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Nuzvid, A.P.-521202
List of Practicals
1) Determination of particle size distribution

2) Specific gravity and water absorption

3) Aggregate impact value test

4) Determination of los angels abrasion value

5) Aggregate crushing value test

6) Flakiness and elongation index test

7) Determination of stripping value of road aggregate
8) Ductility test

9) Flash point and fire point test of bitumen

10) Penetration test

11) Softening point test

12) Specific gravity test of bitumen

13) Spot Speed Study Using Radar Speed Gun

14) Travel time and volume study using Moving Observer Method.

15) Mid- Block Traffic Volume and Speed Study by Video Recording

1.1 Introduction:

Grain size is the most fundamental property of sediment particles, affecting their entrainment,
transport and deposition. Grain size analysis therefore provides important clues to the sediment
provenance, transport history and depositional conditions. The various techniques employed in
grain size determination include direct measurement, dry and wet sieving, sedimentation, And
measurement by Laser Granulometer, X-ray Sedigraph and Coulter counter. These methods
describe widely different aspects of size, including maximum calliper diameter, sieve diameter
and equivalent spherical diameter, and are to a greater or lesser extent influenced by variations in
grain shape, density and optical properties. For this reason, the results obtained using different
methods may not be directly comparable, and it can be difficult to assimilate size data obtained
using more than one method. All techniques involve the division of the sediment sample into a
number of size fractions, enabling a grain size distribution to be constructed from the weight or
volume percentage of sediment in each size fraction. From the particle size distribution we find
whether sample is well graded or poorly graded.

This test is done according to IS: 2386 (Part I) 1963.Standard test method is also given in
ASTM 138-06.

1.2 Apparatus:

1. Sieves - Sieves of the sizes given in Table I, conforming to IS: 460-1962 Specification for Test
Sieves (Revised) shall be used. Shown in Fig-1. Sizes 80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm,31.5mm,
25mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm,4.75mm, 3.35mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600m,
300m, 150m and 75m
2. Balance -with an accuracy to measure 0.1 percent of the weight of the test sample. Shown in

3. Rubber pestle and mortar

4. Mechanical Sieve Shaker. Shown in Fig-3.

Fig-1 IS- Sieves Fig-2 Weighing Machine

Fig-3 Mechanical Sieve Shaker with IS- Sieves

1.3 Sample Preparation:

The weight of sample available shall be not less than the weight given in Table-I. The sample for
sieving (see Table I) shall be prepared from the larger sample either by quartering or by
means of a sample divider.

The weight of sample available should not be less than the weight given below:-

1.3.1. Table-I: Minimum weight of sample is for sieve analysis

Maximum size present in Minimum weight of sample

substantial proportions(mm) dispatched for testing(Kg)

63 50
50 35
40 or 31.5 15
25 5
20 or16 2
12.5 1
10.0 0.5
6.3 0.2
4.75 0.2
2.36 0.1
1.4. Test Procedure:

1. The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving.
2. This may be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at temperature
of 100 to 110 .
3. The air-dry sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves
starting with the largest.
4. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use.
5. The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, back-wards and forwards, left to right,
circular clockwise and anti-clockwise,.
6. Material shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure, but on sieves coarser than
20mm, placing of particles is permitted.
7. Light brushing with a Fine Camel Hair Brush may be used on the 150-micron and 75-
micron IS Sieve to prevent aggregation of powder and blinding of apertures.

8. Pressure shall not be applied to the surface of the sieve to force particles through the mesh
9. On the completion of sieving, the material retained on each sieve, together with any
material cleaned from the mesh, shall be weighed.
10. In order to prevent binding of the sieve apertures by over-loading, the amount of aggregate
placed on each sieve shall be such that the weight of the aggregate retained on the sieve at
completion of the operation is not greater than the value given for that sieve in Table-II.
1.4.1. Table-II: Maximum Wt. to be retained at the completion of sieving

IS sieve
Maximum weight for IS sieve size
(mm ) Maximum weight for 20 cm
45 cm dia 30 cm dia sieve sieve size (gm ).
sieve ( kg) ( kg )
50 10 4.5 2.36 mm 200
40 8 3.5 1.18 mm 100
31.5 or 25 6 2.5 600 micron 75
20 4 2 300 micron 50
16 or 12.5 3 1.5 150 micron 40
10 2 1 75 micron 25
6.3 1.5 0.75

1.5 Observations & calculations

I.S sieve Wt. Retained in Percentage on Cumulative % Percentage

number or each sieve (gm) each sieve retained on each finer
size in mm sieve
1.6. Discussion:

1.7. References:

1. IS: 2386: Part I: 1963 Method of test for aggregate for concrete-part I Particle size and
2. M. S. Shetty, Concrete Technology, Edition 2005, page-69.
3. Khanna.S.K, Justo.C.E.G, Highway Engineering, Eighth Edition -2001, page-293.
4. ASTM 138-06 Standard method for determination of particle size distribution.

2.1. Introduction:
The specific gravity of an aggregate is considered to be a measure of strength or quality of the
material. Specific gravity of aggregate is the ratio of weight of unit volume of material to the
weight of equal volume of water at approximately 230 C.
Aggregates having more water absorption are more porous in nature and are generally
considered unsuitable unless they are found to be acceptable based on strength, impact and
hardness tests.
Several different types of specific gravity are commonly used depending upon how the volume
of water permeable voids (or pores) within the aggregate are addressed.
I. Apparent Specific gravity.
II. Bulk Specific gravity. shown in the fig-2
III. Effective Specific gravity.
IV. Bulk Impregnated Specific gravity.

2.1.1. Apparent Specific Gravity, Gsa. The volume measurement only includes the volume of
the aggregate particle; it does not include the volume of any water permeable voids. The mass
measurement only includes the aggregate particle.

Figure 1
2.1.2. Bulk Specific Gravity (Bulk Dry Specific Gravity), Gsb. The volume measurement
includes the overall volume of the aggregate particle as well as the volume of the water
permeable voids. The mass measurement only includes the aggregate particle. Since it includes
the water permeable void volume, bulk specific gravity will be less than apparent specific

Figure 2:

2.1.3. Bulk Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Specific Gravity. Volume measurement includes the
overall volume of the aggregate particle as well as the volume of the water permeable voids. The
mass measurement includes the aggregate particle as well as the water within the water
permeable voids.

2.1.4. Effective Specific Gravity, Gse. Volume measurement includes the volume of the
aggregate particle plus the void volume that becomes filled with water during the test soak
period minus the volume of the voids that absorb asphalt. Effective specific gravity lies between
apparent and bulk specific gravity.

Three main methods are specified for use according to whether the size of the aggregate is large
than 10 mm ( Method I ); between 40 mm and 10 mm (Method I or II may be used ); and smaller
than 10 mm ( Method III) as per IS : 2386 ( Part III ) 1963.
This report method determines the specific gravity of fine aggregates that have been
soaked for a period of 15-19 hrs. The determinations that may be made from this procedure are
identical to those made under AASHTO T 84 (Specific Gravity and Absorption of fine
Aggregate) and ASTM C 128 (Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate).

2.2 Apparatus
i. A wire basket of not more than 6.3mm mesh or a perforated container of convenient size
with thin wire hangers for suspending it from the balance.
ii. A thermostatically controlled oven to maintain temp. Of 100C to 110C.
iii. A container for filling water and suspending the basket.
iv. Glass Vessel or Jar wide-mouthed glass vessel such as a jar of about 1.5 litres capacity.
Figure 3.
v. An airtight container of capacity similar to that of the basket.
vi. A balance of capacity about 5kg to wt. accurate to 0.5 g and of such a type and shape as
to permit wt. of the sample container when suspended in water.
vii. A shallow tray and two dry absorbent cloths not less than 75 x 45 cm.

Figure 3 [IS 2386 Part III (1963)]

2.3. Sample preparation
A sample of about 2 kg for 10 mm to 4.75 mm or 500 g if finer than 4.75 mm, shall be placed in
the tray and covered with distilled water at a temperature of 22 to 32CA sample of not less than
2 kg of the aggregate shall be tested. Aggregates which have been artificially heated shall not
normally be used.

2.4. Procedure

i. The sample size for this procedure is approximately 1 kg of material passing the No. 4
(4.75 mm) sieve.
ii. Dry test samples to constant weight in an oven regulated at 110 5C. Cool the sample at
room temperature for 1 to 3 hours.
iii. A current of warm air may be used to assist drying procedures; however, fine particles
may be lost with this procedure if not careful.
iv. Calibrate a specific gravity flask pycnometer by filling with water at 23 1.7C to
calibration line. Record this weight as the weight of the pycnometer filled with water to
the nearest 0.1g.
v. Place the SSD aggregate into the pycnometer and fill with water (regulated at 23 1.7C
to 90% of pycnometer capacity. Manually roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to
eliminate air bubbles.
vi. This procedure should be repeated several times in order to ensure that any entrapped air
is eliminated. This process usually takes half an hour total. Agitation of pycnometer does
not have to constant.
vii. Bring the pycnometer to its calibrated capacity with additional water. Place the
pycnometer in a water bath at the regulated temperature and allow the sample to equalize.
2.5. Recording of Observation

A. Observation for fine aggregates

Sl. Description Observation

1 Weight of Oven Dry Specimen in Air, A g.
2 Weight of Pycnometer filled with water, B g.
3 Weight of Pycnometer with specimen and water to
calibration mark, C g
4 SSD specimen, = D g.

B. Observation for filler material

Sl. Description Observation

1 Weight of SSD filler, W1 g
2 Weight of Pycnometer filled with water, W2 g
3 Weight of Pycnometer with specimen and water to
calibration mark, W3 g
4 Weight of dry aggregate,W4 g

2.6. Calculation

A. Calculation for fine aggregates

1 Bulk Specific gravity(fig-1) =A / (D-(C-B))

2 Apparent Specific gravity(fig-3)= A / (A-(C-B))

3 Water absorption =(D-A)X 100 / A
B. Calculation for filler

Bulk Specific gravity = W4/ (W1-(W2-W3))

Apparent Specific gravity= W4/ (W4-(W2-W3))
Water absorption =(W1-W4)X 100 / W1

2.7. Discussion:

2.8. References
1. IS: 2386 :Part III: 1963.Standard Test Method of Determination of Specific Gravity
and Water Absorption.
2. Khanna.S.K, Justo.C.E.G, Highway Engineering, Eighth Edition -2001.
3. T-255.pdf
4. AASHTO T 84 (Determine of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Fine
5. ASTM C 128 (Determine of Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate).
3. Aggregate Impact Value Test

3.1. Introduction
The property of a material to resist impact is known as toughness. Due to movement of
vehicles on the road, the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their breaking down
into smaller pieces.
The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the resistance of aggregate to
sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slow
compressive load. In wearing course, aggregates are subjected to impact, so in that case we
should know impact value of aggregate.
This test is done to determine the aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates as per IS:
2386 (Part IV) 1963. This test is also can be done according to BS 812-112

3.2. Apparatus
The apparatus used for determining aggregate impact value of coarse aggregates is
impact testing machine conforming to IS: 2386 (Part IV)- 1963, The apparatus shall consist
of the following:
An impact testing machine of the general form shown in Fig 1 and complying with the
Total weight of the machine not more than 60 kg or less than 45 kg.The machine shall
have a metal base weighing between 22 and 30 kg with a plane lower surface of not less
than 30 cm diameter, and shall be supported on a level and plane concrete or stone block
or floor at least 45 cm thick. The machine shall be prevented from rocking either by
fixing it to the block or floor or by supporting it on a level and plane metal plate cast into
the surface of the block or floor.
A cylindrical steel cup of internal dimensions: Diameter 102 mm, Depth 50 mm.
and not less than 6.3 mm thick with its inner surface casehardened, that can be rigidly
fastened at the centre of the base and easily removed for emptying.
iv. A metal tup or hammer weighing 13.5 to 14.0 kg, the lower end of which shall be
cylindrical in shape, 100.0 mm in diameter and 5 cm long, with a 2-mm chamfer at the
lower edge, and case-hardened.
v. Means for raising the hammer and allowing it to fall freely between the vertical guides
from a height of 3805.0 mm on to the test sample in the cup, and means for adjusting
the height of fall within 5 mm.
vi. Means for supporting the hammer whilst fastening or removing the cup.
vii. Sieves The IS Sieves of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm.
viii. Measure A cylindrical metal measure, tared to the nearest gram, of sufficient rigidity
to retain its form under rough usage, and of the following internal dimensions: Diameter
75 mm, Depth 50 mm.
ix. Tamping Rod A straight metal tamping rod of circular cross section 10 mm in
diameter and 230 mm long, rounded at one end.
x. Balance A balance of capacity not less than 500 g, readable and accurate to 0.1 g.
xi. Oven A well-ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled to maintain a temperature of
100 to 110C.IS Sieves of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm, A cylindrical metal
measure of 75mm dia. and 50mm depth, A tamping rod of 10mm circular cross section
and 230mm length, rounded at one end and Oven.

Figure 1: Impact testing machine

3.3. Preparation of Sample
The sample should be oven-dried for 4hrs at a temperature of 100 to 110oC and cooled.
The test sample size should be in between 12.5mm & 10 mm. That means sample should pass
hundred percent through 12.5mm IS sieve sizes & retained hundred percent on 10 mm IS sieve.

3.4. Procedure

i. The measure should be filled about one-third of its sizes with the prepared aggregates and
tamped with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Further similar aggregates are added &
tamped with 25 strokes of tamping rod. The measure should finally fill with aggregates
over flowing, tamped by 25 times & surplus struck off. Measured is weighed to nearest
gram (weight A).
ii. The cup of the impact testing machine should be fixed firmly in position on the base of
the machine and the whole of the test sample placed in it and compacted by 25 strokes of
the tamping rod.
iii. The hammer should be raised to 380mm above the upper surface of the aggregates in the
cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. The test sample should be subjected to
a total of 15 such blows, each being delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
iv. The crushed aggregate shall then be removed from the cup and the whole of it sieved on
the 2.36-mm IS Sieve until no further significant amount passes in one minute. The
fraction passing the sieve shall be weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 g (Weight B ). The
fraction retained on the sieve shall also be weighed ( Weight C ) and, if the total weight (
B + C ) is less than the initial weight ( Weight A ) by more than one gram, the result shall
be discarded and a fresh test made. Two tests shall be made.

3.5. Recording of observation

Total Weight of dry test sample A (g.)=

Weight of aggregates which is passing 2.36 mm IS sieve B (g.) =

Weight of aggregates which retained on 2.36mm IS sieve C (g.) =

The ratio of the weight of the fines formed to the total sample weight should be expressed as
a percentage.

3.6. Calculation:

Aggregate impact value = (B/A) x 100% =

3.7. Discussion:

3.8. References

1. IS: 2386 (Part IV) 1963.Standard test method of AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE.
2. Khanna.S.K, Justo.C.E.G. , Highway Engineering/ Eighth Edition -2001,page-298
3. Impact _factor
4. - United States
4.1. Introduction
The aggregate used in surface course of the highway pavement are subjected to wearing
due to movement of the traffic. When vehicles move on the road, the soil particles present
between the pneumatic tyres and road surface causes abrasion of the road aggregates. Therefore,
the road aggregate should hard enough to resist the abrasion. Resistance to abrasion of aggregate
is determining by Los-Angeles test machine.

The principle of the Los-Angeles abrasion test is to produce the abrasive action by use of
standard steel balls (charge). These charges are mixed with the aggregates and rotated in drum
for specific no. of revolutions. These charges also cause impact on aggregates. The percentage
wear of the aggregates due to rubbing with steel balls is known as Los-Angeles abrasion value.

A test is standardized by IS: 2386 part-IV and used to determine the as Los-Angeles
abrasion value of aggregates. Standard test method for resistance by Los-Angeles machine is also
given in ASTM C535 for large size coarse aggregate and ASTM C131 for small size aggregate.

4.2. Apparatus
The apparatus for the test as per IS: 2386-1963(part IV) consider of the following.

i. Los-Angeles test machine: It consist of a hollow steel cylinder closed at both the end with
the dia. of 700mm and length 500mm. The cylinder shall be rotated about its horizontal
axis. One opening should be provided in the cylinder & it is covered by a dust tight
removable cover. A removable steel shelf, projecting radially 88mm into the cylinder &
extending its full length. Shown in the Figure 1.
ii. IS Sieve of size 1.7mm.
iii. Abrasive charge Cast iron or steel spheres approximately 48mm dia. and each weighing
between 390 and 445g ensuring that the total weight of charge is 5000 +25g
iv. Balance of capacity 5kg(accuracy up to 1g).
v. Drying oven - oven to maintain temp. of 100C to 110C.
vi. Tray .

Figure 1: Los-Angeles test machine

4.3. Sample Preparation

The test sample should consist of clean aggregates which has been dried in an oven at 105 to
110 to a substantially constant weight and should conform to one of the grading shown in the
table below:

Grading of Test sample ( IS 2386 part IV-1963)

Sieve sizes(mm) Weight in gram for test sample for grade

Passing A B C D E F G
80 63 2500*
63 50 2500*
50 40 5000* 5000*
40 25 1250 5000* 5000*
25 20 1250 5000*
20 12.5 1250 2500
12.5 10 1250 2500
10 6.3 2500
6.3 4.75 2500
4.75 2.36 5000
N.B. * means 2 percent tolerance are permitted.
4. 4 Procedure

a. Select the grading to be used in the test.

b. Take the amount of aggregates as per grading. If aggregates grading A, B, C or D than take 5
kg and for grading F, E and G take 10kg. We have selected grading D.
c. Take the abrasion charge as per proper grade.
d. Open the cover and feel the aggregates and charges in the cylinder and provide the cover
e. Rotate the machine at a speed of 30 to 33 revolutions /minute.
f. For grading A, B, C and D, the machine shall be rotated for 500 revolutions; for grading E, F
and G, it shall be rotated for 1000 revolutions.
g. At the completion of the test, the material should be discharged and sieved through 1.70mm
IS Sieve.

h. Wash the material coarser then 1.70mm size.

i. After drying in oven take the wt. of this material with an accuracy of 1g.
j. Calculate the % of loss of material.

4.5. Recording observation:

Rotation of the machine is ___ rpm.

The original samples weight A (conforming to D type sample in the range of 2.36mm to
4.75mm). =

The material coarser than 1.70mm IS Sieve should be retained, Wt. of the aggregates retained
on 1.7mm IS sieve (Weight B). =

Loss of wt. = (A B) =
4.6. Calculation
Percentage wear= x1

Aggregate abrasion value =

4.7. Discussion:

4.8. References:

1. IS: 2386 (Part IV) 1963.Standard test method of AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE.
2. Khanna.S.K, Justo.C.E.G. , Highway Engineering/ Eighth Edition -2001,page-298
4. Construction _aggregate
5. www.innovativeabrasion .com/
6. http//
5.1. Introduction

The Aggregate Crushing Value given a relative measure of the resistance of an

aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load .It is the percentage by wt. of
the crushed (or finer) material obtained when the test aggregates are subjected to a specified load
under standardized conditions.

Aggregate with lower crushing value indicate a lower crushed fraction under load and
would give a long service life to the road and hence a more economical performance. Weaker
aggregates if used would get crushed and under traffic load would produce smaller pieces not
coated with binder and these could be easily displaced out resulting in loss of the surface/layer.
In short, the aggregates used in road construction must be strong enough to withstand crushing
under roller and traffic. One of the model in which pavement material can fail is by crushing
under compressive stress.

A test is standardized by IS:2386 part-IV and used to determine the crushing strength of

5.2. Apparatus

The apparatus for the standard aggregate crushing test as per IS: 2386-1963(part IV) consider
of the following.

i. The tests mould a 15.2cm dia. open ended steel cylinder with square base plate; plunger
having a piston of dia. 15cm, with a hole provide across the stem of the plunger so that a
rod could be inserted for lifting or placing the plunger in the cylinder.
ii. A straight metal tamping rod of circulation cross-section 16cm in dia. and 45 to 60cm
long, rounded one end.
iii. A balance of capacity 5kg(accurate upto1gm).
iv. IS sieves of size 12.5mm, 10mm, 2.36mm.
v. A compression testing machine capable of applying load up to 40ton at a uniform rate of
4 ton per minute. Shown in the Figure 2.
vi. A cylindrical measure having internal dia. of 11.5 cm and height 18 cm. Figure 1

Figure 1: tests mould Figure 2: Compression testing machine

5.3. Sample Preparation

The materials for the standard test consist of aggregates size 10mm to 12.5 mm. The
aggregates should be in surface dry condition before testing .The aggregates may be dried by
heating at 100-110C for not more than 4 hours and cooled to room temp before testing .

5.4. Procedure

Sieve the material through 12.5mm and 10mm IS sieves. The aggregates passing through
12.5 mm Sieve and retained on 10mm Sieve comprise the test material.

i. Taken about 3.25 kg of this material.

ii. Pour the aggregate to fill about just about 1/3rd depth of the measuring cylinder.
iii. Compact the material by giving 25 gentle blows with the rounded end of tamping rod.
iv. Add two more layer in the similar manner, such that the cylinder is full.
v. Remove the excess material with a straight edge .The quantity contained in the measuring
cylinder is that amount of aggregate which will be used to prepare the test specimen.
vi. Empty the cylinder and wt. the aggregates, accurate up to 1gm.
vii. Transfer the whole of this wt. quantity to the test mould by filling it in the 3 layers in the
same manner as for cylindrical measure. The total depth of the sample is then about 10cm
and the surface a little below the top of mould.
viii. Level off the surface and place the plunger over it so that it rests horizontally on the
surface of the aggregates.
ix. Place this assembly on the pedestal of compression testing machine.
x. Apply the load at a uniform rate of 4ton per minute until the total applied load is 40 ton.
Release the load.
xi. Taken the aggregate out of cylinder and sieve them through 2.36mm IS sieve. Weight this
fraction passing through it to an accuracy of 0.1gm. This fraction is a measure of loss
material due to crushing.
xii. Note down the observations in the result shit and compute the aggregate crushing value.
The mean of the 2 observation, rounded to nearest whole number is reported as the
Aggregate crushing value.

5.5. Recording of observation

Total Weight of dry test sample A (g.)=

Weight of aggregates which is passing 2.36 mm IS sieve B (g.) =

5.6. Calculation:

Aggregate crashing value = (B/A) x 100%

5.7. Discussion:

5.8. References
1. IS: 2386 (Part IV) 1963.Standard test method of Aggregate Crushing Value.
2. Khanna.S.K, Justo.C.E.G. , Highway Engineering/ Eighth Edition -2001,page-297

6.1 Introduction:

Particle shape and surface texture are important for proper compaction, deformation,
resistance and workability. However, the ideal shape for HMA and PCC is different because
aggregates serve different purposes in each material. In HMA, since aggregates are relied
upon to provide stiffness and strength by interlocking with one another, cubic angular-
shaped particles with a rough surface texture are best.

Flaky aggregate is that aggregate whose least dimension is less that 3/5th of its mean
dimension. Example: The mean dimension of an aggregate passing through 40mm sieve and
retained on 20mm sieve is (40+20)/2 = 30mm.Now if the least dimension is less than 3/5 x
30 = 18mm, the aggregate is flaky. Flakiness index is the percentage by weight of flaky

Elongated aggregates are those whose length is 1.80 times its mean dimension. If the
mean dimension is 30mm for a length above 54mm, the aggregate will be classified as
Elongation index of non flaky material is called combined flaky index & elongation
index. These tests are done according to IS: 2386 (Part IV) 1963.ASTM D3398-00
(reapproved 2006) also gives the standard test method of particle shape.

6.2 Apparatus:

Apparatus should consist of the following.

a) Balance the balance shall be of sufficient capacity and sensitivity and shall have an
accuracy of 0.1 percent of the weight of the test sample.
b) Metal Gauge for flakiness index test( thickness gauge) the metal gauge shall be of the
pattern shown in Fig. 1 with elongated slots of dimensions indicated in Fig. 1. The
tolerance on dimensions shall be 0.20 mm for dimensions equal to or more than 50 mm
and 0.10 mm for dimensions less than 50 mm. This gauge will be used for flakiness
c) Sieves IS Sieves of sizes shown in Table A.
d) Metal Gauge for elongation index test (length gauge) the metal gauge shall be of the
Pattern shown in Fig. 2. This gauge will be used for elongation index test.

Thickness Gauge (Fig-1)

Figure 2 [IS: 2386 (Part-I) 1963] Length gauge (Plan & Elevation)
All dimensions are in mm
6.2.1 Table-I: Dimensions of Thickness And Length Gauges

Size of the aggregate

Passing through Retained through Thickness Gauge Length gauge (1.8
IS sieve IS Sieve (0.6 times the mean times the mean
(1) (2) sizes) mm sizes) mm
(3) (4)
63 50 33.9 -
50 40 27 81.0
40 31.5 19.50 58.5
31.5 25 16,95 -
25 20 13.50 40.5
20 16 10.80 32.4
16 12.5 8.55 25.6
12.5 10 6.75 20.2
10 6.3 4.89 14.7

6.3. Sample preparation:

A quantity of aggregate shall be taken sufficient to provide the minimum number of 200 pieces
of any fraction to be tested.

Flaky and Elongated particles (Fig-3)

6.4. Test procedure:
1. Sieving the sample shall be sieved in accordance with the method described in 3 with
the sieves specified in Table.
2. Separation of Flaky Material each fraction shall be gauged in turn for thickness on a
metal gauge of the pattern shown in Fig. 1 or in bulk on sieves having elongated slots. The
width of the slot used in the gauge or sieve shall be of the dimensions specified in col 3 of
table A for the appropriate size of material.
3. Weighing of Flaky Material - the total amount passing the gauge shall be weighed to an
accuracy of at least 0.1 percent of the weight of the test sample.
4. Separation of Elongated Material- each fraction shall be gauged individually for length on
a metal length gauge of the pattern shown in Fig.2. The gauge length used shall be that
specified in col 4 of table A for the appropriate size of material.
5. weighing of Elongated Material - the total amount retained by the length gauge shall be
weighed to an accuracy of at least 0.1 percent of the weight of the test sample.

6.5. Recording of observations:

In this test, flakiness index of sample and combined elongation-flakiness index of sample is
determined. Observations are as follow

6.5.1 Table II: - Observation table for flakiness index

Size of Sample, mm

Sl. No. Passing Retained Weight of sample, Weight passing through

through gm thickness gauge, gm

1 40

2 31.5

3 25
4 20

5 16.5

6 12

7 10


6.5.2 Table III: - Observation table for combined elongation-flakiness index

Size of Sample, mm

Sl. No. Passing Retained Weight of sample, Weight retained on

through gm elongation gauge, gm

1 31.5

2 25

3 20

4 16.5

5 12

6 10


6.6. Calculations:

The flakiness index is the total weight of the material passing the various thickness gauges or
sieves, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.

Total weight of material = .

Total weight of material passing thickness gauge =
Flakiness Index (FI) =
The combined flaky index & elongation index is the total weight of the non flaky material
retained on the various length gauges, expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the
sample gauged.
Total weight of material retained on length gauge =
Total weight of non flaky material =
Elongation Index (EI) =

6.7. Discussions:

6.8. References:
1. IS 2386: Part I: 1963 Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Part I: Particle Size
and Shape.
2. M. S. Shetty, Concrete technology theory and practice, revision 2005.
3. Specification for road & bridge works (Ministry of shipping, Road, Transport & highways)
fourth revision.
7.1 Introduction

The test is conducted to determine the effects of moisture upon the adhesion of the
bituminous film to the surface particles of the aggregate. This test is of significant value to
ascertain the suitability of the two materials viz. bitumen (binder) and aggregates, because
one particular aggregate may be satisfactory with one binder and unsatisfactory with another;
and the same being true for the binders.

Figure 1: Aggregate sample on the right suffers from severe stripping. Same aggregate on the
left but with asphalt binder.

The specification of Ministry of Transport and Shipping recommend the

determination of stripping value by the static immersion method in accordance with IS:
6241-1971. .The determinations that may be made from this procedure are identical to those
made under AASHTO T 283: Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture-
Induced Damage, ASTM D 4867: Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures.

7.2 Apparatus:

1. Thermostatically controlled water bath.

2. Beakers of capacity 500 ml

7.3 Sample Preparation:

The aggregate sample: the test sample consists of aggregate of size passing 20mm
sieve and retained on 12.5mm sieve.

7.4 Procedure:
i. Obtain the material that passing through 20mm sieve and is retained on 12.5mm
ii. Dry, clean and heat the binder and aggregates (200g) to 150C-175C and 120-150C
respectively and mix with 5 percent binder by weight of aggregate.

Fig -2: Aggregates with 5 percent binder by weight of aggregate

iii. After completing of coating, allow the mixture to cool at room temperature in clean
dry beaker.
iv. Add distilled water to immerse the coated aggregates.
v. Cover the beaker and keep it undisturbed in a thermostatic water bath at a temp. of
40C for 24 hours.
vi. Estimate the extent of stripping by visual examination while the specimen is still
under water and express as the average per cent area of the aggregate surface
7.5 Record of Observation:

The result is reported as the percentage of aggregate surface that is stripped of after the
specified time periods. We observed visually that there is no loss of coating after 24
hours of the immersion of the mix in distilled water.

7.6. Discussions:

7.7. References:
1. IS 6241: 1971Method of Test for Determination of Stripping Value of Road Aggregates.
2. ASTM D 4867: Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures.
3. Specification for road & bridge works (Ministry of shipping, Road, Transport & highways)
fourth revision.

8.1 Introduction:

This test method provides one measure of tensile properties of bituminous

materials and may be used to measure ductility for specification requirements. Bitumen is
extensively used as a binder in flexible pavements. It is necessary that this binder forms a
good and long lasting film around the aggregates when mixed with the aggregates. One of the
most important properties of the film is that, it should be ductile. A ductile film of binder
ensures an improved physical interlocking between bitumen and aggregates. In addition to
this, traffic running over the pavement in future, continuously imparts load on to it. If the
binder material is not sufficiently ductile, it will crack and eventually the result will be
pavement failure. Lesser ductility results in porous pavements which is not at all desirable.
Also we can say that ductility is a measure of tensile strength of the bitumen. Above
statements indicate that ductility is an important property of bitumen. Hence, this test is
carried out to judge suitability of bitumen in field.
Ductility of a bitumen sample is measured in laboratory as the distance to which
a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched at specified speed and temperature before

8.2 Apparatus:
a. Mould: A mould made of brass as shown in Figure 1 is required for the test. It should
form a briquette of following dimensions shown in Table 1.

Figure 1
Table 1: Dimensions of briquette:
Total length 75mm
Distance between clips 30mm
Width at mouth of clip 20mm
Width at minimum cross-section 10mm
Thickness throughout 10mm

b. Water bath: A water bath preferably with a thermostat maintained within 0.10C of
specified test temperature is required. The bath should contain minimum 10 liters of
water. The depth of specimen when immersed in water in the bath should be minimum
100mm and the sample shall be supported on a perforated platform which should be at
least 50mm from the bottom of the bath.

c. Testing machine: A machine for pulling the briquette of bitumen is required which
should be capable of maintaining briquette under water during testing. Also, the pulling
rate should be constant as specified along with a provision for stirring to maintain the
uniform temperature. A testing machine is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
d. Thermometer: A thermometer of range 0 to 440C is required.

8.3. Procedure:
a. The test is to be carried out at 270C unless a different temperature is specified and the
rate of pull or stretching should be 50mm per minute.
b. Initially heat the bitumen to a temperature of 75-1000C i.e. approximately above the
softening point to make is thoroughly fluid.
c. Assemble the mould on a glass plate having a coating of equal parts of glycerine and
d. Pour the material in to the mould and allow it to cool at room temperature for 30-40
minutes. Put the sample in water bath maintained at 270C for 80-90 minutes. Test the
sample immediately.
e. Fix the briquette in the testing machine using screws and start pulling at the rate of
50mm per minute. Note down the length at which the specimen breaks. Figure below
shows starting and end point of the test.

8.4 Observations:
Two briquette specimens of bitumen were prepared in laboratory and tested for ductility. For
both the samples the ductility was observed to be full scale value.

8.5 Discussion:

8.6 References:
i. IS: 1208-1978 Methods for testing tar and bituminous material: Determination of
ii. ASTM D113-07 Standard test method for Effects of ductility of bituminous materials.
iii. The shell bitumen Hand book-2007.
9.1 Introduction:
At high temperatures, bituminous materials emit hydrocarbon vapours which are
susceptible to catch fire. Therefore the heating temperatures of bituminous material should be
restricted to avoid hazardous conditions. A sort of boundary line or safety line can be drawn for
the temperature of the bitumen. These boundaries are flash point and fire point. Flash point and
fire point tests are used to determine the temperature to which bituminous material can safely be
heated. Flash and fire points are defined as follows.
The flash point of a material is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame
causes the vapours from the material momentarily catches fire in the form of a flash under
specified conditions of test.
The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame causes the
material to ignite and burn at least for 5 seconds under specified condition of test. This test is
done to determine the flash point and the fire point of asphaltic bitumen and fluxed native
asphalt, cutback bitumen and blown type bitumen as per IS: 1209 1978.

9.2. Apparatus:
The apparatus as per IS 1209-1978 consists of:

I. Pensky-Martens closed tester consist of different parts:

a) Cup It is made of brass. The inside of the cup may be turned to a slightly larger diameter
above the filling mark and the outside may be tapered above the flange. The flange is
about 12mm in width and approx. 3mm in thickness.
b) Lid It includes a stirring device, cover proper, shutter and flame exposure device. The
stirring device consists of a vertical steel shaft of 2.5mm to 3mm diameter and mounted
in the centre of the cup. It carries two bladed brass propellers. Cover proper is made of
brass and fits the outside of the cup closely. It has 4 openings.
Shutter- 2.5mm thickness and made of brass. It is so shaped and mounted that it rotates
on the axis of the horizontal centre of the lid.
c) Stove- it consist of an air bath and a top plate on which the flange of the cup rests. Air
bath has a cylindrical interior 41.3 to42.2mm in depth.
d) Thermometers For low range values, it has measurement range from -7C to 110C and
readable up to 0.5C. For expected higher values of flash point and fire point,
thermometers having a range of 90C to 370C readable to 2C should be used.

Pensky-Martens closed tester

9.3. Sample Preparation:

Clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories thoroughly. Fill the cup with the
material to be tasted upto the level indicated by the filling mark.

9.4. Procedure:

i. Place the lid on the cup and set the latter in the stove.
ii. Insert the thermometers.
iii. Light and adjust the test flame so that it is of the size of bead of 4mm in dia. Apply heat
such that the temperature rises at a rate of 5C to 6C per minute.
iv. Turn the stirrer at a rate of approximately 60 revolutions per minute.
v. Apply the test flame by operating the device for controlling the shutter and test flame
burner so that the flame is lowered in 0.5seconds, left in its lowered position for 1
second, and quickly raised to its high position. Discontinue stirring during the application
of flame.
vi. Apply the test flame initially at a temp. 17C below the expected flash point. Thereafter
the test flame interval of 1C for ranges about 104C. For the temp. range about 104C
increase this interval to 2C.
vii. Note down the flash point as the temperature at which the flame application causes a
distinct flash in the interior of the cup.

9.5. Observations:
The tested sample of bitumen had a flash point at a temperature of 3000C. As the flash
point was observed at this high temperature, it was difficult to go for still higher temperature
and find the fire point.

9.6. Discussion:

9.7. References:

1. IS 1209:1978 Methods for tasting flash & fire point of bituminous material.
2. The shell bitumen hand book.
10.1. Introduction:

Penetration test measures the consistency of a bitumen sample. Consistency may be referred to as
homogeneity, fluidity etc. In simple words, penetration test gives extent of hardness or softness of a
bitumen sample. In this test, we measure the vertical penetration of a standard loaded needle into a
bitumen sample in five seconds. This penetration is expressed in tenths of millimeter. For example, if
penetration is 8mm, penetration value would be 80. This penetration value of bitumen is used for
classifying the bituminous samples. The penetration values may range from 20 to 225. Classification is
done as 30-40, 80-100 bitumen etc. It means, penetration value lies between 80 and 100. Hence, to know
the type of bitumen we are using, penetration test is required to be carried out. The penetration test is
carried out at 250C most of the times unless a specific temperature has been suggested.

Penetration value is largely affected by many parameters such as pouring temperature,

dimensions of penetrating needle, weight placed on needle and the temperature at which test is carried
out. Hence, proper care has to be taken while conducting the test.

In India, up to 2006 penetration grade classification was used. Classification based on

penetration values does not indicate the variability in the properties of each class of bitumen at higher
temperatures. This variation in properties of bitumen is effectively addressed by viscosity values at higher
temperatures. Hence, in the third revision of IS-73, viscosity grade bitumen classification is adopted.


A. Container- A metal or glass cylindrical flat bottom container of essentially the following
dimensions shall be used:
a. For penetrations below 225:
i. Diameter, mm 55
ii. Internal depth, mm 35
b. For penetration between 225 and 350:
i. Diameter, mm 70
ii. Internal depth, mm 45
B. Needle- A straight, highly polished, cylindrical, hard steel rod, with conical and parallel
portions co axial, having the definite shape& dimensions. The needle is provided with a
shank approximately 3 mm in diameter into which it is immovably fixed. The taper shall be
symmetrical and the point shall be blunted by grinding to a truncated cone.
C. Water bath-A water bath preferably with a thermostat maintained at 250C containing not
less than 10 litres of water, the sample being immersed to a depth of not less than 100 mm
from top & supported on shelf.
D. Transfer dish- A small dish or tray, provided with some means which ensure a firm bearing
& prevent the rocking of the container and such capacity as will ensure complete
immersion of the container during the test.
E. Penetration apparatus- Any apparatus which will allow the needle without appreciable
friction, which is accurately calibrated to yield results in tenths of millimetre shall be
F. Thermometer- It shall conform the following the requirements:

10.2.1 Table-I Characteristics and Requirements of Thermometer

Sr. No. Characteristic Requirement

1 Range 0 to 440C
2 Graduations 0.20C
3 Immersion 65mm
4 Overall length 340mm

G. Time device- For hand operated penetrometer, any convenient timing device, such as
electric meter, stop watch, or any other spring accurate device may be used.
10.3.Sample preparation:
Soften the material to a pouring consistency at a temperature not more than 90oC for
bitumen above the approximate softening point and stir it thoroughly until it is homogeneous
and free from air bubbles and water. Pour the melt in to the container to a depth at least 10
mm in excess of expected penetration. Protect the sample from dust and allow it to cool in an
atmosphere at a temperature between 15 to 300C for 1.5 to 2 hour for 45 mm deep container
and 1 to 1.5 hours when 35 mm deep container is used. Then place it along with the transfer
dish in the water bath at 25oC and allow it to remain for 1.5 to2 hour for 45 mm deep
container and 1 to 1.5 hours when 35 mm deep container.

Prepared sample in cup


i. Fill the transfer dish with water from the water bath to a depth sufficient to cover the
container completely; place the sample in it and put it upon the stand of the
penetration apparatus. Adjust the needle to make contact with the surface of sample.
ii. This may be accomplished by placing the needle point in the contact with the image
reflected by the surface of the material from a suitably placed source of light.
iii. Load the needle holder with the required to make a total moving weight (that is the
sum of the weights of the needle, carrier, superimposed weights) of 1000.25 gm.
iv. Note the reading of the dial or bring the pointer to zero. Release the needle and adjust
the points, if necessary to measure the distance penetrated. With the help of the timer,
release the needle for exactly 5 seconds.
v. Record the dial reading. Repeat the above procedure thrice.

Table 1 shows observations for penetration test conducted on two bitumen samples at
250C test temperature.

10.5.1 Table I - Observations for penetration test:

Sample Number Penetration value 1 Penetration value 2 Penetration value 3 Mean


10.6. Discussion:

10.7. References:

1. IS: 1203 1978 determination the penetration of bitumen.

2. Shell bitumen Handbook.
3. S. K. Khanna & C. E. G. Justo, Highway Engineering, eighth edition 2005,page no 304.

11.1. Introduction:
The softening point of the bitumen is the temperature at which the bitumen attains a
particular degree of softening under specified test conditions. The softening point of bitumen
indicates temperature susceptibility of bitumen. As we know, bitumen to be used in road
construction should have low temperature susceptibility. Higher softening point indicates lower
temperature susceptibility. Hence, it is necessary to know softening point of bitumen in order to
judge suitability of bitumen in road construction.
In addition, the binder should have sufficient fluidity before its applications in road uses. The
determination of softening point helps to know the temperature up to which a bituminous binder
should be heated for various road use applications. Softening point is determined by ring and ball

i. The ring and ball apparatus as per IS 1205-1978 consists of following:
a. Steel balls: Two in number each of 9.5 mm diameter and weighing 3.50.05 g.
b. Brass rings: Two in number each having depth of 6.4mm. The inside diameter at
bottom and top is 15.9mm and 17.5mm respectively.
c. Support: It should hold rings in position and also allow for suspension of a
thermometer. The distance between the bottom of the rings and the top surface of the
bottom plate of the support is 25mm.
ii. Thermometer: Low temperature range of 2 to 80oC and accuracy of 0.2oC. High
temperature range of 30 to 200C and accuracy 0.5oC is required.
iii. Bath: A heat resistant glass beaker not less than 85mm in dia. and 1220mm in depth.
iv. Stirrer: A manual or mechanical stirrer which ensures uniform heat distribution is
Ring and ball apparatus

11.3.Preparation of sample:
Heat the material to a temperature between 75 and 100oC above its softening point. Stir it
to remove air bubbles and water. If necessary filter it through IS Sieve 30. Place the rings,
previously heated to a temperature approximating to that of molten material, on a metal
plate which has been coated with a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and dextrin and fill
with sufficient melt to give an excess above level of the ring when cooled. After cooling for
30 minutes in air, the excess sample should be cut off by a knife.


a. Assemble the apparatus with the rings, thermometer and ball guides in position.
b. Fill the beaker with boiled distilled water to height of 50 mm above the upper surface of
the rings. The temperature of water initially should be 5.0 0.5oC per minute.
c. In case if the softening point of the material under consideration is more than 800C,
instead of water bath glycerine bath is used and the initial temperature of glycerine is
d. Apply heat to the bath and stir the liquid so that the temperature rises at a uniform rate of
5.0 0.5oC per minute.
e. As the temperature increases the bituminous material softens and the ball sinks through
the ring, carrying a portion of the material with it.
f. Record the temperature at which the sample surrounding ball touches the bottom, which
is nothing but the softening point of that material.

The temperature at which bitumen touches bottom plate was found to be _____0C.
Hence, softening point is ____0C.

11.6. Discussion:

11.7. References:

1. IS: 1205 1978 determination the softening point of bitumen.

2.Shell bitumen Handbook.
3. S. K. Khanna & C. E. G. Justo, Highway Engineering, eighth edition 2005, page no 308
12.1 Introduction:
Bitumen binder is used in the construction of roads. The main important property is the density
of the bitumen. This is so because, when the bitumen is mixed with the aggregates it is converted
to volume units using the density of bitumen. Purity of bitumen affects the density considerably.

Specific gravity is defined as ratio of the weight of unit volume of material to the weight of
equal volume of water both being measured at same temperature. This test is done to determine
the specific gravity of semi-solid bitumen as per IS: 1202 1978. Standard test method to
measure the density & specific gravity of bitumen is also given in BS EN 15326:2007.

12.2 Apparatus: The apparatus for the test shall consist of the following.

a. Balance: A balance accurate to 0.5 g is required for the test.

b. Pycnometer: A pycnometer (i.e. specific gravity bottle) of 50ml capacity is required
for the test. Pycnometer is shown in the figure below.

Figure 1 [Pycnometer]

12.3. Procedure:

i. Clean and dry the specific gravity bottle together with stopper. Weigh it with stopper.
[Weight A].
ii. Fill it completely with distilled water at 270C. Weigh the bottle together with stopper.
[Weight B].
iii. Heat the bitumen until it attains fluidity.
iv. Dry the bottle and stopper. Fill about half of the bottle with bitumen sample and
weigh it. [Weight C].
v. Keep the bottle without disturbing for half an hour or so till the bitumen sample is
cooled to room temperature.
vi. After cooling fill the bottle with the distilled water and weigh it along with the
stopper. [Weight D].

12.4.Observations: Different weights taken during experiment are mentioned in Table 1 below.

12.4.1 Table 1: Observations for specific gravity test of bitumen.

Sample Weight of empty Pyknometer + Pyknometer+ Pyknometer+ Water

pyknometer (A), Distilled Water Sample (C), + Sample (D),
Gm (B), gm gm gm

12.5. Calculations:

Specific gravity of our sample (semi solid bitumen) = [C-A] / [(B-A) (D-C)]

Specific gravity of our sample bitumen =



1 IS 1202:1978 Methods for tasting tar bituminous material.

2 The shell bitumen hand book.
3 BS EN 15326:2007 Standard test method to measure the density & specific gravity of
13. Spot Speed Study Using Radar Speed Gun

13.1. Objective:

The aim of the experiment to determine the spot speed distribution of a traffic stream at a
specific location by radar gun.

13.2. Equipment required:

1) Radar speed meter

2) Note pad
3) Data sheet

Fig 1: Radar gun

13.3. Methodology:

Radar speed meter was used in radar gun method, which automatically records the
instantaneous speed of fast moving vehicle having speed greater than 20 kmph on the track.
This is one of the simplest of method for spot speed determination. These meter work on
the Doppler principle that the speed of a moving body is proportional to the change in the
frequency between the radio wave transmitted to the moving body and the radio wave received
back. The effective measuring distance for radar meters ranges from 200 feet up to 2 miles. A
radar meter requires line-of-sight to accurately measure speed and is easily operated by one

The instruments directly measure the speed, and an accuracy of at least (+/-) 1.5 to 3
kmph. The instrument is battery operated and is portable. The speed meter is so kept that the
angle between the direction of travel of vehicle and the axis of transmission of the radio wave is
as low as possible, say within 200. Different sized vehicles and the detection of the observation
vehicle may affect radar readings. Large vehicles such as trucks and buses send the strongest
return signal to the radar meters and as a result smaller vehicles may not be detected. If there is a
presence of large vehicles, the observer may need to record the speeds of vehicles that are alone.
The radar unit may be turned off while not in use so radar detectors cannot detect it. The
instrument is set up near the edge of the carriageway at a height of about 1m, above the ground
level. The speed of vehicles in both directions can be observed by this method.

13.4. Procedure:

The device has been extensively used for traffic engineering studies as well as for
enforcement by traffic police. The method of conducting this radar gun spot speed experiment
following sequence of steps has taken to complete the procedure.

13.4.1 Step 1: Selection of proper location and placement of radar meter-

It is critical to say about the proper placement of the radar meter at the study area. The
positioning of the radar unit is determined by the capabilities of the radar unit. The unit should
also be concealed from the view of motorists. Effective ranges may be up to 2 miles, but as the
distance increases the effectiveness of the radar meter decreases. The least accurate position,
which is obtained when the meter is aimed at a 90-degree angle to the roadway centerline. An
accurate sketch of the site should be documented, including number of lanes, position of
observer, and description of reference points.

13.4.2 Step 2: Appropriate Selection Strategy should determined-

It is important to select the target vehicles that represent the vehicle population under study .it is
as certain that what type of vehicles are concerned such as cars trucks busses and other type of
LCV .when the vehicle is defined a selection strategy is developed to provide a random a sample.
Random sample is reducing the tendency to select standout vehicle.

13.4.3. Step 3: Record observations on radar meter speed data form -

The observer records the date, locations, posted speed limit, weather conditions, start time, end
time, and down time. A slash is recorded on the dates form corresponding to observed the speed
for each selected vehicle under the vehicle type classifications.

13.4.4. Step 4: Generate the frequency distributions table and probability density curves.

The frequency distribution, relative frequency distribution and the probability distribution are
obtained. Plots to compare the latter two are made. The goodness of fit is observed from chi-
squared test.

13.5 Calculations and Analysis

The calculations and analysis are done and attached. The spot speeds (free flow) observed have
been plotted.
13.5 Results:

The Mean and Standard Deviation of Speed for different type of vehicles are tabulated below:


Mean speed


For significance

13.6. Disucssion
14. Travel time and volume study using Moving Observer Method.

14.1. Objective:
To study travel time and volume using Moving Observer Method.

14.2 Equipment:
1. Writing pad
2. Survey Performa
3. Counter
4. Stop watch
14.3 Procedure:
The method requires three observers. A test car was run to and fro along the section or
sections, approximately travelling at average traffic stream speed. One observer recorded the
number of vehicles in the opposing traffic. The second observer recorded the number of
overtaken and overtaking vehicles. The third observer recorded the journey time from the
beginning to the end of each section with the help of a stop watch. With the help of another stop
watch the third observer also recorded the stopped times. Suitable time points were chosen to
record the data.
From the collected data the following parameters were calculated:
+ )
( + )

= (


q= volume (veh/hr.)
=Number of vehicles that overtakes the test car when test car is moving with
the traffic steam.
= number of vehicles that overtakes the test car when test car is moving with
the traffic stream.
TW = travel time in hours when the test car is moving with the traffic stream
Ta = travel time in hours when the test car is moving against the traffic stream
T = Average travel time in hours
= average speed of traffic stream in km/hr, L= distance in km.

14.4 Calculations:
Table showing the equivalent pcu values:
MAV auto bus LCV car truck

For other calculation see attachments.

14.5. Result:

Towards ---------- From -----------------

Volume Volume
Average time Average time
Average Speed Average Speed
Manually Manually
recorded recorded
volume at volume at
crusher crusher

Here in blank write the destination point

14.6. Discussion:
15. Mid- Block Traffic Volume and Speed Study by Video Recording
15.1. Objective:

The aim of the experiment is to study mid-block traffic volume and speed study by video

15.2. Equipment required:

1. Video camera and its accessories

2. Tripod
3. Writing pad
4. Survey proforma.

15.3. Methodology:

Video recording is the simple method to obtain the speed and volume at any cross section of the
road. Video is recorded an analysed that how much time it is taking to cross two sections at
known distance and hence speed is calculated.


Select the suitable section on the road and place the video camera at a little distance from the
nearest edge of the road. To mark the desirable two cross sections at 30 meter (14 meter in our
case) apart on the road on observer has to move on these sections and the process should
recorded. Camera placement should be such that both sections should be visible simultaneously.
This recorded section will be used as a reference section during the analysis of video data.
Record the traffic on the section for 1.5 hour (30 minutes in our case). Also record the necessary
information related to road geometry (i.e. road width, divided or undivided etc.). Later play the
video on the computer and do the classified volume count and speed analysis, however note
down the readings for every 5 minutes flow. Speed data for free flow vehicles should also be
15.5. Calculations and Analysis:

The calculations and analysis are done and attached.

15.6. Results:

15.7. Disscusion

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