SSL Flier 2018

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Invest in an Individual, Empower a Community

Volunteer Programs 2018:

Community Health Evaluation
Session 1: June 10th June 26th
Session 2: June 29th July 20th

Girls Empowerment
July 22nd August 7th

Applications are now available

Review will begin on a rolling basis on December 1st

Our volunteer programs offer participants the chance to be immersed in a rural Ghanaian
community and work alongside local staff members in support of a small community
development organizations year-round health and education programs. All volunteers will
have the opportunity to develop and strengthen their skills in cross-cultural
communication, project design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and
community outreach, all while working in a low-resource environment alongside local and
international counterparts to achieve a common goal.

Visit our website to learn more

GHEI is a 5013 registered NGO working in the rural Western Region of Ghana to improve childrens health and
education outcomes through sustainable development practices and community empowerment.

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