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(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:1
Barbe Saint John

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(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:3
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(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:4
IntroductIon . . . . . . . . . . 6

chapter I ModIfIed technology . . . . . . . . . . 8

chapter II fIne Art And Sculpture . . . . . . . 22

chapter III hoMe dcor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

chapter IV fAShIon And hAberdAShery . . . 156

chapter V hAtS And AcceSSorIeS . . . . . . . 186

chapter VI Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

chapter VII InVentIonS

And contrAptIonS . . . . . . . . . . . 266

IMAge dIrectory . . . . . 304 AcknowledgMentS . . . . 320

ArtISt dIrectory . . . . . 314 About the Author . . . . 320
reSourceS . . . . . . . . . . 319

001-007_C60389.indd 5 1/20/11 4:07 PM

001-007_C60389.indd 5 1/20/11 4:06 PM

(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:5
Steampunk is the scholars science fiction. This is the brief description
Dr. Grymm Laboratories has come to use to describe the fascinating art movement that
seems to have taken the world by storm. Although the descriptive term Steampunk was
coined in the world of literature within the past thirty years, the origin of the ideas go back
much further. Born from the writings of H. G. Welles, Mary Shelley, and Jules Verne and
the inventions of Nikola Tesla, Steampunk offers a melding of late 1800s aesthetic with
scientific discovery and otherworldly technology. Though Steampunk has reached a tipping
point recently, it is not just a current trend. The Steampunk aesthetic has been woven
throughout our media and consciousness for more than a century in books, film, music,
fashion, and art. Even with a time machine, Im sure the great-grandparents of science
fiction literature would not have imagined that their words and inspirations would have
created such a fantastic world.
Today, Steampunk has a fan base that stretches around the globe. Amazing themed
events attract well-dressed enthusiasts to makers fairs, festivals, fashion shows, art exhibits,
conventions, musical performances, tea parties, and masquerades. Each enthusiast brings
his or her own view of what Steampunk is. The genre appeals to both young and old, and
reaches out to inspire even those who would not have considered themselves artists. From
the moment fans are compelled to build their first pair of goggles or take apart an old
brass lamp from a thrift store and reassemble it into a Victorian weapon, they are hooked.
Some choose to recycle from our past to invent beautiful jewelry, contraptions, and props.

001-007_C60389.indd 6 1/20/11 4:07 PM

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(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:6
Others design and build from scratch, creating epic works of functional art such as clocks,
lamps, and vehicles. Still others hone their talents by creating personal character aliases and
penning tales about far-off realms where their adventures take place.
Within the pages of this book you will find a collection like no other. From novice
to professional, the artists we have brought together celebrate an art movement where
a reimagined past is recycled into an unbelievable future. Steampunk artists create an
alternate world not bound by the modern millennial conventions of physics, science, and
convenience technology. Artists reject the sleek and plastic world we have come to rely on.
Steampunk is a chance for artists to build with their hands and their imaginations, just as
the great innovators of the industrial revolution did.
Steampunk also creates a tightly knit community. Artists help other artists by
inspiring, motivating, and challenging each other to create. While looking through
submissions for this book, we were amazed by the amount of talent we had to choose from.
This collection of 1,000 images represents a wide variety of styles and mediums to best
capture Steampunk in all of its many wondrous facets. Steampunk style is as unique as the
person who creates it.
On behalf of the crew at Dr. Grymm Laboratories, I hope you enjoy the fantastic
journey these images will take you on. May they inspire you to follow the curious tinkerer
who lives inside all of us.

Dr. Grymm

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(Text) (RAY) (01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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chapter i:

0001 0042

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk



0001 Dr. Grymm, Dr. Grymm Laboratories, USA 00


008-021_23860.indd 10 3/11/11 5:13:17 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:10
0002 Derrick Culligan, USA 0003 Derrick Culligan, USA

0004 Derrick Culligan, USA 0005 Derrick Culligan, USA

0006 Dr. Grymm, Dr. Grymm Laboratories, USA 0007 Derrick Culligan, USA


008-021_23860.indd 11 3/11/11 5:13:23 PM

008-021_23860.indd 11 2/19/11 2:56:43 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:11
1000 Steampunk

The Lord Baron Joseph C.R. Vourteque IV The Lord Baron Joseph C.R. Vourteque IV
0008 Jordan Waraksa, USA 0009 & Rev. Cpt. Samuel Flint, USA
0010 & Rev. Cpt. Samuel Flint, USA

The Lord Baron Joseph C.R. Vourteque IV

0011 & Rev. Cpt. Samuel Flint, USA
0012 The Lord Baron Joseph C.R. Vourteque IV & Rev. Cpt. Samuel Flint, USA 00

008-021_23860.indd 12 2/19/11 10:12:07 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:12

0013 Michael Salerno, USA


008-021_23860.indd 13 3/11/11 5:13:43 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk

Professor Thaddeus T. Fang a.k.a. Professor Thaddeus T. Fang a.k.a.

0014 artist Anthony J. Rogers III, USA 0015 artist Anthony J. Rogers III, USA 0016 Urbandon, Australia 00

0017 Sara Gries, USA 0018 Sara Gries, USA 00


008-021_23860.indd 14 3/11/11 5:13:54 PM

008-021_23860.indd 14 2/19/11 2:56:43 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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0019 Will Rockwell, USA

0020 Michael Salerno, USA 0021 Robert LaMonte, USA


008-021_23860.indd 15 2/19/11 10:12:24 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:15
1000 Steampunk


0022 Urbandon, Australia 0023 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary 0024 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary

0025 Urbandon, Australia 0026 Urbandon, Australia 00


008-021_23860.indd 16 3/11/11 5:14:11 PM

008-021_23860.indd 16 2/19/11 2:56:43 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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0027 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary 0028 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary

0029 Will Rockwell, USA

0030 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary 0031 Weirdward Works / Arpad Tota, Hungary


008-021_23860.indd 17 2/19/11 10:12:40 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:17
1000 Steampunk

0032 Will Rockwell, USA

0033 Donna Kishbaugh, The Art of Donna, USA 00

0034 Azirca, New Zealand 0035 Azirca, New Zealand 00


008-021_23860.indd 18 3/11/11 5:14:39 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:18
0036 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada

0037 Paul Davidson, USA

0038 Sara Gries, USA 0039 Sara Gries, USA


008-021_23860.indd 19 3/11/11 5:14:45 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk

0040 Paul Davidson, USA

0041 Paul Davidson, USA 00


008-021_23860.indd 20 2/19/11 10:12:57 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:20
0042 Paul Davidson, USA


008-021_23860.indd 21 2/19/11 10:12:59 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:21
022-105_23860.indd 22 2/19/11 10:25 AM
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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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chapter ii:

fine art
and sculpture
0043 0338

022-105_23860.indd 23 2/19/11 10:25 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0043 Jeffrey Richter, USA 00


022-105_23860.indd 24 2/19/11 10:25 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:24
and sculpture
0044 Jeffrey Richter, USA 0045 Jeffrey Richter, USA

fine art
0046 Jeffrey Richter, USA 0047 Jeffrey Richter, USA


022-105_23860.indd 25 2/19/11 10:25 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:25
1000 steampunk

0048 Jeffrey Richter, USA 0049 Jeffrey Richter, USA


0050 Jeffrey Richter, USA 0051 Martin Horspool, Australia 00


022-105_23860.indd 26 3/11/11 6:19 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:26
and sculpture
fine art
0052 Elizabeth Marek, Artisan Cake Company, USA


022-105_23860.indd 27 2/19/11 2:17 PM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0054 Jasmine Becket-Griffith, USA 00


0053 Jasmine Becket-Griffith, USA 0055 Jasmine Becket-Griffith, USA 0056 Christi Friesen, CF Originals, USA 00

022-105_23860.indd 28 3/11/11 6:20 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
0057 Christi Friesen, CF Originals, USA 0058 Jason Brammer, USA

fine art
0059 Jason Brammer, USA 0060 Jason Brammer, USA


022-105_23860.indd 29 3/11/11 6:20 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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0062 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA
1000 steampunk


0063 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA

0061 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 0064 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 00

022-105_23860.indd 30 3/11/11 6:20 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
0065 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA

fine art

A 0066 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 0067 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA


022-105_23860.indd 31 3/11/11 6:20 PM

022-105_23860.indd 31 2/19/11 2:54 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0068 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 00


0069 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 0070 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 00

022-105_23860.indd 32 2/19/11 10:26 AM

022-105_23860.indd 32 2/19/11 2:54 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
0071 Chadwick, Australia 0072 Chadwick, Australia 0073 Claudia Roulier, USA

fine art
0074 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA 0075 Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC, USA


022-105_23860.indd 33 2/19/11 10:27 AM

022-105_23860.indd 33 2/19/11 2:54 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:33
1000 steampunk


0076 Kyle Cassidy, USA 00


022-105_23860.indd 34 2/19/11 10:27 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:34
and sculpture
0077 Kyle Cassidy, USA 0078 Kyle Cassidy, USA 0079 Kyle Cassidy, USA

fine art
0080 Kyle Cassidy, USA 0081 Kyle Cassidy, USA


022-105_23860.indd 35 2/19/11 10:27 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0082 Kyle Cassidy, USA 00


022-105_23860.indd 36 3/11/11 6:21 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
0083 Mel Kolstad, Snizzers & Gwoo, USA 0084 Mel Kolstad, Snizzers & Gwoo, USA 0085 Mel Kolstad, Snizzers & Gwoo, USA

fine art
0086 InSectus Artifacts, Australia 0087 InSectus Artifacts, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 37 3/11/11 6:21 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0088 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0089 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 00

0090 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0091 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 00

022-105_23860.indd 38 3/11/11 6:21 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:38
and sculpture
0092 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0093 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada

fine art
0094 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0095 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada


022-105_23860.indd 39 2/19/11 10:27 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0096 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0097 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada

0098 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 0099 Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies, Canada 01

022-105_23860.indd 40 3/11/11 8:34 PM

022-105_23860.indd 40 2/19/11 2:54 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
fine art
0100 Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate Studios, USA


022-105_23860.indd 41 3/11/11 8:34 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0101 Melissa Williams, USA 0102 Melissa Williams, USA


0103 Melissa Williams, USA 0104 Melissa Williams, USA 01


022-105_23860.indd 42 3/11/11 6:22 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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0105 Melissa Williams, USA 0106 Melissa Williams, USA

and sculpture
fine art
0107 Melissa Williams, USA 0108 Melissa Williams, USA


022-105_23860.indd 43 3/11/11 6:22 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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0109 Melissa Williams, USA 0110 Melissa Williams, USA
1000 steampunk


0111 Melissa Williams, USA 0112 Melissa Williams, USA 01


022-105_23860.indd 44 3/11/11 6:22 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture


fine art
0113 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0114 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA


0115 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0116 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA


022-105_23860.indd 45 2/19/11 10:28 AM

022-105_23860.indd 45 2/19/11 2:54 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0117 Royal Steamline, USA 01


022-105_23860.indd 46 2/19/11 10:28 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:46
and sculpture
0118 Royal Steamline, USA 0119 Royal Steamline, USA

fine art
0120 Royal Steamline, USA


022-105_23860.indd 47 2/19/11 10:28 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0121 Dominique Falla, Australia 0122 Dominique Falla, Australia 0123 Dominique Falla, Australia 01

0124 Dominique Falla, Australia 0125 Dominique Falla, Australia 0126 Dominique Falla, Australia 01

022-105_23860.indd 48 2/19/11 10:28 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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and sculpture
0127 Dominique Falla, Australia 0128 Dominique Falla, Australia 0129 Dominique Falla, Australia

fine art
0130 Dominique Falla, Australia 0131 Dominique Falla, Australia 0132 Dominique Falla, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 49 2/19/11 10:28 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:49
1000 steampunk

0133 Martin Horspool, Australia 0134 Martin Horspool, Australia


0135 Martin Horspool, Australia 0136 Martin Horspool, Australia 01


022-105_23860.indd 50 2/19/11 10:29 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:50
and sculpture
fine art
0137 Martin Horspool, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 51 2/19/11 10:29 AM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:51
1000 Steampunk

0138 Martin Horspool, Australia 0139 Martin Horspool, Australia 0140 Martin Horspool, Australia 01

0141 Martin Horspool, Australia 0142 Martin Horspool, Australia 0143 Martin Horspool, Australia 01

022-105_23860.indd 52 2/19/11 10:31 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:52
and Sculpture
0144 Martin Horspool, Australia

fine art
0145 Martin Horspool, Australia 0146 Martin Horspool, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 53 2/19/11 10:31 AM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk


0147 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0148 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 01

022-105_23860.indd 54 2/19/11 2:32 PM

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(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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PhotogrAPhy: EvAn DriSColl

and Sculpture
0149 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0150 Isaiah Max Plovnick, USA 0151 Jessica M. Coen, USA

fine art
0152 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0153 Jessica M. Coen, USA


022-105_23860.indd 55 3/11/11 6:22 PM

022-105_23860.indd 55 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk

0154 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 0155 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 01

0156 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 0157 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 01

022-105_23860.indd 56 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 56 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:56
and Sculpture
0158 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 0159 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA

fine art
0160 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 0161 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA


022-105_23860.indd 57 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 57 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:57
PhotogrAPhy: tiM MArChAnD, AjAr CoMMUniCAtionS
1000 Steampunk

0163 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada


0162 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA

PhotogrAPhy: SChEnCk AnD SChEnCk PhotogrAPhy

164 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA 0165 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 01

022-105_23860.indd 58 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 58 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:58
and Sculpture
fine art
0166 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada


022-105_23860.indd 59 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 59 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:59
1000 Steampunk

0167 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 0168 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 0169 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 01

0170 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 0171 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 0172 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 01

022-105_23860.indd 60 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 60 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:60
and Sculpture
0173 Christopher Mark Perez, USA

fine art
PhotogrAPhy: AnythingPhoto.nEt

0174 Christopher Mark Perez, USA 0175 Tim Tate, Washington glass School, USA


022-105_23860.indd 61 2/19/11 10:32 AM

022-105_23860.indd 61 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:61
1000 Steampunk


0176 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 01


022-105_23860.indd 62 2/19/11 10:33 AM

022-105_23860.indd 62 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:62
and Sculpture
0177 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0178 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0179 Jenifer J. Renzel, USA

fine art
0180 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0181 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0182 Jenifer J. Renzel, USA


022-105_23860.indd 63 2/19/11 10:33 AM

022-105_23860.indd 63 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:63
PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

1000 Steampunk

0184 Mike Cochran, USA 0185 Mike Cochran, USA


PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

0183 Mike Cochran, USA 0186 Mike Cochran, USA 0187 Mike Cochran, USA 01

022-105_23860.indd 64 2/19/11 2:15 PM

022-105_23860.indd 64 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:64
PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

and Sculpture
0189 Michael Pukc, USA

fine art
PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

PhotogrAPhy: MikE CoChrAn AnD thoMAS lEAgUE

0188 Mike Cochran, USA 0190 Michael Pukc, USA


022-105_23860.indd 65 2/19/11 10:33 AM

022-105_23860.indd 65 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:65
1000 Steampunk

0191 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0192 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0193 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 01

0194 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0195 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 01

022-105_23860.indd 66 3/11/11 6:23 PM

022-105_23860.indd 66 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:66
and Sculpture
0196 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA

fine art
0197 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0198 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA


022-105_23860.indd 67 3/11/11 6:23 PM

022-105_23860.indd 67 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:67
1000 Steampunk

0199 Michael Pukc, USA 0200 Michael Pukc, USA


0201 Michael Pukc, USA 0202 Michael Pukc, USA 02


022-105_23860.indd 68 2/19/11 10:34 AM

022-105_23860.indd 68 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:68
and Sculpture
fine art
0203 Michael Pukc, USA


022-105_23860.indd 69 2/19/11 10:34 AM

022-105_23860.indd 69 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:69
1000 Steampunk

0204 Phillip Valdez, USA 02


0205 Phillip Valdez, USA 0206 Markus Schuetz, germany 02


022-105_23860.indd 70 2/19/11 10:35 AM

022-105_23860.indd 70 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:70
and Sculpture
0207 Markus Schuetz, germany

PhotogrAPhy: MEliSSA WilliAMS

fine art
James Matthew Day, notebook
0208 Paper Comics Productions, USA

PhotogrAPhy: MEliSSA WilliAMS

James Matthew Day, notebook

0209 Markus Schuetz, germany 0210 Paper Comics Productions, USA


022-105_23860.indd 71 2/19/11 10:35 AM

022-105_23860.indd 71 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:71
1000 Steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: StEbbinS PhotogrAPhy

0211 Judy A. Anderson, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 72 2/19/11 10:35 AM

022-105_23860.indd 72 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:72
PhotogrAPhy: StEbbinS PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: StEbbinS PhotogrAPhy

and Sculpture
0212 Judy A. Anderson, USA 0213 Judy A. Anderson, USA

fine art
PhotogrAPhy: StEbbinS PhotogrAPhy

0214 Jade Gordon, USA 0215 Jade Gordon, USA


022-105_23860.indd 73 2/19/11 10:35 AM

022-105_23860.indd 73 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:73
1000 Steampunk

0216 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 0217 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 02

0218 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 0219 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 74 3/11/11 6:23 PM

022-105_23860.indd 74 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:74
and Sculpture
0220 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA

fine art
0221 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA


022-105_23860.indd 75 3/11/11 6:23 PM

022-105_23860.indd 75 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:75
1000 Steampunk

0222 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA 0223 Billie Robson, Art by Canace, USA 02

0224 Jade Gordon, USA 0225 K.Leistikow, USA 02


022-105_23860.indd 76 3/11/11 6:24 PM

022-105_23860.indd 76 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:76
and Sculpture
0226 Mark E. Adams and Journeyman, USA 0227 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA

fine art
0228 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 0229 Regina Portscheller, omnium-gatherum Arts, USA


022-105_23860.indd 77 2/19/11 10:35 AM

022-105_23860.indd 77 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:77
1000 Steampunk

0230 Deanne Smith, goldenthrush, USA 0231 Dr. Grymm with James Marsocci, USA

0232 Ned Hobgood, USA 0233 Billie Robson, Art by Canace, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 78 3/11/11 6:24 PM

022-105_23860.indd 78 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:78
0234 Will Rockwell, USA

and Sculpture
fine art
0235 Sarah Fishburn, Designs & ragtags, USA


022-105_23860.indd 79 2/19/11 10:36 AM

022-105_23860.indd 79 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:79
PhotogrAPhy: jEnnifEr MorriS
1000 Steampunk

0236 Louise Kiner, Canada 0237 Louise Kiner, Canada 02


PhotogrAPhy: jEnnifEr MorriS

0238 Louise Kiner, Canada 0239 Louise Kiner, Canada 02


022-105_23860.indd 80 3/11/11 6:25 PM

022-105_23860.indd 80 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:80
PhotogrAPhy: jEnnifEr MorriS

and Sculpture
Melissa Capyk, Wild Cakes, Canada
0240 topper: builders Studio

fine art
0241 Sandi Billingsley, USA 0242 Peter Hollinghurst, Uk


022-105_23860.indd 81 3/11/11 6:25 PM

022-105_23860.indd 81 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:81
1000 Steampunk

0243 Azirca, new Zealand 0244 Azirca, new Zealand 0245 Azirca, new Zealand

0246 Azirca, new Zealand 0247 Azirca, new Zealand 0248 Azirca, new Zealand 02

022-105_23860.indd 82 2/19/11 10:36 AM

022-105_23860.indd 82 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:82
and Sculpture
fine art
0249 Azirca, new Zealand


022-105_23860.indd 83 2/19/11 10:36 AM

022-105_23860.indd 83 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:83
1000 Steampunk

Dr. Grymm with

0250 James Muscarello, USA 0251 Danny Warner, USA 02

0252 Dr. Grymm with James Muscarello, USA 0253 Dr. Grymm with James Muscarello, USA 0254 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 84 2/19/11 10:37 AM

022-105_23860.indd 84 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:84
and Sculpture
0255 Lotus L. Vele, USA 0256 Lotus L. Vele, USA 0257 Lotus L. Vele, USA

fine art
Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0258 Lindsey Goodbun, Uk 0259 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0260 Ajar Communications, llC, USA


022-105_23860.indd 85 3/11/11 6:25 PM

022-105_23860.indd 85 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:85
1000 Steampunk

Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0261 0262 0263 02

Ajar Communications, llC, USA Ajar Communications, llC, USA Ajar Communications, llC, USA

Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0264 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0265 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0266 Ajar Communications, llC, USA

022-105_23860.indd 86 2/19/11 10:37 AM

022-105_23860.indd 86 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:86
and Sculpture
, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0267 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0268 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0269 Ajar Communications, llC, USA

fine art
, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0270 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0271 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0272 Ajar Communications, llC, USA


022-105_23860.indd 87 2/19/11 10:37 AM

022-105_23860.indd 87 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:87
PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

1000 Steampunk

0273 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0274 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0275 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA

PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

0276 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0277 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 88 3/11/11 6:26 PM

022-105_23860.indd 88 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:88
PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

and Sculpture
0279 Diana Vick, USA

fine art
PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

0278 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0280 Diana Vick, USA


022-105_23860.indd 89 3/11/11 6:26 PM

022-105_23860.indd 89 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:89
0281 James Matthew Day, Notebook Paper Comics Productions, USA
1000 Steampunk


0282 Diana Laurence, USA

0283 K.Leistikow, USA 0284 K.Leistikow, USA 0285 Diana Laurence, USA 02

022-105_23860.indd 90 3/11/11 6:26 PM

022-105_23860.indd 90 3/11/11 6:27 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:90
and Sculpture
0286 Joanne Archer, The Crow Road, UK 0287 James Muscarello, USA 0288 James Muscarello, USA

fine art
0289 Martin Horspool, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 91 3/11/11 6:26 PM

022-105_23860.indd 91 3/11/11 6:27 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:91
Captain Jason Redbeardroyal
0291 gronican navy, USA
1000 Steampunk


Captain Jason Redbeardroyal

0292 gronican navy, USA

Captain Jason Redbeardroyal Captain Jason Redbeardroyal Captain Jason Redbeardroyal

0290 gronican navy, USA
0293 gronican navy, USA
0294 gronican navy, USA

022-105_23860.indd 92 2/19/11 10:38 AM

022-105_23860.indd 92 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:92
and Sculpture
Captain Jason Redbeardroyal Captain Jason Redbeardroyal
0295 gronican navy, USA
0296 gronican navy, USA

fine art
Captain Jason Redbeardroyal Captain Jason Redbeardroyal Captain Jason Redbeardroyal
0297 gronican navy, USA
0298 gronican navy, USA
0299 gronican navy, USA


022-105_23860.indd 93 2/19/11 10:38 AM

022-105_23860.indd 93 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:93
1000 Steampunk

0300 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA 0301 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA


0302 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA 0303 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA 03

022-105_23860.indd 94 3/11/11 6:28 PM

022-105_23860.indd 94 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:94
and Sculpture
fine art
0304 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA 0305 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA

0306 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA 0307 Captain Jason Redbeardroyal gronican navy, USA


022-105_23860.indd 95 2/19/11 10:38 AM

022-105_23860.indd 95 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:95
Joshua A. Dinunzio, Joshua A. Dinunzio, Joshua A. Dinunzio,
0308 Salty Slug industries, USA
0309 Salty Slug industries, USA
0310 Salty Slug industries, USA
1000 Steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

0311 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and Destroy, USA 0312 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 03

022-105_23860.indd 96 3/11/11 8:42 PM

022-105_23860.indd 96 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:96
and Sculpture
0313 Graffiti Technica, Australia

fine art
PhotogrAPhy: jESSiCA CoEn

0314 Martin Horspool, Australia


022-105_23860.indd 97 3/11/11 8:42 PM

022-105_23860.indd 97 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:97
1000 Steampunk

0315 Sheri Jurnecka, jurnecka Creations, USA 0316 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm laboratories, USA 03

0317 Sheri Jurnecka, jurnecka Creations, USA 0318 Sheri Jurnecka, jurnecka Creations, USA 03

022-105_23860.indd 98 2/19/11 10:39 AM

022-105_23860.indd 98 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:98
and Sculpture
Rusty Lamer, Scenic Designer; Rusty Lamer, Scenic Designer; Rusty Lamer, Scenic Designer;
0319 Chip Sullivan, optic Provocateur, USA 0320 Chip Sullivan, optic Provocateur, USA 0321 Chip Sullivan, optic Provocateur, USA

fine art
0322 Danny Warner, USA


022-105_23860.indd 99 2/19/11 12:08 PM

022-105_23860.indd 99 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:99
1000 Steampunk


0323 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA 03


022-105_23860.indd 100 2/19/11 2:34 PM

022-105_23860.indd 100 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:100
and sculpture
fine art
0324 Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA 0325 Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA

0326 Dr. Grymm, Dr. Grymm Laboratories, USA 0327 James Matthew Day, Notebook Paper Comics Productions, USA


022-105_23860.indd 101 3/11/11 6:29 PM

022-105_23860.indd 101 3/11/11 6:29 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:101
PhotogrAPhy: AnythingPhoto.nEt

PhotogrAPhy: AnythingPhoto.nEt
1000 Steampunk

Tim Tate, Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio

0328 0329 Tim Tate, Washington glass School, USA 0330

Washington glass School, USA broken toys, USA

Joshua W. Kinsey,
0331 Danny Warner, USA 0332 j.W. kinseys Artifice, USA

022-105_23860.indd 102 2/19/11 11:16 AM

022-105_23860.indd 102 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:102
and Sculpture
fine art
0333 Laurie Dorrell, Moonwild Art, USA 0334 Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA


022-105_23860.indd 103 2/19/11 11:17 AM

022-105_23860.indd 103 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:103
PhotogrAPhy: MeliSSA WilliAMS
1000 Steampunk

James Matthew Day, Notebook Paper Comics Productions,

0335 with Melissa Wiliams, USA
0336 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA

0337 Martin Horspool, Australia 03


022-105_23860.indd 104 3/11/11 6:30 PM

022-105_23860.indd 104 3/11/11 6:30 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:104
and Sculpture
fine art
0338 Phillip Valdez, USA


022-105_23860.indd 105 2/19/11 11:18 AM

022-105_23860.indd 105 2/19/11 2:55 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:105
106-155_23860.indd 106 2/19/11 10:52:14 AM
106-155_23860.indd 106 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:106
chapter III:

0339 0514

106-155_23860.indd 107 2/19/11 10:52:25 AM

106-155_23860.indd 107 2/19/11 3:50:58 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:107
1000 Steampunk

0339 Eric Freitas, USA 03


106-155_23860.indd 108 3/11/11 7:49:32 PM

106-155_23860.indd 108 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:108
0340 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0341 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA

Home Dcor
0342 Eric Freitas, USA 0343 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA


106-155_23860.indd 109 2/19/11 10:52:41 AM

106-155_23860.indd 109 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:109
0344 Eric Freitas, USA
1000 Steampunk

0345 Eric Freitas, USA 0346 Eric Freitas, USA 03


106-155_23860.indd 110 2/19/11 10:52:53 AM

106-155_23860.indd 110 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:110
Home Dcor
0347 Eric Freitas, USA 0348 Eric Freitas, USA


106-155_23860.indd 111 2/19/11 10:53:02 AM

106-155_23860.indd 111 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:111
1000 Steampunk

0349 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0350 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 03

106-155_23860.indd 112 2/19/11 10:53:09 AM

106-155_23860.indd 112 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:112
0351 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0352 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0353 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA

Home Dcor
0354 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0355 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0356 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA


106-155_23860.indd 113 2/19/11 10:53:20 AM

106-155_23860.indd 113 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:113
0357 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0358 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0359 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA
1000 Steampunk

0360 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0361 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0362 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 03

106-155_23860.indd 114 2/19/11 10:53:31 AM

106-155_23860.indd 114 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:114
Home Dcor
0363 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and Destroy, USA


106-155_23860.indd 115 3/11/11 7:07:09 PM

106-155_23860.indd 115 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:115
0365 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 03
1000 Steampunk

0364 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0366 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 03

106-155_23860.indd 116 2/19/11 10:53:38 AM

106-155_23860.indd 116 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:116
0367 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0368 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0369 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada

Home Dcor
0370 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0371 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada


106-155_23860.indd 117 2/19/11 10:53:43 AM

106-155_23860.indd 117 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:117
0372 Cory Barkman, Canada
1000 Steampunk

0373 Cory Barkman, Canada 0374 Cory Barkman, Canada 03


106-155_23860.indd 118 2/19/11 10:53:50 AM

106-155_23860.indd 118 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:118
Home Dcor
0375 Cory Barkman, Canada


106-155_23860.indd 119 2/19/11 10:53:54 AM

106-155_23860.indd 119 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:119
0376 Cory Barkman, Canada 0377 Cory Barkman, Canada 0378 Cory Barkman, Canada 03
1000 Steampunk

0379 Cory Barkman, Canada 0380 Cory Barkman, Canada 03


106-155_23860.indd 120 2/19/11 10:54:09 AM

106-155_23860.indd 120 2/19/11 10:51:31 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:120
PhotogrAPhy: KriS henDerSon

PhotogrAPhy: KriS henDerSon

0381 LF Roberts, Floydagain Designs, USA 0382 LF Roberts, Floydagain Designs, USA

Home Dcor
PhotogrAPhy: KriS henDerSon

PhotogrAPhy: KriS henDerSon

0383 LF Roberts, Floydagain Designs, USA 0384 LF Roberts, Floydagain Designs, USA


106-155_23860.indd 121 2/19/11 10:54:18 AM

106-155_23860.indd 121 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:121
0386 Jordan Waraksa, USA

1000 Steampunk

0385 maduncle, Australia 0387 Jordan Waraksa, USA 03


106-155_23860.indd 122 3/11/11 7:51:21 PM

106-155_23860.indd 122 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:122
0389 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA

0388 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA

Home Dcor
0390 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA 0391 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA


106-155_23860.indd 123 2/19/11 10:54:30 AM

106-155_23860.indd 123 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:123
PhotograPhy: Jessica coen

NG Coonce-Ewing,
0392 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 0393 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0394 Cricket Creations, USA
1000 Steampunk

0395 Michael Salerno, USA 0396 NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket Creations, USA 03


106-155_23860.indd 124 3/11/11 7:52:21 PM

106-155_23860.indd 124 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:124
Weirdward Works/Arpad Tota,
0398 hungary
0399 Weirdward Works/Arpad Tota, hungary

Home Dcor
0397 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 0400 Weirdward Works/Arpad Tota, hungary


106-155_23860.indd 125 3/11/11 7:52:29 PM

106-155_23860.indd 125 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:125
0401 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0402 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 04
1000 Steampunk

0403 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0404 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 04

106-155_23860.indd 126 3/11/11 7:52:35 PM

106-155_23860.indd 126 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:126
0405 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada

Home Dcor
0406 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0407 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada


106-155_23860.indd 127 2/19/11 10:55:20 AM

106-155_23860.indd 127 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:127
1000 Steampunk

0408 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 04


106-155_23860.indd 128 2/19/11 10:55:21 AM

106-155_23860.indd 128 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:128
0409 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0410 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada

Home Dcor
0411 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0412 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada


106-155_23860.indd 129 2/19/11 10:55:27 AM

106-155_23860.indd 129 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:129
1000 Steampunk

0413 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 0414 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada 04

106-155_23860.indd 130 2/19/11 10:55:30 AM

106-155_23860.indd 130 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:130
0415 Christine Cavataio, USA 0416 Christine Cavataio, USA 0417 Christine Cavataio, USA

Home Dcor
0418 Christine Cavataio, USA 0419 Christine Cavataio, USA


106-155_23860.indd 131 2/19/11 10:55:34 AM

106-155_23860.indd 131 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:131
Joshua W. Kinsey, Joshua W. Kinsey, Joshua W. Kinsey,
0420 J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA
0421 J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA
0422 J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA
1000 Steampunk

0423 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA 0424 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 132 3/11/11 7:53:17 PM

106-155_23860.indd 132 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:132
Joshua W. Kinsey,
0426 J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA

Home Dcor
Joshua W. Kinsey,
0425 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA 0427 J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA


106-155_23860.indd 133 3/11/11 7:53:23 PM

106-155_23860.indd 133 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:133
0428 Erin Keck, e.K. Creations, USA 0429 Will Rockwell, USA

1000 Steampunk

0430 Erin Keck, e.K. Creations, USA 0431 Erin Keck, e.K. Creations, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 134 2/19/11 10:55:53 AM

106-155_23860.indd 134 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:134
0432 Erin Keck, e.K. Creations, USA 0433 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA

Home Dcor
0434 Erin Keck, e.K. Creations, USA 0435 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA


106-155_23860.indd 135 3/11/11 7:53:49 PM

106-155_23860.indd 135 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:135
PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

0436 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK 0437 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK 04
1000 Steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

0438 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK 0439 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK 04

106-155_23860.indd 136 2/19/11 10:56:05 AM

106-155_23860.indd 136 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:136
PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

0440 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK 0441 Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk Kaleidoscopes, UK

Home Dcor
PhotogrAPhy: John reeCe

0442 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA 0443 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA


106-155_23860.indd 137 2/19/11 10:56:10 AM

106-155_23860.indd 137 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:137
0444 Dillon Works!, USA 04
1000 Steampunk

0445 Dillon Works!, USA 0446 Dillon Works!, USA 0447 Dillon Works!, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 138 2/19/11 10:56:21 AM

106-155_23860.indd 138 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:138
Jonathan Gosling, Jonathan Gosling,
0448 Lisa A. Rooney, USA 0449 river otter Widget Studios, USA
0450 river otter Widget Studios, USA

Home Dcor
Lynne Rutter, Lynne rutter
0451 Murals & Decorative Painting, USA
0452 Lynne Rutter, Lynne rutter Murals & Decorative Painting, USA


106-155_23860.indd 139 2/19/11 10:56:28 AM

106-155_23860.indd 139 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:139
0453 Christine Cavataio, USA 0454 Christine Cavataio, USA 04
1000 Steampunk

0455 Kammlah.Thayer Collection for Carol Hicks Bolton / e.J. Victor Furniture, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 140 3/11/11 7:54:32 PM

106-155_23860.indd 140 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:140
0456 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA 0457 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA

Home Dcor
0458 Kammlah.Thayer Collection for Carol Hicks Bolton / e.J. Victor Furniture, USA


106-155_23860.indd 141 3/11/11 7:54:39 PM

106-155_23860.indd 141 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:141
0460 Daniel Pon, Paradox Designs, USA


0459 Daniel Pon, Paradox Designs, USA

1000 Steampunk

0461 Daniel Pon, Paradox Designs, USA 0462 Daniel Pon, Paradox Designs, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 142 2/19/11 10:57:10 AM

106-155_23860.indd 142 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:142
Heather Simpson-Bluhm,
0463 Heather Simpson-Bluhm, Bluhm Studios, USA 0464 Bluhm Studios, USA

Home Dcor
0465 Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA 0466 Will Rockwell, USA 0467 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA


106-155_23860.indd 143 2/19/11 10:57:18 AM

106-155_23860.indd 143 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:143
0468 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA 0469 Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys Artifice, USA

1000 Steampunk

0470 Tessa J. Chandler, USA 0471 Tessa J. Chandler, USA 04


106-155_23860.indd 144 3/11/11 7:55:41 PM

106-155_23860.indd 144 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:144
PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

0473 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA

0472 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA

Home Dcor
PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

0474 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA 0475 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA


106-155_23860.indd 145 3/11/11 7:55:49 PM

106-155_23860.indd 145 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:145

PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

0476 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA 0477 Val Lucas, Bowerbox Press, USA
1000 Steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

0478 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA 0479 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 146 3/11/11 7:56:01 PM

106-155_23860.indd 146 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:146
PhotogrAPhy: ALySiA BroWn

PhotogrAPhy: ALySiA BroWn

0480 Cole H. Goldstein, Cole hastings Modern Antiquities, USA 0481 Cole H. Goldstein, Cole hastings Modern Antiquities, USA

Home Dcor
PhotogrAPhy: ALySiA BroWn
PhotogrAPhy: ALex SAVitzKy

0482 Cole H. Goldstein, Cole hastings Modern Antiquities, USA 0483 Lisa A. Rooney, USA


106-155_23860.indd 147 2/19/11 10:57:56 AM

106-155_23860.indd 147 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:147
0484 Brace Peters, USA 0485 Brace Peters, USA 0486 Brace Peters, USA

1000 Steampunk

0487 Will Rockwell, USA 0488 Andrew Tarrant, trespasser Ceramics, Canada 04

106-155_23860.indd 148 2/19/11 10:58:05 AM

106-155_23860.indd 148 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:148
PhotogrAPher: WWW.SteAMPUnKWorKShoP.CoM
0490 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA

PhotogrAPher: WWW.SteAMPUnKWorKShoP.CoM

PhotogrAPher: WWW.SteAMPUnKWorKShoP.CoM
0489 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA 0491 Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA

Home Dcor
0492 Andrew Tarrant, trespasser Ceramics, Canada 0493 Val Lucas, Bowerbox Press, USA


106-155_23860.indd 149 2/19/11 10:58:14 AM

106-155_23860.indd 149 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:149
0494 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0495 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0496 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA
1000 Steampunk

0497 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0498 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 04

106-155_23860.indd 150 3/11/11 7:10:24 PM

106-155_23860.indd 150 2/19/11 10:51:32 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:150

0500 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA

Home Dcor
0499 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0501 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA


106-155_23860.indd 151 2/19/11 10:58:29 AM

106-155_23860.indd 151 2/19/11 10:51:33 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:151
0503 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA

1000 Steampunk

0502 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0504 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 05

106-155_23860.indd 152 2/19/11 10:58:37 AM

106-155_23860.indd 152 2/19/11 10:51:33 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:152

0505 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0506 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA

Home Dcor
A 0507 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0508 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA


106-155_23860.indd 153 2/19/11 10:58:45 AM

106-155_23860.indd 153 2/19/11 10:51:33 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:153
0509 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0510 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0511 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA
1000 Steampunk

0512 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 0513 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA 05

106-155_23860.indd 154 2/19/11 10:58:53 AM

106-155_23860.indd 154 2/19/11 10:51:33 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:154

Home Dcor
0514 Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design, USA


106-155_23860.indd 155 2/19/11 10:58:56 AM

106-155_23860.indd 155 2/19/11 10:51:33 AM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:155
156-185_23860.indd 156 2/19/11 12:52 PM
156-185_23860.indd 156 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:156
Chapter iV:

fashion and
0515 0604

156-185_23860.indd 157 2/19/11 12:52 PM

156-185_23860.indd 157 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:157
1000 steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: MAriA MAnn

0515 Topsy Turvy Design, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 158 2/19/11 12:52 PM

156-185_23860.indd 158 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:158
fashion and
0516 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 0517 Martin Small, UK

PhotogrAPhy: DAniel SilveirA

PhotogrAPhy: MAriA MAnn

0518 Martin Small, UK 0519 Legion Fantastique, USA


156-185_23860.indd 159 2/19/11 12:52 PM

156-185_23860.indd 159 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:159
1000 steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: MAriA S. vArelA, SAntiAgo AlvArez

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: Jennifer lovely

Penelope Almendros Garcia,
0520 revue vintage, Spain
0521 Topsy Turvy Design, USA 0522 Diana Vick, USA

PhotogrAPhy: MAriA S. vArelA, SAntiAgo AlvArez

Penelope Almendros Garcia,
0523 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 0524 revue vintage, Spain

156-185_23860.indd 160 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 160 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:160
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: Jennifer lovely
PhotogrAPhy: MAriA S. vArelA, SAntiAgo AlvArez

PhotogrAPhy: MAriA S. vArelA, SAntiAgo AlvArez

0525 Penelope Almendros Garcia, revue vintage, Spain


156-185_23860.indd 161 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 161 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:161
1000 steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: r MArtin ArMStrong

PhotogrAPhy: r MArtin ArMStrong

P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom
0526 Photography, USA
0527 Diana Vick, USA 0528 Diana Vick, USA

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

0529 Topsy Turvy Design, USA 0530 Topsy Turvy Design, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 162 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 162 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:162
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: r MArtin ArMStrong
PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

0531 Topsy Turvy Design, USA


156-185_23860.indd 163 2/19/11 4:13 PM

156-185_23860.indd 163 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:163
1000 steampunk


0532 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 05


156-185_23860.indd 164 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 164 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:164
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: DAviD tAte
0533 Idris De Angeli, Zahiras Boudoir, UK 0534 Amy & Brayton Carpenter, legendary Costume Works, USA

PhotogrAPhy: DAniel SilveirA

PhotogrAPhy: DAniel SilveirA

0535 Legion Fantastique, USA 0536 Legion Fantastique, USA


156-185_23860.indd 165 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 165 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:165
1000 steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: MiChAel PAo, MAD CAlAMity PhotoS

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong
0537 Larissa Sayer, Canada 0538 Diana Vick, USA 0539 Lynda Taft, USA

0540 Erin Tierneigh, USA 0541 Erin Tierneigh, USA 0542 Erin Tierneigh, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 166 2/19/11 4:13 PM

156-185_23860.indd 166 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:166
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: MiChAel PAo, MAD CAlAMity PhotoS

0543 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA


156-185_23860.indd 167 2/19/11 12:53 PM

156-185_23860.indd 167 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:167
1000 steampunk


0544 Martin Small, UK 05


156-185_23860.indd 168 2/19/11 4:14 PM

156-185_23860.indd 168 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:168
fashion and
0546 Lisa A. Rooney, USA 0547 Lisa A. Rooney, USA

0545 Lisa A. Rooney, USA

0548 Lisa A. Rooney, USA 0549 Shirlene Perini, USA 0550 Lisa A. Rooney, USA


156-185_23860.indd 169 2/19/11 12:54 PM

156-185_23860.indd 169 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:169
1000 steampunk

0552 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA

Mara S. Varela, Model Patricia Egea,

0551 Clothing Penlope Almendros, Bavaria
0553 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 170 2/19/11 12:54 PM

156-185_23860.indd 170 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:170
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: MAriA S. vArelA, SAntiAgo AlvArez

0554 Penelope Almendros Garcia, revue vintage, Spain


156-185_23860.indd 171 2/19/11 12:54 PM

156-185_23860.indd 171 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:171
1000 steampunk

P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom

0555 Photography, USA
0556 Jessica M. Coen, USA 0557 Jessica M. Coen, USA

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

0558 Diana Vick, USA 0559 Diana Vick, USA 0560 Topsy Turvy Design, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 172 3/11/11 7:21 PM

156-185_23860.indd 172 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:172
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: Silent ShUDDer PhotogrAPhy

0561 Topsy Turvy Design, USA


156-185_23860.indd 173 2/19/11 12:54 PM

156-185_23860.indd 173 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:173
1000 steampunk

Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets
0562 incorporated, Belgium
0563 incorporated, Belgium
0564 incorporated, Belgium

0565 Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets incorporated, Belgium 0566 Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets incorporated, Belgium 05

156-185_23860.indd 174 2/19/11 12:55 PM

156-185_23860.indd 174 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:174
fashion and
0567 Hilde Heyvaert, house of Secrets incorporated, Belgium


156-185_23860.indd 175 3/11/11 7:22 PM

156-185_23860.indd 175 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:175
1000 steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: DAviD zentz

0568 Veronique Chevalier, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 176 2/19/11 12:55 PM

156-185_23860.indd 176 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:176
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: DAviD zentz

PhotogrAPhy: DAviD zentz

0569 Veronique Chevalier, USA 0570 Veronique Chevalier, USA 0571 Idris De Angeli, Zahiras Boudoir, UK

PhotogrAPhy: DAniel SilveirA

PhotogrAPhy: DAviD zentz

0572 Legion Fantastique, USA 0573 Idris De Angeli, Zahiras Boudoir, UK


156-185_23860.indd 177 3/11/11 7:22 PM

156-185_23860.indd 177 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:177
1000 steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: DArKAin MeDiA, WWW.DArKAin.CoM

PhotogrAPhy: AB MAnn

Jazmyn & Logan Douillard,

0574 Regina Davan, Alt.Kilt, USA 0575 Martin Small, UK 0576 Douillard Custom Creations, Canada

0577 Michael Salerno, USA 0578 Deanne Smith, goldenthrush, USA 05


156-185_23860.indd 178 3/11/11 7:22 PM

156-185_23860.indd 178 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:178
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: DArKAin MeDiA, WWW.DArKAin.CoM

PhotogrAPhy: DArKAin MeDiA, WWW.DArKAin.CoM

0579 Jazmyn & Logan Douillard, Douillard Custom Creations, Canada


156-185_23860.indd 179 2/19/11 4:15 PM

156-185_23860.indd 179 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:179
1000 steampunk

Michelle Barton, Michelle Barton, Michelle Barton,

0580 victorian gothic Clothing, UK
0581 victorian gothic Clothing, UK
0582 victorian gothic Clothing, UK

Michelle Barton,
0583 victorian gothic Clothing, UK
0584 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 05

156-185_23860.indd 180 2/19/11 12:56 PM

156-185_23860.indd 180 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:180
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

Christine Jones,
0585 Crimson Chain leatherworks, USA
0586 Diana Vick, USA 0587 Diana Vick, USA

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArK

PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArK

Alison Park-Douglas, Alison Park-Douglas,

0588 velvet Mechanism, USA
0589 velvet Mechanism, USA
0590 Diana Vick, USA


156-185_23860.indd 181 3/11/11 7:23 PM

156-185_23860.indd 181 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389
03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:181
1000 steampunk


0591 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA 05


156-185_23860.indd 182 2/19/11 12:56 PM

156-185_23860.indd 182 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:182
fashion and
Pia Barile, Pia Barile Accessories, Pia Barile, Pia Barile Accessories,
0593 the netherlands
0594 the netherlands

Jessica Faraday,
0592 Jessica M. Coen, USA 0595 Jessica M. Coen, USA 0596 faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA

Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0597 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0598 Ajar Communications, llC, USA
0599 Ajar Communications, llC, USA


156-185_23860.indd 183 2/19/11 12:56 PM

156-185_23860.indd 183 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:183
1000 steampunk

0600 Martin Small, UK 0601 Mike Jennings, USA

PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

0602 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA 0603 Diana Vick, USA 06

156-185_23860.indd 184 2/19/11 12:56 PM

156-185_23860.indd 184 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:184
fashion and
PhotogrAPhy: r. MArtin ArMStrong

0604 Mike Jennings, USA


156-185_23860.indd 185 2/19/11 12:56 PM

156-185_23860.indd 185 2/19/11 12:51 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:185
186-219_23860.indd 186 2/19/11 1:01 PM
186-219_23860.indd 186 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:186
chapter V:

hats and
0605 0713

186-219_23860.indd 187 3/11/11 7:57 PM

186-219_23860.indd 187 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:187
1000 steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: MAtt AdeMik

0605 Cassandra Mathieson, Cadaverous Lovely, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 188 2/19/11 1:01 PM

186-219_23860.indd 188 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:188
0607 Melanie Brooks, earthenwood Studio, USA

hats and
PhotogrAPhy: MAtt AdeMik

0606 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Japan 0608 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA


186-219_23860.indd 189 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 189 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:189
PhotogrAPhy: LoUiS PArkS
1000 steampunk

John Paul Ammons, double A Stitching,

0609 q phia, USA 0610 06

PhotogrAPhy: LoUiS PArkS

John Paul Ammons, double A Stitching,

0611 q phia, USA 0612 USA

186-219_23860.indd 190 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 190 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:190
PhotogrAPhy: tiMothy CASeBoLt

Abigail Cosio,
0613 John Paul Ammons, double A Stitching, USA 0614 Bedford Falls headwear, USA

hats and
PhotogrAPhy: LoUiS PArkS

0615 John Paul Ammons, double A Stitching, USA 0616 q phia, USA


186-219_23860.indd 191 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 191 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:191
0617 Davin White, USA 0618 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA
1000 steampunk

0619 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 0620 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA

0621 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 0622 Dr. Grymm, dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 192 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 192 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:192
hats and
0623 P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom Photography, USA


186-219_23860.indd 193 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 193 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:193
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0624 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0625 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA
1000 steampunk


0626 John Paul Ammons, double A Stitching, USA 06


186-219_23860.indd 194 3/11/11 8:04 PM

186-219_23860.indd 194 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:194
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0627 Kat Fortner-McNiff, USA 0628 Kat Fortner-McNiff, USA

hats and
0629 Kat Fortner-McNiff, USA 0630 Kat Fortner-McNiff, USA


186-219_23860.indd 195 3/11/11 8:05 PM

186-219_23860.indd 195 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:195
1000 steampunk

0631 Ramon R. Martin, USA 0632 Ramon R. Martin, USA


Eddie Wilson,
0633 whisperstudio broken toys, USA
0634 Ramon R. Martin, USA 0635 Ramon R. Martin, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 196 3/11/11 8:05 PM

186-219_23860.indd 196 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:196
hats and
0636 Ramon R. Martin, USA


186-219_23860.indd 197 3/11/11 8:05 PM

186-219_23860.indd 197 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:197
1000 steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: rUth ArnoLd

0637 Ramon R. Martin, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 198 3/11/11 8:05 PM

186-219_23860.indd 198 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:198
0638 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0639 Thomas E. Gawron, USA

hats and
PhotogrAPhy: rUth ArnoLd

0640 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0641 Thomas E. Gawron, USA


186-219_23860.indd 199 3/11/11 8:05 PM

186-219_23860.indd 199 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:199
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen
1000 steampunk

0642 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0643 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06

0644 A. Laura Brody, dreams By Machine, USA 0645 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06

186-219_23860.indd 200 3/11/11 8:07 PM

186-219_23860.indd 200 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:200
0646 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0647 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada

hats and
0648 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0649 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada


186-219_23860.indd 201 3/11/11 8:07 PM

186-219_23860.indd 201 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:201
1000 steampunk

0651 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06


0650 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0652 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06

186-219_23860.indd 202 3/11/11 8:07 PM

186-219_23860.indd 202 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:202
0653 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0654 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0655 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada

hats and
0656 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0657 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0658 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada


186-219_23860.indd 203 3/11/11 8:07 PM

186-219_23860.indd 203 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:203
1000 steampunk


0659 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06


186-219_23860.indd 204 3/11/11 8:07 PM

186-219_23860.indd 204 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:204
0660 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0661 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada

hats and
0662 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0663 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada

0664 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0665 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada


186-219_23860.indd 205 3/11/11 8:08 PM

186-219_23860.indd 205 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:205
1000 steampunk

0666 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 0667 Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz n hydez, Canada 06

PhotogrAPhy: evAn driSCoLL

0668 A. Laura Brody, dreams By Machine, USA 0669 Isaiah Max Plovnick, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 206 3/11/11 8:08 PM

186-219_23860.indd 206 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:206
0670 Heather Daveno, Lao hats, USA

hats and
PhotogrAPhy: evAn driSCoLL

PhotogrAPhy: MAtt AdeMik

0671 Sheri Jurnecka, Jurnecka Creations, USA 0672 Cassandra Mathieson, Cadaverous Lovely, USA


186-219_23860.indd 207 3/11/11 8:08 PM

186-219_23860.indd 207 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:207
0673 A. Laura Brody, dreams By Machine, USA
1000 steampunk

0674 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and destroy, USA 06

0675 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and destroy, USA 0676 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and destroy, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 208 3/11/11 8:08 PM

186-219_23860.indd 208 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:208
hats and
0677 Heather Daveno, Lao hats, USA

0678 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0679 Thomas E. Gawron, USA


186-219_23860.indd 209 3/11/11 8:08 PM

186-219_23860.indd 209 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:209
1000 steampunk


0680 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Japan 06


186-219_23860.indd 210 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 210 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:210
Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou,
0681 Japan
0682 Japan
0683 Japan

hats and
0684 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Japan 0685 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Japan


186-219_23860.indd 211 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 211 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:211
1000 steampunk

Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou,
0686 0687 0688

Japan Japan Japan

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0689 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi haruo koubou, Japan 0690 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 212 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 212 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:212
hats and
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: MAtt AdeMik

0691 Cassandra Mathieson, Cadaverous Lovely, USA


186-219_23860.indd 213 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 213 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:213
1000 steampunk

0692 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA 0693 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA 06

PhotogrAPhy: tiMothy CASeBoLt

0694 Abigail Cosio, Bedford Falls headwear, USA 0695 Janet Teas, USA 06

186-219_23860.indd 214 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 214 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:214
0696 Heather Daveno, Lao hats, USA 0697 Heather Daveno, Lao hats, USA

hats and
0698 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA 0699 Jessica Faraday, Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA


186-219_23860.indd 215 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 215 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:215
PhotogrAPhy: SChenCk And SChenCk PhotogrAPhy

PhotogrAPhy: SChenCk And SChenCk PhotogrAPhy

0700 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA 0701 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA
1000 steampunk


0702 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and destroy, USA 0703 Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and destroy, USA
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0704 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0705 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 07

186-219_23860.indd 216 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 216 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:216
PhotogrAPhy: SChenCk And SChenCk PhotogrAPhy

0706 Tom Banwell, USA

hats and
0707 Tom Banwell, USA
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0708 Tom Banwell, USA 0709 Tom Banwell, USA


186-219_23860.indd 217 3/11/11 8:09 PM

186-219_23860.indd 217 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:217
1000 steampunk

0711 Tom Banwell, USA


0710 Tom Banwell, USA 0712 Tom Banwell, USA 07


186-219_23860.indd 218 3/11/11 8:10 PM

186-219_23860.indd 218 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:218
hats and
0713 Tom Banwell, USA


186-219_23860.indd 219 3/11/11 8:10 PM

186-219_23860.indd 219 2/19/11 1:00 PM
(01-23043) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419
01-C60389 #175 Dtp:204 Page:219
220-265_23860.indd 220 2/19/11 1:13:29 PM
220-265_23860.indd 220 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:220
Chapter VI:

0714 0870

220-265_23860.indd 221 2/19/11 1:13:38 PM

220-265_23860.indd 221 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:221
1000 Steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArk

0714 Alison Park-Douglas, Velvet Mechanism, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 222 2/19/11 1:13:44 PM

220-265_23860.indd 222 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:222
0715 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0716 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA

PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArk

0717 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0718 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA


220-265_23860.indd 223 2/19/11 1:13:50 PM

220-265_23860.indd 223 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:223
0719 Karen Burns, Vintage Findings, USA 0720 Karen Burns, Vintage Findings, USA 0721 Karen Burns, Vintage Findings, USA
1000 Steampunk

0722 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0723 Kristin Hubick, retro Cafe Art gallery, USA 0724 Kristin Hubick, retro Cafe Art gallery, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 224 2/19/11 1:14:00 PM

220-265_23860.indd 224 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:224
A 0725 Karen Burns, Vintage Findings, USA


220-265_23860.indd 225 2/19/11 1:14:02 PM

220-265_23860.indd 225 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:225
0726 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 0727 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 07
1000 Steampunk

0728 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 0729 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 226 3/11/11 8:10:42 PM

220-265_23860.indd 226 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:226
0730 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 0731 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 0732 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA

Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark,
0733 Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA 0734 the Spectra Nova, USA


220-265_23860.indd 227 3/11/11 8:10:46 PM

220-265_23860.indd 227 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:227
1000 Steampunk

0735 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA 07


220-265_23860.indd 228 2/19/11 1:14:18 PM

220-265_23860.indd 228 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:228
0736 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA 0737 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA

Deryn Mentock,
0738 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA 0739 Something Sublime, USA
0740 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA


220-265_23860.indd 229 3/11/11 8:11:12 PM

220-265_23860.indd 229 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:229
PhotogrAPhy: SChENCk ANd SChENCk PhotogrAPhy
0741 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA 0742 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA

1000 Steampunk

0743 Kecia Deveney, Lemoncholys Studio, USA 0744 Kecia Deveney, Lemoncholys Studio, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 230 2/19/11 1:14:33 PM

220-265_23860.indd 230 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:230
0745 Kendra Tornheim, Silver owl Creations, USA 0746 Kendra Tornheim, Silver owl Creations, USA 0747 Kendra Tornheim, Silver owl Creations, USA

Laurel Steven,
0748 Kecia Deveney, Lemoncholys Studio, USA 0749 Kendra Tornheim, Silver owl Creations, USA 0750 rueschka by Laurel Steven, USA


220-265_23860.indd 231 2/19/11 1:14:44 PM

220-265_23860.indd 231 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:231
Angela Shaffer,
0751 Deryn Mentock, Something Sublime, USA 0752 Akeishafs Fusion Fabrications, USA
1000 Steampunk

0753 Shawn M. Lopez, USA 0754 Shoshanah Jennings, Adorning Erzulie, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 232 2/19/11 1:14:52 PM

220-265_23860.indd 232 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:232
0755 Shoshanah Jennings, Adorning Erzulie, USA


220-265_23860.indd 233 2/19/11 1:14:55 PM

220-265_23860.indd 233 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:233
PhotogrAPhy: J. E. PAttErSoN

PhotogrAPhy: J. E. PAttErSoN
0756 Tamara A. Mickelson, t.M. originals, USA 0757 Tamara A. Mickelson, t.M. originals, USA 07
1000 Steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: J. E. PAttErSoN
0758 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan Steamworks, USA 0759 Tamara A. Mickelson, t.M. originals, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 234 3/11/11 8:11:26 PM

220-265_23860.indd 234 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:234
PhotogrAPhy: J. E. PAttErSoN

0760 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan Steamworks, USA 0761 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan Steamworks, USA

PhotogrAPhy: J. E. PAttErSoN

0762 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan Steamworks, USA 0763 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan Steamworks, USA


220-265_23860.indd 235 2/19/11 1:15:09 PM

220-265_23860.indd 235 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:235
1000 Steampunk

PhotogrAPhy: JoNAthAN gUiNN

0764 Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA 07

220-265_23860.indd 236 2/19/11 1:15:16 PM

220-265_23860.indd 236 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:236
PhotogrAPhy: JoNAthAN gUiNN
0765 Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA

0766 Jessica M. Coen, USA

PhotogrAPhy: JoNAthAN gUiNN

PhotogrAPhy: JoNAthAN gUiNN

0767 Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA 0768 Jessica M. Coen, USA


220-265_23860.indd 237 2/19/11 1:15:25 PM

220-265_23860.indd 237 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:237
0769 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA 0770 Shawn M. Lopez, USA
1000 Steampunk

Amanda Scrivener, Professor Maelstrommes Steam Laboratory Amanda Scrivener, Professor Maelstrommes Steam Laboratory
0771 and Brute Force Studios, Uk
0772 and Brute Force Studios, Uk

220-265_23860.indd 238 2/19/11 1:15:32 PM

220-265_23860.indd 238 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:238
0773 InSectus Artifacts, Australia


220-265_23860.indd 239 2/19/11 1:15:35 PM

220-265_23860.indd 239 2/19/11 1:12:48 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:239
1000 Steampunk

0774 InSectus Artifacts, Australia 07


220-265_23860.indd 240 2/19/11 1:15:44 PM

220-265_23860.indd 240 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:240
Amanda Scrivener, Professor Maelstrommes
0775 InSectus Artifacts, Australia 0776 InSectus Artifacts, Australia 0777 Steam Laboratory and Brute Force Studios, Uk

0778 InSectus Artifacts, Australia 0779 InSectus Artifacts, Australia


220-265_23860.indd 241 2/19/11 1:15:57 PM

220-265_23860.indd 241 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:241
Michael Thee, Michael Thee,
0780 Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA
0781 Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA
0782 Trisha Krueger, MarySewdesigns, germany
1000 Steampunk

0783 Trisha Krueger, MarySewdesigns, germany 0784 Trisha Krueger, MarySewdesigns, germany 07

220-265_23860.indd 242 2/19/11 1:16:13 PM

220-265_23860.indd 242 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:242

0785 Trisha Krueger, MarySewdesigns, germany


220-265_23860.indd 243 2/19/11 1:16:23 PM

220-265_23860.indd 243 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:243

0786 Patricia Phillips, USA 0787 Patricia Phillips, USA 0788 Patricia Phillips, USA
1000 Steampunk

0789 Patricia Phillips, USA 0790 Patricia Phillips, USA 07


220-265_23860.indd 244 2/19/11 1:16:34 PM

220-265_23860.indd 244 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:244
0791 Patricia Phillips, USA 0792 Patricia Phillips, USA

0793 Patricia Phillips, USA 0794 Patricia Phillips, USA


220-265_23860.indd 245 2/19/11 1:16:42 PM

220-265_23860.indd 245 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:245

1000 Steampunk

0795 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 08


220-265_23860.indd 246 2/19/11 1:18:34 PM

220-265_23860.indd 246 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:246
0796 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0797 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada

0798 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0799 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada

0800 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0801 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada


220-265_23860.indd 247 2/19/11 1:18:51 PM

220-265_23860.indd 247 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:247
0802 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA 0803 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA 08
1000 Steampunk

0804 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA 0805 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA 08

220-265_23860.indd 248 2/19/11 1:18:59 PM

220-265_23860.indd 248 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:248
0806 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA 0807 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA

0808 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA 0809 Michael Thee, Michael thee Studio, LLC, USA


220-265_23860.indd 249 2/19/11 1:19:07 PM

220-265_23860.indd 249 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:249
0810 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0811 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 08

0812 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0813 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada
1000 Steampunk

0814 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0815 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 08

220-265_23860.indd 250 2/19/11 1:19:21 PM

220-265_23860.indd 250 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:250
0816 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0817 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada

0818 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada


220-265_23860.indd 251 2/19/11 1:19:27 PM

220-265_23860.indd 251 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:251
PhotogrAPhy: SChENCk ANd SChENCk PhotogrAPhy
0819 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA 0820 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA

1000 Steampunk

0821 Rainey J. Gibney, the Josie Baggley Company, ireland 0822 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA 08

220-265_23860.indd 252 2/19/11 1:19:32 PM

220-265_23860.indd 252 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:252
0823 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA 0824 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA

0825 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA 0826 Marina Rios, Fanciful devices, USA


220-265_23860.indd 253 2/19/11 1:19:36 PM

220-265_23860.indd 253 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:253
0828 Kate Richbourg, USA

0827 Jane Salley, USA

0829 Jane Salley, USA

1000 Steampunk

0830 Jane Salley, USA 0831 Jane Salley, USA 08


220-265_23860.indd 254 2/19/11 1:19:47 PM

220-265_23860.indd 254 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:254
0832 Jane Salley, USA


220-265_23860.indd 255 2/19/11 1:19:53 PM

220-265_23860.indd 255 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:255
Laurel Steven, rueschka by Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark, Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark,
0833 Laurel Steven, USA
0834 the Spectra Nova, USA
0835 the Spectra Nova, USA
1000 Steampunk

0836 Laurel Steven, rueschka by Laurel Steven, USA 0837 Debbie Lynch, USA 08

220-265_23860.indd 256 2/19/11 1:20:04 PM

220-265_23860.indd 256 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:256
PhotogrAPhy: ALiCiA CAUdLE
0838 Debbie Lynch, USA 0839 Kerin Gale, USA 0840 Debbie Lynch, USA

0841 Jen Hilton, USA 0842 Jen Hilton, USA


220-265_23860.indd 257 2/19/11 1:20:13 PM

220-265_23860.indd 257 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:257
0843 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA 0844 Barbe Saint John, Saints & Sinners, USA
1000 Steampunk

0845 Erin Keck, E.k. Creations, USA 0846 Erin Keck, E.k. Creations, USA 08

220-265_23860.indd 258 3/11/11 8:11:46 PM

220-265_23860.indd 258 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:258
0847 Trisha Krueger, MarySewdesigns, germany


220-265_23860.indd 259 2/19/11 1:20:32 PM

220-265_23860.indd 259 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:259
PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArk
Alison Park-Douglas, Alison Park-Douglas,
0848 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0849 Velvet Mechanism, USA
0850 Velvet Mechanism, USA
1000 Steampunk

0851 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0852 Cyndi Lavin, USA 08


220-265_23860.indd 260 3/11/11 8:12:01 PM

220-265_23860.indd 260 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:260
PhotogrAPhy: thoMAS PArk

0853 Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark, the Spectra Nova, USA 0854 Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark, the Spectra Nova, USA

0855 Alison Park-Douglas, Velvet Mechanism, USA 0856 Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA


220-265_23860.indd 261 2/19/11 1:20:52 PM

220-265_23860.indd 261 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:261
0857 Patricia Phillips, USA 0858 Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine Nova Lark, the Spectra Nova, USA 08
1000 Steampunk

0859 Cyndi Lavin, USA 0860 Cyndi Lavin, USA 08


220-265_23860.indd 262 2/19/11 1:21:06 PM

220-265_23860.indd 262 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:262
0861 Cyndi Lavin, USA 0862 Cyndi Lavin, USA 0863 Sheri Jurnecka, Jurnecka Creations, USA

0864 Cyndi Lavin, USA 0865 Cyndi Lavin, USA


220-265_23860.indd 263 2/19/11 1:21:17 PM

220-265_23860.indd 263 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:263
0866 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0867 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada
1000 Steampunk

0868 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 0869 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada 08

220-265_23860.indd 264 2/19/11 1:21:30 PM

220-265_23860.indd 264 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:264
0870 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette rings, Canada


220-265_23860.indd 265 2/19/11 1:21:32 PM

220-265_23860.indd 265 2/19/11 1:12:49 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:265
266-320_23860.indd 266 2/19/11 6:29 PM
266-320_23860.indd 266 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:266
chapter vii:

inventions and
0871 1000

266-320_23860.indd 267 2/19/11 6:30 PM

266-320_23860.indd 267 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:267
1000 steampunk


PhotogrAPhy: JonAthAn gUinn

0871 Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA 08

266-320_23860.indd 268 2/19/11 6:30 PM

266-320_23860.indd 268 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:268
inventions and
PhotogrAPhy: JonAthAn gUinn
Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a.
0872 Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA 0873 Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA
PhotogrAPhy: JonAthAn gUinn

PhotogrAPhy: JonAthAn gUinn

0874 Robert LaMonte, USA 0875 Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA


266-320_23860.indd 269 2/19/11 6:30 PM

266-320_23860.indd 269 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:269
1000 steampunk

0876 Don Donovan, USA 0877 Don Donovan, USA 0878 Don Donovan, USA

0879 Don Donovan, USA 0880 Don Donovan, USA 08


266-320_23860.indd 270 3/11/11 8:24 PM

266-320_23860.indd 270 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:270
inventions and
0882 Don Donovan, USA

0881 Don Donovan, USA 0883 Don Donovan, USA


266-320_23860.indd 271 2/19/11 6:45 PM

266-320_23860.indd 271 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:271
1000 steampunk


0884 Jordan Waraksa, USA 0885 Jordan Waraksa, USA 08


266-320_23860.indd 272 3/11/11 8:25 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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inventions and
0886 Jordan Waraksa, USA

0887 Jordan Waraksa, USA 0888 Jordan Waraksa, USA 0889 Jordan Waraksa, USA


266-320_23860.indd 273 2/19/11 6:30 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0890 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 08


266-320_23860.indd 274 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:274
inventions and
0891 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0892 Thomas E. Gawron, USA

0893 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0894 Thomas E. Gawron, USA


266-320_23860.indd 275 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0896 Daniel Valdez, USA


0895 Daniel Valdez, USA 0897 Daniel Valdez, USA 09


266-320_23860.indd 276 2/19/11 6:45 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:276
inventions and
Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand, Michael J. Marchand and Tim Marchand,
0898 Ajar Communications, LLC, USA
0899 Ajar Communications, LLC, USA
0900 Ajar Communications, LLC, USA

Eddie Wilson,
0901 Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA 0902 whisperstudio broken toys, USA


266-320_23860.indd 277 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:277
1000 steampunk

0903 Urbandon, Australia 0904 Urbandon, Australia 0905 Urbandon, Australia


0906 Urbandon, Australia 09


266-320_23860.indd 278 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:278
inventions and
PhotogrAPhy: BiLL KrAUSe
Bruce Cooperberg,
0907 Urbandon, Australia 0908 the Prototype Dept., USA

0909 Urbandon, Australia 0910 Urbandon, Australia


266-320_23860.indd 279 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0911 Jonathan Gosling, river otter Widget Studios, USA 0912 K.Leistikow, USA 09

266-320_23860.indd 280 2/19/11 6:31 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:280
inventions and
0913 Lisa A. Rooney, USA 0914 Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada

0915 Jonathan Gosling, river otter Widget Studios, USA 0916 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA


266-320_23860.indd 281 2/19/11 6:32 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0917 Stefan Stock, germany 09


266-320_23860.indd 282 2/19/11 6:32 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:282
inventions and
0918 Stefan Stock, germany 0919 Stefan Stock, germany 0920 Stefan Stock, germany

0921 Stefan Stock, germany 0922 Stefan Stock, germany


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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0923 Tom Sepe, USA

0924 Tom Sepe, USA 0925 Tom Sepe, USA 09


266-320_23860.indd 284 2/19/11 6:45 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:284
inventions and
0926 Boris Beaulant, France

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0927 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA 0928 Emperor of the Red Fork Empire, USA


266-320_23860.indd 285 2/19/11 6:32 PM

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1000 steampunk



0929 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 09


266-320_23860.indd 286 2/19/11 6:32 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:286
inventions and
0930 Jim Behrman, USA 0931 Jim Behrman, USA

0932 Christopher T. Coonce-Ewing, USA 0933 Thomas E. Gawron, USA

0934 Thomas E. Gawron, USA 0935 Thomas E. Gawron, USA


266-320_23860.indd 287 2/19/11 6:32 PM

266-320_23860.indd 287 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:287
1000 steampunk

0936 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA 0937 Michael Salerno, USA 09

0938 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA 0939 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 09

266-320_23860.indd 288 3/11/11 8:25 PM

266-320_23860.indd 288 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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inventions and
A. Laura Brody, A. Laura Brody, A. Laura Brody,
0940 Dreams By Machine, USA
0941 Dreams By Machine, USA
0942 Dreams By Machine, USA

0943 Martin Horspool, Australia 0944 Martin Horspool, Australia


266-320_23860.indd 289 2/19/11 6:33 PM

266-320_23860.indd 289 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk


0945 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 09


266-320_23860.indd 290 2/19/11 6:33 PM

266-320_23860.indd 290 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:290
inventions and
0946 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0947 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA

0948 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0949 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA


266-320_23860.indd 291 2/19/11 6:33 PM

266-320_23860.indd 291 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:291
1000 steampunk

0950 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0951 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA


0952 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0953 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA

0954 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0955 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 09

266-320_23860.indd 292 2/19/11 6:53 PM

266-320_23860.indd 292 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:292
inventions and
0956 Sheri Jurnecka, Jurnecka Creations, USA

0957 Robert Lucas, genuine Plastic, USA 0958 Sheri Jurnecka, Jurnecka Creations, USA


266-320_23860.indd 293 2/19/11 6:34 PM

266-320_23860.indd 293 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:293
1000 steampunk

0959 Dr. Tony Valentich, Australia 0960 Dr. Tony Valentich, Australia


PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0961 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 0962 Dr. Tony Valentich, Australia
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0963 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 0964 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 09

266-320_23860.indd 294 2/19/11 6:34 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:294
inventions and
0965 Christopher T. Coonce-Ewing, USA 0966 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA
PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

PhotogrAPhy: JeSSiCA Coen

0967 Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA 0968 Larissa Sayer, Canada


266-320_23860.indd 295 2/19/11 6:34 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0969 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA

0970 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0971 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 09

266-320_23860.indd 296 3/11/11 8:26 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:296
inventions and
0972 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA


266-320_23860.indd 297 3/11/11 8:26 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 Steampunk

0973 Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate Studios, USA 0974 Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate Studios, USA


0975 Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate Studios, USA 0976 Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate Studios, USA

0977 B. Vermeulen, The Netherlands 0978 B. Vermeulen, The Netherlands 09


266-320_23860.indd 298 2/19/11 6:35 PM

266-320_23860.indd 298 3/11/11 8:26 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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inventions and
0979 Miriam Wilde, USA 0980 Miriam Wilde, USA

0981 Miriam Wilde, USA 0982 Miriam Wilde, USA


266-320_23860.indd 299 2/19/11 6:35 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
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1000 steampunk

0983 Jon C. Acosta, USA 0984 Jon C. Acosta, USA 09

0985 Jon C. Acosta, USA 0986 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 09

0987 Diana Vick, USA 0988 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 09


266-320_23860.indd 300 2/19/11 6:35 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:300
inventions and
0989 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA

0990 Shawn M. Lopez, USA

0991 Steve Ziolkowski, Cinemagician, USA

0992 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA 0993 Dan Jones, tinkerbots, USA


266-320_23860.indd 301 2/19/11 6:36 PM

266-320_23860.indd 301 2/19/11 6:22 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:301
1000 steampunk

Allan K. Hunter, Sirius Werks

0994 Allan K. Hunter, Sirius Werks Phantasmic Phabrications, USA 0995 Phantasmic Phabrications, USA

0996 Allan K. Hunter, Sirius Werks Phantasmic Phabrications, USA 0997 Allan K. Hunter, Sirius Werks Phantasmic Phabrications, USA

0998 Davin White, USA 0999 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA 10

266-320_23860.indd 302 3/11/11 8:26 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:302
inventions and
1000 Dr. Grymm, Dr. grymm Laboratories, USA


266-320_23860.indd 303 2/19/11 6:36 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:303
image directory ph
0001 Victrola Eye-Pod: iPod modified with 0030 Moonflower: modified solar lamp 0059 Time Machine XLIX: mixed-media 0085 Time Out of Mind: mixed media/
brass, taxidermy eye, and brass horn painting with 3D objects collage; watch faces, watch hands, 01
0031 detail of 0030
decorative brads, watch gears, prepared ins
0002 detail of 0003 0032 3000 Steampunk USB drive 0060 Sound Machine I: mixed-media
painting with 3D objects papers 01
0003 Project #2: USB hub modified with 0033 SteamPunker: full-size guitar made 0086 Bugbot #5: cicada shell in resin with ins
brass, copper, and lead-free solder from wood and found objects 0061 Lord of Total Information Awareness
(with Constitutional Reliquary): assemblage assemblage, mounted on driftwood in a 01
0004 Project #3: USB hub modified with 0034 found objects, mixed media glass dome ins
brass, copper, and lead-free solder 0062 Reliquary for the Third Eye of William
0035 detail of 0034 S. Burroughs: assemblage 0087 Bugbot #2: cicada shell in resin with 01
0005 detail of 0004 assemblage, mounted on driftwood in a
0036 Assemblage sculpture with found ph
0006 detail of Victrola Eye-Pod 0063 Cumulus Zeppelin: assemblage glass dome
objects 01
0007 Project #4 0064 detail of 0063 0088 Curvaceous Steel: silver polymer
0037 Steampunk Cellphone: Photoshop ins
0008 Bellaphone 3: functional wooden illustration 0065 GreedEater: assemblage clay with found objects
speaker; can be connected with any 0038 USB Drive Mod: 4GB USB drive 0066 TriloTemporalis: assemblage 0089 E.S.T. Brain: sculpted polymer clay ins
device to fill a room with sound modified with brass, copper tubing, leather, 0067 detail of 0065 with found objects
0009 Electro-Voice Phenomena Recorder: and jewel pieces 0068 Internal Combustion #2Bone 0090 Barbed Rosette Industrial Heart scu
functional EVP recorder with recording/ 0039 detail of 0038 Machine: assemblage #82: sculpted polymer clay with found
playback mechanism and a frequency objects
0040 Steampunk Motorcycle: Photoshop 0069 Factotum: assemblage me
fluctuation detector 0091 Aviator Industrial Heart #84:
illustration 0070 detail of 0069 01
0010 detail of Electro-Voice Phenomena sculpted polymer clay with found objects
Recorder 0041 Steampunk VW Bug: Photoshop 0071 Victorian Windup Toy Sculpture: 01
illustration 0092 Life with HLHS Industrial Heart
0011 Thermo-Aether Meter: thermometer resin, metal, and patina 01
#77: matching anatomically correct
used to measure ambient room 0042 Steampunk PSP: Photoshop 0072 detail of 0071 Inv
sculpted hearts, polymer clay, and found
temperature illustration pa
0073 Duck: mixed-media assemblage objects
0012 Electro-Magnetic Frequency 0043 Love Song: black and white charcoal 01
0074 Hallucination Engine: assemblage 0093 Curious Contraption Industrial
Detector: functional EMF reader with on tan paper gra
Heart #80: sculpted polymer clay with
0044 Machine Head: graphite on paper 0075 detail of 0074
battery found objects 01
0045 See Horse: graphite on paper 0076 Iron Geisha: costumes and styling by gra
0013 The Transportable Audionic 0094 Secret Garden: scultped polymer
Heartless Revival
Amplificator: portable Steampunk audio 0046 Elephant: graphite on white paper clay with wire and brass chain 01
device with digital distressing 0077 Curio Theatres production of Inv
0095 Ocean Blue Industrial Heart #75:
Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Steampunk pa
0014 The Professor Fang Self-Playing 0047 Graphophone Woman: graphite on anatomically correct sculpted heart,
photo illustration
Bagpipe Guitar: guitar modified with found coffee- and mud-stained paper polymer clay, and found objects 01
objects and leather 0078 Curio Theatres production of
0048 The Sewing Machine Is Beautiful: 0096 DeidrichMechanical Birdie V.2.0: 01
Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Steampunk
0015 detail of 0014 black and white charcoal on white paper scultped polymer clay with found objects
photo illustration 01
0016 Optiscope: assemblage and LED eyes
0049 Shutterbug: graphite on cream paper 0079 Curio Theatres production of 01
0017 MP3 Player Mod & Headphones Mod 0097 Erics Heart Industrial Heart #66:
0050 Gramophone Man: black and white Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Steampunk 01
life-size silver polymer clay sculpted heart
0018 detail of 0017 charcoal on white paper photo illustration
with found objects 01
0019 USB 0051 Mod Rocket: assemblage 0080 Curio Theatres production of
0098 Mechanical Birdie V.2.0: sculpted 01
Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Steampunk
1000 steampunk creations

0020 The Binagraph (Mark I): fully 0052 Steampunk Cake: assemblage polymer clay with found objects
photo illustration 01
functional modern digital camera case 0053 Balloon Chariot: acrylic painting on 0099 Mechanical Jellyfish: sculpted
0081 Curio Theatres production of 01
0021 Steampunk USB: 4GB USB drive with masonite polymer clay with found objects
copper pipe fittings Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Steampunk 01
0054 Anglerfish Submarine: acrylic photo illustration 0100 Catacean Airship: watercolor
0022 Telephone: assemblage painting on masonite painting 01
0082 Liza James & Jared Axelrod:
0023 Scorpion: modified USB drive 0055 Mechanical Angel I: acrylic painting 0101 Churning Back Time 2: Steampunk- 01
Steampunk photo illustration
0024 Cthulhu: modified USB drive on masonite inspired photography 01
0083 Little Cable: mixed media/collage;
0025 Time Machine: assemblage 0056 Steampunk Seahorses: focal bead Dresden scrap, found images and objects, 0102 Peeping into the Past 2: Steampunk- 01
0057 Steampunk Fish: focal bead cigar band inspired photography 01
0026 Mobile Phone: assemblage
0058 Time Machine XXIX (Returning to 0084 Set Against Type: mixed media/ 0103 Peeping into the Past 1: Steampunk- 01
0027 Blue Brass: modified USB drive
White City 1893: Part 1): mixed-media collage; font exemplars, prepared papers, inspired photography
0028 detail of 0027 01
painting with 3D sculptural objects ticker tape, typewriter key, Dresden scrap, 0104 Churning Back Time 5: Steampunk-
0029 Steampunk artifact wire mesh inspired photography 01

266-320_23860.indd 304 2/19/11 6:36 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:304
0105 Rusty Bolt: Steampunk-inspired 0139 Sticky: assemblage 0168 Alternative HistoryAge of Tribal 0191 Perambulare-55: assemblage
photography 0140 Zeldabot: assemblage Steam (2): digital photo collage with props sculpture created with found objects
0106 Colorful Rust 1: Steampunk-inspired by Tinkerbots 0192 Scout: assemblage sculpture
0141 Ten Speed: assemblage
photography 0169 Age of SteamPortrait of a Lady: created with found objects
0142 Ezmerelda: assemblage digital photo collage with props by
0107 Mystic Bridge 1: Steampunk- 0193 detail of 0192
inspired photography 0143 Avenger: assemblage Tinkerbots
0194 Steamjammer: assemblage
0108 Churning Back Time 4: Steampunk- 0144 Venner: assemblage 0170 Alternative HistoryAge of Tribal sculpture created with found objects
inspired photography 0145 The Gas Man: assemblage Steam: digital photo collage with props by
th 0195 Steamteam: assemblage sculpture
0109 Mystic Bridge 3: Steampunk- 0146 Samurai: assemblage created with found objects
inspired photography 0171 Alternative HistoryAge of Witches:
0147 Assemblage sculpture using found digital photo collage with props by 0196 Steampunk Squeek: assemblage
th 0110 Frayed: Steampunk-inspired objects sculpture created with found objects
photography 0148 Assemblage sculpture using found 0197 Steampunk Lumens: assemblage
0172 Age of SteamWarriors Glance:
0111 Mystic Bridge 5: Steampunk- objects digital photo collage with props by sculpture created with found objects
inspired photography 0149 Assemblage sculpture using found Tinkerbots 0198 Steampunk Fido: assemblage
0112 Churning Back Time 1: Steampunk- objects 0173 Age of SteamContemplating the sculpture created with found objects
inspired photography 0150 Wire sculpture Struggle: digital photo collage with props 0199 B-Side: acrylic on canvas
0113 Acrtabulus Paphies: mixed-media 0151 Mixed-media canvas featuring by Tinkerbots 0200 Groove: acrylic on canvas
sculpture vintage dress pattern paper, gears, and 0174 Age of SteamAt Ready: digital 0201 Cara-soul Head: acrylic on canvas
0114 Economical Hand Prototype: mixed- brass findings photo collage with props by Tinkerbots
media assemblage sculpture 0202 Fountain Head: acrylic on canvas
0152 Assemblage sculpture using found 0175 Call to Redemption: blown and cast
0115 detail of 0113 objects glass, electronic parts, camera, and audio 0203 Cupcakes: acrylic on canvas
0116 detail of 0114 0153 Shadow Box: mixed-media shadow wave 0204 Steampunk Robot Model: cut paper,
box featuring vintage gears and map 0176 Frozen Time: Steampunk sculpture glue, and metallic paint
0117 Royal Steamline Steamside
Invitation: graphic design printed on linen 0154 Steampug Logo: digital illustration made from old brass clockwork 0205 detail of 0204
paper with photograph movements and copper accents 0206 Windfarm: hand illustration with
0118 Royal Steamline 10/6 RSVP Card: 0155 Steampug Mars: digital illustration 0177 Steam Accelerator: Steampunk digital effects
graphic design printed on linen paper with photograph sculpture made from old brass clockwork 0207 Windfarm: hand illustration with
movements and copper accents digital effects
0119 Royal Steamline Avagadro Invitation: 0156 Steampug Tesla: digital illustration
graphic design printed on linen paper with photograph 0178 detail of 0177 0208 The Harmonic Lux Diffractor:
0120 Royal steamline Coney Island 1896 0157 Steampug Paris: digital illustration 0179 Mary Watches: mixed-media assemblage sculpture
Invitation: graphic design printed on linen with photograph assemblage 0209 Windfarm: hand illustration with
paper 0158 Steampug Time Biscuits: digital 0180 Electro Stabilizer: Steampunk digital effects
0121 Mama Hat: digital collage illustration with photograph sculpture made from old brass clockwork 0210 detail of 0208
movements and copper accents
: 0122 Emily Eyeglass: digital collage 0159 Steampug Teatime: digital illustration 0211 Modus Orbitalandi: brass, wire,
with photograph 0181 detail of 0180 found objects, and lazy susan
0123 Mucetta: digital collage
0160 Steampug Xmas: digital illustration 0182 Soldier: mixed-media assemblage 0212 Merrily We Roll Along: found objects
0124 Hunter the Mercenary: digital collage
with photograph 0183 Model 42 Aether Reactor: copper and brass
rt 0125 Glyptic the Maker: digital collage pipe and tubing, found objects, LED
0161 Steampug Egypt: digital illustration 0213 detail of 0212
0126 Yasmin the Sailor: digital collage with photograph ultraviolet lights
0214 Digital illustration
0127 Swamp Walker: digital collage 0162 Dr. Grymm Portrait: photography 0184 Oculus: assemblage of found
0215 Digital illustration
0128 Pedal Dress: digital collage objects, LED light with dichroic glass filter
0163 Steampunk Spider Sculpture: brass, 0216 Naturalist Desk: assemblage
0129 Wheelie Girl: digital collage copper, and pocketwatch movement 0185 detail of 0184
0217 detail of 0216
0130 Libertine the Scientist: digital collage 0164 The Watchmakers Daughter: vintage 0186 detail of 0183
dolls, watch parts, and assemblage 0218 Ikon Arcade: found object pinball
0131 Abigail: digital collage 0187 detail of 0188

image directory
0132 City Slicker: digital collage 0165 Steampunk Scorpion Sculpture: 0188 The Dream: copper pipe, copper
k- brass, copper, and pocketwatch movement 0219 Twisted Laugh Steam Fury:
sheet, glass lenses, oak base, color slide
0133 Lubette: assemblage assemblage
0166 Spider Sculpture: wire-wrapped transparencies, and LED backlights for
nk- 0134 Hood Ornament: assemblage spider sculpture with ladywatch movement transparencies 0220 Steam Fey: sculpted polymer clay
0135 Mozzie: assemblage with found objects
0167 Age of SteamCrossing the 0189 Edisons Hamster: acrylic on canvas
nk- 0136 Argo and Samurai: assemblage Seam: digital photo collage with props by 0221 Gilbert Box: assemblage shadow box
0190 Two Turntables and a Microphone
0137 Ultimate Racer: assemblage Tinkerbots and a Monkey: acrylic on canvas 0222 Inhabitants of the Leylines: Sailor &
k- Son: mixed-media assemblage
0138 Firestarter: assemblage

266-320_23860.indd 305 2/19/11 6:36 PM

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:305
0223 Up and Away: vintage images and 0252 detail of 0250 0284 Nightgallery Poe: ink painting of 0319 The Primascope Illustration: 03
digital collage 0253 detail of 0250 Edgar Allan Poe on plexiglass watercolor illustration dru
0224 digital illustration 0285 detail of 0282 0320 The Primascope: found object scu
0254 Steampunk Western Cowboy Robot:
0225 Lord Arawan in Inhibitor Collar: oil digital conceptual render 0286 The Attic: mixed-media collage sculpture 03
painting in handmade frame 0255 Jyzel: all-cloth doll with beaded 0287 Nemo Bust: original sculpted bust of 0321 The Spectrascope Illustration: 03
0226 The Great Old One: Photoshop joints and original clothing Captain Nemo watercolor illustration plu
image manipulation 0322 Typographic Schematic 31: digital so
0256 detail of 0255 0288 Poe Bust: original sculpted bust of
0227 Inhabitants of the Leylines: The Edgar Allan Poe collage of patent applications 03
0257 detail of 0255 ha
Mechanic: mixed-media assemblage 0289 Bling 2: assemblage 0323 Hypatia Poster: movie poster
0258 Faerie Catcher: digital painting scu
0228 Geek: assemblage shadow box 0290 assemblage 0324 The Music in My Head: digital
0259 T-shirt Promotional Sign collage 03
0229 Steampunk Parade: mixed-media 0291 assemblage
collage 0260 Movie Poster Promotional Sign 0325 Baby Machine: mixed media 03
0261 General: Fate of Icarus Movie Mini 0292 assemblage plu
0230 OnStealth: digital collage 0326 Nemorphic Equalizer: hand-
Print 0293 assemblage so
0231 ARVIN: sculpture created from found illustrated, digitally colored rendering
0262 Baron vs. Professor: Fate of Icarus 0294 assemblage 03
objects and lightbulbs 0327 With These Hands: acrylic ink,
Movie Mini Print ha
0232 PACEMAKER: assemblage 0295 assemblage etching
0263 Prediction Movie Poster 03
0233 Time Suspended: assemblage 0296 assemblage 0328 Observations of Perpetual Motion:
0264 Fate of Icarus Full-size Movie Poster 0297 assemblage blown and cast glass, electronics, original
0234 Brass Goggles Collage: gla
0265 Mexican Standoff: Fate of Icarus video, and hand-forged steel
Photoshopped collage of Brass Goggles 0298 assemblage 03
members, printed on acetate and designed Movie Mini Print 0329 detail of 0328
0299 assemblage ha
to revolve with a second overlay inside a 0266 Black Eye Tango: Steam Driven 0330 Drosselmeyers Doll: pen and ink scu
Movie Mini Print 0300 assemblage
Steampunk Time Portal diorama 0331 Pattern 22: digital collage of patent 03
0267 Weather or Not: Prediction Movie 0301 Cellars of Cosmic Manipulation: applications
0235 True Heart: mixed-media collage 03
Mini Print grouping of several assemblage sculptures
0236 Air Krakken Day: mixed media, found 0332 Aperture: illustration with white ha
0268 Double Cross: Prediction Movie 0302 assemblage pencil and markers
objects 03
Mini Print 0303 Electroplane: grouping of several 0333 mixed media
0237 Ms. Prunella Askews Cabinet of ha
0269 Buzz Kill: Prediction Movie Mini Print assemblage sculptures
Curiosities: assemblage 0334 Aetherial: pen and ink scu
0270 Sneak Attack: Steam Driven Movie 0304 assemblage sculpture
0238 Journal 1878: mixed media, found 0335 The Blueprint Machine: photograph 03
objects Mini Print 0305 grouping of several assemblage
0336 Migraine: digital illustration 03
0271 Steam Driven Movie Poster sculptures
0239 The Airship Mary Francis Chickering: 03
0306 grouping of several assemblage 0337 Bling: assemblage
mixed media, found objects 0272 Opposites Attract: Steam Driven im
Movie Mini Print sculptures 0338 Steampunk Walker War Machine:
0240 Steampunk Cake: cake, fondant, 03
0307 grouping of several assemblage cut paper, glue, burnisher, and metallic
gumpaste 0273 Tortured Fairy: mixed-media
sculptures paint 03
0241 The Works: acrylic on illustration sculpture
0308 Steam Powered Scout Mech: mixed- 0339 No. 5: hand-machined mechanical 03
board 0274 Otherworldly Entity Detector: mixed-
media sculpture clock with brass and kitakata rice paper
0242 Adam the Mechanical Marvel: digital media sculpture 03
0309 detail of 0308 0340 detail of 0341
photomontage/collage based on composite 0275 Clockwork Angel: mixed-media 03
portrait techniques used by Sir Francis sculpture 0310 detail of 0308 0341 Spill: found wood, plumbing, LED
Galton (18221911) to determine if there lights, and hand-sculpted solid glass drops
0276 Dimensional Box: mixed-media 0311 Spaceman sculpture with Edison 03
was a criminal type 0342 detail of 0339
1000 Steampunk creationS

sculpture 03
0243 found objects, mixed media 0343 Desk / Side Table Lamp: found
0277 detail of 0276 0312 Sculptures made from lightbulbs
0244 found objects, mixed media objects, hardware, halogen lights, and 03
0278 Imperial Sentinel: mixed-media and forks
hand-sculpted solid glass drops gla
0245 found objects, mixed media sculpture 0313 Steampunk: digital illustration
0344 Quartz 6: Handcrafted clock with a 03
0246 found objects, mixed media 0279 Storm Chaser: comic strip 0314 Pocket Rocket: assemblage commercial quartz motor 03
0247 found objects, mixed media 0280 SteamBunny: comic strip 0315 Eupatorus Gracilicornis (Mutant me
0345 detail of 0344
0248 found objects, mixed media 0281Treacherous Ink: acrylic and enamel Variant): assemblage, beetle, and found
0346 Quartz 9: hand-crafted clock using a 03
painting objects
0249 found objects, mixed media commercial quartz motor 03
0282 Herbert the Steampunk Doll: wire 0316 Vitruvian Steam Bot: hand-
0250 John Henry Device: polymer clay, 0347 No. 6: Hand-machined mechanical me
armature, fiberfill, polymer clay, clock illustrated, digitally colored rendering
found objects clock from brass with 1021-piece 03
gears and springs, gears, nuts, and bolts 0317 Full Metamorphosis: assemblage, handmade chain
0251 Four Mile Minute: digital illustration 03
0283 Lovecraft and Friend: ink painting dragonfly, and hardware
advertisement 0348 detail of 0347 me
of H.P. Lovecraft and friend on plexiglass 0318 detail of 0317

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266-320_23860.indd 306 3/11/11 8:27 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:306
0349 Flood Lamp: antique auto brake 0379 Victor: welded metal arm lamp 0410 assemblage sculpture 0436 Kaleidoscope 1: mixed media, brass
drum, plumbing, LED lights, and hand- 0380 detail of 0378 0411 assemblage sculpture candlestick, and clock parts
sculpted solid glass drops 0437 detail of 0436
0381 Neophyte Thermo Indicator: brass 0412 assemblage sculpture
0350 detail of 0349 and copper mounted on a solenoid base 0438 Kaleidoscope 3: mixed media, brass
0413 assemblage sculpture
0351 Single on Wood: found wood, 0382 detail of 0381 candlestick, and clock parts
plumbing, LED lights, and hand-sculpted 0414 assemblage sculpture
0383 Trident Thermo Indicator: valved, 0439 detail of 0438
solid glass drops 0415 Single-toggle switch plate: found
welded, and screwed brass, and copper objects 0440 Kaleidoscope 2: mixed media, brass
0352 Gush Chandelier: plumbing and mechanical thermometer candlestick, and clock parts
hardware, LED lightbulbs, and hand- 0416 Single-toggle switch plate: found
0384 detail of 0383 objects 0441 detail of 0440
sculpted solid glass drops
0385 The Gentlemans Grooming and 0417 Steampunk knob: found objects 0442 Bible Cover for an Airship Chaplain:
0353 detail of 0352
Information Station: Steampunk furniture tea-stained canvas, moving gears, and
0354 Single Bronze Drip: recycled piece with functional hot water, hair dryer, 0418 Two-Toggle light switch plate: found wood rendering of gauge attached with
plumbing and hardware, hand-sculpted soap dispenser, tooth brush holder, false objects metal rivets
solid glass drops teeth tray, towel rail, bow tie hanger, and 0419 Steampunk knob: found objects 0443 detail of 0442
0355 Blue-2-Drop: recycled plumbing and iPod holder 0420 The Pentarium Lamp: black walnut, 0444 Nautilus Private Home Theater:
hardware, hand-sculpted solid glass drops 0386 Desk 2506: salvaged wood and various metals, mica, and acrylic based on the Nautilus sub from the Disney
0356 Leak: recycled plumbing, hardware, swing bridge gears 0421 detail of 0420 movie classic 20,000 Leagues Under
wood, LED lights, and hand-sculpted solid 0387 Muscatel Shelves: shelves reclaimed the Sea
al 0422 detail of 0420
glass drops from a 20 foot (6 m) muscatel wine
0423 The Braxtonian Lantern: handmade 0445 Nautilus TheaterDoor
0357 Tide Chandelier: plumbing and fermenting barrel
from metal and mahogany 0446 Nautilus TheaterWall detail
hardware, LED lightbulbs, and hand- 0388 Mantel Time Machine: mixed media,
sculpted solid glass drops 0424 detail of 0423 0447 Nautilus TheaterDiving Suit
watch, and hardware
t 0358 detail of 0357 0425 The Cylindrium Lamp: handmade of 0448 Steampunk Lamp: found objects,
0389 Time Travelers Journal: brass, watch
black walnut, mica, and various metals mahogany, and brass
0359 Dripping: plumbing, epoxy, and parts, velvet, and assemblage
hand-sculpted solid glass drops 0426 detail of 0425 0449 Wall Light: found objects, electron
0390 detail of 0388
0427 detail of 0425 tube, and brass pocketwatch parts
0360 Wave Chandelier: plumbing and 0391 detail of 0389
hardware, LED lightbulbs, and hand- 0428 Steampunk Wall Clock: wood laser- 0450 Steampunk Lamp: Dr. Lutras Cure
sculpted solid glass drops 0392 Red Fork Empire journal: Handmade for Cadaverousness: found objects, gears,
cut gears, paint, antique clock and watch
book with Red Fork Empire logo filled with and lighting
h 0361 detail of 0360 gears, found objects, lightbulbs, vintage
tea-stained pages
tags, and discarded hardware 0451 mural
0362 detail of 0359 0393 Bronze Set: recycled plumbing and
0429 Demon Lamp: copper, rawhide 0452 mural
0363 Candles made from casting of hardware, hand-sculpted solid glass drops
wings, and skull of a Florida land tortoise. 0453 Triple-Toggle Switch Plate: found
impala horns 0394 Fright Light: assemblage
: The tail is from an armadillo. objects
0364 assemblage sculpture 0395 Steampunk Weber: fully functional 0430 Steampunk Pendulum Clock: wood 0454 Four-Gang Light Switch Plate: found
0365 assemblage sculpture redesigned Weber grill laser-cut gears, paint, antique clock and objects
0366 assemblage sculpture 0396 detail of 0394 watch gears, found objects, lightbulbs,
vintage tags, and discarded hardware 0455 Steampunk Furniture Collection:
0367 assemblage sculpture 0397 Steampunk Lamp: modified with infused with industrial fabrics and
0368 assemblage sculpture found objects 0431 Copper Journal: roofing copper, Victorian-inspired details
0398 Fairy Lighthouse Lamp: smoke torch distressing, handmade hinges,
0369 assemblage sculpture antique door hardware and found objects, 0456 The Saylor Cryptex: handmade
ps lamp made with liquid soap, assemblage vessel; combination lock box made of
0370 assemblage sculpture sculpture inside and handmade paper
black walnut burl, brass, and synthetic
0371 assemblage sculpture 0399 detail of 0398 0432 Copper Journal: roofing copper, ivory
0372 Micron: welded metal lamp with torch distressing, handmade hinges,
0400 detail of 0398 antique door hardware and found objects, 0457 detail of 0456
glass globe
0401 assemblage sculpture and handmade paper 0458 detail of 0455
0373 detail of 0372
0402 assemblage sculpture 0433 The Orrery Chandelier: commis- 0459 The Paradox Mouse: computer
0374 Neptune: metal lamp with metal

image Directory
0403 assemblage sculpture sioned chandelier, parts hand fabricated mouse, brass, and vintage typewriter keys
mesh from mild steel rod, flat bar, and sheet metal
0404 assemblage sculpture 0460 detail of 0459
ga 0375 Sandpiper: welded metal arm lamp 0434 Steampunk Wall Clock: wood laser-
0405 assemblage sculpture 0461 detail of 0459
0376 Wall sconce I: wall lamp with metal cut gears, paint, antique clock and watch
mesh 0406 assemblage sculpture gears, found objects, lightbulbs, vintage 0462 detail of 0459
0377 Table Lamp: plumbing hardware 0407 assemblage sculpture tags, and discarded hardware 0463 Polymer Clay Box: embellished
0435 detail of 0433 polymer clay
0378 Steampunk Track Light: welded 0408 assemblage sculpture
metal 0409 assemblage sculpture

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266-320_23860.indd 307 3/11/11 8:27 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:307
0464 detail of 0463 0489 Steampunk innovations using 0519 Prof. Phineas J. Flockmaker III 0548 detail of 0545 05
0465 detail of 0393 authentic Victorian objects/antiques and F.H.S.G.: Steampunk character testing his 0549 Childs Steampunk costume 05
infusing them with modern technology moon suit
0466 Orion Sphere: found object 0550 detail of 0546 05
assemblage 0490 detail of 0489 0520 Goggles: sewing, fashion
0551 womens fashion photograph 05
0467 Eternal Transdimential Clock Radio: 0491 detail of 0489 0521 The Victoria worn by Isabella Misery:
fashion photograph of Victorian top hat 0552 fashion photograph 05
assemblage 0492 detail of 0488
0522 Aviatrix: fashion photograph 0553 fashion photograph 05
0468 The Rotary Table: made from a 0493 Small Porthole Book: handbound
with handmade paper covers, glass 0523 fashion photograph 0554 Crinolina: sewing, fashion 05
1920s Kenner rotary airplane engine
porthole, copper details, and belt closure 0524 Crinolina and bloomers 0555 fashion photograph 05
0469 detail of 0468
0494 Oxford Museum Wall Lamp: wood, 0556 Eudora Archimedes of Steampunk lea
0470 Proper Copper Couch: copper, 0525 Bloomers too
glass, and metal Postal: fashion photograph of an original
soldering, upholstry 0526 fashion photograph
0495 Parrish Carriage Lantern: wood, Steampunk character 05
0471 detail of 0470 0527 Lady Reynard with Big Baby: fashion Lo
brass, and glass 0557 Sydney Stratton and Eudora
0472 Steampunk iRobot Ophthalmometer photograph Archimedes of Steampunk Postal: fashion 05
Computer Workstation: antique 0496 Parrish Carriage III: metal, wood,
and glass 0528 Lady Reynard Cataloging: fashion photograph 05
ophthalmometer, dental phantom photograph
0497 Steampunk Tripod Floor Lamp: 0558 Lady Reynard on Safari: fashion 05
mannequin head, Hammond Multiplex
typewriter, 1800s footpedal-driven dental wooden tripod, glass, brass, and wire 0529 detail of 0530 photograph ha
drill, and cast-iron base drawing table with 0498 Parrish Carriage Wall Lamp 0530 The Patience worn by Isabella 0559 Aviatrix: fashion photograph an
a pullout drawer on an adjustable arm Installation: glass, wood, and wire Misery 0560 Beaux Deadly in the Beaux: fashion silv
0473 Clockwork Heart: clockworks, 0499 Thin White Duke Lamp: wood, glass, 0531 Isabella Misery in The Octavia: photograph of Victorian top hat 05
polymer clay, found objects and wire mesh fashion photograph of leather Steampunk 0561 detail of 0560 05
0474 detail of 0472 hat
0500 The Ferryman Lamp: wood, brass 0562 Steampunk Fox: sewing 05
0475 detail of 0472 and glass 0532 fashion photograph Le
0563 Casual Steampunk: sewing
0476 Steampunk Century Portrait 0501 detail of 0499 0533 Brown leather corset and gauntlet Ste
set 0564 Autumnal Steampunk: sewing
Camera No. 1 Computer Desk: original 0502 Siddhartha Pod Lantern: glass, 05
0534 His and Hers Fashion: hand crafted 0565 Mad Tea Party: sewing
parts of the Century camera with some wood, and brass sw
additional period items, including Victorian using leather, linen, and brass closures 0566 Steampunk Aviatrix: sewing
0503 detail of 0502 05
Lion angle brackets and brass transom 0535 Phileas Fogg, Princess Aouda: 0567 detail of 0566 sw
brackets. Camera and stand are primarily 0504 detail of 0502 posing with their mount 0568 Veronique Chevalier: fashion 05
made from walnut/maple with cast-iron 0505 Shiva Mandala: found objects, glass, 0536 Prof. Phineas J. Flockmaker III photograph of an original Steampunk
legs. and brass 05
F.H.S.G.: Steampunk character preparing character
0477 Black Porthole Book: custom (Ch
0506 Steampunk Clock: glass, brass, his flying conveyance 0569 Veronique Chevalier: fashion mi
handbound journal with handmade paper and wire 0537 Youve Been Discovered: costume photograph of an original Steampunk an
covers, glass porthole, copper details, and
0507 Craniometer: detail of 0505 created for the Vancouver Steampunk character
belt closure 05
0508 Nataraja Shiva: detail of 0505 Masquerade Ball 0570 Veronique Chevalier: fashion
0478 detail of 0476 05
0509 Steampunk Floor Lamp: glass, 0538 Lady Reynards Adventures: fashion photograph of an original Steampunk
0479 detail of 0476 photograph character 05
metal, and wire lamp
0480 Gear Table: Russian plywood with 0539 Summer White Steam: original 0571 Wireless Radio Corset: brown leather 06
0510 Mr. Peanutski: brass and glass lamp ph
black iron and stainless steel ensemble with jacket featured by corset and accessories with brass mesh
0511 Sister to the Parrish Carriage FanPlusFriend and hat by GypsyLady Hats 06
0481 detail of 0480 0572 Legion Fantastique: group shot of
Lantern: wood, brass, and glass
Steampunk characters
1000 steampunk creations

0482 detail of 0480 0540 Shady Dealings: fashion photography 06

0512 Steampunk Spectral Clock: metal, of a Steampunk persona ch
0483 Steampunk Bed: found objects, found objects, and glass clock 0573 Ada Lovelace Collection: black
mahogany, and brass 0541 The Brothers McManniss: fashion patent leather corset and accessories with 06
0513 The Electric Skull: glass, metal, wire, photography of a Steampunk persona brass mesh and golden leather flowers
0484 Steampunk Beer Fridge: refrigerator and found objects 06
embellished with copper hardware and 0542 Whisper of the Rails: fashion 0574 Steampunk Kilt: sewing, handmade pa
0514 (Ancient) Steampunk Ram Horn photography of a Steampunk persona custom kilt base painting, mechanical
found objects 06
Lantern: metal and glass lamp distressing techniques, burning, and
0485 detail of 0484 0543 fashion photography an
0515 The Mann worn by Maria Mann: leatherwork
0486 detail of 0484 fashion photograph 0544 Captain Rauchen: photography 06
0575 Hybrid Steam: photography lea
0487 Lamp 0516 fashion photograph 0545 Leather Trench Coat: sewing, mixed
media 0576 Logans Outfit: clothing and props 06
0488 Clockwork Cookie Jar: low-fire 0517 Colour Cornucopia: photography
0546 Airship Pirate: sewing, mixed media 0577 Portrait of Professor Angelus po
earthenware clay with pewter glaze
0518 Explore & Conquer: photography P. Fumolatro with Sonic Disorientor: 06
0547 detail of 0546 Steampunk character photographed with mo
an original functional prop

266-320_23860.indd 308 2/19/11 6:36 PM

266-320_23860.indd 308 2/19/11 6:23 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:308
0578 Explorers 2: digital collage 0609 hand-blocked felt hat with feathers, 0636 The Ham Wellington: large leather 0654 Navigators Bracer: vegetable tanned
0579 Jazmyns Outfit: clothing and props muskrat skull, and found objects top hat with carbide lamp illumination leather, brass, copper, antique parts, rivets,
0610 leatherwork, metalwork, and goggles 0637 The Medusa Lamp: leather, flashlight buckles, and compass
0580 Kensal Green Gown: sewing
0611 hand-blocked felt hat with feathers, 0638 Steampunk breastplate made from 0655 Liam Murray and His Gal Rebecca
0581 detail of 0580 Leek: shes wearing a Ladies Cannon
muskrat skull, and found objects old brass clockwork pieces and copper
0582 Ducrow Gown: sewing tubing hanging from a leather strap bracer; he is wearing a custom-built leg,
0612 leatherwork, metalwork, and goggles belt, and arm
0583 Nunhead Gown: sewing 0639 Breastplate made from gauges and
0613 leatherwork, metalwork, and goggles 0656 Ladies Cannon Bracer: vegetable
0584 fashion photograph gears on aluminum plate with galvanized
0614 hand-painted, sewn, and treated brass pipe hanging from a riveted leather tanned leather, brass, copper, antique
0585 Gnomish Engineer Steampunk Garb: leather parts, rivets, and buckles
leather, fabric, metal, resin, and vintage strap
tools 0615 Goggles: leatherwork, metalwork, 0640 Breastplate made from old brass 0657 Steampunk Full Leg: vegetable
and goggles clockwork pieces and copper tubing tanned leather, brass, copper, antique
0586 Lady Terrealalune in the Bengal parts, rivets, buckles, and chain
Lounge: fashion photograph 0616 hand-blocked leather and velvet hat hanging from a leather strap
with vintage feather fan and crystal pin, 0641 Breastplate made from erector parts 0658 Wasteland Warriors Gas Mask:
n 0587 Suffragette: fashion photograph found objects vegetable tanned leather, brass, rivets,
and LED lights hanging from metal chains
0588 sewing, vintage WWII military spats 0617 brass, front door peephole, and camera parts, hose; dyed with eco-flo
0642 Bug Goggles: goggles modified with dyes and finishers.
0589 faux leather, Steampunk, underbust found objects found objects
harness embellished with authentic 0618 The Whole 9 Yards Goggles: plastic 0659 Steampunk Full Face Mask:
antique skeleton keys, gears, and antiqued 0643 Conductors Time Piece: vintage vegetable tanned leather, brass, copper,
goggles, modified with sculpted details pocketwatch, 8oz vegetable tanned
n silver chain and sewing implements antique parts, rivets, buckles, monocles,
leather, brass, rivets, buckles, and metal and metal
0590 Big Baby: fashion photograph 0619 Nautilus Goggles: plastic goggles, 0644 Blood and Black Neck Corset: 0660 Emperors Time Piece Bracer:
0591 fashion photograph sculpted details repurposed leather jacket and purse with vegetable tanned leather, brass, copper,
0592 General Caled of the Wandering 0620 detail of 0619 found objects antique parts, rivets, buckles, and chain
Legion with the Vulgar Tongue, original 0621 Squid Attack Goggles: plastic, 0645 Telescope Pouch: vegetable tanned
Steampunk character: fashion photograph 0661 The Inducer: vegetable tanned
modified with sculpted details leather, brass, rivets; dyed with eco-flo leather, brass, rivets, gears; dyed with
0593 sewing, recycled blankets and 0622 detail of 0621 dyes and finishers; stamped with real eco-flo dyes and finishers
sweaters, and buttons clock gears
0623 fashion photograph 0662 Heart Stopper Mini-Bracer:
0594 sewing, recycled blankets and 0646 Plague Doctors Mask: 8oz vegetable vegetable tanned leather, brass, copper,
sweaters, and buttons 0624 Rose Goggles: modified with found tanned leather, brass, rivets, buckles,
objects antique parts, rivets, buckles, and vintage
0595 detail of 0592 metal, and hose; dyed with smoky black gauge
0625 detail of 0624 dye and finished with atom wax and
0596 Junior Steampunk Explorer Vest 0663 BFG Bracer: 8oz vegetable tanned
0626 leatherwork, metalwork, and leather sheen
(Child Size 4): brass riveted pockets, dental leather, brass, rivets, buckles, metal; dyed
mirror, extra carabiner, working compass, compass 0647 Lost Belt of the Ages: vegetable with mahogany dye and finished with atom
and double magnifier 0627 Edgar Allan Bow: black satin bow tanned leather, brass, copper, antique wax and leather sheen
with smoky quartz, gold vintage ladies parts, rivets, buckles, and antique lions
0597 Steampunk Mayhem T-shirt 0664 Sheriffs Side-Arm Bracer: an extra-
watch case, hand-painted pewter raven head
0598 Empire Insignia T-shirt long bracer with a side-mounted cannon
wing, and reproduction photo 0648 Monocle of Creation: leather, metal, and star badge
0599 Dr. Grymm T-shirt 0628 detail of 0627 brass, fan blade, lens, hose, and buckle
0665 Neutralizer Bracer: vegetable tanned
her 0600 Discombobulous Collective: 0629 Lovecrafts Vial: black satin bow with 0649 Whip and Holster: vegetable tanned leather, brass, copper, antique parts, rivets,
photography smoky quartz, sliver vintage ladies watch leather, brass, rivets; dyed with eco-flo and buckles
0601 Mesmeric Incantation: photograpy case, wax sealed glass vial, Necronomicon dyes and finishers; stamped with real
clock gears 0666 Plasma Pouch MK2: vegetable
0602 Jack Mulvey: Steampunk movie page, and reproduction photo
tanned leather, brass, rivets, snap, and one
character 0630 detail of 0629 0650 Emperors Leg Piece: vegetable pocket plasma disk
tanned leather, brass, copper, antique
th 0603 Tinker: fashion photograph 0631 The Vigilant Fireman: leather hat 0667 Plasma Pouch MK1: vegetable
parts, rivets, buckles, and chain
0604 Der Tod Ist Ein Dandy: mixed media, with carbide lamp tanned leather, brass, rivets, snap, and one
0651 Map Questers Companion Bracer: pocket plasma disk
e paper clay 0632 The Protoplayaluminant: leather hat
vegetable tanned leather, brass, compass,

image directory
0605 LostLove: antique night dress pieces with lens and flashlight 0668 Jugular Protection Neck Corset:
rivets, brass, buckles, notepad, and pencil
and animal bone fragments 0633 Golden Helm: plastic shell with repurposed leather jacket and costumes
0652 Captains Pauldron: vegetable
0606 Pinnochio: watch created with brass, hardhat liner, goggles from a gas mask, 0669 Hat with watch mechanic details
tanned leather, brass, copper, antique
leather, and wood and assorted found objects
parts, rivets, buckles, and chain 0670 Victorian Straw Steamer: straw hat,
0607 Alchemical Glove: brass and 0634 detail of 0631 embroidery, found objects
0653 My First Half Leg, Power Peg:
porcelain semi-articulated glove 0635 The Gibson Fireman: tall crowned vegetable tanned leather, brass, copper, 0671 Jules Verne Top Hat: wool top hat
0608 Vampyr Goggles: metal goggles, black leather hat with loops and belt antique parts, rivets, buckles, and vintage embellished with and consumed by plush
h modified with lenses and found objects fastner gauge octopus, accented with shells and goggles;
contact cement

266-320_23860.indd 309 2/19/11 6:36 PM

266-320_23860.indd 309 2/19/11 6:23 PM
(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:309
0672 Hats!: sewing, recycled bits and 0701 detail of 0700 0726 Im No Angel: cameo with vintage 0751 Reliquary Bracelets: found objects, 07
pieces from throwaway piles, and organic 0702 Leather and brass goggles watch parts on a green and brown ribbon vintage watch parts, and wire wrapping ch
materials that were naturally harvested 0727 detail of 0726 0752 Steampunk Rosary: vintage watch 07
0703 Leather and brass goggles
0673 Xotique Wrist Cuff: repurposed 0728 Cam: vintage hardware, cameo parts, Swarovski beads, and crucifix be
leather jacket and purse with found 0704 Imperial Aviator Goggles: modified
with found objects buckly 0753 Eight-Fold Amulet: copper, mica, 07
objects and jewelry tub
0705 detail of 0704 0729 384,403 Kilometers from Earth:
0674 Laser-cut leather goggles with brass watch face, vintage skeleton keys 0754 Aetheric Compass: mixed media, 07
goggles 0706 Firemaster: leather and resin gas jewelry, vintage compass, and cold blu
mask and firemans helmet 0730 Odonata: vintage pocketwatch,
0675 Laser-cut leather goggles with brass chain, and glass connection 07
goggles 0707 Setinel: leather and resin gas mask, 0755 detail of 0754 14
helmet, and gorget 0731 detail of 0730
0676 Laser-cut leather goggles with brass 0756 Reversible Compass Clockwork/ 07
goggles 0708 Rhino: leather and resin gas mask 0732 Ask Alice: vintage keys,
pocketwatches, and jewelry Watchface Pendant: delica seed beads, Po
0677 English Straw Steamer: straw hat 0709 detail of 0708 recycled watch face ch
embellished with found objects and lace 0733 Fly: bracelet embellished with small
0710 Pachydermos: leather and resin gears 0757 Black & Gold Reversible Clockwork/ 07
0678 Airship Pilot Equipment: assorted gas mask with copper auditory amplifiers; Watchface Necklace: watch workings, po
airship pilot accessories model carries a Raughnold raygun 0734 Vintage watch parts, beads, and delica seed beads, and Swarovski crystal silv
found objects beads
0679 Airship Pilot: pilot costume 0711 Underground Explorer: leather and 07
resin gas mask, helmet, and goggles with 0735 detail of 0738 0758 Brass, epoxy, and wiring pa
0680 Lunar Period: watch created with
brass, leather, and wood a metal oxygen tank 0736 Ornament: found objects, vintage 0759 Asymmetrical Clockwork Necklace: 07
0712 detail of 0710 watch parts, wire wrapping watch workings, antique brass beads, and he
0681 Energy Drink: watch created with
brass, leather 0713 Dr. Beulenpest: leather and resin 0737 detail of 0736 Swarovski crystal beads rhi
0682 detail of 0681 plague doctors mask, leather top hat 0738 Touched: found objects, wire 0760 Clock face with epoxy, copper wire, 07
0714 Mixed-media jewelrywork, wirework, wrapping, and cold connections leather, and re-created movement pie
0683 Star WatchingGalileo: watch
created with brass, leather and vintage watch movement 0739 Steampunk with Color: found 0761 Clock face with epoxy, copper wire, 07
0715 Hammered, pierced, oxidized, objects, sari silk, and enameling leather, and re-created movement 07
0684 detail of 0680
and domed copper earrings; watch 0740 detail of 0739 0762 Various watch parts, lapis lazuli, Ne
0685 detail of 0683 gears adhered via solder; wirewrapped and epoxy be
0741 Tapestry Bracelet: sewn fabric
0686 Happy Cracker: watch created with labradorite briolettes collage, watch parts 0763 Various watch parts, lapis lazuli, 07
brass, leather, springs 0716 Timeless: vintage optometrist lens, and epoxy pu
0742 Clockworks: mixed media, vintage
0687 detail of 0686 wirework, and watch and clock parts watch parts, and resin 0764 TeslaP.E.T. Personal Electroshock 07
0688 Magical & Mystic Watch: watch 0717 Post earrings: copper disc, ear 0743 SteamPunk Watch: mixed-media Transmitters: assemblage 07
created with brass, leather, wood wires, and soldered watch gears; oxidized jewelrywork, wirework, amd vintage watch 0765 Brooch: assemblage po
0689 detail of Happy Cracker with liver of sulfur and gently polished movement 0766 Pin: fashion photograph of a 07
0690 Mono-goggle: welding goggles with 0718 Hammered copper pendant with 0744 Mixed-media jewelrywork, wirework, handmade Steampunk pin Ch
leather and brass accents an old watch movement attached with a and vintage watch movement be
bezel setting 0767 Steampunk Personal Underground
0691 Clockwork: sewing, hat made with 0745 Bright Blue Leaf Clockwork Key: Radio Transmitter (S.P.U.R.T.): assemblage 07
working clock parts 0719 Internal Workings: vintage watch wire-wrapped antique key pendant with wa
parts, resin 0768 Ranks: photography of a portion of
0692 Medic Bag: tea-stained canvas, silk, enameled copper wire, watch parts, glass, General Caleds Steampunk costume 07
and wood cutouts 0720 Key Details: vintage watch, frozen and Swarovski crystals mo
charlotte, and resin 0769 Spelling Bee: vintage brass, paper,
0693 detail of 0692 0746 Clockwork Key: wire-wrapped and resin 07
0721 Unwound Charlotte: vintage watch, antique key pendant with enameled
1000 steampunk creations

0694 Dyed feathers, hand-painted and 0770 Sun Brass Heart: brass, copper, and wit
frozen charlotte, and resin copper wire and watch parts
treated leather sterling silver jewelry 07
0722 Hammered, pierced, oxidized, and 0747 Fire Spark Clockwork: wire-wrapped wit
0695 Mini Top Hat: dolls felt top hat, slightly domed copper earrings; watch antique key pendant with handmade wire 0771 Opera glasses and chains
feathers, tulle, and found objects gears adhered via solder; real beetle coils, enameled copper wire, watch parts, 0772 Pocketwatch, pearls, and found 07
0696 sewing mixed media wings pierced with a pin and attached with and Swarovski crystals chain wit
0697 sewing mixed media copper jump rings 0748 Victorian Handcuff: vintage fabric, 0773 Flux earrings #3: globes, steel, and 07
0723 Mixed media, vintage watch parts, vintage doll, fabric collage, and sewing sterling silver wr
0698 Convertible Messenger-to-Clutch: eye
brown denim with spray-painted resin 0749 Wire-wrapped antique key pendant, 0774 Industrial Necklace #8: ball bearing,
appliques, screw-head rivets (regular and 0724 Mixed media, vintage watch parts, silver-plated brass stamping, watch parts, bike sprocket, and steel 07
Phillips), and brass hardware resin and enameled copper wire rin
0775 Vacuum Tube Necklace #9: vacuum
0699 detail of 0698 0725 A Girl and Her Bird: vintage watch, 0750 In Memory of Dr. Mauser: hand-cast tube, hardware, rubber, and steel 08
frozen charlotte, and resin polymer clay, vintage watch, brass, and wr
0700 Geared Up Glasses: watch parts, 0776 Vacuum Tube Necklace #10: vacuum
cold connection Po
glasses tube, hardware, rubber, and steel

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(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:310
, 0777 Pocketwatch, quartz, and silver 0801 Brass Scarab Bracelet: wire- 0827 Magic Window: etched copper, clock 0851 detail of 0848
chain wrapped bracelet with brass scarab parts, and resin 0852 A Stitch in Time: faux leather created
0778 Roller Industry Necklace: roller stamping 0828 PMC Spinner Ring: cubic zirconia, from felt, bead embroidery and basic
bearing, bike chain, and steel 0802 Star Bearings: ring in sterling silver silver, and rivets wirework, ceramic bead
0779 Vacuum Tube Necklace #1: vacuum with rhodolite, topaz, and reclaimed steel 0829 Secret Journey: etched copper, 0853 Vintage watch parts, beads, and
tube, leather, and steel bearings brass, clock parts, and miniature compass found objects
0780 Power: ring in sterling silver with 0803 Of Corset Matters: bracelet in 0830 Captured Time: sterling silver bezels 0854 Heavy Flight Pendant: vintage watch
blue sapphire and reclaimed steel bearing sterling with 14k gold, amethyst, and with watch and clock parts suspended parts, beads, and found objects
sapphire in resin
0781 Northern Night: ring in sterling with 0855 Mixed-media jewelrywork, wirework,
14k gold and rutilated quartz 0804 Start Something: pendant in silver 0831 detail of 0829 and vintage watch movement
with 145 gold, copper, and kitchen match
0782 Attack of the Kraken Pocketwatch: 0832 detail of 0829 0856 Tres Punk: vintage metal parts,
Pocketwatch embellished with an octopus 0805 detail of 0804 hand-forged iron setting, and hand-etched
0833 Scarlet Visions through Absinthe
charm and vintage watch parts 0806 The Steam Engine Ring: soldering, Eyes: hand-cast polymer clay, vintage brass clock gear
k/ 0783 Pocketwatch Wings of Time: vintage found objects, and cold connections watch, brass, and cold connections 0857 Cogs of Time Necklace: mens
pocketwatch clockwork embellished with a 0807 Time Machine Ring: soldering, found 0834 Vintage watch parts, beads, and watch, resin, and found jewelry parts
l silver bird, set in a vintage pocketwatch objects, and cold connections found objects 0858 Vintage watch parts, beads, and
0784 Brooch: cameo with vintage watch 0808 Alarm May Sound: pendant 0835 Vintage watch parts, beads, and found objects
parts on a green and brown ribbon in sterling with 14k gold, sapphires, found objects 0859 My Times Are in Your Hands: bead
: 0785 Winged Hearts Necklaces: silver repurposed diodes, micro-switch, and weaving and bead embroidery with mixed
capacitor 0836 detail of 0833
nd heart embellished with clockworks, media
rhinestones, wings, and watch parts 0809 detail of 0808 0837 Man in the Moon: necklace made
from pocketwatch body, embellished with 0860 detail of 0859
, 0786 Blooming Time Necklace: watch 0810 Ring with Amber Eye: ring with brass and pewter charms 0861 The Dreamers Chatelaine: faux
pieces, brass flower petals taxidermy eye and copper leather created from felt, traditional and
0838 Tick Tock Cuckoo: brass plate,
, 0787 detail of 0786 0811 Amber Ring: ring with amber, clock wings, and charms bead embroidery, basic wirework, eyelets,
0788 Royal Purple in a Timely Fashion parts, and copper and chain
0839 Assemblage Pendant
Necklace: watch movement, chain, and 0812 Ring with Gear: clock parts, copper 0862 Time to Run: mixed-media and chain
beads 0840 Time and Time Again: brass plate necklace with cold connections
0813 Amber Ring with Clock Parts: ring with watch gears and cogs
0789 Elgin Romance: old clock movement, with amber, clock parts, and copper 0863 Steampunk Chatelaine: assemblage,
purple pearl, and chain 0841 Steam Faery: watch parts, brass resin, wirework, copper foil, solder, beetle,
0814 Bracelet: brass, copper, and wire
k 0790 detail of 0789 pocketwatch movement vintage tools, and found objects
0842 detail of 0841 0864 detail of 0861
0791 Paris Days Necklace: vintage 0815 Ring with Lab Opal: silver, clock
pocketwatch, resin, and lace parts, and lab opal 0843 Steampunk Reliquary Pendant: 0865 detail of 0862
mixed-media assemblage, resin, found
0792 Torquoise Ribbon and Springs 0816 Bracelet: brass, copper, and objects, and cold connections 0866 Clock Gear Ring: wire-wrapped ring
Choker: watch pieces, resin, lace, and pocketwatch movement with clock parts
beads 0844 Dreams of Steam Necklace: found
0817 Bracelet: brass, copper, and objects, resin, and mixed media 0867 Steampunk Amber Ring with Clock
ge 0793 Space and Time Necklace: mens pocketwatch movement Parts: ring with amber, clock parts, and
watch, resin, and jewelry charms 0845 Steampunk Key to Time Necklace: copper
0818 Bracelet: brass, copper, and roofing copper, torch distressing,
0794 Romantic Red Necklace: clock pocketwatch movement handmade hinges, antique door hardware, 0868 Steampunk Ring with Amber and
movement, vintage jewelry, and chain 0819 Poe Bracelet: resin-coated image, found objects, and handmade paper Rutilated Quartz: ring with amber, rutilated
0795 Robot Ring: wire-wrapped robot ring watch mechanics, leather quartz, and copper
0846 Copper Journal Necklace: roofing
d with taxidermy glass eye 0820 Ignorant Armies Antique Bulb Neck copper, torch distressing, handmade 0869 Brass Bracelet: wire-wrapped
0796 Amber Ring with Clock Parts: ring Piece: jewelrywork, assemblage hinges, antique door hardware, found bracelet with pocketwatch movement
with amber, clock parts, and copper 0821 The Navigator: found objects, resin, objects, and handmade paper 0870 Robot Beholder: wire-wrapped
0797 GunMetal Ring: wire-wrapped ring and wire 0847 Dream of the Kraken Necklace: sculpture with clock parts and taxidermy
with gunmetal copper octopus charm set on a black plastic glass eye
0822 Sacrificial Glass Fuse Assemblage

image directory
0798 Orange Reptile Eye Ring: wire- Necklace: jewelrywork, assemblage filigree, embellished with vintage watch 0871 Vintage C-GPS (Celestial Global
d parts and black/violet flowers Positioning System): assemblage
wrapped ring with orange taxidermy glass 0823 The Chaldean Oracles Black Baubles
eye Necklace: jewelrywork, assemblage 0848 Sterling earrings, real beetle wings, 0872 Golden Lion Death Ray: assemblage
g, and watch gears sculpture
0799 Arbor Amber Ring: wire-wrapped 0824 detail of The Chaldean Oracles
ring with clock parts inlaid in amber 0849 Mixed-media jewelrywork, wirework, 0873 Aether Spirit Containment Device:
m 0825 Stolen from a Tooth Fairy Lens and vintage watch movement assemblage
0800 Lady Elgin Brass Bracelet: wire- and Tart Tin Reliquary: jewelrywork,
wrapped bracelet with Lady Elgin Brass assemblage 0850 Mixed-media jewelrywork, wirework,
um Pocketwatch and vintage watch movement
0826 detail of 0825

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0874 Steampunk Demonic Soul Retriever: 0898 Prediction Movie Machine: 0923 The Whirlygig Emoto: an electric 0949 detail of 0948 09
plasma ball, recycled jewelry box, and assemblage foley machine with mounted motorcyle with working steamboiler and 0950 GP013X Green Laser Disruptor: so
assorted found objects poster room for three assemblage 09
0875 detail of 0873 0899 Steam-Driven Movie Machine: 0924 detail of 0923 0951 Longfellows Devastator: assemblage so
0876 Steampunkamobile: assemblage assemblage foley machine with mounted 0925 detail of 0923 09
poster 0952 H. Solo Rapid Fire KD1911:
0877 Time Machine: assemblage 0926 Zelo: wooden three-wheeled assemblage Fie
0900 Fate of Icarus Movie Machine and recumbent trike, beech 09
0878 detail of 0877 Steampunk Coat Rack: assemblage foley 0953 Fitzgeralds Cosmic Ray Agitator:
0879 Steampunk Plane: assemblage machine with mounted poster 0927 Flintlock Essence Extirpator: assemblage 09
assemblage sculpture using found objects 0954 Buntline Astro: assemblage Eq
0880 detail of 0879 0901 Blueblood: modified flintlock pistol
with found object embellishments 0928 detail of 0927 0955 Electrotomic Manipulator: 09
0881 Ray Gun: assemblage
0902 Broken Heart: polymer clay with 0929 Stream Electro Blaster: 1960s assemblage 09
0882 Alien Robot: assemblage raygun modified with old plumbing parts as
found object embellishment 0956 Raygun Bat-o-Matic 7000:
0883 detail of 0881 and copper tubing assemblage, metalwork, replica flintlock alu
0903 Communicator: assemblage
0884 The Ographers Sundial: kinetic 0930 Steampunk Raygun 2: assemblage firearm, brass vase, found objects, vintage 09
sculpture of recycled brewery parts, 0904 detail of 0903 sculpture using found objects radio parts, hardware, and adhesives 09
western red cedar, and brass 0905 detail of 0903 0931 Steampunk Raygun 1: assemblage 0957 GP004 Atomic Disabler (Pocket 09
0885 Time Siphon: kinetic sculpture of 0906 Desktop Time Machine: assemblage sculpture using found objects Gun): assemblage scu
recycled brewery parts, western red cedar, 0907 Time Machine: assemblage 0932 The Regulator: assemblage weapon 0958 detail of 0956
and brass 09
0908 Specimen Stand: wood, brass, and 0933 Airship Pirate Helium Ray: 0959 Jet Pack Bike: Steampunk 09
0886 Solunette: kinetic sculpture of found objects Steampunk raygun made from clockwork transportation device
recycled brewery parts, western red cedar, as
0909 Handheld Time Machine: parts and brass pieces 0960 detail of 0959
and brass 09
assemblage 0934 Battle-damaged Triconian Blaster: 0961 Sword of Time: wood, brass sword pro
0887 detail of 0885 1960s raygun with applications of
0910 detail of 0909 0962 detail of 0959 09
0888 The Oculists Porthole: kinetic transformer pieces and old radio parts
sculpture of recycled brewery parts, 0911 Into the Aether: gearbox, metals, 0963 Pistol made from saw handles and silv
conduit, and found objects 0935 Gatling Steampunk Torch: 1930s
western red cedar, and brass blowtorch with brass tubing and old clock found objects 09
0889 detail of 0886 0912 Fang Extractor: assemblage of found gears 0964 Power Pack Gun: assemblage 09
0890 Zephyr Ratio: interactive windup 0936 Hypatia Ship: digital rendering of a 0965 The Abrogator: assemblage weapon 09
wall art combining wood and metals; each 0913 Steampunk Weapon Steampunk airship 0966 N20 Blunderbuss: wooden barrel, 09
piece has movable parts 0914 Assemblage sculpture using found 0937 The Pentacycle: fully functional five- found objects fro
0891 Ulta Meter: interactive windup wall objects wheeled vehicle ideal for use by persons 0967 detail of 0964 09
art combining wood and metals; each 0915 Steampunk Heart Jewelry Box: with balance issues
mixed metals, conduit, felt, rivets, and 0968 Steam Pistol: modified water pistol 09
piece has movable parts 0938 detail of 0937
gears embellished with paint, rivets, gears, and Th
0892 Electro Shock: interactive windup 0939 Amelia Earhart Navigational System: leather ho
wall art combining wood and metals; each 0916 Vampyr Blood Transfuser: wood, antique radio housing with found obejcts
glass, and rubber tubing 0969 Steampunk Raygun: assemblage 09
piece has movable parts and voice recording sculpture 09
0893 Quark Distiller: interactive, free- 0917 Transformer housing with globe 0940 The Edwardian Cyborg Wheelchair:
lamp attached 0970 Steampunk Gun: assemblage ligh
standing art combining wood and metals; electric wheelchair with recycled sofa, sculpture 09
each piece has movable parts 0918 Microscope base with electronic drapery, and clothing fashioning the seats
0971 Steampunk Weapon: assemblage 10
0894 Time Relay: interactive, free- valve, LED-lighted 0941 detail of 0940 sculpture wo
standing art combining wood and metals;
1000 steampunk creations

0919 assemblage 0942 detail of 0940

each piece has movable parts 0972 detail of 0971
0920 Base of an old galvanometer 0943 Raygun: assemblage
0895 Steampunk Professor X Wheelchair: combined with a flow meter and some 0973 Aetherlung Mark II: cold assembly
Victorian rocking chair built onto power plumbing parts, LED-lighted 0944 Raygun 2: assemblage sculpture
wheelchair base with control panel, 0945 Little Brute GP_J7XT: assemblage 0974 Dumas Beam Pistol: cold assembly
smoke, and sound effects 0921 Cast-iron housing with electronic
valves, LED-lighted 0946 GP011X Altara Plasma Manipulator: sculpture
0896 detail of 0895 assemblage 0975 Blohm Gravitic Machine Pistol: cold
0922 Cast-iron housing of an old water
0897 detail of 0895 pump combined with an old wall lamp; 0947 detail of 0946 assembly sculpture
valve handle serves as switch 0948 B. Rogers Raygun 001X: 0976 Maverick Plasma Pistol: cold
assemblage assembly sculpture


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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:312
0977 Found objects from household
0978 Found objects from household
ge sources
0979 Revolving Incandescent Pepperbox
Field Blaster: assemblage
0980 detail of 0979
0981 Reverse Paramagnetic Molecular
Equilibrium Safety Pistol: assemblage
0982 detail of 0981
0983 Lumen Ex Consilium: light saber
assembled from found objects, brass, and
ge 0984 detail of 0983
0985 detail of 0983
0986 Zenith Electroblast: assemblage
0987 Suffragette: modified prop
0988 Pneumatic Aethier Disperser:
assemblage sculpture
0989 Lunar Rebreather: Steampunk movie
0990 Your Wicked Future: copper, nickel
silver, crystal ball
0991 detail of 0989
0992 Spitfire: assemblage sculpture
n 0993 detail of 0992
0994 De-Phlognosticator: found objects
from household sources
0995 detail of 0994
0996 Flabbergastric Intesinnihilator (AKA
d The Vengeful Monty): found objects from
household sources
0997 detail of 0994
0998 Violet Violence: wood, copper, LED
lights, and lasers
0999 Proton Fundoplicator: found objects
1000 Echo Steam One: found objects,
wooden base

image directory


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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:313
artist directory Bo
Jon C. Acosta, USA Boris Beaulant, France Amy & Brayton Carpenter, NG Coonce-Ewing, Cricket ww
05 Legendary Costume Works, USA Creations, USA Ke
09830985 0926 Le
0534 02160221, 0228, 0394, 0396 ke
Mark E. Adams and Jasmine Becket-Griffith, USA
Journeyman, USA Kyle Cassidy, USA Kevin C. Cooper, Steampunk ww 07 Kaleidoscopes, UK 00530055 Di
markadamssounddesign 00760082 ww
Jim Behrman, USA
0226 04360441 04 Christine Cavataio, USA
John Paul Ammons, 0930, 0931 Bruce Cooperberg, Jo
Double A Stitching, USA The Prototype Dept., USA In
Sandi Billingsley, USA 04150419, 0453, 0454 joe 0908 ww Chadwick, Australia
0610, 0612, 0613, 0615, 0626 03
0241 Abigail Cosio, Bedford Falls
Judy A. Anderson, USA Headwear, USA Ar
Matthew Borgatti, Sleek and 0071, 0072 Do
Destroy, USA
02110213 ww Tessa J. Chandler, USA
0614, 0694 04
Joanne Archer, The Crow Road, UK 0311, 0363, 06740676, 0702, 0703 Derrick Culligan, USA Do 0470, 0471 do
Jason Brammer, USA
0286 ww Veronique Chevalier, USA
00020005, 0007 08
Azirca, New Zealand 00580060 Regina Davan, Alt.Kilt, USA La
0034, 0035, 02430249 05680570 wi
A. Laura Brody, ww
Tom Banwell, USA Dreams By Machine, USA Tanya Clarke, Liquid Light, USA
0574 03 Heather Daveno, Lao Hats, USA Ja
07060713 0644, 0668, 0673, 09400942 0340, 0341, 0343, 03490362, 0393, Do
0465 fire
Pia Barile, Pia Barile Melanie Brooks,
0670, 0677, 0696, 0697 ba
Accessories, The Netherlands Earthenwood Studio, USA Mike Cochran, USA Paul Davidson, USA 05 Em
0593, 0594 0607 01830188 0037, 00400042
1000 Steampunk creationS

Cory Barkman, Canada Karen Burns, Vintage Findings, USA Jessica M. Coen, USA James Matthew Day, Notebook red Paper Comics Productions, USA ww 01
03720380 07190721, 0725 0151, 0153, 0556, 0557, 0592, 0595, 06
0766, 0768 0208, 0210, 0281, 0335, 0327 Do
Michelle Barton, Victorian Gothic Melissa Capyk, Wild Cakes, Canada
Clothing, UK Christopher T. Coonce-Ewing, USA do ww 0240 0932, 0965 01
05800583 Pr
314 00

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Idris De Angeli, Zahiras Jessica Faraday, Lindsey Goodbun, UK Anthony Jon Hicks, Tinplate
Boudoir, UK Faraday Bags and Bijoux, USA Studios, USA 0258
0533, 0571, 0573 0442, 0443, 0596, 0692, 0693, 0698, 0100, 09730976
Jade Gordon, USA
Kecia Deveney, Jen Hilton, USA
Lemoncholys Studio, USA Ian Finch-Feld, Skinz N Hydez, 0214, 0215, 0224 Canada
Jonathan Gosling, 0841, 0842
River Otter Widget Studios, USA
0743, 0744, 0748
0643, 06450667 Ned Hobgood, USA
Dillon Works!, USA Sarah Fishburn, Designs & 0449, 0450, 0911, 0915 0232
04440447 Ragtags, USA
Graffiti Technica, Australia Peter Hollinghurst, UK
Joshua A. Dinunzio, Salty Slug
Industries, USA
0235 0313 0242 Kat Fortner-McNiff, USA
Sara Gries, USA Martin Horspool, Australia
Arthur W. Donovan,
Donovan Design, USA Eric Freitas, USA 0017, 0018, 0038, 0039 0051, 01330146, 0289, 0314, 0337, 0943, 0944
Dr. Grymm,
04940514 0339, 0342, 03440348
Dr. Grymm Laboratories, USA Kristin Hubick,
Don Donovan, USA Christi Friesen, CF Originals, USA Retro Cafe Art Gallery, USA 0001, 0006, 01540162, 0231, 0250,
08760883 0056, 0057 0252, 0253, 0254, 0316, 0326, 0397, 0723, 0724
0473, 0608, 06180622, 0916, 0939,
Laurie Dorrell, Moonwild Art, USA Kerin Gale, USA 0966, 0999, 1000 Allan K. Hunter, Sirius Werks Phantasmic Phabrications, USA Kimberly Hart, Monster Kookies,
0333 0839 Canada 09940997
Jazmyn & Logan Douillard, Penelope Almendros Garcia, InSectus Artifacts, Australia
Douillard Custom Creations, Canada Revue Vintage, Spain 00880099 0520, 0524, 0525, 0554 Christina Riv Hawkes, USA 0086, 0087, 07730776, 0778, 0779
0576, 0579
Thomas E. Gawron, USA Mike Jennings, USA
Emperor of the 01760178, 0180, 0181, 0638 0715, 0717, 0718, 0722, 0848, 0851
Red Fork Empire, USA 0641, 0678, 0679, 08900894, 0929, 0601, 0604 09330935 Terrill Helander, Art My Way, USA Shoshanah Jennings,
Rainey J. Gibney, The Josie Adorning Erzulie, USA
01130116, 02730278, 0624, 0625,
Baggley Company, Ireland 0164, 0700, 0701, 0741, 0819
0642, 0704, 0705, 0927, 0928

artiSt Directory
Dominique Falla, Australia Hilde Heyvaert, House of Secrets 0754, 0755 0821 Incorporated, Belgium Christine Jones, Crimson Chain
Cole H. Goldstein, Cole Hastings Leatherworks, USA
Modern Antiquities, USA 05620567
Professor Thaddeus T. Fang a.k.a. 0585
artist Anthony J. Rogers III, USA 04800482
0014, 0015 315

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) 03-C61419 #175 Dtp:204 Page:315
Dan Jones, Tinkerbots, USA Rusty Lamer, Scenic Designer; Chip Michael J. Marchand and Tim Shirlene Perini, USA Je Sullivan, Optic Provocateur, USA Marchand, Ajar Communications, jjre
01910198, 09690972, 0986, 0988, LLC, USA 01
0992, 0993 0549
Sheri Jurnecka, Jurnecka Brace Peters, USA ka 02590272, 05970599, 08980900
Creations, USA 03190321 ww Elizabeth Marek, Artisan Cake 04840486 08 Robert LaMonte, USA Company, USA
Patricia Phillips, USA Je
0315, 0317, 0318, 0671, 0863, 0956, jef
0958 0021, 0874
07860794, 0857 ww
Kammlah.Thayer Collection for Diana Laurence, USA 00
P.J. Pilgrim, Apple Blossom
Carol Hicks Bolton / E.J. Victor Ramon R. Martin, USA
Photography, USA M
Furniture, USA ma 0282, 0285 fan 0631, 0632, 06340636, 0637
Cyndi Lavin, USA appleblossom 08
0455, 0458 Cassandra Mathieson, 0516, 0523, 0526, 0532, 0543, 0552,
Erin Keck, E.K. Creations, USA Cadaverous Lovely, USA 0553, 0555, 0584, 0591, 0623
0852, 08590862, 0864, 0865 US
Isaiah Max Plovnick, USA flo
Legion Fantastique, USA ww
0428, 04300432, 0434, 0845, 0846 0605, 0672, 0691 0150, 0669 03
Jill Kerns, Altered Ever After, USA Deryn Mentock, Something
0519, 0535, 0536, 0572 Daniel Pon, Paradox Designs, USA Bi Sublime, USA ca
K.Leistikow, USA ww
07260733 04590462 02
07350740, 0751
Louise Kiner, Canada 08
0225, 0283, 0284, 0912 Regina Portscheller, Tamara A. Mickelson, T.M.
Omnium-Gatherum Arts, USA W Originals, USA
Jeffrey W. Lilley, USA thi
02360239 00 04
Joshua W. Kinsey, J.W. Kinseys 0229
0312, 0392, 0690, 0961, 0963, 0964, 0756, 0757, 0759
Artifice, USA
0967 Daniel Proulx, Catherinette Rings, Lis James Muscarello, USA
Canada cre
Shawn M. Lopez, USA ww
0332, 0336, 04200427, 0433, 0435, 0287, 0288 co
0456, 0457, 0468, 0469
0753, 0770, 0990 Matt Nyberg, Leviathan 0163, 0165, 0166, 07950801, 0810 04
Donna Kishbaugh, Steamworks, USA 0818, 08660870
Robert Lucas, Genuine Plastic, USA Br
The Art of Donna, USA Michael Pukc, USA bru
0467, 09450955, 0957 ww
1000 steampunk creations 0758, 07600763 04
0033 Val Lucas, Bowerbox Press, USA 04
Alison Park-Douglas, Velvet 0189, 0190, 01990203
Mel Kolstad, Snizzers & Gwoo, USA Mechanism, USA q phia, USA Cl
0477, 0493 cla ww
00830085 Debbie Lynch, USA 0588, 0589, 0714, 0849, 0850, 0855 00
0609, 0611, 0616
Trisha Krueger, MarySewDesigns, Christopher Mark Perez, USA Captain Jason RedbeardRoyal Ro
Germany 0837, 0838, 0840 all
Gronican Navy, USA ww maduncle, Australia 01670174 01
07820785, 0847
316 0385

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(02-23860) Job No:01-21371 Title:RP-1000 Steampunk Creations
(Text) (RAY) #175 Dtp:204 Page:316
Jenifer J. Renzel, USA Lynne Rutter, Lynne Rutter Murals Heather Simpson-Bluhm, Janet Teas, USA & Decorative Painting, USA Bluhm Studios, USA
0179, 0182 0695
Kate Richbourg, USA Michael Thee,
0451, 0452 0463, 0464 Michael Thee Studio, LLC, USA Barbe Saint John, Martin Small, UK
0828 Saints & Sinners, USA 0780, 0781, 08020805, 0808, 0809
Jeffrey Richter, USA 0517, 0518, 0544, 0575, 0600 Erin Tierneigh, USA
0222, 0227, 0742, 0806, 0807, 0843, Deanne Smith, Goldenthrush, USA
Michael Salerno, USA 05400542
Marina Rios, Fanciful Devices, USA 0230, 0578
0013, 0020, 0395, 0577, 0937
Topsy Turvy Design, USA Laurel Steven,
0820, 08220826 Jane Salley, USA Rueschka by Laurel Steven, USA 0515, 0521, 05290531, 0560, 0561
LF Roberts, Floydagain Designs, Kendra Tornheim,
0827, 08290832 0750, 0833, 0836 Silver Owl Creations, USA Larissa Sayer, Canada Stefan Stock, Germany
03810384 07450747, 0749
Billie Robson, Art By Canace, USA Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor,
0537, 0968 09170922 LLC, USA Markus Schuetz, Germany Sarah Stocking aka Vespertine
0223, 0233, 03880391, 0716, 0769, Nova Lark, The Spectra Nova, USA
0856 0206, 0207, 0209 00610070, 0074, 0075
Will Rockwell, USA Brent Evan Scofield a.k.a. Urbandon, Australia Professor Quentin Zipcash, USA
0734, 0834, 0835, 0853, 0854, 0858
0019, 0029, 0032, 0234, 0429, 0466,
0487 0764, 0765, 0767, 0871, 0873, 0875 Haruo Suekichi, Suekichi Haruo 0016, 0022, 0025, 0026, 09030907,
Koubou, Japan 0909, 0910
, Lisa A. Rooney, USA Amanda Scrivener, Professor Maelstrommes Steam Laboratory Daniel Valdez, USA
www.overthecrescentmoon.blogspot. and Brute Force Studios, UK
0606, 06800689
0 0448, 0483, 05450548, 0550, 0913 Lynda Taft, USA 08950897; mpsy28@gmail.
Bruce Rosenbaum, Modvic, USA Phillip Valdez, USA
0771, 0772, 0777 com Tom Sepe, USA
0472, 04740476, 0478, 0479, 0204, 0205, 0338
04890491 Andrew Tarrant, Trespasser
Dr. Tony Valentich, Australia
09230925 Ceramics, Canada
Claudia Roulier, USA Angela Shaffer, Akeishafs Fusion 0959, 0960, 0962

artist directory Fabrications, USA 0488, 0492 Mara S. Varela, Model Patricia
Egea, Clothing Penlope Tim Tate, Washington Glass School,
Royal Steamline, USA Almendros, Bavaria 0752 USA
0175, 0328, 0329


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Lotus L. Vele, USA Eddie Wilson, whisperstudio broken toys, USA R
0324, 0325, 0330, 0334, 0633, 0872, Br
B. Vermeulen, The Netherlands U
0901, 0902 St Roger Wood, klockwerks, Canada br
0977, 0978 Br
Diana Vick, USA 0036, 01470149, 0152, 03640371, U
04010414, 0914 St
0279, 0280, 0522, 0527, 0528, 0538, Steve Ziolkowski, br
0558, 0559, 0586, 0587, 0590, 0603, Cinemagician, USA
0987 Br
0323, 0602, 09360938, 0989, 0991 U
The Lord Baron Joseph C.R. C
Vourteque IV & Rev. Cpt. Samuel ww
Flint, USA ch in
00090012 U
Jordan Waraksa, USA
0008, 0386, 0387, 08840889 th
Danny Warner, USA St ww
0251, 0322, 0331 Gi
Weirdward Work/Arpad Tota, St
Hungary ww
0023, 0024, 0027, 0028, 0030, 0031,
03980400 An
Davin White, USA ste
1000 Steampunk creationS

0617, 0998
Miriam Wilde, USA
Melissa Williams, USA
01010112, 0335


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Steampunk blog Steampunk videos, links, and art


Steampunk forum Meeting place for Steampunk enthusiasts


Costume and prop makers Steampunk furnishings


inDUSTRy & innoVATion UK
USA Magazine devoted to Steampunk lifestyle
History of industry and innovation
USA Global Steampunk resource site
Steampunk clothing supplier
USA An annual Steampunk event
Steampunk music record label
USA Steampunk resource site
Annual art exhibit


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First and foremost I would like to thank Mary Ann Hall,
Tiffany Hill, and the team at Quarry Books for allowing me
to work on this wonderful publication with them. I would
also like to thank Barbe Saint John for her assistance in
pulling this book together.
Very special thanks go out to my wife, business partner,
and right side of my brain, Allison DeBlasio, for her
constant support and hard work on this project. Without
her coordination and organization, this book would not
have been possible.
I would be remiss if I did not thank all of the artists who
have contributed to this book. It has been an honor to work about the author
with all of you on this project. May your creativity continue
to build this world of Steampunk that has brought us all Dr. Grymms alter ego, Joey Marsocci, along with his
together. business partner and wife Allison DeBlasio, are proprietors
Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my sons of Dr. Grymm Laboratories in Connecticut. Grymms
and future Steampunks, James and Jack, who give me my custom contraptions and sculptures have been seen in
inspiration every day. Steampunk exhibits, films, television,theater productions,
and publications around the world. Most recently, Dr.
Sincerely; Grymm, known for his Victrola Eye-Pod (a modded iPod)

Joey Marsocci and his Brainstorm Machines, exhibited at the Oxford

University History of Science Museum Steampunk Exhibit
in 2010,andis also afeatured artist at The Cosmopolitan
a.k.a. Dr. Grymm
Hotel, opening in Las Vegas in 2011. Annually, Dr.
Proprietor of Dr. Grymm Laboratories
Grymm hosts and curatesan international art exhibit, The
Steampunk Bizarre, which is the subject of the documentary
I AM STEAMPUNK by Neurotic Films.
Visitthe official website at:
View the online journal at:
Learn more about the Steampunk Bizarre Exhibit at:
1000 Steampunk creationS


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2011 by Thuarry Books

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written
permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the
knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by the
producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the
contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply
with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will
resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book.

First published in the United States of America by

Thuarry Books, a member of
Thuayside Publishing Group
100 Cummings Center
Suite 406-L
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915-6101
Telephone: (978) 282-9590
Fax: (978) 283-2742
Visit for a behind-the-scenes peek at our crafiy world!

Digital edition: 978-1-61060-219-8

Softcover edition: 978-1-59253-691-7
Library of Congress CataLoging-in-PubLiCation Data
is avaiLabLe

ISBN-13: 978-1-59253-691-7
ISBN-10: 1-59253-691-3

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Design and Layout: Sandra Salamony

Front cover images (clockwise from top): James Muscarello, Muscarello Design; Daniel
Proulx, Catherinette Rings; Jeffrey Richter; Dr. Grymm Laboratories; Topsy Turvy
Design; Jud Turner, Jud Turner, Sculptor, LLC; Christina Riv Hawkes; and Dr.
Grymm Laboratories
Back cover images (right to lefi): Eric Freitas; Arthur W. Donovan, Donovan Design;
Kyle Cassidy; and Anthony Jon Hicks

Printed in China

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