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Single Group Study Criteria

Question: Yes No N/A Comments:

1 Does the point of view come from the specific

group who is being studied?

2 Does this point of view avoid stereotypes of the

group (including gender, age, language, sexual

3 Does the unit include a variety of stories from

the groups' perspective?

4 Does the unit examine the groups historical

experience fairly?

5 Does the unit examine the groups present day

experience fairly?

6 Is there a focus on the single groups

contributions from the past?

7 Is there a focus on the single groups current,

present day contributions?

8 Does the unit discuss this group in relation to the

dominant group?

9 Does the unit discuss how the studied group

resisted or responded to the oppressor group?

10 Is their a focus on the groups culture?

language, music, art, philosophy,

11 Does the unit take a look at role models of the

single group in the local community?

12 Does the unit look at the groups social

condition such as their current needs?

13 Does the unit also examine the groups

experiences and movements in a
developmentally appropriate way?

14 Are students able to act and participate as active

citizens for positive change?

15 Does the unit discuss particular areas of concern

and major problems within this group?

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