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Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466

Investigation of the effects of acid rain on the deterioration

of cement concrete using accelerated tests established
in laboratory
Shaodong Xiea,*, Li Qia, Ding Zhoub
Department of Environmental Science, State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control,
Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Department of Applied Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Received 8 January 2004; accepted 26 May 2004


Deterioration of cement concrete specimens caused by simulated acid rain was investigated by laboratory tests.
Before and after cement concrete specimens were exposed to simulated acid rain, the neutralized depth, the compressive
strength and the chemical compositions in the hardened cement paste were measured. The mineralogical composition of
the concrete specimens was analyzed with XRD. The results lead to the following conclusions: the neutralized depth of
the concrete specimens of all experiments can be described as a power function of exposure duration, CaO loss and the
reduction rate of strength increased with H+ and decreased with SO2 4 concentration in simulated acid rain. The
original mineral compounds such as [Na K]AlSi3O8 and [Ca Na][SiAl]4O8 in the hardened cement paste are converted
to CaSO4  2H2O, CaAl2Si2O8 and Ca3Al6O12  CaSO4. And these are larger in volume so that the reaction with SO2 4
ions result in volume expansion and strength decrease. The reduction rate of strength has a binary linear relation to the
CaO loss rate and the ratio of SO3 content to CaO content in the hardened cement paste. So the deterioration of acid
rain on the concrete specimen is caused by both H+ dissolution and SO2 4 expansion.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acid rain; Cement concrete; Corrosion; Deterioration; Accelerated test

1. Introduction concrete in urban areas may also be damaged due to

exposure to cloud water with high acidity for a long time
The impact of acid deposition on stone monuments (Okochi et al., 2000). Acid precipitation with a pH level
made of marble and limestone and on building materials ranging between 3.0 and 5.0 will affect cement and
containing large amounts of carbonate has been concrete (Sersale et al., 1998). The mechanism of
recognized for over a century and many studies have deterioration in cement-based materials and in lime
addressed the effect of acid wet deposition on stone mortar was studied by Brown and Clifton (1988). The
material of historic buildings and monuments (Mossotti effect of dry deposition of the single pollution species,
et al., 1987; Gauri and Gwinn, 1982/1983; Dolske and such as SO2, HCl, NO and NO2 on the degradation of
Meakin, 1991; Kucera and Fitz, 1995; Reddy et al., calcareous building stones has been determined by
1986; Baedecker et al., 1992). High buildings made of Haneef et al. (1992), Hutchinson et al. (1992) and
Johnson et al. (1990) through laboratory tests. It has
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-10-62755852; fax: +86- been found that acid rain causes chemical deterioration
10-62751927. on carbonate stones and formation of soluble Ca2+,
E-mail address: (S. Xie). HCO 2
3 , SO4 and that dry deposition of SOx, NOx on

1352-2310/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4458 S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466

the surface of stones contributes to salt enrichment on measuring their weight change at 29 sites located
carbonate stones and plays a major role in the throughout United Kingdom. The preliminary results
deposition of acid substances on buildings (Keuken indicate (Butlin et al., 1992) that sulfur dioxide is still a
et al., 1990). signicant contributor to the degradation of calcareous
Marble and limestone specimens were also exposed stones in areas of high pollution and wet deposition and
for one year by Youngdahl and Doe (1986) to ambient natural dissolution of stone are important, especially in
atmospheric conditions in four cities of Eastern USA. cleaner areas of UK.
The results show that the specimens were damaged by It can be seen from laboratory experiment and eld
calcium loss due to acid deposition. Materials, such as investigations mentioned above that acid deposition has
marble were exposed to simulated acid rain of different obvious inuence on calcareous building materials and
pH values by Neal et al. (1986) to corrosion levels historic buildings. But the effects are only observed after
equivalent to exposure to ambient atmosphere for a 10- long-term exposure to ambient conditions, so an
year period and the conclusion was that the dissolution accelerated laboratory test for damage by acid deposi-
rate decreased logarithmically with time and was tion is very useful. Furthermore there are only few
determined by the transport rate of dissolved ions. studies on the effects of acid rainwater on lime mortar
Rands et al. (1986) found that both the acidity and ionic and concrete (Okochi et al., 2000; Webster and
strength in rainwater played an important role in Kukacka, 1986). In this paper, we present accelerated
limestone deterioration. The impact of local wet and corrosion test methods by exposing materials to
dry deposition of acid compounds was investigated by increasing acidity and other ion concentrations in
Tsujino et al. (1995) by means of exposing different simulated acid rain, respectively, i.e. the periodic
materials such as copper, bronze, marble etc. under soaking method and spraying test method, in order to
indoor and outdoor conditions and the results show that observe each stage of deterioration of cement concrete in
corrosion depends on the local pollution climate a short period and to provide fundamental experimental
especially the ratio of SO2/NOx. The incremental effects data for anti-corrosion technology.
of wet and dry deposition on carbonate stone erosion
due to hydrogen ion, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
were quantied by Baedecker et al. (1992), and the
2. Experiment
results suggest that approximately 30% of erosion by
dissolution can be attributed to the wet deposition of
2.1. Composition of simulated acid rain and cement
hydrogen ion and the dry deposition of sulfur dioxide
concrete specimens
and nitric acid between rain events at the studied
conditions. The relative effect of Cl, SO2 
4 and NO3 in
The acid rain in China is for a large part due to
an articial acid rain solution on limestone deterioration
sulfuric acid (Wang et al., 2000), with SO2
4 accounting
was studied by Johnson et al. (1996) and the relative
for 7090% of total anions. And various sulfurous
contribution of anions and hydrogen ions was deter-
pollutants deposited over the samples can be oxidized
mined using spray run-off solution rates of 0.2 ml cm2
and converted to sulfuric acid with higher acidity and
day1 and pH values of 5.5 and 3.8. The inuence of wet
SO24 concentration in some parts of samples surface.
deposition of simulated acid rain on the degradation of
Such a fact is taken into consideration in cement
limestone, sandstone, marble and granite was explored
concrete specimens exposed to simulated acid rain.
by Haneef et al. (1993) by observing pH change and
Consequently, the effects of different H+ concentration
analyzing run-off solution and soluble extracts from the
as well as different SO2
4 concentration at high acidity in
exposed stones, together with EPMA, SEM/EDX and
simulated acid rain on deterioration of cement concrete
X-ray diffraction examination of these stones. The effect
are investigated in this study. And then two categories
of sulfuric acid on carbonate stones has been investi-
of simulated acid rain solution shown in Table 1 were
gated by Tecer (1999) by collecting samples from
prepared from reagent grade chemicals to study the
historic building and analyzing the mineralogical com-
effects of H+ and SO2 4 in acid rain on cement concrete
position of the samples with XRD, nding that the
specimens. It can be seen from Table 1 that one category
major constituent of these stones is calcite. Webb et al.
(1992) point out by eld exposure that there is a
signicant trend that weight loss increases with the
average sulfur dioxide concentration. The distribution of Table 1
The pH level and SO2
4 concentration in the simulated acid rain
common construction materials at risk of damage from
acid deposition has been presented by Lipfert and Daum pH level with SO2
4 =0 SO2
4 concentration
(1992). The National Materials Exposure Program (mol l1 ) with pH 1.0
(NMEP) determines the rate of decay of the stone and
5.6 3.5 2.0 1.0 0.06 0.1 0.2
metal tablets, exposed in ambient atmosphere by
S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466 4459

of simulated acid rain is used to explore the corrosion Johnson et al., 1996 and Mart!nez-Ram!rez et al., 1998).
effects by SO2
4 while pH is kept at 1.0 and the other The simulated acid rain solution is sprayed intermit-
category is used to investigate the corrosion effects tently as small drops with diameter ranging from 0.2 to
by H+ in absence of SO2 4 . The amounts of other 0.5 mm by means of a proper ejector on specimen
components in simulated acid rain solutions are the surface. The impact of the drops emulates the action of
same as the average value of precipitation from 1982 to precipitation. As soon as the specimen is dry, the surface
1988 in Guiyang, China. The acidity was measured by a is sprayed again. The effects of acid rain are accelerated
pH meter and adjusted by HNO3. by means of these wetting and drying cycles. The
Portland and Slag cement are widely used in South- concrete specimens were exposed to simulated acid rain
west China where acid rain pollution is quite severe and solution at the ow rate of 60 ml h1 equivalent to the
these cements are hence chosen. All the cement concrete rainfall intensity of 7.7 mm day1. In the same way as
specimens used in the study were cast in cubes of described for the soaking procedures, 6 day cycles are
100 mm  100 mm  100 mm using general Portland ce- used consisting of 120 h (5day) spraying the acid
ment and slag cement as binders and crushed cobble solution and 24 h drying up at room temperature (about
stone with maximum diameter of 25 mm as coarse 1971 C) and humidity (about 60%).The exposure to
aggregate, named concrete P and S, respectively. The the spraying drops is running continuously for 180 days.
mass proportions of raw materials in the preparation of The total volume of sprayed solution is nearly equal to
general Portland cement to sand to stone to water in P is that of the annual rainfall in Guiyang, China (about
1:1.992:3.250:0.5 by weight and the ratio of slag cement 1198.9 mm).
to sand to stone to water in S is 1:1.992:3.250:0.5. After
28 days of water-curing, the concrete specimens were 2.3. Items to be determined
naturally dried in a cool dark place for several days
(Okochi et al., 2000). Three concrete specimens are used for each experi-
ment method and each solution. The reported results are
2.2. Experiment methods the average values of these three specimens.

2.2.1. Periodic soaking experiment 2.3.1. Neutralized depth

The basis of the periodic soaking experiment is that There is a possibility that the neutralization of cement
the erosion of concrete specimens can be accelerated by concrete specimen is inuenced by major anions in
alternating between wetting and drying them. A similar rainwater. H+ will react with calcium oxide and calcium
experiment method was also presented by Sersale et al. hydrate and secondary products can be formed. The
(1998). The concrete specimens subjected to a 6-day measurement of the neutralized depth is carried out as
cycle; they are immersed in 20 L simulated acid rain follows: the cement concrete specimen is cut to a smaller
solution for 5 days and then naturally dried them at size of 25 mm  25 mm  100 mm. The surfaces are
room temperature for 1 day. The specimens were sealed using heated parafn wax with exception of
exposed to simulated acid rain solutions of pH 5.6 and opposite side faces of 25 mm  100 mm, and then
3.5 for 90 days and to solutions of pH 1.0 for 66 days. parallel lines at 10 mm spacing distance are drawn with
Experiments were carried out at room temperature pencil along the length orientation on the unsealed faces
(about 1971 C) and humidity (about 60%). It is very to set the measurement points for neutralization depth.
important to keep the pH value constant during the After exposed for a period of time, one piece of the
periodic immersion experiment process. The pH value of segment with thickness about half of the entire width is
the immersion solution is hourly observed at the cut vertically from one end of the clumps to measure the
beginning of each experiment and adjusted to initial neutralized depth. The cross section of the remainder is
values with 6 mol l1 HNO3 every day by using a pH- sealed and exposed to simulation acid rain solution
meter. It is found from the observed results for 30 days again until the next measurement. A 1% Phenolphtha-
that the pH changed greatly even after 1 day in the lein solution in alcohol containing 20% distilled water is
solutions of pH 5.6 and 3.5, while for the solution of pH sprayed on the cross-section surface of that cut segment.
1.0 the pH value hardly ever altered even after 5 days, After 30 s, the depth of the red part is measured with
so the experimental conditions are determined that vernier caliper. Half of the difference between the width
the simulation acid rain solution is refreshed each day and the red part depth is the neutralized depth
for pH 5.6 and 3.5 whilst for the pH 1.0 only after corresponding to different measurement points of this
5 days. segment. The same experiment and measurement are
carried out as mentioned above to obtain each
2.2.2. Spraying experiment neutralized depth of different segments and then the
The spraying method is based on several publications neutralized depth of the specimen is determined by
dealing with this methodology (Sersale et al., 1998; averaging all of the measurement values.
4460 S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466

2.3.2. Compressive strength content on the cement concrete specimen surface CaOL
The strength of concrete cured in standard curing is calculated as following:
room for 28 days is taken as the original strength. By CaOO  CaOe
measuring the original strength of the cement concrete CaOL %  100%; 2
specimen and that after erosion, the reduction rate of
strength can be obtained. The compressive strength of where CaOo is the original CaO content, CaOe is CaO
the samples is measured by a universal oil pressure content after exposure, and CaOL is the loss ratio of
(600,000 tons) compression-testing machine. The reduc- CaO content in hardened cement paste.
tion rate of strength of the cement concrete specimen
can be calculated as follows: 2.3.4. X-ray diffraction analysis of surface powders
X-ray diffraction analysis is used to identify specic
RC0  RCe
RC %  100%; 1 compounds (D/max-g BX-ray diffracting meter made in
RC0 Tokyo, Japan).
where RC stands for the reduction rate of compressive
strength of cement concrete specimen, RC0 is the
compressive strength value after cured in standard 3. Results and discussion
curing room for 28 days, namely initial strength value;
RCe is the compressive strength value after exposure to 3.1. Neutralized depth
simulated acid rain.
The neutralization depth gives a measure of the
2.3.3. Chemical analysis of powder over the sample penetration depth of H+ in acid rain in the concrete
surface and corrosion product specimens. It reects the degree of corrosion due to acid
Hardened cement paste (ex coarse aggregate) from rain on the material and it can be used to evaluate the
cement concrete specimens that has been measured the resistance to corrosion of the material.
compressive strength and corrosion products formed in The found neutralization depths in Fig. 1 show an
the process of exposure on the surface of cement increase with the decrease in pH of simulated acid rain
concrete specimens are collected, and then ground into solutions and decrease at increasing of SO2 4 concentra-
powder that can pass through an 80-mesh sieve. The tions. The variation tendency is also observed through
powder is reduced to about 50 g with quartering method spraying experiment. It can be also seen from Fig. 1 that
and ground into ner powder that can pass through a the neutralized depth of S is a little greater than that of P
140-mesh sieve in an agate mortar for stand-by storage. under the condition of different acid rain solutions
Afterward the ground powder samples of 1 g, which is throughout experiment. It can be deduced from those
baked for 2 h at 110 C120 C in a baking box and dried phenomena that high H+ concentration in acid rain
for 4 h in an exsiccator, is accurately weighed and promotes its penetration into the inner part of concrete
dissolved with HCl solution. And then Ca2+, Mg2+, specimen, whereas the presence of SO2 4 suppresses H

Fe3+, Al3+ in the solution are measured using to penetrate.

complexometric titration method to obtain the chemical The neutralized depths of concrete are also shown in
composition percentage of CaO, MgO, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 Fig. 1 after exposure for 30, 74, 105 and 135 days.
in the powder. Another powder sample of 1 g is Regression analysis results in Table 2 show signicant
accurately weighed to measure SO3 amount in the correlation between neutralized depth and exposure
powder using iodometric method. The loss rate of CaO time, which can be expressed as y atb ; where y is the

Fig. 1. Effect of the acidity and SO2

4 in acid rain on the neutralized depth of the cement concrete specimen after 30, 74, 105 and 135
days exposed by periodic soaking experiment.
S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466 4461

Table 2
Regression analysis results on relationship between neutralization depth Y(mm) and exposure time t(day)

The condition of simulation acid rain P S

pH 1.0 and SO2
4 =0(mol l ) Y 3 1:33
6:88  10 t r 0:997 Y 0:124t0:74 r 0:99
pH 1.0 and SO2
4 =0.06(mol l1) Y 0:222t0:55 r 0:986 Y 0:617t0:37 r 0:954
pH 1.0 and SO2
4 =0.1(mol l ) Y 0:119t0:68 r 0:987 Y 0:023t1:04 r 0:987
pH 1.0 and SO2
4 =0.2(mol l ) Y 2:66  102 t0:92 r 0:984 Y 0:4129t0:36 r 0:87

Fig. 2. Effects of H+ and SO2

4 concentration in acid rain on the compressive strength of the concrete specimens after 90 days for pH
3.5, and 5.6 and 66 days for pH 1.0 in periodic soaking experiment and 180 days in spraying experiment.

neutralized depth, t is exposure duration. Both a and b 1.0, the strength decreased rapidly with the reduction of
are constants, at values of bo1 the neutralized depth pH and the increase of SO2 4 . The compressive strength
increases quickly at the beginning then slows down, of P decreased slowly with the reduction of pH and
and increases slowly at the beginning then rapidly when increased slowly with the increase of SO2 4 , and then
b > 1: decreased rapidly when SO2 4 concentration increased to
a certain value between 0.1 and 0.2 mol l1. It is deduced
3.2. Variation of the compressive strength in the concrete from these results that the attack of H+ and SO2 4 in
specimens caused by simulated acid rain acid rain on the concrete specimen will cause the
strength to decrease.
The compressive strength of the concrete specimens
was measured after the soaking and spraying experi- 3.3. Chemical components change and CaO loss in the
ments. By comparing with the initial strengths, the hardened cement paste of the concrete specimens
reduction rate of compressive strength was calculated
using Eq. (1) and the results were shown in Fig. 2. The chemical compositions in the hardened cement
Fig. 2 illustrates that the reduction rate of the paste of the original concrete specimens and the concrete
compressive strength of the concrete specimens after specimens after exposure to simulated acid rain were
exposure changes with H+ and SO2 4 concentration in measured by means of chemical analysis method. The
acid rain. It can be seen that the compressive strength of CaO percentage composition in the hardened cement
the concrete specimens decreased after exposure to paste of P exposed by periodic soaking experiment at pH
different simulated acid rain solutions except S exposure 1.0, pH 3.5, and pH 5.6 for 90 days is 15.44%, 15.94%,
to pH 3.5 in periodic soaking experiment and increased and 16.33%, respectively. That of S is 14.19%, 15.33%,
except P exposure to pH 1.0 in spraying experiments. and 15.80%, respectively. By comparing them with the
Whats more, the reduction rate of compressive strength original values of 18.01% and 18.18% for P and S,
of S made from slag cement is lower than that of P made respectively, the CaO amount clearly decreased with
from general Portland cement except under the condi- increase in the acidity of simulated acid rain solution for
tion of pH 1.0 and SO2 4 0.2 mol l in periodic soaking both types. It may be concluded that H+ in acid rain
experiment. The compressive strength of S originally dissolves Ca(OH)2 and other calcium hydrates in the
increased with the reduction of pH after exposure to hardened cement paste, leading to a decrease of CaO.
simulated acid rain, and when the pH of the acid rain The variation tendency was observed through spraying
solution was reduced to a certain value between 3.5 and experiment. And the CaO percentage composition in the
4462 S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466

Fig. 3. The variation in the CaO loss rate in the cement concrete specimen after exposure 90 days for pH 3.5, and 5.6 and 66 days for
pH 1.0 in periodic soaking experiment and 180 days in spraying experiment.

hardened cement paste of P was 17.80% and 17.31% at and SO2 4 concentration in simulated acid rain. It can be
pH 1.0 and pH 5.6, respectively when the total amount seen that the CaO percentage composition decreased
of solution volume equal to 1198 mm annual rainfall in greatly at pH 1.0 in acid rain solution, especially at pH
China was sprayed on the surface. That of S was 14.81% 1.0 and SO24 concentration of 0 in the periodic soaking
and 16.48% at pH 1.0 and 5.6, respectively. It is clear experiments in which the reduction rate of CaO
that there is remarkable CaO loss in the hardened composition in the hardened cement paste of P and S
cement paste by calculating the loss amount using amounted to 69.13% and 73.27%, respectively. The
Eq. (2). Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between CaO amount of CaO loss decreased observably with increase
loss and H+ concentration in simulated acid rain. It can in SO24 concentration in acid rain, which indicates that
be seen that CaO loss in the concrete specimens SO24 ion can inhibit CaO loss in the concrete specimen
decreased greatly with increase of H+ concentration in due to the formation of CaSO4 through SO2 4 reacting
simulated acid rain. with Ca(OH)2 in the hardened cement paste.
The CaO percentage composition in the hardened The SO3 content in the hardened cement paste of the
cement paste of P through periodic soaking experiment concrete specimens before and after exposure experi-
for 90 days is 5.56%, 15.74%, 21.88%, and 15.44%, ment was also measured by means of chemical analysis.
respectively under the condition of SO2 4 concentrations The change of SO3 content in the concrete specimens
of 0, 0.06, 0.1, and 0.2 mol l1 while the acidity after exposure to different simulated acid rain is
maintained at pH 1.0. And that of S is 4.86%, illustrated in Fig. 4. It can be seen by comparing them
10.99%, 16.02% and 14.19%, respectively, under those with the SO3 content in the original concrete specimens
conditions as above. It is found by comparing them with which are 1.43% for P and 1.15% for S that the SO3
the original values of 18.01% and 18.18% for P and S, content in the concrete specimens after exposure
respectively, that both of the CaO percentage composi- increased obviously with increase of SO24 concentration
tions decreased signicantly, especially under the condi- in simulated acid rain but decreased under the condition
tion of SO2
4 concentration 0 in simulated acid rain of of pH 1.0 and SO2 4 0 mol l .
pH 1.0. These change trends of the CaO percentage Corrosion products formed on the surface of speci-
composition in the hardened cement paste were ob- mens were collected for chemical analysis after exposure
served through spraying experiment under the same to pH 1.0 and different SO2 4 concentrations through
conditions mentioned above. The CaO percentage periodic soaking experiment for 30 days. The results
composition in the hardened cement paste of P is shown in Table 3 were obtained from which it can be
17.01%, 14.65%, 19.59% and 17.80%, respectively, at seen that the percentage composition of Fe2O3, Al2O3,
4 concentrations of 0, 0.06, 0.1, and 0.2 mol l in MgO in the corrosion product is quite low, while the
simulated acid rain of pH 1.0, at a total amount of CaO and SO3 content increase with increase in SO2 4
solution sprayed on the surface equal to 1198 mm concentration in exposed acid rain. The ratio of SO3/
annual rainfall. And that of S is 14.32%, 14.17%, CaO in corrosion product of the concrete specimens
17.17% and 16.48%, respectively. It is obvious that the exposure to pH 1.0 and the SO2 4 concentration of 0.06,
CaO percentage composition is also decreased when 0.1, and 0.2 mol l1 is approximate to or even larger than
exposed to different SO2 4 concentration solutions and the theoretical value 1.4 in CaSO4, indicating that the
the decrease level is related to SO2 4 concentration in major component in the corrosion product is CaSO4 and
simulated acid rain. Fig. 3 illustrated the relationship that other sulfate compounds are formed at high sulfate
between the CaO content loss calculated with Eq. (2) concentrations.
S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466 4463

Fig. 4. The SO3 percentage composition in the hardened cement paste after exposure 90 days for pH 3.5, and 5.6 and 66 days for pH
1.0 in periodic soaking experiment and 180 days in spraying experiment.

Table 3
Chemical analysis of corrosion product formed on the surface after exposure for 30 days by using periodic soaking experiment

Measured item (%) Concrete P Concrete S

1 1
4 concentration(mol l ) (pH=1.0) SO2
4 concentration(mol l ) (pH=1.0)

0 0.06 0.1 0.2 0 0.06 0.1 0.2

Fe2O3 1.13 0.56 0.43 0.45 1.37 0.58 0.65 0.62

Al2O3 0.75 0.81 0.49 0.39 0.79 0.65 0.43 0.50
CaO 0.46 12.33 22.46 13.40 0.82 11.62 18.88 15.24
MgO 0.77 0.34 0.35 0.37 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.40
SO3 0.33 19.48 22.64 23.73 0.39 18.86 24.00 21.56
SO3/CaO 0.72 1.58 1.01 1.77 0.48 1.62 1.27 1.42

The major components in the hardened cement paste more propitious to H+ and SO2 4 penetration and
are hydrate calcium salts such as hydrate silicate, accelerates reactions described in (5) and (6) to form
hydrate calcium aluminosilicate and Ca(OH)2. The H+ CaSO4. Nevertheless, the CaO loss can be suppressed by
and SO2
4 will react with the hardened cement paste of means of the reactions in (5), (6) and (7). CaSO4 and/or
the concrete specimen as follows: salt or water crystallization will be formed not only on
CaOH2 2H Ca2 2H2 O; 3 the surface of the concrete specimens but also possibly in
the inner part, which results in blocking the pore way
1=55CaO  6SiO  5:5H2 Os 2H aq and suppressing H+ and SO2 4 to penetrate into the
inner pores of the concrete specimen. So CaSO4 will be
2:1H2 Oaq Ca2 aq 6=5SiO2 s; 4 produced and gradually cumulate on the surface and in
 the inner part of the pores, and thus Ca2+ loss caused by
4 CaSO4 2OH ; 5
reaction in (3) and (4) is suppressed and sulfur content in
the concrete specimens are enhanced. The reaction of
Ca2 SO2
4 CaSO4 ; 6
Eq. (8) will result in more release of Ca(OH)2.
CaSO4 2H2 O CaSO4  2H2 O; 7
3.4. X-ray diffraction phase analysis in the hardened
4CaO  Al2 O3  19H2 O 3CaSO4  2H2 O 16H2 O cement paste of the concrete specimens
3CaO  Al2 O3  3CaSO4  31H2 O CaOH2 :
The hardened cement paste of P after being exposed
to different simulated acid rain solutions was analyzed
It is clear that the calcareous material on the surface using X-ray diffraction in order to study the structure
of the concrete specimens will react with H+ in acid rain changes and the results are shown in Table 4. It can be
by means of reaction equation (3) and (4), forming free seen from Table 4 that [Ca Na][SiAl]4O8 and [Na
calcium ions in aqueous solution so as to promote H+ K]AlSi3O8 present in the hardened cement paste of P
penetration, causing the porosity to increase so that it is before exposure are converted to CaSO4  2H2O and
4464 S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466

Table 4
The result of X-ray diffraction phase analysis in the hardened cement paste of the concrete P
Method Mineral construct Original specimen pH SO2
4 concentration(mol l ) (pH=1.0)

5.6 3.5 0 0.06 0.1 0.2

SiO2 S S S S S S S
[Ca Na][SiAl]4O8 S W W W M M W
Periodic soaking method Ca1.5SiO3.5  XH2O M M M M S S M
CaAl2Si2O8 S S S S
CaSO4  2H2O W S S S
Mg3O[CO3]2 M
Fe2Al4Si5O18 M
[Na K] AlSi3O8 S S S A W W W

SiO2 S S S S S S S
[Ca Na][Si Al]4O8 S S S M
[Na K]AlSi3O8 S W
Ca1.5SiO3.5  XH2O M M M M M M
Spraying method KASi3O8 S M S W
CaAl2Si2O8  4H2O
CaSO4  2H2O S S S
NaAlSi3O8 S W S
CaAl2Si2O8 M
[Ca Na]4[Si Al]6O12SO4 M

Note: S, M, and W indicate the peak value of X-ray diffraction is strong, middle strong and weak.

CaAl2Si2O8 after exposure. Comparing Table 4 and property and the formation of CaSO4, in volume larger
Fig. 2 learns that the strength of the concrete specimen than Ca(OH)2.
decreases clearly with changing crystal structure. The CaO loss and the ratio of SO3/CaO are represented as
concrete specimen was exposed to pH 1.0 and SO2 4 Ca(OH)2 loss and CaSO4 content respectively. Next a
concentration of 0.06, 0.1 and 0.2 mol l1 solutions. The binary linear regression analysis on the complete data
substance structure in the hardened cement paste set was made with the reduction rate of strength R as the
changed greatly and CaSO4  2H2O was newly formed. dependent variable and CaO loss and the ratio of SO3/
The compressive strength after periodic soaking experi- CaO as the independent variables, and the results were
ments at SO24 concentration of 0.06, 0.1 and 0.2 mol l shown in Table 5, where YP and YS represent the
in simulated acid rain with pH 1.0 exposure decreased to reduction rate of compressive strength of P and S,
59.17%, 32.19% and 36.6%, respectively, and 26.03%, respectively, X1 is the ratio of SO3/CaO in the hardened
6.24% and 21.76% for spraying experiment, respec- cement paste, X2 is CaO loss rate (%).
tively. [Ca Na][SiAl]4O8 is converted to Ca3A- The high correlation coefcients indicate that the
l6O12  CaSO4 and CaSO4  2H2O which are larger in main reason for the decrease of strength of the concrete
volume. Internal stress within inner part of the concrete specimens is the CaO loss and increase of sulfur content
specimen is the result of this volume expansion resulting in the hardened cement paste of the concrete specimens.
in signicant decrease of the compressive strength.

4. Conclusions
3.5. The relationship among strength decrease, CaO loss
and the ratio of SO3/CaO The experimental results show that the trends in
results obtained by soaking and spraying methods are
As mentioned above, the hardened cement paste consistent with each other, which indicate that the
consists of hydrated calcium salt, silicate, calcium methods are comparable and the results are reliable for
aluminosilicate and Ca(OH)2 and the strength is created application to simulation of corrosion in building
by adhesion between those compounds. So, any change materials by acid rain. However, corrosion rate is higher
of structure, due to CaO loss and uptake of sulfur in the soaking method compared to the spraying
compounds in the hardened cement paste of the concrete method, resulting in the difference in data obtained by
specimens must affect the strength. The decrease in these two methods, i.e. the corrosion process observed
strength is mainly caused by Ca(OH)2 loss with caking by periodic soaking method is developing more rapidly
S. Xie et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 44574466 4465

Table 5
The binary linear regression function between Rd and CaOd and the SO3 to CaO ratio

Periodic soaking method Spraying method

Binary linear regression function Correlation coefcient F(2,3) Binary linear regression function Correlation coefcient F(2,3)
YP 3:14 44:82X1 0:77X2 0.991 77.85 YP 6:92 81:64X1 0:85X2 0.802 1.80
YS 18:93 33:74X1 0:91X2 0.950 13.90 YS 52:0 107:7X1 1:45X2 0.888 3.73

Note: Y: Rd %, X1: SO3/CaO, X2: CaOd%.

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