How To Determine If You Are Receiving A Authentic or Fraudulent Diloggun Reading-Safety Guide

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SAFE Alert! Fraudulent Diloggun Readings / Cold


Clarifying Misconceptions, SAFE Alerts

June 29, 2012

by Santeria Church
Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation
(SAFE) is an action committee of the Santeria
Church of the Orishas

As part of the Santeria Church of the Orishas mission to educate the public about traditional Santeria
(Lucumi/Lukumi) practice, we are issuing a SAFE Alert regarding fraudulent diloggun readings and non-traditional
Santeria practices in the greater Long Beach, California area.

Recently, members of SAFE (Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation) visited an occult store located near our
church in the greater Long Beach, California area. Upon visiting this store we were told that they offered Santeria
classes as well as cowrie shell readings (diloggun readings) and initiations. We will not reveal the name of the store
at this time, but we will discuss what is taking place at this store and the nature of their Santeria practice that is
not in line with traditional practices as held by the culture bearers of Santeria (Lucumi/Lukumi).

Red Flags
While present at the store we were allowed to see their orisha room. The orisha room consisted of a series of
shelves each containing a statue of a modern depiction of each orisha and some trinkets. There were no pots present
with the items required for a shrine to be a legitimate orisha shrine. (otas, diloggun and tools were absent.)

Their resident Babalawo (who does all the readings and teaches the classes) spoke to me for a bit and told me some
information about Santeria. About 60% of the information was accurate, the other 40% of it was completely
incorrect and was either from poorly researched books or incorrect web sites. He also then explained that his
lineage does not believe in animal sacrifice and that the religion has evolved past that.

Additionally he claimed that their classes work in such a way that after 12 weeks in their class youll receive the
elekes initiation and be a Padrino or Madrina (a title only conferred upon a person when they have initiated
ANOTHER person i.e. once they are an olorisha and have godchildren). His class structure made it sound like a
wiccan class with three degrees of initiation, only calling them padrino, santero and babalawo. He clarified that
women were not eligible to be babalawos, but they do initiate gay men as babalawos something HIGHLY non-
traditional and not accepted in Santeria Lucumi. This babalawo claimed to be one of a small handful of gay
babalawos in the United States.

The Cold Reading

This is the kind of statue
in the stores orisha room.
This is NOT Oshn as
received in Santeria.

The reading was conducted by their resident babalawo who apparently is the only person allowed to divine with the
cowries in their store. This is not in alignment with traditional Lucumi practice (although they claim to be Lucumi).
Babalawos do not read with cowrie shells Olorishas do. Babalawos read either with a diviners chain called an
okuele, or with palm nuts and the table of If (ikin and the opn If). During the reading this babalawo never asked
for my name, nor did he pray the stipend required for the reading (as is traditional in Lucum diloggun divination).
He did not recite a traditional moyuba prayer where a persons spiritual lineage is called out to invoke their ache in
assistance for the reading. These are required traditional steps for divination with either diloggun or okuele. Instead
the babalawo proceeded to touch his cowries to his own body mimicking a Cabbalistic Cross from Ceremonial
Magic, transposing improper words in African for the traditional Hebrew words. This is completely illegitimate
practice and is not considered valid in any form of Santeria, or other form of Orisha worship.

The reading was conducted on a table covered with a round brown rug. Diloggun readings and If readings are
traditionally conducted on a grass mat called an at, or estera in Santeria. This is due to the fact that the at calls
down the presence of the orishas to speak. A brown rug does not do this nor is it any part of traditional Lucumi

Additionally, this was supposed to be a reading to discern a persons tutelary orisha (something they were very
enthusiastic to discover). There are two and only two legitimate ways to divine a persons tutelary orisha in
traditional Santeria Lucumi/Lukumi practice.

1. A minimum of three babalawos need to be present and use the palm nuts (ikin) and the opn If (table of If)
to discern a persons tutelary orisha by consulting Orunmila himself as witness of destiny.
2. An olorisha, preferably an Ob Oriat (although an oriat is not required), sufficiently educated in odu can
divine this using either Eleggus cowrie shells (diloggn) or the diloggn of the persons godparents tutelary
orisha. This is done on a woven grass mat wrapped in a white sheet.

This is Oshns pot as received in

Santeria. The orishas are made of
stones, shells and tools not

In both instances the divination is done on the floor because the earth is a sacred and holy place and the most
important divinations are done seated on the mat. The reading performed by this babalawo was done with cowrie
shells (not used by Babalawos), on a table (not done for readings to determine a persons tutelary orisha), on a
brown rug (not used in Santeria for readings), with no ibos (no token items like a stone, efun, aye, goat astragalus
bone) which are required for the clients or (higher self) to be engaged in the reading and lend its voice. It is also
not usually considered a good thing to know your tutelary orisha until you are already making preparations and
saving money for your kariocha initiation.

The babalawo threw the shells on the mat only once (two casts are required in Santeria Lucum practice), he never
counted odu, and instead began to perform a cold reading (a technique used by fraudulent readers and spiritualists
that uses very general statements and watches a persons reaction until something clicks) telling me general,
unfocused and totally inapplicable statements about my past lives (a concept that is not a part of Santerias

Traditional diloggn divination is a numerical system where the number of cowries that are mouth up are counted to
discern an odu (from 1 to 16 lets use and example of 5), the shells are tossed a second time to get another number
(again, 1 to 16 lets say the second toss was 7) and these two numbers become the composite odu. In this example
our composite odu is 5-7, and contains a myriad of information, patakis, ebs, taboos, strengths and weaknesses.
After the composite odu is determined, the diviner should hand the client two ibo (small items like a stone and a
piece of cascarilla/efun) and tells the client to shake the two and separate them with one item in each hand. One
represents yes, the other no. The diviner will manipulate the cowries and tell the client which hand to reveal. This
indicates if the reading comes with blessings or misfortunes (Ir or osogbo). This also allows the clients or (higher
self) to partake in the reading and give its opinion. To reiterate, this babalawo used NO IBO in his reading at any
time and only threw the shells once.

The diloggn of Eleggua with the four ibo

depicted. This is a proper set of diloggun.

After he was done giving me a cold reading the babalawo then declared who my tutelary orisha was. (The entire
reading was done without ever having me manipulate any kind of ibo) He also identified the wrong orisha as my
tutelary orisha. Had he taken a moment to ask me about my past or about my involvement in Santeria he might have
found out that I am an initiated olorisha of ten years, crowned with Shang instead of with the orisha he was

Harmless or Harmful?
What pained me the most about this experience is that the staff at the store and the babalawo were very friendly
people. They were willing to show me what they had and genuinely have love for the orishas, but their practice was
completely incorrect according to the traditions of Santeria. This leads me to believe two possible scenarios. In the
best case scenario we are looking at people with real love for the religion being led by someone who was never
taught nor initiated properly. At worst case we have a situation where someone is misinforming others who
genuinely want to learn about Santeria and giving them fraudulent initiations for money.

While we cannot discern what their intentions may be, it is clear that they are trying to portray this operation as the
only legitimate practice of Santeria in Southern California. What we perceived is that the followers of this babalawo
seem to be people who come from neo-pagan backgrounds, are primarily anglo in their ancestry and are not familiar
with the cultural elements of Santeria and dont know what warning signs to look out for, but have genuine heart
and want to learn. He is offering them an experience of the orishas with none of the uncomfortable things their
pagan tenets wont accept: like blood sacrifice or the dedication required of a year in white as an iyawo, etc.

The spiritual practices of this lineage (il) are not traditional according to those who bear the cultural values of
Santeria, nor is it in alignment with the core concepts of Santera Lucumi/Lukum. Yet, these individuals who have
paid for classes and been initiated consider themselves Santeria initiates and will never be accepted by the public
for what they practice. Worse, theyll go into the public touting their credentials and be quickly shamed once they
realize they are not practicing African-based spirituality, nor do they have a true priesthood in Santeria.

Education To Prevent Abuse

At the Santeria Church of the Orishas, we seek to educate the public about what proper practices look like in
Santeria so that you have the tools needed to discern what is legitimate practice and what is unconventional,
untraditional, illegitimate practice. We hope with this SAFE Alert that youll have a better understanding of what a
real Santeria diloggn reading looks like versus this fraudulent practice being conducted at this store in our area.

Keep in touch with our SAFE Alerts and read all about our Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation church action
committee by clicking on the SAFE Alerts category on the right hand navigation.

**Follow Up**
We recently revisited the shop and discovered that they no longer offer Santeria classes nor do they have a
Babalawo reading at their shop.


Tags: fraud alerts, misconceptions, safe


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Oi Osun

June 30, 2012 at 11:08 am (UTC -8)


Thank you Dr E for making us aware of the misguided practices and misinformation of some. Many people
are now searching for new spiritual paths and are easy prey to these types of charlatans. This article will help
many to identify the questionable signs to watch out for.



July 1, 2012 at 7:43 am (UTC -8)


Sounds like Philip Neimark initiates.


September 7, 2012 at 7:33 pm (UTC -8)


but he knows better



September 8, 2012 at 12:19 pm (UTC -8)


Unfortunately this is the case in many places. But with the assistance of informative websites with proven
initiation, ancestry and knowledge of the religion, we can educate the world as well as help those seeking
spiritual guidance.

It would also serve those PROPERLY initiated but lacking the necessary tools and knowledge to practice
their religion; obtain what they need to move forward.

We can make this unfortunate situation less likely to happen if we come together as a community and share
the history accordingly.



September 13, 2012 at 4:09 am (UTC -8)


Obarameji : a king does not lie. That from the lie ,the truth is born!



October 27, 2012 at 11:23 pm (UTC -8)


After reading this article, I can pretty much guess this was the people at XXXXXXX (Name omitted out of
respect for the shop). I saw them this weekend at the day of the dead festival in Hollywood. The employees
were nice. I saw Lots of interesting things. They had orisha soaps and protection bracelets. I picked up
a bracelet that in a plastic baggie and asked the employee what it was he said it was changos bracelet and
that he represents masculine power. Red flag!! Twice he told me to talk to their babalao He asked me if I
had any questions and I said, well, actually Im confused. I dont understand what purpose the orisha soap
has, or the obatala incense that I hear the woman behind me selling to a customer. Does any of this stuff
have any Ashe? What about these pots back here? pointing to what looked like Oya. Then he said, I dont
have to explain anything to you, in fact. GET OUT! I just smirked at him and Grabbed a flyer from in front
and took my leave. What an asshole! I was so angry that this place is misleading people that I left them a
wonderful review on their Yelp page. People need to know what they are up to. As soon as I started asking
questions and appeared I had an idea of what I was talking about, he wanted me leave. It would have ended
differently if perhaps he would have told me that the items there are selling are just jewelry and of no real
religious significance. The poor employees here have no idea how mislead they are. They need to read a book
and do some research rather than continue to be lead on blindly.


Santeria Church

October 27, 2012 at 11:42 pm (UTC -8)


Lots of botanicas out there sell orisha bracelets that are little more than one string with beads on them
in the colors that correspond with different orishas: red and white for Chango, yellow and amber for
Oshun, all white for Obatala, etc. What people do not understand is that without the proper ceremonies
(washing the bracelet with omiero a ritually prepared herbal infusion of water) that bracelet is nothing
more than costume jewelry. Wearing beads in the color of an orisha without receiving the proper
ceremony is just vanity.

Additionally, there is no such thing as an orisha soap or an orisha incense. Incense is not used in
Lukum initiations or rituals. Some spiritists (espiritistas) will burn incense in their homes or when they
do spiritual masses (misas espirituales) as offerings of fragrance to the spirits of the dead, but the
orishas are not interested in incense. It is simply not used in our practices for those purposes.

The only soaps used in any of our ceremonies are used during initiations to ritually wash the initiate
and it is traditional to use castille soap (or some folks use black African soap in the more African-
traditional lineages) but never a scented soap. Using scented soap for the orishas is contradictory to the
initiation. Any new initiate is forbidden from wearing or using perfumes because scent is a persons
spiritual marker and the orishas follow that new initiates scent. Thats why iyaws cant wear perfume
for their year, nor use any scented body products. Why then would anyone make, let alone use an
orishas soap and what the heck is it even made of?!

It sounds like you presented a little bit of knowledge when you challenged their leaders, and they in
turn drove you away for fear of being exposed for their highly questionable practices.



May 8, 2013 at 11:31 am (UTC -8)


I was initiated into traditonal Yoruban Orisa worship as an Orisa Priest. I was bathed in prepared
African black soap that had ceremony done to it with certain herbs and things added to it. With
that and what has been stated already, I dont see how people would consider buying Orisa
Soaps other than the fact that theyre uneducated.



December 8, 2012 at 8:58 pm (UTC -8)


I wanted to thank you both for this knowledge. You are right we have been mislead. I would however
ask that you no longer associate that person with this shop, he is no longer associated at all with our
store. I understand your situation, but please understand ours. If you want to talk personally call us
please! would love to talk



November 1, 2012 at 1:02 pm (UTC -8)


how do you know which botnica is legit? how do you know if the padrina or padrino is very honest or
looking for money?!!! i really need to know!!!!!

Santeria Church

November 2, 2012 at 8:38 am (UTC -8)


The best thing we can recommend is to read the information we are providing on our website for free
so that you can tell what is authentic and legitimate practice, and what isnt. Take your time and dont
jump into anything too quickly with any godparent. Take time to observe how they conduct themselves
with their godkids and see if they are patient, kind, giving and understanding. If they are hot-headed,
impatient, rude, demeaning or expect to be waited on hand and foot then you should walk away. That
person will just pe a problem for you in the long run. It is also a good idea to ask around and see if they
prices they quote for work are reasonable and comparable to what others would charge. While each
priest has the right to charge whatever they want for a ritual, it should still be a reasonable amount. And
above all, never allow anyone to scare you into doing a ceremony or initiation that you dont want to
do. An ethical priest or priestess will let you make your own decisions without any kind of pressure or
scare tactics.



December 11, 2012 at 9:49 am (UTC -8)


Hey Dr. E,
After reading this it makes me worried who I go to now, I sadly know that there is alot of fakes in the Santeria
faith. Which Botanicas and Babalawos are legit then? Could you reccomend a few? Your help would be most
appreciated as I am a strong believer in my faith but have taken the recent steps in finding a place and people
who are honest in the traditional ways of Santeria. I do live in the greater Long Beach are and would be
happy to commute anywhere in Southern California to be around honest followers of Santeria. Thank you


Santeria Church

December 12, 2012 at 2:02 am (UTC -8)


As a church we dont make recommendations for particular botanicas or supply shops to go to. You can
identify a legitimate babalawo or olorisha by reading our articles here and knowing that is proper
procedure versus what isnt. We are here to educate people as to what is traditional Lucum practice so
that the public can decide for themselves whether someone is legitimate or a fraud.

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