Literature Form 2

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Literature Form 2 – Robinson Crusoe

Based on ‘Robinson Crusoe’, write about how well the theme of honesty is portrayed in the
story. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

The novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ portrays the value of honesty. This can be seen in
Robinson Crusoe whose actions and intentions were honest. While waiting to be rescued, he
managed to survive and made his life comfortable. He also rescued Friday from the cannibals
and civilized him. Friday too was honest. He kissed Crusoe’s feet and pledged obedience.

Based on ‘Robinson Crusoe’, write about a character that you like the most. Support your
answer with reasons.
The character I like the most in the novel, ‘Robinson Crusoe’, is Robinson Crusoe
himself. He was courageous and brave. He managed to survival against all odds on the
deserted island. His survival spirit kept him alive and he never gave up hope. He worked hard to
have the essentials like food, furniture and clothes. Finally, he was rescued after living on the
islad for over twenty-eight years.

Based on ‘Robinson Crusoe’, write about an event that is full of suspense. Support your answer
with evidence from the novel.
An event that is full of suspense in the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ is when Crusoe rescued
Friday from the cannibals. When he saw the cannibals with their captive, he attacked one of
them and shot the other one. While alone with them, Friday, at first, was very frightened. When
he realized that Crusoe was his savour, he knelt down, kissed the ground and placed Crusoe’s
foot upon his head. He showed that he would be a faithful servant and friend.

Based on ‘Robinson Crusoe’, comment on whether you like the story or not. Support your
answer with reasons.
Yes, I like the novel, ‘Robinson Crusoe’. The story is interesting and contains an
important message. It is about how a brave man, Robinson Crusoe, who was stranded on
uninhabited island, struggled years of being marooned on the island, he finally returned to
England, alive and in one piece. There are many exciting parts in the story. The story of
Crusoe’s ordeal and solitude on the island is inspired me to face the challenges of life with
courage and determination.

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