White1997 Dental Calculus Formation Etc

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Eur J Oral Set 1997: 105: 508-522 Copyright C' Stunksi'uurd }997

Primed in UK. All rif^lils ri-servcd EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF

ISSN 0909S836

Donald J. White
Dental calculus: recent The Procter and Gamble Company, Health
Care Research Center, Mason. OH, USA

insights into occurrence,

formation, prevention,
removal and oral health
effects of supragingival and
subgingival deposits
White DJ: Dented calculus: recent insights into occurrence, formation, prevention,
removal and oral health effects of supragingival and subgingival deposits. Eur
J Oral Sci 1997: 105: 508-522. Munksgaard, 1997

Dental calculus, both supra- and subgingival occurs in the majority of adults
worldwide. Dental calculus is calcified dental plaque, composed primarily of
calcium phosphate mineral salts deposited between and within remnants of
formerly viable microorganisms. A viable dental plaque covers mineralized
calculus deposits. Levels of calculus and location of formation are population
specific and are affected by oral hygiene habits, access to professional care,
diet, age, ethnic origin, time since last dental cleaning, systemic disease and the
use of prescription medications. In populations that practice regular oral
hygiene and with access to regular professional care, supragingival dental
calculus formation is restricted to tooth surfaces adjacent to the salivary ducts.
Levels of supragingival calculus in these populations is minor and the calculus
has little if any impact on oral-health. Subgingival calculus formation in these
populations occurs coincident with periodontal disease (although the calculus
itself appears to have little impact on attachment loss), the latter being
correlated with dental plaque. In populations that do not practice regular
hygiene and that do not have access to professional care, supragingival calculus
occurs throughout the dentition and the extent of calculus formation can be
extreme. In these populations, supragingival calculus is associated with the
promotion of gingival recession. Subgingival calculus, in "low hygiene"
populations, is extensive and is directly correlated with enhanced periodontal
attachment loss. Despite extensive research, a complete understanding of the
etiologic significance of subgingival calculus to periodontal disease remains
elusive, due lo inability to clearly dilTerentiate effects of calculus versus "plaque
on calculus". As a result, we are not entirely sure whether subgingival calculus
is the cause or result of periodontal inliammation. Research suggests that
subgingival calculus, at a minimum, may expand the radius of plaque induced
periodontal injury. Removal of subgingival plaque and calculus remains lhe Donald J. White, The Procter and Gamble
cornerstone of periodontal therapy. Calculus formation is the result of Company, Health Care Research Center,
petrification of dental plaque biofilm. with mineral ions provided by biithing 8700 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason,
OH 45040-9462, USA
saliva or crevicular fluids. Supragingival calculus formation can be conlrolled
by chemical mineralization inhibitors, applied in toothpastes or mouthrinses. Telefax: +1-513-6220413
These agents act to delay plaque calcification, keeping deposits in an E-mail: White.DJ.1@PG.com
amorpho^us non-hardened state to facilitate removal with regular hygiene.
Key words: calculus; tartar; plaque; biofilm;
Clinical eflicacy for these agents is typically assessed as the reduction in tartar mineralization
area coverage on the teeth between dental cleatiing. Research shows that
Accepted for publication July 1997
Dental ealculus: current understanding 509

topically applied mineralizalion inhibitors can also influence adhesion and

hardness of calculus deposits on the tooth surface, facilitating removal. Future
research in calculus may include the development of improved supragingival
tartar control formulations, the development of treatments for the prevention
of subgingival calculus formation, the development of improved methods for
root detoxification and dcbridement and the development and application of
sensitive diagnostic methods to assess subgingival debridement efficacy.

the many substances present in mature calculus

Dental calculus: definition, localization,
deposits. PARSCHE et al. (30) analyzed calculus
composition from skeletal remains to assess dietary aspects of
The definition, localization and composition of ancient Bavarian and Egyptian civilizations.
dental calculus are well known {see 1-5). Calculus ABDAZIMOV (31) analyzed heavy metal levels in
is mineralized dental plaque which forms both calculus from production workers as a quantitative
above (supragingival) and below (subgingival) the and simple means to assess occupational exposure
gumline. Once highly mineralized, calculus can to these toxins. KAWANO et al. (32) successfully
become cement-like in terms of both physical hard- extracted DNA from calculus and used this for the
ness (Vickers Hardness averaging 30-40 units, forensic assessment of gender.
maximum observed ^ 190) (6) and adhesive
strength (7-8). We have recorded developed forces
up to 2.0 kg required for calculus removal during Epidemiology of calculus
scaling (9). While the substrate for subgingival An understanding of the prevalence and incidence
calculus is hmited to root surfaces, supragingival o( both supragingival and subgingival calculus is
calculus can occur on enamel surfaces, dentin or important, as it provides perspective not only on
cementum. depending upon exposure o( the latter the health, but on treatment and professional ser-
two surfaces through recession or attachment loss vice requirements of populations (33-34). There
(10). The composition of calculus and adhesive are a multitude of recent reports available on
aspects are influenced by the location of its forma- calculus prevalence from throughout the world. A
tion as well as its age (1 -3 ). The mineral component Medline survey against key words "dental calculus
of dental calculus predominates in formed, and epidemiology" revealed over 50 iniliviilital stud-
hardened deposits. Minerals found in human calcu- ies published in the 199O's. These studies have
lus are typically calcium phosphate salts, including included a number of national surveys for the U.S.
variable amounts of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (36-39) and various countries in Europe (40-41).
(DCPD), octacalcium phosphate (OCP). substi- as well as many surveys from geographies reported
tuted hydroxyapatite (HAP) and magnesium sub- for the first time. Invariably, these surveys revealed
stituted tricalcium phosphate (Whitlockite), a high prevalence of calculus (70-100%) in virtually
Evidence suggests that the proportion of mineral every population studied. Unfortunately, most of
phases is affected by kinetic aspects of calcification these surveys provide insufficient detail to differen-
initiation and transformation (1-3, 5, 11-15). In tiate actual levels of supragingival versus subgingi-
addition to mineral components, calculus contains val deposits. Many studies from around the world
a variety of inorganic and organic species from evaluated calculus while applying the CPITN index
bacterial, salivary and dietary origin (1. 4, 16). (34) for assessing population need for periodontai
These can be incorporated either during mineraliz- care. In studies applying the CPITN, supra- and
ation or following calcification, as calculus is quite subgingival calculus are not difl'erentiated, although
porous. Mineral deposits are found to be distrib- calculus formation is assigned a higher score (# 2)
uted both between and within organisms, than gingivitis. Additional sttidies which assist in
depending upon deposit age (1). defining the epidemiology o( supragingival calculus
Recent studies have applied sophisticated analyt- include BEISWANGER et al. (42), MACPHERSON et al.
ical and biochemical methods toward the analysis (43) and ANERUD ei al. (44). Overall, the results of
of dental calculus in an effort to expand under- these three surveys support that both supragingival
standing of its composition and properties (17-26). and subgingival calculus are commonly found in
The porosity properties of calculus makes it an most populations. Regardless of scoring indices
attractive substrate for study in a variety of fields. used, it is clear that calculus levels observed within
Oxalic acid (27). porphyrins (28) and osteopontin populations are affected by numerous variables.
(29) have recently been newly identified as some o( These include, for example, subject age (36-42,
510 White

43-44) gender (38, 42,44), ethnic background and of the microbiological contribution to periodontal
diet (1, 36, 38,45-47), oral hygiene {43-44,48-50), disease decreased interest in calculus as a specific
access to (and time since) last professional cleaning etiologic agent. As documented by TEN CATE (56)
(42, 43-44, 48-50) the presence of mental or phys- and MANDEL & GAFFEN (4, 57), the last decade
ical handicaps (51), diabetes (52) and use of com- has seen renewed interest in supra- and subgingival
monly prescribed medications (53-54). calculus effects on disease processes, on the one
Considering all factors, it would appear that the hand, due to the commercial success of toothpastes
bulk of data on calculus prevalence support the sold for the control of supragingival calculus, and
conclusions cited by ANERUD and co-workers (44) on the other hand, due to the success of phase I
- summarized as follows. periodontal therapy (scaling and root planing, with
Calculus development must be considered in subgingival calculus debridement) in treating early
light of hygiene practiced by populations and periodontal disease.
access of these individuals to professional
In populations with regular oral hygiene and Supragingival calculus
regular access to professional care (Western The location of supragingival calculus precludes its
Model): direct participation in advanced periodontal dis-
Supragingival calculus forms in the vast major- ease. Researchers have, however, considered
ity of adults 0 50-100%); whether calculus deposits can enhance gingivitis
Supragingival calculus is observed in early teen along the gingival margin as a precursor toward
years and rate of accumulation does not signi- more advanced periodontal disease. ENZER (58)
ficantly increase with age: reported that only 11%. of examined tooth surfaces
Supragingival calculus is restricted primarily to containing calculus (supragingival or subgingival)
''VMF' teeth (55) - mandibular lingual surfaces exhibited gingivitis, while 75yo of the surfaces harb-
of anterior teeth and buccal surfaces of maxil- oring plaque exhibited gingival inflammation.
FRENCKEN et al. (59), in a longitudinal study of
lary molars;
Morogoro school children from 1984-1988 in
Subgingival calculus is also widely prevalent
Tanzania, observed that dental calculus increased
(>50 -100%);
with increasing age while gingival bleeding
Subgingival calculus occurs throughout the den- remained the same, suggestive of no correlation
tition - particularly on proximal surfaces; between calculus and gingival condition. BADER
In populations without access to regular profes- et al. (60-61) made the observation that tooth
sional care and/or those who do not practice regular crowns produced decreases in dental calculus and
hygiene (Non-Western Model): increases in gingivitis, suggestive of an inverse
Supragingival and subgingival calculus is found relation of calculus to disease. ANERUD et al. (44)
in 100% of subjects observed that supragingival calculus in the
Norwegian populations produced little effect on
Supragingival and subgingival calculus forma- local attachment loss. DONG et al. (62) recently
tion occurs throughout the dentition; carried out expanded analysis of CPITN survey
Supragingival calculus formation starts soon data (differentiating supra- and subgingival calculus
after tooth eruption and continues to a max- measures) and demonstrated that supragingival cal-
imum at age 30; culus levels did not correlate with gingival bleeding.
Subgingival calculus is formed within a decade In spite of these specific results, it is not uncom-
of tooth eruption and both affected teeth and mon to find significant correlations between plaque,
quantity of calculus increase with age - until calculus, debris and gingival disease levels in epide-
age 30. miologic studies. The mixture of epidemiologic
results illustrates of the difiiculty in separating
Association of calculus with disease effects of plaque versus calculus as etiologic factors
pathology in disease initiation and progression. In fact, the
design of most epidemiologic surveys does not
The association of dental calculus with periodontal permit the delineation, on a site basis, of the relative
health has probably been one of the most studied effects of calculus versus "plaque on calculus", on
topics in dental research. For several millennia disease promotion. Clinical studies, however, can
prior to 1960. dental calculus was considered to be in principle provide researchers with a belter means
a primary etiologic factor in the initiation and to delineate the proportionate contributions of
progression of periodontal diseases (1, 4). In the supragingival calculus to disease processes, owing
decade of the 1970s, the improved understanding
Dental calculus: current understanding 511

10 the controlled conditions (oral hygiene, treat- utilizing the active dentifrice experienced no signi-
ment etc.) possible in these experiments. ficant changes in gingival indices. These results
A pivotal study examining the disease promoting suggest that the clinical benefits of supragingival
potential of supragingival calculus versus that of calculus reduction are not accompanied by gingiv-
dental plaque was conducted by GAARE and itis improvement.
co-workers employing a novel clinical design (63). In a second study, KOCH et al. (65) examined
136 Indonesian soldiers exhibiting substantial levels changes in gingival bleeding among - 1035 children
of calculus were recruited for participation. In one participating in a 3-year caries clinical study com-
half of the subjects, a full prophylaxis was per- paring the eflects of three fluoride toothpastes to
formed, while in the remaining subjects, calculus two "fluoride-I-anticalculus" toothpastes, one con-
was allowed to remain on the teeth. At the initiation taining \% EHDP as the active tartar control
of the study, all subjects, prophylaxis and control, ingredient, and the other containing l"4ofa diphos-
were given a commercial fluoridated dentifrice phonate analog { AHP-azocyciohept\lidene 1.1
(Pepsodent, 1500 ppm fluoride, alumina abrasive), diphosphonic acid). Clinical examinations demon-
a new toothbrush, and oral hygiene instructions strated no differences in gingival bleeding for any
directing twice daily toothbrushing with the oi the five toothpastes over the 3 year clinical
assigned paste. Subjects were recalled at one month period, although improved oral hygiene produced
for clinical regrading at which time oral hygiene
an overall reduction in gingival bleeding in all
was reinforced. At two months, subjects returned
for a final clinical grading. Results showed no children. The use of the tartar control dentifrices
differences in gingivitis and gingival bleeding also produced directionally improved caries reduc-
between the subjects who had, and had not received tions to fluoride controls. Again, these results sup-
an initial prophylaxis. The authors interpreted these ported the lack of a strong correlation between
results to suggest that supragingival calculus does supragingival calculus and gingival bleeding and
not produce increased gingival inflammation. These gingivitis in a population practicing routine oral
conclusions were supported by the fact that subjects hygiene.
carrying out oral hygiene without the benefit of an Similar findings have also been observed in clin-
initial prophylaxis would have been expected to ical studies of currently marketed tartar control
have been restricted in their ability to cleanse formulations in the U.S. (66). In a 6 month double-
plaque from the oral cavity. This plaque would blind parallel design clinical study involving 454
have been expected to produce more gingivitis. subjects, the efl"ects of Crest Tartar Control^ denti-
Instead, any eflect of calculus on plaque build up frice containing 5.0'Mi soluble pyrophosphate was
was obviously not of sufficient magnitude to affect compared with effects produced by a similarly
gingivitis measures in these individuals. The results formulated placebo control dentifrice containing
ofthe study are made more powerful by considering no anticalculus ingredients. During the treatment
that the high level of calculus formation in the period, subjects using the commercial tartar control
Indonesians and the pronounced response of gin- active dentifrice were observed to produce signific-
gival indices to oral hygiene were illustrative oi antly less supragingival calculus than subjects using
excellent clinical sensitivity. control dentifrice, with reductions averaging
Additional support for the lack of gingival ^ 30'/<i. In contrast, the tartar control dentifrice
"pathogenicity" of supragingival calculus includes produced no therapeutic benefits for reducing gin-
studies of the clinical eflects of agents proven givitis or gingival bleeding in comparison to placebo
eflective in reducing calculus mineralization. dentifrice over the clinical period.
Diphosphonate crystal growth inhibitors have been MANDEL (4) has speculated that the lack of
investigated for their potential to simultaneously gingivitis effect for chemical agents proven to
reduce calculus formation and gingivitis in two reduce supragingival calculus may be related to the
long-term chnical investigations. In the first, SUOMI modest antitartar efficacy of agents tested to date.
et al. (64) examined the clinical effects of a denti- In support of this, MCNABB et al. (67) observed
frice containing 3yo ethane hydroxy diphosphonate that professional cleaning of supragingival plaque
{EHDP - disodium etidronate) on both calculus and calculus, 3 x times a week for 12 weeks resulted
formation and gingivitis development in 244 adults in shitts in pathogenic bacteria sampled from
in San Francisco over 18 months. The diphosphon- 4-6 mm pockets. These results suggest that rigorous
ate toothpaste produced between 27.1 and A1A% control of supragingival plaque and calculus can
reductions in supragingival calculus as compared potentially effect improved health in individuals
to a control (non-diphosphonate dentifrice) at the presenting with existing early stages of periodon-
three clinical measuring points; 6, 12 and 18 titis. Despite these findings, it is difficult to imagine
months. At these same treatment intervals, subjects a chemical antitartar agent producing clinical
512 White

effects comparable to thrice a week professional is known that while calculus itself contains few
dental cleaning. viable bacteria, a dental plaque virtually always
Additional clinical evidence supporting the lack covers the calculus surface, and that this plaque
of pathogenic potential for supragingival calculus contains periodontal pathogens (1. 75-78). On the
is provided by clinical studies of chlorhexidine other hand calculus, like dentin and cementum. is
mouthrinses. In long-term clinical studies. LOE et al. a porous substrate and can therefore adsorb a
(68) have observed increases in supragingival calcu- variety of substances from saliva and gingival exud-
lus formation complemented with decreases in ate, including fiuoride and bacterial by-products.
dental plaque and gingivitis during the use of Subgingival dental calculus has been demonstrated
chlorhexidine. It would appear that chlorhexidine to retain significant levels of endotoxin. and these
bactericidal actions can act to promote mineraliz- mineral deposits have been shown to effect tissue
ation of plaque substrates with no pathological damage in controlled experiments (79-87). The
consequence. These results have been replicated in separation of "cause and effect" for subgingival
a number of recent studies (69-71). calculus and periodontal disease has continued to
The combination of epidemiologic and clinical be elusive and remains the subject of extensive
observations suggest lack of an effect for supragin- research and debate (10, 57, 88-91). Recent studies
gival calculus deposits in promoting gingivitis. contribute further data to this controversy.
However, recent data suggest that in populations A number of contemporary studies (92-97) pro-
with heavy supragingival calculus deposition these duced data which could be interpreted as suggesting
deposits are not without consequence. RUSTOGI a relation between subgingival calculus and bone
et al. (72) demonstrated a correlation between and/or tissue attachment loss. CHRISTERSON et al.
gingival recession and supragingival calculus levels (97) observed that race and age were additional
in 260 children and teenagers in Thailand. The factors correlated to both subgingival calculus
effects of calculus on gingival recession were most formation and periodontal status. In their expanded
pronounced in subjects exhibiting VMI calculus study of category 2 CPITN scores, DONG et al.
levels (55) >35mm. (For reference, the average (62) noted a positive correlation between subgingi-
levels in a U.S. population, just prior to a dental val calculus and pocket bleeding status. In a 6-year
cleaning, are between 7-10 mm). JOSHIPURA et al. longitudinal study in China, BAELUM et al. (98)
(73) and LOE et al. (74) have also observed a direct observed an association of subgingival calculus
correlation between levels of supragingival calculus level with periodontal disease progression. In a
and gingival recession in surveys. Authors have study of Leukemia patients. BERGMANN et al. (99)
noted that while gingival recession in populations observed that scaling procedures were better than
which did not practice regular hygiene correlated plaque removal alone in alleviating pocket bleeding.
with supragingival calculus, this correlation was BROWN et al. (100) observed that black pigmented
less clear or absent in "Western" type populations
bacteriodes and spirochetes were found more often
who practiced regular oral hygiene. In populations
practicing regular oral hygiene, it would appear in pockets with calculus than in pockets without.
that gingival recession correlates most strongly with This suggests that subgingival calculus can alter
improper toothbrushing technique. microbial manifestations of periodontal disease.
TAKAHASHI et al. (101) studied the influence of
local oral hygiene, e.g. plaque and calculus depos-
Subgingival calculus
ition, on pocket formation (in excess of 4 mm) in
615 manual workers aged 18-49. The authors
As with the case of supragingival calculus and reported a substantial difference in pocket foiTna-
gingivitis, epidemiologic studies quite typically find tion for teeth with subgingival plaque vs. subgingi-
statistical correlations between subgingival calculus val plaque free. Further, the authors reported a
levels and loss of attachment and other measures smaller yet discernible increase in pocket formation
of periodontal disease progression. A wealth of for teeth with subgingival plaque and calculus vs.
literature also supports the benefits of subgingival teeth with subgingival plaque alone. These results
scaling and root planing (with concomitant calculus would support the controlling feature of subgingi-
removal) as highly efi'ective in resolving periodontal val plaque in promoting disease progression and in
disease. Scaling and root planing are taught as the potential for subgingival calculus to expand (he
phase I therapeutic options in periodontal treat- radius of damage associated with plaque. WOUTERS
ment (10). However, it can be fairly asked whether et al. (102) observed an association between subgin-
these correlations produce evidence of an etiologic gival calculus and alveolar bone height - although
association of subgingival calculus with periodontal oddly these authors did not see a relation between
disease processes, or whether calculus is merely a plaque and bone height. In a series of studies in
"by-product" of periodontitis. On the one hand, it diabetes patients, a strong correlation between
Dental calculus: current understanding 513

subgingival calculus level and periodontai disease look like it will be solved in the near future. In
progression was found, but again, the proportional fact, it may be impossible to completely clarify the
elTects of plaque versus mineralized deposits could cause or effect relation of calculus to pocket
not be separated (103-106). Data obtained in the inflammation and disease progression. The removal
Sri Lankan population studied by ANERUD et al. of subgingival calculus, with overlying plaque how-
(44) suggested that untreated calculus formation ever, remains the cornerstone of phase I periodontai
resulted in significant attachment loss over time. In therapy. As a result, research continues on ways to
contrast to these studies, others (107-112) pro- increase the thoroughness and efficacy of scaling
duced findings suggesting bone loss and attachment and root planing procedures (e.g., 127-148) and
loss were not directly associated with subgingival improved means for the in vivo assessment of
calculus per se. The studies cited above must be cleaning efficacy (149-151). With respect to
considered along with the multitude of surveys improvements in tactile sensitivity of subgingival
employing CPITN indices (see earlier section), cleaning efficacy, it is possible that the application
which invariably show elevated periodontai disease of new technologies such as the transducer-modified
status paralleling calculus (subgingival) levels. In a sealers and periodontai probes (9. 149-150) may
practical context, researchers (109, 112, 113-116) provide considerable potential for both professional
have commented that calculus enumeration in the training and therapy.
CPITN (community periodontai index of treatment
needs) may overestimate treatment needs in popula-
tions due in part to the indirect causative relation Mechanisms of calculus mineralization
between calculus and disease progression. The steps in calculus fonnation have been well
Studies showing a positive epidemiologic associ- characterized on both a chemical and ultrastruc-
ation between the presence of subgingival calculus tural level (1-5). Although calculus can be induced
and periodontai disease progression are, of course, in germ free animals (152). human calculus devel-
supplemented with a continuing stream of reports opment invariably involves plaque bacteria! calci-
on the health benefits associated with calculus and fication. Following tooth eruption or a dental
plaque removal, supplied by scaling and root plan- prophylaxis, a mixture of pellicle proteins rapidly
ing (117-119). Interestingly, however, the debate adsorb onto the enamel surface (153-154).
over the etiologic role of subgingival calculus has Bacterial adhesion and development of a plaque
recently prompted significant levels of research biofilm proceeds (155 156) with the characteristic
toward the definition of the amount of subgingival microbial maturation of initial gram positive coc-
debridement required to restore health to perio- coidal organisms followed by outgrowth o{ fila-
dontai sites (88-90, 120). The rationale in this mentous bacteria. Plaque absorbs calcium and
research is that scaling and root planing are typic- phosphate out of saliva (for supragingival calculus)
ally highly elective in promoting healing, even and out of crevicular fiuid for subgingival calculus.
though it is well known that the procedure is not Areas prone to supragingival calculus fonnation
completely effective in removing subgingival calcu- include maxillary molar and mandibular incisor
lus (88-90. 121). Experts now speculate that a surfaces adjacent to the saliva ducts (1). In these
smooth root surface denuded of calculus, cementum locations, researchers report more rapid uptake of
and superficial dentin is not requisite for the promo- calcium and phosphate than within plaque at non-
tion of healing. MOMBELLI et al. (122) showed that calcifying sites ( 157). The supersaturation of plaque
pocket depth reduction without calculus removal fluid is prerequisite to mineralization of partially
altered clinical course of periodontitis. CHIEW et al, soluble calcium phosphate minerals within calculus
(123), in an in vitro study, examined LPS remaining (5). Supersaturation can also be acquired through
on root surfaces with moderate or extensive mineral ureolytic action of bacterial plaque organisms rais-
removal (with ultrasonic scaling) and saw marked ing local pH (158). Although mature calculus dem-
reductions in LPS levels with both techniques. onstrates mineralization both within and between
BiAGiNi et al. (124) demonstrated growth of perio- micro-organisms, ultrastructural studies show that
dontai fibroblasts on cementum that had attached mineral formation typically initiates with nucle-
calculus. LiSTGARTHN & ELLGAARD (125). as early ation at localized regions of the dental plaque -
as 1973. noted gingival epithelial reattachment to usually within the matrix between micro-
calculus deposits sterilized by 2Vu chlorhexidinc. organisms ( I ) .
More recently. FUJIKAWA et al. (126) demonstrated
A number of factors may afTect the initial mineral
that periodontai health in dogs could be maintained
nucleation and subsequent calcium phosphate crys-
in the presence of subgingival calculus deposits.
tal growth within dental plaque. These have been
Clearly, the debate over the etiologic role of reviewed in detail by SCHEIE (159) and include both
subgingival calcuhis in periodontai disease does not potentiating and inhibiting factors. Factors which
514 White

may enhance initial calcification processes include habits vary considerably within calculus - with
the sensitivity of specific bacteria (159-161) and needle-shaped and plate-like morphologies
bacterial proteolipid membrane components to observed (1. 14. 20).
mineralization (162-163). While mineralization The variability of calculus mineral composition
may occur around and within vital micro- and structure is the likely result of the numerous
organisms, it is nevertheless clear that organisms factors which can affect mineral nucleation and
readily calcify upon death (164-165). (The rapid growth. Whatever the mineral composition, the
calcification of expired organisms can be explained surface of mature calculus always remains covered
as a result of deactivation of ATP dependent sys- with a matte of dental plaque (75-78). Mineral
tems of the bacteria for controlling intracellular crystals within the calculus are presumably coated
calcium - once cells cease metabolic control, the with various proteins - presumably similar to those
high intracellular phosphate concentrations of enamel pellicle - acquired following mineraliz-
encounter external calcium levels m excess of ation. TEM and SEM studies of calculus show that
calcium phosphate saturation - and intracellular the mineralization process can occur in layers,
mineralization results). Endogenous factors con- ranging in thickness from 20-400 fim. These layers
tributing to calculus mineralization may include are often separated by incremental lines of elevated
salivary mineral ion levels (166), protein (167) and organic content resembling pellicle ( 1 ). These stri-
lipids (168). Exogenous factors which may affect ations suggest periods of active mineralization fol-
tartar formation may include dietary components lowed by quiescent periods with increased organic
such as silicon, which may act to promote mineral inhibitor uptake.
nucleation (169-171). While both vital and dying Obviously, there are a large number of variables
bacterial cells, and by-products, may serve as nucle- present within the oral cavity and in the calculus
ating centers, numerous salivary and plaque com- matrix which can influence mineralization and
ponents may counteract calcification by acting as hence the fate of bacterial plaque. While the inde-
inhibitors of plaque mineralization. These may pendent studies of these variables is useful, the
include salivary phosphoproteins (5), saliva pyro- study of the overall mineralization of dental plaque,
phosphate (172) and plaque lipoteichoic acid (173 ). considered as a biofilm, continues to attract interest.
In addition to specific inhibition of mineraliz- The study of plaque mineralization from a biofilm
ation, enzyme systems in plaque and saliva, includ- perspective takes into account many unique aspects
ing phosphatases and proteases may contribute to which may affect plaque mineralization, including
the degradation of protective inhibitor species the permselective and concentrating effects of extra-
(174-175). Recently, LOSTORTO et al. (176) cellular matrix on the penetration and reactivity
reported on the localization of phosphatases in within these deposits. The study of plaque calcifica-
plaque using cytohistochemical techniques. Both tion in biofilm based models dates back to the
acid and alkaHne phosphatase were found in intra- 1950^s (177-178). SISSONS et al. (179) have most
and intercellular components of plaque. In extracel- recently developed a biofilm model which closely
lular matrix, phosphatases were often associated simulates the bacterial colonization and maturation
with small vesicles of apparent microbial origin. in dental pkique ecosystems. The system permits
controlled manipulation of pH, mineral ions, and
Acid phosphatase was found to be concentrated on
important metabolic intermediates (like urease)
the cell walls of gram positive and negative bacteria. which can control plaque calcification. In our
The localization of phosphatases could affect both laboratories (180), we have also recently adopted
natural inhibition of plaque calcification by pyro- a biofilm model for both mechanistic evaluations
phosphate and phosphorylated proteins, and the of factors affecting biofilm calcification. The model
clinical action of tartar control toothpastes con- is used for the study of factors affecting plaque
taining pyrophosphate. calcification and the mechanism of action of anti-
Once mineralized, crystals in calculus are char- tartar inhibitors.
acteristically found in aggregates with individual
crystallites measuring 10-300 nm in length and
2-30 nm in width (1). Based upon x-ray diffraction Tartar control - current strategies for
analysis of calculus deposits of varying age, it has prevention and removal; expanded benefits
been suggested that calculus mineralization begins for antitartar formulations
with the deposition of kinetically favored precursor
phases of calcium phosphate, such as OCP and Previous attempts at tartar control have included
DCPD, and that this is followed over time by the strategies directed toward the solubilization of min-
maturation into less soluble hydroxyapatite and eral components, solubilization of organic matrix,
whitlockite mineral phases (11-13). This is sup- interference with calculus adhesion, interference
ported by more recent observations (15). Crystal with initial plaque formation, and interference with
Dental calculus: current understanding 515

plaque mineralization. To this point, chnical success confirmatory evaluation of clinically proven
has been largely achieved with agents directed formulations
toward the inhibition of plaque mineralization evaluation of tartar control efficacy for composi-
(181-183) including pyrophosphate salts, diphos- tions containing combinations of mineralization
phonates and zinc salts. Two observations on the inhibitors along with antimicrobial (plaque gin-
clinical efficacy of these agents are worth expanded givitis) or antihypersensitivity ingredients
discussion. First, mineralization inhibitors have evaluation of new tartar control systems
been proven effective only for the control of suprag- evaluation of a gel composition designed to
ingival calculus. Efficacy for the control of subgingi- soften calculus
val calculus has in large part not been measured - evaluation of additional benefits of tartar con-
and would be expected to be minimal due to the trol fonnulations to patients, including the
difficulty in transporting topically applied materials potential reduction of gingival recession (in
into the gingival pocket. Second, the efficacy of populations with limited access to professional
commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes for the care) and the facilitation of easier dental clean-
control of supragingival calculus is directed at ings (in populations with access to profes-
prevention of deposit formation. After a dental sional care).
cleaning, these agents provide efficacy in slowing
the rate of calculus build-up. Commercial agents Table I lists recently completed studies examining
containing mineralization inhibitors have not been the efficacy of tartar control formulations for the
shown to remove or dissolve existing deposits. The prevention of new calculus formation (see 181-183
clinical effects of mineralization inhibitors are typic- for reviews of prior studies). As shown, a number
ally assessed by the area coverage of tartar on the of clinical studies included the combination oi
teeth by the Volpe-Manhold index (55). effective tartar control inhibitors, such as pyro-
Although multiple mmeralization inhibitors have phosphate. gantrez acid copolymer. and zinc cit-
been proven clinically effective, their precise mech- rate, with antimicrobial ingredients, such as
anism of action is not completely understood. All triclosan or stannous fluoride. The combination of
effective inhibitors studied to date have in common antigingivitis, antiplaque and antitartar technology
the ability to inhibit calcium phosphate nucleation within a single fonnulation is attractive to the
and or crystal growth processes and the transforma- general public due to the simplification which is
tion of precursor calcium phosphate mmeral phases provided in selection of toothpastes and mouthrin-
into more stable calcium phosphates (184). These ses for oral hygiene. Also shown in the table are
agents also show the ability to slow initial plaque reports on a number of new agent combinations
mineralization in biofilm models (180. 185). tested for effects on tartar development, including
Interestingly, the concentration of mineralization a calculus solubilizmg dentifrice (citroxain; a com-
inhibitor required for clinical effectiveness is one to bination of papain enzyme and citrate chelate)
three orders of magnitude higher than that required (186-187), an "antiadherance" rinse (formulated
to inhibit mineral growth and nucleation in vitro with delmopinol; a surface anti-adherance agent)
(180). In an in vivo pilot study involving calculus (200) and a calcium lactate dentifrice (192). All of
formation on intraoral appliances mounted in lin- these formulations were reported to have efficacy
gual mandibular surfaces, samples of immature for calculus prevention.
calculus qualitatively appeared to contain larger A number of the recently published clinical
proportions of precursor calcium phosphate min- reports have examined the efficacy o{ tartar control
eral phases such as DCPD when treated with dentifrices toward providing new and unique bene-
antitartar toothpaste containing pyrophosphate fits and the efficacy of new multibenefit tartar
(15). Analysis of mineral content of mature calculus control combination products. In a series of studies,
however, has revealed no major differences in cal- researchers reported on the efficacy of pyrophosph-
cium, phosphate and fluoride concentrations in ate tartar control dentifrices toward the reduction
samples collected from individuals using placebo of gingival recession in both teenage and adult
versus antitartar dentifrice (6). It is possible that populations in Thailand (204-206). As mentioned
mineralization inhibitors provide substantial activ- earlier, the tartar levels in these populations are far
ity within the earliest stages of biofilm mineraliz- outside western experience (>35 mm of calculus in
ation - and once sufficient calcification is achieved, many subjects). However, the results did show that
modification of physical characteristics (hardening supragingival tartar control, provided in some
and adhesion) is irreversible and the plaque layer unique setting, may provide additional benefits to
effectively becomes "calculus". the public. GAFFAR et al. published a series of
Recent studies on chemical agents for tartar studies documenting the clinical efficacy of com-
control have included; binations of tartar control inhibitors (pyrophosph-
516 mute
Table I ate and ganlrez acid polymer) with potassium
Recent clinical studies af antitartar dentifrices and mouthrinse^^ nitrate. These formulations demonstrated efficacy
for the combined prevention of both supragingival
Study Formulation/treatment Observed effects calculus formation (195) and desensitization of
hypersensitive dentin (207-208). WHITE et al.
citrate/enzyme (papain) + tartar reduction
combination dentifrice
(209-212) published a series oi studies docu-
(187) citrate/enzyme (papain) + tartar reduction menting the efficacy of tartar control dentifrices in
combination dentifrice promoting easier calculus debridement. presumably
(188) pyrophosphate dentifrice + tartar reduction through structural modifications of calculus during
(189) "Rembrandt" dentifrice 4-tartar reduction mineralization. In these studies, development of a
(70) chlorhexidine gel tartar increase unique electromechanical transducer modified
(190) pyrophosphate, triclosan + tartar reduction for
dentifrice all formulations
dental sealer permitted the clinical study of calculus
zinc citrate/triclosan adhesion to the teeth and the clinical effects of
dentifrice tartar control formations in facilitating regularly
Gantrez triclosan scheduled tartar removal.
(191) zinc citrate/triclosan In addition to the study of new agents for the
dentifrice + tartar reduction chemical prevention of tartar development and new
(192) calcium lactate dentifrice + tartar reduction benefits for existing tartar control tbtTnuiations.
(193) pyrophosphate dentifrice + tartar reduction research has also recently been reported on attempts
(194) water irrigation with + tartar reduction toward the development of convenient in-ofRce
magnetic device
(195) pyrophosphate/Gantrez/ + tartar reduction techniques to assist in softening dental calculus,
KNO3 dentifrice thus facilitating professional removal. A commer-
(196) pyrophosphate/Gantrez 4-tartar reduction cial scalmg gel. SofScale'. has been developed and
dentifrice marketed worldwide. Components of the gel
Gantrez/triclosan include calcium chelators and surfactants. Initial
zinc citrate/triclosan
published studies reported efficacy for the gel in
dentifrice making calculus easier to remove from teeth and
(70) chlorhexidine dentifrice tartar increase in extracting endotoxin from calculus, possibly
(69) chlorhexidine dentifrice + tartar reduction - rendering deposits less pathogenic (213-214). More
chlorhexidine + zinc compared to CHX control recent studies, including human and animal studies,
dentifrice suggest that the clinical eflects ofthe gel in facilitat-
(197) pyrophosphate + triclosan + tartar reduction
ing calculus removal may have been due to exam-
(198) chlorhexidine rinse + + tartar reduction - iner bias (215-218). Because the QC dental sealer
pyrophosphate dentifrice compared to CHX control is ideally suited to the study of this type of efficacy,
(199) pyrophosphate/ Gantrez -1-tartar reduction a double blind clinical study was carried oul to
dentifrices examine the efface of SofScale gel in enhancing
(200) delmopinol dentifrices + tartar reduction
(201) zinc citrate triclosan + tartar reduction
calculus removal. Study results showed no betielits
rinse for the scaling gel in facilitating calculus removal
(203) pyrophosphate/Gantrez + tartar reduction (219).
(204) pyrophosphate/Gantrez + tartar reduction
(205) pyrophosphate/Gantrez + tartar reduction Future research on calculus
(206) pyrophosphate/Gantrez + tartar reduction It is probable that the high prevalence of calculus,
dentifrices marketplace dynamics and the focus of the dental
(209) pyrophosphate dentifrice + tartar reduction profession on calculus removal will demand con-
(210) pyrophosphate/triclosan + tartar reduction tinued research interest by academic and commer-
dentifrice cial researchers alike. Considering the foregoing,
pyrophosphate dentifrice
(212) pyrophosphate dentifrice + tartar reduction areas of continued interest may include the develop-
pyrophosphte/Gantrez ment of:
(202) pyrophosphate/triclosan + tartar reduction improved understanding of the mechanism of
dentifrice plaque biofilm mineralization (both in the
zinc citrate/trielosan supra- and subgingival environments) with the
Gantrez triclosan improved mechanistic understanding of the
dentifricepyroph impact of tartar control inhibitors on these
ill p
For clinical efficacy studies prior to 1991, see refs. (181-183 improved tartar control formulations;
Dental calculus: current understanding 517
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