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Gradual civilization act

Views Read Edit View history. The Indian Act did not simply appear out of thin air, but was heavily influenced by the legislative foundation
established prior to its passage. In , the Canadian Government introduced the voting system for chief and council which took place every two
years. When the Gradual Civilization act first enacted in , it contained a number of restrictions that would be considered archaic by today's
standards. Band council systems of government reinforced the rules and regulations created under the Indian Act. Reset share links Resets both
viewing and editing links coeditors shown below are not affected. Under the Act, however, Aboriginal women who married non-Aboriginal men
automatically lost their Indian status, regardless of whether or not they so desired it. Cancel Reply 0 characters used from the allowed. Before,
they gave the Indians one of the two options, to become a British person, or to make their culture disappeare. First Nations peoples were now
permitted to hire lawyers to represent them in legal matters. The first Indian Act adopted an explicit vision of assimilation, in which Aboriginals
would be encouraged to leave behind their Indian status and traditional cultures and become full members of the broader Canadian society.
Contrasted to this, however, were new approaches to Aboriginal policy, based on the desire of Aboriginal groups to assume control over their
own communities, as well as new ideas derived from the international indigenous movements of the time. Declining buffalo herds and disease put
many nations on the verge of extinction. Band council authority was still limited. How long did this act go on for? By the mids, however, Britain
began to transfer this responsibility to the Canadian colonies themselves. In his Report on Native Education , Egerton Ryerson, superintendent for
education, reiterated this idea, and also recommended that Aboriginal education focus on religious instruction and on agricultural training. This
Canadian government related article is a stub. Anyone with the link can view. Houston, we have a problem! With the Royal Proclamation of
and agreements made in treaties, the British Crown and later the Canadian government were required to provide an education for First Nations.
Since its introduction in , the Indian Act has undergone several amendments and reforms. This work is in the public domain worldwide because it
was prepared or published by or under the direction or control of the Canadian Government or any government department prior to Present to
your audience Start remote presentation. The Act also maintained and broadened the system of enfranchisement , by which Aboriginals could lose
their Indian status and gain full citizenship. Why did it start? They also risked the loss of their culture and way of life in the face of European
settlement. It also allowed First Nations women who had previously lost their status through marriage and First Nations individuals who had lost
their status through enfranchisement to apply to have their status reinstated. The Government of Canada, now an independent nation, introduced
the first Indian Act in , with the purpose of consolidating all prior federal legislation regarding Aboriginals into one single piece of legislation. Also
because, the Indians didn't want to become a non-member of their original former tribes. The enfranchised man will be nothing but a normal British
subject. Under the Act, bands were allowed to administer and update their band lists, which was a record of all persons who were recognized as
formally belonging to the band. Wednesday June 30, Aboriginals were not simply private individuals, akin to other British subjects. The sole
purpose of the act was to assimilate and colonize First Nations peoples. Who started this act? Though we know that the damage was caused by
many aboriginal people, as a result of residential schools. To survive, many Aboriginals negotiated the surrender of land for very little in return:
Views Read Edit View history. You can only open this file with Prezi Desktop. Add a personal note: Crushing prohibitions, designed to extinguish
what were considered to be uncivilized and savage cultural practices, were introduced. Any First Nations male who was free of debt, literate and
of good moral character could be awarded full ownership owned but not to be sold of 59 acres of reserve land. This centralization continued in ,
when the Province of Canada was united with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to create the new nation of the Dominion of Canada. He would
then be considered enfranchised and would have to cut all ties to his band and cease to be an Indian. This page was last edited on 21 September ,
at Copy code to clipboard. Delete comment or cancel.

The Indian Act

Since its introduction in , the Indian Act has undergone several amendments and reforms. Who took part in this act? Band council authority was
still limited. One of the most important of these cohabitation approaches can be found in the Royal Proclamation of , which was issued by King
George III of Britain. To survive, many Aboriginals negotiated the surrender of land for very little in return: This reform enabled greater Aboriginal
control over who was to be considered an Aboriginal for the purpose of the Indian Act. Indian Reserves or any part of them may be attached to
School Sections or Districts. In addition to removing elements of discrimination from the Act, the revision also granted Aboriginal bands the right to
determine their own membership. Moreover, the Chief Superintendent was given very broad discretionary powers over reserve Aboriginals. Only
people with the link can view this prezi. In this context, the Royal Proclamation recognized a duty on the part of the Crown to act as a protector of
Aboriginal peoples in their relations with colonial society. In the late s, the federal government established a Joint Committee of the Senate and
House of Commons to examine Aboriginal policy. Indians may be reported in a state of probation. The proposed legislation included modifications
to the Indian Act in several areas, such as the system of the band governance, bylaw authority, and the regulation of reserve land and resources.
YouTube videos need an Internet connection to play. What did they do during this act? Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Report
Views Read Edit View history. Who started this act? Also because, the Indians didn't want to become a non-member of their original former
tribes. Under the Act, only Aboriginal men could seek enfranchisement. To what persons only section 3 of 13, 14 V. By instituting an Aboriginal
right to land and a formal nation-to-nation land transfer process, the Royal Proclamation recognized Aboriginal groups in North America as
autonomous and self-governing actors Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, In other words, Aboriginal groups themselves
were not given the power to define their own communities. During the process of colonization, Europeans undertook several strategies in dealing
with these populations. In order to do so, they had to be over the age of 21, able to read and write in either English or French, be reasonably well
educated, free of debt, and of good moral character as determined by a commission of non-Aboriginal examiners Report of the Royal Commission
on Aboriginal Peoples, This Canadian government related article is a stub. Want to make your prezis private or hidden? As to the shares of the
children of enfranchised Indians in such annuity. You must be logged in to post a comment. See more popular or the latest prezis. Cancel Reply 0
characters used from the allowed. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This article relating to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas is a
stub. First Nations history in law Province of Canada legislation Assimilation of indigenous peoples of North America Legislation concerning
indigenous peoples in Canada in British law Indigenous peoples of North America stubs Canada government stubs. Retrieved from " https: Send
the link below via email or IM. One of the more significant changes to the Indian Act came in , when the federal government introduced Bill C This
is not to suggest a relationship of complete autonomy and equality between Aboriginals and the Crown. Under the FNLMA , however, bands can
apply to the federal government to assume control over land management on their reserves. Concerning the definition of Indian status , the Act
instituted some limited reforms. The Indian man would no longer be legally deemed as a member of their Indian tribe, but a regular British subject.
Furthermore, under the Act, the actions of Aboriginal bands would no longer be exempt from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
While the definition was broadly construed, it is important to note that it assumed for the government the responsibility for deciding who was an
Aboriginal. In , the Government of Canada passed An Act for the gradual enfranchisement of Indians, the better management of Indian affairs, and
to extend the provisions of the Act 31st Victoria. Section 15 of the Charter prohibited discrimination based on certain characteristics, such as race,
ethnicity, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability. The enfranchised man will be nothing but a normal British subject.

The Gradual Civilization Act Of by Ruba :) on Prezi

However, the Act did place a stronger emphasis on male lineage in its definition of Indian status. The Government of Canada, now an independent
nation, introduced the first Indian Act inwith the purpose of consolidating all prior federal legislation regarding Aboriginals into one single piece of
legislation. What does this act affect today? The amendments removed some of the provisions in the legislation, including the banning of dances and
ceremonies and the prohibition on pursuing claims against the government. By the gradual civilization act the Davin Report was released, the
idea of separating children from their parents as an effective education-and assimilation-strategy had already taken root. After the government
controls gradual civilization act aspects of aboriginal lives. Add people Editor Editor Viewer. This may take a few seconds. The Indian Act also
allowed the government to realize its ambition to assimilate Aboriginal peoples through the creation of residential schools. To what persons only
section 3 of 13, 14 V. Moreover, the Act allowed the Superintendent General to order a reserve to be surveyed and divided into lots, and then
require band members to obtain tickets for individual plots of land. Add a personal note: It shall be lawful gradual civilization act the Council of
any Municipality in Upper Canada, or the School Commissioners of any School Municipality in Lower Canada, on application of the Gradual
civilization act General of Indian affairs, to attach the whole or any portion of any Indian Reserves in such Municipality to a neighboring School
Section or District, or to neighboring School Sections or Districts, and such land shall thereupon become portion of the School Section or District
gradual civilization act which it may be attached, to all intents and purposes. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy
Policy. Nevertheless, the Crown could not simply appropriate Aboriginal lands whenever and however it saw fit. The Visiting Superintendent of
gradual civilization act Tribe of Indians, for the time being, the Missionary to such Tribe for the time being, and such other person as the
Governor shall appoint front time to time for that purpose, shall be Commissioners for examining Indians, being members of such Tribe, who may
desire to avail themselves of this Act, and for making due inquiries concerning them: Moreover, any children resulting from the marriage would also
be denied Indian status. Regarding self-governmentthe Act continued the system of elected chiefs and band councils, who served for three years,
and had limited bylaw powers. If the problem persists you can find support at Community Forum. On the one hand, there still remained the
traditional philosophy of assimilation, which encouraged Aboriginals to leave behind their Indian status and integrate into the broader Canadian
society. Delete gradual civilization act or cancel. Why did it start? Gradual civilization act andthe purpose of the amendments to the Gradual
civilization act Act was to strengthen the philosophy of civilization and assimilation underlying the first Act. At the time of the Royal
Proclamation,responsibility for Aboriginal affairs in Canada lay with British imperial authorities. Present to your audience Start remote presentation.
It is important to note the change in Aboriginal policy from the Royal Proclamation, to the first Indian Act. While these large overhaul packages
were never passed, the federal government did implement more narrow revisions of the Indian Act during this period. From the s onward,
Aboriginal policy in Canada entered into a complex period. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. In other words, Aboriginal groups
themselves were not given the power to define their own communities. Indian Reserves or any part of them may be attached to School Sections or

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