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Answers to exam-style questions

Please note that these are not the only possible answers. Most CSEC Principles of Business examination questions can be
answered in many ways, using a variety of different examples.

1. The nature of business the globe. They specialize in related

1. a Two advantages of doing business as a sole activities, for example energy production
trader are:- orbanking.
(Choose any two) Conglomerates are large companies which
zz Easy to establish and manage. own a variety of businesses producing
zz Decision-making is speedy, since sole different goods or services.
traders own and operate their own
c Multinational corporations:- Bank of Nova
Scotia; British Petroleum (BP); Alcoa
zz Customers receive special attention.
zz Profits are not shared. Conglomerates:- Neal and Massy Ltd.; Ansa
Two disadvantages of doing business as a McCall; Grace Kennedy Ltd.
sole trader are:- d Two benefits of a franchise for an individual
(Choose any two) starting a business are:-
zz Unlimited liability, that is, all losses and zz the entrepreneur enjoys the goodwill
debts incurred by the business must be associated with the franchise and can use
borne by the owner. an international brand name.
zz Problems in raising capital. zz there are fewer risks involved than in
zz Limited managerial skills. starting a new business (e.g. in
zz Lack of competitiveness. (Discounts, if developing markets for products etc.).
offered to the sole trader may be small
in comparison to big business Two disadvantages of a franchise for an
operations). individual starting a business are:-
zz Lack of continuity, if the owner dies, the zz the entrepreneurial spirit is restricted as
business also dies. the business must follow the regulations
zz Long working hours. of the franchisor
zz the entrepreneur has to pay a portion of
b Multinational corporations are giant
the profits in the form of royalties to the
international firms, which operate from their
corporate headquarters in their home
countries, but conduct their business e Two differences between a private limited
activities through their subsidiaries across company and a public limited company are:-

Areas of difference Private limited company Public limited company

Accounts Accounts may be kept Reports and financial
confidential. information must be made
Raising Capital Private companies cannot issue They can raise large amounts
shares to raise capital for the of capital through the issue of
business. shares to the public.

2. a The four different types of economic zz Planned or command economy

systems are:- zz Mixed economy.
zz Subsistence economy
zz Market or capitalist economy
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b Two differences between any two economic

systems listed in (a) above are:-
(Choose any two systems and compare)

Areas of Subsistence Market Planned Mixed Economy

differences Economy Economy Economy
Ownership of Individual and Private The state or Both government and private
the factors of family individuals government individuals and firms. (Private
production and firms Sector)
Who decides what, Individual and Consumers The state or Government provides essential
how much and for family choices and government services (hospitals, education,
whom to produce? demand infrastructure, etc.) and the
(areas & levels of private sector provides goods
production) and other services.
Government No government Little or no Total Government involvement
participation or involvement. government government only in certain areas of
involvement involvement. involvement in national importance, (national
all areas. security, hospitals, education,
infrastructure, etc)

c Three areas of differences between the

private and public sectors are:-

Areas of difference Private Sector Public Sector

Ownership & control It is that part of the economy It is the operations in the economy that
that is owned and controlled by are undertaken by the government for
private individuals and firms. the benefit of its citizens, and all central
and local government activities which are
funded by the public.
Motive of operation Its primary motive for being in Its primary motive is to provide essential
business is making profits. services to the citizens of the country; the
making of profits is secondary.
Sources of funding Loans from local financial Taxation.
(capital) institutions. Loans from local and/or international
Personal savings. financial institutions.
Loans from family members. Sale of Treasury Bills and Government
Sale of shares to the public. bonds and securities.
Sale or divestment of public assets.

d Two groups of people who may form a e One purpose for which a co-operative might
co-operative are:- be formed for each of the two groups in (d)
(Choose any two) above are:-
zz Producers zz Producers to ensure that the best price
zz Consumers is obtained for their products.
zz Savers.

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zz Consumers to obtain goods at higher 4. a A shareholder is a person who is part owner

quality and lower prices. of a business through the purchase of shares.
zz Savers to encourage savings and to
b Two ways in which a shareholder may
obtain low-interest loans, etc.
benefit from a successful business are:-
3. a Barter is the exchange of goods/services zz the shareholder can receive dividends on
without the use of money. his shares
zz the shareholder can expand his equity,
b Two problems associated with the barter
that is, the value of his shareholdings.
system are:-
(Choose any two) c Three functions of a business are:-
zz Double coincidence of wants (each (Choose any three functions)
person has to have what the other wants). zz to create employment and incomes for
zz Rate of exchange (deciding how much of people in the society.
one good is exchanged for another). zz to maintain and expand its market and
zz Store of value (can't save goods for use the economy.
at a future date without spoiling). zz to compete by producing goods and/or
zz Divisibility (some goods can't be split into services to satisfy the needs and wants of
smaller parts without losing its value). the population.
zz to maintain its social status as a
c The four functions of money are:-
corporate citizen by assisting the
zz Medium of exchange.
community in which it operates.
zz Standard for deferred payments.
zz to satisfy the need or desire for making
zz Measure of value.
more money by maximizing profits.
zz Store of value.
zz to take on the risks associated with
d Three advantages of making payments running a business.
withmoney rather than through the
d A stakeholder is any person, group of people,
barter system are:-
or organisation that has an interest in the
zz there is no longer a need for a double business.
coincidence of wants to take place. Money
is widely accepted for any transaction. e Three groups of stakeholders, and one way
zz Money is divisible, and can be used for in which each may benefit from the
both large and small payments successful operation of a business are:-
zz money is portable, and can be used to zz Owners, from the receipt of profits.

make payments at any distance. zz Employees, from improved wages and

working conditions.
e Two ways in which payments may be made
zz Customers, from quality products and
using money, other than the use of notes and
reasonable prices.
coins are:-
zz Society, from the funding of community
zz by the use of cheques which are not legal groups and activities.
tender but an order to the banker to zz Government, from taxes, both direct and
make the payment to the bearer. indirect.
zz by the use of debit cards which is a 5. a An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes
non-cash transaction at the point of sale. the risks involved in establishing and
The merchant will receive his/her money running a new business.
from the bank.

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b Two reasons why James may be interested in e Two roles that James would have to perform
starting his own business are:- with respect to any employees hired by his
(Choose any two) organization are:-
zz Desire for financial independence, and (Choose any two)
to earn their own money and be zz Pay workers a fair and reasonable wage
financially secure. zz Provide safe and proper working
zz Self-fulfilment. He may want to be conditions
successful and to determine that zz Train workers to perform their tasks
success. effectively and efficiently
zz Self-actualisation. It may have always zz Promote workers based on merit
been a dream or goal to own and
operate his own business. 2. Organization and management
zz To improve his status in life, by 1. a The four main functional departments of a
improving his income, and their typical business are:-
economic standing in society. zz Production
c Two advantages and one disadvantage for zz Marketing and Sales
James if he starts his business on the zz Finance and Accounting
Islandof St Anne as against the island of zz Personnel or Human Resource
StGeorge Management.
Advantages:- b Two responsibilities which would be
zz Manufacturers are free to produce what assigned to each of the departments listed
the consumers require, and the above are as follows:-
consumers in turn are free to spend their
money as they see fit.
zz Decision-making is not controlled, so sourcing of raw materials
there is greater participation in the manufacturing of the products.
decision on what is to be produced to Marketing and Sales
satisfy the needs of the consumer. promoting the products (e.g. advertising,
Disadvantage:- sales promotion, etc)
zz Businesses could be exploited through selling the products to customers.
the imposition of high prices for Accounting and Finance
utilities and materials if there is making and receiving payments on
insufficient competition among behalf of the company
producers or government regulation of preparing the financial statements of the
business. company.
d Two functions of a business owner when Personnel or Human Resource Management
starting operations are:- recruiting, disciplining or dismissing staff
(Choose any two) training, promoting or redeploying staff.
zz planning in order to achieve the goals
c One way in which an increased demand will
and objectives of the business
affect each of the major departments of a
zz sourcing finance for the day to day
sports goods manufacturing company is:-
operations of the business
zz hiring staff to operate the various areas Production department will have to source
of the business more materials to manufacture more

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Marketing and Sales departments will have as well as matching the right personnel
to distribute and sell more items. with the right job.
zz Communicating is the process of
Accounting and Finance department will
transmitting information and ideas to
have to release more funds to purchase the
people within the various levels of the
materials needed to manufacture the
additional equipment, as well as pay
zz Directing/Coordinating is the process
overtime or new staff.
by which actual performance is guided
Personnel or Human Resource Management towards the goals to be met.
department will have to hire workers to meet zz Evaluating is the process of assessing
the production demands. work performance to determine how
well the tasks have been done, and what
2. a Management is the bringing together of steps are to be taken to improve future
allthe resources (human and non-human) performance.
in an effort to meet the goals of an zz Motivating is the process by which
organization. workers are encouraged or influenced to
b Four functions of management are:- take the right action to get the tasks and
(choose any four) jobs done.
zz Planning is the process by which a c Two responsibilities of management to the
manager prepares for the future. employees of a business are:-
zz Organizing is the process of pulling (Choose any two)
together all resources needed, to meet zz to provide fair wages
the goals of the organization. zz to provide safe working conditions and
zz Controlling is the process of checking equipment
and measuring how activities are being zz protection against unfair dismissal
carried out in the business and steering zz providing opportunities for promotion
them towards meeting the goals set by and growth within the organization
the organization. zz to provide compensation for job-related
zz Delegating involves assigning tasks or injuries
goals to subordinates whilst at the same zz to provide proper training and education.
time granting them the necessary
d i Lateral relationships exist among people
authority to carry out the tasks.
who are at the same level within an
zz Staffing is the process of selecting,
organisational structure.
orienting, assigning, training,
promoting, and retiring the labour force


Marketing Production Personnel or Human

manager manager Resources manager

Reporting relationship
Lateral relationship

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ii Line management represents lines of manager gives orders or instructions to

commands or authority; it is a vertical subordinates, who may pass these
relationship in which the line director/ further down the line.




Receivable manager


iii Span of control is the number of the effective limit to the number of staff
subordinates a manager supervises, or that a manager can supervise efficiently.

M. D.

3. a Motivation is the process by which workers d One purpose for which a business may
are encouraged or influenced to take the right establish a committee:-
action to get the tasks and jobs done. zz to advise the executive and to assist it in
developing policies and procedures for
b Maslows hierarchy of needs are:-
scheduling staff vacations.
zz Physiological or basic needs
zz Safety and security needs Two members likely to be appointed to this
zz Social and belonging needs committee are
zz Esteem needs zz Chairperson
zz Self-actualization needs. zz Secretary
c Theory X assumes that most workers dont e i The usual role of the chairman or
like work and prefer to be directed, do not chairwoman is to convene and to
like responsibility and focus more on safety coordinate the proceedings of the
than anything else. meeting.
Theory Y assumes that the workers like work ii The usual role of the secretary is to
and are willing and capable of making a record the minutes of the meeting and
positive contribution to the organization. provide members with copies.

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iii The minutes are a summary of what use their initiative to complete the tasks
took place in the meeting, decisions, required.
issues for further discussion, etc. Disadvantage:-
4. a Four different leadership styles are:- zz Employees could be given too much
freedom, to the extent that they begin
zz Authoritarian
operating outside of the goals of the
zz Democratic
zz Charismatic
zz Laissez Faire. c One benefit of teamwork and one difficulty
associated with teamwork are:-
b One advantage and one disadvantage of any
(Choose any one)
two styles from (a) above are:-
(Choose any two styles) Benefit:-
Authoritarian zz creative problem-solving from the
Advantage:- inputs of individuals of the team.
zz Quick decision making which might be zz the pooling of resources, ideas and
essential in a crisis. expertise.
zz motivation of the workers personally
Disadvantage:- and collectively.
zz No participation from employees in zz increases the level of productivity.
decision-making zz improvement in the quality of work.
zz fostering a participative approach to
work, giving a feeling of belonging and
making a significant contribution to the
zz Participation by employees in decision-
making can lead to more effective
zz providing for continuity in the carrying
decisions as employee experience can be
out of projects if a member leaves.
useful for managers.
zz increase in the efficiency and
effectiveness of the negotiation process.
zz Time must be devoted to involving staff
and this can slow down decision-making. Difficulty:-
This can be a problem when a quick (Choose any one)
decision is essential. zz incompatibility of the team members
may lead to rivalry within the team.
zz there may be too much rivalry between
zz The charismatic leader inspires zz a team member who is not interested in
employees with personal magnetism and the particular task may weaken the
communication skills and this is a overall effort.
motivating factor.
Disadvantage:- d Four channels of communication which may
be used in a business context are:-
zz A charismatic leaders decisions may be
(Choose any four)
accepted uncritically. Unwise or
unscrupulous leadership may bring zz consultation
disaster to a business. zz suggestion box
zz meetings (formal or informal)
Laissez Faire zz reports
Advantage:- zz memorandum (a memo)
zz Gives employees a sense of zz telephone
empowerment, as they are allowed to zz electronic mail (e-mail)
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zz letters c Two types of Management Information

zz newsletters System are:-
zz interviews (Choose any two)
zz manuals zz Transaction processing system (TPS)
zz notice boards zz Decision-making support system (DSS)
zz speeches zz Office automation system (OAS)
zz courses and seminars zz Executive support system (ESS)
zz intercoms.
d Two ways in which one type of Management
e One purpose for which each in (d) above Information System may be used, and two
would be suitable is:- requirements for effective operation are:-
(Choose any four) (Choose any one)
zz consultation (to have discussions zz Transaction Processing System (TPS)
between management and staff on it can be used to handle point-of-
particular issues) sale transactions
zz suggestion box (to get feedback from it is used by the automatic teller
workers to improve procedures) machines
zz meetings (formal or informal) (to discuss it requires quick systems response
issues affecting the organization) it requires the system to be reliable.
zz memorandum (to inform staff about
zz Decision Support System (DSS)
decisions and issues)
it is used to enhance decision-
zz telephone (to contact anyone within or
making, for example on production
outside the organization, usually for
volume or staff recruitment.
informal communication)
it is used to collect and organize
zz electronic mail (e-mail) (to transmit or
information in a less structured
receive information rapidly)
zz interviews (to select the appropriate
it requires adaptability to deal with
candidate for a position within the
new requirements
it requires the ability to use many
zz manuals (to provide instructions for
different types of information.
particular tasks or jobs)
zz Office Automated System (OAS)
zz intercoms (to contact a specific person
it may be used for internal e-mails
or groups of people).
it may also be used for
5. a Management Information System is the teleconferencing
development and use of effective information it requires flexible, adaptable and
systems in organizations to support monitoring stable technology
and decision-making by management. it requires a local or wide area
network system to facilitate its
b Two advantages of a Management
Information System over a paper-based
management system are:- zz Executive Support System (ESS)
it is used to support management
zz data can be retrieved and processed in a
much shorter time.
it is used to obtain high-level,
zz Less space is needed for storage than a
aggregated and standardised
paper-based system.
information from many sources

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it must be flexible for use in many ii One benefit the organization hopes to
different situations derive from introducing the flat
it must be easy to operate for organizational structure is to speed up
executives with no specific computer the flow of communication and
training. information as there will be fewer levels
to go through.
e Two challenges likely to arise in the
introduction or operation of a Management e Two forms of industrial actions that are
Information System are:- available to the employees if differences
(Choose any two) cannot be resolved are:-
zz the cost of setting up and maintaining (Choose any two)
the system (establishment, maintenance zz Go slow, that is taking a longer time
and security) than normal to perform a task
zz the cost of training workers to operate zz Work to rule, that is the workers will
the system only do a certain amount of work and
zz the possibility of human error in the nothing more
input of data. zz Sick out, that is staying at home and
6. a A leader is one who is able to employ the most pretending to be sick
appropriate strategies for getting work done in zz Striking, that is withholding their labour
order to meet the goals of the organization. entirely and walking off the job.
3. Establishing a business
b Abigails former leadership style was laissez
faire, because she always allowed people to 1. a i Enterprise is one of the factors of
choose when, and how, they wanted to get production which organises the other
the job done as long as it was completed factors of production (land, labour and
within the timelines set. capital) to produce goods and services
and make a profit (or loss).
c Two advantages and two disadvantages of
ii An entrepreneur is a person who
Abigails former leadership style are:-
undertakes the risks involved in
establishing and running a new business.
zz it gives employees a sense of
empowerment, as they are allowed to b Four qualities of a successful entrepreneur are:-
use their initiative to complete the tasks zz Creativity. The entrepreneur must be
required able to take the step of setting up a new
zz the employees self-esteem is developed business.
and they feel more involved. zz Determination. The entrepreneur must
be firm in his goal and objectives for the
business to ensure that they are met.
zz employees could be given too much
zz Flexibility. The entrepreneur must be
freedom, and might become lazy and
will to adjust strategies as circumstances
changes within the business environment.
zz they could begin operating outside of
zz Willing to take risk. The entrepreneur
the goals of the organisation.
must be willing to take the risks involved
d i The new structure will affect the span of in starting any new business, and be
control for senior managers to the extent aware of all the pitfalls or obstacles that
that they will have more subordinates to may be involved.

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c Two reasons why someone may decide to zz management data on the ways in which
establish their own business are:- the business is expected to grow,
zz Desire for financial independence, and recording procedures, and methods for
to earn money and be financially secure. monitoring progress.
zz Self-fulfilment. The desire to be d One topic which should be covered by a
successful and to determine that success. business plan under each of the following
d Four sources from which an entrepreneur headings is:-
may obtain capital to start a business are:- iFinance
zz your own money (personal savings) (Choose one of these)
zz loans from family or friends zzCapital requirements to start the
zz loans from financial institutions (Banks, business (e.g. plant, machinery,
Credit Unions, etc.) stocks) and operate the business for
zz Loans or grants from government the first six months.
institutions (e.g. the National Enterprise zz Sources of capital, that is, where the

Development Company in Trinidad and entrepreneur can obtain funding to

Tobago) start the business.
ii Legal aspects
2. a A business plan is an explanation of who will
be responsible for a new business, what the zz Whether the business will be
business is intended to do, how it is going to organised as a sole trader, a
get the money and other resources to do it, partnership, a company or another
and what profit it hopes to make. form of organization.
e i Contingency plan. This is an plan to
b Two ways in which a business plan helps
deal with an event outside the control of
entrepreneurs are:-
the business, such as a natural disaster.
(Choose any two)
ii Long-term plan. This is outlines
zz Providing a blueprint for the operations
strategies for change over a period of at
of the business
least three years, and usually longer.
zz Identifying the likely income and
expenditure iii Project plan. This is planning for a
zz Giving the entrepreneur a baseline to specific project or task; it is time specific
monitor progress of the business to the respective project.
zz Providing a guide to the goals of the 3. a Three steps that John must take before
business and future financial flows for starting his own business are:-
those financing the firm zz to find a proper location to operate the
zz Enabling professional advisers to business
monitor the progress of the business. zz to register the name of the business with
the Registrar of Companies
c Two types of data which may be used in the
zz to register the business with the
preparation of a business plan are:-
Revenue Authority for taxes.
(choose any two)
zz market data on who the intended b Two regulations affecting Johns Burger
customers are, customer needs, Palace which would be applied by each of
competition, size of market, etc., and the following are:-
proposed marketing strategy i Local government
zz financial data on how the business will zz food handlers licences (food badge)
be financed, profit and loss forecasts, for himself and any employees
cash flow forecast, capital expenditure zz building regulations for his business
requirements premises.
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ii National government c Three ways in which a contract may be

zz registration with the Revenue terminated or discharged are:-
Authority for the payment of taxes (Choose any three)
zz registering all employees with the zz by breach, that is when one party to a
National Insurance Board for the contract fails to carry out their side of
payment of NIS the agreement
zz by performance, that is when both
c i The risk faced by the bank if there is no
parties carry out their side of the
collateral is that it will lose its money if
the borrower fails to pay.
zz by agreement, that is when both parties
ii The benefit that a bank may get from agree to cancel the contract before it is
the use of collateral is that it can recover completed
the money loaned to a borrower by zz by death, that is one party might die and
selling the collateral if he fails to repay cause termination. However, in some
the loan. cases, that partys agent or beneficiaries
iii Two possible sources of collateral are:- may be liable to continue the terms of
(Choose any two) the contract.
zz Government tax-free savings bonds. d Two remedies for a breach of contract are:-
zz Stocks and shares. (Choose any two)
zz Fixed deposit certificate.
zz financial compensation, or
zz A loan guarantee from a third party.
compensatory damages.
zz Land titles or deeds of property.
zz specific performance for example where
zz Life assurance policies (cash value).
the vendor is ordered to complete a sale
d Two ethical issues that John must be mindful of land.
of if he is to start a new business are:- zz declaratory relief, in which the courts
(Choose any two) state each partys rights and obligations.
zz the danger of selling substandard goods 2. a An invitation to treat is an expression of
due to the use of poor quality intent to negotiate or an invitation to make
ingredients an offer.
zz improper or misleading advertising A social agreement is a bare promise that is
zz he has to pay all taxes and NIS not enforceable by law.
contributions to the relevant authorities
b Three differences between a simple contract
zz he must properly dispose of all garbage
and a specialty contract are:-
and waste to avoid polluting the
A simple contract
4. Business and the law can be either oral or implied. It need not
be in writing
1. a A contract is an agreement between two or does not always need to be signed
more parties that is legally binding or does not usually need to be witnessed.
enforceable by law.
A specialty contract
b The three essential features of a valid simple
is a formal agreement that must be done
contract are:-
in writing
zz offer
must always be signed by all parties
zz acceptance
agreeing to it
zz consideration.
in most countries, a deed or specialty
contract must be witnessed.

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c Three types of specialty contracts and their compensates the person from the premiums
purposes are:- it has received from its clients.
zz Sale of land (deed of conveyance)
d Four principles of insurance are:-
zz Deed of gift, transferring land or
(Choose any four)
property by gift
zz Deed of partnership, setting out the zz Utmost good faith (the parties must be
rights and duties of each partner. truthful in their declaration and must
disclose all relevant facts)
d The difference between a void contract, zz Insurable interest (the insured must be
avoidable contract and an unenforceable the one that would suffer financially if
contract are:- an event occurred)
zz Void contract. These are contracts that zz Proximate cause (the damage that is
never came into existence, for example incurred is caused by the risk insured
an agreement to break the law. against)
zz Voidable contracts. These are contracts zz Indemnity (the policy holder is
which may be overturned by legal compensated for the actual loss
action, for example because they were incurred)
based on misrepresentation of an zz Contribution (if the same risk is insured
important fact, or because one of the with several insurance companies, each
parties was under duress. insurer will contribute a percentage
zz Unenforceable contract or transaction is towards payment of the claim).
one that is in conflict with the legal
e Two forms of insurance which are
rights of one party, for example a
appropriate for businesses, but not for
contract for the sale of goods which
mostindividuals or households are:-
states no refund, no return.
zz liability insurance protects businesses
3 a T
 he difference between insurance and against liability as a result of losses or
assurance is:- injury incurred by people on the
zz Insurance is about uncertainty, for property
example insurance against loss by fire. zz cargo insurance protects exporters and
zz Assurance is about certainty, as in life shippers against the hazards of the sea,
assurance. or damage or loss of cargo.
b Two benefits which may be provided by 4. a The purposes of the following documents are:-
assurance are:- i A bill of lading is for goods transported
zz to provide for a payment after death to by ship. It acts as a receipt for the goods,
the beneficiaries (whole life policy) summarizes the shipping contract and
zz to provide for a payment of a basic sum transfers ownership to the consignee.
at a certain age or on the death of the ii A bill of exchange is a document often
insured, whichever comes first used in international trade a which
(endowment policy). promises payment of a particular sum on
c The pooling of risk is where a risk is defined a later date.
as a loss that may or may not occur, and the iii A credit note is sent by the supplier, to
insurance company undertakes to bear the the customer, (for example when there is
risks of many insured persons in return for an error in the invoice or when goods
the premium they pay the company. When a are returned to the supplier due to
person makes a claim for a loss arising from damage) and the customers account is to
an insured risk, the insurance company be decreased.

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iv An invoice is a document that lists the interest is charged on unpaid

goods purchased and informs the amounts or balances after the end
purchaser of the amount owed to the ofthe monthly billing period.
supplier. It also states the terms of zz Debit card
purchase and payments. it is directly linked to the holders
v A statement of account is a document personal bank account
that summaries all the transactions of a no interest is charged by the bank
customer; debits and credits for the asthe payments are automatically
previous month and shows any amount deducted from the holders account
due for payment. at the time of sale.

b Three instruments of payment that can be 5. Production

used for international trade are:-
1. a The four factors of production are:-
(Choose any three)
zz Land
zz Telegraphic Money Order (wire transfer).
zz Labour
It is a quick way of making payments or
zz Capital
transferring sums of money to persons in
zz Enterprise.
local or overseas locations. It is part of the
electronic banking system. b i Four natural resources that are found in
zz Bill of exchange. the Caribbean are:-
It is an unconditional order in writing zz bauxite
from the purchaser, addressed to his zz oil
banker giving instructions to make zz beaches
payment on demand or at a fixed or zz gold.
determinable future time, a certain sum
ii One country in which the resources
of money to a specific person (supplier)
stated in (b)(i) above can be found:-
or to a bearer.
zz Documentary credit. zz Bauxite can be found in Jamaica
It is a facility for paying debts arising zz Oil can be found in Trinidad and
from international trade. It allows the Tobago
exporter to receive immediate payment zz Beaches can be found in The Bahamas
from the importers bank as long as zz Gold can be found in Guyana.
documentary evidence of the transaction iii One way in which a business could make
such as a bill of lading is presented. use of the resource listed above for
zz Bank draft. production is:-
It can be used when payments for goods (Choose any one)
or services are to be in foreign currency.
zz oil for the manufacture of gasoline
It is guaranteed by the bank on which it
and motor oils
is drawn (issued) because the equivalent
zz bauxite for the manufacture of
amount was paid when the draft was
zz Beaches can be used for the
c Two differences between payment by credit development of tourism
card and debit card are:- zz Gold can be used to manufacture
zz Credit card jewellery.
it is a form of credit facilitated by
the bank

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c Production is the process of employing zz availability of transportation, is there

labour and capital and other inputs to make easy access?
goods and services available to consumers. zz availability of labour, are the required
Productivity refers to how much output can skills available?
be achieved for each unit of one of the zz government incentives for locating a
factors of production, for example average firm in a particular area.
production for each worker employed. 3. a Three levels of production are:-
2. a Two ways in which migration may benefit zz Subsistence production involves
each of the following are:- producing goods for ones self and
i The migrant zz Domestic production involves
zz to be able to obtain a higher salary producing goods and services for the
from employment local market
zz an opportunity to gain further work zz Surplus production involves producing
experience and training. excess goods and services for export.
ii The home country b Three types of production are:-
zz The migrant may send funds home zz Primary production involves extracting or
as cash remittances to relatives gathering the raw materials from nature
zz The migrant may return after some zz Secondary production involves
years with improved skills and converting the raw materials into
accumulated capital. finished or semi-finished goods, and
building construction
b Two factors which may affect the quality of
zz Tertiary production involves providing
labour are the:-
services to customers, either directly or
(Choose any two)
zz education of the labour force their
skills and competencies c Three characteristics of a cottage
zz technology in use how trained are the industry are:-
workers to use the technology (Choose any three)
zz type of on-the-job training provided for zz based in or close to the home of the
employees entrepreneur
zz managerial systems in place for zz uses mainly manual labour
communicating with employees zz operates on a small scale
zz health and well being of the workers. zz uses mainly local raw materials
Attitude of workers is critical, whether zz uses family members as labour
or not they enjoy their work and make zz often produces handicrafts or foods.
an effort to perform at their best.
d One way in which a cottage industry may
c Four factors that may affect the location of a benefit the economy is:-
business are:- (Choose any one)
(Choose any four) zz contributes to the GDP of the country
zz location of raw materials, are they by adding (to a small extent) to total
available close to the site? production
zz location of the market, is it close to the zz the worthwhile engagement of persons
business? by the creation of employment
zz location of energy sources, are they zz helps the economy by earning foreign
available close by? exchange, through exports or tourism.

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4. a The distinction between a forward and 5. a T

 he difference between capital intensive and
backward linkage, and an example of each is:- labour intensive is:-
Backward linkage is when one industry or zz Capital intensive means that the

sector joins with another industry that production processes relies more on
produces its raw materials, to ensure that they machinery and equipment than on
will always have access to a ready supply. human labour.
zz Labour intensive means that more
Example:- a cheese and butter manufacturer
human effort is being used than
links with a dairy farm for its milk supply.
machinery, with the employment of a
Forward linkage is when one industry joins
large number of workers.
with another industry as a market for its
finished or semi-finished products. b Two labour intensive industries that operate
 xample:- a furniture manufacturer links in my country are:-
with a department store to sell its furniture. (Choose any two)
zz banana industry
b The growth of a business may affect: zz tourism industry
i Organizational structure zz handicraft industry
zz the business become more complex, zz sugarcane industry
and loses the personal touch linking
c Mechanization is the replacing of human
manager and employees in a small
and animal labour with machines in order to
produce more quickly and efficiently.
zz managing the many business
 utomation is use of machines which can
activities becomes more difficult
complete a task with minimal human
ii Exports
zz mass production allows for lower
costs of production d Two positive and two negative effects of
zz this allows the firm to sell its product automation and mechanization are:-
more cheaply and become more
zz tasks can be completed in a shorter time
competitive in the export market
zz more dangerous tasks can be safely done
zz The firm can sell to overseas
by machines
supermarkets and other customers
zz unemployment is created as workers are
who require large-volume
replaced by machines
zz new technology is costly to install and
c Economies of scale are the benefits that are maintain.
derived by a firm, from engaging in large
6. a Two effects that Sues migration may have on
scale production.
her prospective destination country are:-
d Two examples how economies of scale may zz Sue is a well-educated which will benefit
benefit a growing business are:- her employer and may also relieve a
zz the business can afford large-scale shortage of labour in her destination
machinery and equipment, which country.
reduces the cost of production zz Sue will contribute to the variety of
zz The business can negotiate a discount cultural differences in her destination
from its suppliers, if it buys goods and country, and may add to its quality
services in large quantities. oflife.

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b Three actions which Sue would need to take zz Decline (sales and profits fall, product is
if she decides to establish a new business at either pulled or revived, some goods
home are:- never reach this stage. e.g. salt, matches).
zz she would have to find a location to set b The stage in a product life cycle in which
up her business sales revenue covered initial development
zz she would have to source the funds and marketing costs is at the maturity stage.
(capital) to start and operate her business
zz she would have to hire workers to c It is important for both the production and
operate the business. marketing departments to be aware of the
position of their products in the life cycle
c Three effects that the new business would
have on her home community if she decides
to stay are:-
zz the production department need to
know when to begin research and
zz she would be providing goods and
development on new products or
services to the community
improvements to old products.
zz she would be providing opportunities
zz the marketing department need to
for employment to people
know in order to develop the
zz she would be providing a market for
appropriate promotional strategies to
other local industries producing inputs
boost sales, etc.
for her business.
d The stage in a product life cycle when there
d Two ways in which the increase in size of the
is a focus mainly on:
business would have an effect on her
operations are:- i Design and development is the pre-
(Choose any two) launch stage

zz it would be easier to raise large amounts ii Defending and maintaining market share
of capital is the maturity stage
zz there will be more capital available for: iii Developing awareness of the new
extensive advertising product is at the introduction stage.
research and development
employing specialist personnel
e Three activities which could be used to
labour-saving machinery
promote a new consumer product such as a
mass production allows greater
soap or deodorant are:-
possibilities for specialisation. advertising a non-personal sales
she would be able to obtain special presentation technique that is used to
prices and discounts from her encourage consumers to buy a product
suppliers. (radio, television or print).
sales promotion short-term incentives
6. Marketing given to customers to encourage sales (free
1. a The product life cycle describes the way in samples or banded offers).
which sales rise and eventually fall. The personal selling a presentation by a
stages in the life cycle include. representative of a firm to prospective buyers
zz Introduction (development, advertised to persuade them to purchase a product.
for sale)
2. a Two characteristics of perfect competition are:-
zz Growth (sales and profits increase
(Choose any two)
zz very large numbers of buyers and sellers.
zz Maturity (market established, sales
zz no buyer or seller can influence the
stabilise and competition is faced)
ruling market price by individual action.
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zz all buyers and sellers have accurate b One distinction between monopolistic
knowledge about the market in which competition and each of the following:
they are engaged.
zz the product is uniform or homogeneous, i Perfect competition.
that is, it is similar in all aspects. ii A monopoly.
zz in the long run, firms can enter this
market or leave when they want to do so.

Areas of difference Monopolistic Perfect Competition Monopoly

Competition (i) (ii)
Market size Competition among Very large numbers of Only one firm operating in
many sellers. buyers and sellers the industry.
Type of product Product differentiation. The product is uniform or The production of a

equilibrium price
homogeneous, that At is,
is product with no close
demand equals
similar in all aspects. supply Supply increases
as the price goes up
This is the
Barriers to entry Free entry into the In the long run, firms can There is no entry of other
industry in the long run. enter this market or leave firms (often legal or
when they want to do so. government restriction).
Demand increases as
the price goes down

c Demand refers to the willingness and ability If demand is reduced, price will fall and a
of consumers to purchase a product at a smaller quantity will be produced.
Quantity This quantity
particular price over a given period of time. is produced

equilibrium price

At the equilibrium price

In this area supply is greater than
demand equals supply Supply increases demand. Price is pushed down.
as the price goes up
This is the

At the equilibrium price

demand equals supply
Demand increases as
the price goes down In this area, demand is greater

than supply. The price is pushed up.


Quantity This quantity Quantity
is produced

d One pricing strategy which may be used 3. a Three factors which may affect consumer
In this area supply is greater than
demand.monopolistic competition
Price is pushed down. is:- behaviour are:-
(Choose any one) (Choose any three)
zz Predatory pricing.At(lowering
the equilibrium price
prices to zz Price of the goods. A low price may
demand equals supply
get rid of unwanted competition). encourage sales.
zIn Differential
z this pricing.
area, demand (different prices for
is greater zz Price of substitutes for a particular good,
different groups of customers
than supply. The price is pushed up. and X. If substitutes are expensive, then

markets). people will buy X instead.
zz Promotional pricing (i.e. a low zz Quality of the goods. Poor quality goods
introductory price to encourage sales of discourages sales.
a new product)
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zz Taste of the consumer (likes and styles zz consumer education to be informed

for a type of clothing or food). about your rights and responsibilities
zz Income level of the consumers zz safety to be safe from harmful products
(affordability). High incomes allow the zz be heard to be given the opportunity
purchase of luxury goods. to voice ones dissatisfaction
zz Brand loyalty of consumers to particular zz be informed to be told about the pros
manufacturers products. and cons of a product before purchase
zz to choose to be able to make an
b Four activities which make up the marketing
independent choice on the purchase of a
mix are:-
zz Product: developing a product which
will appeal to the market. This may c Two responsibilities of a consumer are:-
include market research by gathering, (Choose any two)
analysing and interpreting information zz Be alert and aware of the safety of
in a systematic way. products before purchase
zz Pricing, which is the determination of a zz Collect all information and facts about a
particular pricing strategy for a product. product
zz Promotion, for example through short- zz Make decisions independently
term incentives given to customers to zz Speak out and express needs and
encourage sales or through advertising expectations
campaigns. zz Complain and seek redress if treatment
zz Placing the product, for example by received is not fair and ethical
choosing distribution channels to get a zz Show respect for the environment and
product to the consumers. thus avoid waste, littering and
contributing to pollution.
c Three methods of sales promotion are:-
(choose any three) d Three ways government agencies can protect
zz giving free samples to customers to try the rights of consumers are:-
the product zz though the passing of consumer legislation
zz giving discount coupons (%-off) to zz by providing consumer education
customers to encourage them to buy programmes
more of the product zz through the establishment and
zz giving premiums (gifts or banded offers) operations of government agencies e.g.
as an incentive to purchase more of a Bureau of Standards, Department of
product weights and measures, etc.
zz organizing competitions to boost sales
e Two agencies in my country which support
in a particular product
consumers are:-
zz advertising the product on television to
(Choose any two)
increase public awareness.
zz Consumer Affairs Division
4. a Consumerism refers to protection of zz Office of the Ombudsman
consumers as they engage in the process of zz Regulated Industries Commission
exchange to satisfy their demand for goods zz Bureau of Standards
and or services, while exercising their rights
5. a A form of transport which is likely to be used
and responsibilities.
for each of the following are:-
b Three rights of a consumer are:- i Long distance transport of oil or
(Choose any three) natural gas.
zz redress if something is wrong you can zz Pipeline because it will be cheaper
get it solved
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ii Raw sugar transported by sea. zz to determine the best way to

zz Bulk carriers because they can promote the product
carry heavy loads, which gives zz to identify who are the competitors
economies of scale. in the market-place and what is the
iii Consumer goods transported in large size of the market.
quantities by sea. ii Three methods which could be used for
zz Containers because the handling market research are:-
costs and theft are reduced. zz sample survey using telephone
iv Bread transported from a bakery to interviews
supermarkets. zz trying out a new product with a
small focus group to gauge their
zz Road because it can be transported
by van which is cheaper and allows
zz observing how consumers behave
for more flexibility.
in the market place, e.g. how they
b Two problems which may arise as a result of respond to shop layout and
inefficient sea or air transport systems are:- displays.
zz delays in the delivery of goods due to
c Two groups which a large company may
poor scheduling or port congestion
attempt to influence through its public
zz loss of cargo as a result of improper
relations activities are:-
documentation, misdirection of goods
zz customers
and theft.
zz investors
c Two ways in which each of the above
d Three activities which may form part of a
problems may be avoided or resolved are:-
public relations strategy are :-
zz proper scheduling of deliveries
zz developing a good relationship with
zz improved port facilities
news and communications media
zz careful documentation and routing
sponsorship of the sporting and cultural
of cargo
zz proper security measures and frequent
zz business entertainment of selected
checks at port perimeter and gates
6. a A market is a situation in which buyers and zz special awards to staff and customers in
sellers come into contact and interact for the recognition of the part they played in
purpose of exchange. the success of the business.
Marketing is the management process
responsible for identifying, anticipating and 7. Business finance
satisfying consumers requirements and 1. a Two functions of a commercial bank are:-
profitably selling a product. (Choose any two)
b i Two reasons why it is important to zz to keep money for customers in
invest in a market research are:- chequing and savings accounts
(Choose any two) zz to encourage savings (by giving
interests on deposits)
zz to identify consumers taste and
zz to lend money for investment and
behaviour for a particular product
capital purchases
zz to determine how to price the
zz to provide services, such as purchase
and sale of foreign currency.
zz to identify the target market for
your product

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b Three services offered by a commercial iii Dividend

bankare:- Dividend is the return that shareholders
(Choose any three) receive on their investment as a share in
zz provides cheques for customers the companys profits.
zz collects payments on the customers c i Two methods of saving or investment
behalf available to individuals are:-
zz makes payments on customers behalf (Choose any two)
through standing orders zz Bank deposits saving money in a
zz makes loans to customers fixed deposit the bank
zz provides foreign exchange facilities zz Insurance policies purchasing an
zz automated banking facilities to withdraw endowment policy
funds from accounts and make deposits zz Mutual fund or Unit trust buying
zz providing safety deposit facilities units in the different funds available
zz credit facilities such as credit cards zz Shares buying shares in public
zz acts as trustees and executors for companies
customers. zz Buying bonds issued by the
c Two ways in which a commercial bank may government or other organizations
earn revenue are:- in public or private sector.
(Choose any two) ii One advantage and one disadvantage of
zz by charging fees for the various services eachmethod of saving or investment
that they provide for customers described in (i) are:-
zz from the spread between interest rate on zz Bank deposits
loans and deposits interest is received
zz from the spread between buying and may not always have access to your
selling rates for foreign exchange. money when needed (fixed
d Three ways in which a business may raise deposits), or a penalty is paid for
long-term finance are:- early withdrawal.
zz Insurance policies
zz by selling shares
provides funding for the future
zz by obtaining a loan from a development
it earns very little in the first few years
and a penalty is paid for withdrawing
zz by issuing bonds for sale to investors.
fund before the policy matures.
2. a The main function of a stock exchange is to zz Mutual fund or Unit trust
provide a market where buyers and sellers of receives dividends or regular
stocks and shares can buy and sell. payments
may lose when selling units, as the
b The role of the following within the stock
market price may be lower than the
exchange are:-
original purchase price.
i Stockbrokers zz Bonds, stocks and shares
Stockbrokers buys and sells shares on receives interest
behalf of their clients (general public), If bonds are sold before maturity, they
obtaining the best deals they can for may not fetch the original price paid.
them, in return for the payment of a
commission. 3 a Three functions of a Central bank are:-
(Choose any three)
ii Depository
It is an institution which holds shares zz The government bank it manages the
and securities deposited by others. national debt and government accounts.

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zz The commercial bankers bank it is the d Two differences between purchasing shares
banker to all commercial banks, which on the stock market and saving in a
must by law keep an account with the commercial bank are:-
central bank. zz when purchasing shares you have to do
zz The note-issuing authority it is the it through a stock broker
only authority to issue bank notes. zz to begin savings in a commercial bank
zz The lender of last resort it helps you can open account yourself
commercial banks and other financial zz a person can receive dividends on their
institutions by lending them money. shares if the company is profitable
zz Maintaining foreign exchange reserves zz a person will receive interest on the
it keeps the countrys foreign currency balances in their savings account
zz Financial agent for the government it 8. Business and government
deals with international financial
1. a Two ways in which a government may benefit
agencies on behalf of the government.
the citizens of a country and two ways it may
b Three ways in which, Central bank could benefit private sector businesses are:-
reduce the level of demand and credit in the Citizens
economy are through:- security of the state by maintaining

zz open market operations by intervening law and order and ensuring that all
in the financial market as both buyer persons receive just treatment
and seller of bills, securities and other social services by providing services to

credit instruments in order to control the public such as education, health care,
the money supply sanitation, welfare, etc.
zz through the reserves and liquid asset Businesses
requirements, the Central bank can trade promotion by providing various

control the money supply within the forms of assistance to encourage export
economy by adjusting the percentage of trade
their deposits which Commercial banks making grants and loans for small

are required to hold with the Central bank businesses through agencies such as the
zz changing the interest rate which the Jamaica Business Development
Central bank charges on its loans to Corporation.
Commercial banks as lender of last b The four principle of taxation described by
resort, in order to influence the cost of Adam Smith are:-
zz equity
c Three ways in which the Central bank may zz certainty
regulate commercial banks are:- zz convenience
zz all commercial banks must hold a zz efficiency.
banking licence from the Central bank c A direct tax is one in which the impact
zz The Central bank monitors lending by (actual payment) and the incidence (the
commercial banks, to ensure that ultimate burden) of a tax fall on the same
depositors funds are not put at risk. person. The taxpayer makes a direct payment
zz the lender of last resort. It helps to the government.
commercial banks and other financial
Examples:- income tax, corporation tax,
institutions through their liquidity
property tax, capital transfer tax, estate tax and
problems by lending them money and
motor vehicle tax
as such controls and monitors their

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An indirect tax is one in which the impact  conomic development is more

and incidence of a tax fall on different people concerned with the pattern of economic
Examples:- customs duties, and value added tax change and it looks at the ability of a
country to meet the needs of its citizens.
For example, with value added tax, the
It is a qualitative change.
customer pays the cost (the ultimate burden)
but the store owner makes the actual b Two problems which may result from rapid
payment to the government. economic growth are:-
(Choose any two)
d One way in which the government may use
the tax system to zz Growth involves change, which benefit
some but harm others. Social change
i Redistribute income - by charging a may create discontent. For example the
higher rate of income tax to those with use of technology may cause people to
high incomes. lose their jobs. Economic growth may
render some jobs redundant. This can
ii Encourage investment-by giving tax
lead to technological unemployment. In
exemption for investment spending on
other cases, rapid economic growth may
capital goods
create a labour shortage, or cause a rapid
increase in property prices.
9. Social accounting and global trade
zz It can lead to environmental destruction.
1. a i Standard of living indicates the value of For example, landscape is damaged, flora
goods and services consumed. and fauna are destroyed, air and water
Quality of life is the well being of the quality are damaged by pollution.
people of a country, for instance their zz Growth may exploit finite resources and
lifespan. It includes many factors as well in the long run this could be detrimental
as the standard of living. to the economy. If non-renewable
resources are used up economic growth
ii Gross domestic product (GDP) is the
will not be sustained.
total money value of the goods and
services a country produces during a c Two ways in which human resource
year. development may be promoted are:-
Gross national product is GDP plus zz by helping to improve the knowledge
earnings from business activities and skills of the workforce through the
overseas, and minus the local earnings of educational system and on-the-job
overseas companies. training.
iii National income is the sum total of zz By improving the health of the general
incomes received by individuals and population and the labour force,
businesses of a country during a given controlling diseases such as malaria and
period of time providing a clean water supply.

Per capita income is the average level of d Economic growth may be promoted by
income for each member of the investment in new industries and new
population. technology.
iv Economic growth may be defined as an For a country which depends on tourism for
increase in a countrys production, over its foreign exchange earnings, there will be
one or more years. It is a quantitative negative growth it there is a decline in the
change. international demand for tourism.

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10. The regional and global business There is not enough revenue to pay for
environment improvements to schools, health care
and other services.
1. a (Choose any four)
zz Unemployment
zz Caribbean Single Market and Economy Unemployment means that there is
(CSME) spare capacity in the economy. In the
to provide free movement of capital,
Caribbean this arises from a number of
labour (skills) and investment different factors such as a lack of
to ensure an open market for goods
demand for local products, etc.
and services within region. zz Economic dualism
zz Organisation of Eastern Caribbean Economic dualism refers to the
States (OECS) existence of two separate, largely
to encourage reasonable and
independent economies within a single
workable trading arrangements national economic framework. One
among members economy is based on modern industry
to facilitate the use of a single
that uses state-of-the-art-technology,
currency (EC dollar). while the other is based on traditional or
zz Caribbean Community (Caricom) old-fashioned businesses and agriculture
to encourage growth and
or even subsistence living.
development among members states
to facilitate trade among member c One possible solution for each of the
states free of duties. problems outlined above are:-
zz World Trade Organization (WTO) (Choose any two)
to settle trade disputes between
zz Debt
member countries The government may seek debt
to administer and monitor
forgiveness or restructuring from
multilateral trade agreements foreign creditors, and be careful to
among member countries. restrain expenditure so that additional
zz International Monetary Fund (IMF) borrowing is not needed.
to finance temporary Balance of
zz Unemployment
Payment needs of members Government might stimulate economic
to provide member countries with
activity through extra spending, so that
technical advice and training. businesses take on additional staff.
zz Inter-American Development Bank zz Economic dualism
(IDB) Governments could try to narrow the
to provide loans for development
gap between the two sectors by investing
projects in member countries more in agriculture and the traditional
to invest in programs and activities
sector, so that hey become more
that expand economic opportunities productive, and in turn making their
for the low-income majority of the country more self-sufficient.
regions population.
b Two economic problems faced by the many
countries of the Caribbean are:-
(Choose any two)
zz Debt
In many countries, government debt is
so high that much of the governments
revenue is used for interest payments.
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