za-ki k[a
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 A rev. 15 DI NA ina <.GAL> NU ma-ra-
blank line
44 A rev. 16 DUB.63.KAM.ME U11.BR.DA LIBIR.RA.GIM [air bari]
45 A rev. 17 .GAL IAN.R-D-A LUGAL GAL- LUGAL dan-nu [
46 A rev. 18 a dAG u dKURNUN ARU TUK.ME--m[a
47 A rev. 19 ur-ru ad-lu a-sis-su pal-ku- x [
48 A rev. 20 a-na i-rik-ti i-ruk a-na ta-sis-t[i tmartu iur ibri]
49 A rev. 21 q-reb .GAL- -kin NIR.G[L-ka ul ib Nab]

Bound Transcription Translation

(ll. 13: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 13: too fragmentary for translation)
4 4
[ ] qablu(?) [ ] [ ] his hips [ ] 5[ ] is reduced,
[] muu ana dabbi libbau l[ he does n[ot w]ant to talk, 6he becomes more and more de-
inau] 6[] pi libbi irtanai mi- pressed, his limbs are l[imp all the time], 7he is continually
ntu it[tanapak(?)] 7ittenenbi aptu bloated, he gnaws his lips, his ears b[uzz], 8his hands are
unaak uznu i[tanass] 8qtu iam- numb, his knees and legs cause [him] gnawing [pain], 9his
mamu berku kimu ikass[asu] 9r epigastrium continually protudes, he is not a[ble] to have
libbu ittanazqar ana sinniti alka mu[- intercourse with a woman, 10he is not attracted by a woman,
u] 10ana sinniti libbau l inau ur- cold tremors afflict him repeatedly, 11he is in turn fat and thin,
bu imtanaqqus[su] 11ikabbir ibau he continually saliv[ates] from his mouth, 12he is often irrita-
ruta ina pu ittana[ddi] 12ikkau iktan- ble, he cannot stand his bed, 13(and) he is sometimes para-
arru mayyla l inai 13pqa l pqa lysed, (then) that man is bewitch[ed]; 14figurines representing
taal amlu ka[ip] 14almu ep- him have been made and bur[ied] in the lap of a dead person.
ma ina sn mti unu[ll] 15ana kip 15
To undo the witchcraft, to save his life, to reconcil[e] him
pari napitu eri itti ili kamli sul- with his angry personal god, 16to heal him: 27he dr[inks]
lum[i] 16ana bulluu tarmu imur-lm 16
lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-[twenty]-plant,
imur-[er] 17sikillu elkulla baluu 17
sikillu-plant, elkulla-plant, baluu-plant, ak[tam]-plant,
ak[tam] 18atiu ar api lapat ar- 18
atiu-plant, marsh-apple, apricot-turnip, alu[m],
manni aban gab[] 19imbu tmti nuurtu 19
imbu tmti-mineral, nuurtu-plant, tyatu-plant, a-
tyatu a[] 20urn samdu ibburratu pla[nt], 20urn-plant, samdu-plant, ibburratu-plant, azu-
azu[pru] 21nn umuttu abbr balti [pru]-plant, 21nn-plant, beetroot, shoots of the baltu-thorn,
abbr a[gi] 22abbr qan-alli bnu shoots of the a[gu]-thorn, 22shoots of the allu-reed,
zr bnu mat[akal] 23zr matakal buru tamarisk, tamarisk seed, soap[wort], 23matakal-soapwort
zr buri bat k[u]pad 24bat amanni seed, buru-juniper, buru-juniper seed, -salt, 24amannu-
sulupp zr uluppi su[du] 25[kurkan salt, date(s), seed of the uluppu-tree, su[du-plant], 25[kur-
kas] 37 amm ubur[rud] 26[a ina kn-plant, kas-plant], 37 drugs for undo[ing] witchcraft
q]t [that are we]ll proven,
27 27
[l ina ikari l ina karni l ina m l He d[rinks (them) either in beer, in wine, in water, in] oil or
ina] amni l ina iqti i[tanatti] in diluted beer.
(l. 28: too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 28: too fragmentary for translation)
break break
(ll. 2931: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 2931: too fragmentary for translation)
32 32
iptu ul yuttun ipat Ea u [Asallui] The incantation is not mine, it is the incantation of Ea and
33 33
ipat Marduk arri ipat azu Za[rpan- the incantation of Marduk, the king, the incantation of
tu] azu, Za[rpantu]
34 34
u Ningirima iqbnim-ma anku [uanni and Ningirima. They spoke it, but I [did only repeat it!
(t ipti)] (Incantation formula)].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 35
KA.INIM.MA kip ru rus La[ma- Incantation that witchcraft, magic, sorcery, La[matu], 36the
tu](?) 36ibit mmti trti [u]tukku lemnu seizure of a curse, (magical) undoing of an oath, the evil
ana [amli] l e[] [U]tukku not appr[oach a man].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 37
D.D.BI tarmu imur-lm imur-er Its ritual: 39[You ] 37lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant,
sikillu [e]lkulla 38i piri ammi Lamati heals-twenty-plant, sikillu-plant, elkulla-plant, 38wood-of-
kukuru buru er[nu qan bu bnu] release, Lamatu-plant, kukuru-plant, buru-juniper, ce[dar,
matakal ulu qarnn btu kibr[tu sweet reed, tamarisk], 39matakal-soapwort, horned salt-
16 amm uburrud] 40iptu anntu al- plant, salt, sulph[ur, 16 drugs for undoing witchcraft]. 40You
u ana mui tamann-m[a ] 41ina recite this incantation over (it) three times. [ ] 41You rub
amni tapaassu-ma kipu sar(?) him with oil, then witchcraft [ ] 42will not
[ ] 42ul ieu amlu l libbau approach him. This man will be pure, his heart will be
zaki [ ] [ ] cleansed [ ] [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catchline: 43umma amlu ina kalli l Catchline: 43If a man is not (well) received in the palace.
ll. 4449: colophon, see Hunger, ABK, no. 337.


General: This tablet forms part of the still manuscript, but belongs to another part of the same
poorly known uburruda series of Ashurbanipals series. A symptom description similar to BAM 445
library; the catchline at the end of the text has not obv. 1015 was probably also included in BAM 317
yet been connected to another tablet. BAM 437 has (cf. obv. 78, quoted by Kcher, BAM III, p. xvi).
been integrated as a duplicate manuscript, though
6: The restoration at the end of the line
the fragmentary state of both manuscripts does not
is supported by numerous parallels (cf. CAD M II
permit a continual reconstruction of the text on the
88); mintu instead of the expected mintu is
reverse; ll. 3536 are omitted in B.
awkward, but does not preclude the present reading.
5: Pace Scurlock Andersen, Diag-
7: For the use of ebu Ntn with the
noses, 171 it seems unlikely that the symptom de-
patient and not a specific body part as subject,
scription began with this line. Note that the traces
cf., e.g., BAM 449(+) rev. III 13 (here text 10.3:
preserved before muu can not be easily reconciled
69). Note, however, that the symptom description
with BI; therefore a restoration [NINDA u KA] muu
BAM 445 obv. 1015, which shows close affinities
is problematic. Alternatively one could restore [ni
to the present passage, reads linu ittenenbi his
-] muu, but similar symptoms follow in ll. 9
tongue is swollen (l. 11). If the restoration given
above for the end of l. 6 proves to be correct, the
611: This part of the symptom description space available at the end of this line makes a re-
is closely related to BAM 445 obv. 1015 (see here storation of EME- on l. 6 highly unlikely (pace
text 7.7: 4752), and can be restored accordingly. Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 171); but, of
BAM 445, however, is not a duplicate of the present course, EME-, which in any case one would expect
TEXT 7.2 121
at the beginning of l. 7, may have been omitted by to be drunk all within one potion, but one or several
mistake. at a time. But it is always possible that it refers to a
repeated application of one and the same medicine.
11: There is not enough room for Scur-
locks restoration it-ta-na-[at-la-ak]. 2931: Ms. B apparently has the same text
as ms. A (cf. A rev. 2 lU[11.ZU(?) ], B rev. 4
1625: This is a standard uburruda drug-
[ munus?]U11.ZU), but a plausible reconstruction
list, taken over from inventories like BAM 430
based on the few signs preserved escapes us. Note
obv. IV 724 // BAM 431 obv. IV 219 (edited
also the preserved ana bullu [ ] in ms. B rev. 5.
here as text 7.10.4: 118). The same sequence also
occurs in the prescriptions BAM 190 obv. 921 // 33: Note the usage of the double wedge
BAM 59 obv. 112 (see here text 7.10.3, 1.: 921). (= N) as a repetition marker in ms. A. The reading
The restorations given above are based on these of z[ar- ] in ms. B remains doubtful.
parallels. Abusch, Fs. Leichty, 13, points to this
36: The phrase ibit mmt(i) trti might
ritual as an example of a prescription type whose
also be translated seizure of a curse caused by
nucleus is an inventory-list or the like. The lengthy
(performing magic) requital (cf., e.g., urpu III
enumeration of plants in these lines derives from a
96). A self-inflicted curse, however, does not fit
list that might sometimes stand alone (BAM 430
well into the present set of evils.
obv. IV 724 //), but to which might be added
instructions (BAM 190 obv. 921 //) and sometimes, 3739: This set of uburruda drugs is again
as in our text, a statement of the circumstances known from uburruda drug lists and can be re-
under which the ritual was to be performed. Abusch stored accordingly (cf. BAM 430 obv. IV 2531 //
argues that the recipe did not intend the ingestion of BAM 431 obv. IV 2026, edited here as text 7.10.4:
36/7 plants as part of one therapy. Rather, the 1925).
composer provided a list from which one selected
43: Cf. Bu 91-5-9, 143+ obv. 1617
the several plants necessary for a single treatment.
(here text 8.3, 2.: 23), Bu 91-5-9, 214: 6, BAM
26: For ana qti , cf. the note on text 315 obv. III 4, STT 95 + 295 rev. III 133, BAM 316
1.8, 2.: 10. obv. II 78, STT 256 obv. 10 (here text 7.6.7: 10),
SpTU 2, 22 + 3, 85 obv. I 18, II 12. For the phrase,
27: The Gtn-stem of at (or aq?) may
see Abusch, JCS 37 (1985) 9697.
indicate that the various substances listed were not
TEXT 7.3


This is a fragment of the 53rd tablet of the Nineveh single-column tablet that probably contained no
uburruda series. As with tablet 63 (see text 7.2), more than two uburruda rituals with incantations.
the text is written in a relatively large script on a

List of Manuscripts

A 1929-10-12, 693 = pl. 21 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

BM 128037 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Therapeutic ritual against witchcraft ......................................................................................]13

A obv. 13 (only end of ritual instruction preserved)
ii Therapeutic ritual against witchcraft ..................................................................................... 420
Incantation ....................................................................................................................... 47
A obv. 47
Uburruda rubric...................................................................................................................8
A obv. 8
Ritual ............................................................................................................................. 920
A obv. 9rev. 9
Catchline .....................................................................................................................................21
A rev. 10
Colophon ............................................................................................................................2223[
A rev. 1112

Previous Editions



1 A obv. 1 xxx[
2 A obv. 2 ki-pu ru-[u-u
3 A obv. 3 U4.28.KAM a-na [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 A obv. 4 N munus-sig5 mu x [
5 A obv. 5 munus ka ka ka [
6 A obv. 6 ka-ul dab-ba a [
7 A obv. 7 []--ba dab-ba T[U6 N]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A obv. 8 KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
A <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
TEXT 7.3 123
9 A obv. 9 D.D.BI KI[I8?
10 A obv. 10 a AN.TA u KI.[TA
A {------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
11 A obv. 11 mul?-la? D? giTUKUL.ME- a-na I[GI
12 A rev. 1 ina gi?E[RE]N? [ AN.TA]
13 A rev. 2 KI.TA GRI[I-
14 A rev. 3 ur-me-na Z.I.LI [
15 A rev. 4 .GI KA? .GI [
16 A rev. 5 SAG.DU-su K-su [
17 A rev. 6 N 3- a-n[a IGI
18 A rev. 7 um-ma ina giMA.NU x [ um-ma]
19 A rev. 8 i-na giGAN.U5 x [
20 A rev. 9 ma-la ta--lu x [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 A rev. 10 N dUTU DI.KU5 ki--ti [
22 A rev. 11 DU[B] 53?.KAM U11.BR.RU.D[A
23 A rev. 12 a-na-ku IAN.R-D-A LUGAL [
A breaks


23: This seems to be the end of a ritual is to be recited before the same deity (l. 17), possib-
instruction. In the beginning about twenty lines are ly ama (cf. AN.TA] KI.TA in ll. 1213). The client
missing, so that the present lines probably preserve is anointed with oil (l. 15), and something is tied to
the end of the first uburruda ritual on the tablet. his head (l. 16). In the end, something is done either
with (a staff of?) ru-wood or GAN.U5-wood. The
47: The incantation seems to have a
final formula of the ritual instruction begins with
mixture of Sumerian and abracadabra. The sign
mala taallu everything you ask, a formula other-
sequence ka ka ka in obv. 5 may be a corruption of
wise unknown.
u11 u11 u11, but this is far from certain.
21: This anti-witchcraft incantation ad-
89, 1011: A dividing line is missing between
dressed to ama is partially preserved in BAM 214
the rubric and the beginning of the ritual instruction.
rev. VII 2ff. //, see here text 8.1: 77ff. (cf. also K
Apparently the scribe noticed his mistake, but then
2481 obv. 11, here text 11.1, 2.: 11).
put the line between the wrong lines.
23: This is a non-standard Ashurbanipal
1120: Not enough is preserved of the ritual
colophon formulated in the first person from the
instruction to allow any confident reconstruction of
first line onward (anku Aur-bn-apli ). This
the proceedings. The weapons of the client play a
could imply that the present tablet was written by
certain role (l. 11). A reading mul?<-mul>??-la?
the king himself. Note that the same colophon is at-
? seems not to be excluded in l. 11; if so, an ar-
tested on CT 51, 194, another tablet of the same
row would be placed before a deity. The incantation
series (see text 7.4).
TEXT 7.4


This is another fragment of the Nineveh uburruda text is written in a relatively large script on a single-
series. The tablet number is almost entirely lost, but column tablet. It probably contained only one ex-
a reading 22 (or 42) seems most likely. As with tended uburruda incantation ritual.
tablet 63 and 53? (see here texts 7.2 and 7.3), the

List of Manuscripts

A 1930-5-8, 34 = CT 51, 194 pl. 22 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

BM 122645 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary therapeutic ritual against witchcraft ................................................................]116

Incantation ......................................................................................................................]17
A obv. 17
Continuation of ritual .................................................................................................... 816
A obv. 8rev. 5
Catchline .....................................................................................................................................17
A rev. 6
Colophon ............................................................................................................................1819[
A rev. 78

Previous Editions



1 A obv. 1 [x x] x x [
2 A obv. 2 x [(x)] lU[11.ZU-MU u munusU11.ZU-MU(?)
3 A obv. 3 NU lU11.Z[U u munusU11.ZU-MU(?)
4 A obv. 4 bi-il-u-n[u?-ti(?)
5 A obv. 5 a-a GUR-ni a-[a
6 A obv. 6 zi an-na -p[d zi ki-a -pd]
7 A obv. 7 ni-i AN-e lu ta-[ma-ta n ereti l tamta]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A obv. 8 NU.ME u-nu-ti k[i
9 A obv. 9 ana gu-gul<-li> te-si-i[p
10 A obv. 10 i-na na4KIIB n[a4UBA u na4ad-ni(?)]
11 A obv. 11 K- ta-bar-ram [
12 A rev. 1 a-ar A.ME U?[II?
13 A rev. 2 KA ZLAG ina NG.SILA11.G [
TEXT 7.4 125
14 A rev. 3 u K ZLAG ina Z.DA [() tepe-ma(?)]
15 A rev. 4 ZLAG ana D UB-di ana!? nap?-[?-
16 A rev. 5 -dp-pr am-me ana x [
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 A rev. 6 DI NA pa-nu- [i]na [u?-
18 A rev. 7 DUB.22?.K[M? U11.BR.RU.DA(?)
19 A rev. 8 a-na-[ku IAN.R-D-A LUGAL
A breaks


4: carry them? Probably a god is ad- actions involve a lamp (nru, ZLAG) whose two
dressed who is asked to act against the warlock and openings (p and bbu) are stuffed with two kinds
witch mentioned in the preceding lines. of (flour) doughs. What the lamp contained remains
unclear, but it must have been impure substances, as
5: Probably restore ay itrni a[y iqru-
the lamp finally is thrown into the river.
bni ana yi] Let them not return to me, let them
n[ot approach me!] or something similar. 17: Instead of [u one could just as easi-
ly read mim-ma or nin.
816: Alternatively, one could read alm-
unu teleqqe(TI-q[) in l. 8. In any case, it is clear 18: The reading of the tablet number re-
that the ritual instruction does not begin with the mains uncertain; 22 (or 24) seems most likely to our
present line. What we have is only the final section eyes, but readings like 40+x, 23 or 26+ cannot be
of the ritual. Figurines of warlock and witch are excluded.
collected in a skull, whose opening then is closed
19: For the restoration of the first line of
and sealed (ll. 811). Apparently, the proceedings
the Ashurbanipal colophon, cf. BM 128037 rev. 12
are continued in a place where a hand-washing rite
(text 7.2 in this volume).
had taken place previously (l. 12). The final ritual
TEXT 7.5


K 3661 is a fragment of a two-column library tablet known from Nineveh, the Aur catalogue and
and preserves the end of an anti-witchcraft ritual (later) Babylonian texts (Therapeutic Handbook).
closely related to a text otherwise known from u- Some anti-witchcraft rituals kept their uburruda
burruda collections (see text 7.8), but also embed- rubrics also after their incorporation within this
ded in the Bt rimki ritual. The colophon here shows serial context (e.g., text 7.10.1, ms. j), though this is
that such rituals were not only transmitted within not the case here. This adds yet another difficulty to
special collections of anti-witchcraft texts, but also the reconstruction of the Nineveh uburruda series.
formed part of the large medical-therapeutic series

List of Manuscripts

A K 3661 pl. 23 Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

cent. Library
B K 13390 AMT 44/7 pl. 23 Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Anti-witchcraft ritual with short recitations .........................................................................]116

A rev. IV 116
Catchline .....................................................................................................................................17
A rev. IV 17 //? B rev. IV 1
Colophon .................................................................................................................................. 18[
A //? B rev. IV 2

Previous Editions



1. A rev. IV // B rev. IV
(for B rev. III, see Summary)
1 A rev. IV 1 ina IGI dUTU tu--az-za-a[z tarmu ina p imur-ara]
2 A rev. IV 2 ina GB- KA ina ZAG- tu-a-a[-a- ina dUTU..A(?)]
3 A rev. IV 3 ina UGU na4AD.BAR iz-za-az-ma A k[a?-u-ti inaqqi(?)]
4 A rev. IV 4 ana IGI dUTU ka-am i-qab-bi dUTU ina a-e-k[a m katu limurka]

5 A rev. IV 5 DINGIR.ME a KUR lik-ru-bu-ka dUTU [tar-mu ina pya]
6 A rev. IV 6 im-ur-a-ra ina GB-ia siris pa-[i-ru ina imnya naku]
7 A rev. IV 7 ina UGU na4AD.BAR KUR el-li az-za-az-ku d[UTU a (ana) yi]
8 A rev. IV 8 UL-ti iz-zi-za ki-pi ru-e-e r[u-se-e(?) pua]
9 A rev. IV 9 is-u-ra lu NITA lu MUNUS [l]u lu TI.[LA kma gibni nasi]
TEXT 7.5 127
10 A rev. IV 10 ana a-ri- a-a i-tur 3-[ iqabb-m]a [
11 A rev. IV 11 GIG-ka -<ta->?a tu--aq-ba ki-[
12 A rev. IV 12 A a U- i-[leq-q] KA x [
13 A rev. IV 13
tar-mu [ina K]A- im-ur-[a-ra ina GB- ()]
14 A rev. IV 14 a UGU gix [x] GAR?-ma i-na NE gix [(x) tuqattar(?) riksa(?)]
15 A rev. IV 15 DU8-ma TG-su -na-kar til-li- [
16 A rev. IV 16 TG a-nam-ma za-ka-a [iltabba ()]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 A rev. IV 17 DI NA LLAG-su GU7-u lu U an [ lu U ]
B rev. IV 1 [ ] DAB-su
18 A rev. IV 18 DUB.8.KM [DI NA SA]G - [ ]
B rev. IV 2 [ ] na-i
l. 19 (B rev. IV 3): fragmentary beginning of an Ashurbanipal colophon.
A breaks

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

rev. III 18 Fragmentary prescription for a potion against an inner disease; no specific diagnosis preserved.

Transcription Translation

1ina maar ama tuazza[z tarmu ina 1you have (him) stan[d] before ama. 2You have [him
pu imur-ara] 2ina umlu ikaru ina carry] 1[lupine in his mouth, heals-twenty-plant] 2in his left
imnu tua[u ina t ami(??)] 3ina hand (and) beer in his right hand. [At sunrise], 3he steps onto
mui atbari izzz-ma m k[ati inaq- basalt and [pours a libation] of c[ool] water. 4Before ama
qi(??)] 4ana maar ama km iqabbi he speaks thus:
ama ina ak[a m katu limurka] When you rise, ama, [may cool water welcome you],
5 5
il a mti likrubka may the gods of the land greet you!
ama [tarmu ina pya] 6imur-ara ina 6
[I hold] 5[lupine in my mouth], 6heals-twenty-plant in my
umlya left (hand),
Siris p[iru ina imnya naku] divine Beer, the re[leaser, in my right (hand)],
7 7
ina mui atbri ad elli azzzku I stand on basalt, the pure mountain, before you.
[ama a (ana) yi] 8idi (or: idat) lemut- 7
ama, 10let 7[the person who] 8turned to evil 7[against me],

ti izzza 8
[(who) performed] (and) 9turned to 8witchcraft, magic (and)
kip ru r[us(?) pua] 9isura s[orcery against me]
l zikaru l sinnitu [l] mtu l bal[u] be it a man or a woman, a dead or a living person
[kma bni nasi] 10ana aru ay itr [like an uprooted tamarisk] 10not return to his place!
al[u iqabb-m]a [ ] 11muruka [He recites] (this) three time[s an]d [ ]. 11You have him
a<ta>a(?) tuaqba [ ] 12m a say I have stripped off your illness!. [ ]. 12He
qtu i[leqq]e u ikara [ ] 13tar- takes the water of (washing) his hand, and [ ] the beer
mu [ina p]u imur-[ara ina umlu [ ]. 13The lupine [in] his [mo]uth, the heals-[twenty-
] 14a eli gix [x] GAR?-ma ina pnti(?) plant in his left hand [ ], 14which have been put on
[tuqattar(?) riksa(?)] 15tapaar-ma , [you fumigate] on coal of [ ]-wood. 15You remove
ubssu unakkar tillu [ ] 16ubta 14
[the ritual arrangement], 15and he changes his clothes. [He
anmma zak [iltabba ()] ] the attachments of his garment [and] 16[dons] another,
clean garment [( )].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catchline: 17umma amlu kalssu ikkalu Catchline: 17If a mans kidney causes him a nagging pain,
l U an [ l U ] ibassu(?) either the hand of [ or the hand of ] has seized
Colophon: 18DUB.8.KM [umma amlu Colophon: 18Tablet eight (of the series) [If a mans epi]gas-
r] libbu nai(?) trium is risen .


1: Or you erect before ama? N.P. Heeel, are indeed parallel or even form an
For the restoration of the second half of the line, cf. indirect join then the title of the present sub-
the following text here and the closely related series would be umma amlu r libbu nai. As
uburruda ritual ABRT 2, 18 r. col. // (here text 7.8, pointed out by Heeel, this subseries, according to
7.; cf. also the Bt rimki ritual tablet SpTU 2, 12 BAM 579 rev. IV 44, would follow directly upon
rev. III 2829). the subseries umma amlu sula maru. The
script47 and the space between the lines support the
510: This short ama prayer has close
assumption of an indirect join between K 3661 and
parallels in ABRT 2, 18 // (see text 7.8, 7.) and in
K 13390, but given the standard formatting of
the ama prayer Bl bl ar arr ama (PBS
many Nineveh manuscripts the two fragments
1/1, 13 //, see here text 9.2, cf. also KAL 2, 15 obv.
should be kept separate until an additional fragment
I 1-21, here text 8.5, and SpTU 2, 19 rev. 911,
confirms that they belong to the same tablet. Note
here text 9.3). For a discussion of the several ver-
that a fragment of the first tablet of this subseries
sions of this ama prayer, see Abusch, MesWi,
has survived (81-7-27, 57 = AMT 43/6); it may well
1112. For the restoration of l. 4, cf. PBS 1/1, 13
have begun with an anti-witchcraft prescription:
obv. 10. In l. 6, for reasons of space, the restora-
[DI NA SA]G - na-i MRU.ME- mi-na-tu-
tion follows the shorter wording of ABRT 2, 18 //
NAG.ME- NA BI k[a-ip ()] (obv. I 1, coll.).
(piru) instead of the more explicit pir ili u
That the large therapeutic series contained anti-
amli of PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 14. The restoration
d witchcraft rituals was known for some time, since a
[UTU at the end of l. 7 is supported by PBS
fragment of tablet 45 (counted by the main series)
1/1, 13 obv. 16. The restoration of l. 8 remains un-
includes the recipe for a salve to undo all witch-
certain. ABRT 2, 18 // has kip ru rutu lemuttu
craft (ana BR U11.ZU D.A.BI, see SpTU 1, 48
in the corresponding passage, whereas PBS 1/1, 13
rev. 36 // BM 47695 + 47781 rev. 59; cf. here
obv. 1718 has kip ru rus l bti. We follow
also text 7.10.1, ms. j).
the latter, though there seems hardly enough room
for l bti. In l. 9, the space in the break is filled
up by the beginning of the well-known final formu-
la clearly present in l. 10; both parallel texts do not
use this formula and continue differently.
8: For the problems of transcription
and translation in the first part of l. 8, see the com-
ments on text 1.5: 17.
11: Very uncertain, but the text as it
stands seems to be corrupt.
1718: The catchline refers to the series
umma amlu kalssu ikkalu which, according to
the Aur catalogue, consisted of three individual
tablets (YBC 7126 (+) 7139: 810, see F. Kcher
apud Geller, BAM VII, no. 48, Bck, WZKM 98
[2008] 299). This series itself formed a subseries of
the large therapeutic series (for which see Kcher,
Studies Goerke, passim, and Heeel, TUAT.NF 5,
3135). According to the Aur catalogue whose
structure deviates from the therapeutic series as
known from Nineveh and (in a different form) from
Uruk it was preceded by an eight-tablet
subseries whose title is lost in YBC 7126 (+) 7139:
6. There can be little doubt that K 3661 comes
from a copy of the eighth tablet of this subseries. If 47
But note that K 3661 uses the stepped form of signs of the
K 3661 and K 13390, as first suggested to us by KU-type, while this is not the case in K 13390.


The bilingual incantation Kr-kr bl is attested witchcraft against the patient of our texts. But, in
within a number of more or less similar rituals. It addition, in texts 7.6.6 and probably 7.6.7, the
was recited within short standard uburruda rituals adversary and the witches seem also to be separate
(here texts 7.6.2 and 7.6.3), but it properly belongs entities, indicating that the adversary might also
to anti-witchcraft rituals directed against the bl engage witches to harm his opponent. We first
dabbi, the adversary and personal enemy (here present an edition of the text of the incantation
texts 7.6.4, 7.6.6 and 7.6.7, probably also 7.6.5; for (7.6.1); this is followed by separate editions of the
a discussion of this type of text, see Abusch, BWiL, different rituals within which the incantation was
100105, fn. 35). The bl dabbi made use of used (7.6.27).

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 13641 KAL 2, 14 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur

script, 7th cent.
B VAT 13640 KAL 2, 13 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
7th cent.
C VAT 13619 KAL 2, 34 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
7th cent.
D K 8107 pl. 24 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
E A 2720 + 3022 pls. 2526 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
F VAT 13909 + A 375 KAL 2, 31 pl. 27 Small single-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
7th cent.
G VAT 14030 + 14031 + KAL 2, 30 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
14347 + 14370 script, 9th8th cent.
H SU 51/114 STT 256 coll. Single-col. tablet (landscape format, Sultantepe
almost square), NA script, 7th cent.

Synopsis of Texts and Text Units

7.6.1: The incantation Kr-kr bl (mss. A // B // C // D // E // H)

Synoptic edition of the incantation Kr-kr bl with accompanying rubrics ........................... 18
A rev. 1014 // B rev. IV 1417 // C obv. I 15 // D obv. 18 // E obv. 2532 //
H rev. 4144
7.6.2: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. A)
i Uburruda incantation ritual .................................................................................................. ]19
Incantation (?) ..................................................................................................................12
A rev. 12
Rubric (?) ..............................................................................................................................3
A rev. 3
A rev. 49

ii Uburruda incantation ritual ................................................................................................ 1016

Incantation Kr-kr bl ................................................................................................ 1013
A rev. 1013
Rubric .................................................................................................................................14
A rev. 14
Ritual ........................................................................................................................... 1516
A rev. 1516
Catchline (?) and colophon.................................................................................................1720[
A rev. 1718, l. e. 12
7.6.3: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. B)
i Uburruda incantation ritual ............................................................................................... ]121[
Ritual ............................................................................................................................. 114
B obv. I 114
Incantation ................................................................................................................... 1517
B obv. I 1517
Continuation of ritual .................................................................................................1821[
B obv. I 1821
ii Uburruda incantation ritual .............................................................................................]2234
Incantation ........................................................................................................................]22
B rev. IV 1
Rubric ................................................................................................................................ 23
B rev. IV 2
Ritual ......................................................................................................................... 2434
B rev. IV 313
iii Uburruda incantation ritual .............................................................................................3538[
Incantation Kr-kr bl .............................................................................................3538[
B rev. IV 1417
7.6.4: Fragment of a collection of anti-witchcraft and related rituals (ms. C)
i Incantation ritual to overcome ones enemy, warlock and witch ............................................116
Incantation Kr-kr bl ......................................................................................................14
C obv. I 14
Rubric ....................................................................................................................................5
C obv. I 5
Ritual ...............................................................................................................................616
C obv. I 616
ii Anti-witchcraft ritual ........................................................................................................... 1718[
C obv. I 1718 (only beginning of purpose statement preserved)
iii Anti-witchcraft(?) incantation ritual ...................................................................................]1928
Incantation addressed to ama..................................................................................]1922
C rev. IV 14
Ritual (continuation?) .................................................................................................. 2328
C rev. IV 510
Catchline .....................................................................................................................................29
C rev. IV 11
Colophon ............................................................................................................................. 3033
C rev. IV 1215
7.6.5: Fragment with a ritual against zikurud-witchcraft (ms. D)
i Incantation ritual to counter zikurud-witchcraft .................................................................. 120[
Incantation Kr-kr bl ......................................................................................................17
D obv. 17
Rubric ....................................................................................................................................8
D obv. 8
TEXT GROUP 7.6 131
Ritual.............................................................................................................................. 920[
D obv. 920
Colophon............................................................................................................................ ]2126
D rev. 16
7.6.6: Ritual against the bl dabbi (ms. E, partly // ms. G, with memorandum version ms. F)
i Incantation ritual to overcome ones enemy........................................................................... 161
Purpose statement ........................................................................................................... 113
E obv. 113
Ritual............................................................................................................................. 1424
E obv. 1424
Incantation Kr-kr bl ................................................................................................. 2532
E obv. 2532
Continuation of ritual.................................................................................................... 3339
E obv. 33rev. 1
Incantation to be recited over the enemys figurine ..................................................... 4046
E rev. 28
Continuation of ritual.................................................................................................... 4750
E rev. 912
Incantation Alta abtat ................................................................................................ 5159
E rev. 1321 // G rev. 17 (for other units in G, see Notes on 6: 5159)
Final clause ................................................................................................................... 6061
E rev. 2223
Colophon............................................................................................................................... 6267
E rev. 2429
i* Memorandum version of the same ritual ............................................................................ 1*16*
F obv. 116 (for other units in F, see Notes on 6: 1*16*)
7.6.7: Ritual against the bl lemutti (ms. H)
i Incantation ritual to overcome ones enemy, warlock and witch ........................................... 144
Symptom description ...................................................................................................... 119
H obv. 119
Ritual............................................................................................................................. 2028
H obv. 2028
Sumerian incantation .................................................................................................... 2932
H rev. 14
Rubric ................................................................................................................................. 33
H rev. 5
Continuation of ritual including the recitation of Kr-kr bl ...................................... 3440
H rev. 612
Incantation Kr-kr bl ................................................................................................. 4144
H rev. 1316
Colophon............................................................................................................................... 4546
H rev. 1718

Previous Editions

Ebeling, ArOr 17/1 (1949) 190195 (ms. E).

Schwemer, KAL 2, pp. 4348 (mss. A, B), pp. 8083 (mss. F, G), pp. 8789 (ms. C).


7.6.1: The incantation Kr-kr bl (mss. A // B // C // D // E // H)

1 A rev. 10 []N kr-kr bl kr-k[r ]
B rev. IV 14 [ k]r-kr bl kr-kr i[n-ak]
C obv. I 1 N kr-kr bl kr-kr in-ak :.
D obv. 1 [ ] kr-kr in-ak
E obv. 25 N kr-kr bl kr-kr i[n-a]k
H rev. 13 N kr-kr bil kr-kr in-na-ka :
H rev. 9 N kr-kr bil-la kr-kr i[n-na-ka]
CBS 1203 rev. 42 [ kr-k]r bil kr-kr in-ak
2 A rev. 10 nak-ra a-qal-lu nak-ra a-da-ku
B rev. IV 15 [nak-r]a a-qal-lu nak-ra a-d[a-ki]
C obv. I 1 nak-ra a-qa[l-lu ]
D obv. 2 [ a-qal-l]i nak-ri a-da-ki
E obv. 26 [n]ak-ra a-qal-lu nak-ra a-[da-ki]
H rev. 13 nasic!-ka-ra asic!-[qal-lu ]
3 A rev. 11 k[]r-kr ub-ba dgi[bil6 ]
B rev. IV 16 [ u]b-ba dgibil6 [ ]
C obv. I 2 kr-kr ub-ba dgibil6 [ub?]-ba?-a?-me :.
D obv. 3 [ ] dgibil6 ub-ba-gim
E obv. 27 [kr]-k[r] ub d
gibil6 ub-[ba-x]
H rev. 14 kr-kr ub-ba dgibil6 ub-ba-bi :
4 A rev. 11 nak-ra -am-qat ana d
B rev. IV 17 [ ] -am-[qat ]
C obv. I 2 n[a]k-ra -am-qat [ ]
D obv. 4 [ a-paq-q]id ana dgibil6 a-paq-qid
E obv. 28 nak-ra -am-qat [ ] dgibil6 [ ]
H rev. 14 na-ka-r[a ]
(B rev. IV breaks)
5 A rev.12 u4 zi-ku5-ru-da-mu zi-ku -ru-d[a-
5 ]
C obv. I 3 u4 zi-ku5-ru-da zi-ku -ru-da-a-ni gur-ra :.
D obv. 5 [ ] zi-ku -ru-da-an
5 gur-ra
E obv. 29 [ z]i-ku5-ru-da-mu zi-ku -<ru->da-ni [ ]
H rev. 15 u4 zi-ku5-ru-da-m u4 zi-ku5-ru-da-an [ :]
6 A rev. 12 u4-mu MIN-e ana MIN- -tar-ri
C obv. I 3 u4-mu ZI.K[U5.RU.DA-e ]
D obv. 6 [ zi-ku5-ru-de]-e-a ana zi-ku5-ru-de- GUR
E obv. 30 u4-mi MIN-e ana MIN- -ta-[ar]
H rev. 15 [ ]
7 A rev. 13 inim den-ki d
C obv. I 4 tu -du
6 11 -ga inim d
en-ki-ga-ke 4 :.
D obv. 7 [ inim den-ki d
asal-l]-i-me-en :
E obv. 31 [ in]im d+en-ki-ke4 d
H rev. 16 d
inim +en-ki d
asal-l-i-me-en :
8 A rev. 13 ina a-mat -a ud d
C obv. I 4 ina a-m[at ]
D obv. 7 ina a-mat d-a d
E obv. 32 [in]a a-mat d-a d
asal-l-i TU6 [N]
H rev. 16 ina a-[mat ]
(no rubric in E and H)
TEXT GROUP 7.6 133

A, C, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 A rev. 14 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
C obv. I 5 KA.INIM.MA um-mu L UGU EN D[U11.DU11- ]
D obv. 8 [KA.INIM.MA] ZI.KU5.RU.DA-a ana D GUR
A, C, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.6.2: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. A)

(obv. not preserved)
1 A rev. 1 [x x] x [
2 A rev. 2 [x] x [
A [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]?
3 A rev. 3 [KA].INIM.M[A(?)
A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 A rev. 4 N an-ni-t[] x-[u] ID-[nu
5 A rev. 5 [(x)] x ti-nu-ra? tara-ks NG.[N]A [imLI GIN-an(?)
6 A rev. 6 Z G.NG.[A]R.RA x x x G.[
7 A rev. 7 [(x) ]ap?-li []u-ba-ti x x [
8 A rev. 8 [N]U ka--pi NU ka-ap-t[i x x x x x (x)] x [
9 A rev. 9 [t]a-za-qp x x x ka-ap-[ti x x x x x] x a [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1013 A rev. 1013 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 A rev. 14 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 A rev. 15 [D].D.BI 2 NU .UDU 2 NU DU.LL [] ka--pi u munusU11.ZU D-u
16 A rev. 16 [M]U.NE.NE i[na MA.S]L 150--nu SAR-r [ana I]GI dUTU ta-dan--nu-ti
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 A rev. 17 [ ] x [x] x x x [ ] x nu tu-ken
18 A rev. 18 unclear traces
20 A u. e. 1 [ ] x x [ni]s?-u? ma-ru-u
21 A u. e. 2 [ ]x[ ]x
(u. e. breaks)

7.6.3: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. B)

(preceding lines not preserved)
1 B obv. I 1 [ ]x[
2 B obv. I 2 [ miris dipi .N]UN.NA KA? x [
3 B obv. I 3 [ ] x na4NR na4ZA.[
4 B obv. I 4 [ ] GI.DU8 ana IGI dUTU? x x [
5 B obv. I 5 [ ]-mi-ma zE[A] x [
6 B obv. I 6 [ ] x GAR -an NG.NA imL[I ?

7 B obv. I 7 [ IGI] d UTU G[U]B!-su-ma ki a[n?
8 B obv. I 8 [
ta]r-mu ina KA- IGI-NI ina GB-[ dsiris ina imnu
9 B obv. I 9 [2 NU(?) NG].SILA11.G .UD[U] DU.LL x [
10 B obv. I 10 [ ] x-ma ina ZAG- [L?]-u?(-)[(nu-ti) x x x] x x [(x)]
11 B obv. I 11 [ ta -k]a?-as-su? [x x x x] x x [x x x] K[]

12 B obv. I 12 [ ](-)-nu-ti [x x (x)] ina? KI-?

13 B obv. I 13 [ ] NU.ME [un?]-ti
14 B obv. I 14 [ ] x UR5.GIM DU11.GA
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 B obv. I 15 [N ] DI.KU5 DINGIR u L at-ta-ma
16 B obv. I 16 [ gir]a? liq-mu--nu-ti munusU11.ZU
17 B obv. I 17 [ l]i-[b]al-ki-[tu]-ma li-is-su<-u> AL.TIL
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 B obv. I 18 [ ] ana IGI dUTU GIN-an [N an-ni-t]u ana UB[(-di)]

19 B obv. I 19 [ ta]-r-rap 7- u 7- A.ME BAL?-[q?]

20 B obv. I 20 [ t]a-r-rap [k]i-ma A.ME? [
21 B obv. I 21 [ ]x[
(obv. I breaks, only minor traces preserved in obv. II, rev. III lost)
(preceding lines in rev. IV not preserved)
22 B rev. IV 1 [x x (x) U]11.ZU k[u]r-nu-g[i4-a
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 B rev. IV 2 KA.[INI]M.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 B rev. IV 3 [KD].KD.BI TUL BAR NU AL.EG6.G TI?-q[]?
25 B rev. IV 4 ESIR x (x) ina UB-di ina IGI dUTU GIN-an NG.NA imLI GAR-[an]
26 B rev. IV 5 KA.SAG BAL-q 2 NU giEREN 2 NU giINI[G]
27 B rev. IV 6 [2 NU NG.S]ILA11.G 2 NU IM 2 NU .UDU 2 NU DU.LL 2 NU ES[IR]
28 B rev. IV 7 [2 NU DU.]E.GI. N lem-na-at munusU11.[Z]U ID-nu
29 B rev. IV 8 [ki-ma (or: e-ma?) ]ID- NU.ME E.ME ana TUL UB-di
30 B rev. IV 9 [ina u-ab gi]MA.NU ta-da-ki--nu-ti e-ma ID-
31 B rev. IV 10 [ki?-]a?-a-da ta-ap-pi KU-a ta--ra
32 B rev. IV 11 [x x]- [t]a-ma-l munusD-ti munusD.D-ti -ku-nu ina A.ME -na-a
33 B rev. IV 12 [DU11.GA ina ]D UB-di N KUR- li-te-e-ku-nu-i ID-nu
34 B rev. IV 13 [x x] x m-mu ina bu-re-e m-mu ina m[u]-sa-a-ti te-q-ber
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3538 B rev. IV 1417 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
(rev. IV breaks)

7.6.4: Fragment of a collection of anti-witchcraft and related rituals (ms. C)

14 C obv. I 14 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 C obv. I 5 KA.INIM.MA um-mu L UGU EN D[U11.DU11-
C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 C obv. I 6 KD.KD.BI 2 NU .UDU 2 NU DU.LL l U11.ZU u munus U11.[ZU D-u]
7 C obv. I 7 gi
DLA giGIIMMAR ana UGU--nu tu-r[a]t-ta II--nu ana E[GI]R--nu
8 C obv. I 8 MU--nu ina MA.SL 150--nu SAR-r ana IGI d[-ma] [tadnunti]
9 C obv. I 9 N an-ni-tu 7!?(4)- ana mu-i--nu [I]D-nu SIG4 x x x x x [
10 C obv. I 10 ina x-x--nu ta-sa-ap--nu-ti ina IM pe-e K--[nu tepei]
11 C obv. I 11 i[na] na4KI[I]B K--nu ta-ka-nak e-ra AN.BAR7 u A[N].[SAN
12 C obv. I 12 ina m[u]-i--nu ta-r-rap x x (x) x x x x [
13 C obv. I 13 [um-m]u U4.3.KAM um-mu x x.K[A]M? GUR.GUR-ma x x x [
14 C obv. I 14 [x x] x gi? la te x ik ki l?m[ar?-u?
15 C obv. I 15 [x (x)] u-a-tu BAD?-ma um-mu ina bu-re-e [ummu ina bt musti(?)]
16 C obv. I 16 [te-t]e-mer-ma :? ina? x x [
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 C obv. I 17 [DI NA ki]-pi ma-a-du-[ti epum-ma
18 C obv. I 18 [x x] x [
(C obv. I breaks, obv. II and rev. III not preserved)
(preceding lines in rev. IV not preserved)
19 C rev. IV 1 [x x x (x)] u ri x x x x x [
20 C rev. IV 2 [x x] x e-ta-ba i-ba-a-bi :. dUTU ip-i-ka tu-te-[r]?
21 C rev. IV 3 [(x)] x lem-na te-ze-er-r a-a-mu-ut mu-tu! lem-nu la im-ti-i[a]
22 C rev. IV 4 UTU e-te-bi-ib az-za-a-ku ma-ar-ka
C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 C rev. IV 5 IGI d-ma 7- tu-ad-bab-u-ma 7- KI NU NITA 7- KI NU MUNUS
24 C rev. IV 6 TG.SK- ta-bat-taq A.GB.BA GIN-an ana A.GB.BA UR5-t[]

25 C rev. IV 7 bi-nu IN.NU.U GI.UL.I IGI-lim IGI-NI
TEXT GROUP 7.6 135

26 C rev. IV 8 AKIRA KUR.KUR KA A.AB.BA ana UB-ma ina UL tu-bat
27 C rev. IV 9 TU5-u na4AD.BAR PI10.dD .dD
28 C rev. IV 10 ana NE KII16 UB-ma i-r-ma i-ra-muk-ma i-bal-lu[]
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 C rev. IV 11 n -nu-ru abzu a-lam!?-ma al-
30 C rev. IV 12 nis-u {u} 7-u! GABA.RI giLI.U5
31 C rev. IV 13 GIM LIBIR.RA.BI AB!(sar).SAR ba-r[]
32 C rev. IV 14 DUB IAD-SU lMA.MA BAL.TILk[i]
33 C rev. IV 15 DUMU IdBA.-MU-D lZABAR.DAB.BA -r-r[a]

7.6.5: Fragment with a ritual against zikurud-witchcraft (ms. D)

17 D obv. 17 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 D obv. 8 [KA.INIM.MA] ZI.KU5.RU.DA-a ana D GUR
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 D obv. 9 [D.D.BI ina IGI dUTU NG.N]A imLI GAR-an KA.SAG BAL-q 2 NU .UDU 2 NU
10 D obv. 10 [2 NU DU.E.GI. 2 NU ESIR D]-u MU.NE.NE ina BAR.SL 150--nu SAR-r
11 D obv. 11 [giDLA giGIIMMAR ana UGU--nu te-re]t-ti UII--nu u GRII--nu ana EGIR--
nu ta-ks-si
12 D obv. 12 [x x x x x x x x x x] x-ma N dUTU an-nu-tum NU.ME e-pi-ia ID-nu-ma
13 D obv. 13 [ S]IG4 DUB-aq NU.ME -nu-ti
14 D obv. 14 [ tasaap(?)-]-nu-ti ina IM IN.BUBBU K--nu BAD-i
15 D obv. 15 [ina na4KIIB () K--n]u ta-bar-ram e-e-ra AN.BAR7 u AN.SAN
16 D obv. 16 [ ] x en lGIG KA.LU..DA D-u
17 D obv. 17 [ -a]k-x-u-m[a L] BI tu-ba-a-u
18 D obv. 18 [ ] L [B]I? [x]-tik GIM ID-[u]
19 D obv. 19 [ ] x du [x (x)]
20 D obv. 20 [ ] x x x x [x x]
(D obv. breaks)
(preceding lines lost)
D [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
[kal Aur-bn-apli ar kiati ar mt Aur]
21 D rev. 1 [a ana da-u]r u dNIN.LL tak-lu
22 D rev. 2 [a Nab u Tamtu rma T]UK.ME--ma up-ar-ru-t ni-si-iq--un
23 D rev. 3 [ana irikti i]-ru-ku-u a-na ta-mar-ti i-ta-as-si-
24 D rev. 4 [qereb] .GAL- -kin man-nu a TM u MU- GIM MU-ia
25 D rev. 5 [iaaru Aur u dNI]N.LL ag-gi MIR-i lis-ki-pu--ma MU- NUMUN- ina KUR
26 D rev. 6 [lialliq tkilka] NU T LUGAL DINGIR.ME AN.R

7.6.6: Ritual against the bl dabbi (ms. E, partly // ms. G, with memorandum version ms. F)
Main Text:
1 E obv. 1 DI NA EN MUNUS.UL- a-na l[a? e-e(??)]-e??-??
2 E obv. 2 u- UGU- GUB-zi ina? x [x x (x)] x x x
3 E obv. 3 a-mat DU11.GA- a-na e-m-e [UG]U TIRUM
4 E obv. 4 na-an-za-zi u K .GAL [a-na] u-ub-bi
5 E obv. 5 at-mu- u-u GIM AD a-l[id-di- u AM]A a-lit-t-
6 E obv. 6 ina IGI DINGIR MAN IDIM u NUN TIRUM u na-a[n-za]-zi ARU TUK-e
7 E obv. 7 IGI.L- [a-n]a IGI- a-de-e [ina] .GAL- al-me
8 E obv. 8 a-na DU.ME-[k]i .S.S.K[E -] a-na e-b-e
9 E obv. 9 .MA- a-na KUR-ad NIDBA-[ a-n]a G-mi
10 E obv. 10 EN INIM- a-na UL.GI[G a?-n]a? -ka-nim-ma
11 E obv. 11 liq-bi-ma lik-u-ud e-m[a i-qa]b-bu-u lu-u [ma-g]ir

12 E obv. 12 el-lu-su [l]u-u ub-bi-b[at tak-pi-r]a-tu- ana kup-pu-ri

13 E obv. 13 M.GE6- a-n[a] SIG5
E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 E obv. 14 D.D.BI ina IGI dUTU ul-pa-qa [x] x GIN-an
15 E obv. 15 GI BAR.ME ina mu-i GIB 2 NU .UDU 2 NU
16 E obv. 16 DU.LL 2 NU DU.E.GI. 2 NU ESIR
17 E obv. 17 ina UGU ul-pa-qa ta-ks-si GI.DU8 K-ks
18 E obv. 18 Z.LUM.MA zEA DUB-aq [NIN]DA..D.A
19 E obv. 19 LL .NUN.NA GAR-an udu.nt[aS]SKUR

20 E obv. 20 K BAL-q uzuZAG uzuME. u uzu KA.NE
21 E obv. 21 tu-a-a GA KA.SAG GETIN BAL-q
22 E obv. 22 EGIR- GI.IZI.L ina IZI PI10.dD L-ma
23 E obv. 23 ina ul-pa-q UB-di .KUR4.RA S--nu-ti
24 E obv. 24 NA BI i-re-qam-ma UR5.GIM DU11.GA
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2532 E obv. 2532 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 E obv. 33 [N?] ID-ma PI10.dD ana lb-bi ul-pa-qa
34 E obv. 34 [U]B.UB-di GIM {gi} IZI GI it-tu<-u> ina A.ME D
35 E obv. 35 tu-[n]a-a--nu-ti EGIR- NU EN INIM-
36 E obv. 36 IM KI.GAR D-u II.ME- ana EGI[R-] GUR-[r]
37 E obv. 37 ina na4KIIB na4UBA u na4ad-nu KA-[ ta]-k[a-nak]
38 E obv. 38 ana IGI dUTU ta-dan- UII- ana UGU [LU-si]
39 E rev. 1 N E-t 3- ana UG[U ID-nu]
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 E rev. 2 N NU EN INIM-MU at-ta-ma [II-ka ak-si(?)]
41 E rev. 3 [i]na SAG -ka -ma-ma-tum --[a-kin]
42 E rev. 4 [a]-bat KA-ka ana la qa-b-e MUNUS.UL-MU ina na4KIIB
43 E rev. 5 [n]a4UBA u na4ad-ni ak-ta-nak NUNDUM.ME-ka
44 E rev. 6 [ana l]a u-le-e -mi-ia dasal-l-i MA.MA DINGIR.ME
45 E rev. 7 [KUR]-ad EN INIM-MU ku[l-l]i-man-ni KA.TAR-ka lud-lul
46 E rev. 8 [k]a d+en-ki silim-ma-a D pi-i d-a lis-lim TU6 [N]
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 E rev. 9 [a]n-na-a DU11.GA-ma NU u-a-t L-ma ana ul-p[a-q]
48 E rev. 10 []UB EGIR- DUG KA.S?.SA? NU AL.[EG6.G]
49 E rev. 11 [G]AZ-ma [N] a-l[i-ta ab-ta]-at [ana? UG]U?
50 E rev. 12 [3]- DU11.GA-[m]a? U[G]U? EN INIM-[ x x (x)]
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the preceding lines in G are lost but they are unlikely to have duplicated E, as the incantation is used within a different
ritual context, cf. Notes)
51 E rev. 13 N a-li-ta ab-ta-at a-li-t[a ab-ta-at(?)]
G rev. 1 undecipherable traces
52 E rev. 14 a-li-ta GIM mun-nab-ta ul t[a-x x x x]
G rev. 2 a-li-ti GIM mun-nab-ti ul t[a-x x x x]
53 E rev. 15 al-te-q-i-ma at-ta-din-i [ ]
G rev. 3 [a]l-te-q-i-ma ap-ta-a-su ana LUGAL DIN[GIR.ME]
54 E rev. 16 at-ta-ma LUGAL DINGIR.ME im[U.RIN.N]A
G rev. 4 [a]t-ta-ma LUGAL DINGIR.ME ti-nu-ri
55 E rev. 17 a-li-ta ap-q-[da-ak-k]a
G rev. 4 a-li-ti [ ]
56 E rev. 18 lu- lil-lu re-i-[i-]u?
G rev. 5 [a]-li-ti-ma ap-qid-[da]k-ka lik-sa-a x [x x]
TEXT GROUP 7.6 137
57 E rev. 19 lu-u su-u-a-a U.S[I.ME]-
G rev. 6 [lu-u g]u-u--a U.SI.ME- erasure [(empty?)]
58 E rev. 20 ni-u li-i-bat-si-ma :. i-a-[at? lb?-b]i-ia
G rev. 7 [ni-i]-i li-i-bat-si-ma
59 E rev. 21 ina ni-i 10 u x li-x-[x] N d? ? d?

G rev. 7 ina ni-i l[i?-x x x (x)]

E, G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following lines in G do not duplicate E, cf. Notes)
60 E rev. 22 GIM an-na-a te-te-ep-[p]u-u
61 E rev. 23 EN INIM-ka r-i KUR-d
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 E rev. 24 ki-i KA gi[L]I.U5.UM URIki
63 E rev. 25 GABA.RI uruNINA?ki AB.SAR.M BA.AN.
64 E rev. 26 a-na a-bat D-[]i IKA.K-d.DU7
65 E rev. 27 a-na d[A]G u dKURNUN [t]a-ak-lum
66 E rev. 28 DUMU IdUTU-D lMA[.MA] -r-ra
67 E rev. 29 DUMU IdAG-be-sn lMA.[MA -]r-ra
Memorandum Version:
1* F obv. 1 2 NU .UDU
2* F obv. 2 2 NU DU.LL
3* F obv. 3 2 NU DU.E.GI.
4* F obv. 4 2 NU ESIR
5* F obv. 5 ul-pa-qu GI BAR.ME
6* F obv. 6 .KUR.RA S--nu-te
7* F obv. 7 kib-ri-[t ana] ul-pa-q UB
8* F obv. 8 ina A.ME D tu-na-a--nu-te
9* F obv. 9 EGIR- NU EN DU11.DU11
10* F obv. 10 IM KI.GAR D - ana EGIR-[ GUR]
11* F obv. 11 ina na4KIIB UBA ad-nu KA- GN
12* F obv. 12 UII- ana U[G]U LU-si
13* F obv. 13 NU EN INIM-MU at-ta 3- ID
14* F obv. 14 NU BI ina ul-pa-q UB
15* F obv. 15 EGIR- DUG NU AL.*EG6!*.G
16* F obv. 16 GAZ-ma a-li-ta ab-ta-at!
F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following units in F are not relevant to the present ritual)
17* F obv. 17 2 NU IM 2 NU .UDU 2 NU DU.L[L]
18* F obv. 18 2 NU ESIR 2 NU DU.E.GI.
19* F obv. 19 ina ap-pi GI.IZI.L GAR
20* F lo. e. 1 ina BUR.ZI.GAL i-na-a-i
21* F lo. e. 2 gra EN gt-ma-lu [I]D
22* F rev. 1 [x] x x [ ]x[
23* F rev. 2 ina x [x] x [ ]x
24* F rev. 3 xxxx[
F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25* F rev. 4 al-s[i]-x [
26* F rev. 5 2 NU.ME x [ ]x
27* F rev. 6 ana IGI x x (x) [
28* F rev. 7 A.ME K.ME [x] x [
29* F rev. 8 LU-si ki? [x] x [(x)] x [
F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30* F rev. 9 at-ti-man-nu munus?[U11?.Z]U?
31* F rev. 10 ina IGI x x x x [x] x [
32* F rev. 11 Z.S[U]R.RA NI[GI]N-u?-nu?-[ti?] x [

33* F rev. 12 NU ka--pi x [ ]xx

34* F rev. 13 x x x x [x x] x- x x-na?-a
35* F rev. 14 x [x x] x- TAG-ma ina IGI-
36* F rev. 15 1 x x SAG.DU ina SAG.KI-
37* F rev. 16 lb-bi x x x ad ina!?? D UB
38* F rev. 17 x x x SAG.DU- ina KI MIN-ma
39* F rev. 18 i-qeb-ber
F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.6.7: Ritual against the bl lemutti (ms. H)

1 H obv. 1 DI NA EN UL-ti TUKsic! lb-ba- u-u-du-ur k[i
2 H obv. 2 INIM.ME- im-ta-na--i -ni e!(ki)-em- u-ta[n-na
3 H obv. 3 - -pil- N- up-lu- nu-ul-la-ti -[ i-tam-mu
4 H obv. 4 i-na KI.N- ULU.ULU-ut -ni MUD.MUD-ud k[a
5 H obv. 5 ZI-bu ZI.ZI- i-na M.GE6- .ME IGI.IGI-ma[r
6 H obv. 6 i-na IGI DINGIR MAN IDIM NUN gi-na-a u!(ki)-u-{kid?-}kun-ma k[a ina p]
7 H obv. 7 al-mat SAG.DU ze--e-ru GAR- EME.SIG.ME-u GU7.ME-m[a
8 H obv. 8 ZI.GA sad-ra[t-s]u i-di-i- KU5-is UB R ina - [
9 H obv. 9 DUMU.ME DUMU.MUNUS.ME GL.GL- {ab} DAB.DAB- (sic?)
10 H obv. 10 i-na .GAL DU.DU-ak NU IGI- i-qab-bi-ma ul i-em-[mu--]
11 H obv. 11 U.SI UL-ti EGIR- LAL-t NA BI U.NAM.L.U18.LU U[GU- GL-i]
12 H obv. 12 i-na liqsic!-ti-u NUsic!.ME- i-na ABRUDsic! IZ.ZI IM.SI.S pe-[u-]
13 H obv. 13 i-na NINDA.I.A u-kul-ma [i-n]a KA.SAG GETIN.ME NAG i-[na .GI (?)]
14 H obv. 14 e-ma DU-ku <a-na> ma-ga-ri UGU DINGIR MAN IDIM u NUN [ana uubbi]
15 H obv. 15 ni-i UII- DINGIR-u a-na ma-a-ri NIDBA- a-na Gsic!-[mi]
16 H obv. 16 .MA- a-na ka--di i-na .GAL- al-me a-na DU.DU-ki [(x x x)]
17 H obv. 17 i-di-i- a-na ul-lu-mi UGU EN INIM- <a-na> GUB-zi(-)u n[u? x x x]
18 H obv. 18 DINGIR- GIM AD a-lid-disic! GIMsic! um-mi a-lit-ti [ARU TUK-e]
19 H obv. 19 DUMU.ME DUMU.MUNUS.ME GAL.ME [x x x]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 H obv. 20 D.D.BI i-na [G]E6 dugA.GB.BA GIN-an i-[n]a sic! dugA.GB.[BA giINIG]
21 H obv. 21 GIIMMAR.TUR GI.UL.I K.BABBAR K.SI22 n[a4A]N.[BAR] na4GUG na4ZA.GN
n a4
[ MU.GR(?)]
22 H obv. 22 .G.Gsic! giEREN.BAD a-na lb-bi U[B-d]i ina UL tu-bat GAZI<sar>? BPPIR
na4 ?
< > G[UG (x x)]
23 H obv. 23 i-na tgBAR.SIG K ina SAG-[? GAR-an(?)] .GI giA.UR imGAM.MA t[u?-nattak(?)]
24 H obv. 24 la-a-am na-m[asic!-ri] te-te-eb-b-e-ma KI [pu parsat]
25 H obv. 25 GI.DU8 ina IGI dUTUsic! [K]-as 12! NINDA ZZ.AN.NA ina UGU GI.D[U8sic! GAR-an]
26 H obv. 26 NG.NA imLI GAR-[an x x x] 1? UDU.NTA!(ba) BAL-q GA KA GETIN ta!(i)-n[a-q
27 H lo. e. 1 te-red-di Z.DUB.D[UB.BA UB.U]B-di id-du GIM lAL GD-ad NA? B[I? x x]
28 H lo. e. 22a II- a-na EGIR-[ GUR-r(?)] tgBAR.SIG SAG.DU-su K-as e-ma x [x kam(?)] \
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 H rev. 1 n -nu-ru an-gi6 a-na an-gi-e bi-da-dm-mi-a
30 H rev. 2 dingir-re-e-ne u-x ba?-an-l?-l ka-n-e-a
31 H rev. 3 ba-an-ti-la-gim e-bi? x x (x) a ti-ti
32 H rev. 4 i-ti-im e-ti-im ti-il-la-bi za-la-a-i-[
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 H rev. 5 e-nu-ma ne-pe5- an-na-a te-ep-pu-u x(-)tak(-)ki(-)ma i[d x x x x]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 H rev. 6 te-re-qam-ma 2 NU.ME lU11.ZU u munusU11.ZU a IM D-[u]
35 H rev. 7 NG.NA imLI i-na IGI DINGIR.ME GI6-ti DUB-aq KA GETIN BAL-q x [x x]
36 H rev. 8 ESIR KM ana UGU--nu UB-di i-na giGIDRU giMA.NU [SG-su-nu-ti(?)]
TEXT GROUP 7.6 139
37 H rev. 9 N 3- ana UGU--nu ID-nu N kr-kr bil-la kr-kr i[n-na-ka (ID-nu)]
38 H rev. 10 TG-su i-a-a-ma A.ME ina mu-i {i} i-ra-muk [x x x (x x)]
39 H rev. 11 TG DADAG MU4.MU4-a NG.NA GI.IZI.L tu-ba-a--ma a-na -[ i-ir]
40 H rev. 12 KI- GI.NA.ME i-tam-mu- itiBRA itiGU4 it[i
H -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4144 H rev. 1316 Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 H rev. 17 IM IEN-MA lMAN.L TUR a I[M itabbalu]
46 H rev. 18 ina UII dPA a-an-i [x x x (x)]

Transcription Translation

7.6.1: The incantation Kr-kr bl 7.6.1: The incantation Kr-kr bl (mss. A // B // C // D // E // H)

1 12
kr-kr bl kr-kr in-ak I burn the enemy, I defeat the enemy (or: I make the ene-
nakra aqalli nakra adki (or adakki?) my rise),
kr-kr ub-ba dgibil6 ub-ba-gim 34
I let the enemy fall, I entrust him to Gibil!
nakra uamqat ana Girra apaqqid
u4 zi-ku5-ru-da zi-ku5-ru-da-a-ni gur-ra 56
The day of my cutting-of-the-throat I turn into his cut-
m zikurudya ana zikurudu utr ting-of-the-throat
inim den-ki dasal-l-i-me-en 78
by (Sumerian: you are) the command of Ea and Mar-
ina amt Ea u Marduk TU6 N duk. Incantation formula.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rubrics: ms. A: KA.INIM.MA Rubrics: ms. A: It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo
U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM witchcraft.
ms. C: KA.INIM.MA um-mu am- ms. C: Wording (of the incantation) if a man
lu eli bl d[abbu ] [ ] over [his] ad[versary].
ms. D: [KA.INIM.MA] zikurud ms. D: [Wording (of the incantation)] to send back
ana pii turri zikurud-magic to the person who performed
7.6.2: Fragment of a collection of
uburruda rituals (ms. A) 7.6.2: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. A)
(ll. 19: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 19: too fragmentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 1013: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 1013: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
[D].D.BI ina alm lip ina alm Its ritual: You make two figurines of tallow (and) two figur-
ikri [a] kapi u kapti teppu ines of wax of the warlock and the witch. 16You write their
[]umunu i[na nagl]ab umlunu [n]ames o[n] the[ir] left [shoul]der. [Be]fore ama you con-
taaar [ana ma]ar ama tadnunti vict them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 1721: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 1721: too fragmentary for translation)

7.6.3: Fragment of a collection of 7.6.3: Fragment of a collection of uburruda rituals (ms. B)

uburruda rituals (ms. B)
(l. 1 too fragmentary for transription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
2 2
miris dipi i]mti ikaru(?) [ mirsu-confection made of syrup (and) gh]ee, beer
[ ] 3 [ ] ullu na4ZA.[ [ ] 3[ ] ullu-stone, [ ]-stone [ ]
] 4 [ ] pira ana maar 4
[ you set up] a portable altar before ama [ ]
ama(?) [ ] 5[ ]m- 5
[ ] then [you strew] fine flour [ ] 6you place
ma sasq [ ] 6[ ] taakkan(?)

nignak bur[i ] 7[ maar] [ ], a censer with juni[per ] 7[ before]

ama tuzssu-ma [ ] 8[ ama you have him stand, then [ ] 8[ lu]pine
ta]rmu ina pu imur-lm ina uml[u in his mouth, heals-a-thousand-plant in [his] left hand, [beer
siris ina imnu ()] 9[ina alm(?) l]i in his right hand ()]. 9[Two figurines of do]ugh, of tallow,
lip ikri [ ] 10[ ]-ma of wax, [ ] 10[ ], then he holds th[em] up in
ina imnu inau[nti(?) ] (ll. 1113 his right hand, [ ] (ll. 1113 too fragmentary for translation)
too fragmentary for transcription) 14 [ ] [ ] he speaks thus:
kam iqabbi
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
[N ] dayyn ili u amli att-ma [Incantation: ], you are the judge of god and man.
16 16
[ Girr]a liqmunti [ ], may [Girr]a burn them.
kaptu 17[ l]ibbalki[t]-ma The witch 17[ l]et them cros[s ] round and go
liss AL.TIL away! Finished.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 18
[ ] ana maar ama tukn i[p- [ ] you arrange before ama. You recite [thi]s
tu annt]u ana libbi tanaddi 19[ ta]- in[cantation] into (it). 19[ you] burn. Seven and seven
arrap sebu u sebu m tanaqqi(?) times you pour a libation of water. 20[ y]ou burn.
[ t]aarrap [k]ma m(?) [ [As so]on as the water [
(l. 21 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 21 too fragmentary for translation)
break break
[ k]aptu(?) a Kurnug[ ] (l. 22 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
KA.[INI]M.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM] It [is] the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 24
[KD].KD.BI diqr pari l arpa Its [ri]tual: You take an unfired potters pot (and) put
teleqqe(?) 25itt ina libbi tanaddi ina bitumen 25(and) inside. You arrange it before ama. You
maar ama tukn nignak buri taak- set up a censer with buru-juniper, 26you pour a libation of
kan 26ikara tanaqqi ina alm erni ina beer. (You make) two figurines of cedar wood, two figurines
alm bni 27[ina alm l]i ina alm of tamarisk wood, 27[two figurines of d]ough, two figurines
di ina alm lip ina alm ikri ina of clay, two figurines of tallow, two figurines of wax, two
alm itt[] 28[ina alm k]upsi N lemnat figurines of bitum[en], 28[two figurines of p]omace. You
kaptu tamannu 29[kma (or: ma?) recite the incantation She is evil, the witch. 29[When] you
t]amtan alm unti ana libbi diqri have recited (it), you throw these figurines into the pot.
tanaddi 30[ina ub(?)] ri tadakkunti 30
You stir (or: beat) them [with a stick] of ru-wood. When
(or: tadk(i)unti) ma tamtan 31[ki- you have recited (it), 31you break (her) [ne]ck, you tear her
]da(?) taappi maaka(?) taarra skin, 32you tear out her [ ]. 33[You say]: 32My sorcer-
[]a [t]amalla pit mutpit ess, my enchantress, I calm your heart with water! 33(Then)
libbakunu ina m un 33[taqabbi ina you throw (it) [into the ri]ver. You recite the incantation
n]ri tanaddi N ad litkuni tamannu May the mountain cover you! 34You bury [ ] either
[ ] ummu ina bur ummu ina bt under a (washers) mat or in a washroom.
m[u]sti teqebber
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 3538: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 3538: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
(text breaks) (text breaks)

7.6.4: Fragment of a collection of anti- 7.6.4: Fragment of a collection of anti-witchcraft and related
witchcraft and related rituals (ms. C) rituals (ms. C)
ll. 14: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 14: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 5
KA.INIM.MA ummu amlu eli bl d[ab- Wording (of the incantation) if a man [ ] over [his]
bu ] ad[versary].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
KD.KD.BI ina alm lip ina alm ik- Its ritual: [You make] two figurines of tallow (and) two
ri a kapi u ka[pti teppu] 7illi figurines of wax of the warlock and the wi[tch]. 7You insert a
TEXT GROUP 7.6 141
giimmari ana muunu tur[a]tta id- thorn of the date palm into their head. [You bind] their arms
unu ana a[rk]unu [takassi] 8umunu on their b[ac]k. 8You write their names on their left shoulder.
ina naglab umlunu taaar ana maar Before [ama] [you convict them]. 9You re[ci]te this incan-
[ama] [tadnunti] 9iptu anntu tation seven times over them. A mudbrick [ ].
sebu(?) ana muunu tam[an]nu libit- You cover them with their . [You plug] their opening
tu [ ] 10ina unu tasa- with clay (mixed with) chaff. 11You seal their opening w[ith]
apunti ina d p bbu[nu tepei] a s[e]al. In the morning, at noon (and) in the eve[ning ]
11 12
i[na] kunukki bbunu takannak ra you burn over them. [ ]. 13[Eithe]r
mulla im[tn ] 12ina m[u]- on the third day or [ 14
] [ ]
unu taarrap [ ] 13[um- [ ] 15You open that [ ]. 16You bury (it) 15either
m]u U4.3.KAM ummu [ ] under (a washers) mat [or in a washroom]. 16Then
[] [ ] 15[ ] utu
BAD-ma(?) ummu ina bur [ummu ina
bt musti(?)] 16[tet]emmer-ma
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
[umma amlu ki]p mad[ti epum- [If] numero[us (acts of) witch]craft [have been performed
ma against a man
(l. 18 too fragmentary for transcription, obv. I (l. 18 too fragmentary for translation, obv. I breaks, obv. II and rev. III not
breaks, obv. II and rev. III not preserved) preserved)
break break
(l. 19 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 19 too fragmentary for translation)
20 20
[] e-ta-ba i-ba-a-bi :. ama ipka [] (abracadabra) ama, you provide just verdicts.
tute[er] [ ] the evil one whom you hate!
[] lemna a tezerru Let me not die an untimely evil death!
ay (a)mt mtu lemnu a l mty[a] ama, I have become pure, I have become clear before
ama tebib azzaku maarka you!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
maar ama sebu tuadbabu-ma You have him say (this) seven times before ama. 24You
sebu itti alam zikari sebu itti alam cut off his hem 23seven times with the figurine of a man (and)
sinniti 24sissiktau tabattaq egubb tukn seven times with the figurine of a woman. 24You arrange the
ana libbi egubb ut[u] 25bnu matakal holy water vessel. Into that holy water vessel 25you put
qan-alli imur-lm imur-er 26akir tamarisk, matakal-soapwort, allu-reed, heals-a-thousand-
atiu imbu tmti ana libbi tanadd-ma plant, heals-twenty-plant, 26akir-plant, atiu-plant (and)
ina kakkab tubt 27turammaku atbaru imbu tmti-mineral. You leave (it) out overnight under the
kibrtu ruttu 28ana pnti agi tanadd- stars. 27You bathe him. 28You put 27basalt, sulphur (and)
ma ir-ma irammuk iballu[] ruttu-mineral 28on (glowing) agu-thorn coal. Then he
takes a bath early in the morning and he will recove[r].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catchline: 29n -nu-ru abzu a-lam!?-ma Catchline: 29Enuru-incantation: abzu alamma(?) ale.
Colophon: 30nisu seb gabari li 31kma Colophon: 30Seventh extract; copy of a writing board. 31Writ-
labiru air bar[i] 32uppi Abu-erba ten according to its original, collat[ed]. 32Tablet of Abu-erba,
mama Aur 33mr Bbu-umu-ibni exorcist of Aur, 33son of Bbu-umu-ibni, zabardabb-
zabardabb Earr[a] official of Earr[a]

7.6.5: Fragment with a ritual against ziku- 7.6.5: Fragment with a ritual against zikurud-witchcraft
rud-witchcraft (ms. D) (ms. D)
ll. 17: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 17: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
[KA.INIM.MA] zikurud ana pii turri [Wording (of the incantation)] to send back zikurud-magic
to the person who performed it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
[D.D.BI ina maar ama nign]ak [Its ritual]: You place a [cen]ser with buru-juniper [before
buri taakkan ikara tanaqqi ina alm ama], you pour a libation of beer. 10[You mak]e 9two
lip ina alm ikri 10[ina alm kupsi figurines of tallow, two figurines of wax, 10[two figurines of
ina alm itt tepp]u umunu ina naglab sesame pomace (and) two figurines of bitumen]. You write
umlunu taaar 11[illi giimmari ana their names on their left shoulder. 11[You inse]rt [a thorn of
muunu tere]tti qtunu u punu the date palm into their head(s)] (and) bind their hands and
ana arkunu takassi 12[ ]- feet to their back. 12[ ]; then you recite the
ma(?) N ama anntu alm piya incantation ama, these are the figurines of my sorcerers!
tamann-ma 13[ S]IG4 tasarraq Then 13[ ] you strew. These figurines
alm unti 14[ tasaap]un- 14
[ you cover t]hem. You plug their opening with
ti(?) ina d p bbunu tepei 15[ina clay (mixed with) chaff. 15[With a seal of ] you
kunuk bbun]u tabarram ra seal [the]ir [opening]. In the morning, at noon (and) in the
mulla u imtn 16[ ] mara evening 16[ ] You perform the washing of the
ms p teppu (obv. 1720 too fragmentary for mouth rite on the patient.
transcription, obverse breaks) (ll. 1720 too fragmentary for translation, cf. Notes; obverse breaks)
ll. 2126 (reverse): colophon (Ashurbani- ll. 2126 (reverse): colophon (Ashurbanipal, type not regis-
pal, type not registered in Hunger, ABK). tered in Hunger, ABK)

7.6.6: Ritual against the bl dabbi (ms. E, 7.6.6: Ritual against the bl dabbi (ms. E, partly // ms. G,
partly // ms. G, with memorandum ver- with memorandum version ms. F)
sion ms. F)
1 1
umma amlu bl lemuttu ana l[(??) If a man (has acquired an adversary): so that his adversary
e]u(??) 2u elu uzuzzi ina(?) n[ot approa]ch him, 2and so that he prevail over him, so that
[] 3amt iqabb ana em [el]i tri in [ ] , 3so that the word he speaks be heard, 5so
u nanzzi u bb kalli [ana] ubbi 5atm- that his talking 4be sweet [t]o courtier and attendant as well as
u u kma abi l[idu u umm]i littu to (the guard of) the gate of the palace, 5and so that he 6find
ina maar ili arri kabti u rub tri u compassion before god, king, magnate and nobleman (and
na[nz]zi rma ur 7miru [an]a ma- before) courtier and att[en]dant 5like (before) the father who
ru ad [ina] kallu almi 8ana atal- be[got him and the moth]er who bore him, 7so that the one
luki ummir[t libb]u ana eb 9ernet- who sees him be delighted [i]n his presence, 8so that he al-
tau ana kad(i) nindab[u an]a rmi 10u ways visit 7his palace safely, 8so that he pursue his [hearts]
bl amtu ana zr[i an]a(?) aknim-ma wish[es] (with success) 9(and) obtain what he desires, [so
liqb-ma likud m[a iqa]bb l [mag]ir th]at hi[s] bread offerings be loved, 10and so that his litigant
ellssu [l] ubbib[at takpir]tu ana be made an object of hate, 11so that he ask and achieve (and)
kuppuri 13untu an[a] dummuqi find con[sent] whenever [he spea]ks, 12so that his purity be
achieved, so that his [purif]ications be performed (success-
fully), 13so that his dreams be made favourable:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
D.D.BI ina maar ama ulpaqqa Its ritual: You set up a [] crucible before ama 15(and)
[] tukn 15qan qalpti(?) ina mui put peeled reeds cross-wise on it. Two figurines of tallow,
taparrik ina alm lip ina alm 16ikri two figurines 16of wax, two figurines of sesame pomace, two
ina alm kupsi ina alm itt 17ina figurines of bitumen 17you bind on the crucible. You arrange
mui ulpaqqa takassi para tarakkas a portable altar, 18you strew dates (and) fine flour (and) place
sulupp sasq tasarraq miris 19amni mirsu-confection (made) 19of oil, syrup (and) ghee (there).
dipi imti taakkan niq 20ella tanaqqi You make 20a pure sacrifice (and) present the shoulder, the
imitta ima um 21tuaa izba ikara caul fat (and) the roast meat. 21You pour a libation of milk,
karna tanaqqi 22arku gizill ina it beer (and) wine. 22Afterwards you kindle a torch with burning
kibrti taqd-ma 23ina ulpaqqi tanaddi sulphur and 23put it into the crucible. You sprinkle them with
napa tasallaunti 24amlu ireqqam- naphtha. 24The patient steps back, and you speak thus:
ma kam taqabbi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 2532: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 2532: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT GROUP 7.6 143
33 33
[ipta(?)] tamann-ma kibrta ana libbi You recite the [incantation]; then 34you scatter 33sulphur
ulpaqqa 34[tatta]naddi kma {gi} it into the crucible. 34As soon as the reed fire has burnt down,
qan itt<u> ina m nri 35tu[n]unti 35
you extinguish them (i.e., the figurines) 34with river water.
arku alam bl amtu 36a d kullati 35
Afterwards 36you make 35a figurine representing his litigant
teppu idu ana ark[u] tut[r] 37ina 36
of clay from the clay pit. You twist its arms behind it.
kunuk ub u adnu p[u ta]k[annak] [You] se[al its] mouth with a seal of ub-stone and (a seal)
ana maar ama tadnu qtu ana of adnu-stone. 38You convict it before ama. [He washes]
mui [imessi] 39iptu anntu alu ana his hands over (it). 39This incantation [he recites] three times
mui [imannu] over (it):
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 40
N alam bl amtya att-ma id[ka Incantation: You are the figurine of my litigant! [I have
aksi(?)] bound your] ar[ms],
41 41
[i]na r libbka ()ummtu ua[kin] I have caused refuse [to be pr]esent [i]n your epigastrium,
42 42
[a]bat pka ana l qab lemuttya [I] have seized your mouth so that it cannot speak evil
against me,
ina kunuk 43ub u adni aktanak aptka with a seal 43of ub-stone and (a seal) of adnu-stone I have
sealed your lips
44 44
[ana l] l a umya [so that] they cannot utter my name.
Asallui mama il 45[ka]d bl amtya Asallui, exorcist of the gods, 45show me [the ov]ercoming of
kullimanni dallka ludlul my litigant, (then) I will proclaim your glory!
[k]a den-ki silim-ma-a ipu a p Ea lis- 46
May Eas utterance be favourable! Incantation formula.
lim TU6 [N]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 47
ann taqabb-ma alma utu tana- You say this. Then you lift that figurine up and 48let it drop
ma ana ulp[aqqi] 48[ta]naddi arku kar- 47
into the cru[cible]. 48Afterwards 49[you] smash 48an unfir[ed]
pat billati(?) l ar[ipta] 49[te]epp-ma pot meant for beer powder, 50and you say 49the incan[tation]
[N] al[ta abt]at [ana mu]i(?) 50[al- The al[tu-woman is taken capt]ive [over (it)] 50[three]
]u taqabb-ma e[l]i bl amt[u ] times. Then [he will ] o[ve]r [his] adversary.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 51
N alta abtat alt[a abtat(?)] Incantation: The altu-woman is taken captive, the alt[u-
woman is taken captive],
52 52
alta kma munnabti ul t[a ()] the altu-woman shall not [ ] like a fugitive!
53 53
alteqi-ma attadini ana ar il[] I have taken her and entrusted her to the king of the god[s].
54 54
att-ma ar il tinru You are the king of the gods, oven!
55 55
alta a apqi[dakk]a The altu-woman whom I have en[trusted] to you:
56 56
l lillu r[]u Let a fool be [he]r helper,
57 57
l su (var.: guu) ubntu let her fingers be disfigured!
58 58
niu libassi-ma May diarrhoea seize her,
i[t libb]ya(?) 59ina nii [ ] N and may [ ] the defe[cts] of my [inner b]ody 59by
diarrhoea! Incantation [(formula)].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
kma ann ttepu! 61bl amtka ari 60
As soon as you have done this, 61he will overcome his ad-
ikaad versary quickly.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colophon: 62k p [l]i Akkade 63gabari Colophon: 62According to a [writi]ng board from Babylonia,
Ninua(?) air bari 64ana abt epi Kiir- 63
a copy from the city of Nineveh, it was written (and) col-
Nab 65a ana [N]ab u Tamtu [t]aklu lated; 64for a performance. (Tablet of) Kiir-Nab 65who trusts
mr ama-ibni ma[ma] Earra 67mr in Nab and Ta[mtu], 66son of ama-ibni, the exo[rcist] of
Nab-bssun m[ama E]arra Earra, 67son of Nab-bssun, the e[xorcist of E]arra.

Memorandum Version: Memorandum Version:

ina alm lip 2*ina alm ikri 3*ina 1*
Two figurines of tallow, 2*two figurines of wax, 3*two figur-
alm kupsi 4*ina alm itt 5*ulpaqqu ines of sesame pomace, 4*two figurines of bitumen. 5*A cruci-
qan qalp[ti](?) 6*napa tasallaunte ble with peeled reeds. 6*You sprinkle them (i.e., the figurines)
kibr[tu ana] libbi ulpaqqi tanaddi 8*ina with naphtha. 7*You put sulph[ur into] the crucible. 8*You ex-
m nri tununte 9*arku alam bl tinguish them with river water. 9*Afterwards 10*you make 9*a
dabbi 10*a d kullati teppu idu ana figurine of the adversary 10*of clay from the clay pit. [You
ark[u tutr] 11*ina kunuk ub adnu twist] its arms behind it. 11*You seal its mouth with a seal of
pu tabarram 12*qtu ana mu[]i ub-stone (and a seal) of adnu-stone. 12*He washes his
imessi 13*alam bl amtya att alu hands o[v]er it. 13*You (or: he) recite(s) You are the figurine
tamannu (or: imannu) 14*alma uti ina of my opponent. 14*You put this figurine into the crucible.
ulpaqqi tanaddi 15*arku karpata l 15*
Afterwards 16*you smash 15*an unfired pot, 16*then: The
aripta 16*teepp-ma alta abtat altu-woman is taken captive.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following units in F are not relevant to the pres- (the following units in F are not relevant to the present ritual)
ent ritual) Two figurines of clay, two figurines of tallow, two figur-
ina alm di ina alm lip ina alm ines of wa[x], 18*two figurines of bitumen, two figurines of
ik[ri] 18*ina alm itt ina alm kupsi sesame pomace. 19*You place (them) on the tip of a torch.
ina appi gizill taakkan 20*ina libbi bur- 20*
He lifts (them) up in a burzigallu-vessel. 21*He re[ci]tes
zigalli inai 21*Girra blu gitmlu im[an]- (the incantation) Girra, perfect lord (ll. 22*24* too fragmen-
nu (ll. 22*24* too fragmentary for transcription) tary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
als [ ] 26*ina alm [ ] 25*
I call upon [ ] 26*two figurines [ ]
27*ana maar [ ] 28*m ell- before [ 27*
] pure water [ ] 29*he
ti [ ] imessi [ ] washes [ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
attmannu [ka]ptu(?) 31*ina maar 30*
(Incantation) Whoever you are, [witc]h 31*[ ] before
[ ] 32*zis[u]rr tal[am]mun- [ ] 32*You sur[rou]nd th[em] with a mag[ic] circle
[ti](?) [ ] 33*alam kapi [ ] 33*(a) figurine(s) of the warlock
[ ] (ll. 34*39* too fragmentary for [ ] (ll. 34*39* too fragmentary for translation)

7.6.7: Ritual against the bl lemutti (ms. H) 7.6.7: Ritual against the bl lemutti (ms. H)
1 1
umma amlu bl lemutti ir(a)i libbau If a man has acquired (or: acquires) an adversary, his heart is
udur [ ] 2amtu imtanai an frightened, [ ], 2he keeps forgetting his words or: his
mu uta[nna ] 3libbau apilu ra- mind is confu[sed] [ ] 3his heart feels depressed, he
mnu upluu nullti libba[u tammu is causing himself fear, his heart [ponders] foolishness,
] 4ina mayylu igdanallut an [ ], 4on his bed he is constantly frightened or: he is
iptanarrud [ ] 5tbu ittenebbu ina always afraid [ ], 5there is always aggression against
untu mtti tanammar [ ] 6ina him, he keeps on seeing dead people in his dreams, [ ],
maar ili arri kabti rub gin ukun(!)- from before god, king, magnate (and) nobleman he is regu-
ma [ ina p] 7almt qaqqadi zru larly dismissed and [ ], 7there is hate against him 6[in the
akinu karu ikkal-m[a ] 8tu mouth] 7of the people, they slander him and [ ], 8he
sadra[ss]u idiu paris miqit ri ina always suffers loss, his profit is cut off, a fall from the roof
btu [ ] 9mr mrtu ittanabu [ ] in his house, 9sons (and) daughters are born to him
ubbut(?) aluqtu att[am ] 10ina regularly, (but) they are seized, annually disaster [ ],
kalli ittanallak ul imaaru iqabb-ma whenever he goes to the palace, he is not received, he
ul iem[mu] 11ubn lemutti arku tarat speaks, but nobody list[ens], 11behind his back he is pointed
amlu qt amlti e[lu ibai] 12ina at maliciously: That man [suffers] f[rom] witchcraft (lit.: the
liqtu almu ina urri igr iltni pe[] hand of mankind is upon him). 12Together with materials
ina akal kul-ma [in]a ikari u karn gathered from him, figurines representing him have been
aqi i[na amni pai(?)] 14ma illaku encl[osed] in a hole of a wall to the north. 13He has been fed
<ana> magri eli ili arri kabti u rub with (bewitched) bread, he has been given to drink
[ana uubbi] 15n qtu ilu ana mari (bewitched) beer and wine, [he has been anointed] w[ith
TEXT GROUP 7.6 145
nindabu ana rmi 16ernettau ana kadi (bewitched) oil]. 14So that he find consent wherever he goes,
ina kallu almi ana atalluki [()] so that he [be made pleasing] to god, king, magnate and
idiu ana ullumi eli bl amtu nobleman, 15so that his god accept his prayer, so that his
<ana> uzuzzi(u) [ ] 18ilu kma bread offerings be loved, 16so that he obtain his wish, so that
abi lidu kma ummi littu [rma ra] he always visit his palace safely, 17so that his profit be
mr u mrti rabti [ ] restored, so that he prevail over his litigant, [ ], 18so that
his god [have compassion] (on him) like the father who begot
him, like the mother who bore him, 19so that he [ ]
grown-up sons and daughters:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 20
D.D.BI ina [m]i egubb tukn i[n]a Its ritual: During the [ni]ght you set up the holy water
libbi egubb[ bna] 21suua qan-alli vessel. In the holy water vessel you put [tamarisk (leaves)],
kaspa ura [p]ar[zilla] smta uqn palm shoots, allu-reed, silver, gold, [i]r[on], carnelian,
[muara(?)] 22agig upura ana libbi lapis lazuli, [serpentine], 22arsenic (and) upuru-cedar. You
tana[dd]i ina kakkabi tubt kas bappira leave (it) out overnight under the stars. kas-plant, beer bread
s[mta(?) ()] 23ina pargi tarakkas ina (and) car[nelian ()] 23you tie into a headscarf; [you put (it)]
r[u taakkan(?)] aman ari dm on [his] he[ad]. You [drip] oil scented with aru-cypress
umlal t[unattak(?)] 24lm nam[ri] te- and resin of the umlal-plant. 24You get up before da[wn]
tebb-ma aar [pu parsat] 25para ina and in a [secluded] place 25you [arr]ange a portable altar be-
maar ama [tar]akkas 12 akal kuni fore ama. On the alt[ar you place] twelve emmer loaves.
ina mui pa[ri taakkan] 26nignak bur- 26
You set up a censer with buru-juniper, [ ]. You
i taakkan [ ] immera tanaqqi sacrifice one sheep; you pour a libation of milk, beer (and)
izba ikara karna ta!n[aqqi merdta] wine, 27you perform the 26[merdtu-libations]. 27[You
tereddi zidubd[ubb tattan]addi iddu distri]bute the small heap(s) of flour (and) draw the line in the
kma a br taaddad amlu(?) [(?) manner of a diviner. Th[at] man [ ] 28[ ] his arms
] 28idu ana ark[u ] parga behind hi[m]. You bind the headscarf around his head. When-
qaqqassu tarakkas ma [ kam(?)] ever [ ], y[ou speak thus]:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 2932: Incantation ll. 2932: Incantation (abracadabra Sumerian)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 33
enma npea ann teppuu [ ] When you perform this ritual, [
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 34
tereqqam-ma ina alm kapi u ka- You withdraw (from the offering arrangement), then you
pti a di teppu 35nignak buri ina make two clay figurines of the warlock and the witch. 35You
maar il muti tasarraq ikara karna strew a censer with (lit.: of) buru-juniper before the gods
tanaqqi [ ] 36itt emma ana mu- of the night (and) pour a libation of beer (and) wine. [ ].
unu tanaddi ina ai ri [tamaas- Hot bitumen you pour upon them (and) [you beat them]
sunti(?)] 37ipta alu ana muunu with a stick of ru-wood. 37You recite the incantation three
tamannu N kr-kr bil-la kr-kr i[n-na- times over them; the incantation Kurkur billa kurkur
ka (tamannu)] 38ubssu iaa-ma m i[nnaka (you recite)]. 38He takes off his garment and washes
ina mui irammuk [ ] 39ubta ebba with water over (them). [ ]. 39He dons a clean garment,
iltabba nignakka gizill tubu-ma ana (and) you move censer and torch past him, then he [goes
bt[u iir] 40ittu knti itamm Nisan- straight] to [his] house. 40They will speak favourably with
nu Ayyaru [ ] him. (In) the months Nisannu, Ayyaru (and) [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 4144: Incantation Kr-kr bl ll. 4144: Incantation Kr-kr bl, see 7.6.1
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 4546: colophon, see Hunger, ABK, no. 385.


7.6.1 uburruda rituals. Such a nisu-collection of ubur-

ruda texts is not yet attested elsewhere.
passim: The presentation of the bilingual in-
cantation follows different formats in the individual 7.6.3
manuscripts. While mss. B, D and E give an inter-
passim: As in ms. A, the incantation Kr-kr
linear translation, mss. A, C, and H have each Su-
bl forms part of a collection of uburruda rituals.
merian line together with its Akkadian counterpart
Only the beginning of the incantation is preserved,
on one line. In mss. C and H the Sumerian is given
the pertinent ritual instruction is lost (there are no
on the left and the Akkadian on the right side, in ms.
clear indications that the incantation was to be re-
A the Akkadian version is inserted between the
cited within the framework of the preceding ritual).
halves of the Sumerian line. The translation given
here is based on the Akkadian. The Sumerian ver- In obv. I a few fragmentary lines of an anti-witchcraft
sion poses several problems. Instead of the finite ritual are preserved. The ritual began probably with
verbal forms of the first singular it has either only offerings before ama (and Girra? read perhaps

the verbal base (bl, ub) or the base with suffix -a KI. d [UTU.KAM ] in l. 7?). During the recita-
(bl-la, ub-ba, gur-ra); only in-ak (l. 1) seems to be tion of the incantation the patient holds tarmu-plant
a finite form of the third singular. The enclitic in his mouth and heals-twenty-plant in his left
copula -me-en at the end of l. 7 shows the first or hand. A similar rite is known from other uburruda
second person instead of the expected third person, texts (see here text 7.8, 7.). Figurines representing
probably because both -men and -am are equated warlock and witch are prepared and presented be-
with Akkadian -ma. Also the lexical correspond- fore ama who is addressed in the following short
ences between the Sumerian and the Akkadian text recitation (ll. 1516). The few lines preserved after
include a few unexpected equations (cf. especially the end of the incantation provide further ritual
ak - dku [or dek], ub - paqdu). The Akkadian instructions. They give information on the manner
version itself is fairly straightforward. One should of the recitation and on the following burning rites.
note the apparent u-class form of dek in ms. A rev. The uburruda unit directly preceding the incanta-
10, but it is more likely that a-da-ki and a-da-ku are tion Kr-kr bl in rev. IV is also only partly pre-
spellings for adk with an overhanging vowel. served.
The writing -tar-ri for utr in ms. A rev. 12 (-
For comments on individual lines, see generally the
tarar intended?) shows that the scribes abilities and
comments in KAL 2, pp. 4546, some of which are
understanding were limited. Generally, only minor
repeated here:
variants between the individual manuscripts can be
found; note the slightly different final formulas in 8: For the restoration in the second part
mss. A and C. of the line, see the parallels ABRT 2, 18 r. col. 12 //
(here text 7.8, 7.: 1819), K 3661 rev. IV 57
1: The incipit of the incantation is
(here text 7.5: 57), PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 1315 (here
quoted in ms. H rev. 9 and in the catchline of CBS
text 9.2, cf. also KAL 2, 15 obv. I 121, here text
1203 (rev. 42; for CBS 1203, see here text 8.3, ms.
8.5: 121, and SpTU 2, 19 rev. 911, here text
9.3: 911).
30: For the problematic form ta-da-ki-
-nu-ti, see the comments in KAL 2, p. 46, but cf.
passim: The incantation Kr-kr bl and its Farber, WdO 38 (2008) 255 for a derivation from
ritual have survived reasonably well at the very end dku.
of this tablet. This unit was preceded by another
32: For the motif ina m nuu, see the
uburruda ritual, but only a few traces of the ritual
rituals and incantations in Maql V 98141 and
instruction are preserved (rev. 49). The traces in
ritual tablet 8385; cf. Abusch, MesWi, 13132.
rev. 17 (and 18?) may belong to a catchline. The
signs preserved on the upper edge seem to belong to 33: Cf. the parallel incantation ad lik-
a colophon indicating that the present tablet was the tumkuni in Maql V 14957 (see especially l. 53).
first of a number of extract(?)-tablets (nisu) with
TEXT GROUP 7.6 147
For the duplicate CTN 4, 92+ obv. II 3638, see the is therefore assumed that UL.GIG here, as usual,
comments in KAL 2, p. 46. stands for the noun zru, even though the paral-
lelism to the preceding infinitive rmi may have
suggested otherwise.
12: takpirti kuppuru is the common
passim: For comments on individual lines,
collocation for to perform purification rites. A
see the recent edition of the text in KAL 2, pp. 87
restoration tak-pi-r]a-tu- seems therefore more
likely than Ebelings a-di-r]a-tu- his anxieties.
9: Cf. 7.6.5: 13: S]IG4 DUB-aq ; but The first half of the line remains problematic. el-lu-
the traces preserved here cannot be reconciled with su is followed by what can hardly be anything but
such a reading. lu-u, and we expect a stative after l (parallel to l
mager in the preceding sentence). Ebeling read ub-
24, 26: The repetition of the prepositional
bi-i[r-u, but this restoration is contextually
phrase ana libbi before the verb is triggered by the
problematic. The signs UB BI are beyond doubt, but
long chain of objects separating tanaddi from ana
only the head of a horizontal wedge on the line is
libbi egubb at the beginning of the sentence. For
preserved of the following sign. Given the subject
the same phenomenon, also involving ana libbi, see
ellssu, a restoration ubbibat, a corrupt rendering of
text 8.2: 2224.
the D-stem stative ubbubat, is likely.
14: The fragmentary sign preceding GIN-
an looks like the end of BI. Is ul-pa-q[a eb-b]i a
passim: For the restorations in ll. 915, cf. clean crucible possible?
the closely related ritual in 7.6.4: 612. For the
15: The text clearly has GI BAR.ME (cf.
incantation ama anntu alm piya, cf. PBS
memorandum version l. 5*, pace Ebeling). Parallels
1/1, 13 rev. 12 (see here text 9.2: 39) and Maql I
suggest that qan kartti cut-up reeds is intended
73121 (Nuska version); see Abusch, MesWi, 158.
(see CAD K 226b, and here texts 8.7.1: 90, 8.7.2:
14: For the tentative restoration, cf. the 5). However, an equation of BAR with kartu or
parallel passage in 7.6.4: 10. kartu is not attested otherwise, though BAR is as-
sociated with semantically related verbs like alqu
to split and saltu to cut in lexical lists. But in
view of the fact that in STT 198 obv. 1112, gi-bar-
General: Collation of ms. E reveals that the ra is translated as qan qalpu peeled reed (cf.
tablet has deteriorated in comparison to what is Walker Dick, Induction, 91), and that this mean-
shown as preserved on the excavation photograph. ing seems also to be intended in RAcc 152: 454
Small bits and pieces of A 3022 have disappeared, (GI.ME BAR.ME), it seems more likely that the
and the surface of A 3022 rev. 111 is now much present passage too refers to peeled reeds.
abraded; the smaller fragment A 2720 is neither in
23: .KUR4.RA is a legitimate variant writ-
box A 2720 nor in box A 3022, and must be reg-
ing of .KUR.RA (napu); the more common spelling
istered as lost for the time being. Our hand-copy is
is used in memorandum version l. 6*. Note that
based on the excavation photograph and collation of
Practical Vocabulary Assur, l. 141 (see Lands-
the original as far as it is preserved today.
berger Gurney, AfO 18 [195758] 329) gives
1: The DI in the beginning suggests an .KUR4 as one of the equivalents of Akkadian napu.
opening formula of the umma amlu bl lemutti An interchange between KUR and KUR4 is attested
irai type (cf. here text 7.6.7: 1). The clear ana for other logograms too, cf. NINDA.KUR4.RA vs.
after bl lemuttu as well as the u in the begin- NINDA.KUR.RA in BBR 2, 26+ obv. I 28 and II 11.
ning of the following line combined with the limited
34: kma gi ne gi it tu is apparently cor-
space in the second half of obv. 1, however, prompt
rupt. Since the phrase probably refers to the dying
a reconstruction of ll. 12 in structural analogy to ll.
fire and a perfect is expected after kma, an emen-
36: so that his , and so that he .
dation it-tu<-u> seems inescapable (see Abusch,
10: There seem to be no attestations for BWiL, 105, fn. 35, and MesWi 152, fn. 83). Within
UL.GIG being used as a logogram for the verb zru, the context of the ritual instruction it is unlikely that
though lexical and bilingual texts show that the the fire is referred to by the gods name (<d>NE.GI);
composite verb ulgig was translated with zru. It also the obligatory determinative would be missing.

It seems therefore more likely that the first half of 1*16*: The short version of the present
the phrase is corrupt as well and the subject of ritual is the first of a number of anti-witchcraft
ittu is it qan reed fire (for itu followed by rituals on the small tablet VAT 13909+. Only the
a genitive specifying the fuel used, cf. CAD I/J beginning of the tablet containing our text is reason-
232b, but note that NE giKII16 is to be read pnti ably well preserved. It is followed by probably three
agi). further anti-witchcraft rituals of the same type. Note
that the copy of A 375 (Istanbul) given in KAL 2
40: Note that the incipit of the incanta-
was based on the excavation photograph of the
tion is given without the final -ma in memorandum
obverse; the reverse, which had not been photo-
version l. 13*. Nevertheless there can be little doubt
graphed, has now been collated and copied. The
that ma marks the end of the first sentence, a notion
hand-copy presented here gives the full tablet.
that is also supported by the distribution of the signs
over the line. The broken sign before the break is
probably ID, and comparison with l. 36 suggests the
restoration [II-ka ak-si]. 1: Restore perhaps it[ti(KI) libbu id-
danabbub] he constantly talks with himself (cf.
41: Ebeling read ammamatu, interpret-
BAM 231 obv. 11, here text 8.7.1: 11, and AMT
ing it as an otherwise unattested variant form of
21/2+ // obv. 9, here text 8.6: 9).
immatu numbness, paralysis. It seems more
likely that ummtu is a variant form of ummtu 2: Perhaps read itti(KI) ramn(N)-
sweepings, refuse; for a figurine made of tallow instead of emending the text; but then the partially
and refuse (immatu, ummtu), cf. Maql III 31 preserved verb at the end of the line remains un-
38 and ritual tablet 44. clear.
46: Akkadian epi p usually corre- 9: It is assumed that the scribe first in-
sponds to Sumerian ka-ba. While the first line in the tended to write abt, but then continued with a lo-
present line could be restored as either k]a or b]a, gographic writing. The complementation of DAB.DAB
there is not enough room for the restoration of an- with - is unusual, however, and our reading re-
other sign preceding it; it therefore seems likely that mains uncertain. It is also unclear whether the re-
the scribe omitted -ba, perhaps by mistake. duplicated logogram stands for the D-stem or rather
for a stative of the Gtn-stem (tiabbut?). The
5159: A variant version of the incantation
meaning of the sentence is certainly that all of the
Alta abtat is also preserved within a fragmentary
mans children keep dying while still young (cf.
anti-witchcraft ritual to be performed before an
l. 19).
oven (here ms. G). The text contains numerous
problems, among them the unclear term altu (per- 23: Note that a reading SAG.D[U-] .GI
haps ltu townswoman or rather to be com- is excluded by the traces of the head of a vertical
pared to elntu? Probably not littu woman who wedge after SAG (see collation).
gives birth), the interchange of masculine and
26: For the merdtu-libation that is usu-
feminine forms all apparently referring to the
ally poured out over the slaughtered sacrificial ani-
altu , and, last but not least, the interpretation of
mal, see Scurlock, MMTGI, 45.
niu and i-da-[x x]-bi-ia in l. 5859. The present
translation takes altu as a term referring to the 27: For idda addu as the act of draw-
witch who is entrusted to the deified oven. Follow- ing a line that sets the offering arrangement apart
ing Ebeling we understand ni-u/i // [ni-i]-i as from its environment, see Maul, BaF 18, 5556 and
niu diarrhoea, though this interpretation re- Scurlock, MMTGI, 51213. Here the line separates
mains quite uncertain. Note that ms. G is not free of the offering place from the following rites which
corruptions, cf. especially l. 53. effect the destruction of warlock and witch.
60: We assume that te-te-ep-pu-u is a 28: The restoration of fragmentary II-
corrupt spelling for expected ttepu. a-na EGIR-[ ] remains uncertain. tutr has not
been restored here because the phrase idu ana
61: Or read EN DU11.DU11?
ark tutr you twist its arms behind it is nor-
63: The place name after gabari seems mally used for the maltreatment of figurines of the
to be partly destroyed, partly encrusted with dirt; adversary, whereas the present action is performed
based on the photograph a definitive reading is im- on the patient (but cf. perhaps STT 63 rev. 66: II-
possible. ana EGIR- G[UR-r ], coll.). There are
TEXT GROUP 7.6 149
traces of a sign at the break underneath the broken 37: It is not entirely clear whether this
last sign in lo. e. 2 which are not rendered in the line refers to two distinct incantations, namely ll.
copy; the space between lo. e. 2 and the ruling is 2932 and ll. 4144 (so Abusch, BWiL, 143, fn. 37)
also slightly wider than indicated in the copy. or only to ll. 4144.
33: Read perhaps MARtaq-q-ma you 40: Literally they will speak true
smear and? (words) with him. The truth in contexts such as
the present implies, of course, statements that are
36: The restoration at the end is inspired
favourable to the client; see Abusch, JCS 37 (1985)
by Maql, ritual tablet 147. There the verb is kartu
to slice, to smash; here the available space
suggests a logographic writing of the verb, possibly
SG mau.
TEXT 7.7


All units edited here offer prescriptions against de- three figurines, one of which represents a substitute
pression ( pi libbi). One of them includes an of the patient himself. The two other figurines bear
uburruda-incantation (unit iv), and one diagnosis the names Deserter and Clamor and symbolize
gives witchcraft as the source of the depression the concept of running away and not coming back.
(unit iii). The first ritual appears in ms. B together The patients substitute is mounted on these two
with a ritual against depression that centres upon a figurines, and the three figurines are enclosed in a
prayer to Itar directed against witchcraft (this sewage opening set in a westerly direction; the three
prayer appears in an explicitly anti-witchcraft ritual are thereby sent off permanently to the netherworld.
in LKA 144 //, see Summary 2.). The first ritual uses

List of Manuscripts

A K 5968 + BAM 444 pls. 2830 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
K 6240 + script, 7th cent. Library
K 9082 + BAM 443
K 9334 + BAM 444
K 16808 + 81-2-4, 393
B VAT 8238 KAR 92 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 8th7th cent.
c K 15055 pl. 27 Small frg., NB/LB script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
D VAT 14183 KAL 4, 35 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, early NA Aur
script, 9th8th cent.
E K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + BAM 445 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
9488 AMT 64/2 script, 7th cent. Library
(only K 6089)
F K 8840 AMT 35/3 coll. Frg. of a multi-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
7th cent. Library
G K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + BAM 43448 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
8094 + 9782 + 10764 + cent. Library
12669 + 12927 + 82-5-
22, 996

Synopsis of Texts and Text Units

i Ritual with incantation against depression ..............................................................................137

Symptom description.........................................................................................................12
B obv. 12
Ritual, section I: The figurines of Deserter and Clamor ..............................................28
B obv. 28 // A obv. 13

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).
TEXT 7.7 151
Ritual, section II: The figurine of the patient, offerings ................................................. 918
A obv. 411 // B obv. 917
Incantation: ama ar am u ereti dayyn ili amli att-ma ................................... 1925
A obv. 12rev. 4 // B l. e. r. col. 1l. e. l. col. 3
Ritual, section III: Disposal of the figurines, concluding rites ..................................... 2637
A rev. 515 // B obv. 1829 // D r. col. 17
ii Prescriptions against depression ........................................................................................... 3846
Prescription I....................................................................................................................... 38
A rev. 16 // E obv. 1
Prescription II ..................................................................................................................... 39
E obv. 2
Prescription III .................................................................................................................... 40
E obv. 3
Prescription IV.............................................................................................................. 4143
E obv. 46
Prescription V ..................................................................................................................... 44
E obv. 7
Prescription VI.............................................................................................................. 4546
E obv. 89
iii Prescriptions against depression caused by witchcraft ......................................................... 4769
Symptom description .................................................................................................... 4752
E obv. 1015
Diagnosis ............................................................................................................................ 53
E obv. 16
Purpose statement ............................................................................................................... 54
E obv. 17
Prescription I................................................................................................................. 5462
E obv. 1725
Prognosis of recovery ......................................................................................................... 62
E obv. 25
Prescription II (prophylactic; perhaps to be used if Prescription I is not effective) ..... 6369
E obv. 2632
iv Uburruda incantation with ritual (= text 7.10.1, 1., unit ix) .............................................. 7075
Incantation: Pati patiti .................................................................................................. 7071
E obv. 3334 // F rev. IV 2 // G obv. III 45
Uburruda rubric ................................................................................................................. 72
E obv. 35 // F rev. IV 3 // G obv. III 6
Ritual............................................................................................................................. 7375
E obv. 3638 // F rev. IV 46 // G obv. III 79
Fragmentary ..................................................................................................................... 76[
E obv. 39

Previous Editions

Thompson, RA 26 (1929) 8586 (ms. E, translation of K 6089).

Ebeling, MVAeG 23/2 (1919) 3339 (ms. B).


1. A // B // D r. col. // E
1 B obv. 1 DI NA u-u GAZ lb-bi TUK.TUK-i nu-ul-la-t[im]
2 B obv. 2 - i-ta-mu per-ti KASKAL SAAR up-pat-ti

3 B obv. 3 ina A.ME E.E 2 NU.ME D-u a-a u a-a in-n-di-r[u]

4 B obv. 4 ina MA.SL 1-en UR5.GIM SAR-r
5 A obv. 1 (preceding lines lost) [mu-kil]-lu I[LLAT-]
B obv. 5 e[-]e-ru mun-nar-bu la mu-kil-lu ILL[A]T-
6 A obv. 12 [ ]
B obv. 6 ina MA.SL 2-e UR5.GIM SAR-[]r
7 A obv. 2 [ik-kil-l]u -s-sa-a-[u ]
B obv. 7 ik-kil-lu -as-sa-a-u la mu ru r[u?]sic!
8 A obv. 23 [ ] / [MU--n]u ta-na[m-bi--nu-ti]
B obv. 8 EGIR- MU--nu ta-nam-bi--nu-t[i]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 A obv. 4 [ Z G.NIDA
]? Z GIG
B obv. 9 NG.SILA11.G Z GIG erasure u Z G .NIDA !

10 A obv. 45 [ ]/ [ ]
B obv. 10 ina SU NA tu-kap-par-ma NU D-u-[ma]
11 A obv. 5 [ ] --nu ki-lal-la-an [ ]
B obv. 11 ina i-di--nu ki-lal-la-an tu-ar-kab-u-[ma]
12 A obv. 6 [ ki-l]al-la-an ZAG u GB tu-[saar-ma]
B obv. 12 SAG.DU.ME ki-lal-la-an ZAG u GB tu-s-a-[a]r-ma
c: 1 [SAG.D]U.ME k[i-lalln ]
13 A obv. 7 [ina qid-da-a]t u4-mi la-ma dUTU [ ]
B obv. 13 ina DA BD
c: 2 [ qid-d]a-at U4 l[a-ma ]
14 A obv. 8 K[I ] KI SAR A K S
B obv. 13 KI GR KU5-at KI SAR A K [ ]
c: 23 [ ]/ [ SA]R A K S
15 A obv. 89 GI.DU8 [ ] / Z[.LUM.M]A
B obv. 14 GI.DU8 GIN-an ina UGU GI.DU8 Z.LUM.[MA]
c: 34 [ ] / [Z.LU]M.MA
16 A obv. 9 z
EA DUB-aq N[G.NA ]
B obv. 15 EA DUB-aq NG.NA imLI GAR-an
c: 4 z
E[A ]
17 A obv. 10 K[A B]AL-q NU.ME -nu-t[i ]
B obv. 16 KA BAL-q NU.ME -nu-ti L-ma
c: 45 [ ]/ [NU.ME] -nu-t [L-ma]
18 A obv. 11 ana I[GI ]UTU UR5.GIM [ ]
B obv. 17 IGI dUTU UR5.GIM DU11.GA
c: 5 [ ]
A, B, c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 A obv. 12 [N LUG]AL AN-e u KI-t[im] D[I.KU5 ]
B l. e. r. col. 1 N dUTU MAN AN-e u KI-tim DI!(ki).KU5 DINGIR L at-t[a-ma]
c: 6 [ UT]U LUGAL AN-e u K[I- ]
20 A obv. 13 ana [ ]UII-M[U ]
B l. e. r. col. 2 ana L UII-i!(za) qu-lam-ma a-[l]ak-ti li-[mad]
c: 7 [ ]L UII-MU q[u-lam-ma ]
21 A obv. 14 n[u-ullti ]
B r. e. 3 nu-ul-la-a-ti u-u GAZ lb-[bi]
c: 78 [ ] / [ ] lb-bi
TEXT 7.7 153
22 A obv. 1516 a[t-tu ] / U[ZU.ME-MU ]
B r. e. 4 at-t pi-rit-t ina SU-MU UZU.ME-MU SA.ME-[MU]
c: 89 at-t pi-[rittu] / [ UZU].ME-MU SU-M[U ]
23 A rev. 1 a-ta-nam-[da-ru ]
B l. e. l. col. 1 a-ta-nam-da-ru ap-ta-na-la-u
c: 9 [ ] \? [ap]-ta?-n[a?-llau]
(c breaks)
24 A rev. 23 d
UTU ina IGI-[ka] an-nu-[ ] / an-nu- [i-m]a-ar-a[n-ni]
B l. e. l. col. 2 UTU ina IGI-ka an-nu-u i-na-an-ni an-nu-u i-ma-ar-an-ni
25 A rev. 34 [ ] / a-na e-reb dUTU-i a-r[i-id ]
B l. e. l. col. 3 ana NU e-e-ri pa-qid ana e-reb dUTU-i a-rid ina SU-MU \ na-s
A, B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 A rev. 5 an-nam DU11.GA-ma 7.TA.M NINDA
B obv. 18 an-nam DU11.GA-ma 7.TA.M NINDA.ME
27 A rev. 6 ina [U.SAR ] / ina --nu ta-lal
B obv. 19 ina U.SAR -ak ina G- ta-lal
28 A rev. 67 IGI NU NG.[SILA11.G] / na4
mu- [] -ru-ul-la-ti-
B obv. 20 IGI NU NG.SILA11.G mu-a lb-bi -ru-ul-la-ti-
29 A rev. 78 [-] / UMBIN-e pe-re-ti-
B obv. 21 - UMBIN-e p-re-ti-
30 A rev. 89 ki-lat-tin ina TG GE6 ta[ra-ks] / ina G NU NG.SILA11.G ta-lal
B obv. 22 kisic!-lat-tin ina TG GE6 tara-ks ina G NU NG.SILA11.G tl-lalsic!
31 A rev. 910 ina bi-e BD KU4--n[u-ti] / a-na e-reb dUTU-i
B obv. 23 ana bi-e-e BD KU4--nu-ti ana e-reb d[UTU-i]
D r. col. 12 [ bi]-e [ ] / ana e-re[b ]
32 A rev. 1011 IGI.ME--nu GAR-[an] / [bi]-a-a BAD-i
B obv. 24 IGI.ME--nu GAR-an bi-a-a BADsic!-[i]
D r. col. 23 [ ] / bi-a [ ]
33 A rev. 11 NAGA

B obv. 25 N[A]GA SI pa-a-a-ti
D r. col. 34 [ ] / pa-a-[a-ti]
34 A rev. 1112 GIM Z.DUB.DUB.BU /[ bi]-i-i UB.UB
B obv. 26 GI[M Z.D]UB.DUB.BU ana bi-e-e UB.UB-d[i]
D r. col. 45 [ ] / ana bi-i-[i ]
35 A rev. 1213 L BI UII- ina A D / [ LU] K DU8-ma
B obv. 27 L BI UII- ina A D u IM.BABBAR LU-si K DU8-m[a]
D r. col. 56 [ ] / ina A [D
36 A rev. 1314 ana - SI.S[] / [ EGI]R- NU IGI.BAR
B obv. 28 ana - SI.S ana EGIR- NU IGI.BAR
D r. col. 6-7 [ ] / ana E[GIR?-?
(D r. col. breaks)
37 A rev. 14-15 MA.MA[] / [ n]a-pa-i ana GIG NU K[U4]
B obv. 29 MA.MA EN dUTU na-pa-i ana GIG NU DU-a[k]
(following units in B differ from A, see Summary)
blank space of two paragraphs in A

38 A rev. 16 [DI NA ]u-u- GAZ TUK.TUK-i NUMUN NINNI549

E obv. 1 [DI N]A u-u- GAZ [ TUK].TUK-i NUMUN NINNI5(?)
39 E obv. 2 DI KIMIN NUMUN A.ZAL.L [I]GI-lim ina KA[ i]na [
40 E obv. 3 DI KIMIN IGI-lim NUMUN giINIG ina KA [
41 E obv. 4 DI KIMIN ka-zal-l IGI-lim AR.AR [

42 E obv. 5 NUMUN giMA.NU r-n-e [
43 E obv. 6 7 .I.A an-nu-ti ba-lu pa-tan [
44 E obv. 7 DI KIMIN u-mut-t i[na
45 E obv. 8 DI KIMIN UB.PAD tim-bu-ut-ti A. SAAR DAL.A.M[UN

46 E obv. 9 .L.U18.LU GR.PAD.DU NAM.L.U18.LU ?[
E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 E obv. 10 DI NA u-u-a GAZ TUK.TUK-i m[i-na-t- DUB.DUB]
48 E obv. 11 EME- it-te-nen-bi EME- -na-a[-a-ak]
49 E obv. 12 GETUII- G.G-a UII- i-am-ma-ma- b[ir-ka- kim-a-]
50 E obv. 13 i-ks-s-s- SAG - it-ta-n[a-az-qar]
51 E obv. 14 ana MUNUS DU LAL ur-ba- UB.UB-su i-[kabbir ibau]
52 E obv. 15 ina KA- it-ta-na-ad-d[i
53 E obv. 16 NA BI ina NINDA u-kul ina KA NAG ina [
E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 E obv. 17 ana TI- tar-mu8 IGI-lim [IGI-NI] IN.[NU.U]

55 E obv. 18 SIKIL er-kul-la K[A A.AB.BA la-pa]t ar-ma-[ni]
56 E obv. 19 [NUMUN] giA.LU.B [r-n-e AR.A]R LU.MA[R.TU]
57 E obv. 20 []NU.LU.A [x x (x)] x giAUR GI.[GI]
58 E obv. 21 [x x] x x (x) [x x x (x)]--nu D.DU GAZ N[AM]
59 E obv. 22 [x x x x x x x (x)] x ina e-rim ba-lu pa-ta[n]
60 E obv. 23 [NAG-] GU7- ina ? MUEN? tu-ap-ra--ma EGIR-[]
61 E obv. 24 [x] x BIL-tim ina [G]ETIN UR.RA NAG-[ma?]
62 E obv. 25 [(x)] x x UB-di ina U4.N TU5--ma TI-[u]
E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 E obv. 26 MU.DM.GURUN.NA U5.ME EDIN TI-q-ma tu-bal-ma ina giLI [(x)]
64 E obv. 27 GR.PAD.DU NAM.L.U18.LU LIBIR.RA ina NAGA SI tu-qat-t[ar]

65 E obv. 28 kur-ka-nam KUR.KUR ina NAGA SI tu-qat-t[ar]
66 E obv. 29 PI10.dD EME.DIR BURU5.ABRUD.DA NTA ina NAGA SI tu-qat-t[ar]
67 E obv. 30 NBUR giP!?(m) ka-mun giINIG ina [x]
68 E obv. 31 PI10.dD KUR.KUR ina [x (x)]
69 E obv. 32 [GI]G-su NU GUR-ma NU DIM4- NG.A.LAM.MA NU TE-[]
(the preceding units in F and G differ from E, see Summary)
E, F, G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 E obv. 33 []Npa-ti pa-ti-ti pa-ta-kar pa-ta-ka[r]
F rev. IV 2 [ pa]-ta-kar
G obv. III 45 [N pa-t]i pa-ti-ti / [ pa-t]a-kar
71 E obv. 34 []a-ti-ib a-ti-i[b] TU6 [N]
F rev. IV 2 a-ti-ib a-ti-ib TU6 N
G obv. III 5 ti-tib a-ti-ib TU6 N
E, F, G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 E obv. 35 [K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
F rev. IV 3 [ U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
G obv. III 6 [ U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
E, F, G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This catchline is followed by the colophon Ashurbanipal, type c.
TEXT 7.7 155
73 E obv. 36 [ ]xx[ ?-] ina dugBUR.ZI ta-[ma-ar]
F rev. IV 4 [ ?-] ina dugBUR.ZI ta-ma-ar
G obv. III 78 ?
[D.D.BI (x-)x]-tab muen
UM-a / [ t]a-ma-ar
74 E obv. 37 [ N]A BI u4-mi-am-m[a ]
F rev. IV 5 [ B]I u4-mi-am-ma -a
G obv. III 89 N 7- ana ID-ma / [ ]-a
75 E obv. 38 [ ] NU [ ]
F rev. IV 6 [ N]U KUR-su
G obv. III 9 i-ta-nam-da-ru la KUR-su
E, F, G -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following units in F and G differ from E, see Summary)
76 E obv. 39 [x x x x x x x x (x)] x ud x x [
(E obv. breaks)

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

129, l. e. = text 7.7, 1.: 137.
3033 Fragmentary prescription against Hand-of-Itar disease (only parts of the symptom description
are preserved).
13 Fragmentary prescription against depression.
433 Ceremonial ritual against depression performed before Itar; the diagnosis refers to the anger of
the gods; the Itar prayer is directed against witchcraft. An edition of the text will be included in
the present Corpus.
3436 Catchline and colophon.

3. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. D not included in the transliteration

l. col.
14 Fragmentary, against the anger of Marduk.
517 Ritual and incantation against the anger of the personal god (// BAM 316 rev. VI 413 // STT 95
+ 295 obv. II 8490).
1820 Fragmentary.
r. col.
16 = text 7.7, 1.: 3135.

4. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. F not included in the transliteration

obv. I
16 Fragmentary ritual with incantation against persistent Hand-of-Itar disease.
78 Fragmentary.
obv. II Fragmentary.
rev. III Fragmentary prescriptions (purpose unclear).
rev. IV
1 Fragmentary.
26 = text 7.7, 1.: 7075.
79 Fragmentary prescription against the anger of the personal god.
1012 Fragmentary prescription.

5. Summary of the paragraphs in G not included in the transliteration

BAM 434 is a large collection of prescriptions and rituals against witchcraft-induced sufferings.
For a full edition of the text and its duplicates, see here text 7.10.1.

Transcription Translation

A // B // D r. col. // E A // B // D r. col. // E
1 1
umma amlu pi libbi irtanai If a man becomes increasingly depressed, 2(and) his heart
nullt[i] 2libbau tammu prti arrni ponders 1foolish[ness], 3you mix 2hair-of-the-wayside-plant
eper uppatti 3ina m taballal ina alm (and) dust of a (dried) mole cricket 3in water. You make two
teppu aa u aa inneddir[] 4ina naglabi figurines embracing each other. 4On the shoulder of the first
a itn kam taaar 5e[]ru munnarbu you write thus: 5De[se]rter, runaway, who does not keep to
l mukillu ill[at]u 6ina naglabi a an his u[n]it. 6On the shoulder of the second you write thus:
kam taaar 7ikkillu assu l [ ] 7
Clamor, wailer, who does not [ ]. 8Afterwards you
arku umunu tanambunti call them by their name.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 10
la (([]a)) qm kibti ((u)) ((a)) qm You wipe 10the mans body off 9with dough made of wheat
G.NIDA 10ina zumur amli tukappar-ma flour and flour. 10Then you form a figurine (out of this
alam teppu-[ma] 11ina idunu kilalln dough) and 11mount it on both of their arms 12turning the
tuarkabu-[ma] 12qaqqadti kilalln imit- heads of both of them, (one) to the right and (one) to the left.
ta u umla tusa[a]r-ma 13(([ina qidd]at 13
(([In the even]ing, before sunset,)) 14you sweep the ground
mi lma ama irtabi)) ina dri 14aar 13
near the wall, 14in a secluded place. You sprinkle pure
pu parsat qaqqara taabbi m ellti water. 15You set up a portable altar, 16you strew 15date(s)
tasalla 15para tukn ina mui pari 16
(and) sasq-flour 15on top of the altar. 16You place a censer
sulupp 16sasq tasarraq nignak buri with buru-juniper (next to it). 17You pour beer. Lifting
taakkan 17ikara tanaqqi alm unti these figurines 18you speak thus before ama:
tana-ma 18(([ana])) maar ama kam
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 19
N ama ar am u ereti dayyn ili Incantation: ama, king of heaven and earth, you are the
amli att[-ma] judge of god and man,
20 20
ana n qtya qlam-ma a[l]akt li[mad] pay attention to my prayer to le[arn] of my condition!
21 21
nullti pi libbi Foolishness, depression, 22fear (and) fright
22 23
attu pirittu a ina zumrya rya er- which I constantly experience and suffer 22in my body, in
n[ya] my flesh (and) in [my] sinews:
tanamdaru aptanallau
24 24
ama ina marka ann innnni ann ama, before you this one replaces me, this one receives
imaaranni (my suffering) from me.
25 25
ana alam eri paqid ana ereb ami (My suffering) is entrusted to the figurine of the Deserter, it
arid ina zumrya nasi is driven away to the west, it is removed from my body!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ann taqabb-ma sebet akal 27ina pitilti 26
You say this. Then, 27you string 26seven loaves 27on a cord;
taakkak ina kidu (var.: ina aunu) you hang it around his neck (var.: on their arms). 29You smear
tallal 28pn alam li ma a libbi urul- 28
the face of the figurine (made) of dough with the discharge
ltu 29tapaa upr <pu>? 30kilat- under his foreskin. 30You bind 29nail (parings) from 30both
tn!? 29prtu!? (text: upr prtu kilat- <his feet> (and) 29hair (from) his (head) 30in a black cloth.
tn) 30ina ubti almi tarakkas ina kid You hang it around the neck of the figurine (made) of dough.
alam li tallal 31ina be a dri tuer- 31
You put them into a sewage opening in the wall 32directing
rebunti ana ereb ami 32pnunu their faces 31to the west. 32You close the sewage opening.
taakkan ba tepei 33ul ((qarnnti)) 34
Next to the sewage opening you set out 33crushed
pati 34kma zidubdubb ana be tattan- ((horned)) salt-plant 34like (apotropaic) ritual flour heaps.
addi 35amlu qtu ina m nri u gai 35
This man washes his hands with river water and gypsum.
imessi riksa tapaar-ma 36ana btu ier You clear away the ritual arrangement. 36Then he goes
ana arku l ippallas 37mamau adi straight home without looking back. 37The exorcist must not
ama napi ana bt mari l irr[ub] ent[er] (var.: go to) the house of the sick man before dawn.
(var.: illak)
TEXT 7.7 157
38 38
[umma amlu ]uu pi libbi irtanai [If a man] becomes increasingly [d]epressed: rush seed.
zr ali
39 39
umma KIMIN zr azall [im]ur-lm ina If ditto: seed of the azall-plant, [he]als-a-thousand-plant
ikar[i i]na amni [ ] in bee[r (or) i]n oil [ ].
40 40
umma KIMIN imur-lm zr bni ina If ditto: heals-a-thousand-plant, tamarisk seed in beer
ikari [ ] [ ].
41 41
umma KIMIN kazalla imur-lm a If ditto: kazallu-plant, heals-a-thousand-plant, a-plant,
[ ] 42zr ri urn [ ] 43sebet [ ], 42seed of the ru-tree, urn-plant, [ ], 43these seven
amm annti balu patn [ ] drugs [ ] on an empty stomach.
44 44
umma KIMIN umuttu i[na ] If ditto: beetroot i[n ].
45 45
umma KIMIN uppatta timbutti eqli eper If ditto: A mole cricket, field-drum-plant, dust from a dust
aam[ti ] 46amlna eemti amlti sto[rm ], 46amlnu-plant, human bone [ ].
[ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 47
umma amlu ua pi libbi irtanai If a man becomes increasingly depressed, [his] l[imbs are
m[intu ittanapak] 48linu ittenenbi limp all the time], 48his tongue is always swollen, he bi[tes]
linu una[ak] 49uznu iaggum qt- his tongue, 49his ears buzz, his hands are numb, [his] kn[ees
u iammamu b[erku kimu] 50ikas- (and) legs] 50cause him a gnawing pain, his epigastrium
sasu r libbu ittan[azqar] 51ana sin- continually pro[trudes], 51he is not able to have intercourse
niti alki muu urbu imtanaqqussu with a woman, cold tremors afflict him repeatedly, he [is in
i[kabbir ibau] 52ruta ina pu ittanadd[i turn fat and thin], 52he continually salivat[es] from his mouth,
] 53amlu ina akali kul ina ika- [ ], 53that man was given (bewitched) bread to eat,
ri aqi ina amni pa[i ] (bewitched) beer to drink, was anoi[nted] with (bewitched)
oil, [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 54
ana bulluu tarmu imur-lm [imur- To cure him 58you dry, crush (and) si[ft] 54lupine, heals-a-
er] ma[takal] 55sikilla erkulla im[bu thousand-plant, [heals-twenty-plant], soap[wort], 55sikillu-
tmti lapa]t arma[nni] 56[zr] uluppi plant, erkulla-plant, imbu [tmti-mineral], apri[cot-turn]ip,
u[rn a] ibburr[ata] 57nuurta 56
[seed] of the uluppu-tree, ur[n-plant, a]-plant,
[ ] ar ap[i] 58[ ] ibbur[ratu]-plant, 57nuurtu-plant, [ ], mar[sh]-apple,
[ ]unu tubbal taaal tan[appi] [ ] [ ] 59[ ] In the morning 60[you
[ ] ina ri balu pat[n] 60[taaq- make] him [drink] (and) eat (it) on an empty stom[ach]. You
q]u tuakkalu ina kappi iri(?) tuap- make him vomit with a feather. Afterward[s] 61he drinks
ru-ma ark[u] 61[ ] qalti ina roasted [ ] in [g]rape juice. 62You put [ ]. On the
[k]arni ati iatt-[ma](?) 62 tanad- (day of the) New Moon you bathe him; then he will recover.
di ina bubbuli turammaku-ma iballu
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 63
pizallurti ritkubti a ri teleqq-ma You take mating geckos from the open country, dry them
tubbal-ma ina buri 64eemti amlti lab- and 64burn (them) as fumiga[nts] 63with buru-juniper, 64old
irti ina uli qarnn tuqatt[ar] 65kurkan human bone (and) with horned salt-plant. 65You bur[n]
atia ina uli qarnn tuqatt[ar] 66kib- kurkn-plant (and) atiu-plant with horned salt-plant as
rta urra ir urri zikara ina uli fumi[gants]. 66You burn sulphur, a lizard (and) a male urri-
qarnn tuqatt[ar] 67abbr titti(?) kamn bird with horned salt-plant as fumiga[nts]. 67Shoots of a fig-
bni ina [ ] 68kibrta atia ina [ ] tree (and) tamarisk grain in [ ]. 68Sulphur (and)
69 69
[mur]ussu ul itr-ma ul isannaqu a- atiu-plant in [ ]. His [illn]ess will not return and
luqtu ul ie[u] will not come near him. Ruin will not approach [him].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 7071: abracadabra incantation ll. 7071: abracadabra incantation Pati patiti
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 72
[K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is [the wor]ding (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[D.D.BI(?) ..].muen taabba [dm?]u 73
[Its ritual:] You slaughter a []-bird, you collect it[s blood]
ina pursti tamaar 74ipta sebu ana in a bowl. 74You recite the incantation seven times over it.
libbi tamann-ma [am]lu mamma Then this [m]an rubs himself daily (with it). 75That which he
iptaa 75a tanamdaru l ikaassu fears will not reach him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 76: too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 76: too fragmentary for translation)


General: Kcher, BAM V, p. xv, identified 20: For a different interpretation of

BAM 445 as the Folgetafel of BAM 443 (+)? 444 alakta lamdu, see Abusch, HTR 80 (1987) 1542;
and noted ibid., fn. 20, further manuscripts possibly thus, an alternative translation is: pay attention to
belonging to the same series. The name of the series my prayer and grant me an (oracular) decision.
represented by the tablets edited above is unknown.
23: Lit. which I constantly fear,
These tablets might indeed form part of the uburru-
(which) I constantly dread in my .
da series. But taking into account that ll. 6369
prescribe a series of fumigations, it is worth noting 28: For mu bilharzia and (na4)mu
that the series Qutru contained a p libbi section calculus discharged from the urinary passage, see
(see Finkel, AuOr 9 [1991] 103 referring to Kinnier Wilson, JNES 27 (1968) 24546 and Her-
unpublished BM 45393+). rero, RA 69 (1975) 4950.
9: For G.NIDA, Assyrian g/qulb/ptu, 2930: The phrase upr prtu kilattn
lexically also equated with SAL-tum (reading uncer- the nails of both his hairs is apparently corrupt.
tain), a kind of legume, see Deller, OrNS 58 (1989) Instead of <pu>, suggested above, one could
264, Postgate, BSA 3 (1987) 9495. also insert <qtu>.
11: CADs restoration tu-ar-kab-[u-nu- 4752: The restorations draw upon the si-
ti(?)] (R 90b) seems unlikely. milar symptom description in BAM 438 obv. 613
(see here text 7.2: 613).


The royal libraries of Nineveh housed several co- all of the large tablets are so fragmentary that the
pies of an extensive collection of uburruda rituals. reconstruction of a continuous text is impossible;
Most of the incantations of this collection were used only a few of the indirectly joining fragments of
for the preparation of amulets or medicines; in con- manuscript A can be placed and linked with any
trast to other uburruda rituals, figurine magic and certainty. A number of tablets show that these short
prayers to ama are absent from this group. The uburruda rituals were transmitted also on small
short ritual units, which contain a comparatively separate tablets that contained only one, two or
high number of parallels to incantations known three text units (mss. d, E, k, o, probably also ms. t).
from Maql, were collected on a number of exten- An analysis of the language and orthography of the
sive Sammeltafeln (mss. A, C, f, H, Q); all of them Kuyunjik manuscripts shows that some of the rituals
have different tablet formats, and some differences originate in the Old Babylonian period. For a dis-
in the arrangement of the text units can also be ob- cussion of the text group, see Abusch, Studies Wil-
served (cf. especially mss. H // A5). Unfortunately, cke, 114.

List of Manuscripts

A1 K 8079 (+) TMaql 2, 97 pl. 31 Frgs. of a 3?-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
A2 K 8112 + TMaql 2, 96 pl. 31 7th cent. Library
K 9666 (+)
A3 K 8162 + 10357 (+) pl. 32
A4 K 8933 (+) pl. 32
A5 K 10358 (+) pl. 33
A6 K 11243 (+) ABRT 2, 18 pl. 33
A7 K 12936 pl. 33
b AO 6473 Thureau-Dangin, Single-col. tablet, NB/LB script, 2nd Uruk
RA 18, 16263 cent.
TCL 6, 49
C1 Sm 275 + Rm 329 (+) pl. 34 Frgs. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
C2 Sm 352 pls. 356 cent. Library
d CBS 1505 PBS 1/2, 120 pls. 37 Single-col. tablet, NB/LB script, 7th Sippar(?), written for
38 cent. ama-umu-ukn
E CBS 1720 Geller, Studies pl. 36 Small, landscape-format tablet, NA
Leichty, 172 script, 7th cent.
f Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 pls. 39 Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NB/LB script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
= BM 98566 + 98567 40 7th cent. Library
G1 VAT 14150 + 14156 (+) KAL 2, 36 coll. Frgs. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Aur
G2 VAT 14151 + 14152 + KAL 2, 36 cent.
14153 +
VAT 13628 Meinhold, KAL,
H K 10559 + 11993 + Sm pls. 41 Frg. of a 3- or multi-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
1330 + 80-7-19, 146 43 script, 7th cent.; it may come from Library
the same tablet as M.
J K 10341 pl. 42 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
k W 22577/1 SpTU 4, 140 ph. coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Uruk, library of Iqa
script, 4th cent.

L Sm 756 pls. 42 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

43 script, 7th cent. Library
M Rm 252 pl. 43 Frg. of a two or more col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent.; it may come from Library
the same tablet as H.
N VAT 10572 + KAR 81 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Aur
KAL 2, 10 cent.
VAT 10615 + 10852 KAL 2, 10
o (Istanbul, Archaeo- Scheil, RA 22, Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB unknown provenance
logical Museum) 15456 (trans- script
P K 13718 pl. 43 Frg. of a 2?-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
cent. Library
Q1 VAT 10609 + KAR 82 coll. Frgs. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Aur
KAL 2, 11 cent.
VAT 11158 (+) KAL 2, 11
Q2 VAT 11207 KAR 259
KAL 2, 11
R K 9467 pl. 44 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
S 81-7-27, 140 pl. 44 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
t BM 38635 pls. 44 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Babylon or Borsippa
45 script, 6th3rd cent.
u BM 38013 pl. 45 Small frg., NB/LB script, 6th3rd Babylon or Borsippa

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Uburruda ritual ....................................................................................................................]112
Fragmentary incantation .................................................................................................]18
A2 obv. I 18 // G2 rev. V 20!27
Uburruda rubric...................................................................................................................9
A2 obv. I 9 // G2 rev. V 28
Instructions: necklace with drugs and knots................................................................ 1012
A2 obv. I 1012 // G2 rev. V 2930
ii Fragmentary uburruda ritual .............................................................................................1327[
Incantation: Ittardni ana mti.................................................................................... 1326
A2 obv. I 1324 // b obv. 1624 // G2 rev. V 3141
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................27
b obv. 25 (the following units in ms. b are not uburruda rituals; see Summary)
2nd Part
i Uburruda ritual ....................................................................................................................]113
Fragmentary incantation ................................................................................................ 110
k rev. 112 // C1 obv. I 14 // t obv. 15
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................11
k rev. 13 // C1 obv. I 5 // t obv. 6
Instructions: necklace with drugs and knots................................................................ 1213
k rev. 14 // C1 obv. I 67 // t obv. 78
ii Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... 1445
Incantation: Ann anntu ..................................................................................... 1440
C1 obv. I 823 // d obv. 1rev. 9 // A4 obv. I 112
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................41
d rev. 10
TEXT GROUP 7.8 161
Instructions: defiling and burying a tongue of tallow..................................................4245
d rev. 1114
3rd Part
i Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... ]116
Fragmentary incantation addressed to the day of the New Moon ............................... ]111
A2 obv. II 111
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................12
A2 obv. II 12
Instructions: fabric bag with drugs, to be worn around the neck.................................1316
A2 obv. II 1316
ii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................1734
Incantation: Att imur-lm ammu a ina mari a .................................................1730
A2 obv. II 1724 // E obv. 1l. e. 1 // C2 obv. II 1
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................31
E rev. 1 // C2 obv. II 2
Instructions: necklace with heals-a-thousand-plant ..................................................3234
E rev. 24 // C2 obv. II 34 // f obv. I 13
iii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................3545
Incantation: [Kaptu agug]illat mulaat narindat ..............................................3541
C2 obv. II 511 // f obv. I 413
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................42
C2 obv. II 12 // f obv. I 14
Instructions: necklace with drugs ................................................................................4345
C2 obv. II 1315 // f obv. I 1519 // A4 obv. II 12
iv Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................. 4658[
Incantation: aknku-ma ruttu mrat il rabti ........................................................4655
C2 obv. II 1621 // f obv. I 2024 // A4 obv. II 312 // G2 rev. V 1016
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................56
C2 obv. II 22 // A4 obv. II 13 // G2 rev. V 17!
Fragmentary instructions: necklace with drugs and knots......................................... 5758[
C2 obv. II 23 // A4 obv. II 14 // G2 rev. V 18!19!
4th Part
i Uburruda ritual .....................................................................................................................124
Incantation: urrni annaku u zalqu ultu am urdni ...............................................111
k rev. 15 // t obv. 916 // f obv. II 15 // H obv. I 14
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................12
t obv. 17 // f obv. II 6 // H obv. I 5
Ritual before Scorpius, washing over figurines and fabrication of a necklace ...........1324
t obv. 18rev. 8 // f obv. II 716 // H obv. I 612
ii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................2537
Incantation: aknku adnu bitu ............................................................................2532
t rev. 917 // f obv. II 1722 // H obv. I 1320 // u rev. 14
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................33
H obv. I 21 // u rev. 5
Ritual before ama, sealing the mouth of the sorcerers.............................................3437
H obv. I 2225 // u rev. 69
iii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................3847
Incantation: ina kaptu .........................................................................................3845
H obv. I 2633
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................46
H obv. I 34
Instructions .........................................................................................................................47
H obv. I 35

iv Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... 4853

Incantation: pit [ ].......................................................................................... 4851
H obv. I 3639
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................52
H obv. I 40
Instructions .........................................................................................................................53
H obv. I 41
v Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... 5457
Incantation: Anull [ ]....................................................................................... 5455
H obv. I 4243
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................56
H obv. I 44
Instructions .........................................................................................................................57
H obv. I 45
vi Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... 5862
Incantation: Anull [ ]....................................................................................... 5860
H obv. I 4648 // A5 r. col. 13
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................61
H obv. I 49 // A5 r. col. 4
Instructions .........................................................................................................................62
H obv. I 49 (?) // A5 r. col. 5
vii Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................... 6368
Incantation: Ittapa [ ]........................................................................................ 6366
H obv. I 5053 // A5 r. col. 611
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................67
H obv. I 54
Instructions .........................................................................................................................68
H obv. I 55
viii Fragmentary uburruda ritual .............................................................................................6978[
Incantation: Anku i piri ellu...................................................................................6978[
H obv. I 5661 // J obv. 110
5th Part
i Uburruda ritual ..................................................................................................................... 132[
Incantation: Ann biblu ann bibbulu .............................................................................127
k obv. 124 // L obv. 117 // M r. col. 18 // N r. col. 115 // o rev. 112
Uburruda rubric..................................................................................................................28
k obv. 25 // N r. col. 16
Ritual instructions........................................................................................................ 2932[
N r. col. 1720
6th Part
i Uburruda ritual ......................................................................................................................]17
Fragmentary incantation .................................................................................................]14
A4 rev. V? 14 // P r. col. 14
Uburruda rubric...................................................................................................................5
A4 rev. V? 5 // P r. col. 5
Instructions: necklace ...................................................................................................... 67
A4 rev. V? 67 // P r. col. 6
ii Uburruda ritual ..................................................................................................................... 813
Incantation: [pit](?) kski ina marya nadi ............................................................. 811
A4 rev. V? 812 // P r. col. 79
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................12
C2 rev. III 1 // P r. col. 10
TEXT GROUP 7.8 163
Instructions: necklace .........................................................................................................13
C2 rev. III 2 // P r. col. 11
iii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................1426
Incantation: Anku aqullu ammu a ina qereb tmti a .......................................1424
C2 rev. III 310 // P r. col. 1218
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................25
C2 rev. III 11
Instructions: necklace .........................................................................................................26
C2 rev. III 12
iv Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................2736
Incantation: ipt tukra askuppatkunu.......................................................................2733
C2 rev. III 1318 // f rev. IV 16 // N l. col. 1
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................34
C2 rev. III 19 // f rev. IV 7 // N l. col. 2
Instructions: necklace ...................................................................................................3536
C2 rev. III 2021 // f rev. IV 89 // N l. col. 45
v Fragmentary uburruda ritual............................................................................................. 3743[
Incantation: []nku gamla mullila a il rabti...................................................... 3743[
f rev. IV 1016 // N l. col. 611
7th Part
i Uburruda ritual .................................................................................................................. ]133[
Fragmentary incantation .............................................................................................. ]116
Q12 r. col. 116 // S: 19
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................17
Q12 r. col. 17 // S: 10
Ritual instructions........................................................................................................1820
Q12 r. col. 1820 // A6 r. col. 13 // R: 69
Incantation: ama tarmu ina pya imur-ar ina umlya ....................................2131
Q12 r. col. 2128 // A6 r. col. 413 // R: 1014
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................32
A6 r. col. 14
Fragmentary ...................................................................................................................... 33[
A6 r. col. 15
8th Part
i Uburruda ritual ..................................................................................................................... ]19
Fragmentary incantation ................................................................................................ ]16
A3 r. col. 16
Uburruda rubric ...................................................................................................................7
A3 r. col. 7
Instructions: potion ..........................................................................................................89
A3 r. col. 89
ii Uburruda ritual ...................................................................................................................1014
Incantation: Nungalpirignungaldimma...............................................................................10
A3 r. col. 10
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................................11
A3 r. col. 11
Instructions: potion and drugs to be bound in the hem................................................1214
A3 r. col. 1214
iii Fragmentary uburruda ritual............................................................................................. 1520[
Incantation: Kaaptam Id ruut akkan ................................................................... 1520[
A3 r. col. 1520

9th Part
i Fragmentary uburruda ritual .................................................................................................]17
Uburruda rubric...................................................................................................................1
A1 l. col. 1
Instructions ...................................................................................................................... 27
A1 l. col. 27
ii Fragmentary..........................................................................................................................814[
Incantation(?)................................................................................................................. 811
A1 l. col. 811
A1 l. col. 1214
iii Uburruda ritual ................................................................................................................]1535
Fragmentary incantation ...........................................................................................]1533
A1 r. col. 119
Uburruda rubric................................................................................................................ 34
A1 r. col. 20
Instructions (?)..................................................................................................................35[
A1 r. col. 21
10th Part
i Fragmentary uburruda ritual ............................................................................................... ]16[
Instructions (?).............................................................................................................. ]16[
A7 l. col. 16
ii Fragmentary uburruda ritual ...............................................................................................]79
Instructions ...................................................................................................................]79
A7 r. col. 13
iii Fragmentary uburruda ritual ...........................................................................................1013[
Fragmentary incantation ............................................................................................ 1011
A7 r. col. 45
Uburruda rubric................................................................................................................ 12
A7 r. col. 6
Instructions (?)..................................................................................................................13[
A7 r. col. 7
11th Part
i Fragmentary uburruda ritual .................................................................................................. 18[
Incantation: Ritt manzt .................................................................................................. 18[
o obv. 18

Previous Editions

Thureau-Dangin, RA 18 (1921) 16471 (ms. b).

Lutz, PBS 1/2, 6263 (ms. d).
Geller, Studies Leichty, 16772 (ms. E).
Schwemer, KAL 2, no. 10, no. 11, no. 36 (mss. G, N, Q).
Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming (ms. G).
von Weiher, SpTU 4, no. 140 (ms. k).
Scheil, RA 22 (1925) 15456 (ms. o).
TEXT GROUP 7.8 165


1. A2 obv. I // b obv. 1624 // G2 rev. V 20!41

(the beginning of this incantation is probably preserved in G2 rev. V 20!24! and its end in G2 rev. V 27, but a coordination
with the text preserved in A2 is still impossible; for the preceding units in G2, see 3.)
1 A2 obv. I 1 [ ]x
2 A2 obv. I 2 [ u]
3 A2 obv. I 3 [ ] x-nu
4 A2 obv. I 4 [ ]-ti
5 A2 obv. I 5 [ ka-i]a-ni-ti
6 A2 obv. I 6 [ ] x-ti50
7 A2 obv. I 7 [ ] x ka-ia-ni-ti
8 A2 obv. I 8 [u anku kma Id ina ad(?)-i]a lu el-le-ku TU6 N
A2 , G2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 A2 obv. I 9 [KA.INIM.M]A U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
G2 rev. V 28 KA.INIM.MA [ ]
A2 , G2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 A2 obv. I 10 [ P]I10.dD ina DUR GADA -ak
G2 rev. V 29 KD.KD.BI PI10.dD ina DUR GADA [ ]
11 A2 obv. I 11 [ K] N 7-
G2 rev. V 30 7 KA.K K N 7-
12 A2 obv. I 12 [ ID-n]u-ma ina G- GAR-an
G2 rev. V 30 ana IGI dUTU ID-nu-m[a ]
A2 , G2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the preceding unit in b differs, see Summary)
13 A2 obv. I 13 [ ] ana ma-a-ti
b obv. 16 N it-tar-da-ni ana KUR
G2 rev. V 31 it-tar-du-ni ana ma-a-ti
14 A2 obv. I 14 [ ] e-li-ia-na-tum
b obv. 16 ka--pa-a-t e-li-ia-na-ti
G2 rev. V 31 ka--pa-tum e-[li-ia-na-tum]
15 A2 obv. I 15 [ isaa-r]a za-ma-ra
b obv. 17 i--as-sa-a il-lu!-ru i-sa-a-ru za-ma-ru
G2 rev. V 32 i--as-sa-a il-lu-ra i-sa-u-r[a ]
16 A2 obv. I 16 [ tam-t]im DAGAL-tim
b obv. 18 na--a me-e a-ab!(ba)-ba!(ab) tam-tim DAGAL-tim
G2 rev. V 33 na--a A.ME a-ab-ba ta<-am>-tim D[AGAL-ti]m
17 A2 obv. I 17 [ ] SILA
b obv. 18 it-ta-nam-da-a ana SILA.ME
G2 rev. V 34 it-ta-<nam->da-a [ ]
18 A2 obv. I 18 [ K]I.SIKIL.ME
b obv. 19 i-kam-ma-a GURU.ME i-ag-gi- KI.SIKIL.ME
G2 rev. V 35 i-sak6-ki-pa GURU.ME i-ag-gi- KI.SIK[IL.M]E
19 A2 obv. I 19 [ qu-la]-a-tim
b obv. 19 i-ta-nak-ka-na qu-lat
G2 rev. V 36 i-ta-nak-ka-na qu-la-a-[t]im

Note that ms. M l. col. 14 may be a duplicate of A2 obv. I 36: (1)[ ]-nu (2)[ -t]i (3)[ -t]i (4)[ ] x (breaks).

20 A2 obv. I 20 [ aakkanakkinim-m]a
b obv. 20 ana-ku -ak-ka-na-ki-na-im-ma
G2 rev. V 37 ana-ku -ak-ka-na-ki-na-im-ma
21 A2 obv. I 21 [ KA-ki-n]a

b obv. 20 ti-is-kur mu-sak-ki-ru KA-ki-na

G2 rev. V 3738 ti-is-kur / mu-na-ki-ra INIM.ME-ki-na
22 A2 obv. I 22 [ ]N
b obv. 21
AN.L.LA la ma-ir ki-pi
G2 rev. V 39
AN.L la ma-ir N
23 A2 obv. I 23 [ ki-p]i
b obv. 21 GI BR -pa---ru ki-pi
G2 rev. V 40 GAN.U5 a -pa---ru ki-pi
24 A2 obv. I 24 [ ru-e]-e
b obv. 22
IGI-NI la -qar-ra-bu ru-e-e ana zu-ru
G2 rev. V 41
im-ur-a-ra a la -qar-ra-bu ru-e-e
(A2 obv. I breaks; G2 rev. V ends, and the beginning of G2 rev. VI is not preserved)
25 b obv. 2223 na4
it-ta-mir / ! mu-up-pi--a-t 7 munusU11.ZU.ME -pa---ru
26 b obv. 24 ki-pi-ki-na u ru-e-e-ki-na -tar ana IM te N
b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 b obv. 25 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.D[A.KAM]
b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the following units in b are not uburruda rituals; see Summary)

2. k rev. // C1 obv. I // t obv. 18 // d // A4 obv. I

(for k obv., see 5.)

1 k rev. 1 [

2 k rev. 2 A[N?.L.LA(?)

3 k rev. 3 tar-mu[
4 k rev. 4 nak-kap-ti [
5 k rev. 5 kal SU-MU [
6 C1 obv. I 1 [ka-l]a UZUII-M[U
k rev. 67 kal UZU.ME-MU [ ] / ik-ki u na-pi-t [ ]
t obv. 1 ka-la UZU.ME-ia [
7 C1 obv. I 2 [ e-pi]-ti-ia u? [mutpitya(?) kipa ]
k rev. 89 e-pi-i-ia5 [u pitya(?)] / ki-pi--nu [libbalkit-ma]
t obv. 2 e-pi-ti-ia ? [mutpitya(?) kipa ]
8 C1 obv. I 3 [ mu]-i- u la-ni- l[il-li-ku
k rev. 10 ana mu-i--nu u [lnunu
t obv. 3 ana!() mu-i- u la-ni-[
9 C1 caret?
k rev. 11 ip- bar-t a-mat UL-tim N[U ie l iqarruba yi(?)]
t obv. 4 ip- bar-ti INIM UL-ti[m ]
10 C1 obv. I 4 [ q-b]it d-a dUTU u [ ]
k rev. 12 ina q-bit d-a dUTU d
t obv. 5 ina q-bit d-a dUTU d
AMAR.UTU [rubti Blet-il TU6 N(?)]
C1, k, t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT GROUP 7.8 167
11 C1 obv. I 5 [KA].INIM.MA [ ]
k rev. 13 KA.INIM.MA U11.B[R.RU.DA.KAM]51
t obv. 6 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KAM]
C1, k, t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 C1 obv. I 6 KD.KD.BI na4
AN.NA giGAN.U5 eli-kul-la [AN.L.LA ]
k rev. 14 D.D.BI na4
AN.NA giGAN.U5 eli-kulla AN.L.LA tar-[mu]
t obv. 7 KD.KD.[B]I NA4 da-nu giGAN.U5 eli-kul-la A[N.L.LA ]
13 C1 obv. I 7 ina DUR sk.ME.DA 7 KA.K K N 7- ana IGI d[UTU ]
k rev. 14 [ ]
t obv. 78 [ ] 7 KA.K K N 7- ana IGI dUTU ID-ma k[i-pu par]
C1, k, t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following unit in k and t, see 4.)
14 C1 obv. I 8 N an-nu- u- an-ni-tu i-i
d obv. 1 N an-nu- u- [a]n-ni-tum i-i
15 C1 obv. I 8 i-la-as-su-ma a[r-ki-ia]
d obv. 2 i-la-as-su-ma EGIR-ia
16 C1 obv. I 9 u-ta-ma-a-a-a ana DAB-ia :
d obv. 3 u-ta-ma-a-a-a ana a-ba-ti-ia
17 C1 obv. I 9 ina KA- na-at a-mat ma-r[u-u-ti]
d obv. 4 ina KA- na-at a-mat ma-ru-u-ti
18 C1 obv. I 10 ab-at ina UII- ru-e-e ze-ru-ti
d obv. 5 ab-at ina UII- ru-e-e ze-ru-ti
19 C1 obv. I 10 ma-la-a ki-rim-ma- ri-i[m-ki ]
d obv. 6 ma-la-a ki-rim-ma- rim-ki lu?-a?-ti?
20 A4 obv. I 1 [ i-la-su-m]a
C1 obv. I 11 i-mur-i-ma GURU a-na 1 DANNA.M i-la-s[u-ma]
d obv. 7 i-mur-i-ma GURU a-na 1 DANNA.M i-[l]a-[su-m]a
21 A4 obv. I 2 [ DAN]NA
C1 obv. I 12 i-i KI.SIKIL a-na i-ni-pat [ ]
d obv. 8 u i-i KI.SIKIL ana i-ni-pat [ ]
22 A4 obv. I 3 [ ar]-ki-ia
C1 obv. I 13 an-ni-tu man-nu i-la-as-su-ma r-ki-ia :
d obv. 9 an-ni-tum ma[n-n]u i-la-a[s-su-ma ]
23 A4 obv. I 4 [ a-b]a-ti-ia
C1 obv. I 13 ul-ta-ma-a-a-a a-na a-b[a-ti-ia]
d obv. 10 u-ta-ma-a-a-a a-n[a ]
24 A4 obv. I 5 [ ] d-a
C1 obv. I 14 a-bat-ki ina n-me-q d-a :
d obv. 11 a-bat-ki ina n-me-[q ]
25 A4 obv. I 6 [ ] DINGIR.ME dAMAR.UTU
C1 obv. I 14 ak-la-ki ina u[p-]-e-e ABGAL DINGIR.ME d[AMAR.UTU]
d obv. 12 ak-la-ki ina up--e-e [ ]
26 A4 obv. I 7 [ m]ar-tu
C1 obv. I 15 -q-ki *i-mat* mar-tu
d obv. 13 -q-ki U11? [ ]

For reasons unknown the scribe of ms. k inserted the collation note up-pu4 u bari(IGI.TAB) executed and collated between
KA.INIM.MA and U11.BR.RU.DA instead of placing it at the beginning of the colophon in rev. 16.

27 A4 obv. I 8 [ pa-ni-k]i e-rim

C1 obv. I 15 q-e A-ti ki-i -t-ti pa-ni-k[i ]
d obv. 14 q-e A ki-[i ]
28 A4 obv. I 9 [ p]i-ki
C1 obv. I 16 us-ki i-mat UL-tim pi-k[i]
d obv. 15 us-ki x x [ ]
29 A4 obv. I 10 [ qa-t]i-ki
C1 obv. I 16 i-di-i ru-e-e ze-ru-ti q[a-ti-ki]
d obv. 16 i-di-i ru-u-[u ] \ [ ]
30 A4 obv. I 11 [ ki-rim-ma-k]i
C1 obv. I 17 lip-pa-ra ki-rim-ma-ki
d obv. 17 lip-pa-ra k[i-rim-ma-ki]
31 A4 obv. I 12 [ mu-te-pi-t]i
C1 obv. I 17 x x [x ]? ka-ap-ti e-pi-ti u mu-[te-pi-ti]
d obv. 18 x [x (x) ? ka]-[ap-ti
(A4 obv. I breaks)
32 C1 obv. I 18 e-pi-ti-ia [t]al-lak-ta- a[-bat?]
d rev. 1 e-pi-ti-i tal-lak-ta-[ ]
33 C1 obv. I 19 [ ] mu-te-pi-ti-ia -[ter ki-pi-]
d rev. 2 mu-te-pi-ti-i -ter k[i-pi-]
34 C1 obv. I 19 a-leq-q-i-ma -i-i it-t[i x x (x)]
d rev. 3 a-leq-q-ki-ma -i-ki it-ti [x x (x)]
35 C1 obv. I 20 [ ] ABUL [ ]
d rev. 4 -paq-qad-ki ana ABUL pe-i-[ti]
36 C1 obv. I 20 [ ] dUTU..A pa-ni-ki [ ]
d rev. 5 ana ur-ri dUTU..A pa-ni-ki a-[kun]
37 C1 obv. I 21 [ --a]-bit [ ]
d rev. 6 -la-la la na-i-la --a-bit AB[UL]
38 C1 obv. I 22 [ terte]-ned-[dnni]
d rev. 7 - ia-a-i ana UL-tim tr-te-ned-din-ni
39 C1 obv. I 23 [ ]
d rev. 8 DUMU.ME um-ma-ni MA.MA.ME MU.LA4.ME[]
40 C1 obv. I 23 [ a-i]a!?-i[l-ki ]
d rev. 9 li-pa--i-ru-ki-ma a-a-il-ki -pa-ar [N?]
(C1 breaks)
d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 d rev. 10 [K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 d rev. 11 D.D.BI EME .UDU <D->ma Z NAG-[i]
43 d rev. 12 GU A-ti IGI.ME- tar-rim
44 d rev. 13 ina ABRUD dUTU..A -i-i-ma
45 d rev. 14 ina na4KIIB na4UBA u na4ad-ni K- ta-bar-ram
d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of d)52

This is followed by the colophon: (15)ina itiAB U4.24.KAM (16)a-na dGI.NU11-MU-GI.NA (17)LUGAL TIN.TIRki e-pu-u I made (i.e.,
performed or wrote?) (it) on ebtu the 24th for ama-umu-ukn, king of Babylon. Note that Si 1, a tablet of similar for-
mat containing one anti-witchcraft ritual, has exactly the same colophon and is also dated to the 24th of ebtu (rev. 1012). For
the possible significance of this date, see Parpola, LAS 2, 164.
TEXT GROUP 7.8 169
3. A2 obv. II // E // C2 obv. II // f obv. I // A4 obv. II // G2 rev. V 1019!
1 A2 obv. II 1 [x x x x x] x a[n
2 A2 obv. II 2 [m]u-lil AN-e ABZU U4.N.[M]
3 A2 obv. II 3 mu-pa--r ki-pi ru-e-e
4 A2 obv. II 4 na--pa-rat mu-i ka-la u4-[mi]
5 A2 obv. II 5 tal-ta-nap-pa-ra-ni ana mu-i-ia
6 A2 obv. II 6 U4.N.M U4-ka ez-zu lik-u-us-si-na-ti
7 A2 obv. II 7 pu- a-na-ku-ma ul ap-pat-til
8 A2 obv. II 8 a-bat-tu ana-ku-ma ul a-qal4-l[ap]
9 A2 obv. II 9 man-nu a a-na PI10.dD i-pu-u [ki-pi]
10 A2 obv. II 10 a-na er-re-e e-p[u-u]
11 A2 obv. II 11 ip- bar-t a-mat UL-tim T[U6 N]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 A2 obv. II 12 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.R[U.DA.KAM]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 A2 obv. II 13 KD.KD.BI ina U4.N.M n[a4x x x x (x)]
14 A2 obv. II 14 NUMUN giA.LU.B IM.BUBBU PI[10.dD KU.LAGAB(?)]
15 A2 obv. II 15 ina TG GE6 K N 7- ana IGI d?[x (x) ID-nu-ma]
16 A2 obv. II 16 ina G- GAR-an ana x [x x x x x (x)]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 A2 obv. II 17 N at-ta IGI-lim am-[mu ]
E obv. 1 [N at-t]a IGI-lim am-mu ina ma-ri -u
18 A2 obv. II 18 mu-pa--i-r[u ]
E obv. 2 [mu-p]a--i-ru ka-la-ma
19 A2 obv. II 19 e-le-nu qim-[mat-su ]
E obv. 23 e-le<-nu> qim-mat-su / [AN-e -an-n]a-at
20 A2 obv. II 20 ap-la-nu u[r-u ]
E obv. 3 ap-la-na ur-- qaq-q[a-r]a SA5-
21 A2 obv. II 21 i-mur-ka-m[a ]
E obv. 4 [i-mur-ka-m]a ka-ap-tum i-ru-qu pa-nu-
22 A2 obv. II 22 -x-[x-? ]
E obv. 5 [ -x x]-? [x]-x-u?
23 A2 obv. II 23 i-[li-ma ]
E obv. 5 i-li-ma NUNDUMII-
24 A2 obv. II 24 [ ]
E obv. 6 [ ka-ap-ti(?) x]-x-[x] x-x-[(x)]- te-e-ep-pi rik-sa UL
(A2 obv. II breaks)
25 E obv. 7 [at-ta] IGI-lim ana -ki-ni-u ip- [bar-t]
27 E obv. 9 [KA.DAB.B.DA] DIMMA.KR.RA la -qa[r-ra-bu]
28 E obv. 10 [ina qibt dEa] dUTU u dAMAR.UTU u ru-ba-a-t[i DINGIR.MA]
29 E obv. 11 [ki-pi- ru-e-e(?)]- INIM MUNUS.UL!-tim e tu-qar-ri-b[a]
mu nus
30 C2 obv. II 1 [ ] U11.ZU-M[U TU6 N]
E lo. e. 1 [ mu nus
] U11.ZU-MU
C2 , E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 C2 obv. II 2 [KA.INIM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
E rev. 1 [KA.INIM.MA] U11.[B]R.RU.DA.KM
C2 , E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

32 C2 obv. II 3 [ ] NU.NU 7 ki-i-[ri] K[]

E rev. 2 [D.D].BI DUR skGA.RG.AK.A NU.NU 7 K K
f obv. I 1 [ K]
33 C2 obv. II 34
IGI-lim e-ma K skGA.R[G.AK.A] / [ ]
E rev. 3 [ ] e-ma K skGA.RG.AK.A NIGIN N 7- ana UGU ID
f obv. I 23 [ 7]- / [ ]
34 C2 obv. II 4 [ina G]- GAR-an-ma ki-pu NU T[E-u]
E rev. 4 [ GAR-a]n ki-pi NU TE.ME-
f obv. I 3 [ TE(.ME)]-u
C2, E, f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of E)
35 C2 obv. II 5 [N munusU11.ZU(?) a-gu-g]i-lat MU.LA5-at nar-in-da-at
f obv. I 4 [ nar]-im-<da->at
36 C2 obv. II 6 [kaptu a(?) t]a-sar-ra-q sur-qi-ni ITI u4-mu U4.7.KM U4.15.KM
f obv. I 5 [ ]
37 C2 obv. II 7 [U4.x.KM U4.]UL.GL U4.30.KM a-ap-pa-rak-kim-ma
f obv. I 56 [ ] U4.30.[KM] / [a-ap-pa-rak-kim-m]a
C2 ctd. DUMU.ME in-bi-ia da-di-ia
f ctd. [ da-d]i-ia
38 C2 obv. II 8 [AN.L.LA giG]AN.U5 eli-kul-la L.U18.LU
f obv. I 78 [ gi
] [GAN.U5 ] L.U18.LU /
C2 ctd.

f ctd. [

39 C2 obv. II 9 [ MA.GIL S]I DRA.BAR u IM.dMA

f obv. I 810 [ t]i-is-kur / [SI DRA].BAR u gin[i-kip-tu]
C2 ctd. .ME KUR-i u ma-a-ti U ABGAL DINGIR.ME dAMAR.UTU
f ctd. [ ] KUR-i / [u ma-a-t]i U AB[GAL DI]NGIR.M[E] dAMAR.UTU
40 C2 obv. II 10 i-ka--du-ki i[na ]ar-ra-nim-ma :
f obv. I 1112 [i-ka--d]u-ki ina ar-ra-ni[m]-ma /
C2 ctd. i-ma-a-u TE-ki -tar-ru INIM-ki ana KA-k[i]
f ctd. [ ] TE-ki -tar-ru INIM-ki [ ]
41 C2 obv. II 11 U11.ZU-MU sur-q-ni-ki ka-la MU.AN.NA
f obv. I 1213 [ka-a]p-ti-ia5 / [ ] ka-la MU
C2 ctd. tu-sar-ri-q -ab-ba-lu TU6 N
f ctd. tu-sar-ri-q -[ab-ba-l]u TU6 N
C2 , f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 C2 obv. II 12 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KM
f obv. I 14 [KA.INIM.M]A U11.BR.DA.KAM
C2 , f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 C2 obv. II 13 KD.KD.BI AN.L.LA gi
GAN.U5 e-li-kul

f obv. I 1516 [ ] AN.L.LA GAN.U5 e-[li-kul]-la / gi

C2 ctd. L.U18.LU DILI KA.BAD
f ctd. [
44 C2 obv. II 14
ti-is-kur SI DRA.BAR u ni-kip-t

f obv. I 1618 AD.SAG [MA.GI].IL /[ S]I DRA.BAR u ni-ki[p]-t /
C2 ctd. .I.A an-nu-ti IGI-[?] ina GU
f ctd. [ an]-nu-ti IGI-? ina GU-e -[ak]
TEXT GROUP 7.8 171
45 A4 obv. II 12 N [ ] / ina G- [ ]
C2 obv. II 15 N 7- ana IGI dUTU ID-nu ina G- GAR ki-pu NU TE-[u]
f obv. I 19 [ ] dUTU ID-nu ina G- GAR-an-ma ki-p[u ]
C2 , f ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(the preceding units in G2 differ, see Summary)
46 A4 obv. II 3 N GAR-na-ku-[ma ]
C2 obv. II 16 N GAR-na-ku-ma .dD DUMU.MUNUS DINGIR.ME GAL.[ME]
f obv. I 20 [ ] .dD DUMU.MUNUS DINGIR.ME [ ]
47 A4 obv. II 4 ina U4.N[.M ]
C2 obv. II 17 ina U4.N.M ki-pi
f obv. I 21 [ U4.N].M ki-p
G2 rev. V 11 [ ]
48 A4 obv. II 5 ina nu-bat-t[i ]
C2 obv. II 17 ina nu-bat-ti U4.7.KM -pa---ru ma-m[a?-ti]
f obv. I 21 u ina nu-bat-ti U4.7.KM i-p[a---ru ]
G2 rev. V 11 [ nu-bat-t]i U4.7.KM -pa--r[u ]
49 A4 obv. II 6 ma-mi-tum ma-m[i-tum ]
C2 obv. II 18 ma-mi-tum ma-mi-tum ul-lal-ki ma-mi-t[um]
f obv. I 22 [ma-mi-tu]m?-ma? ma-m[i]-t ul-lal-ki [m]a-mtu
G2 rev. V 12 [ ]
50 A4 obv. II 7 U8 TUR- ab-t[ ]
C2 obv. II 19 U8 TUR- ab-t Z tu-a-mi-
f obv. I 2223 U8 [ ]/[ ] tu-a-mi-
G2 rev. V 1213 U8 TUR- [ab-t ]
51 A4 obv. II 8 kal-ba-ti [ ]
C2 obv. II 19 kal-ba-ti mi-ra-ni-[]
f obv. I 23 [ k]a[l-ba-t]u mi-[r]a-[ni-]
G2 rev. V 13 [ kal-ba]-ti mi-r[a-ni-]
52 A4 obv. II 9 lu-uq-ti NUMUN U11.Z[U-MU ]
C2 obv. II 20 lu-uq-ti NUMUN lU11.ZU-MU u munusU11.ZU-MU
f obv. I 24 [lu-uq]-ti NUMUN lU11.ZU-MU u[ ]
G2 rev. V 14 [ ]
(end of f obv. I, beginning of obv. II lost)
53 A4 obv. II 10 ma-mtu lu- ana qid-da-tim-ma ana-k[u ]
C2 obv. II 20 ma-mtu lu ana qid-da-tim-ma ana-ku lu [ana mirti(?)]
G2 rev. V 15 [ ]
54 A4 obv. II 11 e-pi-ti lu- ana [ ]
C2 obv. II 21 e-pi-ti lu-u ana qab-rim-ma
G2 rev. V 16 [ ]
55 A4 obv. II 12 [ana-k]u lu-u ana ZLAG AN.TA.ME T[U6 N]
C2 obv. II 21 ana-ku lu-u ana ZLAG AN.TA.ME T[U6 N]
G2 rev. V 16 [ ]
A4, C2, [G2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 A4 obv. II 13 [KA.INIM.M]A U11.BR.R[U.DA.KAM]
C2 obv. II 22 [K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KM]
G2 rev. V 17! [ U11].B[R.RU.D]A.[K]M
A4 , C2 , G2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

57 A4 obv. II 14 [KD.KD.BI x x x (x)] x x [x x x]

C2 obv. II 23 [KD.KD.B]I x x x x [x x x] x x -ak
G2 rev. V 18! [ ]xxxx
(A4 obv. II breaks)
58 C2 obv. II 23 7 KA.K[ K (x x)]
G2 rev. V 19! [ N 7- ana IGI] dUTU ID-nu-ma ina G GAR-an
(C2 obv. II breaks)
G2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following units in G2, see 1.)

4. t obv. 9rev. 17 // k catchline // H obv. I // f obv. II // A5 l. and r. col. // u

(for the preceding unit in k and t, see 2., and, for k, also 5.)
1 k rev. 1553 []N ur-ru-ni na4
AN.NA u na4ZLAG TA AN-e ur-du-ni
t obv. 9 []N ur-ru-ni (ud) NA4 da-nu
u na4ZLAG ul-tu AN-e ur-du-ni
2 t obv. 10 [ina?] SAG?--nu na-u- pi-re-e-tum [(x x x)]
3 t obv. 11 ip-ta!--ru INIG IN.NU.U u giGIIMMAR EDIN x [(x x)]
4 t obv. 12 ia-i lip-u-ru-in-ni ina KI.TA-ki di!-a-ra x [x x]
5 t obv. 13 [i]na AN-e nap-a-t x x x
6 f obv. II 1 tu-ap-p[e-e ]
t obv. 13 tu-ap-pe-e rk-si-i-na [a mi(?)]
7 f obv. II 2 tu-al-la-q[ ]
t obv. 14 tu-al-la-q INIM.ME-i-na kal? [mi(?)]
8 f obv. II 3 a e-pi-t[i-ia-ma ]
H obv. I 1 [ ]
t obv. 15 e-pi-ti-ia-a-ma i-pe-e ri-kis-sa
9 f obv. II 4 a mu-te-pi-ti-i[a amssa(?)]
H obv. I 2 [ ]x[ ]
t obv. 15 mu-te<-pi>-t[i-ia x x x]
10 f obv. II 5 ni-nu-ma en-q-nu ni-nu-ma n[i-in-da-a-nu]
H obv. I 3 ni-n[u-ma n]i-nu-m[a ]
t obv. 16 ni-nu-ma en-q-nu ni-nu!(gr)-ma ni-in-d[a]-a?-nu? :
11 f obv. II 5 [ ]
H obv. I 4 ni-nu-m[a n]i[t?-x-x(-x)] a-n[a x x x (x x)]
t obv. 16 ni-nu-ma nit-t[a?- ]
f, H, t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 f obv. II 6 KA.INIM.MA [ ]
H obv. I 5 KA.INIM.MA [ ]
t obv. 17 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KAM]
f, H, t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 f obv. II 7 KD.KD.BI ina IGI mu[lGR.TAB ]
H obv. I 6 KD.KD.BI ana IGI mulGR.TAB NG.NA imL[I ]
t rev. 1 i-p e-
14 A5 l. col. 12 [ S ] A 5? /[ ]
f obv. II 8 A pa-i-ri ina .GI [ ]
H obv. I 67 [ ] / dugkal-li SA5 na4
t rev. 12 [ ]/ i-p e- d
a-nu na4

This catchline is followed by the colophon in rev. 1516: IM IBA--a bu12-kr I[dItar-uma-re lp lpi], [Ekur-zakir lMA].M[A
I d d d
U ] 15-MU-KAM DUMU.A.NI pa-li 60 50 [ ].
TEXT GROUP 7.8 173
15 A5 l. col. 2 [ ] ana UB
f obv. II 9 INIG [matakal ]
H obv. I 7 I[NIG ]
t rev. 23 INIG IN.NU.U[ u gi
GIIMMAR.TUR] / i-p e-

16 A5 l. col. 3 [ ] NG.SILA11.G D-u

f obv. II 10 NU U11.ZU u[ ]
H obv. I 8 NU U11.ZU u munusU11.ZU NG.SILA11.G[ ]
t rev. 3 u munusU11.ZU! NG.SILA11.G D-u
17 A5 l. col. 4 [ T]A? dug
kal-li E11-ma
f caret?
H obv. I 8 [ ]
t rev. 34 NA4.ME [annti(?) ] / E11!-ma
18 A5 l. col. 5 [ ]-ak ina G- GAR-an
f obv. II 11 na4AN.NA [ ]
H obv. I 9 na4
AN.NA na4ZLAG ina DUR -ak i[na] G[- ]
t rev. 4 na4
AN.NA ZLAG ina DUR ina G- GAR-an

19 A5 l. col. 67 [ IN.NU.U] giGIIMMAR.TUR / [ ]
f obv. II 12 INIG x[ ]
H obv. I 910 [ ] / GAR-an-ma
t rev. 45 INIG [ ] / u giGIIMMAR<.TUR> ana KA- GAR-an-ma :
A5 ctd. [ UII-] L-ma
f ctd. [ ]
H ctd. u ina UII- L-ma
t ctd. ina UII- L-ma
20 A5 l. col. 8 [ I]D-nu-ma
f obv. II 13 N an-ni-t [ ] I[GI] mul[GR.TAB ]
H obv. I 10 [ ]
t rev. 56 [N ] / ana IGI mulGR.TAB ID-ma :
21 A5 l. col. 9 [ i-na-i-i]s?-ma
f obv. II 14 a KA- i-na-i-is-ma
H obv. I 10 [ ]
t rev. 6 KA- i-na-i-is-ma
22 A5 l. col. 10 [ u-ba-a-m]a?
f obv. II 14 u [ ]
H obv. I 11 u UII- ra-man- u-b[a-a-ma]
t rev. 67 u [ ] / ra-man- u-ba-a-ma
(A5 l. col. breaks)
23 f obv. II 15 ana UGU NU U11.ZU u munusU11.ZU T[U5?-ma?]
H obv. I 11 [ ]
t rev. 7 ana UGU NU lU11.ZU u munusU11.ZU i-r[a-mmuk-ma?]
24 f obv. II 1516 [ ] / dugkal!-li i-[ma-a]-a-a-[u-nu-ti-ma]
H obv. I 12 i-na lb-bi A.ME dugkal-[li ]
t rev. 8 ina A.ME dugkal-la i-m[a-]a-a--nu-ti-ma
f ctd. [ ]
H ctd. [ ]
t ctd. ana D [UB-ma U]11 p[a-r]
f, H, s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 f obv. II 17 N ak-na-ku na4KA.GI.N[A ]
H obv. I 13 N ak-na-ku na4[ ]
t rev. 9 N ak-na-ku na4ad-nu DAB-tim? [x (x) ki?]-it-tum an x [x] x [x (x)]

26 f obv. II 1819 a la -qar-ra-ba r[u-e-e ]/

H obv. I 14 la -qa[r-ra-ba ]
t rev. 1011 la -qar-ra-bu ru-e-e lem-nu-ti
f ctd. a AN-e qu-la-n[in-ni ]
H ctd. [ ]
t ctd. AN-e qu-l[a-nin-ni] / KI-tim i-ma-nin-ni
27 f obv. II 20 IM na-zi-qu [ ]
H obv. I 15 IM na-z[i-qu ]
t rev. 1112 IM na-zi-qu tu-ru-uk la [tal-lak] / mi-it-ga-ru IM.ME [] K x [x]
u rev. 1 / [x] x IM.ME K LU?.ME [
28 f obv. II 21 DUB-ma xx[
H obv. I 16 tab-ka-ma [
t rev. 13 DUB-ma ak-la ni-i? DINGIR x x [(x)] x lam [x x] li? ? [x (x)]
u rev. 12
29 f obv. II 22 li-[
H obv. I 17 li-i[-bat
t rev. 14 ta-e-e li-<i->bat li-i-[bat ]x[
u rev. 2 [ ] x li-i-bat li-i-b[at
30 f obv. II 23 man-n[a
H obv. I 18 man-na lu-u-pur a-na d[
t rev. 15 man-nu lu-u-pur ana dx x [x x] x x x [
u rev. 23
31 f obv. II 24 l[i-e-bi-lam
H obv. I 19 li-e-bi-lam UTU na4KIIB- [
t rev. 16 lu -e-bi-l[am] [UTU

u rev. 3 [li-e-bi-la]m-ma dUTU na4KIIB- n[a4adni

(f obv. II breaks)
32 H obv. I 20 lu-uk-nu-uk pi-i k[a-li--n[u
t rev. 17 [lu]-u[k-nu-uk
u rev. 4 [lu-uk-nu]-uk KA ka-li--n[u
(t breaks)
H, u ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 H obv. I 21 KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
u rev. 5 [KA.I]NIM.MA [ ]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 H obv. I 22 D.D.BI ina e-rim ana IGI dUTU NG.NA [imLI GAR-an ()]
u rev. 6 [KD].KD.BI ina e-rim ana IGI dUTU NG.N[A
35 H obv. I 23 7 KA.K K N 7- ana IGI d[UTU ID-nu-ma NU lU11.ZU u munusU11.ZU(?)]
u rev. 7 [ K]A.K K N 7- ana IGI d[UTU ]
36 H obv. I 24 [] IM D-u N an-ni-t 7-[ ID-nu-ma () KA--nu(?)]
u rev. 8 [ I]M D-u N an-ni-ti 7-[ ]
37 H obv. I 25 [ina] na4KIIB ad-nu DAB.BA ta-kan-n[ak
u rev. 9 [x x] x [
(u breaks)
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 H obv. I 26 []N i-na munusU11.ZU.ME [
39 H obv. I 27 [i-t]u .DINGIR-i-na te-ba-ni[m-ma
40 H obv. I 28 [ana] dAMAR.UTU EN TI.LA ap-q-i[s-si-na-ti
41 H obv. I 29 [x] x a-na giIG x x x [
42 H obv. I 30 [a-a i]q-ru-bu-ni [
TEXT GROUP 7.8 175
43 H obv. I 31 [x (x) g]i il is x [
44 H obv. I 32 [x (x)] x la x [
45 H obv. I 33 [a]-a ip-ur lu k[i-pu(?)
H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 H obv. I 34 [K]A.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 H obv. I 35 D.D.BI si [
H -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 H obv. I 36 N e-pi-ti [
49 H obv. I 37 IGIII-a-a na4x [
50 H obv. I 38 a IM a-li-[ki
51 H obv. I 39 e-pi-ti x [
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 H obv. I 40 KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 H obv. I 41 KD.KD.BI na4x [
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 H obv. I 42 N AN.L l[i-
55 H obv. I 43 ka-ap-ti [
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 H obv. I 44 KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 H obv. I 45 D.D.BI N an-n[i-t
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 A5 r. col. 1 trace of one sign that cannot be N at the beginning of the line
H obv. I 46 N AN.L li-x [
59 A5 r. col. 2 a [
H obv. I 47 a ka-ap-ti x [
60 A5 r. col. 3 i-i [a-mat
H obv. I 48 i-i a-mat [anku pirku(?)]
H, A5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 A5 r. col. 4 KA.IN[IM.MA ]
H obv. I 49 KA.INIM.MA U11.B[R.RU.DA.KAM] ()
H, A5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 A5 r. col. 5 KD.KD.BI ana U[GU
H obv. I 49 ([ ])
A5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 A5 r. col. 67 N it-tap-a [ ] / ina KA- n[a- ]
H obv. I 50 N it-tap-a dUTU [ ]
64 A5 r. col. 89 ina NUNDUM.ME- [ ] / ina na-pa-i-ka d[UTU ]
H obv. I 51 ina NUNDUM.ME- na-u- [ ]
65 A5 r. col. 10 pu-ur a ka[-ap-ti
H obv. I 52 pu-ur a ka-ap-t[i
66 A5 r. col. 11 ip- x [
H obv. I 53 ep!(ma)--tu- a-a [
(A5 r. col. breaks)
H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 H obv. I 54 KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 H obv. I 55 KD.KD.BI ana UGU giGAN.U5 [
H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 H obv. I 56 N ana-ku GI BR K am-[mu ]
J obv. 1 [ a ina d-l]a-a-a a-u-

70 H obv. I 57 d
-la-a ib-na-an-n[i ]
J obv. 2 [ K]I-tim -li-dan-ni
71 H obv. I 57 [ ]
J obv. 3 [dEllil u dNinlil(?) uridni] ana ma-a-ti
72 H obv. I 58 [m]a-la SAG.DU-MU AN- [ ]
J obv. 4 [ ] q-a-du
73 H obv. I 58 [ ]
J obv. 5 [mala pya eretu] q-a-da-at
74 H obv. I 59 [ka]-ap-ti e-ki-a-am te-p[u-in-ni]
J obv. 6 [ te-p]u-in-ni
75 H obv. I 59 [ ]
J obv. 7 [rt(?) e-ki-a-am tu-re-i-i]n-ni
76 H obv. I 60 [e]-pi-u--a e-pi-u-[tu--a]
J obv. 8 [ e-pi-u-t]u--a
77 H obv. I 61 [ki-p]i-u-nu lib-bal-ki-t[ ]
J obv. 9 [ K]UR-i
(H breaks)
78 J obv. 10 [ ]-ni
(J breaks)

5. k obv. // L obv. 117 // M r. col. // N r. col. // o rev.

1 k obv. 1 N an-nu- bi-ib-lum an-nu-[ bi-ib-bu-lum]
2 k obv. 2 i-a-a-a-lu e-pi-tum [x x x x x]
3 k obv. 3 ina D im-lu-u [dya]
4 k obv. 4 ina giIG i-lu-pu [x x x x x]
5 k obv. 5 ina ABRUD i-du-du [muya]
6 k obv. 6 ina SILA i-bu-u [eper pya]
7 k obv. 7 ina qaq-qar ik-pur r[u?-t]
8 k obv. 8 ina .GAR8 i-lu-u [bt]
9 k obv. 9 ina lAZLAG i-u- u-bat-[MU (a ibtuqu sissikt)]
10 k obv. 10 ina da-ba-bi TI- da-bab-ti [ ]
L obv. 1 [ ] da-[ba-bi ]
M r. col. 1 ina da-ba-bi TI- da-bab-ti KA-ia [rat qaqqadya]
11 k obv. 11 ina na-pa-i dUTU e-pi-M[U ]
L obv. 2 [ n]a-pa-i [ ]
M r. col. 2 ina na-pa-i dUTU e-pi-MU [ ]
N r. col. 1 x x x x [x] x u e-pi-ti
12 k obv. 12 -pa---r ru-e--n[u ]
L obv. 3 [-p]a--[-ru ]
M r. col. 3 -pa---ru ru-e--nu lem-nu-ti :
N r. col. 1 -[pa---ru] \ ru-e-e U[L.ME]
13 k obv. 12 [ ]
L obv. 4 [ina m]a-ar d[UTU ]
M r. col. 3 ina ma-ar [ ]
N r. col. 2 ina ma-ar dUTU da-a-a-an U[N.ME]
TEXT GROUP 7.8 177
(for o obv., see 11.)
14 k obv. 13 ina D im-lu-[u ]
L obv. 5 [ in]a D i[m-lu-u ]
M r. col. 4 ina D im-lu-u lu IM- :
N r. col. 3 ina [ ] D im-lu- lu- I[M-]
o rev. 1 i-na D im-lu-[u ]
15 k obv. 14 ina giIG i-lu-p[u ]
L obv. 6 [ in]a giIG i[s-lu-pu ]
M r. col. 4 ina giIG [ ]
N r. col. 4 ina [gi]IG is-lu-pu lu- x [x x]
o rev. 2 i-na giIG i-lu-p[u ]
16 k obv. 15 ina ABRUD il-du-[du ]
L obv. 7 [ in]a ur-ri i-d[u-du ]
M r. col. 5 [ ]ur-ri i-du-du lu-u mu--i- :
N r. col. 5 [] ina [u]r-ri i-du-du lu- mu--[i-]
o rev. 4 i-na ur-ri i-du-du lu- mu-[-i-]
17 k obv. 16 ina SILA i-b[u-u ]
L obv. 8 [ ] ina SILA i-bu-[ ]
M r. col. 5 ina SILA i-b[u-u ]

N r. col. 6 ina SILA i-bu-u lu- SAAR GR II -[]
o rev. 3 i-na s-q i-bu-u lu-[ ] \ e-pi-
18 k obv. 17 ina qaq-qar ik-[pu-ru ]
L obv. 9 [] ina qaq-qa-ri ik-pu-ru [ ]
M r. col. 6 [ i]k-pu-ru lu-u ru-us-sa :
N r. col. 7 ina qaq-qa-ri ik-pu-ru lu- r[u-us-sa]
o caret
19 k obv. 18 ina .GAR8 i-[lu-u ]
L obv. 10 ina .GAR8 i-lu- [ ]
M r. col. 6 ina .GA[R8 ]
N r. col. 8 ina .GAR8 i-lu-u lu- -[sa]
o caret
20 k obv. 19 ina lAZLA[G ]
L obv. 11 ina lAZLAG i-u-u lu-u [ ]
M r. col. 7 [ i-]u-u lu-u TG-sa :
N r. col. 9 ina lAZLAG i-u- lu- T[G-sa]
o caret
21 k caret?
L obv. 12 ib-tu-qu lu-u [ ]
M r. col. 7 i[b-tu-qu ]
N r. col. 10 ib-tu-qu lu- TG.S[K-]
o caret
22 k obv. 20 ina da-ba-bi [ ]
L obv. 13 ina da-ba-bi TI- lu-u da-ba-ab-ti KA-
M r. col. 8 [ l]u- da-bab-t[i ]
N r. col. 11 ina da-ba-bi TI- lu-u d[a-babti ]
o rev. 5 i-na da-ba-ab il-qu- \ lu- da-ba-ab-ti pi-a
(M r. col. breaks; for l. col., cf. p. 165, fn. 50)
23 k obv. 20 [ ]
L obv. 13 [ ]
N r. col. 12 u
o rev. 6 u lu- ba-al-tu qa-qa-di-a

23a o rev. 7 i-na na-pa-i dUTU a-pa-ar-u-nu-ti

24 k obv. 21 IGI-lim [ ]

L obv. 14 IGI-lim lim-a-a T[E-sa]

N r. col. 12 IGI-lim lim-a-a [ ]

o rev. 8 im-ur-lim li-im-a-a le-es-sa
25 k obv. 22
GAN.U5 [ ]
L obv. 15 GAN.U5 li-pa--i-ra [ ]
N r. col. 13 [gi]GAN.U5 lu-pa--i-ra ki-[pi-]
o rev. 9 [gi]GAN.U5 li-pa-i-ra ki-pi-

26 k obv. 23 eli-[kul-la ]
L obv. 16 gi
eli-kul-la li-ter INIM-sa [ ]
N r. col. 14 gieli-kul-la li-ter INIM-sa ana [ ]
o rev. 1011 [eli]-kul-[la] li-ter-ra / [ ] a [ ] INIM-sa a-na pi-
27 k obv. 24 usic! gamsic!-lum [ ]
L obv. 17 gam-lum li-pa-i-ra ki-ir k[i-pid ]
N r. col. 15 [ li-p]a-i-ra ki-ir ki-pid [-]
o rev. 12 [ ] gam-lum li-pa-i-ra ki-ir ki-pi-id -[]
(end? of o; continuation in L differs, see Summary)
[k], N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 k obv. 25 KA.INIM.[MA ]
N r. col. 16 [ U]11.BR.DA.K[AM]
(k obv. breaks; for rev., see 2.)
N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 N r. col. 17 [D.D.BI i]na <>? U4.N.M dugA.GB.BA [GIN-an]
30 N r. col. 18 [x x x x] NG.NA imLI GAR-an KA.SA[G BAL-q]
31 N r. col. 19 [x x x x] x [x x] x x tul?-lal? [
32 N r. col. 20 [ ]x[
(N r. col. breaks)

6. A4 rev. V? // P // C2 rev. III // f rev. IV // N l. col.

1 A4 rev. V? 1 [x x x x x x ]i? ana? id x [ ]
P r. col. 1 [ x x] [x]
2 A4 rev. V? 2 [x x x x (x)-m]a a-a i-t[u-ru-ni]
P r. col. 2 [ i-tu-r]u-[ni]
3 A4 rev. V? 3 [x x (x) lis-s]ap-u-ma a-a is-u-[ru-ni]
P r. col. 3 [ is-u-r]u-[ni]
4 A4 rev. V? 4 [ina q-bi]t iq-bu- te-li-tum di-tar TU6 [N]
P r. col. 4 [ ] d1[5]
A4, P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 A4 rev. V? 5 [KA].INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.K[AM]
P r. col. 5 [ U11.BR.R]U.DA.KAM
A4, P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 A4 rev. V? 6 [KD].KD.BI giGAN.U5 ina DUR K
P r. col. 6 [ ]
7 A4 rev. V? 7 [N] 3- ana UGU ID-nu ina G- GAR-an
P r. col. 6 [ G]- GAR-an
A4, P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A4 rev. V? 8 [N e?-pi?-t]i? ki-is-ki ana IGI-ia na-di i-qil-ki ana bur-ki-i[a5]
P r. col. 7 [ b]ur-ki-ia5
TEXT GROUP 7.8 179
9 A4 rev. V? 910 [ina q-bi]t di-tar dna-na-[a] / [dgaz-b]a-ba u dka-[ni-sur-ra]
P r. col. 8 [ ]
10 A4 rev. V? 11 [x x x (x) ki-pu] ru-u- [ ]
P r. col. 8 [ ki-p]i ru-u-u ru-s[u-u]
11 A4 rev. V? 12 traces
P r. col. 9 [ ] TU6 [N]
(A4 breaks)
P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 C2 rev. III 1 [KA.IN]IM.MA [ ]
P r. col. 10 [ U11.BR.RU.D]A.K[AM]
C2 , P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 C2 rev. III 2 [K]D.KD.BI ana UGU giGAN.U5 ID-nu-[ma ]
P r. col. 11 [ ina G]- GAR-an
C2 , P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 C2 rev. III 3 [N an]a-ku LAL am-mu ina q-reb tam-tim a-a-a
P r. col. 12 [ ] a-u-
15 C2 rev. III 3 e-le-nu qim-ma-ti d[a-num(?) ]
P r. col. 13 [ d
a-num(?)] i-na-ar
16 C2 rev. III 4 [ap]-la-nu ur-i-ia i-na-a-ra dnu-dm-mud
P r. col. 14 [ ] dnu-dm-mud
17 C2 rev. III 4 ina mu-i-ia dnin-gi-zi-da GAR [ ]
P r. col. 15 [ GA]R EN.NUN
18 C2 rev. III 5 [li-i]m-ta-ar a-ge-e ez-zu-ti ta-ma-ti DA[GAL-tim]
P r. col. 16 [ ta-ma-t]im DAGAL-t[im]
19 C2 rev. III 6 [li-im-t]a-ar ku-u-a al-pa-a u-ri-pa
P r. col. 17 [ u-r]i-[pa]
20 C2 rev. III 6 ki-ma at-tu-u-a N UGU-u iq-bu-u ina? SU?-[? x x (x)]
P r. col. 18 [ ] x x [x]
(P breaks)
21 C2 rev. III 7 [u? zi?-q]?-qu IM la i-x-bu pa-an zu-um-r[i-u]
22 C2 rev. III 8 [ana NENNI A NE]NNI -ki-ni-ia GIG di-u u-ru-up-pu-u ki-pu ru-u-u [ru-su-u]
23 C2 rev. III 9 [up--u]- lem-nu-tu a-me-lu-ti a-a TE-u a-a iq-[ri-bu-u]
24 C2 rev. III 10 [a-a is-ni-q]u- ina q-bit dDI dUTU u d [TU6 N]
C2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 C2 rev. III 11 [KA.INIM.MA] U11.B[R.RU.DA.KM]
C2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 C2 rev. III 12 [KD.KD.BI] LAL ina DUR -ak 7 KA.K K e-ma K N 7- I[D-nu-ma ina
kidu taakkan]
C2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 C2 rev. III 13 [N SK] tuk-ra- I.D[I]B-ku-nu ia4-ni-bu [x-x(-x)-ku-nu]
f rev. IV 154 []N [ tuk-r]a- I.D[IB-ku-nu ]

28 C2 rev. III 14 [ E]N di-ni-ku-nu AN.L.LA EN da-b[a-bi-ku-nu]

f rev. IV 2
AD.SAG EN DI-ku-nu [AN.L.LA ]
29 C2 rev. III 15 [ ]am-mu mu-pa--i-ru a-ma-[ti-ku-nu]

f rev. IV 3 ti-is-kur am-mu mu-pa-[-i-ru a-ma-ti-ku]-nu
30 C2 rev. III 16 [AN.L.LA te]-er INIM-sa ana KA- su-pi-i ur-pa-t pi-t[i ]
f rev. IV 4 AN.L.LA ku-um-ma x x [x x (x) s]u-up-pi-i ur-pa-t pi-ti u4-ma

The traces in ms. f rev. III 1'9' can not yet been assigned to a specific incantation or ritual.

31 C2 rev. III 17 [ r]i-kis-sa eli-ni-ti te-er INIM-sa [ ]

f rev. IV 5 ka-ap-ti i-pe ri-kis-s[a eli-i]a-ni-ti te-er INIM-sa ana KA-
32 C2 rev. III 18 [ i]-qar-ru-bu-ni ia-a-i
f rev. IV 6 ki-p[u]- ru-u- la i-qar-ru-bu-ni ia-a-i
33 C2 rev. III 18 i-i a-mat ana-ku pa-i-r[a-ku TU6 N]
f rev. IV 6 i-i a-mat ana-ku pa-i-ra-ku
N l. col. 1 [ pa-i]-ra-ku
C2 , f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 C2 rev. III 19 [ ] U11.BR.[RU.DA.KM]
f rev. IV 7 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.DA.KAM
N l. col. 2 [ U11.BR.D]A.KM
C2, f, N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

35 C2 rev. III 20 [ NU.N]U AN.L.LA [t]i-[is-kur] ia4-[ni-ba]
f rev. IV 8 [K]D.KD.BI SK tuk-ra- NU.NU AN.L.LA ti-is-kur na4
N l. col. 34 [
A]N.[L.L] / [ ]
36 C2 rev. III 21 [ UG]U ID-nu [ ]
f rev. IV 9 [A]D.S[A]G K[]-r N 3- ana UGU ID-nu ina G- GAR-an
N l. col. 45 []AD.[SAG] K-r / [ G]- GAR-an
(C2 breaks)
f, N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 f rev. IV 10 [N (x)]-x-na-ku gigam-la mu-ul-li-la a DINGIR.ME GAL.ME
N l. col. 6 [ G]AL.ME
38 f rev. IV 11 [x (x)] x gigam-lim MA.MA mul-li-li a DINGIR.ME GAL.ME
N l. col. 7 [ ] GAL.ME
39 f rev. IV 12 [x (x)] x dnin-grima [b]e-let A.GB.BA el-li
N l. col. 8 [ A.G]B.BA el-li
40 f rev. IV 13 [x x x] x dMES [ina] q-bit dz[ar-p]a-[ni]-tum
N l. col. 9 [ ] dzar-pa-ni-tum
41 f rev. IV 14 [x x x x (x)] an [x (x)] x x [ ]
N l. col. 10 [ ] NUMUN?-ia
42 f rev. IV 15 [ ]xx[ ]
N l. col. 11 [ ]xx
(N breaks)
43 f rev. IV 16 [ ]x[
(f breaks)

7. Q12 r. col. // S // A6 r. col. // R

1 Q1 r. col. 155 [x x] x [
2 Q1 r. col. 2 ina q-bi-ti-ku-n[u
3 Q1 r. col. 3 ki-pu ka--ap-ti [
4 Q1 r. col. 4 lem-n-et ka--ap-t[i
5 Q1 r. col. 5 ki-ma i-bit-su ti [
6 Q1 r. col. 6 i-a-ab!?-t ap-t[u
7 Q1 r. col. 7 ki-a!(da)-da i-in-na [
8 Q1 r. col. 8 u-tam-ra?-a az x [
9 Q1 r. col. 9 i-tab-bak pu-u-[pua
S: 12 [ ] x ri / [ ]

The traces in Q1 l. col. 1'17' cannot be assigned to a specific incantation; for a transliteration, see KAL 2.
TEXT GROUP 7.8 181
10 Q1 r. col. 10 ru-e- ina l-l x [
S: 23 [ru-]e-e-a? / [ ] x ki-pi-a
gi gi
11 Q1 r. col. 11 i-na INIG [
S: 4 [ u] zi-ka-ri
12 Q1 r. col. 12 ina al-i e nu x [
S: 5 [ ] i-ra-mu U i8-tr
13 Q12 r. col. 13 [x (x) g]il im x [x -di]-i e[l-lti]
S: 6 [ ] -di-i el-lu-tim
14 Q12 r. col. 14 [giGI]IMMA[R x x x x] x la x [x]
S: 7 [ ] x lam la na-at
15 Q12 r. col. 15 ki-pi te-p[u!]-[i ] ta-ad-d[i-i]
S: 8 [ ru-e]-e ta-ad-di-i
16 Q12 r. col. 16 ka-ap-t x [x x x] TU6 [N]
S: 9 [ ] TU6 N..NU.RU
Q12, S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 Q12 r. col. 17 KA.INIM.MA [U]11.BR.RU.DA.[K]M
S: 10 [ U11.B]R.RU.DA.[K]AM
(the preceding text in R differs, see Notes)
Q12, R, S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(unclear traces in S: 11; S breaks)

18 A6 r. col. 156 KD.KD.BI tar-mu ina K[A- ]
Q12 r. col. 1819 D.D.BI
[tar-mu p]i- im-ur-a-ra / ina GB-

R: 6 [ ]im-ur-NI ina GB-
19 A6 r. col. 2 d
siris ina ZAG-
Q12 r. col. 1920 d
[siris ]
R: 7 [ ZA]G-[]u tu--a-a-u
A6 ctd. ina UGU na4
AD.BA[R ( )]
Q12 ctd. ina UGU na4
AD.BAR / *KUR*! el-li [(GUB)]
R: 8 [ el-l]i tu-u-za-su
20 A6 r. col. 3 ana IGI dUTU ki-a-am [ ]
Q12 r. col. 20 [ ]UTU ki-a-am DU11.GA
R: 9 [ t]u-aq-ba-u
A6, Q12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 A6 r. col. 4 UTU tar-mu ina pi-ia im-ur-a-r[a ]
Q12 r. col. 21 UTU [ pi-i]a im-ur-a-ra ina GB-ia

R: 10 [ im-ur-]-ra ina GB-ia
22 A6 r. col. 5 siris pa-i-rum ina ZAG-ia n[a-ku]
Q12 r. col. 22 [siris ZA]G-ia! n[a]--a-ku
R: 11 [ ] na-i-a-ku
23 A6 r. col. 6 ina KUR el-lim na4AD.BAR az-za-az-ku
Q2 r. col. 23 [ A]D.BAR a[z-z]a-az-ku
R: 12 [ az-za-a]z-ku
24 A6 r. col. 6 a ia-i i-da-at [ ]
Q2 r. col. 24 [ i-d]a-at UL-tim GUB-za
R: 13 [ ] GUB-za

In A6 l. col. only line endings are preserved which cannot be assigned to a specific incantation or ritual; they read: (1')[ ] x
[ -]u (3')[ e]l (4')[ ] e (5')[ ] x.ME | (6')[ ]- tara-ks | (7')[ ] x- | (8')[ ] x- (9')[ ]-ak
[ ] x (11')[ ] x.

25 A6 r. col. 7 ki-i-p ru-e-e ru--tam le-mu-ut-tam i-[pu-a]

Q2 r. col. 2526 [ ]--te le-mu-ut-te / [ ]
R: 14 [ ]xx
(R breaks)
26 A6 r. col. 8 lu NITA lu MUNUS lu TI lu u- li-m[u-ut-ma]
Q2 r. col. 2627 [ MU]NUS lu TI lu / [ ]
27 A6 r. col. 9 ana-ku lu-ub-lu-u dUTU d+EN.LL DINGIR.[ME]
Q2 r. col. 2728 [ana-k]u lu-b-lu / [ ]
28 A6 r. col. 10 EN te-ne-e-tim at-ta da-ia-nu mu-te-[ir] DINGIR.[ME]
Q2 r. col. 28 [ te-n]e-e-tim at-ta /
(Q2 breaks)
29 A6 r. col. 11 i-na a-wa-ti-ka GAL-ti ina q-bi-ti-k[a ir-ti]
30 A6 r. col. 12 la ut-tak-ka-ru ina u4-me an-ni-i i[a-a-i]
31 A6 r. col. 13 lu pa-ra-an-ni a-na ia-a-i lu pa-a-ra-a-[ni]
A6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 A6 r. col. 14 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
A6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 A6 r. col. 15 xxxxxxxxx[
(A6 breaks)

8. A3
1 A3 r. col. 1 [ ]x
2 A3 r. col. 2 [ ] gi
3 A3 r. col. 3 [ ] MIN
4 A3 r. col. 4 [ ] MIN
5 A3 r. col. 5 [ ] x te-en-te-na
6 A3 r. col. 6 [ z]i-zi-e-d
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 A3 r. col. 7 [KA.INIM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A3 r. col. 8 [KD.KD.BI (x x) g]u?-ma-nu-um MUN k-pad
9 A3 r. col. 9 x x (x) [x (x)] x ba-lu pa-tan NAG
A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 A3 r. col. 10 [n]un-gal-pirig-nun-gal-dm ga[l]-p[iri]g?-nun pirig-gal-abzu nunki-na-ke4
A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 A3 r. col. 11 KA.INIM.MA U[11.B]R.RU.DA.KAM
A3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

12 A3 r. col. 12 KD.KD.BI gia--u NU.LU.A gi U.R.M[N]
13 A3 r. col. 13 []a na-pi-ti a AMAR.UTU N ana UB NAG-[ma]
14 A3 r. col. 14 a-na AK.AK.E.D .ME ina si-sik-ti ta-ra-ks-ma ina-[e]
A3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 A3 r. col. 15 [k]a-ap-tam dD ru-u-ut dGR be-l-et re-mi-in-ni ir-a-am-um
16 A3 r. col. 16 i-mu-ur-i-ma d+EN.ZU57 i-re-di-i
17 A3 r. col. 17 [i]l-la-me-e il-la-ka ar-ki-
18 A3 r. col. 18 [a]n-na-i-mi ka-a-ap-tum a -da-ab-ba-bu e-lam
19 A3 r. col. 19 -lab-ba-an-ni ina i-ip-te ma-a le-es-s us-a li--an-
20 A3 r. col. 20 [su?-p]a? bu-up-pa-ni- ul-li-q x x [
(A3 r. col. breaks)

A gloss written under the line gives the variant reading d+EN.LL.
TEXT GROUP 7.8 183
9. A1
1 A1 l. col. 1 [KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KA]M
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 A1 l. col. 2 [KD.KD.BI IN.NU(?).U]
3 A1 l. col. 3 [ ]GR.GR
4 A1 l. col. 4 [ an?]-nu-ti
5 A1 l. col. 5 [ ana maar] dUTU
6 A1 l. col. 6 [ ana ]? UB
7 A1 l. col. 7 [ SIL]IM-im
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A1 l. col. 8 [N ] x-te
9 A1 l. col. 9 [ ] x-ma
10 A1 l. col. 10 [ ]x
11 A1 l. col. 11 [ ]x
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 A1 l. col. 12 [ -t]um
13 A1 l. col. 13 [ ]x
14 A1 l. col. 14 [ ]x
(A1 l. col. breaks)
15 A1 r. col. 1 [x] x x x x [
16 A1 r. col. 2 ur-ra u GE6 -x-[
17 A1 r. col. 3 d
ad-du me-e -[
18 A1 r. col. 4 +EN.ZU u di8-tr qa[r-ra-du(?)
19 A1 r. col. 5 al-kam -mu lu-tal-l[a?-ak?
20 A1 r. col. 6 im-na al-kam GB [
21 A1 r. col. 7 ku-ub-sa ka [
22 A1 r. col. 8 a d+en-bi-lu-lu i-x-[
23 A1 r. col. 9 --ki-lu AN GAL [
24 A1 r. col. 10 +en-ki dnin-ki DINGIR.ME ma-a-[ti
25 A1 r. col. 11 ma-e20-e ma-i-a-t[i
26 A1 r. col. 12 za-ri-qa-ti za-ri-qu .G[AL?
27 A1 r. col. 13 a i-za-ar-ra-q-ni da-nim u d[
28 A1 r. col. 14 i-mur-u-ma dasal-l[-i
29 A1 r. col. 15 il-q am-ma ina U-u el-le-[ti

30 A1 r. col. 16 IN.NU.U mi-r[a?-na?
31 A1 r. col. 17 NUMUN gibi-ni giAUR GI.GI ina A P [
32 A1 r. col. 18 a-wi-lam i-q -i x [
33 A1 r. col. 19 ki-ma a-a-ri a - TU6 [N.E.NU.RU]
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 A1 r. col. 20 KA.INIM.MA U11.[BR.RU.DA.KAM]
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 A1 r. col. 21 x x x (x) [
(A1 r. col. breaks)

10. A7
1 A7 l. col. 1 [ G]IG
2 A7 l. col. 2 [ ] x ak

3 A7 l. col. 3 [ t]ar-mu
4 A7 l. col. 4 [ ] x ud
5 A7 l. col. 5 [ ] URUDU
6 A7 l. col. 6 [ ]x
(A7 l. col. breaks)
7 A7 r. col. 1 xxx[
8 A7 r. col. 2 ina KA.SA[G

9 A7 r. col. 3 U11 x[
A7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 A7 r. col. 4 N x [
11 A7 r. col. 5 a ta t[e?
A7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 A7 r. col. 6 KA.IN[IM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM]
A7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 A7 r. col. 7 x[
(A7 r. col. breaks)

11. o obv. (for rev., see 5.)

1 o obv. 1 []N ri-it-ti mansic!?-zi-itsic!? zu-qa-q-pi
2 o obv. 2 [??] i-i ka-ap-tum i-na-ak-ka-ma \ ki-pi-
3 o obv. 3 [lup-pa]-a--im-ma GIM dTIR.AN.NA a-me-e
4 o obv. 4 lu-zi-qa-im-ma GIM IM.SI.S \ u IM.MAR.TU
5 o obv. 5 lu-a-li-iq ur-pa-ta-a lu-a-li-iq U4-a
6 o obv. 6 lu-sa-ap-[pi-i] ki-pi-a i-te-n-ep-pu-a ia-i
7 o obv. 7 na-a-[pa]-ra-ti i-ta-n[a-p]a-ra \ a-na ia-[i]
8 o obv. 8 a-lil [n-be-ru] a-lil [ka-a-ru]
(o obv. breaks)

12. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. b not included in the transliteration

17 Amulet against miscarriage.
825 Ritual for the production of amulets to protect a pregnant woman against witchcraft.
15: Incantation Munus kake, cf. KAL 2, 41.
1625: = text 7.8, 1.: 1327.
2627 Incantation incipits.
28rev. 12 Amulets against miscarriage.
1329 Incantation against Lamatu.

13. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. G12 not included in the transliteration
obv. III Ceremonial ritual against witchcraft (// LKA 144 //, for this ritual, see Farber, BID, Hauptritual B
and KAL 2, pp. 9197).
obv. III Fragmentary.
rev. IV Rituals against the anger of the personal gods.
rev. V
12 Fragmentary.
39 Prescriptions against bleeding gums.
1019! = text 7.8, 3.: 4655.
20!41 = text 7.8, 1.: 124.
rev. VI Fragmentary, colophon.

14. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. L not included in the transliteration

117 = text 7.8, 5.: 1027 (incantation Ann biblu ann bibbulu).
1819 Ritual instruction: The incantation is to be recited over a leather bag (mlu) to be placed around
the kings neck; this is followed by the recitation of Ai gamlya.
2021 Incantation Att-ma ama ar am [u ereti(?)].
rev. 13 Fragmentary ritual instruction; involves the brewers potstand at the end.
411 Colophon: Ashurbanipal, type c.
TEXT GROUP 7.8 185

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A2 obv. I // b obv. 1624 // G rev. V 1. A2 obv. I // b obv. 1624 // G rev. V 20!41

(ll. 17 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 17 too fragmentary for translation)
8 8
[u anku kma Id ina ady]a(?) lu ellku [and] let me be pure [like the river in m]y mountain(s)!
TU6 N Incantation formula.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
KD.KD.BI kibrta ina urri kit taakkak Its ritual: You string sulphur on a cord of flax. 11You knot
sebet kir takaar ipta sebu 12ana seven knots (into it), 12you recite 11the incantation seven
maar ama tamann-ma ina kidu times 12before ama. Then you put it around his neck.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
N ittardni ana mti Incantation: 14The witches, the mendacious ones, 13have
kaptu elyantu come down to the land to me,
15 15
iass illuru isaar zamra They call out illuru, they begin to sing.
16 16
na m Aabba tmti rapati They carry water of the Ocean, the wide sea,
17 17
ittanamd ana sqti they keep spilling (it) onto the streets.
18 18
ikamm (var.: isakkip) elti iaggi They bind (var.: push away) the young men, they murder
ardti the girls,
19 19
itanakkan qlti they spread dead silence everywhere.
20 20
anku aakkanakkinim-ma I have equipped myself against you
21 21
tiskur musakkiru a pkina (var. munak- with the tiskur-plant that blocks your mouth (var.: that
kira a amtkina) changes your words),
22 22
anull l mir kip (var.: ipti) with the anull-plant that is immune against witchcraft
(var.: a spell),
23 23
i piri (var. GAN.U5) a upaaru kip with the wood-of-release (var.: GAN.U5-wood) that undoes
24 24
imur-ar a l uqarrabu ru ((ana with heals-twenty-plant that does not allow magic to
zu(m)ru)) come near ((the body)),
25 25
ittamir a muppitu a sebe kapti with ittamir-stone that undoes the machinations of the sev-
upaaru en witches.
26 26
kipkina u rukina utr ana ri t N Your witchcraft and your magic I turn into wind! Incanta-
tion formula.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 27
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.D[A.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. k rev. // C1 obv. I // t obv. 18 // d // A4 2. k rev. // C1 obv. I // t obv. 18 // d // A4 obv. I

obv. I
(l. 1 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
2 2
a[null a[null-plant
3 3
tarmu[ lupi[ne
4 4
nakkapt [ my temple [
5 5
kal zumrya [ my whole body [
6 6
kal rya [ ] ikk u napit [ ] all my flesh [ ], my mood and my life [ ].
7 7
a piya u(?) [pitya] kipunu [Let] the witchcraft of my sorcerer and [my sorceress turn
[libbalkit-ma] and]
8 8
ana muunu u ln[unu] l[illik ]58 g[o] to their head and [their] body, [ ].59
9 9
ipu brtu amt lemutti l[ ie l Sortilege, rebellion (and) evil word(s) will no[t come near
iqarruba yi(?)] me, will not approach me]
10 10
ina qibt Ea ama ((u)) Marduk u at the command of Ea, ama ((and)) Marduk and [the lady
[rubti Blet-il TU6 N(?)] Blet-il. Incantation formula].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
KD.KD.BI na4AN.NA giGAN.U5 elikulla Its ritual: tin stone, GAN.U5-plant, elikulla-plant, anull-
anull tar[mu] 13ina urri tabarri taak- plant (and) lup[ine] 13you string on a cord of red wool. You
kak sebet kir takaar ipta sebu ana knot seven knots (into it), you recite the incantation seven
maar ama tamann-ma k[ip par] times before ama, then the wi[tchcraft will be undone].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
N ann anntu Incantation: This is he, this is she:
15 15
ilassuma arkya she runs after me,
16 16
utama ana abtya she strives to seize me!
17 17
ina pa nat amt maruti In her mouth she carries evil word(s),
18 18
abat ina qta ru zrti hateful magic she holds gathered in her hands,
19 19
mal kirimma rimk luti(?) her arms are full of foul wash water.
20 20
muri-ma elu ana (itn) bri ilass[um]a Having seen her the young man runs a mile (away),
21 21
u ardatu ana inipt [b]ri and even she, the girl, (runs) two thirds of a mile.
22 22
anntu mannu a ilassuma arkya Who is this (woman) who runs after me
23 23
ultama ana abtya (who) strives to seize me?
24 24
abatki ina nmeqi a Ea I have seized you with the wisdom of Ea,
25 25
aklki ina up a apkal il Marduk I have stopped you with the magical procedures of the sage
of the gods, Marduk.
26 26
aqki imat martu I have given you to drink spittle mixed with bile,
27 27
q uttti k uttti pnki rim like a spider I have covered your face with cobwebs.
28 28
usk imat lemutti a pki Cast away the evil spittle of your mouth
29 29
id ru zrti a q[t]ki throw down the hateful magic of your h[an]ds,
30 30
lippar kirimmki May your arms be rendered slack!
31 31
[]a kapti piti u mu[tpit]i of the witch, the sorceress and the en[chant]ress,
32 32
a pitya tallaktaa a[bat(?)] I have i[ntercepted] the passage of my sorceress,
33 33
a mutpitya utr k[ip]a I have turned back the wi[tchcraft] of my enchantress.
34 34
aleqqki-ma epeki itti [ ] I am taking you and shutting you up with [ ],
35 35
upaqqadki ana abulli pe[ti] I am entrusting you to the lock[ed] city gate
36 36
ana urri a ereb ami pnki a[kun] I have di[rected] your face to a hole toward sunset,
37 37
ulla l nila uabit ab[ulla] I have put a weakling, a blind man, in charge of the city
38 38
au yi ana lemutti terteneddnni Because you keep pursuing me with evil intention,
39 39
mr ummni mama mula let the experts, the exorcists (and) the snake-charmers
40 40
lipairki-ma aylki upaar [N?] dispel you, then I will undo your bond! In[cantation (for-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 41
[K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM] It is [the wo]rding (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 42
D.D.BI lina a lip <teppu>-ma Its ritual: <You make> a tongue of tallow, you drench (lit.:
marta taaqq[i] 43q uttti pnu tarrim have it drink) i[t] with bile, 43you cover its face with cob-
ina urri a ereb ami tepei-ma webs, 44you shut it up in a hole toward sunset; 45then you seal
ina kunuk ub u adni bba tabarram its opening with a seal of ub-stone and (with a seal) of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mss. C1 and t have a pitya u(?) [mutpit-
ya(?) kipa libbalkit-ma] ana mua u ln- Mss. C1 and t have [Let] the witchcraft of my sorceress and [my en-
a l[illik ]. chantress turn and] g[o] to her head and her body, [ ].
TEXT GROUP 7.8 187
3. A2 obv. II // E // C2 obv. II // f obv. I // 3. A2 obv. II // E // C2 obv. II // f obv. I // A4 obv. II // G rev.
A4 obv. II // G rev. V 1019! V 1019!
(l. 1 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
2 2
[m]ullil am aps biblu [p]urifier of heaven and of the subterranean ocean, day of
the New Moon,
3 3
mupaer kip ru who undoes witchcraft (and) magic.
4 4
napart mi u kala [mi] The messages (coming) during the night and all d[ay]
5 5
a taltanapparni ana muya that you keep sending to me
6 6
biblu mka ezzu likussinti day of the New Moon, may your day of wrath overpower
7 7
p anku-ma ul appattil I am chaff, and so I cannot be twisted together,
8 8
abattu anku-ma ul aqqall[ap] I am a pebble, and so I cannot be peel[ed].
9 9
mannu a ana kibrti puu [kip] Who is it that can perform [witchcraft] against sulphur
10 10
ana err p[uu] or can per[form] against the colocynth
11 11
ipa brtu amt lemutti T[U6 N] sortilege, rebellion (and) evil word(s)? In[cantation for-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.R[U.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to] undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
KD.KD.BI ina bibli n[a4 ] 14 zr Its ritual: On the day of the New Moon 15you bind []-
uluppi p ki[brta err(?)] ina ubti stone, [()], 14seed of the uluppu-tree, chaff, su[lphur (and)
almi tarakkas ipta sebu ana maar colocynth] 15into a black cloth. [You recite] the incantation
[ tamann-ma] 16ina kidu taakkan seven times before [ ; then] 16you put it on his neck; and
u ana [ ] to [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
N att imur-lm ammu a ina mari Incantation: You, heals-a-thousand-plant, are the herb
a that emerged in former times,
18 18
mupairu kalma that undoes anything,
19 19
elnu qimmassu [am ann]at whose top above [reach]es [the sky],
20 20
aplnu uru qaqq[ar]a mal whose roots below fill the ground.
21 21
murka-ma kaptu ruq pna The witch beheld you and her face turned pale,
22 22
u a[]a(?) and her became ,
23 23
ilim apta her lips grew dark.
24 24
[a kapti(?) ] a teeppe riksa [You ] the [of the witch], you break the evil bond,
25 25
[att] imur-lm a ana kinu ipa [you are] the heals-a-thousand-plant that does not allow
[brtu] sortilege, [rebellion],
26 26
[amt lemut]ti zra dibal ziku[rud] [evi]l [word(s)], hate-magic, distortion-of-justice magic,
cutting-of-the-[throat magic],
27 27
[kadabbed] dimmakurr la uqa[rrabu] [seizing-of-the-mouth magic] (and) confusion to co[me
near] the person who applies it.
[ina qibt Ea] ama u Marduk u rubt[i [At the command of Ea], ama and Marduk and the lad[y
Blet-il] Blet-il],
[kipa ru]a(?) amt lemutti tuqar- do not allow [her witchcraft], her [magic], evil (word)s to
rib[a] come near [me],
[ ] kaptya (([TU6 N])) [ ] my witch! (([Incantation formula])).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 31
[KA.INIM.MA] U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is [the wording (of the incantation)] to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 32
[D.D].BI urri puikki taammi sebet Its [ritu]al: You spin a cord of combed wool, you knot
kir takaar 33imur-lm ma taktaru seven knots (into it). 33Wherever you have made a knot, you
puikka talammi ipta sebu ana mui wrap heals-a-thousand-plant in combed wool. You recite
tamannu 34[ina kid]u taakkan-ma the incantation seven times over (it). 34You put (it) [around]
kip l ieu his [neck], then witchcraft will not approach him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 35
[N kaptu(?) agug]ilat mulaat [Incantation: The witch] is an agugiltu-sorceress, she is a
narindat snake-charmer, she is a narindatu-sorceress!
36 36
[kaptu a(?) t]asarraq surqn aru [O witch, you who] strew strewn-offerings on the first day
mu U4.7.KM U4.15.KM of the month, on the seventh day, on the fifteenth day,
37 37
[U4.x.KM U4.]UL.GL U4.30.KM aap- [on the th day, on the] evil [day], on the thirtieth day: I
parakkim-ma mr inbya u ddya have sent against you the children of my fruitfulness and
my plenty:
38 38
[anull g]i[G]AN.U5 elikulla amlnu [anull-plant, G]AN.U5-wood, elikulla-plant, amlnu-
du KA.BAD AD.SAG plant, KA.BAD-plant, AD.SAG-plant,
39 39
[ MA.GIL t]iskur [qa]ran ayyali u nikiptu [MA.GIL-plant, t]iskur-plant, [ho]rn of a stag and nikiptu-
amm a ad u mti a qt apkal il plant, the plants from the mountain(s) and from the low
Marduk land at the disposal of the sage of the gods, Marduk.
40 40
ikaadki ina arrnim-ma imaa They will catch you in the road and strike your cheek. They
ltki utarr amtki ana pk[i] will return your word to you[r] mouth.
41 41
kapt surqnki a kala atti tusarriq My witch, they will have (the wind) carry off your strewn
uabbal TU6 N offerings that you have strewn during the whole year!
Incantation formula.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 42
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 43
KD.KD.BI anull giGAN.U5 elikulla Its ritual: anull-plant, GAN.U5-wood, elikulla-plant, aml-
amlnu du KA.BAD 44AD.SAG MA.GIL nu-plant, du-plant, KA.BAD-plant, 44AD.SAG-plant, MA.GIL-
tiskur qaran ayyali u nikiptu amm annti plant, tiskur-plant, horn of a stag and nikiptu-plant: you string
maaru(?) ina q taakkak 45ipta sebu these plants before him on a thread; 45you recite the incanta-
ana maar ama tamannu ina kidu tion seven times before ama. You put it around his neck,
taakkan-ma kip l ie[u] then the witchcraft will not approach [him].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 46
N aknku-ma rutta mrat il rab[ti] Incantation: I have equipped myself with ruttu-sulphur,
the daughter of the great gods,
a ina bibli kip 48u ina nubatti seb mi 47
which undoes witchcraft on the day of the New Moon 48and
upaaru mam[ti](?) cur[ses] on the vigil of the seventh day!
49 49
mmtu mmtu ullalki mmtu Curse, curse, I have purified you, curse!
50 50
a lahri eera abt a enzi tuma Seize the young one of the ewe, the twins of the she-goat,
51 51
a kalbati mrna the puppies of the bitch,
52 52
luqt zr kapya u kaptya pick up the offspring of my warlock and witch!
53 53
mmtu l ana qiddatim-ma anku l Let the curse (go) downstream, but let me (go) [upstream],
[ana mirti(?)]
pit l ana qabrim-ma 55anku l ana 54
let my sorceress (go) to the grave, 55but let me (go) to the
nr elti T[U6 N] light of the upper world! In[cantation formula].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 56
[K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KAM] [It is the wo]rding (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[KD.KD.B]I taakkak 58sebet 57
[Its ritua]l: You string . 58[You knot] seven
ki[r takaar ipta sebu ana maar] kno[ts], you recite [the incantation seven times before] ama
ama tamann-ma in kidi taakkan and put (it) around (his) neck.

4. t obv. 9rev. 17 // k catchline // H obv. 4. t obv. 9rev. 17 // k catchline // H obv. I // f obv. II // A5 l.

I // f obv. II // A5 l. and r. col. // u and r. col. // u
(for the preceding unit in k and t, see 2., and, for k, (for the preceding unit in k and t, see 2., and, for k, also 5.)
also 5.)
1 1
[]N urrni na4AN.NA u zalqu ultu am [Inca]ntation: Descending, tin stone and zalqu-stone
urdni came down to me from heaven,
2 2
[ina(?)] r(?)unu na pirti [()] [on] their heads they carried dispelling rituals [()].
3 3
iptar bnu matakal u giimmaru EDIN Tamarisk, matakal-soapwort and date palm have released
[] the steppe [ ].
TEXT GROUP 7.8 189
4 4
yi lipurinni ina aplki Iara [ ] May they release me. At your feet, Iara, [ ].
5 5
ina am napti You have risen in heaven .
6 6
tuapp riksina [a mi(?)] You break their bonds, [(tied) during the night],
7 7
tuallaq amtina a kal(?) [mi(?)] you banish their words which (they spoke) all [day]:
8 8
a pitya-ma ip rikissa Break the bond of my sorceress and
9 9
a mutpity[a amssa(?)] [the word] of my enchantress!
10 10
nnu-ma enqnu nnu-ma nindnu It is we who are wise, it is we who are knowledgeable,
11 11
nnu-ma [ ] an[a ] it is we who [ ] t[o ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.[DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to] undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
KD.KD.BI ina maar Zuqaqpi nignak Its ritual: You place a censer with buru-juniper before
buri taakkan ikara tan[aqqi] 14m Scorpius; you li[bate] beer. 14Pool water [you ] in oil.
piri ina amni [ ] kalli tumalla You fill a kallu-bowl (with it). Tin stone, zalqu-stone,
na4 15
AN.NA zalqa 15 bna mataka[l u su- tamarisk, soapwo[rt and palm shoots] you put into (the
ua] ana libbi tanaddi 16alam kapi u bowl). 16You make figurines of the warlock and of the witch
kapti a li teppu 17abnti [ann- of dough. 17You take [these] stones [ou]t of the kallu-bowl;
ti(?) it]u(?) kalli tuell-ma 18 na4AN.NA then 18you string the tin stone (and) the zalqu-stone on a
zalqa ina urri taakkak ina kidu cord. You put it around his neck. 19The tamarisk, [soapwor]t
taakkan 19bna [mataka]l u suua ana and palm shoots he puts in his mouth, and then he ((also))
pu iakkan-ma u ina qtu ina-ma holds (them) in his hands. Then 20you recite this incantation
iptu anntu ana maar Zuqaqpi taman- before Scorpius, and 21he chews what is in his mouth; 22and
n-ma 21a pu inais-ma 22u a qtu he swings past himself what is in his hands. 23He w[ashes
ramnu ub-ma 23ana mui alam himself] over the figurines of warlock and witch; [then] 24he
kapi u kapti ir[ammuk-ma] 24ina lib- dissolves them in the water of the bowl and pou[rs] (it) into
bi m a kalli imaaunti-ma ana nri the river. [Then the witchcra]ft will [be undone].
ina[dd-ma ki]p p[ar]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 25
N aknku adnu bitu [ ] Incantation: I have equipped myself with magnetite,
[ ] [ ] [ ]
26 26
a l uqarrabu ru lemnti which does not allow evil magic to come near.
a am qln[inni] a ereti imninni You in heaven, pay attention to [me], you of the earth, listen
to me!
27 27
ru nziqu turruk l [tallak] mitgr The howling wind is beaten: Do no[t blow]! Favourable
r a bb are the winds of the gate
28 28
tabk-ma akl n ili(?) [ ] Pour out and take the oath [ ] [ ] .
[ ]
29 29
a ta libat lib[at May it seize , may it sei[ze ]
30 30
manna lupur ana d [ Whom shall I send to [ ]?
31 31
libila ama kunukkau a [adni May ama send me his seal of m[agnetite ],
32 32
luknuk p kalunu [ let me seal the mouth of all the [ ]!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 33
KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to undo witchcraft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 34
D.D.BI ina ri ina maar ama nig- Its ritual: In the morning [you place] a censer with j[uniper]
nak b[uri taakkan ()] 35sebet kir before ama. [()]. 35You knot seven knots; [you recite]
takaar ipta sebu ana maar [ama the incantation seven times before [ama]. 36You make
tamann-ma alam kapi u kapti(?)] [figurines of the warlock and of the witch] 36of clay. [You
[]a di teppu iptu anntu seb[u recite] this incantation seven [times and] 37you sea[l] 36[their
tamann-ma () punu(?)] 37[ina] kunuk mouths] 37[with] a seal of magnetite. [ ].
adni biti takann[ak ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 38
[]N ina kaptu [ [Incan]tation: These are the witches [ ]
39 39
[it]u aertina tebni[m-ma they have sallied forth to m[e fro]m their sanctuary [ ]
40 40
[ana] Marduk bl bali apqi[ssinti I have deliver[ed them to] Marduk, the lord of life, [
(ll. 4145 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 4145 too fragmentary for translation)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 46
[K]A.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM] [It is the w]ording (of the incantation) [to undo witchcraft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 47
D.D.BI [ Its ritual: [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 48
N pit [ Incantation: My sorceress [ ]
49 49
nya na4 [ my eyes [ ] -stone [ ]
50 50
a ri li[ki of the blow[ing] wind [ ]
51 51
pit [ my sorceress [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 52
KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to undo witchcraft].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 53
KD.KD.BI na4 [ Its ritual: -stone [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 54
N anull [ Incantation: anull-plant [ ]
55 55
a kapti [ the witchs [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 56
KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to undo witchcraft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 57
D.D.BI iptu ann[tu Its ritual: Th[is] incantation [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 58
N anull [ Incantation: anull-plant [ ]
59 59
a kapti [ the witchs [ ]
60 60
mt [anku pirku(?)] She is someone who twines, [I am one who releases].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 61
KA.INIM.MA U11.B[R.RU.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) to un[do] witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 62
KD.KD.BI ana mu[i Its ritual: Ove[r ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 63
N ittapa ama [ ] a ina pu Incantation: ama has risen [ ] who carr[ies
n[a ] ] in his mouth,
64 64
ina aptu na [ ] ina nap- (who) carries [ ] on his lips. [ama], at your ris-
ka [ama ] ing [ ].
65 65
puur a kapt[i ] Undo the witchs [ ]
66 66
epta (var.: ipu) ay [ ] Let her machinations (var.: sortilege) not [ ]!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 67
KA.INIM.MA [U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) [to undo witchcraft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 68
KD.KD.BI ana mui giGAN.U5 [ Its ritual: Over GAN.U5-wood [
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 69
N anku i piri ellu am[mu a ina Incantation: I am the wood-of-release, the pure he[rb
Ul]aya a that] emerged from River Ulaya.
70 70
Ulaya ibnnn[i er]etu ulidanni River Ulaya created m[e, the ea]rth bore me,
71 71
[Ellil u Ninlil uridni(?)] ana mti [Enlil and Ninlil brought me down] to the land.
72 72
[m]ala qaqqadya am qad [As] much as my head, heaven is holy;
73 73
[mala pya eretu] qadat [as much as my feet, earth] is holy.
74 74
[ka]pt kam tpuinni My [wi]tch, where could you (possibly) have bewitched
75 75
[rt(?) kam ture]nni [my rtu-witch, where could you (possibly) have impreg-
nat]ed me (with witchcraft)]?
76 76
[]pia pi[t]a My [s]orcerers, my sorceresses:
77 77
[kip]unu libbalkit[ ]ad may their [witchcra]ft cross ov[er the moun]tain(s)!
(l. 78 too fragmentary for transcription; text breaks) (l. 78 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)
TEXT GROUP 7.8 191
5. k obv. // L obv. 117 // M r. col. // N r. 5. k obv. // L obv. 117 // M r. col. // N r. col. // o rev.
col. // o rev.
1 1
N ann biblu ann [bibbulu] Incantation: This is the day of the New Moon, this [is the
day of the New Moon]!
2 2
iayyalu pitu [ ] The sorceress will decompose, [ ],
3 3
a ina nri imluu [dya] (she) who took [clay for my (figurine)] from the river,
4 4
a ina dalti ilupu [ ] who snatched [my ] from the door,
5 5
a ina urri idudu [muya] who pulled [my combed-out hair] from the garbage pit,
6 6
a ina sqi ibu(u) [eper pya] who gathered [the dirt touched by my feet] in the street,
7 7
a ina qaqqar(i) ikpuru r[ut] who wiped up [my] sp[ittle] from the ground,
8 8
a ina igri ilu(u) [bt] who scratched off [(bits of) my house] from the wall,
9 9
a ina bt alki i ubt[ (a ibtuqu who carried off my garment from the fullers house, [(who
sissikt)] tore off my hem)],
10 10
a ina dabbi ilq dababti pya u [rat who took the speech of my mouth in conversation as well as
qaqqadya] [hair from my head]
11 11
ina napi a ama a pi u pit at the rising of ama who 12dispels 11my sorcerer and my
upaaru ruunu lemnti sorceress, 12(namely) their evil magic,
13 13
ina maar ama dayyn ni[] before ama, the judge of the peo[ple],
14 14
a ina nri imluu l da may what she took from the river be the clay for her (own
15 15
a ina dalti ilupu l [ ] may what she snatched from the door be [her (own) ],
16 16
a ina urri idudu l mua may what she pulled from the garbage pit be her (own)
combed-out hair,
17 17
a ina sqi ibuu l eper pa may what she gathered in the street be the dirt touched by
her (own) feet,
18 18
a ina qaqqari ikpuru l russa may what she wiped up from the ground be her (own)
19 19
a ina igri iluu l b[ssa] may what she scratched off from the wall be (bits of) [her]
(own) house,
20 20
a ina bt alki i l ubssa may what she carried off from the fullers house be her
(own) garment,
21 21
a ibtuqu l sissi[ktaa] may what she tore off be [her] (own) hem,
22 22
a ina dabbi ilq l dababti pa may what she took in conversation be the speech of her
(own) mouth
23 23
u ((l)) rat (var: bltu) ((a)) qaqqada as well as the hair (var.: pride) of her (own) head!
((23aina nap ama apaarunti)) ((23aAt the rising of ama I dispel them!))
24 24
imur-lm lima lssa May the heals-a-thousand-plant strike her cheek,
25 gi 25
GAN.U5 lipaira kipa may the GAN.U5-wood undo her witchcraft,
26 26
elikulla litr amssa ana pa may the elikulla-plant return her word to her mouth,
27 27
u gamlu lipaira kiir kipid libb[a] and may the curved staff release the knot of [her] hearts
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 28
KA.INIM.[MA U]11.BR.DA.K[AM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[D.D.BI i]na <>? a bibli egubb 29
[Its ritual: O]n <> of the day of the New Moon [you set
[tukn] 30[ ] nignak buri taakkan up] the holy water vessel. 30[ ] you place a censer with
ikar[a tanaqqi] buru-juniper; [you pour a libation of] beer.
(ll. 3132 fragmentary; text breaks) (ll. 3132 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)

6. A4 rev. V? // P // C2 rev. III // f rev. IV // 6. A4 rev. V? // P // C2 rev. III // f rev. IV // N l. col.

N l. col.
(l. 1 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
2 2
[ -m]a ay it[r][ni] [Let , so] that they may not r[etu]rn [to me],
3 3
[ liss]ap-ma ay isu[r][ni] [let be sca]ttered, so that they may not turn (back) [to
4 4
[ina qib]t iqb teltu Itar ((TU6 [N])) [by the comm]and of Powerful Itar! ((Incantation for[mu-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 5
[KA].INIM.MA U11.BR.DA.K[AM] It is [the wor]ding (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
[KD].KD.BI giGAN.U5 ina urri tarakkas Its [ri]tual: You fix GAN.U5-wood to a cord. 7You recite [the
[ipta] alu ana mui tamannu ina incantation] three times over (it and) you put it around his
kidu taakkan neck.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
[N pit](?) kski ana marya nadi [Incantation]: My [sorceress], your purse is placed before
iqilki ana burkya me, your shekel in my lap
9 9
[ina qib]t Itar Nanaya [Gazb]aba u Ka- [by the comma]nd of Itar, [Gazb]aba and Ka[nisurra]
10 10
[ kip] ru rus[] [let witchcra]ft, magic, sorce[ry],
11 11
[ ] TU6 [N] [ ]! Incantation for[mula].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
[KA.IN]IM.MA [U11.BR.D]A.K[AM] [It is the word]ing (of the incantation) to [undo witchcraft].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
[K]D.KD.BI ana mui giGAN.U5 taman- Its [ri]tual: You recite (it) over GAN.U5-wood [and] put (it)
n-[ma ina ki]du taakkan [around] his [ne]ck.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
[N an]ku aqullu ammu a ina qereb [Incantation: I] am the aqullu-plant, the plant that emerged
tmti a from the midst of the sea.
15 15
elnu qimmat [Anu(?)] inaar Above, [Anu] guards my top,
16 16
[ap]lnu urya inaara Nudimmud [be]low, Nudimmud guards my roots.
17 17
ina muya Ningizida ikun maarta Ningizida established a guard over me (saying):
18 18
[li]mtaar ag ezzti a tmti rapti [Let it] always withstand the raging waves of the wide
19 19
[limt]aar kua alp urpa [let it al]ways withstand cold, frost (and) ice!
20 20
kma atta ipta elu iqb ina zumr- When he spoke my incantation over him, [ ] from
[u(?) ] h[is] body,
21 21
[u ziq]q(?) a ri l pn zumr[- [and the gh]ostly gusts of the wind shall not in front
u] of [his] bod[y].
22 22
[ana annanna mr ann]anna kinya [To N.N., son of N.]N., who equipped himself with me: let
muru diu urupp kip ru [rus] illness, diu-disease, shivers, witchcraft, magic, [sorcery],
23 23
[up] lemntu a amlti ay iu ay (and) the evil [machi]nations of men not approach him, not
iq[rib] come [near him],
24 24
[ay isniq]u ina qibt Ea ama u Mar- [not rea]ch him at the command of Ea, ama and
duk [TU6 N] Marduk! [Incantation formula].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 25
[KA.INIM.MA] U11.B[R.RU.DA.KM] [It is the wording (of the incantation) to] un[do] witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 26
[KD.KD.BI] aqulla in urri taakkak [Its ritual]: You string aqullu-plant on a twine. You knot
sebet kir takaar ma takaaru ipta seven knots. Whenever you knot, you recit[e] the incantation
sebu tamann[-ma ina kidu taak- seven times, [then you put it around his neck].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 27
[]N [ipt] Tukra askuppatkunu ynibu [In]cantation: The Tukra-[wool] is the threshold for you,
[ -kunu] the ynibu-stone is [a ] for you
TEXT GROUP 7.8 193
28 28
bl dnkunu anull bl dab[- the AD.SAG-plant is your persecutor, the anull-plant is
bkunu] [your] adversary [in court],
29 29
tiskur ammu mupairu a am[tkunu] the tiskur-plant is the herb that undoes [your] wor[ds].
30 30
anull [t]r amssa ana pa suppi ur- Anull-plant, [re]turn her word to her mouth, scatter the
ptu piti ma clouds, open up the storm!
31 31
a kapti ipe rikissa a eli(ya)nti tr Break the bond of the witch, turn back the word of the
amssa ana pa mendacious one to her mouth,
32 32
kip[]a rua l iqarrubni yi her witchcraft, her magic shall not come near me!
33 33
mt anku pirku (([TU6 N])) She is someone who twines, I am one who releases. (([In-
cantation formula])).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 34
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KM It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 35
[K]D.KD.BI ipt Tukra taammi anul- Its [ri]tual: You spin Tukra-wool (into a thread). 36You
l tiskur yniba 36 AD.SAG takaar ipta knot 35anull-plant, tiskur-plant, ynibu-stone (and)
alu ana mui tamannu ina kidu AD.SAG-plant (into it). You recite the incantation three
taakkan times over (it and) put (it) around his neck.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 37
N []nku gamla mullila a il rabti Incantation: I [ ] the curved staff, the purifier of the
great gods.
38 38
[..]. gamli mamai mullili a il rabti [ ] of the curved staff, the exorcist, the purifier of the
great gods.
39 39
[..]. Ningirima [b]let egubb elli [ ] Ningirima, the lady of the pure holy water vessel,
40 40
[ ] Marduk [ina] qibt Zarpantu [ ] Marduk, [at] the command of Zarpantu,
(ll. 4043 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 4043 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)

7. Q12 r. col. // S // A6 r. col. // R 7. Q12 r. col. // S // A6 r. col. // R

(ll. 114 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 114 too fragmentary for translation)
15 15
kip tp[u][ ru] tadd you performed witchcraft, you cast [mag]ic (spells).
16 16
kaptu [ ] TU6 N(..NU.RU) Witch [ ]! Enuru-incantation formula.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 17
KA.INIM.MA [U]11.BR.RU.DA.[K]M It is the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 18
KD.KD.BI (var.: D.D.BI) tarmu ina Its ritual: ((You have him hold)) lupine in his mouth, heals-
pu imur-ar ina umlu 19Siris ina twenty-plant in his left (hand), 19divine Beer in his right
imnu ((tuau)) ina mui atbri ad (hand). You have him stand on basalt, the pure mountain.
elli tuzssu 20ana maar ama kam 20
Before ama you have him speak thus:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 21
ama tarmu ina pya imur-ar ina ama, I hold lupine in my mouth, heals-twenty-plant in
umlya my left (hand),
22 22
Siris piru ina imnya naku (var.: divine Beer, the releaser, in my right (hand),
23 23
ina ad elli atbri azzzku I stand on basalt, the pure mountain, before you.
24 24
a yi idat lemutti izzza The person who turned to evil against me,
25 25
kip ru ruta lemutta [pua] (who) perfor[med] witchcraft, magic (and) evil spittle
[against me],
26 26
l zikaru l sinnitu l balu l mtu be it a man or a woman, be it a living or a dead person:
lim[t-ma] 27anku lublu Let him di[e, but] 27let me live!
ama Ellil 28il bl tenti att dayynu ama, Enlil 28of the gods, lord of the people, you are the
mut[er] il[] judge, the one who guides the gods aright.
29 29
ina awtka rabti ina qibtk[a rti] By your great word, at yo[ur supreme] command 30that is
a l uttakkaru not changed,
ina me ann y[i] 31l paranni ana yi 31
on this day let it be released 30from me, 31let it be undone
l para[nni] with regard to me!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 32
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM] [It is] the wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 33 too fragmentary for transcription; text breaks) (l. 33 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)

8. A3 8. A3
(ll. 16 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 16 too fragmentary for translation)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
[KA.INIM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM [It is the wording (of the incantation)] to undo witch[craft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
[KD.KD.BI () g]umnum bat kupad [Its ritual: () g]umnum-plant, kupad-salt, 9 [] you
[] balu patn taaqqi have (him) drink (it) on an empty stomach.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
[n]un-gal-pirig-nun-gal-dm ga[l]- Nungalpirignungaldim, Galp[iri]gnun(?), Piriggalabzu of
p[iri]g?-nun pirig-gal-abzu nunki-na-ke4 the city of Adab(!).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
KA.INIM.MA U[11.B]R.RU.DA.KAM It is the wording (of the incantation) to [u]ndo witch[craft].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
KD.KD.BI a nuurtu urm[nu] Its ritual: a-plant, nuurtu-plant, cypre[ss], 13(plants)
[]a napiti a bt Marduk ipta ana libbi [o]f good health from the temple of Marduk. You cast the
tanaddi iatt-[ma] 14ana libbi AK.AK.E.D incantation into (it, and) he drinks (it). [Then], 14within the
amm ina sissikti tarakkas-ma ina[e] ritual proceedings, you bind the drugs into (his) hem, then he
will reco[ver].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
[k]aptam Id ruut akkan blet r- The River god, the of akkan, the witch Lady,
mnni irmum have mercy on me.
16 16
muri-ma Sn (var.: Ellil) ireddi Sn (var.: Enlil) beheld her and was pursuing her,
17 17
[i]llamm illaka arka Pure-Powers was going after her.
18 18
[a]nnai-mi (sic?) kaptum a udabba- [I] am carried (off)! The witch who slanders the young
bu elam 19ulabbnni ina ipte man has surrounded me with a spell!
ma lssa us lina Strike her cheek, tear out her tongue,
20 20
[sup](?) buppna ulliq [ ] [thro]w her down flat on the ground, destroy [her]
(text breaks) [ ]!
(text breaks)

9. A1 9. A1
(ll. 115 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 115 too fragmentary for translation)
16 16
urra u ma [ day and night [
17 17
Addu m [ Addu [ ] water [
18 18
Sn u Itar qa[rrd(?) Sn and Itar, the h[eros,
19 19
alka mu(?) luttal[lak come, storm, let me wa[lk
20 20
imna alka umla [ on the right side, come, on the left side [
21 21
kubsa [ trample [
22 22
a Enbilulu [ which Enbilulu [
23 23
ukil AN GAL [ they fed [
24 24
Enki Ninki il m[ti Enki (and) Ninki, the gods of the lan[d,
25 25
ma mait[i male twins, female twins [
26 26
zriqti zriq k[alla(?) female sprinklers, male sprinklers [ ] the pa[lace
27 27
a izarraqni bt Ani u [ who sprinkle the temple of Anu and [
28 28
muru-ma Asall[ui Asall[ui] saw him and [
29 29
ilqe amma ina qtu elle[ti He took the drug with his pur[e] hand, [
30 30
matakal mir[na(?) matakal-soapwort, mir[nu-plant
31 31
zr bni ahr api ina m bri [ tamarisk seed (and) marsh-apple [ ] in water from
the well.
32 32
awlam iqi ui [ He had the man drink (it). Out went [ ]
TEXT GROUP 7.8 195
33 33
kma ri a libbu TU6 [N.E.NU.RU] like a flatus of his belly. [Enuru]-incantation formula.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 34
KA.INIM.MA U11.[BR.RU.DA.KAM] It is the wording (of the incantation) [to undo] witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 35 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 35 too fragmentary for translation)

10. A7: too fragmentary for transcription. 10. A7: too fragmentary for translation.

11. o obv. (for rev., see 5.) 11. o obv. (for rev., see 5.)
[]N ritt Manzt zuqaqpi 1
[Incan]tation: My hand is the (divine) Rainbow, the (con-
stellation) Scorpius
[u(?)] kaptu inakkama kipa 2
[but] she, the witch, is piling up her witchcraft.
[luppa]aim-ma kma Manzt am 3
[Let me sh]ine forth against her like the Rainbow of heaven,
luzqaim-ma kma itni u amurri 4
then let me blow against her like the north and the west
lualliq urpataa lualliq ma 5
and (thereby) let me clear away her cloud(s), let me clear
away her storm,
lusap[pi] kipa a teneppua yi 6
let me scat[ter] the witchcraft that she keeps on performing
against me
u na[pa]rti a itan[app]ara ana yi 7
and the me[ss]ages that she keeps on sen[di]ng me!
alil [nberu] alil [kru] 8
Asleep is [the ferry], asleep is [the quay],
(text breaks) (text breaks)


1.: 8: For the tentative restoration, cf. adjective used as an abstract noun, a usage that is
Maql III 76 and KAL 2, 3 r. col. 9. attested elsewhere; for the attestations and a discus-
sion of the word, see Stol, Studies Borger, 34849,
10: For the reading urru of DUR within
who, however, interprets lutu as a pejorative
contexts when referring to the string of a necklace,
noun of the purs pattern and compares it with lutu
see now also Beaulieu, CM 23, 389.
decay, a symptom typically caused by witchcraft;
15: For the translation, cf. Schwemer, cf. also Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 87.
Abwehrzauber, 110, fn. 226.
26: The traces preserved in ms. d sug-
2.: 6: For the interchange between gest that this manuscript had U11 instead of syllabic
UZU.ME and UZUII, see Schwemer, BiOr 66 (2009) i-mat in the duplicate. The equation u11 = imtu is
174. well known from bilingual incantations, where it
can refer to the evil spittle of witchcraft as well as to
78: For the restoration, cf. Maql III 72
the life-giving spittle of Ea and Asallui (see the
73, 123, and here text 8.6: 97.
attestations quoted in CAD I/J 140b). The phrase
910: For the restorations, cf. Maql V 17 imat marti (poisonous) spittle mixed with bile is
18, 111, 131, VII 169, 17677, VIII 126, 139. known from U V 5 (u11 z = i-mat mar-ti), there
referring to the evil demons of heaven and the
13: For the reading of sk.ME.DA as
netherworld (cf. also U XII 18).
tabarru in first-millennium Babylonian texts, see
CAD N 2122, s.v. nabsu, and Beaulieu, CM 23, 27: It seems worth drawing attention to
388. Note that Assyrianizing tabribu is attested in the anaphora q uttti k uttti. Note that the ritual
medical texts from Aur (see CAD T 3031). actions described in ll. 2627 and 36 correspond
to the ritual instructions in ll. 4244.
19: The reading rim-ki lu-a-ti remains
uncertain, but cf. rimk luti in Maql I 105 and 31: The traces preserved in ms. C1 can
KAL 2, 15 obv. I 34 (here text 8.4: 73a) as well as be read EDI[N x (x) ] or DU x [x ]; in view of
rim-ik- lu-a-a in BRM 4, 18 obv. 14 and rim-ki- the following two lines a reading apur(DU8) a
lu-MA- for luw? ibid. obv. 4. The form kapti I have dispelled the of the witch,
here would represent the feminine plural of the is also worth considering.

34: The third person suffixes in ms. C1 rather than a stative form, and the same would then
are triggered by the third person references in the apply to the parallel form in Itars Descent. Never-
preceding lines. The switch from preterite (ll. 32 theless the irregular u-vocalism is probably due to
33) to present (ll. 3435) indicates the beginning analogy with the stative (aruq).
of a new section which addresses the witch directly.
28: For the restoration, cf. the note on 2:
Note that ms. C1 has the second-person suffix in
l. 36.
33: It is not to be excluded that puikku
2437: It is difficult to explain the switch
in l. 33 refers back to the cord made of combed
from the present (ll. 3435) to the preterite (ll. 36
wool (l. 32). If so, we would translate: Wherever
37); it seems that the disposal of the representation
you have made a knot, you wrap (the cord of)
of the witch is first envisaged as something imme-
combed wool with imur-lm-plant.
diately imminent and then described as already ac-
complished. Perhaps a weakling or blind man is put 3637: Note that U4.UL.GL evil, unlucky,
in charge of the gate because a competent guard inauspicious day may refer more specifically to the
would stop someone from burying a figurine at the day of the funeral offerings; cf. Nabntu XVII 289
gate. ul-gl = ki-is-pu (MSL 16, 163, and Alster, ASJ 13
[1991] 86).
40: We interpret a-a-il-ki as a form of an
otherwise unattested pars pattern noun aylu 41: For the motif of the wind carrying
bond derived from elu (cf. Abusch, MesWi, 190, off the witchs sorceries, cf. Maql IV 114, V 92,
fn. 25). Lutz interpreted the form as a 1st sg. of elu VI 68, VII 21, 110 and VIII 52.
(I have bound thee), but this is difficult to re-
44: The interpretation of IGI-? re-
concile with the following upaar. Note that in-
mains uncertain. The sign I is clear in both manu-
stead of [N], one could also read -pa-ar-k[i] at
scripts, and ms. f. certainly had another sign before
the end of the line.
ina GU-e, possibly ; but note that there is very
3.: 211: The incantation addresses the per- little space in the break between IGI and ina GU in
sonified day of the New Moon. For the day of the ms. C2. The instruction to prepare the necklace in
New Moon as a special day for the performance of his (i.e., the patients) presence seems to be
anti-witchcraft rituals, see Schwemer, OrNS 78 without parallel in this genre of text.
(2009) 6263; for mka ezzu, see Abusch, MesWi,
4655: The understanding of this incanta-
126, 13940 with fn. 55, but compare Schwemer,
tion, which is mainly concerned with the effective-
loc. cit. Note the similarities between the present
ness of ruttu-sulphur against witchcraft and m-
incantation and Maql V 1118.
mtu (ban, curse), hinges on the interpretation of
1315: In the break, a stone representing the the form ab-TIM in l. 50. Despite the apparently
abattu-pebble referred to in the incantation and per- consistent spelling with the TIM-sign it seems most
haps one more drug have to be restored. The re- plausible within the present context pace the
storation at the end of l. 14 is based on the text of caution in KAL 2, p. 97 to interpret the form as
the incantation. Note the writing IM.BUBBU instead 2nd sg. fem. imperative abt, parallel to luqt (con-
of expected IN.BUBBU. sistently written lu-uq-ti) in l. 52. If so, it seems
that ruttu-sulphur is addressed and asked to take
1718: Cf. BM 35672 rev. 6 (catchline).
away the sorcerers offspring just as it seizes the
21: Note the spelling i-ru-qu instead of young ones of the animals. Accordingly, the first
expected riq. The parallel passages describing person speaker in ll. 4649, as in the rest of the
Erekigals fury and wrath have e-ri-qu pa-nu-[a] incantation, is probably the patient himself, here
(KAR 1 obv. 29, Itars Descent), e-ru-[qu? pna] addressing personified mmtu.
(CT 15, 4547 obv. 29, Itars Descent) and e-er-
4.: 1: Note that ms. t interprets na4AN.NA, a
qu pa-nu-u (STT 28 obv. III 21, Nergal and Ere-
bead of tin (or a bead or stone similar to tin), as
kigal). If the restoration in CT 15, 4547 proves to
stone of Anu; the same interpretative writing can
be correct in view of the apparent stative erq
be observed in amulet stone texts, see Schuster-
one could also restore e-ru-[uq pna] then it
Brandis, Steine, 39596.
would provide a parallel to the present spelling. The
fact that the present form is written with an initial i- 35: The syntactic structure of the frag-
indicates that it should be interpreted as a preterite mentary text in ms. t cannot be determined with cer-
TEXT GROUP 7.8 197
tainty not only because of its fragmentary nature, VII 1418, a property reflected in the Sumero-
but also because this manuscript does not always graphic writing of the stones name.
follow poetic lines (see obv. 13). But since there is
27: For the restoration of this line, cf.
no clear evidence that prior to obv. 13 the text does
Maql I 6566.
not divide the lines in agreement with the syntax,
the tentative translation offered here takes for 28: Given its fragmentary state the inter-
better or for worse the line divisions of ms. t as pretation of this line remains highly uncertain. For
orientation marks in the reconstruction of the text. the phrase n DN aklu to take an oath by , see
Charpin, MARI 8 (1997) 345 and idem, JuMau, 85
5: Read perhaps [in]a am(AN-e) nap-
a-t imtn(USAN) napti(KIMIN)?
29: Cf. Maql I 146, V 146, 161 and
67: For the pair mu kal mi, cf.,
here texts 8.4: 66, 8.6: 78 and 8.7.1: 102.
e.g., here 3.: 4 and Maql III 4546, IV 11920.
3031: For this formula and its uses, see
9: In view of l. 7 one expects a
Farber, JNES 49 (1990) 299321. The formula and
mutpitya ulliq amta banish the words of
the motif of sending to a deity for materials to be
my enchantress. There does not seem to be enough
used against witchcraft occur also in the uburruda-
space for such a restoration at the end of the line;
incantation SpTU 2, 25 obv. 613 (note that the text
however, there would be space if the scribe con-
is partly duplicated by K 9046).
tinued his text on the margin.
39: Alternatively read itu bt ilina
1011: The reading ni-in-da-a-nu seems
from the temple of their god. Given the frag-
fairly certain, even though the last two signs are on-
mentary state of the text it is not possible to identify
ly partially preserved. The form must be analysed as
the deity with any certainty. Perhaps the line refers
a 1st pl. N-stem stative of ed (cf. the adverb or
to Kanisurra, the goddess of witches who perhaps
adjective nind), formally parallel to preceding
resides in the netherworld (see most recently Beau-
enqnu. One would expect nindnu to have appro-
lieu, CM 23, 31619, Schwemer, Abwehrzauber,
ximately the same meaning as enqnu, but this is
difficult to reconcile with the N-stem form which
suggests we are known rather than we under- 60: For the tentative restoration, cf. here
stand. The preserved text is silent about the iden- part 6., l. 33.
tity of the first person plural in these lines. If the
6977: For this incantation and its parallels
lines refer to the personified drugs introduced at the
to Maql VI 6977, see Abusch Schwemer, Iraq
beginning of the incantation, one could envisage a
71 (2009) 7778. For the role of River Ulaya in
restoration nit-t[a-rad] a-n[a mti (TU6 N)] we
Babylonian cosmology, see Wiggermann, CM 6,
have des[cended] t[o the land. (Incantation formu-
212. Since the Ulaya-river marks the border to the
netherworld, the restoration of l. 71 in its present
13: Scorpius, of course, is the astral form (wardu) remains quite uncertain.
manifestation of the goddess Iara, who is ad-
76: For the plural pita, see Abusch
dressed in the incantation.
Schwemer, Iraq 70 (2008) 80.
14: A pa-i-ri is a variant of m pir
5.: 1: For the special role of the day of the
nri, for which see here the comments on text 2.2,
New Moon within anti-witchcraft rituals, see the
2.: 6.
comments on part 3: 211.
19: In view of l. 15 the drug name be-
2: We follow von Weihers editio prin-
tween giINIG and giGIIMMAR must be matakal,
ceps in interpreting iayyalu as a present-tense form
even though the traces preserved in ms. f obv. II 12
of lu (*l), though a derivation from ilu can-
cannot be reconciled with any of the common spell-
not be excluded. The translation above treats the
ings of this drug name.
final -u of the verbal form in our LB manuscript as
25: The restoration of kttu truth in the grammatically insignificant; this may well prove to
second half of the line remains very uncertain, but be wrong once the full text of this line is known.
note that magnetite was known as the stone of truth-
310: For a similar series of accusations
fulness (aban knti) according to BAM 194 rev.
against the witch, cf. K 2417 (AMT 31/4-32/1) rev.

1112: One would expect a piya u pi- 9: There does not seem to be enough
tya ruunu the magic of my sorcerer and my space in the break at the beginning of the line for
sorceress, but then one would have to assume that restoring Kanisurras standard epithet blet ka-
a introduces both the relative clause and the geni- pti (for this epithet, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber,
tive piya u pitya. Note that the traces in ms. N 11617).
seem to support the reading pit.
14: According to ammu ikinu the
8, 19: Here in ll. 310 the witch is accused aqullu-plant grows out of the sea and is visible on
of having bewitched the person by means of items the surface of the water (see STT 93 rev. 7981, ed.
that had been in contact with him or that represent in CAD A II 453a based on the parallel in the
him (cf. the corresponding section in ll. 1423). commentary BRM 4, 32). The present incantation
Lines 8 and 19 seem to differ from the rest of the praises the resilience of the plant against natural
text in that they proceed from part to whole (wall to forces, which agrees with the comment in ammu
house) rather than the usual whole to part (e.g., ikinu that the aqullu-plant thrives where no
street to dust). In these two lines all manuscripts of other plant or reed can survive.
our text have igru in the first part of the sentence,
21: l iddip ([and the gh]ostly gusts of
while the second half is broken. The second half of
the wind shall not blow against [his] bod[y]) would
the line is partially preserved only in ms. N r. col. 8
be an obvious reading of the verbal form in this
(= l. 19), and the last sign is almost certainly to be
line; but the traces preserved between i- and -pu
read , which allows for the restoration -[sa] or
cannot be reconciled with DI.
.[GAR8-]. If one prefers the latter restoration, one
has to assume that the first half of the line was cor- 27: tuk-ra- can be compared to tuk-
rupt in all extant manuscripts and originally read a ra, the regular Achaemenid writing of the geogra-
ina bti iluu in line with the parallel text K 2417 phic name that is attested as Tukri in Babylonian
rev. 15 ( ina i-lu-u [ ]). The latter should sources since the Akkade period (see Vallat, RGTC
probably be restored as a ina bti iluu [igr] 11, 27980). Wool and textiles from Tukri are well
who scratched off from the house [(bits of) my known from MB texts (see CAD T 460a for the rele-
wall]. Note that the version represented by K 2417 vant attestations).
proceeds from whole to part, as do the other lines of
30: Ms. f has a fragmentary variant text
this passage.
in the first half of the line: anull km-ma
1427: Unfortunately we have not been able [ ] anull-plant, it is yours to [ ].
to collate ms. o; the present edition is based on
37: We expect aknku or, less likely,
Scheils original edition and must therefore be
anku at the beginning of the line. Before -na-ku
treated with caution. This is especially true when
only a single horizontal wedge is visible which can-
ms. o deviates from the other manuscripts, as in
not be reconciled with the typical form of AK in this
l. 23.
27: The spelling ki-pi-id in ms. o indi-
3840: One suspects that in this section a
cates that we should read kipid rather than qibt (cf.
phrase equivalent to ina qibt preceded all divine
also 8.4: 80; modify accordingly Abusch, BWiL, 91,
names including gamli in l. 38. But note that the
fn. 10).
traces preceding dMES (l. 40) cannot be reconciled
29: The text seems to be corrupt; we with a reading ina qibt.
expect an indication of the time of the day before a
7.: 114: Since the publication of ms. Q in
bibli. Alternatively one could perhaps read ina ikin
KAL 2, ms. S has been identified as a duplicate of
(GAR) bibli at the appointed time of the day of the
this passage; still, too little remains for any attempt
New Moon, but such a use of iknu is as yet with-
at restoring the text of the incantation. Difficulties
out parallel.
caused by the fragmentary remains are exacerbated
6.: 8: The wording of the line is clear by the very low incidence of stock phrases that
enough, but for lack of parallels its actual meaning might otherwise allow a restoration of the text.
remains elusive; we do not know any other anti-
1831: This rite is known from Bt rimki
witchcraft incantation that mentions the witchs
and several anti-witchcraft rituals: cf. K 3661 rev.
purse or money.
IV 57 (here text 7.5: 57), PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 13
15 (here text 9.2: 1315, cf. also text KAL 2, 15
TEXT GROUP 7.8 199
obv. I 121, here text 8.5: 121, and SpTU 2, 19 15: The first line seems to be corrupt; ir-
rev. 911, here text 9.3: 911) and KAL 2, 13 obv. a-am-um at the end of the line could be analysed
I 8 (here text 7.6.3: 8). Note that the preceding text as irum he obtained for him, but it is unclear
in ms. R (a join to ms. S is excluded) differs from how this fits into the overall syntactic context.
the rest of the sources: 1[ ] x [x x x (x)], 2[
17: Note that a medical commentary ex-
GI.N]-[u x x x], 3 [ ana] IGI dUTU..[A
4 plains ellam as a designation of the full moon; see
GUB-su(?)], [ ] an-ni-a-am te-ep-pu-[u],
5 Civil, JNES 33 (1974) 334.
[N dUTU tar-mu i]na KA-ia ID-n[u].
18: Alternatively, could [a]n-na-i-mi be
24: For the problems of translation, see
a corruption of anntu -ma this is she?
the comments on text 1.5: 17.
19: We interpret -lab-ba-an-ni as a
31: Despite the spelling pa-a-ra-a-[ni]
writing for ulawwnni reflecting Neo-Assyrian
the form must be parallel to preceding paranni.
orthography. But one should consider the possibility
8.: 9: One is tempted to read [l]u ina that -lab-ba-an-ni is a corruption of ulanni she
G[ETIN lu ina KA.SA]G at the beginning of the has besmirched me.
line, but the space available in the break seems too
11.: 18: Cf. Maql VII 18. The main diffe-
small for such a restoration.
rence between the version transmitted within Maql
10: As first noted by E. Reiner (see Bor- and the present text consists in the fact that the
ger, JNES 33 [1974] 192, fn. 1), this is a garbled witch is referred to in the third person here, while
rendering of the names of three of the seven sages. the Maql version addresses her directly in the
A more reliable list forms part of Bt mseri, tablet second person. Also note that napartu messages
III (SpTU 2, 8 //, see Borger, JNES 33 [1974] 188 of our texts is replaced by napart zikurud mes-
92). According to SpTU 2, 8 obv. 1420 (with du- sages of cutting-of-the-throat magic in the Maql
plicates), the correct forms of the names are: Nun- version; while the more specific phrasing of the
galpiriggaldim (here, almost correctly, Nungalpirig- Maql version is more precise, it does not change
nungaldim), Piriggalnungal (here apparently Galpi- the meaning of the line, since the sending of magic
rignun) and Piriggalabzu (here the correct form). messages is a typical form of zikurud-witchcraft
The phrase nunki-na-ke4 at the end of the line must (see Abusch, Studies Stol, 5368, Schwemer, Ab-
refer to one of the hometowns of these sages. wehrzauber, 63, 89, 100101).
According to Bt mseri Piriggalabzu was born in
1: Note that we were not able to collate
Adab, so that nunki-na-ke4 probably reflects an ori-
ms. o; therefore the reading of the first line of the
ginal adab (UD.NUN)ki-ba-ke4.
incantation remains uncertain. Scheils edition pre-
14: The logographic use of AK.AK.E.D dates the introduction of a numbering system for the
is so far attested only here; a comparable expression Istanbul tablet collection, and one would have to
is ak-ak-da // MIN-e ritual procedure, once attested systematically go through the Istanbul Babylonian
in a bilingual text (see PSD A III 131a). collections in order to retrieve the tablet.
TEXT 7.9


Manuscript a contained two units whose ends are for sprinkling the patients house; four sticks of
marked by double rulings. Lines 18 contain an apotropaic ru-wood erected at the houses corners
anti-witchcraft incantation addressed to ama that provide additional protection. The text of the per-
was to be recited at sunrise; the incantation may tinent incantation is only partially preserved, but the
have been preceded by a short purpose clause, but surviving bits refer explicitly to apotropaic meas-
the text does not provide detailed ritual instructions. ures. In view of the nature of the two units on
The second unit (ll. 927), which is duplicated by manuscript a, one is tempted to assume that they
manuscript b rev. 1221, gives the incantation and were meant to be performed one after the other: the
ritual instructions for apotropaic measures against first ritual served to fight and remove the witchcraft
witchcraft. Fumigations with potent herbs immunize affecting the patient, the second ritual lent the puri-
the patient against sorceries, while the ashes in the fied patient protection against any further attack of
fumigation vessel are used to produce an apotropaic his sorcerers. But manuscript b shows that unit ii
liquid. This mixture of ashes and water is then used was also transmitted on its own.

List of Manuscripts

a CBS (Kh1 ) 736 PBS 1/1, 16 pls. 4647 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Sippar(?)
script, 7th cent.
b BM 45419 pl. 48 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Babylon or Borsippa
script, 6th 3rd cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantation against witchcraft ............................................................................... 18

Incantation addressed to ama....................................................................................... 17
a obv. 17
Rubric with ritual instruction................................................................................................8
a obv. 8
ii Ritual with incantation for protecting the patient and his house against witchcraft.............. 928
Incantation with uburruda rubric ................................................................................. 924
a obv. 9rev. 10 // b rev. 1220
Ritual instructions........................................................................................................ 2528
a rev. 1114 // b rev. 21

Previous Editions

TEXT 7.9 201


1. a // b rev. 1221
1 a obv. 1 [x x x x (x)] x x [x x]
2 a obv. 2 ina SILA [i]-b[u-u S]AAR GR[II-MU]
3 a obv. 3 at-ta dUTU AD [x (x)]
4 a obv. 4 lU11.ZU-MU u munusU11.ZU-MU
5 a obv. 5 ki-pi-<-nu> u-us-ir--nu-ti r-[i]
6 a obv. 6 i-li dALAD bal-ta u me-lam-ma
7 a obv. 7 li-tu-ru-ni ia-a-i
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 a obv. 8 [G]IM dUTU KUR-a an-na-a ID-nu
(for the preceding lines in ms. b, see Summary)
a, b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 a obv. 9 [N te]-te-ep--[n]i-ma te-te-ep- ki-[pi]
b rev. 12 [ te-te(?)]-ep-u te-te-ep- ki-pi-
10 a obv. 10 [(x) i]b?-ba!(bi)-lak-ki-tu ru-e-e-k[i?]
b rev. 13 [ ] erasure ru-e-e-k[i?]
11 a obv. 11 []-ul an-gi-ma ap-te ba-ra-[ri]
b rev. 14 [ ba-r]a-ri
12 a obv. 12 [ ]R-MU EN.NUN ina K-MU ki-d[i-ni]
b rev. 14 ina R-MU EN.NUN ina K-MU ki-d[i-ni]
13 a obv. 13 [ina t]b-qa-a-ti -MU EN.NUN -e-[ib]
b rev. 15 [ u]l-te-ib
14 a obv. 14 [ i]a-a-i u -M[U]
b rev. 15 ia-a-ti u -ia
15 a rev. 1 [ip-u bar-tum(?)] u? a-mat UL-[tim (x x x)]
b rev. 16 [ ]
16 a rev. 2 [ki-pi ru]-e-e ru-[se-e]
b rev. 16 [ r]u-u- ru-su-
17 a rev. 3 [ ]UL.M[E ]
b rev. 16 up--u- U[L.ME D-i(?)]
18 a rev. 45 [ ]
b rev. 17 [x x x x x x x x dgi]ra u dnuska
19 a rev. 6 [ ]
b rev. 17 x imGR.GR u [KUR.KUR]
20 a rev. 7 [ ]
b rev. 18 [x x x x x x x x k]a?-i
21 a rev. 8 s[a-pr-ri ] x x [x]
b rev. 18 sa-pr-ri DINGIR.ME GAL.ME x [x x]
22 a rev. 9 DUMU.[ME um-ma-ni(?) li-qat-t]u- pa-gar-ki
b rev. 19 [ li-qat]-tu- pa-gar-k[i]
a, b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 a rev. 10 KA.IN[IM.MA U11].BR.RU.DA.KAM
b rev. 20 [ U]11.BR.RU.D[A.KAM]
a, b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

24 a rev. 11 D.D.BI KUR.[KUR] imGR.GR ina NE SAR-

b rev. 21 [ tu]-qat-tar<->
25 a rev. 12 i-ik-me-en- 7.KAM ana A.ME UB-di
b rev. 21 [i-ik-me-en-
(b breaks)
26 a rev. 13 N 3- ID-ma S-ma pa-i-ir
27 a rev. 14 4 u-ab giMA.NU ina tb-qat tu-zaq-qp
a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a breaks)

4. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. b not included in the transliteration

14 Fragmentary incantation (motif of the four winds: tu lizqam-ma [attunu (or: att) l taziqqni
(or: taziqqanni)] etc.).
5 Rubric: KA.INIM.MA L.TU.RA MIN KA.INIM.MA [? N]U ma?-x [ ].
611 Pertinent ritual instructions (perhaps against a ghost, cf. the use of an ox hoof and donkey urine).

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
a [ ] [] who [ ] [],
2 2
ina sqi ibu[ e]per p[ya] (who) have gather[ed the d]irt touched by [my] feet in the
3 3
att ama abu a [ ] You, ama, father of [ ],
a kapya u kaptya 5kipu<nu> 45
quickly cause my warlocks and witchs witchcraft to turn
userunti ar[i] on them!
il du blta u melamma 7litrni yi 67
May my god, (my) protective spirit, (my) vigour and (my)
healthy glow return to me!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
[k]ma ama ittapa ann tamannu You recite this as soon as ama has risen.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
[N t]tepa[nn]i-ma ttepa ki[p] [Incantation: You] have performed (sorcery) against me,
you have performed wi[tchcraft]!
10 10
[() i]bbalakkit ruk[i(?)] (but) y[our] magic will turn upon (you).
11 11
ul ang-ma apte bt barri I did not rejoice and did not open my house at dusk;
12 13
ina rya a maarti ina bbya a I have placed 12on my roof a watch, at my gate a gua[rd],
13 13
[ina t]ubqti a btya maarta uib [in the c]orners of my house a watch.
(var.: ultib)
14 14
a yi u btya [You] who [performed] against me and my house
15 15
[ipu brtu(?)] u? amt lemutti [()] [sortilege, rebellion] and evil word(s) [()],
16 16
[kip r]u rus [witchcraft, m]agic (and) sorcery,
17 17
up lem[nti tpu(?)] (and) ev[il] machinations:
18 18
[ Gi]rra u Nuska [ Gi]rra and Nuska
19 19
kukri u [atii] the kukru- and the [atiu]-plant
20 20
[ k]i(?) [ y]ou.
21 21
saparri a il rabti [ ] May the net of the great gods [you],
22 22
mr[ ummni liqa]tt pagarki May the ex[perts fin]ish off your body!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
KA.IN[IM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is the wordi[ng (of the incantation)] to undo [witch]craft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 7.9 203
24 24
ati[a] kukra ina pnti? tu-
D.D.BI Its ritual: You fumigate him with ati[u]- and kukru-plant
qattaru ikmnu sebu ana libbi m on coal. 25You put its ashes seven times into water; 26you
tanaddi 26ipta alu tamann-ma bta recite the incantation three times (over the water) and
tasalla-ma paer 27erbet ub ri ina sprinkle the house (with the water), then it will be undone.
tubqt bti tuzaqqap You erect four sticks of ru-wood at the corners of the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General: About two-thirds of ms. a is pre- one more sign in the break at the beginning of the
served, and there is room for about eight lines of line. Perhaps just u but is to be restored. If nabal-
text at the beginning and the end of the tablet. This kutu, in line with its regular usage in anti-witchcraft
suggests that the tablet began either with the begin- incantations, here refers to the witchcraft returning
ning of the first incantation or with a brief introduc- to its initiators, the u may have been motivated by
tory clause. The broken part of the reverse may well the semantic opposition between ll. 9 and 10.
have been uninscribed or may have contained only a
11: We understand this line to refer to
colophon (and catchline). Note that Parpola, LAS 2,
the protective measures taken by the patient. This
164 assigns ms. a to a group of rituals written for
includes acting in a manner opposite to that of re-
ceiving guests: the patient does not rejoice over his
3: There is only room for one or two guests (i.e., the sorceries sent by the witch), and he
signs in the break at the end of the line; possible re- locks his house.
storations include abu a iln (cf. Tallqvist, AGE, 2
12: Lit. the one of the watch, the one
s.v. abu) and abu a mti (cf. Maql VIII 2425).
of protection. For the motif in ll. 1213, cf. Maql
The line may be constructed as a nominal sentence:
VI 131, 139, 147, 156.
You, ama, are the father of [ ].
1820: We expect something like [I have
45: For the translation of these lines, cf.
sent against you Gi]rra and Nuska; the kukru-
Mayer, OrNS 60 (1991) 110 and Schwemer, Ab-
plant and the [atiu]-plant [will y]ou. For
wehrzauber, 14.
the fumigation of the two plants and the use of their
9: The transcription and translation fol- burnt ashes, cf. ll. 2427.
low ms. a. We expect a 2nd sg. fem. to be addressed
21: lisupki may overwhelm you or
(cf. pagarki in l. 22) and therefore treat te-te-ep-
liktumki may cover you are expected at the end
// te-te-ep- as Late Babylonian orthographies of
of the line. But the few traces preserved do not al-
ttep; cf., e.g., te-pu- (Ni 2927 + 13079 + 13080
low any confident restoration.
obv. II 28) and [t]e-te-pu-u (BM 64203 rev. III 13)
for tteppu in Maql VII 100. 22: For the restoration at the beginning
of the line, cf. text 7.8, 2.: 3940; for pagra qutt
10: x-bi-lak-ki-tu can hardly be anything
in the context of anti-witchcraft incantations, see
but a G present-tense form of nabalkutu, and is
Maql III 98 and V 68.
therefore to be restored ibbilakkit; the i/e-vowel in
the second syllable is unexpected and is probably 24: For the problem of the reading of NE
due to a scribal mistake (or possibly formed in ana- within the present phrase, cf. Stol, Studies Borger,
logy to forms like ubelkit?). If we do not assume 350, and here the note on text 2.2, 1.: 16061.
that l. 10 was indented, there seems to be room for


Three fragmentary manuscripts of an extensive (BAM V, p. xii). However, we possess no explicit

collection of prescriptions for potions, salves, neck- information on the affiliation of the present collec-
laces and medicine pouches to cure witchcraft- tion to any series, and the known tablets of the
induced ailments have survived from Ashurbani- uburruda series from Nineveh exhibit a different
pals library. The best preserved copy, here manu- tablet format from the present collection (see here
script A, shows that the whole collection comprised texts 7.24).
approximately 45090 lines; two other, more frag- Many prescriptions that form part of the extensive
mentary sources (here M and N, perhaps fragments collection represented by manuscripts A, M and N
of the same tablet, see infra, general comments), can be found within other contexts as well. These
seem to have had exactly the same text as the main include smaller collections of anti-witchcraft ther-
manuscript. With few exceptions the collection apies (mss. D and F, probably also ms. O, possibly
(here text 7.10.1, 1.) contains texts of only two dif- ms. S) and small exercises with only two or three
ferent formats: on the one hand, prescriptions with anti-witchcraft therapies (mss. e, P, Q and R). Apart
symptom description, diagnosis and therapeutic in- from manuscripts whose overall contents is witch-
structions which contain a list of the drugs to be craft-specific, prescriptions of this type were also
used; on the other hand, prescriptions containing a included in collections and series that cover a wider
list of drugs that is summarized by a short rubric range of illness etiologies. These non-witchcraft
(typically drugs for undoing witchcraft). This compendia include a collection of drug combina-
rubric can occasionally be followed by therapeutic tions for various diseases and diseased body parts
instructions detailing the application of the drugs. (mss. H and L, tentatively identified by Kcher,
The drug lists are regularly summarized by a sub- BAM V, p. xi, with the DUB .I.A of the Exorcists
script or rubric, typically U11.BR.RU.DA Manual), the therapeutic series (ms. j) and other
drugs for undoing witchcraft. Because of its simi- more or less extensive collections of medical texts
larity to the uburruda rubric following incantations (mss. G and K, probably also ms. B). For a discus-
(here only text 7.10.1, 1., unit ix) Kcher sugges- sion of the mutual relationship among the manu-
ted that the collection gehrt allem Anschein nach scripts F/G, H/L and the text edited here as text 7.2,
zum therapeutischen Teil der Serie U11.BR.RU.DA see Abusch, Studies Leichty, 13.

List of Manuscripts

A K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + BAM 43460 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
8094 + 9782 + 10764 + cent. Library
12669 + 12927 + 82-5-
22, 996
B K 8840 AMT 35/3 coll. Frg. of a multi-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
7th cent. Library
C K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + BAM 445 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
9488 AMT 64/2 (only script, 7th cent. Library
K 6089)
D VAT 9984 BAM 90 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, early NA Aur
script, 8th cent. (?)

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).
TEXT GROUP 7.10 205
e U 2926 UET 7, 125 Small, landscape-format tablet, Ur, Dublalma, south of
NB/LB script, 7th5th cent. main courtyard, room 6
F VAT 13776 BAM 190 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
cf. KAL 2, 49
G A 212 BAM 59 coll. Single-col., landscape-format tablet, Aur, Library N 4
NA script, 7th cent.
H1 K 4164 + 11691 + BAM 430 coll. Frgs. of a 3-col.sic tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
Rm 352 (+) 7th cent. Library
H2 K 4176 BAM 43061
j BM 42272 coll. Single-col. tablet, NB/LB script, 6th Babylon (?)
3rd cent.
K A 239 BAM 161 coll. Frg. of a large 6-col. tablet, early NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 9th8th cent.
L K 9684 + 9999 + Sm 341 BAM 43162 coll. Frg. of a 3-col.sic tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
+ Rm 328 7th cent. Library
M K 3201 + 6261 BAM 43563 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
cent. Library
N K 3461 AMT 29/5 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
BAM 436 cent. Library
O VAT 10073 + 11014 BAM 193 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, early NA Aur
cf. KAL 2, 48 script, 10th8th cent.
P SU 52/134 STT 102 coll. Small landscape-format tablet, NA Sultantepe
script, 7th cent.
Q A 226 BAM 191 coll. Small landscape-format tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 7th cent.
R A 282 BAM 192 coll. Small landscape-format tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 7th cent.
S K 8469 AMT 48/2 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
cent. Library
T Unger, AfK 1, Frg., 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
24 Library
U VAT 8228 KAR 298 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
V K 2481 pls. 49 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
50 Library

Synopsis of Text Units

7.10.1: BAM 43436 with duplicates

1st Part
i Fragmentary ................................................................................................................................ ]1
A obv. I 1
ii Prescription for a salve against witchcraft...............................................................................29
Symptom description ......................................................................................................25?
A obv. I 25
Therapeutic instructions..................................................................................................6?9
A obv. I 69
iii Prescription for a potion against witchcraft.........................................................................1012
Symptom description (identical to preceding unit) ............................................................10
A obv. I 10
Therapeutic instructions...............................................................................................1012
A obv. I 1012

Previous, partial copies: CT 14, 39 (Rm 352); von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I (K 4176).
Previous, partial copies: von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I (K 9684), AMT 7/6 (K 9999), CT 14, 48 (Rm 328).
Previous, partial copies: AMT 87/5 (K 3201); AMT 89/1 (K 6261).

Positive prognosis (kip par) ........................................................................................12

A obv. I 12
iv Prescription for a potion and a necklace against witchcraft ................................................ 1319
Symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis (kip kul u aqi) ........................... 1315
A obv. I 1315
Therapeutic instructions .............................................................................................. 1519
A obv. I 1519
v Fragmentary prescription against witchcraft ....................................................................]2025
Symptom description and witchcraft diagnosis (amlu kaip) ............................]2021
A obv. II 12
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..................................................................... 2125
A obv. I 36
vi Fragmentary prescription for a potion and a salve against witchcraft............................... 2628
Symptom description (probably identical to preceding unit) ............................................ 26
A obv. II 7
Therapeutic instructions ............................................................................................ 2628
A obv. II 79
vii Prescription for a potion and a salve against witchcraft .................................................... 2930
Symptom description (identical to preceding unit) ........................................................... 29
A obv. II 10
Therapeutic instructions ............................................................................................ 2930
A obv. II 1011
viii Prescription for an apotropaic potion and necklace against witchcraft ............................. 3133
Purpose statement .............................................................................................................. 31
A obv. III 1
Instructions and prognosis ......................................................................................... 3133
A obv. III 13
ix Prescription for an apotropaic ointment against witchcraft (= text 7.7, unit iv)................ 3439
Incantation: Pati patiti ............................................................................................... 3435
A obv. III 45 // B rev. l. col. 2 // C obv. 3334
Uburruda rubric................................................................................................................ 36
A obv. III 6 // B rev. l. col. 3 // C obv. 35
Ritual instructions...................................................................................................... 3739
A obv. III 79 // B rev. l. col. 46 // C obv. 3638
x Prescription for a salve against witchcraft......................................................................... 4044
Symptom description and diagnosis (amlu kaip) .............................................. 4042
A obv. III 1012 // D rev. 910
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..................................................................... 4344
A obv. III 1314 // D rev. 11
xi Prescription for a salve against witchcraft......................................................................... 4546
Symptom description (probably identical to preceding unit) ............................................ 45
A obv. III 15
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..................................................................... 4546
A obv. III 1516
xii Prescription for the protection of a mans house against witchcraft (= 11.1, unit ii) ........ 4750
Purpose statement .............................................................................................................. 47
A obv. III 17 // e rev. 1 // U rev. 43 // V rev. 10
Instructions and prognosis ......................................................................................... 4850
A obv. III 1819 // e rev. 25 // U rev. 4344 // V rev. 1113
xiii List of 25 drugs against witchcraft and ban .................................................................. 5162
List of drugs............................................................................................................. 5160
F obv. 16 // G obv. 1319 // H2 rev. V 818 // j obv. 26 // K obv. V 15 //
L rev. V 14 // A obv. III 1
TEXT GROUP 7.10 207
Uburruda and namerimburruda rubric..........................................................................61
A obv. III 2 // F obv. 7 // G obv. 20 // H2 rev. V 18 // j obv. 7 // K obv. V 67 //
L rev. V 5
Therapeutic instructions (potion)
F obv. 8 ............................................................................................................................. 62
Authority of transmission (Il-rmanni)
A obv. III 3 // F obv. 8 // j obv. 8 // K obv. V 7
xiv List of 51 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................... 6378
List of drugs............................................................................................................. 6377
A obv. III 418 // M obv. III 111
Uburruda rubric ............................................................................................................78
A obv. III 19 // M obv. III 11
xv List of 27 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................... 7987
List of drugs............................................................................................................. 7985
A obv. III 2026 // M obv. III 12rev. IV 4
Uburruda rubric and authority of transmission (Lu-Nanna).........................................86
A obv. III 27 // M rev. IV 45
Therapeutic instructions (potion) and prognosis .............................................................. 87
A obv. III 28 // M rev. IV 5
xvi List of 13 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................... 8892
List of drugs............................................................................................................. 8890
A obv. III 2931 // M rev. IV 68
Uburruda rubric ............................................................................................................91
A rev. IV 1 // M rev. IV 9
Therapeutic instructions (potion or dry form) and prognosis .................................. 9192
A rev. IV 12 // M rev. IV 9
xvii List of 22 (23) drugs effective against witchcraft.......................................................... 93100
List of drugs............................................................................................................. 9399
A rev. IV 39 // F rev. 16 // M rev. IV 1115
Uburruda rubric ............................................................................................................99
A rev. IV 9 // F rev. 6 // M rev. IV 15
Diagnostic clause (witchcraft ingested with herbs) ........................................................ 100
A rev. IV 10 // F rev. 7 // M rev. IV 16
Therapeutic instructions (potion), prognosis only ms. F ................................................100
A rev. IV 10 // F rev. 7 // M rev. IV 16
xviii List of 23 drugs effective against witchcraft ............................................................... 101108
List of drugs......................................................................................................... 101107
A rev. IV 1117 // M rev. IV 1718
Uburruda rubric ..........................................................................................................108
A rev. IV 18
xix List of 14 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................. 10914
List of drugs........................................................................................................... 10913
A rev. IV 1923
Uburruda rubric ..........................................................................................................114
A rev. IV 24
Therapeutic instructions (potion) and prognosis ............................................................ 114
A rev. IV 24
xx List of 35 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................. 11531
List of drugs........................................................................................................... 11529
A rev. IV 2539
Uburruda rubric .................................................................................................. 13031
A rev. IV 4041

xxi List of 20 drugs against witchcraft ................................................................................ 13240

List of drugs........................................................................................................... 13239
A rev. IV 4249
Uburruda rubric .......................................................................................................... 140
A rev. IV 50
Therapeutic instructions (potion) ................................................................................... 140
A rev. IV 50
xxii List of 15 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................. 14150
List of drugs with therapeutic instructions on quantities....................................... 14148
A rev. IV 5158
Uburruda rubric .......................................................................................................... 148
A rev. IV 58
Therapeutic instructions (potion) .......................................................................... 14950
A rev. IV 5960
xxiii Prescription for a potion against witchcraft................................................................... 15159
Purpose statement .................................................................................................. 15154
A rev. IV 6164 // F rev. 89
Therapeutic instructions (with list of seven drugs) and prognosis ........................ 15559
A rev. IV 6569 // F rev. 912
xxiv List of [] drugs effective against witchcraft............................................................... 16061
List of drugs........................................................................................................... 16061
A rev. IV 7071
Uburruda rubric .......................................................................................................... 161
A rev. IV 71
Therapeutic instructions (potion) ................................................................................... 161
A rev. IV 71
xxv List of 15 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................. 16267
List of drugs........................................................................................................... 16266
A rev. IV 7276
Uburruda rubric .......................................................................................................... 166
A rev. IV 76
Therapeutic instructions (potion) ................................................................................... 167
A rev. IV 77
xxvi List of 32 drugs effective against witchcraft ................................................................. 16880
List of drugs........................................................................................................... 16878
A rev. IV 78V 5 // M rev. V 18
Uburruda rubric .......................................................................................................... 179
A rev. V 6 // M rev. V 9
Therapeutic instructions (potion) ........................................................................... 17980
A rev. V 67 // M rev. V 910
xxvii Prescription for a leather bag against witchcraft (up lemntu)................................. 18186
Purpose statement .................................................................................................. 18182
A rev. V 89 // M rev. V 1112
Therapeutic instructions (with list of five drugs) .................................................. 18386
A rev. V 1013 // M rev. V 1215
xxviii Prescription for a leather bag against witchcraft performed by the bl dabbi............. 18788
Purpose statement ........................................................................................................... 187
A rev. V 14 // M rev. V 16
Therapeutic instructions ................................................................................................. 188
A rev. V 15 // M rev. V 17
xxix Prescription for a leather bag against witchcraft performed by the bl dabbi...................... 189
Purpose statement (identical to preceding unit) ............................................................. 189
A rev. V 16 // M rev. V 18
TEXT GROUP 7.10 209
Therapeutic instructions..................................................................................................189
A rev. V 16 // M rev. V 18
xxx Prescription for a leather bag against witchcraft performed by the bl dabbi ........... 190191
Purpose statement ...........................................................................................................190
A rev. V 17 // M rev. V 19
Therapeutic instructions......................................................................................... 19091
A rev. V 1718 // M rev. V 1920
xxxi Prescription for a leather bag (?) against the schemes of the bl dabbi ................... 19293
Purpose statement ...........................................................................................................192
A rev. V 19 // M rev. V 21
Therapeutic instructions......................................................................................... 19293
A rev. V 1920 // M rev. V 2122
xxxii Fragmentary prescription against the schemes of the bl dabbi ............................ 194200
Purpose statement ...........................................................................................................194
A rev. V 21 // N rev. V 1
Therapeutic instructions......................................................................................... 19597
A rev. V 2224 // N rev. V 13
Incantation: Andakii........................................................................................... 198199
A rev. V 2526 // N rev. V 45
Therapeutic instructions..................................................................................................200
A rev. V 27 // N rev. V 6
xxxiii Fragmentary prescription ............................................................................................ 201202[
A rev. V 2829
xxxiv Prescription for a salve against the bl dabbi ............................................................ 20313
Purpose statement .............................................................................................. 203207
A rev. VI 15
Therapeutic instructions (including the recitation of the incantation
egamen egamen) and prognosis ..................................................................... 208213
A rev. VI 611 // M rev. VI 12
xxxv Prescription for a salve against the bl dabbi ............................................................ 21429
Purpose statement (identical to preceding unit)............................................................. 214
A rev. VI 12 // M rev. VI 3
Ritual instructions including libations before Itar.............................................. 21418
A rev. VI 1216 // M rev. VI 37
Incantation: egamen egamen............................................................................ 21929
A rev. VI 1727 // M rev. VI 812 // N rev. VI 13
xxxvi Prescription for a bandage, salve and potion against the bl dabbi ........................... 23037
Purpose statement (identical to preceding unit)............................................................. 230
A rev. VI 28 // N rev. VI 4
Therapeutic instructions....................................................................................... 23037
A rev. VI 2832 // N rev. VI 411
xxxvii Prescription for a potion against ingested maliciousness...........................= text 1.8, 2., unit iii
N rev. VI 1220[ //
2nd Part
i List of five drugs for a medicine against witchcraft ..................................................................... 1
Drug list ................................................................................................................................ 1
j obv. 1
Uburruda rubric and therapeutic instructions ................................................................... 1
j obv. 1a
ii = text 7.10.1, 1., unit xiii
iiiiv see Summary 5.
v Prescription for a potion against witchcraft and ban.......................................................... 2021
j obv. 2021

vi Prescription against excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft?) ........................................2223

j obv. 2223
vii = text 7.10.3, 1., unit vii.........................................................................................................2426
viii Prescription against excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft?) ........................................2730
j obv. 2730
For the other text units in ms. j, see Summary 5.
3rd Part
i List of seven drugs effective against ban and witchcraft ........................................................13
Drug list .............................................................................................................................12
K obv. V 89
Namerimburruda and uburruda rubric...............................................................................3
K obv. V 10
For other text units in ms. K, see texts 7.10.1, 1. and 1.8.

7.10.2: BAM 90
i Fragmentary prescription......................................................................................................... 12
D rev. 12
ii Prescription for a potion and a bath against ingested witchcraft (lutu) .............................. 38
Symptom description and diagnosis ................................................................................ 35
D rev. 35
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ........................................................................... 68
D rev. 68
iii = text 7.10.1, 1., unit x ......................................................................................................... 911
iv Prescription for a potion and a salve against witchcraft ...................................................... 1215
Symptom description and diagnosis ............................................................................ 1213
D rev. 1213
Therapeuic instructions and prognosis ........................................................................ 1315
D rev. 1315
v Prescription for a potion, against witchcraft (?) .................................................................. 1618
Symptom description and diagnosis ............................................................................ 1617
D rev. 1617
Therapeuic instructions and prognosis ........................................................................ 1718
D rev. 1718
vi Prescription for a potion, against witchcraft (?) .........................................................................19
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit) .....................................19
D rev. 19
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..............................................................................19
D rev. 19
vii Prescription for a necklace, against witchcraft (?)............................................................... 2021
Symptom description and diagnosis ...................................................................................20
D rev. 20
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..............................................................................21
D rev. 21
viii Fragmentary prescription, against witchcraft (?)................................................................. 2223
Symptom description and diagnosis ...................................................................................22
D rev. 22
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ..............................................................................23
D rev. 23
Fragmentary colophon .............................................................................................................. 24[
D rev. 24
TEXT GROUP 7.10 211
7.10.3: BAM 190 with duplicates
1st Part
i = text 7.10.1, 1., unit xiii ........................................................................................................ 18
ii List of 37 drugs effective against witchcraft .......................................................................... 921
List of drugs.................................................................................................................... 918
F obv. 918 // G obv. 19
Uburruda rubric .............................................................................................................. 19
F obv. 19 // G obv. 910
Therapeutic instructions (potion or dry) ....................................................................... 2021
F obv. 2021 // G obv. 1112
iii Prescription for an emetic against witchcraft ingested with food......................................... 2226
Symptom description and diagnosis ............................................................................. 2224
F obv. 2224 // O obv. II 24 // P obv. 710
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ........................................................................ 2426
F obv. 2426 // O obv. II 57 // P obv. 911
iv = text 7.10.1, 1., unit xvii ................................................................................................... 2733
v = text 7.10.1, 1., unit xxiii .................................................................................................. 3438
vi List of eleven drugs effective against seizing-of-the-mouth magic ................................... 3942
List of drugs.................................................................................................................. 3941
F rev. 1315
Kadabbeda rubric ............................................................................................................. 42
F rev. 16
Therapeutic instructions (potion)........................................................................................ 42
F rev. 16
vii Prescription for a potion to stop excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft) ...................... 4346
Symptom description .................................................................................................... 4344
F rev. 1718 // j obv. 2425 // Q obv. 13 // R obv. 13 // T obv. 13
Therapeutic instructions................................................................................................ 4446
F rev. 1820 // j obv. 2526 // Q obv. 47 // R obv. 47 // T obv. 1415
Colophon.............................................................................................................................. 4750[
F rev. 2124
2nd Part
i Fragmentary prescription ....................................................................................................... ]15
O obv. I 15
ii Fragmentary prescription .........................................................................................................67
O obv. I 67
iii Fragmentary prescription against witchcraft ....................................................................... 810[
O obv. I 810
iv Fragmentary prescription ......................................................................................................... ]11
O obv. II 1
v = text 7.10.3, 1., unit iii...................................................................................................... 1217
vi Prescriptions for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food...............................................18
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit).....................................18
O obv. III 1
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis .............................................................................18
O obv. III 1
vii Prescriptions for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food...............................................19
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit).....................................19
O obv. III 2
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis .............................................................................19
O obv. III 2

viii Prescriptions for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food .............................................. 20
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit) .................................... 20
O obv. III 3
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ............................................................................. 20
O obv. III 3
ix Prescriptions for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food .............................................. 21
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit) .................................... 21
O obv. III 4
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ............................................................................. 21
O obv. III 4
x Prescriptions for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food .............................................. 22
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit) .................................... 22
O obv. III 5
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ............................................................................. 22
O obv. III 5
xi Fragmentary prescription................................................................................................... 2325
O rev. III 68
xii Fragmentary prescription..........................................................................................................26[
O rev. III 9
3rd Part
i Prescription for a necklace and a potion against witchcraft ingested with food .......................16
Symptom description and diagnosis ..................................................................................13
P obv. 13
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis .............................................................................36
P obv. 36
ii = text 7.10.3, 1., unit iii ...........................................................................................................711
4th Part
i = text 7.10.3, 1., unit vii.............................................................................................................17
ii List of 15 drugs effective against witchcraft and ban ...........................................................817
List of drugs.....................................................................................................................814
Q obv. 8rev. 3 // R obv. 8rev. 3
Uburruda and namerimburruda rubric (in Akkadian) ...............................................1516
Q rev. 45 // R rev. 45
Therapeutic instructions (potion) ..................................................................................1617
Q rev. 56 // R rev. 57
Colophon ...............................................................................................................................1819
Q rev. 78
5th Part
i Prescription for a potion to stop excessive salivating and fever caused by witchcraft..............14
Symptom description and diagnosis ..................................................................................12
T obv. 12
Therapeutic instructions ....................................................................................................24
T obv. 24
ii Prescription for a potion to stop excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft?) .........................56
Symptom description.............................................................................................................5
T obv. 5
Therapeutic instructions ....................................................................................................56
T obv. 56
iii Prescription for a potion to stop excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft?) .........................79
Symptom description.............................................................................................................7
T obv. 7
Therapeutic instructions ....................................................................................................79
T obv. 79
TEXT GROUP 7.10 213
iv Prescription for a potion to stop excessive salivating (caused by witchcraft?) .................... 1012
Symptom description (identical to preceding unit) ............................................................ 10
T obv. 10
Therapeutic instructions................................................................................................ 1012
T obv. 1012
v = text 7.10.3, 1., unit vii........................................................................................................ 1315
vi Fragmentary prescription ..................................................................................................... 1617[
T obv. 1617

7.10.4: BAM 430 and BAM 431

i List of 37 drugs effective against witchcraft .......................................................................... 118
Drug list .......................................................................................................................... 117
H1 obv. III 723 // L obv. III 218
Uburruda rubric .............................................................................................................. 18
H1 obv. III 24 // L obv. III 19
ii List of 16 drugs effective against witchcraft ........................................................................ 1925
Drug list ........................................................................................................................ 1924
H1 obv. III 2530 // L obv. III 2025
Uburruda rubric .............................................................................................................. 25
H1 obv. III 31 // L obv. III 26
iii = text 7.10.1, 1.: 5161 (H2 rev. V 818 // L rev. V 15 // )
For other text units in mss. H and L, see 7.10.4, Summary 2.

7.10.5: AMT 48/2

i Prescription for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food ..............................................14
Symptom description and diagnosis ................................................................................13
S obv. II 13
Therapeutic instruction and prognosis.............................................................................34
S obv. II 34
ii Prescription for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food ...................................................5
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit)........................................5
S obv. II 5
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis ................................................................................5
S obv. II 5
iii Prescription for a potion against witchcraft ingested with food ............................................610
Symptom description and diagnosis (identical to preceding unit)........................................6
S obv. II 6
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis .........................................................................610
S obv. II 610
iv Prescription for a potion(?) and a bath against witchcraft (lutu) ....................................1118
Symptom description and diagnosis ............................................................................1114
S obv. II 1114
Therapeutic instructions and prognosis .......................................................................1518
S obv. II 1518
v Fragmentary prescription against witchcraft ingested with food.........................................1928
S obv. II 1928
vi Fragmentary prescription ................................................................................................... 2930[
S obv. II 2930

Previous Editions

Ebeling Unger, AfK 1 (1923) 2325 (ms. T).



7.10.1: BAM 43436 (mss. A, M, N) with duplicates

1. A // B rev. IV 26 // C obv. 3338 // D: 911 // e rev. 15 // F obv. 18 // G lo. e. 1rev. 5 //
H2 rev. V 818 // j obv. 28 // K obv. V 17 // L rev. V 15 // M // N // U rev. 4344 // V rev. 1013
(break of approx. 60 lines at the beginning of A obv. I)
1 A obv. I 1 xxx[
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 A obv. I 2 DI NA SAG - [
3 A obv. I 3 mm-ma GU7 u NAG x [
4 A obv. I 4 [x]-ma? MU DINGIR-u kur [
5 A obv. I 5 [ana e-]e!?-ri-u ?[
6 A obv. I 6 [x x x] x x [
7 A obv. I 7 [at-m]a BIL.ZA.ZA SI[G7
8 A obv. I 8 AUR GI.GI T.BI S[D
9 A obv. I 9 D SU- E[
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 A obv. I 10 DI KIMIN tar-mu IGI-l[im
11 A obv. I 11 T.BI SD lu ina KA lu ina [
12 A obv. I 12 N[U p]a-tan NAG.ME U[11 BR?]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 A obv. I 13 DI N[A ].ME- M.M SAG - -ar-r[ap-]
14 A obv. I 14 GABA-[s]u GU7- NINDA.ME u KA.ME LAL NA [BI AR.ME GIG]
15 A obv. I 15 U11 GU7 u NAG ana TI- tar-mu IGI-li[m]

16 A obv. I 16 IGI-NI tu-lal giGAN.U5 A.TL.TL
17 A obv. I 17 6 .I.A E T.BI SD lu ina KA.SAG lu-u ina GETIN.ME
18 A obv. I 18 [NU] pa-tan NAG.ME na4K.BABBAR na4K.SI22 na4URUDU na4AN.NA
19 A obv. I 19 [i]na G- GAR-an
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of A obv. I, beginning of obv. II broken)
break of approximately 70 lines
20 A obv. II 1 [ ]x
21 A obv. II 2 [ NA BI k]a-ip
22 A obv. II 3 [ sa-l]-e
23 A obv. II 4 [ la-am G]RII-
24 A obv. II 5 [ana qaqqari ikunu ] SU-
25 A obv. II 6 [ -m]a TI
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 A obv. II 7 [DI KIMIN(?) ina G]A Z GAZ
27 A obv. II 8 x[ l]a-am GRII-
28 A obv. II 9 ana K[I ikunu nap]-al-tu KIMIN
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 A obv. II 10 DI KIMIN gix [ ] x SIKIL
30 A obv. II 11 1-ni GAZ SIM ina KA.SAG NAG-ma nap-al-tum KIMIN
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 A obv. III 1 [ ] ana NA NU TE-e IN.U6 AR.AR
32 A obv. III 2 [ U]B-di ina UL tu-bat NU pa-tan NAG-ma
33 A obv. III 3 [ ] x na4AN.BAR na4URUDU ina G- GAR-ma TI
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding text in C, see text 7.7; for the preceding text in B, see Summary 4.)
34 A obv. III 45 [N pa-t]i pa-ti-ti / [ pa-t]a-kar
B rev. l. col. 2 [ pa]-ta-kar
C obv. 33 []N pa-ti pa-ti-ti pa-ta-kar pa-ta-ka[r]
TEXT GROUP 7.10 215
35 A obv. III 5 ti-tib a-ti-ib TU6 N
B rev. l. col. 2 a-ti-ib a-ti-ib TU6 N
C obv. 34 []a-ti-ib a-ti-i[b] TU6 [N]
A, B, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 A obv. III 6 [ U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
B rev. l. col. 3 [ U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
C obv. 35 [K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.[KAM]
A, B, C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 A obv. III 78 [D.D.BI? (x-)x]-tabmuen UM-a / [ t]a-ma-ar
B rev. l. col. 4 [ ?]- ina dugBUR.ZI ta-ma-ar
C obv. 36 [ ]xx[ ?-] ina dugBUR.ZI ta-[ma-ar]
38 A obv. III 89 N 7- ana ID-ma / [ ]-a
B rev. l. col. 5 [ B]I u4-mi-am-ma -a
C obv. 37 [ N]A BI u4-mi-am-m[a ]
39 A obv. III 9 i-ta-nam-da-ru la KUR-su
B rev. l. col. 6 [ N]U KUR-su
C obv. 38 [ ] NU [ ]
A, B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in C, see text 7.7; for the following text in B, see Summary 4.)
(for the preceding text in D, see 7.10.2)
40 A obv. III 10 [ ik-ta-n]a-su- - i-a-
D rev. 9 [DI NA] - ik-ta-na-su- - i-a-
41 A obv. III 11 [ UB]- DAB-it [T]UK.ME-i
D rev. 910 DU8.ME- IR [UB-] / [DAB-i]t TUK.ME-i
42 A obv. III 12 [ T]U[K.ME-i N]A BI ka-ip
D rev. 10 SAG - TUK.ME-i NA BI k[a-ip]
43 A obv. III 13 [ GI].GI p-ru-a

D rev. 11 gi
[ana up-]u-ri- AUR GI.GI p-ru-
44 A obv. III 14 [ ] E.E E.ME-a-ma TI
D rev. 11 1-ni SD ina .GI E.ME-[ma ]
A, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in D, see 7.10.2)
45 A obv. III 15 [DI KIMIN(?) ] at-ma BIL.ZA.ZA SIG7
46 A obv. III 16 [1-ni SD ina .GI E.]E E.ME-su-ma TI
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding text in e, U and V, see text 11.1)
47 A obv. III 17 [ ] - NU TE-e
e rev. 1 [ana] ki-pi ana NA u - NU TE-e
U rev. 43 ana ki-pi ana NA u - NU TE-e
V rev. 10 ana ki-pu ana L u .BI NU TE-e
48 A obv. III 18 [ D]IDA SIG5.GA
e rev. 2
U rev. 43

V rev. 1112
49 A obv. III 19 [ ] u er-ri IG
e rev. 3 kib-rit al-u ina K ka-mi-i !? er<-ri> gi
U rev. 4344 kib-ri-[it BRA].GA ina K.A.M / u er-ri gi
V rev. 1213 [ K] ka-mi-i / [ ]

50 A obv. III 20 [ ] i-al-li-qu

e rev. 45 te-te-mer-ma ki-pi i-[al-l]i-qa / ana NA u - NU [TE]-a!(e)
U rev. 44 te-te-mer-ma ina IGI i-al-li-qu sic!
ana NA [ ] - NU TE.ME-u
V rev. 13 [ i]-al-li-qu
A, e, U, V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(A obv. III breaks; for the following text in e, U and V, see 11.1)
break of approximately 27 lines
(for the preceding text in G, see 7.10.3; for the preceding text in H, see 7.10.4; for the preceding text in j, see 2.)
51 F obv. 1 tar-mu8 I[GI]-lim IGI.NI[]
G lo. e. 1 [
H2 rev. V 8 [ tar]-mu8 IGI-lim IGI.NI

j obv. 2
tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-NI
52 F obv. 12 [ ] / .KUR.RA

G lo. e. 12 [ ]/ [ .KUR].RA
H2 rev. V 9 [x] x
j obv. 2 kur ba? [ ]
53 F obv. 2
r-nu-u ti-[i-tu]
G lo. e. 23
r-n[u-u] / [ ]
H2 rev. V 10 [r-n]u-u ti-i-t
j obv. 3
r-nu- ti-i!(za)-a-ti
54 F obv. 2 [ ]
G lo. e. 3 [x x sa]-lu-u GAZIsar-e
H2 rev. V 11 [x (x)] x sa-l-e GAZIsar
j obv. 34
s[a-lu-u] / GAZIsar

55 F obv. 3 SAG.SURGETIN-KA5.A

G obv. lo. e. 3rev. 1 [ ] /[ ]

H2 rev. V 12 [ak-ta]m GETIN-KA5.A
j obv. 4
ak-tam giGETIN-KA5.A
(for the preceding text in K, see text 1.8; undecipherable trace in obv. V 1)
56 F obv. 3 [ ]

G rev. 1 LU.MAR.T E[ME-UR.GI7]
H2 rev. V 13 [ LU.MAR.T]U EME-UR.GI7

j obv. 4 <LU>.MAR.T[U ]

K obv. V 2 L[U.MAR.TU ]
(for the preceding text in L, see 7.10.4)
57 F obv. 4 [NU]MUN EME-UR.GI7 MU[N eme]-s[al-lim]

G rev. 2 [ EME-U]R.GI7 MUN eme-sal-lim

H2 rev. V 14 [ EME-U]R.GI7 MUN eme-sal-lim
j obv. 5 NUMUN MIN MUN <eme->sal-lim
K obv. V 23 [ ] / MUN eme-sal-lim
L rev. V 1 [ MUN eme-sal-l]im
58 F obv. 45 [ ] / NUMUN gibi-nu
G rev. 3 [ ] NUMUN [gi]bi-nu
H2 rev. V 15 [ bi-n]i NUMUN gibi-ni
j obv. 5
K obv. V 34
SI[KIL ] / NUMUN gibi-nu
L rev. V 2 [ gi
]bi-ni NUMUN gibi-ni
TEXT GROUP 7.10 217
59 F obv. 5 im
[ L]I [ ]
G rev. 3 LI [ ]
H2 rev. V 16 [ ] NUMUN imLI
j obv. 56 [ ] / NUMUN imLI
K obv. V 4 LI NUMUN giLI
L rev. V 3 [ ] NUMUN imLI
60 A obv. III 1 [ ]x x[ ]
F obv. 56 [ ] / N[U]MUN A.ZAL.L I[N].NU.U
G rev. 4 [A].ZAL.L NUMUN []A.ZAL.L [IN.NU.U]
H2 rev. V 1718 [ ] NUMUN A.ZAL.L / [ ]

j obv. 6 A.ZAL.L NUMUN MIN


L rev. V 34 A.ZAL.L / [NUMUN] A.ZAL.L IN6.
A, j, K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 A obv. III 2 [ .DU10.G]A U11.BR.RU.DA / [ NAM.RIM.B]R
F obv. 7 DU10.GA lb-bi U11.B[R.RU.DA ]
G rev. 5 DU10 lb-bi [U]11.ZUsic! usic! NAM.RIM.[BR]
H2 rev. V 18 .DU10.GA
j obv. 7 25 .DU10.GA U11.BR.RU.DA u NAM.RIM.[B]R.RE
K obv. V 67 25 .DU10.GA U11.BR.RU.DA / NAM.RIM.BR
L rev. V 5 [25] .DU10.GA
G, H2, L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in G, see Summary 6.; for H and L, see 7.10.4)
62 A obv. III 3 GABA.RI -l-rem-ni I

F obv. 8 [ina] KA NAG GABA.RI -[l-rmni] I

j obv. 8 GABA.RI ir-ni-ni-ni

K obv. V 7 GABA.RI -l-rem-ni I

A, F, j, K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in F, see 7.10.3, 1.; for j, see 2., 7.10.3, 1. and Summary 5.; for K, see 3.)
63 A obv. III 4 [x x x x] ti-i-tu KUR.KUR kur-ka-nam
64 A obv. III 5 [x x ib-b]ur-ra-t r-nu-u .KUR.RA
65 A obv. III 6 [x x x x (x)] A.ZAL.LA a-u-um-t
(undecipherable trace at the end of M obv. III 1)
66 A obv. III 7 [NUMUN? GETI]N-KA5.A NUMUN gi
bi-ni NUMUN giMA.NU
M obv. III 23 [
GETIN-K]A5.A / [ ]
67 A obv. III 8 [x x x x (x)] DILI IGI-lim IGI-NI
M obv. III 34 [
]IGI-lim / [ ]
68 A obv. III 9 [x x x x (x)] ak-tam EME-UR.GI7

M obv. III 4 [ ak-ta]m EME-UR.GI7
69 A obv. III 10 [NUMUN EME-U]R.GI7 Z.I.LI GAZIsar
M obv. III 5 [ G]AZIsar

70 A obv. III 11 [ ]u-mut-tu SUU giNAM.TAR NTA
u-mut-t / [ ]
71 A obv. III 12 SUU gi-[i] NAGA SI giU.LU.B
M obv. III 6 [ ] giu-e NAGA SI giU.LU.B
72 A obv. III 13 LI NA4 ga-[b]i-i imKAL.GUG NUMUN SI.S
i m
M obv. III 7 [ ] LI NA4 ga-bi-i imKAL.GUG NUMUN SI.S
73 A obv. III 14 a-i-i .BABBAR .NAM.TI.LA
M obv. III 8 a-i-i .BABBAR .NAM.TI.LA
im gi
M obv. III 89 im
GR.GR / GI DU10 gi

75 A obv. III 16 SIKIL LAG-A.
a-a-r K.BABBAR
M obv. III 910

76 A obv. III 17 a-a-r K.SI22 GR.LAGAB AR.SAG

M obv. III 10 a-a-r K.SI22 GR.LAGAB AR.SAG

77 A obv. III 18 A.TL.TL NUMUN tar-mu8 B.DU

tar-mu8 B.DU
78 A obv. III 19 51 U11.BR.RU.DA
M obv. III 11 51 U11.BR.RU.DA
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

79 A obv. III 20 tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-NI AR.AR KUR.KUR

M obv. III 12 tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-NI AR.AR KUR.KUR
80 A obv. III 21 .KUR.RA r-nu-u NU.LU.A GAZIsar sa-l-e
M obv. III 13 .KUR.RA r-nu-u NU.LU.A GAZIsar sa-l-e
81 A obv. III 22
ak-tam [ib-b]ur-ra-t EME-UR.GI7 NUMUN EME-UR.GI7
M rev. IV 1
ak-tam [ib-bur-ra-t ] EME-UR.GI7

82 A obv. III 23 A.ZAL.L el-kul-la

M rev. IV 2
A.ZAL.L [ ]
M rev. IV 23 [ im
gi gi
84 A obv. III 25 SIKIL INIG NUMUN bi-ni imLI
M rev. IV 34 [ gi
IN]IG / imLI
85 A obv. III 26 NUMUN LI MUN eme-sal-lim
M rev. IV 4 [ ]
86 A obv. III 27 27 U11.BR.RU.DA GABA.RI Il-dnanna
M rev. IV 45 [ U11.BR.R]U.DA / GABA.R[I ]
87 A obv. III 28 lu ina KA lu ina GETIN NAG-ma TI
M rev. IV 5 [ ] TI
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

88 A obv. III 29 tar-mu8 IGI-lim IGI-NI KUR.KUR kur-ka-nam

M rev. IV 6 [ kur-k]a-nam
89 A obv. III 30 MUN a-ma-nim MUN k-pad giINIG IN.NU.U
M rev. IV 7 [ ] IN6.
90 A obv. III 31 NUMUN IN6. sim-bir-ru ti-i-tu .KUR.RA
M rev. IV 8 [ ] .KUR.RA
A, M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 A rev. IV 1 13 U11.BR.RU.DA lu ina KA lu ina GETIN
M rev. IV 9 [ KA] lu ina GETIN
92 A rev. IV 2 lu ina GA lu ta-bi-lam NAG.ME-ma ki-pu BR
M rev. IV 10 [ NAG.M]E-ma ki-pi BR
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding text in F, see 7.10.3)
93 A rev. IV 3 SUU tar-mu SUU
F rev. 1
M rev. IV 11 [ SU]U IGI-NI
TEXT GROUP 7.10 219
94 A rev. IV 4
SIKIL tu-lal

F rev. 12

M rev. IV 1112

95 A rev. IV 5 EME-UR.GI7 NU.LU NU.LU.A
F rev. 23
M rev. IV 1213
NU.LU / [ ]
96 A rev. IV 6 r-n-e
F rev. 34 PA r-ni-i /
M rev. IV 13 [ r]-n-e
97 A rev. IV 7 .KUR.RA .dD
F rev. 45 d
. D GI BR / gi
M rev. IV 14 [.d]D GAN.NA gi
98 A rev. IV 8
F rev. 56
kur-ka-nam .KUR.RA / LAL
M rev. IV 1415
TL.TL / <kurkn> [ ] LAL

99 A rev. IV 9 a-zal-la-a 22 U11.BR.RU.DA

F rev. 6 A.ZAL.L 23 U11.BR.RU.DA

M rev. IV 15 a-zal-la-a 22 U11.BR.RU.DA
100 A rev. IV 10 DI NA am-ma GU7 NAG SIG T.BI SD ina KA NAG
F rev. 7 [ N]A am-ma GU7 u [N]AG SIG ina KA.SAG NAG--ma TI
M rev. IV 16 [ am-m]a GU7 NAG SIG T.BI SD ina KA[ ]
A, F, M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in F, see ll. 15159)

101 A rev. IV 11 IN.NU.U tar-mu8 IGI-lim IGI-NI
M rev. IV 17 [IN.NU.U] tar-mu8 IGI-lim IGI-NI

102 A rev. IV 12 SIKIL i pi-ru TL.TL DILI

M rev. IV 1718 [SIKIL] / [x x x x x] x x x x x [
(M rev. IV breaks)

103 A rev. IV 13 AUR GI.GI KUR.GI.RN.NA a-zal-lu-u

105 A rev. IV 15 NU.LU NU.LU.A r-ni-i

106 A rev. IV 16 ib-bur-ra-tu A.AB.BA
107 A rev. IV 17 .dD A.TL.TL NUMUN A.TL.TL
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 A rev. IV 18 23 .I.A a U11.BR.RU.DA
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

109 A rev. IV 19 N[U.L]U.A ti-i-tu ak-tam

110 A rev. IV 20 [kur]-ka-nam LU.MAR.TU r-nu-u
111 A rev. IV 21 [ A].ZAL.LA SUMUN.DAR IN.NU.U

112 A rev. IV 22 [ni-ki]p-tu GETIN-KA5.A MUN eme-sal-lim

113 A rev. IV 23 [NUMUN] giINIG .KUR.RA
114 A rev. IV 24 [14] U11.BR.RU.DA lu ina GETIN lu ina KA NAG
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 A rev. IV 25 [x E] tar-mu 15 E IGI-lim
116 A rev. IV 26 [x E] IGI-NI giINIG NUMUN gibi-ni
117 A rev. IV 27 [IN].NU.U NUMUN IN6.
118 A rev. IV 28 [x x (x)] el-kul-la KA tam-tim
119 A rev. IV 29 [x x] x imE.LI BABBAR NUMUN giU.LU.B
120 A rev. IV 30 [x x (x)] NU.LU.A giAUR GI.GI
121 A rev. IV 31 [x x x (x)] KUR.KUR SLA imLI
122 A rev. IV 32 [x x x x x x (x)] x SLA? imBULU
123 A rev. IV 33 [ ]x[

124 A rev. IV 34 [x x x (x)] x la -ba-ni(-)ka x

125 A rev. IV 35 [x x (x)] x SLA NU.LU.A
126 A rev. IV 36 [ SLA ]AR.AR SLA .KUR.RA
127 A rev. IV 37 [ SLA SUM]UN.DAR SLA AR.SAG
128 A rev. IV 38 [x] ib-bur-ra-t 14 E MUN a-ma-nim
129 A rev. IV 39 [x] MUN k-pad ak-tam
130 A rev. IV 40 [3]5 .ME U11.BR.RU.DA lat-ku
131 A rev. IV 41 []a a-na qa-ti u-u-u
A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

132 A rev. IV 42 tar-mu IGI-lim IGI-NI AR.AR

133 A rev. IV 43 KUR.KUR GAZIsar NU.LU.A

134 A rev. IV 44 ti-i-t ak-tam kur-ka-nu-u

135 A rev. IV 45 LU.MAR.TU r-nu-u

136 A rev. IV 46 A.ZAL.L u-mut-tu

137 A rev. IV 47 [ ]IN.NU.U ni-kip-tu
138 A rev. IV 48 []GETIN-KA5.A MUN eme-sal-lim
139 A rev. IV 49 [NUMUN g]ibi-ni .KUR.RA
140 A rev. IV 50 [20] U11.BR.RU.DA ina KA.SAG NAG
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 A rev. IV 51 [x E] tar-mu 15 E IGI-lim
142 A rev. IV 52 [x E] IGI-NI 2 GN ak-tam
143 A rev. IV 53 [x x M]UN k-pad 3 GN imGIG
144 A rev. IV 54 [x x] .KUR.RA 10 GN AR.AR
145 A rev. IV 55 [x x ]r-nu-u 10 GN GAZIsar
146 A rev. IV 56 [x x x x].ga?sar? [10?] GN gibi-nu
147 A rev. IV 57 [NUMUN gi]bi-ni IN.NU.U NUMUN IN.NU.U
148 A rev. IV 58 [x G]N.TA.M TI-q 15 U11.BR.RU.DA
149 A rev. IV 59 lu ina GETIN lu ina KA lu ina GA <lu> ina KA lKRUN.NA
150 A rev. IV 60 ba-lu pa-tan NAG.ME-ma <TI> lat-ku
(for the preceding text in F, see ll. 93100)
A, F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 A rev. IV 61 a-na L U.NIGIN U11.ME ab-su-!(u)-ma
F rev. 8 a-na L NIGIN U11.ZU ab-su--ma
152 A rev. IV 62 lu ina ne-pel-ti A.ZU-tim
F rev. 8 ina D A.[ZU-tim]
153 A rev. IV 63 [lu ina n]e-pel-t MA.MA-tim
F rev. 9 u MA.MA-tim
154 A rev. IV 64 [i-la-za]-zusic!-ma NU DU8-rusic!
F rev. 9 ZAL.ZAL!(D.D)-ma NU DU8
155 A rev. IV 65 [

F rev. 910
IGI-lim I[GI-NI /
156 A rev. IV 66 [ ] AR.AR
F rev. 10
nab-ru-qu AR.AR
157 A rev. IV 67 [ N]A4 ga-bi-i
F rev. 1011 NUMUN [giINIG(?)] / NA4 gab-bi-i
158 A rev. IV 68 [ SI]M lu ina GETIN
F rev. 11 7 .I.A E GAZ SIM lu in[a KA?]
159 A rev. IV 69 [lu ina KA? N]AG.ME-ma TI
F rev. 12 lu ina GETIN NU pa-tan NAG-ma T [ I]
A, F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in F, see 7.10.3)
TEXT GROUP 7.10 221
160 A rev. IV 70 [x x x x x (x)] LAG-A. sa-lu-u
161 A rev. IV 71 [x x x U]11.BR.RU.DA ina KA NAG.ME
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 A rev. IV 72 [tar]-mu I[GI-lim] IGI-NI AR.AR

163 A rev. IV 73 KUR.KUR ti-i[-t] r-nu-u LU.MAR.TU
164 A rev. IV 74 .KUR.RA KUR.G[I].RN.NA KUR A.ZAL.L!
165 A rev. IV 75 GAZIsar IN.NU.U EME-UR.GI7
166 A rev. IV 76 MUN a-ma-nim 15 U11.BR.RU.DA
167 A rev. IV 77 lu ina GETIN lu ina KA NAG
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

168 A rev. IV 78 IGI-lim IGI-NI tar-mu8 DILI
M rev. V 1 [ ] IGI-NI tar-mu DILI

169 A rev. IV 79 er-kul-la el-kul-la SIKIL
M rev. V 12
er-kul-la el-kul-la /
gi gi
170 A rev. IV 80 NUMUN SIKIL INIG NUMUN bi-ni
M rev. V 2 [ ] SIKIL gi

171 A rev. IV 81 EME-UR.GI7 IN.NU.U
M rev. V 3 [ ]

M rev. V 34
173 A rev. IV 83 IM.SAAR.NA4.KUR.RA MUN eme-sal-lim
M rev. V 4 IM.SAAR.NA4.KUR.RA MUN eme-sal-lim
174 A rev. V 1 MUN k-pad GAZIsar A.ZAL.L
M rev. V 5 [M]UN k-pad GAZIsar A.ZAL.L
im im
175 A rev. V 2 GR.GR LI NU.LU.A
M rev. V 56 im
GR.GR im
176 A rev. V 3 SUU NU.LU.A gi
M rev. V 6 SUU NU.LU.A gi
177 A rev. V 4 E.GAG GI.UL.I LU.MAR.TU -ra-an-nu
M rev. V 7 E.GAG GI.UL.I LU.MAR.TU -ra-an-nu

178 A rev. V 5 r-nu-u .KUR.RA KUR.KUR A.TL.TL

M rev. V 78 r-nu-u / .KUR.RA KUR.KUR A.TL.TL
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 A rev. V 6 32 U11.BR.RU.DA lu ina GETIN
M rev. V 9 32 U11.BR.RU.DA lu ina GETIN
180 A rev. V 7 lu ina KA ina giDLIM giINIG NAG
M rev. V 10 lu ina KA ina giDLIM giINIG NAG
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 A rev. V 8 DI NA -pi-u UL.ME NIGIN-u
M rev. V 11 DI NA -pi-u UL.ME NIGIN-u
182 A rev. V 9 a-na -pi-i UL.ME ana NA NU TE-e
M rev. V 12 a-na -pi-i UL.ME ana NA NU TE-e

183 A rev. V 10 .BABBAR an-nu-a-ra na4GUG GAZIsar
M rev. V 1213 .BABBAR / an-nu-a-ra na4GUG GAZIsar

184 A rev. V 11 .KU6 i-u 5 .I.A an-nu-ti
M rev. V 1314 .KU6
i-[u] / 5 .I.A E
185 A rev. V 12 ina skKA NIGIN-mi ina MD giEREN S
M rev. V 1415 ina SK NIGIN-m[i] / MD giEREN S

186 A rev. V 13 ina KU GAG.GAG ina G- GAR-an

M rev. V 15 ina KU GAG.GAG ina G[- ]
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 A rev. V 14 DI NA EN INIM- ki-pi NIGIN-u ana NA NU TE-e
M rev. V 16 DI NA EN INIM- ki-pi NIGIN-u ana NA N[U ]
188 A rev. V 15 SIKIL E.N.A IN6. IGI-lim na4AD.BAR ina KU
M rev. V 17 SIKIL E.N.A IN6. IGI-li[m ]
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 A rev. V 16 DI KIMIN AR.UM.BA.IR na4AN.ZA.GE6 KI.KAL ina KU
M rev. V 18 DI KIMIN AR.UM.BA.IR na4AN.ZA.GE6 [ ]
A, M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 A rev. V 17 DI NA EN INIM- ki-pi NIGIN- giE.N.A SIKIL
M rev. V 19 DI NA [EN IN]IM-u ki-pi NIGIN-u gi[E.N.A ]

191 A rev. V 18 IN.NU.U AN.L DILI ina KU
M rev. V 20 [IN6.] AN.[L ]
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 A rev. V 19 ana kip-di EN INIM- UB-i K.BABBAR K.SI22 URUDU AN.NA
M rev. V 21 [ I]NIM-u UB-i K.[BABBAR ]
193 A rev. V 20 zi-btu L.U18.LU [

M rev. V 22 [ ] L.U18.L[U
(M rev. V breaks)
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 A rev. V 21 ana kip-di EN INIM- u-ud-[di-i ]
N rev. V 1 [ ki]p-di EN INIM- [ ]

195 A rev. V 22 r-ga-nu [ ]
N rev. V 12 [ ] / ba-ri-ra-[tu ]
196 A rev. V 23 GAN.U5.UM x[ ]
N rev. V 23 [ ]
197 A rev. V 24 ina SK munus.GR G.NU.Z[U ]
N rev. V 3 ina SK munus.GR G[.NU.ZU ]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 A rev. V 25 N an-da-ki-i [
N rev. V 4 N an-da-k[i-i
199 A rev. V 26 a-li-li mu-ne-ra-b[a?
N rev. V 5 a-li-li [
200 A rev. V 27 N an-ni-t 7- ana UG[U
N rev. V 6 N an-[ni-t
A, N -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(N rev. V breaks; for N rev. VI, see ll. 22737)
201 A rev. V 28 [DI KIMIN(?)] ?DILI NUMUN [
202 A rev. V 29 [x x x] ina KU [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(A rev. V breaks)
break of approximately 54 lines
204 A rev. VI 2 KA.DAB.B.DA -pi- UL.ME
205 A rev. VI 3 EN INIM- NIGIN-u
206 A rev. VI 4 ina IGI DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u NUN u-u-kun
TEXT GROUP 7.10 223
207 A rev. VI 5 UGU IGI- GIG ana -pi-i UL.ME up-u-risic!
208 A rev. VI 6 KA tam-tim IGI-lim KUR.KUR
209 A rev. VI 7 KA.GI.NA DAB.BA ina .GI giUR.MN
210 A rev. VI 8 GIG GI DU10.GA
211 A rev. VI 9 giEREN imSES imLI
212 A rev. VI 10 KI BUR E.E-ma N e-ga-me-en MIN
M rev. VI 1 [ e-ga-me-e]n
213 A rev. VI 11 3- ID-ma -ma SILIM-im
M rev. VI 2 [ SILIM-i]m
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 A rev. VI 12 DI KIMIN imLI imSES GI DU10.GA
M rev. VI 3 [ DU10.G]A
215 A rev. VI 13 imMAN.DU imGIG im
M rev. VI 4 [ MU]G
216 A rev. VI 14 1-ni TI-q ina GE6 ina IGI d15 NG.NA giLI GAR-an
M rev. VI 5 [ GAR]-an
217 A rev. VI 15 KA.SAG BAL-q N 7- ID-ma
M rev. VI 6 [ ID]-ma
218 A rev. VI 16 ka-a-a-na -su
M rev. VI 7 [ ]-su
A, M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 A rev. VI 17 N e-ga-me-en e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 8 [ e-g]a-me-en
220 A rev. VI 18 utu e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 9 [ ]
221 A rev. VI 19 a-num e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 9 [ ]
222 A rev. VI 20 utu dingir-mu e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 9 [ e-g]a-me-en
223 A rev. VI 21 dingir-re-e-ne e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 10 [ ]
224 A rev. VI 22 lugal e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 10 [ ]
225 A rev. VI 23 dumu-lugal e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 10 [ e-g]a-me-en
226 A rev. VI 24 idim e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 11 [ ]
227 A rev. VI 25 l-u18-lu e-ga-me-en
M rev. VI 11 [ ]
N rev. VI 1 x[ ]
228 A rev. VI 26 [n]am-l-u18-lu e-ga-me-en nam -KALI
M rev. VI 1112 [nam-l]-u18-lu MIN / [ ]
N rev. VI 2 nam-[l-u18-lu ]
229 A rev. VI 27 [ k]a-k-bi -en-br-da TU6 N
M rev. VI 12 [ ] TU6 [N]
N rev. VI 3 dingir ka-[k-bi ]
(M rev. VI breaks)
A, N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

230 A rev. VI 28 [ IM.G.EN.N]A ur-um-mi KA D.DU GAZ

N rev. VI 4 DI MIN IM.G.[EN.NA ur]-um-mi K[A ]
231 A rev. VI 2930 [ GA]ZIsar .KUR.RA / [ ]
N rev. VI 5 Z.I.LI sar
GAZIsar .KUR.RA NUMUN tar-m[u8]
232 A rev. VI 3031 []imLI / [ ] A E.E
im im
N rev. VI 6 LI GR.GR mal-ma-li SD ina A E.E
233 A rev. VI 32 [ GA]Z ina /
N rev. VI 7 ina U4.DA D.A GUR-ma GAZ ina ina uruduEN.TUR
(A rev. VI breaks)
234 N rev. VI 8 EG6-al GAZ GUR-ma ina .UDU GAZ ina DU10.GA
235 N rev. VI 9 tal-tap-pat ina KU SUR D UZU.ME- LL

236 N rev. VI 10 IGI-lim tar-mu IGI-NI ta-sk
237 N rev. VI 11 ina E.E ina UL tu-bat NU pa-tan NAG
N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for N rev. VI 1219, see text 1.8, 2.)

2. j obv. 1, 2023, 2730

1 j obv. 11a DI? .KUR.RA KUR.KUR LAG-A..GA x [x x x x x] \ 5 .ME U11.BR.RU ina
x [x x x x]
28 j obv. 28 see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162
(for j obv. 919, see Summary 5.)
j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 j obv. 20
[IGI-lim] IGI-NI tar-mu SUU? giAB 4 .I.A U[11]??
21 j obv. 21 NAM.[R]IM.<BR.>DA ina KA NAG- N id-di d-a ID-nu
j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 j obv. 22 DI NA [i]l-la-tu- il-la-ku NU KU5.ME ana TI- IGI-lim

23 j obv. 23 tar-mu eli-kul-la NUMUN IN.NU.U ba-lu pa-tan a-e-e NAG
j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2426 j obv. 2426 see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 4346
j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 j obv. 27 DI NA il-la-tu- DU.ME-ma A.ZU u MA.MA KU5-sam la i-le-i-i
28 j obv. 28 ana T[I-] IGI-lim IGI-NI tar-mu NU-LU.A AR.AR
29 j obv. 29 []KUR.KUR EME.UR.GI7 IN.NU.U NAGA SI an-nu-a-ra
30 j obv. 30 .I.A -nu-tim 1-ni SD ina .GI BRA.GA LL u GETIN N[U p]a-tan NAG-ma
j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in j, see Summary 5.)

3. K obv. V 810
(for the preceding text in K, see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5662 and text 1.8)
K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 K obv. V 8 .KUR.RA AR.AR nu-ur-t
2 K obv. V 9 GAZIsar sa-l-e LAG-AA5(G) imGR.GR
K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 K obv. V 10 7 NAM.RIM U11.BR.RU.DA
(for the following text in K, see text 1.8, Summary 3.)

4. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

obv. I
16 Fragmentary ritual with incantation against persistent Hand-of-Itar disease.
78 Fragmentary.
obv. II Fragmentary.
TEXT GROUP 7.10 225
rev. III Fragmentary prescriptions (purpose unclear).
rev. IV
1 Fragmentary.
26 = text 7.10.1, 1.: 3439.
79 Fragmentary prescription against the anger of the personal god.
1012 Fragmentary prescription.

5. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. j not included in the transliteration

1 = text 7.10.1, 2.: 1.
28 = text 7.10.1, 1.: 5162.
917 Incantation Anku nubattu at Marduk with instructions to recite it over drugs effective against
witchcraft (uburruda) and ban (namerimburruda). The incantation is known from several other
manuscripts, some of which use it as an incantation against witchcraft (K 1289 rev. 817,
U11.BR.RU.DA) or ban (81-7-27, 205 obv. 1rev. 3, KA.INIM.MA NAM.RIM.BR.RU.DA.KAM).
A full edition of this incantation and its various contexts will be given within the framework of
the edition of K 1289; for an edition and discussion of the incantation (without ms. j), see Stol,
Natural Phenomena, 25155; for the contexts in which the incantation is used, see also Abusch,
MesWi, 13, fn. 29.
1819 List of seven drugs effective against ban.
2021 = text 7.10.1, 2.: 2021.
2223 = text 7.10.1, 2.: 2223.
2426 = text 7.10.3, 1.: 4346.
2730 = text 7.10.1, 2.: 2730.
3035 Prescription against fever.
3637 Prescription against fever.
3842 Prescription against fever.
14 Prescription against fever.
59 Prescription against fever.
1019 Prescription against fever.
2021 Prescription against fever.
22 Prescription against fever.
23 Prescription against fever.
2425 Prescription against fever.
26 Prescription against fever.
27 Prescription against fever.
28 Prescription against fever.
29 Prescription against fever.
3031 Prescription against fever.
32 Prescription against fever.
33 Prescription against fever.
34 Prescription against fever.
35 Prescription against fever.
36 Prescription against fever.
37 Prescription against fever.
u. e. 13 Colophon (30th pirsu of umma amlu mua[u umma ukl])

6. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. G not included in the transliteration

obv. 112 = text 7.10.3, 1.: 921.
lo. e. 1rev. 5 = text 7.10.1, 1., 5161.

rev. 6u. e. 2 Prescription against the effects of alcohol abuse (// BAM 575 rev. III 5154); Kchers copy
is incomplete (see coll.; BAM 59: 25 = rev. 10; rev. 1112 and u. e. 12 not in BAM 59).

7.10.2: BAM 90 (ms. D)

1 D rev. 1 [ ]-ri- [
2 D rev. 2 [ ] NU pa-tan [
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 D rev. 3 [DI NA EG]IR-u KA NAG-ma [ina libbu] la? i-[na-a]
4 D rev. 4 [- ana BURU8 i-te-n]-la-a [ina]sic! A TU5.ME[] ik-ka- [iktanarru]
5 D rev. 5 [-ta-ak(??)-k]a-ak NA BI lu-a-te KI NINDA GU7 u KA!?(besic?) [NAG]
6 D rev. 6 [ana TI-(?) ]UU giu-e (x) x al-lu-a-ra 1-ni SD ina KA [E.E-ma(?)]
7 D rev. 7 [ina IGI m]ulZ tu-bat ina .G.ZI.GA NU pa-tan NA[G-]
8 D rev. 8 [EGIR- ILL]U imBULU A giINIG A IN.NU.U A TU5.ME-[ma TI]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
911 D rev. 9-11 see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 4044
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 D rev. 12 [DI NA S]AG - M.M D UZU.ME- GU7.ME- mm-ma GU7 x [x x]
13 D rev. 13 [x x (x)] x NA BI U11 DAB-u [ana T]I- r-n-e AR.[AR]
14 D rev. 14 [x x (x)] x 1-ni SD ina KA.SAG NU [pa-ta]n NAG.ME at-[ma]
15 D rev. 15 [a B]L.ZA.ZA SIG7 D.A SD ina .[GI] E.ME-su-ma T[I]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 D rev. 16 [DI NA b]a-lu pa-tan - i-m[a-a] u -ga-a-[-ma (x x)]
17 D rev. 17 [x x x a]na TI- IN.NU.U gi[INIG N]UMUN gibi-ni [(x x x)]
18 D rev. 18 [ina KA.S]AG NU pa-tan NAG-ma [TI]
D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 D rev. 19 [DI KIMIN] tar-mu8 AR.AR 1-ni SD ina GETIN DU10.GA NAG-[ma TI]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 D rev. 20 [DI NA .ME]- M.M-u EME- DAB.ME-at x x [x x]
21 D rev. 21 [x x x x] na4UBA na4PA ina G- GAR-an-m[a TI]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 D rev. 22 [DI NA x x (x)] x-ma ina a-la-li- MD UB-a im x [

23 D rev. 23 [ ]AR.AR an-[da]-e 1-ni SD in[a
D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
blank line
24 D rev. 24 [ air]-ma [bari]
(D breaks)

7.10.3: BAM 190 (ms. F) with duplicates

1. F // G obv. 112 // O obv. II 27 // P obv. 711 // Q obv. 17 // R obv. 17 // T obv. 1315
18 F obv. 18 see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162
F -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9 F obv. 9 tar-mu8 IGI-lim IGI-N[I sikillu]

G obv. 1 tar-mu8 IGI-lim [IGI-NI ]
10 F obv. 10 [ ]el-kul-la B[ULU ]
G obv. 12 [ ] / imBULU ak-tam KUR.KUR

11 F obv. 11 A[UR api lapat armanni ]
G obv. 23 gi
[AUR ] / NA4 gab-b-e

12 F obv. 12 [K]A A.[AB.BA tyatu]

G obv. 3 KA A.AB.BA NU.L[U.A ]

13 F obv. 13 [AR].[AR KUR.ZI ib-bu]r-ra-t[]
G obv. 4
r-nu-u ib-[bur-ra-t KUR.ZI]

14 F obv. 14 [AR].SAG .KUR.RA u-mut-t[a]
G obv. 45 [ ] / .KUR.RA u-mut-t
TEXT GROUP 7.10 227
15 F obv. 15 [E.GA]G gi
D E.GAG gi
G obv. 56 E.GAG gi
[D] / [ E].GAG GI.UL.I
16 F obv. 16 [b]i-nu NUMUN gibi-nu I[N.NU.U ] I[N.NU.U]
G obv. 67 gi
bi-nu gi
NUMUN bi-n[u ] / NUMUN IN.NU.U
17 F obv. 17 gi
LI NUMUN giLI M[UN] k[-pad a-ma-n]i Z.LU[M.MA]
G obv. 78 im
LI NUMUN [ ] / MUN k-pad MUN a-ma-ni Z.LUM.MA
18 F obv. 18 NUMUN giA.LU.B im
[ MAN.DU ] GAZIsa[r]
G obv. 89 NU[MUN ]/ i m
[ ]MAN.DU kul-ka-nam GAZIsar

19 F obv. 19 37 [] U[11.BR.RU.DA ]u-u-[u]

G obv. 910 3[7 ] / [a i]na UII u-u-u
20 F obv. 20 lu-u ina KA.SAG lu-[u ina karni ] ina A.ME lu-[u ]
G obv. 1011 lu-u ina KA.SAG [ ] / lu-u ina A.ME lu ina .GI
21 F obv. 21 lu-u ina i-qa-a-ti NA[G.M]E [lu ta-bi-l]am ana KA- UB-di
G obv. 1112 lu ina i-qa-a-[ti ] / lu ta-bi-lam ana KA- [UB-di]
F, G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for G lo. e. 13, rev. 15, see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5161; for rev. 6ff., see text 7.10.1, Summary 6.)
(for the preceding text in O, see 2.; for the preceding text in P, see 3.)
22 F obv. 22 DI NA SAG - ru-pl-ta TUK-i SAG lb-bi-
O obv. II 23 [ TUK(.ME)]-i / SA[G ]
P obv. 7 DI NA SAG - ru-pl-ta TUK.ME-i SAG -
23 F obv. 23 -a-rap- NINDA u KA LAL UZU.ME- tab-ku NA BI [U11]
O obv. II 34 [ UZU].ME- / tab-ku [ ]
P obv. 89 -ar-rap- NINDA u A LAL UZU.ME- tab-ku NA BI / U11.ZU
24 F obv. 24 [G]U7 u NAG ana up-u-ri
a-u-u tu-lal
O obv. II 45 [ ] NAG / ana up--ri [ ] tu-lal
P obv. 910 GU7
NAG ana up-u-ri- a-u-u / tu-lal

25 F obv. 25 [ S]IKIL 1-ni SD ina KA UB ina UL tu-bat

O obv. II 6
SIKIL 1-ni SD ina KA UB ina UL tu-bat
P obv. 1011
SIKIL 1-ni SD ina KA UB / ina UL tu-bat
26 F obv. 26 [ina e]-rim NU pa-tan NAG BURU8-ma T[I]
O obv. II 7 ina e-rim ba-lu pa-tan NAG- BURU8-ma TI
P obv. 11 ina e-rim ba-lu pa-tan NAG- BURU8-ma TI
O, P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in O, see 2.; P ends)
2733 F rev. 17 see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 93100
F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3438 F rev. 812 see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 15159
F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

39 F rev. 13 AR.AR KUR.KUR IGI-lim GE[TIN-KA5.A]

40 F rev. 14 .KUR.RA NU.LU.A tu-lal [x x (x)]
gi im gi
41 F rev. 15 LI E.LI BABBAR bi-i-[nu]
42 F rev. 16 11 KA.DAB.B.DA ina KA [NAG]
F ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding text in T, see 5.; for the preceding text in j, see 7.10.1, 2.)
43 F rev. 17 DI NA il-la-t- ina KI.N- lu ina D [ ]
j obv. 24 DI NA il-la-t- ina KI.N- lu ina kal u4-mi
Q obv. 12 DI NA il-la-tu- ina KI.N / lu ina D u4-me
R obv. 12 [DI N]A il-la-tu- ina KI.N / lu ina D U4.ME
T obv. 13 DI L il-la-tu-[ KI.N]- lu ina kal u4-me

44 F rev. 18 lu ina D GE6 DU.ME-ma NU KU5-sa! ana KU5-s[i ]

j obv. 2425 lu ina kal GE6 DU.ME-ma / NU KU5.ME / ana TI- AR.AR
Q obv. 24 lu ina D GE6 / DU.ME-ma NU KU5-su / ana KU5-si AR.AR
R obv. 24 lu ina kal GE6 {GE6} / DU.ME-ma NU KU5-su / ana KU5-si AR.AR
T obv. 1314 lu ina k[al ]/ [A]R.[AR]
45 F rev. 19 KUR.KUR NA4 ga[b-b]i-i bi-i-[nu ]
j obv. 2526
KUR.KUR GN an-nu-a-ra INIG / ILLU []imBULU
Q obv. 45 KUR.KUR / NA4 gab-e bi-nu ILLU imBULU
R obv. 45 KUR.KUR / NA4 gab-e bi-nu ILLU imBULU
n a4 gi
T obv. 14 [ ] [a]n-nu-a-ra bi-[nu ]
46 F rev. 20 g i
[ ] LI GR.GR 1-ni SD ina K[A].S[AG
j obv. 26 im
ina KA NAG-
Q obv. 67 LI GR.GR 1-ni SD / ina KA.SAG NAG
im im
R obv. 67 LI GR.GR 1-ni SD / ina KA.SAG NAG
T obv. 15 [ ] x GAZ NU p[a-tan ]
F, j, Q, R, T ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in Q and R, see 4.; for the following text in T, see 5.; for the following text in j, see 7.10.1, Summary 5.)
47 F rev. 21 [GAB]A.RI up-pi LIBIR.[R]A LI[BIR.RA.BI.GIM]
48 F rev. 22 [AB.S]AR b-r[ DUB] IAN.[]R-GAR-MU A I[
49 F rev. 23 [a a-n]a d[AG?] EN- tak-lu x [
50 F rev. 24 [ ] x [(x)] x dan-dan [

2. O obv. I 110, II 1, rev. III 19

1 O obv. I 1 du x [
2 O obv. I 2 x [
i m
3 O obv. I 3 [
4 O obv. I 4 GR.[GR
5 O obv. I 5 ina KU EDIN SUR-r[i]? x [
O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 O obv. I 6 tu-lal [
7 O obv. I 7 KR \ ina MD e-em L-u? [x x x] TI [(x)]
O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 O obv. I 8 DI NA SAG.KI- RA-su-ma D UZU.ME-
9 O obv. I 9 [G]U7.ME- s-li-i q-te-er SAG -
10 O obv. I 10 [G]U7- GU7 NAG-ma ut-ta-nar-ra NA BI \ U11.ZU! DAB-
(end of obv. I)
long break
11 O obv. II 1 [ -m]a TI
O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12-17 O obv. II 27 see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226
O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 O rev. III 1 DI MIN A.ME mu-un-di NU pa-tan NAG-[-ma? TI?]
19 O rev. III 2 DI MIN PA KU.LAGAB SD ina GETIN NAG- BU[RU8?-ma TI(?)]
20 O rev. III 3 DI MIN 7 [E] na4AN.ZA ina .GI! SD NU pa-tan N[AG-] MIN
21 O rev. III 4 DI MIN a-ri-a SD ina GETIN NU pa-tan NAG- MIN
22 O rev. III 5 [DI MIN x x x (x)] x-na SD ina GETIN NAG- MIN
O -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

23 O rev. III 6 [ ]a-u-u
24 O rev. III 7 [ K]A.SAG
25 O rev. III 8 [ ]x
O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 O rev. III 9 [ ] x GAZ
(O rev. III breaks, rev. IV as far as preserved uninscribed)
TEXT GROUP 7.10 229
3. P obv. 16
2 P obv. 2 i-i-il-la NA BI AR.ME GIG U11.ZU u-kul
3 P obv. 3 u -q ana TI- na4ZA.GN na4UBA na4PA 7 GN.ME-
4 P obv. 4 ina DUR SK SA5! SK BABBAR ina G- GAR-an
5 P obv. 5
IGI-lim AB a-zal-lu-na 1-ni SD
6 P obv. 6 lu ina KA lu ina GETIN DU10.GA NU pa-tan NAG.ME-ma TI
P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in P, see 1., ll. 2226)

4. Q obv. 8rev. 6 // R obv. 8rev. 7

(for the preceding text in Q and R, see 1., ll. 4346)
Q, R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 Q obv. 8 tu-lal giAUR GI.GI

R obv. 8 tu-lal giAUR GI.GI
9 Q obv. 9 bi-nu NUMUN gibi-nu
R obv. 9 gi
bi-nu NUMUN gibi-ni

10 Q obv. 10 DILI NUMUN DILI

R obv. 910 DILI / NUMUN DILI

11 Q obv. 11 IGI-lim IGI-NI
R obv. 11rev. 1
IGI-lim / IGI-NI
12 Q rev. 1 [ ] NA-a-nu
R rev. 1 GI BR NA-a-nu
13 Q rev. 2 [el-ku]l-la eli-kul-la

R rev. 2 el-kul-la eli-kul-la
14 Q rev. 3 [ ] EME-UR.GI7

15 Q rev. 4 [ ] U11.ZU u NAM.RIM
R rev. 4 [15] U11.ZU u NAM.RIM
16 Q rev. 5 BR lu ina KA lu ina GETIN NAG
R rev. 5 [B]R lu ina KA lu ina GETIN NAG
17 Q rev. 6 N ma-[a]-du .I.A 3- ID-nu
R rev. 67 [ m]a-a-du .I.A / [3]- ID-nu SAR AL
Q, R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 Q rev. 7 -l-ti Iki-ir-dPA
19 Q rev. 8 bu-kr IdUTU-D MA.MA

5. T obv. 112, 1617

1 T obv. 1 DI NA il-la-tu-u il-la-ka-ma u - e-em KM u [SED]
2 T obv. 2 NA BI ka-ip ana TI.LA- u il-la-ti- pa-[ra-si]
3 T obv. 3 15 E tar-mu -ta-i-i IN.NU.U[ x x (x)]
4 T obv. 4 SUU giu-i IGI-NI T.BI SD ina KA.SAG N[AG!?-ma TI(?)]
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 T obv. 5 DI NA NINDA GU7-ma KA N[A]G-ma u il-la-tu- DU-ka ana TI.LA- [x x (x)]
6 T obv. 6 NUMUN GI.Z.LUM.MA NU.LU.A AR.AR 1-ni SD ina KA[ NAG-ma TI(?)]
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 T obv. 7 DI L ru-a-a-tu-u ma-gal DU.ME-ma la ip-pa-ra-s[a
8 T obv. 8 NAGA SI AR.AR NU.LU.A -ta-i-i [

9 T obv. 9 an-nu-a-ra ina KA.SAG ina MUL tu-bat [
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 T obv. 10 DI KIMIN im-ur-lim tar-mu i-li-kul-la x [

11 T obv. 11 GU7 NAG-ma SIKIL GI.UL.I imLI imG[IG

12 T obv. 12 SUU giu-um IM.dNIN.URTA T.BI SD ina LL KUR.RA u [
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1315 T obv. 1315 see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 T obv. 16 [ ] IN6. AR.A[R
17 T obv. 17 [ ] x du GA u KA.SAG [
T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(T obv. breaks)64

7.10.4: BAM 430 and BAM 431 (mss. H and L)

1. H1 obv. III 731 // L obv. III 226
(for the preceding text in H and L, see Summary 2.)
H1 , L -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 H1 obv. III 7 tar-mu8 IGI-lim [IGI-NI]
L obv. III 2
tar-[mu8 ]

2 H1 obv. III 8 SIKIL el-kul-[la imBULU]
L obv. III 23 [ ] / el-[kul-la

3 H1 obv. III 9 ak-tam [KUR.KUR]

L obv. III 4
a[k-t]am [KUR.KUR]
4 H1 obv. III 10 AUR GI.GI la-pat [ ]
L obv. III 45 [ AUR ] / la-pat [a]r-[man-ni]
5 H1 obv. III 11 NA4 ga-be-e KA A.[AB.BA]
L obv. III 6 NA4 ga-be-e [K]A A.A[B.BA]

6 H1 obv. III 12 NU.LU.A KU.[NU.LU.A]

L obv. III 7 NU.LU.A KU.NU.L[U.A]

7 H1 obv. III 13 AR.AR u[r-nu-u]
L obv. III 8

8 H1 obv. III 14 KUR.ZI ib-bu[r-ra-t]

L obv. III 89 [KUR.ZI] / ib-bur-ra-tum

9 H1 obv. III 15 AR.SAG .K[UR.RA]
L obv. III 910

10 H1 obv. III 16 SUMUN.DAR E.GAG [ ]
L obv. III 1011
11 H1 obv. III 17 E.GAG KII16 E.GAG G[I.UL.I]
L obv. III 1112 [ ] giKI[I16] / E.GAG G[I.UL.I]
12 H1 obv. III 18 bi-ni NUMUN gi[bi-ni]
L obv. III 1213 gi
bi-[ni] / NUMUN gi[bi-ni]

13 H1 obv. III 19 IN6. NUMUN [IN6.]

L obv. III 1314
IN6.[] / NUMUN [I]N6.
14 H1 obv. III 20 LI NUMUN [ ]
L obv. III 1415 im
L[I] / NUMUN im
15 H1 obv. III 21 MUN k-pad MU[N ]
L obv. III 1516 MUN k[-pad] / MUN a-ma-nim
16 H1 obv. III 22 Z.LUM.MA NU[MUN ]
L obv. III 1617 Z.L[UM.MA] / NUMUN giA.LU.B

On the reverse, traces of a series name or catchline ([ ]L - [ ]) followed by an Ashurbanipal colphon (type d) are
TEXT GROUP 7.10 231
17 H1 obv. III 23 MAN.DU kur-ka-nu-[u ]
L obv. III 1718 [MAN.DU] / kur-ka-nu- GAZ[Isar]
18 H1 obv. III 24 37 U11.BR.RU.[DA]
L obv. III 19 37 U11.BR.RU.[DA]
H1 , L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

19 H1 obv. III 25 tar-mu8 IGI-lim IGI-NI

L obv. III 20 tar-mu8 IGI-lim [IGI-NI]
20 H1 obv. III 26 SIKIL GI BR GR.GR
im gi
21 H1 obv. III 27 LI EREN GI DU10.GA
im gi
L obv. III 22 LI EREN GI DU10.G[A]
22 H1 obv. III 28 bi-ni IN6.
L obv. III 23 gi
bi-ni IN6.

23 H1 obv. III 29 el-kul-la dDM.ME
L obv. III 2324
el-kul-l[a] / DM.ME
24 H1 obv. III 30 NAGA SI MUN PI10.dD
L obv. III 2425 NAGA SI / MUN PI10.dD

25 H1 obv. III 31 16 .I.A U11.BR.RU.DA

L obv. III 26 16 .I.A U11.BR.RU.DA
H1 , L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in H and L, see Summary 2. and text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5761)

2. Summary of the paragraphs in mss. H and L not included in the transliteration

H2 obv. I, H2 obv. II, H1 obv. III 16 // L obv. IIII 1
Fragmentary prescription for a medicine composed of 94 drugs, with offerings and incantation
addressed to Gula (Lyra); duplicates include K 2960 + AMT 58/3 (see BAM V, p. x) and K 4957
+ 11742 + Sm 110 + 516 + 679 + 761 + 2058 obv. I.
H1 obv. III 724, 2531 // L obv. III 219, 2026
= text 7.10.4, 1.: 118, 1925.
H1 obv. III 32H2 rev. V 7 // L obv. III 27rev. V
Lists of drugs (for potions) effective against various diseases (partly arranged by body-part,
partly by disease name).
H2 rev. V 818 // L rev. V 15
= text 7.10.1, 1.: 5161.
H12 rev. V 19VI // L rev. V 6VI
Fragmentary lists of drugs (for potions) effective against various diseases (partly arranged by
body-part, partly by disease name).

7.10.5: AMT 48/2 (ms. S)

1 S obv. II 1 [DI N]A SAG - ru-pl-ta TUK.ME-i SAG - -a-rap-
2 S obv. II 2 [u]r-ra u GE6 la i-al-lal NINDA u A LAL UZUII- tab-ku
3 S obv. II 3 [N]A BI ki-pi GU7 u NAG a-na up-u-ri a-ri-a SD
4 S obv. II 4 [i]na GETIN UR.RA NAG-u ina DR- SI.S-ma TI
5 S obv. II 5 DI KIMIN mat-qu SD ina GETIN UR.RA NAG-u ina DR- SI.S-ma TI
S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 S obv. II 6 [DI KIMIN] tar-mu SAG IGI-NI SIKIL IN6.
8 S obv. II 8 [x x x x] x ib-bur-ra-t A.AB.BA .dD
9 S obv. II 9 [x x x x (x)] .I.A E a NG.AK.A BR
10 S obv. II 10 [lu ina GETI]N lu ina KA NAG-ma TI-u
S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11 S obv. II 11 [DI NA x x x x (x)] x KA NAG-ma ina - la ina-a

12 S obv. II 12 [libbau ana ar i-t]e-n-la-a A.ME ir-ta-na-muk
13 S obv. II 13 [takkak(??) ik-k]a- ik-ta-na-ru NA BI
14 S obv. II 14 [ka-ip-ma(?) lu-]a-a-te KI A.ME NAG
15 S obv. II 15 [x x x x x n]a4an-nu-a-ra SD
16 S obv. II 16 [ina ikari taballal-ma(?) ina IGI m]ulZ tu-bat
17 S obv. II 17 [ina ri l patn taaqqu] EGIR- ILLU imBULU
18 S obv. II 18 [m bni m matakal m T]U5.ME-ma TI
S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 S obv. II 19 [ ] x ap-ru SAG.ME-
20 S obv. II 20 [ NA BI ki-p]i GU7 ana TI-
g i
21 S obv. II 21 [ ] AUR PA giP
22 S obv. II 22 [ ]I.A NUMUN giMA.NU
23 S obv. II 23 [ .I.A] E T.BI SD
24 S obv. II 24 [ ina MU]EN tu-ap-ra-u

25 S obv. II 25 [ ur-n]-e NUMUN at-kam
26 S obv. II 26 [ .]I.A E T.BI SD
27 S obv. II 27 [ ] - LL .BABBAR SD
28 S obv. II 28 [ ] NAG.ME-ma TI-u
S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 S obv. II 29 [ ] x ana TI- ak-tam
30 S obv. II 30 [ IN]IG [A.ZAL].L
(S breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

7.10.1: BAM 43436 (mss. A, M, N) 7.10.1: BAM 43436 (mss. A, M, N) with duplicates
with duplicates
1. A // B rev. IV 26 // C obv. 3338 // 1. A // B rev. IV 26 // C obv. 3338 // D: 911 // e rev. 1
D: 911 // e rev. 15 // F obv. 18 // G 5 // F obv. 18 // G obv. 1320 // H2 rev. V 818 // j obv.
obv. 1320 // H2 rev. V 818 // j obv. 2 28 // K obv. II 17 // L rev. V 15 // M // N // U rev.
8 // K obv. II 17 // L rev. V 15 // M 4344 // V rev. 1013
// N // U rev. 4344 // V rev. 1013
(break of approx. 60 lines at the beginning of A obv. (break of approx. 60 lines at the beginning of A obv. I; obv. I 1 too frag-
I; obv. I 1 too fragmentary for transcription) mentary for translation)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
umma amlu libbau [ ] 3mim- 2
If a mans abdomen [ ] 3whatever he eats and
ma ikkalu u iatt [ ] 4 drinks [ 4
] oath by his god [ ].
5 5
n il(?) [ ] [ana e]r- [To sa]ve him [ ] 6[ ] [ ] 7[the
u(?) [ ] 6[ ] [ ] tad]pole of a gre[en] frog [ ] 8(and) marsh-apple you
[atm]a a muairni ar[qi ] 8a- pou[nd] together, [ ] 9You ru[b] his whole body (with
r api itni ta[sk ] 9kal zumru it), [ ].
tapa[a ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
umma KIMIN tarmu imur-l[m ] If ditto, lupine, heals-a-thous[and-plant ] 11you
itni task l ina ikari l ina [ ] pound together. Either in beer or in [ ] 12he drinks (it)
l[ p]atn itanatti ki[p par(?)] repeatedly on an emp[ty s]tomach. The wi[tchcraft will be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
umma am[lu qerb]u ittananpa r If a ma[ns intes]tines are constantly bloated, his epigas-
libbu uarr[apu] 14iras[s]u ikkalu aka- trium causes [him] a burning [pain], 14his breast causes him a
l u ikara muu amlu [ a maru] nagging pain, he has no desire to eat or drink, [that] man [suf-
kip kul u aqi ana bulluu tarmu fers from sick lungs], 15he has been given witchcraft to eat
imur-l[m] 16imur-er tullal giGAN.U5 and to drink. To cure him: Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant,
TEXT GROUP 7.10 233
ardadillu 17eet amm annti itni ta- 16
heals-twenty-plant, tullal-plant, GAN.U5-wood, ardadillu-
sk l ina ikari l ina karni 18[l] patn plant: 17these six drugs you pound together. Either in beer or
itanatti na4K.BABBAR na4K.SI22 na4URUDU in wine 18he drinks it repeatedly on an [empty] stomach.
AN.NA 19 [i]na kidu taakkan Silver stone, gold stone, copper stone (and) tin stone
you put around his neck.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
break of approximately 70 lines break of approximately 70 lines
(l. 20 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 20 too fragmentary for translation)
[ amlu k]aip 22[ 21
[ , that man is be]witched. 22[

sal] 23 [ lm ]pu 24[ana cr]ess, 23 [
before he sets] his [f]eet 24[on the
qaqqari ikunu ] zumuru 25[ ground ] his body 25[ th]en he will
-m]a iballu recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 26
[umma KIMIN(?) ina i]zib enzi [If ditto: ] you crush [in] goat [mi]lk. 27
taaal 27 [ l]m pu 28ana [ be]fore he sets his feet 28on the
qaq[qari ikunu nap]altu KIMIN gro[und ; then a sa]lve: ditto.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 29
umma KIMIN gi [ ] sikilla If ditto: []-wood, [ ] (and) sikillu-plant 30you
itni taaal tanappi ina ikari iatt- crush together (and) sift (it). He drinks it in beer; then a salve:
ma napaltu KIMIN ditto.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 31
[ ] ana amli l e matakal [So that ] do not come near a man: matakal-
a 32[ tan]addi ina kakkabi soapwort, a-plant, 32[ you] put [in ]. You
tubt l patn iatt-ma 33[ ] leave (it) out overnight under the star(s). He drinks it on an
AN.BAR na4URUDU ina kidu taakkan- empty stomach; then 33[ ] , iron stone, copper
ma iballu stone you put around his neck, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 3435: abracadabra incantation ll. 3435: abracadabra incantation Pati patiti
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 36
[K]A.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is [the wor]ding (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 37
[D.D.BI(?) ..].muen taabba [dm?]u [Its ritual:] You slaughter a []-bird, you collect it[s
ina pursti tamaar 38ipta sebu ana blood] in a bowl. 38You recite the incantation seven times
libbi tamann-ma [am]lu mamma over it. Then this [m]an rubs himself daily (with it). 39That
iptaa 39a tanamdaru l ikaassu which he fears will not reach him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 40
[umma amlu] libbau iktanassu [If a man]s abdomen constantly binds him, he retches,
libbau i 41piru zuta ina[dd] ibit 41
his secrete sweat, he constantly gets seizure-of-the-
libbi irtanai 42r libbu ruputa abdomen, 42his epigastrium gets more and more (filled) with
irtanai amlu kaip 43[ana up]uru phlegm, that man is bewitched. 43[To effect] his release:
ar api aprua 44itni task ina marsh-apple (and) apruu-plant 44you pound together (and)
amni ((taballal)) taptanaa-ma iballu ((mix it)) in oil. You rub (him) repeatedly (with it), then he
will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 45
[umma KIMIN(?) ] atma a [If ditto ] (and) the tadpole of a green frog 46[you
muairni arqi 46[itni task ina amni pound together (and) mi]x (it) [in oil]. You rub him re-
taball]al taptanaassu-ma iballu peatedly (with it), then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 47
[ana] kip ana amli u btu l e [So that] witchcraft not approach a man and his house:
48 50
ma[taka]l akir (var.: armadu) billa- you bury 48matakal-soapwort, akir-plant (var.:
tu ((damiqtu)) kibrt 49amnu alu ina armadu-plant), ((fine)) billatu-substance, sulphur, 49(and)
bbi kam u erri dalti 50tetemmer-ma filtered oil at the outer gate and at the socket of the
kip ialliq (var.: ialliq/a) ((ana amli door(post), 50then the witchcraft will disappear. ((It will not
u btu l [ie])) [come] near the man and his house.))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
break of approximately 27 lines break of approximately 27 lines
tarmu imur-lm imur-er 52 51
Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant,
atiu nn 53urn tyatu 54 sal 52
-plant, atiu-plant, nn-plant, 53urn-plant, tyatu-
kas 55aktam (var.: karau) karn-lebi plant, 54-plant, cress, kas-plant, 55aktam-plant (var.:
ibburratu lin-kalbi 57zr lin-kalbi leek), fox grape 56ibburratu-plant, dogs tongue,
bat emesalli 58sikillu bnu zr bni 57
dogs tongue seed, emesallu-salt, 58sikillu-plant, tama-
buru zr buri 60azall zr azall risk, tamarisk seed, 59buru-juniper, buru-juniper seed,
matakal azall-plant, azall-plant seed, matakal-soapwort.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 61
25 amm b libbi U11.BR.RU.DA ((u)) 25 drugs for mental well-being, undoing witchcraft ((and))

NAM.RIM.BR 62 (([ina] ikari iatti)) undoing ban. 62((He drinks (it) in beer.)) Copy of Il-rm-
gabari Il-rmanni anni.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] tyatu atiu kurkan 64[ 63
[ ], tyatu-plant, atiu-plant, kurkan-plant, 64[-
ibb]urratu urn nn 65[ ] azall plant, ibb]urratu-plant, urn-plant, nn-plant, 65[ ],
aumtu 66[zr(?) kar]n-lebi zr bni azall-plant, aumtu-plant, 66fox [gra]pe [seed], tamarisk
zr ri 67[ ] du imur-lm imur- seed, ru-tree seed, 67[ ], du-plant, heals-a-thou-
er 68[ ] aktam lin-kalbi 69[zr sand-plant, heals-twenty-plant, 68[ ], aktam-plant,
lin-k]albi sal kas 70zr akir um- dogs tongue, 69[do]gs [tongue seed], sal-plant, kas-
uttu uru pill zikari 71uru i ulu plant, 70akir-plant seed, beetroot, root of the male pill-
qarnn uluppu 72buru aban gab plant, 71root of the licorice tree, horned salt-plant, uluppu-
kalgukku zr urdun 73ammi a ammu tree (seed), 72buru-juniper, alum, kalgukku-earth, urdun-
pe ammi bali 74kukuru qan bu plant seed, 73a-disease-plant, white plant, plant-of-life,
ar api murdud 75sikillu kirbn-eqli 74
kukuru-plant, sweet reed, marsh-apple, murdud-plant,
ayyar kaspi 76ayyar uri GR.LAGAB 75
sikillu-plant, field-clod-plant, silver-flower, 76gold-
azupru 77ardadillu zr tarmu kamantu flower, GR.LAGAB-plant, azupru-plant, 77ardadillu-plant,
51 amm uburrud tarmu-plant seed, kamantu-plant: 7851 drugs for undoing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 79
tarmu imur-lm imur-er a at- Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant,
iu 80nn urn nuurtu kas sal 81ak- a-plant, atiu-plant, 80nn-plant, urn-plant, nuurtu-
tam ibburratu lin-kalbi zr lin-kalbi plant, kas-plant, sal-plant, 81aktam-plant, ibburratu-
azall elkulla elikulla 83kukuru ammu plant, dogs tongue, dogs tongue seed, 82azall-plant,
pe karn-lebi matakal 84sikillu bnu elkulla-plant, elikulla-plant, 83kukuru-plant, white plant,
zr bni buru 85zr buri bat eme- fox grape, matakal-soapwort, 84sikillu-plant, tamarisk,
salli 8627 amm uburrud gabari Lu- tamarisk seed, buru-juniper, 85buru-juniper seed, eme-
Nanna 87l ina ikari l ina karni iatt- sallu-salt, 8627 drugs for undoing witchcraft; copy of Lu-
ma iballu Nanna. 87He drinks (it) either in beer or in wine, then he will
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 88
tarmu imur-lm imur-er kurkn Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant,
bat amanni bat kupad bnu mata- kurkn-plant, 89amannu-salt, kupad-salt, tamarisk, ma-
kal 90zr matakal simbirru tyatu nn takal-soapwort, 90matakal-soapwort seed, simbirru-plant,
tyatu-plant, nn-plant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 91
13 amm uburrud l ina ikari l ina 13 drugs for undoing witchcraft. Either in beer or in wine
karni 92l ina izbi l tbila itanatt-ma 92
or in milk or in dry form he ingests (lit.: drinks) (it)
kip par repeatedly, then the witchcraft will be undone.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 93
((uru)) tarmu ((uru)) imur-lm ((Root of)) lupine, ((root of)) heals-a-thousand-plant,
((uru)) imur-er 94sikillu tullal arda- ((root of)) heals-twenty-plant, 94sikillu-plant, tullal-plant,
dillu ((zr ardadilli)) akir 95lin-kalbi ardadillu-plant, ((ardadillu-plant seed)), akir-plant, 95dogs

NU.LU (var.: nuurtu) nuurtu (var.: tongue, NU.LU-plant (var.: nuurtu-plant), nuurtu-plant
tyatu) 96((arti)) urn a A.AB.BA (var.: tyatu-plant), 96((leaves of the)) urn-plant, a-plant,
((nn)) ruttu buknu (var.: i piri) spittle-of-the-sea, 97((nn-plant)), ruttu-sulphur, buknu-
ar api 98urnu kurkn ((nn)) plant (var.: wood-of-release), marsh-apple, 98urnu-
fennel, kurkn-plant, ((nn-plant)), aqullu-plant, atiu-
TEXT GROUP 7.10 235
aqullu atiu 99azall 22 (var.: 23) plant, 99azall-plant. 22 (var.: 23) drugs for undoing witch-
amm uburrud 100umma amlu am- craft. 100If a man has been given a (bewitched) herb to eat
ma kul ((u)) aqi damiq itni task ina ((and)) drink, it is effective. You pound (them) together (and)
ikari taaqqu((-ma iballu)) (var.: iatti) have him drink (var.: he drinks) (it) in beer, ((then he will re-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tarmu imur-lm imur-er 102sikillu 101
Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant,
i-piru urnu du 103ar api kurkn 102
sikillu-plant, wood-of-release, urnu-fennel, du-plant,
azall 104nn akir lin-kalbi a 103
marsh-apple, kurkn-plant, azall-plant, 104nn-plant,
NU.LU nuurtu urn 106 ibburratu akir-plant, dogs tongue, a-plant, 105NU.LU-plant,

A.AB.BA 107 ruttu ardadillu zr ardadilli nuurtu-plant, urn-plant, 106ibburratu-plant, spittle-of-
the-sea,107ruttu-sulphur, ardadillu-plant, ardadillu-plant
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 108
23 amm a uburrud 23 drugs for undoing witchcraft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nu[u]rtu tyatu aktam 110[kur]kn 109
nu[u]rtu-plant, tyatu-plant, aktam-plant, 110[kur]kn-
ibburratu urn 111[a]zall umuttu ma- plant, ibburratu-plant, urn-plant, 111[a]zall-plant, beet-
takal 112[niki]ptu karn-lebi bat eme- root, matakal-soapwort, 112[niki]ptu-plant, fox grape, eme-
salli 113[zr] bni nn 114[14] amm u- sallu-salt, 113tamarisk [seed], nn-plant. 114[14] drugs for
burrud l ina karni l ina ikari undoing witchcraft, either in wine or in beer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 115
[ uat] tarmu 15 uat imur-lm [ grains] lupine, 15 grains heals-a-thousand-plant,
116 116
[ uat] imur-er bnu zr bni [ grains] heals-twenty-plant, tamarisk, tamarisk seed,
[ma]takal zr matakal 118[ ] 117
[ma]takal-soapwort, matakal-soapwort seed, 118[ ],
elkulla imbu tmti 119[ ] kikkirnu elkulla-plant, imbu tmti-mineral, 119[ ], white kikkir-
pe zr uluppi 120[ ] nuurtu nu-substance, uluppu-tree seed, 120[ ], nuurtu-plant,
ar api 121[ ] atiu qa bu- marsh-apple, 121[ ] atiu-plant, litre buru-juni-
ru 122[ ] qa(?) baluu per, 122[ ] litre baluu-plant, 123[ ]
[ ] [ ] 124[ ] [ ] 124
[ ] 125[ ] litre nuurtu-
l ubni 125[ ] qa nuurtu plant, 126[ litre] a-plant, litre nn-plant, 127[ litre
[ qa] a qa nn 127[ qa beet]root, litre azupru-plant, 128[] ibburratu-plant, 14
um]uttu qa azupru 128[] ibburratu grains amannu-salt, 129[] kupad-salt, aktam-plant, 130[3]5
14 uat bat amanni 129[] bat kupad drugs for undoing witchcraft; tested (prescription) 131that is
aktam 130[3]5 amm uburrud latku well proven.
[]a ana qti
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 132
tarmu imur-lm imur-er a Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant,
atiu kas nuurtu 134tyatu aktam a-plant, 133atiu-plant, kas-plant, nuurtu-plant, 134t-
kurkn 135ibburratu urn 136azall yatu-plant, aktam-plant, kurkn-plant, 135ibburratu-plant,
umuttu 137matakal nikiptu 138karn urn-plant, 136azall-plant, beetroot, 137matakal-soapwort,
lebi bat emesalli 139[zr] bni nn nikiptu-plant, 138fox grape, emesallu-salt, 139tamarisk
[20] amm uburrud ina ikari iatti [seed], nn-plant. 140[20] drugs for undoing witchcraft; he
drinks (it) in beer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 141
[ uat] tarmu 15 uat imur-lm [ grains] lupine, 15 grains heals-a-thousand-plant,
142 142
[ uat] imur-er 2 iqil aktam [ grains] heals-twenty-plant, 2 shekels aktam-plant,
143 143
[ ]bat kupad alat iqil kanaktu [ ] kupad-salt, 3 shekels kanaktu-plant, 144[] nn-
[] nn eeret iqil a 145[ u]r- plant, 10 shekels a-plant, 145[ u]rn-plant, 10 shekels
n eeret iqil kas 146[ ] [eer- kas-plant, 146[ ] [10(?)] shekels tamarisk, 147tama-
et(?)] iqil bnu 147[zr] bni matakal zr risk [seed], matakal-soapwort, matakal-soapwort seed,
matakal 148[ G]N.TA.M teleqqe 15 148
you take [ sh]ekel(s) of each. 15 drugs for undoing
amm uburrud 149l ina karni l ina witchcraft. 149Either in wine or in beer or in milk <or> in
ikari l ina izbi <l> ina ikar sb brewers beer 150he drinks (it) repeatedly on an empty stom-
balu patn itanatt-ma <iballu> latku ach, then <he will recover>; tested (prescription).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 151
ana amli napar kip absum-ma All (kinds of) witchcraft have been gathered against a man
l ina npelti asti 153[l ina n]pelti and 154they persist 152despite the remedies of the art of the
ipti (var.: ina npelti asti u ipti) physician 153and despite the remedies of the art of the exor-
ilazzaz-ma ul par 155imur-lm im- cist 154and have not been dispelled: 155heals-a-thousand-
ur-er tarmu 156nabruqqu a 157zr plant, heals-twenty-plant, lupine, 156nabruqqu-plant, a-
[bni(?)] aban gab 158sebet amm annti plant, 157[tamarisk] seed, alum. 158You crush (and) sift these
taaal tanappi l ina karni 159l ina seven drugs; either in wine 159or in [beer] he drinks (it) re-
[ikari(?)] (var.: l ina [ikari(?)] l ina peatedly (var.: he drinks (it) on an empty stomach), then he
karni) itanatt-ma (var.: balu patn iat- will recover.
t-ma) iballu
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] kirbn-eqli sal 161[ 160
[ ], field-clod-plant, sal-plant, 161[-plant.
amm u]burrud ina ikari itanatti drugs for u]ndoing witchcraft; he drinks (it) repeatedly in
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 162
[tar]mu im[ur-lm] imur-er a [Lup]ine, he[als-a-thousand-plant], heals-twenty-plant,
atiu ty[atu] urn ibburratu 164n- a-plant, 163atiu-plant, ty[atu]-plant, urn-plant, ib-
n kurkn a ad azall 165kas mata- burratu-plant, 164nn-plant, kurkn-plant of the moun-
kal lin-kalbi 166bat amanni 15 amm tain(s), azall-plant, 165kas-plant, matakal-soapwort, dogs
uburrud 167l ina karni l ina ikari tongue, 166amannu-salt. 15 drugs for undoing witchcraft;
iatti he drinks (it) either in wine or in beer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 168
imur-lm imur-er tarmu du Heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant, lupine,
erkulla elkulla sikillu 170zr sikilli du-plant, 169erkulla-plant, elkulla-plant, sikillu-plant,
bnu zr bni 171lin-kalbi matakal 170
sikillu-plant seed, tamarisk, tamarisk seed, 171dogs
alam annuara 173gab bat eme- tongue, matakal-soapwort, 172alam-plant, annuara-
salli 174bat kupad kas azall 175kuk- alum, 173alum, emesallu-salt, 174kupad-salt, kas-plant,
uru buru nuurtu 176uru nuurti azall-plant, 175kukuru-plant, buru-juniper, nuurtu-plant,
gi 176
GAN.U5 a 177 abbr qan alli root of the nuurtu-plant, GAN.U5-wood, a-plant,
178 177
ibburratu urnnu urn nn atiu sprout(s) of the allu-reed, ibburratu-plant, urnnu-
ardadillu plant, 178urn-plant, nn-plant, atiu-plant, ardadillu-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 179
32 amm uburrud l ina karni 32 drugs for undoing witchcraft; either in wine 180or in
l ina ikari ina itqr bni iatti beer he drinks (it) from a tamarisk spoon.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 181
umma amlu up lemntu saru If evil sorcerous devices have been employed against a
ana up lemnti ana amli l e man, 182so that the evil sorcerous devices not come near the
du annuara smtu kas 184.KU6 man: 183du-plant, annuara-alum, carnelian, kas 184.KU6-
u amat amm annti 185ina itqi fennel, u-plant. These five drugs 185you pack into a tuft of
(var.: ipti) talammi ((ina)) dm erni wool (var.: wool), you sprinkle (it) with cedar resin. 186You
tasalla 186ina maki taappi ina kidu wrap (it) up in (a) leather (bag and) put it around his neck.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 187
umma amlu bl amtu kip isuru If a mans litigant has employed witchcraft against him,
ana amli l e 188sikillu un matakal so that it does not come near the man: 188sikillu-plant, chaste
imur-lm atbru ina maki tree, matakal-soapwort, heals-a-thousand-plant, basalt in
(a) leather (bag).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 189
umma KIMIN armunu kutp sassatu If ditto: armunu-plant, black frit, sassatu-grass in (a)
ina maki leather (bag).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 190
umma amlu bl amtu kip isuru If a mans litigant has employed witchcraft against him:
un sikillu 191matakal anull du ina chaste tree, sikillu-plant, 191matakal-soapwort, anull-
maki plant, du-plant in (a) leather (bag).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT GROUP 7.10 237
192 192
ana kipd bl amtu udd kaspu ur- To cause his litigant to give up his schemes: silver, gold,
u er annakku 193zibtu amlnu [ copper, tin, 193zibtu-stone, amlnu-plant, []-plant, [
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ana kipd bl amtu ud[d ] 195ar- 194
To cause his litigant to giv[e up] his schemes: [ ],
gannu barrtu [ ] 196 giGAN.U5.UM 195
argannu-plant, barrtu-plant, [ ] 196 GAN.U5-

[ ] 197ina ipt unqi l pet- wood, []-plant, [ ] 197 [you wrap up] in wool from

[ti ] a female kid that has not yet mated with a male, [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
N andakii [ ] 199alili mune- 198
Incantation: andakii [ ] 199alili munerab[a
rab[a ] iptu anntu sebu ]. 200[You recite] this incantation seven times ove[r
ana mu[i
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 201
[umma KIMIN(?)] du zr [ ] [If ditto], du-plant, [ ] seed, [ ] 202[ ] ina (a)
[ ] ina maki [ leather (bag) [
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
break of approximately 54 lines break of approximately 54 lines
203 203
umma amlu zru zikurud dibal If a mans 205adversary has employed against him
kadabbed up lemntu 205bl 203
hate-magic, cutting-of-the-throat magic, distortion-of-
amtu iuru 206ina maar ili arri justice magic, 204seizing-of-the-mouth magic, evil magi-
kabti u rub ukun 207eli miru maru cal machinations, 206(if) he is dismissed from before god,
ana up lemnti upuri 208imbu tmti king, magnate and nobleman, 207(if) he is displeasing to
imur-lm atiu 209adnu bitu ina (any)one who sees him to undo the evil magic machina-
aman urmni 210aman kanakti aman tions: 212You mix 208imbu tmti-mineral, heals-a-
qan bi 211aman erni aman murri thousand-plant, atiu-plant, 209(and) magnetite in cypress
aman buri 212itti aman pri taballal- oil, 210kanaktu-plant oil, sweet reed oil, 211cedar oil,
ma N egamen egamen 213alu myrrh oil (and) buru-juniper oil 212(and then mix this con-
tamann-ma tapaa-ma iallim coction) with pru-bowl oil; then 213you recite the incanta-
tion I am in favour, I am in favour 213three times. Then
you rub (him with it), and he will have success.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 214
umma KIMIN aman buri aman If ditto, buru-juniper oil, myrrh oil, sweet reed oil,
murri aman qan bi 215aman sudi 215
sudu-plant oil, kanaktu-plant oil (and) ballukku-plant oil
aman kanakti aman ballukki 216itni 216
you take together. At night you place a censer with bur-
teleqqe ina mi ina maar Itar nignak u-juniper before Itar. 217You pour a libation of beer, you
buri taakkan 217ikara tanaqqi ipta recite the incantation seven times (over the oil), then 218you
sebu tamann-ma 218kayyna tapaas- rub him repeatedly.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 219
N e-ga-me-en e-ga-me-en Incantation: I am in favour, I am in favour,
220 d 220
utu e-ga-me-en I am in favour with Utu,
221 d 221
a-num e-ga-me-en I am in favour with Anu,
222 d 222
utu dingir-mu e-ga-me-en I am in favour with Utu, my god,
223 223
dingir-re-e-ne e-ga-me-en I am in favour with the gods,
224 224
lugal e-ga-me-en I am in favour with the king,
225 225
dumu-lugal e-ga-me-en I am in favour with the prince,
226 226
idim e-ga-me-en I am in favour with the magnate,
227 227
l-u18-lu e-ga-me-en I am in favour with (any) man,
228 228
nam-l-u18-lu e-ga-me-en nam -KALI I am in favour with (all) mankind. May ,
229 229
dingir ka-k-bi -en-br-da TU6 N may the god undo the bound state of (his) heart! Incanta-
tion formula.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 230
umma KIMIN qadt ikani urumm If ditto, you dry (and) crush river sediment (and) beer
ikari tubbal taaal 231sal kas nn dregs. 231sal-plant, kas-plant, nn-plant, tarm[u]-plant
zr tarm[u] 232bura kukura malmali seed, 232buru-juniper (and) kukuru-plant you pound in
task ina m taballal 233ina ti tubbal equal quantities (and) mix (them) in water. 233You dry it in
tatr-ma taaal ina amni ina tamgussi the heat (of the sun), (then) you crush (it) again. In oil you
tuabal taaal tatr-ma ina lip cook (it) in a tamgussu-pot. 234You crush (it), (then) you
taaal ina amni bi 235taltappat crush it again in tallow. You smear (it) with fine oil, 235you
ina maki teerri kal ru taammid squeeze (it) through a (strip of) leather and bandage his whole
imur-lm tarmu imur-er task body (with it). 236You pound heals-a-thousand-plant,
ina amni taballal ina kakkabi tubt lupine (and) heals-twenty-plant, 237you mix (it) in oil (and)
l patn iatti leave (it) under the star(s) during the night. He drinks it on an
empty stomach.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text, see text 1.8, 2.) (for the following text, see text 1.8, 2.)

2. j obv. 1, 2023, 2730 2. j obv. 1, 2023, 2730

1 1
nn atiu kirbn-eqli [ ] nn-plant, atiu-plant, field-clod-plant, []-plant, [-
amat amm uburrud ina [ ] plant]. Five drugs for undoing witchcraft, in [ ]
ll. 28: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162 ll. 28: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162
(for ll. 919, see Summary 5.) (for ll. 919, see Summary 5.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 20
[imur]-lm imur-er tarmu [Heals]-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant, lupine,
uru(?) rati erbet amm U[11](?) madder root. Four drugs for <undoing> w[itchcraft] (and)
21 21
NAM.[R]IM.<BR.>DA ina ikari taaq- ban. You have him drink (it) in beer; you recite the
qu N iddi Ea tamannu incantation Ea cast.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
umma amlu illtu illak l ipparras If a mans saliva is running and cannot be stopped, to cure
ana bulluu imur-lm 23tarmu elikulla him: heals-a-thousand-plant,23lupine, elikulla-plant (and)
zr matakal balu patn a iatti matakal-soapwort seed he drinks separately on an empty
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 2426: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 4346 ll. 2426: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 4346
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 27
umma amlu illtu illak-ma as u If a mans saliva is running and neither the physician nor
ipu parsa l ilei 28ana bull[u]u im- the exorcist are able to stop it, 28to cu[re h]im: heals-a-thou-
ur-lm imur-er tarmu nuurtu a sand-plant, heals-twenty-plant, lupine, nuurtu-plant, a-
atiu lin-kalbi matakal ulu qar- plant, 29atiu-plant, dogs tongue, matakal-soapwort,
nn annuara 30amm unti itni ta- horned salt-plant, annuara-alum. 30You pound these plants
sk ina amni ali dipi u karni l[ p]a- together; he drinks (it) on an empty stomach in filtered oil,
tn iatt-ma iballu syrup and wine, then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text, see Summary 5.) (for the following text, see Summary 5.)

3. K obv. III 810 3. K obv. III 810

(for the preceding text, see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 56 (for the preceding text, see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5662 and text 1.8)
62 and text 1.8)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nn a nuurtu 2kas sal kirbn-eqli 1
nn-plant, a-plant, nuurtu-plant, 2kas-plant, sal-
kukuru plant, field-clod-plant, kukuru-plant.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 3
sebet amm NAM.RIM U11.BR.RU.DA Seven drugs for undoing witchcraft (and) ban.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text, see text 1.8, Summary 3.) (for the following text, see text 1.8, Summary 3.)
TEXT GROUP 7.10 239
7.10.2: BAM 90 (ms. D) 7.10.2: BAM 90 (ms. D)
(ll. 12 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 12 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 3
[umma amlu ar]ku ikara iatt- [If a man and after]wards he drinks beer, but he does
ma [ina libbu] l i[n] 4[libbau ana not [experience relief in his stomach], 4[he keeps on] retch-
ar ten]ell ina m irtanammuk ikkau [ing], he takes repeated baths in water, (but) he is (still) con-
[iktanarru] 5[takk]ak(?) amlu lute stantly irri[tated], 5[(and) he is itch]ing, that man has been
itti akali kul u ikari [aqi] 6[ana bul- given dirt-witchcraft to eat with bread and [to drink] with
luu(?) ]uru e alluara itni beer. 6[To cure him:] you pound together licorice [r]oot,
task ina ikari [taballal-ma(?)] 7[ina (and) alluara-alum, [you mix] (it) in beer. 7You leave (it)
maar] Enzi tubt ina ri l patn ta- out overnight [before] Lyra. In the morning you have [him]
aqq[u] 8[arku ]l balui m bni drink (it) on an empty stomach. 8[Afterwards] he takes repeated
m matakal m irtanammuk-[ma iballu] baths in baluu-[re]sin, tamarisk-extract, matakal-extract
(and) water, [then he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 911: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 4044 ll. 911: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 4044
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
[umma amlu r] libbu ittananpa [If a mans e]pigastrium is constantly bloated, his whole
kal ru tanakkalu mimma ikkalu body keeps on causing him a nagging pain, whatever he eats
[] 13[ ] amlu kip abtu [ana [], 13[ ], wichcraft has seized that man. [To cur]e
bullu]u urn a[] 14[ ] itni him: urn-plant, a[]-plant, 14[(and) -plant] you pound
task ina ikari l [pat]n itanatti at[ma] together; he drinks it repeatedly in beer on an empty [stom-
[a mu]airni arqi tubbal task ina ach]. The tad[pole] 15[of a] green frog you dry (and) pound;
amni taptanaassu-ma ibal[lu] you rub him repeatedly (with it) in oil, then he will re[cover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 16
[umma amlu b]alu patn libbau [If a man with]out having eaten thro[ws up (bile)] and vom-
im[] u ugaa[am-ma ()] 17[ i[ts, and then ()] 17[ . T]o cure him: matakal-soap-
a]na bulluu matakal b[nu z]r bni wort, t[amarisk] (and) tamarisk [s]eed, [(you pound togeth-
[(itni task)] 18[ina ik]ari l patn er)]; 18he drinks (it) [in be]er on an empty stomach, then [he
iatt-ma [iballu] will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 19
[umma KIMIN] tarmu a itni [If ditto], you pound together lupine (and) a-plant; he
task ina karni bi iatt-[ma iballu] drinks (it) in sweet wine, [then he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 20
[umma amlu qerb]u ittananpa li- [If a mans intest]ines are constantly bloated, his tongue is
nu tiabbutat(?) [] 21[ ] ub constantly seized, [] 21[ ], ub-stone (and)
ayyarta ina kidu taakan-m[a iballu] ayyartu-shell you put around his neck, th[en he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
[umma amlu ]-ma ina allu dma [If a man ] and he discharges blood when he is sleeping,
inadd [ ] 23[ ] a [ ] 23[ ] a-plant, an[da]u-plant you
an[da]e itni task in[a ] pound together; i[n ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
l. 24: fragmentary colophon. l. 24: fragmentary colophon.

7.10.3: BAM 190 (ms. F) with duplicates 7.10.3: BAM 190 (ms. F) with duplicates
1. F // G obv. 1-12 // O obv. II 2-7 // P obv. 7- 1. F // G obv. 112 // O obv. II 27 // P obv. 711 // Q obv.
11 // Q obv. 1-7 // R obv. 1-7 // T obv. 13-15 17 // R obv. 17 // T obv. 1315
ll. 18: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162 ll. 18: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5162
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
tarmu imur-lm imur-e[r sikillu] Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-tw[enty]-plant,
elkulla baluu aktam atiu 11a[r [sikillu-plant], 10elkulla-plant, baluu-plant, aktam-plant,
api lapat armanni] aban gab 12imbu atiu-plant, 11 ma[rsh-apple, apricot-turnip], alum, 12im-
tmti nu[urtu tyatu] 13a urn samdu bu tmti-mineral, nu[urtu-plant, tyatu-plant], 13a-plant,
ibburrat[u] 14az[up]ru nn umuttu urn-plant, samdu-plant, ibburrat[u]-plant, 14az[up]ru-
abbr balti abbr agi abbr qan- plant, nn-plant, beetroot, 15shoot of the baltu-thorn, shoot

alli 16bnu zr bnu ma[takal] zr ma- of the agu-thorn, shoot of the allu-reed, 16tamarisk,
takal 17buru zr buri bat kupad bat tamarisk seed, ma[takal]-soapwort, matakal-soapwort seed,
amanni sulupp 18zr uluppi sudu kulka- 17
buru-juniper, buru-juniper seed, kupad-salt, amannu-
n kas 1937 [amm] u[burrud] [a i]na salt, dates, 18uluppu-tree seed, sudu-plant, kulkan-plant,
qti 20l ina ikari l [ina karni] l kas-plant, 1937 [drugs] for [undoing] wi[tchcraft] th[at are]
ina m l ina amni 21l ina qti it[an- well proven. 20Either in beer or [in wine] or in water or in oil
att]i l tbila ana pu inaddi or in diluted beer he d[rinks] (it) repeatedly; or he puts (it)
in dry form into his mouth.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
umma amlu r libbu rupulta irtan- If a mans epigastrium gets ((more and more)) (filled with)
ai (var.: irai) r libbu 23uarrapu phlegm, his epigastrium 23causes him a burning pain, he has
akala u ikara muu ru tabk amlu no desire to eat or drink, his flesh is poured out, that man
kip 24kul u aqi ana upuri a has been given witchcraft 24to eat and drink. To undo (it):
tullal 25sikillu itni task ina ikari a-plant, tullal-plant (and) 25sikillu-plant you pound togeth-
tanaddi ina kakkabi tubt 26ina ri balu er; you put (it) in beer (and) leave (it) out overnight under the
patn taaqqu (var.: iatti) iarr-ma star(s). 26In the morning you have him drink (var.: he drinks)
iballu (it) on an empty stomach; he will vomit and then recover.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 2733: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 93100 ll. 2733: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 93100
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 3438: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 15159 ll. 3438: see text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 15159
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 39
ha atiu imur-lm kar[n-lebi] ha-plant, atiu-plant, heals-a-thousand-plant, [fox]
nn nuurtu tullal [] 41buru kikki- gra[pe], 40nn-plant, nuurtu-plant, tullal-plant, []-plant,
rnu pe b[nu] 4211 amm kadabbed 41
buru-juniper, white kikkirnu-substance, tama[risk].
ina ikari [iatti] Eleven drugs against seizing-of-the-mouth magic; [he
drinks] (it) in beer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 43
umma amlu illtu ina mayylu l If a mans saliva is running (while he is lying) on his bed
ina kal mi 44l ina kal mi illak-ma l either all day 44or all night and cannot be stopped. To stop (it)
ipparras ana parsi (var.: bulluu) a (var.: to cure him): a-plant, 45atiu-plant, alum (var.:
atia aban gab (var.: annuara) bna annuara-alum), tamarisk, baluu-resin, 46buru-juniper
l balui 46bura kukura itni task (and) kukuru-plant you pound together; you have him drink
ina ikari taaqqu (var. iatti) (var.: he drinks) (it) in beer.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 4750: fragmentary colophon of Aur- ll. 4750: fragmentary colophon of Aur-kin-umi

2. O obv. I 110, II 1, rev. III 19 2. O obv. I 110, II 1, rev. III 19

(ll. 17 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 17 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
umma amlu nakkaptau imaassu-ma If a mans temple causes him a throbbing pain, his whole
kal ru 9[ta]nakkalu sali qater r body 9[kee]ps on causing him a nagging pain, he is moody
libbu 10[ik]kalu ikkal iatt-ma uttanar- (and) depressed, his epigastrium 10[cau]ses him a nagging
ra amlu kip abtu pain, he eats (and) drinks, but then he always throws up,
witchcraft has seized that man.
long break long break
(l. 11 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 11 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 12-17: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226 ll. 12-17: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 18
umma MIN m mundi l patn taaqq- If ditto, you have [him] drink mundu-flour water on an
[u-ma iballu(?)] empty stomach, [then he will recover].
19 19
umma MIN arti err task ina karni If ditto, you pound colocynth leaves; you have him drink
taaqqu ia[rr-ma iballu(?)] (it) in wine. He will [vomit and then recover].
TEXT GROUP 7.10 241
20 20
umma MIN sebe u[at] anzaa ina If ditto, you pound seven grains of anzau-glass in oil.
amni task l patn ta[aqqu] MIN You [have him drink (it)] on an empty stomach, ditto.
21 21
umma MIN aria task ina karni l If ditto, you pound ariu-plant; you have him drink it in
patn taaqqu MIN wine on an empty stomach, ditto.
22 22
[umma MIN ] task ina karni [If ditto], you pound [ ]; you have him drink (it) in
taaqqu MIN wine, ditto.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 2326 too fragmentary for transcription; text (l. 2326 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)

3. P obv. 16 3. P obv. 16
1 1
umma amlu birt naglabu ilappassu If the space between his shoulders hurts a man, his teeth
innu dma 2iill amlu a maru 2
exude 1blood, 2that man suffers from sick lungs, he has been
kip kul 3u aqi ana bulluu uqn ub given witchcraft to eat 3and drink. To cure him: lapis lazuli,
ayyarta a sebet tikpa 4ina urri tabarri ub-stone (and) a shell with seven dots 4you string on a cord
ipti peti taakkak ina kidu taak- of red (and) white wool; you put (it) around his neck. 5Heals-
kan 5imur-lm bna azallna itni a-thousand-plant, bnu-plant (and) azallnu-plant you
task 6l ina ikari l ina karni bi l pound together; 6he drinks (it) repeatedly on an empty stom-
patn itanatt-ma iballu ach either in beer or in sweet wine, then he will recover.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 711: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226 ll. 711: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Q obv. 8rev. 6 // R obv. 8rev. 7 4. Q obv. 8rev. 6 // R obv. 8rev. 7

ll. 17: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 4346 ll. 17: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 4346
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tullal ar api 9bnu zr bni 10du zr 8
tullal-plant, marsh-apple, 9tamarisk, tamarisk seed, 10du-
di tarmu 11imur-lm imur-er 12i plant, du-plant seed, lupine, 11heals-a-thousand-plant,
piri amlnu 13elkulla elikulla 14sikillu heals-twenty-plant, 12wood-of-release, amlnu-plant,
lin-kalbi 15[15] amm kip u mmti 13
elkulla-plant, elikulla-plant, 14sikillu-plant, dogs tongue.
16 15
pari l ina ikari l ina karni iatti [15] drugs 16for undoing 15witchcraft and ban. 16He drinks
N mad amm alu tamannu ((SAR (it) either in beer or in wine. 17You recite the incantation
AL)) Numerous are the drugs three times. ((SAR AL))
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 1819: colophon of Kiir-Nab. ll. 1819: colophon of Kiir-Nab.

5. T obv. 112, 1617 5. T obv. 112, 1617

1 1
umma amlu illt illak-ma u libbau If a mans saliva is running and his belly is hot, he is hot,
m immim u [ikai] 2amlu kaip ana then [he is cold], 2that man is bewitched. To cure him and to
bulluu u illtu pa[rsi] 315 uat tar- st[op] his saliva: 315 grains lupine, atiu-plant, matakal-
mu ati mataka[l ] 4uru i soapwort, [ ], 4licorice root (and) heals-twenty-plant
imur-er itni task ina ikari i[att- you pound together; he dr[inks] (it) in beer, [then he will
ma iballu(?)] recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 5
umma amlu akala ikkal-ma ikara i[at]- If a mans saliva is running while he eats and drinks, to cure
t-ma u illtu illak ana bulluu [ ] him: [ ] 6GI.Z.[LU]M.MA-plant seed, nuurtu-plant
zr GI.Z.[LU]M.MA nuurta a itni (and) a-plant you pound together; [he drinks (it)] in bee[r,
task ina ika[ri iatt-ma iballu(?)] then he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
umma amlu rutu magal illak-ma If a mans spittle is running excessively and cannot be
l ipparras[ ] 8ula qarnn a stopped, [ ] 8horned salt-plant, a-plant, nuurtu-
nuurta ati [ ] 9annuara ina plant, atiu-plant, [ ] 9(and) annuara-alum in beer;
ikari ina kakkabi tubt [ ] you leave (it) out overnight under the star(s); [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
umma KIMIN imur-lm tarmu elikulla If ditto: heals-a-thousand-plant, lupine, elikulla-plant
[ ] 11ikkal iatt-ma sikilla qan- [ ] 11he eats (and) drinks, then 12you pound together
alli bura k[anakta ] 12uru i 11
sikillu-plant, allu-reed, buru-juniper, k[anaktu-plant,
nikipta itni task ina diip ad u amni ] 12licorice root (and) nikiptu-plant; in mountain honey
[ ] and oil [ ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 1315: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226 ll. 1315: see text 7.10.3, 1., ll. 2226
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 1617 too fragmentary for transcription; text of (ll. 1617 too fragmentary for translation; text of obv. breaks, on rev. only
obv. breaks, on rev. only the colophon preserved) the colophon preserved)

7.10.4: BAM 430 and BAM 431 (mss. H 7.10.4: BAM 430 and BAM 431 (mss. H and L)
and L)
1. H1 obv. III 731 // L obv. III 226 1. H1 obv. III 731 // L obv. III 226
(for the preceding text, see Summary 2.) (for the preceding text, see Summary 2.)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tarmu imur-lm [imur-er] 2sikillu 1
Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, [heals-twenty-plant],
elkul[la baluu] 3aktam [atiu] 4ar 2
sikillu-plant, elkul[la-plant, baluu-plant], 3aktam-plant,
api lapat [a]r[manni] 5aban gab imbu [atiu-plant], 4marsh-apple, [a]p[ricot]-turnip, 5alum,
tm[ti] 6nuurtu ty[atu] 7a urn 8sam- imbu tmti-mineral, 6nuurtu-plant, ty[atu]-plant, 7a-
du ibburratu 9azupru nn 10umuttu plant, urn-plant, 8samdu-plant, ibburratu-plant, 9azupru-
abbr balti 11abbr agi abbr qa[n- plant, nn-plant, 10beetroot, shoot of the baltu-thorn, 11shoot
alli] 12bni zr [bni] 13matakal zr ma- of the agu-thorn, shoot of the [allu]-reed, 12tamarisk,
takal 14buru zr buri 15bat kupad [tamarisk] seed, 13matakal-soapwort, matakal-soapwort
bat amanni 16sulupp zr uluppi 17su- seed, 14buru-juniper, buru-juniper seed, 15kupad-salt,
du kurkan kas 1837 amm uburrud amannu-salt, 16dates, uluppu-tree seed, 17sudu-plant, kur-
kan-plant, kas-plant, 1837 drugs for undoing witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tarmu imur-lm imur-er 20sikillu i 19
Lupine, heals-a-thousand-plant, heals-twenty-plant, 20si-
piri kukuru 21buru ernu qan bu killu-plant, wood-of-release, kukuru-plant, 21buru-juniper,
bni matakal 23elkulla ammi Lamati cedar, sweet reed, 22tamarisk, matakal-soapwort, 23elkulla-
ulu qarnn btu kibrtu 2516 amm plant, Lamatu-plant, 24horned salt-plant, salt, sulphur. 2516
uburrud drugs for undoing witchcraft.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text, see Summary 2. and text (for the following text, see Summary 2. and text 7.10.1, 1., ll. 5761)
7.10.1, 1., ll. 5761)

7.10.5: AMT 48/2 (ms. S) 7.10.5: AMT 48/2 (ms. S)

1 1
[umma am]lu r libbu rupulta [If a m]ans epigastrium gets more and more (filled with)
irtanai r libbu uarrapu 2[u]rra u phlegm, his epigastrium causes him a burning pain, 2he is
ma l iallal akala u m muu ru unable to sleep [d]ay and night, he has no desire to eat and
tabk 3[am]lu kip kul u aqi ana drink, his flesh is poured out, 3that [m]an has been given
upuri aria task 4[i]na karni ati witchcraft to eat and drink. To undo (it): You pound ariu-
taaqqu ina uburru ueer-ma iballu plant; 4you have him drink (it) in grape juice. He will have a
bowel movement and then recover.
5 5
umma KIMIN ammu matqu task ina If ditto, you pound sweet herb; you have him drink it in
karni ati taaqqu ina uburru grape juice. He will have a bowel movement and then
ueer-ma iballu recover.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
[umma KIMIN] tarmu SAG imur-er [If ditto]: lupine, SAG-plant, heals-twenty-plant, sikillu-
sikillu matakal 7[ard]adillu akir plant, matakal-soapwort, 7[ard]adillu-plant, akir-plant,
nuurtu 8[ ] ibburratu A.AB.BA nuurtu-plant, 8[ ], ibburratu-plant, spittle-of-the-
ruttu 9[ ] amm anntu a up sea, ruttu-sulphur, 9[ ]: these drugs are for undoing
pari 10[l ina karn]i l ina ikari iatt- (magic) machinations. 10He drinks (them) [either in win]e or
ma iballu in beer, then he will recover.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT GROUP 7.10 243
11 11
[umma amlu ] ikara iatt- [If a man ] he drinks beer, but he does not
ma ina libbu l in 12[libbau ana ar experience relief in his stomach, 12[he keeps] on retch[ing],
t]enell m irtanammuk 13[tattak ikk]au he takes repeated baths in water, 13[(but) he is itching, (and)
iktanarru amlu 14[kaip-ma(??) he is (still) con]stantly irritated, that man 14[is bewitched and
lu]te itti m aqi 15[ ] annuara has been given di]rt-witchcraft to drink with water. 15You
task 16[ina ikari taballal-ma(?) ina pound together [ ] (and) annuara-alum, 16[you mix
maar] Enzi tubt 17[ina ri l patn (it) in beer]. 7You leave (it) out overnight [before] Lyra. 17[In
taaqqu] arku l balui 18[m bni the morning you have him drink (it) on an empty stomach].
m matakal m irta]nammuk-ma iballu Afterwards 18he takes repeated baths 17in baluu-resin,
[tamarisk-extract, matakal-extract (and) water], then he
will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] apr ru 20[ amlu 19
[If a man ] are hollow, his head 20[ , that
kip] kul ana bulluu 21[ ] man] has been given [witchcraft] to eat. To cure him:
aru arti titti 22[ ] zr ri 21
[ ] apple [leaves], fig leaves, 22[ ] ,
[ amm] annti itni task ru-tree seed, 23[ ]. You pound these [drugs] together;
24 24
[ ina kappi i]ri tuapru [ ]. You make him vomit [with a fea]ther.
[ urn] zr atkam 26[ 25
[ , urn]-plant, atkam-plant seed, 26[ ]. You
amm] annti itni task 27[ ] pound these [drug]s together; 27[ ], you bandage his
libbau taammid amma pe task belly (with it). You pound white plant; 28he drinks (it)
[ ] itanatt-ma iballu repeatedly [in ], then he will recover.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 29
[ ] ana bulluu aktam [ ] . To cure him: aktam-plant, 30[ ,
[ b]nu [azal]l tamar]isk, [azal]l-plant,
(text breaks) (text breaks)


General: For a full edition of ms. C (BAM 445) 7.10.1

and its duplicates, see text 7.7; for ms. K (BAM 161),
1.: 29: Cf. the parallel prescription in BAM
see also text 1.8. Note that ms. M (BAM 435) has a
90 rev. 1215 (here text 7.10.2: 1215).
convex obverse and a flat reverse (the identification
of obverse and reverse is confirmed by a text pas- 4: Read perhaps [l]a MU DINGIR-u a
sage in ms. M duplicated by ms. A that continues [fal]se oath by his god?
from obv. III to rev. IV); the same is probably also
5: The broken sign at the beginning of
true for ms. N (BAM 436). Kcher, BAM V, p. xiii,
the line is as copied by Kcher, suggesting a sign
remarked that BAM 436 is zu einem anderen Tafel-
ending in ; but it is difficult to imagine a differ-
exemplar gehrig als Nr. 435. This seems far from
ent restoration.
certain. Both fragments are formatted identically
and show exactly the same script. In rev. V an in- 1319: The text of this prescription can be
direct join between the two fragments is unproblem- fully restored based on a parallel prescription pre-
atic (only a paragraph ruling would be missing in served on one of the (six or more) tablets of the
the break between M rev. V 22 and N rev. V 1); in series umma amlu <nap> appu kabit (K 2614
rev. VI the assumption of an indirect join would ne- = AMT 48/4, edited by Thompson, RA 31 [1934] 2
cessitate the reconstruction of a version of the in- 3). The text on K 2614 rev. 812 reads (coll.):
cantation egamen egamen that deviates from the
8 umma(DI) amlu(NA) iras(GABA)-su ikkal
text in ms. A, but this is not a problem since variant
(GU7)- r(SAG) libb()- -a-rap-
versions of this incantation are known from other
qerb(.ME)- it[tananpa(M[.M)
tablets (see infra, note on 1., ll. 21929). Only
akala(NINDA) u ikara(KA) muu(LAL)]
the identification of further fragments belonging to
9 amlu(NA) (BI) a(AR.ME) maru(GIG)
mss. M and N can finally determine whether these
kip(U11) kul(GU7) u aqi(NAG) ana
are non-overlapping fragments of two (almost)
bullu(TI)- tar-mu x [x x x]
identical tablets or actually belong to one and the
same manuscript.

10 sikilla(SIKIL) matakal(IN6.) kam-ka-du finger or to the small cucumber-variety of the same
urna(.KU6) sebet(7) amm(.I.A) annti name.
(E) [itni(T.BI) task(SD)]
131: Cf. commentary on text 1.8, 2.: 10.
11 lu ina ikari(KA) lu ina karni(GETIN)
l(NU) pa-tan iatti(NAG) na4K.BABBAR 146: For the traces in ms. A rev. IV 56,
K[.SI22] see collation, pl. 130, no. 37.
12 [na4URUD]U na4AN.NA ina kid(G)-
154: For the reading of ms. A rev. IV 64,
taakkan(GAR-a[n]) [(kip(U11) par(BR))]
see collation, pl. 131, no. 38.
26, 30: The logogram GAZ usually stands for
164: Note that L is apparently written
alu to crush in the context of processing drugs,
over another sign, see collation, pl. 131, no. 39.
typically in the sequence tubbal taaal tanappi.
But note that in the medical text from Emar GAZ is 21929: Variant versions of this incantation
also used for sku to pound (GAZ-ak, see Tsuki- are attested in BAM 315 rev. III 2831, BM 33543
moto, Priests and Officials, 194 rev. 96). rev. 37 and STT 219 obv. II 2530 // K 6013 +
8106 + 16001 rev. III 815 // SpTU 5, 246 obv. 16
3439: See also text 7.7: 7075.
22 (see Kcher, BAM V, p. xiii and Wiggermann,
40: Note the spelling i-a- for i CM 1, 34 ad 434 and 212, fig. 20). We interpret
(u) in both manuscripts. e-ga-me-en as a 1st rather than a 2nd sg. form be-
cause it remains unchanged regardless of the num-
41: For DU8.ME, cf. text 8.2: 4, LKA 88
ber of the preceding noun; note, however, that the
obv. 3 and LKA 102 obv. 20 // BAM 369 rev. 4:
expected dative of these nouns is consistently un-
DU8.ME- it-ta-na-a-ra-u. For pir as a part of
the body, see CAD P 450.
228: nam -KALI is unclear; cf. nam -
48: The variant GUR5(URUGU).U may
en-zu-zu in the variant version of the incantation
be a simple corruption for AKIRA(URUGU).
(BAM 315 rev. III 31 //).
50: Normally kip is a masculine plura-
229: Cf. ka-k-bi -en-br(-ra) in
le tantum. But ms. e has i-[al-l]i-qa and [TE]-a!(e)
BAM 315 rev. III 25, 27 // (see Kcher, BAM III, p.
instead of the expected ihalliq and ie of the
other manuscripts. We assume that these forms are
(corrupt) feminine plural rather than singular ven- 2.: 21: For the incantation Iddi Ea, see
tive forms. But note the following rare attestations Bck, Muuu, 167: 9193.
for the singular kipu: [ki-p]i ana NA NU TE-e in
K 9873+ rev. IV 10 (see Wiggermann, CM 1, 206
207), [DI KIMIN NA BI(?)] ki-pi DAB-su in AMT
31/432/1 obv. 6 and ki-pi lem-nu NU TE-a in 38: The restorations follow the parallel
K 7988: 10. The variant ina mari/pni in ms. U, if text AMT 48/2 obv. II 1118, here text 7.10.5: 11
not simply corrupt, should probably be translated: 18.
it will disappear from (his) presence.
4: For the phrase libbau ana ar/par
54: For the traces in mss. H2 and j, see tenell, see the attestations collected in CAD A II
collation, pl. 130, nos. 3132. 316b and AHw 208a (for BKBM 44, 27, see now
BAM 578 obv. I 27) and cf. also here text 8.2: 7.
55: For SAG.SUR = karau, see XVII
277 (MSL 10, 93). 5: Due to a lack of parallels the restora-
tion at the beginning of the line remains uncertain;
100: The use of SIG instead of SIG5 for
but note that ikku temper is possibly derived from
damqu seems to be without parallel so far, but
ekku to scratch, probably also to itch. For
there can be little doubt that this interpretation is
lutu, see the commentary on text 7.8, 2.: 19. The
correct (cf. also CAD I 320).
last sign is not the expected clear KA indicated in
124: For the broken sign at the end of the Kchers copy (see coll.).
line, cf. collation, pl. 130, no. 36; KAL, KID, RU and
6: For the traces before alluara (cor-
SA are possible readings, NI, IR and are excluded.
rectly copied by Kcher), see collation, pl. 131, no.
It is unclear whether ubnu refers literally to the
TEXT GROUP 7.10 245
1215: Cf. the similar prescription in text 17: The correct reading of SAR AL in
7.10.1, 1.: 29. ms. R rev. 7 is unclear to us. A possible interpreta-
tion would be tuqattar iarru you fumigate, (and)
20: The interpretation of DAB.ME-at is
he vomits; another possibility is that it is a scribal
uncertain; one could also read linu ianabbat
note at the end of this exercise (perhaps air emi
he keeps seizing his tongue.
written (and) heard?).
7.10.3 5.: 11: Because of the fragmentary state of
the text the significance of ikkal iatt-ma in this
1.: General: Note that ms. G (A 212) has lost its
position is difficult to determine. But probably it
upper and lower left hand corners since the excava-
refers to the ingestion of drugs.
tion photograph was taken. Kchers copy (BAM
59) is based on the photograph and includes the now
lost beginnings of lines obv. 15 and 712. The
photograph also shows that substantial traces were 1.: 118: The same list of drugs forms part of
preserved of the beginnings of lines lo. e. 13 and the prescriptions preserved in BAM 438 obv. 127 //
rev. 14; however, they are illegible on the photo- (63rd tablet of the uburruda series), see here text
graph, and Kcher therefore simply copied them as 7.2, and in BAM 190 obv. 921 //, see here text
destroyed. For collations, see pls. 13031, nos. 31 7.10.3, 1.: 921. The restorations follow the parallel
33, 38, 4142. texts.
921: The same list of drugs forms part of 1925: The same list of drugs forms part of
another prescription preserved in BAM 438 obv. 1 a prescription preserved in BAM 438 rev. 911 //
27 // BAM 437 obv. 16 (63rd tablet of the ubur- (63rd tablet of the uburruda series), see here text
ruda series), see here text 7.2: 127; it was also 7.2: 3739.
included in the inventories of drugs BAM 430 and
431 (see here text 7.10.4: 118). The restorations
follow the parallel texts.
passim: Note that the broken space at the
2226: Cf. the similar prescription in AMT
beginning of the lines is indicated incorrectly by
48/2 obv. II 15 (here text 7.10.5: 15); for a com-
Thompsons copy; cf. collations (pls. 13132, nos.
parison of the texts, see Abusch, MesWi, 8082.
4750) and the restorations given in the trans-
43: Note that ms. R (BAM 192) obv. 1 literation.
is actually written on the upper edge of the tablet.
13: Cf. the similar prescription in BAM
2. passim: For comments on individual lines, 190 obv. 2124 // (here text 7.10.3, 1.: 2226); for a
especially on sali qater, see KAL 2, p. 111; for ll. comparison of the texts, see Abusch, MesWi, 8082.
810, see now also Scurlock Andersen, Diag-
34: For this cure, cf. BAM 193 rev. III 4
noses, 563.
(here text 7.10.3, 2.: 21).
3.: 14: Cf. the parallel prescription in BAM
6: SAG is equated with la-a-ar-tu in
361 rev. 3538 // K 3010 + 6187 + 13346 + DT 86
XVII (MSL 10, 108: 25, CAD L 103a) and may
rev. V 911 (coll.; ed. Schuster-Brandis, Steine,
therefore be a logogram for lardu-grass; but note
no. 16, and cf. already Kcher, BAM IV, p. xviii).
that we expect imur-lm within the present context.
The bleeding of the teeth refers, of course, to the
gums. 1118: For a largely parallel prescription,
see BAM 90 rev. 38 (here text 7.10.2: 38); the
4.: 16: Note that pace Kchers copy (BAM
restorations follow the parallel text.
191) there is no room for an additional sign pre-
ceding BR in ms. Q rev. 5.


TEXT 8.1


This text contains a ceremonial ritual against ail- the evil upon him. Central to the ritual is the gesture
ments caused by witchcraft. The ritual is preserved of removing a thorn from the head of the patients
on two Middle Assyrian manuscripts from Aur figurine and sticking it into the heads of the figur-
and two Neo-Assyrian copies, one from Aur, one ines of the evildoers. This piercing rite corresponds
from Nineveh. The Middle Assyrian tablets origi- with the fact that the patient is vexed by a piercing
nally contained at least two rituals with incanta- pain (silu). In addition, the evil that befell the pa-
tions, only one of which is reasonably well preserved. tient is turned back against the evildoers by means
In the ritual that is preserved, offerings to ama are of a washing rite that transfers the evil from the
followed by typical substitute rites: The patient patients body to the figurines of the evildoers.
fetters, pricks and defiles 14 figurines of the war- Finally, these figurines are buried; the patients
lock and witch, while another substitute figurine is figurine, however, is dissolved in pure beer, and the
set free; the latter represents the figurine of the resulting liquid is deposited in a river, thereby en-
patient which the warlock and witch used to inflict trusting it to the power of Ea.

List of Manuscripts

A A 13 + 393 BAM 214 coll. Frg. of a 4-col. tablet, MA script, Aur, Library N 1
13th11th cent.
B K 3196 + 3344 pl. 51 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
C VAT 10094 + BAM 334 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, MA script, Aur
KAL 2, 22 13th11th cent.
VAT 10989 KAL 2, 22
D VAT 13611 LKA 156 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
KAL 2, 23 script, 7th cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft ........................................................................... 176

Symptom description.........................................................................................................16
A obv. I 16
Diagnosis ...........................................................................................................................79
A obv. I 79
Purpose statement .........................................................................................................1013?
A obv. I 1013
Fragmentary................................................................................................................. 1416[
A obv. I 1416
TEXT 8.1 247
Ritual, section I: Setting the scene............................................................................. ]1725
A obv. II 19
Incantation I: ama dayyn am u ereti................................................................26?37
A obv. II 10?B obv. 5 //? C rev. IV 14
Ritual, section II: Presenting the figurine of the patient ....................................................38
B obv. 6 // C rev. IV 57
Incantation II: ama ann alm .............................................................................. 3956
B obv. 7rev. 10 // C rev. IV 812 // D rev. 111
Ritual, section III: Piercing and washing................................................................... 5660
D rev. 1214 // C rev. V 13
Incantation III: Kma m a zumrya iaa-ma .................................................. 6166
C rev. V 49 // D rev. 1517
Ritual, section IV: Burying........................................................................................ 6770
C rev. V 1013 // D rev. 1820
Incantation IV: ama alm annm.......................................................................... 7175
C rev. V 1418 // D rev. 2123
Ritual, section V: Depositing.............................................................................................76
A rev. VII 1 // C rev. V 19 // D rev. 23
ii Incantation against witchcraft: ama dayyn kiti (ritual sections not preserved) ......7789[
A rev. VII 214 // C rev. V 2026 // D rev. 24
iii Fragmentary unit(s)........................................................................................................]9097[
C rev. VI 18
Colophon...................................................................................................................... 98102
A rev. VIII 15

Previous Editions

Schwemer, KAL 2, nos. 2223 (only mss. C and D).


1 A obv. I 1 um4-ma NA IGI.ME- NIGIN-du-

2 A obv. I 2 GETU.ME- i--gu-ma
3 A obv. I 3 UZU.ME- im-ma-ta
4 A obv. I 4 TUK.TUK-
5 A obv. I 5 - it-ta-na-ad-l
6 A obv. I 6 GAR-in GIG- NU ZU.ZU
7 A obv. I 7 NA BI ka-ip
8 A obv. I 8 NU.ME- D.ME-ma ina KI.GUL.ME
9 A obv. I 9 ana dere-ki-gal pa-aq-du
10 A obv. I 10 ana U11.BR.DA.KAM
11 A obv. I 11 NU.ME- D.ME-ma
12 A obv. I 12 ina KI.GUL.ME ana dere-ki-gal
13 A obv. I 13 [pa-a]q-du
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sic!
14 A obv. I 14 [x x x x] x kam
15 A obv. I 15 [x x x x x x x] x a
16 A obv. I 16 [x x x x x x x x] x
17 A obv. II 1 NG.NA7 imLI DUB-aq
18 A obv. II 2 SISKUR K.GA D-u
19 A obv. II 3 ZAG uzuME. u u-me-e GAR

20 A obv. II 4 KA.SAG BAL-q

21 A obv. II 5 NA BI ina UGU giINIG K
22 A obv. II 6 tu-a4-za-su-ma 14 NU.ME IM
23 A obv. II 7 li-isic! .UDU DU.LL lU11
24 A obv. II 8 u munusU11 D-u L-ma
25 A obv. II 9 ana IGI dUTU ki-am DU11.GA
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 A obv. II 10 UTU DI.KU5 AN u KI-ti
27 A obv. II 11 DI.KU5 BA. u TI.LA at-ta-ma
28 A obv. II 12 ana L U qu-lam-ma
29 A obv. II 13 a-lak-ti li-mad
30 A obv. II 14 U11 u munusU11-ti
31 A obv. II 15 [lu] BA.-at lu TI.LA-at
32 A obv. II 16 [lu x (x x)]-ia lu DUMU.ME-M[U]?
33 B obv. 1 x[
34 B obv. 2 x[
35 B obv. 3 - UZU!?(i).ME- x [
36 B obv. 4 .ME-i i-p[u-ka
C rev. IV 1 (preceding lines lost) -x-[ ]
37 B obv. 5 -a-am-ma-ni-ma [ ] x-man-[ni]
C rev. IV 24 -x-[ ] / -za-x-[ ] / -ki-[ ]
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 B obv. 6 l
GIG NU- i?-[na-ma ina IGI dUTU(?)]
C rev. IV 57 an-ni-t D[U11.GA NU-u(?)] / L-ma [ina IGI dUTU(?)] /
B ctd. [U]R5.GIM DU11.G[A]
C ctd. [k]i-a-am [ ]
B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 B obv. 7 N d
UTU an-nu-u al-m lU11.Z[U munus
U]11.ZU e-pu-
C rev. IV 810 d
UTU an-nu- [ l
] / U11 [
? munus
U11 ]/
B ctd. ana-ku NENNI DUM[U NENNI]
C ctd. ana-ku
40 B obv. 8 DINGIR- NENNI 15- NENNI-t ina IGI-k[a GAR(-)]
C rev. IV 1012 ina ma[-ri-ka] / a-k[u-un-u] /
B ctd. [ina an-n]i-ka GAL-e ina q-bi-ti-ka ir-t[i]
C ctd. ina an-[ni-ka
(C rev. IV breaks)
41 B obv. 9 ina nr-bi d-a ina up--e-e [dasa]l-l-i NU lU11.ZU-MU
42 B obv. 10 -e-pi-ma *ina* IGI-ka -kun--nu-ti IGI.ME--n[u IM.G]E6 ap--
II.ME--nu ana EGIR--nu G[UR-ma]
43 B obv. 11 ina SA B RI.RI.GA ak-su GRII.ME--nu ina SA B RI.RI.GA ak-su-ma
44 B obv. 12 u-te-ger ina di-ni-ia5 GUB-iz-ma lu la a-a-bil di-ni li-ir
45 B obv. 13 di-ni E.BAR ur-i ul-li-ma-an-ni-ma
46 B rev. 1 DLA GIIMMAR UGU NU-[MU uaa ina mui almunu ]-tak-kap
D rev. 1 [ ]-ta-kap
47 B rev. 2 lu-mun--nu ana UGU--nu GUR-ra [ ]
D rev. 2 lu-m[u-un--nu ] ki?-[pu--nu lu(?) p]a--ru
TEXT 8.1 249
48 B rev. 23 ki-su-ia / lip-pa-a-ru l
U11.ZU munusU[11.ZU ]
D rev. 3 ki-su-ia li-pa-a-ru-ma U11
? l
[munusU]11 lu sa-i-lu
49 B rev. 34 [II.ME NU-MU D]U8-r / II.ME NU--nu a-ra-kas
D rev. 4 .R.ME NU-MU a-pa-ar .R.ME[ NU--nu] a-ra-kas
50 B rev. 45 II-i lu [DU8-ra II--nu lu K-r]a?? /
D rev. 5 II.ME--nu ka-sa-a {}
B ctd. GRII a NU-MU DU8-r GRII [NU--nu a-ra-kas]
D ctd. GRII.ME <> NU-M[U a-pa-ar GRII.ME] --nu a-ra-kas
51 B rev. 56 [GR -MU lu DU8-r]a / GR --nu lu K[-ra??]
D rev. 6 GRII.ME-MU lu DU8-ir
B ctd. [ ]x
D ctd. KU6 ana UGU--nu -[tab-bak]
52 B rev. 78 ina IGI DINGIR u d
[15 ]
D rev. 67 [ IGI DINGIR ] d
INANNA re-men5-nu-[ti?] /
B ctd. [ ] / lu pu-u[?-u-(?) ]
l munus
D ctd. U11 u U11 lu ku-su- lu p[u?-u-u(?)]- u<-nu>
53 B rev. 89 [ ] / ina di-ni-[ka ]
D rev. 8 lu- u-lu-mu ana-ku NENNI A NENNI [ina di]-ni-[ka GA]L-i
54 B rev. 910 [ ] / lu na[m-ra-ku
D rev. 9 UGU--nu lu-zi-iz lu K-ku lu [eb-be-e-k]u lu nam-ra-ku
(B rev. breaks; traces of two signs at the end of lines rev. 10 and 11 cannot be assigned with certainty)
55 D rev. 10 a-na UII.ME SIG5.ME DINGIR-MU u d15-MU ana ul-mi u TI.LA
56 D rev. 11 pi-iq-da-an-ni an-ni-ta DU11.GA-ma
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 D rev. 12 a UGU NU- --a-a ina UGU NU.ME--nu -ta-kap
58 C rev. V 1 [ ] U[GU-unu ]
D rev. 13 KU6 ina UGU--nu i-tab-bak
59 C rev. V 2 [dugA.G]B.BA-a ana [ ]
D rev. 13 dug
A.GB!(ba).BA-a ana UGU--nu
60 C rev. V 3 [T]U5 u ki-am DU11.GA
D rev. 1314 TU5 / ki-a-am DU11.GA
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 C rev. V 4 [k]i-ma A.ME SU i--a-u-ma
D rev. 15 ki-ma A.ME ZU-ia i--a-u-ma
62 C rev. V 5 [k]i-pu ru-u- ru-su-
D rev. 1516 ki-pu ru-u-u / ru-su- {u}
63 C rev. V 6 [s]i-i-lu up--u-u UL.ME
D rev. 16 si-i-lu up--u- UL.ME
64 C rev. V 7 [] ina SU-MU GL-
D rev. 16 ina ZU-MU GL-u
65 C rev. V 8 li-pa--ra-an-ni-ma ana UGU--nu
D rev. 17 li-pa--ra-ni-ma ana UGU--nu
66 C rev. V 9 u ra-ma-ni--nu li-tu-ur
D rev. 17 u ra-ma-ni--nu li<-tu>-ur
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 C rev. V 10 an-ni-t DU11.GA-ma
D rev. 18 an-ni-t DU11.GA-ma

68 C rev. V 11 ina KI-ti te-q-be[r-]-nu-ti

D rev. 18 ina KI-ti te-q-ber--nu-t[i]
69 C rev. V 12 NU- ina KA.S[A]G i-ma-a-a-ma
D rev. 19 [ K]A.SAG i-ma<-a>-a-ma
70 C rev. V 13 L-ma ana IGI dUTU ki-am DU11.GA
D rev. 1920 L-ma / [ d
UT]U ki-am DU11.G[A]
D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 C rev. V 14 UTU NU-m an-na-am
D rev. 21 [ an-n]a-am
72 C rev. V 15 lU11 munusU11-tum
D rev. 21 lU11 u munusU11
73 C rev. V 16 ina IGI-ka lem-n u ur-qi D-
D rev. 2122 ina IGI-ka lem-n[i-i] / [ ]
74 C rev. V 17 asal-l-i lip-ur-u
D rev. 22 [das]al-l-i lip-ur-[u]
75 C rev. V 18 d-a MAN ABZU lu-bi-ib-u
D rev. 23 [ ABZ]U lu-bi-ib-
76 A rev. VII 1 an-ni-t DU11.GA-ma ana D UB-[u]
C rev. V 19 [a]n-ni-t DU11.GA-ma ana D UB-di-u
D rev. 23 N an-ni-ta DU11.GA-[ma]
A, C, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A --------------------------- MAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA[N] --------------------------------------------------
A, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 A rev. VII 2 UTU DI.KU5 ki--a-ti
C rev. V 20 UTU DI.KU5 ki--a-ti
D rev. 24 [ ]
78 A rev. VII 3 mu-du- ka-la-ma
C rev. V 21 mu-du- ka-la-ma
D rev. 24 mu-du-u k[a-la-ma]
(end of D rev.)65
79 A rev. VII 4 UTU ina ba-lu-ka e-pi I.A
C rev. V 22 [d]UTU ina ba-lu-ka e-pi I.A
80 A rev. VII 5 I.A ul D-u u pa-ar an-na-a-[ti]
C rev. V 2324 [I].A ul D-u u pa-ar / [a]n-na-a-ti
81 A rev. VII 6 ul i-pa-ar ina ba-lu-ka
C rev. V 25 [ i]p-pa-ar ina ba-lu-ka
82 A rev. VII 7 UTU an-nu- NU lU11-M[U]
C rev. V 26 [ an-nu]-u NU l[U11-MU]
(C rev. V breaks)
83 A rev. VII 8 u munusU11-MU ki-pi ru-e-e
84 A rev. VII 9 ru-e-e up--e-e la DU10.GA.ME
85 A rev. VII 10 nap---ti na--pa-ra-a-ti
86 A rev. VII 11 UL.KI!.IK!(ik-ki) zi-kur5-de8-e KA.DAB.DA.KAM
87 A rev. VII 12 DI.BALA-e DM.MA.KR-e
88 A rev. VII 13 u i-ni-it -mi e-pu-
89 A rev. VII 14 is5-u-ra i-e-a (sic; partly on lo. e.)
(end of A rev. VII; the ruling at the bottom of the column can hardly mark the end of the incantation)

After the catchline (rev. 24) a fragmentary colophon follows in D u. e. 25: [ ] x MA.MA[ ].
TEXT 8.1 251
90 C rev. VI 1 [ ]x
91 C rev. VI 2 [ -t]a
92 C rev. VI 3 [ -t]a
93 C rev. VI 4 [ ]x
94 C rev. VI 5 [ ]x
95 C rev. VI 6 [ ]-il
96 C rev. VI 7 [ ] x-ta
97 C rev. VI 8 [ ]-i
98 A rev. VIII 1 [x x] x [x (x)] x n-pe-e
99 A rev. VIII 2 a U ki-pi
blank space
100 A rev. VIII 3 U IdKU.A-i-ma-ni MA.MA
101 A rev. VIII 4 A IU4.BAR MA.MA
102 A rev. VIII 5 KI ME-ME.ME MA.MA-ma

Bound Transcription Translation

umma amlu pnu ianundu 2uzn- 1
If a man has vertigo, 2his ears buzz, 3his flesh 4becomes more
u iaggum 3ru immata 4irtana and more numb, 5his mind is always perturbed, 6(if) you are
libbau ittanadla 6ikin muru l tuad- not able to identify the nature of his illness, 7that man is be-
da(?) 7amlu kaip 8almu ep-ma witched. 8Figurines of him have been made and then 9they
ina kigull 9ana Erekigal paqd 10ana u- have been handed over to Erekigal in dilapidated places.
burrud 11a almu ep-ma 12ina kigul- 10
For the ritual to undo witchcraft 11which was performed by
l ana Erekigal 13paqd making figurines of him and then 13handing them over 12to
Erekigal in dilapidated places:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 1416 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 1416 too fragmentary for translation)
break break
17 18 17
nignak buri tasarraq niq ella tep- You strew a censer with (lit.: of) buru-juniper. 18You
pu 19imitta ima u um taakkan 20ika- offer a pure sacrifice. 19You place the shoulder, the caul fat
ra tanaqqi 21amla uti ina mui bni and the roast meat (before the deity), 20you pour a libation of
elli 22tuazzassu-ma 14 alm di 23li beer. 22You have that man stand 21on pure tamarisk-wood.
lip ikri a kapi 24u kapti teppu 22
Then you make 14 figurines of clay, 23dough, tallow (and)
tana-ma 25ana maar ama kam ta- wax of the warlock 24and the witch. Lifting them up 25you
qabbi speak before ama as follows:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 26
ama dayyn am u ereti ama, judge of heaven and earth,
27 27
dayyn mti u bali att-ma you are the judge of the dead and the living!
ana n qti qlam-ma 29alakt limad 28
Pay attention to (my) prayer to 29learn of my condition.
30 30
kap u kapt My warlock and my witch,
31 31
[l m]tat l balat either a dead or a living woman,
32 32
[l ]-ya l mry[a] [either] my [ ] or m[y] sons, [
break break
(ll. 3334: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 3334 too fragmentary for translation)
35 35
libbau ru(?) [ ] his heart, his body [ ]
36 36
aya ip[uka ] [ ] rendered my arms [limp ] [ ]
37 37
uammnni-ma [ (rest of l. 37 too paralysed me and [
fragmentary transcription) (rest of l. 37 too fragmentary for translation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 38
((anntu taq[abbi])) ((maru)) alamu ((You re[cite] this.)) ((The sick man)) lifts the figurine of
ina-ma [ina maar ama(?) k]am him(self) and speak[s t]hus [before ama]:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 39
((N)) ama ann alm a kapu u ((Incantation:)) ama, this is the figurine that the warlock
[ka]ptu pu and the witch have made of me.
anku ((annanna m[r annanna] 40a ilu I, ((N.N., so[n of N.N.], 40whose god is N.N., whose goddess
annanna itaru annanntu)) ina ma- is N.N.,)) have placed it before yo[u].
rk[a] ak[unu]
ina an[n]ka rab ina qibtka rt[i] With your great consent, at your supre[me] command,
41 41
ina narb a Ea ina up a [Asa]llui through the great deeds of Ea (and) through the magical
procedures of Asallui
alam kapya ka[ptya] 42upi-ma 42
I have had 41figurines of my warlock and my witch
ina marka akununti made and I have placed them before you.
pnun[u IM.G]E6 apu I have smeared their faces with [bla]ck [paste],
idunu ana arkunu ut[r-ma] 43ina er- I have twi[sted] their arms behind them [and] 43I have bound
n litti miqitti aksu (their arms) with the sinew of a dead cow.
punu ina ern litti miqitti aks-ma Their feet I have bound with the sinew of a dead cow,
44 44
utger crossing (them) over each other.
ina dnya izz-ma l l aabbil dn ler Be present for my trial so that I may not be treated unjustly,
but that my trial go well!
45 45
dn puruss uri ullimanni-ma Provide a decision for my trial, keep me safe!
46 46
illi giimmari a mui alm[ya ua- (Now) [I remove] the thorn of the date palm, which (is) in
a ina mui almunu] utakkap the skull of [my] figurine, I stick (it) [into the skull(s) of
their figurines].
47 47
lumununu ana muunu litra ki[p- May the evil they did return to them, [may their]
unu l(?) p]ar sor[ceries] be undone!
48 48
ksya lippar((-ma)) kap kapt May my bonds be released, ((but)) may my warlock (and)
l sail my witch be pierced!
49 49
[a] (var.: merti) a almya apaar I release the [arms] (var.: limbs) of my figurine, I bind the
a (var.: merti) a almunu arak- arms (var.: limbs) of their figurines.
50 50
aya l par aunu l kar (var.: May my arms be released, may their arms be bound!
p a almya apaar p a [alm- I release the feet of my figurine, I bind the feet [of their
unu] arakkas figurines].
51 51
pya l par punu l kar May my feet be released, may their feet be bound!
aman nni ana muunu u[tabbak] Fish oil I pour over them.
52 52
((ina)) maar ili ((u)) itari rmenn- Before (my) god ((and)) goddess, the merciful [ones], may
[ti](?) kapu u kaptu l kuss l the warlock and the witch be fettered, be confined. May
pu[](?) u<nu> 53l ullum they 53turn black!
anku annanna mr annanna ina dnka (But) let me, N.N., son of N.N., 54triumph over them
[ra]b 54elunu luzzz 53
through your [gre]at verdict!
l ellku l [ebbk]u l namrku Let me be pure, let me [be clear], let me be bright!
55 56
ana qt damqti a ilya u itarya ana Entrust me 55into the good hands of my god and my
ulmi u bali 56piqdanni goddess for welfare and life!
annta iqabb-ma He recites this; then:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 57
a mui almu uaa ina mui What (is) in the skull of his figurine he removes and he
almunu utakkap 58aman nni ina mu- sticks (it) into the skull(s) of their figurines. 58He pours fish
unu itabbak 59egubb ana muunu oil over them. 60He washes himself 59over them with (water
irammuk u kam iqabbi from) the holy water vessel 60and speaks thus:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 8.1 253
61 61
kma m a zumr((ya)) iaa-ma Just as (this) water is washed off ((my)) body, 65so may
kip ru rus 63silu up lemntu 62
the witchcraft, magic, sorcery, 63piercing pain (and) evil
a ina zumrya iba 65lipparanni-ma machinations 64which are in my body 65be released from me
ana muunu 66u ramnunu litr and then 66return to them, themselves!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
anntu iqabb-ma 68ina ereti teqebber- 67
He recites this. Then 68you bury them in the ground. 69He
unti 69alamu ina ikari imaa-ma dissolves his figurine in beer, and 70lifting (this vessel with
ina-ma ana maar ama kam iqabbi beer) he speaks before ama as follows:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ama alm ann 72a kapu u ka- 71
ama, this figurine of me, 72which the warlock and the
ptu 73ina marka lemni u urqi pu witch 73have made before you with evil intentions and in
Asallui lipuru 75Ea ar aps lubbibu secret: 74Asallui may release it, 75Ea, the king of the
((ipta)) annta iqabb-ma ana nri ta- subterranean ocean, may purify it! 76He recites this
naddu ((incantation)), and you throw it into the river.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ama dayyn kiti 78md kalma 77
ama, judge of the universe, 78who knows everything!
ama ina balukka pi mdi 80mdu ul 79
ama, without you, who create plenty (of things), 80plenty
inneppu u par annti 81ul ippaar would not be created, and the releasing of these (things)
ina balukka would not be achieved without you.
ama ann alam kapy[a] 83u ka- 82
ama, this is the figurine of m[y] warlock 83and my witch
a kip ru 84ru up l bti who 88performed, 89turned to and sought against me
witchcraft, magic, 84sorcery, wicked machinations,
85 85
napati naparti (bewitched) salves, (witchcraft) messages,
zra zikurrud kadabbed 87dibal dim- 86
hate-magic, cutting-of-the-throat magic, seizing-of-the-
makurr 88u int mi pua 89isura mouth magic, 87distortion-of-justice magic, confusion
ia and 88madness,
break, ll. 9097 too fragmentary for transcription break, ll. 90-97 too fragmentary for translation
break break
98 99 98
[ ] npe a qt kip [ ] rituals 99against (ailments) caused by witchcraft.
break break
ll. 100102: colophon, see Hunger, ABK, no. 55.


General: The Neo-Assyrian ms. D is charac- 6: Thomsen, Zauberdiagnose, 53 trans-

terized by comparatively frequent syllabic writings lates was ihn krank macht, wei er nicht, misread-
and the consistent usage of the logograms lU11 ing the beginning of the line as NG IN.GIG- and
(munusU11) instead of the fuller form lU11.ZU disregarding the reduplication of the logogram in
(munusU11.ZU) common in other manuscripts of this ZU.ZU (for this line and comparable phrases, cf. al-
period. Both manuscripts of the Middle Assyrian ready Ritter, Studies Landsberger, 301, fn. 11, and
period use the shorter form of the logogram, which now CAD II 437). Instead of a second person
is not unusual in mss. of that time. Indeed, ms. D tuadda one could also read a passive third person
follows ms. C so closely that one is tempted to Dt tadda the nature of his disease cannot be
suspect that the former was copied from the latter. identified.
For collations of ms. A, see pl. 132, nos. 5458. 8: For the reading and interpretation of
KI.GUL.ME, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 99, fn.
A few Middle Assyrian fragments from Aur
157 with previous literature. Abusch considers an
possibly belong to the present ms. C: VAT 10306
emendation ina KI N!.ME, which would represent
(BAM 335 = KAL 2, 50), VAT 10991 (BAM 325 =
the well-known phrase ina ereti unull: Figu-
KAL 2, 51), VAT 11458 (KAL 2, 52).
rines of him have been made and then been buried
in the ground. They have been handed over to Ere-

kigal. While this emendation makes perfect sense - certainly stands for apu whether or not one
and may perhaps be preferable, the repetition of the treats the second - as a scribal mistake.
same writing in l. 12 cautions against emending the
46: The restorations are based on a
text. This caution may be disregarded if one treats
comparison with l. 57; for the piercing of magical
ll. 1113 as a dittography (see note on ll. 1113).
figurines, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 20914.
1113: The repetition of ll. 89 in ll. 1113
48: Note sail instead of expected sa-
is awkward and unexpected. Perhaps it should be
l; vowel syncope often does not occur with liquids
dismissed as a simple dittography, but the introduc-
(cf. akul, ubil, akalu etc.; see GAG3 12b* with
tory in l. 11 and the length of the repeated pas-
further literature).
sage suggest caution.
4951: In these lines ms. D has a signi-
14: The broken sign preceding KAM is
ficantly shorter text, which lacks the expected sym-
certainly not DA; it looks more like a broken A or
metry that is actually found in ms. B. Our trans-
another sign ending in a broken vertical wedge.
cription and translation therefore follow ms. B. An
19: The repetition of ana in ms. B is emended version of ms. D rev. 56 would read:
syntactically clumsy, and the unexpected phrase ana <II.ME-MU l par> II.ME--nu <lu> ka-sa-a
amli uti, which is absent from ms. A, is probably {} GRII.ME <> NU-M[U a-pa-ar GRII.ME]
a secondary, corrupt addition to the text. < NU>--nu a-ra-kas, GRII.ME-MU lu DU8-ir
<GRII.ME--nu lu kas(?)>.
22: For -forms of izuzzu following the
pattern of alku (uazzaz) instead of the usual for- 49: Ms. D has the variant .R.ME
mation of the middle-weak verbs (uzz), see Hueh- (mertu) instead of II.ME (a) of ms. B. In light
nergard, Studies Jacobsen, 17071. of the occurrence of a in the following line (also
in ms. D), the reading a is to be preferred.
26: The prayer is listed by Mayer,
UFBG, 418 as ama 69. 5051: Ms. D rev. 5 has ka-sa-a where ms.
B rev. 4 seems to have kar ([K-r]a??). Note,
29: Translation Schwemer (following
however, that the reading in ms. B is far from
AHw, CAD, CDA, Mayer, UFBG, 21819 et al.).
certain. The restoration of K is based on ms. B
Abusch understands the phrase alakta lamdu as to
rev. 6 (GRII--nu lu K[-ra??]). Given the repeated
grant a (oracular) decision; see his detailed
opposition between paru and raksu within the
discussion, HTR 80 (1987) 1542.
present passage, we might have expected a reading
31: Note the feminine forms mtat and raks, but the tiny trace preserved at the end of ms.
balat which are unexpected within the present con- B rev. 4 looks like the end of RA rather than SA
text. (*K-sa). The reading kas in ms. D may be a
legitimate lexical variant or a corruption of kar.
32: Probably a plural kinship term
should be restored in the first colon; it would, how- 51: par of ms. B is to be preferred over
ever, be unusual for the daughters to be mentioned paer in ms. D. As noted above, the latter contains
before the sons. quite a few scribal mistakes and omissions (cf. ll.
4951, 62, 66).
3637: After aya ipuka perhaps berkya
iks is to be restored (for parallels, see CAD I 52: The writing re-men5-nu-[ti?] is rath-
419a). For these two lines the coordination of mss. er unusual (double n), but within the present context
B and C is far from certain. Both manuscripts seem there can be little doubt about the restoration of the
to have a series of verbal forms describing the harm form.
that was done to the patient, though the last verbal
54: The terms for purification here have
form in B might be restored as [ull]iman[ni] grant
the connotation of juridical clearing.
me success!.
57: For the first half of the line, cf. CAD
39: Pace Mayer, UFBG, 420 s.v. ama
I 94a s.v. au B.
84 the spelling al-me can only mean alm figur-
ine of me. 61, 64: For the use of ZU instead of SU as the
logogram for zumru body, see Farber, BiOr 57
42: For IM.GE6 black paste (Akkadian
(2000) 632.
reading unknown) and its use for colouring figur-
ines, see Wiggermann, CM 1, 54. The spelling ap-
TEXT 8.1 255
62: One might want to interpret the u 75: Note the Assyrian form lubbib in
between rus and silu in ms. D as the conjunction both manuscripts.
u and, perhaps motivated by the addition of silu
77: The recitation of an incantation with
to the standard phrase (see infra). But a conjunction
the same incipit is prescribed in K 2481 obv. 11
in this position is awkward, and so the text of the
(prophylactic anti-witchcraft rituals, here text 11.1,
duplicate should be preferred, especially since the
2.: 11). The same incipit is also given by the catch-
additional u can be explained easily as a ditto-
line at the end of the uburruda-tablet BM 128037
(rev. 10, here text 7.3). Both parallels were already
63: The interposition of silu (thorn, noted by Mayer, UFBG, 419 s.v. ama 70.
piercing pain) into the fixed sequence kip ru
86: UL-ik-ki seems to be a faulty (?)
rus up lemntu seems odd at first sight. But it
syllabic writing for UL.GIG to which one can
corresponds with the preceding piercing rite and its
compare UL.GIG-ki in BBR 2, 81 + Ki 1904-10-9,
occurrence here is therefore by no means accidental.
118 obv. 26 (11). In KAR 35 rev. 27 one finds for
Apparently, a piercing pain in the head was one of
zru the logogram UL.IG instead of the expected
the predominant symptoms of the patients disease,
UL.GIG. This may be interpreted as UL.GL (cf.
though it is not mentioned in the symptom descrip-
Maul, BaF 18, 183), but in the light of the present
tion at the beginning of the text.
writing this seems less certain. The overall evidence
66: The duplicate leaves no doubt that li- is still too scant for reconstructing a loan-word
ur of ms. D is not to be read lillik, though the *ulgikku.
scribes mistake may have been facilitated by such a
8788: DIMA.KR.RA usually serves as the
logogram for int mi, but here the Sumerian loan-
71: For the incantation, cf. Mayer, word dimmakurr and its Akkadian equivalent are
UFBG, 419 s.v. ama 75; the proposed reading treated as two different ailments caused by witch-
almam? (NU.ME) annm, however, can be safely craft.
89: A rev. VII 14 is perfectly preserved,
though partly written on the upper edge.
TEXT 8.2


Manuscripts A and B both contain only one exten- 84). This incantation, which is recited at sunrise and
sive ritual against witchcraft which includes no less invokes ama as the god of light and justice,
than three incantations addressed to ama and an centres on the complaint of the patient and the
additional short invocation of Girra. The symptom presentation of the money-bag as his substitute. The
description at the beginning of the text offers a list second incantation addresses the destruction of the
of physical symptoms culminating in a statement of figurines by means of water from a waterskin. After
the general frailness of the patient. The following the patient has washed himself over another group
diagnosis combines witchcraft with the anger of the of figurines, he recites the third incantation; this
personal deities. The ritual begins in the last part of incantation focuses on the destructive power of the
the night with the usual purifying rites and an offer- fire-god Girra who is to enact the just judgement of
ing for ama. The ritual arrangement consists of ama. This is followed by a burning rite which
eight pairs of figurines representing warlock and includes a short invocation addressed to Girra him-
witch. The figurines are surrounded by drawings self. Then, the remaining figurines are buried in
made using eight different kinds of flour. For the different places and the money-bag is laid in the
patient a money-bag filled with valuable substances street to be picked up by a passerby who will carry
is prepared. According to the first incantation, the it away. The ritual ends with concluding rites aimed
money-bag serves as the patients substitute (ll. 83 at the purification and reintegration of the patient.

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 13644 LKA 157 coll. Frg. of a 2-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Aur, Library N 4
KAL 2, 25 cent.
B VAT 13609 + LKA 154 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 8th-7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
KAL 2, 24 cent. Library
VAT 13665 LKA 155
KAL 2, 24
C K 3394 + 9866 RT pl. 7 pls. 5253 Frg. of the lower part of a single-col. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
(K 3394) tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft ...........................................................................1124

Symptom description.......................................................................................................111
A obv. I 111 // B obv. 16
Diagnosis .......................................................................................................................1215
A obv. I 1215 // B obv. 68
Purpose statement ..........................................................................................................1620
A obv. I 1620 // B obv. 911
Ritual, section I: Setting the scene ................................................................................2139
A obv. I 2122 // B obv. 1229
Incantation I: Ennab dingirrene .....................................................................................4090
B obv. 30rev. 26 // A obv. II 16 // C obv. 1rev. 14
Rubric ..................................................................................................................................91
B rev. 27 // C rev. 15
TEXT 8.2 257
Ritual, section II: Procedures accompanying incantation I ................................................ 92
B rev. 28 // C rev. 16
Incantation II: [ ], ama ann l a.................................................................. 93102
B rev. 29 35 // C rev. 1720 // A rev. III 16
Ritual, section III: Washing ...................................................................................... 103105
A rev. III 711 // B rev. 3537 // C rev. 2122
Incantation III: ama annti unu ............................................................................. 10617
A rev. III 1217 // B rev. 3746 // C rev. 2326
Ritual, section IV: Burning and conclusion................................................................ 11823
B rev. 47u. e. 1 // A rev. IV 14
Rubric ............................................................................................................................... 124
A rev. IV 5
ii Catchline of the symptom description of a further ritual.......................................................... 125
A rev. IV 6
Colophon............................................................................................................................. 12631
A rev. IV 712

Previous Editions

Schollmeyer, HG, no. 21 (only ms. C, K 3394).

Abusch, MesWi, 7076, 9096 (various excerpts and overview).
Schwemer, KAL 2, nos. 2425 (only mss. A and B).


1 A obv. I 1 DI L[ S]G UGU- iz-[za-az ]

B obv. 1 [ ]
2 A obv. I 2 NUNDUM- -ab-ba-ta G[ETUII-u iaggum(?)]
B obv. 12 [ ]
3 A obv. I 3 -su il-la-ka [ ]
B obv. 2 [ i]l-la-k[a (x)] pi [ ]
4 A obv. I 4 na4
KIIB G- SG.SG-su DU8.ME- GU7.[ME-(?)]
B obv. 23 [ ]/ [ DU8].ME-[] GU7?.[ME-(?)]
5 A obv. I 5 SA.G- ag-gu U - u G[R -]
B obv. 3 [SA.G]- [ag-gu ]UII- u [ ]
6 A obv. I 6 -am-ma<-ma>- -[zaq-qa-ta-]
B obv. 4 [-a]m-m[a-m]a- -zaq-qa-t[a-]
7 A obv. I 7 -[] e-te-n-la-a l[a ]
B obv. 4 [ e-te]-n-l[a]-a la i-a[r-ru]
8 A obv. I 8 [ ]
B obv. 5 [zu-mur- i]m-ma-tum -[kal]
9 A obv. I 9 [ ]
B obv. 5 [mi-na-t-] it-ta-na--pa-k[a]
10 A obv. I 10 [ ] x x [ ]
B obv. 6 [ x x x x (x) ] x u k[a? x (x) ]
11 A obv. I 11 [ G]UB-zi DU11.DU11 [ ]
B obv. 6 a-na ZI-e na-za-az-zi DU11.DU11 mu-uq
12 A obv. I 12 [NA BI ki]-pi ep-u--ma
B obv. 7 [ e]p-u-[u-ma]

13 A obv. I 13 [ ]u-kul ina KA NAG

B obv. 7 [ina NINDA.M]E u-kul ina KA.ME NAG
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 A obv. I 14 [ x x x ] x x x (x) x x x (x)
B obv. 8 [ D]AB?-su
15 A obv. I 15 [ DINGIR-] u di8-t[r-] UGU- [ ]
B obv. 8 DIB-ti DINGIR- u d15- UGU- GL-i
16 A obv. I 16 [a-n]a DIB-ti DINGIR- u d
i8-tr-[ ]
B obv. 9 [ ] d
[15- NU G]L
17 A obv. I 17 [DINGI]R u i-tar KI- s[u-lu-mi]
B obv. 9 DINGIR- d
15- KI- su-lu-[mi]
18 A obv. I 18 [ki-pi] ep-- sa-a-rim-ma [ana D]--nu a-[b]a-ti
B obv. 10 [ sa-a-rim-m]a ana D--nu a-ba-te
19 A obv. I 19 [a-na] e-e-ri- u ga-ma-li-
B obv. 1011 ana NA BI ana e-e-[ri-] / [ ]
20 A obv. I 20 [ ]u-nu-ti ina SU- ZI-i
B obv. 11 [ki-p]i u-nu-ti ina SU- ZI-[i]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 A obv. I 21 [ ] A K S dugA.GB.BA GIN-an
B obv. 12 [D.D].BI ina GE6 KI SAR A K S dugA.GB.BA-a GIN-an

22 A obv. I 22 [ ] IN6. GI.UL.I

B obv. 1213 ana dugA.GB.B[A-e] / [gi]INIG IN6. GI.UL.I
(A obv. I breaks)
23 B obv. 13 GIIMMAR.T[U]R giE[R]EN giUR.MN
24 B obv. 14 GI DU10.GA [(x)] TL.TL MUN NAGA SI imLI ana UB-di ina e-rim
25 B obv. 15 GIM dUTU GI.DU8 ana IGI dUTU GIN-an NG.NA imLI GAR-an KA.SAG
26 B obv. 16 [B]AL-q kuNG.DAG! TI-q ana kuNG.DAG K.BABBAR K.SI22 URUDU AN.NA
27 B obv. 17 [na4G]UG na4ZA.GN na4NR {*na4NR*} na4MU.GR na4BABBAR.DILI UB-di
28 B obv. 18 [2 NU] gibi-ni 2 NU giere-ni 2 NU .UDU 2 NU DU.LL 2 NU
29 B obv. 19 [DU].E.GI. 2 NU ESIR 2 NU IM 2 NU NG.SILA11.G NTA u MUNUS D-ma
30 B obv. 20 [.M]E--nu ana EGIR--nu ta-ks-si ina IGI dUTU ina UGU .GAR8
31 B obv. 21 [x] x G GAR-an zib-na MU4.MU4-su-nu-ti nap-pa- ina IGI dUTU LAL-[a]
32 B obv. 22 [GI.]UR.ME Z E.GUDud Z E.MU5 Z eIN.NU.A Z [.AN.NA]
33 B obv. 23 [Z eG]IG Z G.GAL Z G.TUR Z G.NG.AR.RA NIGIN.ME--n[u-ti]
34 B obv. 24 [IM.BABBAR NAGA(?) S]I? ina .ME--nu GAR-an kuM[MU] IM SA5-ma
2 NU [(x x)]
35 B obv. 25 [x x x] x nu? ana UB-di IM.BABBAR NAG[A S]I ina .ME--nu [GAR-an]
36 B obv. 26 [ ] (x) x ne x x x 2 NU x [ ] x x x [ ]
37 B obv. 27 [UB-d]i IM.BABBAR NAGA SI ina --n[u taakkan(?) ]
38 B obv. 28 [IGI] d[U]TU GUB-az-ma kuNG.DAG ina UII.ME- [L? ]
39 B obv. 29 [UI]I-u L-ma N en-na-ab dingir-re-e-ne ana IGI dUTU 3- i-qab-bi
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 B obv. 30 [N] en-na-ab dingir-re-e-ne nam-an-ki-a bi5-tar-re
41 B obv. 31 [x x x] x x DINGIR.ME i-mat ki-at AN-e KI-tim i-i-mu
42 B obv. 32 [er-re-e]t(?) ki[]-at AN-e KI-tim tam-u
43 B obv. 33 [ina ba-l]i-ka dUTU ul -ta--ru u-tuk-ki
44 B obv. 34 [DINGIR.ME] nap!-ar ki-at AN-e KI-tim ul i-i-nu qut-rin-nu
45 B obv. 35 d a-nun-na-ki ul i-ma-a-ru ki-is-pu
46 B obv. 36 [L]. ul ip-pa-q-di ana GIDIM kim-ti-
TEXT 8.2 259
47 B obv. 37 [a-n]a ik-nat ZI-tim tu-e-i nu-u-ru
48 B obv. 38 [tu-t]e-ir di-in-i-na e-li u ap-li
49 B obv. 39 [a-na-ku] I*x-x-x-x-x A Id*UTU-MU-KAM-e R!-ka [ DING]IR- d+AG d15-
50 A obv. II 12 (preceding lines lost) u[p--e-e ]/
B obv. 40 [ ki-pi r]u-e-e ru-se-e NG.AK.A.ME UL.ME
A ctd. NU DU10.GA.[ME ]
B ctd. NU DU10.GA.ME i?-[pu-u-ni(?)]
51 A obv. II 23 [ ] / ana-ku NU [ ]
B obv. 41 [-e-pi-u-ni(?) ana]-ku NU ZU-u {ana-ku NU ZU-u} at-ta-ma ti-[du-u]
52 A obv. II 4 um-ma mun-g[a
B obv. 42 [ zu]-u-tu si-li-i[-tu]
C obv. 1 um-[mu
53 A obv. II 5 i-at UZU.ME x [
B obv. 43 [ U]ZU.ME x [(x) SA]G.KI GABA SAG.DU di-m-tu T[UK.TUK-u]
C obv. 2 i-[at ]
54 A obv. II 6 [II]-a-a [
B obv. 44 [a-a-a]-a kim-a-a-a [bir-k]a-a-a GRII-a-a u-bu-[ta]
C obv. 3 a-[a-a-a ]
(A obv. II breaks)
55 B obv. 45 [ ] lb-bi-ia bu-u[n?-n]a?-ni!?-ia ka-su-[u]
C obv. 4 ni-[i ]
56 B obv. 46 [mi-na]-ti-ia DUB.DUB-ak u-u GAZ lb-bi gi-lit-[t]
C obv. 5 m[i-na-ti-ia ]
57 B obv. 47 [pi]-rit-t ur-ba- ar-ta-na-u-u a-ta-nam-da-[ru]
C obv. 56 [ ] / [ur-ba- ]
58 B obv. 48 [ap-t]a-na-la-u {*x x x x x x*} KI -ia DU11.D[U11-bu]
C obv. 67 [ ]/ K[I ]
59 B obv. 49 [M].GE6.ME par-da-a-te a-na-a-a-lu KI ADDA.ME
C obv. 78 [ a]-na-a-[a-lu] / K[I ]
60 B obv. 50 [x x] x [x] ru? ? lb-bi i-da-a-t-u-a KR.KR-r[u]
C obv. 8 [ i-da-a-t-u]-a KR.[KR-ru]
61 B obv. 51 [x x x x] x lb-bi e-ta-na--- L.L-[u]
C obv. 9 x [ i-ta-na-]-- L.L[-u]
62 B obv. 52 [IGI.ME-ia i-a]-nun-du GETUII-a-a i-ta-[n]a-sa-a i-ag-gu-m[a]
C obv. 10 IGI.ME-[ia i-a]g-gu-ma
63 B obv. 53 [ i-kab-bi-ta]-nin-ni KIIB G-i[a] -ma-a-a-a-an-ni
C obv. 1011 u i-kab-bit-an-[ni] / na4
KIIB [ ]
64 B obv. 54 [DU8.ME-ia(?)] GU7.ME-nin-ni da-da-nu--a [a]g-gu
C obv. 11 [ GU7.ME-i]n-ni da-da-nu-u-a ag-g[u]
65 B rev. 1 di-ki U[ZU.ME] im-mat ri-mu-t x [ ar-ta-n]a-[u-u]
C obv. 12 di-ki U[ZU.ME ] x me? i nim TUK.TUK-u
66 B rev. 2 UZU.ME-[ia] MRU-a-a bir-ka-[a]-a x [x x x x (x x)] x
C obv. 13 MRU.ME-[a-a x x x x x x (x x)]
67 B rev. 3 ki-a-l[a-a]-a up-ta-na-a-ra [ ]
C obv. 1314 [ki-a-la]-a-a up-ta-na-a-a-[ra] / ana te-bi-[i uzuzzi]

68 B rev. 4 D[U11].DU11 mu-qa-ka Z[I-MU ]

C obv. 1415 [u da-ba-b]i muq-qa-[ku] / DU.DU [ ZI]-MU ik-te-ner-r[u-u]
69 B rev. 5 MA.SL-a-a GU7.ME
C obv. 1617 ir-ti [x x x x x (x) MA.SL-a]-a GU7.ME-i[n?-ni?] /
B ctd. e-ta-na--[- x x x x x x x]
C ctd. a-ta-na-[-- ]
70 B rev. 6 SG UGU-ia -za-na-qa-<pa->?a[n?-ni ]
C obv. 1718 [ UG]U-MU uz-za-na-q[a-pa-an-ni(?)] / ra-ma-ni x [x x x (x x)]
71 B rev. 7 []u?-u-lu-ma-a-ni up-ta-na-[a-ra(?) x x x x (x)]
C obv. 18 [ -ma]n-ni u up-ta-na-[a-ra(?)]
72 B rev. 8 ina N-i ina M.GE6.ME-a DINGIR [ GIDIM].ME
C obv. 1920 ina a-la-l[i-ia ina M.GE6.ME-M]U DINGIR u? [d15(?)] / GIDIM.ME
B ctd. .ME TI.ME
C ctd. .[ME ]
73 B rev. 9 mu-da-a-a la mu-da-a-a [ ] M.GE6 am-ma-r[u]
C obv. 2021 [mu-d]a-a-a la mu-da-a-a a-t[a-nam-ma-ru] / M.GE6 am-ma-r[u]
74 B rev. 10 la -kal u! la ab-ta-k[u ina u-u]t-ti .ME
C obv. 21 [ ] la [a-]a-b[a-tu]
75 B rev. 11 u-tab-ru-u lb-bi m[il-ki ]-e-m
C obv. 2223 -m mil-ki ik-[ki] i-kin SU-M[U it]-ta-na-ki-ru / u
B ctd. i-ta-na-[nu-u]
C ctd. i-ta-na-an-nu- -[em r]a-ma-ni-ia5 [m]il-ki-ia5 la i-du-u
76 B rev. 12 EGIR-MU la p[r-sa-ku l]a kul-la-ku
C obv. 2425 ar-ka-ti la par-sa-ku at-ma-a-a la kul-la-ku /
B caret
C ctd. dal-a-ku dul-lu-a-ku la-a--ku par-da-ku a-ma-ku da-ma-ku
77 B rev. 13 [e]--ku [b-ka-ku x x x x x (x) ]
C obv. 2528 e--ku / mar-a-ku ab-ka-ku na-da-ku na-as-s[a-k]u u u-ud-lu-pa-ku /
B caret
C ctd. at-ta-na-a-ba-t -zab-ba-lu e-[te-ne]r-ru-pu e-te9-n-e--u /
B ctd. [ U]11 U11 U11 NG.AK.A.[ME]
C ctd. ina U11 U11 U11 up-[-]e-e
78 B rev. 14 [U]L.M[E NU DU10.GA.ME lu-u]-ba-ku lu-u[p-pu-ta-ku]
C obv. 2829 UL.ME NU DU10.ME / lu-u-ba-ku lu-up-pu-ta-ku
79 B rev. 15 [x-x-ku(?) x]-x-ku DINGIR mm-ma NU ZU-u [ ]
C obv. 29 DINGIR-ut-k[a GAL-t]um
B ctd. [ ]
C ctd. ZU-u
80 B rev. 16 [at-t]a-ma ti-de dUTU ana-ku I*x x x [ ]*
C obv. 2930 d
UTU at-ta-ma ZU-u /
ana-ku NENNI
81 B rev. 17 [ a]-na pu-u-ur ki-pi-ia U11 [U11]
C obv. 30rev. 1 R-ka ana pu-u[-]ur ki-pi-ia / ba-la ZI-t-ia5
82 B rev. 18 [ ] K.BABBAR K.SI22 URUDU AN.NA A.BR
C rev. 12 na--ku ina kuN[G.N]A4 K.BABBAR K.SI22 URUDU AN.NA A.BR /
TEXT 8.2 261
B ctd. na4
GUG na4
C ctd. na4
GUG na4
ZA.GN na4
83 B rev. 19 [na4MU.G]R na4
BABBAR.DILI UTU an-nu- pu-u--a d

C rev. 23 na4
MU.[GR na4
BABBAR.DILI x x] x x (x) x x--a / dUTU an-nu-u pu-u-u-a
84 B rev. 20 [ an-n]u-u di-na-nu-u-a lU11.ZU u munusU11.ZU
C rev. 3 UTU an-nu-u di-[na-nu-u-a x x x x x x x x]-a

85 B rev. 21 [ ip- b]ar-tum INIM UL-tim i-ku-nu-ni a-na UL-tim

C rev. 4 {* x nam x x x *} [x x x x x x x x x x x] x kur? /
86 B rev. 22 [izzzni(?)] x x an-ni-ia ina IGI-ka r-ni-ia DU8
C rev. 5 UTU ina IGI-ka [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x lip-p]a-ir
87 B rev. 23 [arn ert(?)] an-ni i-i!(da?)-ti gl-la-ti lip-pa-si-is
C rev. 6 r-n[u x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x lip-p]a-ir
87a C rev. 7 di x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x ki
87b C rev. 8 DINGIR u di8-t[r x x x x x x x x x x x x]
88 B rev. 24 [x x x x] x mu ki-i? ki-pi DAB-ni-ma lU11.ZU
C rev. 89 [x x x x] mu / ki-pi ab-t[u-ni-ma x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x ig
89 B rev. 25 [x x x x ]- ana-ku la D-[]-nu-ti u-nu ki-pi NU DU10.ME D-u-ni
C rev. 10 d
UTU a-um ana-ku [
90 B rev. 26 [
[ ] i-de--nu-ti-ma SI.S-ta lul-lik
C rev. 11 UTU ana-ku NENNI l[u?
90a C rev. 12 erasure gar x [
90b C rev. 13 lu-b-lu lu-u[-lim-ma
90c C rev. 14 ana-ku lM[A?.MA?
B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 B rev. 27 [ ki]-pi sa-a-rim-ma a-na D--nu a-ba-ta
C rev. 15 KA.INIM.MA ki-p[i ]
B, C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 B rev. 28 [ an-ni-t] ID-ma e-ma ID x [ ]
C rev. 16 3- ID-t an-ni-t [ID-ma ]
C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 B rev. 29 [x x x (x) a?-qa]l-li--nu-t[i ]
C caret
94 B rev. 30 [a kip UL.ME] D-u-ni ana [lemutti izzzni(?)]
C caret
95 B rev. 31 [x-x-x-u-nu(?)-t]i GIM A.M[E ]xxxx
C caret
96 A rev. III 1 (preceding lines lost) KA.SAG [ ]
B rev. 32 [x x x x x] x x x [x x x x x x] x [x x] u
97 A rev. III 12 [ ]/ lu a[r ]
B rev. 3233 d
UTU / [ ]
C rev. 17 UTU an-nu- lu a a[r? ]
98 A rev. III 34 a ki-pi [UL.ME ] / a-na UL-t[im izzzni(?)]
B rev. 3334 [ k]i-pi UL.ME D-u-ni / [ ]
C rev. 18 a ki-pi UL.ME [ ]
99 A rev. III 5 -ma GISKIM-ka [ likussunti?]
B caret
C rev. 19 UTU U4-ka x[ likussunti?]

100 A rev. III 6 GIM A.ME ku

B rev. 34 GIM A.ME D [li]-ar-me-u
C rev. 20 GIM IM ku
MM[U ]
101 A [ ]
B rev. 35 [li-u-lu(?) l]i-zu-bu ZI--nu [li]b-l
C rev. 20 [ ]
102 A rev. III 78 3- DU11.G[A-ma] / kuMMU tu-r[a?-aq?]
B rev. 3536 3- DU11.G[A-ma?] A x x x x x / [x x x (x)]
C rev. 21 3- DU11.GA-ma M[MU ]
C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 A rev. III 89 [ ] / ina IM.BABBAR NAGA SI [ ]
B rev. 36 UII.ME- ina IM.BABBAR ina UG[U NU-]-nu LU-si
C caret
104 A rev. III 10 ina UGU NU NG.SILA11.G x [ ]
B rev. 36 U[GU NU] .UDU <NU> DU.LL
C rev. 22 ina UGU NU NG.SIL[A11.G ]
105 A rev. III 1011 [NU?] / alla-[ni? ]
B rev. 37 [NU gi
ere-ni ki-a-am DU11.GA
C rev. 22 [ ]
106 A rev. III 1213 -ma an-n[u-ti u-nu] / an-nu-ti [ ]
B ctd. d
UTU [ ]-nu an-nu-ti NU--nu
C rev. 23 UTU an-nu-tum e-pi[-u-a
107 A caret
B rev. 38 [ana-ku ul Z]U URU a-bu ul ZU a-bu ul ZU
C caret
108 A rev. III 1415 a ki-pi [UL!.ME ] / a-na UL-[tim izzzni(?)]
B rev. 38 U11 (ka)
C rev. 24 a ki-pi U[L.ME ]
109 A rev. III 16 ina q-bti-[ka ]
B rev. 3839 ina q-bti-k[a] / [li-dap]-pi-ru-in-ni
C rev. 24 [ ]
110 A rev. III 1617 [ ] / ina d[i-ni-ka
B rev. 39 UTU ina di-ni-ka GAL-e di-na-ni-ma UGU--nu lu-zi[z]
C rev. 25 d
UTU ina d[i-ni-ka ]
(A rev. III breaks)
111 B rev. 40 [u-n]u li-mu-tu-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lu u-nu li-dap-pi-ru-ma ana-ku lu-e[r]
C rev. 2526 [ ] / .ME[
(C rev. breaks)
112 B rev. 41 u-nu li-iq-tu-ma ana-ku lu-um-id dgra qa-mu-u liq-m--nu-t[i]
113 B rev. 42 a-na kur-nu-gi4-a li-e-ri-is-su-nu-ti a-na GIDIM a-ra-le-e
114 B rev. 43 li-ru--nu-ti um-mu mu-un-gu zu-t si-li-i-t i-at UZU.ME
115 B rev. 44 pa-gar--nu lil-qe ana-ku R-ka lu-ub-lu lu-u-lim-ma nr-bi-ka
116 B rev. 45 lu--pi [d]-l-l-ka lud-lu[l] ki-pi--nu SU--nu li-kil-lu
117 B rev. 46 UL--nu EGIR--nu [li]t-tal-lak
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 B rev. 47 3- ID-t an-ni-t ID-ma ESIR KM S--nu-ti ina GI.IZI.L
119 B rev. 48 d
[g]ira qu-mu--nu-ti dgira qu-lu--nu-ti 3- an-na-a DU10.GA-ma
120 B rev. 49 [ ] A.GB.BA IM.BABBAR NAGA SI TU5-ma N[U? x x (x)] ana D UB-di
d u g
TEXT 8.2 263
121 A rev. IV 1 (preceding lines lost) NU?].ME x [x x]
B rev. 50 NU IM ina te-q-ber NU.ME [L-i](?)
A caret?
B ctd. [ina EDIN ana e-reb d]UTU(?) P BAD-te-ma
122 A rev. IV 23 [ ] e?-ti-qu L-i / [x x x LU]?
B rev. 51 te-q-ber NG.DAG [
] x [(x x)]
123 A rev. IV 34 ina KA.SAG NAG / [x x (x)] x nam ina NE SAR-
B u. e. 1 ina KA.SAG N[AG
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B u. e. breaks)
124 A rev. IV 5 [U11].BR.RU.DA.KAM
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 A rev. IV 6 [u]m?-[m]a? L ki-pi ep-u-u
blank line
127 A rev. IV 8 [DUB] Iki-ir-[a-ur ma-ma] AN.R
128 A rev. IV 9 [DUMU I]dPA-bi-sn ma-ma AN.R

129 A rev. IV 10 D[UMU I] d BA.-MU-[]b-ni
130 A rev. IV 11 l
131 A rev. IV 12 a-na a-bat e-pe-i a-an-i [Z]I-[a]

Bound Transcription Translation

umma am[lu ]rat muu iz[zz ] If a ma[ns h]air sta[nds on end, ], 2his lips are seized,
aptu uabbat uz[nu iaggum(?)] [his] e[ars buzz], 3his saliva runs, [ ], 4his cervical ver-
ruussu illaka [ ] 4kunuk kidu tebrae hurt him, his ca[use him pain], 5the muscles of his
umaassu piru ik[kalu(?)] 5ddn- neck are stiff, his hands and fe[et] 6feel numb and ma[ke him]
u agg qtu u [pu] 6uammamu suffer piercing pain, 7[he] keeps on retching, (but) he cannot
uzaqqat[u] 7libba[u] tenell l ia[rru] vo[mit], 8[his body is] aff[licted with p]aralysis, 9[hi]s [limbs]
[zumuru i]mmatu u[kl] 9[mint]u keep faltering, 10[ ] [ ], 11he is slow to rise, to
ittanapak 10[ ] [ ] 11ana teb stand up and to speak, 12(then) [witch]craft has been per-
nazazzi dabbi mq 12[amlu ki]p formed against [that man]: 13he has been fed (bewitched)
epu-ma 13[ina akal]i kul ina ikari bread (and) been given (bewitched) beer to drink.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ] 15kimilti ilu u itaru [ ] , 15his god and his goddess are angry with
elu ibai 16[an]a kimilti ilu u itar[u him. 16[In or]der to [und]o the anger of his god and [his] god-
l ub] 17il((u)) u itar((u)) ittu dess, 17to reconc[ile] ((his)) god and ((his)) goddess with him,
sullu[mi] 18[kip] epu sarim-ma ana (and) in order that the [witchcraft] which was performed
piunu abti 19((ana amli uti)) ana against him turn (back) and seize those who performed it, 19to
eru u gamlu 20[kip] unti ina save ((that man)) and to spare him, 20to remove this [witch-
zumru nasi cr]aft from his body, (you do as follows):
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 21
[D.D].BI ina mi qaqqara taabbi m Its [ritual]: At night you sweep the ground, you sprinkle
ellti tasalla egubb tukn 22ana libbi pure water, you set up the holy water vessel. 23You put 22[ta]-
egubb[ b]na matakal qan-alli 23su- marisk, matakal-soapwort, allu-reed, 23palm shoots, c[e]-
ua e[r]na urmna 24qan ba dar, cypress, 24sweet reed, , salt, horned salt-plant
bta ula qarnn bura ana libbi (and) buru-juniper 22into the holy water vessel. In the mor-
tanaddi ina ri 25kma a ami para ning, 25at sunrise, you set up a portable altar before ama,
ana maar ama tukn nignak buri you place a censer with buru-juniper (next to it). 26You
taakkan ikara 26tanaqqi ksa teleqqe ana pour 25beer. 26You take a money-bag (and) into the money-
libbi ksi kaspa ura er annaka abra bag 27you put 26silver, gold, copper, tin, lead, 27[ca]rnelian,
[s]mta uqn ulla muara pappar- lapis lazuli, ullu-stone, muaru-stone (and) pappardil-
dil tanaddi 28[ina alm] bni ina alm stone. 29You make 28[two figurines] of tamarisk wood, two
erni ina alm lip ina alm ikri ina figurines of cedar wood, two figurines of tallow, two figur-
alm 29[k]upsi ina alm i ina alm ines of wax, two figurines 29of sesame pomace, two figurines
di ina alm li a zikari u sinniti tep- of bitumen, two figurines of clay (and) two figurines of
pu-ma 30[id]unu ana arkunu takassi dough, (figurines) of a male and a female. 30Then you bind
ina maar ama ina mui igr 31[] their [ar]ms behind them. 31You place them 30before ama
taakkan zibna tulabbassunti nappa ina on a wall 31[of ]. You clothe them with a reed mat. You
maar ama tatarra 32[u]urti a qm set up braziers before ama. 33You surround them 32[with
arsuppi a qm egui a qm inninni dra]wings made of arsuppu-grain flour, eguu-barley flour,
qm ku[ni] 33[qm k]ibti qm allri qm emmer flour, 33[w]heat [flour], chick-pea flour, lentil flour
kakk qm kini taltanammun[ti] (and) kianu-grain flour. 34You place [gypsum (and) horn-
[gaa(?) ula qarn]n(?) ina idunu ed salt-plan]t at their (i.e., the figurines) sides. You fill a
taakkan n[da] da tumall-ma ina al- watersk[in] with clay and then 34two figurines [ ] 35[ ]
m [ ] 35[ ] ana libbi tanaddi you put inside. [You place] gypsum (and) horn[ed salt-
gaa ul[a qarnn] ina idunu [taak- plan]t at their sides. 36[ ] two figurines [ 37you
kan] 36[ ] ina alm [ ] pu]t 36 [ ] 37[you place] gypsum (and) horned salt-
[ ] 37[tanadd]i gaa ula qar- plant at the[ir] sides [ ]. 38You have (him) stand [before]
nn ina idun[u taakkan(?) ] ama. Then he lif[ts up] the money-bag in his hands [ ].
38 39
[maar] ama tuzz-ma ksa ina qtu Raising his [hand]s he recites the incantation May you rule
in[ai(?) ] 39[qt]u ina-ma N the gods three times before ama.
Ennab dingirrene ana maar ama al-
u iqabbi
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 40
[N] ennab dingirrene namankia bitarre [Incantation]: May you rule the gods, (you) who determine
the destinies of heaven (and) earth,
41 41
[ ] il a mt kiat am [ ] the gods, who determine(s) the destinies of
ereti iimmu heaven and earth in their entirety,
42 42
[erre]t(?) ki[]at am ereti tamu who holds [the lead-ro]pe of heaven and earth in their
[ina bal]ka ama ul taar utukk [Witho]ut you, ama, the ritual reed huts would not be
brought out,
44 44
[il] a napar kiat am ereti ul ii- [the gods] of the whole entirety of heaven and earth would
n qutrinnu not smell an incense offering,
45 45
u Anunnaki ul imaar kispu and the Anunnaki would not receive a funerary offering,
46 46
mtu ul ippaqqid ana eem kimtu the one who has died would not be entrusted to the spirit of
his family!
47 47
[an]a iknt napiti tuee nru You cause the (sun)light to come forth [fo]r (all) living
48 48
[tut]eer dnina eli u apli [you s]et aright their verdict above and below!
[anku] *PN* mr ama-umu-re arad- [I], *PN*, son of ama-umu-re, your servant, (whose)
ka [a i]lu Nab itaru Tamtu [go]d is Nab, (whose) goddess is Tamtu,
[a kip r]u rus upa lemnti l [against whom people performed (or) 51made (someone)
bti [puni(?)] 51[upini(?)] perform 50witchcraft], magic, sorcery, evil (and) wicked
anku l d att-ma t[d] I do not know (them), only you kn[ow] (them).
ummu mung[u zu]tu sili[tu] I am con[tinually affected] 52by fever, stiffn[ess, sw]eating,
53 53
iat r [ p]ti irti qaqqadi dim- wasting away, [ of the fo]rehead, of the chest (and) of
tu ar[tana] the head (and) convulsions.
54 54
aya kimya [berk]ya pya ubbu- My arms, my lower legs, my [kne]es (and) my feet are
[t] cramped,
55 55
n libbya bu[nn]nya(?) kas my libido, my plea[sant fea]tures are bound,
TEXT 8.2 265
56 56
mintya ittanapak! pi libbi gilit- my limbs keep faltering,
[tu] I am more and more affected by 56depression, terr[or],
57 57
[pi]rittu urbu artana tanamdaru [f]ear (and) fright, I am constantly anxious,
58 58
[apt]anallau itti libbya addanabb[ubu] I am [alw]ays fearful, I keep on talki[ng] to myself,
59 59
[u]nte pardte anaalu itti mtti I have terrible [dre]ams,
[ ] libb idta ittanakkir I [ ] 59with dead people, 60[ ] my heart, my
ominous signs are always strange,
61 61
[ ] libb tanaau ittanadlau [ ] my heart is always distressed (and) troubled.
62 62
pn[ya ia]nund uznya ita[n]ass I continu[ally] have [ve]rtigo, my ears constantly buzz, ring
63 63
u ikabbitninni kunuk kidy[a] uma- and are a burden for me. M[y] cervical vertebrae hurt me,
64 64
[pirya(?)] ikkalninni ddnya agg [my ] cause me pain, the muscles of my neck are stiff,
65 65
diki [r] immatu rimtu [ ] I suffer from needling pain, paralysis, limpness, [ ].
66 66
((r[ya])) qablya berkya [ ] ((My body)), my hips, my knees [ ],
kiallya uptanaar ana teb [uzuzzi] my ankles slacken repeatedly, 68I am slow 67to rise, to [stand
u d[a]bbi muqqka (( [ ])) up] and to s[p]eak, (( [ ])) I gasp constantly for
na[pit] iktenerr[] bre[ath],
69 69
((irt [ ])) naglabya ikkaln[inni] ((my chest [ ])), my shoulders hurt [me], I am de-
tana[au] pre[ssed],
[ ] 70rat muya uzzannaqqa<p>?- [ ] 70makes the hair of my head stand [on end], myself,
a[nni] ramn [ ] 71[]ulumni [ ] 71[are] turned dark for me ((and)) sl[acken ].
((u)) uptana[ar(?) (( ))]
ina allya ina untya il u(?) [ita- Lying asleep 73I s[ee] 72in my dreams my god and [my god-
r(?)] eemm mtti balti 73mdya dess], ghosts, dead people, living people, 73people I know
l mdya t[anammaru] (and) people I do not know,
utti ammar[u] 74l ukl u l abtk[u] The dream I see 74I cannot remember and I cannot hold on to
(var.: aabbatu) it.
(([ina u]tti mttu 75utabr)) ((In my dream dead people 75are always present.))
libb milk []m (var.: m milk ik[k My heart, my intelligence, my understanding (var.: My
libb(?)]) ((ikin zumry[a it]tanakkir understanding, my intelligence, [my] mo[od, my heart])
u)) itanann ((the appearance of m[y] body)) become ((strange and))
(([m r]amnya u [m]ilkya l d)) ((I have no control over my own planning and thoughts.))
76 76
arkat l parsku atmya l kullku I cannot decide my own affairs, I cannot remember what I
((dalku dulluku laku pardku said! ((I am disturbed, I am very disturbed, I am bothered,
amku damku)) I am terrified, I am paralysed, I am in convulsions)),
77 77
eku ((marku)) abkku nadku nas- I am confused, ((I am ill)), I am thrown face down, I am
s[]ku ((u udlupku)) downcast, I am wa[il]ing ((and I am sleepless)).
((attanabatu u uzabbalu [tene]rrupu ten- ((I break down again and again, and I linger on (in my dis-
e attanaktamu)) ease), I am always gloomy, somber (and) constantly over-
ina kip ru rus upa 78lemnti l I am infected, I am affected, 79(([I am ], I am [ ]))
bti luubku lupputku 79(([...-ku(?) by witchcraft, magic, sorcery, 78(by) evil and wicked
]ku(?) machinations,
ilu mamma ul d)) iltk[a] (([rabt]u)) d ((which no god knows)), (but which) your (([grea]t)) divinity
ama att-ma td knows, 80ama, only you know (it)!
anku *PN* (var.: annanna) 81aradka I, *PN* (var.: N.N.), 81your servant,
ana puur kipya ruya [rusya] (var.: carry in (this) mon[ey-b]ag silver, gold, copper, tin, lead,
u bal napitya) carnelian, lapis lazuli, ullu-stone, 83muaru-stone (and)
naku ((ina k[]si)) kaspa ura er an- pappardil-stone,
naka abra smta uqn ulla 83mu- to undo the witchcraft, magic (and) [sorcery] affecting me
ara pappardil (( )) (var.: and for my survival). (( ))

ama ann pa 84ama ann din- 83

ama, this is in my stead, 84ama, this is in my place!
kapa u kapta 85[a ipu b]rtu amt [ ] 84warlock and witch, 85who have performed [sorti-
lemutti ikunni ana lemutti 86[izzz- lege, re]bellion (and) evil word(s) against me, (and)
ni(?)] [who have turned] 85to evil 86[against me],
annya ina marka arnya puur my sins before you, undo my guilt!
87 87
[arn ert(?)] ann it gillat lippasis May [my guilt, my fault], my sin, my crime (and) my error
be blotted out!
88 88
[ ] k? kip abtni-ma a kapi [ ] like witchcraft keeps hold of me, and what the
[ ] sorcerer 89[ ].
[a]u anku l pu[u]nti unu kip l [S]ince I have not bewitched [th]em, (but) they have per-
bti puni formed wicked witchcraft against me,
ama anku ((annanna)) l[] dunti- ama, l[e]t me, ((N.N.)), know them and prosper!
ma iarta lullik
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 91
KA.INIM.MA kip sarim-ma ana pi- Incantation so that witchcraft turn (back) and seize those
unu abta who performed it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 92
alu mintu anntu tamann-ma ma You recite this recitation three times and each time you
tamann [ ] recite it, [you ].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 9396 too fragmentary for transcription, cf. (ll. 9396 too fragmentary for translation, cf. Notes) ama, this is
Notes) 97ama ann l a [ ] 98a indeed who [ ] who have performed evil witchcraft
kip lemnti puni ana lemutti against me, [who have turned] to evil [against me]. 99ama,
[izzzni(?)] 99ama mka (var.: ittaka) your (fire) storm (var.: your sign) [ them]! 100Like the
[ likussunti(?)] 100kma m nd[i] water of the watersk[in], 101may their life expire!67 102You
napitaunu [li]bli66 102alu taqabb- speak (thus) three times, then you [empty] the waterskin.
ma nda tur[q(?)]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 103
qtu ina gai ((uli qarnn)) ina He washes his hands with gypsum ((and horned salt-
mu[i alm]unu temessi 104ina mui plant)) ove[r] thei[r figurines]. 105He speaks thus 104over the
(var.: eli) alam li (var.: lip) <alam> figurines of dough (var.: tallow), <the figurines> of wax,
ikri 105(([alam b]ni)) alam erni (var.: 105
(([the figurines of tamarisk wo]od)), the figurines of cedar
allni?) kam taqabbi wood (var.: oak wood?):
106 106
ama annti [u]nu (var.: pia) ama, these are [th]ey (var.: my sorcerers), these are
annti almunu their figurines!
107 107
[ul d]e l ab ul de bt ab ul de [I do not kn]ow (them), the city they inhabit I do not know,
the house they inhabit I do not know.
108 108
a kip ((lem[nti])) puni ((ana le- Those who have performed ((ev[il])) witchcraft against me,
mut[ti izzzni(?)])) ((who [have turned] to evi[l against me,]))
109 109
ina qibtk[a lidapp]irinni [may they with]draw from me at your command!
ama ina dnka rab dnanni-ma el- ama, decide my case through your great verdict, so that I
unu luzz[z] may trium[ph] over them!
111 111
[un]u limt-ma anku lublu unu li- [L]et them die, but let me live, let them go away, but let me
dappir-ma anku le[r] go straight,
112 112
unu liqt-ma anku lumid Girra qm let them (i.e., their family) come to an end, but let me (i.e.,
liqmunt[i] my family) become numerous. May Girra, the burner,
burn the[m],
113 113
ana Kurnugia lirissunti may he send them down to the Land of No Return,
ana eem arall 114lrunti may he lead them 113to a ghost of the netherworld!

66 67
Mss. B and C have: kma m nri (C: d nd[i]) Mss. B and C have: Like the water of the river (C: the clay of the
[li]arme 101[lil(?) l]izb napitaunu waterskin) let them [di]ssolve, 101[decompose, f]low away, may their life
[li]bli. come to an end!
TEXT 8.2 267
ummu mungu ztu silitu iat r May fever, stiffness, sweating, silitu-disease (and) wasting
pagarunu lilqe away 115take possession of their body.
anku aradka lublu lulim-ma narbka (But) let me, your servant, live (and) become healthy. Then
lupi [d]allka ludlu[l] I will proclaim 115your greatness, 116I will prais[e] your
kipunu zumurunu likill 117lumununu May their witchcraft hold their (own) body, 117[may] their
arkunu [li]ttallak evil constantly follow after them!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 118
alu mintu anntu tamann-ma i You recite this recitation three times; then you sprinkle
emma tasallaunti ina gizill taqall- them with hot bitumen; you kindle them with a torch. 119Gir-
unte 119Girra qumunti Girra qul- ra, set them afire, Girra, burn them! You say this three
unti alu ann taqabb-ma 120egub- times. Then 120he bathes with (water from) the holy water
b gaa ula qarnn irammuk-ma vessel, with gypsum (and) horned salt-plant. Then you
[alam(?) ] ana nri tanaddi 121alam throw the (two) f[igurine(s) of ] into the river. 121You
di ina bti teqebber alm tan[ai ina bury the (two) figurine(s) of clay in the house. You pi[ck up]
ri ana ereb(?)] ami(?) brta tepett-ma the (remaining) figurines. [In the open country, towards the
teqebber ksa tiqu inai [ temes]- we]st you open a hole and 122you bury (them in it). A passer-
si(?) 123ina ikari taaqqi [ ] ina pnti by will pick up the money-bag. [You was]h [ ]. 123You
tuqattaru give him beer to drink. You fumigate him [with ] on
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 124
[U11].BR.RU.DA.KAM It is (a ritual) to undo [witchcraft].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catchline: 125[umm]a(?) amlu kip ep- Catchline: 125[I]f witchcraft has been performed against a
u man.
blank line blank line
ll. 12631: colophon, see Hunger, ABK, no. 197.


General: Both manuscripts from Aur con- would have been introduced by another symptom
tain only this ritual, whereas the broken reverse of description.
ms. C from Nineveh leaves room for another unit.
2224: The repetition of the prepositional
2: The translation of -ab-ba-ta as- phrase ana libbi before the verb is triggered by the
sumes that the spelling represents a Dt-stem. long chain of objects separating tanaddi from ana
libbi agubb at the beginning of the sentence. For
4: For pir (DU8.ME), see CAD P 450.
the same phenomenon, also involving ana libbi, see
5: Comparison with l. 64 suggests that text 7.6.4: 2426.
SA.G here stands for ddn rather than for the
24: Read <>TL.TL or <>[A].TL.TL;
usual labnu. <>
[UR].PI.PI seems less likely for reasons of space.
11: The variant form nazazzu for the
26: Clearly kuNG.DAG instead of the
infinitive izuzzu, uzuzzu etc. occurs, as yet, only ku
regular NG.NA4; in the first occurrence the scribe
here. It may be compared to the infinitive nazuzzum
obviously confused both signs inserting a super-
(OB), likewise a hapax, and the nominal N-stem
fluous Winkelhaken. The usage of the NA4-sign in-
form nazzzum / nanzzu, cf. Huehnergard, Studies
stead of DAG is well attested in the Neo-Assyrian
Jacobsen, 166, 168, 170, 172, Streck, AfO 4445
period (see Borger, MesZ, 12324 no. 438), but the
(199798) 322.
two signs are by no means simply interchangable.
14: The traces preserved in ms. A could Apparently, the substitution of DAG for NA4 does not
be interpreted as follows: [DI NA x(-x)- i-ta-n]a- occur elsewhere.
k[a-l]a- SAG.DU-su D[AB-su] [If a mans
3233: In the sequence of flour names the
hu]r[t] him [continual]ly, his head s[eizes him], .
scribe omitted the understood determinative pro-
But it is highly unlikely that the present section
noun a after its third occurrence.

3437: The instruction ula qarnn ana 70: For the emended reading -za-na-qa-
idunu taakkan occurs three times. Possibly each <pa->?a[n?-ni, see KAL 2, p. 67 (pace AHw 1513b).
occurrence refers to a different set of figurines. After ramn one expects l d, amai or maku;
none of these forms, however, fits the traces left on
36: Perhaps [ ] x ana NE x x DUB!
the tablet.
2 NU [ ] You pour [ ] on charcoal of
. Two figurines [ ]? 71: For the restoration of the second
verb, cf. l. 67; the whole phrase remains difficult.
4041: This incantation was registered by
Mayer, UFBG, 418 as ama 67. 76: For lau, see van Soldt, AbB 13,
109, fn. 120 b).
46: Note the Neo-Assyrian Umkehr-
schreibung in ip-pa-q-di. 80: Note that ms. B puts ama after
att-ma tde.
49: For unknown reasons the name of
the client was erased in ms. B (cf. rev. 16 = l. 80). 82: Mayer, UFBG, 163 read ina SU-[ia]
The traces of the name of the son of ama-umu- instead of our ina kuN[G.N]A4; this is epigraphically
re are illegible. There is only one other attestation possible, but in view of the ritual instructions in
of the name ama-umu-re in the Neo-Assyrian ll. 2627 there can be little doubt about the correct
corpus: in VAT 9742, a document from Aur dat- restoration.
ing to the late reign of Ashurbanipal, a certain Nab-
8384: The words for substitute (pa,
ar-au, son of ama-umu-re, is named as a
dinna) have locative forms here.
witness (see PNA 2/II, 872b). But his identity with
the individual of our text can at present not be estab- 8390: Ms. C has a longer, in many respects
lished. diverging version of this passage which, however, is
badly damaged. Transcription and translation follow
5080: The lamentation section is a long
ms. B.
series of relative clauses dependent on anku in l.
49 which is resumed by a second anku in l. 80. 8586: For the tentative restoration of izzz-
This relative clause is twice interrupted by the ni, see KAR 80 = KAL 2, 8 obv. 33 (see here text
anku l d formula; syntactically, these formulas 8.4: 33) and cf. the commentary on text 1.5: 17.
are likewise relative clauses though a is omitted This phrase occurs in an identical context here and
(cf. Mayer, UFBG, 85). in ll. 94, 98, 108. The text in ms. C differs sub-
stantially from ms. B, but due to its fragmentary
52: For the restoration, cf. ll. 11415.
state it cannot be restored.
56: DUB.DUB-ak is certainly a mistake
90: Mayer, UFBG, 223 restored ms. B as
for DUB.DUB-ka, cf. l. 9.
[ana qt ] idunti-ma iarta lullik Assign
60: One expects adabbubu at the begin- them [to ], so that I may prosper; but if the
ning of the line. But given the space available in the manuscripts are to be coordinated as proposed
break, that would leave us with an unexplained ru? above, such a reading is excluded.
? libb.
94, 98: For the tentative restoration of izzz-
63: Note the irregular writing of uma- ni, see the note on ll. 8586.
aanni in ms. B.
99: For the variant mka // ittaka, cf.
64: For the restoration, cf. l. 4 and the Abusch, Studies Moran, 31 with fn. 55 and, for the
comments on that line, above. formula mka ezzu likussunti more generally,
Schwemer, OrNS 78 (2009) 63, fn. 30.
65: Read ni in ms. C?
108: For the tentative restoration of izzz-
67: The same phrase occurs in KAR 80 =
ni, see the note on ll. 8586.
KAL 2, 8 obv. 5 (see here text 8.4: 5). The Dtn-form
uptanaar has an intransitive meaning; it is prob- 114: Cf. Abusch, MesWi, 71, fn. 16 for a
ably an elliptic expression. The restoration of a possible emendation lu!-tu. If this emendation turns
suffix (so AHw 851a for KAR 80 obv. 5) is super- out to be correct, the restoration of l. 52 would have
fluous. to be modified accordingly.
68: Read DU.DU-[ku ], i.e., attanal-
TEXT 8.2 269
119: For the full text of this short invoca- 123: The first half of the line in ms. A
tion of the fire-god, see text K 3292+: 89 (here rev. IV 4 probably contained the substances to be
text 8.8: 89) and cf. Maql II 11213. fumigated. We cannot offer a plausible restoration.
121: The reconstruction of the line fol- 125: Cf. the catchline in K 9496: 6: DI
lows the usual proceedings in comparable rituals, NA ki-pi D.D-u u D [l de] If witchcraft
but is without a literal parallel and remains therefore has been performed against a man and [he does not
uncertain. know] the one who did (it) (the restoration is based
on its duplicate K 9028: 6: [DI NA ki-pi] D.D-u
la i-de).
TEXT 8.3


This widely attested ritual addresses suffering ms. d omitted it. Ms. k probably follows upon an-
caused by many different forms of witchcraft. The other small excerpt tablet, since it provides only the
ritual proceedings include offerings to ama, the ritual section, omitting the introductory offerings to
burning of figurines representing the warlock and ama. The different catchlines in mss. f and J as
witch and extinguishing the fire; at the conclusion well as the second ritual attached in ms. k show that
of the ritual the patient undresses, an act that sym- the text was not part of a fixed series of rituals.
bolizes the removal of impurity from his body. The Depending on practical demands and local tradi-
actions of burning, extinguishing and stripping are tions, it could be included in different kinds of col-
each accompanied by thematically corresponding lections.
incantations (ama anntu pia, Attnu m and The overall character of ms. a (SpTU 2, 19) remains
Au au). The incantation ama anntu pia uncertain. If von Weihers assumption that the frag-
covers no less than 88 lines and includes many ment comes from a single-column tablet and that
litany-like passages. A shorter, closely related in- only a few lines are missing at the bottom of the
cantation with the same incipit is preserved in ms. k tablet proves to be correct, the tablet cannot have
within the framework of a second ritual. All manu- accommodated the full text of the incantation ama
scripts but k provide the full text of the lengthy first anntu pia as known from the other sources.
incantation. Similarly, all preserved manuscripts Furthermore, the ritual instructions preserved on the
except ms. f provide the full text of the incantation reverse of ms. a differ widely from the texts as-
Au au; the scribe of ms. f took it for granted sembled here. If this ritual section forms part of the
that the practitioner knew Au au by heart. same ritual as the text of the obverse (a conclusion
Likewise all of the manuscripts assume that the almost unavoidable if von Weiher is right with re-
practitioner knows the incantation Attnu m, which gard to the original shape of the tablet), then the
bears the incipit of a typical Kultmittelgebet and is symptom description and incantation also attested
probably identical with the incantation Attnu m in within the present ritual would be used there in a
Maql V 98111. Ms. D gives the ritual instruction rather different ritual context (though there are sus-
before the incantation texts; the ritual section is di- picious similarities in the line-up of figurines).
rectly followed by Au au, whereas ama Since the text on the reverse of ms. a shares many
anntu pia stands at the end. But this scribal features with the Maql cycle section of Bt rimki,
arrangement on the tablet has no influence on the this part of ms. a is edited under a separate number
sequence of the ritual actions. The list of purposes here (see text 9.3 for a full discussion of the tablet).
at the beginning is only preserved in mss. a, B and
C, but was probably also part of mss. f and E, while

List of Manuscripts

a W 22729/17 SpTU 2, 19 ph. coll. Frg. of a single-col.? tablet, NB/LB Uruk, U 18

script, 4th3rd cent.
B VAT 14161 KAL 2, 28 coll. Small frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 8th7th cent.
C K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + AfO 18, pls. pls. 5458 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
14202 + 14734 + 1314 (not script, 7th cent. Library
Sm 1143 K 14734)
d CBS 334 PBS 1/2, 133 pls. 5960 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB provenance unknown
script, 7th cent.
TEXT 8.3 271
E1 K 3379 + AfO 18, pl. 11 pls. 6164 Frgs. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
Sm 1178 (+) script, 7th cent. Library
E2 K 2585 AfO 18, pl. 12
f CBS 1203 PBS 10/2, 18 pls. 6566 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Sippar(?); written for
script, 7th cent. ama-umu-ukn
G Sm 1115 AfO 18, pl. 11 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
h UET 7, 119 Small frg., NB/LB script, 7th5th cent. Ur
J VAT 13702 LKA 158 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur
script, 8th-7th cent.
k Bu 91-5-9, 143 + 176 AfO 18, pls. coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
1516 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft........................................................................... 1124
Diagnoses and purpose statement................................................................................... 110
a obv. 110 // B obv. 16 // C obv. 16
Incantation: ama anntu pia ............................................................................... 1199
a obv. 1134 // C obv. 15'rev. 58' // d obv. 1rev. 22 // E1 obv. 135,
E2 obv. 1rev. 16 // f obv. 1rev. 25 // G obv. 116 // h rev. 14 // J rev. 17
Rubric ....................................................................................................................... 100102
C rev. 5960 // f rev. 2628 // J rev. 89
Ritual section .............................................................................................................. 10315
f rev. 2940 // E1 rev. 18 // k obv. 114 // C obv. 15
Concluding clause............................................................................................................. 116
C obv. 6 // E1 rev. 9 // f rev. 41
Incantation: Au au ............................................................................................. 11724
C obv. 714 // E1 rev. 1011 // J rev. 1015 // G rev. 13
2nd Part
i Ritual with incantation against witchcraft .............................................................................. 136
Diagnoses and purpose statement..................................................................................... 14
k obv. 1518
Ritual section .................................................................................................................. 514
k obv. 1928
Incantation: ama anntu pia ............................................................................... 1535
k obv. 29u. e. 49
Subscript ............................................................................................................................. 36
k l. e. 50
3rd Part
i Fragmentary ............................................................................................................................. 13[
G rev. 46

Previous Editions

Lutz, PBS 1/2, pp. 7073 (ms. d).

Langdon, PBS 10/2, pp. 193200 (ms. f).
Ungnad, OrNS 12 (1943) 295310 (ms. f).
Lambert, AfO 18 (195758) 28899 (all mss. apart from a, B, h, K 9149, 14734 [+ C] and Sm 1178 [+ E1]).
von Weiher, SpTU 2, pp. 9599 (ms. a).
Abusch, MesWi 7076, 15154 (excerpts in transcription and translation).
Schwemer, KAL 2, nos. 2829 (mss. B and J).


1. a obv. 134 // B // C // d // E1, E2 // f // G obv., rev. 13 // h // J // k obv. 114

1 a obv. 1 DI NA ki-pi ep-u-u lu- NU.M[E- ina ]
B obv. 1 [ me]-e tem-ru-[(u)]
C obv. 1 um-ma L ki[-pi ]
2 a obv. 2 lu-u NU.ME- ana gul-gul-l L-ti paq-d[u ]
B obv. 2 [ ]
C obv. 2 lu-u NU.ME- ana gul-g[ul-l ]
3 a obv. 3 lu-u NU.ME- ina IZI UB.ME lu-u NU.ME- ina K[I-tim ]
B obv. 2 [ ] x lu-u ina KI-tim qeb-[ru]
C obv. 23 [ ] / lu-u NU.ME- ina KI-t[im ]
4 a obv. 4 lu-u A!.ME ZI.KU5.RU.DA- e-bu- ana IGI M[UL?.ME? naq?]
B obv. 3 [ ]
C obv. 3 [ ]
5 a obv. 5 lu-u ina NINDA.I.A u-kul lu-u ina A.ME -q <lu-u> ina []
B obv. 34 lu ina NINDA.I.A u-kul lu ina KURU[N.NA] / [ ]
C obv. 4 lu-u ina NINDA.I.A u-kul [ ]
6 a obv. 6 lu-u ina u-bu-la-a-ti u-bu-ul ana TI.LA-[u]
B obv. 4 [ ]
C obv. 5 [l]u-u ina u-bu-l[a-ti ]
7 a obv. 7 u-zu-bi- ki-pi ru-e-e an-[nu-ti]
B obv. 4 [ u-zu-b]i-u ki-[p]i ru-e-e [ ]
C obv. 56 [ ] / [ ki]-p[i
(C obv. breaks)
8 a obv. 8 ana SU- NU TE-e lu-u lU11.ZU lu-u munusU11.ZU [ D-(?)]
B obv. 5 [ ]
9 a obv. 9 ki-pi- ru-u- sa-a-rim-ma a-ba-ti- lU11.ZU u [munusU11.ZU]
B obv. 56 [k]i-pi- ru-e-[e-] / [ ]
10 a obv. 10 r-i ub-bu-rim-ma ina A.GA.NU.TIL.A U NA[M.RIM(.MA)
B obv. 6 [ ub-bu-ri]m-ma ina A.GA.NU.TIL.LA [
(B obv. breaks)
a, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 a obv. 11 N dUTU an-nu-ti e-pi--a dUTU an-nu-t mu-t[e-pi--a]
C obv. 1516 []N UTU an-nu-tum e-pi--a / [d]UTU an-nu-tum mu-te-pi--a

d obv. 1 N dUTU an-nu-ti e-pi--a dUTU an-nu-ti mu-te-pi--[a]

d ?
E1 obv. 1 (preceding lines lost) [UTU ]
12 a obv. 12 NU u munusU11.ZU-MU : U11.ZU-MU
C obv. 1718 [ ka-a]p-ia u ka-ap-ti-ia /
d obv. 2 NU ka-ap-ia5 u ka-ap-ti-ia5
E1 obv. 23 N[U.ME ]/
f obv. 1 [ ka-ap-ti-i]a5
a ctd. NU.ME e-pi-ia5 [ mu-te]\-pi-t[i-ia5]
C ctd. [ e-pi-i]a u e-pi-ti-ia
d ctd. NU e-pi-ia5 u mu-te-pi-ti-ia5
E1 ctd. N[U.ME ]
f ctd. NU e-p[i-ia5 ]
12a a obv. 13 NU sa-i-ri-ia5 u sa-ir-ti-ia5 : : : (continuation of obv. 12, see above)
TEXT 8.3 273
13 a obv. 14 NU ra-i-ia5 u ra-i-ti-ia5
C obv. 1920 [ ra-i-i]a u ra-i-ti-ia /
d obv. 3 NU ra-i-ia5 u ra-i-ti-ia5
E1 obv. 45 N[U.ME ]/
f obv. 2 [ ]
a ctd. NU EN di-ni-ia5 u GAAN [ ]
C ctd. [ ]
u NIN ik-ki-ia
d ctd. NU EN DU11.DU11-MU u NIN DU11.DU11-[MU]
E1 ctd. N[U.ME ]
f ctd. [ ] EN DU11.DU11-[M]U [ ]
14 a obv. 15 NU EN DU11.DU11-MU u GAAN DU11.DU11-MU
C obv. 2122 [ ] u NIN er-ri-ia /
d obv. 4 NU EN ik-ki-ia5 u NIN ik-ki-ia5
E1 obv. 67 NU.[ME ]/
f obv. 3 [ ]
a ctd. NU.ME EN ik-<ki->ia5 u [ ]
C ctd. [ ] u NIN ri-di-ia
d ctd. NU EN di-ni-ia5 u NI[N ]
E1 ctd. NU.ME [ ]
f ctd. [N]U EN UL!(nik)-t-ia5 [ ]
15 a obv. 16 NU EN UL-t-ia5 u GAAN UL-t-ia5 :
C obv. 2324 [ ] NIN di-ni-ia /
d obv. 5 [N]U EN er-ri-ia5 u NIN er-ri-ia5
E1 obv. 89 NU.ME [ ]/
f obv. 4 [ ]x
a ctd. NU.ME EN ri-di!-ia5 [ ]
C ctd. [ ] NIN INIM-ia
d ctd. NU EN GAZ-MU u NI[N G]A[Z-MU]
E1 ctd. NU.ME [ ]
15a a obv. 17 NU EN INIM.GAR-MU u GAAN KI.MIN :
C obv. 2526 [ ] NIN DU11.DU11-ia /
a ctd. NU EN er-ri-ia5 u GAAN KI.MIN
C ctd. [ N]IN INIM.GAR-ia
15b a obv. 18 NU EN GAZ-MU u GAAN GAZ-MU :
C obv. 2728 [ NI]N UL-ti-ia /
C ctd. [ ] GAZ-ia
16 a obv. 19 ip- bar-tum a-mat UL-tim i-p[u-] -e-[pi-]
C obv. 29 [ ]
d obv. 6 [] ip- I.GAR INIM UL-tim i-pu- -[e-pi-]
E1 obv. 10 ip-[ ]
f obv. 45 ip- I.GAR [ ]/ [ ]
17 a obv. 20 is-u-ru-nu --as-i-ru-nu ana [ ]
C obv. 2930 [ ]--as-i-ra / [ i]q-bu-u
d obv. 7 [i]s-u-ra -e-es-i-ra ana e-pi-ti ep-i-ma iq-b[u-u]
E1 obv. 1011 [ ]/ a-na e-p[i-ti ]
f obv. 56 is-u-ra -[esir] / [ ep-i]-ma iq-bu-u

18 a obv. 21 ana sa-ir-ti su-i-ri-ia i[q-bu-u ]

C obv. 3132 [ i]q-bu-u / [ ]
d obv. 89 ana sa-ir-[t]i su-ri-ma iq-bu-[u] / [ ] an-nu-ti -nu
E1 obv. 1112 [ ]/ d
UTU [ ]
f obv. 67 a-na sa-i[r]-t [ ]/ [ an-n]u-ti -nu
19 a obv. 22 an-nu-t NU.ME--nu GIM -nu NU GU[B-zu ]
C obv. 32 [ NU.ME]--nu /
d obv. 910 an-nu-ti NU.ME-[-nu] / [ -n]u l[a GU]B?-zu NU.ME--nu
E1 obv. 1213 [ ] / GIM -nu [ ]
f obv. 78 an-nu-ti [ ]/ [ l]a GUB-zu NU.ME--nu
(C obv. breaks)
20 a obv. 23 D-ma ina IGI DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-t n[a--a-ku]
d obv. 10 D-ma IGI DINGIR-ti-[ka GA]L-[ ]
E1 obv. 13 [ ]
f obv. 8 D-ma ana IGI [ ]
21 a obv. 24 UTU ia-a-i ki-pi ru-u-u r[u-su-u ]
d obv. 11 [ ia-a-]i ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e up-[-e-e]
E1 obv. 14 dUTU ia-[a-i ]
f obv. 9' [ i]a-a-i ki-pi ru-e-e ru-[se-e] up--[e-e]
22 a obv. 25 NU DU10.GA.ME KI.G.G UL.GIG.GA DI.BA[L.A ]
d obv. 1112 [ ] / [UL.GIG.G]A DI.BAL.A ZI.K[U5.R]U.DA-a
E1 obv. 15 [ ]
f obv. 910 [ ] / [KI.]G.G UL.GIG DI.BAL.A KA.DAB.B.D[A]
23 a obv. 26 KA.DAB.B.DA INIM.GR.RA AR.UN.G
[ ]
d obv. 1213 KA.DAB.B.DA I[NIM.GAR] / [ ] IGI.NIGIN.NA D.GUR.RA
E1 obv. 1617 [ ] / D.GUR.RA
f obv. 1011 [ ] x / [ZI.KU5].RU.DA-a R.UN.G IGI.NIGIN.NA D.GUR.R[A]
(undecipherable traces in G obv. 1)
24 a obv. 27 .GAL.KU4.RA mi-qit -e-mi -n-[e ]
d obv. 1314 .GAL.KU4.RA mi-qit [ ]/[ ] -m U.d+INNIN
E1 obv. 1718 [ ] / []U.DINGIR.RA
f obv. 1112 [.GAL.K]U4.R[A] / [mi-qi]t -mi i-ni-it -m U.DING[IR.RA]
G obv. 2 i-ni-i]t -[mi
25 a obv. 28 U.d+INNIN.NA U.GIDIM.MA U.NAM.R[IM.MA ]
d obv. 1415 U.DINGI[R.RA ]U.GIDIM.MA U.NAM.L.[U18.LU] / [U.NAM.R]IM.MA
E1 obv. 18 U.d+INNIN.N[A ]
f obv. 1213 []U.d+INNIN / [U.GID]IM.MA U.NAM.RIM.MA U.NAM.L.U18.LU
G obv. 3 U].NAM.RI[M.MA
26 a obv. 29 ALAD UL-tim SAG.UL.A.ZA m[u-kil ]
d obv. 15 d
ALAD UL-ti[m SAG].UL.A.ZA mu-kil SAG UL-t[im]
E1 obv. 19' d
f obv. 1314 d
A[LAD UL-t]im / [SA]G.UL.<A.>ZA mu-kil SAG UL-tim
G (lost in break)
27 a obv. 30 i-ku-nu-nim-ma KA-MU -ab-b[i-tu ]
d obv. 16 [i-ku-nu-na]m?-ma KA-MU -ab-b[i-t]u G-MU -tar-ri-r[u]
E1 obv. 1920 [ ]/ KA-MU -ab-bi-t G-M[U ]
f obv. 1415 i-ku-[nu-na]m-ma / [ ] -ab-bi-tu G-MU -tar-ri-ru
G obv. 4' i]-ku-nu-nim-[ma
TEXT 8.3 275
28 a obv. 31 KA-MU ub-bi-lu DU11.DU11-MU il-[du-du ]
d obv. 17 [ ] ub-bi-lu DU11.D[U11]-MU il-du-du ir-ti i[d-i-pu]
E1 obv. 2021 [ ]/ DU11.DU11 il-du-du GA[BA ]
f obv. 1516 KA-MU u[b]-bi-u / [DU11.D]U11-MU il-du-du ir-ti id-i-pu
G obv. 5 KA]-MU ub-bi-[u?
29 a obv. 32 un-ni- -MU ik-su- [ ]
d obv. 18 [ un-ni-] .ME-MU ik-su- GRII-MU
E1 obv. 2123 [ ] / II-MU ik-su- [ ] / GRII-MU
f obv. 1618 lb-bi un-ni-u / [.ME-M]U ik-su- bir-ki-ia5 ik-su-u / [GRII-M]U
G obv. 67 ] un-ni-[u ] ik-su- [
30 a obv. 33 a-li-k[a-ti ]
d obv. 1819 a-li-ka-a-[ti ] / [e-e-en-e]-ri
E1 obv. 23 DU.ME-tu -k[a-su-u ]
f obv. 18 a-li-ka-t[i] -ka-su-u G.MURGU-MU
G obv. 8 G.MURGU]-MU
31 a obv. 34 ik-p[u-pu
d obv. 19 ik-pu-pu pa-ni-ia5 u-a-n[a-du ]
E1 obv. 2324 [ ] / IGI.ME-MU NIGIN-du man-gu l[u-u-tu]
f obv. 1819 ik-pu-pu / pa-ni-ia5 -a-na-du [SU-M]U man-ga lu-u-t
G obv. 8 ik-pu-p[u
(a obv. breaks; for the text on the reverse, see text 9.3)
32 d obv. 20 [-mal-lu-i]n-ni SK-MU im-lu-su TG.S[K-MU ]
E1 obv. 2425 [ ] / SK.Z im-lu-su TG.S[K-MU ]
f obv. 1920 -mal-lu-in-ni / SK-MU im-lu- TG.S[K-MU] ib-tu-qu
G obv. 9 -m]l-lu-in-[ni
33 d obv. 21 [ il-q]u- SAAR GRII-MU i-bu-u mn-d[a-at ]
E1 obv. 2526 [ ] / SAAR GRII-MU i-bu- mn-d[a-at ]
f obv. 2021 il-qu- / SAAR GRII-MU i-b[u-] mn-da-at la-ni-ia5 -man-di-du
G obv. 1011 ]-MU il-qu-[ -ma]n-di-[du
34 d obv. 22 [ ] INIG lu-u [] giEREN lu-u [ ]
E1 obv. 27 NU.ME-MU lu INIG l[u ]
f obv. 22 NU.M[E-MU gi
bi-n]u lu giEREN lu .UDU lu DU.LL
G obv. 12 l]u DU.L[L
35 d obv. 23 [lu-u DU.E.GI]. lu-u [ ] lu-u IM lu-[u ]
E1 obv. 28 lu DU.E.GI. lu E[SIR ]
f obv. 23 [ ] lu ESIR lu IM lu NG.SILA11.G \
G (lost in break)
36 d obv. 24 [ NG.SIL]A11.G E.MU5 [i]-pu-u-ma
E1 obv. 2829 lu NG.SILA11.G E.SA.A D-u-m[a]
f obv. 23a [lu MIN] E.MU5 lu MIN E.SA.A lu-u D-ma
G obv. 13 ] NG.SILA11.G E.S[A.A
37 d obv. 2425 [ ]/ [ ]--ki-l[u ]
E1 obv. 2930 [ ] / MUEN AN-e --[ki-lu]
f obv. 24 [UR.GI7 l]u-u --ki-lu A MIN MUEN AN-e MIN
G obv. 1415 ]--ki-l[u -]-ki-l[u
d ctd. [ ]
E1 ctd. [ ]
f ctd. KU6 ABZU MIN
G (lost in break)
(d obv. breaks)
38 E1 obv. 31 UTU an-nu-ti -nu an-nu-t[i ]
f obv. 25 [ an]-nu-t -nu an-nu-t NU.ME--nu
G obv. 16 ] NU.ME--nu
E1 ctd. [ ]
f ctd. GIM -nu la GUB-zu NU.ME--nu
G obv. 16 G[IM
(G obv. breaks)
39 E1 obv. 32 ina IGI DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ul-zi[s-sunti (
) ]
f obv. 26 [ ] IGI DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-t a-qal-lu--nu-ti
40 E1 obv. 32 [ ]
f obv. 27 [NU].ME-MU D-ma ina R ADDA i-ku-nu
41 E1 obv. 33 KI.MIN-ma ina sa-mit BD it-m-r[u ]
f obv. 28 [MIN ina s]a-mit BD ip-u-u ina bi-i BD i-te-pu-
42 E1 obv. 34 KI.MIN-ma ina KI.TA AN.ZA.GR u[-ni-lu ]
f obv. 29 [MIN ina] KI.TA dk-bu u-ni-lu MIN ina G dIMIN.BI x [x x]
43 E1 obv. 35 KI.MIN-ma [ina] ki-[kat]-te-[e
f obv. 30 MIN in[a] ki-kat-te-e pa-a-ri x [
(E1 obv. breaks)
44 f obv. 31 [M]IN ina PI10 D ki-lal-le-e -ta[m-m-ru]
45 f obv. 32 [M]IN ina ABRUD e-reb dUTU-i ip-u-u MIN ina dk-bu EDIN [x x x]
46 C rev. 1 [ i-ru]-p[u]
f obv. 33 [MI]N ina UDUN pa-a-ru i-ru-pu MIN ina UDUN L.KURUN.N[A ]
47 C rev. 2 [ iq-lu]-
f obv. 34 [MI]N ina kan-ni l.UR it-m-ru MIN ina la-ab-t[i ]
48 C rev. 3 [ iq-lu]-
f obv. 35 [MI]N ina! ti-nr ZABAR iq-lu-u MIN ina i-it dUTU-i [ ]
49 C rev. 45 [ iq-lu]- / [ it-m-r]u
f obv. 36 [MI]N ina e-reb dUTU iq-lu-u MIN ina e-reb ABU[L ]
50 C rev. 67 [ -tam-m-r]u / [ it-m]-ru
f obv. 37 [MI]N ina SILA LMMU.BA -tam-m-ru MIN ina KI.TA-na dk-[bu ]
51 C rev. 8 [ ]-x-u
f obv. 38 [MIN GI]M pi-sa-an-nu mu-ar-di-i ina P i-ku-nu-m[a x x x]
52 C rev. 9 [ -e?-ri?]-du
f obv. 39 [MIN GIM] MUL -ma-mi -[e?-ri?-du]
53 C rev. 10 [ -la?-]i?-bu
f obv. 40 [MIN x] x a saar-up-pe-e ina K -[la?-i?-bu]
54 C rev. 1111a [ d
]u-bur \ [-e-bi]-ru
f obv. 41 [MIN ana GI].GN.MA id-di-nu-ma du-bur
55 C rev. 12 [ u-x-d]u?-
f obv. 42 MIN [(x)] x [x] x a-tu-di u-[x-du?-]
56 C rev. 13 [ ] BAL-
f obv. 43 MIN U4.26.[KAM ] itiNE KI te-r-t da-nun-n[a-ki ]
57 C rev. 14 [ ]-ru
E2 obv. 1 [KIMIN] KI A.ME ZI.KU5.RU.D[A-a ]
f obv. 44 MIN KI A.M[E ZI].KU5.RU.DA-a I[GI? MU]L? -ma-[mi? x-x-x]
TEXT 8.3 277
58 C rev. 15 [ ]-ku
E2 obv. 2 KIMIN ina ki-ad D it-mi-ru K[IMIN ]
f obv. 45 MIN ina G [D it-m]-ru [ ina U4.]UL.GL a x x x [ ]
59 C rev. 1617 [ -al-pi]-tu / [ ip-q-d]u
E2 obv. 3 KIMIN ina KU5 UDU.NTA -al-pi-tu KI[MIN ]
f obv. 46 MIN ina KU5-is UDU.[NTA MIN] ana gu-g[ul] L.U18.[LU ]
60 C rev. 18 [ it-m-r]u
E2 obv. 4 KIMIN ina KI.TA dku-i [it-mi-ru KIMIN ]
f obv. 47 MIN ina KI.T[A i]t-m-[ru MIN ina? (x)] EDIN [ ]
61 C rev. 19 [ it-m]-ru
E2 obv. 5 KIMIN ina KI.TA de-qi [it-mi-ru KIMIN ]
f obv. 48 MIN ina MIN [ MI]N? [ina? x x] EDIN [ ]
62 C rev. 20 [ ]-x-
E2 obv. 6 KIMIN ina K N- im-u-u-ma [ ]
f obv. 49 [MIN] ina K N- i[m-u-u-ma (x x x)] ana e-reb dUTU-[i ]
63 C rev. 2122 [ it-m]-ru / [dUTU a]t-ta
E2 obv. 7 KIMIN ina URU UB-i u na-me-e {} it-m-ru [ ]
f obv. 50 [MIN] ina URU [ ]x[ ]
h obv. 1 [ ] DI.KU5 [x x x x at-ta]
64 C rev. 23 [ a]t-ta-ma
E2 obv. 8 EN kit-tum u mi--ru mu-te-ir d[-g-g ]
f obv. 51 [MIN] ina x [ ]x[
h obv. 2 [ mi-]-ri mu-te-ir [ ]
(f obv. breaks)
65 C rev. 24 [DI].KU5 da-[nun-na-ki mu]-ta-lum
E2 obv. 9 DI.KU5 a-nun-na-ki [ ]
h rev. 1 [ a]-nun-na-ki [ ]
66 C rev. 25 [d]UTU ka-ap-ia u ka-[ap-ti-ia]
E2 obv. 10 UTU ka-ap-ia5 [ ]
h rev. 2 [ ka-]ap-ia u ka-ap-ti-ia
67 C rev 25 [ m]u-te-p[i]-ti-ia
E2 obv. 11 e-pi-ia5 u mu-te-pi-ti-ia ra-i-[ia5 u ]
h rev. 23 e-pi-i[a ]/ [ r]a-i-ti-ia
68 C rev. 26 ki-pu--nu ru-u--nu ru-s[u--nu UL.M]E NU DU10.GA.ME
E2 obv. 12 ki-pi--nu ru-e--nu ru-se--nu [UL.ME ]
h rev. 34 ki-pi--nu ru-e--nu ru-[se--nu ]/ [ ]
69 C rev. 27 lib-bal-kit(u)--nu-ti a-na mu-[i--nu l]a-ni--nu lil-[l]i-ku
E2 obv. 13 lib-bal-kit(u)--nu-ti ana mu-i--nu u la-[ni--nu ]
h rev. 4 [l]ib-bal-ki-tu--nu-ti-ma ana [
(h breaks)
70 C rev. 28 dUTU d
gra tap-pu-ka l[i]-tal-lil II-[a]-a
d d
E2 obv. 14 UTU gira tap-pu-ka li-tal-l[il ]
71 C rev. 29 dUTU d
gra qa-mu- liq-mi--n[u-t]i
E2 obv. 15 d
gra qa-mu- liq-mi--nu-ti
72 C rev. 30 [dg]ra lik-kel-me--nu-ti d
gra li-ru-up--n[u-t]i
E2 obv. 1516 d
gra l[ik-kel-me--nu-ti] / d
gra li-ru-up--nu-ti :
73 C rev. 31 [dg]ra li-ar-mi-su-nu-ti dgra li-ar-rip--[nu-t]i
E2 obv. 16 gra li-ar-mi-su-nu-t[i ]

74 C rev. 32 [dg]ra li-kab-bi-ib--nu-ti dgra ag-gi UGU--[nu lil-s]i

E2 obv. 17 gra li-kab-bi-ib--nu-ti dgra ag-gi[ ]
75 C rev. 33 [dg]ra ZI--nu GIM A.ME lit-[bu-u]k
d rev. 1 [ n]a-pi-ta--[nu ]
E2 obv. 18 gra ZI--nu GIM A.ME [ ]
76 C rev. 34 dgra ana kur-nu-gi4-a li-e-rid-s[u-nu-t]i
d rev. 2 [dgir]a ana kur-nu-gi4-a li-e-[rid-su-nu-ti]
E2 rev. 1 gra ana kur-nu-gi4-a li-[e-rid-su-nu-ti]
f rev. 1 [gra kur-n]u-[gi4-a] l[i-e-rid-su-nu-ti]
77 C rev. 35 gra mu-nam-mer uk-li ek-le-ti pa-ni- [x x] x
d rev. 3 [ mu-na]m-mer uk-li ek-le-t[i ]
E2 rev. 2 gra mu-nam-mer uk-li ek-le-ti [ ]
f rev. 2 d
gra [mu-n]am-mer uk-l[u ]
d d
78 C rev. 36 gra ana nam-tar SUKKAL KI-tim lip-qi[d-su-nu-t]i
d rev. 4 [dg]ira ana d
nam-tar SUKKAL KI-tim l[ip-qissunti]
d d
E2 rev. 3 gra ana nam-tar SUKKAL KI-tim [ ]
f rev. 3 d
gra ana d
nam-tar SUKKAL KI-t[im ]
79 C rev. 37 d
UTU ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e
d rev. 5 [dUT]U ana ia-a-i ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e
E2 rev. 4 d
11 11 11
f rev. 4 d
UTU ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e
C ctd. up--e-e [UL.ME puni(?)]
d ctd. [ ]
E2 ctd. NG.AK.A.ME [ ]
f ctd. u[p--e-e ]
80 C rev. 38 DINGIR LUGAL IDIM NUN n-kel-m[u-in-n]i
d rev. 6 [ ] LUGAL IDIM u NUN n-kel-mu-[in-ni]
f rev. 5 DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u [ ]
81 C rev. 39 KI DINGIR d
u 15 -ze-nu-in-ni
d rev. 7 [K]I DINGIR u d15 -ze-nu-nin-ni -sa-i-ru b[u?-nunu(?)]
E2 rev. 6 KI DINGIR u d15 -ze-nu-in-ni
f rev. 67 KI DINGIR u di8-tr -ze-nu-in-n[i] -sa-[i-ru ]/
C ctd. -la[m-mi-nu-in-n]i
d ctd.
E2 ctd. [ ]
f ctd. -lam-m-nu-in-ni
82 C rev. 40 ina al-t ina SILA pu--pu-u-u i[-ku-nu-nim-ma]
d rev. 8 [in]a al-tum ina SILA pu-u-pu-u-u-u i-ku-n[u-nim-ma]
E2 rev. 7 ina al-t ina SILA pu-u-pu-u-u i[-ku-nu-nim-m]a
f rev. 78 ina [al-t] ina SILA p[u-u-pu-u-u] / i-ku-nu-nim-ma
83 C rev. 41 DINGIR-ut-ka GAL-t ZU- DINGIR a-a-um-ma NU ZU-
d rev. 9 [DI]NGIR-ut-ka GAL-ti ZU- DINGIR a-a-um-ma la ZU-u
E2 rev. 89 DINGIR-ut-ka GAL-ti ZU- DINGIR a-a-um-ma [ ]/
f rev. 89 DINGIR-ut-ka G[AL-ti ] / DINGIR a-a-um-ma la i-du-u
C ctd. at-t[a-ma ZU]-
d ctd. [ ]
E2 ctd. at-ta-ma ZU- a-na-ku NU ZU-u :
f ctd. a[t-ta-ma ]
TEXT 8.3 279
84 C rev. 42
a lU11.ZU-MU munus
U11.ZU-MU :
d rev. 10 UTU ka-ap-ia5 u ka-ap-ti-ia5
E2 rev. 910 a ka-a[p-ia ]/
f rev. 10 d
UTU ka--pi-ia5 ka-a[p-t]i-ia5
C ctd. a e-pi[-ia5 ]
d ctd. e-pi-ia5 u mu[-te-pi-ti-ia]
E2 ctd. a e-pi-ia u e-pi-ti-ia
f ctd. e-pi-ia5 mu-t[e-pi-ti-ia5]
85 C rev. 43 a ra-i-ia u ra-i-ti-ia ki-pi--nu ina KI.TA-ka
d rev. 11 [r]a-i-ia5 u ra-i-ti-ia5 ki-pi--nu ina KI.TA-ka
E2 rev. 1011 ra-i-i[a ]/ ki-pi--nu ina q-bti-ka
f rev. 1112 ra-i-ia5 ra-i-ti-ia5 ki-pi--nu ina [ ]/
C ctd. G[IM ]
d ctd. GIM gi-pa[r-ri ]
E2 ctd. GIM gi-par-[ri ]
f ctd. GIM gi-par-ri lib-bal-ki[t(u)--nu-ti]
86 C rev. 44 a-na -u-nu l[i-ba-ru--nu-ti]
d rev. 12 [-u-n]u li-ba-ru--nu-ti
E2 rev. 12 a-na -u-nu li-ba-ru--nu-ti :
f rev. 13 -u-nu li-ba-ru--nu-ti
87 C rev. 45 UTU U4-ka ez-zu lik-[u-ud-su-nu-ti]
d rev. 12 UTU U4-ka ez-zu lik-u-u[d-su-nu-ti]
E2 rev. 12 [UTU ]
f rev. 13 d
UTU U4-ka ez-z[u ]
88 C rev. 46 [ ] dugTUL u-bu-s[u-nu]-ti G[IM t]i-nri [ ]
d rev. 13 [ ] di-qa-ri u-bu-su-nu<-ti> GIM ti-nri qu-tur--nu li-ri-mu [AN-e]
E2 rev. 13 GIM dugTUL u-bu-su-nu-ti GI[M ]
f rev. 1415 GIM di-qa-ri <u->b[u-su-nu-ti] / GIM [t]i-nri qu-tur--nu li-rim [ ]
89 C rev. 47 [li-]u-lu [li-z]u-bu [ ]
d rev. 14 [li]-u-lu li-zu-bu u lit-ta-at-tu-[ku]
E2 rev. 14 li-u-lu li-zu-bu [ ]
f rev. 16 li-u-lu li-zu-bu u lit-t[a-at-tu-ku]
90 C rev. 48 [na-pi]-ta--nu [ ] A.ME [na-a-di liq-t]i
d rev. 15 [na-p]i-ta--nu ki-ma A.ME na-a-di liq-[ti]
E2 rev. 15 [n]a-pi-ta--nu [ ]
f rev. 17 [na]-pi-ta--nu GIM A.ME na-a-du l[iq-ti]
91 C rev. 49 [u-n]u li-mu-tu-ma ana-[ku lub-lu]
d rev. 16 [ ] li-mu-tu-ma ana-ku lu-b-lu
E2 rev. 16 [u-n]u li-mu-tu-m[a ]
f rev. 18 []u-nu li-mu-tu-ma ana-ku l[u-blu]
(E2 rev. breaks)
92 C rev. 50 [u-n]u li-ni--ma a[na-ku ]
d rev. 16 u-nu li-ni--ma ana-ku l[u-ud-nin]
f rev. 19 []u-nu li-ni--ma ana-ku l[u-ud-nin]
93 C rev. 51 [u-n]u lik-ta-su-ma a[na-ku ]
d rev. 17 [ l]i-ik-te-su-ma ana-ku lu-ir
f rev. 20 u-nu li-ik-ti-su-ma ana-ku l[u-ir]
J rev. 1 [ liktass]-ma [ ]

94 C rev. 52 [u-n]u li-ab-tu-ma ana-[ku ]

d rev. 17 u-nu li-i-ab-tu-ma ana-ku lu-[e?-et?]
f rev. 21 u-nu li-i-ab-tu-ma ana-ku l[u-t(?)]
J rev. 2 [ liabt]-ma ana-ku l[u-t(?)]
95 C rev. 53 [ q-bi-t]i-ka ir-ti [ ]
d rev. 18 [ q]-bi-ti-ka ir-t NU KR-r[u]
f rev. 22 ina q-bi-ti-ka ir-t NU KR-ru
J rev. 3 [ i]r-ti la KR-[ru]
96 C rev. 54 [ an]-ni-ka ki-nim [ ]
d rev. 19 [ an-n]i-ka ki-nim NU BAL-
f rev. 22 u an-ni-ka ki-nim [ ]
J rev. 4 [ k]i-nim a [ ]
97 C rev. 5556 [ ]R-k[a] /
d rev. 20 [ana-k]u R-ka
f rev. 23 ana-ku Id
J rev. 5 [ () ]
C ctd. [ l]u-u-lim-ma
d ctd. lu-ub-lu-u lu-u-lim-m[a]
f ctd. lu-ub-lu lu-u[-lim-ma]
J ctd. [ lu-u-lim]-ma
98 C rev. 5657 nr-bi-ka lu--pi d[-l-l-ka] / a-n[a UN.ME] al-mat SAG.DU [ ]
d rev. 21 nar-bi-ka lu--pi d-l-l-ka ana UN.ME al-mat SAG.DU lu-ud-lu[l]
f rev. 24 nar-bi-ka lu--pi d-l-l-ka ana UN.ME DAGAL.ME [ ]
J rev. 56 nr-bi-ka [ ]/ [ ] ana UN.ME al-mat SAG.D[U ]
99 C rev. 58 [UTU a-i-p]u-ti ABGAL DINGIR.M[E ]
d rev. 22 d
UTU ur-bi a-i-pu-tu ABGAL DINGIR.ME i-pu- dAMAR.UTU
f rev. 25 UTU ur-bi a-i-pu-t ABGAL DINGIR.ME i-pu- dnu-d[m-mud]
J rev. 7 [ a-]i-pu-t ABGAL DINGIR.ME D-[ ]
C, d, f, J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of d)
100 C rev. 59 KA.INI[M.MA ?
] ki-pi ma-a-d[u-ti ]
f rev. 26 KA.INIM.MA munus
ki-pi ma-a-du-t i-pu-[u]
J rev. 8 KA.INIM.M[A (x)] ka-ap-tu a ki-pi ma-a-[du-ti ]
101 C rev. 60 NIGIN-ma DA[B ] [ru]-e-e D-[ ]
f rev. 27 NIGIN-ma a-ba-ti munusU11.ZU ru-e-e i-pu-u-u pi-i-[]
J rev. 9 NIGIN-ma DA[B ru-]e-e ru-se-e D- -e-pi-[]
102 C rev. 60 [ ]
f rev. 28 r-i ub-bu-ri
J rev. 9 [ ]
C, f, J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(following lines in C68 and J differ from f; for J, see ll. 11724)
103 f rev. 29 D.D.BI lu ina R lu ina EDIN KI SAR A K.GA UB.UB-di
104 f rev. 30 BANUR IGI dUTU GAR-an 3 UK.ME 12.TA.M NINDA ZZ.A.AN GAR-an
105 f rev. 31 NG.NA imLI GAR-an KA.SAG BAL-q

C rev. 6163 read: ka-ap-t x [ ], e-nu-m[a ], L x [ ]. This is followed by a paragraph divider, and the re-
mainder of the rev. is left uninscribed.
TEXT 8.3 281
106 E1 rev. 1 [u-l]u-p[aq-qa ]
f ctd. u-lu-paq-qa ana IGI dUTU GAR-an
k obv. 1 [NG.TAB.TUR.R]A ana IGI dUTU GAR-an
107 E1 rev. 12 [ ] / 4 NU giINIG [ ]
f rev. 32 lu-te-e ar-ba-t te-e-en 4 NU IM 4 NU IM PI10 D
k obv. 13 lu-te-e / [ t]e-e-en 4 NU INIG 4 NU.ME / giE[RIN]
108 E1 rev. 23 [ ]/
f rev. 33 ki-la-le-e 4 NU .UDU 4 NU .UDU {4 NU} ma-gar-ri
k obv. 34 4 NU.ME IM 4 NU.ME IM PI10!(ki) D.M /
E1 ctd. 4 NU .UDU
f ctd. 4 NU DU.E.GI.
k ctd. 4 NU.ME .UDU
109 E1 rev. 3 4 N[U ]
f rev. 34 4 NU NG.SILA11.G
k obv. 45 4 NU.ME .UDU gima-gar-ri!(u) /
E1 ctd. [ ]
f ctd. 4 NU NG.SILA11.G E.MU5 4 NU NG.SILA11.G E.SA.A
k ctd. 4 NU.ME NG.SILA11.G 4 NU.ME NG.SILA11.G E.SA.A
110 C obv. 1 [ ]
E1 rev. 4 4 NU NG.SILA11.G [ ]
gi gi
f rev. 35 4 NU bi-nu 4 NU ere-ni
k obv. 67 4 NU.ME NG.SILA11.G E.MU5 4 NU.ME ESIR /
C ctd. [ DU].L[L]
E1 ctd. [ ]
f ctd. 4 NU ESIR 4 NU DU.LL
k ctd. 4 NU.ME DU.E.GI. 4 NU.ME DU.LL
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 C obv. 2 [ ]
E1 rev. 5 NU.ME an-nu-t[i ]
f rev. 36 NU.ME an-nu-ti ta-ks-si--nu-ti-ma GI.IZI.L
k obv. 8 NU.ME -nu-t ta-ks-su-u-nu-ti-ma / GI.IZI.L
112 C obv. 2 [ ]UB-di
E1 rev. 5 [ ?
f rev. 37 ina IZ[I PI]10.dD L-ma ana NG.TAB.TUR.RA UB.UB-ma
k obv. 910 ina IZI PI10.D ta-qad-ma / [ana] UB
113 C obv. 3 [ tu-na-a--n]u-ti
E1 rev. 6 N an-ni-t[u ]
f rev. 38 N an-[ni-t] 3- ID-nu GIM ib-ta-lu ina A.ME tu-na-a--nu-ti
k obv. 1011 N 3- ID-nu ki-ma EG6.G!? / [ A.M]E tu-na-a
114 C obv. 4 [ ta-n]a-suk
E1 rev. 7 N at-t[u-nu ]
f rev. 39 N [at-t]u-nu A.ME 3- ID [N]E--nu(-)ti69 ina ar-ba-t ta-na-suk
k obv. 1112 N at-tu-nu A.ME 3- ID / [N]E--nu ana ar-ba-ti ta-na-suk

For a discussion of this problematic phrase, see Notes. Abusch reads taqall(BIL)--nu-ti // taqall(BIL)--nu<-ti>, Schwemer pre-
fers ikmn(D)--nu{-ti} // ikmn(D)--nu or ikmn(D)--nu teleqqe(TI) // ikmn(D)--nu.

115 C obv. 5 [ t g
] G. [ I]D-nu
E1 rev. 8 e-ma G [ . ]
f rev. 40 [ ] G. i--[a-]u N -u-u MIN 3- ID-nu
t g

k obv. 1314 e-nu-ma tgG. i-a-a-u / N a-u-u MIN 3- ID-nu

k -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of unit in k, for the following units, see 2.)
116 C obv. 6 [ki]-pi [ TE.ME]-u gr
E1 rev. 9 ki-pi [ ]
f rev. 41 [ ] pa--ru nam-rim ma-mtu NU TE.ME-u
C, E1, f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of unit in f)70
117 C obv. 7 []N -u-u[ MIN ] MIN
E1 rev. 10 N -u-u[ ]
J rev. 10 N -[u-u ]-u-u -ta-a [-ta-a]
118 C obv. 8 [i]m--ia t[a-ni-i-ia u ta-d]i-ra-ti-ia
E1 rev. 10 [ ]
J rev. 11 im--ia5 [ta-ni]-i-ia5 u ta-di-ra-[ti-ia5]
119 C obv. 9 []-a a-a mim-ma [ SA.M]E-MU GL-
E1 rev. 11 -[a] a-[a
J rev. 1213 a-a --a mim-ma lem-nu ina SU-[MU] / [SA.M]E-MU GL-
(E1 rev. breaks)71
120 C obv. 10 [i]na mu-i-k[u-nu ]-u-u
J rev. 13 ana UG[U-ku-nu ]72
121 C obv. 11 []-u-u [ SU-MU ina mu]-i-ku-nu
122 C obv. 12 []-u-u [ UZU.ME-MU ina m]u-i-ku-nu
G rev. 1 mu-i]-ku-[nu
123 C obv. 13 -u-u SA.ME-M[U i]na mu-i-ku-nu
G rev. 2 m]u-i-k[u-nu
124 C obv. 14 []-u-u me-re-t[i-ia5] ina mu-i-ku-nu
G rev. 3 mu-]i-ku-n[u
C, G, J ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of J73; for following lines in C obv., see here ll. 1119; for following lines in G, see 3.)

2. k obv. 15l. e. 50
(for k obv. 115, see 1., ll. 10715)
1 k obv. 15 [DI NA] id-da-na-bu-bu- ina ki-pi EN INIM-
2 k obv. 16 [it-t]a-na-a-dar- ina .GAL DU.DU-ku
3 k obv. 17 [l m]a-ra-u NA BI NU.ME- ana d[g]ra
4 k obv. 18 [paq-d]u ana u-te-u-ri-u-ma TIN-
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 k lo. e. 19 [ ] x IGI dUTU GI.DU8 GIN-an
6 k lo. e. 20 [NG.NA imLI(?) GAR-a]n Z.LUM.MA zEA

The catchline in f rev. 42 reads: [n kr-k]r bil kr-kr in-ak. For a full edition of this incantation, see text group 7.6.
On the lower half of the fragment traces of the colophon are preserved (E1 rev. 1214): LIBIR.R[A.BI.GIM air-ma bari], .GAL
[Aur-bn-apli ar kiati ar mt Aur], a [ ].
The following lines in ms. J follow a different word order: (14)[] SU-MU ina UGU-ku-nu -u-u UZU.M[E-MU KIMIN] (15)
SA.ME-MU KIMIN me-re-[ti-ia5 KIMIN].
The catchline in J rev. 16 is likely to be restored after KAR 80 = KAL 2, 8 obv. 1 (here text 8.4): DI NA SAG.[DU-su ianabbassu
pnu] NIGIN.ME-d[u].
TEXT 8.3 283
7 k lo. e. 21 [DUB-aq NINDA]..D.A LL .NUN.NA GAR-a[n]
8 k rev. 22 [ ] KA.[SA]G BAL-q
9 k rev. 23 [NU.ME a(?) l]U11.ZU u munusU11.ZU
10 k rev. 24 [D iz-qat U.ME(?)]--nu iz-qat GR.ME--nu
11 k rev. 25 [a x x(?) ta?-pa?]-ti-iq MU.NE.NE
12 k rev. 26 [ina .ME--nu SAR(?) PI10?.d?]D TAG-su-nu-ti
13 k rev. 27 [x x x (x)] x ta-ga-a-i-ir
14 k rev. 28 [DU11.GA-ma(?)] GBIL--nu-ti
k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 k rev. 29 []N [dUTU an-nu-t] e-pi-u--a
16 k rev. 30 [UTU an-nu-t] mu-te-pi---a
17 k rev. 31 I[NIM? UL?-t]i i-pu-u-nin-ni
18 k rev. 32 ana l[e-mut-t]i ir-te-ned-du-nin-ni
19 k rev. 33 ana mi-ti i-i-ru-in-ni
20 k rev. 34 ana gul-gul-la-ti -paq-q-du-in-ni
21 k rev. 35 NU.ME-MU ana dgra ip-q-du
22 k rev. 36 ina ABRUD e-reb dUTU-i ip-u-
23 k rev. 37 UR.GI7 --ki-lu A.ME ZI-MU ina qab-ri N
24 k rev. 38 ana MUL.ME -ma-mi A.ME-e-a iq-qu-
25 k rev. 39 ZI.KU5.RU.DA-a UL.GIG KA.DAB.B.DA
26 k rev. 40 INIM.[GAR?.R]A? i-pu-u-ni u kar-i-i GU7
27 k rev. 41 [UTU U4-k]a ez-zu lik-u-su-nu-ti
28 k rev. 42 k[i-ma di-qa-r]i u-bu-us-su-nu-ti!(tim)
29 k rev. 43 [kma ti-nu-r]i qu-tur--nu li-rim AN
30 k rev. 44 [li-u-lu li-z]u-bu u lit-ta-at-tuku
31 k rev. 45 [dUTU dgra tap-p]u-ka li!(i)-tal-l[al II]-MU
32 k u. e. 46 [dUTU dgra qa-mu]- liq-mi-[-nu-ti]
33 k u. e. 47 [ ] x ab x x x [(x)]
34 k u. e. 48 [narbka lu]--pi d-l-l-k[a]
35 k u. e. 49 [(ana ni rapti) lu]d-lul
36 k l. e. 50 [kip a m]unusU11.Z[U] D- GUR-ma i-ab-ba-tu

3. G rev. 46
1 G rev. 4 ]a? e ba? x [
2 G rev. 5 k]u x [
3 G rev. 6 ]? x [

Bound Transcription Translation

1. a obv. 134 // B // C // d // E1, E2 // f // 1. a obv. 134 // B // C // d // E1, E2 // f // G obv., rev. 13 //

G obv., rev. 13 // h // J // k obv. 114 h // J // k obv. 114
1 1
umma amlu kip epu l alm[u If witchcraft has been performed against a man, (if) either
ina m] temr 2l almu ana gulgullisic figurin[es of him] have been sunk [in wat]er, 2or figurines of
amlti paqd[ ] 3l almu ina him have been entrus[ted] to a human skull, 3or figurines of
iti nad l almu ina ereti qeb[r] 4l him have been thrown into fire, or figurines of him have been
m zikurudu eb ana maar ka[kka- bu[ried] in the ground, 4or the water of his cutting-of-the-
b(?) naq(?)] 5l ina akal kul l ina m throat has been drawn [(and) poured] before the st[ars], 5or
(var.: kurunni) aqi <l> ina amni pa[i] he has been given (bewitched) bread to eat, or he has been
l ina bulti bul ana bullu[u] 7u given (bewitched) water (var.: beer) to drink, <or> he has
zubu u kip ru an[nti] 8ana zumr- been anoi[nted] with (bewitched) oil, 6or he has been sent
u l e (bewitched) presents: To cure h[im] 7 and to save him, and so
that th[is] witchcraft (and) sorcery 8not come near his body,
u l kapi l kapti [a puu(?)] and so that her witchcraft (and) her sorcery turn (back) 8be
kipa rua sarim-ma abta ka- it warlock or witch, [who bewitched him] 9and seize her,
pi u [kapti] 10ari ubburim-ma ina 10
to bind 9warlock and [witch] 10quickly, and to [ them]
aganutill qt m[mti ] with dropsy (and) hand-of-a-c[urse disease]:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
N ama anntu pia ama anntu Incantation: ama, these are my sorcerers, ama, these
mutpia are they who have had me bewitched!
12 12
alm kapya u kaptya alm pi- The figurines of my warlock and my witch, the figurines of
ya u mutpitya (var.: pitya) my sorcerer and my enchantress,
((12aalm sirya u sertya)) ((12athe figurines of the male and female who have encircled
13 13
alm rya u rtya alm bl dab- the figurines of the r-warlock and the rtu-witch, the
bya u blet dabb[ya] figurines of my male and female adversary,
14 14
alm bl ikkya u blet ikkya alm bl the figurines of the male and female who are furious with
dnya u bl[et dnya] me, the figurines of my male and fem[ale] accusers,
15 15
alm bl errya u blet errya alm the figurines of my male and female enemy, the figurines of
bl tidkya u b[let tidkya] my male and fem[ale] opponents,
16 16
a ipa brta amt lemutti pua u[pi- who have performed (or) have had [performed], 17[have
a] so]ught against me (or) have had sought against me
17 16
[i]sura uasira ana piti ep-ma iqb sortilege, rebellion (and) evil word(s), who s[aid] to a sor-
ceress Perform sorceries,
18 18
ana serti sur-ma iqb who said to an enchantress Enchant
ama annt[u] unu 19anntu almunu ama, these are they, 19these are the figurines representing
kma unu l izzazz almunu 20pu-ma Since they are not present, 20I have made 19figurines of them
ina (var.s: ana; caret) maar iltka and [I] h[old] (them) in the presence of your great
rabtu n[aku] divinity.
21 21
ama a yi kip ru rus up[] ama, (those) who 27have laid 21upon me witchcraft, magic,
((l bti)) sorcery, 22((wicked)) 21machinations,
rma zra dibal zikurud love-magic, hate-magic, distortion-of-justice magic, cut-
ting-of-the-throat magic,
23 23
kadabbed egerr urung d pn seizing-of-the-mouth magic, slander, soothing-of-anger
D.GUR.RA magic, vertigo, failure-at-the-river-ordeal magic,
24 24
.GAL.KU4.RA miqit mi int (var.: an) being-summoned-to-the-palace magic, loss of reason, mad-
mi udingirakka ness, hand-of-the-god,
25 25
uininnakka ugidimmakka unamerim- hand-of-the-goddess, hand-of-a-ghost, hand-of-a-curse,
makka unamlullukka hand-of-a-human,
26 26
d lemutti sanulaz mukl r lemutti an evil demon (and) Sanulaz, the one who sustains evil,
27 27
ikunnim-ma pya uabbit kid and who have seized my mouth, have set my neck tremb-
utarrir ling,
28 28
pya ubbil (var.: ubbi) dabb ildud have dried up (var.: have made swollen) my mouth, have
irt idib torn out my speech, have pressed on my chest,
29 29
libb unni aya iks berkya iks have weakened my heart, have bound my arms, have bound
pya 30likti ukass my knees, have bound my 30mobile 29feet,
eenr 31ikpup pnya uanadd ((zum- 31
have bent 30my back, 31have caused me vertigo,
r)) mangu lutu 32umallinni 32
have filled me 31((, my body,)) with stiffness and decay,
rt imlus sissikt ibtuq have plucked out my hair, have torn off the hem of my
33 33
rut ilq eper pya ibu mindt have taken my spittle, have gathered the dirt touched by my
lnya umandid feet, have measured my body,
34 34
almya l a bni l a erni l a lip l have ((indeed)) made figurines representing me either of
a ikri tamarisk wood or of cedar wood or of tallow or of wax
35 35
l a kupsi l a itt l a di l a li or of sesame pomace or of bitumen or of clay or of dough
TEXT 8.3 285
36 36
l a l egui l l labti ((l)) pu- or of dough made of eguu-barley or of dough made of
ma roasted grain, and
37 37
[kalba ((l])) ukil a ((l)) ukil have ((indeed)) fed (them) [to a dog], have ((indeed)) fed
ir am ((l)) ukil nn aps ((l)) (them) to a pig, have ((indeed)) fed (them) to a bird of the
ukil sky, have ((indeed)) fed (them) to a fish of the under-
ground water:
38 38
ama anntu unu anntu almunu ama, these are they, these are their figurines!
kma unu l izzazz almunu 39ina ma- Since they are not present, 39I have set up (var.?: I burn)
ar iltka rabti ulz[ssunti] (var.?: 38
their figurines 39in the presence of your great divinity.
40 40
[alm]ya pu-ma ina sn mti ikun They have made [figur]ines of me and placed (them) in the
bosom of a corpse,
41 41
almya pu-ma ina samt dri itmir[] they have made figurines of me and immur[ed] (them) in
(var.: ip) ina bi a dri tep(?) the revetment of a wall, they have shut (them) up in the
sewage opening of the city-wall,
42 42
almya pu-ma ina apln dimti (var.: they have made figurines of me and laid (them) to rest
Kbu) unill almya pu-ma ina under a tower (var.: the god Kbu), they have made figur-
kid Sebetti [ ] ines of me and [ ] (them) on the neck of the Seven
43 43
almya pu-ma in[a] kikatt pari they have made figurines of me and [ ] (them) i[n] a
[ ] potters kiln,
44 44
almya pu-ma ina kibir nri kilall they have made figurines of me and buried (them) in both
uta[mmir] banks of the river,
45 45
almya pu-ma ina urri ereb ami they have made figurines of me and shut (them) up in a hole
ip almya pu-ma ina bt Kbu a in the west, they have made figurines of me and [ ]
ri [ ] (them) in the temple of the god Kbu of the steppe,
46 46
almya pu-ma ina utn paru they have made figurines of me and burnt (them) in a
irup almya pu-ma ina utn sb potters kiln, they have made figurines of me and [bu]r[nt]
[iru]p[] (them) in a brewers kiln,
47 47
almya pu-ma ina kanni iti itmir they have made figurines of me and buried (them) in an oil-
almya pu-ma ina labt[i iql] pressers jar, they have made figurines of me and [bu]rnt
(them) in a kiln for roasting grai[n],
48 48
almya pu-ma ina tinr siparri iql they have made figurines of me and burnt (them) in a cop-
almya pu-ma ina t ami [iql] per smelting furnace, they have made figurines of me and
[bur]nt (them) in the east,
49 49
almya pu-ma ina ereb ami iql they have made figurines of me and burnt (them) in the
almya pu-ma ina ereb abull[i it- west, they have made figurines of me and [bu]ried (them)
mir] in the entrance of the city ga[te],
50 50
almya pu-ma ina sq erbetti utam- they have made figurines of me and buried them at the
mir almya pu-ma ina apln crossroads, they have made figurines of me and [bu]ried
K[bu itmi]r them under the god K[bu],
51 51
[almya pu-ma k]ma pisannu muar- [they have made figurines of me and] placed (them) in a
d ina bri ikun-m[a ] well [li]ke a leaking basket and [ ] (them),
52 52
[almya pu-ma kma] kakkab amm [they have made figurines of me and] let (them) down (to
u[ri]d(?) the netherworld) [like] a star in the sky,
53 53
[almya pu-ma ] a saarupp [they have made figurines of me and] af[fecte]d (them)
ina bbi u[laib](?) [with ] of leprosy at the gate,
54 54
[almya pu-ma ana Gi]lgme iddin- [they have made figurines of me and] given (them) [to
ma ubur u[bi]r Gi]lgame and sent (them) [across] the ubur river,
55 55
[almya pu-ma] atdi u[] [they have made figurines of me and] they the of
a ram,
56 56
almya pu-ma U4.26.[KAM ]a Abi they have made figurines of me and changed (their lot) on
aar tertu Anunn[aki] n(?) the 26th day of Abu in the place where the Anunna[ki] are
57 57
almya pu-ma itti m zikurud m[a- they have made figurines of me and [ ] (them) together
ar(?) kakk]ab(?) am[m(?) ]r with the water of cutting-of-the-throat b[efore a sta]r in
the s[ky],
58 58
almya pu-ma ina kid nri itmir they have made figurines of me and buried them in the river
al[mya pu-ma ina u]ulgal(?) bank, they [ on the] evil day.
59 59
almya pu-ma ina nikis immeri they have made figurines of me and struck (them) down at
ualpit alm[ya pu-ma] ana gulgul the slaughtering of a sheep, [they have made] figurines [of
aml[ti ipqid] me and han]ded them over to a hum[an] skull,
60 60
almya pu-ma ina apln Ki they have made figurines of me and [buried] (them) under
[itmir almya pu-ma ina? ()] the god Ku, [they have made figurines of me and
ri [itmir] bu]ried (them) [in ( of)] the steppe.
61 61
almya pu-ma ina apln qi [itmir they have made figurines of me and [buried] (them) under
almya pu-ma ina? ] ri the god qu, [they have made figurines of me and bu]ried
[itmi]r (them) [in of] the steppe.
62 62
almya pu-ma ina nt ramnu they have made figurines of me and dissolved them in their!
imu-ma [( )] ana ereb am[i (text: his) own urine, and [( ) ] towards sun-
] se[t],
63 63
almya pu-ma ina li nad u nam they have made figurines of me and buried (them) in a
itmir deserted city and in the steppe.
ama dayyn [ ] att ama, you are the judge [of ],
64 64
bl kttu u maru muter [Igigi a]tt- [y]ou alone are the lord of justice and of right, good guide
ma of [the Igigi],
65 65
dayyn Anunnaki [mu]tlu [de]liberate judge of the Anunnaki!
66 66
ama a kapya u kaptya ama, let 68the evil and bad witchcraft, magic (and) sorcery
67 66
piya u mutpitya ((r[ya u r]- of my warlock and my witch,
tya)) of my sorcerer and my enchantress, ((of my r-warlo[ck
kipunu ruunu rusunu lemnti l and] my [r]tu-witch,))
69 69
libbalkitunti((-ma)) ana muunu u turn upon them and go onto their head and their bodies!
lnunu lil[l]ik
70 70
ama Girra tappka ltallil idya O ama, let Girra, your associate, be fixed at my side,
71 71
ama Girra qm liqmunti O ama, let Girra, the burner, burn them,
72 72
Girra likkelmunti Girra lirupunti let Girra glare at them, let Girra set them afire,
73 73
Girra liarmissunti (var.: liarmis- let Girra melt them, let Girra smelt t[he]m,
sunti) Girra liarripu[nt]i
74 74
Girra likabbibunti Girra aggi el- let Girra scorch them, let Girra [roa]r against them
u[nu lils]i furiously,
75 75
Girra napitaunu kma m lit[bu]k let Girra p[our] out their life like water,
76 76
Girra ana Kurnugia liriss[unt]i let Girra send t[he]m down to the Land of No Return,
77 77
Girra munammer ukli eklti pnu [ ] let Girra, who brightens darkness and gloom, [ ] his face,
78 78
Girra ana Namtar sukkal ereti lipqi[s- let Girra hand [them over] to Namtar, the vizier of the
sunti] netherworld!
79 79
ama a (var.: ana yi) kip ru rus ama, those who [have performed] against me witchcraft,
upa le[mnti puni(?)] magic, sorcery and ev[il] machinations
80 80
ilu arru kabtu ((u)) rub nekelm[inn]i (so that) god, king, magnate and nobleman glare [at m]e,
81 81
itti ili u itari uzenninni ((usair (who) have made me odious to (my) god and (my) goddess,
b[nunu(?)])) ((ulammininni)) ((so that they have averted [their] f[ace])), ((and treated me
82 82
ina bti ltu ina sqi pupuu ikun- (who) have laid upon me quarrel at home (and) squabble in
nim-ma the street and
TEXT 8.3 287
83 83
iltka rabtu d ilu ayyumma l d (whom) your great divinity knows, but (whom) no other
att-ma d anku l d god knows, (whom) only you know, but (whom) I do not
not know
84 84
((ama)) a kapya ((u)) kaptya ((ama,)) 85let the witchcraft 84of my warlock and my
((a)) piya ((u)) pitya (var.: mu- witch, of my sorcerer and my sorceress,
85 85
((a)) rya ((u)) rtya kipunu ina of the r-warlock and the rtu-witch, turn upon them
aplka (var.: qibtka)) kma giparri under you (var.: at your command) like a trap
86 86
((ana)) unu librunti (and) let it catch them!
87 87
ama mka ezzu liku[ssunti] ama, let your furious storm defea[t them],
88 88
kma diqri ubussunti kma tinri qu- smash them like a pot, let their smoke cover [the sky] like
turunu lrim((u)) [am] (smoke from) a kiln,
89 89
lil lizb u littattu[k] let them dissolve, melt and drip [away],
90 90
[n]apitaunu kma m ndi liq[t]i let their life come to an end like water from a waterskin.
91 91
[]unu limt-ma anku lublu Let them die, but let me live,
92 92
unu lni-ma anku l[udnin] let them become weak, but let me bec[ome strong],
93 93
unu liktass-ma anku lir let them be bound, but let me go free,
94 94
unu liabt-ma anku lu[t(?)] let them be caught, but let me e[scape].
95 95
ina qibtka rtu a l uttakkaru At your supreme command that is not changed
96 96
u annka kni a l innenn and by your reliable approval that is not altered,
97 97
anku ((ama-umu-ukn mr ilu)) let me, ((ama-umu-ukn, son of his god)), your servant,
aradka lublu lulim-ma live (and) become healthy.
narbka lupi dallka ana ni almt Then 98I will proclaim your greatness, I will praise your glory
qaqqadi (var.: rapti) ludlu[l] to the people, the black-headed ones (var.: to the wide-
spread people).
99 99
ama urbi iptu a apkal il puu ama, enhance the exorcism which Marduk (var.: Nu-
Marduk (var.: Nud[immud]) d[immud]), the sage among the gods, performed!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))
ll. 100102: for this rubric, see Notes. ll. 100102: for this rubric, see Notes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 103
D.D.BI l ina ri l ina ri qaqqara Its ritual: You sweep the ground either on the roof or in the
taabbi m ellti tattanaddi 104para open country, sprinkle pure water, 104set up a table before
maar ama taakkan al kurummti ama, put (on it) three food offerings consisting of twelve
12.TA.M akal kuni taakkan 105nignak emmer loaves each. 105You place a censer with buru-juniper
buri taakkan ikara tanaqqi 106ulupaq- (next to it), pour beer. 106You set up a crucible before ama,
qa ana maar ama taakkan 107lut ar- 107
load it with poplar twigs. Four figurines of clay, four
batu ten erbet alm di erbet alm d figurines of clay from 108both banks of the river, 108four figur-
kid nri 108kilall erbet alm lip erbet ines of tallow, four figurines of axle grease, four figurines of
alm lipi magarri erbet alm kupsi 109er- sesame pomace, four figurines of dough, 109four figurines of
bet alm li erbet alm l egui erbet dough made of eguu-barley, four figurines of dough made
alm l labti 110erbet alm bni erbet of roasted grain, 110four figurines of tamarisk wood, four
alm erni erbet alm itt erbet alm figurines of cedar wood, four figurines of bitumen (and) four
ikri figurines of wax.
((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))
111 111
alm annti (var.: untu) takass- You bind these figurines, then 112you kindle 111a torch 112in
unti-ma gizill 112ina it kibrti taqd- burning sulphur and put (the fire with the figurines) into the
ma ana libbi ((ulupaqqi)) tanaddi (var.: crucible. 113You recite thi[s] incantation three times. As soon
tattanaddi) 113iptu annt[u] alu ta- as they are burnt to ashes, you cool them off with water
mannu kma ibtal ina ((libbi)) m tun- reciting the incantation You are water three times.
unti 114N Attnu m alu tamannu

ina arbti tanassuk74 115ma (var.: you discard in a deserted place. 115When he strips off
enma) nalapta iaau N Au au the cloak, he recites the incantation I have stripped off, I
alu imannu have stripped off three times.
((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))
((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))
116 116
kip par namerim mmtu ul ie The witchcraft is undone, curse (and) ban will not come
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 117
N au au ataa ataa Incantation: I have stripped off, I have stripped off, once
more I have stripped off, once more I have stripped off,
118 120
imya t[ni]ya u tdirtya [I have] stripped off upon the[m] 118my depletion, my
ua ayya mimma lemnu a ina zumr[ya] s[ig]hs and sorrows,
ernya ba woe, alas, everything evil that is in [my] body (and) in my
ina muk[unu a]u veins.
121 121
[a]u [a zumrya ina mu]kunu What is in my body [I] have stripped [up]on you,
122 122
au [a rya ina m]ukunu what is in [my] flesh I have stripped [up]on you,
123 123
au a ernya [i]na mukunu what is in my veins I have stripped [u]pon you,
124 124
[a]u a mert[ya] ina mukunu what is in [my] limbs [I] have stripped upon you!
(ll. 12124 in ms. J: a zumrya ina mu-
kunu au a r[ya ina mukunu
au] a ernya ina mukunu a-
u a mert[ya ina mukunu a-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
((--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)) ((------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------))

2. k obv. 15l. e. 50 2. k obv. 15l. e. 50

1 1
[umma amlu] iddanabbubu ina kip [If a man] is constantly talked about, 2he always [wo]rries
bl amtu 2[itt]anadaru ina kal ittan- about himself 1because of the witchcraft of his litigant, 3he is
allaku 3[l m]aru a amli uti alm- [not] (well) [re]ceived 2in the palace he visits: figurines re-
u ana [G]irra 4[paqd] ana uturu-ma presenting that man 4have been [entrus]ted 3to [G]irra. 4To
bulluu make him well and healthy (you do as follows):
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 5
[ ] maar ama para tukn [ ] you set up a portable altar before ama, 6[you
[nignak buri(?) taakka]n sulupp sasq plac]e [a censer with buru-juniper (next to it)], 7[strew]
7 6
[tasarraq m]iris dipi imti taakkan dates (and) fine flour. 7You put [m]irsu-confection made of
[ ] ikara tanaqqi 9[alm a(?)] syrup (and) ghee (on the altar). 8[ ], you pour beer.
kapi u kapti 10[teppu izqt(?) q- 10
[You make] 9[figurines of] the sorcerer and the sorceress,
t?]unu izqt punu 11[a (?) ta- 11
[you for]m 10[the fetters for] their [hands] (and) the fetters
pa]ttiq(?) umunu 12[ina aunu taa- for their feet 11[from ]. 12[You write] 11their names 12[on
ar(?) kib]rta(?) talappassunti 13[ ] their sides], smear them with [sul]phur. 14[You say] 13[ ],
tagair 14[taqabb-ma(?)] taqallunti you are strong! 14[and] burn them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
[]N [ama annt]u pia Incantation: [ama, thes]e are my sorcerers,
16 16
[ama anntu] mutpia [ama, these] are they who have had me bewitched:
17 17
a a[mt lemutt]i(?) puninni who have performed [evi]l w[ord(s)] against me,

For a discussion of this problematic phrase and
the variants --nu-ti // --nu, see Notes.
Abusch reads taqallunti ina arbti tanassuk
you burn them (again), you discard (them) in a
deserted place, Schwemer prefers ikmnunu
ina arbti tanassuk their ashes you discard in
a deserted place or ikmnunu teleqqe you
take their ashes, you discard (them [the ashes])
in a deserted place.
TEXT 8.3 289
18 18
ana l[emutt]i irteneddninni (who) continue to pursue me with e[vi]l (intent),
19 19
ana mti irinni (who) have chosen me for a dead person,
20 20
ana gulgullti upaqqidinni have handed me over to a skull,
21 21
almya ana Girra ipqid have handed over my figurines to Girra,
22 22
ina urri a ereb ami ip have shut (them) up in a hole in the west,
23 23
kalba ukil m zikurudya ina qabri have fed (them) to a dog, have laid the water of my cutting-
unill of-the-throat in a grave,
24 24
ana kakkab amm ma iqq have poured out my water before the stars of the sky,
25 26
zikurud zra kadabbed have performed against me 25cutting-of-the-throat magic,
hate-magic, seizing-of-the-mouth magic,
26 26
eg[err](?) puni u karya kul sl[ande]r, and have denounced me:
27 27
[ama mk]a ezzu likussunti [ama], let [you]r furious storm overcome them,
28 28
k[ma diqr]i ubussunti smash them l[ike a po]t,
29 29
[kma tinri] quturunu lirm am let their smoke cover the sky [like (smoke from) a kiln],
30 30
[lil liz]b u littattuk [let them dissolve, m]elt and drip away!
31 31
[ama Girra tapp]ka <l>itall[al idya] [O ama], let! [Girra], your [associa]te, always be fi[xed at
my side],
32 32
[ama Girra qm] liqm[unti] [O ama], let [Girra, the burne]r, burn t[hem]!
33 33
[ ] [ ]
[narbka lu]pi dallk[a] 35[(ana ni 34
[I will pro]claim [your greatness],
rapti) lu]dlul [I will] praise 34yo[ur] glory 35[(to the widespread people)]!
36 36
[kip a] kaptu pua iturr-ma iab- [The witchcraft that] the witch has performed will turn back
bat and seize (her).

3. Too fragmentary for transcription. 3. Too fragmentary for translation.


General: Note that an indirect join between 1215: Note that ms. E1, in contrast to mss.
the two fragments from Aur (mss. B and J) is ex- d and f, marks the plural consistently, whereas ms. a
cluded by the outer appearance of the fragments. wavers between NU and NU.ME; cf. ll. 108110.
1.: 1: For temru in the meaning to sink 1315: Number and sequence of the bl and
(in water), cf. KAR 62 rev. 1415: ina nri tetem- blet compounds vary from manuscript to manu-
mer. script. The transcription and translation follow ms.
d. Compounds not attested in ms. d are b./b. lemutt-
23: In ms. B, the recurring almu is
ya my male and female evildoer (mss. a, f, C),
skipped after l. 1.
b./b. rdya my male and female persecutor (ms.
4: Cf. BAM 231 obv. I 15, KAL 2, 26 a), b./b. amtya my male and female litigant
obv. I 16 (see text 8.7.1: 15, 55). For the interpreta- (mss. a, C), b./b. egerrya my male and female
tion of this phrase, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, slanderer (mss. a, C).
101104, with references to previous literature. The
18: Note that ms. a has D-stem suir
reading proposed here for the end of the line is in-
instead of ms. ds G-stem. The writing -ia instead of
spired by the fact that zikurud can be performed
expected -ma should not be dismissed as a simple
before certain stars (see Thomsen, Zauberdiagnose,
mistake; it points rather to a different pronunciation
4243, Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 104, Abusch,
of -ma in certain positions.
Studies Stol, passim, and cf., within the present text,
possibly, l. 57). For the verbal form, cf. ms. k rev. 2127: Note that there are minor differences
38 (2.: 24): ana maar kakkab amm ma iqq. in the arrangement of the list of evils between the
Nevertheless, the restoration must remain uncertain. individual manuscripts.
810: Cf. ll. 100102 with a slightly differ- 23: The Akkadian reading of D.GUR.RA
ent wording. (tr nri?) is still uncertain; for the meaning, cf.
Frymer-Kensky, Judicial Ordeal, II, 42627, CAD

31: Note the present-tense form uan- 62: Cf. CAD R 121b, III 42a. Lambert
add instead of a preterite. understood IM. as a logogram for imukku, but
imukku designates a clay cover or clay case (see
36: The transcription and translation
Stol, BiOr 54 [1997] 719, Civil, Studies Birot, 76),
follow ms. f. Note that ms. d only has l egui
not a clay pot or even chamber pot. CAD R
and ms. E1 only l labti.
translates: they mixed (the clay for the figurines)
3637: For the use of asseverative l in with his own urine. This is certainly besides the
ms. f, see the comment on text 8.5: 1113. point, because the list gives all the different meth-
ods of destroying not producing magic
41: The form i-te-pu- was left un-
figurines. Furthermore, mau is used elsewhere
translated in Lamberts edition. One expects ip
with the meaning to dissolve (a figurine in a li-
here. Ms. f has ip instead of itmir in the first half
quid), cf. here, e.g., text 8.1: 69. Admittedly the
of the line. The form i-te-pu-, if not a corruption
wording N-, instead of N--nu or N-ia, is
of ip they shut up or, perhaps more likely, of
awkward; as to whose urine is referred to, it seems
it they covered (i-te-e![bu]-), may be derived
most likely that the sorcerers are supposed to have
from ep to bake in an oven (probably Gt pret-
defiled the figurines by urinating on them or the
erite, since a perfect form is unexpected within the
present context). Since the context demands a
meaning to shut up or similar, one could think of 70: For the form ltallil, ltallal, see
a semantic development to bake > to shut up in Mayer, UFBG, 248, fn. 46.
an oven > to shut up, which can be compared to
77: Lambert tentatively restored pa-ni-
the reverse semantic development of sekru to shut
[u? ar?-k]a? before him [and behin]d(?) (cf. also
off, to close > to shut off in a pot, in a furnace
CAD N I 214), but one expects a verb, probably a
> to heat (see AHw 1035, differently CAD S 210
precative form, at the end of this line (cf. Abusch,
14, CDA 320, but cf. Charpin, AfO 4041 [1993
MesWi, 74, fn. 24). Possible restorations are pnu
94] 15a). Ungnad transliterated i-te-bu- connecting
[li-sa-i]r [may aver]t his face or, more
the form tentatively with eb to be thick; but, as
likely, pnu [lik-ki]l [may darke]n his face.
Ungnad himself already saw, such an analysis is
semantically unconvincing. 81: See Abusch, MesWi, 74, fn. 25 for a
caution against Lamberts restoration k[i-ssunu]
47: For labtu in the meaning oven (for
(kida suuru usually means to turn back to
roasting grain, see Schwemer, BaM 37 (2006) 206.
in favour). Given that the phrase pn suuru to
52: Cf. Maul, BaF 18, 46. avert ones face (in anger) is well attested in liter-
ary texts (see CAD S 4950), one would expect
56: Cf. CAD A II 422a, AHw 1352b,
usair pnunu. But neither a reading I[GI.ME-
Ungnads edition and especially CAD T 373b for KI
unu] nor Lamberts k[i-ssunu] can easily be
tertu instead of the q-te r-t of Lambert. Ac-
reconciled with the traces preserved on the tablet.
cording to this reading, the line would allude to the
The preserved traces agree with a reading b[u, and
ceremony for the deities of the netherworld on the
our tentative restoration b[nunu] fits the expected
26th of Abu. The crime of the witches would consist
meaning, for the phrase bn suuru would be syn-
in the transfer of figurines of the patient to the
onymous with pn suuru.
netherworld, though the exact meaning of n with-
in the present context remains unclear (for the signi- 94: CAD 40b proposes a restoration
ficance of the last days of Abu in this context, see ltaer for the end of the line, but the traces pre-
Abusch, MesWi, 10810, 23436). served in ms. d cannot be reconciled with lu-t[a- or
lu-t[a-; also lu-[i] seems excluded.
6061: Ku and qu are names of asakku-
demons. For the names of asakku-demons, among 100102: Disagreement between the extant
them Lugaledina, see Pongratz-Leisten, BaF 16, manuscripts and corruptions cause difficulties in the
22526. The traces preserved in ms. f. show that the interpretation of this rubric. The text in ms. f, which
second half of these lines did not refer to other is fully preserved, reads: KA.INIM.MA munuskapta
asakku-demons; note that there is not enough space (U11.ZU) ki-pi ma-a-du-t i-pu-[u] sarim
for a restoration of Lugaledina within a meaningful (NIGIN)-ma a-ba-ti munuskapti(U11.ZU) ru-
syntactic context in l. 60. e-e i-pu-u-u pi-i-[] r-i ub-bu-ri. This text,
as it stands, can be translated (cf. already Lambert):
Incantation to seek out and seize the witch who has
TEXT 8.3 291
performed numerous (acts of) witchcraft, to quickly 114: NE(-)unti and NE-unu in mss. f
bind the mouth of the witch who has performed and k respectively are difficult. Lambert took the
magic against him. Note, however, that this de- logogram as a verbal form: taarrapunti you
viates from the corresponding entry in the statement burn them, noting but not commenting on the
of purpose within the opening section of the present deviation in the duplicate. He was followed by
text, where kip is the logical subject of the in- Abusch, who read taqallunti and regarded the
finitives (sarim-ma abta): u l kapi l variant as probably a scribal error (MesWi, 152 with
kapti [a puu(?)] kipa rua sarim-ma fn. 81 and 82). Abusch argued that the ritual con-
abta kapi u [kapti] ari ubburim-ma tains a second burning after the extinction of the fire
and so that her witchcraft (and) her sorcery turn similar to the double burning that he observed in
(back) be it warlock or witch, [who bewitched Maql (MesWi, 15152). He maintains this inter-
him] and seize her, to bind warlock and [witch] pretation and still believes that it is more judicious
quickly (ll. 810). The same construction, which to prefer the reading --nu-ti // --nu<-ti> rather
explicitly conveys the notion that the witchcraft is than assume the introduction of an additional verb
turned back upon the witch and that she is destroyed in one of the two manuscripts that preserve this text.
by her own witchcraft, recurs in the statement of
CAD N II 17b interpreted unti of ms. f as the
purpose and rubric of text 8.2 (see ll. 18, 91). Fur-
anaphoric pronoun: ikmenna unti these ashes,
thermore, another manuscript containing the present
though one would expect uti rather than unti in
rubric, ms. J, has a variant text. In the break near the
that case. Following CAD N, Schwemer prefers to
beginning of the rubric in ms. J there is space for
read NE as D (ikmnunu their ashes), but pro-
the restoration of one sign between KA.INIM.MA and
poses to interpret the additional TI in ms. f, if it is
kaptu. One could restore ana, in which case
not just a corruption, as a logographic writing for
there would be no difference in meaning between
teleqqe (even though one may rather have expected
mss. f and J (so Schwemer, KAL 2, p. 79). Alter-
teleqq-ma). In his view a second burning after the
natively, one could restore kip(U11) in ms. J and
extinction of the fire with water is ritually unlikely
emend ms. f accordingly: kip kapta a kip
here and in Maql.
madti pu[u] sarim-ma abti Incantation in
order that the witchcraft turn (back) and seize the 116: TE.ME-u calls for a plural subject. It
witch who has performed numerous (acts of) witch- is therefore assumed that ma-mtu (logogram:
craft (so Abusch, BWiL, 11920, fn. 70). NAM.RIM) is not a simple gloss to the preceding
nam-rim, but that both the Sumerian and Akkadian
Variation between the manuscripts in the second
terms were actually used as synonyms within the
half of the rubric requires comment. The text in ms.
Akkadian text. This unexpected occurrence of the
f reads: munuskapti(U11.ZU) ru-e-e i-pu-u-
two writings side by side remains, however, bother-
u pi-i-[] r-i ub-bu-ri to quickly bind the
some and may well be a corruption.
mouth of the witch who has performed magic
against him. The variant manuscript J offers a dif- We have no convincing explanation for the sign gr
ferent text: [ ru-]e-e ru-se-e pua(D-) - at the end of C obv. 6, though a mistake for BR is
e-pi-[ ari ubburi] [to quickly bind] (a witch) not excluded.
[who] has performed, has had performed [ma]gic
2.: 12: For the beginning of the symptom
(and) sorcery. The awkward repetition of a and
description, see Abusch, BWiL, 51, fn. 53, idem,
the presence of two words for witchcraft signal that
JCS 37 (1985) 9899, and idem, MesWi, 41, fn. 42.
here the Akkadian text of ms. J is corrupt. For pos-
For the phrase bl amtu ittanadar()u, cf. the
sible emendations, also with reference to pa of ms.
following entry in the older Diagnostic Handbook:
f, see Abusch, BWiL, 11920, fn. 70.
DI NA uz-za i-u EN INIM- i-ta-nam-[dar], [E]N
103: Lambert transliterated lu ina x lu in INIM- ga-lit za-mar za-mar u-tan-na-[a] If
ri, though there can be no doubt about the correct a man is [ir]ascible, always worries about his liti-
reading of the sign. Usually, however, one sweeps gant, is in fear of his litigant (and) is quickly ex-
the roof or the ground in preparation for a ritual hau[sted] (STT 89 obv. II 3233; see here text
(cf. CAD I 9b). 12.1: 9192).
10810: Transcription and translation follow 3: For the phrase ina kalli l maru,
the sequence of figurines in ms. f. Ms. k arranges see the note on text 7.2: 43.
the list differently, and apparently ms. E1 runs
parallel to the latter.

4: The traces visible at the break make 2730: For the restorations, cf. 1st part,
a perfect DU; in view of l. 21 (rev. 35) there can ll. 8789.
therefore be little doubt about the restoration.
3132: For the restorations and the emen-
11: Our tentative restoration is not sup- dation in l. 31, cf. 1st part, ll. 7071.
ported by parallels and remains quite uncertain.
3435: For the restorations, cf. 1st part, l. 98.
12: Instead of ina aunu one could
3236: These lines have a close parallel (or
also restore umlunu, but there is not enough
even duplicate) in the Late Babylonian fragment
room for a reading ina naglabunu.
BM 64268 (see pl. 67). Only the end of the incanta-
13: tagair you are strong is hardly tion, along with the following rubric, is extant (in
part of the ritual instruction, but rather the end of a l. 2, read perhaps: i-n]a A A.GB.[BA-e]):
short address to the patient or, more likely, to a
deity, most probably to Girra himself. For a short 1 [ liq-m]i--nu-[ti]
invocation addressed to Girra which accompanies 2 [ ] x a a li [x x]
the burning process, cf. text 8.2: 11819. 3 [ lu]d-lul TU6 [N]
14: The tablet shows a clear GBIL as 4 [() ipta annta x-] ID-ma ki-pi ka-
already rendered in Lamberts hand-copy. ap-ti
1516: For the restorations, cf. 1st part, l. 11. 5 [pua i-t]ur-ru-ma ka-ap-ti i-ab-ba-tu-i
17: For the restoration, cf. 1st part, l. 16: 6 AL.TIL
a ipa brta amt lemutti pua u[pia]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26: Lambert read INIM [lemutti], but the This is followed by the colophon; the tablet has no
trace of the head of a vertical wedge immediately catchline. In the first line of the obverse undecipher-
before i-pu-u-ni does not fit the expected [UL-t]i able traces of one sign are preserved.
(though [U]L is possible). In view of 1st part, l. 23
(there: INIM.GR.RA // I[NIM.GAR]), we prefer a read-
ing INIM.[GAR.R]A.
TEXT 8.4


Manuscripts A, B and c preserve the text of a ritual performed before Itar and one addressed to Marduk
against a witchcraft-induced illness which, accord- (for an edition of these units, see text 8.6). Like ms.
ing to the diagnosis given in the first part of the text, A, ms. c contains only the two ama incantations,
had been caused by a persons personal enemy, the but it lacks the introductory section with symptom
bl dabbi or bl lemutti. The ritual contains a description, diagnosis and purpose statement; the
ama prayer that was recited during the presenta- second incantation in ms. c is followed by ritual
tion of the substitute figurines of warlock and witch. instructions similar to the opening ritual instructions
This is followed by the incantation Anai dipra of the first incantation in mss. A and B. Ms. E is a
that accompanies the burning rite itself. In mss. A, collection of anti-witchcraft rituals addressed to
B and c this is followed by another ama prayer ama; among them is also the second ama
whose rubric characterizes it as a standard anti- prayer in mss. A, B and c (for the other units in ms.
witchcraft incantation for burning figurines. Ms. B E, see text 8.5).
contained two more anti-witchcraft rituals, one to be

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 8276 KAR 80 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
KAL 2, 8
B1 K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + pls. 68 Frgs. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 74 8th cent. Library
13813 (+)
B2 K 3000 (+)
B3 K 6996 (+)
B4 K 7201 + 10819 (+)
B5 K 9216 + 17321
c Bu 88-5-12, 95 = Langdon, RA pls. 75 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB unknown provenance
BM 78240 26, 3942 76 script, 7th3rd cent.
D K 10245 pl. 73 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
E VAT 13645, 1 + 13692 KAL 2, 15 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur
7th cent.
F VAT 11567 Meinhold, KAL, coll. Frg. of a single?-col. tablet, MA Aur
forthcoming script

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft............................................................................. 167

Symptom description, diagnosis and purpose statement .................................................. 17
A obv. 17 // B4 obv. I 13
Ritual instruction ............................................................................................................ 811
A obv. 811 // B4 obv. I 36

Incantation ama rub urb dayyn Igigi ..................................................................1257

A obv. 12rev. 14 // B4 obv. I 712, B1 obv. I 1-29, B2 obv. I 15 //
c obv. 127 // D: 116 // F rev.?? 16
Final ritual instruction and positive prognosis ..............................................................5862
A rev. 1519 // B2 obv. I 611 // D: 1721
Incantation Anai dipra..............................................................................................6367
A rev. 2024 // B2 obv. I 1215 // D: 22 // B1 obv. II 1
ii Ritual with incantation against witchcraft75...........................................................................6885
Incantation ama alm annti a kapya u kaptya .........................................6881
A rev. 2536 // B1 obv. II 217 // E obv. I 2642 // c rev. 115
Rubric ..................................................................................................................................82
A rev. 37 // B1 obv. II 18 // c. rev. 16 // E obv. I 43
Ritual instruction (only mss. c and E?) ..........................................................................8385
c rev. 1719 //? E obv. I 44

Previous Editions

Ebeling, MVAeG 23/1, 2734 (ms. A).

Seux, HPDBA, 39699 (translation of ms. A obv. 12rev. 14).
Schwemer, KAL 2, no. 8 (ms. A), no. 15 (ms. E).
Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming (ms. F).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 563 (ms. A obv. 17).


1. A // B obv. I 1II 18 // c // D // E obv. I 2644

1 A obv. 1 [DI N]A SAG.DU-su DAB.DAB-su pa-nu-u- NIGIN.ME-d[u]
2 A obv. 2 []e?-ra- GU7.ME- -u i-al-[lu]
3 A obv. 3 INIM.INIM!.ME- im-ta-na-!-i .ME- M.M-[u]
4 A obv. 4 .ME- -am-ma-m[a- ]U[I]I- e-te-n-i-la-[]
5 A obv. 5 GRII.BI -za[q-qa-ta]- ki-al-la- up-ta-na-a-r[a]
B4 obv. I 1 [ ] -[zaq-qa-ta- ]
6 A obv. 6 L BI EN D[U11].DU11- ki-pi NIGIN-[u]
B4 obv. I 2 [ E]N INIM- E[N U]L- ki-pi NIGIN-u
7 A obv. 7 kip-di [UL.ME ik-p]u-du- ana ki-pi -nu-ti BR-r[i]
B4 obv. I 23 kip-di [UL.ME ]/ [ ki-p]i u-nu-ti [B]R-ri
8 A obv. 8 ana IGI dUT[U N]G.[NA ]imLI GAR-an mi-i-a BAL-q
B4 obv. I 3 ana IGI dUTU NG.NA imLI [ ]
9 A obv. 9 NU U11.ZU u munus
B4 obv. I 4 [ U]11.ZU u munus
U11.[Z]U 2! NU IM 2 NU NG.SILA11.G 2 NU .[UDU ]
10 A obv. 10 2 NU DU.LL 2 NU EREN 2 NU giINIG D-u
B4 obv. I 45 [ ] / [ N]U gi
EREN 2 NU giINIG D-u-ma
11 A obv. 11 ina UII-ka L-ma N an-ni-tu 3- ID-nu
B4 obv. I 56 ina U-ka [ ] / [i]p-ta an-ni-ta 3- [ ]
A, B4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note that Schwemer interprets the overall structure of the ritual differently and regards the second ama incantation as an integral
part of the present ritual with c rev. 1719 corresponding to ll. 811 in mss. A and B (see briefly KAL 2, p. 10 ad KAL 2, 8).
TEXT 8.4 295
12 A obv. 12 N UTU ru-bu-u ur-bu-u DI.KU5 d-g-g
B4 obv. I 7 [ ] UTU ru-bu- ur-bu- DI.KU5 d[-g-g]
c obv. 1 N dUTU ru-b[u-u ur]-b[u]-u DI.KU5 d[-g-g]
13 A obv. 13 mu-te-ir gi-mir ka-la! te-n-e-e-ti
B4 obv. I 8 [m]u-te-ir [ ] te-[n-e-e-ti]
c obv. 2 mu-te-ir gi-mir [k]a-la te-n-e-e-t[i]
14 A obv. 14 pa-r AN-e u KI-tim mu-us-si-q i-q-e-ti
B4 obv. I 9 [p]a-r AN-e [ ]
c obv. 3 pa-ir AN-e u KI-t[im m]u-us-si-q is-q-e-t[i]
15 A obv. 15 NUN- tz-qa-ru mu-im i-ma-a-ti
B4 obv. I 10 [NUN]- tz-qa-ru mu-[im ]
c obv. 4 ru-bu-u tz-[qa-r]u mu-im NAM.ME
16 A obv. 16 EN mut-tar-ru-u ba-u-la-a-ti
B4 obv. I 10 [ ]
c obv. 5 EN mut-tar-ru- ba-u-la-a-ti
17 A obv. 17 ba-nu-u DINGIR u di8-tr mu-ud-de-u-u ma-a-zi
B4 obv. I 11 [ba-n]u-u DINGIR u di8-t[r ]
c obv. 6 ba-nu-u DINGIR u d15-r[i?] mu-ud-de-u- ma-a-zi
18 A obv. 18 ina ba-li-ka E.BAR AN-e u KI-tim ul KU5-as
B4 obv. I 12 [ ba-l]i-ka E[.BAR ]
c obv. 7 ina ba-li-ka E.BAR AN-e u KI-tim ul KU5-as
(B4 breaks)
19 A obv. 19 at-ta-ma mu-kin i-q--nu
c obv. 8 [a]t-ta-ma mu-kin is-q[]--n[u]
20 A obv. 20 UTU DI.KU5 re-m-nu- mu-du- mim-ma MU-
B1 obv. I 1 [ MU-]
c obv. 9 UTU DI.KU5 reme-nu-[u] mu-du-u mim-ma MU-[]
21 A obv. 21 ina UKKIN DINGIR.ME GAL.ME i-ma-at q-bi-su
B1 obv. I 2 [ q-bi]-su
c obv. 10 ina UKKIN DINGIR.ME GA[L.ME] e-ma-tu q-bit-su
22 A obv. 22 UTU ina q-bti-ka-ma
-tl-la-da te-n-e-ti
B1 obv. I 3 [ te-n-e-t]e
c obv. 11 d
UTU ina q-[bti-ka-ma -t]al-la-da te-n-e-e-ti
23 A obv. 23 ta-am i-ma-te-i-na ta-ar-rak-i-[n]a-ti dum-qa
B1 obv. I 4 [ dum-q]a
c obv. 12 ta-am [i-ma-te-i-n]a [ta]-ar-rak-i-[n]a-ti SIG5-qu
24 A obv. 24 i-ziz-za-ma i[na] pi-ka li-za-[k]ir kit-tu
B1 obv. I 5 [ kit-t]u
c obv. 13 i-ziz-za-m[a p]i-i-ka [l]i-za-kir kit-ti
25 A obv. 25 d[i-ni d]i-in E.BAR-a-a KU5-us i-m[e] erasure qa-ba-a-a
B1 obv. I 6 [ KU5-u]s i-[me qa-ba]-a-a
c obv. 14 di-ni [ ] E.BAR-a-a KU5-us []i-me qa-ba-a-a
26 A obv. 2627 d
UTU [NU.ME] an-nu-ti a ina IGI DINGIR-t[i]-ka GAL-t[i] / na--a-ku
B1 obv. I 7 [ IG]I DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti n[a--ku]-ma
c obv. 15 [UTU NU.ME] an-nu-t ina IGI DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-t na--ku
27 A obv. 27 dUTU at-ta ZU-u a-na-ku NU ZU-
B1 obv. I 78 d
<UTU> at-ta ZU-ma ana-ku NU /[ ]
c obv. 16 dUTU at-ta ZU-u a-na-ku NU ZU-u

28 A obv. 28 NU EN ik-ki-ia5 u N[I]N ik-ki-ia5 NU EN er-ri-ia5 u NIN er-r[i-ia5]

B1 obv. I 8 [ ] EN er-ri-ia u GAAN er-ri-ia
c obv. 17 NU EN ik-ki-ia5 GAAN ik-ki-ia5
29 A obv. 29 NU EN re-di-ia5 u N[I]N [r]e-di-ia5
B1 obv. I 910 [ ]
c obv. 1718 NU EN re-di-ia5 u GAAN re-di-ia5 /
A ctd. ip- bar-tu INIM UL-tim e-pu-[-ni]
B1 ctd. [ i]p- bar-ta INIM UL-tim / [ ]
c ctd. i[p]- bar-ta INIM UL-tim i-pu-u-ni
30 A obv. 30 a i-q!(GRII)-ia ina qab-rim u-n[i-l]u {SAAR.I.A} mn-da-ti-ia il-qu-[u]
B1 obv. I 1011 [ ] qab-rim u-ni-lu4 / [ ]
c obv. 19 is-q-ia ina qab-ri u-ni-lu mn-da-ti-ia5 il-qu-u
31 A obv. 31 e-ti-iq SAAR.ME GRII-[i]a i-bu-
B1 obv. I 11 [ ] SAAR GRII i-bu-u
c obv. 20 e-ti-iq SAAR GRII-MU i-bu-
32 A obv. 32 a ru-u-ti il-qu-u [a ]ar-ta im-lu-u
B1 obv. I 12 [ a]r-ti im-lu-u
c obv. 21 TI-u ar-t im-lu-su
33 A obv. 33 [ s]i-sik-ti ib-t[u]-qu ana [UL-t]i iz-zi-za-am-ma
B1 obv. I 13 [ UL-t]i iz-z[i-z]u-ni
c obv. 22 TG.SK-MU ib-tu-qu ana UL-tim iz-zi-zu-u
34 A obv. 34 [ a-na]m<-ma> -e20-pi- [a ]-[nam-m]a --i-zu-ni
B1 obv. I 14 [ a-na]m-ma -[pini a-na]m-ma --[i-zu-n]i
c obv. 23 -na[m-m]a -e-pi-u-ni -nam-ma []--i-zu-ni
35 A obv. 35 [ GU7-n]i ina KA N[AG-ni in]a A.ME TU5.ME-ni
B1 obv. I 15 [ G]U7-ni ina KA NAG-ni [in]a A T[U5.ME-ni]
c obv. 24 ina NINDA GU7-[ni NA]G-ni ina A.ME TU5-ni
36 A obv. 36 [ ]-ni ? [ U]L -[e-bi-l]u--ni
B1 obv. I 16 [ ]-ni a ina mim-ma lem-ni -[bilni]
c obv. 2425 ina .GI -ni / ina [ ] lem-nu -e-bi-lu-ni
37 A obv. 37 [-ka-i-pu-n]in-ni [-lap-pi-t]u-n[i]n-ni
B1 obv. I 17 [-ka]-i-pu-nin-ni -lap-p[i-tu-nin-ni]
c obv. 26 [ ] -lap-pi-tu-[nin-ni]
38 A obv. 38 [ S]A.I.A mi[m-ma lem]-nu T[]M-ni
B1 obv. I 18 [x-x]-x-sa SA.I.A mim-m[a ]
c obv. 27 [ ] mim-ma lem-[nu ]
(c obv. breaks)
39 A obv. 39 [ ] -ma-i-lu a UII-[MU G]RII-M[U ik?-mu?]-u?
B1 obv. I 19 [ NU.M]E-MU -ma-i-lu U[II]-M[U ]
D: 1 [ ik?-mu?]-
(for F obv.??, see Summary 4.)
40 A obv. 40 [ i-b]u-ru IGIII-[a]-a pe-ta-a-t[im] i [x x (x)]
B1B3 obv. I 20 [x-x-t]i? ina i-ni(?) i-bu-ru IGIII-i[a
D: 2 [ ]
F rev.?? 1 [ ]xx
41 A obv. 41 [ i]r-k[u-s]u!(us) EM[E]-M[U] ik-[su-u]
B1B3 obv. I 21 [ pi-i]a qa-a ir-ku-su ina EME-ia [x x x x x]-
D: 23 [ q]a-a ir-ku-s / [ ]
F rev.?? 23 [ ] ir-ku-su / [ EME-i]a ik-su-
TEXT 8.4 297
42 A obv. 42 [ is-u-p]u? x ina ap-pi-i[a ]er-re-ta ip-[lu-u]
B1B3 obv. I 22 [x x] x x x is-u-pu ina ap!-p[i-ia ]-x-ru
D: 3 [ er-re]-t ip-lu-
F rev.?? 45 [ ] is-u-pu / [ er-re]-ta ip-lu-[]u
43 A obv. 43 [ ] x x [x x] x i--[u]
B1B3 obv. I 23 [ana e-re]b dUTU IGIII.ME-i[a ikun ()]
D: 4 [ i]--
F rev.?? 6 [ ] x x [x x (x)]
(F rev.?? breaks)
44 A rev. 1 [ ] x x u-ni-[lu]
B1B3 obv. I 23 [ u]-ni-lu
D: 5 [ u]-ni-lu
45 A rev. 2 [ ] ip-q-du-ni[n-ni]
B1B3 obv. I 24 [ ana A]DDA ip-q-du-[nin-ni]
D: 6 [ ]
46 A rev. 3 [ina NINDA di-]a GU7-ni ina A.ME a--a NAG-[ni]
B1B3 obv. I 2425 [ GU7]-ni / [ a-]a-a NAG-ni
D: 67 [ ] GU7-ni / [ ]
47 A rev. 4 [x x x] x ina u-ri ip-u-u a zi-ku5-[r]u-ta D(-)a la a li [x]
B1B3 obv. I 2526 [ ip-u]- / [x x x] x [ ]
D: 78 [ ip]-u-u / [ ]
48 A rev. 5 [a? i?-d]u?-ku-nin-ni zi-ku5-ru-da e-pu--[(nin-)ni]
B1B3 obv. I 2627 [ -n]i / [ ]
D: 89 [ ]-x-nin-ni / [ ]
(B1 obv. I breaks)
49 A rev. 6 [DINGIR LUGAL ID]IM NUN KI-ia -za-an-nu-u L lb-bi-ia i-ba-t[u]
B3 obv. I 2728 [ -za-an-nu]- /[ ]
D: 910 [ -z]e-en6-nu-u / [ ]
50 A rev. 7 [lb-bi KI-i]a -ze-nu-u a-al-ta [p]u-u-pu-a-a ni-is-sa-[ta]
B3 obv. I 2829 [ -ze-nu]- / [ ]
D: 1011 [ -ze-e]n6-nu-u / [ ]
51 A rev. 8 [a?-dir?-t]a i-pi lb-bi i-i-[ta] di-mi-[ta]
B3 obv. I 29 [ lb-b]i
D: 1112 [ l]b-bi / [ ]
(B3 obv. I breaks)
52 A rev. 9 [at-t p]i-rit-t ar-r[a-t] di-l[i]p-t
D: 12 [ di-li]p-t
53 A rev. 10 q-l[a ku-r]a NU DU10 lb-bi N[U DU10.G]A UZU [GA]R-nu-ni
D: 13 [ GAR-n]u-ni
54 A rev. 11 d
UTU an-nu-[t ]-nu an-nu-t NU.ME--nu
B2 obv. I 12 [ a]n-nu-t[u] u-[nu ]/
D: 14 [ ]
A ctd. k[i-ma u-nu] la G[U]B-[z]u
B2 ctd. [ki-m]a u-nu la iz-za-zu
D ctd. [ ]
55 A rev. 12 NU.ME--nu na--k[u ina q]-bit-i-ka ir-t[i N]U KR-ru
B2 obv. I 23 NU.ME--[nu ]/ [ ] di-ni-ka i-ri la-a ut-[takkaru]
D: 1415 [ ]L-ku / [ ]

56 A rev. 13 ina IGI-ka a-qal-l[u--n]u-ti kip-di--nu -t[ar?]-u-nu-ti

B2 obv. I 4 [ ] IGI-ka a-qal-lu--nu-ti kip-di--nu -tar--nu-[ti]
D: 1516 [ aqallun]-ti / [ ]
57 A rev. 14 nuska ur-bu-u [ D]U11.GA-ka li-tal-[lil] II-MU
B2 obv. I 5 nuska ur-bu- ina q-bi-ti-ka li-tal-lal I[I-MU]
D: 16 [ ] i-da-a-a
A, B2, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 A rev. 15 GIM an-nam 3- I[D-n]u-u NU.ME -nu-ti ina d[ugSLA.G]A[Z]-e GAR-an
B2 obv. I 67 GIM an-nam 3- ID-nu- NU.ME u-nu-t[i] / ina dugSLA.GAZ GAR-an
D: 17 [ GAR]-an
59 A rev. 16 KU6 ta-sal-l--n[u-t]i ina IZI t[a]-qal-lu--nu-ti
B2 obv. I 7 KU6 ta-sal-l-u-nu-ti : ina IZI ta-qal-lu-u-nu-t[i]
D: 18 [ taqallun]-ti
60 A rev. 17 N L di-pa-ra N[U.ME]-ku-nu a-q[al-lu 3]- ID-nu-ma
B2 obv. I 89 N L di-pa-ra NU.ME-ku-nu a-qal-l[u] / 3- ID-nu-ma
D: 19 [ I]D-nu
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 A rev. 1718 NU IM NU NG.SILA11.G / ina A.ME ina GRII- i-sa-er-[-nu-ti]
B2 obv. I 910 NU IM NU NG.SILA11.G ina A ina GR- i-se-er--nu-ti /
D: 20 [ ]
A ctd. ina ar-ba-te te-te-m[er]
B2 ctd. ina ar-ba-te te-te-mer
D ctd. [ te-te]m-mer
62 A rev. 19 ne-p-u an-na-a um-ma ina dUTU. um-ma ina dUTU..A
B2 obv. I 1011 ne-p-am an-na-a / um-ma ina dUTU. um-ma ina dUTU..A
D: 21 [ ]
A ctd. D-u-ma U11 B[R]
B2 ctd. D-u-ma U11 BR
D ctd. [ U]11 BR
A, B2, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 A rev. 20 N L di-p[a-r]a NU.ME-ku-nu GBIL -tuk-ku e-e-du ra-bi-u GIDIM
B2 obv. I 1213 N L di-pa-ra NU.ME-ku-nu a-qal-lu / -tuk-ku e-e-du ra-bi-u e-em-mu
D: 22 [ GID]IM
(D breaks)
64 A rev. 21 mim-ma lem-[n]u mu-a-bit a-me-lu-ti
B2 obv. I 1314 mim-ma lem-nu mu-a-bit a-me-lu-ti /
A ctd. e-pi ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e NG.AK.A U[L].ME
B2 ctd. e-pi ki-pi ru-e-e ru-se-e lem-nu-tim
65 A rev. 22 ina a -m[at ] -a u
? ?
[asa]l-[l]-[]i dgra qa-mu!(bu)-u liq-mu-ku-nu-i
? d d

B2 obv. I 15 [ina] DU11

? ? d
-a UTU asal-l-i
d d d
gira qa-mu-u liq-m-ku-nu-i
(end of B2 obv. I, beginning of B1 obv. II broken)
66 A rev. 23 u--la zu-ba u i-ta-at-t-ka q-tur-ku-nu li-tel-li ina AN-e
67 A rev. 24 la-a-mi-ku-nu li-ba-li dam-
A ctd. lip-ru-us a-a-a-at-ta-ku-nu DUMU dDI ma-ma-u
B1 obv. II 1 [lip]-ru-us a-[a-a-at-ta-ku-nu ]
A, B1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for preceding units in E, see text 8.5)
TEXT 8.4 299
68 A rev. 25 N UTU NU.ME an-nu-ti ka-<->pi-ia5 u ka-ap-ti-i
B1 obv. II 23 [ UT]U
NU.ME an-n[u-ti ]/
E obv. I 2627 [ UT]U NU.ME an-nu-ti lU11.ZU-M[U] u munusU11.ZU-MU /
A ctd. a-a-i i-te-n-pu--nin-ni
B1 ctd. []a ia-a-i [ ]
E ctd. [ ] i-te-n-pu--nin-ni
69 A rev. 26 at-ta ZU--nu-ti-ma ana-ku NU ZU--nu-ti
B1 obv. II 45 [a]t-ta DI.KU5 [ ]/
E obv. I 2728 at-ta DI.KU5 ZU--nu-ti-ma / [ Z]U-[-nu-t]i
A ctd. UZU.ME-i -za-q-t-nin-ni
B1 ctd. []a UZU.ME-ia -[zaqqit(ninni)]
c rev. 1 [ ] -z[aq-q]-[t(ninni)]
E ctd. a UZU.ME-MU -za-q-t
70 A rev. 27 SAG.KI-i -ab-bi-t uzuSA-i ik-su-u pi-ri-ia5 -tab-bi-ku
B1 obv. II 56 [ ] / [u]zuSA.ME-ia ik-[su-u ]
c rev. 12 [ ] / SA.ME-MU ik-su-u DU[.ME-MU ]
E obv. I 2829 SAG.KI.ME-MU / [-]ab-bi-t SA.M[E-MU ik-s]u-u pi-ri-ia -tab-bi-ku
71 A rev. 28 a-i-i -i-lu ni-i -MU i-ba-t ru-u-ti ub-bi-lu
B1 obv. II 78 a-i-ia!(ru) uz-zi-ru L [ ] / ru-ti-ia ub-bi-lu!(ku)
c rev. 34 a-i-ia5 uz-zi-ru ni []-[MU ] / ru-ti-ia5 ub-bi-lu
E obv. I 30 [a-i-i]a u-[i-lu -M]U i-ba-t -MU ub-bi-lu
72 A rev. 29 man-ga lu-u-t UGU UZU.ME-MU it-bu-ku
B1 obv. II 89 man-ga l[u-tu ]/
c rev. 45 man-gu lu-u-t UGU U[ZU.ME-MU ]/
E obv. I 3132 [man-g]u lu-u-t [ UZU.ME]-MU it-bu-ku /
A ctd. NINDA.ME ka--pu-ti GU7-nin-ni
B1 ctd. NINDA ka--pu-ti GU7-ni
c ctd. NINDA ka--pu-ti GU7-ni
E ctd. [NINDA].ME ka[--pu-t]i GU7-nin-ni
73 A rev. 30 A.ME ka--pu-ti NAG-nin-ni
B1 obv. II 9 A ka-[-pu-ti ]
c rev. 5 A.ME ka-[-pu-ti ]
E obv. I 33 [A.M]E ka[--pu-t]i NAG-nin-ni
73a E obv. I 34 [rim-k]i l[u]-[u-t]e TU5-nin-ni
74 A rev. 30 nap-al-ti .ME lem-nu-ti ip---n[i]n-ni
B1 obv. II 10 nap-al-ti .ME UL.ME [ ]
c rev. 6 nap-al-ti .ME UL.ME ip-u--n[in-ni]
E obv. I 35 [ ] .ME UL.ME -nin-ni
75 A rev. 31 q-bit KA-MU i-ba-t INIM.GAR-MU -lam-m-nu
B1 obv. II 1011 [ ] / INIM.GAR-ia -lam-m-nu
c rev. 78 q-bit KA-MU i-ba-tu INIM.GAR-a-a -lam-m-[nu] /
E obv. I 3637 [ KA]-ia i-ba-t INIM.GAR.ME-MU -lam-m-nu /
A ctd. G.SIG4-MU GIM [u]n-qi ik-pu-pu
B1 ctd. [ ]
c ctd. e-e-en-e-ri-a ik-pu-pu
E ctd. [G.SI]G4-MU ik-pu-pu!(mu)
76 A rev. 32 uzu
GABA id-i-pu i-da-a pa-ni-i it-ba-lu
B1 obv. II 12 GABA id-i-pu i-d[a-a ]
c rev. 89 uzu
GABA id-i-p[u] / i-da-a pa-ni-ia5 it-ba-lu
E obv. I 3738 GABA id-i-pu i-da-a IGI-MU / [it-b]a-lu

77 A rev. 32 : lip-ti-i -da-i-mu

B1 obv. II 13 bu-un-na-n-i[a ]
c rev. 910 bu-un-na-an-n-e-a -nak-ki-ru / li-ip-ti-ia5 -da-i-i-mu
E obv. I 38 bu-un-na-n-i KR-ru lip-ti-ia -da-[i-mu]
78 A rev. 33 a-si-si-ia5 i-ba-t di-ig-li-i -am-u-u me-lam-me-ia5 i-[d]u-du
B1 obv. II 1415 a-si-[si-i]a i[-ba-t ] / m[e-lam-me-i]a i-du-d[u]
c rev. 1011 a-si-si-ia5 i-ba-tu / di-ig-li-ia5 -am-u- me-lam-mu i-du-du
E obv. I 3940 [a-si-si-i]a i-b[a-t] di-ig-li-ia -am-[u-u] / [ME.LM-MU i]-[du]-du
79 A rev. 34 ina IGI-ka a-qal-lu--nu-ti -pa-ar nap-ar lem-n-te--nu
B1 obv. II 1516 [ ] / [-pa-]ar nap-ar lem-nu-t[e--nu]
c rev. 1213 UTU ina IGI-ka a-qal-li--nu-ti / -pa-ar nap-ar lem-n-e-ti--nu
E obv. I 4041 d
UTU ina IGI-ka a-qal-lu--nu-t[i] / [ lem-n-t]i--nu
80 A rev. 35 -pa-ar ki-ir ki-pid --nu
B1 obv. II 16 [ ]
c rev. 14 -pa-ar ki-pid lb-bi--nu
E obv. I 4142 -pa-ar ki-ir / [ ]
81 A rev. 3536 UTU ina pi-ka dgra tap-p[u]-ka / li-tal-lil i-da-a-a
B1 obv. II 17
[UTU] d
gira tap-p[u-ka ]
c rev. 15 d
gira tap-pu-ka li-tal-lal II-a-a
E obv. I 42 [ gr]a tap-pu-ka li-tal-lal i-da-a-a
A, B1, c, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 A rev. 37 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM a NU.ME qa-li-i
B1 obv. II 18 K[A.IN]IM.MA U11.BR.DA.K[AM ]
c rev. 16 KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM NU.ME qa-le-e
E obv. I 43 [ U11.BR.R]U.DA.KAM NU.ME qa-le-e
A, B1, c, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of A76; for the following units in B, see text 8.6)
83 c rev. 17 NG.NA giLI ana IGI dU[TU] GAR-an KA BAL-q 2 NU gibi-nu 2 NU giere-ni
E obv. I 44 [ ]xxxx[ ]x
(E obv. I breaks, beginning of obv. II lost; for the following units in E, see text 8.5)
84 c rev. 18 2 NU.M .UDU 2 NU DU.LL 2 NU DU.E.GI. 2 NU ESIR 2 NU IM
85 c rev. 19 2 NU NG.SILA11.G ina IGI dUTU GAR-an kam DU11.GA
c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of c77)

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

B1, B3 obv. II
19ff. Fragmentary anti-witchcraft incantation addressed to Itar; for an edition, see text 8.6 (ms. B).
B5, B1, B2 rev. IIIIV
passim Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to Marduk; for an edition with the relevant duplicates, see text
8.6 (ms. B).

3. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. E not included in the transliteration

VAT 13645, 1+ is a collection of various uburruda rituals addressed to ama; for a full edition,
see text 8.5 (ms. A).

A rev. 3839 give the colophon of Kiir-Aur: [GI]M SUMUN- -ir-ma ba-r up-pi Iki-ir-a-[u]r MA.M[A] a-ur, [DU]MU
Id l
AG-be-sun ME.ME A[N.R].
The catchline of another ama prayer follows in c rev. 20: N ur-bu-u DI.KU5 d-g-g (attested only here, see Mayer, UFBG, 421
s.v. ama 93; but see Abusch, MesWi, 17677, fn. 23, who suspects that this incipit refers to the opening line of the ama in-
cantation in ll. 12ff. (= c obv. 1ff.) and reads: N <ama rub> urb dayyn Igigi).
TEXT 8.4 301
4. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. F not included in the transliteration
VAT 11567 obv.?? preserves a list similar to the lists found in text 8.3, 1.: 12ff., Maql I 75ff.
and Maql II 39ff. A variant version of Maql II 1975 is VAT 10933 = KAR 240 (for a new
copy and edition, see KAL 4, 25); an indirect join between VAT 11567 and 10933 seems very

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[umma am]lu qaqqassu ianabbassu [If] a mans head keeps on hurting him, he constantly has
pnu ianund 2[]ru(?) tanakkal- vertigo, 2his [bod]y keeps causing him a nagging pain, he
u rutau ial[lu] 3amtu imtanai spra[ys] his spittle, 3he keeps forgetting his words, his intes-
qerbu ittananpa 4au uammam[- tines are continually bloated, 4his arms are numb, his [h]ands
u q]tu etteneil[u] 5p uza[q- are more and more immobilized, 5his feet cause him a st[ing-
qat]u kiallu uptanaar[] 6amlu ing pain], the joints of his feet are continually slackened,
bl d[ab]bu (var.: amtu b[l lemu]t- (then) his adversary, ((his enemy)), has encircled that man
tu) kip ilmu 7kipd le[mnti ikp]udu with witchcraft, 7ev[il] schemes [have been pl]otted against
ana kip unti pari 8ana maar ama him. To undo this witchcraft 8you place a censer with buru-
nignak buri taakkan mia tanaqqi juniper before ama. You pour a libation of beer. 9You make
alam kapi u kapti ina alm di figurines of the warlock and witch, two figurines of clay, two
ina alm li ina alm lip ina alm figurines of dough, two figurines of tallow, two figurines of
itt 10ina alm ikri ina alm erni bitumen, 10two figurines of wax, two figurines of cedar wood,
ina alm bni teppu((-ma)) 11ina qtka two figurines of tamarisk wood. 11You lift (them) up in your
tana-ma ipta annta alu tamannu hands and recite this incantation three times:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
N ama rub urb dayyn Igigi Incantation: ama, greatest prince, judge of the Igigi,
13 13
muter gimer kala tenti who leads the entirety of all people aright,
14 14
per am u ereti mussiqu isqti who dispels (any evil from) heaven and earth, who assigns
the lots,
15 15
rub tizqru mum mti exalted prince, who decrees the fates,
16 16
blu muttarr balti lord, guide of the people,
17 17
bn ili u itari mudde mz who creates the (personal) god and goddess, who lets the
shrines always flourish,
18 18
ina balka puruss am u ereti ul ip- without you a decision would not be reached for (the
parras inhabitants of) heaven and earth,
19 19
att-ma mukn isqunu it is you who fixes their lot!
20 20
ama dayynu rmn mud mimma ama, merciful judge who knows everything
21 21
ina puur il rabti emt qibssu in the assembly of the great gods his speech is heeded
22 22
ama ina qibtka-ma tallad tenti ama, it is at your command that people are born,
23 23
tam mtina taarraki[n]ti dumqa you decree their fates, you bestow good (things) upon them.
24 24
izizzam-ma i[na] pka lizzakir kttu Be present for me, so that justice may be pronounced by
you (lit.: from your mouth)!
25 25
dn [d]n purussya purus ime qabya [Ju]dge my case, render a verdict for me, listen to my
26 26
ama [al]m annti a ina maar ilt- ama, these [figurine]s that I am holding up in the
ka rabti naku presence of your great divinity
27 27
ama att td anku ul d ama, you know (them), I do not know (them):
28 28
alam bl ikkya u blet ikkya ((alam (these are) the figurines of the male and female who are
bl errya u blet errya)) furious with me, the figurines of my male and female
29 29
alam bl redya u blet redya a ipu the figurines of my male and female persecutor, who have
brtu amt lemutti puni performed sortilege, rebellion (and) evil word(s) against
30 30
a isqya ina qabri unill mindtya ilq who have buried carved images of me in a grave, have
taken my measurements,
31 31
etiq eper pya ibu (who) have gathered a clump of dirt touched by my feet,
32 32
a rut ilq a rt imlu who have taken my spittle, who have plucked out my hair,
33 33
a sissikt ibtuq ana lemutti izzzni who have torn off the hem of my (garment), have turned to
evil against me,
34 34
a anmma upini a anmma u- who have made someone else perform (witchcraft) against
izni me, who have instigated someone else against me,
35 35
ina akali ukilni ina ikari iqni ina (who) have fed me (witchcraft) in bread, have given me
m urammikni (witchcraft) to drink in beer, have bathed me in
(bewitched) water,
ina amni ipuni ((a)) (var.: u?) ina 36
have anointed me with (bewitched) oil, ((who)) have sent
mimma lemni ubilni me (witchcraft) by means of any evil,
37 37
[uka]ipninni ulappitn[i]nni (who) have [bew]itched me, have harmed me,
38 38
ern mimma lemnu u[bil]ni (who) [have ] the sinews, have s[en]t me any evil,
39 39
[a alm]ya umail a qty[a ]py[a [who] have made [figurin]es replicating me, who [have
ikm]? boun]d m[y] hands (and) [fee]t,
40 40
[t] ina ni(?) ibur nya pett[i] (who) have twisted [m]y [ ] with a wooden ,
[] [ ] my opened eyes,
41 41
[a py]a q irkus lin iks [who] have blocked [m]y [mouth] with thread(s), have tied
my tongue,
42 42
[] isupu () ina appy[a ]erreta (who) have covered [ ] , have put a [l]ead rope
ipluu through my nose,
43 43
[ana ere]b ami ny[a ikun ] (who) [have set] m[y] eyes [towards sun]set, have lifted up
[ ] i [ ] ,
44 44
unill (who) have laid to rest [ ],
45 45
[a ana m]ti ipqidni[nni] [who] have handed m[e] over [to a d]ead person.
46 46
[ina akali d]a ukilni ina m a (who) have fed me [d]u-disease [with bread], have given
iqni me a-disease to drink with water,
47 47
[ ] ina urri ip a zikurud (who) have shut up [ ] in a hole, who have performed
pua cutting-of-the-throat magic ,
48 48
[a id]kninni(?) zikurud pu[(nin)- [who have b]eaten me, have performed cutting-of-the-
ni] throat magic [against me],
49 49
[ila arra kab]ta rub ittya uzann n (who) have caused [god, king, mag]nate (and) nobleman to
libbya ibat[] be angry with me, have seized my potency,
50 50
[libb itty]a uzenn lta pupu nis- (who) have made [me] angry [with myse]lf, 53[have
sa[ta] in]flicted on me 50quarrel, fight, waili[ng],
51 51
[adirt]a(?) pi libbi i[ta] dim[ta] [mis]ery, depression, confusion, convul[sions],
52 52
[attu p]irittu arr[atu] dil[i]ptu [panic, an]xiety, cur[se], sleeplessness,
53 53
ql[a kr]a l b libbi l[ ]b ri dumbn[ness, numbne]ss, mental (and) physical ill health
54 54
ama annt[u] unu anntu almunu ama, these are they, these are their figurines,
kma unu l izzazz 55almunu naku since they are not present, 55I am holding up their figurines.
[ina q]ibtka (var.: dnka) rt[i] (var.: [At] your supreme command (var.: ruling), which cannot be
ri) a l uttakkaru changed,
56 56
ina marka aqallunti kipdunu I burn them before you, I turn their schemes back upon
utrunti them.
57 57
Nuska urb ina qibtka ltall[i]l idya At your command, may eminent Nuska be fixed at my
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 58
kma ann alu tamtan alm unti As soon as you have recited this three times, you place these
ina up taakkan 59aman nni tasalla- figurines in a disposable pot, 59sprinkle them with fish oil,
unti ina iti taqallunti 60N Anai burn them with fire. 60You recite the incantation I raise the
TEXT 8.4 303
dipra almkunu aqall[u] alu taman- torch, I bur[n] your figurines three times. 61He crushes the
n((-ma)) 61alam di alam li ina m ina figurines of clay (and) the figurines of dough with his feet in
pu isrunti ina arbte tetemmer (the wash) water (of his feet); you bury (them) in wasteland.
62 62
npea ann umma ina t ami umma You perform this ritual either at sunrise or at sunset, then
ina ereb ami teppu-ma kip par the witchcraft will be undone.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 63
N anai dipra almkunu aqallu Incantation: I raise the torch, I burn your figurines!
utukku du rbiu eemmu Utukku demon, du demon, lurker demon, ghost
64 64
((u)) mimma lemnu muabbit amlti and any evil that can seize men,
pi kip ru rus ((up)) lemnti those who performed witchcraft, magic, sorcery (and) evil
machinations (var.: evil sorcery)
65 65
ina amt(?) Ea u (var.: ama) Asallui may Girra, the burner, burn you at the command of Ea and
Girra qm liqmkuni (var.: ama) Asallui!
66 66
l zb u itattuk Dissolve, melt and drip away!
quturkunu ltelli ina am May your smoke steadily rise into the sky,
67 67
lamkunu liballi amu may the sun extinguish your embers,
liprus ayyattakunu mr Ea mamau may Eas son, the exorcist, cut off the terror emanating from
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 68
N ama alm annti a kapya u Incantation: ama, these figurines are those of my war-
kaptya a yi teneppuninni lock and witch, who constantly perform (witchcraft)
against me.
69 69
att ((dayynu)) tdunti-ma anku ul You, ((judge)), know them, but I do not know them,
a rya uzaqqit((ninni)) who have stung my flesh,
70 70
pttya uabbit ernya iks pirya (who) have seized my forehead, have tied my sinews, have
utabbik poured out my ,
71 71
aya uil (var.: uzzir) n libbya i- (who) have immobilized my arms, have seized my potency,
bat rut(ya) ubbil have dried up my spittle,
72 72
mangu lutu eli rya itbuk (who) have poured out stiffness (and) decay over my body,
akal kapti ukilninni have fed me bewitched bread,
73 73
m kapti iqninni (who) have given me bewitched water to drink,
73a 73a
[rimk] l[u][t]e urammikninni (who) have bathed me with d[i]r[t]y [wash wate]r,
74 74
napalti amm lemnti ipun[i]nni (who) have anointed me with an ointment containing bad
75 75
qibt pya ibat egerrya ulammin (who) have disabled my ability to speak, have slandered me,
eenr ((kma unqi)) ikpup have bent my spine ((like a seal ring)),
76 76
irt idip ida pnya itabl (who) have pressed my chest, have taken away the healthy
glow of my face,
77 77
((bunnannya unakkir)) liptya udaim (who) ((have disfigured my features)), have dulled my sense
of touch,
78 78
assya ibat diglya uam melam- (who) have impaired my sense of hearing, have weakened
mya idud my ability to see, have dragged off my glow of health.
79 79
ama ina marka aqallunti ama, before you I burn them,
upaar napar lemntunu I dispel all their evils,
80 80
upaar kiir kipid libbunu I untie the knot of their hearts plan!
81 81
ama ((ina pka)) Girra tappka ltallil ama, ((by your order)), may Girra, your companion, be
idya fixed at my side!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 82
KA.INIM.MA U11.BR.RU.DA.KAM a al- Wording (of the incantation) to undo witchcraft, for burning
m qal figurines.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

((83nignak buri ana maar a[ma] ta- ((83You place a censer with buru-juniper before a[ma],
akkan ikara tanaqqi ina alm bnu ina you pour a libation of beer. You place two figurines of tama-
alm erni 84ina alm lip ina alm risk wood, two figurines of cedar wood, 84two figurines of
ikri ina alm kupsi ina alm itt ina tallow, two figurines of wax, two figurines of sesame pom-
alm di 85ina alm li ina maar ace, two figurines of bitumen, two figurines of clay, 85two
ama taakkan km taqabbi)) figurines of dough before ama. You speak thus.))


General: For philological notes on ms. A, see 34: Enclitic -ma here adds an indefinite
generally the remarks in Schwemer, KAL 2, pp. 35 nuance to an another (anm-ma any other)
36. following the well-known pattern of mamma, mim-
ma and ayyumma.
1: CAD 58b established the meaning
to be subject to vertigo, to experience dizziness 40: The reading ina GI lem-ni tenta-
for pn du, an interpretation that has not been tively suggested in KAL 2, p. 35, for ms. B1 obv. I
universally accepted (see Scurlock Andersen, 20 makes little sense. One expects as the first word
Diagnoses, 73435 for the relevant references). of the line a body part; this body part is twisted,
However, the interpretation proposed by the editors and ina, within this context, should either introduce
of CAD (and followed by Scurlock Andersen, the location at which the action is performed or,
loc. cit.) is now proven beyond reasonable doubt by more likely, the instrument that is used to twist the
the description of the idnu disease in a bilingual patients (or his figurines) limbs. nu, nu (see
uburruda incantation: [sag/igi]-nigin i-da-nu mu- CAD I 292b, all attestations from Nuzi), probably
r[ib mim]-ma um- ng-nam tuk4-tuk4 vertigo identical with snu (CAD S 294b, section b), desig-
(idnu) which makes everything shake (BM nates a wooden part of wagons and chariots; pos-
47451 obv. 3, see Schwemer, OrNS 78 [2009] 54). sibly a wheel, an axle or a spoke of a chariot is here
imagined as a tool for twisting a persons limbs. A
2: Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses,
possible restoration for the beginning of the line
563 propose to restore [kal ]e-ra- at the begin-
would be [me-re-t]i, even though the absence of a
ning of the line, but there is not enough room in the
possessive suffix would be unexpected (but cf.,
break for the restoration of kal; a reading [na-]i-
e.g., SA.I.A in l. 38).
ra- (so tentatively in KAL 2) seems possible, but
would be without parallels. 41: Ms. B1 apparently had a slightly dif-
ferent wording in the second half of the line.
4: One expects an Ntn form of elu
here; but note that the writing e-te-n-i-la-[] 43: For a possible, but highly uncertain
suggests (an otherwise unattested) Gtn-stem. restoration of the second half of the line, see KAL
2, pp. 32, 34 with the pertinent note, p. 35.
7: We understand the partly restored
ikpud as a 3rd pl. form expressing an impersonal 51: The disease dimtu is still not well
subject. Alternatively, one could interpret the spell- defined by meaningful contexts. CAD D 80, 143
ing with DU as an inverted spelling (ik-pu-DU- for suggests that the noun is derived from daw to
ikpud-u = ikpussu) or take the unexpected u as a jerk, to convulse, to move uncoordinatedly;
(meaningless) ventive ending (ikpuduu = ikpu- Stol, Studies Borger, 344, draws attention to the
dau); then bl dabbi would be the subject also fact that dimtu, like other disease names, is also
of this sentence. the name of an insect (a reading imtu, pace KAL
2, p. 32, is unlikely).
21: Note that in first-millennium manu-
scripts overhanging vowels are quite common in 57: For the forms ltallil, ltallal, see
the 3rd sg. fem. stative of III-weak verbs (here Mayer, UFBG, 248 with fn. 46.
61: The gesture of plastering (sru)
30: For problematic isqu, see Mayer, figurines with the foot is also attested in VAT 35
OrNS 62 (1993) 333 with previous literature. Note rev. 56 (here text 8.12: 1718), K 3581 + 7946
that the mistakes in ms. A obv. 30 are due to the rev. 911 and BM 40568 rev. 5 (for which see
occurrence of SAAR GRII-ia in the following line. Schwemer, OrNS 78 [2009] 5866). K 3581 +
7946 rev. 911 (// KAR 224 rev. 1617; ritual
TEXT 8.4 305
against demons) shows that the meaning of sru 7778: Note that diglu, assu and liptu are
within these contexts is to flatten, to crush (like used in the plural when referring to the senses of
plaster is flattened when it is smeared on the wall): sight, hearing and touch, respectively.
ina p(GR) uml(GB)-ka al(3)- ta-ra-i-
80: For kipid rather than qibt, see the
su-nu-[ti], kam (UR5.GIM) taqabbi(DU11.GA) as-sa-
note on text 7.8, 5.: 27.
pan-ku-nu-[i], es-se-er-ku-nu-i u-ta-bil-ku-nu-
[i] You trample them (i.e., the figurines of clay) 8385: This ritual passage is only found in
three times with your left foot; you speak thus: I ms. c. This manuscript lacks the introductory sec-
have flattened you, I have crushed you, I have sent tion ll. 111; ll. 8385 contain basically the same
you away78! ritual instructions as ll. 811.
63: For the incantation Anai dipra cf.
Maql I 13543 with a slightly different wording.
The relevant attestations for Anai dipra were
gathered by Abusch, MesWi, 158, fn. 95: a catch-
line referring to Anai dipra follows a bilingual
incantation for calming the anger of ones personal
god in K 3341 + 4854 + 4934 + 5076 rev. 14; the
incantation is referred to by incipit within the anti-
witchcraft ritual K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + 17984: 6
(see here, text 8.8: 6). Note that K 7946, now
joined to K 3581, does not mention Anai dipra
(read anntu naparta in rev. 17 // KAR 224
rev. 20).
71: Since the variant uzzir is attested in
two manuscripts, it cannot simply be dismissed as a
scribal mistake, though of course both manuscripts
may share the same corrupt textual tradition. Pro-
visionally we accept ezru as a phonetic variant
form of elu, but only further attestations in other
texts can confirm that it is not a simple corruption.
76: The translation of ida pnya (cf.
most recently CAD II 402a) is a guess from con-
text; idau may be derived from adu to stride,
move forward, but the precise semantic of the
noun and the collocation are elusive.
77: Note that ms. A has a Glossenkeil
between ida pnya itbal and liptya udaim,
while all the other sources have the additional
phrase bunnannya unakkir in this place. It is
noteworthy that the Glossenkeil in ms. A has been
squeezed in between the signs, which indicates that
the sign was added only after the whole line (or the
whole tablet) had been written. Therefore, it seems
likely that the Glossenkeil here was not, as so
often, used to indicate a line-break in the original,
but rather was put in by the scribe (or his teacher)
to mark the inadvertent omission in ms. A of the
clause found in the duplicates.

An analysis of utbilkuni as (w)ablu t (regularly used
for destroying figurines by fire, see Maql II 116, III 162,
IV 146) is unlikely in view of the preceding perfect forms.
TEXT 8.5


Manuscript A, a deplorably fragmentary two- fragments like KAL 2, nos. 12, 13, 14 and 20 (here
column tablet from Neo-Assyrian Aur, contained ms. G). KAL 2, 14 formed part of an uburruda
eight to ten short anti-witchcraft rituals. All these series known in Aur, and the present text may
rituals are addressed to the god ama and in one have been part of the same series. Two of the ama
way or another use substitute figurines of the sor- prayers on ms. A are known from other ritual con-
cerers. The text is a collection of typologically texts and can be fully restored with the help of these
similar uburruda rituals and can be compared to duplicates.

List of Manuscripts

A VAT 13645, 1 + 13692 KAL 2, 15 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur
7th cent.
B VAT 8276 KAR 80 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
KAL 2, 8
C1 K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + pls. 68 Frgs. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 74 7th cent. Library
13813 (+)
C2 K 3000 (+)
C3 K 6996 (+)
C4 K 7201 + 10819 (+)
C5 K 9216 + 17321
d Bu 88-5-12, 95 = Langdon, RA pls. 75 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB unknown provenance
BM 78240 26, 3942 76 script, 7th3rd cent.
E K 256 + 3206 + 5326 + IV R2 17 (not pls. 77 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
16854 K 5326, 16854) 81 Library
F Ki 1904-10-9, 108 = pls. 82 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
BM 99079 83 Library
G VAT 14194 KAL 2, 20 coll. Frg. of a probably single-col. tablet, Aur
NA script, 7th cent.
H VAT 14215 Meinhold, KAL, coll. Small frg. Aur

Synopsis of Text Units

i Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama............................................................................. 125

Incantation addressed to ama (= Bl bl ar arr ama?) ..................................... 121
A obv. I 121 // H obv. 1rev. 6
Uburruda rubric and ritual instructions...................................................................... 2225
A obv. I 2225
ii Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama..........................................................................2644[
Incantation addressed to ama: ama alm annti a kapya u kaptya ...... 2642
A obv. I 2642 // B rev. 2536 // C1 obv. II 217 // d rev. 115
Uburruda rubric.................................................................................................................43
A obv. I 43 // B rev. 37 // C1 obv. II 18 // d rev. 16
TEXT 8.5 307
Ritual instructions............................................................................................................. 44[
A obv. I 44 //? d rev. 1719
iii Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama ...................................................................... ]4557[
Incantation addressed to ama ................................................................................]4555
A obv. II 111
Ritual instructions.....................................................................................................5657[
A obv. II 1213
iv Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama ...................................................................... ]6576[
Incantation addressed to ama ................................................................................]6574
A obv. II 2130
Ritual instructions...................................................................................................... 7576
A obv. II 3132
v Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama ....................................................................... 77128
Incantation addressed to ama: Alska ama ina qereb am ellti....................... 7799
A obv. II 33rev. III 10 // E rev. 830 // F rev, 18
Ritual instructions.................................................................................................. 100101
A rev. III 910
Incantation addressed to ama: Alska ama ina qereb am ellti..................... 10223
A rev. III 1132 (this is possibly a new ritual unit)
Ritual instructions.................................................................................................... 12428
A rev. III 3337
vi Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama ......................................................................12950[
Incantation addressed to ama: ama kapu u kaptu................................... 12944
A rev. III 3843 // G obv. 1rev. 2
Uburruda rubric ..............................................................................................................145
G rev. 3
Ritual instructions...................................................................................................14650[
G rev. 48 // A rev. IV 15 (not edited, not included in line count, see Notes)
vii Anti-witchcraft ritual (not edited, not included in line count, see Notes)
Incantation (addressed to ama?)
A rev. IV 615
Ritual instructions
A rev. IV 1617
viii Anti-witchcraft ritual (not edited, not included in line count, see Notes)
Incantation (addressed to ama?)
A rev. IV 1821[

Previous Editions

Seux, HPDBA, 39294 (translation of ms. E rev. 830).

Schwemer, KAL 2, no. 15 (ms. A), no. 20 (ms. G).
Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming (ms. H).


1. A // B rev. 2537 // C2 obv. I 915, C1 obv. II 117 // d rev. 119 // E rev. 830 // F rev. 18 // G
1 A obv. I 1 [ edd nr il ka-a]-a-an mu-te-[ir elti]
2 A obv. I 2 [u aplti r ke]-e-nu te-n-e-ti [at-ta]
3 A obv. I 3 [ama dayynu ru a qibssu NU K]R-r an-na- mam-ma N[U BAL-u]
4 A obv. I 4 [ama ina qibtka utir aptu edlu ippetti pet i]n-n-dil d-ma ina -[k]a
5 A obv. I 5 [m katu limurka il ] KUR lik-r[u-bu-k]a
6 A obv. I 6 [il rabtu libbaka liibb ama tarmu ina p]-ia

7 A obv. I 7 [imur-er ina umlya Siris per ili u amli ina imnya na-]-ku
8 A obv. I 8 [ina mui atbri KU]R-[i K] a[z-za-a]z-ma
9 A obv. I 9 [ama a ana yi ?] UL D[?-? U]11 U11 U11 NU D[U10.GA D]-
10 A obv. I 10 [NU.ME-ia lu I]M lu NG.SILA11.G lu .UDU lu DU.LL
(undecipherable trace in H obv. 1)
11 A obv. I 11 [lu DU.E.GI].(?) lu e-pu-u lu -e-pi UR.GI7 lu --kil
H obv. 2 [ ] --kil
12 A obv. I 12 [ ira l u-k]il ana D lu UB-di ina KI-tim lu iq-bir
H obv. 23 A[ l ukil] / [ in]a KI lu [ ]
13 A obv. I 13 [ina libitti l i-te]-e [i]na I.DIB lu it-mir ina .G[A]R8 lu ip-i
H obv. 4 [ I.DI]B lu it-mir ina .[GAR8 ]
14 A obv. I 14 [ is]-u-ra --as-i-ra lu lU11.ZU
H obv. 56 [ is-]u-ra --as-i-r[a] / [ ]
15 A obv. I 15 [ ] lu MUNUS lu ADDA lu [l]TI ep-e-te-
H obv. 67 [lu ka-ap-t] lu NITA lu MUNUS lu lu T[I] / [ ]
16 A obv. I 16 [ ] ana mu-i- u la-ni- lil-li-ku
H obv. 7rev. 1 [x x x (x x)] up--- / [ ] lil-li-ka
17 A obv. I 17 [ina qibt DINGIR-ti-k]a GAL-ti NU KR-r u an-ni-ka k[i-ni]
H rev. 23 [ GAL-t]i NU KR.KR-ru / [ ]
18 A obv. I 18 [ NU BAL-u]
H rev. 34 [ NU BA]L-u ina u4-me an-n-e ma-ri-ka /
A ctd. a-a-i lu DU8.ME-ni a-a-i lu [BR-ni(?)]
H rev. 34 [ ] x-ni
19 A obv. I 19 [x x x] x ina K.BABBAR K.SI22 lu-bi-i[b]
H rev. 45 lu-{ib-}bi-ib-ma? / [x x x x x x (x x)]
20 A obv. I 20 [lu-mur nu-r]a lu-u-ta-a-an UD.DA-k[a]
H rev. 56 [ nu-r]a lu-u-ta-[a-an] / [ ]
21 A obv. I 21 [bu-ul-li]-[a]n-ni-ma d-l-l-ka lud-lu[l]
H rev. 6 [ d-l]-l-ka l[ud-lul]
(H breaks)
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 A obv. I 22 [KA.INIM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 A obv. I 23 [K(?) ana IGI] dUTU tara-ks uduSISKUR BAL-q 2 NU NG.S[ILA11.G]
24 A obv. I 24 [2 NU .UDU 2] NU DU.E.GI. 2 NU ESIR 2 NU IM 2 N[U DU.LL]
25 A obv. I 25 [ta-sad-di(??)-r]a? A.ME ina mu-i i-ra-muk-ma ki-pi pa--ru
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2644 A obv. I 2644 // B rev. 2537 // C1 obv. II 118 // d rev. 119 = text 8.4, ll. 6885 (different sigla)
(after A obv. I 44 three lines missing to the end of col. I)
45 A obv. II 1 [x x] x x x [
46 A obv. II 2 [x (x)] (x) x -n-e?? [mi
47 A obv. II 3 [D]??-?? [is-]u-ra i-e-[a
48 A obv. II 4 -a MAN ABZ[U
49 A obv. II 5 nap---a-te--nu [napartunu(?) ()]
50 A obv. II 6 rim-ki--nu di x [
51 A obv. II 7 KA.DAB.B[.D]A ZI.[KU5.RU.DA
52 A obv. II 8 ana mu-i-<-nu> lil-l[i-ku
53 A obv. II 9 UL--nu ep-e-te-[-nu GIM gi]-par5-ri lib-bal-ki-[it]
TEXT 8.5 309
54 A obv. II 10 li-bar--nu-ti x [x x] x x x II-a-a x [(x)]
55 A obv. II 11 ina di-ni-ka [(m)i-a-r]u-t lul-l[ik]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 A obv. II 12 2 NU DU.LL D[-u x] x dugLA.A.A[N(.ME)]
57 A obv. II 13 [ ]xx[ ] x [x x] x [(x)]
(approximately seven lines lost)
65 A obv. II 21 [x] x x [
66 A obv. II 22 -e-p[i]- x x [
67 A obv. II 23 e-nen-na ina IGI-k[a] ul?-[ta?-ziz?
68 A obv. II 24 di-ni di-ni E.BAR-a-a [purus
69 A obv. II 25 lib-bal-kit-ma x x [
70 A obv. II 26 ar-kt-su-nu x [
71 A obv. II 27 gi-par5-ru x x [x] x [
72 A obv. II 28 a-a is!(us)-nq x x x [
73 A obv. II 29 ana i-a-i ana il-la?-t[i]?-[i]a5? [
74 A obv. II 30 a DINGIR-MU u d15-MU x [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 A obv. II 31 2 NU DU.LL D-u x [ ] x [x (x)]
76 A obv. II 32 UB-di ina IM K--nu BAD-i x x x x x [(x)]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(preceding unit in E differs from A, see Summary)
77 A obv. II 33 N al-si-ka dUTU ina q-reb AN-e K[.ME]
E rev. 8 N al-si-ka dUTU ina q-reb AN-e K.ME
78 A obv. II 34 ina GISSU giEREN ti-ab-ma
E rev. 9 ina GISSU giEREN ti-am-ma
79 A obv. II 3435 lu ak-na G[R-ka] / ina tu-pat [i]mLI
E rev. 10 lu ak-na GR -ka ina UGU tu-pat imLI

80 A obv. II 3536 ri-u-ka KUR.ME[] / i-it-bu-u a-bi-bu

E rev. 11 ri-u-nik-ka KUR.KUR i-it-bu-u-nik-ka a-bi-bu
81 A obv. II 3637 ZLAG-ka nam-ru / D UN.ME i-ber-ri
E rev. 12 ZLAG-ka nam-ru D UN.ME i-bar-ri
82 A obv. II 37 sa-i-ip u-u-kal-la-ka <puur matti>
E rev. 13 sa-i-ip u-u-kal-la-ka pu-ur KUR.KUR
83 A obv. II 38 dUTU
mu-de-e rag-gi--nu
E rev. 14 UTU at-ta-ma mu-de-e rik-si--nu
84 A obv. II 3839 mu-al-liq rag-gi / mu-te-ir NAM.BR.BI.ME
E rev. 15 mu-al-liq rag-gi mu-pa--r NAM.BR.BI-e
85 A obv. II 3940 .ME GISK[IM.ME] /
A ctd. mu-pa-a-[]ir M.GE6.ME pr-da-te
E ctd. M.GE6.ME pr-da-a-ti NU DU10.GA.ME
86 A obv. II 40 mu-sal-lit q-e [ ]
E rev. 17 mu-sal-li-tum q-e lum-ni mu-al-liq ni-i u ma-t[i]
87 A obv. II 41 e-pi U11 U11 U11 e-te-[]ir I[GI-ka]
E rev. 18 e-pi U11 U11 U11 UL.ME e-te-ir IGI-k[a]
88 A obv. II 42 ina dnissaba K-ti NU.M[E]--nu a[b-ni]
E rev. 19 ina dnissaba K-ti NU.ME--nu ab-n[i]
89 A obv. II 43 [ ki]-pu e-p[u]- ik-pu-du [ ]
E rev. 20 a ki-pu i-pu-u-ni ik-pu-du-ni nu-ul-la-a-[ti]
(A obv. II breaks)

90 E rev. 21 it-gur --nu-ma ma-lu- tu--a-t[i]

91 E rev. 22 i-ziz-za-am-ma dUTU nu-r DINGIR.ME GAL.M[E]
(preceding unit in F differs from A, see Summary)
92 E rev. 23 ina mu-u-i EN ru-e-e-a lu-ta-lal a-na-[ku]
F rev. 1 [ ] a-na-ku
93 E rev. 24 -l ba-ni-ia i-da-a-a li-iz-[ziz]
F rev. 2 [ i-da-a]-a li-iz-ziz
(A rev. III 12 lost)
94 A rev. III 3 [mu-us-s]u p[i-ia ]
E rev. 25 mu-us-su pi-ia u-te-u-ra qa-ta-a-[a]
F rev. 3 [ u-te-u-r]a qa-ta-a-a
95 A rev. III 4 u-te-e-ra-[am-ma ]
E rev. 26 u-te-i-ra-am-ma EN ZLAG ki-at dUTU DI.[KU5]
F rev. 4 [ ki]-at dUTU DI.KU5
96 A rev. III 5 <U4> ITI MU.AN.NA U4.1[5.K]AM
E rev. 27 U4 ITI MU U4.[7?.KAM] U4.15.[KAM U4.21?.KAM]
F rev. 5 [ ]
A ctd. U4.[3]0.[KAM ]
E ctd. U4.30.KAM DU8.ME kip-di-[ia]
F ctd. U4.30.KM DU8.ME kip-di-ia
97 A rev. III 6 d
-a u das[a]l-l-i li-[pa--i-ru ]
E rev. 28 [ ]-a [ li-pa-]-i-ru ki-pi-i[a]
F rev. 6 [ li-p]a--i-ru ki-pi-ia
98 A rev. III 7 pu-u-ir ki-[p]i-ia pu-[ur i]-il-[ti]
E rev. 29 [ pu-]ur i-il-t[i]
F rev. 7 [ p]u-ur il-ti
99 A rev. III 8 bul-li-a-an-ni-ma d-l-l-[ka ]
E rev. 30 [ d-l-l-k]a lud-lul
F rev. 8 [ d-l]-l-ka lud-lul
A, E, F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(following text in E and F differs from A, see Summary)
100 A rev. III 9 ina UGU NU Z.DA x [x x] x [
101 A rev. III 10 3- ID-nu-ma UII-[? DA]B?-m[a U]R5?.GIM? [DU11?].GA?-[ma?]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 A rev. III 11 N al-si-ka dUTU ina q-reb AN-[e] K[.ME]
103 A rev. III 12 [x] x x [x x x] x a DINGIR- x x x [x x]
104 A rev. III 13 a man-gu [lu-u-t] U11 U11 U11 -mal-[la-an-ni]
105 A rev. III 14 qa?-tu [UL?-tu?] a L.ME -am?-[iranni(?)]
106 A rev. III 15 -gar-ra-an-ni -le-a-an-[ni]
107 A rev. III 16 -lap-pi-tan-ni KA-MU u EME-MU i-ba-t[u]
108 A rev. III 17 at-ma-a-a -ma-u- ZI.KUR5.DA-a
109 A rev. III 18 KA.DAB.B.DA D- KI DINGIR u d15 u L[.ME]
110 A rev. III 19 -ze-nu-in?-n[i? x(-x)]-x-ia? it-b[u?-ku?]
111 A rev. III 20 a-u-u[-t] at-tum! x [x (x) ikunu ()]
112 A rev. III 21 x (x) za? ab ta x (x) x x [
113 A rev. III 22 ak?-mis-ka ina de-en kit-ti NU [uttakkaru(?)]
114 A rev. III 23 [ina] nr-[b]i! dDI MAN ABZU NG.AK.A.[ME ]
115 A rev. III 24 [ABG]AL DI[NG]IR.ME dAMAR.UTU im? i nu da x [
116 A rev. III 25 ki?-i ga-ru-t[i] lu-ir munusU11.[ZU a(?)
117 A rev. III 26 [m]e-re-[t]i-ia -u[b]-bi-ru ana? I[GI?-ka alama(?)]
118 A rev. III 27 D-u-ma u-ziz ina q-b[it
TEXT 8.5 311
119 A rev. III 28 [ina] q-bit EN EN.EN [
120 A rev. III 29 [ m]u-bal-li [
approximately two lines lost
123 A rev. III 32 ku? lu [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 A rev. III 33 2 NU IM ina IGI dUTU GAR-an-ma x [
125 A rev. III 34 [a]-bu-u--nu-ti x x [
126 A rev. III 35 ep-e-ti--nu x x im x [
127 A rev. III 36 x-x-su-n[u] x ina x(.x).ME-ka x [
128 A rev. III 37 A.ME UII-ka ina mu-i-[-nu tatabbak(?)
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 A rev. III 38 []N dUTU ka--p[u] u ka-[]ap-t NU Z[U-unti?]
130 A rev. III 39 a-ri-i NU ZU x x [
G obv. 1 [ ] x N[U? ZU? (x x x)]
131 A rev. III 40 K? NU ZU [
G obv. 2 KA.K NU ZU [munus]KA.K [NU ZU]

132 A rev. III 41 d

UTU munus
U11.ZU N[U? ZU? ()]
G obv. 3 d
U11.[Z]U mu nus
[ U]11.ZU [ ]
k i
133 A rev. III 42 lu-u SU.BIR4 [ -at
G obv. 4 lu SU.BIR4k[i]-at lu [
134 A rev. III 43 lu gu-ta-[at
G obv. 5 lu gu-ta-at lu x x x [
(A rev. III breaks, rev. IV too broken for transliteration)
135 G obv. 6 [l]u e-la-ma-at lu [nar?]-in?-na-at? [
136 G obv. 7 lu DUMU.MUNUS !?(kur) KUR!?() ELAM.M[Aki]-i? lu lu-lu?-[ba-at(?)]
137 G obv. 8 lu sa-i-ru lu sa-i-ir-t l[u
138 G obv. 9 d
UTU at-ta ti-d[u-u] a-n[a-ku-ma l d]
139 G obv. 10 []a U11 U11 U11 NG.A[K.A.ME UL.ME]
140 G obv. 11 x [x] x x x x [
141 G lo. e. 1 [dUTU an-nu]-te -nu an-nu-te [N]U.ME-[-nu]
142 G lo. e. 2 [ki-ma] -nu <NU> iz-za-zu N[U.ME]--nu n[a?-ku? ()]
(possibly one or two, if any, broken lines between lo. e. 2 and rev. 1; rev. 12 too broken for transliteration)
G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 G rev. 3 [KA.INIM.MA U11.B]R.R[U.DA.KAM]
G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(rev. 47 too broken for transliteration)
150 G rev. 8 [ U]GU-[
(G breaks)

2. Summary of paragraphs in mss. B, C and d not included in the transliteration

The incantation ama alm annti (ll. 2644) is also transmitted within other contexts; for a
full edition of these texts (including the incantation ama alm annti), see text 8.4. Addition-
ally, ms. C contains anti-witchcraft rituals addressed to Itar and Marduk; they are edited here as
text 8.6.

3. Summary of paragraphs in mss. E and F not included in the transliteration

The present collection of uburruda rituals before ama contains the incantation Alska ama
ina qereb am ellti, which was recited also within the framework of the Bt rimki ritual (fourth
house, see Lsse, BRi, 5052). So far two Bt rimki manuscripts that offer the full text of the
incantation (here mss. E and F) have been identified; both tablets contained the full text of the
fourth house. In both manuscripts our incantation is preceded by a bilingual ama prayer (En-

gal an--k-ga-ta -da-zu-d / Blu rab itu qereb am ellti ina aka) and followed by brief
ritual instructions, a catchline and an Ashurbanipal colophon.

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[ edd nr il kay]yn [Self-renewing (god), cons]tant [light of the gods],
mut[er elti] 2[u aplti] who guides arig[ht the upper] 2[and the lower (world)],
[r k]nu a tenti [att] [the tr]ue [shepherd] of the people [are you]!
3 3
[ama dayynu ru a qibssu l uttak- [ama, exalted judge, whose command cannot be cha]nged,
k]aru annau mamma l[ inn] whose approval no one [can alter],
4 4
[ama ina qibtka uteer aptu edlu [ama, by your command the teeming (people) are guided
ippette pet i]nneddil aright, the locked is opened, the open is] locked,
ama ina a[k]a 5[m katu limurka ama, when [yo]u rise, 5[may cool water welcome you, may
il ]a mti likr[ubk]a the gods o]f the land ha[il y]ou,
6 6
[il rabtu libbaka liibb] [may the great gods make you happy]!
[ama tarmu ina p]ya 7[imur-er ina [ama], 7I hold 6[lupine in] my [mouth], 7[heals-twenty-
umlya Siris pir ili u amli ina im- plant in my left (hand), divine Beer, the releaser of god
nya na]ku and man, in my right (hand)],
8 8
[ina mui atbri a]d[ el]li a[zz]z-ma I [stan]d [on basalt, the pu]re [moun]tain.
9 9
[ama a ana yi itti] lemutti [pua(?) [ama, he who] has [made] an evil [sign against me], has per-
ki]p ru rus l b[ti p]ua formed witchcraft, magic (and) wicked sorcery against me:
10 11
[almya l a ]di l a li l a lip l indeed he has made (or) had made 10[figurines representing
a ikri 11[l a kups]i(?) l pu l me either of cl]ay or of dough or of tallow or of wax 11[or
upi of sesame pomac]e,
kalba l ukil 12[a l ukil ira l indeed he has fed (them) to a dog, 12[indeed he has fed
uk]il ana nri l iddi ina ereti l (them) to a pig, indeed he has fed (them) to a bird], indeed
iqbir he has thrown (them) into a river, indeed he has interred
(them) in the ground,
13 13
[ina libitti l it] [i]na askuppi l itmir [indeed he has walled (them)] up [with brickwork], indeed
ina ig[]ri l ipe he has buried (them) under a threshold, indeed he has im-
mured (them) in a wall,
14 14
[ i]sura uasira [ , he] has sought (or) has had (witch-
craft) sought against me
l kapu 15[l kaptu l zikaru] l be it a warlock, 15[be it a witch, be it a man], be it a woman,
sinnitu l mtu l balu be it a dead or a living person:
eptu 16[ ] up[u] ana muu let his sorceries, 16[his , his] machinations go (back) to his
u lnu lillik head and his body!
17 17
[ina qibt iltk]a rabti a l uttakkaru u [By the command] of [yo]ur great [divinity] that cannot be
annka k[ni] 18[a l innenn] changed, and by your re[liable] approval 18[that cannot be
yi l parni yi l [parni(?)] let them be released from me, [let them be undone] for me!
19 19
[ ] ina kaspi uri lbi[b] Let me, [ ], become pure by means of silver (and) gold,
20 20
[lmur nr]a lutaan t(uk)k[a] [let me see the lig]ht, let me constantly warm myself in
yo[ur] heat,
21 21
[bulli][a]nni-ma dallka ludlu[l] [Restore] me [to li]fe, then I will prais[e] your glory!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
[KA.INIM.MA U]11.BR.RU.DA.KAM It is [the wording (of the incantation)] to undo [witch]craft.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
[riksa(?) ana maar] ama tarakkas ni- You set up [an offering arrangement before] ama, you
q tanaqqi ina alm l[i] 24[ina alm make a sacrifice. 25[You set out] 23two figurines of dou[gh],
lip ina] alm kupsi ina alm itt ina [two figurines of tallow, two] figurines of sesame pomace,
alm di ina al[m ikri] 25[tasad- two figurines of bitumen, two figurines of clay, two figur-
dir]a(?) m ina mui irammuk-ma kip [ines of wax] 25[in a row]; he bathes himself over (them),
par then the witchcraft will be undone.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 8.5 313
ll. 2644: see text 8.4, ll. 6885 ll. 2644: see text 8.4, ll. 6885
break break
45 46 45
[] [ ] [] an(?) [] [ ] 46[] mad[ness ]
[mi(?) ]
47 47
[pu]a(?) [is]ura i[a [he perfo]rmed, [tu]rned to, sought [ ] against me,
[ ],
48 48
Ea ar aps[ Ea, king of the subterranean oce[an,
49 49
napatunu [napartunu(?) () ] their ointments, [their messages, () ],
50 50
rimkunu [ their wash water, [
51 51
kadabbed zi[kurud seizing-of-the-mouth magic, cutt[ing-of-the-throat
magic, ]:
52 52
ana muu<nu> lill[ik let [them] go (back) unto them, [ ]!
53 53
lumununu ept[unu kma gi]parri Let their evil, [their] sorceries, turn upon (them) [like a
libbalki[t] 54librunti t]rap, 54let it catch them!
[] idya [] 55ina dnka [ ] to my side, 55let me obt[ain] justice through
[(m)ar]tu lull[ik] your judgement!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 56
ina alm ikri tepp[u(-ma) ] You mak[e] two figurines of wax; [] bottle[s]
l. 57 too fragmentary for transcription, then break l. 57 too fragmentary for tranlation, then break of approximately seven
of approximately seven lines; l. 65 too fragmentary lines; l. 65 too fragmentary for translation
for transcription
upia [ ] 67enenna ana 66
has had made [ ]. 67Now I have s[et
mark[a] ul[tazz(?) ] 68dn dn up] before you [
]. 68 Judge my case, [ren-

purussya [purus ] 69 libbalkit-ma der] a verdict for me, [ ] 69let it turn upon
[ ] 70arkassunu (them) and [
] 70 their back [ ]
[ ] 71 giparru [ ] a trap [ ] 72let it not come near
ay isniq [ ] 73ana yi ana [ ] 73to me, to my family, [ ]
illat[y]a(?) [ ] 74a ilya u 74
of my god and my goddess [ ]!
itarya [ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 75
ina alm ikri teppu [ ] You make two figurines of wax [ ]; 76you put
[ ] 76tanaddi ina di bbunu them 75
[into ], 76
you shut up their opening with
tepei clay.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 77
N alska ama ina qereb am ellti Incantation: I call upon you, ama, in the midst of the
pure heavens,
78 78
ina illi erni tiab-ma take a seat in the shade of the cedar,
79 79
l akn pka ina ((mui)) tupat bur- let your feet rest on the footstool of juniper wood!
80 80
rnikka mttu itbunikka abb The lands are exulting over you, a joyful babble of voices
is swelling around you,
81 81
nrka namru kala ni ibarri all the people thirst for your bright light,
82 82
saip ukallaka puur mtti your battle-net covers the entirety of the lands.
83 83
ama att-ma md riksunu ama, it is you who knows their bonds (i.e., the bonds of
the evildoers),
84 84
mualliq raggi mupair namburb who destroys the wicked, who undoes the (evils countered
by) namburbi-rituals,
85 85
idti ittti lemnti unti pardti l b- the evil signs (and) omens, the terrifying, bad dreams,
86 86
musallit q lumni mualliq ni u mt[i] who cuts the thread of the evil that destroys the people and
the land.
87 87
pi kip ru rus ((lemnti)) teir Before you I have drawn those who performed witchcraft,
maark[a] magic (and) ((evil)) sorcery,
88 88
ina Nissaba elleti almunu abn[i] with the pure Nissaba I have created their image,
89 89
a kip pu((ni)) ikpud((ni)) nullt[i] (the image of those) who have performed witchcraft
((against me)), have plotted vicious (plans) ((against me)),
90 90
itgur libbaunu-ma mal tut[i] whose heart is cross so that they are full of malicious talk.
91 91
izizzam-ma ama nr il rabt[i] Be present, ama, light of the great gods,
92 92
ina mui bl ruya ltalal anku so that I may rejoice triumphantly over the one who has
performed magic against me!
93 93
il bnya idya lizzz Let my god who created me stand by my side!
94 94
mussu pya utur qtya My mouth is washed, my hands are in good order.
95 95
utiram-ma blu nr kiati ama Guide me aright, lord, light of the universe, judge ama.
96 96
mu aru attu U4.[7?.KAM] U4.15.[KAM May day, month (and) year, [seven]th day, fifteenth day,
U4.21?.KAM] U4.30.KAM lipair kipd- [twenty-first day] (and) thirtieth day release the plots
ya directed against me,
97 97
Ea As[a]llui li[p]air kipya may Ea (and) Asallui undo the witchcraft directed against
98 98
puer ki[p]ya puur iilt Undo the witchcraft directed against me, release my bond,
99 99
bullianni-ma dallka ludlul restore me to life, then I will praise your glory!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 100
ina mui alam qmi [ ] Over an image of flour [ ] 101you recite
alu tamann-ma qt[u taab- three times. [You tak]e [him] by the hands, [then you spea]k
b]at(?)-m[a k]am [taqab]b-[ma](?) [t]hus:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 102
N alska ama ina qereb am ell[ti] Incantation: I call upon you, ama, in the midst of the
pu[re] heavens!
103 103
[] [ ] a ilu(?) [] [] [ ] of his god []
104 104
a mangu [lutu] kip ru rus umal- who has fil[led me] with stiffness, [decay], witchcraft,
[lnni] magic (and) sorcery,
105 105
qtu le[muttu](?) a amlti uam[ir- (who) has caused [me] to be afflicted by the e[vil] hand of
anni](?) men,
ugarrnni ulen[ni] 107ulappitanni 106
(who) has attacked me, defiled me (and) 107affected me,
pya u lin ibat[u] 108atmya uma (who) has seized my mouth and tongue, 108has diminished
my ability to speak,
zikurud 109kadabbed pua 109
(who) has practised 108cutt[ing-of-the-throat magic (and)
seizing-of-the-mouth magic against me,
itti ili u itari u am[l] 110uzenn(inni) 110
(who) have made 109god and goddess and hum[ans] angry
[ ]ya(?) itb[uku](?) with me, (who) [has] pou[red out] my [ ],
111 111
au[t]u attu [ ikunu(?) ()] (who) [has inflicted] tribulation, panic (and) [ on
[ ] 113akmiska(?) 112
[ ] 113I have knelt down before you.
ina dn ktti a l [uttakkaru(?)] Through (your) true judgement that cannot [be changed],
114 114
[ina] nar[b] a Ea ar aps up[ a] [through] the great deeds of Ea, the king of the
[apk]al i[l] Marduk subterranean ocean, (and) the magical procedur[es of]
[the sa]ge of the gods, Marduk,
[ ] 116k(?) gart[i] lir [let me ] , 116let me have success like the strong on[es].
ka[ptu a(?) ] 117[m]er[t]ya The wi[tch who has ], 117(who) has constrained my
ubbiru [l]im[b]s:
ana m[arka(?) alama(?)] 118pu-ma bef[ore you] 118I have made 117[her figurine] 118and set it up.
ina qi[bt ] At the co[mmand of ],
119 119
[ina] qibt bl bl a [ [at] the command of the lord of lords who [
120 120
[ m]uballi [ [ w]ho keeps alive [
TEXT 8.5 315
break of approximately two lines; l. 123 too frag- break of approximately two lines; l. 123 (end of incantation) too fragmen-
mentary for transcription tary for translation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 124
ina alm di ina maar ama taak- You place two figurines of clay before ama, then
kan-ma [ ] 125[a]bu- [ ]. 125[I] have slaughtered them [ ]
126 126
unti [ ] eptunu their sorceries [ ] 127their by your
[ ] ssunu ina [ ]! 128[You pour] the wash water of your
[ ]ka [ ] 128m qtka hands over th[em ]
ina mu[nu tatabbak(?) ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 129
[]N ama kap[u] u ka[]ptu ul [Inca]ntation: ama, I do not kn[ow] the warlo[ck] and
d[unti?] the witch,
130 130
ri ul de [ ] u[l de(?) the man who is destroying me I do not know, [ ]
()] [I do] n[ot know ()],
131 131
kir ul de kirt [ul de] the man who is binding me I do not know, the woman who
is binding me [I do not know],
132 132
ama ((kap)) kapt u[l de(?) ama, ((my warlock and)) my witch [I do] n[ot know
()] ()],
133 133
l subart l [ be it a Subarean, be it a [ ],
134 134
l gutt l [ be it a Gutean, be it a [ ],
135 135
[l] elamt l [nar]innat(?) [ [b]e it an Elamite, be it a [nar]innatu-witch, [ ],
136 136
l mrtu a mt Elamti(?) l lullu- be it a daughter of the land of Elam, be it a Lullu[bean
[bt(?) ],
137 137
l sairu l sirtu l[ ] be it a siru-sorcerer, be it a sirtu-sorceress, be [it
138 138
ama a att td[] an[ku-ma l d] ama, (these persons) whom you kno[w], but I [do not
139 139
[]a kip ru rus up[ lemnti] [w]ho 140[ ] 139witchcraft, magic, sorcery, [evil]
[ m[achinations against me],
141 141
[ama ann]te unu annte []alm- [ama, the]se are they, these are [their f]igurines.
142 142
[kma] unu <l> izzazz [alm]unu [Since] they are <not> present, I am h[olding up] their
n[aku(?) ()] fi[gurines ()].
possibly one or two, if any, lines missing; ll. 143 possibly one or two, if any, lines missing; ll. 143144 too broken for
144 too broken for transcription translation
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 145
[KA.INIM.MA U11.B]R.R[U.DA.KAM] [It is the wording (of the incantation) to u]ndo [witchcraft].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 146150 too broken for transcription; text ll. 146150 too broken for translation; text breaks after l. 150
breaks after l. 150


General: For philological notes on manu- arr ama (see here text 9.2; cf. also the shorter
scripts A and G, see generally the remarks in KAL versions of the text, edited here as text 7.8, 7.: 21
2, pp. 5354 and 56. 31 and text 7.5: 410). The present text stands
partway between the short and long versions. The
VAT 14215 (here ms. H) has now been joined to
restorations, where possible, follow text 9.2.
VAT 14007, but this join came to our attention too
late for an inclusion here; the fragment will be 9: The restoration follows the parallel
edited by S.M. Maul in KAL 4 (no. 32). text PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 16 (text 9.2: 16) which has
UL-tim pua kip ru rus l bti pua.
121: This incantation is a close parallel or
variant version of the ama prayer Bl bl ar

1113: The position of l immediately pre- 7374: The final sentence of the prayer
ceding the predicate of the individual sentences should perhaps be restored along the lines of the
rather than at the beginning of each sentence indi- stock phrase ana qt damqti a ilya u itarya
cates that this is the asseverative l and not coordi- ana ulmi u bali piqdanni Entrust me into the
nating l or, even though the latter is what we good hands of my god and my goddess for welfare
would expect within the present context. Note that and life!.
in text 8.3, 1.: 3637, in a similar context, one
8386: Transcription and translation follow
manuscript has the l before the verbs, while the
ms. E, which, overall, has the more reliable text
other manuscripts do not. Perhaps this use of l
(raggunu instead of riksunu looks very much
before the predicate was triggered by the repeated
like a corruption triggered by the following mual-
occurrence of coordinating l in the preceding part
liq raggi, and cf. the clear corruption in l. 82);
of the sentence. In the related text 9.2 this use of l
nevertheless the text of ll. 8486 as presented by
became more widespread and the l occurs before
ms. A is not distorted and can be accepted as a var-
many of the verbs.
iant version (for a translation, see KAL 2, p. 52).
As l. 15 shows, the subject of the singular verbal
86: For the significance of the phrase
forms in ll. 914 is common gender; the trans-
mualli q lumni, see Abusch, BWiL, 118, fn. 66.
lation with he (and his in l. 16) is therefore
slightly misleading. 96: Transcription and translation follow
ms. E (in view of the spacing of the signs over the
14: For a possible restoration, cf. the
line, the restoration of this line as given in KAL 2, p.
parallel text PBS 1/1, 13 rev. 13 (text 9.2: 2830).
54, has to be slightly corrected in line with Mayer,
1821: The last lines of the prayer seem to UFBG, 265); ms. A has a shorter version which is
be worded slightly differently in ms. F. not necessarily corrupt, even though one suspects
that at least the omission of mu at the beginning of
19: At the beginning of the line one ex-
the line is due to a scribal error.
pects anku-ma as for me or anku aradka I,
your servant, but the traces are too ambiguous for 100: As is evident from the text of the
any confident restoration. incantation (l. 94), a washing rite would have been
prescribed here, but the few traces left on the tablet
20: The restoration at the beginning of
do not allow a confident restoration of the exact
the line follows the unpublished fragment VAT
14007 (courtesy S.M. Maul).
101: If the tentative restoration at the end
4647: For the tentative restoration, cf. BAM
of l. 101 is correct, it would suggest that the two
214 rev. VII 814 (here text 8.1: 8389).
ama prayers with their ritual instructions were
50: Read perhaps am-i-[-nu th[eir] regarded as part of one ritual unit (unit v in our syn-
torn off strips, referring to torn off bits of clothing? opsis). But this remains quite uncertain, especially
The sorcerers are regularly accused of having torn since the other ritual units in ms. A usually include
off pieces of the patients garments to use them in only one ama prayer.
their rituals. But the word amu is never found in
103: For a problematic attempt at restor-
those contexts.
ing this line, see KAL 2, p. 54.
54: Perhaps a variant of the stock phrase
110: The partly restored form uzenninni
Girra tappka ltallal idya (cf. text 8.3: 1.: 70, 2.:
would represent a plural form, which is unexpected
31, 8.4: 57, 81) should be restored here, but cf.
after the sequence of third singular forms in the pre-
l. 93 below.
ceding lines. Epigraphically a reading -ze-nu- is
6674: The scribe of ms. A did not break the possible, but within the present phrase one expects
lines within prayer texts according to syntactic and the accusative object to be present (cf. text 8.3: 1.:
semantic criteria (as is the standard in Kuyunjik 81) and a restoration as uzennnni is excluded.
manuscripts, cf. here ll. 7799). Here in ll. 66
112: Read perhaps a-a-ab-ta I have
74 the fragmentary state of the text prevents us
seized at the beginning of the line? A first-person
from establishing the poetic lines in the transcrip-
verbal form is certainly expected.
tion and translation, which are therefore presented
as continuous text. 118: In view of the following line the
restoration ina q-r[eb (thus KAL 2, p. 50) is not
TEXT 8.5 317
plausible. It is more likely that the text had two par- the end of this ritual instruction is fragmentarily
allel sentences beginning with ina qibt. preserved in ms. A rev. IV 45, but in the absence
of a well-preserved duplicate a coordination of the
127: It is not certain where the direct
two manuscripts is impossible. The following most-
speech ends. Possibly ina x(.x).ME-ka read per-
ly undecipherable lines in ms. A rev. IV offer the
haps ina GRII.ME-ka? already resumes the in-
text of one incantation followed by ritual instruc-
tions and the beginning of one more incantation,
136: Less plausible, but not excluded is a which was certainly followed by another set of
reading mrat mt(KUR) -nim-m[a daughter of ritual instructions. Though a few words can be read,
another ones land (or perhaps corruption for the two incantations are too fragmentary for any
mtim antim-ma?). characterization of their content. It is clear, how-
ever, that the first text is an anti-witchcraft incanta-
137: sa-i-ru is probably only a bad
tion (cf. rev. IV 12: e-[pi-]i-ia5 u e-pi-ti-ia5),
spelling of well-known siru, even though sai-
and, given the overall character of ms. A, it seems
ru, the peddler, is among the usual suspects in
very likely that these incantations are prayers
lists of people accused of witchcraft (see Maql IV
addressed to ama. Depending on the length of the
89 and cf. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 81, fn. 50).
incantation beginning in rev. IV 18 there was po-
14650: The fragmentary passage contains tentially room for one more incantation with ritual
the ritual instruction for the preceding incantation; instructions on rev. IV.
TEXT 8.6


All preserved manuscripts date to the late Neo- the prayer texts there were imbedded in the same
Assyrian period, though the script of manuscript B ritual contexts as those in our main manuscripts.
points to a slightly earlier, 8th- or possibly 9th-cent. The Marduk ritual is a straightforward anti-
date. Mss. A, D and E are single-column tablets witchcraft ritual. Directions for arranging standard
which contain only a ritual performed before Mar- offerings before Marduk are followed by a very
duk including the full text of a prayer to the god (the fragmentarily preserved set of instructions for ritual
same may be true for the fragmentary two-column actions that included funerary offerings, probably to
ms. C). The two-column ms. B comprises several a number of deities and numens, and, apparently,
anti-witchcraft texts: (a) two rituals (for a different the presentation (and maltreatment?) of figurines re-
interpretation of this text, see above, p. 294, fn. 75) presenting the sorcerers; probably the text also gave
to be performed before ama (see here text 8.4), instructions on the preparation of the pure water in
(b) a poorly preserved prayer to Itar which was the holy water vessel. Then a long prayer addressed
probably followed by ritual instructions that are to Marduk, rather generic in its wording, is recited
presently lost, edited here as Part 2, and (c) the Mar- three times. Finally the patient removes his old gar-
duk ritual, edited here as Part 1. A number of frag- ment and is washed with the water from the holy
ments provide further help with the reconstruction water vessel. The figurines of the sorcerers are
of the Marduk prayer (ms. F) and the Itar prayer buried in the ground facing the setting sun and thus
(mss. G, H and J), but it remains uncertain whether the sorcerers are transferred to the netherworld.

List of Manuscripts

A K 3648 + 6196 + 15966 AMT 21/2 pls. 84 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
+ Sm 1280 (only K 6196) 87 script, 7th cent. Library
B1 K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + pls. 68 Frgs. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 74 8th cent. Library
13813 (+)
B2 K 3000 (+)
B3 K 6996 (+)
B4 K 7201 + 10819 (+)
B5 K 9216 + 17321
C VAT 14289 BAM 232 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
7th cent.
D1 SU 52/171 (+) STT 134 pls. 88 Frgs. of a single-col. tablet, NA Sultantepe
D2 SU 52/172 (+) STT 135 93 script, 7th cent.
D3 SU 52/181E + 52/206 (+) STT 262 + 129
AfO 28, 95
D4 SU 52/226 (+) STT 130
D5 SU 52/285 STT 328
E1 K 2493 + 7102 + 9081 + RT 24, 104 pl. 94 Frgs. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
10352 (+) (only K 2493) script, 7th cent. Library
copy Oshima
E2 K 8965 pl. 94
F1 K 5088 + 6918 + 11307 (+) copy Oshima pl. 95 Small frgs., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
F2 K 10353 + 11159 pl. 95 Library
TEXT 8.6 319
G1 A 173 (+)? LKA 58 coll. Frgs. of a single-col. tablet, NA Aur, Library N 4
script, 7th cent.
G2 VAT 13960 Meinhold, KAL, coll.
H K 10722 pl. 96 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
J K 15445 pl. 96 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Ceremonial ritual against witchcraft addressed to Marduk ..................................................1103
Symptom description, diagnosis and purpose statement ................................................ 125
A obv. 125 // B5 rev. III 111, B1 rev. III 13 // C obv. I 123 //
D2D3D5 obv. 117 // E2 obv. 16
Ritual instructions..................................................................................... 2637[ ]3840
A obv. 2637 // B1 rev. III 414 // C obv. I 2425 // D5 obv. 18,
D1 obv. 13 // E2 obv. 712, E1 obv. 12
Incantation: ar nmeqi mum mti ........................................................................4198
A rev. 124 // B2 rev. IV 112, B1B5 rev. IV 111 , B1 rev. IV 1224 //
D1 obv. 46, rev. 19, D3D2 rev. 115, D4 obv. 1rev. 7 // E1 obv. 324 //
F1: 120, F2: 117
Final ritual instructions including the recitation of Au au................................99103
A rev. 2529 //? B1 rev. IV 25
Catchline ...................................................................................................................................104
A rev. 30
A rev. 3143
2nd Part
i Fragmentary incantation against witchcraft: arat arat urbt [Itar(?)].........................130
B1 obv. II 1922, B3 obv. II 113 // G1 obv. 115, G2 obv. 113, rev. 111 //
H: 113 // J obv. 18

Previous Editions

Martin, RT 24 (1902) 103105 (ms. F, only K 2493).

Ebeling, AGH, 15253 (ms. H).
Seux, HPDBA, 32728 (ms. H, translation).
Oshima, Hymns and Prayers to Marduk (partial edition and discussion, copies of mss. E1 and F1).
Meinhold, KAL, forthcoming (ms. G2).


1. A // B rev. IIIIV // C // D15 // E // F12

1 A obv. 1 DI NA S[AG.DU-su GU7.GU7-] EME- -zaq-qa-su
2 A obv. 2 IGI.ME-[ NIGIN-du GET]U[I]I- i-ag-gu-ma
3 A obv. 3 G-s[u x x x] SA.G- GU7.ME-
B5 rev. III 1 preceding text lost / SA.G- G[U7.ME-]
4 A obv. 4 GABA-s[u ] GU7.ME-
B5 rev. III 1 GABA-[s]u u [-al-la- ]

5 A obv. 5 -pu-l[a- ] II.ME- im-ma-t -kal

B5 rev. III 2 -pu-la- BAL.B[A]L- II- i[m-ma-t ]
C obv. I 1 unplaceable traces of two signs
6 A obv. 6 U.SI.ME-[u i-te-n-e-]i-la- .ME- M.M-u
B5 rev. III 34 U.SI.ME- UII- i-te-n-e-i-l[a- ]/
C obv. I 23 ]U.MEsic!- i-t[e-n-e-i-la-] / [ ]
A ctd. er-ru- ia-ru-ru
B5 ctd. er-ru- i-r-ru-ru
C ctd. [ ]
7 A obv. 7 [k]im-a- G[RII- i-k-a-]u- UZU.ME- im-ma-t -kal
B5 rev. III 45 kim-a- GRII- i-[kaau] / UZU.ME- im-ma-t -kal-lu
C obv. I 34 [ ] GRII- i-k[-au] / [ -kal-l]u
8 A obv. 8 [ana] ZI-e [GU]B-z[i ] da-ba-bi muq-qu
B5 rev. III 56 ana Z[I-e ] / u da-ba-bi mu-uq
C obv. I 45 ana ZI-e u GUB-z[i] / [u da-ba-bi(?) mu-uq]
D2 obv. 1 an]a ZI-e [ ]/[ ]
9 A obv. 9 [za]-mar SA5 za-mar SIG7 KI - DU11.DU11-[ub]
B5 rev. III 6 za-mar SA5! za-mar SI[G7 ]
C obv. I 56 za-mar SA5 za-mar SI[G7] / [ ]
D2 obv. 2 [ ]- [ ]
10 A obv. 10 [lb-ba-] nu-ul-la-ta i-ta-mu -en- il-ta-na-n[i-]
B5 rev. III 7 lb-ba- nu-ul-la-ti i-ta-me UMU-[ ]
C obv. I 67 [libba]- nu-ul-la-a-te i-ta-ma / [ il-ta-na-ni]-
D2 obv. 3 [ ] i-ta-mi [-en- ]
11 A obv. 11 [q-bi]t KA- im-da-na-a-i um<-mu> mun-ga li-i-[ba]
B5 rev. III 8 q-bit KA- im-ta-na--i um-mu mun-g[a ]
C obv. I 78 q-bit KA- im-ta-na--i / [ li-i-b]a
D2 obv. 4 [ imtana-]i um-mu mun-g[a ]
12 A obv. 12 [ ta]-dir-t TUK-i M.GE6.ME- [ m]a?-[a-da]
B5 rev. III 9 u ta-dir!-ta TUK M.GE6.ME- i-[-a ]
C obv. I 89 u ta-dr-ta TUK / [ ma-a]-da
D2 obv. 5 [ M.G]E6.M- e--a [ ]
13 A obv. 13 [.] IGI.IGI-mar KI . DU11.DU11-ub
B5 rev. III 1011 ADDA.ME IGI.IGI KI ADD[A ]/
C obv. I 910 ADDA.ME IGI.IGI-mar / [ DU11.D]U11-ub
D2D3 obv. 67 ADDA.M[E IGI.IGI-m]ar K[I AD]DA.ME D[U11.DU11-ub] /
A ctd. -[ ]
B5 ctd. [ ik-k]a?-[
C ctd. - -pil ik-ka- ku-ri
D2D3 ctd. lb-ba-[ ]-pi ik-ka-[ k]a-ri
(B5 breaks)
14 A obv. 14 [M.G]E6 IGI-ru la -kal - i-a-[am ]
C obv. I 1112 [ imma]-ru la -kal - i-a-am-ma / [ ]
D2D3 obv. 78 M.GE6.ME i[m-ma-ru ] / lb-ba- i-a-am l[b-b]a- i-r-ri
15 A obv. 15 [ ip-ta-n]a?-r[u?-ud(?) ]
C obv. I 1213 [in]a KI.N- ip-ta-nar-ru-ud / [ UB.UB-s]u
D2D3 obv. 89 ina KI.N[- ] / IR UB.UB-su
TEXT 8.6 321
16 A obv. 16 [ i-k]m?-m[?-is(?) ]
C obv. I 1314 ur-ba-u TUK.TUK-i ZI.GA i-kam-mis / [x x (x) SG.S]G?-su
D2D3 obv. 9 ur-ba-su [TUK.T]UK-i ZI-bi i-k[am-mis ]
17 A obv. 17 [ S]ILA p[u-u-pu-u-u-] GAR-
C obv. I 1415 u-u GAZ TUK.TUK-i / [ina al]-tu ina SILA pu-u-pu-u-u- GAR-
D2D3 obv. 10 u-u GAZ lb-bi TUK.TUK-[i i-n]a? SILA? p[u?-pu ]
(D2 obv. breaks)
18 A obv. 18 [ DU11.G]A [ G]-si
C obv. I 16 [ni-ip-q]u- qer-bu u8-a i-qab-bi a-a i--si
D3 obv. 11 ni-ip-qu-u qer-bu u8?-[a ]
19 A obv. 19 [ ]
C obv. I 1718 [NINDA u] KA LAL ana MUNUS DU-ka LAL ana MUNUS - NU L- /
D3D5 obv. 1213 N[INDA ] ana MUNUS DU-k[a ]L-[u]!? /
E2 obv. 1 L-]u?
A ctd. [ BAD.BA]D-te
C ctd. [K]A- BAD.BAD-te
D5 ctd. [ ]
E2 obv. 1 K[A?- ]
(D3 obv. breaks)
20 A obv. 20 [ irtana-]i a-u-lap-a DU11.GA-bi
C obv. I 1819 im-ta-nag-gag u-ta-na-a / [ir-t]a-na-a-i a-u-lap-ia i-qab-bi
D5 obv. 1314 ] ir-te-n-[i] / [ ]
E2 obv. 2 [ a-]u-lap-ia D[U11.GA-bi]
21 A obv. 21 [ u-k]l ina KA.SAG sa-q
C obv. I 20 [KA-]? DB-a NA BI ina NINDA u-kul ina KA NAG
D5 obv. 14 [ NIND]A u-kul ina KA.SAG N[A]G
E2 obv. 23 [ ] /[ NA]G
22 A obv. 22 [ ] u-nu-ul-lu
B1 rev. III 1 / NU.MES- KI ADDA [u-null]
C obv. I 2021 ina / [NU.ME-] KI ADDA u-nu-lu
D5 obv. 15 [ ]
E2 obv. 3 ina .GI NU.[ME- ]
23 A obv. 23 [ ] AMAR.UTU GUR--[m]a
B1 rev. III 12 [ ]/ a-na DIB-t d
C obv. I 2122 ana GIDIM ri-da-a-te paq-du / [ ] d
D5 obv. 1516 [an]a GIDIM ri-da-a<-ti> paq-d[u] / [ ]
E2 obv. 4 [ ri-da-a]-ti paq-du a-na D[IB-t ]
24 A obv. 24 [ an]a TI.LA-
B1 rev. III 23 [ ]/ ana TI-
C obv. I 2223 GIDIM ri-da-a-te U.ME- / [ ]
D5 obv. 1617 [ ] U.ME- / [ ]
E2 obv. 5 [ ri-da-a-t]i U.ME- a-na T[I-]
25 A obv. 25 [ D].A.BI BR-ri
B1 rev. III 3 u SILIM-[ ]
C obv. I 23 [ a-l]a?-mi- u mu-ru-u D.A.BI BR
D5 obv. 17 [ BR]-ri
E2 obv. 6 [ mu-ru-u] D.A.BI [ ]
A, C, [D5], E2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26 A obv. 26 [ u du
B1 rev. III 4 D.D.BI K ana IGI AM[AR.UTU
C obv. I 24 [ S]SKUR BAL-q
D5 obv. 18 [ BA]L-[q]
E2 obv. 7 [ ] dAMAR.UTU tara-ks uduSSKUR BAL-q
(D5 obv. breaks)
27 A obv. 27 [ t]u-a-a
B1 rev. III 45 [ () ] / [x] x.ME? uzuKA.NE tu-[a-a]
C obv. I 25 [ ] x [x]
E2 obv. 78 [ ]/[ t]u-a-a
(C obv. I breaks)79
28 A obv. 28 [ A.D]A.GUR4 GIN-an dug

B1 rev. III 56 [ ] / [dug]A.DA.GUR4 GIN-an

E2 obv. 8 NINDA..D.A LL .NUN.NA GAR-an d[ugA.DA.GUR4 ]
29 A obv. 29 [ ] ta-sr-raq
B1 rev. III 6 NG.NA [EREN ]
E2 obv. 9 [ gi
30 A obv. 30 [ B]AL-q
B1 rev. III 78 [ NG.N]A.ME a-na 4 IM.[ME GAR-an(?) x x x x] / ina IGI K BAL-q
E2 obv. 910 4 NG.N[A.ME ] / [x x x x ina I]GI K BAL-q
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ll. 3137 too fragmentary in all three manuscripts for a synoptic presentation:
31 A obv. 31 [ ] ak
32 A obv. 32 [ ta-k]s-sip4
33 A obv. 33 [ ] x-su
34 A obv. 34 [ D]?-u
35 A obv. 35 [ ]-ma
36 A obv. 36 [ ]-u
37 A obv. 37 [ ]x
(A obv. breaks)
B1 rev. III 8 k[i-is-pa
B1 rev. III 9 ina UG[U
B1 rev. III 10 u ka-ap!-ti x [
B1 rev. III 11 GUB.ME-su l[GIG
B1 rev. III 12 L- ina G[B
B1 rev. III 13 GIG B[I
B1 rev. III 14 3- x [
(B1 rev. III breaks)
E2 obv. 10 ki-is-pa a-[na x x x x x (x x)]
E2 obv. 11 [x x x x ta-k]s-sip4 L BI ina UGU x [
E2 obv. 12 [x x x x x x] x munusU11.ZU x [
E2 obv. 13 [x x x x x x x] x x x x x x [
(E2 breaks)
break of approximately 38 lines
38 D1 obv. 1 [x x x] x- ta-x-[

Traces of the beginnings of eight lines in C obv. II cannot yet be placed with any certainty. A few undecipherable traces are pre-
served in rev. III and five fragmentary lines of a colophon in rev. IV (rev. not copied by Kcher). Only the end of the scribes title
has survived in rev. IV 3: [ ] x.ME lamall(MAN.L) eru(TUR), see collation, pl. 132, no. 61.
TEXT 8.6 323
39 D1 obv. 12 [ ] /[ ]D UB-di-ma x [
E1 obv. 1 [x] x x x ana D UB-d[i-ma
40 D1 obv. 3 [ru-s]u-ma lem-nu-t[i
E1 obv. 2 [u]p--u- UL.ME[ x x] x [
D1 , E1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 D1 obv. 4 [ LUG]AL n-me-q mu-im [ ]
E1 obv. 3 []N LUGAL n-me-q mu-i[m-m]u N[AM.ME]
42 D1 obv. 5 [r]a-[i]m -sag-l [
E1 obv. 4 [r]a-im -sag-l tuk-lat TIN.TIR[ki]
F1: 1 [ tu]k-la[t ]
43 D1 obv. 6 [na-i]r ZI-tim LUGAL DINGIR.ME [ ]
E1 obv. 5 [n]a-ir ZI-tim LUGAL DINGIR.ME EN AN [KI?]
F1: 2 [na-]i[r DIN]GIR.ME EN [ ]
(D1 obv. breaks)
44 E1 obv. 6 [g]a-mil en-i mu-al-li-qu rag-[gi]
F1: 3 [ga]-mil [ m]u-al-liq [ ]
45 E1 obv. 7 na-din .NUN ma-re-e a-na UN.ME a-p[a-a-ti]
F1: 4 [na-d]in .[NUN u ma]-re-e ana UN.ME a-[pa-a-ti]
46 E1 obv. 8 ka-id a-a-bi mu-am-q-tu mu-u[z-zap-ri]
F1: 5 [ka]-id a-a-bi mu-am-q-tu mu-uz-zap-r[i]
47 D4 obv. 1 [na-di]n G[I].UB.BA ? nin?-[d]a?-[b-e ]
E1 obv. 9 na-din GI.UB.BA nin-da-b-e a-na DINGIR.ME u-ut d[a-adm]
F1: 6 [na-d]in GI.UB.BA NIDBA
48 D4 obv. 2 [ ] KUR.KUR na-ram d
+EN.LL [ ]
E1 obv. 10 EN KUR.KUR na-ram +E[N.L]L a-tin [ ]
F1: 7 [ K]UR.KUR na-ram DINGIR.ME a-tin en-[i]
49 D4 obv. 3 [n]a- GIDRU u BALA-e k[a- ]
E1 obv. 11 na-i gi
GIDRU BALA-e ka-b[i -s]u DINGIR ?
F1: 8 [na-]i GIDRU u BALA.A k[a- ] mu-zap-r[i]
50 D4 obv. 4 [na-d]i-[i]n mil-[ku] E.BAR a-[na ]
E1 obv. 12 na-din mil-ku u E.BAR [ ] DINGIR.ME E[.ME-u]
F1: 9 [na-d]in mil-ku E.BAR a-[na E].ME-[u]
51 D4 lo. e. 1(2) [ ] TI.L]A? q[?-am] ()
E1 obv. 13 AMAR.UTU re-m-nu- TI.LA [ ]
F1: 10 [dAM]AR.UTU re-m-nu- [ ] q-[am]
52 B2 rev. IV 1 [ ] / KI DINGIR.[ME] GAL.ME[]
D4 lo. e. 2 [ ] KI DINGIR.M[E ]
E1 obv. 14 ur-kam-ma TI.LA gi-mil [ GAL?]-tim?
F1: 11 [ur-ka]m-ma TI.LA [gi-mil ] GAL.M[E]
53 B2 rev. IV 1 mur-u [ ]
D4 lo. e. 3 [ i]-ak-nam-ma U[.ME-ni]
E1 obv. 15 mur-u i-ak-nam-ma U.ME-ni
F1: 12 [ ] i-ak-nam-ma [U].ME-n[i]
54 B2 rev. IV 2 pa[l-a-ku-m]a a[d-ra-ku u-ta]-du-[ra]-ku
D4 rev. 1 [pal-a-ku]-ma ad-ra-ku u [u-ta-du-ra-ku]
E1 obv. 16 pal-a-ku-ma ad-ra-ku u-t[a-d]u-ra-ku
F1: 13 [ ad-ra-k]u [ u]-ta-du-r[a-ku]

55 B2 rev. IV 3 I[M-ka] DU10.[GA ] li-n-u mur-i

D4 rev. 2 [IM-k]a DU10.GA li-zi-qam-ma li-n[-u ]
E1 obv. 17 IM-ka DU10.GA li-zi-qa-am-ma li-n-u- mur-i
F1: 14 [ li-z]i-qa[m-ma] li-n-u GI[G]
56 B2 rev. IV 4 nap-li-sa-ni-[m]a EN ri--a re-e-ma
D4 rev. 3 [nap-l]i-sa-ni-ma EN ri--a [ ]
E1 obv. 18 nap-li-sa-an-ni-ma dEN TUK-a re-e-mu
F1: 15 [ ri-]-a re-e-m[u]
57 B2 rev. IV 5 ana-ku NENNI A NENNI R-ka um-ru-u ak-ta-mis IGI-ka
D4 rev. 4 [ ]R-[k]a um-ru-u ak-t[a-mis ]
E1 obv. 19 ana-ku NENNI A NENNI R-ka um-ru-u ak-ta-mis IGI-ka
F1: 16 [ um-ru-]u ak-ta-mis IGI-k[a]
58 B2 rev. IV 6 di-ni di-in E.BAR-a KU5-us
D4 rev. 5 [ d]i-in E.BAR-a-a [ ]
E1 obv. 20 [d]i-ni de-en E.BAR-a-a KU5-us
F1: 17 [ ] E.BAR-a-a KU5-u[s]
59 B2 rev. IV 6 al-si-ka EN ZI-t gi-mil
D4 rev. 6 [ E]N ZI-t gi-m[il]
E1 obv. 21 [al-s]i-ka EN i-man-ni qer-bi ZI-t gi-mil
F1: 18 [ ] ZI-ti gi-mi[l]
60 B2 rev. IV 7 - e-pi- UL-ti-ia ka-a- as-ur-ka
D4 rev. 67 [ ]/ [x x x] x x x [
E1 obv. 22 [ ] e-pi-u UL-t-ia ka-a- NIGIN-ka
F1: 19 [ k]a-a- as-ur-k[a]
(D4 breaks)
61 B2 rev. IV 89 ana-ku NENNI A NENNI DINGIR URU- d
E1 obv. 23 [ N]ENNI a DINGIR URU- MES
F1: 2021 [ a DINGIR- re-m-n]u- dA[MAR.UTU] /
B2 ctd. d
15 URU- dzar-pa-ni-tum
E1 ctd. 15 URU- dzar-pa-ni-tum
F1 ctd. undecipherable traces
(F1 breaks)
62 B2 rev. IV 910 ina al-[tu] / ina SILA pu--pu-u-u GAR-nam-ma U[.ME-ni]
E1 obv. 24 [ ] SILA pu-u-pu-u-u-u i-ak-nam-ma U.ME-ni
(end of E1 obv., rev. lost)
63 B2 rev. IV 11 [in]a NU DU10-ub lb-bi ina NU DU10-ub UZU x x [x x (x)]
D1 rev. 1 [ N]U DU10-u[b ]
64 B2 rev. IV 12 [ZI.G]A nu-ur-ru- [
D1 rev. 2 [Z]I.GA nu-ur-ru-[
(B2 breaks)
65 D1 rev. 3 [d]a-a-a-na-ta EN [dn dn(?)]
66 D1 rev. 4 [r]m-na-ta EN re-man-n[i
67 D1 rev. 5 [x m]u? lim-mal-la a[t?- ]
F2: 1 [x x lim-mal-l]a? at-ta(-)i x x [x (x)]
68 D1 rev. 6 [x (x)] za? mu -ma-li[l ]
F2: 2 [ -ma-li]l-ma at-ta(-)i x [x (x)]
69 D1 rev. 7 [x (x)] x ud? : ina x [
F2: 3 [x x x x x] x-a re-e?-[man-ni(?)]
TEXT 8.6 325
70 B5 rev. IV 1 [ lir]-ka
D1 rev. 8 [AN- li]-du-ka K[I-tum ]
F2: 4 [ ] KI-tum S-[ka]
71 B5 rev. IV 2 [ l]i--bu
D1 rev. 9 [ GA]L?.M[E? ]
F2: 5 [DINGIR.ME rab-t]i lb-ba-ka li-i-i[b-bu]
(D1 breaks)
72 B1B5 rev. IV 3 [x x (x)] x x [x li-ar-b]u-u zi-kir-ka
F2: 6 [ ] x li-ar-bu-u MU-[ka]
73 B1B5 rev. IV 4 [x (x)] x DINGIR.ME l[i--t]e-ra be-lut-ka
F2: 7 [x x u] DINGIR.ME li--tir be-lut-[ka]
74 B1B5 rev. IV 5 []-sag-gl u TIN.[TIRki lik-r]u-bu-nik-ka
F2: 8 [-sag-]l K.DINGIRki lik-ru-bu-ni[k-ka]
75 A rev. 1 a-[e-e-ka ]
B1B5 rev. IV 6 [a-]e-e-ka [ ] q-am
F2: 9 [a-e]-e-ka EN na-pi-ti q-[am]
76 A rev. 2 U[L ]
B1B5 rev. IV 7 [U]L GIG SU-MU [ ]
F2: 10 [UL GI]G SU-MU -su tab-[la]
77 A rev. 3 lis-[si ]
B1B5 rev. IV 7 [li-i]s-si r DANNA ina SU-a
F2: 11 [li-is-s]i U G DANNA ina SU-i[a]
78 A rev. 4 GI[M ]
B1B5 rev. IV 8 [ ] qut-ri li-[tel-li ]
F2: 12 [ qut-r]i li-tel-li ana AN-e
79 A rev. 5 GI[M INIG ]
B1B5 rev. IV 8 [ Z]I-[i ] KI- a-a GUR
F2: 13 [ Z]I-[]i ana KI- a-a i-tur
(B5 breaks)
80 A rev. 6 u[k-ki ]
B1 rev. IV 9 [u]k-ki ip-e-ia [ ]
F2: 14 [ ip-e-i]a ru-e-i[a]
81 A rev. 7 IN[IM-ka ]
B1 rev. IV 10 [INI]M-ka TI.L[A ]
F2: 15 [ li-(?)-ki]n? UGU-i[a]
82 A rev. 8 ma-[ru-u-ti ]
B1 rev. IV 11 [NG.G]IG im-u-r[a-an-ni ]
D3 rev. 1 [ im-u-ra-a]n-[ni ]
F2: 16 [ l]i-[ma]d r-i[]
83 A rev. 9 U[L UL.ME]
B1 rev. IV 12 [x x x] x [
D3 rev. 2 [x x x (x)] x x x [
F2: 17 [ ] UL.M[E]
(B1 rev. IV breaks)
84 A rev. 10 ana GI[DIM ]x
D2D3D5 rev. 3 [ ] GIDIM ri-da-a-ti [x x] x [x (x)] x x [(x x)]
F2: 18 [ ]xx
(F2 breaks)

85 A rev. 11 e-[ma ]x
D2D3D5 rev. 4 e-ma NA ina IGI DINGIR-ti-k[a (x x)]
86 A rev. 12 ana GI[DIM ]x
D2D3D5 rev. 4 [ GIDI]M r[i-da]-a-ti ak-t[a-x(-x)]
87 A rev. 13 -su[ AMAR.U]TU
D2D3D5 rev. 5 -su GIG SU-M[U (x x x)] d[A]MAR.U[TU]
88 A rev. 14 ALAD SI[G5 ka-a-a]-an
D2D3D5 rev. 6 d
ALAD SIG5 dLAMMA SIG5 [ina id-i]a lu [ka]-a-a-a[n]
89 A rev. 15 DU10-ub lb-b[i i]?
D2D3D5 rev. 7 DU10 lb-bi DU10 UZU [x x (x)] a an d[a x (x) i]?
(D5 breaks)
90 A rev. 16 re-m-nu- [ uk]-na
B1 rev. IV 13 [ g]i-mil-la [ ]
D2D3 rev. 8 re-m-nu-u d[AMAR.UTU] gi-mil-[la ]
91 A rev. 17 la a-mat l[a a-m]an-nu
B1 rev. IV 14 [ a-a-b]l ana UZU .SG la a-[man-nu]
D2D3 rev. 9 [l]a [ l]a [a-a-b]l ana UZU .SG l[a ]
(D3 breaks)
92 A rev. 18 -su GI[G ] -MU
B1 rev. IV 1516 [ ] a SU-[i]a / [ ] II-[M]U
D2 rev. 10 [ SU]-MU dup-pir UL!(i) [II-MU]
? ?
93 A rev. 19 ina SU-MU K[A -MU lu]d-lul
B1 rev. IV 17 [i?-n]a? KA-MU [ ?
mu?-ur-m]a d-l-l-ka lu[d-l]ul
D2 rev. 11 [ mu?-]ur-ma d-l-l-k[a ]
94 A rev. 20 2 NU.ME lU[11.ZU UGU-]-nu az-ziz
B1 rev. IV 1819 [ NU].ME ka--[pi u] ka-ap-ti D-[u] / [ina IG]I-ka UGU--nu az-[ziz]
D2 rev. 12 [ ] D-u IGI-ka UGU--nu [ ]
95 A rev. 21 bi-nu K[-an-ni DAD]AG-an-ni
B1 rev. IV 2021 [gi]INIG li-[l]il-an-[ni] / [giE]REN lb-bi-ban-[n]i
D2 rev. 13 [ li-l]il-an-ni e-re-nu li-bi-[banni]
96 A rev. 22
IN6.U gi
GIIMMAR.TUR li-pa-i-r ki-pe-e-a
B1 rev. IV 22 []IN6. u gi
GIIMMAR.TUR li-pa--i-r[u k]i-pi-a
D2 rev. 14 [ GIIMM]AR.TUR li-pa--i-ru k[i-pi-a]
97 A rev. 23 UL EN INIM D- lib-bal-kit-ma ana UGU- la-ni- lil-li[k]
B1 rev. IV 2324 [U]L EN INIM-MU D-[ lib-bal-ki]t-ma / [ UG]U- u la-n[i- lil]-lik
D2 rev. 15 [ D]-[ ]
(D2 breaks)
98 A rev. 24 ana-ku R-ka u-nu-u
B1 rev. IV 25
A ctd. d-l-l DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ana UN.ME DAGAL.ME lud-lul
B ctd. [da-li]l DINGIR-t[i-ka lu]d-lul
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 A rev. 25 an-nam 3- ana IGI dAMAR.UTU ID-nu
B1 rev. IV 26 [ ]x
A, B1? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B1 breaks)
100 A rev. 26 [EGIR- NA(?)] BI tgG. i--a-ma N -u-u MIN 3-
101 A rev. 27 [tu-ad-bab(?)-]-ma A A.GB.BA ana SAG.DU- DUB-ak
102 A rev. 28 [NU lU]11.ZU u munusU11.ZU ina ABRUD ina dUTU..A BAD-i ne-pe-am
TEXT 8.6 327
103 A rev. 29 [teppu-ma(?) SI?.S]? U11 U11 U11 up---u lem-nu-ti NU TE-
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 A rev. 30 [N ap-lu(?) ga]-ru bu-kr d+EN.LL
blank space
ll. 10517 (A rev. 3143): Ashurbanipal colophon, type c (Hunger, ABK, no. 319).

2. B1 obv. II 1922 , B3 obv. II 113 // G1 obv. 115, G2 obv. 113, rev. 111 // H: 113 // J obv. 18
1 B1 obv. II 19 [ a]r-at ar-at ur-[bat ]
G1 obv. 1 N ar-at ar-at ur-bat [dItar(?)]
2 B1 obv. II 20 [me-lam-m]e zu-u-na-at S[A5-at ]
G1 obv. 2 ME.LM zu-u-na-at SA5-at r[a?-ub-ba-t(?)]
3 B1 obv. II 21 [ I.L]I ul-lu-at [ ]
G1 obv. 3 ma-rat d30 I.LI ul-lu-at SA5-at nam-ri?-ir?-ru?
4 B1 obv. II 22 [ u]l-lu-[u ]
G1 obv. 4 ma-rat d30 ul-lu-u u-lu-i-ki
(B obv. II breaks for approximately nine lines)
5 G1 obv. 5 ma-rat d30 na-u- GARZA.ME-ki
6 G1 obv. 6 ma-rat d30 ana di-ni-ia qu-li-ma ana DI.KU5-ki
G1 obv. 6a i--ru-t lul-lik
G1 obv. 6b ana di-ni-ia SI.S-t li-i[z-ziz]
7 G1 obv. 7 ma-rat d30 an-a-[ku]
8 G1 obv. 8 ma-rat d30 u-nu-a-[ku]
9 G1 obv. 9 [m]a-rat d30 GIG-ku ma-rat d30 -[u--ku(?)]
10 G1 obv. 10 [ma-rat] d30 u-un-zu-q[asic!-ku]
11 G1 obv. 11 [ma-rat] d30 u-ud-l[u-pa-ku]
12 G1 obv. 12 [ma-rat d3]0 ad-ra-ku ma-rat d[30 x x x (x)]
13 G1 obv. 13 [ ]xx[
(G1 obv. breaks; for rev., see Summary)
G2 obv. 1 may be the beginning of G1 obv. 12; there may be an overlap of up to four lines between G1 and G2 if the two
fragments do not come from the same tablet. Because of the uncertainty of its placement we exclude the passages of G2 that
cannot yet be coordinated with the text in mss. B, H and J from the overall line count. Note that G2 obv. 911 may
well correspond to ll. 1617 of the overall line count.
G2 obv. 1 [ma]-rat d[30
G2 obv. 2 [ma]-rat d30 [
G2 obv. 3 [ma]-r[at] d30 ana? DINGIR? [
G2 obv. 4 [d]a[sal-l]-i MA.MA D[INGIR.ME
G2 obv. 4a [empty] li-x-[
G2 obv. 5 [ana? ]im?-te-ia li-qi[
G2 obv. 6 [ana? ]U?II.ME SIG5.ME D[INGIR?-MU?
G2 obv. 7 [x] x an? na? [x] x x x [x x]
G2 obv. 8 [ ] x ma-rat d30 [x x (x)]
G2 obv. 9 [ana-ku ]x-x-[(x)]-a-ni DUMU DINGIR- x x [x x]
G2 obv. 10 [(x)] x x (x)-e-e ma-rat d30 x x [(x)]
G2 obv. 11 [lU]11.ZU u munusU11.Z[U]
G2 obv. 12 [x x (x)] x-ti IGI.ME--nu x x [x]
G2 obv. 13 [x x x (x)] x x x x [
(break of 04 lines between G2 obv. 13 and rev. 1)
14 B3 obv. II 1 x da [
15 B3 obv. II 2 ul GAR-ma [
H: 1 ul GAR-[ma

16 B3 obv. II 3 ana-ku NENNI A NENNI [

H: 23 a-na-k[u ] / ul GAR-[
l munus
17 B3 obv. II 4 U11.ZU [U11.ZU
H: 4 U11.Z[U
(traces at the beginning of J obv. 12 cannot yet be placed)
18 B3 obv. II 5 NU.ME-ia x [
H: 56 NU.ME-MU x [ ina akali] / GU7-in-[ni ]
J obv. 23 [ ] / ina [ikari]
19 B3 obv. II 6 NAG-nin-ni i[na!? ]
H: 67 [ ina m] / TU5-[in-ni ]
J obv. 34 [ ] / ina .[GI]
20 B3 obv. II 7 ip-u-u-nin-ni [ ]
G2 rev. 12 [ip-u-u-n]in-ni -lap-pi-[tu-in-ni] / [-k]t-ti-mu-nin-ni
H: 78 [ ] / -lap-p[-tu-in-ni ]
J obv. 4 [ ]
21 B3 obv. II 8 U11.ME--nu U11.[ME--nu U11.ME--nu]
G2 rev. 23 U[11-u-nu] / [U11-]u-nu U11-u-nu
H: 9 U11.ME--nu U[11.ME--nu U11.ME--nu]
J obv. 5 ki-[pu--nu
22 B3 obv. II 9 UL.GIG--n[u
G2 rev. 3 UL.[GIG-u-nu]
H: 10 UL.GIG--n[u
J obv. 67 KA.[DAB.B.DA--nu ] / ina q-b[ti-ki
23 B3 obv. II 10 li-is-s[a-ppi
G2 rev. 4 [li-sa-p]i?-i-ma ma-rat [d30
H: 11 li-is-sa-pi-i[
J obv. 8 li-sa-pi-[
(end of J obv., rev. broken)
24 B3 obv. II 11 ma-rat d[30
G2 rev. 5 [ma]-rat d30 lu tuk-l[i
H: 12 ma-rat d30 [
(H breaks)
25 B3 obv. II 12 ma-rat d[30
G2 rev. 6 [ma]-rat d30 x [
26 B3 obv. II 13 ma?-rat [
G2 rev. 7 [ma]-rat d30 [
(B3 breaks)
27 G2 rev. 8 [ma]-rat d30 [
28 G2 rev. 9 [x] el ana U[11
29 G2 rev. 10 [d15(?)] be-let KUR.KUR.ME[
30 G2 rev. 11 [m]a?-rat? d30? [
(G2 breaks)

3. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. B not included in the transliteration

B4, B1 obv. III
I 1II 18 Anti-witchcraft ritual addressed to ama; for an edition, see text 8.4 (ms. B).
TEXT 8.6 329
4. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. G1 not included in the transliteration
G1 obv.
113 = 8.6, 2.: 113.
G1 rev.
19 uila-prayer to all the stars.
1011 Rubric and ritual instruction.
G1 u. e. (not in LKA 58)
13 Colophon of Aur-kin-umi: (1)[D]UB Ia-ur-GAR-MU A Iu-ma-a lAB.TUR T[UR] (2)
[]a a-na
+AG EN kul-lat EN- tak-[lu] (3)NIR.GL.ZU NU T[]

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B rev. IIIIV // C // D15 // E // F12 1. A // B rev. IIIIV // C // D15 // E // F12

1 1
umma amlu q[aqqassu tanakkalu] If a mans h[ead keeps causing him a nagging pain], his
linu uzaqqassu 2pn[u ianund tongue causes him a stinging pain, he has [vertigo], his [ear]s
uzn]u iaggum 3kiass[u ] labn- buzz, 3his neck [ ], his neck muscles keep causing him a
u tanakkalu 4irassu u [aallau] tan- nagging pain, 4his chest and [his back] keep causing him a
akkalu 5aplu ittanablakkatu au nagging pain, 5his upper thighs keep twisting out of place, his
immatu ukl (var.: ukall) 6ubntu arms are numb, 6his fingers (and) his hands become more and
qtu teneilu qerbu ittananpa more immobilized, his intestines are continually bloated, his
erru iarrur 7kimu pu ika[a- bowels are convulsed, 7his legs (and) his feet cause him [a
]u ru immatu ukall 8ana teb gnawing] pain, his flesh is numb, 8he is too weak to rise, [to
[izu]zz[i] u dabbi mq 9zamar sm zamar sta]nd and to talk, 9he is now flushed, now pale, he keeps
aruq itti libbu iddanabbub 10libbau talking to himself, 10his heart ponders foolishness, his mind is
nullti tammu nu iltanann[u] 11qibt getting more and more confused, 11he keeps forgetting the
pu imdanai ummu munga li[b]a 12u speech of his mouth, he develops fever, stiffness, libu-
tdirta irai untu e [ma]d 13mt- disease 12and depression, his dreams are confused (and)
ti tanammar itti mtti iddanabbub libba- [num]erous, 13he sees dead people repeatedly, he keeps
u apil ikkau kurri (var.: kari) 14unt speaking to dead people, his heart is depressed, he is short-
immaru l ukl libbau iam((-ma)) tempered, 14the dreams he sees he cannot remember (lit.:
libbau iarri 15ina mayylu iptanarrud hold back), he retches and vomits, 15he is constantly fright-
zutu imtanaq[quss]u 16urbu irtanai ened (and restless) on his (sick)bed, he keeps swea[tin]g
((itebbi ikammis)) [ uma]assu(?) heavily, 16he gets cold tremors repeatedly, ((he rises, (but
pi libbi irtanai [ina bti al]tu then) crouches (down immediately))), [his is hurt]ing
ina sqi pupu aknu 18nipqu qer- him, 17he becomes more and more depressed, he experiences
b ua iqabbi aya iassi 19[akala u] ikara [quarrel at home (and) squ]abble in the street, 18he suffers
muu ana sinniti alka muu ana sinniti from shortness of breath, he says woe (and) cries alas,
libbau l inau pu iptenette 20imtan- 19
he has no desire [to eat and] drink, he has no desire to go to
aggag utanna irtenei aulapya iqabbi a woman, his heart does not arouse him towards a woman,
[p]u ittanadla amlu ina akali he babbles, 20he is rigid, he wearies himself, he keeps , he
kul ina ikari aqi 22ina amni pai says Have mercy on me!, 21[hi]s mouth is constantly
almu itti mti unull 23ana eem ridti troubled, (then) that man has been given (bewitched) bread to
paqd ana kimilti Marduk turr((u))-ma eat, has been given (bewitched) beer to drink, 22has been
eem ridte irteneddu ana bulluu 25u anointed with (bewitched) oil. Figurines representing him
almu u muru kalma pari have been buried with a dead person; 23they have been
handed over to a persecuting ghost. To turn back Marduks
anger ((from him))24 a persecuting ghost keeps pursuing
him to cure him 25and for his well-being and to dispel all
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 26
riksa ana maar Marduk tarak- Its ritual: You prepare an offering arrangement before Mar-
kas niq tanaqqi 27[ ] um tuaa duk. You make a sacrifice; 27you present [ ] (and) roast
miris dipi imti taakkan adagurra tu- meat. 28You place mirsu-confection made of syrup (and) ghee
kn 29nignak e[r]ni urmni ana Marduk (there). You set up a libation vessel. 29You strew a censer
tasarraq 30erbet nignakk ana erbet r[ with (lit.: of) cedar and cypress wood before Marduk.
taakkan(?) ] ina maar riksi tanaqqi [You set out] four censers to the four cardinal direction[s].
You pour a libation of [ ] in front of the offering
ll. 3137 too fragmentary for transcription. ll. 3137 too fragmentary for translation, see Notes.
break of approximately 38 lines. break of approximately 38 lines.
l. 38 too fragmentary for transcription. l. 38 too fragmentary for translation.
39 39
[] ana nri tanadd-ma [ ] [] you throw into the river and [ ] 40evil
up (var.: [rus]-ma) lemnt[u ] machinations [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 41
[]N ar nmeqi mum [mti] [Incan]tation: Wise king who determines the des[tinies],
42 42
rim Esaggil tuklat Bbili who loves Esangil, the support of Babylon,
43 43
[n]ir napiti ar il bl am [ereti] who protects life, king of the gods, lord of heaven [(and)
44 44
[g]mil eni mualliq rag[gi] who spares the weak, destroys the wick[ed],
45 45
ndin nui u mar ana ni ap[ti] who provides abundance and wealth to the teem[ing]
46 46
kid ayybi muamqitu muzzapr[i] who defeats the enemy, brings the evi[l] to fall,
47 47
ndin isqi ((u)) nindab ana il t l- who gives the shares ((and)) the food offerings to the gods
[n] (var.: d[adm]) of the citi[es] (var.: d[wellings]),
48 48
bl mtti narm libbi Ellil (var.: il) lord of (all) the lands, beloved of Enlils (var.: the gods)
tin en[i] heart, protector of the wea[k],
49 49
ni ai u pal kb[is]u(?) ili muzzap- who holds sceptre and authority, who tre[ad]s down (any)
r[i] evi[l] god,
50 50
ndin milku u puruss a[na] il a[u] who grants counsel and judgement t[o] the gods, [his]
51 51
Marduk rmn bala q[a] merciful Marduk, bestow life [on me],
52 52
urkam-ma bala gimil ((itti)) il rabt[i] grant me life, the favour of the grea[t] gods!
53 53
muru a iaknam-ma irteneddni Because of the sickness that has been imposed upon me so
that it (now) keeps pursuing me
54 54
palku-ma adrku u utaddurku I am frightened, scared and constantly terrified.
55 55
rka bu lizqam-ma lin mur Let your favourable wind blow towards me so that the
sicknesses may flee,
56 56
naplisanni-ma blu (var.: Bl) ri rma Look upon me, lord, and have mercy!
57 57
anku annanna mr annanna aradka I, N.N., son of N.N., your ailing servant, have knelt down
umruu aktamis maarka before you:
58 58
dn dn purussya purus judge my case, render a verdict for me!
59 59
alska blu imnni qerbi napit gimil I call upon you, lord, listen to me now (and) spare my life!
60 60
au piu lemuttya ka asurka Because of my evildoer I have turned to you,
61 61
anku annanna mr annanna a il lu I, N.N., son of N.N., whose citys god is Marduk (var.:
Marduk (var.: [ilu rmn] Marduk) [whose god is the mercif]ul one, Marduk), whose citys
itar lu Zarpantu goddess is Zarpantu:
62 62
ina bti ltu ina sqi pupu iak- Quarrel at home (and) squabble in the street have been
nam-ma irteneddni imposed upon me and keep pursuing me.
63 63
[in]a l b libbi ina l b ri [ ] In misery and malady [ ].
64 64
[]tu nuurr [ ] [L]oss, ruin, [ ].
65 65
[d]ayynta blu [dn dn(?)] You are the [ju]dge, lord, [judge my case],
66 66
[rm]nta(?) blu rmanni [ ] you are [m]erciful, lord, show mercy to me, [ ].
67 67
[] limmalla(?) attai(?) [] [] [],
68 68
[] umallil-ma(?) attai(?) [] [] [],
TEXT 8.6 331
69 69
[] r[manni](?) [] show me[rcy to me].
70 70
[am li]dka eretu lirka [May the heavens] be overjoyed with you, may the earth
rejoice over you,
71 71
[il rabt]i(?) libbaka liibb may [the grea]t [gods] make you happy,
72 72
[ ] liarb zikirka may [ ] praise your name,
73 73
[ ] il litir bltka may [the ] of the gods endow you with unrivalled
74 74
[E]saggil u Bbili likrubnikka may [E]sangil and Babylon hail you!
75 75
aka blu napit qa I seek you out, lord, grant me life,
76 76
lumun muri a zumrya usu tab[la] remove, carry [off] the evil causing the illness of my body!
77 77
lissi r br ina zumrya Let it be 3600 miles distant from my body,
78 78
kma qutri ltelli ana am like smoke let it steadily rise into the sky,
79 79
k[ma bni na]si ana aru ay itr li[ke] an [uproo]ted [tamarisk] let it not return to its place,
80 80
ukki ipya ruy[a] drive away the sorceries (and) mag[ic] (performed) against
81 81
amtka a bal[i liaki]n(?) ely[a] let your word of life [be place]d upon m[e]!
82 82
ma[ru]ti imur[a]n[ni l]i[ma]d ari[] Quickl[y re]co[gniz]e the tr[oub]le that happened [to me]!
83 83
U[L x (x)] [ ] lemn[ti] The evi[l ] [ ] the evil [ ],
84 84
ana eem ridti [ ] to a persecuting ghost [ ] .
85 85
ma amlu maar [il]tk[a ] Wherever a man [ ] before yo[ur] [divini]ty [ ] ,
86 86
ana eem ridti [ ] to a persecuting ghost [ ] .
87 87
usu mura a zumry[a ( )] Marduk Remove the illness of my body, [( )] Marduk!
88 88
d dumqi lamassi dumqi [ina idy]a l May a favourable protective deity (and) a favourable tute-
[k]ayyn lary deity be constantly [at m]y [side],
89 89
b libbi b ri [ ] [ ] happiness (and) health [ ] [ ] .
90 90
rmn [Marduk] gimilla [uk]na Merciful [Marduk], [ac]t kindly towards me!
91 91
l amt l [aabbi]l ana r asakki l Let me not die, let me not [be harme]d, let me not be reck-
a[mm]annu oned among the flesh of the asakku-demon!
92 92
usu mur[a] a zumrya duppir lum<un> Remove the illn[ess] of my body, drive away the ev<il> of
((a)) aya my arms,
93 93
ina zumrya pya(?) [mu]ur(?)-ma dal- [ta]ke it away from my body, my mouth, then I will praise
lka ludlul your glory!
94 94
ina alm ka[pi u] kapti pu I have made two figurines of the warlo[ck and] witch,
(([ina])) marka elunu azzz before you I have stepped upon them.
95 95
bnu lillilanni ernu libbibanni May the tamarisk purify me, may the cedar cleanse me,
96 96
matakal ((u)) suuu lipair kipya may matakal-soapwort and palm shoots undo the witch-
craft affecting me.
97 97
lumun bl amt((ya)) puu libbalkit-ma Let the evil that ((my)) litigant made turn and go to his head
ana muu ((u)) lnu lillik ((and)) his body,
98 98
((u anku aradka nuu)) dall iltka ((but)) let me, ((your exhausted servant)), praise the glory of
rabti ana ni rapti ludlul your great divinity to the widespread people!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 99
ann alu ana maar Marduk ta- You recite this three times before Marduk.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 100
[arku amlu(?)] (?) nalapta ia- [Afterwards] that [man] strips off (his) cloak and 101[you
a-ma N Au au alu 101[tuad- have h]im [say] 100the incantation I have stripped off, I have
bab]u-ma(?) m egubb ana qaqqadu stripped off three times. 101You pour water of the holy water
tatabbak 102[alam ka]pi u kapti ina vessel over his head. 102You shut up [the figurines of the
urri ina ereb ami tepei npea war]lock and witch in a hole in the west. 103[If you perform]
103 102
[teppu-ma iall]im(?) kip ru rus the ritual, 103[he will get w]ell; witchcraft, magic, sorcery
up lemnti ul ieu (and) evil machinations will not come near him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catchline: 104[N aplu(?) ga]ru bukur Catchline: 104[Incantation: Power]ful [heir], son of Enlil.

ll. 10517 (A rev. 3143): Ashurbanipal colophon, type c (Hunger, ABK, no. 319).

2. B1 obv. II 1922 , B3 obv. II 113 // G 2. B1 obv. II 1922 , B3 obv. II 113 // G obv. 115 // H:
obv. 115 // H: 113 // J obv. 18 113 // J obv. 18
1 1
N arat
arat urbt [Itar(?)] Incantation: Proud is she, proud is she, grand is [Itar],
2 2
melamm zuunat malt r[aubbatu(?)] she is adorned with fearsome radiance, she is full of
3 3
mrat Sn kuzba ulluat malt namrr the daughter of Sn, she is clothed in attractiveness, she is
full of splendour.
4 4
mrat Sn ullu uluki Daughter of Sn, your purification rites are decked out,
5 5
mrat Sn na parakkki daughter of Sn, your sanctuaries are elevated,
6 6
mrat Sn ana dnya ql-ma daughter of Sn, pay attention to my lawsuit,
ana dnki iartu lulli[k] so that I may flourish because you administer justice,
ana dnya iartu li[zzz] so that justice may pre[vail] for my judgment,
7 7
mrat Sn an[ku] daughter of Sn, I [am] tired,
8 8
mrat Sn nu[ku] daughter of Sn, I [am] exhausted,
9 9
[m]rat Sn marku mrat Sn u[u- [dau]ghter of Sn, I am ill, daughter of Sn [I am]
ku(?)] di[stressed],
10 10
[mrat] Sn unzu[qku] [daughter] of Sn, [I am] vexe[d],
11 11
[mrat] Sn udl[upku] [daughter] of Sn, [I am] sleep[less],
12 12
[mrat S]n adrku mrat [Sn uttaddur- [daughter of S]n, I am scared, daughter [of Sn I am
ku(?)] constantly terrified],
13 13
[ ][ [ ][
break; for text in G2, see transliteration; ll. 1417 break; for text in G2, see transliteration; ll. 1417 too fragmentary for
too fragmentary for transcription. translation.
18 18
almya [ ] [They have made] figurines representing me [( )],
[ina akali] ukilin[ni] they have given me [(bewitched) bread] to eat.
ina [ikari] 19iqninni 19
they have given me 18[(bewitched) beer] 19to drink,
[ina m] urammik[ninni] they have bathed [me in (bewitched) water],
ina amni 20ipuninni 20
they have anointed me 19with (bewitched) oil,
ulappi[tninnu uk]attimninni they have harm[ed me, they have] overwhelmed me.
21 21
kipunu ru[unu rusunu] Let their witchcraft, [their] magic, [their sorcery],
22 22
zrun[u (var.?: ka[dabbedunu]) ] thei[r] hate-magic (var.?: [their] sei[zing-of-the-mouth
magic]), ],
ina qib[tki ] 23lissapi[ ] 23
be dispers[ed ] at [your ()] comma[nd ]!
ll. 2430 too fragmentary for transcription. ll. 2430 too fragmentary for translation.


1.: 12, 4: The description of the symptoms is 12: The parallel text BAM 231(+) obv. I
very similar to BAM 231(+) obv. I 118 (here text 10 has only untu mad; the same is probably
8.7.1: 118), and most gaps can be filled by true for ms. C of the present text. The space avail-
comparison with that text. For the restoration of l. 1, able in the break after e in mss. B5 and D2 sug-
cf. the catchline in BMS 12 (Mayer, OrNS 62 [1993] gests that e there is not a variant of mad, but
323: 121). For an overview of both symptomo- that these manuscripts had both e and mad. Ms.
logies, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 17073; for A may well have had this longer phrase too, but the
editions and discussions of BAM 231(+) obv. I 1 traces preserved do not allow any definitive con-
18, see Stol, AMD 1, 6667, and Scurlock Ander- clusions.
sen, Diagnoses, 2223, and here text 8.7.1.
13: For the stative form kurri, see GAG3
6: For the reading in C, see collation, 105 l*.
pl. 132, no. 60.
TEXT 8.6 333
17: The traces suggest that ms. D(3) A and ms. E exhibit a very similar format we can
either skipped ina biti ltu or had it in second reasonably assume that the change from obverse to
position after ina sqi pupu. reverse was located at roughly the same place in the
text. Since the actual end of ms. E obv. is preserved
18: nipqu qerb remains unclear; see,
and the gap between the last line of ms. E obv. and
most recently, Heeel, Diagnostik, 161. Since nipq
the first preserved line in ms. A rev. amounts to 12
(always plural) designates a (group of?) body part(s)
canonical lines, we can calculate that ms. A had
in the region of the throat, it seems possible that
approximately 6570 lines on the obverse. Since
their constricted state may cause shortness of
ms. A obv. breaks after l. 37 and the other manu-
scripts preserve 25 lines of text until the presumed
19: Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 22 end of the obverse (ll. 3862), we are probably left
read the parallel BAM 231(+) obv. I 9 DUG4- with a gap of approximately 38 lines.
KR.KR-te translating his words are unintelligi-
41: Mayer, UFBG, 398, Marduk 25
ble. It is difficult to see what the Akkadian behind
reads the incipit of this prayer as [n]din? nmeqi
KR.KR-te would be, and the signs both on BAM
mum . The first fully preserved sign in ms. E1
231(+) and BAM 232 are clearly BAD, not KR.
obv. 3 indeed looks like IN at first sight (thus also
20: The meaning of re within the pres- Oshimas copy). Closer inspection of the forms of
ent context is unclear to us; perhaps the form L, E and LUGAL in mss. E1 (obv. 5, 12) and E2
fully preserved only in ms. D5 is a corruption of (obv. 11) shows, however, that the broken upper
ittanai he keeps groaning (na). horizontals of these two signs are always almost
invisible in the ductus of this scribe. There can
21: For the restoration at the beginning
therefore be little doubt that the fragmentary sign at
of the line, cf. BAM 231(+) obv. I 3 (and correct
the beginning of ms. E1 obv. 3 is the expected N
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 172 with fn. 37 accor-
and the incantation commenced with the fitting
dingly); but note that the trace preserved at the
epithet ar nmeqi wise king (for this type of
beginning of the line does not show the exact form
epithet at the beginning of prayers, cf., e.g., the in-
of as attested elsewhere in ms. C (see coll.). The
cantation ama ar mari, BAM 323 obv. 45 //, for
use of DB instead of expected L.L is without
which see Scurlock, MMTGI, 507).
parallel and may be a simple corruption. The phrase
itself probably refers to the patients constant moan- 47: URU has not yet been attested as a
ing, i.e., his mental condition, rather than to a physi- logographic writing for dadm, though the equation
cal speech impediment. The spelling of aqi as sa-q is known from bilingual and lexical texts (see CAD
in ms. A is probably due to the Neo-Assyrian pro- D 18b for the relevant references). Provisionally we
nunciation of as /s/ and the resulting confusion interpret URU.DIDLI (ln) as a true variant of the
that is well documented in Assyrian letters and fragmentarily preserved but securely restorable
documents. dadm; but it seems rash to exclude the possibility
that the scribe used URU.DIDLI as a logogram for
2324: The purpose clause of this section
begins with ana kimilti Marduk in l. 23. The follow-
ing statement eem ridte irteneddu, however, is 52: The translation follows mss. E and F,
diagnostic and out of place here. Its occurrence here neither of which has enough space in the break for
is probably due to the clumsy combination of tradi- the restoration of KI before il rabti. Since the text
tional textual elements; note the mention of ana preceding itti(KI) il rabti is lost in both mss. B and
eem ridte paqd immediately before the beginn- D, it remains uncertain how far their text deviated
ing of the purpose clause. from the other two manuscripts. Possibly the text in
mss. B and D read urkam-ma bala gimilla itti il
3140: Unfortunately these lines are so frag-
rabti grant me life (and) favour with the great
mentary in all available sources that a reconstruc-
gods, though we cannot cite any parallels for this
tion of the underlying text is still impossible, even
use of gimillu with itti.
though single phrases can be paralleled. A funerary
offering is made, probably with the aim of soothing 65: The tentative restoration at the end
the ghost that is pursuing the patient. The amount of of the line follows Mayer, UFBG, 291. There may
broken text between kispa ana and takassip in ms. be room for yet another sign in the break at the
E2 obv. 1011 suggests that more than one ghost beginning of the line.
(or deity) receives such an offering. Given that ms.

66: The restoration at the beginning of of accept (pleas); this meaning easily fits with
the line follows Mayer, UFBG, 225. KA/INIM-MU in ms. B (accept my word(s)), but
hardly with the clear ina zumrya at the beginning
6768: Both lines remain unclear to us. The
of the line in ms. A.
verbal forms limmalla/ and umallil seem to be an
N precative and a D preterite of a verb mallu, but 9596: Note that the enumerated substances
neither mallu to eat ones fill nor mlulu to are typical ingredients of the holy water (egubb,
play produce any satisfying sense. at-ta could be see Maul, BaF 18, 4144) that is used to purify the
interpreted as att you, but may also be taken patient (l. 101).
together with the following i (attai I have lifted
100: The break at the beginning of the
up). Note that the traces after i in ll. 6768 sug-
line is too large for the restoration [D.D].BI,
gest that the sign was followed by a different text in
though [KD.KD].BI seems not entirely excluded.
each of the two lines.
But in view of the fact that the ritual instruction is
69: The broken sign preceding -a in ms. introduced with D.D.BI in l. 26, it seems unlikely
F could be PA or DI, but also UB, probably not . that this formula was repeated here. Moreover, it is
more appropriate to introduce the continuation of
72: We expect divine names in the
the ritual instructions with a phrase like arku
break; for comparable passages, see Mayer, UFBG,
afterwards. Note that there is a slight trace of
what seems to be the end of the head of a wedge
77: G alone can stand for 3600, and a before the fully preserved BI. While it could repre-
reading [lis-s]u-u at the beginning of the line in ms. sent the end of a verticals head (i.e., N]A), it should
F is not excluded. It seems more plausible, though, be acknowledged that it looks rather slanted and
to take U as a numerical sign as well, probably in- may well belong to a Winkelhaken (maybe lGI]G).
tended as 10 602.
104: The catchline may refer to a well-
82: For the restoration of the line, cf. the known Ninurta prayer that is recited during the Bt
parallel phrase in BAM 231 obv. I 21 // BAM 332 rimki ritual and in other ritual contexts (see Mayer,
obv. I 7 // CBS 1498 obv. 3 (here text 8.7.1: 22). UFBG, 404, Ninurta 1, with further references).
89: Restore perhaps [lu ka-a]-a-an [a- 2.: We owe the knowledge of ms. G2 to
bi-i]? W. Meinhold, who deciphered and identified the
fragment; for comments on individual lines, see her
91: For the phrase r asakki l amman-
forthcoming edition of the fragment.
nu, see Mayer, UFBG, 269 with fn. 70.
1: The restoration is based on structural
92: The emendation is based on a num-
considerations and an estimate of the room available
ber of parallels; for the relevant references, see
in the break, which would also allow for the restora-
Mayer, UFBG, 260 s.v. ardu D, CAD D 188a s.v.
tion of two additional signs (perhaps another urbt
duppuru a) 3, AHw 1380a s.v. apru 3).
preceding Itar); needless to say, the restoration re-
93: The reconstruction of the first half of mains uncertain.
the line remains uncertain, especially since the
2: The restoration follows Ebeling,
preserved sources seem to have had a slightly dif-
AGH, 152.
fering wording and the juxtaposition of zumrya and
pya seems to be unparalleled in other prayers. If the 3: For the tentative reading, cf. colla-
partly restored muur-ma is correct, it seems that it tion, pl. 132, no. 64.
is used here in the sense of receive from, take
6: For the reading in l. 6b, see collation,
away from, with the suffixed pronoun of the 1st sg.
pl. 132, no. 65. Note that iz can be seen almost fully
that is usually found in these contexts (cf., e.g.,
preserved on the excavation photograph; it seems to
up murnni in Maql VI 125) being replaced
be followed by the head of a horizontal wedge, very
by the phrase ina zumrya. This usage of maru,
likely the beginning of ziz.
however, is commonly found with typical evil-
absorbing agents, like salt in the case of the quoted 9: For the tentative restoration, cf. al-
Maql passage or other people in the stock phrase ready Ebeling, AGH, 152.
miru limuranni; it is therefore rather unusual
1823: Even though these lines largely con-
that Marduk would be addressed in this way. Of
sist of stock phrases well known from other anti-
course maru in prayers is often used in the sense
TEXT 8.6 335
witchcraft incantations, a full reconstruction of the In l. 22 the coordination of the manuscripts is
text is not possible because of the fragmentary state especially uncertain, and kadabbedunu of ms. J
of all available sources. Furthermore, the line divi- may well have followed zrunu known from the
sions differ among the manuscripts, all of which other sources. Note that ms. G2 apparently had a
occasionally ignore the syntax when dividing a line. shorter text here.
TEXT 8.7


This complex anti-witchcraft ritual, which includes lock and witch are burnt in a number of different
the recitation of three prayers addressed to ama types of ovens that correspond to the different
and one further incantation, is known from three materials from which the figurines are made. Then
fragmentarily preserved two-column library tablets another pair of figurines warlock and witch as
found at Aur (mss. A, B and D). The overall out- carriers of the patients illness is symbolically
line of the ritual can be reconstructed on the basis of divorced from the patient and handed over to a
a small Babylonian tablet (ms. e) that gives only a ghost that is represented by a skull within the ritual.
memorandum of the ritual actions and refers to the The ghost is then addressed directly and forced to
incantations to be recited by incipit. Another Baby- take an oath not to release the sorcerers. This ghost
lonian tablet of unknown provenance (ms. c) is is sent down to the netherworld together with the
inscribed with the text of the ritual up to the begin- sorcerers; in addition, he is accompanied by a figur-
ning of the ritual instructions following upon the ine of Lamatu, who is here banned to the under-
second ama prayer; there the text ends abruptly world very much in the manner of the usual Lama-
leaving a considerable part of the reverse blank. It tu rituals. The ritual ends with apotropaic rites pro-
seems reasonable to assume that this tablet repre- tecting the patient from future witchcraft attacks;
sents a scribal exercise. these rites include the recitation of an apotropaic
The ritual itself which, according to the symptom anti-witchcraft incantation. The recitations used
description and diagnosis at the beginning of the within the ritual describe the ritual actions per-
text, is used to counteract specific forms of zikuru- formed by exorcist and patient in detail; unfortu-
d-witchcraft was performed in the early morning at nately many of the relevant passages are still very
sunrise (cf. ll. 24, 3037). After the initial offerings fragmentary.
and prayers to ama, substitute figurines of war-

List of Manuscripts

A1 VAT 13871 + 13887 + BAM 231 coll. Frgs. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
13985 (+)? 7th cent.
A2 VAT 13699 + LKA 159 coll.
KAL 2, 26
VAT 13849 (+)? KAL 2, 26
A3 VAT 14341 KAL 2, 27 coll.
B VAT 13697 BAM 332 pls. 9697 Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur, Library N 4
7th cent.
c CBS 1498 pls. 9798 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB unknown provenance
script, 7th5th cent.
D O 193 RIAA 312 pls. 9899 Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Aur
Akk. 130, 211 7th cent.
e K 888 BaM 37, pls. pls. 99100 Small single-col. tablet, NB/LB Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
12 script, 7th cent. Library
TEXT 8.7 337

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft.......................................................................1139[

Symptom description ...................................................................................................... 114
A1 obv. I 114
Diagnosis and prognosis ............................................................................................... 1518
A1 obv. I 1518 // B obv. I 12
Ritual instruction: Offerings before ama ........................................................................ 19
A1 obv. I 19 // B obv. I 3
Incantation I: Alska ama imnni............................................................................. 2028
A1 obv. I 2026 // B obv. I 411 // c obv. 16a
Ritual instruction: Washing the hands of ama ................................................................ 29
A1 obv. I 27 // B obv. I 12 // c obv. 8
Incantation II: ama bl r br (with invocations of Ea and Asallui/Girra) .......3087
B obv. I 1318 // c obv. 914; A2 obv. I 121 // D obv. II 112;
B obv. II, A3 obv. II; A2 obv. II 119 // c rev. 17
Ritual instruction: Burning in various ovens .........................................................88100?[
A2 obv. II 20rev. III 10 // c rev. 8
Incantation III: ama blu rab muter elti u aplti .................................]101?104
A3 rev. III; B rev. III; D rev. III 14
Ritual instruction: Fumigation........................................................................................ 105
A2 rev. IV 12 // D rev. III 5
Incantation IV: pitu qumqummatu .................................................................... ]10615
A2 rev. IV 312 // D rev. III 611
Ritual instruction: Apotropaic rites; placing figurines in the skull....................... 11622[
A2 rev. IV 1319
Adjuration: Placing the ghost represented by the skull under oath ...................]12339[
B rev. IV 117

Previous Editions

Scurlock, MMDG, 36263 (ms. B rev. IV 517 based on Kchers copy).

Stol, AMD 1, 66 (translation of ms. A1 obv. I 115).
Schwemer, KAL 2, no. 26, no. 27 (mss. A2, A3).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 2223 (ms. A1 obv. I 118).
Schwemer, BaM 37 (2006) 198209 (ms. e).
Abusch Schwemer, Akkadica 130 (2009) 103109, 211 (ms. D).


8.7.1: The Library Version: Mss. A // B // c // D

1 A1 obv. I 1 DI NA SAG.DU-su G[U7.ME]- IGI.ME- NIGIN-du
2 A1 obv. I 2 mi-na-tu-u it-ta-n[a-]-pa-ka a-u-u-tum TUK.ME-i
3 A1 obv. I 3 KA- L.L-a - -pil ik-ka- ku-ri
4 A1 obv. I 4 KM mu-un-ga li-i-ba ta-dir-t TUK-i GABA-su
5 A1 obv. I 5 u -[al]-la- GU7.ME- IR [UB].UB-su UII- u [G]RII-
6 A1 obv. I 6 GU7.ME- -pu-la- BAL.B[AL]- ana ZI-e GUB-zi
7 A1 obv. I 7 u DU11.DU11 mu-uq SA.G-[] GU7.ME- ED7.ME
8 A1 obv. I 8 ina KI.N- il-la-tu- D[U].ME- BAL.BAL-at u-ta-na-a
9 A1 obv. I 9 [i]t-ta-na--a- KA- BAD.BAD-te q-bit KA- im-ta-na-i
10 A1 obv. I 10 [M].GE6.ME- ma-a-da M.G[E6].ME IGI la -kal
11 A1 obv. I 11 [].ME IGI.IGI KI - DU11.DU11-ub - i--ma

12 A1 obv. I 12 [-] i-r-ru mi-na-at UZU.ME- SG.ME<-> -zaq-qa-ta-[u]

13 A1 obv. I 13 [x] x x i-ra-i TAG-ma duk-[ku]m? ni-ip-qu- qer-b[u]
14 A1 obv. I 14 [u8-a] i-qab-bi a-a i-a[s-si] NINDA u KA LA[L]
15 A1 obv. I 15 [NA B]I ka-ip A.ME ZI.KU5.R[U.D]A- e-bu--ma x [(x)]
16 A1 obv. I 16 [x]-su a-na dGI.GN.M[A paqdat(?) ( )]
17 A1 obv. I 17 ina KU4-eb itiNE NU.ME- ep-[u-ma ]
B obv. I 12 [ iti
N]E NU.[ME-] / [ ina x (x)-i]r? itiNE a-na G[IDI]M paq-du
18 A1 obv. I 18 ana ITI.3.KAM U4.10.[K]AM -za-b[al-ma ]
B obv. I 3 [ ] u4-me -za-bal-ma [ana U]11.BR
A1, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 A1 obv. I 19 K ana IGI dUTU K uduS[SKUR ]
B obv. I 4 [ d
20 A1 obv. I 20 []N a[l-si]-ka dUTU i-man-ni
B obv. I 5 [al]-si-ka d-ma i-[man]-ni
c obv. 1 [ ] al-si-ka dU[TU ]
21 A1 obv. I 2021 [ ] / []u-ud-lu-pu-ti
B obv. I 6 [mu?]-ur? ta-ni-i-ia u-ud-l[u-p]u-ti
c obv. 2 [ ] in-i-ia5 [ ]
22 A1 obv. I 21 NG.GIG IGI-an-ni [ ]
B obv. I 7 [NG.G]IG IGI-an-ni li-mad ar-i-i
c obv. 3 [NG.GIG i]m-u-ra-an-ni li-mad r-i-[i]
23 A1 obv. I 22 an-a-ku-ma u-ud-lu-pa-ku u-nu-[a-ku ]
B obv. I 8 [an]-a-ku-ma u-ud-lu-pa-ku u-nu-a-ku u-[t]ad-du-ra-ku
c caret
24 A1 obv. I 23 a-na nam-ra-i-it [ZLAG-k]a -[pi-iq ]
B obv. I 9 [a]-na nam-ra-i-it ZLAG-ka -pi-iq be-l
c obv. 4 [ana na]m-ri-i-it ZLAG-ka [ ]
25 A1 obv. I 24 UTU EN di-ni ana ka-a- as-u[r-ka]
B obv. I 10 d-ma EN di-ni ana ka-a- as-ur-ka
c obv. 5 [ E]N di-ni a-na k[a-a- ]
26 A1 obv. I 2425 [ ] / [q]u-lam-ma i-mi qa-ba-a-a
B obv. I 11 [a]-na ni-i UII-ia qu-lam-ma i-me qa-ba-a-a
c obv. 6 [ ni]-i UII-MU qu-lam-[ma ]
27 A1 obv. I 25 [i-man-ni-ma ]
B obv. I 12 []i-man-ni-ma mu-gur ts-li-ti
c obv. 66a [ ] \ [m]u-gur ts-li-t
28 A1 obv. I 26 [di]-ni di-in E.BAR-[a-a ]
B obv. I 13 [d]i-ni de-e-ni E.BAR-a-a pu-ru-us
c obv. 6a di-ni d[i-in ]
A1, B, c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 A1 obv. I 27 [ A.M]E a-na U dU[TU ]
B obv. I 14 [GI]M A.ME a-na UII dUTU SUM-nu an-na-a 3- ID-nu
c obv. 7 [ ] a-na UII dUTU SUM-[nu ]
(A1 breaks)
B, c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 B obv. I 15 [N] dUTU be-l ar5 DANNA tal-li-ka [m]u-i-ta
c obv. 8 [ ] r 1 DANNA tal-li-ka mu-[i-ta]
31 B obv. I 16 [ana ar5 DA]NNA ta-ku-na pa-n[i]-ka
c obv. 8 [ ]
TEXT 8.7 339
32 B obv. I 17 [te-e]t-ti-qa KUR.ME-e n[-su-t]
c obv. 9 [te-et-t]i-qa KUR.ME n-su-t :
33 B obv. I 18 [te-et-t]i-qa KUR.ME-e [rqti(?)]
c obv. 9 te-t[e-qa ]
34 B obv. I 19 [te-et-ti-q]a KUR.ME-[e ]
c obv. 10 [te-et-t]i-qa KUR.ME ur-sa-a-nu :
35 B obv. I 20 [te-et-t]i-qa KUR.[ME-e ]
c obv. 10 te-t[e-qa ]
(B obv. I breaks)
36 c obv. 12 [te-et-t]i-qa KUR.ME bi-i-ru-ti :
37 c obv. 12 te-e[t-ti-qa KUR.ME x x x (x)]
38 c obv. 13 [x x x x x x] x ul a-lal kal m[u-i
39 c obv. 14 [ ]xxx[
(c obv. breaks)
break of up to ten lines
40 A2 obv. I 1 [ ] x x [x x] x x x (x) [
41 A2 obv. I 2 [ ](-)bi-i ta-ak-ka-a[n?-ma?] K
42 A2 obv. I 3 x [x] x x x x NE? lb-bi NG.NA ak-nam-m[a x]-x-an-ni
43 A2 obv. I 4 e-nu-ma mu?-u? ina ka--[(a-)?-d]i?
44 A2 obv. I 5 a-u-u-tu a-at-ta u pi-rit-t la a-l[a?-k]a? TUK.TUK-i
45 A2 obv. I 6 UTU am-ur-ka - e-pi-i UL-[t]-ia
46 A2 obv. I 7 UTU U11 U11 U11 NG.AK.A.ME UL.ME NU [D]U10.GA.ME
47 A2 obv. I 8 ZI.KU5.RU.DA-a D- -e-pi- is-u-ra i-[e-]a-a
48 A2 obv. I 9 []UL.GIG mim-ma lem-nu D-ma il-pu-t zu-[u]m-ri
49 A2 obv. I 10 [SAA]R.I.A GR!II!(dm).ME-ia! i-bu- il-qu-
50 A2 obv. I 11 [SK SA]G.DU-MU im-lu-u SK SU-MU !-[qa-t]i-pu
51 A2 obv. I 12 [mn-d]a-at la-ni-ia -mad-di-du
52 A2 obv. I 13 [na-a-p]a-rat ZI.KU5.RU.DA-a i-pu-ra-[an-ni]
53 A2 obv. I 14 [kip-di] lem-nu-ti -kap-pi-d[u]
54 A2 obv. I 15 [ki-ri] le-mut-ti -k-i-r[u]
55 A2 obv. I 16 [A.ME Z]I.KU5.RU.DA-ia i-bu-u
56 A2 obv. I 17 [NU-MU(?) ina IZ]I i-ru-pu-ma is-u-ru ana A.ME UB-u-[(ma)]
D obv. II 1 a-na A.ME id-du--ma
57 A2 obv. I 18 [ina UGU(?) T]U5? -ks-su-u
D obv. II 1 -ks-su-
58 A2 obv. I 1819 NU.ME-ia / [ u-n]i-lu erasure ina KI-tim iq-bi-ru
D obv. II 2 [N]U.ME-MU KI ADDA.ME u-ni-lu ina KI-tim iq-bi-ru
59 A2 obv. I 20 [ i]-ku-nu ina bi-i-i BD ip-u-
D obv. II 3 [i]na bi-i-i BD ip-u-u
60 A2 obv. I 21 [ G]IDIM kim-ti-ia ip-qid-du
D obv. II 34 ina I.DIB it-mi-ru / [an]a GIDIM kim-ti-ia ip-q-du
(end of A2 obv. I, beginning of obv. II lost)
61 D obv. II 45 ana gul-gul-lim ip-q-du / [ana dGilgme(?) ip]-q-du-ma -e-bi-ru ana du!-bur
62 D obv. II 6 [ ] x(-)ab-ta-an-ni ki-pu lu-bu-in!(sa)-ni
63 D obv. II 7 [ ] x DINGIR ma-am-man ul i-de
64 D obv. II 8 [iltka rabtu de(?) dama at-ta-m]a ti-de kam-sa-ku ma-ar-ka
65 D obv. II 9 [ d]i-ni di-ni E.BAR-a-a KU5-u[s]
66 D obv. II 10 [ i]na IGI DINGIR-ti-ka iq-bu-m[a]
67 D obv. II 11 [ lu zikar lu sin-n]i(?) lu ADDA lu lT[I]
68 D obv. II 12 [ -n]i?-m[a]?
(D obv. II breaks)

break of uncertain length; the fragmentary passages preserved in B obv. II and A3 obv. II probably have to be placed within
this break; because of their fragmentary state and the uncertainty of their position within the text and in relation to each
other they are excluded from the overall line count:
B obv. II 1 x[
B obv. II 2 ina x [
B obv. II 3 -m[a
B obv. II 4 ana an ma? ki? [
B obv. II 5 it-ti x [
B obv. II 6 ana x x [
B obv. II 7 me? x x [
B obv. II 8 xxx[
B obv. II 9 xx[
B obv. II 10 x[
B obv. II 11 ina x [
B obv. II 12 x[
B obv. II 13 x[
(B obv. II breaks)
A3 obv. II? 1 [ ] x x KIMIN? ? x [
A3 obv. II? 2 [KIMIN] NG.SILA11.[G KIMI]N .UDU <KIMIN> DU.L[L x x]
A3 obv. II? 3 [ ]x[ KIMI]N!? IM KI.GAR -[e-pi]
A3 obv. II? 4 [ ] K[IMIN DU.E.GI]. KIMIN AGARIN5 x [x]
A3 obv. II? 5 [ ] giEREN?? u?? GI D-ma 3.TA.[M]
A3 obv. II? 6 [ill(?)] -tak-[ki]p mu--i -lab-bi-[i]
A3 obv. II? 7 [marat immeri(?) pa-ni--n]u e-rim na4KIIB na4? [x x]
A3 obv. II? 8 [ ] x x x ina k[i
(A3 obv. II? breaks)
break of uncertain length
69 A2 obv. II 1 [x x x] x [
70 A2 obv. II 2 um-m[a-ri] ba-a-[ru-ti
71 A2 obv. II 3 ak-[sip] ki-is-p[a
72 A2 obv. II 4 un-q [K].BABBAR za-bab K[?.BABBAR?
73 A2 obv. II 5 d
UTU ina? IGI?-ka NU.M[E
74 A2 obv. II 6 ki-[i]r ka--pi u ka-ap-ti -k[-i-ru]
75 A2 obv. II 7 M[UNUS.]UL ka- {u} -pi-ia u ka-[ap-ti-ia]
76 A2 obv. II 8 [ki]-pi--nu ze-r[u-ti]
77 A2 obv. II 9 ur-bi a-i-pu-ti ABGAL DINGIR.ME dAM[AR.UTU D-u]
78 A2 obv. II 10 nu-dm-mud ina q-[bi-t]i-ka ir-ti [ NU KR-u]
79 A2 obv. II 11 an-ni-ka ki-nim NU BA[L-u]
80 A2 obv. II 12 lU11.ZU munusU11.ZU li-mu-t-ma ana-k[u lub-lu]
81 A2 obv. II 13 [dg]ra li-ta-bil k[i-pi-u-nu]
c rev. 1 dnuska? [
82 A2 obv. II 14 [EN] at-ta n-kel-me-u-n[u-ti]
c rev. 2 EN at-ta n-k[el-munti]
83 A2 obv. II 15 ki-ir -k-i-ru-ni IGI d
UTU -p[a?-ir?]
c rev. 3 ki-ir -k-i-ru-ni p[a-an ]
84 A2 obv. II 16 ki-ir -k-i-ru--nu-ti li-i-u-u-[-nu-ti]
c rev. 4 ki-ir -k-i-ru--nu-t [ ]
85 A2 obv. II 17 liq-ri-bu--nu-ti li-is-ni-qu--n[u-ti]
c rev. 5 liq-ri-bu--nu-ti l[i-sniqunti]
86 A2 obv. II 18 ina q-b[i]t d-a dUTU dgra lu-ub-[lu-u-ma]
c rev. 6 ina q-bit d-a dUTU dasal-l-i l[u-ub-lu-ma]
TEXT 8.7 341
87 A2 obv. II 19 nr-bi-ku-nu lu--pi d-l-l DINGIR-ti-k[u-nu ]
c rev. 7 [n]ar-bi-ku-nu lu--pi da-lil DINGIR-ti-ku-nu l[u-dlul]
A2, c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 A2 obv. II 20 3- ID-nu-ma e-ma ID- BAL-[q () utna adga]
c rev. 8 3- ID-nu-ma e-ma ID- [x x (x)]
(c rev. ends, rest of rev. blank)
89 A2 obv. II 21 ti-nu-ra la-a[b-t]a K[I.NE kra u uluppaqqa]
90 A2 obv. II 22 a-na IGI dUTU ta-s[a-dir qan kartti tumalla]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 A2 rev. III 1 [2 NU gi]bi-n[i] 2 NU gi[erni 2 alm qan 2 alm ii 2 alm annaki]
92 A2 rev. III 2 [2 NU URUD]U i[na] KI.NE NU? nap?-[pa-i(?) 7 alm di 7 alm d kullati]
93 A2 rev. III 3 ES[IR] E.E 7 NU IM.[BABBAR ana utni tasaddir]
94 A2 rev. III 4 [7 N]U NG.SILA11.G ana ti-nu-ri [tasaddir]
95 A2 rev. III 5 [6 N]U AGA[RIN4]? 6 NU BPPIR-rim? [ina adgi x alm kupsi ana uluppaqqi]
96 A2 rev. III 6 x NU .UDU sa-l-e [E.E ana labti]
97 A2 rev. III 7 [7 NU] .UDU [7 NU] DU.LL 7 [NU ESIR ana kri]
98 A2 rev. III 8 [ESIR K]M S--nu-ti [()]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 A2 rev. III 9 [x x (x)] x [
100 A2 rev. III 10 [x x (x)] x x [
(A2 rev. III breaks)
break of uncertain length; the fragmentary passages preserved in B rev. III and A3 rev. III? probably have to be placed within
this break; because of their fragmentary state and the uncertainty of their position within the text and in relation to each
other they are excluded from the overall line count:
A3 rev. III? 1 [(x)] x x x [
A3 rev. III? 2 x x ana-ku la-[
A3 rev. III? 3 x nap?--ti a?-[
A3 rev. III? 4 ina a-du-gi KIMIN ina UDUN [KIMIN]
A3 rev. III? 5 ina ki-ri KIMIN ina la-ab-ti K[IMIN]
A3 rev. III? 6 ina ul-paq-q KIMIN ina KI.NE K[IMIN]
A3 rev. III? 7 [x x x] x x x da-nim -r-da-u-nu-t[i]
A3 rev. III? 8 N[U ka]--pi [u] ka-ap-ti \ e-pu-u-ma DUMU.MUNUS da-nim x [x (x)] x
A3 rev. III? 9 ina? qa?-ta?-ti di-tar DU10.ME [
A3 rev. III? 10 [x] x [GET]UII tu[m x] na [
(A3 rev. III? breaks)
B rev. III 1 x[
B rev. III 2 xx[
B rev. III 3 x [
B rev. III 4 ? [
(B rev. III breaks)
break of uncertain length
101 D rev. III 1 x[
102 D rev. III 2 q[u-tur--nu] li-tel-li ana AN-e [lamunu liballi damu]
103 D rev. III 3 lip-ru-us a-a-a-ta--nu DUMU d-a [MA].M[A]
104 D rev. III 4 ana-ku R-ka lu-b-lu lu-u-lim-ma nar-bi-ka lu--p d-l-l-ka lu[d-lul]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 A2 rev. IV 12 [ ] ta-qal-lu-u 3- ID-nu-ma / [ ] SAR-
D rev. III 5 e-nu-ma ta-qal-lu-u 3- ID-ma GR.GR SAR-u
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 A2 rev. IV 3 [ e-pi]-t qu-um-qu-ma-ti U11.ZU nar-in-da-t
D rev. III 6 N e-pi-ti qum-qum-ma-t U11.ZU nar-in-da-ti

107 A2 rev. IV 4 [ im-l]u-u IM-a-a ina D

D rev. III 7 im-lu-u IM-a-a ina D
108 A2 rev. IV 5 [mi-n]a tu-ub-ba-li na-pi-ti a-na mal-ki
D rev. III 7 mi-nam tu-ba-li ZI-ti ana mal-ki
109 A2 rev. IV 6 [ ] a-na BR ki-pi-ki IN.U6 na--ku
D rev. III 8 ana-ku ana BR ki-pi-ki IN.U6 na--a-ku
110 A2 rev. IV 7 IGI-lim la ma-ir [k]i-pi-ki

D rev. III 8 IGI-lim la!(ma) ma!(la)-ir ki-pi-ki
111 A2 rev. IV 8 [ B]R a na-da-a-ti giE..SU5 qa-a-da-te
D rev. III 9 GI BR a na-da-te E..SU5 qa-a-da-ti
112 A2 rev. IV 9 -pi-i li-n-e -da UGU ki-pi-ki IN.U6 lim-qut
D rev. III 10 -pi (i)-i li-n-e <->da-a UGU ki-pi-ki IN.U6 lim-qut

113 A2 rev. IV 10 u IGI-lim lim-a TE-ki GI BR lip-pa-e-ra INIM.ME-k[i]

D rev. III 11 u IGI-lim lim-a TE-ki GI BR li-pa-!-i-ru \ a-ma-ti-ki
(end of D rev. III; rev. IV, as far as preserved, uninscribed)
114 A2 rev. IV 11 ZUBI ZABAR DU8-er {q-bit}? ki-ir ku-pu-ud -ki
115 A2 rev. IV 12 ina q-bit d-a dUTU EN DINGIR.ME TU6 [N]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 A2 rev. IV 13
IGI-lim GI BR giE..SU5 IN.U6 ina tgGADA tara-[ks]
117 A2 rev. IV 14 1-en ZUBI ZABA[R] N 3- ID-nu-ma ina G- GAR-[an]
118 A2 rev. IV 15 NU.ME -nu-ti ana gul-gul-lim te-[leq?]-q[]?
119 A2 rev. IV 16 ina NG.SILA11.G Z E.MU5 K--nu t[e-pe-i]
120 A2 rev. IV 17 [(x)] ZUBI!? x x di x [
121 A2 rev. IV 18 [x x x x] x [x] x x x x [
122 A2 rev. IV 19 [ ]xx[
(A2 breaks)
break of uncertain length
123 B rev. IV 1 [x x x] x [
124 B rev. IV 2 [x x-t]a [
125 B rev. IV 3 [x-x-t]a x [x] x x [
126 B rev. IV 4 [x x] ad? sur ru x [x] x [(x)] i? x x
127 B rev. IV 5 [ana ma-a]r dUTU DI.KU5 NG?.BA? m[a-r]a-a-[t]a
128 B rev. IV 6 [nu-d]un-nu-u na-ad-[n]a-ka
129 B rev. IV 7 [tak-l]i-ma-t si-mat KI-tim kl-lu-mat-ka
130 B rev. IV 8 [NU(.ME)] ka--pi-ia u ka-ap-t[i-i]
131 B rev. IV 9 [ana ma-]ar dUTU ka-a- ap-qi[d]-su<-nu-ti>
132 B rev. IV 10 [a-n]a kur-nu-gi4 -ru [i]t-ti-ka
133 B rev. IV 11 [l]a tu-ma-ar-[]-nu-ti
134 B rev. IV 12 [ZI] dUTU mur-te-di-ka tum4-ma-ta
135 B rev. IV 13 [ZI d-g-g] DINGIR.ME e-la-ti MIN
136 B rev. IV 14 [ZI da-nun-na-k]i DINGIR.ME ap-lu-ti MIN
137 B rev. IV 15 [ZI dlugal-ir9-ra] dnin-a-zu dnin-gi-zi-da MIN
138 B rev. IV 16 [ZI dere-ki-ga]l GAAN K[I-ti]m MIN
139 B rev. IV 17 [um-ma tum-ma]-ar-[u-n]u-[ti]
(B breaks)

8.7.2: The Memorandum Version: K 888 (ms. e)

1 e obv. 1 N al-si-ka dUTU x [
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 e obv. 2 N dUTU EN r DANNA lGI[G
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 8.7 343
3 e obv. 3 UDUN a-du-gu ti-nu-ri la-ab-ti
4 e obv. 4 KI.NE ki-ra u u-lu-pa-qa ana IGI dUTU
5 e obv. 5 ta-sad-dir GI.ME kar!-tu-t SA5
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 e obv. 6 2 NU INIG 2 NU giEREN 2 NU GI
7 e obv. 7 2 NU GI 2 NU AN.NA <2 NU> URUDU ina KI.NE NU? nap-pa-i
e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 e obv. 8 7 NU IM 7 NU IM KI.GAR ESIR E<.E>
9 e obv. 9 7 NU IM.BABBAR ana UDUN ta-sad-dir
e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 e obv. 10 7 NU NG.SILA11.G ana ti-nu-ri MIN
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 e obv. 11 6 NU AGARIN4 6 NU BAPPIR ana a-du<-gi>
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 e obv. 12 [x NU k]u-up-si ana u-lu-pa-qa
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 e lo. e. 1 [x NU] .UDU KI sa!-le-e
14 e lo. e. 2 [ba]l-lu ana lab-ti
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 e rev. 1 [7 N]U .UDU 7 NU DU.LL 7 NU ESIR
16 e rev. 2 ana ki-ri ESIR KM S--nu-t
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 e rev. 3 mu--i MU4.MU4-su-nu-ti
18 e rev. 4 GU!?-u!? A!? Z UDU.NTA pa-ni--nu te-rim!
19 e rev. 5 3.T[A].<M> giDLA GIIMMAR tu-tak-kap--nu-te
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 e rev. 6 gul-gul NA me-e K.ME TU5!
21 e rev. 7 .GI SK BABBAR SK SA5 skZA.GN.NA K
22 e rev. 8 DUMU.MUNUS AN.NA TU-eb 2 NU IM KI.GAR
23 e rev. 9 ina TG.SK- K 2 ANE Z.DA(.)KASKAL
24 e rev. 10 te-mid giGA.RG giBAL du-di-t
25 e rev. 11 AGAN id-di ki-ri-is-si SUM-i
26 e rev. 12 KIIB GAR-i tgBAR.SI a-ma-nu
27 e rev. 13 TG SU un-q K.BABBAR za-bab K[!?.BABB]AR!? SUM-i ki-is-pa \ ta-ks-sip-i
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 e rev. 14 N dUTU EN GAL mu-te-ir
29 e rev. 15 AN.TA.ME KI.TA.ME e-m[a]
30 e u. e. 1 taq-qu- ID imGR.GR [SAR-]
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 e u. e. 2 N e-pi-tum q[u-umqummatu]
32 e u. e. 3
IGI-lim GI BR g[iE..SU5 IN6. ina tgGADA] \ ta-r[ak]?-k[s]?
33 e l. e. 1 [(1-en) ZUB]I ZABAR ina G- GAR-an N 3- ID-nu
e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Transcription Translation

8.7.1: The Library Version: Mss. A // B 8.7.1: The Library Version: Mss. A // B // c // D
// c // D 1
If a mans head keeps causing [him a nagging pain], he has
umma amlu qaqqassu ta[nakkalu] vertigo, 2his limbs are constantly poured out, he becomes
pnu ianund 2mntu ittan[a]pak depressed again and again, 3his mouth is constantly trou-
autu irtanai 3pu ittanadla libbau bled, his heart is depressed, he is short-tempered, 4he devel-
apil ikkau kurri 4umma munga liba ops fever, stiffness, libu-disease (and) depression, his chest
tdirtu irai irassu 5u a[al]lau tanak- 5
and his b[ac]k keep causing him a nagging pain, [he keeps]
kalu zutu [imta]naqqussu qtu u []- sweating heavily, his hands and [fee]t 6keep causing him a
pu 6tanakkalu aplu ittanablak- nagging pain, his upper thighs keep tw[is]ting out of place, he
[kat]u ana teb uzuzzi 7u dabbi mq is too weak to rise, to stand 7and to talk, [his] neck muscles

labn[u] tanakkalu iktanaa 8ina may- keep causing him a nagging pain, he gets cold repeatedly, 8on
ylu illtu ittana[lla]ku ittanablak- his bed his saliva keeps flo[wi]ng, he tosses and turns, he
kat utanna 9[i]ttanaa pu iptenette wearies himself, 9he [be]comes increasingly depressed, he
qibt pu imtanai 10[u]ntu mad babbles (and) keeps forgetting the speech of his mouth, 10his
un[]t immaru l ukl 11[m]tti tanam- [dr]eams are numerous, (but) the drea[ms] he sees he cannot
mar itti libbu iddanabbub libbau i- remember (lit.: hold back), 11he sees [de]ad people repeat-
ma 12[libba]u iarru mnt ru uma- edly, he keeps talking to himself, he retches and 12[vom]its,
a<u> uzaqqat[u] 13 irai lap- the limbs of his body cause hi[m] a throbbing (and) a stinging
it(?)-ma duk[ku]m(?) nipqu qerb[] pain, 13he develops , he is diseased and wo[rn dow]n, he
[ua] iqabbi aya ia[ssi] akala u ikara suffers from shortness of breath, 14he says [woe] (and)
mu[u] 15[amlu ] kaip m zikur[ud]u cri[es] alas, he has no desire to eat and drink, 15(then) [th]is
eb-ma [] 16[]su ana Gilgm[e paq- [man] is bewitched, the water of his cutting-of-the-throat
dat(?) ()] 17ina erb Abi almunu ep- has been drawn and [], 16his [ has been handed over] to
[-ma ina ] Abi ana e[emm]i paq- Gilgam[e, ( )], 17at the beginning of the month Abu
d 18ana alat ar eret m uzabbal- figurines representing him were ma[de and at the ] of
ma imt [ana] kip pari month Abu handed over to a gh[os]t. 18If he lingers on (in his
disease) for three months and ten days, he will die. [To] undo
the witchcraft:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 19
riksa ana maar ama tarakkas niq You set up an offering arrangement before ama, you
tanaqqi k[am ta]qabbi make a sacrifice; thus you speak:
20 20
[]N alska ama imnni [In]cantation: I call upon you ama, listen to me,
21 21
[mu]ur tnya (var.: inya) udlupti [acc]ept my exhausted sighs,
22 22
maruti imuranni limad ari quickly recognize the trouble that has befallen me!
23 23
anku-ma udlupku nuku utad- I am tired, I am sleepless, I am exhausted, I am constantly
durku terrified,
24 24
ana namrat nrka upq bl I have been anxiously awaiting who-shines-for-me-at-
rising, your light, my lord.
25 25
ama bl dni ana ka asurka ama, lord of judgement, to you I turn:
26 26
[a]na n qtya qlam-ma ime qabya Pay heed to the lifting of my hands and listen to my prayer,
27 27
imnni-ma mugur teslt listen to me and be favourable to my appeal,
28 28
dn dn purussya purus judge my case, render a verdict for me!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 29
[km]a m ana qt ama tanaddinu an- [Whe]n you give water (in)to the hands of ama, you recite
n [al][]u tamannu this [thre]e [ti]mes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 30
[N] ama bl r br tallika muta [Incantation]: ama, my lord, you have come to me 3600
miles (this) night,
31 31
[ana r b]ra takuna pn[]ka you have set out towards me [over (a distance of) 3600
32 32
[te]ttiqa ad nestu [cr]ossing remote mountains,
33 33
tettiqa ad [rqti(?)] crossing [distant] mountains,
34 34
[tett]iqa ad ursn crossing mountains (and) mountain ranges,
35 35
tet[ti]qa a[d ] cro[ss]ing [ ] moun[tains],
36 36
[tett]iqa ad brti [cross]ing far-off mountains,
37 37
tet[tiqa ad ] cro[ssing mountains].
38 38
[ ] ul alal kal m[i [ ] I have not slept the whole n[ight
l. 39 too fragmentary for transcription; break of up l. 39 too fragmentary for translation; break of up to ten lines; l. 40 too
to ten lines; l. 40 too fragmentary for transcription. fragmentary for translation.
41 41
[ ] taakka[n-ma(?)] tarakkas(??) [ ] you pu[t] [and] bind,
42 42
pntu(??) libbi nignakki aknam- charcoal is put in the censer, an[d ] me.
m[a ]anni
43 43
enma mu ina ka[d]i(?) When night falls,
TEXT 8.7 345
44 44
autu atta u pirittu l al[k]a(?) artan- I always become depressed, panic-ridden and terrified,
ai which (conditions) do not p[as]s.
45 45
ama amurka au pi/(i) lemuttya ama, I appeal to you because of the one (or: those?) who
performed evil against me,
46 46
ama a kip ru rus up lemnti ama, (the person) who 47has performed (or) has had
l []bti performed, has turned to (and) has so[ug]ht against me
47 46
zikurud pua upia isura i[]a witchcraft, magic, sorcery, evil (and) b[a]d manipulations,
cutting-of-the-throat magic,
48 48
[z]ra mimma lemnu puu-ma ilputu (who) has performed [ha]te-magic (and) any evil, thereby
zumr striking my body,
49 49
[epe]r pya! ibuu rut ilq (who) has gathered [the dus]t of my feet, has taken my
50 50
[rat qaq]qadya imluu rat zumrya (who) has torn out [hair from] my [h]ead, has pl[uck]ed off
u[qatt]ipu hair from my body,
51 51
[mind]t lnya umaddidu (who) has taken the [measu]rements of my body,
52 52
[nap]art zikurud ipura[nni] (who) has sent [me mess]ages of cutting-of-the-throat
53 53
[kipd] lemnti ukappid[u] (who) has made evil [plans] (against me),
54 54
[kir] a lemutti ukair[u] (who) has tied [knots] of evil (against me),
55 55
[m z]ikurudya ib (who) has drawn [the water of] my cutting-of-the-throat,
56 56
[alm(?) ina i]ti irupu-ma isuru ana (who) has burnt [a figurine of me in fi]re, then has turned
m idd-ma round (and) thrown (it) into water,
57 57
(([ina mui(?) ir]muku(?))) ukass (who) (([has wa]shed [over (it)])), has bound (it),
58 58
almya itti mtti unillu ina ereti (who) has laid figurines of me to rest with dead persons,
iqbiru has buried (them) in the ground,
59 59
(([ i]kunu)) ina bi a dri ip (who) (([has s]et [ ])), has shut (them) up in a sewage
opening of the city-wall,
60 60
ina askuppati itmiru [an]a eem kimtya (who) has concealed (them) under a threshold, has handed
ipqidu (them) over to a ghost of my family,
61 61
ana gulgulli ipqidu [ana Gilgme ip]qi- (who) has handed (them) over to a skull, [has ha]nded
du-ma ubiru ana ubur (them) over [to Gilgame] and thus has made (them) cross
the ubur-river!
62 62
[ ] abtanni kip lubbinni [ ] keeps hold of me, witchcraft is afflicting me!
63 63
[ ] ilu mamman ul de [ ] no god knows,
64 64
[iltka rabtu de(?) ama att-m]a tde [your great divinity knows, ama, onl]y [you] know. I am
kamsku maarka kneeling before you,
65 65
[ d]n dn purussya purus [ ], judge my case, render a verdict for me!
66 66
[ i]na maar iltka iqb- [The one who ], spoke [ ] before your
m[a] divinity an[d]
67 67
[ l zikar l sinn]i(?) l mtu l [ , be it a man or a wom]an, a dead or a liv[ing
bal[u] person],
l. 68 too fragmentary for transcription and translation; break of uncertain length.
The fragmentary passages preserved in B obv. II and A3 obv. II? probably have to be placed within this break. B obv. II is too frag-
mentary for transcription and translation; A3 obv. II? 18 can be partially transcribed and translated:
2 2
[sebet(?) alm] a l[i sebet(?) alm] a [seven figurines] of dou[gh, seven figurin]es of tallow, <sev-
lip <sebet(?) alm> a ik[ri ] en figurines> of wa[x], [ ]
3 3
[ ][ sebet(?) alm](?) [ ][ seven figurin]es of clay from the
a d kullati u[pi(?)] clay pit I have had [made.]
4 4
[ ] s[ebet(?) alm a kup]si sebet(?) [ ] s[even figurines of sesame poma]ce, seven
alm a agarinni [] figurines of beer mash,
5 5
[ alm a(?)] erni u qan(?) pu- [ figurines of] cedar wood and reed I have made and
ma 3.TA.[M] three times each
6 6
[ill(?)] utak[ki]p mui ulabbi[] I have pi[er]ced (them) [with the thorn (of a date palm)]. I
have clothed (them) in combed-out hair,
7 7
[marat immeri(?) pnun]u rim kunuk I have covered [thei]r [faces with bile of a sheep]. With a
[ ] seal of [ ]-stone [I have sealed
break of uncertain length; l. 69 too fragmentary for transcription and translation.
70 70
um[mr] ba[rti ] Ho[t] sou[ps ],
71 71
ak[sip] kisp[a ] I have ma[de] a funerary offer[ing ],
72 72
unqi [k]aspi zabab k[aspi(?) ] a ring of [s]ilver, a grain of s[ilver ],
73 73
ama ina marka(?) alm[ ] ama, before you [I ] figurin[es ],
74 74
ki[i]r kap u kapt uk[air] (concerning) the kn[o]t my warlock and witch have t[ied],
75 75
l[emu]tta a kapya u ka[ptya] the e[vi]l effected by my warlock and wi[tch],
76 76
[ki]punu zr[ti] (concerning) their hate[ful wi]tchcraft,
77 77
urbi ipti a apkal il Mar[duk puu] enhance the exorcism which Mar[duk], the sage among the
Nudimmud ina qi[bt]ka rti [a l ut- gods, [performed]!
takkaru] Nudimmud, at your com[man]d whi[ch cannot be changed],
79 79
u annka kni a l innen[n] and by your reliable approval which cannot be alter[ed],
80 80
kap kapt limt-ma ank[u let my warlock (and) witch die, but [let] me [live]!
lublu] May [Gi]rra (var.: Nuska) incinerate [their] so[rceries].
81 82
[Gi]ra (var.: Nuska?) litbil k[ipunu] You are the lord, look with disfavour on them!
blu att nekelmunti
83 83
kiir ukairni pn ama up[aer(?)] The knots they have tied against me I have unt[ied] before
84 84
kiir ukairunti li[unti] Let the knots which I have tied against them approach
85 85
liqribunti lisniqun[ti] let them come near to them, let them reach th[em]!
86 86
ina qibt Ea ama Girra (var.: Asallu- May I li[ve] at the command of Ea, ama (and) Girra
i) lub[lu-ma] (var.: Asallui), [then]
87 87
narbkunu lupi dall (var.: dall) il- I will proclaim your greatness, I w[ill praise] the glory of
tkunu l[udlul] your divinity!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 88
alu tamann-ma ma tamann ta- You recite (this) three times, and each time you recite it
naqqi [() utna adga] 89tinra la[bt]a you make a libation. [() a potters kiln, a brewers oven],
ki[nna kra u uluppaqqa] 90ana maar 89
a bread oven, a roast[ing ov]en, a bra[zier, a melting oven
ama tas[addir qan kartti tumalla] and a crucible] 90you se[t up in a row] before ama. [You
fill (them) with cut-up reeds].
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 91
[ina alm] bn[i] ina alm e[rni ina [Two figurines] of tamarisk wood, two figurines of ce[dar
alm qan ina alm ii ina alm anna- wood, two figurines of reed, two figurines of wood, two
ki] 92[ina alm er] i[na] kinni l nap- figurines of tin] 92[two figurines of copp]er: i[n] the brazier
[pai(?) sebet alm di sebet alm d that is not yet li[ghted. Seven figurines of clay, seven figur-
kullati] 93a it[t] ballu sebet alm ga[i ines of clay from the clay pit] 93that is mixed with bi[tumen],
ana utni tasaddir] 94[sebet al]m li seven figurines of gyp[sum you line up for the potters kiln].
ana tinri [tasaddir] 95[eet al]m aga- 94
[Seven figu]rines of dough [you line up] for the bread
[rinni](?) eet alm bappiri [ina adgi oven. 95[Six figur]ines of beer ma[sh], six figurines of beer
alm kupsi ana uluppaqqi] 96 al- bread: [for the brewers oven. figurines of sesame pom-
m lip a sal ba[llu ana labti] 97[sebet ace: for the crucible]. 96 figurines of tallow that is mi[xed]
alm] lip [sebet alm] ikri sebet [alm with cress: [for the roasting oven]. 97[Seven figurines] of
itt ana kri] 98[itt emm]a tasallaunti tallow, [seven figurines] of wax, seven [figurines of bitumen:
[()] for the melting oven]. 98You sprinkle them with [ho]t [bitu-
men ()].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 8.7 347
ll. 99100 too fragmentary for transcription and translation; break of uncertain length.
The fragmentary passages preserved in B rev. III and A3 rev. III? probably have to be placed within this break. B rev. III is too frag-
mentary for transcription; A3 rev. II 110 can be partially transcribed and translated:
4 4
ina adgi KIMIN (= aqallunti or simi- in a brewers oven ditto (= I burn them or similar), in a
lar) ina utni [KIMIN] potters kiln [ditto],
5 5
ina kri KIMIN ina labti K[IMIN] in a melting oven ditto, in a roasting oven d[itto],
6 6
ina uluppaqqi KIMIN ina kinni K[IMIN] in a crucible ditto, in a brazier d[itto],
7 7
[ ] Ani uerdunt[i] I let them descend [to the netherworld together with the
Daughter] of Anu,
8 8
a[lam ka]pi [u] kapti pu-ma I have made fig[urines of the wa]rlock [and] witch, and
mrat Ani [ ] [ ] the Daughter of Anu.
9 9
ina qtt(?) itari bti [ To the good hands of the goddess [
break of uncertain length; l. 101 too fragmentary for transcription and translation.
102 102
q[uturunu] ltelli ana am [lamunu Let [their] s[moke] steadily rise to heaven, [let the sun
liballi amu] extinguish their embers].
103 103
liprus ayyattaunu mr Ea [ma]- Let Eas son, [the ex]or[cist], cut off the terror emanating
m[au] from them.
104 104
anku aradka lublu lulim-ma narbka Let me, your servant, live, let me become healthy, then I
lupi dallka lu[dlul] will proclaim your greatness, I will pr[aise] your glory!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 105
enma taqall alu tamann-ma While you burn (them), you recite (this) three times. Then
kukura tuqattaru you fumigate him with kukuru-plant.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 106
N pitu qumqummatu kaptu nar- Incantation: The sorceress is a qumqummatu-witch, the
indatu witch is a narindatu-witch!
107 107
a iml dya ina nri You who have taken clay from the river (to make figur-
ines) of me,
108 108
mna tubbal napit ana malk why do you want to carry my soul to the (netherworld)
109 109
anku ana puur kipki matakal na- As for me, in order to undo your witchcraft I hold up
ku matakal-soapwort,
110 110
imur-lm l mir kipki heals-a-thousand-plant that is immune against your
111 111
i piri a nadti terinnatu a qadti the wood-of-release of the nadtu-priestesses, the cone
of the qaditu-votaries!
112 112
up lin ad eli kipki matakal May the mountain drive back the sorcerous devices, may
limqut the matakal-soapwort fall upon your witchcraft,
113 113
u imur-lm lima ltki i piri lipa- moreover, may the heals-a-thousand-plant strike your
ira amtki cheek, may the wood-of-release undo your words,
114 114
gamal siparri lipaer {qibt}? kiir may the bronze curved staff release {the command of}?
kuppud libbki the knot devised in your heart
115 115
ina qibt Ea ama bl il t ip[ti] at the command of Ea (and) ama, the lord of the gods!
Incant[ation] formula.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 116
imur-lm i piri terinnatu matakal You bi[nd] heals-a-thousand-plant, wood-of-release, a
ina kit tara[kkas] 117itn gamal siparri cone (and) matakal-soapwort (together) into a linen cloth;
ipta alu tamann-ma ana kidu one bronze curved staff: you recite the incantation three
taakkan 118alm unti ana gulgulli times, then you place (them) on his neck. 118You [ta]k[e]
te[leq]q[e(?) ] 119ina l qm egui these figurines for the skull [ ]. 119You [seal] their
bbunu t[epei] opening with a dough of eguu-barley flour.
ll. 12022 too fragmentary for transcription and translation; break of uncertain length; ll. 12326 too fragmentary for trans-
cription and translation.
127 127
[ana maa]r ama dayyni qta(?) [Befo]re ama, the judge, you ha[ve receiv]ed a gift,
128 128
[nud]unn nadnakka [a pre]sent has been given to you.
129 129
[takl]imtu simat ereti kullumatka [The funerary dis]play, fit for the netherworld, has been
arranged for you.
130 130
[alm ka]pya u kapt[y]a [Figurines of] my [wa]rlock and witch,
131 131
[ana ma]ar ama ka apqissu- I have entrusted th<em> to you [befo]re ama.
132 132
[an]a Kurnug uru ittka Take (them) with you [t]o the Land of No Return,
[l] tumaarunti134[n] ama 133
do [n]ot release them!
murteddka tummta You are adjured [by] ama, your constant escort,
135 135
[n Igigi] il elti tummta you are adjured [by the Igigi], the gods of the upper
136 136
[n Anunnak]i il aplti tummta you are adjured [by the Anunnak]i, the lower gods,
137 137
[n Lugalirra] Ninazu Ningizida tum- you are adjured [by Lugalirra], Ninazu (and) Ningizida,
mta you are adjured [by Erekiga]l, the queen of the ne[ther-
[n Erekiga]l arrat e[ret]i tummta worl]d!
139 139
[umma tuma]ar[un][ti] [If you re]lease [th]e[m], (you will be cursed)!
(text breaks) (text breaks)

8.7.2: The Memorandum Version: 8.7.2: The Memorandum Version: K 888 (ms. e)
K 888 (ms. e)
1 1
N alska ama [ ] Incantation I call upon you, ama: [ ].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2
N ama bl r br mar[u ] Incantation ama, my lord, 3600 miles: The patie[nt
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
utnu adgu tinri labti 4kinna kra u 3
A potters kiln, a brewers oven, a bread oven, a roasting
uluppaqqa ana maar ama 5tasaddir oven, 4a brazier, a melting oven and a crucible 5you set up in
qan kartti tumalla a row 4before ama. 5You fill (them) with cut-up reeds.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
ina alm bni ina alm erni ina Two figurines of tamarisk wood, two figurines of cedar
alm qan 7ina alm ii ina alm wood, two figurines of reed, 7two figurines of wood, two
annaki <ina alm> er ina kinni l(?) figurines of tin, <two figurines> of copper: in the brazier that
nappai is not yet lighted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
sebet alm di sebet alm d kullati a Seven figurines of clay, seven figurines of clay from the clay
itt ballu 9sebet alm gai ana utni pit that is mixed with bitumen, 9seven figurines of gypsum:
tasaddir you line them up for the potters kiln.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
sebet alm li ana tinri tasaddir Seven figurines of dough: you line them up for the bread
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
eet alm agarinni eet alm bappi- Six figurines of beer mash, six figurines of beer bread: for
ri ana ad<gi> the brewers ov<en>.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 12
[ alm k]upsi ana uluppaqqa [ figurines of po]mace: for the crucible.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ alm] lip a itti sal 14[ba]llu ana 13
[ figurines] of tallow 14that is mixed 13with cress: 14for the
labti roasting oven.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
[sebet al]m lip sebet alm ikri sebet [Seven fig]urines of tallow, seven figurines of wax, seven
alm itt 16ana kri itt emma tasalla- figurines of bitumen: 16for the melting oven. You sprinkle
unti them with hot bitumen.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 8.7 349
mui tulabbassunti 18q(?) ettti(?) 17
You clothe them with combed-out hair, 18you cover their
marat immeri pnunu terrim 193.TA.M faces with cobweb (and) bile of a sheep. 19You pierce them
illi giimmari tutakkapunte three times each with the thorn of a date palm.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gulgul amli m ellti turammak 21amna 20
You bathe a human skull with pure water, 21you rub it with
tapaa ipti peti tabarra uqnti ta- oil, you bind white, red (and) blue (threads of) wool (on it).
rakkas 22mrat Ani tueeb ina alm d 22
You have the Daughter of Anu sit (there). 23You tie 22two
kullati 23ina sissiktu tarakkas ina imr figurines of clay from the clay pit 23into his hem. 24You load
idta(?) 24temmid muu pilakku dudittu 23
two donkeys with travel provisions. 25You give her 24a
ikkatu iddi kirissi tanaddini 26kunukku comb, a spindle, a dress-pin, 25a perfume flask, a ribbon (and)
taakkani parig amnu 27ubt zumri a hairpin. 26You provide her with a seal, 27you give her a
unqi kaspi zabab k[asp]i(?) tanaddini kis- headdress of amnu-wool, 27a garment for the body, a ring
pa takassipi of silver (and) a grain of s[ilv]er. You make a funerary
offering for her.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
N ama blu rab muter 29elti ap- 28
Incantation ama, great lord, who guides aright 29the
lti m[a] 30taqq tamannu kukura [tuqat- upper and the lower (world): Whe[n] 30you have poured a
taru] libation, you recite (it). [You fumigate him] with kukuru-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
N pitu q[umqummatu] 32imur-lm i 31
Incantation The sorceress is a q[umqummatu-witch]:
piri [terinnatu matakal ina kit] tarak- You bind heals-a-thousand-plant, wood-of-release, [a
kas(?) 33[(itn) gama]l siparri ina kid- cone (and) matakal-soapwort (together) into a linen cloth].
u taakkan ipta alu tamannu You place [(one) curved sta]ff of bronze on his neck (and)
recite the incantation three times.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General: It is surprising that no fewer than Abwehrzauber, 17073; for a critical discussion of
three manuscripts of this ritual from Aur have sur- the retrospective diagnosis as rabies (proposed by
vived; an indirect join between the overlapping mss. Scurlock and Andersen), see, most recently, Bck,
B and D is excluded not only by the different distri- OLZ 104 (2009) 18991.
bution of text on the reverse of both manuscripts,
13: A reading iraum-ma is of course
but also by the physical appearance of the frag-
possible, but suffixed -um is difficult to explain
ments. Note that the possibility of an indirect join
within the present context. dakmu seems to be
between BAM 231 (ms. A1) and KAL 2, 26 (ms. A2)
attested only here in symptomologies, but note that
was only discovered after the publication of KAL 2;
dukkumu is included in the List of Diseases (CT 19,
but note that the width of the column in the pre-
3 rev. III 9 = MSL 9, 94: 129).
served part of BAM 231 is slightly wider (75 mm)
than that in the preserved parts of KAL 2, 26 (70 15: For the expression m zikurud eb,
mm). Kchers copy of ms. B (BAM 323) is un- see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 1014; cf. here l. 55.
reliable in a number of places; the fragment has
16: The restoration [SK] SU-[] pro-
been recopied for the present volume. The follow-
posed by George, Gilgamesh Epic, 133, for the
ing notes complement and, where necessary, correct
beginning of the line is ruled out by collation;
the earlier comments in KAL 2 ad no. 26 and 27
restore perhaps []-su his spittle. For a possible
(mss. A2, A3) and BaM 37 (2006) 198209 (ms. e).
parallel in Maql IV 50, see Abusch Schwemer,
For collations of ms. A1, see pl. 133, nos. 6874.
Iraq 71 (2009) 64, 71. For the significance of Gilga-
me as boatman of the dead, see George, Gilgamesh
8.7.1 Epic, 13032, and Abusch Schwemer, Akkadica
130 (2009) 107; cf. here l. 61.
114: The description of the symptoms is
very similar to AMT 21/2+ obv. 121 //, edited here 17: For the significance of Abu, the
as text 8.6 (cf. also 8.6, Notes on ll. 121). For an month of the dead, as a period of time that is char-
overview of both symptomologies, see Schwemer, acterized by a special permeability of the barrier

between the world of the living and the netherworld 34: For the different semantic nuances of
and thus offers an opportunity for performing ritual ad mountain and urnu mountain range,
transfers to the netherworld, see Abusch, MesWi, see Steinkeller, Studies Biggs, 21932.
10710, 23436, Tsukimoto, Totenpflege, 4851,
35, 37: Note the ventive ending on tettiqa
Scurlock, AMRP, 93107 and Schwemer, Abwehr-
indicating the movement of the sun to the speaker.
zauber, 131, 186; cf. here text 8.3, 1.: 56. Corre-
There are a number of adjectives that can be re-
sponding to erb Abi one expects the indication of a
stored in these lines, the foremost of which are ad
specific period of time for fragmentary [ina ]i/er
dannuti dangerous mountains and ad paqti
Abi. The rites for the dead were performed towards
impassable mountains. Note that this description
the end of the month. Therefore, a restoration [ina
of the suns journey from the netherworld up to the
gi/ga-me]-er itiNE [at the en]d of month Abu
world of the living throws an interesting light on the
seems plausible.
phraseology used to describe the Assyrian kings
18: Three months and ten days equal a exploits when campaigning in the mountains.
hundred days; this is a significant period of time.
4142: The interpretation of these lines re-
Cf. Maql V 48: attmannu kaptu a teneppua
mains highly uncertain, especially since the phra-
alat ar eret m miil me Whoever you are
seology is reminiscent of ritual instructions rather
witch who has been bewitching for three months,
than prayer language. At the beginning of l. 41
ten days and half a day.
possible readings include ina] p-i in the mouth
24: namrat, usually an epithet and or ina] bi-i in the sewer.
name of the Moon-god, is here used as a poetic re-
44: For the tentative interpretation of l
ference to sunrise.
alka as an adverbial expression similar to l
29: Cf. K 2132 rev. 11: GIM A.ME ana! napark constantly, see already KAL 2, p. 74.
II d
U UTU SUM-nu (Bt sal m, ed. Ambos, unpubl.
57: Following KAL 2, pp. 7273, one
Habilitationschrift, p. 246). Similarly BBR 2, 75: 11
could alternatively restore: [ina m ir]muku (who)
(cf. 5455): [ikri]b m a laanni nama ana ma-
[wa]shed [with water (over it)]. All actions in
ar srti ana qt ili nadnu [Pray]er (to be recited
ll. 5657 seem to be directed against the figurine
at the time) of presenting the water of the laannu-
of the patient, if our restoration at the beginning of
jar and giving (it) (in)to the hand of the deity in
l. 56 is correct.
front of the srtu; the pertinent prayer, whose text
is only fragmentarily preserved, refers to scented 59: At the beginning of the line one
water presented to ama and Adad. A parallel would expect [pnunu ana ereb ami i]kunu
prayer of the diviner from the Old Babylonian [(who) di]rected [their faces towards the west], as
period suggests that the water was intended to be this is regularly done before enclosing figurines in a
used by the addressed gods to wash (their hands) sewage opening (cf., e.g., in this volume text 7.7:
before sitting down for their sacrifial meal (see 3132). The break at the beginning of the line, how-
Goetze, JCS 22 [1968] 26: 19ff.). Since the present ever, does not offer enough space for such a restora-
ritual was not performed in a temple setting, the tion.
ritual instruction can hardly refer to the washing of
61: For the restoration, cf. text 8.3, 1.:
the hands of an actual statue of ama (for the
54. Gilgame is the boatman of the dead and ferries
washing of a statues hands, cf. m ana [q]t Mar-
the deceased across the ubur river (see George,
duk ang inai, Kcher, ZA 50 [1952] 194: 19,
Gilgamesh Epic, 13032 with the relevant attesta-
Middle Assyrian temple ritual, and cf. also TCL 6,
tions). Cf. also in the famous prayer to Gilgame,
39 obv. 2223, 33, 40 obv. 20, rev. 3, m qti for
the netherworld judge: dubur lrub-ma ay issa-
Anu and Antu). It seems more likely that some kind
r Let them enter (on the journey across) the
of symbolic presentation or libation of water before
ubur-river, lest they turn (back) (KAR 227 obv. II
the rising sun is intended. For the motif of the deity
4' // LKA 89 + 90 obv. II 14' // K 6793+ obv. 48, all
washing his hands before the sacrificial meal, cf. the
coll.; for the prayer and the ritual of which it is a
bilingual kiutu-prayer En-e an-sikil-ta ll. 2731
part, see Abusch, History of Religions 26 [1986]
(Cooper, ZA 92 [1972] 7475, 77) and also the
15051 with notes 1314). Furthermore it is worth
Hittite babilili-rituals (see Beckman, Studies Gter-
noting that Gilgame and umu-tabal, another
bock, 39).
ferryman of the netherworld, occur together in the
uburruda ritual BM 47806+ (ed. Schwemer, Iraq,
TEXT 8.7 351
72 [2010] 6378) within the context of banning the since the end of the third ama prayer (l. 101
sorcerers to the underworld. 104) is directly followed by instructions corre-
sponding to l. 30 of the memorandum, the latter
62: At the beginning of the preserved
seems more probable.
part of the line one could also read i]-ab-ta-an-ni
has seized me. The spelling lu-bu-sa-ni is A3 III 49: The passage forms part of the third
apparently corrupt. Since one expects a 3rd plural ama prayer and contains a description of the ritual
stative (subject kip), the form is probably a cor- actions performed by the patient; the text can there-
ruption of lubbinni. For the weak formation of the fore be partially restored based on the correspond-
stative D of labu, cf. lubbku instead of luubku ing ritual instructions in ll. 8898 and their paral-
in BMS 12: 56 (ed. Mayer, OrNS 62 [1993] 313 lel in the memorandum version (8.7.2: 327).
37). For the usage of this verb with witchcraft, cf. Note that at the beginning of l. 8 the scribe by mis-
also KAL 2, 24 rev. 14 // (here text 8.2: 78) and the take omitted the phrase alam kapi u kapti,
discussion in Abusch, BWiL, 6773. which he then squeezed between the lines (cf. the
correct copy in KAL 2, p. 181, no. 27 B 1; the
A3 II 27: The restorations are based on com-
caution exercised in that edition, p. 77, now seems
parison with the memorandum version of the
unnecessary). The restoration in the translation of l.
ritual, here edited as text 8.7.2; cf. especially ll. 6
7 follows what must have been the general sense of
19. Instead of emending A3 obv. II 2, it is possible
the line (for the Daughter of Anus, i.e., Lamatus,
to construe the text as: KIMI]N .UDU
role in the ritual, cf. the memorandum version);
DU.L[L E.E] , seven figurin]es of tallow
the traces still visible, however, do not admit any
that [is mixed] with wa[x]. The breaks at the
certain restoration of the actual signs.
beginning of A3 obv. II 67 seem not to offer
enough space for the restorations one would expect 10213: For these lines, see our comments in
according to text 8.7.2: 1719; therefore we tenta- Akkadica 130 (2009) 107108.
tively restore shorter equivalent phrases.
102104: The phrases in ll. 102103 are
70: For hot soups as a typical offering well known from the incantation Anai dipra (see
for the dead, cf. BAM 323 rev. 83 (ed. Scurlock, here, note on text 8.4: 63) and are also found in
MMTGI, 53738 no. 228). Maql V 14648. Note, however, that in contrast to
the incantation here in 8.7.1, these lines stand at the
72: For *zababu(?) as a possible variant
very end of the incantation in Anai dipra and in
of zibibnu, see BAM 37 (2006) 207; cf. here the
Maql V 14648. Furthermore, note that the related
corresponding line in the memorandum version
text 8.8 included a recitation of Anai dipra (text
(text 8.7.2: 27).
8.8: 6).
83: A less likely, but also possible resto-
10615: This incantation is a close parallel to
ration of the end of the line is -[k][-ir] I have
Maql VI 1623.
tied (cf. KAL 2, p. 72).
106: The manuscripts deviate in their re-
88: For the libations prescribed here, cf.
presentation of the final vowel of the nouns in this
the comments on l. 29.
line. In the parallel passage Maql VI 1619 it
8898: The restorations follow the parallel seems that in each pair the first element had the first-
text in the memorandum version (8.7.2: 316). person possessive suffix, while the second element
Note that the different types of ovens correspond to is in the nominative: My sorceress is a qumqum-
the different materials used for the figurines as- matu .
signed to each (see BaM 37 [2006] 200, fn. 9). For
108: For malk princes as a group of
the problematic l nappai in l. 92, see the
netherworld deities or demons, see the attestations
comments in BaM 37 (2006) 206.
collected in CAD M I 16869, especially sections 2
99100: It is impossible to decide on the and 3, and the discussion in Tsukimoto, Toten-
basis of the few traces preserved whether the third pflege, 6369.
ama prayer, whose incipit is given as ama blu
114: The normal formula is kiir kipid
rab muter elti aplti in the memorandum
libbi (see text 7.8, 5.: 27, text 8.4: 40). The insertion
version (8.7.2: 2829), began here or whether the
of qibt was probably due to the occurrence of the
text continued with more ritual instructions corre-
same word in the next line.
sponding to ll. 1727 of the memorandum. But

118: One expects ana gulgulli tapaqqid or

similar, but the tablet clearly has te-. Farber, WdO
38 (2008) 255 proposes a reading te-[es]-s[r] you 2: Note that this incipit was misread by
shut up. Schwemer in BaM 37 (2006) 202, before he re-
cognized that BAM 231, BAM 332 and CBS 1498
127: For the restoration qta marta, obv. actually all belong to the same ritual.
see already Scurlock, MMDG, 36162; there is, 7: For problematic l nappai, see the
however, not enough room for her restoration of comments in BaM 37 (2006) 206.
kunnta at the end of the line.
1719: See the comments in BaM 37 (2006)
129: taklimtu, as a rule constructed with 206207; for the use of thorns of the date palm in
kullumu, designates the display of grave goods and piercing rites, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 209
the deceased persons body before the burial (see 14.
CAD T 8081 with numerous references). Here the
display consists of the skull that has been bathed, 2223: Lines 13031 of the library ver-
anointed and adorned with coloured threads (fol- sion (8.7.1) show that the pair of figurines repre-
lowing the memorandum version, text 8.7.2: 20 sents warlock and witch (pace BaM 37 [2006] 200).
21). Rather than a phonetic reality the spelling tak- When their figurines are tied into the patients hem,
li-ma-t for taklimtu reflects alphabetic influence on his illness is transferred onto them and banned to
the use of syllable signs in the first millennium (for the netherworld together with them.
this phenomenon, see Streck, Keilschrift und Alpha-
bet, passim, esp. 7880).
13439: The restorations follow the parallel
adjuration of a ghost in KAR 227 rev. IV 4650 //
LKA 89 + 90 rev. IV 14 (ed. Ebeling, TuL, 133 and
Scurlock, MMDG, 35861; a new edition is in pre-
paration). For the function of these adjurations, or
more precisely ritual oath formulae, see Scurlock,
MMTGI, 2526.
TEXT 8.8


This is a small fragment of an anti-witchcraft ritual invocation of Girra, the divine fire. These rites are
that seems to have included rites very similar to similar to those found in text 8.4, but, just as in text
those of the ceremonial rituals edited here as texts 8.7, the burning rite is followed by a transfer of the
8.4 and 8.7. Following a prayer addressed to ama sorcerers to the netherworld by means of a ghost.
various pairs of figurines representing the sorcerers Only the first few signs of this section are pre-
are burnt before the sun-god. The exorcist recites served, but it is clear that a skull representing the
the incantation Anai dipra when kindling the evoked ghost is washed, anointed and put on dis-
fire; the burning itself is accompanied by a short play.

List of Manuscripts

A K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + pl. 100 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
17984 Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual with incantations against witchcraft......................................................................... ]113[

[Incantation addressed to ama] ......................................................................not preserved
Ritual instruction (including recitation of Anai dipra and Girra qumunti) ...... ]113[
A: 113

Previous Editions



1 A: 1 D.D.BI [ ] 2 NU .U[DU 2 NU DU.LL]

2 A: 2 2 NU DU.E.GI. 2 NU ESIR 2 NU I[M] 2 NU NG.SIL[A11.G D-u]
3 A: 3 i-na dugBUR.ZI.GAL NU AL.[EG6.G]
4 A: 4 ina IGI dUTU GAR-an GI.ME kar-t[u]-ti SA5 NU.ME -nu-t[i]
5 A: 5 ESIR KM S--nu-ti N 3-[] ana IGI dUTU ID-n[u]
6 A: 6 N L di-pa-ra NU.ME[-]-nu a-qal-l[u]
7 A: 7 3- ID-ma IGI dUTU BL--nu-t[i]
8 A: 8 gira qu-mi--nu-ti dg[ir]a qu-li--nu-t[i]
9 A: 9 d
gira ez-zu i-at-k[a ma-ga]l liq-l[]
10 A: 10 GIM i-qal-lu- an-n[a-a 3- D]U11.GA-[bi]
11 A: 11 gul-gul-li NA x [x x x x x x (x)] x [
12 A: 12 x [
13 A: 13 [x x] x x [
(A breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[ ] ina al- Its ritual: [( ) you make ( )] two figurines of
m lip[ ina alm ikri] 2ina alm tallo[w, two figurines of wax], 2two figurines of sesame
kupsi ina alm itt ina alm [di] ina pomace, two figurines of bitumen, two figurines of cl[ay]
alm l[i teppu] 3ina burzigalli l (and) two figurines of dou[gh]. 3In an unfi[red] burzigallu-
ar[pi] 4ina maar ama taakkan qan bowl 4you place (them) before ama. You fill (the bowl)
kart[]ti tumalla alm unt[i] 5itt emma with cut-up reeds. 5You sprinkle these figurines with hot
tasallaunti ipta al[u a]na maar bitumen. You recite the incantation three tim[es be]fore
ama tamannu 6N Anai dipra alm[- ama. 7You recite 6the incantation I raise the torch, I
]unu aqall[u] 7alu tamann-ma bur[n] their figuri[nes] 7three times. Then you burn the[m]
maar ama taqallunt[i] 8Girra before ama. 8Girra, set them afire, Girra burn them,
qumunti G[irr]a qulunti 9Girra ezzu 9
furious Girra, let you[r] fire bur[n fiercel]y! 10While it (i.e.,
itk[a maga]l liql[i] 10kma iqall ann[ the fire) burns, [you s]ay thi[s three times]. 11[You wash] a
alu t]aqabbi 11gulgulli amli [ ] human skull [with pure water], 12you rub (it) with oil,
amna tapaa [ (l. 13 too fragmen- [ (l. 13 too fragmentary for translation, text breaks)
tary for transcription, text breaks)


5: This ama incantation refers to the fire in the censer of the gods burns fiercely (CT 40,
text of a prayer given verbatim on the part of the 44 K 3821: 2). For the restoration of three times
tablet that originally preceded the ritual instructions. in the break in l. 10, cf. the parallel instruction for
the recitation of the very same invocation in KAL 2,
6: For the incantation Anai dipra,
24 rev. 48, here text 8.2: 119.
see supra the comment on text 8.4, l. 63.
1112: These instructions are parallel to
8: Despite their i-vocalism the forms
K 888 rev. 67, here text 8.7.2: 2021; however, the
qumi and quli are certainly G-stem imperatives;
few traces preserved in the second half of l. 11 do
note that they interchange with qumu and qulu in
not allow an exact reconstruction of the wording.
the manuscripts of Maql II 10913, 132 and IV
The spelling gul-gul-li is here interpreted as an ab-
errant formation of the singular bound form (gulgul)
910: CAD Q 69a records only one attesta- rather than a plural (gulgull); if a plural form were
tion for the intransitive use of qal, but these two intended, we would expect the number of skulls to
lines add two more examples. The restoration of the be specified. For gul-gul-li as the singular bound
second half of l. 9 as magal liqli fits the traces per- form, cf. perhaps BAM 471 obv. I 13 (partly restored,
fectly and can be supported by the umma lu pro- ed. Scurlock, MMTGI, 601).
tasis umma itu ina nignak il magal iqallu if the
TEXT 8.9


Only a few fragmentary lines of this anti-witchcraft the god who releases and undoes all kinds of
ritual can be reconstructed. The preserved part of bound states is followed by the patients pleas to
the text contains passages from a prayer addressed free him from an illness that was caused by witch-
to ama. A hymnic introduction praising ama as craft.

List of Manuscripts

A Sm 1923 pl. 101 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
B1 VAT 16447 (+)?? KAL 2, 58 coll. Small frgs., NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
B2 VAT 13867 LKA 161
KAL 2, 59

Synopsis of Text Units

i Fragmentary prayer addressed to ama ...................................................... ]116[ ]1724[

A: 113 // B1: 17; B2: 18

Previous Editions

Schwemer, KAL 2, 58 (ms. B1) and 59 (ms. B2).


1 A: 1 EN AN-e? [
2 A: 2 pa-ir k[a-si-ti
3 A: 3 BR-ir ma-[mti
4 A: 4 mu-pa-sis [
5 A: 5 pa-ir ki-i[r libbi ili u itari(?) ()]
6 A: 6 pa-ir ta-m-[ti
7 A: 7 pa-ir en-ni[n-ti
8 A: 8 mu-al-li-qu [
B1: 1 [ ]xxx[
9 A: 9 UTU di-ni ta-d[i-in
B1: 2 [ ] x bar at-ta
10 A: 10 E.BAR-a-a [taprus(?)
B1: 2 E.BAR-[a-a
11 A: 11 -su GIG [ zumrya]
B1: 3 [ zumr-i]a?
12 A: 12 UTU GIG a DAB-ni x [ ]
B1: 34 d
UTU GIG a DAB-ni [ ]/[ ]

13 A: 13 ina mi-i-ri u-ti-qa-an-[ni ]

B1: 45 [ m]i-i-ru u-t[e-qa-an-ni] / [ ]x
14 A: 14 d
UTU a lU11.ZU u [munusU11.ZU ]
B1: 56 d
UTU a lU11.Z[U ]/[ ]
15 A: 15 ana-ku NU Z[U DI]NGIR mam-ma-[an ul de att-ma tde(?)]
B1: 6 ana-ku N[U
(undecipherable traces in B1: 7; B1 breaks)
16 A: 16 ina-an-[na ana-ku NENNI] A NENN[I
(A breaks)
17 B2: 1 [x (x)] x x [x (x)] x DINGIR.ME x x [
18 B2: 2 [ina] q-bi-i[t] DINGIR-MU u d15-MU lis-s[u-u
19 B2: 3 [? G]L- ina -MU i-dnanna x [
20 B2: 4 [U11] U11 U11 NG.AK.A.ME lem-nu-ti M.G[E6.ME
21 B2: 5 [ ina] SU-MU UZU.M[E]-MU u SA.ME-MU i[b?-ba-u-u(?)]
22 B2: 6 [ina S]U-MU lit-su-u i[na S]U-MU li-ri-q[u
23 B2: 7 [l]u-mur GAL-ut-ka d-ma ki x [
24 B2: 8 x x i? u [(x)] x d-ma [?
(B2 breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
bl am(?) [ Lord of heaven [
2 2
pir ka[sti who releases bin[ding,
3 3
pir m[mti who undoes ba[n,
4 4
mupassis [ who annuls [misdeeds,
5 5
pir kii[r libbi ili u itari(?) ()] who dispels the wra[th of (the personal) god and goddess
6 6
pir tam[ti who undoes oa[th(s),
7 7
pir enni[nti who dispels si[n(s),
8 8
mualliqu [ ] [ who destroys [ ] [ ]:
9 9
ama dn tad[n ] att ama, you have jud[ged] my case, you [ ],
10 10
purussya [taprus(?) [you have rendered] a verdict for me, [ ].
11 11
usu mura [a zumry]a Remove the illness o[f m]y [body],
12 12
ama muru a abtanni [ ama, the illness that keeps hold of me [
13 13
ina miri tiqan[ni Let the evil that I have encountered pass me by, [ ].
14 14
ama a kapi u [kapti ama, the warlocks and [the witchs witchcraft, magic
anku l d[e i]lu mamma[n ul de att- and sorcery]
ma tde(?)] I do not kno[w], n[o go]d [knows (it), but you know (it)].
16 16
inan[na anku annanna] mr annann[a No[w I, N.N.], son of N.[N.,
break; l. 17 too fragmentary for transcription. break; l. 17 too fragmentary for translation.
18 18
[ina] qib[t] ilya u itarya liss[ May [ ] depart [at] the comman[d] of my god and
goddess, [ ]
19 19
[a(?) ibb]a ina btya inanna [ [which have] come to pass in my house, [ ] now [
20 20
[kip] ru rus up lemnti un- Let [witchcraft], magic, sorcery, evil machinations, [ ]
[tu drea[ms,
21 21
[a ina] zumrya rya u ernya i[b- [that] ha[ve manifested themselves in] my body, my flesh
ba(?)] and my sinews,
22 22
[ina zu]mrya liss i[na zu]mrya lirq[ depart [from] my [bo]dy, (let them) go far aw[ay] f[rom]
()] my [bo]dy [()]!
TEXT 8.9 357
23 23
[l]mur rabtka ama [ [Let] me behold your greatness, ama, [
24 24
[] ama [ [] ama [
(text breaks) (text breaks)


General: The tentative assumption that mss. Perhaps the fragmentary -i]a preserved in ms. B1 is
B1 and B2 originally belonged to the same tablet is not the end of zumrya, which can be safely restored
based on their physical appearance and contents; a following usu mura a, but belongs to another
physical join between the two fragments is not en- word like rya or similar. If so, we would have to
tirely excluded, but even the indirect join remains reconstruct a longer line, which, however, seems
highly uncertain. inadvisable in view of the distribution of the text in
both manuscripts.
910: Instead of the preterite forms tad[n]
and [taprus] one would rather expect imperatives. 15: The line may well be part of a
Restorations like dn tadinnu the judgments that relative clause; note that a restoration ana-ku NU
you pass are excluded because the spelling E.BAR- Z[U-u DI]NGIR is possible. For the tentative restora-
a-a leaves no doubt that the patients verdict is re- tion at the end of the line, cf. KAL 2, 24 rev. 1516
ferred to here. Perhaps both ll. 9 and 10 state that //, here text 8.2: 7980.
ama has rendered a verdict for the patient and that
19: For the word order, cf. the prayer
he is therefore the one who cares for the patient (cf.
Nergal 2, l. 13: tu u uluqq ibba ina btya
att in l. 9). Lines 1112 then take up the theme of
loss and ruin have come to pass in my house (ed.
the illness that has befallen the patient.
Mayer, UFBG, 480).
11: The coordination of the text pre-
22: For the hypercorrect spelling lit-su-
served in the two manuscripts remains uncertain.
u, cf. Mayer, OrNS 56 (1987) 206.
TEXT 8.10


A few anti-witchcraft rituals commence with a list entries (ll. 1, 2, 35), all of which conclude with the
of symptomologies and diagnoses. The best pre- diagnosis that figurines representing the patient
served example is AMT 86/1(+) //, where a diag- have been buried. There follows a fragmentary
nostic section of at least 14 entries stands at the ritual that was to be used to cure the conditions de-
beginning of the text (see here text 2.3; cf. also text scribed in the introductory section.
8.11). The present text begins with three diagnostic

List of Manuscripts

A K 10203 + 11590 pls. 101102 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ceremonial ritual against witchcraft...................................................................................... 112[

Symptom description and diagnosis (1) ................................................................................1
A obv. 1
Symptom description and diagnosis (2) ................................................................................2
A obv. 2
Symptom description and diagnosis (3) ............................................................................35
A obv. 35
Ritual instructions.......................................................................................................... 612[
A obv. 612

Previous Editions



1 A obv. 1 [DI NA ]-su KA- x x x [x x x NU].ME- u-nu-lu

2 A obv. 2 [DI NA] -su ina ZAG- x x x [x x x NU].ME- u-nu-lu
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 A obv. 3 [DI N]A ina KI.N- ig-da-na-al-lu-ut []- GAZ.ME-
4 A obv. 4 [IGI.ME-] i-a-nun-du GRII- -zaq-q-ta-
5 A obv. 5 [NA B]I NU.ME- ina KI.MA u-nu-lu
6 A obv. 6 [ina e(?)-ri]m? KI.GAR tu-qa[d]-da IM KI.GAR TI-q
7 A obv. 7 [2?? ALA]M? D-u [ana NU(??)] NITA U.GUR ZABAR
8 A obv. 8 [TI-q(?)-m]a? ina M[RU-u? (x x)] ta-PA-di-IK
9 A obv. 9 [x x (x) giE]RE[N x (x) ina M]RU- ta-PA-di-IK
10 A obv. 10 [x x x x] x x [ ] GUB-su-nu-t[i]
11 A obv. 11 [ ] KA.SAG BAL-[q]
12 A obv. 12 [ ]x[
(A obv. breaks; on the rev. only traces of the last three lines of the colophon are preserved)
TEXT 8.10 359

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[umma amlu ru]ussu pu [ [If a man]s [sa]liva his mouth [( ), figurin]es of
alm]u unull him have been buried.
2 2
[umma amlu] ruussu ina imittu [If a man]s saliva on his right side [( ), figurin]es
[ alm]u unull of him have been buried.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 3
[umma am]lu ina mayyl igdanallut [If a m]an is constantly frightened (and restless) on his
[libba]u ittenepu 4[pn]u ianund (sick)bed, he always suffers from [depres]sion, 4he has
pu uzaqqatu 5[amlu ] almu [ver]tigo (and) his feet cause him a stinging pain, 5figurines
ina kima mti unull 6[ina r]i(?) kulla- of that man have been buried in the tomb of a dead person.
ta tuqa[d]da d kullati teleqqe 7[ina 6
[In the mornin]g you purify the clay pit. You take clay from
al]m(??) teppu [ana alam(??)] zikari the clay pit. 7You make [two figur]ines. [For the] male
unuq sippari 8[teleqq-m]a(??) ina qab[l- [figurine]: 8[You take] a bronze ring [an]d you press (it) on
u(?) ()] taaddiq(?) 9[ e]r[ni [his] wais[t]. 9[ of ced]ar wo[od ] you press (it) on
ina qab]la taaddiq(?) 10[ ] her [wa]ist. 10You have them stand [ ] [ ].
[ ] tuzssunt[i] 11[ ] 11
[ ], you libate beer. 12[ ][
ikara tanaqqi 12[ ][ (text breaks)
(text breaks)


12: Possibly we should emend <ina> D]-u, but it is difficult to see the reason for such a
pu from his mouth ( saliva keeps running repetition of teppu.
or similar). But we refrain from correcting the text
89: The form ta-PA-di-IK cannot be de-
as long as the traces after KA- remain undeci-
rived from patqu to create, fashion, since a spell-
phered. Probably NA BI should be restored before
ing of ti with the DI sign is hardly to be expected on
almu in both lines.
a Neo-Assyrian library tablet from Ashurbanipals
6: The restoration at the beginning of library. An i-class verb with a root *p/bdg, *p/bdk or
the line is highly uncertain. An indication of the *p/bdq is, as yet, unknown in Akkadian, therefore a
time to begin the ritual is expected, and normally reading ta-ad-di-iq must be seriously considered.
the exorcist visits the clay pit in the morning (cf., The verb adqu seems to be attested only in SpTU
e.g., BBR 2, 52 obv. 23, Wiggermann, CM 1, 12: 1, 33 rev. 5, a LB medical commentary, and was
145). interpreted by von Soden, OrNS 46 (1977) 186 as a
loan word from Aramaic. In the medical commen-
7: The traces at the beginning of the
tary the stative adiq is used to explain aniq is
line can also be read []--i instead of [
pressed together, constricted (said of the buttocks).
ALA]M, but the space available in the break seems to
Here it would seem that a bronze ring and another
be a bit too narrow for a restoration [NU pu]--i.
wooden item are used to constrict the figurines
(Note that a reading []-am can be safely ex-
waist. But the texts fragmentary state prevents any
cluded; also GI]G seems unlikely.) The tentative
confident restoration of the whole passage, and,
restoration of [ana NU] in the break in the middle of
consequently, the identification of the verb must
the line is suggested by the fact that parallel actions
remain uncertain.
seem to be applied to the pair of figurines, pre-
sumably one male and the other female, but the 11: One expects nignak buri ana ma-
space seems too small for ALAM and therefore NU is ar taakkan you set up a censer with buru-
preferred. Of course, one could restore D-u [x juniper before in the break.
TEXT 8.11


This small fragment contains a series of symptomo- symptomologies and diagnoses (cf. K 10203+, here
logies (not preserved) and their pertinent diagnoses, text 8.10, and AMT 86/1(+) //, here text 2.3). Since
most of which refer directly to witchcraft affecting the text breaks after a few lines and not even the
the patient. If, as seems likely, the fragment indeed beginning of a ritual section is preserved, this
comes from the obverse of a single-column tablet, assumption remains hypothetical. The fact that the
the passage preserved forms the very beginning of text includes a diagnosis that does not specifically
the text. This raises the possibility that the fragment refer to witchcraft (l. 3) might suggest that the text
does not represent the beginning of a proper diag- is a genuine diagnostic text; another indication
nostic text, but rather should be compared to anti- pointing in that direction is the inclusion of a nega-
witchcraft rituals that are introduced by a series of tive prognosis (l. 4, partly restored).

List of Manuscripts

A K 12765 pl. 102 Frg. of a single(?)-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Symptomologies and diagnoses (17) ..................................................................................... 17[

A obv. 17

Previous Editions



1 A obv.? 1 [DI NA E]ME-u i-lam-ma-am ki-[pu DAB-u(?)]

2 A obv.? 2 [DI NA u]-ta-nat-tak NA BI NINDA u-<kul>? K[A? aqi(?)]
3 A obv.? 3 [DI NA ] x ud NA BI NG.GIG [IGI-ma TI]
4 A obv.? 4 [DI NA u] i-p-su E.ME- x [x x] \ [NA BI(?) i?-m]a?-at? [(x x x)]
5 A obv.? 5 [DI NA N]U- a NG.SILA11.G u-nu-[lu]
6 A obv.? 6 [DI NA NU-] IM u-nu-[lu]
7 A obv.? 7 [DI NA NU-] .UDU [u-nu-lu]
(A obv. breaks; rev. lost)

Bound Transcription
[umma amlu l]inu ilammam ki[p abtu(?)]
[umma amlu u]tanattak amlu akala <kul> [ikara aqi](?)
[umma amlu ] amlu maruta [immar-ma iballu]
TEXT 8.11 361
[umma amlu ] pi au [ amlu im]t(??)
[umma amlu al]mu a li unu[ll]
[umma amlu almu] a di unu[ll]
[umma amlu almu] a lip [unull]
(text breaks)

[If a man ] (and) he is chewing his [t]ongue, witch[craft has seized him].
[If a man ] (and) he keeps moistening [his ], that man has been given (bewitched)
bread to <eat> (and bewitched) b[eer to drink].
[If a man ] , that man [will experience] hardship, [but recover].
[If a man ] break (and) his brothers [ him, that man , he will di]e.
[If a man figu]rines of him (made of) dough have been buri[ed].
[If a man figurines of him] (made of) clay have been buri[ed].
[If a man figurines of him] (made of) tallow ha[ve been buried].
(text breaks)


1: For the restoration, cf., e.g., AMT 4: The distribution of the text over the
86/1(+) obv. I 11 (here text 2.3, 1.: 11). lines suggests that obv. 4 continues on an indented
line. The last sign of the (indented) line could be LA
2: For utanattak, cf. Sakikk XVII 59
or AD, but since it probably coincides with the end
(TDP 162: 59; Heeel, Diagnostik, 201: 59), quoted
of the entry a restoration m]a, i.e., i-m]a-at, seems
by CAD N II 117a and AHw 766a (natku tn); ac-
plausible. For the inclusion of negative prognoses in
cording to Kouwenberg, Gemination, 297, the form
anti-witchcraft therapies, cf., e.g., BAM 449 (+) 458
is to be interpreted as a lexicalized t-stem rather
rev. III 16, 27, here text 10.3: 72, 83 (both pas-
than as a tn-stem. The traces preserved exclude the
sages closely related to diagnostic texts, see here
restoration of the more common Dtn-stem (uttanat-
text 12.1; for a discussion of negative prognoses in
tak). In the apodosis a reading la x [ ] is pos-
therapeutic texts generally, cf. Scheyhing, WdO 37
sible, but given the overall context we expect a
[2007] 11234).
witchcraft diagnosis. The broken sign at the end of
the line can neither be kul nor kl. 57: Cf. AMT 86/1(+) obv. I 38 (here
text 2.3: 38).
3: For the restoration, cf. TDP 116: i
50, 144: iv 60.
TEXT 8.12


This small tablet, which may well be a scribal exer- Ashes are scattered on the enclosed figurine, and the
cise, contains a short ritual used to overcome ones patient washes himself over it. Thus, the ashes and
personal enemy and opponent in court (bl dabbi), the dirty wash water produce a black liquid cover-
the stereotypical male perpetrator or instigator of ing the figurine. Finally, the patient crushes the
witchcraft. The ritual includes the fabrication of a figurine with his foot. The incantation, fully written
figurine representing the adversary, its maltreatment out in ll. 16, is recited during the final stages of the
and its conviction before ama. At the conclusion ritual. The text is not addressed, as one would ex-
of the ritual the figurine is packed in clay (ritual en- pect, to the male bl dabbi, but to the female
closure, burial), placed on a threshold, a typical witch, which can serve as a nice illustration of the
place for burying figurines, and then provided with contamination between the two main gendered
foodstuffs again reminiscent of ritual burials. stereotypes associated with the agents of witchcraft.

List of Manuscripts

a VAT 35 pl. 103 Small landscape-format tablet, unknown provenance

NB/LB script, 6th3rd cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual and incantation against the adversary in court..............................................................118

Incantation: Abat pki tabbil linki ..............................................................................16
a obv. 16
Ritual instructions............................................................................................................718
a obv. 7rev. 6

Previous Editions



1 a obv. 1 N a-bat KA-ki -tab-bil EME-k[i]

2 a obv. 2 a-bat UII-ki ad-di qa-a a-na KA-[ki]
3 a obv. 3 ap-te-te KA-ki at-ta-sa EME K[A-ki]
4 a obv. 4 a-na la da-ba-ba dib-bi-ia a-na [la]
5 a obv. 5 u-un-n-e a-ma-ti-i! ina q-bi[t]
6 a obv. 6 te-lit d15 dBAD dUTU dasal-l-[i TU6 ]N
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 a obv. 7 D.D.BI NU EN da-ba-ba IM D-u ZAG- {ina} KA-
8 a obv. 8 GB- q-na-as-su tu--a-bat-su
9 a obv. 9 ina an.bara-[a]-u ta-ma-a-u-
10 a obv. 10 u-mu-u ina MA.SL 150- SAR-r a-na lb-bi
11 a lo. e. 1 u-up-pi!?(i) GAR-an ina IGI dUTU ta-dan-
TEXT 8.12 363
12 a lo. e. 2 NINDA.I.A IM ta-rim- ina na4KIIB na4U[BA]
13 a rev. 1 u na4ZA.GN K- ta-bar-r[a]m ina e-e-[ri]
14 a rev. 2 ina I.DIB K - GAR-an[(-) sa]-le-e BA.BA.ZA MUNU4
15 a rev. 3 ina mu-i ta-sa[r-r]aq D ina UG[U te]l-li-i
16 a rev. 4 UII- u GRII- a-na {ina} mu-i LU-si
17 a rev. 5 N 7- ana mu-i ID-nu ina a-si-du Z[A]G-
18 a rev. 6 i-sr-u-ma [ina] mu-i EN INIM- GUB-zu
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(blank space, tablet ends)

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
N abat pki tabbil link[i] Incantation: I have seized your mouth, I have dried out
you[r] tongue,
2 2
abat qtki addi q ana p[ki] I have seized your hands, I have put a (muzzle of) thread in
[your] mouth!
3 3
aptete pki attasa lin p[ki] I have now opened your mouth, I have now torn out the
tongue from [your] m[outh],
4 4
ana l dabba a dibbya so that you are not able to slander me,
ana [l] 5unn a amtya so that you are not able 5to distort my words
ina qibt 6telt Itar Ea ama Asallu[i by the command 6of Powerful Itar, Ea, ama (and) Asallu-
TU6 ]N [i! Incant]ation [formula].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 7
D.D.BI alam bl dabba a di teppu Its ritual: You make a figurine of clay representing the ad-
imittau {ina} pu 8umlu qinnassu tu- versary. 8You have 7its right (hand) 8seize its mouth, its left
abassu 9ina au tamaauu 10um- (hand) its anus; 9you hit it with an (iron) spike. 10You write
u ina naglab umlu taaar ana libbi his name on its left shoulder, 11place (it) in a disposable pot
upp(?) taakkan ina maar ama (and) convict him before ama. 12You cover it with cakes of
tadnu 12akal di tarrimu ina kunuk clay 13(and) seal its opening 12with a seal of u[b]-stone
u[b] 13u uqn bbu tabarr[a]m ina - 13
and (a seal) of lapis lazuli. In the mor[ning] 14you place [it]
[ri] 14ina askuppat bb btu taakkan- on the threshold of the gate of his house. 15You strew
[(u) sa]l papps buqli 15ina mui 14
[cr]ess and malt porridge 15on top. [You] scatter ashes on
tasa[rr]aq ikmna ina mu[i te]lli top (of it). 16He washes his hands and feet over (it and)
16 17
qtu u pu ana {ina} mui imessi recites the incantation seven times over (it). With the heel of
ipta sebu ana mui imannu ina asd his right (foot) 18he crushes it, then he will prevail over his
im[it]tu 18isru-ma [ina] mui bl litigant.
amtu izzazzu
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


General: This text has been known for a long 45: The two lines refer to the witch
time, but has never been edited in full. The numer- slandering and maligning her victim. This inter-
ous quotations from the text in CAD and AHw are pretation of the phrases dibb dabbu and amti
based on an unpublished transliteration by F. K- unn rests primarily on the symptom description
cher which was also accessible to Abusch (see of the bl lemutti ritual IV R2 55/2 (K 66) obv. 2
BWiL, 11617, with an edition of obv. 15; cf. also (see here, text 8.13: 2).
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 130).
78: This form of maltreatment symbol-
13: For the interpretation of these lines izes the blockage of all bodily orifices; at the same
and the topoi associated with seizing the mouth, time the adversary is put in a humiliating position.
see Abusch, BWiL, 11225, especially 11618 with The same rite is attested in the bilingual anti-
numerous parallels to which KAR 80 = KAL 2, 8 witchcraft ritual BM 40568 obv. 10 (see Schwemer,
obv. 41 // (here text 8.4: 41) can be added; cf. also OrNS 78 [2009] 6061, 64) and in BAM 323 obv.
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 9596. 42 //; in the latter, a figurine representing a ghost

and Any Evil has to undergo this treatment (ed. determinative (cf. also ABL 896 obv. 11, see Frame,
Scurlock, MMTGI, 5079). The earliest attestation Babylonia, 173, fn. 203; reference courtesy M.
of the motif is found in a curse formula of an Old Luukko). Of course, the logogram URUDU copper
Assyrian royal inscription (see RIMA I, A.0.33.1: was used as a determinative not only for items of
4041), where, significantly, it refers to someone copper, but with the introduction of other metals,
who lies in court. for items of those metals as well. But the two at-
testations discussed here suggest that after iron had
9: The interpretation of au as cog-
become the common material for metal tools in the
nate of Hebrew a thorn, spike follows CAD
first millennium, some scribes used the logogram
29a and AHw 308b. This interpretation was aban-
AN.BAR iron as a determinative preceding iron
doned by CAD M I 79b in favour of in fetters (lit.:
tools on analogy to URUDU.
in iron) made of frit. Their reevaluation was
probably motivated by the fact that one would have 9, 10, 17, 18: The forms ta-ma-a-u-, u-mu-
expected ai parzilli rather than AN.BAR a-a-u u and GUB-zu (cf. also a-si-du) contain an unex-
(so the transliteration of AHw and CAD ) for iron pected u-vowel. In the case of GUB-zu one could
spike. CADs new interpretation seemed to be sup- explain the word-final vowel as a ventive in -u, and
ported by the use of siparru bronze in the first this explanation could also be valid for ta-ma-a-
millennium as a term for fetter (e.g., siparri par- u-. The spelling u-mu-u (umu), however,
zilli iron fetter, see CAD S 29899); this provided certainly reflects alphabetic influence on the use of
a welcome parallel for the use of a metal name as a syllable signs in the first millennium (for this
designation of fetters. Furthermore, mau is at- phenomenon, see Streck, Keilschrift und Alphabet,
tested once with urrrtu chain in the meaning passim, esp. 7880).
to put in fetters (cf. German in Ketten schla-
11: The dictionaries treat u-ub-i as an
unclear hapax (CAD 215, AHw 351a together
However, interpreting a-a-u as a form of a with u-bu- ein Kultgegenstand). However,
slag creates its own problems, both with regard to within the present context one expects the figurine
the spelling and to the actual material such fetters to be placed in a up (dugSLA.GAZ), a disposable
would have been made of, while hitting and pierc- pot or the sherd of such a pot (cf. Schwemer, OrNS
ing the figurine with an iron spike seems to fit the 78 [2009] 64, for the reading and the relevant attes-
context perfectly. Moreover, new evidence indicates tations), and a slight emendation of the text, which
that the writing of AN.BAR before au need not overall is not free of mistakes, seems advisable.
call into question the earlier interpretation of au
18: CAD A 331a, by translating (they
as spike. In an 8th-cent. letter found at Nippur we
perform the incantation) ina a-si-du imittiu, im-
read: ana muya 5 AN.BAR mar-ra-a-ti bl lu-
plies a reading i-pu-u-ma, which follows Kchers
bil May my lord send five iron shovels to me
unpublished transliteration. The parallel phrases in
(OIP 114, 102 rev. 1618, cf. also u. e. 22). Here,
KAR 80 = KAL 8 rev. 18 // (here text 8.4: 61), K
the context shows unambiguously that AN.BAR must
3581 + 7946 rev. 911 and in BM 40568 rev. 5 (see
refer to the material of the following item. The edi-
Schwemer, OrNS 78 [2009] 6162) prove that the
tor of the text, S. Cole, notes that it is unusual to
correct reading must be i-sr-u-ma; for the mean-
see AN.BAR placed before, rather than after, an
ing of sru within these contexts, see the commen-
item without further comment on the problem. It
tary on text 8.4: 61. Cf. also BM 36310 + 36468
seems very likely that the present text offers a sec-
obv. 56: [ N]U EN da-ba-bi-ka IM D-u MU-
ond example of such a writing. This writing can
NE ina MA.S[L ], ina a-si-di GRII 150-ka ta-
hardly represent the Akkadian wording, and we
se-e[r ].
understand AN.BAR here and in OIP 114, 102 as a
TEXT 8.13


K 66, of which only the upper half is preserved, lemutti). It is typical of this genre of texts that the
contains a ritual to be performed before Itar and symptoms indicating the bewitchment focus on the
includes an extensive prayer addressed to this god- social isolation, the lack of success and the denigra-
dess. A fragmentary Late Babylonian copy of the tion experienced by the patient. The ritual does not
same ritual helps to fill in some of the lines of this include any symbolic actions directed against the
prayer. The ritual is designed to cure the conse- adversary himself; the proceedings are restricted to
quences of witchcraft performed by the personal prayer (formalized and free), sacrifice, libations and
enemy, the adversary of the victim (here called bl the burning of incense.

List of Manuscripts

A K 66 IV R2 55/2 pls. 104105 Fragment of a single-column tablet, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

NA script, 7th cent. Library
b BM 66627 pl. 106 Fragment of a two-column tablet, Babylonia; provenance un-
NB/LB script, 6th3rd cent. known

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ceremonial ritual against witchcraft before Itar ...................................................................137

Symptom description and purpose statement ................................................................. 113
A obv. 113
Ritual instructions and prognosis.................................................................................. 1424
A obv. 1424 // b obv. II 15
Prayer addressed to Itar: [ ] il kant ilti .......... 2540[ ]4160[ ]6166(?)
A obv. 2531 // b obv. II 622, b rev. III 120, A rev. 15
Rubric ................................................................................................................................67
A rev. 6
Colophon............................................................................................................................ 6874
A rev. 713

Previous Editions

Ebeling, ArOr 17/1 (1949) 18690 (ms. A).

Ebeling, AGH, 14243 (only the Itar prayer, ms. A).
Zgoll, Kunst des Betens, 28788 (only the Itar prayer, ms. A).


1 A obv. 1 DI NA EN UL-tim TUK-i EME kid x [x x x x] x U.U-

2 A obv. 2 dib-bi- i-dab-bu-bu INIM.ME- u-tana-nu- EME.SIG.ME- GU7.ME
3 A obv. 3 da-bi-bi KI- kit-ta NU DU11.DU11-ub U11 U11 U11 NG.AK.A.ME UL.ME
4 A obv. 4 ina NU ZU NIGIN- DINGIR LUGAL IDIM NUN TIRUM na-an-za-zu K .GAL

5 A obv. 5 KI- ---ki-nu-ma ze-nu- KI- a-na BR-im-ma

6 A obv. 6 ki-ir lum-ni ik-u-ru- DU8 DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u NUN TIRUM
7 A obv. 7 na-an-za-zu K .GAL KI- mug-gu-ri U.SI SIG5-tim EGIR- LAL-i-ma
8 A obv. 8 [D]U11.GA e-mu- ma-ga-ru a-na NA BI -ka-nim-ma
9 A obv. 9 [IG]I.L-u a-na a-de-e UGU a-mi-ri- GUB-zi
10 A obv. 10 DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u NUN ti-ru na-an-za-zu KI- a-na SILIM-mi
11 A obv. 11 e-tel-li a-na DU.ME-ki .MA- a-na KUR-di ni-i UII- DINGIR- a-na ma-a-ri
12 A obv. 12 NIDBA- a-na G-mi DINGIR.ME- ze-nu-t KI- a-na SILIM-mi
13 A obv. 13 q-bit KA- a-na E.GA UGU LUGAL IDIM NUN a qa x x u-u-ub-bi
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 A obv. 14 D.D.BI ana IGI d15 KI GR KU5-at R SAR A K S GI.DU8 GIN-an NG.NA
15 A obv. 15 SISKUR eb-ba BAL-q uzuZAG uzuME. uzuKA.NE tu-a-a
16 A obv. 16 KA u GETIN BAL-q 4 SIG4.ME -a-a UB-di lu-te-e giSAL te-e-en
17 A obv. 17 GI.IZI.L ina IZI PI10.dD ta-qad-ma ab-ra tu-ta-az
18 A obv. 18 GIM ab-ra a-lak-ta- TIL- giEREN giUR.MN GI DU10.GA imGR
19 A obv. 19 BAL u Z.MAD.G DUB-aq KA u GETIN BAL-q N an-ni-t 3-
20 A obv. 20 ina IGI d15 ID-ma u-ken ma-la - DAB-tu4 DU11.DU11-ub A.RA.ZU.BI GI.TUK
(undecipherable traces in b obv. II 1)
21 A obv. 21 NA BI DINGIR LUGAL IDIM NUN TIRUM na-an-za-za u K .GAL KI- SILIM-mu
b obv. II 2 [ na-a]n-za-zu [ ]
22 A obv. 22 [DIN]GIR.ME- ze-nu-t KI- SILIM-mu .MA- KUR-ad e-tel-li DU.ME-ak
b obv. II 3 [ SILIM-m]u .MA- KUR-ad e-[tel-li ]
23 A obv. 23 ? .S.S.KE KUR-ad KI- GI.NA.ME i-ta-mu-u L BI NG.NA GI.IZI.L
b obv. II 4 [ KUR-a]d KI- GI.NA.ME i-ta-m[u-u ]/[ ]
24 A obv. 24 [tu-ba-a]--ma a-na - SI.S L NU K MUNUS NU K NU IGI-mar
b obv. II 5 [ ] ana SI.S L NU K MUNUS NU K[ IG]I.BAR
A, b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 A obv. 25 [N x x x (x)] x DINGIR.ME ka-nu-ut be-le-e-ti
b obv. II 6 [ DI]NGIR.ME ka-nu-ut be-[le]-e-ti
26 A obv. 26 [ir-t tiz-qar(?)]-t -ru-u-t i-l-ti
b obv. II 7 [ tiz-qar(?)]-t -ru-u-t i-l-a-ti
27 A obv. 27 [ bi-i]n-ti d+EN.LL ma-lik KUR- d-g-g
b obv. II 8 [ .M]E bi-in-ti d+EN.LL ma-lik KUR- d-g-g
28 A obv. 28 [ K]I-tim NU BAL- q-bit-sa
b obv. II 9 [ a-]-ret-ti AN-e u KI-tim NU BAL-u q-bit-sa
29 A obv. 29 [ nu]--ri ana DINGIR.ME gim-ra-sun
b obv. II 10 [ ] kur -ki-nat nu-ri a-na DINGIR.ME gim-ra-sun
30 A obv. 30 [ mu-na]m-mi-rat kib-ra-a-ti
b obv. II 11 [ AN]-e u KI-tim mu-nam-mi-rat kib-ra-a-ti
31 A obv. 31 [ la-b]i-at -ru-ru
b obv. II 12 [ ]-at tu-qu-un-ti -lum-ma[t a]r?-at? la-bi-at -ru-ru
(A obv. breaks)
32 b obv. II 13 [ d]e?-e mu-al-qa-ta li-ta an[a a]l-lal-li d qu-ra-di
33 b obv. II 14 [ ] giGU.ZA u BAL-e ana ka-li--nu LUGAL.ME-ni
34 b obv. II 15 [ t]a-a-zi mu-ak-i-rat a-nun-ti
35 b obv. II 16 [ mukin(?)]-nat sa-ma-ti mu-t[ak]-ki-pat KUR.ME-e
36 b obv. II 17 [ -t] a-bu-ub la m[a-]ar a-li-lat tam-a-ri
37 b obv. II 18 [ ]-la-t mu-par-r[i-r]at ki-ir mul-tar-i
TEXT 8.13 367
38 b obv. II 19 [ k]a-i-da-at la m[a-g]i-ri mu-al-li-qat za-i-i-r
39 b obv. II 20 [da-num dEN.LL u d]a?-a DINGIR.ME AD.M[E-ki] -ar-bu- be-lut-ki
40 b obv. II 21 [ ] x -ar-ri-[u MU-ki(?) ]--ti-ru man-za-[az-k]i
41 b obv. II 22 [ ]x[
(b obv. II breaks)
break of 1530 lines.
42 b rev. III 1 [ ] x x gaz [
43 b rev. III 2 [ ]i? ti ur r[a? x x] x [
44 b rev. III 3 [ g]e-ru--a n-kel-m[u-in-n]i TIRUM na-an-[za-z]u
45 b rev. III 4 [ ] .GAL KU5-su lu? [i]-qa-bu- UL-t
46 b rev. III 5 [ ina .G]AL u-u-ku-na-ku i?-ma-i at-mu--a
47 b rev. III 6 [ ] x-ma? i-[a]k-na UL.GIG
48 b rev. III 7 [ ] x i-ak-nam-m[a U].U-an-ni
49 b rev. III 8 [ ] nu-ul-la-a-ti a[t]-mu- la ki-nu
50 b rev. III 9 [ ] .GAR8 UGU-MU UB-ma is-p-an-ni
51 b rev. III 10 [ ru?]-u- ma-gal i[d]-x-x UGU-MU
52 b rev. III 11 [ l]ib-ba-ti DINGIR u L[ x x (x)-a]n?-ni x u4?-ma ul a-al-lal GE6-ti
53 b rev. III 12 [ ] EGIR-ia [x x (x)] NU DU8-ru
54 b rev. III 13 [ g]i-na-a pi-x [x x (x)] x -ar-ba-ba sur-ri!(r)
55 b rev. III 14 [ ] ka-a-i at-tk-k[i-il GL(-a) GETUII(?)]-a?-a -pal-ki ak-mis
56 b rev. III 15 [ ] x la-mu-in-ni zu x ib [x x] x DINGIR?-a?-ti? te-bu EGIR-ia
57 b rev. III 16 [ ] x ek-le-ti [x] x [x (x) n]i s[a]-pa-ri
58 b rev. III 17 [ ] x-ti a-di-ru-t[i? x x (x)] x man it u ki x
59 b rev. III 18 [ qa]r? nigin uk ti [x x x x] x x x x
60 b rev. III 19 [ ] x ?-gam?-mar ud? [x x x x] x x [
61 b rev. III 20 [ ]xxxx[
break of 1030 lines.
62 A rev. 1 [ ] nu? ru ru dan-nat qa-rit-ti GABA.RI [NU TUK]
63 A rev. 2 [ ] AN- ABZU lik-nu- a-pal-ki
64 A rev. 3 [d]-g-g [(x x) l]i-i-qu GRII.ME-ki
65 A rev. 4 [DINGIR.ME GA]L.ME a-i-bu-ut AN-e u KI-tim lik-tar-ra-bu LUGAL-ut-ki
66 A rev. 5 [ina i-i]t KA-ki la na-kar a-na NENNI A NENNI R-ki liq-qa-bi a-u-lap
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 A rev. 6 [KA.IN]IM.MA U.L.L R..UN.G d+INANNA.KE4
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
blank space
ll. 6974 (A rev. 813): Ashurbanipal colophon, type k (Hunger, ABK, no. 323).

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
umma amlu bl lemutti ir(a)i lin(u) If a man has acquired (or: acquires) an adversary, slander
[ ] irteneddu 2dibbu idab- [ ] constantly pursue him, 2they slander him, they
bub amtu utanann karu ikkal constantly distort his words, they malign him, 3who(ever)
dbibi ittu ktta l idabbub kip ru speaks to him does not say So be it to him, (then) witch-
rus up lemntu 4ina l ed saru craft, magic, sorcery (and) evil machinations have been em-
ilu arru kabtu rub tru nanzzu u bb ployed against him 4without (his) knowledge, they have
kalli 5ittu uakin-ma zen ittu ana caused god, king, magnate, nobleman, courtier, attendant and
parim-ma 6u kiir lumni a ikuru (the guard of) the gate of the palace 5to dismiss him and to be
pari ilu arru kabtu u rub tru 7nanzzu angry with him to undo (it) 6and to untie the evil knot that
u bb kalli ittu mugguri ubn damiqti they have tied against him, to make him gain the favour of
arku tarim-ma 8[q]ab em magru god, king, magnate and nobleman, of courtier, 7attendant

ana amli uti aknim-ma 9[]miru ana and the (the guard of the) gate of the palace, that he be in
ad eli miru uzuzzi 10ilu arru kabtu u good reputation, 8to grant that man (an opportunity) to speak,
rub tru nanzzu ittu ana sullumi 11etel- to be heard (and) to be agreed with, that 9the one who sees
li ana atalluki ernettau ana kadi n him be delighted (and) he prevail over the one who sees him,
qtu ilu ana mari 12nindabu ana 10
to reconcile god, king, magnate and nobleman, courtier
rmi ilu zentu ana sullumi 13qibt pu (and) attendant with him, 11that he (himself) walk about lord-
ana em eli arri kabti rub uubbi ly, so that he obtain what he desires, that his god accept his
atmu prayer, 12that his bread offerings be loved, his angry gods be
reconciled, 13that the speech of his mouth be listened to, to
make his speech pleasant to king, magnate (and) nobleman :
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
D.D.BI ana maar Itar aar pu par- Its ritual: Before Itar, in a secluded place, you sweep the
sat ra taabbi m ellti tasalla para roof, you sprinkle pure water, you set up a portable altar
tukn nignak buri taakkan 15niq ebba (and) place a censer with buru-juniper (next to it). 15You
tanaqqi imitta ima um tuaa 16ika- offer a pure sacrifice, you bring the shoulder, the caul fat and
ra u karna tanaqqi erba libnti a the roast meat, 16(then) you pour a libation of beer and wine.
tanaddi lut arbati ten 17gizill ina it You lay down four bricks edge to edge, you heap twigs of
kibrti taqd-ma abra tutaaz 18kma poplar wood (on them). 17You kindle a torch with burning
abra alaktau uqtatt erna urmna qan sulphur and then you light the pile of brushwood (with it).
ba asa 19ballukka u maata tasarraq 18
As soon as the pile of brushwood has burnt out, 19you strew
ikara u karna tanaqqi iptu anntu a- cedar wood (chips), cypress wood (chips), sweet reed,
lu 20ina maar Itar tamann-ma u- myrtle, 19ballukku aromatic and (scented) maatu-flour (on
kn mala libbau abtu idabbub teslssu the embers). You pour a libation of beer and wine. 20You
emt 21amlu ilu arru kabtu rub tru recite 19this incantation three times 20before Itar. Then he
nanzza u bb kalli ittu salm (or: isal- prostrates himself (and) tells (Itar) everything that worries
lim) 22[i]lu zentu ittu salm (or: him. His prayer will be heard. 21God, king, magnate, noble-
isallim) ernettau ikaad etelli ittan- man, courtier, attendant and (the guard of) the gate of the
allak 23u(?) ummirti ikaad ittu knti palace will be(come) reconciled with that man; 22his angry
tamm amlu nignakka gizill 24[tu- [g]ods will be(come) reconciled with him. He will obtain
b]u-ma ana bt((u)) ier amla l ella what he desires, he will walk about lordly 23and he will obtain
sinnta l elleta l immar his wishes. They will talk favourably with him. 24[You mov]e
censer and torch past that man, then he shall go straight
home. He must not look at an impure man (or) an impure
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 25
[N ] il kant blti [Incantation: ] of the gods, most cherished of the
26 26
[rtu tizqar]tu(?) arutu ilti [supreme, exalt]ed, glorious among the goddesses!
27 27
[ ] binti Ellil mlik(u) [ ] , daughter of Enlil, the counsellor, the
ad Igigi mountain of the Igigi,
28 28
[ a]aretti am u ereti a l [ fo]remost of heaven and earth, whose
innenn qibssa command cannot be altered.
29 29
[ ] kinat nri ana il [ ], who provides light for all the gods.
30 30
[ am] u ereti munam- [ ] of heaven and earth, who illuminates
mirat kibrti the world,
31 31
[ ]at tuqunti alumma[ta [ , who ] battle she has [a splendid]
a]rat(??) lbiat arr radiance , who is clad in brilliance,
32 32
[ ] mualqta lta an[a [ ] , who gives victory t[o br]ave
a]lalli Marduk qurdi Marduk, the hero,
33 33
[ ] kuss u pal ana [ , who ] throne and reign to all kings,
kalunu arrni
34 34
[ t]azi muakirat anunti [ , who ] combat, who organizes battle,
TEXT 8.13 369
35 35
[ mukin]nat(?) samati mut- [ , who caus]es turmoil, who butts the mountains,
t[ak]kipat ad
36 36
[ t]u abb l m[a]r allat [ ] , irr[esis]tible flood, powerful in war,
37 37
[ ] muparr[ir]at kiir [ ] , who scat[t]ers the troups of the
multari proud,
38 38
[ k]idat l m[g]iri mu- [ who c]onquers the diso[bedi]ent, who destroys
alliqat ziru the enemy!
[Anu Ellil u] Ea? il abb[ki] uarb 39
[Anu, Enlil and] Ea, the gods, [your] forefathers, made your
bltki lordship great,
40 40
[ ] uarri[ umki(?) [ ], they glorified [your name], they
u]tir man[zazki] extolled [your] po[sition],
l. 41 too fragmentary for transcription and translation; break of 1530 lines; ll. 4243 too fragmentary for transcription and translation.
44 44
[ g]ra nekelm[inn]i my [e]nemies [ ], courtier (and) att[end]ant
tru nan[zaz]u look angri[ly at m]e,
45 45
[ ] kalli iprus l(?) they have cut off [my from the pa]lace, indeed they
[i]qabb lemutt speak evil against me,
46 46
[ ina k]alli ukunku imai [ in the pa]lace I am rejected, my words count for
atma nothing,
47 47
[ ] -ma i[a]kna zru [ ] and I su[ffe]r from hate,
48 48
[ ] iaknam-m[a ir]- I suffer from [ ], so that it keeps haunting me,
49 49
[ ] nullti a[t]m l knu [ ] maliciousness, lies,
50 50
[ ] igru elya imqut-ma [ ] a wall has collapsed on top of me and has
isupanni covered me,
51 51
[ ru](?) magal elya [ so]rcery, they very much against me,
52 52
[ l]ibbti a ili u am[li [ a]nger of god and ma[n ] me by
-a]nni(?) ma(?) ul aallal muti day, I do not sleep at night,
53 53
[ ] arkya [ ] ul/l [ ] after me [ ] do(es) not leave,
54 54
[ g]in [ ] [ a]lways [ ] calm down quickly.
uarbaba/ surri
55 55
[ ] ki attakk[il ba(?) [ ] I put my tru[st] in you, I [am attentive], I
uzn]ya(?) apalki akmis have knelt down at your feet,
56 56
[ ] laminni [ ] surround me [] follow
[] teb(?) arkya me,
57 57
[ ] eklti [ ] [ ] darkness [ ] like a net,
ll. 5861 too fragmentary for transcription and translation; break of 1030 lines
62 62
[ ] dannat [ ] strong one, heroic one, [you
qaritti mira [l t] have no] equal!
63 63
[ ] am aps lik- [ ], may the heaven and the sub-
nu apalki terranean ocean bow down before you,
64 64
[I]gigi [( ) l]iiq pki [may the I]gigi [( )] kiss your feet,
65 65
[il rab]tu ibt am u ereti liktar- may the [gre]at [gods] who dwell in heaven and in the
rab arrtki netherworld constantly praise your kingship!
66 66
[ina ]t pki l nakr ana annanna mr May (It is) enough! be said to N.N., son of N.N., your
annanna ardki liqqabi aulap servant, by [the] unchangeable [utt]erance of your
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 67
[KA.IN]IM.MA U.L.L R..UN.G [Wor]ding of the raising of the hand (prayer), of the lam-
+INANNA.KE4 entation to sooth the heart addressed to Itar.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colophon: 68kma labiru air bari Colophon: 68Written according to its original; collated.
ll. 6974 (A rev. 813): Ashurbanipal colophon, type k (Hunger, ABK, no. 323).


General: The present text belongs to a group 516, ed. Abusch, MesWi, 3132; for related texts,
of rituals against the adversary that share a number see ibid., 3245).
of common features; for other texts of this group,
4: The 3rd plural they refers either to
see especially A 2720+, here text 7.6.6, and STT
witchcraft, sorcery, or resumes the impersonal
256, here text 7.6.7. Texts of this genre were first
third plural already found in l. 2 (cf. the note on
collected and edited by Ebeling, ArOr 17/1 (1949)
ll. 35).
172211, who, however, failed to differentiate ritu-
als against the foreign enemy of the king (i.e., war 13: Note that Ebelings reading a-n[a ]
rituals; for this genre, see recently Schwemer, Iraq x u-u-ub-bi is epigraphically excluded. The pre-
69 [2007] 2942). Abusch, JCS 37 (1985) 91100 served horizontal wedge of the sign after A is too
gives, besides an overview of the genre, a full dis- close to the Winkelhaken for a NA, and the head of
cussion of the terminology typically used in these the following vertical is too high in relation to the
and related texts. For more general discussions of Winkelhaken. Even though ana is certainly expected
the role of the adversary in anti-witchcraft rituals, before uubbi it is not on the tablet; is the text cor-
see Abusch, BWiL, 1015, and Schwemer, Abwehr- rupt?
zauber, 12731.
1724: Note that the ritual shares many
1: Ebelings restoration EME sa-m[a- features with the proceedings accompanying the
ti ] is not based on parallels and therefore carries Itar-uila Usallki blet blti ilat ilti (STC 2, pl.
little conviction. 7584 //, see Mayer, UFBG, 389, s.v. Itar 2,
Zgoll, Kunst des Betens, 4167).
35: For the interpretation of these lines,
especially the expression dbib ittu ktta l idab- 18: In view of the nominative na-an-za-
bub, the syntax of the sentence beginning with kip za in l. 21, the seeming accusative ab-ra may legiti-
and the semantic and syntax of ukunu generally, mately be interpreted as a nominative (pace AHw
see Abusch, JCS 37 (1985) 93, 9798 and passim. 31b), especially since in the parallel phrase kma
NIGIN- in l. 4 should probably be read saru. nignakku kurummassu uqtatt as soon as the
Transcription and translation treat kip ru censer has used up its portion (of aromatics), the
witchcraft, magic as the grammatical subject ritualist is not the subject of the phrase.
of the stative; but note that the subject may be the
23: ittu knti tamm, literally they
impersonal 3rd plural already found in l. 2 referring
will speak true (words) with him. The truth in
to the patients enemies (for the syntax of saru in
contexts such as the present implies of course state-
the present and comparable contexts, see Schwe-
ments in favour of the client, see Abusch, JCS 37
mer, Abwehrzauber, 1214).
(1985) 97.
It is difficult to determine where the symptom de-
2565: This prayer was registered as Itar
scription ends and whether it was actually followed
13 by Mayer, UFBG, 390. There is no indication
by a separate diagnostic clause. It is possible that
that ms. A contained two Itar prayers. Thus it is
the change from present (ll. 13) to stative and
generally assumed, though it is not entirely certain,
preterite verbal forms (ll. 45) is an indication that
that the lines preserved on the reverse of ms. A form
a separate diagnostic clause begins with kip ru
the end of the Itar prayer that begins with l. 25.
rus in l. 3 (and we have translated the text
accordingly). But in this kind of general description, 25: The incipit of the prayer was
the texts sometimes move from the enumeration of restored as [Itar blet] il by Ebeling and Zgoll (cf.
misfortunes that have befallen the patient directly to also Mayer, UFBG, 390). However, the traces pre-
the statement of purpose (see, e.g., BAM 316 obv. II served before DINGIR.ME can be reconciled with
neither [ be]-let nor [ ] NIN.
TEXT 8.13 371
26: The tentative restoration is inspired ly attested in personal names (see Parpola in PNA
by Goetze, JCS 17 (1963) 129: 1 (Esarhaddon in- 1/1, xxvvii with further references), or, less likely,
scription addressed to Itar of Nippur). d
27: Ebelings (plausible) restoration of 45: Instead of lu? [i]-qa-bu- UL-t one
the line is now disproved by the duplicate; binti is a could perhaps read -[-nu] qa-bu- UL-t; but
common epithet of Itar, though usually followed the disagreement between the singular subject
by Sn or Anu (see Tallqvist, AGE, 68). Note that libba[unu] and the plural stative qab militates
Enlils petrified title mlik(u) ad Igigi is not against this reading.
inflected; the same can be observed in Maql II 6,
50: Or: [Like] a wall, [ ] has col-
where one should probably, pace Abusch Schwe-
lapsed on top of me and has covered me.
mer, TUAT.NF 4, 140 with fn. 29, simply translate
der auf Enlil hrt, den Ratgeber, den Berg der 51: Read perhaps ma-gal id-bu-bu elya
Igigi-Gtter. they pleaded very much against me; but note that
the slight traces visible after i[d] are not easily re-
31: We expect alummata ramt or al-
conciled with bu.
pat, but both forms are ruled out by the traces pre-
served on the tablet. 52: It is tempting to read u4?-ma before
ul aallal, but we are unable to provide a reading for
35: Or [ ki]nat samati.
the partly damaged sign(s) preceding u4?-ma.
39: The epithet il abbki is usually pre-
55: For the restoration, cf. Maql II 14.
ceded by Anu, Enlil and Ea (cf. STT 73 obv. I 27),
and this is probably the case here as well. Note, 62: In view of the ambiguity of the cu-
however, that the trace preceding -a at the begin- neiform signs and the fragmentary state of the text
ning of the preserved line cannot be reconciled with the syntactical position and mutual relationship of
the expected ; it seems that the text used an un- dan-nat and qa-rit-ti must remain uncertain.
orthographic writing for Ea, i.e., da-a, as frequent-
TEXT 8.14


A small collection of rituals for a woman who wants and a lion on the figurines vulva. The figurine is
to regain her husbands favour and love (STT 257) defiled in various ways and is finally destroyed by
contains one ritual that explicitly blames a sorceress the ritual client herself, who tramples on it. The
for the estrangement of the husband. Unfortunately, latter gesture and the (partly restored) wording of
no duplicates of this fragmentary text are known, the rubric put the sorceress in the position of the
though other units on this tablet are known from an- direct competitor of the client (similarly to the bl
other manuscript (Scheil, RA 18 [1921] 2127 no. dabbi adversary in rituals for male patients).
17, cf. also the similar Itar prayer on STT 249 rev. Against this background it seems plausible to as-
1321). The central element of the ritual is the sume that the ritual is actually directed against the
fabrication and destruction of a tallow figurine re- husbands lover who is accused of having seduced
presenting the sorceress. The latter is characterized the clients husband by means of evil witchcraft.
as sexually depraved by placing the hair of a dog

List of Manuscripts

A SU 52/245 STT 257 pls. 107108 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Sultantepe

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual for bringing back a bewitched husband .....................................................................]123

A obv. 1rev. 1
Purpose clause (or incantation?).....................................................................................]14
A obv. 14
Ritual instructions.......................................................................................................... 522
A obv. 5lo. e. 1
Final clause with prediction of success ..............................................................................23
A rev. 1

Previous Editions



1 A obv. 1 x [x x x (x)] x x x [
2 A obv. 2 up--[e]-e [x-]im-ma DAM?-? DIM4?-[im?-ma?
3 A obv. 3 u-a-ti a-na mi-i-x up--[e-e
4 A obv. 4 -e-pi-u-ni-im-ma a?-[na?
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 A obv. 5 D.D.BI ab tu ba[l (x)] ina? ki i? x [
6 A obv. 6 D!?-u is s[i? ]x[
7 A obv. 7 II- a-n[a EG]IR- GUR-r [x] x x [
TEXT 8.14 373
8 A obv. 8 [qa?]-ta [ZAG? K]I?.TA kim-a GB K SK NAM.L[.U18.LU]
9 A obv. 9 [ina S]AG.DU- GAR-an SK UR.MA SK UR.G[I7]
10 A obv. 10 ina -ri- GAR-an KU6 -si NG.DRA.U.L[L]
11 A obv. 11 MU4.MU4-si me-e EG6 u x-x-at? SILA4 ina UGU-a!(i) UB[(-di)]
12 A obv. 12 gi
bi-nu IN.NU.U giGIIMMAR.TUR ina U-ka L-ma
13 A obv. 13 ina par-si a-na SILA?.D[AGA]L?? NU -ma MUNUS u-a-t
14 A obv. 14 ina giGU.ZA tu-e-e-eb-i-ma TG giGIIMMAR tu-sa-lat
15 A obv. 15 tu-pe-es-se a-na 6 U.SAR ta!-pat-til 2 U.SAR
16 A obv. 16 <ina> G- u SAG.DU-[] GAR-an 4 U.SAR ina UII-
17 A obv. 17 u GRII- ta-rak-ks A.GB.BA MUNUS u-a-ti
18 A obv. 18 ina UGU NU mu-pi-ti TU5-i u-ta-a-at!(te)
19 A obv. 19 [x x (x)] x u NU .UDU u-a-ti ina GRII- !(tu)-kab-ba-a[s]
20 A obv. 20 [x x (x)] x ku u? zik-ta- ina UGU- -ud-x
21 A obv. 21 [x x] x x i? giINIG IN.NU.U giG[IIMMAR.TUR]
22 A lo. e. 1 [ina I]ZI ta-qal-lu ina U[G]U NU mu-pi-ti [UB-di]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 A rev. 1 [an-na]m D-ma MUNUS i-i ina UGU e-pi[-ti- GUB-az]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for A rev. 2l. e. 2, see Summary.

2. Summary of the paragraphs in A not included in the transliteration

rev. 216 Ritual for soothing an angry husband (note that a small fragment preserving a few additional
signs in rev. 13 15 is now lost).
rev. 29: Prayer addressed to Itar. At the end of rev. 3 read perhaps mu-ra-i-i-mat ZI.G[A]
who loves arousal; in rev. 67 read probably -u a-mat lb-bi- la i-ta-ma-a i-a-i, -
ab-su-ma la i-dab-bu-bu KI-ia kun-ni(i)-um-ma ki-ma qan-ni Because he does not tell
me his thoughts, because he is angry and does not speak with me, gather him in like
(livestock in) a pen! In rev. 8 read ina q-bit iq-bu-u AN.ZB d15.
rev. 10: Rubric (incantation for a woman whose husband is angry with her).
rev. 1116: Ritual instructions, // Scheil, RA 18 (1921) 2127 no. 17 obv. I 110.
rev. 1719 Beginning of another ritual of the same type. Only the first lines of a prayer addressed to Itar
are preserved (// Scheil, RA 18 [1921] 2127 no. 17 obv. I 1116). On the left edge of the tablet,
two lines of ritual instructions are preserved; they probably represent the end of the same ritual.
In both of these units, there is no indication that the husbands wrath was regarded as witchcraft-induced.

Bound Transcription Translation

ll. 14 too fragmentary for transcription, see Notes ll. 14 too fragmentary for translation, see Notes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D.D.BI [ ] 6 [ ] 5
Its ritual: [ ] 6 [ ] [ ] 7You
[ ] ida an[a ar]ka tutr [ ] twist her arms be[hi]nd her [ ] 8You bind her [right
[q]ta a [imitti(?) ]apal(?) kima a ha]nd [u]nder her left knee. 9You put 8hum[an] hair 9[on her
umli tarakkas rat am[lti] 9[ina h]ead, 10you put 9lion hair and do[g] hair 10on her vulva. You
qa]qqada taakkan rat ni rat anoint her with fish oil. 11You clothe her 10in a soiled rag,
kalb[i] 10ina ra taakkan aman nni you pour boiling water and the of a lamb over her. 12You
tapaassi ulp luppu[tti] 11tulabbassi m carry tamarisk, matakal-soapwort (and) palm shoots in your
balti u pudi ina mua tanaddi hand, and 13in a secluded house you must not go out to the
bnu matakal suua ina qtka tana- street. Then 14you have that woman sit on a chair; then you
-ma 13ina bti parsi ana ribti(?) l tu- split off palm bark 15(and) chop (it) up. You twist (it) into six
ma (or: tue-ma) sinnita utu 14ina strings. Two strings 16you place <around> her neck and <on>
kuss tueebi-ma ubt giimmari tusal- [her] head, four strings 17you attach 16to her hands 17and feet.
lat 15tupesse ana edi pitlti tapattil itta
pitlti 16<ina> kida u qaqqad[a]
taakkan erba pitlti ina qta 17u pa

tarakkas egubb sinnita uti 18ina mui 18

You wash 17that woman with holy water 18over the figurine
alam muppiti turammaki utaat of the sorceress. She rinses herself off. 19[ ] and she!
[ ] u alam lip uti ina pa crushes that figurine of tallow with her feet. 20[ ] she
u!kabba[s] 20[ ] a ina mua her over her. 21[ ] 22you burn 21the tamarisk, the
21[ ] bna matakal su[ua] matakal-soapwort (and) the pa[lm shoots] 22[with f]ire; [you
[ina i]ti taqallu ina mu[]i muppiti put] (it) on (the figurine of) the sorceress.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
[ann] teppu-ma sinnitu ina mui You perform [thi]s (ritual), then that woman [will triumph]
pi[ta izzz] over [her] sor[ceress].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for A rev. 2l. e. 2, see Summary. for A rev. 2l. e. 2, see Summary.


14: These fragmentary lines probably simple KA! is the correct reading, then one could
have to be reconstructed as an extended purpose translate you must not go (or: bring) out through
clause; we translate tentatively: [so that] the the entrance (ana p). We do not know any paral-
sorceries [be from h]er and (so that) her husband lels to this instruction within the context of ritual
approach h[er], to that [woman], so [that] the proceedings in a secluded place, house or room.
[evil] sorce[ries that] they have performed against
15: For rare and unclear puss, see now
her [ ]. This translation assumes the restora-
CAD P 536 (without the present context). Here the
tion of a logographically written infinitive form in
verb must refer to the processing of the split-off
the break after up in l. 2 (but note that there is
cortex before twining it into strings; chopping the
only room for a short sign). Following a-na in l. 3
bark into smaller pieces is what one would expect
one expects an infinitive form, but the sign se-
within this context.
quence mi i x remains unclear to us; a reading mi-
i-ir is possible, but difficult to interpret within the 19: The apparent second person mascu-
present context. At the end of l. 3 a restoration up- line form tukabbas instead of the expected third sin-
-[e-e lem-nu-ti a] or similar seems very likely. gular feminine may in fact represent an Assyrianism
(Assyrian 3rd sg. fem. prefix ta-).
56: The ritual instructions seem to begin
with a plant name. Read perhaps bna(AB) tu- 20: The verbal form at the end of the line
bal you dry bnu-plant. The traces at the be- is probably to be restored as -par-r[ak] she lays
ginning of l. 6 are less unambiguous than the clear crosswise or, less likely, -par-r[as] she cuts off.
D indicated by Gurneys copy, but we cannot offer We are unable to offer an elegant solution for the
a better reading. preceding signs; perhaps the scribe wrote TG.ZIK-
ta- for TG.SK-ta-, i.e., sissiktaa her hem.
7: At the end of the line restore perhaps
Note that ZIK shows a reduced form, even though
[mu]([SK.]AB) tal[amm(N[IGIN)-i] or [mu]-
one further Winkelhaken may have to be restored in
([SK.]AB) tul[abbas(M[U4.MU4)-si] you wrap her
the damaged parts of the sign.
in combed-out hair.
23: Surprisingly the rubric uses a differ-
11: The traces before SILA4 remain prob-
ent word for sorceress than the ritual instructions;
lematic. A reading i!-[n]a-at urine would fit the
but it seems that muppitu and (much more com-
context, but requires an emendation of the first sign.
mon) pitu are simply used as synonyms here.
Alternatively, one could consider i-[n]a-at
excrement (and) urine, but then the signs would [Addendum: For STT 257 rev. //, see now W. Farber, Itar und
have been written unusually close together. die Ehekrise. Bemerkungen zu STT 257, RA 18, 21ff. (Tisser-
ant 17), und STT 249, in: Von Gttern und Menschen: Beitrge
13: The broken sign after ana looks like zu Literatur und Geschichte des Alten Orients. Festschrift fr
KA with another inscribed sign. The reading SILA Brigitte Groneberg, ed. D. Shehata F. Weiershuser K.V.
D[AGA]L seems possible, but is far from certain. If Zand, CM 41, 7385]


TEXT 9.1


The ama prayer ama ar am u ereti bl ktti gual) ki-dutu prayer of the second house on the
u mari was recited by the king as the second in- obverse (cf. also in ms. F the addition of l. 45a
cantation in the second house of the Bt rimki ritual which restricts the use of the text to the person of
(according to the count of the houses in PBS 1/1, 15 the king). In contrast, ms. A, G and the almost
and some of the incantation tablets). The structure identical sources B and C probably the product
and phraseology of the prayer are typical of first- of two students working on the same assignment
millennium anti-witchcraft incantations addressed give only the text of the Akkadian ama prayer
to ama (cf. here especially texts 8.35). The with its ritual instruction; the same may well be true
thematic focus of the prayer lies on returning the for ms. d. This manuscript situation may indicate
miasma of witchcraft to the witch by washing one- that the ritual segment was also performed outside
self over a figurine representing her; as to be ex- the Bt rimki context as a self-contained anti-
pected, the brief ritual instruction prescribes hand- witchcraft ritual. Ms. A obv. 3 shows that the recita-
washing over a figurine of the witch. tion of this text was envisaged in a bathhouse, prob-
The sources E and F certainly represent Bt rimki ably the bathhouse of the bathhouse ritual; but
manuscripts in the strict sense. In both the text of note that this phrase is absent from ms. B, where it
the prayer is followed by the specific Bt rimki ru- is replaced by anku annanna mr annanna.
brics, and ms. F had the text of the Sumerian (bilin-

List of Manuscripts

A K 2563 + 2820 + 2821 + BRi, pl. 1 (with- pls. 109 Single-column tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
2843 + 5750 + 9601 + out K 9601 and 10 cent. Library
10537 + 16716 K 16716)
B SU 51/67 STT 76 coll. Single-column tablet, NA script, 7th Sultantepe
C SU 51/94 STT 77 coll. Single-column tablet, NA script, 7th Sultantepe
d CBS (Kh1 ) 458 PBS 1/2, 129 pls. 111 Single-column tablet, NB/LB script, Sippar(?)
12 7th5th cent.
E Sm 94 BRi, pl. 1 coll. Frg. of a single-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
script, 7th cent. Library
F1 K 2368 + 9830 + 11661 BRi, pl. 2 (with- pl. 113 Frgs. of a single-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
+ 11768 + 20281 (+) out K 20281) script, 7th cent. Library
F2 K 13305 (+)? BRi, pl. 1 pl. 113
F3 K 4819 (+) IV R2 23/3 pl. 114
F4 DT 120 pl. 114
G 1932-12-10, 319 = pl. 115 Frg. of a single-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
BM 123376 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Prayer for washing over figurines of the sorcerers, ritual segment of Bt rimki .....................158
Incantation: ama ar am u ereti bl ktti u mari...................................................157
A obv. 1rev. 20 // B obv. 1rev. 17 // C obv. 1rev. 21 // d obv. 1rev. 20 //
E obv. 1rev. 3 // F rev. 132 // G obv. 1rev. 14
Bt rimki rubrics............................................................................................................. 57ab
E rev. 45 // F rev. 3335
Ritual instructions................................................................................................................58
A rev. 21 // B rev. 18 // C rev. 22 // E rev. 5 // F rev. 35

Previous Editions

Lsse, BRi, 3647 (cf. also Seux, HPDBA, 38892).


1. A // B // C // d // E // F rev. // G
1 A obv. 1 N dUTU MAN AN-e u KI-ti[m kit-t]i [ mi--r]i
B obv. 1 [ ] dUTU LUGAL AN-e u KI-tim EN kit-ti u [ ]
2 A obv. 2 mul-li-lu DINGIR u [L] a[t-t]a-ma
B obv. 2 mul-lil DINGIR u L a[t-ta-ma]
3 A obv. 3 d
UTU ina u-tuk-ki ri[m-ki in]a IGI-ka az-za-zu
B obv. 3 [UTU an]a-ku INENNI A INENNI ina [ma]-[r]i-[k]a GU[B]-az
4 A obv. 4 UTU ab-tan-ni ul i-d[e l]u MUNUS an-nu-u NU-
B obv. 4 d
UTU ab-tan-<ni> ul i-de lu-u MUNUS an-nu-u NU-
C obv. 1 [ ] N[U-]
5 A obv. 5 UTU ina dnissaba K-tim [ba-n]a-at a-mi-lu-ti
B obv. 5 UTU ina nissaba K-t[im ba]-na-te a-me-lu-ti
C obv. 2 [ ] asic!-me-l[u-ti]
6 A obv. 6 NU a-na NU ma-il SAG.D[U] a-na SAG.DU ma-il
B obv. 6 NU a-[n]a NU ma-il SA[G.DU] a-na [S]AG.DU ma-il
C obv. 3 [ S]A[Gsic!.D]U ma-il
7 A obv. 7 uk-lul-ti ADDA a-na uk-lul-ti ADDA ma-il
B obv. 7 uk-lu[l]-t[i ] uk-lul-ti ADDA ma-il
C obv. 4 [ ] ADDA ma-il
d obv. 1 [ ] ma-il
d munus
8 A obv. 8 UTU an-nu-u NU U11.ZU [k]i-pi D- is-u-ra i-e-a-a
d munus
B obv. 8 U[TU U]11.ZU ki-[p]i D- is-u-ra i-e-a-am
C obv. 5 [ ki-p]i D- is-u-r[a] i-e-a-am
d obv. 2 [ i]s-u-ra i-e-a-am
9 A obv. 9 a-na e-pi-ti ep-i-ma iq-bu-u
B obv. 9 [a-n]a e-[pi-ti e]p-i-ma [i]q-bu-u
C obv. 6 [ ep-i-m]a iq-bu-u
d obv. 3 [ iq-bu]-
10 A obv. 10 a-na sa-ir-ti su-u-ri-ma iq-bu-u
B obv. 10 [a]-na s[a-ir-ti] su-u-ri-ma [i]q-bu-u
C obv. 7 [ su-u]-ri-ma iq-bu-u
d obv. 4 [ iq-b]u-
TEXT 9.1 377

11 A obv. 11 a -nam-ma --i-za ina NINDA GU7-an-ni ina KA NAG-an-n[i]

B obv. 1112 a -nam-[m]a --i-za ina NINDA G[U7-a]n-ni / [ KA] NAG-an-ni
C obv. 89 [ ]--i-za ina NINDA GU7-an-ni / [ NAG-an-n]i
d obv. 56 [ GU7-a]n-ni / [ ]
12 A obv. 12 ina A.ME TU5-an-ni ina .GI -an-ni
B obv. 12 ina A [T]U5-ni ina -ni
C obv. 9 ina A TU5-ni ina -ni
d obv. 67 [ TU5]-an-ni / [ ]
13 A obv. 13 ina -kul-le-e GU7-an-ni a-um mim-ma um- GU7
B obv. 13 [ ] -kul-l[e]-e GU7-an-ni a-u[m mim-m]a um- <> GU7
C obv. 10 [ G]U7-an-ni a-um mim-ma um- G [ U 7]
d obv. 7 [ GU7]-an-ni /[
(d obv. breaks)
14 A obv. 14 a-um mim-ma um- NAG a-um mim-ma um- TU5
B obv. 14 [a-]um [m]im-ma um- NAG!(u11) a-um mim-ma um- [ ] TU5-ni
C obv. 11 a-um mim-ma u[m- a-]um m[imsic!-ma] um- TU5-ni
15 A obv. 15 a-um mim-ma um- ina u-bu-ul-ti -e-bi-la
B obv. 15 a-um mim-ma um- [] ina u-b[u-u]l-t[i] -e-bi-l[a]
C obv. 12 a-um mim-ma um- [ u-bu]-ul-ti -e-bi-la
16 A obv. 16 u-mi ina la DU10.GA-ti iz-ku-r[u i]-q-ia u-ni-lu
B obv. 16 u-mi ina la a-ab-ti iz-ku-ru [i]-q-ia5 u-ni-l[u]
C obv. 13 u-mi ina la a-ab-ti iz-ku-[ru i-q]-ia5 u-ni-lu
E obv. 1 [ ] iz-ku-ru i-q[-ia ]
17 A obv. 17 NU.ME-ia ib-nu--ma mn-da-ti-ia TI-u
B obv. 17 NU.[ME]-MU ib-nusic!-[ma i]-q-ia5 TI-
C obv. 14 NU.ME-MU ib-nu-ma mn-d[a-ti]-ia5 TI-
E obv. 2 [ ib-nu-m]a mn-da-ti-i[a5 ]
18 A obv. 18 e-tiq SAAR GRII-MU i-bu- ru-u-ti TI-u
B obv. 18 [ SAA]R [G]RII-i[a i-b]u- [r]u-u-ti TI-
C obv. 15 e-tiq SAAR GRII-ia i-bu- [ru]-u-ti TI-
E obv. 3 [ GRII-M]U i-bu- ru-u-ti [ ]
19 A obv. 19 []r-ti im-lu- TG.SK [i]b-tu-qu la SIG5-ti i-a-[lu]
B obv. 1920 [ ] im-lu-[ TG.S]K-MU ib-tu-qu / [ SIG5]-t[i i]-a-l[u]
C obv. 1617 r-ti im-lu- TG.S[]K-MU ib-tu-qu / la [S]IG5-ti i-a-lu
E obv. 45 [ im-lu-] TG.SK-MU ib-t[u-qu] /[ i-a-l]u
20 A obv. 20 [u]b-bi-ra-an-ni -ks-sa-an-ni -ab-bi-ta-an-ni -ra-[sa-an-ni]
B obv. 2021 [ub-bi-r]a-an-ni -ks-sa-an-ni / -[ab-b]i-tan-ni -[ra-as]-sa-an-ni
C obv. 1718 ub-bi-ra-an-ni -ks-sa-an-ni / -[a]b-bi-tan-ni -ra-as-sa-an-[ni]
E obv. 57 ub-bi-ra-a[n-ni] / [-ks-sa-an-n]i -ab-bi-ta-a[n-ni / [ ]
21 A obv. 21 [man-g]u lu-u-t -mal-la-an-[ni]
B obv. 22 man-ga lu-u-t -[ma-la]-an-ni
C obv. 19 [ l]u-u-t -ma-la-an-n[i]
E obv. 7 [ma]n-ga lu-u-t -ma-la-a[n-ni]
22 A obv. 22 [ lb]-bi<-ia> i-ba-tu lb-bi KI-ia -za-an-[nu-u]
B obv. 23 ni lb-bi-ia i-ba-tu l[b-bi K]I-MU -za-an-nu-u
C obv. 20 n[i lb-bi-i]a i-ba-t[u l]b-bi KI-MU -za-an-nu-u
E obv. 8 [ i-ba-t]u lb-bi KI-MU -za-an-n[u-u]

23 A obv. 23 [ ] -kan-ni-nu e-mu-q-ia un-ni-[]

B obv. 24 SA.ME-MU -kan-ni-nu e-mu-q-ia5sic! un-ni-
C obv. 21 [ ] -kan-ni-nu [e]-mu-q-ia5 un-ni-
E obv. 9 [ -kan-ni-n]u e-mu-q-ia un-ni-[]
24 A obv. 24 [ i]-pu-ku bir-ki-ia ik-[su-u]
B obv. 25 a-i-ia5 i-pu-ku bir-ki-ia5 ik-su-u
C obv. 22 [a-]i-ia5 i-pu-ku [bir]-ki-ia5 [ik]-su-u
E obv. 10 [ ] bir-ki-ia ik-s[u-u]
(for the preceding text in F, see Summary)
25 A obv. 25 [ p]u-u-pu-a-a ni-is-sa-ta a-di-r[a]
B obv. 26 al-ta pu--pu-u-u-u ni-is-sa-ta a-di-rasic!
C obv. 23 a[l-t]a pu--pu-u-u-[u n]isic!-issic!-sa-ta a-[di]-ra
E obv. 11 [ pu-u-pu-a]-a ni-is-sa-ta a-d[i-ra]
F2 rev. 1 [ ni-i]s-sa-t[a ]
26 A obv. 26 [ ] pi-rit-ta ar-ra-[ta]
B obv. 27 at-ta pi-rit-t ar-ra-t
C obv. 24 at-[t]a pi-rit-t ar-ra-t
E obv. 12 [ ] ar-ra-t
F2 rev. 2 [ ar-ra-t]a
27 A obv. 27 [gi-li]t-ta te--a di-lip-ti q-lu ku-ru {ni-is-sa-t[]}
B obv. 2728 gi-lit-ta / te--a di-lip-ta q-la ku-ra
C obv. 2425 gi-lit-[ta] / te--a di-lip-ta q-la ku-ra
E obv. 1213 gi-li[t-ta] / [ q]-lu ku-ru
F1F2 rev. 23 gi-lit-tu t[e--a ]/ [q]-lu ku-ru
28 A obv. 28 [ DU10.G]A lb-bi la DU10.GA <UZU> i-ku-na
B obv. 29 N[U] DU10-ub lb-bi NU DU10.GA [UZ]U i-ku-na
C obv. 26 NU [DU10-u]b lb-bi NU [DU10].GA UZU i-ku-[na]
E obv. 1314 NU DU10.GA l[b-bi] / [ ] i-ku-[na]
F1F2 rev. 3 NU DU10.G[A ] NU DU10.GA UZU i-ku-na
G obv. 1 [ D]U10.G[A ]
29 A obv. 28 KA UR.GI7 ina bi-ri-ni UB-u
B obv. 30 KA UR.GI7 ina bi-ri-ni id-du-
C obv. 27 KA UR.GI7 ina bi-ri-ni id-du-
E obv. 15 [ bi-ri]-ni [i]d-du-[]
F1F2 rev. 3 KA UR.G[I7 ]
G obv. 2 [ ] UR.GI7 i[na ]
30 A obv. 29 dUTU an-nu-u u-u an-nu-u NU-
B obv. 31 UTU an-nu-u i-i an-n[u-u] NU-
C obv. 28 UTU an-nu-u [i]-i [a]n-nu-u NU-
F1F2 rev. 4 d
UTU an-nu-u u- a[n-nu-u N]U-
E obv. 16 [ an-nu]-u [ ]
G obv. 3 [dUT]U an-nu-[u ]
(E obv. breaks)
31 A obv. 30 [G]IM i-i NU GUB-az NU- GUB-az
B obv. 32 GIM i-i la GUB-z[u ] GUB-az
C obv. 29 GIM i-i la GUB-[z]u NU- GUB-az
F1F2 rev. 4 GIM i-i la GUB-az [ ]
G obv. 4 [ i]-i l[a ]
TEXT 9.1 379
32 A obv. 31 an-ni ZU-i NU ZU-i a-na UGU- A.ME a-ra-muk
B obv. 33 ana .ZU-i la .ZU-i ina UG[U-] A.ME a-ra-muk
C obv. 30 ana .ZU-i la .ZU-i ina UGU- A.ME a-ra-[muk]
F1F2 rev. 5 ana .ZU-i NU .Z[U-]i ina mu-i- A.ME [ ]
G obv. 5 [ .Z]U-i NU .[ZU-i ]
33 A obv. 32 ar- -tar-i ana mu-i-
B obv. 34 a[r]- -tar-i lim-ur-an-ni-ma
C obv. 31 ar- -tar-i lim-ur-an-ni-[m]a
F1F2 rev. 6 ar- -tar-i lim-ur-an-[ni-ma]
G obv. 6 [ar-] -tar-[i ]
34 A obv. 33 i-i ar-qi e-pu--an-ni ana-ku ina IGI-ka u-pi a-SAR-K-i
B obv. 3536 [i]-i ar-qi i-pu--an-ni / [ ] i[na] IGI-ka UGU- um-ta-sa
C obv. 3233 i-i ar-qi i-pu--an-ni / ana-ku ina IGI-ka UGU- um-ta-sa
F1F2 rev. 7 i-i ar-qi i-pu--a[n-ni an]a-ku ina IGI-ka u-pi a-S[AR-x-i]
G obv. 78 [i]-i ar-qi[ ]/ [ ] IGI-ka [u-pi ]
35 A obv. 34 ina di-ni
UTU kit-ti ina IGI-ka GL-u
B obv. 37 ina desic!-[en
UTU ki]t-ti ina IGI-ka GL-u
C obv. 34 [ de-e]n kit-ti ina IGI-ka G[L-u]
F1F2 rev. 8 UTU ina de-en kit-t[i] ina IGI-ka [ ]
G obv. 9 [ ] de-en kit-t[i ]
36 A obv. 35 ina nar-bi dDI ina up--e-e dasal-l-[i]
B obv. 38 [in]a [n]ar-b-e d-a ina NG.AK.A.ME dasal-l-i
C rev. 1 [ ]sic!-a ina NG.AK.[A.ME ]

F1F2 rev. 9 ina nar-b-e -[a] ina
NG.AK.A.ME d [asal-l-i]
G obv. 10 [ nar-b]-e d-a [ ]
d d
37 A rev. 1 [ina DU11] u zar-pa-ni-[t]
B obv. 39 ina q-bi-ti d
A[MAR.UT]U u dzar-pa-ni-tumsic!
C rev. 2 [ ] AMAR.UTU u d
F1F2 rev. 10 ina q-bi-ti d
G obv. 11 [ q-bi-t]i AM[AR.UTU ]
38 A caret
B obv. 40 ina q-bi-ti dA[G] u dta-me-tu[m]sic!
C rev. 3 [ q-bi-t]i dAG u dta-me-[tum]
F1F2 rev. 10 ina q-bi-ti dPA u [ ]
G obv. 12 [ q-bi-t]i dA[G ]
39 A rev. 2 [UGU]- {x} um-ta-sa ana UGU- A.ME a-ra-[muk]
B obv. 41 UGU- um-ta-[sa] ina UGU- A.ME a-ra-[muk]sic!
C rev. 4 U[GU]- um-ta-sa ina UGU- A.ME a-ra-m[uk]
F1F2 rev. 11 UGU- um-ta-sa [in]a mu-i- A.M[E ]
G obv. 13 [ um-t]a-sa [ ]
40 A rev. 3 [ ] A.ME SU-MU i--a-u-ma ana mu-i- u la-ni- DU-[ku]
B rev. 1 GIM A.ME SU-MU i--a-u-ma ana UGU- u la-ni- DU-ku
C rev. 5 GIM A.ME SU-MU i-[-]a-u-ma ana UGU- u la-ni- DU-ku
F1F2 rev. 12 GIM A.ME SU-MU i--[a-u-ma in]a mu-i- u[ ]
G obv. 14 [ SU-i] i-[-a-u-ma ]
(G obv. breaks)
41 A rev. 4 []r-ni i-il-ti UGU- a-nam-du-[u]
B rev. 2 ar-ni i-il-ti UGU- asic!-n[a]m-du-
C rev. 6 ar-ni sic!
i-[i]l-[t]i UGU- a-nam-du-
d rev. 1 [ UG]U- [ ]
F1F2 rev. 13 ar-ni i-il-ti [U]GU- [ ]

42 A rev. 5 [m]im-ma lem-nu ina

B rev. 3 mim-ma lem-nu SU-MU UZU.ME-MU

C rev. 7 [mim-m]a lem-nu SU-MU [UZU].ME-MU

d rev. 2 [ mimma l bu] ina
SU-M[U ]
F1F2 rev. 14 mim-ma lem-nu ina
A ctd. SA.ME-MU GL-[u]
B ctd. SA.ME-MU GL-
C ctd. SA.ME-MU GL-
d ctd. [ ]
F1F2 ctd. [S]A.M[E-MU ]
(F2 breaks)
42a d rev. 35 [UL M.GE6.ME .M]E GISKIM.ME[ UL.ME] / [NU DU10.GA].M[E U]11 U11
U11 NG.A[K.A.ME] / [UL.ME]
43 A rev. 6 [G]IM A.ME SU-MU li--i-i-ma ana UGU- u la-ni- lil-[lik]
B rev. 4 GIM A.ME SU-MU li--i-i-ma ana UGU- u la-ni- lil-lik
C rev. 8 GIM A.ME S[U-MU li-]-i-i-ma ana UGU- u la-ni- lil-lik
d rev. 56 ki A.ME SU-MU li--i-i[-ma] / [ana mu-]i- u la-ni- lil-lik
F1 rev. 1516 GIM A.ME S[U-MU ] / ina mu-i- u l[a-ni- ]
G rev. 12 [ A.ME] SU-M[U ]/[ U]GU- u la-ni-[ ]
44 A rev. 7 UTU i-zi-im-ta- up--u- UL.[ME]
B rev. 5 d
UTU ta-zi-im-ta- up--u- UL.ME
C rev. 9 [dUT]U ta-zi-[i]m-ta- up--u- UL.ME \
d rev. 67 d
UTU ta-z[i-im-ta-] / [up--e]-e UL.ME
F1 rev. 17 UTU ta-zi-im-ta-[ ]
G rev. 3 [ t]a-zi-im-ta- up--u- [UL.ME]
45 A rev. 8 [ U]GU- u la-ni- lil-[lik]
B rev. 5 ana UGU- u la-ni- tur-ru
C rev. 9 ana UGU- u la-ni- tur-ru
d rev. 7 ana mu-i- tur-r[u]
F1 rev. 18 a-na mu-i- u[ ]
G rev. 3 [ ]
45a F1 rev. 1920 ina UL .ME GISKIM.ME U[L.ME ]/
G rev. 4 [ U]L .ME GISKIM.ME UL.ME N[U bti]
F1 ctd. ina .GAL-MU u KUR-[MU ib]
G ctd. [ ]
46 A rev. 9 [dUT]U ka-ap-ti lim-qut-ma ana-ku lu-ut-[bi]
B rev. 6 UTU ka-ap-ti lim-qut-ma ana-ku lu-ut-bi
C rev. 10 UTU ka-a[p]-ti lim-qut-ma ana-ku lu-ut-bi
munu s
d rev. 8 [ ] U11.ZU lim-qut-ma ana-ku lu-ut-bi
F1 rev. 21 d
UTU ka-ap-ti lim-qut-ma [ ]
G rev. 5 UTU ka-ap-ti lim-qut-[ma ]
47 A rev. 10 [i]-i li-n-gir-ma ana-ku lu-[ir]
B rev. 7 i-i li-n-gir-ma ana-ku lu-r
C rev. 11 i-i [l]i-n-[g]ir-ma ana-ku lu-r
d rev. 9 [i]-i li-in-n-gr-ma ana-ku lu-i-ir
F1 rev. 22 i-i li-n-[gi]r-ma [ ]
G rev. 6 []i-i li-n-gir-m[a ]
TEXT 9.1 381
48 A rev. 11 [i]-i li-ir-ta-<si->ma ana-ku lu-bi-[ib]
B rev. 8 i-i li-ir-ta-si-ma ana-ku lu-bi-ib
C rev. 12 i-i li-i[r-t]a-si-ma ana-[ku l]u-bi-i[b]
d rev. 10 [i]-i li-ir-te-si-ma ana-ku lu-bi-ib
F1 rev. 23 i-i li-ir-t[a-s]i-ma [ ]
G rev. 7 []i-i li-ir-ta-si-m[a ]
49 A rev. 12 [i]-i li-mut-ma ana-ku lu-b-lu[]
B rev. 9 i-i li-mut-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lu
C rev. 13 i-i li-mut-ma [ ] lu-ub-lu[]
d rev. 11 [i]-i li-mut-ma ana-ku lu-ub-lu
F1 rev. 24 i-i li-m[ut]-ma [ ] l[u-blu]
G rev. 8 []i-i li-mut-ma [ ]
50 A rev. 13 [ i]na di-ni-ka i--ru-t lul-lik
B rev. 10 d
UTU ina di-ni-ka i--ru-t lul-[l]ik!([r]i)
C rev. 14 UTU ina di-ni-ka i--ru-t lul-lik
d rev. 12 [dUT]U ina di-ni-ka i--ru-t lul-lik
F1 rev. 25 d
UTU ina di-ni-ka i--ru-t [l]ul-[lik]
G rev. 9 dUTU ina di-ni-ka [ ]
51 A rev. 14 [ -]m la e-pu--im-ma i-i D-an-ni
B rev. 11 d
UTU -m la i-pu---im-ma i-pu--an-ni
C rev. 15 d
UTU -m la i-pu---im-ma i-pu--an-ni
d rev. 13 [dUT]U
- la e-pu---i-im-ma i-pu-
F1 rev. 26 UTU -m la i-p[u-]--im-ma [i<-i>(?)] i-pu--an-[ni]
G rev. 10 dUTU -m la i-pu---[im-ma ]
52 A rev. 15 [ ] -m la as-u-ra-im-ma i-i is-u-ra-an-ni
B rev. 12 d
UTU -m la as-u-ra-i-ma
C rev. 16 d
UTU -m la as-u-ra-i-ma
d rev. 14 [dU]TU
- la as-u-ra-i-ma
F1 rev. 27 UTU -m la as-u-ra-im-ma i-i is-u-ra-a[n-ni]
G rev. 11 UTU -m la as-[u-ra-im-ma ]
53 A rev. 16 [UG]U- um-ta-sa ana UGU- A.ME a-ra-muk
B rev. 13 UGU- um-ta-si ana UGU- A.ME a-ra-muk!(an-ni)
C rev. 17 UGU- um-ta-si ana UGU- A.ME a-ra-muk
d rev. 15 [UG]U- um-ta-si ina mu-i- A.ME a-ra-muk
F1 rev. 28 UGU- um-ta-si ana mu-i- A.ME a-ra-m[uk]
G rev. 12 [ ] u[m-ta-si ]
(G breaks)
54 A rev. 17 [a]r- -tar-i lim-ur-an-ni-ma
B rev. 14 ar- -tar-i lim-ur-an-ni
C rev. 18 ar- -tar-i lim-ur-[a]n-ni
d rev. 16 [r- ] SU-MU lim-ur-an-ni
F1 rev. 29 ar- -tar-i lim-ur-an-n[i]
55 A rev. 18 [GIM] A.ME SU-M[U i]--a-u-ma ana UGU an-ni-ti DU-ku
B rev. 15 GIM A.ME SU-MU i[]--a-u-ma ana UGU an-ni-ti DU-ku
C rev. 19 GIM A.ME SU-MU i--a-u-ma ana UGU an-[ni-t]i DU-[ku]
d rev. 1617 ki-ma A.ME [ ] / [i--]a-u-[m]a ana UGU an-ni-t DU-[ku]
F1 rev. 30 [GIM A.M]E SU-MU [i]--a-u-ma ana UGU an-ni-ti DU-k[u]

56 A rev. 19 [mim-m]a lem-nu ina SU-MU UZU.ME-MU SA.ME-MU GL-u

B rev. 16 mim-ma lem-nu ina SU-MU UZU.ME-MU SA.[ME]-MU GL-
C rev. 20 mim-ma lem-nu ina SU-MU UZU.ME-[MU SA].MEsic!-MU GL-
d rev. 18 [ U]ZU-MU SA.M-MU ba-[u-u]
E rev. 1 [ lem-n]u ina SU-[MU ]
F1 rev. 31 [ lem-n]u ina SU-MU UZU.ME-MU SA.ME-MU GL-
57 A rev. 20 GIM A.ME SU-MU li--i-i-ma ina SU-MU lit-ta-i
B rev. 17 GIM A.ME SU-MU li--i-[i] ina SU-MU lit-ta-i!(ta)
C rev. 21 GIM A.ME SU-MU li--i-i[-ma] ina SU-MU lit-ta-isic!
d rev. 19 [ li]--i-i-ma ina SU-M[U ]
E rev. 23 [ S]U-MU li--[i-i-ma] / [ ] lit-ta-[i]
F1 rev. 32 [ A.M]E SU-MU li--i-i-ma ina SU-MU lit-ta-[i]
(d breaks)
A, B, C, E, F1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57a E rev. 4 [ ] LUGAL DU11.DU11-[ub]
F1 rev. 33 [KA.I]NIM.MA LUG[AL] DU11.DU11-u[b]
E, F1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57b E rev. 5 [x x x x x]
F1 rev. 34 [KA.I]NIM.MA rim-k[i] 2.[KAM]
58 A rev. 21 a-na NU ka--pi u ka-ap-ti UII- LU-si
B rev. 18 ana UGU NU munus
U11.ZU UII- LU-[si]
C rev. 22 ana UGU NU munus
U11.ZU UII- LU-si
E rev. 5 ana UGU NU munus
U11.ZU UII-[ ]
F1 rev. 35 [ U]GU NU munus
U11.ZU [UII-] LU-s[i]80
A, B, C, E, F1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. F not included in the transliteration

The obverse of ms. F contained the ki-dutu prayer of the second (sixth) house of Bt rimki (see
Cooper, ZA 62 [1972] 6581). No fragments of the obverse that would directly join F1 and F2
have been identified, but following Borger, HKL 2, pp. 37 and 154, we assume that the frag-
ments K 4819 (+) DT 120 (F3 and F4) originally belonged to the same tablet as K 2368+ (+) K
13305 (F1 and F2). A treatment of the ki-dutu prayer would be out of place here and should be re-
served for a full edition of Bt rimki.

Manuscripts E and F1 continue with the catchline to the ki-dutu prayer of the third house of Bt rimki and fragmentary Ashurbanipal
library colophons (in ms. F1 the colophon is preceded by a note recording the provenance of the writing board on which the copy
was based).
TEXT 9.1 383

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
N ama ar am u ereti bl ktti u Incantation: ama, king of heaven and earth, lord of justice
[mar]i and [righ]t,
2 2
mullil ili u amli att-ma you are the purifier of god and man.
3 3
ama ina utukk bt ri[mki] (var.: [an]- ama, in the reed huts of the b[ath]house (ritual) I (var.: I,
ku annanna mr annanna) ina marka N.N., son of N.N.) stand before you,
4 4
ama a abtanni ul de l sinniat ann ama, I do not know the person who keeps hold of me
alama truly, it is a woman, this is her image.
5 5
ama ina Nissaba elleti [b]nt amlti ama, by means of pure Nissaba, [the crea]trix of men,
6 6
almu ana almi mail qaqqa[du] ana image is like image, hea[d] is like head,
qaqqadi mail
7 7
uklulti pagri ana uklulti pagri mail bodily form is like bodily form.
8 8
ama ann alam kapti a kip pua ama, this is the figurine of the witch who has performed,
isura ia turned to (and) sought witchcraft against me,
9 9
ana piti ep-ma iqb (who) has s[aid] to a sorceress Perform sorceries,
10 10
ana sirti sur-ma iqb (who) has said to an enchantress Enchant,
11 11
a anmma uiza ina akali ukilanni who has instigated someone else against me, (who) has fed
ina ikari iqnni me (witchcraft) in bread, has given me (witchcraft) to
drink in beer,
12 12
ina m urammikanni ina amni ipuanni has bathed me in (bewitched) water, has anointed me with
(bewitched) oil,
13 13
ina ukull ukilanni has fed me (witchcraft) in food,
aum mimma umu a ukilu (who) with regard to anything she fed (me),
14 14
aum mimma umu a iq aum mim- with regard to anything she gave (me) to drink, with regard
ma umu a urammiku((ni)) to anything in which she bathed ((me)),
15 15
aum mimma umu a ipuu ina with regard to anything with which she anointed (me), (and
bulti ubila with regard to anything) she sent me in the form of a
16 16
um ina l bti izkuru iqya unillu has pronounced my name with evil intention, (who) has
buried carved images of me,
17 17
almya ibn-ma mindtya ilq (who) has fashioned figurines representing me, has taken
my measurements,
18 18
etiq eper pya ibuu rut ilq (who) has gathered a clump of dirt touched by my feet, has
taken my spittle,
19 19
rt imluu sissikt ibtuqu l damiqt (who) has plucked out my hair, has torn off the hem of my
ialu (garment), has asked for bad things (to happen) to me,
20 20
ubbiranni ukassnni uabbitanni uras- (who) has constrained me, has tied me up, has seized me,
snni has bound me,
21 21
mangu lutu umallnni (who) has filled me with stiffness and decay,
22 22
n libbya ibatu libb ittya uzann (who) has seized my potency, has made me angry with
23 23
ernya ukanninu emqya unniu (who) has twisted my sinews, has weakened the strength
(in) my (arms),
24 24
aya ipuku berkya iks (who) has poured out my arms, has bound my knees,
25 25
lta pupu nissata adra (who) has inflicted on me quarrel, squabble, wailing, fear,
26 26
atta piritta arrata panic, anxiety, curse,
27 27
gilitta t dilipta qla kra terror, confusion, sleeplessness, dumbness, numbness,
28 28
l b libbi l b ri ikuna mental (and) physical ill health,
29 29
p kalbi in brni idd (who) has cast the mouth of the dog between us
30 30
ama ann (var.: ) ann alama ama, this is she (var.: it), this is the figurine representing
31 31
kma l izzazzu alama izzz since she is not present, her figurine is standing (here).
32 32
ana di l di ana (var.: ina) mu- With regard to her, whether I know her or not, I bathe my-
a m arammuk self with water over her,
33 33
ara utri limuranni-ma (corrupt var.: I am returning the dirt to her let her receive it from me!
ana mua)
34 34
arqi puanni anku ina marka She performed (sorceries) against me in secret, (but) I wash
ela umtassa (var. p a-SAR-K-i) myself over her before you (var.: (but) I her in public).
35 35
ama ina dn ktti a ina marka ba ama, by the true judgement that is provided in your
36 36
ina narb a Ea ina up a Asallui through the great deeds of Ea (and) through the magical
procedures of Asallui,
37 37
ina qibti a Marduk u Zarpant[u] by the command of Marduk and Zarpant[u],
38 38
ina qibti a Nab u Tam[tu] by the command of Nab and Tam[tu],
39 39
ela umtassa ana mua m aram- I wash myself over her, I bat[he] with water over her.
40 40
kma m a zumrya iaa-ma ana Just as the water (washing) my body runs off and flows over
mua u lna illak her head and her body,
41 41
arn iilt ela anamd (just as) I cast my guilt (and) my sin upon her,
42 42
mimma lemnu (([mimma l bu])) a ina let any evil, (([anything not good])), that is present in my
zumrya rya ernya ba body, my flesh (and) my sinews,
((42a[lumun unti id]ti ittt[i lemnti l ((42a[the evil of dreams, of evil, ba]d [sig]ns (and) omen[s, of
b]t[i ki]p ru rus up[ lem- witch]craft, sorcery, magic (and) [evil] mach[inations]))
43 43
kma m a zumrya liai-ma ana run off like the water of my body and go to her head and her
mua u lna lillik body.
44 44
ama tazzimtaa (var.: izzimtaa) ama, her complaint, her evil machinations
upa lemntu
45 45
ana mua u lna turr (var.: lil[lik]) are returned (var.: may they go) to her head and her body.
((45aina lumun idti ittti lem[nti l bti] ((45aBy means of the evil of the ev[il (and) bad] signs (and)
a ina kallya u mt[ya ib])) omens which [have occurred] in my palace and [my]
46 46
ama kapt limqut-ma anku lutbi ama, let my witch fall, but let me rise,
47 47
linneger-ma anku ler let her (plans) be thwarted, but let me have success,
48 48
lirtass-ma anku lbib let her be bound, but let me become pure,
49 49
limt-ma anku lublu let her die, but let me live!
50 50
ama ina dnka iartu lullik ama, let me prosper through your judgement,
51 51
ama aum l puaim-ma (()) ama, because I did not perform (witchcraft) against her,
puanni but she performed (witchcraft) against me,
52 52
ama aum l asuraim-ma (()) is- ama, because I did not turn (to witchcraft) against her, but
uranni she turned (to witchcraft) against me,
53 53
ela umtassi (var.: umtassa) ana I have washed (var. wash) myself over her, I bathe over her
mua m arammuk with water,
54 54
ara utri (var: []a zumrya) I am returning the dirt to her, let her receive it from me
limuranni((-ma)) (var.: let her receive the dirt of my body from me).
55 55
kma m a zumrya iaa-ma ana Just as the water (washing) my body runs off and flows over
mui annti illak her,
56 56
mimma lemnu a ina zumrya rya let any evil that is present in my body, my flesh (and) my
ernya ba sinews
57 57
kma m a zumrya liai-ma ina run off like the water (washing) my body and depart from
zumrya littai my body for good!
((----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57a 57a
[KA.I]NIM.MA arru idabbub [Wor]ding (of the incantation); the king speaks (it).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TEXT 9.1 385
57b 57b
[KA.I]NIM.MA bt rimki btu an)) [Wor]ding (of the incantation) of the bathhouse; second
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 58
ana ((mui)) alam ((kapi u)) ka- He washes his hands over a figurine of the ((warlock and))
pti qtu imessi witch.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1: For the restoration at the end of the ceivable that us refers to the speaker (I) and the
line, see the citation of the incipit in PBS 1/1, 15 addressee (you) of the prayer, i.e., to the patient
obv. 78 (ritual tablet parallel to the ama cycle of and ama. Perhaps the figurative expression to
Bt rimki, ed. Lsse, BRi, 2931) and in the catch- cast the mouth of the dog between refers to an
lines K 9235+ rev. 7 (ed. Lsse, BRi, 3436, act that causes disruption and alienation, here pos-
Cooper, ZA 62 [1972] 6581, cf. Borger, HKL 2, sibly between the patient and ama.
37) and K 2569 + 5202 +16380 + Sm 542(+) rev. 13
31: We expect a first-person verbal form
(= IV R2 13/2+, ed. Cooper, loc. cit., cf. Borger, loc.
in the main sentence of this stock phrase (naku,
uzssunti, aqallunti, see Maql I 94 and here
3: The readings in ms. B obv. 3 have texts 8.3: 1920, 3839, 8.4: 5455). The writing
been confirmed by collation. GUB-az could be interpreted as uzz I set up, but
if it were a -stem form we would have expected a
57: A similar series of mail-phrases is
preterite (uzz) and GUB-az must represent a pres-
attested in K 6034 (RT, pl. 7) + 8012 obv. 1421;
ent, hence izzz.
there it refers to a substitute figurine made of flour
that represents the patient. 32: For the interpretation of this line, cf.
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 73, fn. 15, but different-
1115: The symmetry between the two
ly Mayer, OrNS 58 (1989) 169.
sequences beginning with ina akali ukilanni and
aum mimma umu a ukilu respectively is 33: ana mu-i- in ms. A obv. 32 is
disturbed by the absence of correspondence be- probably a mistaken repetition of this same phrase
tween the fifth item in each sequence (ina ukull from the preceding line; the phonological similarity
ukilanni vs. ina bulti ubila). Note also that between ana mua and limuranni may have
the expected aum mimma umu a is missing fostered the error.
before (ina bulti) ubila.
34: Ms. A clearly has p a-SAR-K-i
20: Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 910 at the end of the line (note that ms. A does not con-
argues that the basic meaning of russ is to bind sistently differentiate between the signs SAR and
rather than to sully (CAD R 425b) or to soak K, cf. ar-qi in this line); mss. B and C, however,
(AHw 996a); note, however, that the noun rus have an entirely different text (ela umtassa). The
mud (Mari, see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 10 sign sequence a-SAR- is confirmed by ms. F, and
with fn. 25) points to the existence of a verb russ a- in all likelihood represents the prefix of the ex-
to wet, to sully that may be attested in two pected first-person form. We are unable to offer any
problematic passages (ibid., fn. 24; cf. also Mayer, meaningful interpretation of a-SAR-K-i. But if it
OrNS 72 [2003] 241 for the adjective russ dirty). represents the original text, then the Sultantepe
Of course, one could argue that a verb russ to manuscripts may have replaced an enigmatic phrase
wet was used in descriptions of evil magic, es- by one that seemed to fit the context better. If one
pecially in the context of the use of spittle, and then assumes that ms. A is corrupt, one could consider an
acquired a more general meaning to bind within emendation a-ar-rap!-i I burn her; but the fact
those contexts. that this is a washing and not a burning ritual mili-
tates against such a hypothesis.
29: This phrase is still without parallel.
One could argue that the first plural (ina brni) 35: dn ktti true judgement of course
refers to the patient and his human social contacts. implies favourable judgement within the present
But one would expect relations and friends of the context.
patient to be referred to in the third person. Given
the communicative structure of the text it is con-

3739: Note that in ms. B obv. 3941 a li-n-gir-ma ana-ku [ler] 11[u]- li-ir-t[a-s]i-ma
small fragment containing the last few signs of each ana-ku [lbib].
lines was omitted in the copy (STT 76).
48: On the meaning of russ, cf. supra
44: tazzimtaa: the witchs complaint the note on l. 20; note that within the present con-
against her victim before ama; for the perform- text the meaning to sully, favoured by CAD R
ance of witchcraft before the gods, see now Schwe- 425b, would fit very well.
mer, Abwehrzauber, 14957 (with previous litera-
51: The third-person singular puaim-
ma (mss. B, C and F1) instead of a first-person form
45: Note that there is not enough space is a corruption of puaim-ma, probably due to the
in the break at the end of the line in ms. A for the identity of the first- and third-person forms of epu
restoration of a plural form (*lil-[li-ku]), hence lil- in Assyrian (a similar confusion of first- and third-
[lik]. Probably lillik is a mistaken repetition from a person forms can be observed, e.g., in the manu-
similar context in l. 43. scripts of Maql III 6466; cf. Abusch, MesWi, 201
fn. 13).
45a: This line is a standard insertion in
prayers; here it has no logical connection with its 54: The variant in ms. d may be an error
surroundings. due to the occurrence of the same phrase in the next
4649: The closest parallel to this passage
can be found in the fragmentary ama prayer 58: Given that the text of the incantation
K 6418 (coll.): 2[T]A la mu-i-i-ra-a-ti x [ ] focuses exclusively on the female witch the variant
[a]-na di-ni kit-ti at-t[a-ziz maarka] 4[p]a-ir r- in ms. A represents a secondary development. Note
ni at-t[a-ma ] 5[]a a-na la-ni-ia -ma-i-[lu that the parallel text PBS 1/1, 15 obv. 9 (coll.) pre-
] 6[i]-di-i-ia -kap-p-ru [ ] 7[]u- lim- scribes washing over the figurine of the warlock
qut-ma ana-ku l[u-tbi] 8[u]- li-ni-ma ana-ku l[u- alone.
dnin(?)] 9[u]- li-mut-ma ana-ku [lublu] 10[u]-
TEXT 9.2


Little is known of this ritual, since the main manu- knots, burning flour, extinguishing the fire, covering
script, PBS 1/1, 13 (ms. a), offers very few ritual the crucible and the disposal of the burnt leftovers.
instructions. The text of the ama prayer Bl bl The ritual proceedings accompanying the recitation
ar arr is fully written out without any ritual in- of the urpu incantations are not given in detail
structions relating directly to its recitation. This is either; but on analogy to the actions in urpu itself
followed by the incipits of Maql I 73121 (ama they will have centred on the burning of the peels of
version), 12234, 13543, IV 10714, V 8388, a garlic bulb; these symbolize the curses (mmtu)
8997, 11231 and 13241. The recitation of all weighing on the patient. This is followed in Bt rim-
these anti-witchcraft incantations involves the u- ki by the recitation of two dingiradabba incanta-
luppaqqu-crucible, the burning vessel of Maql, tions; it should be noted that a dingiradabba manu-
which is then left in order to perform elements of script (PBS 1/1, 14) has a catchline referring to Bl
urpu, including the recitation of urpu II passim, bl ar arr ama (see the commentary on l. 1).
III 1175, V 159 and 6072. A catchline refers to a The catchline of the present ms. a refers to an other-
Ninurta prayer whose ritual context is unknown. wise unknown Ninurta prayer; it remains unclear for
The outline of the ritual is identical with the ritual the time being whether this Ninurta prayer formed a
segment of Bt rimki that follows upon the recitation direct continuation of the present ritual or whether
of the Universal-Namburbi prayer Ea ama u the catchline simply referred to the next self-con-
Asallui (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 46783). Hence, it is tained ritual unit that was supposed to follow upon
legitimate to illustrate the ritual proceedings under- the present ritual within this scribal and/or therapeu-
lying the present text by referring to the correspond- tic tradition.
ing passage of the Bt rimki ritual tablet (SpTU 2, 12 A ritual very similar to PBS 1/1, 13 // is partially
rev. III 2843). There, the king, standing on basalt, preserved on the reverse of SpTU 2, 19 (see here
takes tarmu-plant in his mouth and holds imur- text 9.3). There, however, the recitation of the se-
er-plant and beer in his hands (cf. here ll. 1315); quence of Maql incantations is not followed by a
then figurines of warlock and witch are set up in a urpu segment. The catchline of SpTU 2, 19 refers
row besides a uluppaqqu-crucible. This is followed to a tablet that contained the full text of Bl bl ar
by the recitation of Bl bl ar arr ama and the arr ama.
sequence of Maql incantations referred to above.
The actions accompanying the recitation of the For a full discussion of the Maql cycle in PBS 1/1,
Maql incantations are not specified, but we may 13, Bt rimki and SpTU 2, 19 and its implications
infer from the Maql ritual itself that they entailed for the redactional history of Maql itself, see
presenting the figurines, burning them, burning Abusch, MesWi, 11362 (= Studies Moran).

List of Manuscripts

a CBS (Kh2) 1527 PBS 1/1, 13 pls. 11617 Single-column tablet, NB/LB script, Sippar(?)
7th cent.
B Sm 635 + 1188 + 1612 RT pl. 8 pl. 118 Frg. of a single-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
(Sm 1612) script, 7th cent. Library
C1 K 15234 (+)? pl. 115 Frgs. of a single-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
C2 K 16344 pl. 115 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against witchcraft and ban..........................................................................................152

Incantation: Bl bl ar arr ama ..............................................................................138
a obv. 1rev. 11 // B obv. 114 // C2 obv. 15 (610 differ)
Burning ritual against witchcraft at the uluppaqqu-crucible (Maql cycle) ...............3949
a rev. 1222 // C1 rev. 15
Burning ritual against ban and curse (urpu cycle) ....................................................4953
a rev. 2226 // C1 rev. 57
Catchline ......................................................................................................................................54
a rev. 27

Previous Editions

Prince, AJSL 31 (1915) 26062, no. XIII (ms. a).

Schollmeyer, HG, 11011, no. 25 (ms. B, Sm 1612 only), 13336 (ms. a); cf. also Seux, HPDBA, 39496.


1 a obv. 1 [ ] dUTU
2 a obv. 2 [UTU] DI.KU5 AN-e {AN-e} u KI-tim EN KUR.KUR
B obv. 2 UTU D[I.KU5 KI-t]im EN KUR.KUR
3 a obv. 3 ed-de-u- ZLAG DINGIR.ME ka-a-a-nu
B obv. 3 [e]d-de-[u- DING]IR.ME ka-a-a-nu
4 a obv. 4 mu-te-ir AN.TA.ME u KI.TA.ME
B obv. 4 [mu]-t[e-ir AN.T]A.ME u KI.TA.ME
5 a obv. 5 SIPA ki-nu te-n-e-e-ti at-ta
B obv. 5 [ ] te-n-e-e-ti at-[ta]
6 a obv. 6 d
UTU da-a-a-nu i-ru q-bit-su NU KR-ru
B obv. 6 [dUT]U DI.KU5 i-ru q-bit-su NU KR-[ru]
7 a obv. 7 an-na-u DINGIR ma-am-man NU BAL-u
B obv. 7 [a]n-na-u DINGIR ma-am-man la e-nu-
8 a obv. 8 UTU ina q-bti-ka u-te-i-ri a-pa-a-ti
B obv. 8 UTU ina q-bi-ti-ka ut-ta-ra a-pa-a-t[i]
9 a obv. 9 ed-lu ip-pe-et-tu pe!(ep)-tu-u in-n-dil
B obv. 9 ed-lu ip-pe-et-ti pe-tu- in-n-d[il]
10 a obv. 10 UTU ina -ka A.ME ka-u-ti lim-u-ru-ka
B obv. 10 UTU ina -ka A.ME ka-u-ti lim-u-ru-[ka]
11 a obv. 11 DINGIR.ME KUR lik-ru-bu-ka
B obv. 11 [DIN]GIR.ME KUR lik-ru-b[u-ka]
12 a obv. 12 DINGIR.ME GAL.ME -ka li-ib-bu
B obv. 12 [DINGI]R.ME GAL.ME lb-ba-ka l[i-ib-bu]
13 a obv. 13 UTU tar-mu ina KA-MU IGI-NI ina GB-MU
B obv. 1314 [dUT]U
tar-mu ina p[i-ia] / [I]GI-NI ina [ ]
(B obv. breaks)81

On the reverse of ms. B only the last nine lines of an Ashurbanipal colophon (type c) are preserved.
TEXT 9.2 389
14 a obv. 14 siris pa-ir DINGIR u L ina 15-MU na--ku
15 a obv. 15 ina UGU na4AD.BAR KUR-i K az-za-az-ka
16 a obv. 16 UTU ana [i]a-a-i UL-tim i-pu-
17 a obv. 17 ki-pu r[u-e]-e ru-se-e \ NU DU10.GA.ME D-[]
18 a obv. 18 NU.ME-MU lu IM lu NG.SILA11.G[]
C2 obv. 1 [N]U.M[E-MU ]
19 a obv. 19 lu .UDU lu DU.LL lu i-pu-u[]
C2 obv. 12 [ ] / [l]u D[U.LL () ]
20 a obv. 20 UR.GI7 lu- --ki[l]
C2 obv. 3 [U]R.GI7 l[u ]
21 a obv. 21 A lu- --ki[l]
C2 obv. 3 [ ]
22 a obv. 22 MUEN lu- --ki[l]
C2 obv. 3 [ ]
23 a obv. 23 KU6 lu- --ki[l]
C2 obv. 4 KU6 lu [ ]
24 a obv. 24 a-na D lu- id-d[i]
C2 obv. 5 ina D l[u ]
25 a obv. 25 i-na KI lu- iq-[bir]
C2 obv. 5 [ ]
26 a obv. 26 i-na SIG4 lu- i-te-[e]
C2 obv. 6 ina SIG4 l[u ]
27 a obv. 27 [i]-na I.DIB lu- it-[mir]
C2 obv. 6 [ ]
27a C2 obv. 7 [ina K]I.MA AD[DA lu
27b C2 obv. 8 [a-n]a ADDA lu i[p-qid
27c C2 obv. 9 [ina q]ab-ri lu iq-bir i[na
27d C2 obv. 10 [a-n]a dgira l[u ipqid
27e C2 obv. 11 [x x] x x x [
(C2 breaks)
28 a rev. 1 [id-bu]-ub -da[b-bi]-ib [(x x)]
29 a rev. 2 [i-pu-u] -e-pi-[i]
30 a rev. 3 [is-]u-ur --as-[i-ir]
31 a rev. 4 lu ka--pi lu ka-a[p-ti]
32 a rev. 5 lu NITA lu MUNUS lu ADDA lu l[TI]
33 a rev. 6 ep-e-ti--nu GIM gi-<par->ri BAL.ME-[-nu-ti]
34 a rev. 7 -nu-ti li-ba-ru--nu-[ti]
35 a rev. 8 DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u NUN li-kel-mu--nu-[ti]
36 a rev. 9 ina UII DINGIR LUGAL IDIM u NUN a-a -[u-u]
37 a rev. 10 ana-ku R-ka lu-b-lu lu-u-lim-[ma]
38 a rev. 11 nar-bi-ka lu--pi d-l-l-ka lud-[lul]
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 a rev. 12 N dUTU an-nu-t NU.ME D-[ia]
40 a rev. 13 N nuska ur-bu-u i-lit-ti d[a-nim]
C1 rev. 1 [ d
n]u[ska ]
41 a rev. 14 N L-i di-pa-[ra]
C1 rev. 1 [ ]
42 a rev. 15 N dUTU-i man-nu AD-[u]
C1 rev. 2 [ ] dUTU-i man-[nu ]

43 a rev. 16 N -ru-u la-a-[ni]

C1 rev. 2 [ ]
44 a rev. 17 []N SA.ME tu-k-i-r[a]
C1 rev. 3 []N SA.ME tu-k[-i-ra]
45 a rev. 18 []N e-pi--a e-pi-tu-u-a
C1 rev. 3 [ ]
46 a rev. 19 []N ez-ze-tu-nu am-ra-tu-nu
C1 rev. 4 []N ez-ze-tu-nu am-r[a-tu-nu]
47 a rev. 20 []N KUR- lik-tm-ku-nu-i
C1 rev. 4 [ ]
48 a rev. 21 [ ] i-sa-a i-sa-a
C1 rev. 5 []N i-sa-a i-[sa-a]
49 a rev. 22 []u-lu-pa-qa ta-e-et-ma ur-pu GAR-an
C1 rev. 5 [ ] \ ur-pa GAR-[an]
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 a rev. 23 N lu-u pa-ra DINGIR.ME GAL.ME
C1 rev. 5 [ ]
51 a rev. 24 N ma-mit D.A.BI
C1 rev. 6 []N ma-mit [ ]
52 a rev. 25 N -ul gal5-l-gim
C1 rev. 6 [ ]
53 a rev. 26 N GIM SUMsar an-ni-i
C1 rev. 7 [x] x x ni x [
(C1 breaks)
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 a rev. 27 [N x x (x)] a?-na LUGAL UR.SAG dMA

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
Nb[l bl ar a]rr ama Incantation: L[ord of lords, king of ki]ngs, ama!
2 2
ama dayyn am u ereti bl mtti ama, judge of heaven and earth, lord of the lands,
3 3
edd nr il kayynu self-renewing (god), constant light of the gods,
4 4
muter elti u aplti who guides aright the upper and the lower (world),
5 5
r knu a tenti att the true shepherd of the people are you.
6 6
ama dayynu ru a qibssu l uttakkaru ama, exalted judge, whose command cannot be changed,
7 7
annau ilu mamman l en (or: inn?) whose approval no god can alter,
8 8
ama ina qibtka utir (var.: ut-ta- ama, by your command the teeming (people) are guided
ra) apti aright,
9 9
edlu ippette pet inneddil the locked is opened, the open is locked,
10 10
ama ina aka m kati limurka ama, when you rise, may cool water welcome you,
11 11
il a mti likrubka may the gods of the land hail you,
12 12
il rabtu libbaka liibb may the great gods make you happy!
13 13
ama tarmu ina pya imur-er ina ama, I hold lupine in my mouth, heals-twenty-plant in
umlya my left (hand),
14 14
Siris pir ili u amli ina imnya naku divine Beer, the releaser of god and man, in my right
15 15
ina mui atbri ad elli azzzka I stand on basalt, the pure mountain, before you.
16 16
ama a ana [y]i itti lemutti pua ama, he who has made an evil sign against me,
17 17
kip r[u] rus l bti pua has performed witchcraft, ma[gi]c (and) wicked sorcery
against me:
TEXT 9.2 391
18 18
almya l a di l a l[i] indeed he has made figurines representing me either of clay
or of dough
19 19
l a lip l a ikri l pu[] or of tallow or of wax,
20 20
kalba l uki[l] indeed he has fed (them) to a dog,
21 21
a l uki[l] indeed he has fed (them) to a pig,
22 22
ira l uki[l] indeed he has fed (them) to a bird,
23 23
nna l uki[l] indeed he has fed (them) to a fish,
24 24
ana nri l idd[i] indeed he has thrown (them) into a river,
25 25
ina ereti l iq[bir] indeed he has inter[red] (them) in the ground,
26 26
ina libitti l it[] indeed he has wall[ed (them) up] with brickwork,
27 27
[i]na askuppi l it[mir] indeed he has bu[ried] (them) [un]der a threshold,
((27a[ina k]ima m[ti l ])) ((27a[indeed he has ] (them) [in] a dea[d persons] tomb,
[ ],))
((27b[an]a mti l i[pqid ])) ((27bindeed he has ha[nded] (them) [over t]o a dead person,
[ ],))
((27c[ina q]abri l iqbir i[na ])) ((27cindeed he has buried (them) [in a gr]ave, [indeed
he ] i[n a ],))
((27d[an]a Girra l[ ipqid ])) ((27din[deed he has handed] (them) over [t]o Girra,
[ ],))
((27e[] [ ])) ((27e[] [ ],))
28 28
[idb]ub uda[bb]ib [he has sla]ndered, he has sla[nd]ered greatly (against me),
29 29
[pu] upi[] [he has perform]ed (witchcraft), he has had (witchcraft) per-
form[ed] (against me),
30 30
[is]ur uas[ir] [he has sou]ght (or) has had (witchcraft) sou[ght] (against
31 31
l kapi l ka[pti] be it a warlock, be it a wit[ch],
32 32
l zikaru l sinnitu l mtu l b[alu] be it a man, be it a woman, be it a dead or a li[ving person]:
33 33
eptunu kma gi<par>ri libbalkit- let their sorceries turn upon th[em] like a trap,
34 34
unti librun[ti] let them catch them!
35 35
ilu arru kabtu u rub likkelmun[ti] May god, king, magnate and nobleman frown at the[m],
36 36
ina qt ili arri kabti u rub ay u[] let them not es[cape] from the grip of god, king, magnate
and nobleman!
37 37
anku aradka lublu lulim-[ma] (But) let me, your servant, live and become healthy,
38 38
narbka lupi dallka lud[lul] [Then] I will proclaim your greatness, I will prai[se] your
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 39
N ama anntu alm pi[ya] Incantation: ama, these are the figurines of [my] sorcerers.
40 40
N Nuska urb ilitti [Ani] Incantation: Grand Nuska, offspring of [Anu].
41 41
N anai dip[ra] Incantation: I raise the tor[ch].
42 42
N a ami mannu ab[u] Incantation: Of the Sun who is [his] father?
43 43
N aru l[n] Incantation: Radiant is [my] appearance.
44 44
[]N ern tukair[] Incantation: You have tied the sinews.
45 45
[]N pia pita Incantation: My sorcerers, my sorceresses.
46 46
[]N ezztunu amrtunu Incantation: You are furious, you are wild.
47 47
[]N ad liktumkuni Incantation: May the mountain cover you.
48 48
[]N is is [Incan]tation. Be off, be off.
49 49
[]uluppaqqa tat-ma urpa taakkan You leave the []uluppaqqu-crucible; then you set up (the
arrangements for) the urpu-ritual.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 50
N l para il rabtu Incantation: Be it released from me, great gods.
51 51
N mmtu kalma Incantation: Any ban .
52 52
N -ul gal5-l-gim Incantation: An evil curse like a galla-demon.
53 53
N kma mi ann Incantation: Just as this garlic bulb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 54
[N ] ana(?) arri qarrdi Ninurta [Incantation: ] to the king, the hero Ninurta.


General: The ama prayer Bl bl ar arr tended in ms. C2 with probably two additional en-
ama was registered as ama 98 by Mayer, tries in each line. The traces preserved in C2 obv.
UFBG, 422. A close parallel to this prayer is pre- 10 (l. 27e) show that this line is not identical with
served in KAL 2, 15 obv. I 121 (see here text 8.5). ms. a rev. 1 (l. 28).
1: For the restoration of the opening 2829: Note that the parallel text KAL 2, 15
line of this incantation, see PBS 1/1, 14 rev. 56 obv. I 14 (text 8.5) has verbal forms with first-
(catchline, ed. Lambert, JNES 33 [1968] 27379, person suffixes here: isura uasira.
ms. m), SpTU 2, 19 rev. 33 (catchline, see here text
3949: For a full discussion of the cycle of
9.3), K 2784 + 7593 rev. 11 (catchline, ed. Maul,
Maql incantations used within Bt rimki and within
BaF 18, 46583) and SpTU 2, 12 rev. III 31 (in-
the present ritual, see Abusch, MesWi, 11362 (=
cipit). For the individual ritual contexts, see Con-
Studies Moran); cf. also Schwemer, Abwehrzauber,
5355. A duplicate of this passage of Bt rimki is
8: The variant ut-ta-ra is difficult to BM 37277.
explain; probably it is a weak form of the otherwise
5053: The incipits of the urpu cycle with-
unattested Dt-stem of (w)ru: uttarr they are
in Bt rimki; cf. SpTU 2, 12 rev. III 4243.
ruled. Note that the participle of the Dtn-stem
(mtairu) occasionally shows a doubling of the t 53: The traces in C1 rev. 7 cannot be re-
(muttairu). conciled with any portion of text in ms. a. Possibly
ms. C1 prescribed a slightly different sequence of
19: Note that ms. C2 may well have had
incantations or it added ritual instructions.
one more type of material here, as had probably the
parallel text KAL 2, 15 obv. I 1011 (here text 8.5). 54: The incipit was registered as Ninur-
ta 6 by Mayer, UFBG, 405.
27: The list of the different methods of
maltreatment of the patients figurine is much ex-
TEXT 9.3


The Late Babylonian fragment published as SpTU would still not have been enough room for a distinct
2, 19 (ms. a) is fraught with problems, not only in ritual belonging to this incantation in the space
regard to the reading of individual lines, but also available before the ritual instructions that are
with respect to its overall interpretation. The ob- actually preserved on the reverse. However, if the
verse of the fragment contains a witchcraft symp- tablet had two columns rather than one, it might
tom description and diagnosis that is followed by easily have accommodated the whole ritual asso-
the first 24 lines of the incantation ama anntu ciated with ama anntu pia in the other
pia (obv. 134; see here text 8.3). sources. In that case, the text preserved on the re-
At that point the obverse of the fragment breaks off. verse would then be the end of the last column and
All other manuscripts of this incantation indicate would probably represent the end of an entirely
that the text of the incantation should continue for different anti-witchcraft ritual. Unfortunately, we
about another 68 lines and then be followed by brief have not been able to collate the original tablet in
instructions for a burning ritual. The editor of the the Iraq Museum, Baghdad; without a collation, it is
SpTU 2, 19, E. von Weiher, reports that the frag- not possible to reach a decision regarding the size of
ment comes from a single-column tablet and that the tablet.
vom unteren Teil der Tafel fehlen vielleicht nur The incipit ama anntu cited in SpTU 2, 19 rev.
einige Zeilen. But contrary to what we might have 14, which stands at the beginning of a sequence of
expected on the basis of this information, the first Maql incantations, must refer to the incantation
lines preserved on the reverse do not take up the ama anntu alm piya which stands at the
incantation ama anntu pia somewhere in the beginning of the same sequence also in PBS 1/1, 13
second half of its text, but rather contain the text of and in the Bt rimki ritual (see here text 9.2). How-
a ritual. ever, thus far, this incantation is only known by in-
If von Weihers report on the shape of the tablet is cipit, because its counterpart in Maql I 73121
correct, we must conclude that SpTU 1, 19 had a represents a revised version of this text and is ad-
much shortened version of ama anntu pia dressed to Nuska (Nuska anntu alm piya).
and that that version was followed by ritual in- Surprisingly the catchline of SpTU 2, 19 refers to
structions whose beginning shows some similarities the incantation Bl bl ar arr ama, which is at
to the rituals attested in the other sources for ama the same time the opening incantation of ritual ii
anntu pia, but whose overall character was (ll. 1011). The catchline may refer to a tablet that
entirely different from those rituals and seems ir- gave only the text of this incantation and could be
reconcilable with the attested rituals. Note, more- used as a dicenda tablet to ritual ii of the present
over, that the recitation of ama anntu pia is manuscript. It is possible, however, that it refers to
nowhere mentioned in the preserved ritual instruc- yet another anti-witchcraft ritual at whose beginning
tions. stood the recitation of this incantation. Texts like
But if the tablet was significantly longer than von KAL 2, 15 obv. I 121 (here text 8.5) and PBS 1/1,
Weiher thought, it may have accommodated the full 13 (here text 9.2) show that there was no shortage of
text of ama anntu pia. But probably there texts of this sort.

List of Manuscripts

a W 22729/17 SpTU 2, 19 ph. coll. Frg. of a single-col.? tablet, NB/LB Uruk, U 18

script, 4th3rd cent.
b W 22656/9 d SpTU 4, 139 ph. coll. Small frg., NB/LB script, 4th3rd Uruk, U 18

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against witchcraft ........................................................................................................ 134[

Diagnoses and purpose statement....................................................................................110
a obv. 110, see text 8.3, 1.: 110
Incantation: ama anntu pia.............................................................................. 1131[
a obv. 1134, see text 8.3, 1.: 1131 (see there; approximately 68 lines of incantation
text missing according to duplicates)
ii Ritual against witchcraft (continuation of unit i?)................................................................]132
Burning and disposal of figurines; the following incantations are to be recited:
Bl bl ar arr ama pia pita
ama anntu (alm piya) Attunu m
Nuska urb ilitti Ani ad liktumkuni
Anai dipra I[s is]
a ami mannu abu Udug-ul edin-na-zu-
aru ln Anamdi ipta (ana puur il kalma) to T[ummu btu]
Is is Uttakkir lumn
ern tukair
a rev. 132 // b: 114
Catchline .....................................................................................................................................33
a rev. 33

Previous Editions

von Weiher, SpTU 2, no. 19 (ms. a), SpTU 4, no. 139 (ms. b).


(for a obv., see text 8.3, 1., ll. 131; for a discussion, see Content)
1 a rev. 1 li ri [
2 a rev. 2 ana IGI K d[UTU?
3 a rev. 3 4 NU .UDU 4 N[U 4 NU ]
4 a rev. 4 4 NU DU.E.GI. [4 NU 4 NU IM PI10]
5 a rev. 5 D ki-lal-le-e [4 NU 4 NU NG.SILA11.G]
6 a rev. 6 E.SA.A 4 NU NG.SILA11.G [E.MU5 4 NU ]
7 a rev. 7 i-sad-dir u NU.ME ma-la KI [N.ME annti(??)]
8 a rev. 8 ba-- it-ti- ina mu-i [u-lu-up-pa-qa taakkan(?)]

9 a rev. 9 tar-mu ina KA- IGI-NI ina G[B- mia(?)]
10 a rev. 10 ina UII 15- L-ma ina mu-i na4A[D.BAR GUB-az N EN EN.EN]
11 a rev. 11 LUGAL LUGAL.LUGAL dUTU 3- ID-nu GIM [ID- tar-mu ina KA-]
(undecipherable traces in b: 1)

12 a rev. 12 IGI-NI ina GB- na4AD.BAR ina mu-i GUB-[zu ana mui(?) ]
b: 2 ] ina U[G]U [GU]B?-z[u?
13 a rev. 13 u-lu-up-<pa->qa UB-di UII-su a-na u-lu-u[p-pa-qa itarra(?)]
b: 3 ] dugNG.TAB.TUR.RA []U[B-di
14 a rev. 14 N dUTU an-nu-t ID GI.IZI.L ina IZI PI10.d[D ta-qad-ma]
b: 4 ]N dUTU an-nu-t [
15 a rev. 15 ana UII lGIG GAR-ma N dnuska ur-bu- i-[lit-ti da-nim ID-nu]
16 a rev. 16 N a-na--i di-pa-ri ID-nu EGIR an-ni-i N [a-na--i di-pa-ri(??)]
TEXT 9.3 395
17 a rev. 17 3- tu-am-na EGIR N dUTU man-nu AD- I[D-nu-ma?]
b: 5 ] dUTU man-nu AD- ID-[nu-ma?
18 a rev. 18 SK BABBAR 3 ki-ir GIM in-gi-ip-pi k-ru ana UII-[ ]
b: 6 ] ta-bat-taq-ma
19 a rev. 19 ana
u-lu-up-pa-qa UB-di N -ru-u la-a-nu u N i-sa-[a i-sa-a ID]
b: 67 ana lb-bi [ i]-sa-a ID
20 a rev. 20 Z.MAD.G i-ar-rap N r-a-ni tu-k-ir ina u-ab g[iMA.NU]
b: 78 Z.MAD.G i-ar-r[ap tu-k-]i-[r]a [ ] u-ab giMA.NU
21 a rev. 21 lb-bi u-lu-up-pa-qa <tubaa>(??) x UII ina?? qut-ri i-zak-ku- tu-[x-x(-x)]
b: 8 [
22 a rev. 22 N e-pi--a {N} e-pi-tu--a N at-ta A.[ME ID-nu ina A.ME]
b: 9 e-pi-tu]--a N at-tu-nu A.[ME
23 a rev. 23 tu-na-a N KUR-i lik-tm-ku-nu-i u na4AD.BAR [ ]
b: 10 ] x u NA4 KUR-i x x du x [
24 a rev. 24 GAR-ma 1.TA.M ana u-lu-up-pa-qa UB-di N i-[sa-a i-sa-a(?)]
25 a rev. 25 ID-ma Z.MAD.G qa-mu- u-lu-up-pa-qa x [ ]
b: 11 ] Z.MAD.G [
26 a rev. 26 te-es-sip-ma ana K -ma N udug-ul ed[in-na-zu- ID-ma ]
b: 12 ] -ma ud[ug?
(traces in b: 1314 cannot be assigned with certainty; b breaks)
27 a rev. 27 EGIR- EN K ID-ma GUR-ma ki-ma ina [tterbu aar maql]
28 a rev. 28 ta-qa-lu- N a-nam-di N EN N t[m-mu btu(?)]
29 a rev. 29 ID-ma tu-ken-ma K DU8-ma e-nu-ma n[-pea ann]
30 a rev. 30 D- L NU K MUNUS NU K-tim ana IGI NU TAG4 ? x [ ]
31 a rev. 31 x-ma N ut-tak-kr UL-ia tu-e-pes-su ina i[ti ]
32 a rev. 32 u itiAB U4.7.KAM U4.14.KAM U4.21.K[AM U4.28.KAM teppu-ma iallim(??)]
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 a rev. 33 N EN EN.EN LUGAL LUGAL.LUGAL dUTU d[UTU DI.KU5 AN-e] \ u KI-[tim]

Bound Transcription Translation

(for a obv., see text 8.3, 1., ll. 131; for a discussion, (for a obv., see text 8.3, 1., ll. 131; for a discussion, see Content)
see Content)
(l. 1 too fragmentary for transcription) (l. 1 too fragmentary for translation)
ana maar riksi a [ama ] 2in front of the offering arrangement for
erbet alm lip erbet al[m erbet [ama ], 3four figurines of tallow, four figur[ines
alm ] 4erbet alm kupsi [erbet al- of , four figurines of ], 4four figurines of sesame pom-
m erbet alm d kid] 5nri kilall ace, [four figurines of , four figurines of clay] 5from both
[erbet alm erbet alm l] 6labti banks of the river, [four figurines of , four figurines of
erbet alm l [egui erbet alm ] dough] 6made of roasted grain, four figurines of dough made
isaddir u alm mala itti(?) [ipti ann- of [eguu-barley (and) four figurines of ] 7he sets up in a
ti(??)] 8ba(?) ittu(?) ina mui [ulup- row. And all the figurines that 8are (stipulated) 7with [these]
paqqi taakkan(?)] 9tarmu ina pu im- in[cantations] 8[you place] together with him on the [ulup-
ur-er ina [umlu mia] 10ina qt paqqu-crucible]. 10He carries 9lupine in his mouth, heals-
imittu ina-ma ina mui a[tbri izzz twenty-plant in [his] l[eft hand (and) beer] 10in his right

N bl bl] 11 ar arr ama alu hand; then [he steps] on b[asalt]. 11You recite 10[the incanta-
tamannu kma t[amtan tarmu a ina tion Lord of the lords] 11king of the kings, ama three
pu] 12imur-er a ina umlu atbra times. When you [have recited], 13he puts 11[the lupine that is
a ina mui izzazzu [ana mui(?) ] in his mouth], 12the heals-twenty-plant that is in his left
hand and the basalt on which he stands, [on the ]
13 13
a uluppaqqi inaddi qssu ana ulu[p- of the uluppaqqu-crucible. [He stretches out] his hand to
paqqi itarra(?)] 14N ama anntu ta- the ulu[ppaqqu-crucible]. 14You recite the incantation
mannu gizill ina it kibr[ti taqd-ma] ama, these are. [You kindle] a torch in burning sulph[ur],
ana qt mari taakkan-ma N Nuska [then] 15you put (it) into the patients hand. [You recite] the
urb i[litti Ani tamannu] 16N anai incantation Grand Nuska, off[spring of Anu]. 16You recite
dipra tamannu arki ann N [anai dip- the incantation I raise the torch; after this 17you have him
ra(?)] 17alu tuamna arka N a recite 16the incantation [I raise the torch] 17three times.
ama mannu abu tamann-[ma?] Afterwards you recite the incantation Of the Sun who is
ipti peti a alat kir() kma his father?; [then] 18you cut off white wool with which three
ingippi kar ana qt[u] tabattaq-ma knots are tied like a loop for [his] hands and 19put (it) into the
ana ((libbi)) uluppaqqi tanaddi N uluppaqqu-crucible. You recite the incantation Radiant is
aru ln u N is [i]s tamannu 20ma- my appearance and the incantation Be off, [be] off. 20He
ata iarrap N ern tukair ina burns maatu-flour. Incantation: You have tied the sin-
ub ri 21libbi uluppaqqi <tuba- ews: with a stick of ru-wood 21<you stir>(??) the contents
a>(??) qt ina(??) qutri(?) izakk of the uluppaqqu-crucible. hands become clean in the
tu[] 22N pia pita N attunu m smoke, you [ ]. 22The incantation: My sorcerers, my
[tamannu ina m] 23tun N ad liktum- sorceresses (and) the incantation You are the wat[er you
kuni u atbra (var.: aban ad) [ ] recite]; 23you calm (the fire) 22[with water]. 23Incantation:
taakkan-ma 1.TA.M ana uluppaqqi May the mountain cover you: and 24you place 23basalt
tanaddi N i[s is(?)] 25tamann-ma (var.: mountain-stone) [ ]; then 24you put one each
maatu qam uluppaqqa [ ] into the uluppaqqu-crucible. 25You recite 24the incantation
tessip-ma ana bbi tue-ma N udug- B[e off, be off]; 25then 26you gather 25the burnt maatu-
ul ed[in-na-zu- tamann-ma ] flour, the uluppaqqu-crucible [ ] 26and take (it) out
arku adi bbi tamann-ma tatr-ma through the door. Then [you recite] the incantation Evil
kma ina bti [tterbu aar maql] 28taqal- udug-demon [out to] the ste[ppe]. 27Thereafter you recite (it)
l N anamdi ipta adi N t[ummu btu(?)] all (the way) to the gate and return (to the house). When [you
tamann-ma tukn-ma riksa tapaar- have entered] the house 29you recite 27[in the place where]
ma enma n[pea ann] 30teppuu amla 28
you (have) perform(ed) 27[the ritual burning] 28the incan-
l ella sinnita l elleta ana amri l ezzib tation I have cast a spell up to and including the incantation

? [ ] 31 -ma N uttakkir lumn(?) Ad[jured is the house]. 29Then you prostrate yourself and
tueppessu ina i[ti] 32u ebti U4.7.KAM clear away the ritual arrangement. When 30you perform
U4.14.KAM U4.21.K[AM U4.28.KAM teppu- [this] r[itual] 30he must not leave (the house) to visit an im-
ma iallim(??)] pure man or an impure woman. The house [ ] 31 .
Then you have him perform the incantation I have removed
my evil. In the m[onth ] 32and (in) the month ebtu,
on the seventh, the 14th, the 21st [(and) the 28th day you per-
form it, then it will be successful].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
N bl bl ar arr ama [ama day- Incantation: Lord of the lords, king of the kings, ama!
yn am] u ereti [ama, judge of heaven] and earth.


General: As already noted by von Weiher, the cations for the redactional history of Maql, see
small fragment published as SpTU 4, 139 (ms. b) Abusch, MesWi, 11362 (= Studies Moran); cf. also
duplicates SpTU 2, 19 reverse. The few signs that Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 5355.
are preserved do not allow a reconstruction of the
36: The series of figurines arranged in
original length of its lines, but the coordination with
groups of four has a close parallel in the rituals as-
SpTU 2, 19 suggests that it offered a shorter version
sociated with the incantation ama anntu pia
of the ritual text in a number of places.
(see here text 8.3, 1.: 107110); the beginning of this
For a full discussion of the cycle of Maql incanta- incantation is preserved on the obverse of the pres-
tions used within the present ritual (cf. also Bt rim- ent tablet. For a discussion of the relationship be-
ki and PBS 1/1, 13; see here text 9.2) and its impli- tween SpTU 2, 19 obverse and reverse, see Content.
TEXT 9.3 397
78: The overall reconstruction of these 2021: The emendation of the text follows
two lines remains very uncertain, even though the the ritual tablet of Maql, ll. 8182: N ern
reading and syntactical interpretation of mala (SA.ME) tu-k-i-ra d-a up-ta-a-ir, ina giri
ba seem reasonably clear. After KI [N ] one (MA.NU) lb-bi uluppaqqi(NG.TAB.TUR.RA) tu-ba-
could also restore an incipit. a-a-.
9: For the restoration at the end of the 22: Note that the traces after at-ta in ms.
line, cf. SpTU 2, 12 rev. III 2829 (Bt rimki). For a could well be read as A.[ME. The expected text
the rite itself, cf. also K 3661 rev. IV 17 (here text is attnu m; ms. a is therefore almost certainly cor-
7.5), ABRT 2, 18(+) r. col. 16 // (here text 7.8, 7.: rupt here. The ritual instruction ina m tun is
1823) and the text of the incantation Bl bl ar identical with that prescribed in Maql for this in-
arr ama itself (here texts 8.5 and 9.2). cantation (ritual tablet, l. 83).
13: The incantation ama anntu (al- 2324: Perhaps read 10 na4AD.BAR rather
m piya) accompanies the presentation of the than u na4AD.BAR (cf. 1.TA.M in l. 24). The atbru-
figurines. In Maql the patient points with his finger stone (basalt) bears the epithet pure mountain in
when reciting the corresponding incantation (ritual the incantations referring to the rite of standing on
tablet, l. 26), and a similar gesture seems to be in- basalt when addressing the sun-god. The variant
tended here; for stretching out the hand rather than aban ad mountain-stone in ms. b shows that this
the finger over a substitute figurine, cf. K 6034 term also refers to atbru. Note that this mountain-
(RT, pl. 7) + 8012 obv. 11; see Schollmeyer, HG, stone is also used in the parallel passage of Maql;
no. 22: 11, but note that K 3214 (RT, pl. 9) does there it is used to cover the uluppaqqu-crucible: N
not join K 6034+, but is a partial parallel to that ad(KUR-) lik-tm-ku-nu-i aban(NA4) ad(KUR-
fragment. i), ina mu-i nignakki(NG.NA) bb(K) ulup-
paqqi(NG.TAB.TUR.RA) taakkan(GAR-a[n]) (ll. 88
1617: Following the other versions of this
89). The broken passage here should probably be
Maql cycle, we do not expect an additional incan-
restored similarly, but too little is preserved for any
tation between Anai dipra and a ami mannu
definitive conclusions. In ms. b one might have to
abu. But an incantation incipit must be restored at
read: u NA4 KUR-i ? ana? UGU? GUB-zu [ ].
the end of l. 16. The use of tuamna instead of
normal tamannu in l. 17 raises the possibility that 2426: Note that in Maql the incantation
the previously mentioned incantation was to be re- Is is is recited alongside the strewing of maatu-
cited first by the ritualist and then three times by the flour. Then, as is the case here, the burnt remains
patient and therefore that Anai dipra is to be are taken out through the door while the practitioner
restored at the end of l. 16. recites Udug-ul edin-na-zu- (ritual tablet, ll. 90
92; for the incantation itself, see Schramm, Com-
1719: The ritual actions accompanying a
pendium, 8485).
ami mannu abu are not well preserved in the
ritual tablet of Maql, but they certainly involved a 2728: These instructions are parallel to
cord of white wool with which knots were tied. It Maql ritual tablet, ll. 9495. Note, however, that
seems likely that the text there should be restored in in Maql the incantation Tummu btu is to be recited
line with the present ritual (ritual tablet, l. 67): N later together with Sag-ba sag-ba (ritual tablet, l.
dami(UTU-i) man-nu ab(AD)- urri(DUR) 137), both of which are standard incantations
ipti(SK) peti(BABBAR) alat(3) kir(KA.K) recited when surrounding the patients bed with an
takaar(K) t[a-battaq ana libbi uluppaqqi ta- apotropaic circle of flour. We suggest that the
naddi(?)]. phrase N a-nam-di N adi(EN) N t[m-mu btu]
refers to a whole sequence of standard incantations
18: in-gi-ip-pi is unclear; the tentative
that were to be recited at this point. The full set of
translation given above is based on the assumption
these incantations is attested in the Muuu ritual
that the spelling reflects a misheard ina kippi.
tablet and includes Anamdi ipta ana puur il kal-
19: Note that Is is is to be recited ma, Anamdi m a mama il, Sag-ba sag-ba and
twice within the present ritual; once unexpectedly Tummu btu (ll. 3639, see Bck, JNES 62 [2003]
here in l. 19 and a second time after ad liktum- 6). The ritual instructions in Muuu show that first
kuni as in Bt rimki, PBS 1/1, 13 and Maql itself. the patient was sprinkled with water, then the same
For the occurrence in l. 19, see Abusch, MesWi, action was performed on his bed; this was followed

by the drawing of a flour circle and of other apo- 32: The restoration at the end of the line
tropaic flour designs. is tentative, of course; instead of iallim one could
restore kip par or something similar.
31: This incantation is otherwise un-
known; the use of epu with regard to reciting an 33: For the opening lines of the incan-
incantation is unusual, but it is difficult to see what tation, see PBS 1/1, 13 obv. 12 // (see here text
else tueppessu could refer to. We assume that UL- 9.2).
ia is an awkward writing for lumn, but perhaps one
should read lemntya or similar.


TEXT 10.1


Only two rituals from the beginning of what was at the very end of the whole ritual. The patient
probably an extensive collection of therapies against identifies himself with his own reflection in a bowl
zikurud witchcraft are preserved on this fragment of pure water. The reflection is pure and fleeting at
of a two-column tablet from the Nineveh libraries. the same time; by identifying with it the patient be-
The first ritual, which has a close parallel in PBS comes immune and elusive to any witchcraft that
1/2, 121 (here text 10.2), counters zikurud per- might attack him.
formed before Ursa Major and, typically, is ad- The symptom description and diagnosis of both pre-
dressed to the same astral deity. served units are also known from the older Diag-
The second preserved ritual uses a rite and incan- nostic Handbook (STT 89, here text 12.1) where
tation that was adopted within Maql; there it stands they occur in the same sequence as here.

List of Manuscripts

A K 8505 + KMI 76a pl. 119 Frg. of a two-column tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
K 8606 AMT 44/4 script, 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against zikurud witchcraft performed before Ursa Major .......................................... 114
Symptom description, prognosis and diagnosis................................................................ 13
A obv. 13
Ritual instructions including a short invocation of Ursa Major ..................................... 414
A obv. 414
ii Ritual against zikurud witchcraft ....................................................................................... 1527[
Symptom description and diagnosis ............................................................................. 1517
A obv. 1517
Ritual instructions including the incantation Att ill ................................................ 1827[
A obv. 1827

Previous Editions

Abusch, BWiL, 6263, fn. 84 (KMI 76a obv. 1527).

Scheyhing, WdO 37 (2007) 12122 (AMT 44/4 obv. I 113).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 564 (AMT 44/4 obv. I 14).
Thompson, AJSL 47 (1930) 2122 (AMT 44/4).

1 A obv. I 1 DI L SA ZAG u GB u-tab-ba-lu4 MD ina pi-i- x [x x x x]
2 A obv. I 2 mi-i-a U4.3.KM DU-ku ana L BI ana IGI mulMAR.GD.D[A ip epu]
3 A obv. I 3 ana U4.10.KM GD.DA-ma BA. U ZI.KU5.RU.DA []
4 A obv. I 4 a?-[n]a U ZI.KU5.RU.DA KAR- ina GE6 ina ka-ma-a GR giUTUG.UD ina -ri ana

5 A obv. I 5 ina giUTUG.UD giRI.GAL a-na IM.LMMU.BA tu-za-qa-ap A.G[B.BA tukn]
6 A obv. I 6 Z.SUR.RA i-ta-ti- te-er giUTUG.UD sk.ME.D[A skZA.GN.NA(?)]
7 A obv. I 7 SI g[i]RI.GAL tu-ul-la-a L TG za-ka-a [i]l-[tab-ba-a]

8 A obv. I 8 ZAG- l MU7.MU7 DAB.BA-ma ana giUTUG.UD KU4-[ x x x x (x x)]
9 A obv. I 9 nap-a?-ra ta-s-a-ap-ma Z.LUM.MA zEA ta-[sr-raq x x x (x x)]
10 A obv. I 10 1 dugSLA GETIN 1 dugSLA A tu-ka-an ana IGI m[ulMAR.GD.DA
11 A obv. I 11 um-ma u-ma da-a-a-na-ti di-ni di-ni pu-r[u-ussya purs tamur]
12 A obv. I 12 u-pi-e lem-nu-t[i i]na q-bi-ti-ki mi [
13 A obv. I 13 i-q-ab-bi-ma ma-aq-q-tu x [
14 A obv. I 14 ana L NU TE- [
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 A obv. I 15 DI L ME.DM.BI it-t[a-napak
16 A obv. I 16 - i-ta-na-a i-[tanarru
17 A obv. I 17 a-si-id ZAG- -[zaqqassu ana amli uti ip epu (iballu)]
18 A obv. I 18 ana ip-i UL.DIDLI a-na L [(uti) l e m kalla tumall-ma]
19 A obv. I 19 ana l-l- a kal-li [kam iqabb-ma (umma -ma) att ill]
20 A obv. I 20 at-ta ba-a-ti at-ti dLA[MMA-MU
21 A obv. I 21 at-ta l-l GAL at-ta dA[LAD-MU tamur kip tamur up(?)]
22 A obv. I 22 e tam-ur a-ga-a-tum e tam-ur n[a-ks napiti
23 A obv. I 23 e tam-ur -pi-i u rk-si lem-nu-t[i att yu anku k mamman ay ilmadka]
24 A obv. I 24 [? N]G UL a-a i-i-a-ka ina q-b[it Ea ama Marduk u rubti Blet-il]
25 A obv. I 25 [ki-ma a]n-ni-a-am tq-ta-bu-u a [
26 A obv. I 26 [x x x] IM?.BABBAR ana ma-ra-q-u x [
27 A obv. I 27 [x x x x] x tab-b[i
(A breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
umma amlu ern imitti u umli u- If a mans veins of the right and of the left sides , he
tabbal dma ina pu [ ] 2mia [ ] blood from his mouth, 2(and) miu-liquid flows for
alat m illak ana amli uti ana three days, (then) [sorceries have been performed] against
maar Ereqq[i ip epu] 3ana eeret that man before Ursa Majo[r]. 3If it lasts for ten days, he will
m rik-ma imt qt zikurud [imt] 4ana die hand of cutting-of-the-throat magic, [he will die].
zikurud eru ina mi ina kam pi To save him from the cutting-of-the-throat magic: At night,
utukka ina ri ana maar E[reqqi tanad- in (a demeanour of) bowing of the leg, you set up a reed hut
di] 5ina libbi utukki urigalla ana r on the roof before Ur[sa Major]. 5In the reed hut you erect
erbetti tuzaqqap agu[bb tukn] 6zisurr standard(s) in the four cardinal directions; [you set up] the
ittu teer libbi utukki tabarr[a uqn- holy water ve[ssel]. 6You draw its (i.e., the reed huts) bound-
ti(?)] 7qaran [u]rigalli tulla amlu ubta aries with a flour circle. Inside the reed hut 7you decorate the
zak [i]l[tabba] 8imittau ipu i/taab- horn of (each) standard 6with red woo[l (and) blue wool].
bat-ma ana libbi utukki (t)uerreb[u ] That man [d]o[ns] a clean garment. 8The exorcist takes him
napara(?) tasaap-ma sulupp sasq by the right hand and leads hi[m] into the reed hut. [ ]
ta[sarraq ] 101 qa karni 1 qa m 9
You cover a reed altar (with a cloth), you [strew] dates (and)
tukn ana maar E[reqqi ] 11umma fine flour. [ ]. 10You set up a one-litre vessel of wine
-ma dayynti dn dn pur[ussya purs (and) a one-litre vessel of water. Before Ur[sa Major ],
TEXT 10.1 401
tamur] 12up lemnt[i i]na qibtki 11
he (says) thus: You are the judge, judge my case, [render]
[ ] 13iqabb-ma maqqtu [ ] a ve[rdict for me! Do not accept] 12evi[l] sorcerous devices!
ana amli ul ieu [ ] At your command [ ]. 13He says (it); the [ ] a
libation [ ] 14will not approach the man [ ].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 15
umma amlu bintu itt[anapak If a mans limbs are constantly p[oured out, ],
] 16libbau itan [tanarru ] 16
he keeps retching (and) v[omiting, ], 17the heel of
asd imittu u[zaqqassu ana amli uti his right (foot) causes [him a stinging pain, (then) sorceries
ip epu (iballu)] 18ana ip lemnti have been performed against that man; (he will recover)].
ana amli [(uti) l e m kalla tumal- So that the evil sorceries [do not approach (that)] man: [You
l-ma] 19ana illu a libbi kalli [kam fill a kallu-bowl with water, and] 19to his reflection that [is]
iqabb-ma (umma -ma) att ill] 20att inside the kallu-bowl [he speaks as follows; (thus he says):
bt att la[mass ] 21att ill You are my reflection], 20you are my vigour, you are [my]
rab att [d tamur kip tamur vita[lity, ], 21you are my great reflection, you are
up(?)] 22 tamur aggatu tamur [my] vit[al force! Do not accept witchcraft, do not accept
n[aks napiti ] 23 tamur up sorcerous devices], 22do not accept murder, do not accept
u riks lemnt[i att yu anku k mam- cut[ting-of-the-throat magic, ], 23do not accept the
man ay ilmadka] 24[u(?) mi]mma lemnu ay magical machinations and the evi[l] bonds! [You are mine,
iiakka ina qib[t Ea ama Marduk u and I am yours. May nobody know you], 24[and] may no evil
rubti Blet-il] 25[kma a]nniam taqtab approach you. By the comma[nd of Ea, ama, Marduk and
[ ] 26[ ] gaa(?) ana the queen Blet-il]! 25[When] you have said [t]his,
marqu [ ] [ ] 26[ ] gypsum for him to crush [ ]
(l. 27 too fragmentary for transcription; text breaks) (l. 27 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)


General: The present manuscript contains a throw to describe the expectoration of blood from
few writings and forms that point to a possible Old the mouth, see Stol, CM 14, 198), but the fragmen-
Babylonian original; note especially i-i-a-ka and tary and unfortunately still unclear passage in STT
[a]n-ni-a-am in ll. 24 and 25, but also the compar- 89 obv. I 35 cautions against such a restoration.
ative frequency of syllabic spellings and the use of
2: Scurlock translates mia as (what
s and q.
looks like) frothy beer. One expects miu here to
114: The ritual described here is very refer to some kind of saliva or phlegm running from
similar to the one recorded in PBS 1/2, 121 (see the patients mouth. While miu is certainly de-
here text 10.2); there, however, the prayer addressed rived from mau to wet, soak, the present word
to Ursa Major is much longer, and the ritual instruc- may simply be a homonym of the variety of beer
tions are shorter and vary in some minor points. For called miu; on the other hand, there is no reason
zikurud performed before Ursa Major, see also to group our miu with the equally unclear miu
Maql IV 57 and BAM 464 obv. I 816 (see here in Gilgame VI 78 (so CAD M II 50). The corre-
text 10.5). sponding passage in STT 89 is too fragmentary for a
definitive reading, but it probably had maa in-
13: The same symptom description and
stead of mia of the present text.
diagnosis occur in the zikurud chapter of the diag-
nostic text STT 89 (obv. I 3437, here text 12.1: 34 4: At the beginning of the line one
37). could also restore ana [i-n]a ; but Akkadian
avoids double prepositions, and ellipsis of ina is ex-
1: Scurlock interprets utabbal as a t
form of ablu (are made to dry out) rather than of
(w)ablu (so AHw 1453b with query regarding The phrase ina ka-ma-A pi (cf. AHw 432a) is still
sense; CAD II 311b tentatively translates throb). unclear. It should be compared to K 72+ rev. 12:
The ambiguity of ernu (sinew, vein, nerve, ina p(GRII) ka-ma-ZI, [ina (or: ana) er]eb ami
muscle) and the uncertainty of the verb prevent (d]UTU..A) ana nri(D) in-na-du- they (sc. the
any confident interpretation. The traces at the end of impure witchcraft substances) shall be thrown into a
the line suggest [UB ] (for the usage of nad river [at (or: towards)] sunset in (a demeanour of)

bowing of the leg (cf. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, in ritual texts. It therefore seems preferable to read
225, fn. 134). The spellings indicate that both forms nap-a-ra, provisionally accepting naparu as an
should be derived from kamsu to bow (with otherwise unattested designation of a reed altar syn-
variants kamu, kamu). Therefore the phrase onymous with paru.
may refer to a specific gesture of supplication; note,
1112: For the restoration of the short
however, that within the contexts here and in K 72+
address to Ursa Major, cf. PBS 1/2, 121 obv. 16
one would rather expect a phrase equalling aar
rev. 6. According to the parallel we expect u annki
pu parsat in a secluded place.
after ina qibtki, but this is ruled out by the traces
For the restoration at the end of the line, cf. PBS preserved; is mi corrupt for u an?
1/2, 121 rev. 8 (here text 10.2).
1517: The same symptom description is at-
67: For the restoration at the end of l. 6, tested in the zikurud chapter of STT 89 (obv. I 38
cf. PBS 1/2, 121 rev. 910; there, combed wool is 42; see here text 12.1: 3842). Unfortunately, the
added after red and blue wool, but the space avail- relevant lines are only fragmentarily preserved; only
able in the break here seems too small to accom- the well-preserved parts have been integrated into
modate a third type of wool. the edition of the present text.
8: Note that this line seems to refer to 1824: The ritual prescribed here is basic-
the ipu (lMU7.MU7) in the third person; both ally identical to the last ritual segment of Maql,
verbal forms are written logographically. The other (VIII 12739: incantation Att ill; ritual tab-
instructions address the expert, as usual, in the let, ll. 17577), and the (more or less tentative) re-
second person, and it is difficult to see who but the storations given here are based on a comparison
ipu could be addressed as the expert to perform with the text in Maql. For a full discussion, also of
the ritual. Perhaps this inconsistency is due to the the meaning of illu (shadow, here: reflection),
(unknown) redactional history of the text. see Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 22830.
9: At the beginning of the line one 19: One could also restore ana illu a
expects the draping of a reed altar (usually gu or libbi kalli [immaru ] to his reflection which [he
paru), especially since the strewing of dates and sees] inside the bowl [ .
flour follows immediately and the parallel ritual
20, 22: The preserved portions of text show
PBS 1/2, 121 prescribes setting up a paru at this
that in its present form the incantation varied slight-
stage of the ritual (rev. 11); for sapu used with
ly from the Maql version of Att ill, especially in
regard to covering tables with a cloth, see CAD S
the two sequences of parallel clauses in these lines
33b, cf. especially K 72+ obv. 67, ed. Mayer,
(you are , turn away ). Thus the exact re-
UFBG, 51011: utukka tukn gu tasaap. The
storation of the text in ll. 20 and 22 remains uncer-
preserved traces, however, read ginab-x-ra. One
tain, though it was certainly very similar to Maql
could restore ginap-a-ra, but napru is a reed-
VIII 12830 and 13135.
basket used for barley and is not attested elsewhere
TEXT 10.2


The greater part of CBS 1543 is taken up by a ritual reed hut that is furnished with a decorated standard
designed to counter zikurud-witchcraft performed (or four standards according to the parallel ritual)
before the Wagon Star (Ursa Major); a condensed and a reed altar. In the parallel text the recitation of
form of basically the same ritual is known from a a short form of the prayer to Ursa Major is accom-
collection of zikurud therapies from Nineveh (see panied by a libation, which is not mentioned here.
here text 10.1). At the beginning of the present text After a ruling the text continues with instructions
stands a prayer addressed to the Wagon Star that for the preparation and application of a salve (ll.
consists mostly of well-known formulaic material, 3033). It is possible that these lines form a sepa-
but also contains a rather beautiful analogical spell rate unit introduced by its own symptom descrip-
referring to the wagon of the Wagon Star (ll. 14 tion.
15). The ritual itself is performed inside a ritual

List of Manuscripts

a CBS (Kh2) 1543 PBS 1/2, 121 pl. 120 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NB/LB Sippar(?)
script, 7th cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against zikurud witchcraft performed before Ursa Major ....................................... ]133
Incantation addressed to Ursa Major .............................................................................122
a obv. 1rev. 6
Ritual instructions........................................................................................................2329
a rev. 713
Prescription for a salve (separate prescription?)..........................................................3033
a rev. 1417
Fragmentary (colophon?).......................................................................................................... 34[
a rev. 18

Previous Editions



1 a obv. 1 [x x x x x x a]m-ur-ki s-ur-k[i]

2 a obv. 2 [x x x x x x] e tam-u-ru -pi UL-[tim]
3 a obv. 3 a lU11.ZU u munusU11.ZU ki-p ru-e-e ru-se-[e]
4 a obv. 4 up-a-e-e UL.M[E] NU DU10.GA a NAM.L.L[U]
5 a obv. 5 DI.B[A]L.LA UL.G[I]G KA.DAB.B.DA.KE4
6 a obv. 6 ZI.KU5.RU.D-e a a-wi-lu-tim
7 a obv. 7 a EN ik-ki-ia a <EN> e-ri-ia a EN DI-ia

8 a obv. 8 a EN DU11.DU11-ia a EN UL-t-ia

9 a obv. 9 a ip-a bar-ta <INIM> UL-t D-a -e-pi-
10 a obv. 10 is-u-ra-am e-[]e-a-am e-n-en-na
11 a obv. 11 an-u u-nu-[u] e-e-e pa-ni-ki
12 a obv. 12 ina DU11.GA-ki ir-tim a NU KR-ru
13 a obv. 13 an-ni-ki ki-ni la in-n-en-nu-
14 a obv. 14 us-i ina SU-ia ki-ma ni-[z]iq giMAR.GD.DA-ki \ ma-am-ma NU E.GA
15 a obv. 15 ni-ziq GIG-ia ma-am-ma a-a i-me
16 a obv. 16 di-na-ti di-na di-in \ E.BAR-a-a pur-si
17 a rev. 1 e tam-u-ru -pi UL-ti[m]
18 a rev. 2 a lU11.ZU munusU11.ZU
19 a rev. 3 ina q-bi-ti-ki
20 a rev. 4 u an-ni-ki
21 a rev. 5 UL a-a-a-t mu-kil SAG UL-t a ina SU-ia
22 a rev. 6 UZU-ia S[A]-ia ba-u- ZI-i ina SU-ia
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 a rev. 7 KD.KD.BI KI? t[a?-a]b?-bi A K S
24 a rev. 8 ana IGI mulMAR.GD.DA giUTUG UB-di
25 a rev. 9 RI.GAL tu-za-qp sk.ME.DA
26 a rev. 10 ZA.GN.NA skGA.RG.AG.A tu-la-a
27 a rev. 11 ina 15? giRI.GAL GI.DU8 GIN-an
28 a rev. 12 Z[].LUM zEA ta-sr-raq TU6 3- ID-nu
29 a rev. 13 [(x x)] [(x)] KI.ZA.ZA
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 a rev. 14 [x (x)] ki? DAB-ma? ig [(x)] IGI ZAG- DAB-ma? IGI GB- R DU
31 a rev. 15 [x (x)] x DU.DU imLI DU.E.GI. Z.KUM ina DIDA?
32 a rev. 16 [x x x (x)] x x EREN ina .UDU GR.PAD.DU UDU.N[TA]
33 a rev. 17 [x x x x x x 1]-ni E.E te-te-n-q-ma [iballu(?)]
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 a rev. 18 [ ] x [x x]
(a breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[ a]murki asurk[i] [ I] appeal to you, I have turned to yo[u],
[ ] tamur() up lemutti 3a 2
[ ], do not accept the evil sorcerous devices 3of
kapi u kapti warlock and witch,
kip ru rus 4up lemnti l bti witchcraft, magic, sorcery, 4the evil (and) wicked machina-
a awl[ti] tions of men,
dib[a]l z[r]a kadabbed 6zikurud a 5
distortion-of-justice magic, hate-magic, seizing-of-the-
awlti mouth magic, 6cutting-of-the-throat magic of men,
7 7
a bl ikkya a <bl> errya a bl of the one who is furious with me, of my opponent, of my
dnya litigant,
8 8
a bl dabbya a bl lemuttya of my adversary, of my enemy,
9 9
a ipa brta u <amt> lemuttu pua who has performed (and) has had performed sortilege,
upia 10isuram e[]am rebellion (and) evil <word(s)> against me, 10has turned to
(it) against me (and) has sought (it) against me.
enenna 11anu nu[u] eee pnki Now 11I, (your) tired, exhausted (servant), seek your pres-
12 12
ina qibtki rti a l uttakkaru By your supreme command that cannot be changed,
13 13
annki kni a l innenn (and) your reliable approval that cannot be altered,
14 14
us ina zumrya remove (it) from my body!
kma ni[z]iq ereqqki mamma l iemm Just as no one hears the groaning of your wagon, 15let no one
niziq murya mamma ay ime hear the groaning of my illness.
TEXT 10.2 405
16 16
dnti dna dn() purussya purs You are the judge: Judge (my) case, render a verdict for me!
17 17
tamur() up lemutti Do not accept the evil sorcerous devices
18 18
a kapi u kapti of warlock and witch!
ina qibtki 20u annki 19
By your command 20and your approval
21 22
lumnu ayyattu mukl r lemuttu remove from my body 21evil, terror, the one who sustains evil,
a ina zumrya 22rya er[n]ya ba which are present in my body, 22my flesh, my sin[ews]!
us ina zumrya
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 23
KD.KD.BI qaqqara(?) t[aa]bbi m Its ritual: [You sw]eep the ground, sprinkle pure water.
ellti tasalla 24ana maar ereqqi utukka 24
You set up a reed hut before Ursa Major, 25you erect a
tanaddi 25urigalla tuzaqqap tabarra 26uq- standard; 26you decorate (it) 25with red wool, 26blue wool
nti puikka tulla 27ina imitti(?) urigalli (and) combed wool. 27To the right of the standard you set up
para tukn 28s[u]lupp sasq tasarraq a portable altar; 28you strew d[a]tes (and) fine flour. You
ipta alu tamannu 29[( )] (t)ukn recite the incantation three times. 29You (or: he) [(must not)]
prostrate(s) yourself (or: himself).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 30
[] n imittu DAB-ma(?) n [] his right eye , and his left eye: tears are
umlu dimtu illak(?) 31[] bura running. 31[] juniper, sesame pomace, isqqu-flour
kupsa isqqa ina billati(?) 32[ ] 32
[ ] 31in billatu-substance. 32[ ] cedar oil in
aman erni ina lipi eemti im[meri] marrow of a sh[eeps] bone 33[ ] you mix [to]gether;
[ it]ni taballal tteneqq-ma you rub (him with it) repeatedly, then [he will recover].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(l. 34 too fragmentary for transcription; text breaks) (l. 34 too fragmentary for translation; text breaks)


General: Since Lutz copied CBS 1543 (PBS The emended reading is now disproved by collation,
1/2, 121) the tablet has suffered text loss in a num- which suggests the reading t[a-]-bi or t[a-a]b-
ber of places; signs only known from Lutzs hand- bi. The few traces following KD.KD.BI indicate
copy and not preserved today (cf. our new copy) are that here the object of the sweeping was the ground
highlighted by underlining in the transliteration. (KI?) rather than the roof. The traces visible after
Note that the present manuscript contains a few Old KI may, as one would expect, represent the begin-
Babylonian spellings: a-wi-lu-tim (l. 6), is-u-ra- ning of the ta in taabbi, but note that what would
am e-[]e-a-am (l. 10). be the head of the TAs first vertical is positioned
rather high in relation to the horizontal.
2, 9, 21: tam-u-ru instead of expected tam-
ur may be due to sandhi with following up (cf. l. 27: Lutzs copy shows a Winkelhaken
17). But note the use of -t for the genitive in UL- followed by three vertical wedges after ina. Col-
t (lemutti) in ll. 9 and 21; these writings may re- lation shows that there are indeed no further Winkel-
flect an indifference to final vowels commonly haken between the verticals, so that a reading ina
found in Neo-Babylonian tablets. would require an emendation. In view of the dam-
age to the sign visible today it seems more likely
1621: Cf. K 8505+ obv. I 1112 (here text
that Lutz did not fully indicate an abraded area in
10.1: 1112).
the middle of the sign where one would expect the
16: Note di-in for feminine dn, which heads of the two lower verticals of the sign 15.
is far less common than the frequently attested di-ni
30: The reading of this line remains un-
di-ni for dn dn.
certain; the first four signs copied by Lutz are now
2328: Cf. K 8505+ obv. I 410 (here text missing. The correspondence between n imittu
10.1: 410). and n umlu seems clear. Instead of DAB-ma,
one could also read DAB.BA (cf. DAB.BA-ma in text
23: The parallel ritual in K 8505+ is per-
10.1: 8). The IG copied by Lutz between the first
formed on the roof during the night (obv. I 4). Lutz
DAB-ma/.BA and IGI ZAG- is difficult to explain;
copied R A K S, which pointed to the emenda-
it seems unlikely, though not entirely excluded, that
tion ra(R) <taabbi(SAR)> m ellti tasalla.

there was enough space for an additional sign be- 31: At the end of the line one could also
tween IG and IGI. There seems to be no alternative read ina KA x x; a reading KA.SAG is ruled out by
to interpreting the last three signs as dimtu(R) the preserved traces.
illak(DU), and this might fit a description of symp-
34: In view of the overall shape of the
toms of the eyes. However, we would then have
tablet and the half-line space left after the ruling,
expected ina n umlu dimtu illak, and given our
this line may well represent the beginning of a colo-
limited understanding of the whole line, the inter-
pretation of the last three signs in the line remains
uncertain as well.
TEXT 10.3


The royal libraries of Nineveh housed a number of Emar that runs, apart from one slight variation,
tablets with more or less extensive collections of parallel to a small section of the present text. One of
rituals and prescriptions against zikurud witchcraft. the rituals contained in the following collection
The two-column tablet K 6172+(+) (ms. A) and the counters the messages of cutting-of-the-throat,
three-column tablet K 9523(+) (ms. B) seem to have which had appeared in the form of a mouse in the
contained a more or less identical sequence of text patients house, by a ritual burial of this mouse; this
units, but the fragmentary state of both manuscripts procedure has been repeatedly described and dis-
may well hide major discrepancies between both cussed (see most recently Schwemer, Abwehrzau-
collections, and nothing is known of a serialized ber, 15556, 22225 with previous literature; for
canonical sequence of zikurud therapies. That texts messages of zikurud, see also Abusch, Studies Stol,
of this type were already well known in Middle passim, but especially 5661, 6366).
Babylonian times is shown by a fragment from

List of Manuscripts

A1 K 6172 + 8127 + 8438 + BAM 44982 coll. Frgs. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
10980 (+) 7th cent. Library
A2 K 3278 BAM 458 coll.
B1 K 9523 (+) BAM 455 pl. 121 Frgs. of a three-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
B2 Sm 102 (+)? BAM 467 pl. 121 script, 7th cent. Library
B3 K 10487 BAM 454 coll.
C Sm 1304 pl. 121 Small frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
D1 ME 128 (+) SMEA 30, 245 Small frgs. of a two-column tablet Middle Euphrates, probably
D2 ME 129 no. 27 Emar

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against zikurud (up enclosed in a pig hide)........................................................... 110

A1 obv. I 110
ii Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud............................................................ 1112[
A1 obv. I 1112
iii Prescription for a dry medication and a salve against zikurud ........................................ ]1319
A2 obv. I 17
iv Ritual against zikurud (ritual burial of a mouse) ...............................................................2035
A2 obv. I 813, A1 obv. II 110 // B3 l. col. 12
v Alternative ritual to unit iv..................................................................................................3640
A1 obv. II 1115 // B3 l. col. 39
vi Prescription for a salve against the same type of zikurud as in units ivv.......................4146
A1 obv. II 1621 // B3 l. col. 10
vii Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud............................................................4751
A1 obv. II 2226

Earlier copies: ABRT 2, 5, AMT 87/2 (K 6172), AMT 90/1 (K 8127 + 8438), AMT 14/6 (K 10980).

viii Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud...........................................................5253[

A1 obv. II 2728
Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud
B2 r. col. 14
Prescription against zikurud, see text 10.4, unit ii
B2 r. col. 511
ix Fragmentary prescription for a leather bag against zikurud ...........................................]5460
A1 rev. III 14 // C: 18
x Prescription for a salve against zikurud ........................................................................... 6163
A1 rev. III 57 // C: 910
xi Prescription for a dry medication against zikurud ........................................................... 6468
A1 rev. III 812 // B1 m. col. 13
xii Prescription for a potion against zikurud ......................................................................... 6975
A1 rev. III 1319 // B1 m. col. 415 and parallel D2 rev. IV 15
xiii Prescription for a potion against zikurud ......................................................................... 7679
A1 rev. III 2023
xiv Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud performed before Gula ...................8083[
A1 rev. III 2427
Fragmentary ritual or prescription against zikurud
B1 l. col. 18

Previous Editions

Thompson, AJSL 47 (1930) 2325 (ms. A1, K 8127 + 8438 only).

Ebeling, TuL, 7172 (ms. A1 obv. II, K 8127 + 8438 only).
Tsukimoto, Totenpflege, 13537 (ms. A1 obv. II 110).
Arnaud, SMEA 30 (1992) 22527 (mss. D1 and D2).
Nasrabadi, BaF 23, 4344 (ms. A1 obv. II 110).
Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 564 (ll. 6972, 7982).
Schwemer, Abwehrzauber, 156 (ll. 2022), 22324 (ll. 2235).
Scheyhing, WdO 37 (2007) 12021 (ms. A1 rev. III).


1. A // B // C // D rev.
1 A1 obv. I 1 DI NA ZI.KU5.RU.DA e-pu-u[s-su-m]a
2 A1 obv. I 2 IGI.DU8 -pi-i -nu-ti a in-nam-ru U.TI-q IGI dUTU GA[R-a]n
3 A1 obv. I 3 mu-ru-u -ka ana dUTU DU11.[G]A
4 A1 obv. I 4 IGI dUTU ana UGU -pi-i -nu-ti A ta-na-ki-[i]s
5 A1 obv. I 5 -pi-i -nu-ti ana KU A ta-km-m-[i]s
6 A1 obv. I 6 IGI dUTU L ZI.KU5.RU.DA ep-- UR5.GIM tu-ad-bab-[]u
7 A1 obv. I 7 UTU a ZI.KU5.RU.DA D-a u- a-a i-mu-ra ana-ku lu-mu-ra [SILI]M?
8 A1 obv. I 8 7- ana IGI dUTU tu-aq-ba-u u4-me-am mu-ru-u - ana dUT[U iqabbi(?)]
9 A1 obv. I 9 -pi-i -nu-ti a KU A x x [
10 A1 obv. I 10 ZI.KU5.RU.D u- ana NA BI N[U? iee(?) ( )]
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sic!
11 A1 obv. I 11 [DI L] BI ZI.KU5.RU.D[A
12 A1 obv. I 12 [x x (x)] x [
(A1 obv. I breaks)
break of approximately 2030 lines
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 A2 obv. I 1 [ana ZI].KU5.RU.DA ana L [u?-ti l e(?)
TEXT 10.3 409
14 A2 obv. I 2 [NUMUN] KI.dIKUR GUR5.U x [
15 A2 obv. I 3 PI10.dD SIKIL giD IM.dMA [

16 A2 obv. I 4 AKIRA EME-UR.GI7 ku-i-im-t N[UMUN?

17 A2 obv. I 5 a-zu-p-ra GU7 ina GE6 PI10.dD KA A.AB.[BA
18 A2 obv. I 6 DUR.MI.NA na4MIN.BN.DA ka-bu-ut-e-ri-[i
19 A2 obv. I 7 li ib uz ki .GI ip-ta--a ZI.KU5.RU.DA ana L [(BI) NU TE]
A2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 A2 obv. I 8 DI L ZI.KU5.RU.D P.R.RA [e-pu-us-su-ma]
21 A2 obv. I 9 P.R.RA na-ak-su ina NA IGI-ir ina [utu(?)]
22 A2 obv. I 10 IG giSAG.KUL ka-ip P.R.RA u-a-t U.[TI-q IGI (d)30]
23 A2 obv. I 11 GAR-an- TG DADAG MU4.MU4-su tgGADA DU6- .GU.[LA -su]
24 A2 obv. I 12 L ZI.KU5.RU.DA ep-- IGI 30 DU10.GAM-su-ma ki-a-[am tuaqbu]
25 A2 obv. I 13 be-l ina la im-ti-ia NU -p-i ep-u-ni [puer]
26 A1 obv. II 1 ki-i-ri -nu-ti is-u-ru-ni pu-u-e-er
27 A1 obv. II 2 an-ni-t ana IGI d30 7- tu-aq-ba--ma
28 A1 obv. II 3 KIR4- tu-aq-da-su ana 30 KURUM6-su ina GE6 BI GAR U4.15.KM ma-la -
DAB ana 30 liq-bi
29 A1 obv. II 4 u4-me-am-ma li-te-mi-iq P.R.RA u-a-tum TI-ma ana KU P ta-km-m-is
30 A1 obv. II 5 ana lb-bi-a ni-bi K.BABBAR K.SI22 AN.BAR na4ZA.GN na4DU.I.A
31 A1 obv. II 6 ta-km-mi-is-masic! .GI .GI(.)SAG .GU.LA .GI EREN LL .NUN GA GETIN
32 A1 obv. II 7 A.GETIN.NA a-na - tu-ra-ak pa-na ta-ra-ks tgGADA DU6-
33 A1 obv. II 8 ana KI.MA ta-km-m-is KI.S.GA ta-ks-sp
34 A1 obv. II 9 tu-ar-ra-a tu-kab-bat pr--u EN U4.7.KM tu-pr-ra-a-ma
B3 l. col. 1 tupar-r]a-a-m[a]
35 A1 obv. II 10 ZI.KU5.RU.D ana NA ep- EN TI.LA ana SU- NU TE
B3 l. col. 2 [ ] ana SU- NU TE
A1 , B3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 A1 obv. II 11 [DI] [i]na L ina la mu-du-ti P.R.RA u-a-tum lu ana D lu ina su-q
B3 l. col. 34 [ mu-du-t]i P.R.RA u-a-tum / [ s]u-q
37 A1 obv. II 12 [i]t-ta-ad-du- NA BI ZI.KU5.RU.DA ep--um
B3 l. col. 45 it-[t]a-du- / [ Z]I.KU5.RU.D[A ]
38 A1 obv. II 13 [ina] U4.15.KM KURUM6-su ana 30{.KMsic!} GAR
B3 l. col. 67 [ KURUM6]-su ana d30{.K[M]?} [ ]
A1 ctd. KIR4- liq-du-ud ina KI lip-pal-si
B3 ctd. [ ]/ [ lip-pa]l-si
39 A1 obv. II 14 [m]u-ru-u - lid-bu-ub SAAR ina SAG.DU- lid-di ina an-ni-ti q-ti a-ab-tu
B3 l. col. 78 m[u-ru-u ]/[ SAG.D]U- lid-di ina an-[ni-ti ]
40 A1 obv. II 15 7- liq-bi ZI.KU5.RU.DA ana L BI NU TE
B3 l. col. 9 [ ] ZI.KU5.R[U.DA ]
A1 , B3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 A1 obv. II 16 DI a-na ZI.KU5.RU.DA u-asic!-tusic! [ana L] BI ana SU- NU TE ina .G.ZI.GA
B3 l. col. 10 [ ] ZI.KU5.RU.D] u-a-[tu
(undecipherable traces in B3 l. col. 11; B3 l. col. breaks)83

42 A1 obv. II 17 am-ma-a-ta-k[al x x (x) i?-n]a? pi- TI ina AN.BAR7

43 A1 obv. II 18 LU.Bs[ar x x x x x (x)] li-kul ina U4.TE.EN.NA tam-a-a
44 A1 obv. II 19 x x [x x x x x x (x) PI]10.dD KA.A.AB.BA
45 A1 obv. II 20 [ aman(?) i]m?mur-ra-an .ME-su-ma

In B3 r. col. 1 the beginning of a paragraph is preserved: DI N[A ]. This line cannot yet be placed with certainty.

46 A1 obv. II 21 [ ] NU TE-
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 A1 obv. II 22 [ A]LAM DU.LL
48 A1 obv. II 23 [ ZI.KU5.RU.D]A? P.R.RA
49 A1 obv. II 24 [ ] in-nam-ru
50 A1 obv. II 25 [ ] i-di-u
51 A1 obv. II 26 [ ] NU TE-
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 A1 obv. II 27 [ ] li LL KUR
53 A1 obv. II 28 [ ]xx
(A1 obv. II breaks)
break of approximately 4050 lines; perhaps B2 r. col. is to be inserted within this break:
B2 r. col. 1 [x] ni x [
B2 r. col. 2 [L] BI [
B2 r. col. 3 ESIR.UD.D[U
B2 r. col. 4 NENNI DUMU NENN[I
B2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B2 r. col. 5 DI NA [II- ina mui qaqqadu itanakkan]
B2 r. col. 6 .ME- i-[ammamu pu mun ittanadd]
B2 r. col. 7 UZU.ME- [ina t ami immimu
B2 r. col. 8 ana MUNUS [alka muu ( )]
B2 r. col. 9 NINDA GU7-m[a elu l illak]
B2 r. col. 10 IGIII-[ ittanazzazz]
B2 r. col. 11 i [
(B2 r. col. breaks; note that B2 r. col. 511 duplicate K 2351+ obv. 69; for a full edition of this ritual, see text 10.4)
54 C: 1 [ ]xxx[
55 C: 2 [ K]?.G[A?
56 C: 34 [x x x x x x x x (x)] ik-ta-na-x-[x x x] / [x x x x x x x]
57 A1 rev. III 1 [SAG.DU(?)-s]u DAB.DAB-s[u ]
C: 45 [SAG.DU(?)]-su i-a-na-bat-[su (x x)] / [x x x x x L] BI ana GIDIM
58 A1 rev. III 2 [pa-aq-d]u? U ma-mit SUU gi
KII16 DILI xx [x x]
C: 57 pa-[aq-du] / [ gi
KII16 [ ] / [x x]
59 A1 rev. III 3 [ina KU munus].GR G.NU.ZU ina SA B RI.RI.GA
C: 7 [ G].NU.ZU ina SA B RI.R[I.GA]
60 A1 rev. III 4 [ta-a]p-p ina G- GAR-an-ma BR
C: 8 [ GAR-a]n-ma BR-[ir]
A1, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 A1 rev. III 5 [DI NA] KIMIN na4AN.ZA. na4u-lu-a na4mu-a AN.BAR na4KA.GI.NA DAB.BA
C: 9 [ ] na4KA.GI.N[A ]
62 A1 rev. III 6 [T].BI ta-sk ina .GI UR.MN E.E-ma ina UL tu-bat ina .G.ZI.GA ina IGI 20
C: 10 [ i]na .G[.ZI.GA ]
(undecipherable trace in C: 11; C breaks)
63 A1 rev. III 7 ka-la SU- E-a K.SI22 U.A IGI.DU8-ma ESIR.UD.DU i-kab-ba-s-ma pa-e-er
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 A1 rev. III 8 [DI] MIN NUMUN giINIG DILI imE.LI BABBAR KUR.KUR r-n-e qin-na a
65 A1 rev. III 9 [GE]TIN-KA5.A IN.NU.U T.BI 2 GN.TA.M ta-qal-lu-ma
66 A1 rev. III 10 [ina? x x x x G]N .NUN 5 GN .GI BRA.GA ta-sk-ma ina GA B
67 A1 rev. III 11 [x x gi]INIG GAR-[an-m]a ina GE6 ina UL tu-bat ina .G.ZI.GA ina IGI 20
B1 m. col. 12 [ ] UL tu[-bat ] / [ ] IGI 20
TEXT 10.3 411
68 A1 rev. III 12 [ ES]IR.UD.DU GU[B-ma] u-ta-kal-ma K.SI22 K.BABBAR IGI.DU8-ma BR
B1 m. col. 23 ina UG[U ] / u-ta-kal-ma K[.SI22 ]
A1 , B1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 A1 rev. III 13 [ KIMI]N it-ta-n[a-a]d-la-a it-te-nen-bi IGIII- ir-ru-ru
B1 m. col. 45 DI NA KIMIN it-ta-na-a[d-la-a ] / IGIII- ir-ru-ru
70 A1 rev. III 14 [ UZ]U.ME- i-am-ma-mu- i-in-na-u ka-li-i-na GU7.ME-
B1B2 m. col. 56 u U[ZU.ME- i-am-ma-mu-] / i-in-na-u ka-[li-i-na GU7.ME]-
71 A1 rev. III 15 [ G]U7 KA NAG-ma i-le-i-ib ana L BI ZI.KU5.RU.DA a KISIM6 D-su
B1B2 m. col. 78 NINDA GU7 KA NA[G-ma i-le-]i-ib / ana L BI ZI.K[U5.RU.DA D]-su
72 A1 rev. III 16 um-ma KIN- il-ta-bir la-ma TE-u-ma BA. r-n-e
B1B2 m. col. 911 um-ma KIN-[ il-t]a-bir / la-ma T[E-u-ma] BA. / r-n[e-e]
(B1 m. col. breaks)

B2 m. col. 1113 [IGI-l]im NUMUN GADA / [ ]
(undecipherable traces in D2 rev. IV 1; for D1, see Summary)
A1 ctd. ina .GI BRA.GA E.E ina UL tu-bat
B2 ctd. [ B]RA.GA E.E / [ ]
D2 rev. IV 23 [ ] al-i id [ ] / [in]a MUL tu-bat
74 A1 rev. III 18 ina .G.ZI.GA ana IGI dUTU ina UGU ESIR.UD.DU GUB-ma
B2 m. col. 1314 [ ] ana IGI dUTU / [ ]
D2 rev. IV 34 ina e-[ri ] / [i]na mu-i ESIR! GUB-[ma]
75 A1 rev. III 19 NAG-ma K.SI22 K.BABBAR IGI.DU8-ma pa-e-er
B2 m. col. 1415 NAG-ma / [ ] pa-e-e[r]
D2 rev. IV 45 [ ] / K.BABBAR K.SI22 IGI.D[U8-ma ]
A1 , B2 , D2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B2 m. col. breaks; D2 ends84)
76 A1 rev. III 20 DI NA KIMIN a-ta-i-i NUMUN a-zal-le-e r-ne-e NUMUN KA.ZAL
78 A1 rev. III 22 ina UL tu-bat ina .G.ZI.GA IGI 20 NAG ina UGU ESIR.UD.DU GUB-ma
79 A1 rev. III 23 ZA.GN na4GUG K.SI22 K.BABBAR IGI.DU8-ma pa-ir
A1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 A1 rev. III 24 DI NA SA R ZAG- TAG.TAG-su i-at UZU TUK.TUK mi-na-tu- ma-an-ga
81 A1 rev. III 25 U4- KR.KR ma-la D- i-ma-a-i -su pe-a-a-at
82 A1 rev. III 26 ana NA BI ana IGI dgu-la ip- ep--
83 A1 rev. III 27 ina U4.27.KM U4.28.KM INIM.BI AL.TIL U ZI.KU5.RU.DA BA.
(end of A1 rev. III, beginning of rev. IV lost)85
break of unknown length; B1 l. col. is to be placed within this break:
B1 l. col. 1 [ ]x
B1 l. col. 2 [ iammam]-u
B1 l. col. 3 [amlu ina maar dul-pa]--a
B1 l. col. 4 [ina U4.21.KAM U4.22.KAM riksu r]a-kis-su
B1 l. col. 5 [ina U4.27.KAM U4.28.KAM INIM.B]I AL.TIL
B1 l. col. 6 [U ZI.KU5.RU.DA] BA.
B1 l. col. 7 [ ] x [x]
B1 l. col. 8 [ ] x [x (x)]
(B1 breaks)

A three-line colophon of Madi-Dagn follows in D2; for the scribe, see Cohen, Scribes and Scholars, 18994.
In A1 rev. IV 13 only the last lines of an Ashurbanipal colophon (type d) are preserved.

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. D1

118 Six fragmentary medical prescriptions; purpose unclear (DI KIMIN).

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
umma amlu zikurud epu[ssu-m]a If cutting-of-the-throat magic has been perform[ed] against
innamir up unti a innamr teleqqe a man [a]nd 2was seen: You take these sorcerous devices that
maar ama taakkan 3muru libbka ana were seen and place them before ama. 3You tell ama
ama taqabbi 4maar ama ana mui your distress. 4Before ama you slaughter (lit.: cut) a pig
up unti a tanakkis 5up unti over these sorcerous devices. 5You pack these sorcerous
ana libbi maak a takammis 6maar devices into the pigs skin. 6You have the man against whom
ama amla a zikurud epu kam cutting-of-the-throat has been performed speak thus before
tuadbab[]u 7ama a zikurud pua ama: 7ama, the one who has performed cutting-of-the-
ay mura anku lmura [ulm]a(?) 8sebu throat against me: let him not come to see (well-being); let
ana maar ama tuaqbu mam mur- me come to see [well-bein]g. 8You have him say (it) seven
u libbu ana am[a iqabbi(?)] 9up times before ama; daily [he will tell] ama his distress.
unti a libbi maak a [ ] [You ] these sorcerous devices that are inside the pigs
zikurud ana amli uti l[ iee(?) skin [ ]. 10This cutting-of-the-throat magic will n[ot
( )] approach] that man [( )].
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 11
[umma am]lu zikurud[ ] [If against] this [m]an cutting-of-the-th[roat
[] [ magic ] 12[] [
break of approximately 2030 lines break of approximately 2030 lines
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 13
[ana zi]kurud ana amli [uti(?) l [So that] cutting-of-the-[throat] magic [not approach]
e(?) ] 14[zr] qutri armadu th[at] man: [ ], 14[seed of the] qutru-plant, armadu-
[ ] 15kibrtu sikillu baltu nikiptu plant, [ ], 15sulphur, sikillu-plant, baltu-thorn,
[ ] 16akir lin-kalbi kuimtu z[r(?) nikiptu-plant, [ ], 16akir-plant, dogs tongue, kuimtu-
] 17azupura ikkal ina mi kibrtu plant, s[eed of ] 17(and) azupuru-plant: he eats (them).
imbu tm[ti ] 18turmin turminaban- In the night [ ] sulphur, imbu tm[ti-mineral, ],
d kabt-ri[ ] 19 amna ip- 18
turmin-breccia, turminaband-breccia, ox du[ng, ],
taa zikurud ana amli [(uti) l ie- he rubs himself with oil. Cutting-of-the-throat [will
e] not approach (that)] man.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 20
umma amlu zikurud a arrabi [epus- If cutting-of-the-throat magic using an arrabu-mouse [has
su-ma] 21arrabu naksu ina bt amli in- been performed] against a man, and 21a slaughtered (lit.: cut)
namer ina bti [utu(?)] 22daltu sikkru arrabu-mouse has appeared in the mans house, in [that] house
kaip arraba utu tele[qqe maar Sn] door (and) bolt are bewitched. You ta[ke] this arrabu-
taakkanu ubta ebba tulabbissu kit mouse, 23you place it 22[before Sn]. 23You clothe it in a pure
takattamu igu[l tapaassu] 24amla a garment, cover it with a linen cloth, [anoint it] with fine oint-
zikurud epu maar Sn tuakmassu- [ment]. 24The man against whom cutting-of-the-throat has
ma ka[m tuaqbu] 25bl ina l mtya been performed you have kneel before Sn; then [you have
l amt up epni [puer] 26kir un- him say] thus: 25My lord, let me not die before my time,
ti a isurni puer 27anntu ana maar [undo] the sorcerous devices that have been made against me,
Sn sebu tuaqbu-ma 28appau tuaq- 26
untie these knots that have surrounded me! 27This you
dassu ana Sn kurummassu ina mi uti have him say seven times before Sn, then 28you have him
taakkan apatta mala libbau abtu ana bow down. You place his offering ration before Sn during
Sn liqbi 29mamma litmiq arraba that night. On the fifteenth day let him tell Sn everything that
utu teleqq-ma ana libbi maak umri worries him. 29Let him pray fervently every day. You take
takammis 30ana libba nb kaspi uri this arrabu-mouse and pack it into the hide of a mouse.
parzilli uqn du (nir)pappardil 31takam- 31
You pack 30small pieces of silver, gold, iron, lapis lazuli,
mis-ma amna .GI(.)SAG igul aman steatite (and) (nir)pappardil-stone into it. 32You then pour
erni dipa imta izba karna 32bta 31
oil, fine oil, fine ointment, cedar oil, syrup, ghee, milk, wine,
TEXT 10.3 413
ana libbu turk pna tarakkas kit (and) 32vinegar into it. You tie up the front (opening), cover it
takattamu 33ana libbi kimai takammis with a linen cloth. 33You pack (it) into a tomb. You make a
kispa takassip 34tuarra tukabbat paru funerary offering, 34you praise (it), you honour (it), you per-
adi mi seb tuparra-ma 35zikurud a form its rites (fully) up to the seventh day. Then 35the cut-
ana amli epu adi balu ana zumru l ting-of-the-throat that has been performed against the man
iee will not approach his body as long as he lives.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 36
[umm]a [i]na bt amli ina l mdti [I]f [fr]om the mans house they unknowingly 37discarded
arraba utu l ana nri l ina sqi 37it- 36
that arrabu-mouse either into the river or onto the street,
tadd amlu a zikurud epu 38[ina] 37
that man against whom cutting-of-the-throat magic has
apatti kurummassu ana Sn likun appau been performed 38shall place his offering ration before Sn
liqdud ina qaqqari lippalse 39[m]uru [on] the fifteenth day. He shall bow down and prostrate
libbu lidbub epera ina qaqqadu liddi himself upon the ground. 39He shall tell (the deity) his
ina annti qt abtu 40sebu liqbi [d]istress, he shall put dust on his head. Take me by the hand
zikurud ana amli uti l iee in this (situation)! 40he shall say seven times. The cutting-
of-the-throat magic will not approach that man.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 41
DI ana zikurud u[tu ana am]li utu : So that this cutting-of-the-throat magic not approach
ana zumru l e ina ri 42ammata- that [m]ans body: In the morning 42he shall take ammata-
k[al in]a pu lilqe ina mulli lapta k[al-plant (and) -plant i]n his mouth. At midday he shall
[ ] lkul ina llti tam 44 [ eat turnip, [ ]. In the evening, at nightfall, 44 [
ki]brtu imbu tmti 45[ aman(?)] su]lphur, imbu tmti-mineral, 45[ ] you rub him re-
murrn taptanaassu-ma 46[ ] l peatedly with murrnu-plant [oil], then 46[ ] will not
ieu approach him.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 4753: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 4753: too fragmentary for translation)

break of approximately 4050 lines; perhaps B2 r. col. is to be inserted here (ll. 14 fragmentary; for ll. 511, see text 10.4)
(ll. 5456: too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 5456: too fragmentary for translation)
57 57
[qaqqas?]su ianabass[u am]- his [head] keeps afflicting h[im, of] that man
li uti ana eemmi 58p[aqd] qt mmti 58
have been ha[nd]ed over 57to a ghost; 58(it is) the hand of
uru balti tti uru agi di [ ] a ban. The root of a free-standing baltu-thorn, the root of a
[ina maak] unqi l petti ina ern free-standing agu-thorn, [ ] 60you wrap up 59[in a
litti miqitti 60[taa]ppi ina kidu leather (bag)] (made) from a female kid that has not yet
taakkan-ma paer mated with a male (using) the sinew of a dead cow. 60You
put it around his neck, then it will be undone.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 61
[umma] KIMIN anzaa ulua ma [If] ditto: anzau-glass, uluu-glass, mu-stone, iron
parzilla adnu bitu 62[i]tni task ina (and) magnetite 62you pound [to]gether (and) mix (it) in
aman urmni taballal-ma ina kakkabi cypress oil; then you leave (it) out overnight under the star(s).
tubt ina ri ina maar ama 63kala In the morning, before ama, 63you rub his whole body
zumru tapaa ura ru ippallas- (with it). He looks on red gold and steps onto tar pitch, then it
ma kupra ikabbas-ma paer will be undone.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 64
[umma] MIN zr bni di kikkirna pe [If] ditto: seed from a free-standing tamarisk, white
atia urn qinna a sinunti 65[ka]rn- kikkirnu-substance, atiu-plant, urn-plant, nest of a
lebi matakal itni 2 GN.TA.M swallow, 65fox [gra]pe (and) matakal-soapwort, two
taqall-ma 66[ina(?) i]qil imti shekels each, you burn together. Then 66you pound (it) [in
amat iqil amni ali task-ma ina izib sh]ekel(s) of ghee (and) five shekels of filtered oil and
litti 67[ b]ni taakkan-[m]a ina mi 67
put (it) 66in cows milk 67, [ (of the)/(and) ta]marisk.
ina kakkabi tubt ina ri ina maar Then, during the night, you leave (it) under the star(s). In the
ama 68ina mu[i k]upri izz[z-ma] morning, before ama, 68he stand[s] on [t]ar pitch [and] is
utakkal-ma ura kaspa ippallas-ma given (it) to eat. He looks on gold (and) silver, then it will be
paer undone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 69
umma amlu KIMIN ittanadla itten- If a man ditto, he is constantly perturbed (and) bloated, his
enbi nu irrur 70u ru iammamu eyes flicker 70and his flesh becomes numb, all his teeth
inn kalina tanakkalu 71akala continually cause him a nagging pain, 71he eats (and) drinks
ikkal ikara iatt-ma ileib ana amli and then makes a growling noise, against that man cutting-
uti zikurud a kisimmi epussu 72umma of-the-throat magic using sour milk has been performed. 72If
ipiru iltaber imt lma ieum-ma his affliction is allowed to last, he will die. Before it (i.e., the
imuttu urn 73imur-lm zr kit zr di affliction) progresses (lit.: approaches him) and he dies:
itni taaal ina amni ali taballal urn-plant, 73heals-a-thousand-plant, flax seed (and) seed
ina kakkabi tubt 74ina ri ana maar of the du-plant you crush together (and) mix (it) in filtered
ama ina mui kupri izzz-ma 75iatt- oil. You leave (it) out under the star(s) overnight. 74In the
ma ura kaspa ippallas-ma paer morning, before ama, he stands on tar pitch and 75drinks
(it). He looks on gold (and) silver, then it will be undone.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 76
umma amlu KIMIN atii zr azall If a man ditto: atiu-plant, azall-plant seed, urn-plant,
urn zr kazalli 77zr karn-lebi zr kazallu-plant seed, 77fox grape seed (and) matakal-
matakal itni 3 E.TA.M diip ad soapwort seed, (you crush) together, three grains each; you
amna u ikara taballal 78ina kakkabi tu- mix (it) with mountain honey, oil and beer. 78You leave it out
bt ina ri maar ama iatti ina mui under the star(s) overnight. In the morning, before ama, he
kupri izzz-ma 79uqn smta ura kas- drinks (it). He stands on tar pitch and 79looks on lapis lazuli,
pa ippallas-ma paer carnelian, gold (and) silver, then it will be undone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 80
umma amlu ern pm imittu iltan- If the sinew(s) of a mans right thigh hurt him continually,
appassu iat ri irtanai mintu he is wasting away, his limbs are stiff, 81his mind becomes
mang 81mu ittanakker mala puu more and more deranged, he forgets whatever he has been
imai ruussu pet 82ana amli uti ana doing, his phlegm is white, 82sorceries have been performed
maar Gula ip epu 83ina U4.27.KM against that man before Gula. 83On the 27th (or) 28th day his
U4.28.KM amssu iqatti qt zikurud imt matter will come to an end. It is hand of cutting-of-the-
throat, he will die.
(text breaks; fragmentary B1 l. col. is to be placed (text breaks; fragmentary B1 l. col. is to be placed within this break; for a
within this break) translation, cf. text 12.1: 2833)


General: Kcher, BAM V, p. xvii notes that 30: ana libba must refer to masculine
BAM 452 and 453 might possibly belong to the maak umri; note that in l. 32 the scribe writes
same tablet as BAM 449; in view of the script of ana libbu with reference to maak umri. Per-
these fragments this does not seem very likely. BAM haps this confusion is to be associated with the fact
452 and 453 are here edited with text 10.4. that maku forms both a masculine and feminine
plural (CAD M I 376, cf. Schwemer, Abwehrzauber,
1: For the restoration e-pu-u[s-su-m]a,
223, fn. 127).
cf. BAM 464 obv. I 8 (here text 10.5: 8), BAM 461
rev. III 15 and here l. 71. The form epu must be 39: Note the ventive in -u in abtu.
interpreted as a stative; GAG3, p. 21* gives only
4146: A similar prescription is preserved in
epi as the form of the stative, but note that the stem
BAM 464 obv. I 17 (see here text 10.5: 17).
of the verbal adjective epu appears as epi- and
epu-. 41: Here DI marks the beginning of the
entry without representing any part of the actual text
7: Note the ventive in mura and l-
such as umma or umma amlu.
mura; for the possibility that this conveys an ingres-
sive meaning, see AHw 41a. 5758: The coordination of the two frag-
mentary manuscripts is not entirely certain here. If
24: Note that the incorrect transcription
the restoration [pa-aq-d]u at the beginning of ms.
ikammas(DU10.GAM) in Schwemer, Abwehrzauber,
A1 rev. III 2 proves to be incorrect, additional text
223 is due to an oversight.
will have to be restored between paqd and qt
TEXT 10.3 415
68: The form u-ta-kal-ma is preserved description is absent in the parallel STT 89 obv. I
in both manuscripts and is therefore probably not a 18.
corruption for tuakkal, as Thompson suggested (cf.
73: In D2 read perhaps [in]a al-i LL!
also Scheyhing who reads t[u4]-u-ta-kal). The dic-
[ ] or, following the duplicate, [in]a al-i ta!-
tionaries do not quote our passage among the forms
[ballal ].
of aklu t (all of which come from mathematical
texts and have the meaning multiply, square). It 8083: The same symptom description oc-
seems plausible to interpret the form here as a pas- curs in the zikurud chapter of the diagnostic text
sive t-stem of aklu with the meaning to be fed, STT 89 (obv. I 2327; see here text 12.1: 2327).
to be given (medication) to eat, even though one Note that this text phrases the prognosis slightly dif-
would expect simple ikkal he eats (cf. l. 75, ferently: On the [27th] (or) 28th day that man [will
where simple iatti appears in the same context). come to an en]d. It is hand of cutting-of-the-
throat, he will die.
6970: The same symptom description oc-
curs in the zikurud chapter of the diagnostic text B l. col. 16: The same symptom description oc-
STT 89 (obv. I 1822; see here text 12.1: 1822). curs in the zikurud chapter of the diagnostic text
Note that KIMIN at the beginning of the symptom STT 89 (obv. I 2833; see here text 12.1: 2833).
TEXT 10.4


K 2351+ (ms. A) represents a collection of prescrip- sun. The tablet also contains a bilingual incantation
tions against zikurud witchcraft. All units follow that was regularly recited over drugs that were
the typical format and style of this genre. Thus med- considered to be effective against witchcraft. Two
ications are exposed overnight to the influence of partial duplicates (mss. B and C) and a related frag-
the astral deities and are then ingested by the patient ment (ms. D) are edited here as well.
while standing on pitch in the light of the morning

List of Manuscripts

A K 2351 + 5859 + 8184 + pls. 12223 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
K 10639 + AMT 13/4 script, 7th cent. Library
K 3293 BAM 460
B1 K 9523 (+) BAM 455 pl. 121 Frgs. of a three-col. tablet, NA Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
B2 Sm 102 (+)? BAM 467 pl. 121 script, 7th cent. Library
B3 K 10487 BAM 454 coll.
C K 5949 + 15999 BAM 453 coll. Frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
D K 6605 BAM 452 coll. Frg., NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Fragmentary prescription against zikurud ...............................................................................15
A obv. 15
ii Prescription against zikurud...................................................................................................621
Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis ..............................................................614
A obv. 614
Therapeutic instructions ................................................................................................1521
A obv. 1521
iii Prescription against zikurud (the same purpose as the preceding unit) ...............................2227
A obv. 2227 // C: 16
iv Fragmentary prescription against zikurud ......................................................................... 2829[
A obv. 2829
v Uburruda incantation: Munus-u11-zu an-ta-l- .............................................................]3038
A rev. 19 (for the duplicates, see Notes)
Rubric .........................................................................................................................................39
A rev. 10 (for the duplicates and parallels, see Notes)
vi Fragmentary prescription..................................................................................................... 4049
A rev. 1120
vii Fragmentary prescription..................................................................................................... 5054
A rev. 2125
TEXT 10.4 417
2nd Part
i Fragmentary prescription against zikurud............................................................................ 14[
C: 710
3rd Part
i Fragmentary prescription against zikurud............................................................................ ]14
D: 14
ii Fragmentary prescription against zikurud..............................................................................59
D: 59
iii Fragmentary prescription against zikurud........................................................................ 1013[
D: 1013

Previous Editions

Scurlock Andersen, Diagnoses, 161 (ms. A obv. 615 //, without BAM 460).


1. A // B2 r. col. 511 // C: 16
1 A obv. 1 DI NA IGIII- NIGIN-du [II-

2 A obv. 2 ur-n-e a-[e-e x x x x x x x x x] x x [x]
3 A obv. 3 3 E.TA.M ina .GI BR[A.GA x x (x) taballal-ma ina kakkabi] tu-bat ina
4 A obv. 4 IGI dUTU ina UGU ESIR.UD.DU [GUB-ma NAG na4ZA.GN(?) na4]GUG K.SI22 IGI.DU8-
5 A obv. 5 ZI.KU5.RU.DA [x x x x x x (x)] pa-e-er
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding text in B2 as well as the text in B1 and B3, see text 10.3)
6 A obv. 6 DI NA II- in[a] UGU SAG.DU-[ GAR.GAR-an ] i-am-ma-ma-u
B2 r. col. 56 DI NA .[ME- ] / .ME- i-[am-ma-ma-u]
II ? d
7 A obv. 7 GR - mu-ne-e UB.UB [ i-n]a UTU. i-mi-mu-
B2 r. col. 67 [ ] / UZU.ME- [ ]
8 A obv. 8 ana MUNUS a-la-ka mu-u- [(x x x) U]GU- NU DU-ak
B2 r. col. 89 ana MUNUS [ ] NINDA GU7-m[a ]
9 A obv. 9 IGIII- it-ta-na-za-za i x [x x x (x) x]-x-na-da-ta-(-)um-ma
B2 r. col. 1011 IGIII-[u ] / i [
(B2 r. col. breaks; for the following text in B2 as well as the text in B1 and B3, see text 10.3)
10 A obv. 10 i-te-ki-ik KA- L.ME [(x) x x x it-ta-na(?)-a]-bat a-wa-tam i-qab-bu-um-ma
11 A obv. 11 i-ma-a-i - it-ta-na-a[d-la-a L BI(?) ALA]MII- ep-u-ma ana ADDA paq-du
12 A obv. 12 ALAMII- .UDU ep-u-ma [ana U]R.GI7 u-k[u-lu AL]AMII- ESIR.UD.DU
13 A obv. 13 ana dgira paq-du u na--p[a-r]a-at ZI.KU5.RU.D up?-[?-e-e(?) x x x x x x x]
14 A obv. 14 NA BI EN UR.GI7 NU.M[E]- i-ku-lu TI.LA UR.G[I7 x x x x x x x (x) ]
15 A obv. 15 la-ma TE-u-ma BA.[] im-ur-lim tar-mu[ x x x x x x x x (x)]
16 A obv. 16 NUMUN giu-i NUMUN gi.K[A?.G]A? giim-ri giAUR GI.GI T.BI x [x x x x x x]
17 A obv. 17 T.BI AL.GAZ 1 G[N L]L KUR.RA 1 GN .NUN 2 GN .GI BR[A.GA x x x x x x]
18 A obv. 18 ana KA.SAG UB-[m]a ta-sk ina UL tu-[b]at ina .GU.ZI.G[A x x x x x x x]
19 A obv. 19 N i-ri-pa-[a] nam-tar i-ri-pa-a nam-gal bir-bi[r x x x x x x x x (x x)]
20 A obv. 20 3- UB-di-[ma] NAG-u-ma ana IGI dUTU KI.ZA.ZA-m[a x x x x x x x x x (x x)]
21 A obv. 21 NR ina G[-] GAR-an-ma .GI giUR.MN -ma EGI[R- x x x x x x x (x x)]
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


C: 1 ] KA.ZAL.LA NU[M]UN a-mu-[i

23 A obv. 23 [GETI]N-KA5.A IN.NU.U tar-[mu
C: 2 ] tar-mu []IGI-lim [
24 A obv. 24 [u]r-ne-e NUMUN gipu-qut-te 5 [
C: 3 NUM]UN pu-qut-ti 5 E.TA.M in[a
25 A obv. 25 [x G]N LL KUR.RA 2 GN .NU[N
C: 4 KUR].RA 2 GN .NUN T.BI E.E ana GA86.[AB?
26 A obv. 26 [ina] .G.ZI.GA ina UG[U
C: 5 ] .G.ZI.GA ana UGU ESIR.UD.DU GUB-[ma
27 A obv. 27 [N?] 7- ana UB-m[a
C: 6 7-] ana UB-ma L BI tu--kal-ma [
A, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in C, see 2.)
28 A obv. 28 [DI NA G]R[I]I(?)- i-ra-u-b[u
29 A obv. 29 [x x x x] x x [
(A obv. breaks)
break of approximately 5060 lines
[N munus-u]11-zu an-ta-l- alam b-in-dm
[ka]ptu ana tapp ubburi alma ibni
[eme]-ni SK.SAG.AB in-gar-ra -u-gr-bi in-k-k-re
linu mui ukarrik mertu uktessi
[ka]-bi ba-an-dab ka-bi nu-bad-da
[p]u ibat-ma pu ul ipetti
[eme] ba-an-k KA.KA nu-mu-un-da-gi4-gi4
[li]nu ikur-ma atm ul utarra
30 A rev. 1 [l]-u18-lu-bi u8-a [-a a-nir-ra ab-g-g]
A rev. 2 L u- i-na u8-[a u ayya tnu itanakkan]
31 A rev. 3 [da]sal-l-i igi im-m[a-an-m : Marduk ippalissu-ma]
32 A rev. 4 [t]u6 k-ga-a-ni u-me-n[i-m : ipassu elleta idd-ma]
33 A rev. 5 -u-gr-bi ba-an-du8 [ba-ni-b-du-du]
A rev. 6 [me]-re-ti-u ip-ur-ma [ittanallak]
34 A rev. 7 [ka-b]i ba-an-bad KA.KA [ba-ni-b-gi4-gi4]
A rev. 8 [p]a-u ip-te-e-ma at-ma-a [utarra]
35 A rev. 9 [em]e-bi ba-an-du8 inim mu-un-na-ni-[b-du11-ga]
A rev. 10 li--an-u ip-ur-ma a-ma-t[u iqabbi]
36 A rev. 11 [ng]-ak-a su-a-ni gl-la u-ni-ta [ba-an-zi]
A rev. 12 [u]p--u- <> ina SU-[u ba ina zumru issu]87
37 A rev. 13 inim d+en-ki-ke4 [-em-ma-an-br-re : ina amt Ea lippaer]
38 A rev. 14 d
asar-alim-nu[n-na dumu-sag abzu-ke4 sig5-ga zl-zl-bi za-a-kam]
A rev. 15 d
AMAR.UTU DUMU r[e-t a aps bunn dummuqu km-ma TU6 N]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 A rev. 16 N an-ni-t[ ana mui amm uburrud alu tamann-ma iallim(?)]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 A rev. 17 DI NA KA-[?
41 A rev. 18 M.GE6.M[E
42 A rev. 19 EN [UL-tu

The scribe noted a variant reading DUG under the line; possibly the name of a vessel is to be restored?
The few traces preserved in the second half of the line cannot be assigned with certainty.
TEXT 10.4 419
43 A rev. 20 ana [UL
44 A rev. 21 [M].G[E6.ME
break of three lines
48 A rev. 25 x[
49 A rev. 26 an [
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 A rev. 27 DI NA [
51 A rev. 28 L [BI
52 A rev. 29 ki-ma [
53 A rev. 30 pa x [
54 A rev. 31 ta-x [
A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(end of A rev.)

2. C: 711
1 C: 7 [DI NA U]ZU DAB.DAB-su IGIII- is x [
2 C: 8 [ m]i-na-tu- -za-qsic!-[ta-
3 C: 9 [ ik?]-ta-na-su- i-sa-a- i-x [
4 C: 10 [ ] -pal-la-a- NA BI ana Z[I?.KU5.RU.DA(?)
(undecipherable traces in C: 11; C breaks)

3. D
1 D: 1 [ ]x[
2 D: 2 [ ] x ga NA B[I
3 D: 3 [ A]N.BAR n[a4
4 D: 4 [ina kidu] GAR-an-ma [paer]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 D: 6 [ ] LL KUR.RA E.E-ma ina MUL t[u-bat]
7 D: 7 [ina .G.ZI.GA ana] IGI dUTU ina UGU ESIR.UD.DU GUB.BA-ma [NAG-ma(?)]
8 D: 8 [ K]A.GI.NA DAB.BA ina giUR.MN [-su]
9 D: 9 [ ] ZI.KU5.RU.DA ep-u-u pa-e-[er]
D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 D: 10 [DI NA ] GRII- i-ra-u-ba KA- ru-pu-u-t [
11 D: 11 [NA BI ZI.KU5.RU.DA G]U7 NAG ALAM ZI.KU5.R[U.DA- epu-ma]
12 D: 12 [itti mti unl ana] pa-asic!-ri-im-ma x [
13 D: 13 [ ] IGI-lim [
(D breaks)

Bound Transcription Translation

1. A // B2 r. col. 511 // C: 16 1. A // B2 r. col. 511 // C: 16

1 1
umma amlu pnu ianund a[u If a man has vertigo, [his] arm[s ]: 2urn-plant, a[-
] 2urn a[ ] [] 33 plant, ] [], 3three grains each, [you mix] in fil-
E.TA.M ina amni al[i taballal- t[ered] oil [and in ]. You leave (it) out overnight [under
ma ina mi ina kakkabi] tubt ina [ri] the star(s)]. In the morning, 4before ama, [he stands] on tar
maar ama ina mui kupri [izzz-ma pitch [and drinks (it)]. He looks [on lapis lazuli], carnelian
iatti uqn(?)] smta ura ippallas-m[a] (and) gold, the[n] 5the cutting-of-the-throat magic that
zikurud a [ ] paer [ ] will be undone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 6
umma amlu au in[a] mui qaqqad- If a man [keeps putting] his arms over h[is] head, his arms
[u itanakkan] au iammamu 7p- feel numb, 7his feet continually produce mun-sores, his body
u mun ittanadd ru [in]a t ami feels hot [a]t sunrise, 8he is not able to have intercourse with a
immimu 8ana sinniti alka muu [()] woman, [( )], he eats food bu[t] it does not agree with him,
akala ikkal-m[a e]lu l illak 9nu ittan- 9
his eyes are continually staring, [ ] him and 10he
azzazz [ ] um-ma(?) 10tekkik scratches (it) constantly, his mouth is constantly troubled,
pu ittanadla [u ittana]bat(?) aw- [his is always sei]zed, they speak (lit.: say a word) to
ta(m) iqabbum-ma 11imai libbau him, but 11he forgets (it), his heart is constantly troub[led, that
ittana[dla amlu (?) al]mu ep-ma man: fig]urines representing him were made and have been
ana mti paqd 12almu a lip ep-ma handed over to a dead person, 12figurines of tallow represent-
[ana k]albi k[ul al]mu a kupri ing him were made and have been fe[d to a d]og, [figu]rines
ep-ma 13ana Girra paqd u nap[ar]t of tar pitch representing him were made and 13have been
zikurud up[ ] 14amlu bl(?) handed over to Girra, and me[ss]ages of cutting-of-the-
kalbi a almu kulu iballu kalb[u throat, [()] machinations [ ]. 14(If) that man is the
imt] 15lma ieum-ma imuttu imur- owner of the dog that ate his figurines he will recover; (if) the
lm tarmu[ ] 16zr i zr ar[ar](?) do[g , he will die]. 15Before it (i.e., the affliction)
imri ar api itni [ ] progresses (lit.: approaches him) and he dies: Heals-a-
itni taaal 1 i[qil dii]p ad 1 iqil thousand-plant, lupine, [ ], 16licorice seed, ar[ar-
imta ina iqil amna al[a ] plan]t seed, imru-fennel, marsh-apple [you ] togeth-
ana ikari tanadd-[m]a task ina er, [ ] 17you crush together; one she[kel] mountain
kakkabi tubt ina r[i ] 19N i-ri- [hone]y, one shekel ghee, two shekels filter[ed] oil [ ]
pa-[a] nam-tar i-ri-pa-a nam-gal bir- 18
you put into (litre) beer [an]d pound (it). You leave (it)
bi[r ] 20alu tanadd-[ma] out overnight under the star(s). In the morn[ing ] 19The
taaqqu-ma ana maar ama ukn- incantation Iripa namtar iripa namgal birbi[r ]
m[a ] 21ulla ina ki[du] 20
you cast three times; then you have him drink (it), and he
taakkan-ma aman urmni tapaa-ma prostrates himself before ama. [ ], 21ullu-stone
ark[u ] you put around [his] ne[ck] and rub (him) with cypress oil,
and afterwar[ds ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 22
umma KIMIN zr [b]ni zr kazalli zr If ditto: tamarisk seed, kazallu-plant seed, amuu-plant
amu[i ] 23[kar]n-lebi mata- seed, [ ], 23fox [grap]e, matakal-soapwort, lupine,
kal tarmu imur-lm [ ] 24[u]rn heals-a-thousand-plant, [ ], 24[u]rn-plant, puqut-
zr puqutti 5 E.TA.M in[a ] 25[ tu-thorn seed, five grains each, you mix together 24i[n ], 25
iqi]l diip ad ina iqil imti itni ta- [ shekels] mountain honey (and) two shekels ghee. [You
ballal ana libbi kis[immi(?) ] 26[ina] ] in s[our] milk [ ]. 26[In] the morning he stands
ri ina mui kupri izzz-[ma ] on tar pitch, [then ] [the incantation] you cast seven
[ipta(?)] sebu ana libbi tanadd-ma times into (it), then you have that man eat it, and [ ].
amla uti tuakkal-ma [ ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 28
[umma amlu p](?)u irau[b [If a man]s [feet] tremb[le (l. 29 too fragmentary for trans-
(l. 29 too fragmentary for transcription) lation)
break of approximately 5060 lines break of approximately 5060 lines
[N munus-u]11-zu an-ta-l- alam b-in-dm [Incantation: The wi]tch formed a figurine to bind the com-
[ka]ptu ana tapp ubburi alma ibni panion,
[eme]-ni SK.SAG.AB in-gar-ra -u-gr-bi She obstructed his tongue with combed hair, bound his limbs,
linu mui ukarrik mertu uktessi
[ka]-bi ba-an-dab ka-bi nu-bad-da she seized his [m]outh so that he was not be able to open it
[p]u ibat-ma pu ul ipetti (anymore),
[eme] ba-an-k KA.KA nu-mu-un-da-gi4-gi4 she tied his [t]ongue so that he was not be able to respond
[li]nu ikur-ma atm ul utarra (anymore).
30 30
[l]-u18-lu-bi u8-a [-a a-nir-ra ab-g-g] This man [kept raising a wail] with Alas! [and Woe!].
amlu ina [a u ayya tnu itan-
TEXT 10.4 421
31 d 31
[ a]sal-l-i igi im-m[a-an-m : Marduk [A]sallui sa[w him and]
32 32
[t]u6 k-ga-a-ni u-me-n[i-m : ipassu having [cast] his pure spell,
elleta idd-ma]
33 33
-u-gr-bi ba-an-du8 [ba-ni-b-du-du] he released his limbs so that [he can walk about],
[me]rtu ipur-ma [ittanallak]
34 34
[ka-b]i ba-an-bad KA.KA [ba-ni-b-gi4-gi4] he opened his [mo]uth so that he can re[spond],
[p]u ipt-ma atm [utarra]
35 35
[em]e-bi ba-an-du8 inim mu-un-na-ni- he released his tongue so that he [can say] a wor[d],
linu ipur-ma amt[u iqabbi]
36 36
[ng]-ak-a su-a-ni gl-la u-ni-ta [ba-an-zi] [he removed] from his body the magic machinations that
[u]p <a> ina zumr[u ba ina were present in his body.
zumru issu]
37 37
inim d+en-ki-ke4 [-em-ma-an-br-re : [May he be released] by the command of Enki,
ina amt Ea lippaer]
38 d 38
asar-alim-nu[n-na dumu-sag abzu-ke4 Asaralimnu[nna], fo[remost] son [of the subterranean
sig5-ga zl-zl-bi za-a-kam] ocean: treating kindly and making feel better are yours!
Marduk mru r[t a aps bunn Incantation formula].
dummuqu km-ma TU6 N]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 39
iptu annt[u ana mui amm ubur- [You recite] thi[s] incantation [over drugs for undoing
rud alu tamann-ma iallim(?)] witchcraft; then he will be well].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ll. 4054 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 4054 too fragmentary for translation)

2. C: 711: too fragmentary for transcription and translation.

3. D 3. D
(ll. 13 too fragmentary for transcription) (ll. 13 too fragmentary for translation)
4 4
[ina kidu] taakkan-ma [paer] you put (it) [around his neck], then [it will be undone].
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 5
[umma KIMIN ] zr bni zr mata- [If ditto: ], tamarisk seed, matakal-soapwort seed,
kal [ ] 6[ ] diip ad [ ] 6you mix [in ] mountain honey; then you
taballal-ma ina kakkabi t[ubt] 7[ina ri l[eave (it) out overnight] under the star(s). 7[In the morning,
ana] maar ama ina mui kupri izzz- be]fore ama, he stands on tar pitch and [drinks (it)]. 8You
ma [iatt-ma(?)] 8[ ]adna bita rub [him] with [ (and) m]agnetite in cypress oil.
ina aman urmni tapa[assu] 9[ ] 9
[ ], the cutting-of-the-throat magic that was per-
zikurud epu pae[r] formed against him will be undo[ne].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 10
[umma amlu ] pu iraub [If a man ], his feet tremble, his mouth [ ] with
pu ruputu [ ] 11[amlu zikuru- phlegm, [ ], 11[that man] has been given cutting-of-
d ]kul saqi pai alam zikur[udu the-throat-witchcraft with [fo]od, drink (and) ointment. A
epu-ma] 12[itti mti unl ana] parim- figurine of his cutting-of-[the-throat has been made and]
ma [ ] 13[ ] imur-lm 12
[has been buried with a dead person. To] undo: [ ]
[ [ ] heals-a-thousand-plant [


1.: 15: For a number of very similar pre- 6: The restoration follows Scurlock; cf.
scriptions, see text 10.3. In l. 5 one could restore TDP 88 rev. 18.
zikurud a [ana amli uti epu] paer the
8: For the second half of the line, cf.
cutting-of-the-throat magic that [has been per-
TDP 110 i 9.
formed against that man] will be undone.

9: The verbal form at the end of the line lowed by the incantation Anku nubattu aat Mar-
is apparently corrupt. The writing --um-ma for duk (for which see provisionally here, text 7.10.1,
-um-ma is highly unusual; perhaps - represents a Summary 5., ad obv. 917 with references). Both
third singular possessive suffix attached to a noun, incantations are to be recited over drugs effective
in which case the signs at the end of the line may against witchcraft; the same arrangement can be
have to be read DUB!-ma. found in K 10221 obv. 1rev. 5. Both Sm 302 (AMT
92/1) obv. II 18 and K 15177 + Rm 491 obv. 1
10: Note the preterite form tekkik in-
12 (only Sumerian) also prescribe a recitation over
stead of the expected present tense. For the troubled
drugs effective against witchcraft, but there the
mouth, probably some kind of speech disorder, cf.
ritual instruction is followed by the incantation
text 8.6: 21 and 8.7.1: 3.
pua kaptu kipa lemnti. The same recitation
1112: ALAMII certainly stands for the plural follows also in Rm 2, 314 obv. 112; there, how-
alm; cf., e.g., the interchange between UZUII and ever, no ritual instructions accompany the present
UZU.ME (see the note on text 2.3, ll. 4244). incantation. A full edition of these texts will be
given in a future volume of this Corpus. For the
14: An alternative, but less likely inter-
convenience of the reader the full text of the bilin-
pretation of this difficult line could be: amlu
gual incantation is given here; the text is recon-
adi(EN) kalbu a almu kulu balu that man,
structed on the basis of the aforementioned sources.
as long as the dog that ate his figurines is alive, .
The incantation was first edited by Falkenstein, ZA
For a reference to a privately owned dog, cf. Laws
45 (1939) 2527. For the opening lines of the incan-
of Enunna 56 (kalbum ana blu).
tation, see Abusch, BWiL, 12425.
18: Perhaps restore In the morn[ing, be-
39: The restoration follows Sm 302
fore ama, he stands on tar pitch], a very common
(AMT 92/1) obv. II 910.
procedure in zikurud rituals.
3.: 14: This is clearly a prescription for an
28: Cf. ms. D: 10, where, however, the
apotropaic necklace.
trembling of the feet does not seem to represent the
first symptom named. It is therefore unlikely that D: 9: Or: [the man] against [whom] cut-
1013 constitutes a (strict) duplicate of the present ting-of-the-throat has been performed will be re-
passage. Nevertheless, given its overall similarity to leas[ed].
the main text, the fragment is included here.
1012: The same symptom description and
3038: This bilingual anti-witchcraft incan- diagnosis occur in the diagnostic text STT 89 obv. I
tation is attested in a variety of contexts (cf. Abusch, 17 (see here text 12.1: 17); the restoration of the
MesWi, 13, fn. 29). In K 1289 obv. 1rev. 7 it is fol- diagnosis follows the wording preserved in STT 89.
TEXT 10.5


Only two zikurud therapies are (partially) pre- addresses zikurud that was sent to the patient by
served on this fragment. The first is concerned with means of a mongoose. Rodents and snakes are well
ingesting various drugs over a period of one day. known to be messengers of cutting-of-the-throat
The second, of which only the beginning is extant, magic.

List of Manuscripts

A K 2572 Boissier, DA 42 coll. Frg. of a two-col. tablet, NA script, Nineveh, Ashurbanipals

BAM 464 7th cent. Library

Synopsis of Text Units

i Prescription against zikurud...................................................................................................17

A obv. I 17
ii Fragmentary ritual against zikurud performed using a mongoose..................................... 816[
A obv. I 816

Previous Editions

Virolleaud, RSm 12 (1904) 269.

A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 A obv. I 1 [ana ZI.K]U5.RU.D u-a-tu ana NA u-a-t[um]
2 A obv. I 2 [a-n]a NU sa20-na-q ina e-er-tim
3 A obv. I 3 [NUMUN] giAUR GI.GI li-i-is tar-mu MIN

4 A obv. I 4 bur-da-ma li-i-is ina mu-u-la-li

5 A obv. I 5 im-ur-lim im-ur-a-la GU7
6 A obv. I 6 ina GE6 u-a-tum IN.NU.U <ina> A GI.UL.I NAG
7 A obv. I 7 ZI.KUR5.RU.D ana L BI EN TI NU TE-
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A obv. I 8 DI a-na L ZI.KU5.RU.DA a dNIN.KILIM e-pu-us-su
9 A obv. I 9 ZI.KU5.RU.D u- a ITI.7.KAM
10 A obv. I 10 NIN.KILIM ina L IGI
11 A obv. I 11 NIN.KILIM u-a-tum a ina L in-nam-ru
12 A obv. I 12 U.TI-q ana IGI mulMAR.GD.DA GAR-an
13 A obv. I 13 L a ZI.KU5.RU.DA ep--
14 A obv. I 14 ana IGI mulMAR.GD.DA DU10.GAM-su L u-a-t[um]
15 A obv. I 15 ana UGU dNIN.KILIM KIR4- tu-aq-da-as-s[u]
16 A obv. I 16 [ina IGI mu]lMAR.GD.DA ana UGU dNIN.KILIM u-a-[tum]
(end of A obv. I; the rest of the the tablet is lost)

Bound Transcription Translation

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 1
[ana zik]urud utu ana amli ut[u] [So th]at this cutting-of-the-throat magic 2not come near
[an]a l sanqi ina erti 3[zr] ar 1
that man: 2In the morning 3he shall chew marsh-apple
api liis tarmu MIN 4p/burd/ama liis [seed], lupine ditto (= he shall chew), 4he shall chew p/bur-
ina mulli 5imur-lm imur-ala lkul d/ama-plant. At midday 5he shall eat heals-a-thousand-
ina mi utu matakal <ina> m qan- plant (and) heals-twenty-plant. 6During that night he shall
alli liti 7zikurud ana amli utu adi drink matakal-soapwort in allu-reed extract. 7Cutting-of-
balu l ieu the-throat will not approach that man as long as he lives.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
umma ana amli zikurud a ikk If cutting-of-the-throat magic using a mongoose has been
epussu 9zikurud a ITI.7.KAM 10ikk performed against a man, 9this cutting-of-the-throat is one
ina bt amli innamer 11ikk utu a ina of the seventh month; 10a mongoose has been seen in the
bt amli innamru 12teleqqe ana maar mans house. 11That mongoose that has been seen in the
Ereqqi taakkan 13amla a zikurud mans house 12you take (and) place before Ursa Major. 13The
epu 14ana maar Ereqqi tuakmassu man against whom cutting-of-the-throat has been performed
amla ut[u] 15ana mui ikk appau 14
you have kneel down before Ursa Major. 15You have 14that
tuaqdass[u] 16[ina maar] Ereqqi ana man 15bow down over the mongoose. 16[Before] Ursa Major,
mui ikk u[tu] (the rest of the text is lost) over tha[t] mongoose (the rest of the text is lost)


General: Note that the fragment exhibits a few 910: Various interpretations of these two
peculiarities that point to an earlier (Middle Assy- lines have been offered (see Schwemer, Abwehr-
rian?) original (sa20 in l. 2, im-ur-a-la in l. 5); zauber, 156, fn. 26 for the relevant references). The
but too little of the tablet is preserved for any fur- seventh month might refer either to the period of
ther conclusions. time during which the death of the patient was ex-
pected or, more likely, to the period during which
17: For a similar prescription, see text
the zikurud witchcraft was performed. For zikuru-
10.3: 4146.
d performed in the seventh month (Tartu), cf.
4: The reading bur-da-ma is beyond STT 89 obv. I 4445 (here text 12.1: 4445) and
reasonable doubt, but the plant-name seems to be passim in this text for zikurud performed on cer-
attested only here. tain dates.


TEXT 11.1


A small Neo-Babylonian tablet from Ur contains the found on a tablet that combines a ritual against
text of three short prescriptions for the protection of zikurud witchcraft with apotropaic rituals for the
a house against witchcraft. In two of these prescrip- protection of a house (ms. D). If one bears in mind
tions the imminent attack of witchcraft is indicated that zikurud witchcraft often manifests itself in the
by a creaking door. Texts parallel to the first unit form of messengers or omens that become visible
are known from collections of apotropaic rituals for in the patients house, this combination seems very
houses (mss. B and C). The second prescription was fitting indeed. For a discussion of this type of witch-
incorporated into an extensive collection of ubur- craft and of the three units in the first part, see
ruda prescriptions and drug lists (ms. E). It is also Abusch, Studies Stol, 5456.

List of Manuscripts

a U 2926 UET 7, 125 Small, landscape-format tablet, Ur, Dublalma, south of

NB/LB script, 7th5th cent. main courtyard, room 6
B VAT 8228 KAR 298 coll. Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Aur, Library N 4
C K 9873 + 79-7-8, 240 Wiggermann, coll. Two-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
CM 1, 206207 Library
D K 2481 pls. 49 Single-col. tablet, NA script, 7th cent. Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
50 Library
E K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + BAM 43488 coll. Frg. of a 3-col. tablet, NA script, 7th Nineveh, Ashurbanipals
8094 + 9782 + 10764 + cent. Library
12669 + 12927 + 82-5-
22, 996

Synopsis of Text Units

1st Part
i Prescription for the protection of a mans house against witchcraft......................................... 18
a obv. 18; B rev. 4142; C rev. IV 510
ii Prescription for the protection of a mans house against witchcraft (= 7.10.1, unit xii) ....... 913
a rev. 15 // B rev. 4344 // D rev. 1013 // E obv. III 1719
iii Prescription for the protection of a mans house against witchcraft..................................... 1417
a rev. 69

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).

2nd Part
i Fragmentary ritual before ama, Ea and Asallui against zikurud witchcraft................ ]126[
D obv. 126

Previous Editions

Wiggermann, CM 1, 41103 (full discussion and collation report on ms. B; for previous editions, see there).
Wiggermann, CM 1, 11927 (ms. C).


1. a with duplicates and parallels

(for the preceding text in B and C, see Summary)
1 a obv. 1 [DI NA K- ]b-bu-ub ki-pi ana NA <u> - N[U TE-e]
B rev. 41 DI NA K - <u->ub-bu-ub ki-pi ana NA B[I] {ina} NU TE-e
C rev. IV 5 [DI () N]A K- u-ub-bu-ub caret
2 a obv. 2 [ I]M.BABBAR IM.SA5 1-ni SD ina DIDA
B rev. 41 PI10.dD IM.BABBAR IM.SA5 1-ni SD ina DDA
C rev. IV 6 caret [ina billati]
3 a obv. 3 [ ]N ez-ze-ta5 am-ra-ta5 gap--ta5 lem-n-ta5
B rev. 4142 E.E-ma / N ez-ze-ta am-ra-ta
C rev. IV 6 E.E-ma N ez-ze-ta am!(kid)-ra-ta
4 a obv. 4 [ NU] d-a man-na ma-i-ir-ka dasal-l-i
B caret
C caret
5 a obv. 5 li-is-su k[i-pi] te N
B caret
C caret
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 a obv. 6 N an-ni-t 3- ana ID-nu-ma sip-p K L
B rev. 42 N an-ni-t 3- ana ID-ma sip-p K NA BI
C rev. IV 7 caret [ana ]ID-nu ZAG.DU8 K NA
7 a obv. 7 IM.G ta--at EGIR.BI DIDA E.HE
B rev. 42 xxxx [E]G[IR]- DDA E.HE-ma
C rev. IV 78 IM.G / [ta--at E]GIR- bil-la-tu a E.E
8 a obv. 8 ina su-ni caret ta--at-ma SILIM-im
B rev. 42 ina su-ni caret ta--at-ma -lim
C rev. IV 910 [ina su-ni i]na UGU IM.G ta--at / [ki-p]i ana NA NU TE-e
a, B, C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in B and C, see Summary)
(for the preceding text in E, see text 7.10.1; for the preceding text in D, see 2.)
9 a rev. 1 [ana] ki-pi ana NA u - NU TE-e
B rev. 43 ana ki-pi ana NA u - NU TE-e
D rev. 10 ana ki-pu ana L u .BI NU TE-e
E obv. III 17 [ ] - NU TE-e
10 a rev. 2
B rev. 43

D rev. 1112
E obv. III 18 [ D]IDA SIG5.GA
TEXT 11.1 427
11 a rev. 3 kib-rit al-u ina K ka-mi-i !? er<-ri> gi
B rev. 4344 kib-ri-[it BRA].GA ina K.A.M / u er-ri gi
D rev. 1213 [ K] ka-mi-i / [ ]
E obv. III 19 [ ] u er-ri IG
12 a rev. 4 te-te-mer-ma ki-pi i-[al-l]i-qa
B rev. 44 te-te-mer-ma inasic! IGI i-al-li-qu
D rev. 13 [ i]-al-li-qu
E obv. III 20 [ ] i-al-li-qu
13 a rev. 5 ana NA u - NU [TE]-a!(e)
B rev. 44 ana NA [ ] - NU TE.ME-u
D caret
E caret
a, B, D, E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the following text in E, see text 7.10.1; for B, see Summary; D ends89)
14 a rev. 6 [DI NA K]- b-bu-ub D.D[?.BI?] ?? IM
15 a rev. 7 [ina] x-ri giIG.ME te-te-mer
16 a rev. 8 [x x x gi]IG.ME ina pa-na I.DI[B]
17 a rev. 9 [x x x x]-ma ki-pi BR-[ru?]
a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. D obv.
1 D obv.1 sk [
2 D obv. 2 x[
3 D obv. 3 [N]G.NA [ ]xx
4 D obv. 4 ana IGI dUTU [kam taqabbi(?) ] KI-tim
5 D obv. 5 DI.KU5 AN u [KI AN.T]A u KI.TA
6 D obv. 6 DI.KU5 KUR.K[UR a]t-ta-ma
7 D obv. 7 a NENNI A NENNI [a ilu annanna d]15-u NENNI-tum
8 D obv. 8 ZI.KU5.RU.D[A x x x x x (x)] L IGI-ka
9 D obv. 9 an-na-am ana IGI 20 3- [iqabb-ma(?)] BAL-t BAL-q
10 D obv. 10 dIMIN.BI [x (x) tu]m? L-i-ma
11 D obv. 11 UTU DI.KU5 ki--ti 3- ID-nu-ma
12 D obv. 12 i-tu IGI dUTU i-ri-iq-q
13 D obv. 13 ana d-a u dasal-l-i i-qer-ri-ib
14 D obv. 14 -a LUGAL ba-nu- al-mat q-q-di
15 D obv. 15 a-um ZI.KU5.RU.DA a -pi UL-tim
16 D obv. 16 [a NA]M.L.U18.LU a ka-du-nin-ni
17 D obv. 17 [x x] x ma-ar-ka a-ku-un
18 D obv. 18 [x x x B]R-ma da-li-li-ka lud-lul
19 D obv. 19 [x x x] x-ma dIMIN.BI
20 D obv. 20 [x x x x] x giIG.ME BAD.ME
21 D obv. 21 [x x x x x x] x KA- ta-pa-ar
22 D obv. 22 [ ] x ta-pa-ar
23 D obv. 23 [ t]a-ra-a-a
24 D obv. 24 [ ] x bu un
25 D obv. 25 [ S]-ma
26 D obv. 26 [ ]x
(D obv. breaks; for the rev., see Summary and 1.)

D rev. 13 is followed by a fragmentary catchline (rev. 14: [ ] x bal) and an Ashurbanipal-type colophon.

3. Summary of the text in mss. B, C, D and E not transliterated here

B: This tablet contains an extract from the series p lemutti ina bt amli parsu (and Dia iba
mtn tuqu?) and, moreover, includes in its second half a number of related shorter rituals.
C: This tablet contains a collection of rituals relating to the protection of the house (including a new
house); for a full edition, see Wiggermann, CM 1, 11927.
D: obv. = 11.1, 2.
rev. 12 are a parallel or duplicate of KAR 298 (ms. B) rev. 3436 (protection against p lemutti).
39 are parallel to KAR 298 (ms. B) rev. 3740 (protection against diu-disease).
1013 = 11.1, 1.
E: For a full edition of ms. E, see here text 7.10.1.

Bound Transcription Translation

1. a with duplicates and parallels 1. a with duplicates and parallels

1 1
umma amlu bbu ubbub kip ana If a mans gate is creaking so that witchcraft not approach
amli <u> btu90 l e91 2kibrta gaa the man <and> his house:97 2sulphur, gypsum and red paste
arerra ((itni)) task92 ina billati 3ta- you pound ((together));98 3you mix (it) 2with billatu-substance.
ballal-ma N ezzta amrta93 gapta 3
Incantation: You are furious, you are wild,99 you are proud,
lemnta 4[a l] Ea manna mirka Asal- you are evil! 4Who but Ea would be your rival? May Asallui
lui 5lissu k[ip] t N94 5
remove the wi[tchcraft]! Incantation formula.100
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iptu anntu alu95 ana libbi tamann- 6
You recite this incantation three times101 into (it). 7You
ma sipp bb bt amli ((uti)) 7qadta smear 6the jambs of the gate of the mans house 7with silt.
taaat arku billat ((a)) tablulu((-ma)) Afterwards 8with a snu-cloth you smear the billatu-
ina sni96 taaat-ma alim (C: taaat substance that you have mixed (onto it),102 then he will be
[kip]i ana bt amli l iee) well. (C: [witchcra]ft will not approach the mans house)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 9
[ana] kip ana amli u btu l e [So that] witchcraft not approach a man and his house: 12you
ma[taka]l akir (var.: armadu) billatu bury 10matakal-soapwort, akir-plant (var.: armadu-plant),
((damiqtu)) kibrt 11amnu alu ina bbi ((fine)) billatu-substance, sulphur, 11(and) filtered oil at the
kam u erri dalti 12tetemmer-ma kip outer gate and at the socket of the door(post), 12then the
ialliq (var.: ialliq/a) 13((ana amli u witchcraft will disappear. 13((It will not [come] near the man
btu l [ie])) and his house.))
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 14
[umma amlu b]bu ubbub [If a man]s [ga]te is creaking [its] r[itual: a hous]e(??)
D.D[?.BI? bt]a(??) a di 15[ina] dal- of clay 15you bury [under the] of the door leaves; 16[ ]
ti tetemmer 16[ ] dalti ina pn as- the door leaves in front of the threshol[d] 17[ ], then the
kupp[i] 17[ ]-ma kip par[] witchcraft will be undone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. D obv.: too fragmentary for transcription. 2. D obv.: too fragmentary for translation, see Notes.

B: ana bt amli u[ti].
91 97
kip ana amli u btu l e not in C. B: the house of tha[t] man; so that witchcraft will not approach the
kibrta gaa arerra ((itni)) task corruptly man (and) his house not in C.
omitted in C. sulphur, gypsum and red paste you pound ((together)) corruptly
B and C give only the incipit of the incantation. omitted in C.
94 99
Ruling only in a (indicating the end of the B and C give only the incipit of the incantation.
incantation text). Ruling only in a (indicating the end of the incantation text).
95 101
iptu anntu alu not in C. this incantation three times not in C.
96 102
C adds: [i]na mui qadti. C adds: [o]nto the silt.
TEXT 11.1 429


1.: 7: For the traces in ms. B, see collation, at the end of l. 8 amlu lmurka let the man see
pl. 133, no. 75. you?
8: Wiggermann, CM 1, 127 reads ina 10: The role of the Sebetti temple within
SU.NI taaat-ma you shall wash it over his this ritual (cf. l. 19) remains unclear for the time
body, but this makes little sense, especially in view being.
of the variant in ms. C.
11: For this ama incantation, see texts
913: See Notes on text 7.10.1: 4750. 7.3: 21 and 8.1: 77ff.
15: The traces copied before giIG.ME 1213: Apparently two offering arrange-
suggest sa]-ri rather than the expected e]r-ri ments were set up, one for ama and one for Ea
(you bury [under the pi]vots of the door leaves). and his son Asallui. The exorcist withdraws from
Note that siru is a designation for the ferrule the first and goes to the second.
that holds the top of the door jamb in place (see
15: zikurud witchcraft is regularly asso-
George, Gilgamesh, 82829). Of course one can
ciated with up sorcerous devices which are
hardly bury anything between the pole holding the
interpreted as dangerous indicators of the sorcerous
door leaf and the lintel; perhaps siru turner was
attack and are conceptually very similar to omens.
sometimes used also for the pivot at the bottom of
The phrase cutting-of-the-throat using evil sor-
the door jamb? But of course the form here would
cerous devices that have reached the patient fits
be sari and not siri.
well into this picture.
2.: 49: This is a short invocation of ama gi
20: IG.ME BAD.ME: open doors?
followed by a libation (maqqtu tanaqqi, l. 9). Read
TEXT 11.2


The Neo-Assyrian tablet STT 254 contains rituals to victim and is similar to evil omens sent by witches.
undo the consequences of witchcraft and curse But a narq up could also be encountered by
(mmtu). An anti-witchcraft ritual is recorded on chance and thus affect a person; the latter case
rev.! 621 of the tablet; the catchline immediately seems to be understood here. A clear illustration of
following this ritual (rev.! 22) refers to another anti- the association of the sack of witchcraft with evil
witchcraft ritual. The purpose of the ritual in rev.! omens can be found in A 3471, a duplicate to the
621 is to purify a patient who has come into con- relevant section of STT 254, where the ritual against
tact with a narq up sack of sorceries, a the impurity caused by a narq up is used also
pouch filled with impure materials. Such a sack of against the evil portended by the sighting of a fun-
witchcraft could be sent by a witch against her gus.

List of Manuscripts

A SU 51/13 STT 254 coll. Single-col. tablet, landscape format, Sultantepe

NA script, 7th cent.
B A 3471 Caplice, JNES pl. 124 Frg. of a single-col. tablet, NA Assyria, unknown prove-
33, 34549 script, 8th7th cent. nance

Synopsis of Text Units

i Ritual against the evil portended and induced by contact with a sack of witchcraft ............116
Diagnosis and purpose clause............................................................................................13
A rev.! 68; for B obv. 14 and KAR 72 rev. 1819, see Notes.
Ritual instructions..............................................................................................................47
A rev.! 912 // B obv. 515
Incantation: ama ar am u ereti ar Igigi u Anunnaki att-ma ...............................816
A rev.! 1321 // B obv. 16rev. 15
Catchline and colophon ...............................................................................................................17
A rev.! 22

Previous Editions

Caplice, JNES 33 (1974) 34549 (ms. B with restorations from ms. A).


1. A rev.! 622 // B obv. 5rev. 15

1 A rev.! 6 [DI NA lu ina A.(?) lu ina ED]IN lu ina MRU URU lu <ina> ki-di u ba-ma-ti
2 A rev.! 7 [ ] x mm-ma ZI-ti (sic?) KI- ul DU11.DU11
3 A rev.! 8 [ ] x ZI-i u-t-qim
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(for the preceding lines in B, see Notes)
TEXT 11.2 431
4 A rev.! 9 [ A.G]B.BA
B obv. 57 D.D.BI ina GE6 A.GB.BA [GIN-an] / NG.NA GI.IZI.L [ ]/
A ctd. ina SU L tu-ba-a-ma
B ctd. SU L BI tu-ba-a-ma
5 A rev.! 10 [ ]
B obv. 710 i[na ri(?)] / GI.DU8 GIN-an 7 NINDA ZZ.A.[AN GAR-an] /
A ctd. [Z].LUM.MA zEA! DUB-aq NINDA..D.M LL .NUN.NA GAR-an
B ctd. Z.LUM.MA zEA D[UB-aq] / NINDA..D.A LL .NUN.NA GAR-a[n]
6 A rev.! 11 [ N]A BI ina UGU uk-bu-su
B obv. 1114 A.DA.GUR5 GIN-an SISKUR [BAL-q] / KA BAL-q L BI ina UGU [uk-bu-su] /
A ctd. GUB-su mal-la - DAB DU11.DU11
B ctd. GUB-su mal - DAB-tum / DU11.DU11
7 A rev.! 12 [ B]R u E.GA q-bit-s[u] ma-ag-rat
B obv. 1415 UL- DU8-ir B[R ] / q-bit-su ma-[ag-rat]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 A rev.! 13 [ KI]-tim MAN d-g-g u dDI+U at-ta-ma
B obv. 16 N UTU LUGAL AN-e [u] KI-[tim]

(B obv. 1718 not preserved; undecipherable traces at the beginning of obv. 19 and 20)
9 A rev.! 14 [x x x x x x] x.ME-te ZI-i U11 U11 U11 NG.AK.A.ME UL.ME L.ME-te
B obv.rev. 1 [ ] / na-si! k[i-i-pi
10 A rev.! 15 [nsi lumni(?) a l]U11 u munusU11
B rev. 23 a U11.Z[U u munusU11.ZU] /

A ctd. ZI-i mim-ma lem-nu mim-ma NU DU10 ZU-MU

B ctd. na-si mim-ma U[L
11 A rev.! 16 [ mi-i]-ru pa-ni-ia5 ana-ku NENNI A NENNI
B rev. 46 na-si mi-i-ru [ ] / ana-ku IdAG-KAR-ir A [x x x x] /
A ctd. du-u-mu-u [p]a-li-ku
B ctd. du-u-mu-u p[a-li-ka]
11a A caret
B rev. 78 ina UL ka-mu-n-e [ ina -MU(?)] / ina KI.TA NA4 nap-l[i-sa-an-ni-ma]
12 A rev. 1617
-pal-ka / [ a]-bat
B rev. 911 a-pal-ka ak-mis T[G.SK-ka a-bat] /
A ctd. ina UL ku.KR NG.AK.A UL.ME u-ti-qa-ni-ma
B ctd. ina UL ku.KR NG.AK.A.M[E ] / u-ti-qa-an-ni-ma
13 A rev.! 18 [ T]E a-a DIM4 a-a KUR-a-ni a-a-i
B rev. 1112 UL -[a-u NU TE] / NU DIM4 NU KUR-an-ni i[a-a-i]
14 A rev.! 19 [ E]-e GUB-iz m[a-]ar-ka
B rev. 13 UTU ina u4-me E-e GUB-[iz ]
15 A rev.! 20 [ ] u-ti-qa-ni-ma EN u4-um TI.LA-ku da-l[il D]INGIR-ut-ka
B rev. 1415 ina UL an-n-e u-ti-qa-[an-ni-ma] / d-ll DINGIR-ti-ka
16 A rev.! 21 [rabti] ana UN.ME DAGAL.ME lu[d]-lul
B rev. 1516 [ ] / ana UN.ME DAGAL.M[E ]
A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(B breaks)
17 A rev.! 22 [DI NA NU].ME- ana a-ra-le-e pa<-aq>-du : D[UB? ? EG]IR- SAR

2. Summary of the paragraphs in ms. A not included in the transliteration

142 Ceremonial ritual to undo a curse (NA.RIM, mmtu) that has seized a man; figurines represent-
ing the patients family play a central role in the proceedings.
15 Ritual against an evil threatening a baby (see Reiner, JNES 26 [1967] 192).

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[umma amlu l ina eqli(?) l ina ]ri l [If a man encountered103 either on the field(s) or in the st]eppe
ina qabal li l <ina> kdi u bmti or inside the city or outside the city and on the plain 2[a sack
[ ] mamma napiti(?) ittu ul of witchcraft, an adversity, evil sorceries, ()], nobody talks
idabbub 3[ ] nasi tuqi to him, 3[ to] eradicate [this evil] (and) to make it pass by:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 4
D.D.BI ina mi egubb [tukn] nig- Its ritual: In the night [you set up] a holy water vessel. You
nakka gizill [egu]bb ((ina)) zumur amli move censer, torch (and) [holy wa]ter vessel past the body of
((uti)) tub-ma 5i[na ri(?)] para ((that)) man. Then, 5i[n the morning], you set up a portable
tukn sebet akal kun[i taakkan] sulupp altar, [you place] (a portion of) seven emm[er] loaves (on it);
sasq tasarraq miris dipi imti taakkan you strew dates and fine flour. You place mirsu-confection
adagurra tukn niq [tanaqqi] ikara made of syrup (and) ghee (there). 6You set up a libation
tanaqqi amla uti ina mui ukbusu vessel; [you make] a sacrifice, you pour a libation of beer.
tuzssu mala libbau abtu idabbub You have that man stand on a step; he tells (ama) every-
lumunu paer paer u mager qibssu thing that worries him. 7His evil (portend) will be released,
magrat undone and (turned into a) favourable (sign). His speech will
be pleasant (to the gods).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 8
N ama ar am u ereti ar Igigi u Incantation: ama, you alone are the king of heaven and
Anunnaki att-ma earth, the king of the Igigi and the Anunnaki,
9 9
[ ]te [who the] ,
nsi kip ru rus up lemnti a who removes witchcraft, magic, sorcery (and) the evil machi-
amlte nations of men,
10 10
[nsh lumni(?)] a kapi u kapti [who removes the evil] caused by warlock and witch,
nsi mimma lemnu mimma l bu a who removes any evil, anything not good that is in my body,
11 11
nsi miru a pnya who removes the adversity that is before me
anku annanna (var.: Nab-ir) mr an- I, N.N. (var.: Nab-ir), son of N.N. (var.: [ ]), the ser-
nanna (var.: [ ]) dum pliku vant who honours you,
((11aina lumun kamn [a ina btya(?)] ((11a because of the evil portended by the fungus th[at (was
ina apal abni napl[isanni-ma])) found) in my house] under a stone, loo[k with favour upon
me] ))
12 12
apalka akmis si[ssiktaka a]bat I have knelt down before you, [I] have seized [your] h[em].
ina lumun narq up lemnti tiqanni- Let me pass by the evil of the sack of evil sorceries so that
13 13
lumnu [u ay i] ay isniqa ay ikud- th[at] evil [not come] near me, not approach me, not reach
anni yi me!
14 14
ama ina me ann azzz m[a]arka ama, today I stand before you,
15 15
ina lumni ann tiqanni-ma let me pass by this evil, then
((adi m balku)) dall iltika 16[rabti] 16
I will praise 15the glory of your 16[great] 15divinity 16to the
ana ni rapti lu[d]lul widespread people 15((as long as I live)).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the tentative restorations given in the translation, cf. the parallel
texts quoted in the commentary on ll. 13 (see Notes).
TEXT 11.2 433
17 17
[umma amlu alm]u ana arall [If a mans figurin]es have been handed over to the nether-
pa<q>d : [uppu a(?) ar]ku aru world t[ablet that] is (to be) written [after]wards.


13: Ms. B obv. 14 are only fragmen- that other rituals have the patient step on basalt or
tarily preserved. They are phrased as a diagnosis pitch when addressing the sun-god (for basalt, see
and were probably preceded by a symptom descrip- here texts 7.5 and 7.8, 7. and their parallels; for
tion. The preserved portions show obvious parallels pitch, see here texts 10.3 and 10.4). The ukbusu
to ms. A rev.! 68, but an overall reconstruction of may well be a step made of basalt, pitch or another
the text is still not possible: NA BI UL x [x x x x], black material that was regarded as pure.
KI- ul DU11.[DU11 x x x], DU.ME ana UL u-a-
9: The broken sign before ME-te could
[tu nasi(?)], u-tu-q[ x x x (x)].
be read K] (ellte) or PI]10 (kibrte). The context
A close parallel to ll. 13 is the catchline at the end suggests the restoration of nsi at the beginning of
of KAR 72, a tablet with namburbi rituals, one of the line; if this is correct, the dependent genitive
which occurs on a tablet that contains a namburbi ending in x.ME-te would have to be a substantive
against witchcraft (K 2773+, ed. Maul, BaF 18, that represents something negative. A reading
44552; cf. Abusch, Studies Stol, 6163). The catch- L].ME-te parallel to L.ME-te at the end of the
line reads: DI NA lu-u ina A. lu-u ina ki-di lu-u line is possible if one assumes that the scribe used
ina ba-ma-a-[ti], kuA.KR.L mi-i-ru NG.AK.A.ME the two different Neo-Assyrian forms of L in the
UL.ME ana IGI L i[m-ur-] If a man a sack same line. While this would be unusual, both forms
of witchcraft, an adversity, evil sorceries con[fronted] may be found on the same tablet at Sultantepe (cf.,
the man either on the field(s) or outside the city or e.g., STT 78 obv. II 75 and rev. III 111).
in the open country (rev. 1819). The first, partly
12: ku.KR instead of kuA.G.L for
broken sign preserved in ms. A rev.! 7 could well be
narqu is also attested in VAT 13963: 5 (unpub-
R]A, and if so, the text may possibly have read
lished); cf. perhaps Msk 74271: 1 = Emar VI/4,
[kuA.KR.L mi-i-ru NG.AK.A.ME UL.ME (ana
157: 64. For ku.KR.L, see, e.g., KAR 408+ rev.
IGI L) im-u-r]a .
3 (ed. Reiner, JNES 15 [1956] 142: 46) and KAR
6: The exact nature of the ukbusu-step 72 rev. 19 quoted above. The writing with instead
is unknown (CAD III 214b: ramp; add there the of A is attested already in Sumerian sources (see
present attestation, SpTU 2, 12 obv. II 38 and sever- PSD A I 73b75a); KR is best understood as a
al attestations in Bt sal m; for the latter, see Am- graphic variant of regular G (cf. Borger, MesZ, p.
bos, unpubl. Habilitationschrift, p. 430); but note 83, no. 174).


TEXT 12.1


The diagnostic series Ana mari ina eka When concerned with hate-magic (zru) and seizing-of-
you approach the patient was compiled in Babylo- the-mouth magic and offer a rare insight into the
nia during the Middle Babylonian period. Only two kind of illnesses that were associated with these two
manuscripts of this series have been identified thus techniques of witchcraft. Not surprisingly, hate-
far. R. Labat published the Middle Babylonian frag- magic causes the patient to be detestable to gods
ment 2 NB 336, according to its colophon an exem- and men, while kadabbed is associated with a
plar of the second tablet of the series (Syria 33 syndrome that seems to include some kind of
[1956] 11930). The other source is a Neo-Assyrian speech disorder.
tablet from Sultantepe (STT 89) comprising two The present collection of diagnoses ascribes special
tablets of the series, probably the 33rd and 34th importance to the point of time when cutting-of-
tablets. The section counted as the 33rd(?) tablet the-throat or hate-magic rituals were performed.
deals exclusively with witchcraft-induced illnesses. This may be related to the fact that many forms of
Almost all entries specify the technique of witch- zikurud magic were considered to be performed
craft that has caused the patients sufferings. The before an astral deity; certainly this emphasis on the
majority of diagnoses state that zikurud (cutting- date of the performance of zikurud and zru witch-
of-the-throat magic) has been performed against craft is attested in other texts as well (for zikurud,
the patient, mostly giving the negative prognosis see here text 10.5; for zru, cf. STT 275 obv. I 9).
he will die. Interestingly, some of the zikurud
symptomologies and diagnoses are known from Unfortunately the relevant portion of STT 89 (obv. I
therapeutic texts as well; in one case they occur 1II 43) is not very well preserved. Collation of the
even in the same sequence both here and in the tablet showed Gurneys copy to be mostly reliable,
relevant therapeutic source (see ll. 1827 with the but the overall difficulty of the text called for care-
pertinent notes). It is likely that the diagnostic ful collation through re-copying the entire obverse
entries here were drawn, at least in part, from these of the tablet; collation results pertaining to the better
and similar therapeutic texts (see Abusch, BWiL, preserved reverse of the tablet are recorded in the
63). A few entries in the last part of tablet 33(?) are Summary below.

List of Manuscripts

A SU 51/73 + 51/194 STT 89 coll., cf. pls. 2-col. library tablet, NA script, 7th Sultantepe
12528 cent.

Synopsis of Text Units

i Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud, figurine magic; positive prognosis .................17
A obv. I 17
TEXT 12.1 435
ii Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before Pleiades, negative prognosis ............. 812
A obv. I 812
iii Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before an astral deity, negative prognosis .. 1317
A obv. I 1317
iv Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud, negative prognosis ..................................... 1822
A obv. I 1822
v Symptom description and diagnosis; witchcraft before Gula (Lyra), negative prognosis.... 2327
A obv. I 2327
vi Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before Jupiter (ulpae), negative prognosis... 2833
A obv. I 2833
vii Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before Ursa Major (Ereqqu),
negative prognosis ................................................................................................................ 3437
A obv. I 3437
viii Symptom description and diagnosis; witchcraft, positive prognosis.................................... 3842
A obv. I 3842
ix Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before [] in Tartu, negative prognosis.. 4347
A obv. I 4347
x Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before abarnu (Centaurus) in abau,
negative prognosis ................................................................................................................ 4851
A obv. I 4851
xi Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud before Scorpius in Addaru,
negative prognosis ................................................................................................................ 5256
A obv. I 5256
xii Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud? before a star, negative prognosis ............... 5761
A obv. I 57II 2
xiii Fragmentary symptom description and diagnosis ................................................................ 6263
A obv. II 34
xiv Symptom description and diagnosis; zikurud, prognosis not preserved ............................. 6466
A obv. II 57
xv Fragmentary symptom description and diagnosis ................................................................ 6768
A obv. II 89
xvi Fragmentary symptom description and diagnosis ................................................................ 6971
A obv. II 1012
xvii Fragmentary symptom description and diagnosis; witchcraft in Duzu ............................. 7275
A obv. II 1316
xviii Symptom description and diagnosis; hate-magic ................................................................ 7679
A obv. II 1720
xix Symptom description and diagnosis; hate-magic of [] in [].......................................... 8082
A obv. II 2123
xx Symptom description and diagnosis; hate-magic in Kislmu ............................................... 8386
A obv. II 2427
xxi Symptom description and diagnosis; hate-magic in ebtu ................................................. 8790
A obv. II 2831
xxii Symptom description and diagnosis; hate-magic in Ellu.................................................... 9195
A obv. II 3236
xxiii Symptom description and diagnosis; seizing-of-the-mouth magic, burial of figurines ... 96101
A obv. II 3742
Rubric: 33rd (?) tablet of Ana mari ina eka......................................................................... 102
A obv. II 43

Previous Editions

Stol, CM 2, 9198 (only ll. 103215; for collations, see Summary).



1. A obv. I 1II 43
1 A obv. I 1 [DI NA x x x x x x x x x] x x x x
2 A obv. I 2 [x x x x]- [x (x)] x [x] x [x x x] x x
3 A obv. I 3 [x x x] bi? [x x (x)] x [x x x] x x
4 A obv. I 4 [x x x] i [x (x)] x u x [x] x x
5 A obv. I 5 [x x] x x x [x x] x x NA BI
6 A obv. I 6 [ZI.KU5].RU.DA GU7 NAG NU ZI.KUR5.D-
7 A obv. I 7 [D-m]a KI ADDA u-nu-ul i-bal-lu
8 A obv. I 8 [DI NA IGI.ME-] i-a-nun-du GRII- it-te-n[e]n-i-la
9 A obv. I 9 [II(?)-] i-am-ma-ma- UZU.ME- i[k-t]a-na-su-u
10 A obv. I 10 [GU7] u NAG-[m]a UGU- NU GUB-za x-x-x-su-ma
11 A obv. I 11 [x x S]G-i SU D.A.BI -zaq-qat-su
12 A obv. I 12 [ana NA BI n]a--pa-rat ZI.KU5.RU<.DA> IGI mu[lMU]L D- !(kr)
13 A obv. I 13 [DI NA IGI.ME-] NIGIN-du GRII- it-t[e-ne]n-i-la
14 A obv. I 14 [II(?)-] i-am-ma-ma- UZU.[ME]- i[k-t]a-na-su-u
15 A obv. I 15 [GU7 u] NAG-ma UGU- GUB-z[a i]s? x DAB?-su-ma
16 A obv. I 16 [(x)] x x SG-i SU D.A.BI -zaq-qat-su
17 A obv. I 17 [ana N]A [B]I na--pa-rat <ZI.KU5.RU.DA> ana IGI MUL < >? D-ma
18 A obv. I 18 [DI NA i]t-ta-na-ad-l u it-te-nen-bi
19 A obv. I 19 [IGIII]- [ir-ru-ra] u UZU.ME- i-am-ma-ma-
20 A obv. I 20 [Z.ME]- [ka-l]i-i-na [G]U7.ME-
21 A obv. I 21 [NINDA G]U7-ma KA[ NAG-ma] i-la-i-ib [ana N]A BI
22 A obv. I 22 [ZI.K]U5.RU.DA e?-[p]u?-su-m[a B]A.
23 A obv. I 23 DI N[A S]A []R 15- TAG.TAG-su i-at UZ[U.ME TU]K.TUK-i
24 A obv. I 24 m[i-na-t]u-[] man-ga U4- KR.KR-ma ma-la D-
25 A obv. I 25 i-[ma]-i []-s[u pe-]a-at NA BI ana IGI dgu-la
26 A obv. I 26 i[p-] ep-[-] ina U4.2[7.K]M U4.28.KM NA BI
27 A obv. I 27 [A]L.[T]I U ZI.KU5.RU.DA {a}
28 A obv. I 28 [DI N]A na-k[a]p GR 15- GR.GR-su MRU uzuSA.SAL
29 A obv. I 29 15[0]- TAG.TAG-su x ir x Zsic? L.ME-
30 A obv. I 30 GU4.UD.GU4.UD-a ZI.G[A] x ni SU- i-am-ma-am-
31 A obv. I 31 NA BI ana IGI dul-pa- [ina] U4.21.KM ina U4.22.KM
32 A obv. I 32 rik-su r[a]-kis-su ina [U4].27.KM ina U4.28.KM
33 A obv. I 33 [IN]IM.BI AL.TI U Z[I].KU5.RU.DA []
34 A obv. I 34 [DI N]A uzuSA ZAG GB u-tab-b[a-l]u4 MD ina pi-i-
35 A obv. I 35 x x UB.UB-ma ma-a-a [U4].3.KM [DU-ku]
36 A obv. I 36 ana NA BI ana IGI mulMAR.GD.D[A i]p- ep--[]
37 A obv. I 37 ana U4.10.KM GD-ma BA. U [ZI.KU5].RU.DA
38 A obv. I 38 DI[ N]A ME.DM.BI it-ta-na--pa-ka [x-] GU7-u
39 A obv. I 39 UGU- x [(x)] x x-u DAB-su []- i-ta-na-a
40 A obv. I 40 it!-ta-na-ru [ki]-m-i 15- 150<-> GU4.U[D].ME-su
41 A obv. I 41 a-si-id 15- -zaq-qat-su ana N[A] BI
42 A obv. I 42 ip- ep--[] i-b[al]-lu
43 A obv. I 43 DI NA si-li-i-tum ina U4.22?.KM -ar-ri[(-ma)]
44 A obv. I 44 ina <U4.>27.KM MD ina KA!?-? -x-x-lam-ma x (x)
45 A obv. I 45 ina U4.28.KM itiDU6 NIM-ma ana IGI [mu]l?x x
46 A obv. I 46 ip- ep-- ina U4.5.KM lu ina U4.10.KM [INI]M?.BI
47 A obv. I 47 AL.TI U ZI.KU5.RU.D[A]
48 A obv. I 48 DI NA ta-lam 15- e-em ta-lam 150- ka-i
49 A obv. I 49 IGIII- i-bar-ru-ra MD ina KIR4- DU-ku
TEXT 12.1 437
50 A obv. I 50 ana NA BI [ina] itiZZ U4.5.KM ana IGI mulEN.TE.NA.BAR.UZ
51 A obv. I 51 ip- e[p--] <U> ZI.KU5.RU.DA
52 A obv. I 52 [DI N]A .ME[- it-t]e-nen-me-ru KA- EME-
53 A obv. I 53 [i]t-ta-[n]a-a-bat ina ka-a-a-ti i[t-t]a-[n]a-a-a-al
54 A obv. I 54 [ina G]E6 i-gal-lut ana NA BI ina itiE {km} U4.10+x.KM
55 A obv. I 55 [ana IGI m]ulG[R.T]AB ip- ep--
56 A obv. I 56 [U Z]I.KUR5.D[A] BA.
57 A obv. I 57 [DI NA bi-ri-i]t MA.SLII- GU7?.ME- Z.ME-
58 A obv. I 58 [MD i-i-il-la ]UII- [GRI]I(?)- i-zaq-qa-ta-
59 A obv. I 59 [x x x x] x x [x x] UR?.GI7 lu KU6? lu A
60 A obv. II 1 ana IGI mu[l
61 A obv. II 2 INIM.BI [AL.TI U ZI.KU5.RU.DA (?)]
62 A obv. II 3 DI NA - x [
63 A obv. II 4 i-lil [
64 A obv. II 5 DI NA ?-? [
65 A obv. II 6 xx[
66 A obv. II 7 na--p[a-rat ZI.KU5.RU.DA
67 A obv. II 8 DI NA [-
68 A obv. II 9 x[
69 A obv. II 10 DI NA SU?-[?
70 A obv. II 11 xx[
71 A obv. II 12 x [x] x x [
72 A obv. II 13 DI NA? [x x] x [
73 A obv. II 14 M.GE6.ME- x x [
74 A obv. II 15 ana NA BI ina itiU U4.[x.KM
75 A obv. II 16 ma-gal ur-ru??-ku? su [
76 A obv. II 17 DI NA SU- [x] x x [
77 A obv. II 18 x x x x x- x (x) [
78 A obv. II 19 UL.GIG ina? x x [
79 A obv. II 20 UGU DINGIR u L [
80 A obv. II 21 DI NA SU- KM.KM-im x [
81 A obv. II 22 i-ka--a it-ta-na-x [
82 A obv. II 23 U4.7.KM UL.GIG ni [
83 A obv. II 24 DI NA - ir-ta-na-a-u[b
84 A obv. II 25 SA eq-bi-u GUB.GUB-az [
85 A obv. II 26 NA BI ina [it]iGAN? U4.19.KM U[L.GIG
86 A obv. II 27 ina IZ.ZI x x x [
87 A obv. II 28 DI NA im-ta-na-gag bir-ka- x [
88 A obv. II 29 - ana MUNUS NU L- ina DU11.DU11- i[l-la-t- DU.ME(?)]
89 A obv. II 30 NA BI ina itiAB U4.27.KM UL.GIG x [
90 A obv. II 31 D-su KI DINGIR L u-zur [?]
91 A obv. II 32 DI NA uz-za i-u EN INIM- i-ta-nam-[dar]
92 A obv. II 33 [E]N INIM- ga-lit za-mar za-mar u-tan-n[a-a]
93 A obv. II 34 [ana] NA BI ina itiKIN U4.19.KM UL.[GIG]
94 A obv. II 35 []? ne ?x in? kul NUMUN GI.Z.LUM.M[A] x [(x)]
95 A obv. II 36 KI DINGIR L u-zu-ur ?
96 A obv. II 37 [DI N]A UGU!?- i-a-na-[a]d? IGI.ME- NIGIN-du KA-u
97 A obv. II 38 e-ta-na-bal ina KA- it-ta-na-as-ar
98 A obv. II 39 UZU.M- GR.GR- UZU.M- i-a-na-li-mu
99 A obv. II 40 DU8.ME- i-[k]s-s-su- DU8.ME- ir-ta-na-m[u-u]
100 A obv. II 41 ur-ba- UB.UB-su SAG.DU-su UII- GRII- G[U7?-?]
101 A obv. II 42 NA BI KA.DAB.B.DA D-su NU.ME- DU.LL [u-nu-lu]

A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 A obv. II 43 DUB.33?.KM.MA ana GIG ina TE-k[a]
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for A obv. II 44IV 51, see Summary

2. Summary of the paragraphs in A not included in the transliteration (ed. Stol, CM 2, 9198)
obv. II
4449 = ll. 1038: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit caused by the Lord of the Roof.
In l. 49 read ina U4 rather than NA (see copy).
5053 = ll. 10912: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit caused by the Lord of the Roof.
54III 5 = ll. 11319: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit caused by the Lord of the
Roof. Note that in l. 115 a reading i-la-A[B-] is possible; restore perhaps i-la-a[p-pa-tu-
u]? Stols reading UB-su-ma in l. 119 has been confirmed by collation.
rev. III
69 = ll. 12023: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit caused by []. Stols reading
UMU- in l. 121 has been confirmed by collation.
1013 = ll. 12427: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit caused by the Lord of the
Roof. In l. 124 read SA5-[t]; Stols reading UMU- in l. 121 has been confirmed by collation.
The traces preserved at the end of l. 125 suggest u IR [UB ] (see collation).
1418 = ll. 12832: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; fit to be treated by the performance
of iptu. Stols reading 15[0 at the end of l. 131 has been ruled out by collation; the traces
suggest ana GAM? [ ] (see collation).
1926 = ll. 13340: Two symptom descriptions, diagnoses and prognoses; fits, the first of which is
caused by the Lord of the Roof. Stols reading TG DUGUD par-i in l. 139 remains
problematic; the sign after KU is BU, as correctly indicated in Gurneys copy. We are, however,
unable to provide a convincing interpretation of the apparent phrase ku-bu-ut Z iabbat (Scur-
lock Andersen, Diagnoses, 319 emend ku-bu-ut-ta! and translate difficult (phase)).
2733 = ll. 14147: Two symptomologies, diagnoses; AN.TA.UB.BA-disease (with fatal prognosis in
the second case). To our eyes a reading i-a-par rather than i-DAG is possible in l. 141, but see
Stols comments on the usage of DAG in writings of iappar. Stols tentative reading me il l[ik
at the end of l. 146 is doubtful; collation suggests a difficult to explain me-il-a x [ ].
3437 = ll. 14851: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; AN.TA.UB.BA-disease. For the
traces preserved at the end of l. 148, see collation.
3844 = ll. 15258: Symptom description (fit), diagnosis, instructions for scarification and prognosis.
Stols reading UD.A at the beginning of l. 155 would require an emendation; the preserved
traces suggest BAR-a or perhaps .A (see collation).
4552 = ll. 15966: Symptom description, diagnosis (AN.TA.UB.BA) and therapeutic instructions. In ll.
16364 read U4.9sic.KM ina pn(IGI) dSn(30) ina ki-il-ki-l[isic ], U4.10sic.[KM] inasic nam-
KU-le-e tueeb(TU)-u For nine days [you ] before Sn in the kilkillu reed-hut. On the
tenth day you have him sit in the namkul(?). In l. 165 read ina pn(IGI) dSn(30)
tuakmas(DU10.GAMsic)-s[usic ] you have h[im] kneel before Sn (see collation).
rev. IV
17 = ll. 16773: Symptom description, diagnosis and prognosis; Spawn of ulpae. Stols reading
-za-qat in l. 167 is ruled out by collation; we cannot offer anything better than iru x-x-x-u
ri-mu-t TUK-[]i (TUK.[TU]K equally possible), see collation. At the beginning of l. 169 read
[ri-]u-ut dul-pa-; ll. 170 and 171 begin with [ZA]G- and [G]B-, respectively.
813 = ll. 17479: Symptom description and diagnosis; the patients symptoms are interpreted as an
evil omen. The evil portent is to be removed by killing the patient by burying him alive.
1420 = ll. 18086: Symptom description and diagnosis; the patients symptoms are interpreted as an
evil omen. The evil portent is to be removed by killing the patient by burning him. -pi in
Stols edition is a typographic error (i-pi, as indicated in Gurneys copy).
2125 = ll. 18791: Symptom description, diagnosis (Spawn of ulpae) and prognoses depending on
the social status of the patient. At the end of l. 187 read UB.UB-disic. Stols reading it-ta-nak-
ar in l. 188 has been confirmed by collation. At the beginning of l. 189 read [K]A- sic-ta
TEXT 12.1 439
<> .KR.ME- tab-ka his mouth <> spittle, his limbs are poured out. It seems that the
scribe confused the logograms .KR (untu implements) and .R (mertu limbs). In
l. 190 read dul-pa- (with copy). In l. 191 Stols emendation u-ta-mar!(rad)-ra-a-ma remains
problematic. The tablet has (unclear) u-ta-rat-tak-ma, as already indicated in Gurneys copy;
note that the sign preceding -ma is certainly TAG rather than KASKAL (ras).
2629 = ll. 19295: Symptom description and diagnosis; bennu-disease.
3038 = ll. 196204: Various symptom descriptions with diagnoses and prognoses. In l. 200 read i-
tu UD.DU-u (if), after it has overwhelmed him, spittle flows from his mouth. In l. 201 a
reading maruti(NG.GIG) la qti(U) ibas(DAB)-su seems plausible: an affliction without a
hand (i.e., without a supernatural cause) has seized him.
3948 = ll. 20514: Various symptom descriptions diagnosed as hand of Sn. In l. 213 read
[ T].BI i-ru-da u DU-ka [ ] tremble [at] the same time and run ; for parallels, see
CAD R 62a s.v. rdu b).
49 = ll. 215: Rubric; probably restore [DUB.34.KM-ma ana GIG] ina TE-ka.
5051 = ll. 21617: Colophon.

Bound Transcription Translation

1 1
[umma amlu ] (ll. 24 too frag- [If a man ] (ll. 24 too fragmentary for translation)
mentary for transcription) 5[] [] 5
[] [] , that man 6has been given [cutting]-of-
amlu 6[ziku]rud kul aqi pai the-throat-witchcraft with food, drink (and) ointment. A
alam zikurudu 7[epu-m]a itti mti figurine of his cutting-of-the-throat 7[has been made
unl iballu an]d 7has been buried with a dead person. He will recover.
8 8
[umma amlu pn]u ianund pu [If a man] has [ver]tigo, his feet are more and more con-
itten[e]nil 9[au(?)] iammamu tracted, 9[his arms] are numb, his flesh constantly gives
ru i[kt]anass 10[ikkal] u iatt- (him) a paralysed feeling, 10[he eats] and drinks, but (the
[m]a elu l izzazza su-ma 11[ food) does not nourish him, him and 11[ is af]fec-
m]ai(?) zumru kalma (or: kalu?) ted, his whole body causes him a stinging pain, 12[against
uzaqqassu 12[ana amli uti n]apart that man m]essages of cutting-of-the-throat magic have
zikurud maar S[ebett]i epu been performed before the Pl[eia]des; he will die.
13 13
[umma amlu pn]u ianund pu [If a man] has [ver]tigo, his feet are more and more
itt[ene]nil 14[au(?)] iammamu contracted, 14[his arms] are numb, his flesh [const]antly
ru i[kt]anass 15[ikkal u] iatt-ma gives (him) a paralysed feeling, 15[he eats and] drinks, and
elu izzazza su-ma 16[] (the food) does nourish him, him and 11[ ] is
mai(?) zumru kalma (or: kalu?) affected, his whole body causes him a stinging pain,
uzaqqassu 17[ana am]li [u]ti napa- 12
[against] th[at] ma[n] messages <of cutting-of-the-
rt <zikurud> ana maar kakkabi(?) throat magic> have been performed before the star(s),
ep-ma imt and he will die.
18 18
[umma amlu i]ttanadla u ittenenbi [If a man is] constantly perturbed and cramped, his [eyes
[n]u [irrur] u ru iammamu flicker] 19and his flesh becomes numb, [a]ll his [teet]h
[inn]u [kal]ina [ta]nakkalu continually cause him [a na]gging pain, 21[he ea]ts [bread]
[akala ik]kal-ma ika[ra iatt-ma] and dri[nks] be[er and then] makes a growling noise,
ilaib [ana am]li uti 22[zik]urud [against] that [m]an cutting-of-the-throat magic has been
e[p]ussu-m[a(?) i]mt performed, and [he] will die.
23 23
umma am[lu er]n [p]m imittu If the [sin]ew(s) of a [ma]ns right [thi]gh hurt him
iltanappassu iat [r ir]tanai continually, he is wasting [away], 24his l[imb]s are stiff,
m[int][u] mang mu ittanakker- his mind becomes more and more deranged so that 25he
ma mala puu 25i[ma]i [ru]uss[u f[orge]ts 24whatever he has been doing, 25hi[s phle]gm is
pe]t amlu ana maar Gula 26i[p- [whi]te, against that man 26sorc[eries] have been per-
] ep[]u ina U4.2[7.K]M U4.28.KM [formed] 25before Gula. 26On the 2[7th] (or) 28th day (of his
amlu 27[i]qa[tt]i qt zikurud imt illness) that man will c[ome to an en]d. It is hand of
cutting-of-the-throat magic, he will die.
28 28
[umma am]lu nak[ka]p p imittu [If] the tip of [a ma]ns right foot causes him a stinging
uzaqqassu qabal aalli 29a um[l]u pain, the middle of 29his left 28aallu-tendon 29hurts him
iltanappassu marta(?) ittanau continually, keeps heaving up bile, 30he jerks repeated-
itanaia itebb[i] zumuru iam- ly, jumps [up], , his body becomes numb, 31that mans
mamu 31amlu ana maar ulpae 32
bond has been bound 31before Jupiter [on] the 21st (or)
[ina] U4.21.KM ina U4.22.KM 32riksu the 22nd day. 32On the 27th (or) the 28th day (of his illness)
rakissu ina [U4].27.KM ina U4.28.KM his [mat]ter will come to an end. It is hand of cutting-
[am]ssu iqatti qt z[i]kurud im[t] of-the-throat magic, he will d[ie].
34 34
[umma am]lu ern imitti umli u- [If a ma]ns veins of the right and of the left side , 35he
tabb[al] dma ina pu 35 ittan- constantly ejects blood from his mouth, (and) mau-
add-ma maa alat [m illak] liquid [flows] for three [days], 36against that man [so]r-
ana amli uti ana maar Ereqq[i ceries have been performed before Ursa Majo[r]. 37If it
i]p ep[u] 37ana eeret m rik-ma lasts for ten days, he will die. It is hand of cutting-of-
imt qt [ziku]rud imt the-throat magic, he will die.
38 38
um[ma am]lu bintu ittanapak [- I[f a m]ans limbs are constantly poured out, [hi]s []
]u ikkalu 39muau -u iab- causes him a nagging pain, 39his skull , his seizes
bassu [libbau] itan 40tanarru [ki]- him, he keeps retching (and) 40vomiting, his right and left
mi imittu uml<u> itanaissu calves keep twitching, 41the heel of his right (foot) causes
asd imittu uzaqqassu ana am[li] him a stinging pain, against that ma[n] sorceries have
uti 42ip ep[u] ib[al]lu been performed; he will re[co]ver.
umma amlu silitu ina U4.22?.KM 43
If a mans disease has started on the 22nd day [and] 44on the
uarr[(-ma)] 44ina <U4.>27.KM dmu 27th <day> he blood from his mouth. 45on the 28th
ina pu(?) 45ina U4.28.KM Ta- of the month Tartu , and 46sorceries have been per-
rti NIM-ma ana maar mul? 46ip formed against him before . On the fifth or on the tenth
epu ina U4.5.KM l ina U4.10.KM day (of his illness) his [matt]er 47will come to an end. It is
[am]ssu(?) 47iqatti qt zikurud[] imt hand of cutting-of-the-throat magic, he will die.
48 48
umma amlu talam imittu m talam If a mans torso is hot on the right side (and) cold on the left
umlu kai 49nu ibarrur dm ina side, 49his eyes flicker, blood runs from his nose, 50against
appu illak 50ana amli uti [ina] that man 51sorceries ha[ve been performed] 50in the month
abai U4.5.KM ana maar abar- abau, on the fifth day, before Centaurus. 51It is <hand>
ni 51ip e[p]u <qt> zikurud imt of cutting-of-the-throat magic, he will die.
52 52
[umma am]lu qerb[u itt]enenmer [If a ma]n[s] intestines are [constantly sw]ollen, his mouth
pu linu 53[i]tta[n]abat ina kati (and) tongue 53are constantly seized, in the morning he
i[tt]a[n]ayyal 54[ina m]i igallut ana keeps lying (in bed), 54[in the ni]ght he is frightened,
amli uti ina Addari U4.10+x.KM against that man 55sorceries have been performed 54in the
[ana maar] Zuq[aq]pi ip epu month Addaru, on the teenth day, 55[before] Sc[or]pius.
56 56
[qt z]ikurud[] imt It is [hand of cut]ting-of-the-throat magic, he will
57 57
[umma amlu bir]t naglabu tanak- [If the space] between a mans shoulders is constantly caus-
kalu(?) innu 58[dma iill q]tu ing him a nagging pain, his teeth 58[exude blood], his
[p]u(?) izaqqatu 59[ ] [ha]nds (and) his [fee]t cause him a stinging pain,
[] kalbi(?) l nni(?) l a 60ana 59
[ ] 60[have been ] 59[to ()] a dog or a fish
maar mu[l ] 61amssu [iqatti or a pig 60before (the star) [ ]. 61His matter [will come
qt zikurud imt(?)] to an end. It is hand of cut]ting-of-the-throat magic, he
will die].
umma amlu libbau [ ] 63illil 62
If a mans abdomen (or: heart) [ ] 63he becomes
[ ] pure [ ]
umma amlu libbau(?) [ ] 65 64
If a mans abdomen (or: heart) [ ] 65 [ ]
[ ] 66nap[art zikurud ] 66
messa[ges of cutting-of-the-throat magic ]
umma amlu lib[bau ] 68 [ ] 67
If a mans abdo[men (or: heart) ] 68 [ ]
umma amlu zumur[u(?) ] 70 69
If a man[s] body [ ] 70 [ ] 71 [ ]
[ ] 71 [ ]
TEXT 12.1 441
umma amlu [] [ ] 73un- 72
If a man [] [ ] 73his dreams [ ]
tu [ ] 74ana amli uti ina 74
against that man in Duzu, on the [th] day. [ ]
Duzi U4.[x.KM ] 75magal urru- 75
will be much protracted(??) [ ]
k(??) [ ]
umma amlu zumuru [ ] 77 76
If a mans body [ ] 77 [ ] 78hate-
[ ] 78zru a ina [ ] magic which [ ] with [ ] 79[he is ] to god
eli ili u amli [ ] and man [( )].
80 80
umma amlu zumuru tenemmim If a mans body is constantly hot, [ ] 81he , he
[ ] 81ikaa ittana[ ] is constantly [ ], 82hate-magic of [ ] on the
U4.7.KM zru a [ ] seventh day.
83 83
umma amlu libbau irtanau[b ] If a mans abdomen trembles constantly [ ], 84the
ern eqbu ittanazzz [ ] 85a veins of his heels constantly protrude [ ] 85against
amli uti ina Kislmi U4.19.KM that man hate-[magic ] in the month Kislmu, on the
z[ru ] 86a ina igri [ ] 19th day. [ ] 86which in (or: from) the wall
[ ]
87 87
umma amlu imtanaggag berku If a man is rigid, his knees [ ], 88his heart does not
[ ] 88libbau ana inniti l ina- arouse him towards a woman, [his] s[aliva runs] when he
u ina dabbu i[lltu illak(?)] talks, 89against that man hate-magic [ ] 90has been
amlu ina ebti U4.27.KM zru performed 89in the month ebtu, on the 27th day. 90He has
[ ] 90epussu itti ili amli uzzur been made detestable to god (and) man; [he will die].
91 91
umma amlu uzza u bl amtu tan- If a man is in a rage, he is in constant fe[ar] of his litigant,
am[dar] 92[b]l amtu galit zamar 92
he is frightened about his [li]tigant, he is experiencing
zamar utann[a] 93[ana] amli uti fati[gue] from time to time, 93[against] that man hate-
ina Elli U4.19.KM z[ru] 94 zr [magic] 94 mullein seed 93in the month Ellu, on
buinni(?) 95itti ili amli uzzur the 19th day. 95He has been made detestable to god (and)
imt(?) man; he will die.
96 96
[umma am]lu muau(?) iand(?) [If a m]ans head spins, he has vertigo, his mouth is always
pnu ianund pu 97tanabbal ina dry, 97in his mouth it turns back and forth, 98his flesh
pu ittanasar 98ru izaqqatu - causes him a stinging pain, his flesh keeps turning dark,
ru ianallim 99piru i[k]assasu 99
his cause him a gnawing pain, his are constantly
piru irtanamm[] 100urbu imtan- weak, 100cold tremors afflict him repeatedly, his head, his
aqqussu qaqqassu qtu pu i[k- hands, his feet c[ause him a nagging pain], 101against that
kalu(?)] 101a amli uti kadabbed man seizing-of-the-mouth magic has been performed.
epussu almu a ikri [unull] Figurines of wax representing him have been b[uried].
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DUB.33?.KM.MA ana mari ina ek[a] 102
33rd tablet of When yo[u] approach the patient.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the remainder of the text, see Summary. For the remainder of the text, see Summary.


General: We would like to thank M. Stol who ment seems to have chipped off since Gurney
generously passed on his notes on STT 89 to us and copied the tablet.
commented on a first version of this edition and on
817: The entries ll. 812 and ll. 1217 are
Schwemers new copy of the obverse of the tablet.
almost identical. But note that the phrase elu l
17: The same symptom description and izzazza (l. 10) occurs without the negation in the
diagnosis occur in a therapeutic text against zikuru- parallel passage (l. 15).
d, which, unfortunately, is just as fragmentary as
10, 15: One expects the phrases ending in
the present passage (BAM 452: 1012; see here
-su-ma in both lines to have the same wording, but
text 10.4, 3.: 1012).
the traces preserved in each line are difficult to re-
24: The signs underlined in the trans- concile with those of the other. In l. 15 one could
literation are no longer on the tablet; a small frag- perhaps read [G]I?.KU[N]? DAB?-su-ma (his) loin

hurts him and; but this remains quite uncertain. 35: We are unable to give a plausible
The phrase ikkal u iatt-ma elu l izzazza should reading of the traces preceding UB.UB-ma; an ad-
be compared to akala ikkal-ma elu l illak (here verb like magal very much is expected. The traces
text 10.4: 8) and ikkal iatt-ma ana ru l iee would admit a reading NA BI, but this would make
(here text 2.3, 1.: 28). little sense within the present context. Unclear ma-
a here corresponds to equally difficult mia in the
17: The emendation of zikurud is based
parallel text; see the note on text 10.1., l. 2.
on the parallel in l. 12; perhaps simple MUL should
be corrected to mulMUL (cf. l. 12), but since the text 3842: The same symptom description oc-
makes sense as it stands we have refrained from this curs in an equally fragmentary therapeutic text
emendation. against zikurud; see here text 10.1, ll. 1517.
1822: The same symptom description oc- 39: After UGU- one could read
curs in a therapeutic text against zikurud; see here GABA-[], but the apparently singular form of the
text 10.3, ll. 6971. The restorations follow the verb militates against this reading.
parallel text.
40: Read perhaps []R! 15- 150<->;
2327: The same symptom description oc- the following traces look like GI.[UR].ME-su,
curs in a therapeutic text against zikurud; see here but this can hardly be the correct reading.
text 10.3, ll. 8083. The restorations follow the
43: For silitu disease, illness, see
parallel text.
now Stol, CM 37, 2946; for our passage, see 36
27: The reading [AL.T]I (instead of more 37.
common AL.TIL in the parallel text 10.3, l. 83) is
45: NIM-ma seems to be corrupt; we
suggested by the traces and is supported by parallel
expect a verbal form. The traces at the end of l. 44
passages in the present text (see ll. 33, 4647). For
seem to belong to the same sentence as the first half
the rare use of TI (instead of TIL) as a logogram for
of the present line.
qat, see CAD Q 179b (colophons of Old Baby-
lonian literary texts); in view of the fact that the par- 4849: The same symptom description is at-
allel text 10.3, l. 83 has AL.TIL we can safely ex- tested in BAM 361 rev. 4043 // K 3010+ rev. V
clude the possibility that AL.TI in STT 89 should be 1416 (ed. Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 36465, 369,
interpreted as a logogram for balu live. no. 16; prescription for a necklace of therapeutic
The emended A before could be explained as a
defective BA (BA.) or, more likely, as the be- 50: For zikurud performed before Cen-
ginning of an that the scribe first began in the taurus, cf. Maql IV 60.
wrong place and then forgot to erase (cf. obv. II 36
5256: The same symptom description is at-
= l. 95).
tested in BAM 361 rev. 4548 (Schuster-Brandis,
28: For the reading nakkap p imittu, Steine, 365, 369 no. 16; prescription for necklaces
see CAD II 169a (personal communication, M. of therapeutic stones; cf. also BAM 386 rev. IV 11
Stol). Instead of qabal aalli one could read qablu 14). A further parallel symptom description and
aallu (so tentatively CAD II 169a), but the fact diagnosis is attested in the therapeutic text KAR 121
that MRU is not provided with a possessive suffix = BAM 203 = KAL 2, 35: 35. For witchcraft
militates against this interpretation; also note that performed before Scorpius, cf. Maql IV 58.
the verb is singular.
5758: The restorations follow the parallel
2832: The same symptom description oc- symptom description in BAM 361 rev. 3738 //
curs in a therapeutic text against zikurud (BAM K 3010 rev. V 1112 (see Schuster-Brandis, Stei-
455 l. col. 16; see here text 10.3, ms. B1, after l. ne, 364, 369 no. 16; prescription for a necklace with
83). amulet stones); cf. also STT 102 obv. 16; see here
text 7.10.3, 3. Another closely related symptom
3437: The same symptom description oc-
description is preserved in KUB 37, 59, a small
curs in a therapeutic text against zikurud; see here
fragment of a diagnostic (or perhaps therapeutic)
text 10.1, ll. 13; see the commentary there for
text (not coll.): 5[umma amlu bi-ri-i]t na-ag-la-
witchcraft performed before Ursa Major.
b[i-u] 6[tanakkal-]u i-in-na-[u] 7[dma] i-i-il-
34: For utabbal, see the note on text la 8[U.ME-u] GR.ME-u -za-qa-[ta-u] 9[
10.1, l. 1. ]a U ZI!?(nam).KUR5.[DA?] (or: NAM.TAR?) 10[ ]
TEXT 12.1 443
x a x [(x)] 11[ ] a x [(x)] 12
[ ]a [x (x)] 9394: Read perhaps [ana] amli(NA) uti
(fragment breaks). (BI) ina itiebti(KIN) U4.19.KM z[ru](UL.[GIG])
[] ikmn(D) i?-in?-kul zr(NUMUN) buinni
75: Or read perhaps ma-gal ur-r[u]q
(GI.Z.LUM.M[A]) D-[su] hate-[magic] using the
U-su is very pale, his hand . But a descrip-
ashes of -plant (and) mullein seed has been per-
tion of symptoms is unexpected in this part of the
formed against that man in the month ebtu, on the
19th day. For the further specification of zru-magic
8095: For the performance of hate-magic with a phrase introduced by a, cf. ll. 78 and 82.
on a specific day, cf. also STT 275 obv. I 9 (zru on
95: The damaged sign at the end of the
the fourth of Abu).
line could also be read TI, i.e., iballu he will re-
81: The form ikaa (not i-ra--a, as cover, but to our eyes the traces rather suggest
assumed by CAD S 157a) may be derived from than TI.
kau II, a verb that is attested in medical texts but
96: For the beginning of the line M. Stol
whose meaning is uncertain (see CAD K 28687;
proposes [DI N]A IGIII- i-a-na-[pa]r.
AHw 462a with a tentative translation to become
massive, to feel dizzy); but all certain attesta- 97: The phrase in his mouth it turns
tions of this verb show an u-vowel in the present back and forth probably means that the patients
tense. Alternatively one could treat ikaa as an speech is jumbled; this interpretation fits the context
aberrant writing of ikassas (kassu to gnaw). of a description of a patient who is suffering from
seizing-of-the-mouth magic.
85: For the introduction of the patient in
the apodosis with a amli uti of that man in- 99: For the reading pir(DU8.ME) rather
stead of ana ami uti or simple amlu , cf. also than irtu(GABA.ME) within the present context,
l. 101. see CAD P 450b.
86: Read perhaps ina IZ.ZI D [ ]. 102: The traces on the tablet clearly show
30+x rather than the 20+x of Gurneys copy;
91: For the restoration tanam[dar], cf.
enough is preserved below the heads of the follow-
text 8.3, 2.: 12. Alternatively one could restore
ing three verticals to favour a reading 33 over 35, 36
itanam[zaru] his litigant keeps cu[rsing him]
or 39, though only a duplicate or catalogue will pro-
(see CAD N II 140a).
vide final certainty.

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1.1 A1 ...................... 614/b + 157/c + 1433/c......................................................... KUB 37, 44..................................
1.1 A2 ...................... 409/c + 669/c ...................................................................... KUB 37, 45..................................
1.1 A3 ...................... 350/c ................................................................................... KUB 37, 46..................................
1.1 A4 ...................... 173/c + 200/c ...................................................................... KUB 37, 47..................................
1.1 A5 ...................... 216/c ................................................................................... KUB 37, 49..................................
1.1 A6 ...................... 1317/c ................................................................................. KUB 37, 48..................................
1.1 B........................ 231/g ................................................................................... KUB 37, 43..................................
1.2 A1 ...................... 598/b ................................................................................... KUB 37, 51..................................
1.2 A2 ...................... 2787/c ................................................................................. KUB 37, 53..................................
1.2 A3 ...................... 478/c ................................................................................... KUB 37, 99..................................
1.3 A........................ 337/e ................................................................................... KUB 37, 52..................................
1.4 A........................ Bo 9014 (Istanbul) + 209/g................................................. KUB 4, 60 + KBo 36, 38 .............
1.5 A........................ 212/n ................................................................................... KBo 9, 47.....................................
1.5 B........................ Bo 5206 (Istanbul).............................................................. KUB 4, 99....................................
1.5 C........................ VAT 13786......................................................................... BAM 317 .....................................
1.5 D1 ...................... VAT 14051......................................................................... KAL 2, 43 ....................................
1.5 D2 ...................... VAT 14052......................................................................... KAL 2, 44 ....................................
1.5 E ........................ VAT 11603......................................................................... KAR 275, KAL 2, 45....................
1.5 F ........................ VAT 12153......................................................................... KAL, forthcoming........................
1.6 A........................ A 245 .................................................................................. BAM 206 .....................................
1.7 A........................ A 236 .................................................................................. BAM 197 .....................................
1.8 A........................ VAT 11015......................................................................... KAL 2, 42 ....................................
1.8 B........................ A 239 .................................................................................. BAM 161 .....................................
1.8 C........................ K 3461 ................................................................................ AMT 29/5, BAM 436 ...................
1.8 D........................ VAT 13925......................................................................... BAM 282 .....................................
2.1 a......................... HS 1883 .............................................................................. BAM 393 .....................................
2.2 A........................ 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + 323/c .. KBo 36, 32 + KUB 37, 55 ...........15
2.2 B........................ 166/d ................................................................................... KUB 37, 9....................................
2.2 C........................ VAT 14427......................................................................... LKA 160, BAM 140 .....................
2.2 D1 ...................... VAT 14051......................................................................... KAL 2, 43 ....................................
2.2 D2 ...................... VAT 14052......................................................................... KAL 2, 44 ....................................
2.2 E ........................ VAT 10088......................................................................... KAR 189, BAM 208 .....................
2.2 F1 ....................... Sm 385 + 757 ..................................................................... AMT 86/1.....................................6, 912
2.2 F2 ....................... K 6488 ................................................................................ AMT 85/1.....................................78, 1314
2.2 G........................ Th 1905-4-9, 92 = BM 98586 ............................................ .................................................16
2.2 H........................ ND 4405/23 ........................................................................ CTN 4, 124 ..................................15
2.3 A1 ...................... Sm 385 + 757 ..................................................................... AMT 86/1.....................................6, 912
2.3 A2 ...................... K 6488 ................................................................................ AMT 85/1.....................................78, 1314
2.3 B........................ 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + 323/c .. KBo 36, 32 + KUB 37, 55 ...........15
2.3 C........................ VAT 10088......................................................................... KAR 189, BAM 208 .....................
2.3 D1 ...................... K 6586 ................................................................................ AMT 85/1.....................................16
2.3 D2 ...................... K 2441 ................................................................................ AMT 85/3.....................................16
2.3 D3 ...................... Sm 380................................................................................ AMT 29/9.....................................17
2.3 D4 ...................... 82-3-2, 103 ......................................................................... .................................................17
2.3 D5 ...................... Sm 1960.............................................................................. .................................................17
2.3 E ........................ Bo 7925 (Ankara) ............................................................... KUB 37, 56..................................
2.4 A........................ VAT 10088......................................................................... KAR 189, BAM 208 .....................
2.5 A........................ A 2715 ................................................................................ BAM 205 .....................................
2.5 B........................ 81-7-27, 73 ......................................................................... TCS 2, pl. 2..................................

Including partial publications.
2.5 C........................ VAT 8916........................................................................... KAR 70 ........................................
2.5 D........................ SU 52/139 + 161 + 170 + 250 + 250A + 323 + 379 .......... STT 280 .......................................
2.5 E ........................ K 9451 + 11676 + Sm 818 + 961 ....................................... TCS 2, pl. 1..................................
2.5 f ......................... BM 68033........................................................................... .................................................18
2.5 G........................ VAT 13616......................................................................... LKA 144 ......................................
2.5 H........................ VAT 13917......................................................................... BAM 207, BID, pl. 24..................
2.5 J ......................... VAT 13893 + 13982........................................................... BAM 320 .....................................
2.5 k ........................ W 22307/4 + 68 .................................................................. SpTU 1, 9.....................................
2.5 L ........................ A 522 .................................................................................. BAM 318 .....................................
2.5 M ....................... VAT 14111......................................................................... BAM 319 .....................................
2.5 n ........................ BM 54650........................................................................... BID, pl. 1921 .............................
7.1 a......................... VAT 8360........................................................................... VS 17, 31 .....................................
7.2 A........................ K 6053 ................................................................................ BAM 438 .....................................1920
7.2 B........................ Rm 950 ............................................................................... BAM 437 .....................................20
7.3 A........................ 1929-10-12, 693 = BM 128037 .......................................... .................................................21
7.4 A........................ 1930-5-8, 34 = BM 122645 ................................................ CT 51, 194...................................22
7.5 A........................ K 3661 ................................................................................ .................................................23
7.5 B........................ K 13390 .............................................................................. AMT 44/7.....................................23
7.6 A........................ VAT 13641......................................................................... KAL 2, 14 ....................................
7.6 B........................ VAT 13640......................................................................... KAL 2, 13 ....................................
7.6 C........................ VAT 13619......................................................................... KAL 2, 34 ....................................
7.6 D........................ K 8107 ................................................................................ .................................................24
7.6 E ........................ A 2720 + 3022 .................................................................... .................................................2526
7.6 F ........................ VAT 13909 + A 375........................................................... KAL 2, 31 ....................................27
7.6 G........................ VAT 14030 + 14031 + 14347 + 14370 .............................. KAL 2, 30 ....................................
7.6 H........................ SU 51/114........................................................................... STT 256 .......................................
7.7 A........................ K 5968 + 6240 + 9082 + 9334 + 16808 + 81-2-4, 393 ...... BAM 443, BAM 444 ....................2830
7.7 B........................ VAT 8238........................................................................... KAR 92 ........................................
7.7 c......................... K 15055 .............................................................................. .................................................27
7.7 D........................ VAT 14183......................................................................... KAL 4, 35 ....................................
7.7 E ........................ K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + 9488 ........................................... AMT 64/2, BAM 445 ...................
7.7 F ........................ K 8840 ................................................................................ AMT 35/3.....................................
7.7 G........................ K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + 8094 + 9782 + 10764 + 12669 +
12927 + 82-5-22, 996 ......................................................... BAM 434105 ..................................
7.8 A1 ...................... K 8079 ................................................................................ TMaql 2, 97...............................31
7.8 A2 ...................... K 8112 + 9666 .................................................................... TMaql 2, 96...............................31
7.8 A3 ...................... K 8162 + 10357 .................................................................. .................................................32
7.8 A4 ...................... K 8933 ................................................................................ .................................................32
7.8 A5 ...................... K 10358 .............................................................................. .................................................33
7.8 A6 ...................... K 11243 .............................................................................. ABRT 2, 18 ..................................33
7.8 A7 ...................... K 12936 .............................................................................. .................................................33
7.8 b ........................ AO 6473 ............................................................................. TCL 6, 49.....................................
7.8 C1 ....................... Sm 275 + Rm 329............................................................... .................................................34
7.8 C2 ....................... Sm 352................................................................................ .................................................3536
7.8 d ........................ CBS 1505............................................................................ PBS 1/2, 120................................3738
7.8 E ........................ CBS 1720............................................................................ Geller, Studies Leichty, 172 ........36
7.8 f ......................... Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 = BM 98566 + 98567 ...................... .................................................3940
7.8 G1 ...................... VAT 14150 + 14156........................................................... KAL 2, 36 ....................................
7.8 G2 ...................... VAT 14151 + 14152 + 14153 + 13628 .............................. KAL 2, 36, KAL, forthcoming .....
7.8 H........................ K 10559 + 11993 + Sm 1330 + 80-7-19, 146 .................... .................................................4143
7.8 J ......................... K 10341 .............................................................................. .................................................42
7.8 k ........................ W 22577/1 .......................................................................... SpTU 4, 140.................................
7.8 L ........................ Sm 756................................................................................ .................................................4243
7.8 M ....................... Rm 252 ............................................................................... .................................................43
7.8 N........................ VAT 10572 + 10615 + 10852 ............................................ KAR 81, KAL 2, 10......................

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).

7.8 o ........................ ........................................................................................ Scheil, RA 22, 15456.................

7.8 P ........................ K 13718 .............................................................................. .................................................43
7.8 Q1 ...................... VAT 10609 + 11158........................................................... KAR 82, KAL 2, 11......................
7.8 Q2 ...................... VAT 11207......................................................................... KAR 259, KAL 2, 11....................
7.8 R........................ K 9467 ................................................................................ .................................................44
7.8 S ........................ 81-7-27, 140 ....................................................................... .................................................44
7.8 t ......................... BM 38635........................................................................... .................................................4445
7.8 u ........................ BM 38013........................................................................... .................................................45
7.9 a......................... CBS (Kh1 ) 736................................................................... PBS 1/1, 16..................................4647
7.9 b ........................ BM 45419........................................................................... .................................................48
7.10 A...................... K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + 8094 + 9782 + 10764 + 12669 +
12927 + 82-5-22, 996 ......................................................... BAM 434106 ..................................
7.10 B...................... K 8840 ................................................................................ AMT 35/3.....................................
7.10 C...................... K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + 9488 ........................................... AMT 64/2, BAM 445 ...................
7.10 D...................... VAT 9984........................................................................... BAM 90 .......................................
7.10 e....................... U 2926 ................................................................................ UET 7, 125 ..................................
7.10 F ...................... VAT 13776......................................................................... BAM 190 .....................................
7.10 G...................... A 212 .................................................................................. BAM 59 .......................................
7.10 H1 .................... K 4164 + 11691 + Rm 352 ................................................. CT 14, 39, BAM 430....................
7.10 H2 .................... K 4176 ......................................................von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I, BAM 430....
7.10 j ....................... BM 42272........................................................................... .................................................
7.10 K...................... A 239 .................................................................................. BAM 161 .....................................
7.10 L ...................... K 9684 + 9999 + Sm 341 + Rm 328 .................................. BAM 431107 ..................................
7.10 M ..................... K 3201 + 6261 .................................................................... BAM 435108 ..................................
7.10 N...................... K 3461 ................................................................................ AMT 29/5, BAM 436 ...................
7.10 O...................... VAT 10073 + 11014........................................................... BAM 193 .....................................
7.10 P ...................... SU 52/134 ........................................................................... STT 102 .......................................
7.10 Q...................... A 226 .................................................................................. BAM 191 .....................................
7.10 R...................... A 282 .................................................................................. BAM 192 .....................................
7.10 S ...................... K 8469 ................................................................................ AMT 48/2.....................................
7.10 T ...................... ........................................................................................ Unger, AfK 1, 24 .........................
7.10 U...................... VAT 8228........................................................................... KAR 298 ......................................
7.10 V...................... K 2481 ................................................................................ .................................................4950
8.1 A........................ A 13 + 393 .......................................................................... BAM 214 .....................................
8.1 B........................ K 3196 + 3344 .................................................................... .................................................51
8.1 C........................ VAT 10094 + 10989........................................................... BAM 334, KAL 2, 22 ...................
8.1 D........................ VAT 13611......................................................................... LKA 156, KAL 2, 23 ....................
8.2 A........................ VAT 13644......................................................................... LKA 157, KAL 2, 25 ....................
8.2 B........................ VAT 13609 + 13665........................................................... LKA 154, 155, KAL 2, 24 ............
8.2 C........................ K 3394 + 9866 .................................................................... RT pl. 7 ......................................5253
8.3 a......................... W 22729/17 ........................................................................ SpTU 2, 19...................................
8.3 B........................ VAT 14161......................................................................... KAL 2, 28 ....................................
8.3 C........................ K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + 14734 + Sm 1143......... Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1314 ......5458
8.3 d ........................ CBS 334.............................................................................. PBS 1/2, 133................................5960
8.3 E1 ....................... K 3379 + Sm 1178.............................................................. Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11...............6163
8.3 E2 ....................... K 2585 ................................................................................ Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 12...............6162, 64
8.3 f ......................... CBS 1203............................................................................ PBS 10/2, 18................................6566
8.3 G........................ Sm 1115.............................................................................. Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11...............
8.3 h ........................ ........................................................................................ UET 7, 119 ..................................
8.3 J ......................... VAT 13702......................................................................... LKA 158 ......................................
8.3 k ........................ Bu 91-5-9, 143 + 176 ......................................................... Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1516 .......
8.3 Notes ................. BM 64268........................................................................... .................................................67
8.4 A........................ VAT 8276........................................................................... KAR 80, KAL 2, 8........................

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).
Previous, partial copies: von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I (K 9684), AMT 7/6 (K 9999), CT 14, 48 (Rm 328).
Previous, partial copies: AMT 87/5 (K 3201), AMT 89/1 (K 6261).
8.4 B1 ....................... K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 13813... .................................................6873
8.4 B2 ....................... K 3000 ................................................................................ .................................................6869, 74
8.4 B3 ....................... K 6996 ................................................................................ .................................................6873
8.4 B4 ....................... K 7201 + 10819 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.4 B5 ....................... K 9216 + 17321 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.4 c......................... Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240 .............................................. Langdon, RA 26, 3942...............7576
8.4 D........................ K 10245 .............................................................................. .................................................73
8.4 E ........................ VAT 13645, 1 + 13692....................................................... KAL 2, 15 ....................................
8.4 F ........................ VAT 11567......................................................................... KAL, forthcoming........................
8.5 A........................ VAT 13645, 1 + 13692....................................................... KAL 2, 15 ....................................
8.5 B........................ VAT 8276........................................................................... KAR 80, KAL 2, 8........................
8.5 C1 ....................... K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 13813... .................................................6873
8.5 C2 ....................... K 3000 ................................................................................ .................................................6869, 74
8.5 C3 ....................... K 6996 ................................................................................ .................................................6873
8.5 C4 ....................... K 7201 + 10819 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.5 C5 ....................... K 9216 + 17321 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.5 d ........................ Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240 .............................................. Langdon, RA 26, 3942...............7576
8.5 E ........................ K 256 + 3206 + 5326 + 16854 ........................................... IV R2 17.......................................7781
8.5 F ........................ Ki 1904-10-9, 108 = BM 99079 ......................................... .................................................8283
8.5 G........................ VAT 14194......................................................................... KAL 2, 20 ....................................
8.5 H........................ VAT 14215......................................................................... KAL, forthcoming........................
8.6 A........................ K 3648 + 6196 + 15966 + Sm 1280 ................................... AMT 21/2.....................................8487
8.6 B1 ....................... K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 13813... .................................................6873
8.6 B2 ....................... K 3000 ................................................................................ .................................................6869, 74
8.6 B3 ....................... K 6996 ................................................................................ .................................................6873
8.6 B4 ....................... K 7201 + 10819 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.6 B5 ....................... K 9216 + 17321 .................................................................. .................................................6873
8.6 C........................ VAT 14289......................................................................... BAM 232 .....................................
8.6 D1 ...................... SU 52/171........................................................................... STT 134 .......................................8893
8.6 D2 ...................... SU 52/172........................................................................... STT 135 .......................................8893
8.6 D3 ...................... SU 52/181E + 52/206 ......................................................... STT 262, 129, AfO 28, 95............8893
8.6 D4 ...................... SU 52/226........................................................................... STT 130 .......................................8893
8.6 D5 ...................... SU 52/285........................................................................... STT 328 .......................................8893
8.6 E1 ....................... K 2493 + 7102 + 9081 + 10352 ......................................... Martin, RT 24, 104 ......................94
8.6 E2 ....................... K 8965 ............................................................................... .................................................94
8.6 F1 ....................... K 5088 + 6918 + 11307........................................................ .................................................95
8.6 F2 ....................... K 10353 + 11159 ................................................................ .................................................95
8.6 G1 ...................... A 173 .................................................................................. LKA 58 ........................................
8.6 G2 ...................... VAT 13960......................................................................... KAL, forthcoming........................
8.6 H........................ K 10722 .............................................................................. .................................................96
8.6 J ......................... K 15445 .............................................................................. .................................................96
8.7 A1 ...................... VAT 13871 + 13887 + 13985 ............................................ BAM 231 .....................................
8.7 A2 ...................... VAT 13699 + 13849........................................................... LKA 159, KAL 2, 26 ....................
8.7 A3 ...................... VAT 14341......................................................................... KAL 2, 27 ....................................
8.7 B........................ VAT 13697......................................................................... BAM 332 .....................................9697
8.7 c......................... CBS 1498............................................................................ .................................................9798
8.7 D........................ O 193 .................................................................................. RIAA 312, Akk. 130, 211 .............9899
8.7 e......................... K 888 .................................................................................. Schwemer, BaM 37, pl. 12 ........99100
8.8 A........................ K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + 17984 ......................................... .................................................100
8.9 A........................ Sm 1923.............................................................................. .................................................101
8.9 B1 ....................... VAT 16447......................................................................... KAL 2, 58 ....................................
8.9 B2 ....................... VAT 13867......................................................................... LKA 161, KAL 2, 59 ....................
8.10 A...................... K 10203 + 11590 ................................................................ .................................................101102
8.11 A...................... K 12765 .............................................................................. .................................................102
8.12 a....................... VAT 35............................................................................... .................................................103
8.13 A...................... K 66 .................................................................................... IV R2 55/2....................................104105
8.13 b ...................... BM 66627........................................................................... .................................................106
8.14 A...................... SU 52/245........................................................................... STT 257 .......................................107108
9.1 A........................ K 2563+2820+2821+2843+5750+9601+10537+16716 .... Lsse, BRi, pl. 1........................10910

9.1 B........................ SU 51/67 ............................................................................. STT 76 .........................................

9.1 C........................ SU 51/94 ............................................................................. STT 77 .........................................
9.1 d ........................ CBS (Kh1 ) 458................................................................... PBS 1/2, 129................................11112
9.1 E ........................ Sm 94.................................................................................. Lsse, BRi, pl. 1........................
9.1 F1 ....................... K 2368 + 9830 + 11661 + 11768 + 20281 ......................... Lsse, BRi, pl. 2........................113
9.1 F2 ....................... K 13305 .............................................................................. Lsse, BRi, pl. 2........................113
9.1 F3 ....................... K 4819 ................................................................................ IV R2 23/3....................................114
9.1 F4 ....................... DT 120................................................................................ .................................................114
9.1 G........................ 1932-12-10, 319 = BM 123376 .......................................... .................................................115
9.2 a......................... CBS (Kh2) 1527.................................................................. PBS 1/1, 13..................................11617
9.2 B........................ Sm 635 + 1188 + 1612 ....................................................... RT pl. 8 ......................................118
9.2 C1 ....................... K 15234 .............................................................................. .................................................115
9.2 C2 ....................... K 16344 .............................................................................. .................................................115
9.3 a......................... W 22729/17 ........................................................................ SpTU 2, 19...................................
9.3 b ........................ W 22656/9 d ....................................................................... SpTU 4, 139.................................
10.1 A...................... K 8505 + 8606 .................................................................... KMI 76a, AMT 44/4 ....................119
10.2 a....................... CBS (Kh2) 1543.................................................................. PBS 1/2, 121................................120
10.3 A1 .................... K 6172 + 8127 + 8438 + 10980 ......................................... BAM 449109 ..................................
10.3 A2 .................... K 3278 ................................................................................ BAM 458 .....................................
10.3 B1 ..................... K 9523 ................................................................................ BAM 455 .....................................121
10.3 B2 ..................... Sm 102................................................................................ BAM 467 .....................................121
10.3 B3 ..................... K 10487 .............................................................................. BAM 454 .....................................
10.3 C...................... Sm 1304.............................................................................. .................................................121
10.3 D1 .................... ME 128 ............................................................................... Arnaud, SMEA 30, 245 no. 27 ....
10.3 D2 .................... ME 129 ............................................................................... Arnaud, SMEA 30, 245 no. 27 ....
10.4 A...................... K 2351 + 3293 + 5859 + 8184 + 10639 ............................. AMT 13/4, BAM 460 ...................12223
10.4 B1 ..................... K 9523 ................................................................................ BAM 455 .....................................121
10.4 B2 ..................... Sm 102................................................................................ BAM 467 .....................................121
10.4 B3 ..................... K 10487 .............................................................................. BAM 454 .....................................
10.4 C...................... K 5949 + 15999 .................................................................. BAM 453 .....................................
10.4 D...................... K 6605 ................................................................................ BAM 452 .....................................
10.5 A...................... K 2572 ................................................................................ Boissier, DA 42, BAM 464 ..........
11.1 a....................... U 2926 ................................................................................ UET 7, 125 ..................................
11.1 B...................... VAT 8228........................................................................... KAR 298 ......................................
11.1 C...................... K 9873 + 79-7-8, 240 ......................................................... Wiggermann, CM 1, 206207.....
11.1 D...................... K 2481 ................................................................................ .................................................4950
11.1 E ...................... K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + 8094 + 9782 + 10764 + 12669 +
12927 + 82-5-22, 996 ......................................................... BAM 434110 ..................................
11.2 A...................... SU 51/13 ............................................................................. STT 254 .......................................
11.2 B...................... A 3471 ................................................................................ Caplice, JNES 33, 34549...........124
12.1 A...................... SU 51/73 + 51/194.............................................................. STT 89 .........................................12528

Previous, partial copies: ABRT 2, 5, AMT 87/2 (K 6172), AMT 90/1 (K 8127 + 8438), AMT 14/6 (K 10980).
Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mzesi, Ankara
Bo 7925............................................................................KUB 37, 56 .................................... 2.3 E ........................
SU 51/13 ..........................................................................STT 254 .......................................... 11.2 A......................
SU 51/67 ..........................................................................STT 76 ............................................ 9.1 B ........................
SU 51/73 + 51/194...........................................................STT 89 ............................................ 12.1 A......................12528
SU 51/94 ..........................................................................STT 77 ............................................ 9.1 C ........................
SU 51/114 ........................................................................STT 256 .......................................... 7.6 H........................
SU 52/134 ........................................................................STT 102 .......................................... 7.10 P ......................
SU 52/139 + 161 + 170 + 250 + 250A + 323 + 379........STT 280 .......................................... 2.5 D........................
SU 52/171 ........................................................................STT 134 .......................................... 8.6 D1 .......................8893
SU 52/172 ........................................................................STT 135 .......................................... 8.6 D2 .......................8893
SU 52/181E + 52/206 ......................................................STT 262, 129, AfO 28, 95 .............. 8.6 D3 .......................8893
SU 51/194 SU 51/73
SU 52/226 ........................................................................STT 130 .......................................... 8.6 D4 .......................8893
SU 52/245 ........................................................................STT 257 .......................................... 8.14 A......................107108
SU 52/250, SU 52/250A SU 52/139
SU 52/285 ........................................................................STT 328 .......................................... 8.6 D5 .......................8893
SU 52/323, SU 52/379 SU 52/139
373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c.............KUB 37, 55 .................................... 2.2 A, 2.3 B .............15
598/b ................................................................................KUB 37, 51 .................................... 1.2 A1 .......................
614/b + 157/c + 1433/c ......................................................KUB 37, 44 .................................... 1.1 A1 .......................
157/c 614/b
173/c + 200/c ...................................................................KUB 37, 47 .................................... 1.1 A4 .......................
200/c 173/c
216/c.................................................................................KUB 37, 49 .................................... 1.1 A5 .......................
323/c.................................................................................KBo 36, 32 ..................................... 2.2 A, 2.3 B .............15
350/c.................................................................................KUB 37, 46 .................................... 1.1 A3 .......................
409/c + 669/c ...................................................................KUB 37, 45 .................................... 1.1 A2 .......................
423/c, 450/c, 468/c, 472/c 373/b
478/c.................................................................................KUB 37, 99 .................................... 1.2 A3 .......................
669/c 409/c
1317/c...............................................................................KUB 37, 48 .................................... 1.1 A6 .......................
1433/c 614/b
2693/c 373/b
2787/c...............................................................................KUB 37, 53 .................................... 1.2 A2 .......................
166/d ................................................................................KUB 37, 9 ...................................... 2.2 B ........................
337/e.................................................................................KUB 37, 52 .................................... 1.3 A........................
209/g ................................................................................KBo 36, 38 ..................................... 1.4 A........................
231/g ................................................................................KUB 37, 43 .................................... 1.1 B ........................
212/n ................................................................................KBo 9, 47 ....................................... 1.5 A........................
Iraq Museum, Baghdad
U 2926..............................................................................UET 7, 125..................................... 7.10 e, 11.1 a ...........
W 22307/4 + 68 ...............................................................SpTU 1, 9 ....................................... 2.5 k.........................
W 22577/1........................................................................SpTU 4, 140 ................................... 7.8 k.........................
W 22656/9 d.....................................................................SpTU 4, 139 ................................... 9.3 b.........................
W 22729/17......................................................................SpTU 2, 19 ..................................... 8.3 a, 9.3 a ...............
.....................................................................................UET 7, 119..................................... 8.3 h.........................
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin
VAT 35 ............................................................................ ................................................... 8.12 a .......................103
VAT 8228 ........................................................................KAR 298......................................... 7.10 U, 11.1 B .........
VAT 8238 ........................................................................KAR 92........................................... 7.7 B ........................
VAT 8276 ........................................................................KAR 80, KAL 2, 8 .......................... 8.4 A, 8.5 B .............

Including partial publications.

VAT 8360 ........................................................................VS 17, 31 ........................................ 7.1 a .........................

VAT 8916 ........................................................................KAR 70........................................... 2.5 C ........................
VAT 9984 ........................................................................BAM 90 .......................................... 7.10 D......................
VAT 10073 + 11014 ........................................................BAM 193 ........................................ 7.10 O......................
VAT 10088 ......................................................................KAR 189, BAM 208........................ 2.2 E, 2.3 C, 2.4 A...
VAT 10094 + 10989 ........................................................BAM 334, KAL 2, 22...................... 8.1 C ........................
VAT 10572 + 10615 + 10852..........................................KAR 81, KAL 2, 10 ........................ 7.8 N........................
VAT 10609 + 11158 ........................................................KAR 82, KAL 2, 11 ........................ 7.8 Q1 .......................
VAT 10615, VAT 10852 VAT 10572
VAT 10989 VAT 10094
VAT 11014 VAT 10073
VAT 11015 ......................................................................KAL 2, 42 ....................................... 1.8 A........................
VAT 11158 VAT 10609
VAT 11207 ......................................................................KAR 259, KAL 2, 11 ...................... 7.8 Q2 .......................
VAT 11567 ......................................................................KAL, forthcoming .......................... 8.4 F ........................
VAT 11603 ......................................................................KAR 275, KAL 2, 45 ...................... 1.5 E ........................
VAT 12153 ......................................................................KAL, forthcoming .......................... 1.5 F ........................
VAT 13609 + 13665 ........................................................LKA 154, 155, KAL 2, 24............... 8.2 B ........................
VAT 13611 ......................................................................LKA 156, KAL 2, 23....................... 8.1 D........................
VAT 13616 ......................................................................LKA 144 ......................................... 2.5 G........................
VAT 13619 ......................................................................KAL 2, 34 ....................................... 7.6 C ........................
VAT 13628 VAT 14151
VAT 13640 ......................................................................KAL 2, 13 ....................................... 7.6 B ........................
VAT 13641 ......................................................................KAL 2, 14 ....................................... 7.6 A........................
VAT 13644 ......................................................................LKA 157, KAL 2, 25....................... 8.2 A........................
VAT 13645, 1 + 13692 ....................................................KAL 2, 15 ....................................... 8.4 E, 8.5 A .............
VAT 13665 VAT 13609
VAT 13692 VAT 13645, 1
VAT 13697 ......................................................................BAM 332 ........................................ 8.7 B ........................9697
VAT 13699 + 13849 ........................................................LKA 159, KAL 2, 26....................... 8.7 A2 .......................
VAT 13702 ......................................................................LKA 158 ......................................... 8.3 J .........................
VAT 13776 ......................................................................BAM 190 ........................................ 7.10 F ......................
VAT 13786 ......................................................................BAM 317 ........................................ 1.5 C ........................
VAT 13849 VAT 13699
VAT 13867 ......................................................................LKA 161, KAL 2, 59....................... 8.9 B2 .......................
VAT 13871 + 13887 + 13985..........................................BAM 231 ........................................ 8.7 A1 .......................
VAT 13893 + 13982 ........................................................BAM 320 ........................................ 2.5 J .........................
VAT 13909 ......................................................................KAL 2, 31 ....................................... 7.6 D........................27
VAT 13917 ......................................................................BAM 207, BID, pl. 24 .................... 2.5 H........................
VAT 13925 ......................................................................BAM 282 ........................................ 1.8 D........................
VAT 13960 ......................................................................KAL, forthcoming .......................... 8.6 G2 .......................
VAT 13982 VAT 13893
VAT 13985 VAT 13871
VAT 14030 + 14031 + 14347 + 14370 ...........................KAL 2, 30 ....................................... 7.6 G........................
VAT 14051 ......................................................................KAL 2, 43 ....................................... 1.5 D1, 2.2 D1...........
VAT 14052 ......................................................................KAL 2, 44 ....................................... 1.5 D2, 2.2 D2...........
VAT 14111 ......................................................................BAM 319 ........................................ 2.5 M .......................
VAT 14150 + 14156 ........................................................KAL 2, 36 ....................................... 7.8 G1 .......................
VAT 14151 + 14152 + 14153 + 13628 ...........................KAL 2, 36, KAL, forthcoming ........ 7.8 G2 .......................
VAT 14161 ......................................................................KAL 2, 28 ....................................... 8.3 B ........................
VAT 14183 ......................................................................KAL 4, 35 ....................................... 7.7 D........................
VAT 14194 ......................................................................KAL 2, 20 ....................................... 8.5 G........................
VAT 14215 ......................................................................KAL, forthcoming .......................... 8.5 H........................
VAT 14289 ......................................................................BAM 232 ........................................ 8.6 C ........................
VAT 14341 ......................................................................KAL 2, 27 ....................................... 8.7 A3 .......................
VAT 14347, VAT 14370 VAT 14030
VAT 14427 ......................................................................LKA 160, BAM 140........................ 2.2 C ........................
VAT 16447 ......................................................................KAL 2, 58 ....................................... 8.9 B1 .......................
Muses Royaux dArt et dHistoire, Brussels
O 193................................................................................RIAA 312, Akk. 130, 211................ 8.7 D........................9899
Oriental Institute, Chicago
A 3471..............................................................................Caplice, JNES 33, 34549 ............. 11.2 B ......................124
Arkeoloji Mzeleri, Istanbul
A 13 + 393 .......................................................................BAM 214 ........................................ 8.1 A........................
A 173................................................................................LKA 58 ........................................... 8.6 G1 .......................
A 212................................................................................BAM 59 .......................................... 7.10 G......................
A 226................................................................................BAM 191 ........................................ 7.10 Q......................
A 236................................................................................BAM 197 ........................................ 1.7 A........................
A 239................................................................................BAM 161 ........................................ 1.8 B, 7.10 K ...........
A 245................................................................................BAM 206 ........................................ 1.6 A........................
A 282................................................................................BAM 192 ........................................ 7.10 R ......................
A 375................................................................................KAL 2, 31 ....................................... 7.6 D........................27
A 393 A 13
A 522................................................................................BAM 318 ........................................ 2.5 L ........................
A 2715..............................................................................BAM 205 ........................................ 2.5 A........................
A 2720 + 3022 ................................................................. ................................................... 7.6 D........................2526
Bo 5206............................................................................KUB 4, 99 ...................................... 1.5 B ........................
Bo 9014............................................................................KUB 4, 60 ...................................... 1.4 A........................
.....................................................................................Scheil, RA 22, 15456 ................... 7.8 o.........................
.....................................................................................Unger, AfK 1, 24 ............................ 7.10 T ......................
Hilprecht-Sammlung, Jena
HS 1883 ...........................................................................BAM 393 ........................................ 2.1 a .........................
British Museum, London
BM 38013 ........................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 u.........................45
BM 38635 ........................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 t..........................4445
BM 42272 ........................................................................ ................................................... 7.10 j........................
BM 45419 ........................................................................ ................................................... 7.9 b.........................48
BM 54650 ........................................................................BID, pl. 1921................................ 2.5 n.........................
BM 64268 ........................................................................ ................................................... 8.3 Notes .................67
BM 66627 ........................................................................ ................................................... 8.13 b.......................106
BM 68033 ........................................................................ ................................................... 2.5 f .........................18
BM 78240 Bu 88-5-12, 95
BM 98566 + 98567 Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73
BM 98586 Th 1905-4-9, 92
BM 99079 Ki 1904-10-9, 108
BM 122645 1930-5-8, 34
BM 123376 1932-12-10, 319
BM 128037 1929-10-12, 693
K 66..................................................................................IV R2 55/2 ...................................... 8.13 A......................104105
K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + 8094 + 9782 + 10764 +
12669 + 12927 + 82-5-22, 996..................................BAM 434112 .................................... 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
K 256 + 3206 + 5326 + 16854.........................................IV R2 17.......................................... 8.5 E ........................7781
K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 + 13813...... ................................................... 8.4 B1, 8.5 C1, 8.6 B1..6873
K 888................................................................................Schwemer, BaM 37, pl. 12........... 8.7 e .........................99100
K 1853 K 431
K 2351 + 3293 + 5859 + 8184 + 10639...........................AMT 13/4, BAM 460 ...................... 10.4 A......................12223
K 2368 + 9830 + 11661 + 11768 + 20281.......................Lsse, BRi, pl. 2 .......................... 9.1 F1 .......................113
K 2441..............................................................................AMT 85/3 ....................................... 2.3 D2 .......................16
K 2481.............................................................................. ................................................... 7.10 V, 11.1 D .........4950
K 2493 + 7102 + 9081 + 10352.......................................Martin, RT 24, 104......................... 8.6 E1 .......................94
K 2513 K 249
K 2563+2820+2821+2843+5750+9601+10537+16716..Lsse, BRi, pl. 1 .......................... 9.1 A........................10910

Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 5052 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22,
996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).

K 2572..............................................................................Boissier, DA 42, BAM 464............. 10.5 A......................

K 2585..............................................................................Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 12 ................. 8.3 E2 .......................6162, 64
K 2820, K 2821, K 2843 K 2563
K 2879 K 249
K 3000.............................................................................. ................................................... 8.4 B2, 8.5 C2, 8.6 B2..6869, 74
K 3196 + 3344 ................................................................. ................................................... 8.1 B ........................51
K 3201 + 6261 .................................................................BAM 435113 ..................................... 7.10 M .....................
K 3206 K 256
K 3278..............................................................................BAM 458 ........................................ 10.3 A2 .....................
K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + 17984....................................... ................................................... 8.8 A........................100
K 3293 K 2351
K 3344 K 3196
K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + 14734 + Sm 1143 ......Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1314......... 8.3 C ........................5458
K 3379 + Sm 1178 ...........................................................Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11 ................. 8.3 E1 .......................6163
K 3394 + 9866 .................................................................RT pl. 7 (K 3394) ......................... 8.2 C ........................5253
K 3461..............................................................................AMT 29/5, BAM 436 ...................... 1.8 C, 7.10 N ...........
K 3648 + 6196 + 15966 + Sm 1280 ................................AMT 21/2 ....................................... 8.6 A........................8487
K 3661.............................................................................. ................................................... 7.5 A........................23
K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + 9488.........................................AMT 64/2, BAM 445 ...................... 7.7 E, 7.10 C............
K 4164 + 11691 + Rm 352 ..............................................CT 14, 39, BAM 430 ...................... 7.10 H1 .....................
K 4176...................................................... von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I, BAM 430 ... 7.10 H2 .....................
K 4819..............................................................................IV R2 23/3 ...................................... 9.1 F3 .......................114
K 5088 + 6918 + 11307 ..................................................... ................................................... 8.6 F1 .......................95
K 5326 K 256
K 5750 K 2563
K 5859 K 2351
K 5949 + 15999 ...............................................................BAM 453 ........................................ 10.4 C ......................
K 5968 + 6240 + 9082 + 9334 + 16808 + 81-2-4, 393....BAM 443, BAM 444 ....................... 7.7 A........................2830
K 6053..............................................................................BAM 438 ........................................ 7.2 A........................1920
K 6089 K 3684
K 6172 + 8127 + 8438 + 10980.......................................BAM 449114 ..................................... 10.3 A1 .....................
K 6196 K 3648
K 6240 K 5968
K 6261 K 3201
K 6262 K 431
K 6488..............................................................................AMT 85/1 ....................................... 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2 ...........78, 1314
K 6586..............................................................................AMT 85/1 ....................................... 2.3 D1 .......................16
K 6605..............................................................................BAM 452 ........................................ 10.4 D......................
K 6789 K 431
K 6918 K 5088
K 6996.............................................................................. ................................................... 8.4 B3, 8.5 C3, 8.6 B3..6873
K 7102 K 2493
K 7201 + 10819 ............................................................... ................................................... 8.4 B4, 8.5 C4, 8.6 B4..6873
K 7788, K 7798 K 3292
K 7990 K 3684
K 8019 K 3360
K 8079..............................................................................TMaql 2, 97 ................................. 7.8 A1 .......................31
K 8094 K 249
K 8107.............................................................................. ................................................... 7.6 D........................24
K 8112 + 9666 .................................................................TMaql 2, 96 ................................. 7.8 A2 .......................31
K 8127 K 6172
K 8162 + 10357 ............................................................... ................................................... 7.8 A3 .......................32
K 8184 K 2351
K 8438 K 6172
K 8469..............................................................................AMT 48/2 ....................................... 7.10 S ......................

Previous, partial copies: AMT 87/5 (K 3201), AMT 89/1 (K 6261).
Previous, partial copies: ABRT 2, 5, AMT 87/2 (K 6172), AMT 90/1 (K 8127 + 8438), AMT 14/6 (K 10980).
K 8505 + 8606 .................................................................KMI 76a, AMT 44/4 ....................... 10.1 A......................119
K 8840..............................................................................AMT 35/3 ....................................... 7.7 F, 7.10 B............
K 8933.............................................................................. ................................................... 7.8 A4 .......................32
K 8965 ............................................................................. ................................................... 8.6 E2 .......................94
K 9081 K 2493
K 9082 K 5968
K 9149 K 3360
K 9216 + 17321 ............................................................... ................................................... 8.4 B5, 8.5 C5, 8.6 B5..6873
K 9334 K 5968
K 9451 + 11676 + Sm 818 + 961 ....................................TCS 2, pl. 1 .................................... 2.5 E ........................
K 9467.............................................................................. ................................................... 7.8 R ........................44
K 9488 K 3684
K 9523..............................................................................BAM 455 ........................................ 10.3 B1, 10.4 B1 .......121
K 9601 K 2563
K 9666 K 8112
K 9684 + 9999 + Sm 341 + Rm 328................................BAM 431 ........................................ 7.10 L ......................
K 9782 K 249
K 9830 K 2368
K 9866 K 3394
K 9873 + 79-7-8, 240.......................................................Wiggermann, CM 1, 206207 ....... 11.1 C ......................
K 9999 K 9684
K 10203 + 11590 ............................................................. ................................................... 8.10 A......................101102
K 10245............................................................................ ................................................... 8.4 D........................73
K 10341............................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 J .........................42
K 10352 K 2493
K 10353 + 11159 ............................................................. ................................................... 8.6 F2 .......................95
K 10357 K 8162
K 10358............................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 A5 .......................33
K 10487............................................................................BAM 454 ........................................ 10.3 B3, 10.4 B3 .......
K 10537 K 2563
K 10559 + 11993 + Sm 1330 + 80-7-19, 146.................. ................................................... 7.8 H........................4143
K 10639 K 2351
K 10722............................................................................ ................................................... 8.6 H........................96
K 10764 K 249
K 10819 K 7201
K 10980 K 6172
K 11159 K 10353
K 11243............................................................................ABRT 2, 18..................................... 7.8 A6 .......................33
K 11260 K 431
K 11307 K 5088
K 11590 K 10203
K 11661 K 2368
K 11676 K 9451
K 11691 K 4164
K 11768 K 2368
K 11993 K 10559
K 12669 K 249
K 12765............................................................................ ................................................... 8.11 A......................102
K 12927 K 249
K 12936............................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 A7 .......................33
K 13305............................................................................Lsse, BRi, pl. 2 .......................... 9.1 F2 .......................113
K 13358 K 431
K 13390............................................................................AMT 44/7 ....................................... 7.5 B ........................23
K 13718............................................................................ ................................................... 7.8 P ........................43
K 13813 K 431
K 14202, K 14734 K 3360
K 15055............................................................................ ................................................... 7.7 c .........................27
K 15234............................................................................ ................................................... 9.2 C1 .......................115
K 15445............................................................................ ................................................... 8.6 J .........................96

K 15966 K 3648
K 15999 K 5949
K 16344............................................................................ ................................................... 9.2 C2 .......................115
K 16716 K 2563
K 16808 K 5968
K 16854 K 256
K 17321 K 9216
K 17984 K 3292
K 20281 K 2368
Rm 252............................................................................. ................................................... 7.8 M .......................43
Rm 328 K 9684
Rm 329 Sm 275
Rm 352 K 4164
Rm 950.............................................................................BAM 437 ........................................ 7.2 B ........................20
Sm 94 ...............................................................................Lsse, BRi, pl. 1 .......................... 9.1 E ........................
Sm 102 .............................................................................BAM 467 ........................................ 10.3 B2, 10.4 B2 .......121
Sm 275 + Rm 329 ............................................................ ................................................... 7.8 C1 .......................34
Sm 341 K 9684
Sm 352 ............................................................................. ................................................... 7.8 C2 .......................3536
Sm 380 .............................................................................AMT 29/9 ....................................... 2.3 D3 .......................17
Sm 385 + 757...................................................................AMT 86/1 ....................................... 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1 ...........6, 912
Sm 635 + 1188 + 1612.....................................................RT pl. 8......................................... 9.2 B ........................118
Sm 756 ............................................................................. ................................................... 7.8 L ........................4243
Sm 757 Sm 385
Sm 818, Sm 961 K 9451
Sm 1115 ...........................................................................Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11 ................. 8.3 G........................
Sm 1143 K 3360
Sm 1178 K 3379
Sm 1188 Sm 635
Sm 1280 K 3648
Sm 1304 ........................................................................... ................................................... 10.3 C ......................121
Sm 1330 K 10559
Sm 1612 Sm 635
Sm 1923 ........................................................................... ................................................... 8.9 A........................101
Sm 1960 ........................................................................... ................................................... 2.3 D5 .......................17
DT 120 ............................................................................. ................................................... 9.1 F4 .......................114
79-7-8, 240 K 9873
80-7-19, 146 K 10559
81-2-4, 393 K 5968
81-7-27, 73.......................................................................TCS 2, pl. 2 .................................... 2.5 B ........................
81-7-27, 140..................................................................... ................................................... 7.8 S ........................44
82-3-2, 103....................................................................... ................................................... 2.3 D4 .......................17
82-5-22, 996 K 249
Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240............................................Langdon, RA 26, 3942 ................. 8.4 c, 8.5 d ...............7576
Bu 91-5-9, 143 + 176.......................................................Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1516.......... 8.3 k.........................
Ki 1904-10-9, 108 = BM 99079 ...................................... ................................................... 8.5 F ........................8283
Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 = BM 98566 + 98567 ................... ................................................... 7.8 f .........................3940
Th 1905-4-9, 92 = BM 98586.......................................... ................................................... 2.2 G........................16
1929-10-12, 693 = BM 128037 ....................................... ................................................... 7.3 A........................21
1930-5-8, 34 = BM 122645 .............................................CT 51, 194 ..................................... 7.4 A........................22
1932-12-10, 319 = BM 123376 ....................................... ................................................... 9.1 G........................115
ND 4405/23......................................................................CTN 4, 124..................................... 2.2 H........................15
Louvre, Paris
AO 6473...........................................................................TCL 6, 49 ....................................... 7.8 b.........................
University of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia
CBS 334 ...........................................................................PBS 1/2, 133 .................................. 8.3 d.........................5960
CBS (Kh1 ) 458 ................................................................PBS 1/2, 129 .................................. 9.1 d.........................11112
CBS (Kh1 ) 736 ................................................................PBS 1/1, 16 .................................... 7.9 a .........................4647
CBS 1203 .........................................................................PBS 10/2, 18 .................................. 8.3 f .........................6566
CBS 1498 ......................................................................... ................................................... 8.7 c .........................9798
CBS 1505 .........................................................................PBS 1/2, 120 .................................. 7.8 d.........................3738
CBS (Kh2) 1527 ...............................................................PBS 1/1, 13 .................................... 9.2 a .........................11617
CBS (Kh2) 1543 ...............................................................PBS 1/2, 121 .................................. 10.2 a .......................120
CBS 1720 .........................................................................Geller, Studies Leichty, 172 ........... 7.8 E ........................36
Private Collection
ME 128 ................... Arnaud, SMEA 30, 245 no. 27............................................ 10.3 D1 .........................................
ME 129 ................... Arnaud, SMEA 30, 245 no. 27............................................ 10.3 D2 .........................................


ABRT 2, 5 ...........................................K 6172.......................................................................... 10.3 A1 .....................
ABRT 2, 18 .........................................K 11243........................................................................ 7.8 A6 .......................33
Abusch Schwemer, Akk. 130, 211 ..O 193............................................................................ 8.7 D........................9899
AMT 7/6 .............................................K 9999.......................................................................... 7.10 L ......................
AMT 13/4 ...........................................K 10639........................................................................ 10.4 A......................12223
AMT 14/6 ...........................................K 10980........................................................................ 10.3 A1 .....................
AMT 21/2 ...........................................K 6196.......................................................................... 8.6 A........................8485
AMT 29/5 ...........................................K 3461.......................................................................... 1.8 C, 7.10 N ...........
AMT 29/9 ...........................................Sm 380 ......................................................................... 2.3 D3 .......................17
AMT 35/3 ...........................................K 8840.......................................................................... 7.7 F, 7.10 B............
AMT 44/4 ...........................................K 8606.......................................................................... 10.1 A......................119
AMT 44/7 ...........................................K 13390........................................................................ 7.5 B ........................23
AMT 48/2 ...........................................K 8469.......................................................................... 7.10 S ......................
AMT 52/7 ...........................................82-5-22, 996................................................................. 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
AMT 64/2 ...........................................K 6089.......................................................................... 7.7 E, 7.10 C............
AMT 85/1 ...........................................K 6488.......................................................................... 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2 ...........78, 1314
AMT 85/1 ...........................................K 6586.......................................................................... 2.3 D1 .......................16
AMT 85/3 ...........................................K 2441.......................................................................... 2.3 D2 .......................16
AMT 86/1 ...........................................Sm 385 + 757............................................................... 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1 ...........6, 912
AMT 87/1 ...........................................K 2513.......................................................................... 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
AMT 87/2 ...........................................K 6172.......................................................................... 10.3 A1 .....................
AMT 87/5 ...........................................K 3201.......................................................................... 7.10 M .....................
AMT 89/1 ...........................................K 6261.......................................................................... 7.10 M .....................
AMT 90/1 ...........................................K 8127 + 8438 ............................................................. 10.3 A1 .....................
Arnaud, SMEA 30, 245 no. 27 ...........ME 128 (+) 129 ........................................................... 10.3 D12 ..................
BAM 59 ..............................................A 212............................................................................ 7.10 G......................
BAM 90 ..............................................VAT 9984 .................................................................... 7.10 D......................
BAM 140 ............................................VAT 14427 .................................................................. 2.2 C ........................
BAM 161 ............................................A 239............................................................................ 1.8 B, 7.10 K ...........
BAM 190 ............................................VAT 13776 .................................................................. 7.10 F ......................
BAM 191 ............................................A 226............................................................................ 7.10 Q......................
BAM 192 ............................................A 282............................................................................ 7.10 R ......................
BAM 193 ............................................VAT 10073 + 11014 .................................................... 7.10 O......................
BAM 197 ............................................A 236............................................................................ 1.7 A........................
BAM 205 ............................................A 2715.......................................................................... 2.5 A........................
BAM 206 ............................................A 245............................................................................ 1.6 A........................
BAM 207 ............................................VAT 13917 .................................................................. 2.5 H........................
BAM 208 ............................................VAT 10088 .................................................................. 2.2 E, 2.3 C, 2.4 A...
BAM 214 ............................................A 13 + 393 ................................................................... 8.1 A........................
BAM 231 ............................................VAT 13871 + 13887 + 13985...................................... 8.7 A1 .......................
BAM 232 ............................................VAT 14289 .................................................................. 8.6 C ........................
BAM 282 ............................................VAT 13925 .................................................................. 1.8 D........................
BAM 317 ............................................VAT 13786 .................................................................. 1.5 C ........................
BAM 318 ............................................A 522............................................................................ 2.5 L ........................
BAM 319 ............................................VAT 14111 .................................................................. 2.5 M .......................
BAM 320 ............................................VAT 13893 + 13982 .................................................... 2.5 J .........................
BAM 332 ............................................VAT 13697 .................................................................. 8.7 B ........................9697
BAM 334 ............................................VAT 10094 .................................................................. 8.1 C ........................
BAM 393 ............................................HS 1883 ....................................................................... 2.1 a .........................
BAM 430 ............................................K 4164 + 11691 + Rm 352 (+) K 4176 ....................... 7.10 H12 ..................
BAM 431 ............................................K 9684 + 9999 + Sm 341 + Rm 328............................ 7.10 L ......................
BAM 434 ............................................K 249 + 2513 + 2879 + 8094 + 9782 + 10764 +
12669 + 12927 + 82-5-22, 996 ................................. 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
BAM 435 ............................................K 3201 + 6261 ............................................................. 7.10 M .....................
BAM 436 ............................................K 3461.......................................................................... 1.8 C, 7.10 N ...........
BAM 437 ............................................Rm 950......................................................................... 7.2 B ........................20
BAM 438 ............................................K 6053.......................................................................... 7.2 A........................1920
BAM 443 ............................................K 9082.......................................................................... 7.7 A........................2830
BAM 444 ............................................K 5968 + 9334 ............................................................. 7.7 A........................2830
BAM 445 ............................................K 3684 + 6089 + 7990 + 9488..................................... 7.7 E, 7.10 C............
BAM 449 ............................................K 6172 + 8127 + 8438 + 10980................................... 10.3 A1 .....................
BAM 452 ............................................K 6605.......................................................................... 10.4 D......................
BAM 453 ............................................K 5949 + 15999 ........................................................... 10.4 C ......................
BAM 454 ............................................K 10487........................................................................ 10.3 B3, 10.4 B3 .......
BAM 455 ............................................K 9523.......................................................................... 10.3 B1, 10.4 B1 .......121
BAM 458 ............................................K 3278.......................................................................... 10.3 A2 .....................
BAM 460 ............................................K 3293.......................................................................... 10.4 A......................12223
BAM 464 ............................................K 2572.......................................................................... 10.5 A......................
BAM 467 ............................................Sm 102 ......................................................................... 10.3 B2, 10.4 B2 .......121
BID, pl. 1921....................................BM 54650 .................................................................... 2.5 n.........................
BID, pl. 24..........................................VAT 13917 .................................................................. 2.5 H........................
Boissier, DA 42 ..................................K 2572.......................................................................... 10.5 A......................
Boissier, RSm 2, 13544 ..................K 249, 2879, 8094........................................................ 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
Caplice, JNES 33, 34549 .................A 3471.......................................................................... 11.2 B ......................124
CT 14, 39............................................Rm 352......................................................................... 7.10 H1 .....................
CT 14, 48............................................Rm 328......................................................................... 7.10 L ......................
CT 51, 194..........................................1930-5-8, 34 = BM 122645 ......................................... 7.4 A........................22
CTN 4, 124 .........................................ND 4405/23.................................................................. 2.2 H........................15
Geller, Studies Leichty, 172 ...............CBS 1720..................................................................... 7.8 E ........................36
Gurney, AfO 28, 95 ............................SU 52/181E + 52/206 .................................................. 8.6 D3 .......................8893
KAL 2, 8 .............................................VAT 8276 .................................................................... 8.4 A, 8.5 B .............
KAL 2, 10 ...........................................VAT 10572 + 10615 + 10852...................................... 7.8 N........................
KAL 2, 11 ...........................................VAT 10609 + 11158 (+) 11207 ................................... 7.8 Q1 .......................
KAL 2, 13 ...........................................VAT 13640 .................................................................. 7.6 B ........................
KAL 2, 14 ...........................................VAT 13641 .................................................................. 7.6 A........................
KAL 2, 15 ...........................................VAT 13645, 1 + 13692 ................................................ 8.4 E, 8.5 A .............
KAL 2, 20 ...........................................VAT 14194 .................................................................. 8.5 G........................
KAL 2, 22 ...........................................VAT 10094 + 10989 .................................................... 8.1 C ........................
KAL 2, 23 ...........................................VAT 13611 .................................................................. 8.1 D........................
KAL 2, 24 ...........................................VAT 13609 + 13665 .................................................... 8.2 B ........................
KAL 2, 25 ...........................................VAT 13644 .................................................................. 8.2 A........................
KAL 2, 26 ...........................................VAT 13699 + 13849 .................................................... 8.7 A2 .......................
KAL 2, 27 ...........................................VAT 14341 .................................................................. 8.7 A3 .......................
KAL 2, 28 ...........................................VAT 14161 .................................................................. 8.3 B ........................
KAL 2, 30 ...........................................VAT 14030 + 14031 + 14347 + 14370 ....................... 7.6 G........................
KAL 2, 31 ...........................................VAT 13909 + A 375 .................................................... 7.6 D........................27
KAL 2, 34 ...........................................VAT 13619 .................................................................. 7.6 C ........................
KAL 2, 36 ...........................................VAT 14150 + 14156 (+) 14151 + 14152 + 14153 ...... 7.8 G12 ....................
KAL 2, 42 ...........................................VAT 11015 .................................................................. 1.8 A........................
KAL 2, 43 ...........................................VAT 14051 .................................................................. 1.5 D1, 2.2 D1...........
KAL 2, 44 ...........................................VAT 14052 .................................................................. 1.5 D2, 2.2 D2...........
KAL 2, 45 ...........................................VAT 11603 .................................................................. 1.5 E ........................
KAL 2, 58 ...........................................VAT 16447 .................................................................. 8.9 B1 .......................
KAL 2, 59 ...........................................VAT 13867 .................................................................. 8.9 B2 .......................
KAL 4, 35 ...........................................VAT 14183 .................................................................. 7.7 D........................
KAL, forthcoming ..............................VAT 11567 .................................................................. 8.4 F ........................
KAL, forthcoming ..............................VAT 12153 .................................................................. 1.5 F ........................
KAL, forthcoming ..............................VAT 13628 .................................................................. 7.8 G2 .......................
KAL, forthcoming ..............................VAT 13960 .................................................................. 8.6 G2 .......................
KAL, forthcoming ..............................VAT 14215 .................................................................. 8.5 H........................
KAR 70 ...............................................VAT 8916 .................................................................... 2.5 C ........................
KAR 80 ...............................................VAT 8276 .................................................................... 8.4 A, 8.5 B .............
KAR 81 ...............................................VAT 10572 .................................................................. 7.8 N........................
KAR 82 ...............................................VAT 10609 .................................................................. 7.8 Q1 .......................
KAR 92 ...............................................VAT 8238 .................................................................... 7.7 B ........................

KAR 189 .............................................VAT 10088 .................................................................. 2.2 E, 2.3 C, 2.4 A...

KAR 259 .............................................VAT 11207 .................................................................. 7.8 Q2 .......................
KAR 275 .............................................VAT 11603 .................................................................. 1.5 E ........................
KAR 298 .............................................VAT 8228 .................................................................... 7.10 U, 11.1 B .........
KBo 9, 47 ...........................................212/n ............................................................................ 1.5 A........................
KBo 36, 32 .........................................323/c............................................................................. 2.2 A, 2.3 B .............15
KBo 36, 38 .........................................209/g ............................................................................ 1.4 A........................
KMI 5052 .........................................K 249 + 2879 +10764 .................................................. 7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.
KMI 76a .............................................K 8505.......................................................................... 10.1 A......................119
KUB 4, 60 ..........................................Bo 9014 (Istanbul) ....................................................... 1.4 A........................
KUB 4, 99 ..........................................Bo 5206 (Istanbul) ....................................................... 1.5 B ........................
KUB 37, 9 ..........................................166/d ............................................................................ 2.2 B ........................
KUB 37, 43 ........................................231/g ............................................................................ 1.1 B ........................
KUB 37, 44 ........................................614/b + 157/c + 1433/c .................................................. 1.1 A1 .......................
KUB 37, 45 ........................................409/c + 669/c ............................................................... 1.1 A2 .......................
KUB 37, 46 ........................................350/c............................................................................. 1.1 A3 .......................
KUB 37, 47 ........................................173/c + 200/c ............................................................... 1.1 A4 .......................
KUB 37, 49 ........................................216/c............................................................................. 1.1 A5 .......................
KUB 37, 51 ........................................598/b ............................................................................ 1.2 A1 .......................
KUB 37, 52 ........................................337/e............................................................................. 1.3 A........................
KUB 37, 53 ........................................2787/c........................................................................... 1.2 A2 .......................
KUB 37, 55 ........................................373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c......... 2.2 A, 2.3 B .............15
KUB 37, 56 ........................................Bo 7925 (Ankara) ........................................................ 2.3 E ........................
KUB 37, 99 ........................................478/c............................................................................. 1.2 A3 .......................
Lsse, BRi, pl. 1 ..............................K 2563 + 2820 + 2821 + 2843 + 5750 + 10537 .......... 9.1 A........................10910
Lsse, BRi, pl. 1 ..............................Sm 94 ........................................................................... 9.1 E ........................
Lsse, BRi, pl. 2 ..............................K 2368 + 9830 + 11661 + 11768................................. 9.1 F1 .......................113
Lsse, BRi, pl. 2 ..............................K 13305........................................................................ 9.1 F2 .......................113
Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11 .....................Sm 1115 ....................................................................... 8.3 G........................
Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 11 .....................K 3379.......................................................................... 8.3 E1 .......................6163
Lambert, AfO 18, pl. 12 .....................K 2585.......................................................................... 8.3 E2 .......................6162, 64
Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1314.............K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + Sm 1143 ................ 8.3 C ........................5458
Lambert, AfO 18, pls. 1516..............Bu 91-5-9, 143 + 176................................................... 8.3 k.........................
Langdon, RA 26, 3942 .....................Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240........................................ 8.4 c, 8.5 d ...............7576
LKA 58 ...............................................A 173............................................................................ 8.6 G1 .......................
LKA 144 .............................................VAT 13616 .................................................................. 2.5 G........................
LKA 154 .............................................VAT 13609 .................................................................. 8.2 B ........................
LKA 155 .............................................VAT 13665 .................................................................. 8.2 B ........................
LKA 156 .............................................VAT 13611 .................................................................. 8.1 D........................
LKA 157 .............................................VAT 13644 .................................................................. 8.2 A........................
LKA 158 .............................................VAT 13702 .................................................................. 8.3 J .........................
LKA 159 .............................................VAT 13699 .................................................................. 8.7 A2 .......................
LKA 160 .............................................VAT 14427 .................................................................. 2.2 C ........................
LKA 161 .............................................VAT 13867 .................................................................. 8.9 B2 .......................
Martin, RT 24, 104 .............................K 2493.......................................................................... 8.6 E1 .......................94
von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I .K 4176.......................................................................... 7.10 H2 .....................
von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I .K 9684.......................................................................... 7.10 L ......................
PBS 1/1, 13 ........................................CBS (Kh2) 1527 ........................................................... 9.2 a .........................11617
PBS 1/1, 16 ........................................CBS (Kh1 ) 736 ............................................................ 7.9 a .........................4647
PBS 1/2, 120 ......................................CBS 1505..................................................................... 7.8 d.........................3738
PBS 1/2, 121 ......................................CBS (Kh2) 1543 ........................................................... 10.2 a .......................120
PBS 1/2, 129 ......................................CBS (Kh1 ) 458 ............................................................ 9.1 d.........................11112
PBS 1/2, 133 ......................................CBS 334....................................................................... 8.3 d.........................5960
PBS 10/2, 18 ......................................CBS 1203..................................................................... 8.3 f .........................6566
IV R2 17..............................................K 256 + 3206 ............................................................... 8.5 E ........................7781
IV R2 23/3...........................................K 4819.......................................................................... 9.1 F3 .......................114
IV R2 55/2...........................................K 66.............................................................................. 8.13 A......................104105
RIAA 312............................................O 193............................................................................ 8.7 D........................9899
Scheil, RA 22, 15456........................ ................................................................................. 7.8 o.........................
Schwemer, BaM 37, pl. 12...............K 888............................................................................ 8.7 e .........................99100
SpTU 1, 9 ...........................................W 22307/4 + 68 ........................................................... 2.5 k.........................
SpTU 2, 19 .........................................W 22729/17.................................................................. 8.3 a, 9.3 a ...............
SpTU 4, 139 .......................................W 22656/9 d................................................................. 9.3 b.........................
SpTU 4, 140 .......................................W 22577/1.................................................................... 7.8 k.........................
RT pl. 7.............................................K 3394.......................................................................... 8.2 C ........................5253
RT pl. 8.............................................Sm 1612 ....................................................................... 9.2 B ........................118
STT 76 ................................................SU 51/67 ...................................................................... 9.1 B ........................
STT 77 ................................................SU 51/94 ...................................................................... 9.1 C ........................
STT 89 ................................................SU 51/73 + 51/194....................................................... 12.1 A......................12528
STT 102 ..............................................SU 52/134 .................................................................... 7.10 P ......................
STT 129 ..............................................SU 52/206 .................................................................... 8.6 D3 .......................8893
STT 130 ..............................................SU 52/226 .................................................................... 8.6 D4 .......................8893
STT 134 ..............................................SU 52/171 .................................................................... 8.6 D1 .......................8893
STT 135 ..............................................SU 52/172 .................................................................... 8.6 D2 .......................8893
STT 254 ..............................................SU 51/13 ...................................................................... 11.2 A......................
STT 256 ..............................................SU 51/114 .................................................................... 7.6 H........................
STT 257 ..............................................SU 52/245 .................................................................... 8.14 A......................107108
STT 262 ..............................................SU 52/181E.................................................................. 8.6 D3 .......................8893
STT 280 ..............................................SU 52/139 +161 + 170 + 250 + 250A + 323 + 379 .......... 2.5 D........................
STT 328 ..............................................SU 52/285 .................................................................... 8.6 D5 .......................8893
TCL 6, 49 ...........................................AO 6473....................................................................... 7.8 b.........................
TCS 2, pl. 1 ........................................K 9451 + 11676 + Sm 818 + 961 ................................ 2.5 E ........................
TCS 2, pl. 2 ........................................81-7-27, 73................................................................... 2.5 B ........................
TMaql 2, 96......................................K 8112.......................................................................... 7.8 A2 .......................31
TMaql 2, 97......................................K 8079.......................................................................... 7.8 A1 .......................31
UET 7, 119 ......................................... ................................................................................. 8.3 h.........................
UET 7, 125 .........................................U 2926.......................................................................... 7.10 e, 11.1 a ...........
Unger, AfK 1, 24 ................................ ................................................................................. 7.10 T ......................
VS 17, 31 ............................................VAT 8360 .................................................................... 7.1 a .........................
Wiggermann, CM 1, 206207............K 9873 + 79-7-8, 240................................................... 11.1 C ......................


(aban) gab, (im.saar.na4.kur.ra): alum. anzau (na4AN.ZA, na4AN.ZA.): anzau-

aban erri pe (NA4 MU BABBAR): white glass; a frit-like glass; see Schuster-Brandis, Steine,
snake stone; light variety of a stone whose surface 39698.
resembles a snakes skin; see Schuster-Brandis, apruu: apruu-plant; unidentified medicinal
Steine, 43232. plant, often applied in salves.

adama/utu: adama/utu-plant; an unidentified arar (.KA.GA): arar-plant; unidentified
plant. medicinal plant.

AD.SAG: AD.SAG-plant;unidentified medicinal ardadillu (A.TL.TL): ardadillu-plant; un-
plant; Akkadian reading uncertain. identified plant, growing in reed thickets and in the
agarinnu (AGARIN4): beer mash. steppe according to Sumerian literary texts. Ac-

cording to Uruanna I 679 it is similar in appearance
aktam: aktam-plant; unidentified medicinal to lin-kalbi.
plant; Thompson, DAB, 13033 suggests an identi- gi/
fication with the castor-oil plant, but since aktam is argannu: argannu-plant; an unidentified aro-
not regularly used as a purgative, this remains un- matic plant (shrub or tree?) and its resin.

certain. ariu: ariu-plant; a kind of milkweed.

alam ( A.LA.M.A): alam-plant; unidentified, asu (imGR): myrtle.
rarely used medicinal plant, perhaps an aquatic agu (giKII16): agu-thorn; a thorny shrub,
plant. probably a variety of acacia.
alla/uara: see /na4annuara. agig, asqiq (na4.G.G): a green stone, per-
allnu: a variety of oak. haps turquoise; see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 400
amlnu (L.U18.LU): amlnu-plant; unidenti- 401.
fied medicinal plant. alu (NINNI5): rush.

amuu: amuu-plant; a bulbous vegetable. anugallu (na4GI.NU11.GAL): alabaster; see Schus-
andau (()AN.DA.UM(sar)): andau-plant; an ter-Brandis, Steine, 41213.
unidentified alliaceous plant or variety of crocus. aqullu (LAL): aqullu-plant; unidentified
anull (AN.L(.LA)): anull-plant; unidenti- maritime, hardy medicinal plant; cf. commentary on
fied medicinal plant that was regarded as especially text 7.8, 6.: 14.
effective against witchcraft. atiu (KUR.KUR): atiu-plant; unidentified
annakku (AN.NA), na4AN.NA: tin; when deter- medicinal plant; note that Thompson, DAB, 15154
mined by NA4 (tin stone) it designates a tin bead argues for an identification with the white hellebore
(or perhaps a stone bead whose appearance is simi- (Sneeze-plant).

lar to tin). ayyar uri: gold-flower; an unidentified
annuara (IM.SAAR.BABBAR.KUR.RA): an- medicinal plant with red or yellow blossoms.

nuara-alum; according to Uruanna III 511 black ayyar kaspi: silver-flower; an unidentified
aban gab-alum, certainly identical with the min- medicinal plant with white blossoms.
eral dye alla/uaru, cf. BAM 90 rev. 6 (text 7.10.2: ayyartu (na4PA): ayyartu-shell; see Oppenheim,
6) with the parallel passage AMT 48/2 obv. II 15 OrNS 32 (1963) 40712.
(text 7.10.5: 15).

azall (A.ZAL.L): azall-plant; unidentified
anuntu: anuntu-plant; unidentified medicinal medicinal plant, known to be effective against nis-
plant. satu wailing, worries. The traditional identi-
fication with cannabis is questionable (see Farber, (ammu) du (DILI or DILI): du-plant, literally
Rausch und Kriminalitt, 271). solitary (plant); unidentified medicinal plant,
azupru (AR.SAG): azupru-plant; unidentified according to Uruanna I 236 identified with ai r
spice and medicinal plant; the traditional identifica- (shepherds staff) that is itself associated with
tion with saffron is based on etymological grounds azall ( XVII 106107, see MSL 10, 186).

only. elkulla, elikulla, erkulla: elkulla-, elikulla-,

azupuru: azupuru-plant; unidentified medicinal erkulla-plant; unidentified medicinal plant(s), in
plant, probably a variant of azupru and/or azap- medical texts treated as separate drugs, even though
puru. the individual forms are interchangeable in dupli-
cate manuscripts.
ballukku (imMUG, imBAL): ballukku-plant; an
aromatic plant (shrub or tree) and its resin. err (KU.LAGAB): colocynth (?); a bitter-
tasting, cucumber-like plant that can be used as an
baltu (giD): baltu-thorn; a thorny shrub, prob- emetic.
ably a variety of acacia.
ru (giMA.NU): ru-wood, -tree; a hardwood
baluu (imBULU): baluu-plant; an aromatic native to Mesopotamia. A cognate of murrnu (a
plant, possibly Ferula gummosa and its gummy variety of ru) in Aramaic shows that ru is a cornel
resin (galbanum). tree. ru-wood was used for sticks, and the stick of
barrtu (gi/LUM.A): barrtu-plant; an un- ru-wood also serves as a weapon and powerful
identified aromatic plant (shrub or tree?) and its apotropaic instrument of the exorcist.
resin, perhaps Ferula persicana and its gummy er (URUDU), na4URUDU: copper; when deter-
resin (sagapenum). mined by NA4 (copper stone) it designates a copper
billatu (DIDA): billatu-substance; a dry and bead (or perhaps a stone bead whose appearance is
crumbly substance which was used as an additional similar to copper).
(sweetening?) ingredient in the beer brewing pro- gi/
GAN.U5(note the writing giGAN.U5.UM in text
cess and also as a sort of instant-beer to be mixed 7.10.1, 1.: 196: GAN.U5-wood; unidentified medi-
with water; see Stol, BiOr 28 (1971) 161b, idem, cinal plant. Stol, BiOr 66 (2009) 167 considers the
HANES 6, 165, Maul, BaF 18, 51. For different possibility of interpreting GAN.U5 as a pseudo-
varieties of billatu, cf. text 1.6. logogram for Akkadian kamatu (*kamu) truffle;
bnu (giINIG): tamarisk; kamn bni: tamarisk Scurlock, MMTGI, 216, suggests that GI.GAN.U5
grain. represents a pseudo-logographic writing for kika-
buknu (GAN.NA): buknu-plant (literally n. It seems, however, more likely that gi/GAN.U5 is
pestle-plant); unidentified medicinal plant, pace a variant of gi/GAN.NA; see buknu.

CAD B 3089 not necessarily identical with the GR.LAGAB: GR.LAGAB-plant; unidentified me-
insect of the same name. Note the variation between dicinal plant, Sumerian and Akkadian reading un-
buknu and i piri in text 7.10.1, 1.: 97 and clear; cf. perhaps gr-LAGAB(ku6) (see Farber, JCS 26

GAN.U5 and i piri in text 7.8, 1.: 23; therefore [1974] 195207), probably not related to (gi)gi-rim
probably buknu = GAN.NA = GAN.U5 = i piri = (girimmu, illru et al.).
TA (cf. already KAL 2, p. 114, and Schwemer, giimmaru (giGIIMMAR): date palm.
OrNS 78 [2009] 66, commentary on BM 40568 rev.
7). GI.Z.LUM.MA: GI.Z.LUM.MA-plant; unidenti-
fied medicinal plant, perhaps mullein; Akkadian
buru (imLI): buru-juniper; a variety of reading uncertain (see the dictionaries s.v. buinnu,
juniper, probably Phoenician juniper. kru and kuriptu).

bur-da-ma: unidentified plant; apparently so far
gumnum: gumnum-plant; unidentified medic-
only attested in text 10.5: 4. inal plant.
bnu (AB): unidentified medicinal plant, allru (G.GAL): pea.
literally stinking (plant); according to Kinnier
Wilson, RA 60 (1966) 5254, wild grapes, but cf. a/uluppu (giA.LU.B): a/uluppu-tree; com-
the objections raised by Lambert, Iraq 31 (1969) 37. monly identified as a variety of oak, but cf. Post-
gate, BSA 6 (1992) 182, who points out that NA i-
du (na4DU.I.A): steatite, chlorite; see Schus- luppu is probably a tree similar to arbatu poplar
ter-Brandis, Steine, 407409.

and possibly related to Aramaic hilp, halp and ization of a foreign name of unknown meaning.
Arabic ilf. Identification unclear, associated with err colo-
armunu (AR.UM.BA.IR): armunu-plant; an cynth (?) in Uruanna I 262.
unidentified medicinal plant. i piri (GI BR), also i-piru: wood-of-re-
AR.U.BA.IR (so in text 1.5, 1.: 6): a stone; lease; unidentified medicinal plant. The variant
g. explains na4AR.UM.BA.IR as aban bar (see between i piri and buknu pestle-plant in text
Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 404), but a reading ar- 7.10.1, 1.: 97 indicates that i piri was a by-name
munu in line with the plant-name written with the of buknu. gi-br (i piri, giburru) served also as
same logogram is also attested (see AHw 326b). a designation of the exorcists ceremonial mace
(gamlu), and the medicinal plant had the variant
arakku: apple-bush. name gita weapon in Sumerian (see Schwemer,
aru (giAUR): apple(-tree). OrNS 78 [2009] 66, commentary on BM 40568 rev.
ar api (giAUR GI.GI): marsh-apple; 7).
translation of the Akkadian name, identification ikru (DU.LL): wax.
unclear. na4
ittamir: A red-brown stone; see Schuster-

a ( AR.AR): a-plant; medicinal plant, Brandis, Steine, 420.
also used as a common spice. The cognate in
KA.BAD: KA.BAD-plant; unidentified medicinal
Aramaic suggests an identification as thyme; see plant; Akkadian reading uncertain.
Thompson, DAB, 74.

kabt-ri: ox-dung; probably the name of a
azallna: unidentified medicinal plant. stone.
ullu (na4NR): ullu-stone; a semi-precious kakk (G.TUR): lentil.
stone with black and white stripes (banded agate?);
see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 436. kakkussu: a vegetable.
uluu (na4AN.ZA BABBAR): uluu-glass; a kalgukku (imKAL.GUG): kalgukku-earth; a reddish
kind of light-coloured frit; cf. Schuster-Brandis, mineral or clay used for making gold-coloured
Steine, 398. glass, for giving magical figurines a coat of paint
and as a drug in medical texts.
uru (K.SI22), na4K.SI22: gold; when deter-
mined by NA4 (gold stone) it designates a gold kamantu (B.DU): kamantu-plant; an unidenti-
bead (or perhaps a stone bead whose appearance is fied medicinal plant.

similar to gold). kamkadu: kamkadu-plant; unidentified plant.
ratu, urratu ( AB): madder (Rubia tincto- kanaktu (imGIG): kanaktu-plant; an aromatic tree
rum). and its gummy resin.
idru: salpetre; also salt on saline fields. karn-lebi (GETIN-KA5.A): fox grape (trans-
illt tmti: spittle-of-the-sea; a mineral, per- lation of the Akkadian name); unidentified
haps the Akkadian reading of the logogram medicinal plant.
A.AB.BA; see commentary on text 1.1, 1.: 123. kaspu (K.BABBAR), na4K.BABBAR: silver; when
imbu tmti (KA A.AB.BA): imbu tmti-mineral; determined by NA4 (silver stone) it designates a
so with CAD IJ 108109: mineral gathered at the silver bead (or perhaps a stone bead whose appear-
seashore (corals or coral limestone). Schuster- ance is similar to silver).
Brandis, Steine, 42122, gives preference to the karau (GA.RAsar, SAG.SUR): leek.
identification with algae in AHw 375b. kas (GAZIsar): kas-plant, in Akkadian probably

imur-er ( IGI-NI): heals-twenty-plant; trans- interpreted as ks binder; convincingly identified
lation of the Akkadian name (literally withstood by Stol, HANES 6, 17579, with Cuscuta (dodder),
twenty), itself an Akkadianization of a foreign but cf. also Geller, OLZ 95 (2000) 40812.
name of unknown meaning (cf. the variant forms kazallu (KA.ZAL): kazallu-plant; unidentified
imur-ar, imur-ana(n) and imur-ala). Identi- medicinal plant.
fication unclear.
kibrtu (PE10.dD): sulphur.
imur-lm (IGI-lim): heals-a-thousand-plant,
translation of the Akkadian name (literally with- kibtu (GIG): wheat.
stood a thousand), itself very likely an Akkadian-
kikkirnu (imE.LI): kikkirnu-substance; un- im?
murrn: only in text 10.3: 45; certainly
identified aromatic plant; according to Uruanna III identical with murrnu, an oil-producing tree or
459 a designation for buru-juniper seed. shrub.
kirbn eqli (LAG-A.(.GA)/GN/G): field- murru (imSES): myrrh.
clod-plant (translation of the Sumerian and Akka- na4
mu: mu-stone; for mu bilharzia and
dian name); unidentified medicinal plant. na4
( )mu calculus discharged from the urinary
kinu (G.NG.AR.RA): a legume. passage, see Kinnier Wilson, JNES 27 (1968) 245
kit (GADA): flax. 46, Herrero, RA 69 (1975) 4950 and Schuster-
Brandis, Steine, 43132.
kukuru (imGR.GR): kukuru-plant; an aromatic
plant, often used for fumigation, which according to muaru (na4NR.MU.GR): muaru-stone; a
incantations originates in the mountains. stone with red and white stripes (banded agate); see
Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 433.
kunu (ZZ.M): emmer.
nab/mruqqu: nab/mruqqu-plant; unidentified me-
kupru (ESIR.UD.DU): tar pitch. dicinal plant.
kurkn, kulkan (/imKUR.GI.RIN.NA): kurkn- nikiptu (IM.dMA/dNIN.URTA): nikiptu-plant; un-
plant; unidentified medicinal plant, probably an identified aromatic, gum-yielding plant, possibly a
aromatic; Thompson, DAB, 15761, suggested an Euphorbia shrub (spurge).
identification with turmeric, but this remains un-
certain. nn (.KUR.RA): nn-plant; unidentified plant,

used in medical contexts and as a spice. Based on
kuimtu: kuimtu-plant; unidentified medicinal Aramaic and Syriac cognates Thompson, DAB, 67
plant, attested only in text 10.3: 16; perhaps a 69, suggested an identification as Ammi (bishops
variant of kumu or kurimtu. weed); Kinnier Wilson, JNES 64 (2005) 5051
kutp (na4AN.ZA.GE6): black frit. argues for an identification with mint.

la(l)la(n)gu: lal(l)a(n)gu-pea; an unidentified nuurtu (NU.LU.A): nuurtu-plant; unidenti-
legume. fied medicinal plant, often used against witchcraft;
laptu (LU.Bsar): turnip. according to Thompson, DAB, 35359, to be identi-
fied with asafoetida.
lapat armanni: apricot-turnip; unidentified
medicinal plant, possibly a kind of turnip. NU.LU: NU.LU-plant; unidentified medicinal
plant; possibly an alternative spelling of tyatu
lapat eqli: field-turnip; a turnip variety. (KU.NU.LU.A), distinguished from, but associ-
libru: libru-fruit; a fruit tree or shrub. ated with nuurtu (NU.LU.A); cf. text 7.10.1, 1.:
lin kalbi (EME-UR.GI7): dogs tongue 95 and the commentary on text 1.1, 1.: 22.
(translation of the Sumerian and Akkadian name); nurm (giNU.R.MA): pomegranate.
medicinal plant, possibly to be identified with
nubu: nubu-plant; unidentified medicinal
Cynoglossum (hounds tongue). plant.

MA.GIL: MA.GIL-plant; unidentified medicinal pappardil (na4(NR.)BABBAR.DIL): (nir)pappar-
plant; Akkadian reading uncertain. dil-stone; a black stone with one white stripe; see
matakal, ammatakal (IN.NU.U, IN6.): Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 403404.
matakal-soapwort; medicinal plant, the purifying pappar (BABBAR.Isar): a garden plant; a pos-
drug par excellence, probably to be identified with a sible Syriac cognate suggests an identification with
soapwort. See Thompson, DAB, 3943; cf. also purslane.
Maul, BaF 18, 65.
parzillu (AN.BAR), na4AN.BAR: iron; when de-
merrutu: probably a medicinal plant; see text termined by NA4 (iron stone) it designates an iron
1.1, 1.: 28 and text 2.2, 1.: 130. bead (or perhaps a stone bead whose appearance is

mirnu: mirnu-plant; unidentified medicinal similar to iron).
plant. pill (/giNAM.TAR/TAL): pill-plant; medicinal
munziqu (GETIN.D.A): raisin. plant, the identification with mandrake (so Thomp-
murdud (/giMUR.D.D): murdud-plant; un- son, DAB, 21719) remains uncertain.
identified medicinal plant.

pind (na4E.TIR): pind-stone; a mottled type of sudu (imMAN.DU, in text 2.1, 1.: 138
limestone; see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 44344. IM.DU): sudu-plant; an aromatic plant; probably
piriggun (na4PRIG.GN.A): piriggun-stone; see to be identified with chufa (yellow nutsedge).
Steinkeller, ZA 77 (1987) 9295, Civil, Ebla 1975 suuu (giGIIMMAR.TUR): palm shoots.
1985, 151. sulupp (Z.LUM.MA): date(s).
p (IM.BUBBU): chaff. suplu (giZA.BA.LAM; NIGINsar in text 2.5, 1.:

puquttu: puquttu-thorn. 12): suplu-juniper; probably a variety of juniper.

qadt ikani (IM.G.EN.NA): river sediment. aumtu (auttu): aumtu-plant; unidentified
qan appri: marsh-reed; a variety of reed. medicinal plant, according to BAM 1 obv. II 3 // one
of the drugs effective against a-disease, but
qan-alli (GI.UL.I): allu-reed; a variety of mentioned side by side with ammi a in text
reed. 7.10.1, 1.: 65, 73.
qan bu (GI DU10.GA): sweet reed; a variety of umlal (imGAM.MA): umlal-spice; an un-
reed. identified spice and aromatic plant.
qutru (KI.dIKUR): qutru-plant; unidentified me- adnu (na4KA.GI.NA): adnu-stone (probably
dicinal plant. haematite); regarded as a stone of truth (cf. the
ruttu (.dD): ruttu-sulphur, explained by a Sumerian name), used especially for gaining favour;
commentary as kibrtu aruqtu green (or: yellow) cf. Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 42425.
sulphur. adnu bitu (na4KA.GI.NA DAB.BA): magnetite;

SAG: SAG-plant; unidentified medicinal plant; regarded as a stone of truth (cf. the Sumerian name),
equated with la-a-ar-tu in XVII (MSL 10, 108: used especially for gaining favour; cf. Schuster-
25, CAD L 103a), therefore lardu-grass? Brandis, Steine, 42425.
sa: sa-mineral; an unidentifed mineral or akir (AKIRA): akir-plant; unidentified
stone; see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 441. plant, mostly attested in medical contexts. A
sal (Z.I.LIsar): cress (?); a garden-plant, iden- possible Syriac cognate suggests an identification
tification not entirely certain. For a full discussion, with henbane.
see Stol, JEOL 28 (198384) 2432; but cf. the ob- ammi() a: a-disease-plant; unidentified
jections raised by Kcher, AUWE 10, 212. medicinal plant.
samdu (KUR.ZI): samdu-plant; unidentified ammi bali (.NAM.TI.LA): plant-of-life
vegetable, spice and medicinal plant. (translation of the Sumerian and Akkadian name);
smtu (na4GUG): literally red (stone), here con- unidentified medicinal plant.
ventionally translated as carnelian, even though ammi Lamati: Lamatu-plant (translation of
the use of the name is not restricted to carnelian. the Akkadian name); unidentified medicinal plant.

sibbirru, simbirru: sibbirru-plant; an unidenti- ammu matqu: sweet herb (translation of the
fied medicinal plant and spice, associated with ib- Akkadian name); unidentified medicinal plant
burratu in pharmaceutical texts. associated with ariu.
su, u: shu-plant; an aromatic plant ammu pe (.BABBAR): white plant (trans-
(shrub or tree?) and its resin; the identification with lation of the Sumerian and Akkadian name); ac-
wormwood is based on etymology alone. cording to Uruanna I 22627 a designation of the
sikillu (SIKIL): sikillu-plant, literally the pure resin of the Euphrates poplar.
(herb); unidentified medicinal plant. Uruanna I 6 armadu (GUR5.U): armadu-plant; unidenti-
associates sikillu with matakal-soapwort, ibid. I 19 fied medicinal plant.
sikillu is designated as soapwort of the moun- eu (E): barley.
tain(s) (maltakal ad). ammu ikinu notes that
its leaves are similar to those of the ar api (STT ibburratu (LU.MAR.TU): ibburratu-plant;
93 obv. 4647). unidentified medicinal plant; a possible Syriac cog-
nate suggests an identification with rue.
siparru (ZABAR): bronze; bronze bead.
imru: imru-fennel; cf. urnu and .KU6.
ub (na4UBA): ub-stone; material used for btu (MUN): salt.
beads and seals; according to Schuster-Brandis, bat amanni (MUN a-ma-nim): amannu-salt; a
Steine, 446, rather a shell or a cowry snail than a red variety of salt, see Streck, RlA 11 (2008) 593.
bat emesalli (MUN eme-sal-lim): emesallu-salt;
mu (SUMsar): garlic. a variety of salt, literally salt of the fine tongue.
umuttu (SUMUN.DAR): beetroot (?); a field and bat kupad (MUN k/ku-pad): kupad-salt; a
garden plant well known for its red colour and asso- variety of salt; cf. Kcher, AUWE 10, 212. For the
ciated with blood; its identification with beetroot is syllabic spelling -ab-ti ku-pa-ad, see text 2.1, 1.:
not entirely certain. 1 (OB).
un (giE.N.A): chaste tree (?). trtu: silt.
upuru (giEREN.BAD): upuru-cedar; a variety .KU6: .KU6-fennel (a literal translation of the
of cedar. logogram is perhaps fish-plant); a variety of fen-
urdun (SI.S): urdun-plant; unidentified nel, Akkadian reading and exact relationship to
medicinal plant, possibly rocket. urnu and imru unknown.
urmnu (giUR.MN): cypress. A.AB.BA: spittle-of-the-sea (translation of
urumm ikari: beer dregs. the Sumerian name); unidentified mineral; probably
to be read illt tmti in Akkadian, see commentary
u (giE.D): licorice (tree). on text 1.1, 1.: 123.

tarmu: lupine; identification based on Aramaic uultu: soda ash; designates salt-plants and their
and Arabic cognates, see Thompson, DAB, 12526. alkaline ashes.
CAD T 239a points out that the plants description
as ammi nipi points to a plant propagated by ulu (NAGA): potash; designates salt-plants and
airborne seeds; but nipu may well refer to the their alkaline ashes.
characteristic smell of the plant. (ulu) qarnn (NAGA SI): horned salt-plant;
terinnatu ( E..SU5): conifer cone. probably a variety of Salicornia.
tittu (giP): fig(-tree). uqn (na4ZA.GN): here conventionally translated
as lapis lazuli, even though the name is not
tyatu (KU.NU.LU(.A)): tyatu-plant; un- restricted to lapis lazuli proper, but can refer to
identified plant, used in medical contexts and as a other blue stones as well.
spice, regularly combined and associated with
nuurtu; cf. the commentary on text 1.1, 1.: 22. urnu, urnnu (TL.TL): urnu-fennel?; a

vegetable and medicinal plant, probably a variety of
tiskur: tiskur-plant; unidentified medicinal plant. fennel.

tullal: tullal-plant; unidentified medicinal plant.
urn: urn-plant; unidentified medicinal plant;
The name was interpreted as Akkadian tullal you the association with (a)naniu may suggest an iden-
purify; it is associated with matakal-soapwort in tification with Ammi (probably not mint, as suggested
Uruanna I 45. by Thompson, DAB, 7779).
turmin (na4DUR.MI.NA): turmin-breccia. na4
ynibu: ynibu-stone; a shell or cowry snail;
turminaband ( DUR.MI.NA.BN.DA): turmina- see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 421.
band-breccia; a dark stone, see Schuster-Brandis, zalqu (na4ZLAG): zalqu-stone; a light-coloured
Steine, 406. stone.
tur (SUM.IR.DILI): tur-garlic, probably single- na4
zibtu: zibtu-stone; an unidentified mineral,
clove garlic. perhaps a shell; see Schuster-Brandis, Steine, 456.

Abzu a-lam!?-ma al- Att imur-lm ammu a ina mari a

7.6.4: 29 7.8, 3.: 1730
Alta abtat Att ill
7.6.6: 5159, 16* 10.1: 1924
Als[ Attmannu kaptu
7.6.6: 25* 7.6.6: 30*
Alska ama ina qereb am ellti (1) (ama 43) Attunu m
8.5: 7799 8.3, 1.: 114; 9.3: 22
Alska ama ina qereb am ellti (2) Bl bl ar arr ama (ama 98)
8.5: 10223 8.5: 121; 9.2: 137; 9.3: 1011, 33
Alska ama imnni (ama 71) En-na-ab dingir-re-e-ne nam-an-ki-a bi5-tar-re
8.7.1: 2028; 8.7.2: 1 (ama 67)
Anku aqullu ammu a ina qereb tmti a 8.2: 4090
7.8, 6.: 1424 +en:z[u? x (x)] x an-e d+en-ki-ke4
Anku i piri ellu a ina Ulaya a 2.3, 4.: 46
7.8, 4.: 6978 pit [
Anku nubattu at Marduk 7.8, 4.: 4851
cf. 7.10.1, Summary 5. ad ms. j obv. 917 [pit](?) kski ana marya nadi
Anamdi ipta ana puur il 7.8, 6.: 811
9.3: 28 pitu qumqummatu
Anai dipra 8.7.1: 10615; 8.7.2: 31
8.4: 6367; 8.8: 6; 9.2: 40; 9.3: 16 pia pita
An-da-ki-i [ 9.2: 44; 9.3: 22
7.10.1, 1.: 19899 Ezzta amrta nadrta
An-gi6 a-na an-gi-e 2.3, 1.: 6367; 11.1, 1.: 35
7.6.7: 2932 Ezztunu amrtunu
Anull [ (1) 9.2: 45
7.8, 4.: 5455 Girra blu gitmlu (Girra 1)
Anull [ (2) 7.6.6: 21*
7.8, 4.: 5860 I-ri-pa-a nam-tar
Ann biblu ann bibbulu 10.4, 1.: 19
7.8, 5.: 127 Is is
Ann anntu 9.2: 47; 9.3: 19, 24?
7.8, 2.: 1440 Ittapa ama [
[Aplu ga]ru bukur Ellil (Ninurta 1) 7.8, 4.: 6366
8.6, 1.: 104 Ittardni ana mti
Abat pki tabbil linki 7.8, 1.: 1326
8.12: 16 Kaptam Id ruut akkan
-ul gal5-l-gim 7.8, 8.: 1520
9.2: 51 [Kaptu(?) agug]ilat mulaat narindat
Au au ataa ataa 7.8, 3.: 3541
8.3, 1.: 11724; 8.6, 1.: 100
K libi kede ama anntu pia ama anntu mutpia
1.2: 1420 (2) (ama 102)
Kma m a zumrya iaa-ma 8.3, 2.: 1536
8.1: 6166 ama anntu alm piya (ama 99)
Kma mi ann 9.2: 38; 9.3: 14
9.2: 52 ama annti unu annti almunu (ama 66)
Kip zrtu 8.2: 10617
1.7: 4 (see Notes) ama bl r br
Kr-kr bl 8.7.1: 3087; 8.7.2: 2
7.6.1: 18; 7.6.2: 1013; 7.6.3: 3538; 7.6.4: ama blu rab mutir elti u aplti
14; 7.6.5: 17; 7.6.6: 2532; 7.6.7: 4144 8.7.1: 101?104; 8.7.2: 2829
Lemnat kaptu ama dayyn kiati (ama 70)
7.6.3: 28 7.3: 21; 8.1: 7789; 11.1, 2.: 11
L para il rabtu ama dayyn am u ereti (ama 69)
9.2: 49 8.1: 2632
Mmtu kalma ama ina aka m katu limurka
9.2: 50 7.5: 410
Munus-sig5 mu x [ ama kapu u kaptu
7.3: 47 8.5: 12942
Munus-u11-zu u bal-e-da ama rub urb dayyn Igigi (ama 52)
7.1: 111 8.4: 1257
Munus-u11-zu an-ta-l- ama alm ann (ama 75)
10.4 1.: 3038 8.1: 7175
Nun-gal-pirig-nun-gal-dm-ma ama alm annti a kapya u kaptya
7.8, 8.: 10 (ama 53)
Nuska urb ilitti Ani (Nuska 10) 8.4: 6881
9.2: 39; 9.3: 15 ama ar am u ereti ar Igigi u Anunnaki att-
Pa-ti pa-ti-ti pa-ta-kar pa-ta-kar ma (ama 31)
7.7: 7071; 7.10.1, 1.: 3435 11.2: 816
Ritt Manzt zuqaqpi ama ar am u ereti bl ktti u mari (ama
7.8, 11.: 18 41)
9.1: 157
alam bl amtya att-ma
7.6.6: 4046, 13* ama ar am u ereti dayyn ili u amli att-ma
(1) (ama 105)
a ami mannu abu 2.2, 1.: 6169
9.2: 41; 9.3: 17
ama ar am u ereti dayyn ili u amli att-ma
ad liktumkuni (2) (ama 54)
9.2: 46; 9.3: 23 7.7.: 1925
aknku-ma rutta mrat il rabti ama tarmu ina pya imur-ara ina umlya
7.8, 3.: 4654 7.8, 7.: 2131
aknku adnu bitu ama upunu ana muunu litr
7.8, 4.: 2532 1.5, 1.: 1617
ama ann alm a kapu u kaptu pu ar nmeqi mum mti (Marduk 25)
(ama 84) 8.6, 1.: 4198
8.1: 3956
arat arat urbt [Itar?] (Itar 12)
ama anntu pia ama anntu mutpia 8.6, 2.: 126
(1) (ama 102)
8.3, 1.: 1199

aru ln Uttakkir lumn(?)

9.2: 42; 9.3: 19 9.3: 31
e-ga-me-en e-ga-me-en [ ] ana(?) arri qarrdi Ninurta (Ninurta 6)
7.10.1, 1.: 212, 21929 9.2: 53
ern tukair [ agug]ilat mulaat narindat
9.2: 43; 9.3: 20 7.8, 3.: 3541
ina kaptu [ ] dayyn ili u amli att-ma
7.8, 4.: 3845 7.6.3: 1517
ipt Tukra askuppatkunu [ ] il kant ilti (Itar 13)
7.8, 6.: 2733 8.13: 2540[, ]4160[, ]6165(?)
urrni annaku u zalqu ultu am urdni [ ] il a mat kiat am ereti iimmu
7.8, 4.: 111 8.2: 4090
Ttepni-ma ttep kip [ ] kski ana marya nadi
7.9: 923 7.8, 6.: 811
Tummu btu []nku gamla mullila a il rabti
9.3: 28 7.8, 6.: 3743
Udug-ul edin-na-zu-
9.3: 26

(instead of kuA.G.L) 433.
.KR m piri 8182.
adu(m) (variant of adi) 51. merrutu 38.
AK.AK.E.D 199. miu 401.
aklu (frozen use of kul) 36. naparu (?) 402.
altu 148. nazazzu (variant form of izuzzu) 267.

AN.BAR (as determinative) 364. NIGINsar (suplu) 114.
na4 ku
AN.NA (interpretation as stone of Anu) 196. NG.DAG (instead of kuNG.NA4) 267.
aylu (?) 196. NU.LU.Asar (for tyatu) 36.
baltu (balssunu with reference syrup, ghee, piru m piri.
metals and minerals) 36. qal (intransitive usage) 354.
DU8.ME (pir) 244. russ 385.

ed (stative, N-stem) 197. SAG 114.
gannu (variant of kannu) 114. SA.G (for ddn) 267.
GAZ (as logogram for sku) 244. sru 304305.
GI BAR.ME 147. du 304.
adqu 359. amm kip 37.
au 364. anmma (any other) 304.
*ubu 364. u-GAR.LAGAB-na (instead of imu-rin-na) 37.
UL.GIG (unusual spellings) 245. ukbusu 433.
up (dugSLA.GAZ) 51. uppultu 38.
.KUR4.RA 147. TI (as a logogram for qat) 442.
IM.BUBBU (instead of IN.BUBBU) 196. tukra (a type of wool) 198.
imur-ana(n) 37. .KUR.KUR.RA 37.
kab(b)artu 39. A.AB.BA (Akkadian reading illt tmti?) 39.
ka-ma-A pi 401402. ummtu (variant form of ummtu) 148.
KA.GETIN (Akkadian reading) 36. URU.DIDLI (as logogram for dadm) 333.
kip (usage in the singular) 244. U11 (reading imtu) 195.

mairtu 81.

References to anti-witchcraft rituals and incantations in the outline of the entire corpus (see Introduction, pp. 1216) have not been
included here; for a catalogue of the texts edited within the present volume, see Concordances, pp. 45267.

1.1 9. 7.8, 1. 6.
1.1, 1. 7.8, 2. 23.
ll. 1012, 69, 75 24. ll. 3940 203.
ll. 101102 24, 54. 7.8, 3.: 26 21.
ll. 10416 81. 7.8, 4. 23.
1.5: 8 98. 7.8, 5.: 27 351.
1.6: 1 24. 7.8, 7. 18, 23, 128, 146.
1.8 243. ll. 1819 146.
2.1: 12 98. ll. 1823 397.
2.2, 1. ll. 2131 315.
ll. 7172 45. l. 24 51.
ll. 92117 24. 7.10 9.
ll. 125, 134 37. 7.10.1 9, 128 (ms. j).
l. 143 39. 7.10.1, 1.
ll. 14348 97. ll. 29 245.
ll. 15761 39. ll. 9697 39.
ll. 16061 203. 7.10.2
2.3, 1. ll. 38 245.
38 361. ll. 1215 243.
11 361. 7.10.3, 1.
28 442. ll. 921 121, 245.
11213 36. ll. 2226 245.
2.3, 2.: 34 100. 7.10.3, 2.: 21 245.
2.4: 2224 98. 7.10.3, 3.: 16 442.
2.5 10. 7.10.4
7.2 9. ll. 118 121, 245.
ll. 113 49. ll. 1925 121.
ll. 127 245. 7.10.5
ll. 613 158. ll. 15 245.
ll. 3739 245. l. 8 39.
7.3: 21 255, 429. ll. 1118 244.
7.5 8, 18. 8.1 20, 23.
ll. 17 397. ll. 77ff. 123, 429.
ll. 410 315. ll. 8389 316.
ll. 57 146, 19899. 8.2 23.
ll. 78 51. ll. 4, 7 244.
7.6 5. l. 78 351.
7.6.3: 8 19899. ll.7980 357.
7.6.4 ll. 11819 292.
612 147. l. 119 354.
2426 267. 8.3, 1.
7.6.5 23. ll. 19, 38 22.
l. 13 147. ll. 3637 316.
7.6.6 9, 370. l. 54 350.
7.6.7 9, 370. l. 70 316.
l. 10 121. ll. 107110 396.
7.7 243. 8.3, 2.
ll. 4753 49, 120. ll. 23 121.
ll. 7075 244. l. 31 316.
7.8 24.
8.4 22. l. 72 361.
l. 5 268. ll. 8083 442.
l. 33 51, 268. l. 83 361.
l. 40 351. ms. B1 l. col. 16 442.
l. 41 363. 10.4, 1.: 8 442.
l. 54 22. 10.4, 3.: 1012 441.
ll. 57, 81 316. 10.5
l. 61 364. l. 17, 8 414.
l. 63 351. ll. 816 401
l. 66 197. 11.1, 1.: 35 97.
l. 73a 195. 11.1, 2.: 11 123, 255.
8.5 12.1 8.
ll. 121 128, 146, 19899, 392, 397. ll. 17 422.
l. 9 51. ll. 1822, 2327, 2833 415.
ll. 1011, 14 392. ll. 3437 401.
l. 94 23. ll. 3842 402.
l. 108 97. ll. 4445 424.
8.6 7, 21. ll. 9192 291.
ll. 121 349. ll. 96101 3.
l. 9 148. AbB 9, 268; 269; 27072 7.
l. 21 422. AMT 31/4-32/1
l. 78 197. obv. 6 244.
l. 97 195. rev. 11 114.
8.7 22. rev. 1416 197.
8.7.1 rev. 15 198.
ll. 118 332. AMT 33/3 obv. 8 51.
l. 3 333, 422. AMT 43/6 obv. I 1 128.
l. 10 332. AMT 48/4 rev. 812 24344.
l. 11 148. AMT 54/3 rev. 78 80.
ll. 15, 55 289. AMT 55/1 obv. 11 37.
l. 22 333. AMT 65/7: 2 109.
l. 102 197. AMT 67/3 r. col. 812 5758.
8.7.2 35052. AMT 78/1+ rev. VI 1922 82.
ll. 2021 354. AMT 91/1 (K 7845) + Rm 533 obv. 1316 57.
8.8 AMT 92/1 obv. II 18, 910 422.
l. 6 305, 351. AMT 97/1 obv. 815 97.
ll. 89 269. ARM 26/2, 253; 312; 314 8.
8.10: 12 96. ARM 26/2, 26, 253 rev. 8 37.
8.11: 17 96. ARM 26/2, 314 rev. 26 37.
8.12: 1718 304. Atraass I 23134 4.
8.13 9, 21. BAM 124 rev. 34 5758.
8.14 4. BAM 128 rev. IV 3338 5758.
9.1: 31 1920, 22. BAM 183 obv. 8 // BAM 248 rev. IV 40 39.
9.2 18, 128, 315, 397. BAM 194 rev. VII 1418 197.
ll. 12 398. BAM 203 (KAR 121): 35 442.
ll. 1315 146, 19899. BAM 205
ll. 16 51, 315. obv. 19 114.
ll. 2830 316. obv. 19rev. 27 109.
l. 39 147. rev. 2830, 4248 110.
9.3 21, 128, 387. BAM 215 obv. 13 // 57.
ll. 911 146, 19899. BAM 221 rev. III 2531 // 385 rev. IV 2026 // 471 rev. III 25
l. 33 392. 27 97.
10.1 8, 405. BAM 237
ll. 13, 1517 442. rev. IV 29 36.
10.2 passim 401402. rev. IV 3941 5051.
10.3 8, 10, 23, 421. BAM 248 BAM 183.
ll. 4146 424. BAM 311
l. 69 120. obv. 5 50.
ll. 6971 442.

obv. 7 49. BM 47451 obv. 3 304.

obv. 14, 22 52. BM 47806+ 350.
BAM 315 BM 64174 STT 95 + 295.
rev. III 116 // Bu 91-5-9, 214 17, 121. BM 64268 292.
rev. III 2831 244. BM 40568 rev. 5 304.
BAM 316 BM 47695 + 47781 12.
obv. II 525 17. obv. 57 63.
obv. II 516 370. obv. 819 3536.
obv. II 78 121. rev. 14 54.
obv. III 811, 1316, 2325 49. rev. 59 128.
obv. III 2022 50. BMS 7 rev. // BMS 57 // AOAT 34, 25 19.
rev. VI 413 155. BMS 9 obv. // 19.
rev. VI 1113 49. BMS 12+ // (ed. Mayer, OrNS 62 [1993] 31337) 18, 23.
BAM 317 obv. 78 120. 117 97.
BAM 318 rev. III 4 45. l. 56 351.
BAM 320 rev. 3436, 3742 108. l. 121 332.
BAM 323 BMS 21+(+) (ed. Schwemer, Wettergottgestalten, 66871) 19.
obv. 42 // 363. BRM 4, 18
obv. 45 // 333. obv. 6 7.
rev. 83 351. obv. 14 195.
BAM 325 = KAL 2, 51 253. rev. 16 7.
l. 3 37. rev. 2021 // Rm 2, 314 rev. 1819 4 fn. 6.
BAM 338 Bu 91-5-9, 214 BAM 315.
rev. 3 // K 8104: 10 4 fn. 5. CT 15, 4547 obv. 29 196.
rev. 27 4 fn. 4. CT 16, 39: 13 58.
BAM 361 CT 17, 32 rev. 1617 4.
rev. 3538 // 245. CT 19, 3 rev. III 9 = MSL 9, 94: 129 349.
rev. 3738, 4043, 4548 // 442. CT 40, 44 K 3821: 2 354.
BAM 369 CT 41, 45, BM 76487: 8 114.
obv. 108. CTN 4, 92+ obv. II 3638 146.
LKA 102. DT 186 rev. VI 24 // SpTU 5, 247 rev. V 1619 97.
BAM 385 BAM 221. Exorcists Manual
BAM 386 rev. IV 1114 442. 1214 7.
BAM 398 rev. 910 58. 2124 4 fn. 7.
BAM 461 K 72+
obv. II 18 51. obv. 67 402.
obv. II 37 21 fn. 36. rev. 12 401402.
rev. III 15 414. K 1289 obv. 1rev. 7 422.
BAM 471 K 2001+ // (ed. Farber, BID, Hauptritual A IIa) 17.
obv. I 13 354. K 2132 rev. 11 350.
rev. III 2122 57. K 2569 + 5202 +16380 + Sm 542(+) rev. 13 385.
BAM 221. K 2784 + 7593 (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 46583) rev. 11 392.
BAM 575 rev. III 12 114. K 2773+ // (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 44552) 17, 433.
BAM 578 obv. I 27 244. K 3010+ BAM 361.
BAM 579 rev. IV 44 128. K 3214 (RT, pl. 9) 397.
BBR 2, 52 obv. 23 359. K 3341 + 4854 + 4934 + 5076 rev. 14 305.
BBR 2, 75: 11, 5455 350. K 3581 + 7946
BBR 2, 81 + Ki 1904-10-9, 118 obv. 26 (11) 255. rev. 911 // KAR 224 rev. 1617 304305, 364.
BBSt 7 ii 1 51. rev. 17 // KAR 224 rev. 20 305.
BM 35672 14. K 6013 STT 219.
rev. 6 198. K 6034 (RT, pl. 7) + 8012
BM 36310 + 36468 14. obv. 11 397.
obv. 56 364. obv. 1421 385.
BM 37277 392. K 6418: 211 386.
BM 40568 K 7988: 10 244.
obv. 10 363. K 8104 BAM 338.
rev. 5 364. K 9028: 6 269.
BM 41279 109. K 9046 197.
BM 45483+ obv. II 1931 58. K 9235+ rev. 7 385.
K 9496: 6 269. II 14 371.
K 9873+ rev. IV 10 244. II 11213 269.
K 10221 obv. 1rev. 5 422. II 15059 42.
K 12910 obv. II 13 58. III 116 6.
K 15177 + Rm 491 obv. 112 422. III 7273, 123 195.
KADP 1 III 76 195.
rev. V 19, 24, 2728, 30 24. III 10215, 13653 23.
rev. V 28 37. III 3138 148.
KAL 2, 3 r. col. 9 195. III 98 203.
KAL 2, 52 253. IV 1619 7.
KAL 4, 32 315, 316. IV 50 349.
KAR 1 obv. 29 196. IV 57 401.
KAR 25 obv. II 2734 18. IV 58, 60 442.
KAR 26 = KAL 2, 21 // (ed. Mayer, OrNS 68 [1999] 14563) IV 10714 387.
23. IV 12351 23.
KAR 35 // (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 18185) 17. V 1118 196.
rev. 27 255. V 48 350.
KAR 62 rev. 1415 289. V 68 203.
KAR 72 rev. 1819 433. V 78 51.
KAR 121 BAM 203. V 8388, 8997 387.
KAR 186 BAM 311. V 98141 146.
KAR 224 K 3581+. V 11231 387.
KAR 227 // 17, 22. V 13241 97, 387.
obv. II 4 // LKA 89 + 90 obv. II 14 // K 6793+ obv. 48 V 14648 351.
350. V 146, 161 197.
rev. IV 4650 // LKA 89 + 90 rev. IV 14 352. V 14957 146.
KAR 267 obv. 911 // LKA 85 rev. 2932 51. V 15875 18.
KBo 1, 5 rev. III 30, 34 37. VI 1623 351.
KBo 21, 20 rev. 18 19, fn. 34. VI 6977 197.
KBo 36, 27 obv. 910 38. VI 131, 139, 147, 156 203.
KBo 36, 29 43. VII 18 199.
Koch-Westenholz, Liver Omens, no. 19: 90 36. VII 2228 18, 58.
KUB 4, 27 obv. 3 97. VII 2946 18.
KUB 4, 48 l. e. 5 42. VII 5579 18.
KUB 37, 32: 4 37. VII 100 203.
KUB 37, 54, 90, 96 42. VII 114140 17, 18.
KUB 37, 59: 512 442. VII 140 7.
Laws of Enunna 56 422. VII 16269 18.
Laws of ammurpi, 2 7. VIII 12739 402.
LKA 85 KAR 267. ritual tablet 3 23.
LKA 88 obv. 3 244. ritual tablet, l. 26 397.
LKA 89+ KAR 227. ritual tablet 44 148.
LKA 94 ritual tablet 5059, 6769 23.
obv. I 19 114. ritual tablet 67, 8182, 83, 8889, 9092 397.
rev. III 7 37. ritual tablet 91 51.
LKA 102 obv. 20 // BAM 369 rev. 4 244. ritual tablet 9495 397.
LKA 128 // (ed. Maul, BaF 18, 18589) 17. ritual tablet 147 149.
LKA 144 // (ed. Farber, BID, Hauptritual B) 22, 23, 11011, ritual tablet 17577 402.
184. Mayer, UFBG, 44249 (Ea 1a) 18.
ll. 8488 108, 11011. Mayer, UFBG, 47375 (Nab 3), ll. 1013 19.
Maql Mayer, UFBG, 480 (Nergal 2), l. 13 357.
I 3133 23. Mayer, UFBG, 51516 (ama 88), l. 16 19.
I 6566 197. MS 3277 12 with fn. 22.
I 105 195. Muuu
I 73121 147, 387. Ezztunu amrtunu 97.
I 12234 387. Kip zrtu 58.
I 13543 305, 387. ritual tablet 3639 397.
I 146 197. Neo-Babylonian Laws, 7 7.
II 6 371. OIP 114, 102 rev. 1618, u. e. 22 364.

PBS 1/1, 14 rev. 56 392. STT 95 + 295

PBS 1/1, 15 obv. I 711 50.
obv. 78 385. obv. I 16 114.
obv. 9 386. obv. I 1622 107, 109.
IV R2 13/2+ K 2569+. obv. I 1822 110.
RIMA I, A.0.33.1: 4041 364. obv. II 8490 155.
Rm 265: 12 57. rev. III 13044 // BM 64174 obv. 1-8 17.
Rm 2, 314 rev. III 133 121.
obv. 112 422. STT 136 obv. II 3244 58.
BRM 4, 18. STT 219 obv. II 2530 // K 6013+ rev. III 815 // SpTU 5, 246
RS 17.155 rev. 38 (Nougayrol, Ugaritica 5, 2940, no. 17) 37. obv. 1622 244.
SAA 16, 63 8. STT 275 obv. I 9 443.
Sakikk STT 280
XXII 23, 5 96. obv. II 1 114.
XVII 59 361. obv. II 17 107.
Scheil, RA 18 (1921) 2127 no. 17 obv. I 110, 1116 373. obv. II 22 114.
Si 1 rev. 1012 168 fn. 51. urpu
Si 34 // 722 + 725 // 745 + 818 23. II passim 387.
Sm 312 obv. 1516 58. III 1175 387.
SpTU 1, 48 rev. 36 128. III 96 121.
SpTU 2, 8 obv. 1420 // 199. V 159, 6072 387.
SpTU 2, 12 VIII 4347, 49, 55, 7982 80.
obv. II 38 433. TCL 6, 49 obv. 27 97.
rev. III 2829 128, 397. TDP
rev. III 2843 387. 88 rev. 18, 110 i 9 421.
rev. III 31, 4243 392. 116: i 50, 144: iv 60 361.
SpTU 2, 22+ UET 6/2, 410 // 6 fn. 10, 23.
obv. I 18, II 12 121. U
obv. I 3946 17. I 37, VI 128, 152 98.
SpTU 2, 25 obv. 613 197. II 20 4 fn. 4.
SpTU 5, 246 STT 219. V 5, XII 18 195.
SpTU 5, 247 DT 186. IX 25 58.
STT 28 obv. III 21 196. VAT 13607 + 13970 + 14027 rev. 45 54.
STT 63 rev. 66 14849. VAT 14007 315, 316.
STT 73 obv. I 27 371. Wiggermann, CM 1, 12: 145 359.
YBC 7126 (+) 7139: 6, 810 128.
Unless indicated otherwise, all copies are reproduced at a scale of 3:2.
Plate 1. Text 2.2 A, 2.3 B: 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + 323/c obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 2. Text 2.2 A, 2.3 B: 373/b + 423/c + 450/c + 468/c + 472/c + 2693/c + 323/c rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 3. Text 2.2 A, 2.3 B: 373/b+ obv. I 132, II 132
Plate 4. Text 2.2 A, 2.3 B: 373/b+ obv. I 2937, II 3032 (top), rev. V 120, VI 120 (bottom)
Plate 5. Text 2.2 A, 2.3 B: 373/b+ rev. V 1941, VI 1942
Plate 6. Text 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1: Sm 385 + 757 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 7. Text 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2: K 6488 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 8. Text 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2: K 6488 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 9. Text 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1: Sm 385 + 757 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 10. Text 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1: Sm 385 + 757 obv. I and II
Plate 11. Text 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1: Sm 385 + 757 obv. III (top) and rev. IV (bottom)
Plate 12. Text 2.2 F1, 2.3 A1: Sm 385 + 757 rev. V and VI
Plate 13. Text 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2: K 6488 obv. II and III
Plate 14. Text 2.2 F2, 2.3 A2: K 6488 rev. IV, V and VI
Plate 15. Text 2.2 H: ND 4405/23
Plate 16. Text 2.2 G: Th 1905-4-9, 92 = BM 98586 (top left);
text 2.3 D1: K 6586 (top right); text 2.3 D2: K 2441 (bottom)
Plate 17. Text 2.3 D3: Sm 380 (top); text 2.3 D4: 82-3-2,
103 (bottom left); text 2.3 D5: Sm 1960 (bottom right)
Plate 18. Text 2.5 f: BM 68033
Plate 19. Text 7.2 A: K 6053 obv.
Plate 20. Text 7.2 A: K 6053 rev. (top); text 7.2 B: Rm 950 obv. and rev. (bottom)
Plate 21. Text 7.3 A: 1929-10-12, 693 = BM 128037
Plate 22. Text 7.4 A: 1930-5-8, 34 = BM 122645
Plate 23. Text 7.5 A: K 3661 (top); text 7.5 B: K 13390 (bottom)
Plate 24. Text group 7.6 D: K 8107
Plate 25. Text group 7.6 E: A 2720 + 3022 obv. (copy of lost passages based on photograph)
Plate 26. Text group 7.6 E: A 2720 + 3022 rev. (copy of lost passages based on photograph)
Plate 27. Text group 7.6 F: VAT 13909 + A 375 (top); text 7.7 c: K 15055 (bottom)
Plate 28. Text 7.7 A: K 5968 + 6240 + 9082 + 9334 + 16808 + 81-2-4, 393 (scale 1:1)
Plate 29. Text 7.7 A: K 5968+ obv. (top) and rev. 115 (bottom)
Plate 30. Text 7.7 A: K 5968+ rev. 1424
Plate 31. Text 7.8 A2: K 8112 + 9666 (top); text 7.8 A1: K 8079 (bottom)
Plate 32. Text 7.8 A4: K 8933 obv. and rev. (top); text 7.8 A3: K 8162 + 10357 (bottom)
Plate 33. Text 7.8 A5: K 10358 (top); text 7.8 A6:
K 11243 (bottom right); text 7.8 A7: K 12936 (bottom left)
Plate 34. Text 7.8 C1: Sm 275 + Rm 329
Plate 35. Text 7.8 C2: Sm 352 obv. II
Plate 36. Text 7.8 C2: Sm 352 rev. III (top); text 7.8 E: CBS 1720 (bottom)
Plate 37. Text 7.8 d: CBS 1505 obv.
Plate 38. Text 7.8 d: CBS 1505 rev.
Plate 39. Text 7.8 f: Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 = BM 98566 + 98567 obv.
Plate 40. Text 7.8 f: Th 1905-4-9, 72 + 73 = BM 98566 + 98567 rev.
Plate 41. Text 7.8 H: K 10559 + 11993 + Sm 1330 + 80-7-19, 146 (scale 1:1)
Plate 42. Text 7.8 H: K 10559+ obv. I 145 (left); text 7.8
J: K 10341 (top right); text 7.8 L: Sm 756 obv. (bottom right)
Plate 43. Text 7.8 H: K 10559+ obv. I 4661 (top left); text 7.8 L: Sm 756 rev. (top
right); text 7.8 P: K 13718 (bottom left); text 7.8 M: Rm 252 (bottom right)
Plate 44. Text 7.8 R: K 9467 (top left); text 7.8 S: 81-7-27,
140 (top right); text 7.8 t: BM 38635 obv. (bottom)
Plate 45. Text 7.8 t: BM 38635 rev. (top); text 7.8 u: BM 38013 (bottom)
Plate 46. Text 7.9 a: CBS (Kh1) 736 obv.
Plate 47. Text 7.9 a: CBS (Kh1) 736 rev.
Plate 48. Text 7.9 b: BM 45419
Plate 49. Text group 7.10 V, text 11.1 D: K 2481 obv.
Plate 50. Text group 7.10 V, text 11.1 D: K 2481 rev.
Plate 51. Text 8.1 B: K 3196 + 3344
Plate 52. Text 8.2 C: K 3394 + 9866 obv.
Plate 53. Text 8.2 C: K 3394 + 9866 rev.
Plate 54. Text 8.3 C: K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + 14734 + Sm 1143 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 55. Text 8.3 C: K 3360 + 8019 + 9149 + 14202 + 14734 + Sm 1143 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 56. Text 8.3 C: K 3360+ obv. 16, 124
Plate 57. Text 8.3 C: K 3360+ obv. 2332 (top), rev. 125 (bottom)
Plate 58. Text 8.3 C: K 3360+ rev. 2563
Plate 59. Text 8.3 d: CBS 334 obv.
Plate 60. Text 8.3 d: CBS 334 rev.
Plate 61. Text 8.3 E12: K 3379 + Sm 1178 (+) K 2585 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 62. Text 8.3 E12: K 3379 + Sm 1178 (+) K 2585 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 63. Text 8.3 E1: K 3379 + Sm 1178
Plate 64. Text 8.3 E2: K 2585
Plate 65.
Text 8.3 f: CBS 1203 obv.
Plate 66.
Text 8.3 f: CBS 1203 rev.
Plate 67. Text 8.3, Notes, p. 292 (2.: 3236): BM 64268
Plate 68. Text 8.4 B15, 8.5 C15, 8.6 B15: K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 +
13813 (+) K 3000 (+) K 6996 (+) K 7201 + 10819 (+) K 9216 + 17321 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 69. Text 8.4 B15, 8.5 C15, 8.6 B15: K 431 + 1853 + 6262 + 6789 + 11260 + 13358 +
13813 (+) K 3000 (+) K 6996 (+) K 7201 + 10819 (+) K 9216 + 17321 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 70.
Text 8.4 B1 (+)
B3 (+) B4:
K 431+ (+)
K 6996 (+)
K 7201+ obv. I
Plate 71.
Text 8.4 B1 (+) B3, 8.5 C1 (+) C3, 8.6 B1 (+) B3: K 431+
(+) K 6996 obv. II
Plate 72.
Text 8.6 B1 (+)
B5: K 431+ (+)
K 9216+ rev. IV
Plate 73. Text 8.6 B1 (+) B5: K 431+
(+) K 9216+ rev. III; text 8.4 D: K 10245
Plate 74. Text 8.4 B2 (obv. I), 8.6 B2 (rev. IV): K 3000
Plate 75. Text 8.4 c, 8.5 d: Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240 obv.
Plate 76. Text 8.4 c, 8.5 d: Bu 88-5-12, 95 = BM 78240 rev.
Plate 77. Text 8.5 E: K 256 + 3206 + 5326 + 16854 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 78. Text 8.5 E: K 256 + 3206 + 5326 + 16854 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 79. Text 8.5 E: K 256+ obv. 142
Plate 80. Text 8.5 E: K 256+ obv. 4059 (top), rev. 117 (bottom)
Plate 81. Text 8.5 E: K 256+ rev. 1648
Plate 82. Text 8.5 F: Ki 1904-10-9, 108 = BM 99079 obv.
Plate 83. Text 8.5 F: Ki 1904-10-9, 108 = BM 99079 rev.
Plate 84. Text 8.6 A: K 3648 + 6196 + 15966 + Sm 1280 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 85. Text 8.6 A: K 3648 + 6196 + 15966 + Sm 1280 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 86. Text 8.6
A: K 3648+ obv.
137 (top), rev.
112 (bottom)
Plate 87.
Text 8.6 A: K 3648+
rev. 1043
Plate 88. Text 8.6 D15: SU 52/171 (+) 52/172 (+) 52/181E + 52/206 (+) 52/226 (+) 52/285 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 89. Text 8.6 D15: SU 52/171 (+) 52/172 (+) 52/181E + 52/206 (+) 52/226 (+) 52/285 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 90. Text 8.6 D2, D3, D5: SU 52/172 (+) 52/181E + 52/206 (+) 52/285 obv.
Plate 91. Text 8.6 D1, D4: SU 52/171 (+) 52/226 obv.
Plate 92. Text 8.6 D1, D4: SU 52/171 (+) 52/226 rev.
Plate 93. Text 8.6 D2, D3, D5: SU 52/172 (+) 52/181E + 52/206 (+) 52/285 rev.
Plate 94. Text 8.6 E1: K 2493 + 7102 + 9081 + 10352 (top); text 8.6 E2: K 8965 (bottom)
Plate 95. Text 8.6 F1: K 5088 + 6918 + 11307 (top); text 8.6 F2: K 10353 + 11159 (bottom)
Plate 96. Text 8.6 H: K 10722 (top left); text 8.6 J:
K 15445 (top right); text 8.7 B: VAT 13697 obv. (bottom)
Plate 97. Text 8.7 B: VAT 13697 rev. (top); text 8.7 c: CBS 1498 obv. (bottom)
Plate 98. Text 8.7 c: CBS 1498 rev. (top); text 8.7 D: O 193 obv. (bottom)
Plate 99. Text 8.7 D: O 193 rev. (top); text 8.7 e: K 888 obv. and lo.e. (bottom)
Plate 100. Text 8.7 e: K 888 rev., u.e. and l.e. (top); text 8.8 A: K 3292 + 7788 + 7798 + 17984 (bottom)
Plate 101. Text 8.9 A: Sm 1923 (top); text 8.10 A: K 10203 + 11590 obv. (bottom)
Plate 102. Text 8.10 A: K 10203 + 11590 rev. (top); text 8.11 A: K 12765 (bottom)
Plate 103. Text 8.12 a: VAT 35
Plate 104. Text 8.13 A: K 66 obv.
Plate 105. Text 8.13 A: K 66 rev.
Plate 106. Text 8.13 b: BM 66627
Plate 107. Text 8.14 A: SU 52/245 obv. and lo.e.
Plate 108. Text 8.14 A: SU 52/245 rev. and l.e.
Plate 109. Text 9.1 A: K 2563 + 2820 + 2821 + 2843 + 5750 + 9601 + 10537 + 16716 obv. (scale 1:1)
Plate 110. Text 9.1 A: K 2563 + 2820 + 2821 + 2843 + 5750 + 9601 + 10537 + 16716 rev. (scale 1:1)
Plate 111. Text 9.1 d: CBS (Kh1) 458 obv.
Plate 112. Text 9.1 d: CBS (Kh1) 458 rev.
Plate 113. Text 9.1 F1 (+) F2: K 2368 + 9830 + 11661 + 11768 + 20281 (+) K 13305
Plate 114. Text 9.1 F3: K 4819 (top); text 9.1 F4: DT 120 (bottom)
Plate 115. Text 9.1 G: 1932-12-10, 319 = BM 123376 (top, left and right);
text 9.2 C1: K 15234 (bottom left); text 9.2 C2: K 16344 (bottom right)
Plate 116. Text 9.2 a: CBS (Kh2) 1527 obv.
Plate 117. Text 9.2 a: CBS (Kh2) 1527 rev.
Plate 118. Text 9.2 B: Sm 635 + 1188 + 1612
Plate 119. Text 10.1 A: K 8505 + 8606
Plate 120. Text 10.2 a: CBS (Kh2) 1543
Plate 121. Text 10.3, 10.4 B1 (+) B2: K 9523 (+) Sm 102 (top); text 10.3 C: Sm 1304 (bottom)
Plate 122. Text 10.4 A: K 2351 + 3293 + 5859 + 8184 + 10639 obv.
Plate 123. Text 10.4 A: K 2351 + 3293 + 5859 + 8184 + 10639 rev.
Plate 124. Text 11.2 B: A 3471 (copy based on unpublished photograph)
Plate 125. Text 12.1 A: SU 51/73 + 51/194 obv. (scale 1:1); for the rev. of the tablet, see STT 89
Plate 126. Text 12.1 A: SU 51/73 + 51/194 obv. I 145
Plate 127. Text 12.1 A: SU 51/73 + 51/194 obv. I 4359 (top), II 122 (bottom)
Plate 128. Text 12.1 A: SU 51/73 + 51/194 obv. II 1955
pl. 129


1. Text 1.1, 1.: 9 = A1 (KUB 37, 44) obv. I 9:

2. Text 1.1, 1.: 15 = B (KUB 37, 43) obv. I 3:

3. Text 1.1, 1.: 31 = B (KUB 37, 43) obv. I 18:

4. Text 1.1, 1.: 40 = A4 (KUB 37, 47) obv. II 8:

5. Text 1.1, 1.: 43 = A4 (KUB 37, 47) obv. II 11:

6. Text 1.1, 1.: 62 = B (KUB 37, 43) obv. II 10:

7. Text 1.1, 1.: 72 = B (KUB 37, 43) rev. III 4:

8. Text 1.1, 1.: 95 = A2 (KUB 37, 45) rev. IV 4:

9. Text 1.1, 1.: 113 = B (KUB 37, 43) rev. IV 19:

10. Text 1.1, 1.: 116 = B (KUB 37, 43) rev. IV 22:

11. Text 1.1, 2.: 4 = A5 (KUB 37, 49) l. 4:

12. Text 1.6: 1 = B (BAM 206) obv. 1:

13. Text 1.6: 2 = B (BAM 206) obv. 2:

14. Text 1.6: 5 = B (BAM 206) obv. 4:

15. Text 1.6: 5 = B (BAM 206) obv. 5:

16. Text 1.6: 6 = B (BAM 206) obv. 6:

17. Text 1.6: 7 = B (BAM 206) obv. 7:

18. Text 1.6: 8 = B (BAM 206) lo. e. 1:

pl. 130 collations

19. Text 1.8, 2.: 2 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 2:

20. Text 1.8, 2.: 3 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 3:

21. Text 1.8, 2.: 3 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 4:

22. Text 1.8, 2.: 8 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 8:

23. Text 1.8, 1.: 6 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 14:

24. Text 1.8, 2.: 17 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 17:

25. Text 1.8, 2.: 18 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 18:

26. Text 1.8, 2.: 20 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 21:

27. Text 1.8, 2.: 28 = B (BAM 161) obv. IV 29:

28. Text 2.2, 3.: 4 = B (KUB 37, 9) obv. I 4:

29. Text 2.5, 1.: 9 = A (BAM 205) obv. 9:

30. Text 2.5, 1.: 17 = A (BAM 205) obv. 17:

31. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 54 = H2 (BAM 430) rev. V 11:

32. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 54 = j (BM 42272) obv. 3:

33. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 56 = G (BAM 59) rev. 1:

34. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 57 = G (BAM 59) rev. 2:

35. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 61 = G (BAM 59) rev. 5:

36. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 124 = A (BAM 434) rev. IV 34:

37. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 146 = A (BAM 434) rev. IV 56:

collations pl. 131

38. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 154 = A (BAM 434) rev. IV 64:

39. Text 7.10.1, 1.: 164 = A (BAM 434) rev. IV 74:

40. Text 7.10.1, Summary 6.: G (BAM 59) rev. 10u. e. 2:

41. Text 7.10.2: 5 = A (BAM 90) rev. 5:

42. Text 7.10.2: 6 = A (BAM 90) rev. 6:

43. Text 7.10.3, 1.: 9 = G (BAM 59) obv. 1:

44. Text 7.10.3, 1.: 21 = G (BAM 59) obv. 12:

45. Text 7.10.3, 1.: 23 = P (STT 102) obv. 8:

46. Text 7.10.3, 1.: 44 = R (BAM 192) obv. 2:

47. Text 7.10.3, 2.: 20 = A (BAM 193) rev. III 3:

48. Text 7.10.3, 3.: 5 = P (STT 102) obv. 5:

49. Text 7.10.5: 15 = S (AMT 48/2) obv. II 15:

50. Text 7.10.5: 78 = S (AMT 48/2) obv. II 7:

51. Text 7.10.5: 78 = S (AMT 48/2) obv. II 8:

pl. 132 collations

52. Text 7.10.5: 11 = S (AMT 48/2) obv. II 11:

53. Text 7.10.5: 14 = S (AMT 48/2) obv. II 14:

54. Text 8.1: 14 = A (BAM 214) obv. I 1415:

55. Text 8.1: 23 = A (BAM 214) obv. II 7:

56. Text 8.1: 31 = A (BAM 214) obv. II 15:

57. Text 8.1: 32 = A (BAM 214) obv. II 16:

58. Text 8.1: 89 = A (BAM 214) rev. VII 14:

59. Text 8.6: 5 = C (BAM 232) obv. I 1:

60. Text 8.6: 5 = C (BAM 232) obv. I 2:

61. Text 8.6: 21 = C (BAM 232) obv. I 20:

62. Text 8.6: 25 = C (BAM 232) obv. I 23:

63. Text 8.6, C (BAM 232) rev. IV (double-spaced lines):

64. Text 8.6, 2.: 3 = G1 (LKA 58) obv. 3:

65. Text 8.6, 2.: 6 = G1 (LKA 58) obv. 6b:

66. Text 8.6, 2.: 13 = G1 (LKA 58) obv. 13:

collations pl. 133

67. Text 8.6, 2.: Summary = G1 (LKA 58) u. e. 13:

68. Text 8.7: 1 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 1:

69. Text 8.7: 2 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 2:

70. Text 8.7: 15 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 15:

71. Text 8.7: 16 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 16:

72. Text 8.7: 18 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 18:

73. Text 8.7: 20 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 20:

74. Text 8.7: 25 = A1 (BAM 231) obv. I 24:

75. Text 11.1: 7 = B (KAR 298) rev. 42:

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