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Haraamkhor, which hit the theatres on 13th January, earlier this year, has earned a 3 star rating
from the IMDb. Not being the mainstream big budget movie, this movie has successfully garbed
the attention of the audience and their accolades. It first premiered at the 15th New York Indian
Film Festival (NYIFF) and subsequently at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA). It
was given a special mention at the JIO MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2015. Additionally, it won
the Silver Gateway of India Trophy.

The title of the movie, Haraamkhor translates into wretched in English. The movie revolves
around 3 main characters, Sandhya (potrayed by Shweta Tripathy), Shyam (potrayed by
Nawazuddin Siddiqui) and Kamal. The story is full of plots and twists and the story progresses so
as to justify how their lives have become a wreck due to the set of unfortunate events in the movie.

The director Shlok Sharma deftly alternates the tone of his film between light-hearted, youthful
adventure and more sobering, truthful moments. Sharply aware of the fact that childhood longings
rarely come to fruition, Sharma watches sympathetically as each of his four central characters
stumble and falter in their attempts to hold onto a desire theyd be better off forgetting, while the
audience braces for impact when the inevitable crash comes.

The research project seeks to focus on

1. To analyse the movie, in details.

2. To identify the storyline of the movie and the related sociological perspective.

3. To establish the elements of law in the selected movie.


The research project adopts the Doctrinal method of research. It will primarily be an analysis of
the movie itself and the secondary materials would be articles and several other research papers.
The system for doctrinal examination has been connected, which suggests the accumulation from
auxiliary exploration materials, for instance, articles and so on. The examination is not taking into
account the exact strategy for exploration which incorporates looking over, accumulation of
essential information through polls and so forth. The whole research shall be on the basis of the
authoritative texts and the research papers and online resources. The research shall also be aided
by the common poll from daily newspapers. Hence, the methodology for the project is doctrinal
and descriptive.


The research project will follow in the format prescribed below.

1. Chapter I : Haraamkhor : An Analysis

2. Chapter II : The Movie and its Social Perspective
3. Chapter III : The Elements of Law in the Movie.

The motion picture is set in the setting of a little town, where Nawazuddin Siddiqui expositions
the part of Shyam, a school maths educator and Shweta Tripathi potrays the character of a 15-year-
old Sandhya, his understudy, presently in the ninth grade. While the motion picture starts on a
lighter note, with Sandhya's colleagues Kamal (who is later appeared to be infatuated with her),
Mintu and Shaktimaan and their lively tricks as any typical school understudies, it continuously
takes a serious turn.

The movie starts off with Shyaam making frank and frequent conversations with Sandhya, during
classes and especially, during his tuition classes. While Sandhya is fascinated with all the attention
garnered upon her by the teacher, there is Kamal who is trying really hard to get Sandhya to notice
her. Apparently, Kamal is in love with Sandhya and wants to tell her that. He is advised by his
friend Mintu, affectionately called Shaktimaan, to repeatedly help her in crisis (which he creates
himself) just to prove her how much he is in love with her and how much he cares about her.

Sandhya, is being raised by her father alone. She was deserted by her mother when she was child.
His father being a police officer has night shifts to work in, and he has to leave her alone. Due to
such repeated absence of her father, Sandhya gets suspicious and decides to follow him. When
she finds out her father seeing another woman, she is utterly shocked and rushes back home. On
the way back, she trips on the road and injures herself. She, instead, goes to Shyaams place to get
her first aid done and then makes up a story for Shyaams wife so that she lets her stay their home
for the night. Shyaam tries getting her attention by slyly tickling her feet and caressing her legs.
Sandhya, who is upset with him for some reason, ignores him and Shyaam leaves.

The next day, Kamal and Mintu hang around Sandhyas house and peep in through her bathroom
window. Kamal confesses that he think that Sandhya and he would get married because he has
seen her naked. Mintu corrects him and tells him that, for Kamal to get married to Sandhya, she
has to see him naked.

So the boys hatch a plan where Mintu would be getting his fees the other day, but he would be
getting the entire amount in coins and he would pretend to drop them and put some in Kamals
pants so that Shyaam would strip his pants off and their plan is a success. But, that doesnt happen.
Kamal is left off because both his hands are plastered and theres no way he would have any coins
with him.

Later, Shyam is seen to be following Sandhya on her way back home. He tries starting a
conversation, where Sandhya informs him shes upset because Shyam lied to her about having a
relationship with another lady teacher. Shyam brushes that off saying its a whole different concept
that she wouldnt be able to perceive.

The following day Sandhya blacks out on her way, and is taken to the doctor's facility by Kamal.
He likewise stays nearby to medical caretaker her. Afterward, Shyam comes to Sandhya to
apologize for not coming to beware of her while she was hospitalized. As a token for expression
of remorse and to help her, he brings her the question paper of the up and coming examinations.
Be that as it may, Sandhya can't. Shyam demands coming inside, however Sandhya solidly declines
and requests that he take off. After Shyam leaves, Sandhya gets the two young men waiting close
to her home. she sees them and chooses to face them. Kamal admits his affections for her and
requests that her meet him, to which Sandhya clearly cannot.

That night, Sandhya's dad turns up tanked and oblivious with a woman. Next morning, Sandhya
chooses to defy her dad who admits to their issue, and Sandhya storms out of the house.
Ansguished by the entire occurrence, she welcomes Shyam to meet her at a betrayed put after
school. They meet there and share a clumsy quiet, before Shyam grabs her and constrains himself
upon her. The following day, Shyam goes to Sandhya's place in her dad's absence and instigates
her by activities, for example, oiling her hair, and rubbing her neck. Next he is appeared to engage
in sexual relations with her. He leaves, from there on.

The next day, Sandhya illuminates Shyam that she has missed her periods. Shyam recommends
they need to go to the town to counsel the specialist, however Sandhya can't. This infuriates Shyam
and he vents out his disappointment on two understudies by beating them, in light of the reason
that they were sitting their time and were exceptionally indisciplined. The school experts denounce
this episode and request that Shyam take a couple days off. The following day Sandhya consents
to set out with Shyam to the city.
In the city, at the doctor's, Shyam lies about Sandhya being her sister-in-law and of being 18 years
of age. The specialist suspects there to be some unfairness and more than once solicits Sandhya
from she is being pressurized to lie. Her dad's sweetheart conceals for her age. The doctor
pronounces her not pregnant. When they arrive at their town, Shyam asks for Sandhya to overlook
whatever closeness had happened amongst them, and to keep up the relationship a student is
expected to maintain with her teacher. He apologizes and thinks of the trivial reason that he's a
married man and has his share of duties and he can't bear the cost of any diversion or deviation.
Sandhya is left astounded and leaves.

Sandhyas father is the IO of Shyams ragging case. Sandhya is called to testify, where she covers
up for him. The whole incident reaches Sunita. She is devastated and decides to leave Shyam and
his house. All the while, Shyam winds up brutally mauling his own better half. In any case, Sunita
slaps him amidst the street, and Shyam pushes her away and returns home. He bolts his home, and
heads towards Sandhya's place and requests that her turned out. They head towards a forsook field,
where Shyam vents out his dissatisfaction on her, he hollers at her, he hits her. He points the finger
at her for the flight of Sunita, slaps her idiom she ought to have talked reality.

Then, Kamal and Mintu break into Shyam's home. They mess around in the kitchen to start with,
make a considerable measure of obliteration and mess with the kitchen utensils and the
proportions. They then take stuff and leave through the window.

In the meantime, Sunita returns and Shyam faults and upbraids her for the wreckage made by
Kamal and Mintu. He strolls off in disturb. The following couple of days, Sandhya is in an
exceptionally bleak state. She shows up for her last examinations, and there is positively no contact
amongst her and Shyam.

In the mean time in the meantime, Mintu and Kamal are playing with the stolen stuff from Shyam's
home. Similarly as it is about begin drizzling, they surge home, when Shyam spots them with the
stolen articles on. He pursues them and seizes Mintu, and beats him sufficiently terrible to thump
him down. Kamal, in an interest to help Mintu, hits Shyam with a major shake on his head. When
he sees Mintu nearly sub-cognizant and Shyam gradually blacking out, he rushes to Sandhya's
home. They hurry to the spot of mischance to discover Shyaam officially dead.


Functionalism translates every piece of society as far as how it adds to the strength of the entire
society. Society is more than the entirety of its parts; rather, every piece of society is practical for
the strength of the entirety. Durkheim really imagined society as a living being, and quite recently
like inside a life form, every segment has an essential influence, yet none can work alone, and one
encounters an emergency or comes up short, different parts must adjust to fill the void somehow.1

Inside functionalist hypothesis, the distinctive parts of society are essentially made out of social
establishments, each of which is intended to fill diverse requirements, and each of which has
specific outcomes for the frame and state of society. The parts all rely on upon each other.

This motion picture, when seen from the functionalist viewpoint, highlights the way that one single
activity of the educator influences the smooth working the society. Here, when the hero of the film,
Shyam, a maths educator in that town, is depicted to be vicious towards it students.There have
been occurrences where he hits his understudies for minor and, numerous a times unessential as
well, tricks. It is very regular learning, that individuals in the rustic regions aren't energetic about
spending a dime on the instruction of their youngsters, when they can have them work and gain a
business for them and their family.

Also, when he builds up a intimate association with one of his student, Sandhya, he clearly sets an
awful case on the society. For all we know, that could have negatively affected the general
population of the society. What's more, if a demonstration of flippancy hinders the instruction of
the youngsters, it will undoubtedly have an enemy on the society.

Furthermore, when Kamal kills his teacher, he confers the offense of murder. This will
undoubtedly negatively affect his life, his adolescence and his career. The demonstration of him
killing Shyam, would have been a damaging information for his family as well.

Hiddleston, Eric. Second-Order Properties and Three Varieties of Functionalism. Philosophical Studies: An
International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, vol. 153, no. 3, 2011, pp. 397415.
When we live in a society, we need to consider the results of our activities. We basically can't
overlook the likelihood of being evaded by the society and living off all alone, on the grounds that
that is quite recently unrealistic.


When we break down the character of Shyam, his life certainly legitimizes the title of the motion
picture. He is hopeless in his life, troubled with his wedded life to such an extent that he looks for
an illegal relationship outside his marriage. He is despairing to the point that he picks that unlawful
relationship to be with a 14 year old powerless student. The battle he confronts in keeping his
marriage and illegal relationship separated, makes up the primary topic of the motion picture. Like,
for one Shyam has been submitting a considerable measure of offenses under the law. To begin
with, he is plainly liable of conferring infidelity (segment 497 of the Indian Penal Code). The
following we know is he has an illegal association with Sandhya, to such an extent that they go
the town to get her checked for pregnancy. This is unmistakably a committal of the offense of
assault under segment 375 of the Indian Penal Code. Also, towards the finish of the motion picture,
when Shyam finds that the Mintu and Kamal were the person who stole stuff from his home, he
beats Mintu so awful that he executes him. He ought to be charged for the offense of murder under
segment 300 of the IPC. He is additionally observed to hit Kamal with a substantial shake. He
ought to likewise be accused of Voluntarily creating Grievous Hurt under segment 322 of the IPC.

Likewise, the plot of Kamal's charcter additionally legitimizes the title where he is hopeless of his
preferring for Sandhya not being recognized and responded by her. What's more, what is all the
more terrible for him, is watching his instructor charm the young lady he cherishes. He is so
hopeless and gloomy by the disappointment in his sentimental life, that he tries a wide range of
conceivable traps to charm Sandhya. Furthermore, his reverence for Sandhya, and importantly the
contempt for his educator is to such a degree, to the point that he breaks into his instructor's home
and later murdering him. There is additionally a committal of murder of Shyam towards the finish
of the motion picture, by Kamal. However the circumstance warrant for the demonstration acting
naturally barrier, to secure his companion Mintu, Kamal is at risk to be charged for the offense of
Murder. What's more this, the two young men Kamal and Mintu are likewise at risk for the offense
of robbery under area 378 of the IPC, when they break into (which would constitute an extra
offense of Trespass under segment 441 of IPC) and take away things from Shyam's home.

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