Educ 115 - Notes

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Education 115 : Observation Notes

October 12th
o The students ran the mile for the Presidential fitness testing
Girls overall ran faster than boys which speaks to
development stages in males/females
o 4 grade class begins with a partner workout that is posted on
the wall
No time for kids to horse play
Proper running technique at this age was below average
10 partner runs up & down the court
10 partner sit-ups
30 second plank
After warm-up, students meet in the middle of the gym
Example of classroom management technique
o They have paper foot & every 5 laps they get a toe token which
they collect on a necklace over their time at the school
Small incentive to run/walk throughout the duration
of class
o Also ran Pacer test in which the students learn how to pace
o Students love to play with ENDLESS ENERGY!!!
Motor skill level/development varies throughout the class
o Classroom management is ESSENTIAL especially at the
Elementary school level
Coach Engle uses a clap sequence with the students to
gain their attention
o Stayed with Coach Engle through detention after classes
1 SPED student along with 2 regular ed. students
All 3 had a very short attention span
Bribing for behavior is key such as if you do this then
you can do this

October 13th
o Adaptive PE class
Walked around the track with their paper foot to get a toe
token just like the general education kids
Students very friendly
Love talking about material things such as cars,
candy, etc.
o 5 grade class started with workout on the wall
Coach Engle selected the 4 teams prior to class based on
skill level
2 separate games going on simultaneously
Beach volleyball tennis
Beach volleyball
Coach Engle reinforced the strategy in volleyball of passing
to the setter aka a teammate before it hitting over

October 17th
o Started with Bean bag tag where you slide bean bags on the
floor to tag people
Kids have to be given a bag to be unfrozen OR hit another
Some kids sit a while because they dont have as many
o Coach added variation, BUT not smooth transition
Made them reconvene in middle then restart again
Too much time wasted in my eyes
o Played kickball the following class
Students fought over rules as always
o Really emphasized fitness today with a lot of partner sit-ups,
planks, and push-ups.

o Meeting in middle-circle is quite effective in regards to
classroom management.
o Ask students their thoughts variations to the game
Great way to keep them engaged
Great self-assessment as well

October 18th
o Ran the mile & Coach said students put in more effort when she
ran with them
The apathy within the students is alarming
Motivation is CRUCIAL at this age

October 20th
o Got to watch and help an Adaptive PE class
Key is simplicity within the games
Keep them moving because most dont get exercise
outside of class

October 25th
o At this age students fight about rules ALL THE TIME regardless of
the game
Minimizing tattle-tailing is the key to class management
Kids single out the typically troubled kid to tell on
o Played a pumpkin tag game with 3rd grade
Need to do a study on why kids SCREAM & run during
games to see if there is any correlation between screaming
and performance
Coach Engle does great demonstrations of her games
Slow + Clear = Successful
I tend to give faster directions so this was a Learning
Moment for me

October 26th
o Walked into the middle of a class where they were so disruptive
they just shot and did whatever because Coach deemed they
werent mature enough to play

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