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As we know, the government offices and private offices are not far from the word
archive. The archive is a source of information and authentic evidence within each
organization activities, which is used as consideration in making decisions (Amsyah, 1989:
3). Definition of the archive on the Law No. 43 of 2009 Article 1 Paragraph 2 is:

Archive is a record of activity or event in various forms and media according to the
development of information and communication technology created and accepted by state
institutions, local governments, educational institutions, company, political organizations,
civic organizations, and individuals in the implementation of social life, nation and state.

According to Bartos (2013: 2) archives have a role as central memory, as a source of

information, and as a surveillance tool that is indispensable within each organization in the
framework of planning activities, analyzing, developing, formulating policy, decision
making, reporting, accountability, assessing and controlling. Basically, administration is an
activity that has a wide scope of work. In managing the administration, an institution must
have an administration unit and a secretariat office (Sugiarto and Wahyono; 1). Usually the
units do the work related to the letter and financial statement. Activity of administration will
be managed by the secretariat whose work is related to the archives. Therefore, work in the
administration unit and the secretariat is quite difficult because they do a lot of work starting
from making financial report, receiving or sending letter, controlling the incoming letter or
outgoing letter and then storing letter as an archive.
The archive is used to achieve the goals of an organization. The increasing activity
and dynamic of organization cause the increase of the information needed to achieve the goal
of an organization. This condition is the reason for each organization to apply the system of
the correct and effective archive. An archive that is easy to find needs to be managed with a
system, as mentioned by Sugiarto and Wahyono that, the important characters that must be
owned by the archive system are reliability and accessibility, in addition to other characters
such as neatness, cleanliness, and others (2005: 3).

From the above explanation it can be seen that, archive is very important for
institution or company. Archive will be saved if there will be unexpected condition like
wildfire. Archive storage should not be arbitrary because archive is important document for
institution. So, the authenticity of the archive should be maintained by saving the original of
the letter or document. Archiving is one of the tasks in secretariat. Therefore, secretariat is
responsible to store archive from irresponsible people.
In the Mayor Regulation of Yogyakarta Number 88 Year 2010 about Guidelines
Archive Government of Yogyakarta City, it is mentioned that archive is recording activity in
various types of media which are followed by the development of information and
communication technology that have been done and are accepted by government institution
and organization in the implementation of social life and nation. Therefore, archive system is
required in all institutions and government organizations to help the work. Archive system
should be done with caution, officers better choose document and it is adjusted according to
alphabets or codes.
Functionally, the archive is divided into two kinds, dynamic archive and static archive
(Barthos, 1997: 4). The dynamic archive is an archive that is still needed directly in the
implementation of planning and conducting a national affair in general or in the
administration of the state which is created and managed to support organizational activity.
The dynamic archive is divided into two, active archive and inactive archive. An active
archive is an archive that is still needed directly is used in administration and managed by
Processing Unit, whereas the inactive archive is archive whose frequency of use is reduced
and managed by Archive Center. Grouping of the archive is viewed from its usefulness. The
static archive is an archive that is not used directly for implementation of planning and
conducting the national affair in general, as well as for the daily administration and is in the
National Archives of the Republic Indonesia or in the National Archives of Region (Barthos,
1997: 4).
Seen from the definition of the archive above, letter is one of example of archives.
Letters contain information that is beneficial to the organization or institution managing the
letter. According to Wiyasa (1992: 2-3) letters are divided into several types and classes, that
is according to the content and the sender are official letter (government office), commercial
letter (business letter) and personal letter. According to the purpose and objective are
notification letter, decision letter, command letter, request letter and application letter,
warning letter, call letter, letter of offer, agreement letter, ordering letter, reporting letter,
introduction letter, confirmation letter and prosecution letter (claim). Then, according to the
form of the letter are postcard, postal form, note or memo, telegram, telex and facsimile.
Based on the guarantee are highly confidential letter, confidential letter, limited letter and
regular letter. Based on the urgency of the solution are special express letter, express letter
and regular letter (Wiyasa, 1992: 2-3).
Amsyah (2001: 51) said that the filing procedure consists of the initial procedure and
storage procedure. The initial procedure is the early stage of the creation of the archive, that
is managing incoming and outgoing letter. Management procedures for incoming letter
include recording administration activities, rationing, and processing, while procedures for
outgoing letter include administration making of letters, records, and delivery. Storage
procedure will be made in connection with the saving of a document. Storage procedure for
the incoming and outgoing letter is the same. That involves inspection activities, indexing,
coding, sorting, and laying. The system used in archival procedures uses the control card
system and organizer book system (Amsyah, 2001: 51).
According to Martono (1997: 48), the stage of an incoming and outgoing letter are
related to correspondence. Correspond serves as a connecting and recording instruments.
Every instruction from the leader is embodied in verbal form. The function indicates that
correspondence takes the main place in the organization as the instruments to give
instruction, report, and receive the information. Activities should be done in writing, so it is
easy to remember and account. The letter is a written communication instrument created to
deliver news or information to other parties (Martono, 1997: 48). Another function of the
letter is as a guide to conduct activities in accordance with the information in it, request or
petition to do something according to the interests of action or transaction that have been
done, and a reminder about everything that has been done. The correspondence activity will
continue as long as the organization is still running basic tasks and functions (Martono, 1997:
Handling incoming and outgoing letter is intended to get the letter arrive quickly,
safely, precisely and at the cost lowest to the parties who are addressed. The goal is to
achieve efficiency and saving. Handling letter is not only about receiving and sending a letter,
but also directing and delivering a letter to the desk. Outline activities in the handling of letter
are receiving incoming letter, sorting incoming letter, defining and determining the direction
of the letter, classifying the letter on the basis of its quality, noting the letter in order to
control the information, distributing a letter to work desks, recording the outgoing letter, and
sending the outgoing letter (Martono, 1992: 1).

In this final project, the handling of the letter is handling incoming and outgoing
letter. The reader needs to know that letter is the important archive to the organization. If
there is no letter management, it will result in confusion in the administration. All of the
administration about archival guidelines has been set according to the book No. 88 of 2010
about the guidance of the archive in the government which is issued by the Mayor of
Yogyakarta, so it must be implemented according to the rules that have been set.
Based on observation at Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta can be seen that the
institution that has dense activities is confronted with various archive issues. The issues are
mainly on the handling of letter, one of which is inadequate filing facilities both of quality
and quantity. In term of quality, many control cards are damaged, whereas in term of
quantity,it can be seen from the number of letter in storage that has not been stored in the
filing cabinet or in archive shelves. In Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the
correspondence uses manual system starting from acceptance to distribution. In this final
report, the writer will explain the procedure of processing letter using non script (dossier
sheet) as implemented in the Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta.
With the problems in the handling of letter, the writer conducted research on
Handling Incoming Letter and Outgoing Letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta.
There were many problems with the processing of letter and the limited time and energy
found, so in this research the writer emphasizes the handle of incoming letter and outgoing
letter, facilities and infrastructure, problem and solution to overcome obstacle in handling
letter at Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. Based on the description of the incoming and
outgoing letter, it can be formulated problems as follow:
1. How is the implementation of the handling letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
2. What systems are used in letter management?
3. What facilities and infrastructure are used in the processing of letter?
4. What are the constraints and solutions faced in activities of handling letter?

The purpose and benefit in writing the final project in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta are:
1. Identifying the procedure of processing letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta.
2. Identifying the system used in the processing letter.
3. Identifying facilities and infrastructure used in the processing letter.
4. Analyzing constraints and providing solutions in the processing letter in Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta.


For this final paper, the writer will focus on the data that the writer obtained during
the internship program at Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta from January 10, 2017 to
March 10, 2017. During the internship, the writer collected the data and conducted research
about this topic by doing an interview with Head of Sub Bag Umum dan Kepegawaian. The
writer would write the profile which includes history, vision and mission, the employee tasks,
and structure of the organization in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. Then, the writer
discusses the implementation of the processing letter and system which is used in the
processing letter, identifying facilities and infrastructure in the letter processing, and
analyzing the problems and solutions in the letter processing.


The method which were used by the writer in this Graduation Paper writing are:
1. Interview
According to Iskandar (2008; 214) interview is a questions combination which is
asked according to the have-made guidance before. This method is used to get the
information about income and out-going letter management which take place in Yogyakarta
Culture Agency. Interview technique which was used is unstructured free leaded interview
technique with the purpose so as the interview is not based from the problem. In the
interview, the writer is not glued on interview guidance. It means in the question submission,
the writer give the freedom to the interviewees to tell the real condition which is known by
the interviewees. The interview is addressed to the Head of General Affair and Human
Reinterviewers Divission at Yogyakarta Culture Agency.

2. Observation
According to Nazir (2014-154) observation is data gaining by using the eyes without
any standard tool help for its needs. This method is used to gain the data about income and
out-going letter management in Yogyakarta Culture Agency. The observation purpose is to
understand the pattern, norm, and the meaning of activity which is observed, and the writer
study by the informant and the people who is observed (Djaelani 103: 83). This method is
used to observe letter management, means and infrastructure, and archive performance. The
writer observes every activity in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. The result of the
observations obtained in form of photos taken during an internship and notes to complete this

3. Library Research
According to Nazir (1998:111) library research is gaining data technique by conduct
review research against books, literates, notes, and reports which is connected with the solved
problem. The purpose of this library research is that the writer wanted to know about the
organization structure, main duty and function, and vision and mission of Yogyakarta Culture
Agency. In this writing, the writer used library research gaining data method using written
documents which are used from Universitas Gadjah Mada library, or other libraries.

To facilitate the reader in understanding the content and information from the final
report entitled Handling Incoming Letter and Outgoing Letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta, the writer compiled this report into 4 chapters. Chapter one is about
introduction that contains the background of study, object, scope, method, and presentation
structured to facilitate the reader to understand the outline of the final report. Chapter two is
about the profile of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta which consists of history, vision and
mission, organizational structure, duties and functions of organization structure.
Chapter two contains a general description of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta
which contains history, duty and function, facilities and infrastructure as well as vision and
mission of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. Then, in chapter three about implementation
and discussion about the topic in the final project objectives. In this chapter, the writer
explains the activities carried out during the internship systematically and clearly based on

the theme taken to make the final project in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. In this
chapter, the results of the study can be presented in the form of images.
Chapter four is the last chapter of the last part in the final project which is the
conclusion based on the discussion conducted and the suggestions provided by the author
systematically to make it easier for the reader to understand. The conclusion is in the form of
answer to the problem formulated by the writer for the analysis. The suggestions aware given
by the writer to the Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta to improve the handling letter for
the better.


Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is located at Suroto Street No. 11, Kotabaru,
Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The location is in the
middle of town. This location is near the Yogyakarta City Library, which is close to the
Malioboro area, Monument of Jogja, Mandala Krida Stadium, and Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta occupies the former building of Dinas Transmigrasi.
The location of the Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta building belongs to a protected
cultural heritage building so there is a limit to change its layout and building. Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is formed by Local Regulation of Yogyakarta Number 5 Year
2016 about Formation and Structure of the Region of Yogyakarta In Chapter I General
Requirements Article I.
Initially, Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta was not Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta, but Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. However, in the
beginning of 2017, the Mayor of Yogyakarta announced that Dinas Pariwisata and
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta must be separated. The announcement is deemed in
accordance with the mandate of the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2016 about
Replacement of Government Regulation No. 41 of 2007 about the Organization of Regional
Devices. At last, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta was separated. Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta still occupies the same building at Suroto street No. 11
Kotabaru, while Dinas Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta occupies one of the buildings in
Balaikota Yogyakarta.
According to Local Regulation of Yogyakarta Number 5 Years 2016 Chapter II about
The Regional Establishment Article III, it is stated that Dinas Kebudayaan is included in type
A organizarion which serves a cultural sector of government affairs in the field of culture.
The local institution especially type A like Dinas Kebudayaan should have one secretariat,
maximal four divisions, every division should have three section, and the secretariat has three
subsections (Local Regulation of Yogyakarta Number 5 Years 2016 Chapter II Article 6; 8).
Based on the Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation Number 61 Years 2016 about Organizational
Structure, Position, Function and Working Procedure of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta
on Chapter II of Structure Organization Article II it is stated that the structural organization
of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta consists of Head of Departement, Secretariat,
Division of Heritage Preservation and Cultural Values, Division of History and Language,
Division of Custom, Art and Tradition, Technical Implementation Unit, and Functional
Group. Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta has 25 employees and some honorary employees
and technical personnel to support the activities of the official. Organizational structure is
divided into several fields, those are fields of History and Language, Heritage Preservation
and Cultural Values, Custom, Art and Tradition, and Technical Implementation Unit.


The vision of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is to preserve and develop cultural
heritage and values of the area based on the noble values of Javanese culture that is consistent
with the history and culture of the palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, local knowledge and
cultural values of the nation. The mission is to improve the quality of professional service,
ethical and accountable in accordance with the governance culture of reason and also to
preserving, protecting and developing the wealth and cultural diversity of Yogyakarta city as
an effort to preserve the cultural identity of the people of Yogyakarta.


2.3.1. Organizational Structure
The organizational structure according to Chapter II Clause 2 contained in Regulation
of Mayor No. 61 of 2016 about Organizational Structure, Positions, Duties, Functions, and
Working Procedures of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is:

Head of

Functional Group Secretariat

Sub-Section Sub- Sub-Section of

of General Section of Planning,
and Staffing Finance Evaluation, and

Division of Division of Division of Custom,

Heritage History and Art, and Tradition
Preservation and Language
Cultural Values

Cultural Heritage, History Section

Knowledge and
Section Language and Art and Film
Literature Section Section

Cultural Values
Section Custom and
Tradition Section

Archeology and
Museum Section


Chart 1. Structure Organization

2.3.2. Position
The position of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta according to Chapter III Clause
3 contained in Regulation of Mayor No. 61 of 2016 about organizational structure, positions,
duties, functions, and working procedures of Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is an
institution of Local Government whose work is related to the culture, and the institution is
lead by Head of Dinas Kebudayaan who respond directly to the Mayor through the Regional

2.3.3. Duties and Functions

The duties of Dinas Kebudayaan are contained in Regulation of Mayor No. 61 of
2016 about organizational structure, positions, duties, functions, and working procedures of
Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta Chapter 4 Clause 3. Dinas Kebudayaan has the
responsibility to work in cultural sector according to the decision of local government with
the principle of autonomy. In Chapter III Clause 5, it is explained that to carry out the task as
referred to Clause 4 above, Dinas Kebudayaan has functions as follow:
1. Formulating policies on culture,
2. Having responsibility for the implementation and public service that is related to
the culture,
3. Coordinating the implementation affairs in the field of culture,
4. Conducting the training of implementation on duty of the field culture,
5. Helping the secretariat to manage their duty like planning, common, officialdom,
finance, evaluation and reporting, and
6. Conducting inspection, controlling the evaluation and report on field of culture.

2.3.4.. Job Description in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta

The job desccription in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is set up in the
Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation Number 61 Years 2016 on page 12.
1. Head of Departement:
The job of Head of Department is to conduct every administration of government in
the section of culture, to draft guidelines for operational guidance according to the Mayor
regulation policy, to give the instruction in the implementation of the program activities of
the Secretariat and the Divisions in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, fostering the
implementation of subordinates tasks by providing good instructions and guidance, to make
and inform the preparation of performance reports government institution, and reporting the
implementation of activities and tasks as an evaluation to the Mayor. Therefore, all of the
activities or events in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta must be with the permission of the
head of the department.

2. Secretariat
a. Secretary:
The job of secretary is to collect materials for planning the work program, events, and
finance, manage the administration, financial management and generally include the staffing,
manuscripts of department and archives, equipment, public relations, organize program for
education, training, and development of employees, and compile reports and evaluation of
program and implementation to the related division.
b. Sub-section of General and Staffing:
The job of sub-section of general and staffing is managing the operational planning of
activities Sub-section General and Staffing based on the evaluation of legislation, setting the
coordination with secretariat to get feedback, information, and evaluating the staffs and
archives to get optimal work result, handling incoming and outgoing letter, managing
governance, equipment, public relations, documentation, archives, goods management,
housekeeping, reception service, and office security, taking care of workspace, meeting
room, official vehicle, telephone and office infrastructure facilities, evaluating and giving the
assessment of the performance subordinate tasks regularly in accordance with the existing
assessment system, and also giving the suggestion and consideration to the head of
department based on the review and provisions that apply as input to smooth work.
c. Sub-section of Finance:
The job of sub-section of finance is managing the operational planning of structure
activities Sub-section of Finance based on the evaluation of legislation, making the financial
administration of the department, coordinating the budget absorption in program activity,
proposing the salary, salary changes, payroll deduction, distribution and filing the salary
shortages, and giving the suggestion and consideration to the head of department based on the
review and applicable requirements as input to help the work.
d. Sub-Section of Planning, Evaluation and Report:
The job of sub-section of planning evaluation and reporting is managing the
operational planning of Sub-section of planning, evaluation, and report based on the
evaluation of legislation, making the material preparation of the work plan budget
department, preparing the document of the implementation budget, making the inventory of
data program activity, and budget for the evaluation and reporting of performances
department, collecting materials and preparing the reports of government performance,
accountability report to the mayor, annual work plan, evaluation of work plan, monthly
report, and quarterly report, and giving the suggestion and consideration to the head of
department based on the review and applicable requirements as input to help the work.

3. Division of Heritage Preservation and Cultural Values:

The job of heritage preservation and cultural values division is managing the
operational planning of Division of heritage preservation and cultural values based on the
evaluation of legislation, directing program and activities of Division of heritage
preservation and cultural values based on a strategic plan and performance plan, and giving
the suggestion and consideration to the head of department based on the review and
provisions that apply as input to help the work.
There are three sections to help the division, such as;
a. Heritage knowledge and technology section is managing the operational planning
of activities Section heritage of cultural values, knowledge and technology based on the
evaluation of legislation, dividing tasks to subordinates according to their duty, planning
policy, guidance and coaching, technical guidance related to Section heritage of cultural
values, knowledge and technology, making the preservation which cover protection,
development, and the utilization of cultural heritage, doing site research activities, updating
data of culture, cultural studies, and partnership with Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta,
and also giving the suggestion and consideration to the head of department based on the
review and applicable requirements as input to help the work.
b. Cultural Values Section is managing the operational planning of heritage of cultural
values, knowledge and technology Section based on the evaluation of legislation, dividing
tasks to subordinates according to their duty, developing cultural values, managing the data
and the information of values culture, making up the event of Section heritage of cultural
values, and giving the suggestion and consideration to the head of department based on the
review and applicable requirements as input to help the work.
c. Archeology and the museum Section is managing the operational planning of
archeology and the museum Section based on the evaluation of legislation, dividing tasks to
subordinates according to their duties, making the program and activities of Section
archeology and the museum, facilitating the preservation and maintenance the museum
collections, providing guidance and facilitation for development museum management, doing
the registration of museum and the collection, and giving the suggestion and consideration to
the head of department based on the review and applicable requirements as input to help the

4. Division of history and language:

The job of history and language division is managing the operational planning of
activities in the history and language division based on the evaluation of legislation, directing
the implementation of programs and activities in the field of history and language based on
the strategic plan and the official performance plan, dividing tasks to subordinates according
to their duty, conducting assessment and historical heritage, preservation and development
the language and literature, and organizing festival or activities on language and literature.
The Division of history and language has two sections for help the division, such as;
a. History section that has the jobs of performing the planting of historical and heroic
values, making up the operational planning of activities Section history based on the
evaluation of legislation, organizing a festival that has potential on history and culture, and
managing the assessment and writing of local history.
b. Language and literature section has the jobs in carrying out the activity of Section
language and literature, preparing recommendations for the implementation of activities in
the field of language and literature at regional, national, and international events making up
the operational planning of activities in the language and literature section based on the
evaluation of legislation.

5. Division of Custom, Art, and Tradition:

The job of custom, art and tradition division is making the concept according to the
policy of the head department in Division of Custom, Art and Tradition, organizing the
preservation and development of customs and traditions, setting up the operational planning
of activities in the Custom, Art and Tradition division based on the evaluation of legislation,
and organizing partnerships with cultural, customary, artistic and cultural institutions.
This division is assisted by two section, such as;
a. Art and film section has the jobs of managing the operational planning of art and
film section based on the evaluation of legislation, organizing data and information about
section art and film, developing of art and film, and providing surveillance for the circulation
of film and multimedia recording.

b. Custom and traditions section has the job in managing the operational planning of
activities section custom and traditions based on the evaluation of legislation, carry out all of
the activities about custom and traditions, organizing data and information about custom and
traditions, giving facilitate activity of ceremony custom and traditions, and initiating
partnership with traditional institutions by various parties.
Every year, each division makes an annual event. The event is related to culture. As in
previous years, the event held by Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta was museum visits
held by the division of history and language, and Festival Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta held
by Dinas Pariwisata Kota Yogyakarta and Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta.



Picture 1. Archive of outgoing letter

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on March 10, 2017)

In Chapter 3, the writer discusses the answers to questions on the objectives of study in
chapter one about handling incoming letter and outgoing letter in Yogyakarta Culture
Department. The writer found there were things that needed to be improved in the handling
incoming letter and outgoing letter during the writer did an internship in Dinas Kebudayaan
Kota Yogyakarta. The things that needed to be improved were the records of incoming letter

and outgoing letter which were only written in book and paper disposition without any copies
of the files.
According to Bartos (1997: 1) archive is a written and oral record or document for the
institutions which can be letters, photos, price list, and receipt. The writer discusses the
handling of incoming letter and outgoing letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta in
accordance with the Mayor Regulation Number 39 Year 2015 about Environmental Control
Guidelines in the Letter of Yogyakarta City Government, the system is used in the handling
of incoming letter and outgoing letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the function of
archive, the infrastructure which is used in handling letter and the constraints in handling


The writer did an internship in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta from 10 January
until 10 March 2017 to make the observation about the handling letter in Dinas Kebudayaan
Kota Yogyakarta and also to know how to work in the real workplace. During the internship
in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the writer was placed in secretariat office. Secretariat
field consists of secretary, head sub-section of general and staffing, and four staffs who have
their respective duties. In secretariat the writer was asked to help the staff such as handling
incoming and outgoing letter, distributing the letter to the employee desks and also handling
archive. For the institutions like Dinas Kebudayaan, archive is one of the important things,
because archives can be evidence in the emergency situation for example as evidence in the
disbursement of funds or promotion of employee.
The activities of the writer did when she was doing the internship in Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta was not only in the secretariat, but also in the front liner to
receive guests and receive a call and become a notulen during the meeting. The writer is
interested to write about handling incoming letter and outgoing letter in Dinas Kebudayaan
Kota Yogyakarta because handling incoming letter and outgoing letter is one of the activities
that is very important for institution. In Secretariat the writer helped the staff to handle the
incoming and outgoing letter. To handle the incoming and outgoing letter there is only one
staff, and is assisted by apprentices. In handling the incoming and outgoing letter, there is a
process that should be followed. The process of handling incoming and outgoing letter in
Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta uses classification codes that are made or set by the

government. The classification code is made for the all institution to be their reference on
giving number for the letters (Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation Number 88 Years 2010 About
Archiving System Chapter V Classification Code Article 7, 4).

Picture 2. Classification Code

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on March 10, 2017)

The writer did an observation about handling the incoming and outgoing letter in
Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta in accordance with the existing regulations. The process
of recording the incoming and outgoing letter is done by the staff in the secretariat office. All
of the process must be accordance with the Mayor Regulation Number 39 Year 2015 about
Guidance on Letter Control in the government of Yogyakarta City.

Picture 3 Outgoing Letter

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on March 10, 2017)

According to Martono (1992:1) handling letter is an activity of receiving and sending
an incoming and outgoing letter, and circulating a letter to the working units within the
organization. Activities of receiving an incoming letter, giving outgoing letter number and
circulating a letter to the employee desks in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta are the task
of secretariat staffs. Handling letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is used non-tata
naskah (dossier). Based on urgency, letters are divided into three, that is:
1. The regular letter is a letter whose contents are not binding and there is no provision in
following up the letter, because if data is lost information can still be obtained from other
2. Special letter of contents are binding. The contents of special letter usually concerns
policy issues, so in following up this letter must be accordance with the predetermined
3. Confidential letter is a letter that needs to be protected by confidentiality because the
content or the characteristic of this letter is important, so if there is leakage of
information about the contents of this letter will cause huge losses for the organization
and reduce or complicate the implementation activity in organization.
During an internship at Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the writer observed the
procedure of handling incoming and outgoing letter which is as follow:
a. Procedure of Incoming Letter

Incoming circulated to
Control Card Head of
Letter Employees

Chart 2. The Flow of Incoming Letter

The procedure of incoming letter is the first, the incoming letter or invitation is
accepted by secretariat and controlled by the employee who handles the letter. Furthermore,
the letter is controlled in incoming control card and paper disposition, while the invitation is
written in incoming invitation book and paper disposition. Mrs. Lisnawati said that for secret
archives the officer could not open the envelope and just control it in incoming control card
by write the x code (personal interview, 17 April 2017). Next, the incoming letter or

invitation which has been controlled is given to the Head Department room to be read and
Head Department will give the disposition to the employee in accordance with the contents of
letter. Then the Head of Department asks the secretariat staff to take the letter. After the
secretariat takes the letter, the staff will distribute to the employee who get the disposition.
Lastly, in order to give the letter to the employee who gets the disposition, the staff takes the
blue control card and white disposition paper. Finally, at the end of the month the officer will
record the incoming letter based on the data in the incoming letter control card and is noted to
the list of incoming letter handle and the letter or control card is stored in archive box.
After the officer records all the control card of incoming letter, the writer helps the
officer to enter the archive into the archive box according to the code of the letter. The code
is used by the Yogyakarta Culture Department is regulated in the Mayor Regulation of
Yogyakarta Number 88 Year 2010 in Appendix II on Page 20-135. The codes are used as
guidance in handling of incoming letter and outgoing letter. With code, the letter becomes
easier to be grouped by types. The process of archiving letter or invitation out in Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is followed by the Mayor Regulation of Yogyakarta Number
88 Year 2010 on the Archiving System to be a Guide in the Filling System.

Picture 4 the Incoming Letter Control Card and Disposition Paper

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on March 10, 2017)

Special letter and confidential letter are recorded in control card in the cabinet
accordance with the archive classification code that has been determined. Recording was the
same with as the above groove, but in a secret letter the column on the disposition sheet is
only filled with the receipt date of the letter and the storage code and checklist in the
forwarded section. While for the regular letter because the contents are not binding, so in the
recording of this letter must be clarified in advance to write the storage code. On the control
card that should be noted for the regular letter control that is the content of the letter, the
receipt date of the letter, storage code and checklist in the forwarded section.

b. Procedure of Outgoing Letter

Letter Classification Control Card Head of

Chart 3. The Flow of Outgoing Letter

The first procedure of outgoing letter is that all divisions or the employees can make
the outgoing letter or invitation and it is better if they print that twice and after they make a
letters, they should report it to the secretariat. Then, secretariat will control the letter in
outgoing control card and for the outgoing invitation is controlled in outgoing book of
invitation. Next, secretariat brings the letters or invitations that are already controlled into the
Head Department room to be signed. After that, the Head Department asks to the secretariat
to take the letters or invitations that already signed and secretariat give the number or code
according to the contents of the letter or invitation. Last, secretariat will return one of the
letters or invitations. Secretariat will return one of the letters or invitation to division who
made it, for one letters or invitation will be the archive for secretariat. And finally, at the end
of the month the officer makes a record the outgoing letter or invitation according to the data
in outgoing control card and is noted to the list of outgoing letter handle.

Picture 5 the Outgoing Letter Control Card and Disposition Paper

The process of archiving letter or invitation out in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota

Yogyakarta is followed by the Mayor Regulation of Yogyakarta Number 88 Year 2010 on the
Archiving System to be a Guide in the Filling System. After the archiving process is
complete, the next step is to save the archive according to the classification code. Officer will
record all documents to be archived. In Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, archive is
stored in boxes that have been coded according to the letter.
Distributing letter to other offices is performed by the Processing Unit. The letter that
will be sent must be clarified in advance to determine the outgoing letter belonging to a secret
letter, special letter or regular letter. After clarification is complete, distribution in the scope
of the organization is sent using internal expedition book, while for the letter in the other
scope of the organization using external expedition book. The use of expedition book in the
distribution of letter serves to record the letter has reached the recipient.


In the handling incoming and outgoing letter, it is needed the facilities and
infrastructure to support the activity. The facilities and infrastructure are:
1. Control card
Control card is a sheet for recording, forwarding, reinventing, simultaneously
removing the archive from the processing unit to the archive unit, consist of control card
incoming letter and control card outgoing letter. Which should be filled in the control card is
the letter index, code, serial number, the contents of the letter, the origin of the letter, the date
of the letter, the letter number, attachment, receiving letter, date forwarded, receipt, and the
letter note.

Picture 6 the control card of outgoing letter
Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

Picture 7 the control card of incoming letter
Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

2. Disposition sheet
Disposition sheet is a sheet to write disposition which consists of 2 (two) copies
which 1 (first) sheets is white and the 2 (second) sheets is yellow and as a means of
controlling the settlement of letter. Which should be filled in the disposition sheet are the
letter index, code, serial number, date forwarded, the contents of the letter, the origin of the
letter, the date of the letter, the number of the letter, attachment, and address.

Picture 8 the Disposition Sheet

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

3. Office stationery
Office stationery is used to record a letter to the control card, dossier sheet and agenda
book. Which includes office stationery are pencil, eraser, pen, paper clip, stapler, glue, cutter,
ruler and scissor. Office stationery that complete can support activity of handling letter
become easier and faster.
4. Folder
Folder is used to put the incoming letter and outgoing letter that have been controlled
and disposition. With this folder, the letters become more presentable. Moreover, the folder
also protects the letter from damage. This folder is used by Dinas Kebudayaan Kota

Picture 9 Folder of incoming letter that has been control

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

Picture 10 Folder of incoming letter that has been disposition
Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

5. The classification code book

The classification code book contains the codes of the letter that is used for coding the
letter based on the problem contained therein and is a guide for setting up and reinventing the
archive. The classification code book is very important in handling letter, because this book
can simplify the process of archiving letter.

Picture 11 the Classification Code Book
Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

6. Agenda book
Agenda book is used to record the incoming letter in the form of invitation. This book
contains the origin of the letter, day and date of invitation, the contents of the letter, and the
location of invitation. All invitation schedules are in this book.

Picture 12 the Agenda Book

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)


Organization or institution consists of work units to achieve the goals of the

organization or institution. Each unit of various types and functions will have an
administrative work. From each activity they create archive, so archive organize is required.
Archive organizing aims to manage the overall administration of archive and to find out who
is responsible for the archive organization in institution. Therefore, the activity of
management archive can be well organized.
In archive management there are several principles of organizing the archive that is
centralization, decentralization and a combination of centralization and decentralization.
According to Amsyah(1993: 16) centralization is archive storage is centered in special work
unit. In private office, government orother offices usually have a special unit of work that
handle the receipt of incoming and outgoing letter. In Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta,
the special unit of work is secretariat which is secretariat is the central of receipt the incoming
letter and outgoing letter delivery. All the process from recording, storing, borrowing,

supervising, removing and destructing of archive is carried out by the secretariat.
Decentralization is all of the work units manage their archive. In here, all of the archive
activity from recording, storing, borrowing, supervising, removing and destructing of archive
is carried out by each work unit. While the combination of centralization and decentralization
is combination of the two principles of organization is the principle of centralization and
decentralization. In the management of principles combine, the archive that is still used
managed in work unit of each processing (decentralitation) and archive that have been rarely
used managed in one work unit (centralitation).


From the writers observation during internship in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta, the writer found that there were things that needed to be improved in handling
incoming letter and outgoing letter. Handling incoming letter and outgoing letter in Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta uses non-tata naskah (dossier) and has been in accordance
with the Mayor Regulation Number 39 Year 2015 about Guidance on Letter Control in the
government of Yogyakarta City, however there are some constraints in handling incoming
letter and outgoing letter. The constraints are as follow:
a. In recording incoming letter and outgoing letter, the process is only done manually and
stored in the map. Storage is only placed on the top of cabinet. It is very risky to office
activity in case of file lost, because letter is an important file should be stored in a folder
and stored on top of the cabinet.

Picture 13 File Storage of Incoming letter and Outgoing Letter

Dinas Kebudayaan
(Taken on February 2, 2017)

b. Facilities and infrastructure are the tools to maximize the work in the office. Facilities
and infrastructure in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta are inadequate, because all of
the facilities that are used during for practice are only simple equipments, one of which is
a computer. The lack of computer in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta causes the
employees do not work optimally. Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta provides twelve
computers, some computers were damaged and in completing their respective duties, the
employees must be mutually borrowing computers from another division or other
employees table. For the institution, the facilities and infrastructure are not effective
because it can slower the work, and
c. Human resources in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta is consists of 25 civil servants
and assisted by 8 personnel experts. However, many employees do not work optimally
because one staff can do some works. For example, Mr. Setiyo who is in charge on
controlling letter, he also has to deliver a letter to another institution. Whereas it is not
his duty. Another example is Mrs. Yuni who served in finance, she also performs tasks
related to employee data. In addition, the human resources who are responsible for the
letter lack basic education from the administration or the secretarial school that
ultimately have an impact on the incompatibility in the field. It is considered very


From the observation during internship in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the
writer found there were things that needed to be improved in secretariat. In the handling of
incoming and outgoing letter is only done manually without any recording file. Although the
manual recording is in accordance with the Mayor Regulation Number 39 Year 2015
Guidance on Letter Control in the government of Yogyakarta City. So, the writer is interested
to discuss the things that need to be improved and also the writer will give the suggestion.
The writer will give suggestion to improve handling letter in DinasKebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta appropriate with analysis when doing an internship. The advice will be given
which is as follow:
a. In the recording of incoming letter and outgoing letter, the process is still done manually
and the letter is saved in folder, but the storage of the folder should be in a safe place
such as cabinet or drawer. As said by Amsyah (2001: 63) that a letter storage is done

within a folder labeled with date applicable for 3 (three) months and every month
consists of 31 folders by date. The folders are then stored in file storage which is usually
placed in one of the drawers of the file cabinet (2001: 63).
b. In the case of facilities and infrastructure, an employee should have their own office
supplies at his desk, especially computer. With the computer on their desks, employees
do not need to borrow from another table. Adequate infrastructure will facilitate the
employee in the work.
c. The problem of human resources in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta should be of
the Head of Departments attention. The institution can open job application for each
division. Human resources who donot have a basic education from administration or
secretarial school can be guided and conducted training about procedure of handling
letter with the correct. The training will useful for the handling letter. Thus, the activity
of working in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta become more controllable and run



In this chapter, the writer discusses the conclusion and suggestion of graduation paper.
Dinas Kebudayan Kota Yogyakarta is one of the government agencies that working in the
field of culture. At Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta there is a secretariat office and three
divisions that assist the Head of Department. Secretariat office is working on archive,
administration and personnel. The writer focuses on the lack in process of handling incoming
letter and outgoing letter in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta. Based on the experience of
an internship at Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta, the writers can conclude that the
handling of incoming and outgoing letter at Yogyakarta Culture Department is good with the
flow that has been implemented from the receipt of the letter to the distribution, as well as
outgoing letter. Handling of letter ranging from systems and processes at Dinas Kebudayaan
Kota Yogyakarta has been in accordance with the Mayorof Regulation Number 39 Year 2015
on Guidelines for Controlling Letter in the Government of Yogyakarta, that is:
In Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta the process of receiving letter from other
institution has been done and incoming letter is received by the secretariat office to be
followed up. The process of letter briefing is done after the reception process. This process
will be done by letter processor to be followed up. At Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta in
recording of incoming letter using a control card. The control card will be saved to archive.
Numbering on outgoing letter is done in the secretariat office and according to the contents of
the letter. Distribution is done after the letter gets dispensation from the head of department.
The letter that was signed will be distributed to the tables of employee. Temporary storage is
done in the secretariat office. The storage is intended as information if there are employees
who need information.
Recording of incoming letter and outgoing letter are only done manually and the storage
of letter is just a map. Facilities and infrastructures in the handling of letter are inadequate
which is evidenced by stationery and incomplete office supplies because each employees
have no stationery and office supplies at their own desk. It causes ineffectiveness in work.
Human resources who served in the secretariat office of the Dinas Kebudayaan Kota
Yogyakarta are less aware of the main duties and functions, thus making the work become
dormant. Disadvantages in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogtyakarta needed to be improved so
that activities run smoothly.


The writer will give some suggestions to facilitate the handling of letter at Dinas
Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta in accordance with the analysis when doing an internship. The
suggestion of the writer for Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta should be in storage of the
letter can be done in the filling cabinet to make it safer, other than that the human resources in
Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta should be improved in terms of quality and quantity.
Facilities and infrastructure in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta which is incomplete also
should be equipped, such as repairing the damaged computer or procurement return funds to
buy several computers to support the performance of employees to do their duties with the
maximum, printer, scanner and photocopy machine so as not to spend too much money just
to photocopy. With the complete of facilities and infrastructure are expected to work activity
in Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta to be better.


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Appendix 1. Other pictures about Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta

Picture 14 The Archive Officer Controlling Letters in Secretariat Room (March 10th, 2017)

Picture 15 A Meeting In Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta (March 10th, 2017)

Picture 16 Front Liner For Accepting Telephone or Fax (March 10th, 2017)

Picture 17 Front Liner For The Staffs Accepting The Guests (March 10th, 2017)

Picture 18 The Storage Archives In Dinas Kebudayaan (March 10th, 2017)

Appendix 2. Question of Interviews

I was interview with Mrs. A. Lisnawati Ekaningtyas, SH as the Head of Sub Section
General and Staffing andalso as my supervisor.

1. Bagaimana awal berdirinya kantor Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta?

(How was the early establishment the office of Dinas Kebudayaan Kot Yogyakarta?)
2. Bagaimana cara mengendalikan surat rahasia dan menyimpannya?
(How to control secret letter and keep them?)
3. Berapa banyak pegawai yang ada di Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta?
(How much employees in Dinas Kebudayaan Kot Yogyakarta?)
4. Adakah kendala dalam mengendalikan surat masuk dan surat keluar?
(Are they any constraints in the handling incoming letter and outgoing letter?)
5. Bagaimana sistem penyimpanan arsip di Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta?
(How the archive storage system in Dinas Kebudayaan Kot Yogyakarta?)

APPENDIX 3. Log Book and The Attendance In Conducting The Internship

APPENDIX 4. Internship Letter To Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Yogyakarta


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