Toby Evolution Paper 1

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Evolution Paper

By Toby Powell
When I think about the evolutionary theory, I think of Charles Darwin and his adventure

to the Galapagos. The idea of evolution is that every organism evolved from an Archaeus

trillions of years ago. We have definitely evolved more in the last thousand millennium from

primates to homosapiens and finally to us, humans. I do believe in the Big Bang and I also do

believe in the evolutionary theory.

What this theory is proposing is that we all evolved from something. Examples of this

theory is whales. This may not seem obvious now but whales were once land animals. There is

evidence for this in a whales skeleton today. If you look at the area behind the rib cage and

below the tail, then you can find a bone that looks exactly like a foot. There is no use of for this

bone, and scientists say that it wasnt from just one skeleton. It is in every single whale body. So

why the useless foot? The theory of evolution says that whales once walked the land like us and

that they walked on four legs. If you dont think that explains evolutionary theory then maybe

this next topic will.

When Charles Darwin went to the Galapagos Islands he saw that there was different

types of Finches. He was wondering how in the world birds get to that island. Some of the birds

on that island are found nowhere else in the world. His theory of natural selection says that he

thought when the birds flew over is that they had unnecessary parts like the extra bone in the

whale's skeleton. On the island they had beaks that couldnt open nuts or couldnt do anything

useful. So after time they started breeding with each other and along the way a mutation

happened in the finches. They started to have useful beaks and eventually they were changed so

much they werent even a shadow of what they once were.

In Genesis it says that God created the world in six days. Six days is not a lot of time to

create the Earth, humans, and the whole freakin universe. Also it says that Adam lived for nearly

1000 years. Maybe when the Bible says the word day it doesnt mean a day like a day on Earth.

On Mars one year equals 686 days on Earth. That means that days are different and that the Bible

may not be the same days as our Earth days now. I think that the Genesis account should be

taken literally in everything except the passage of time. This account says how God created the

universe but it doesnt go into detail. I think that Christians should not leave science and

evolution out of the equation. Science does not match up with the Bible in some ways. That

could mean that they could match up and the dates are all wrong.

I think that the world is billions upon billions of years old. I mean our Earth years not

Bible years. I think that it would take more than 6000 years for our Earth to be made. For us to

evolve from primates would take more than 6000 years. For the Earth to shift from Pangaea to

our present Earth now would have to take more than 6000 years. I believe that God did not create

the Grand Canyon as it is now. I believe that the Colorado River ran its course and eroded the

place where the Grand Canyon was. For that huge canyon to have been made by a river would

have to take way more than 6000 years.

My take on us migrating out of Africa is that it is stupid. I dont think that you can trace

our genes from the very first tribe. Also this test has multiple holes in it. How would the tribe get

to Australia? Also when the tribes would get to a place, would they have to have kids with each

other? Not trying to be sexist but would the females make this long journey? Also when they

went north to Alaska and Canada, did they freeze to death? Also why did the tribes move from

Africa, it doesnt fit with the Bible story? Why would the first humans cross the biggest desert in

the world when they had a perfectly good home where they were? I understand that there is
evidence with fossils and astronomical evidence and I agree with it. I just dont agree with Mr.

Wellss theory.

I think that organisms are capable of change. We changed from primates to intelligent

human beings that have left this Earth and have been on the moon. I also think that there is no

limit on how much change there is permitted. When we were primates I dont think that we

thought about phones or thought about movies or anything. We were so focused on the present

that we didnt think about the future. Now we are so focused in our lives about what we need and

how to make our lives better that we arent looking in the future to what we will become. I think

that a new species could be formed, I mean we havent even found all the species on Earth. We

find new species every day be it a bacteria or an animal. I think that people were made by

evolution. And that we werent specially made. My idea for this is that Adam and Eve would

have had to make all of civilization and you probably would have to have more than two people.

This is my evolutionary paper the end.

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