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Now starting off with the methodology is the research design, the study employed experimental and

descriptive research method, experimental research method is the manipulation of a certain variable,
independent variable, and the measurement of changes, dependent variables. In the study the
independent variable is the amount of FVW added to the composts while the dependent variables are
the different properties during composting. Descriptive research method is the observation of whats
given and the process of formulating a result from what has been observed, the researchers used this
method for the soil analysis to see the effectiveness of the fertilizer produced by the composts.

Continuing on to the methodology is the research locale, the different wastes were collected from the
researchers households while the rest of the study was conducted in the home of one of the
researchers at the address shown. The locale was chose for it provided a suitable area fro the
researchers to work and it also provided an area for good composting due to it having complete
exposure to the sun.

Next is the Work Plan of the study, first off are the objectives, the aim of the study is to test the
effectiveness of using fermented vegetable waste in composting therefore the following objectives
shall support the main aim: fist, is to see if there are significant differences in the properties which will
be the temperatures an pH levels of the composts, and lastly: to see the effectiveness of the fertilizer
produced by the composts in improving soil. The researchers expect to see the following: The
temperature readings being on the given range for this has been generalized from most composting
instructions and fundamentals, the same can be said towards the expected range for pH levels which
are expressed to be mostly acidic, neutral and slightly alkaline, the researchers also expect to see the
fertilizer produced to be effective in improving soil quality. Up next are the research activities, the
study was conducted for about 28 days or roughly a month, the first week is the preparation and
collection of materials as well as the start of the fermentation of the vegetable waste, the second
week was the grouping of the compost and the addition of fermented vegetable waste, this week shall
be the first week of composting as well as the collection of the first set of data which are the
temperature readings of the compost, the dawn of the third week shall be the collection of samples
and also the collection of the pH readings from the taken samples, composting shall be continued for
the production of fertilizer, and lastly the fourth week was the application of the fertilizer to soil
samples followed by the soil analysis test.

I would deeply recommend for anyone listening to lend an open mind, have you ever thought of ever
reusing your waste? If so, in what way have you tried to apply such an important thought? We humans
have long since left our deep footprints into the planet we currently live in, however, following a
footprint could be a permanent scar to the environment. We are all contributors to the problems we
currently face, as such is the way of nature, by just observing what happens around you, you could see
an obvious sign for caution, we as humans who completely rely on the very ground we stand on
should start and continue to act, for every little contribution can be a huge help to an important cause.
We recommend that our study, and as well as studies mentioned before, should be given a voice for
everyone to hear, for everyone to learn from, even just the simplest person that will obviously
produce waste can simply apply a few changes that will greatly reduce the waste they produce and it
may even enhance the persons life knowing that they can help. We also recommend that the next
generation setting upon us should be given the ample amount of information available to them such
as our study for them to learn and start to make early but great choices for the enhancement of their

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