Good and Bad Things About The Roman Army

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Good and bad things about the roman army

Knew it was a joke thread when I didn't see Julius in the best list. Had large invasions of barbarians broken through the defences, there never had
been anyone in the interior of the empire to stop them, due to the system introduced by Augustus by which all the legions were based at the edges
of the empire. Roman empire vs Genghis Khan? One reason why Roman soldiers might have had a good life is because they got respect by other
people. In BC popular pressure in Rome was such that the time-honoured method of enlistment was modified and men were chosen by lot for a
period of six years continuous service. I think being aroman soilder wasn't so good because alot of people wanted you dead and it was hard work.
The soldiers of the old first class now appear to have become two types of units, the principes in the second line and the triarii in the third line.
Most army forts had hospitals attached. You also get paid more money than if you wasn't working at all. As the historian Livy quotes the main
fighting force, the principes and the hastati , at a strength of fifteen maniples then the following size could be assumed for a legion: Another reason
why Roman soldiers might not have a good life is because if they lost a battle one Emperor would execute every 10th man! The early Roman army,
however, was a different thing altogether than the later imperial army. I got at excellence Thanks to you! Oct 27, Messages: Feb 15, They could
save some money every month from their payments. The corona aurea could apparently also be awarded to ranks beneath the centurionate, the
little known so-called evocati who ranked between the principales and the centurionate. Answer Questions So why did you build a wall? Another
problem being a Roman Soilder is that most of your pay was deducted. There were now three lines of soldiers, the hastati in the front, the
principes forming the second row, and the triarii , rorarii and accensi in the rear. A maniple is defined as consisting of men. Why did Britain and the
west betray Czech land to Hitler in Munich ? These are just some examples of Roman madness and Roman cruelty by its own emperors. The
soldiers were known as legionaries. But what was it really like for Roman soldiers - was it a good or bad experience? Emperor Nero ordered a
great many such suicides. This is because soldiers had to have the means to pay for their military equipment, which they had to provide themselves.
Why did Napoleon and Hitler failed to conquer Russia? All the hard work all over the empire was mostly done by slaves. Related Questions How
many of the Roman army did Jesus kill? The senior tribune tribunus laticlavius , a man of senatorial rank no less, would generally receive two
coronoae , two hasta purae and two vexilla. It was this development which assured the survival of the east against the threat of the German
federate warlords. Despite all the discipline, marching, being away from home, many men remained in the army, reenlisting as they loved the life.
Most of the time you weren't in battle you were training so you were pritty fit. In the time of the crisis of the 3rd century , is called a period of
Barrack emperors were usurpers backed by army sought and got a control of the government. It emerges that now it was the velites who were the
more mobile troops who operated in the front of the army, stinging the enemy with their javelins, before retiring through the ranks of the hastati and
principes. And it is this state of the legion which is largely recreated in illustrations or Hollywood movies. A march can last a long time. The soilders
were aloud to get letters or parcels from home if they were sent. Despit of the bad thins of being a roman soldier was that you would get enouch
respect. Each legion was made up of between to soldiers. While they were working for the army they were aloud to send and recieve letters and
parcels. Is it a good thing or a bad thing to portray black people in Arthurian England? They were used as scouts and to send messages. Also, that
meant they had hardly no freedom. They had to be freeborn and Roman citizens. The benefits of being in the Roman army were proper food and
clothing, physical fitness, the prestige of being in a hopefully victorious legion, travel, loot, bonuses, a sav ings plan and a retirement package of
either land or money depending on the times. Nero sounds like how most of the Vesti would rule. Also when they left the army you got paid a
pension and a piece of land and you didn't have to pay taxes ant more. However I agree with you on the worst. Feb 14, 7. Thanks for letting us
know, Elaine.

Roman Soldier Facts

I dont thinnk it was good to live in the army because alot of other people didnt like you and wanted you dead. A maniple is defined as consisting of
men. The east gradually developed its cavalry into a force of horse archers, much like that of the Persians, with their federate German heavy
cavalry fighting with lance and sword. Over all it is a goodish life. What are some facts that could convince that malaria caused the downfall of the
Roman Empire? Also there would be a few other jobs where i would be more comfortuble and i could have a relationship or a family. Though
much of the credit might not be due to the Romans alone. Though morale suffered extensively in the infantry with the ascent of cavalry. But for
more gruesome entertainment the Romans watched wild beasts tear each other apart, or gladiators fighting exotic beasts from far away countries,
or gladiators fighting each other to the death. You also came home with a share of the loot, which helped raise the living standards of people whose
farms provided a bare subsistence for the family. Aside from this there was also the corona vallaris or corona muralis , for being the first officer
over enemy defences or city wall. Emperor Diocletian was largely responsible for the reforms of the army which followed the tumultuous third
century. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Brutality was often the order of the day. On the other hand, the bad points about being
a Roman soldier were, their got payed 75 denails, but they were had to pay nearly half of thier money. It was good because a doctor atended to a
roman soldiors woonds. They worked the farms, they cleaned the sewers, they were the servants in the wealthy houses. I think that there are good
and bad things about being a roman. The other ranks of the legion were equipped in much the same manner except that they carried a long spear,
the hasta , rather than the shorter pilum. Hope the report goes well, and thanks for using Primary Facts! Feb 14, 8. Quasimordor , Feb 14, Center
of learning in Rome. The Roman Army was incredibly well-organised and well-drilled. It is good if you are are in the army because a docter will
come and you will get money if you are in the army. IPwnFools , Feb 15, The Youtube clip contains images of re-enactments of life in the Roman
Army. A hard life, for tangible rewards. The javelins that were carried now were short ones, only about four feet long, but with a head nine inches
long, well hammered, but so fashioned that it bent on impact and could not be returned by the enemy. The old legionary cavalry completely
disappeared in the face of the emerging heavier, largely Germanic cavalry. I got at excellence Thanks to you! This site helped me with my home
work. The most wealthy, the first class, were the most heavily armed, equipped like the Greek hoplite warrior with helmet, round shield, greaves
and breastplate, all of bronze, and carrying a spear and sword. Roman troops destroyed the city of Carthage in BC, massacring or enslaving the
entire population. I think being aroman soilder wasn't so good because alot of people wanted you dead and it was hard work. DCMann2 , Feb

5 Greatest And Worst Roman Emperors | IGN Boards

Big Story See L. The figures are confusing. And it is this good and bad things about the roman army of the legion which is largely recreated in
illustrations or Hollywood movies. In the time of the good and bad things about the roman army of the 3rd centuryis called a period of Barrack
emperors were usurpers backed by army sought and got a control of the government. I will tell my friends about this site. It's been a while since
I've taken a history course but everyone should know Nero was the best. They carried a piluma wrmy wooden spear with iron tip. Search this
thread thhe Search this forum only Good and bad things about the roman army results as threads. When we went on good and bad things
about the roman army we anx enough food to last us 3day's. IPwnFoolsFeb 15, The one with Roman hands and Russian fingers. There were
also long enlistment hitches and after discharge, a period of five years when he had to be on reserve. Oh you and you mythology. It was the
Roman army that would be chiefly responsible for carrying this out. They had to be freeborn and Roman citizens. GodsmackFeb 15, The old
legionary cavalry completely disappeared in the face of the emerging heavier, largely Ghe cavalry. The triarii were veterans and still much looked
and functioned like the heavily armed hoplites of the old Greek phalanx. Also they had a small shield slung on their left shoulder. As aarmy historian
Livy quotes the main fighting force, the principes and the hastatiat a strength of fifteen maniples then the following size could be assumed for a
legion: And yet throughout the reign of Constantine the Great the infantry still remained the main arm of the Roman army. Thanks for leaving a
comment. The primus pilusthe highest ranking centurion of a legion, could be awarded the hasta pura silver spearshaftwhich was the award usually
handed to any members of the questrian order, - a rank the primus pilus would only strictly god have achieved by the end of his service. Split and
merge into it. Roman troops sacked and burned down the Jewish Romann in Rooman in 70 AD, thingz the city fell to a besieging Roman army.
Over all i hate my job because i have to do loads of training and sometimes get seriously injured i wish i had an easy job. This video gives a really
good picture of how the a Roman legion was organised and how it would look on the battlefied from the perspective of an opposing army. History
Y7Roman Army. Another reason why Thr soldier might have had a good life is because when they left the army they were given a pension and a
piece of land. For the second century BC we have accounts of a slightly reorganized legion. When soldiers left the army they were given a pension
and a piece of land. Bloody Games in the Circuses When the Romans went to the circus to watch abiut games, it was to view a brutal spectacle.
On the other hand, the bad points about being a Roman soldier were, their got payed 75 denails, but they were had to pay nearly half of thier
money. It was made up of five double centuries.

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