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Name: Aisha Ali Alowais

Course: EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

Instructor: Antoinette Wiseman

Task Title: Journal 3 Last Day

Journal 3

My last day started off quite emotional, I woke up feeling exhausted but got to the
supermarket to buy food for the teachers in Al Darari Kindergarten, I kept contemplating
which sandwiches they would like and got what I felt was right. I arrived 8 minutes late and
greeted my MST and I felt slightly agitated with myself for being tardy. It seems like a trait I
need to work on, however I prepared the letter is lesson for the students, although I had
finished my average lesson plans I still felt worried for the students future as they had no
English teacher and I was almost like their current only hope in the English department. I
started off routinely doing what I usually did, taking the students to the assembly and making
sure when they get there that they stay in formation and dont make noise. For once I felt
like I had found my spot in all my practicum experiences Miss Hessa always made me feel
happy and at peace, I didnt feel like my actions could offend her or the need to be careful as
I realized that we have good communication and understanding of each other. I took the
students back to class and sat whilst Miss Hessa taught them about the UAE flag as tomorrow
was Flag Day. It mightve been the morning coffee but everything seemed to put me on
edge today, Miss Hessa called me miss lesson when she riddled the students and was asking

me if I knew the answer, I knew then that I have never felt more at peace in my practicum as
I did this semester and I wanted to answer but I suddenly felt emotional so I just laughed and
nodded. After a while, the students had their snack time and I prepared the tables for their
letter i lesson, I also set up all the materials and turned on the laptop and plugged in my
flash to display my letter i PowerPoint and readied the hello song. I felt so at peace
teaching this semester, the first 3 lessons were difficult as the students didnt know my way
of teaching as I did not know their way of learning. But after that I had adapted to their
ways, as they have mine, and I felt like I was actually getting the information through to
them. My lesson took time, but my MST has left me alone with the students in the classroom
and I was so into the lesson that I failed to notice. I was fine with being alone with the
students as it has occurred multiple times, my MST trusts me with her students and even her
children who are in different classes. But what worried me is I kept elongating the lesson,
and the students were getting tired and it was her time to teach, but I thought maybe she
thought id take both lessons, so I taught them a little more then modeled and explained the
activities theyd be doing and played them a short English animation story. I felt like a true
teacher when I knew what time to let them go into activities time and how they were all
excited to work on my activities. I worked with each group and communicated with all the
students equally, I felt proud when I knew how to manage my temporarily handicapped
student I was thankful for my special needs course and how I wasnt too scared to tackle this
situation. Later on Miss Hessa walked in and asked me how my lesson went we discussed a
bit. I played around with the students during their playground time and my heart felt heavy, I
would miss them so much, and I didnt want to tell them it was my last day as I was a very
emotional person and could easily cry if they said anything regarding wanting me to stay. So
I just enjoyed my time with them and then I decided it was only fair to tell them so, which
didnt go quite well as they stated Miss stay here you dont need to study more you have
enough knowledge. That made me laugh as some of the students even asked what college I
go to and that theyd come see me by Sunday. As the day ended I felt sadder than ever as I
knew it was time to say goodbye to my favorite MST, we exchanged goodbyes and I felt
overwhelmed by the emotions and kept reminding myself that I would come again and that I
should remain calm, I later on found my friend Jawaher and I carried Miss Hessas daughter,
Salama, with me to my classroom again. When Jawaher said goodbye to Miss Hessa she
started to cry, which is a problem as that triggered me, I couldnt hold it in anymore and as
soon as we left Miss Hessas class I too started to cry. I however calmed myself down as I
didnt want her or any other teacher to see me in tears as that was slightly unprofessional and

I didnt want to seem dramatic. We said goodbye to all the teachers and I left, the day was
slightly gloomy as I kept looking at the students pictures on my phone they seemed to appear
every time I scrolled up or down, reminding me of those moments and I texted my MST she
said that we should still communicate even if I wasnt there anymore, she even said shed send
me pictures of tomorrows flag day as she really wanted me to come.

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