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Kyra White 1

InTASC Standard 7: Planning for Instruction

The seventh InTASC Standard says, The teacher plans instruction that supports every

student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas,

curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the

community context. This means that teachers are creating lessons that will keep their students

interested, while also understanding that no two students learn the exact same way. Also, it means

that teachers are bringing in other subject areas into their teaching, so that students can get a well-

balanced education. For a music teacher, they could incorporate history and culture into their

lessons by teaching students meaning behind the pieces. Also, a music teacher would need to

understand that students all grow at different paces, and they must cater their lessons to the class.

I feel I have a grasp on the meaning of this standard, but definitely could use more expertise

and practice in application. I have been able to plan lessons that involve small amounts of other

subject areas, but not as much as I would like. I also look forward to learning about how my

students learn, and best ways to reach them. I have not had the opportunity to practice this in my

classes, but I also understand that this comes with field experience.

I will continue to work and build on this skill by taking courses that will prepare me to be

a teacher. I will learn how to figure out what types of students I have in my classroom, so I can

best create lessons that will help them understand content with their individual learning styles.

Also, through observations in classrooms, which I will complete more of in the future, I will be

able to analyze how a teacher is able to reach their students best. This will help me to differentiate

between learning styles, and learn how to incorporate different subject areas into my own

Kyra White 2

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