2005 Software Design and Development

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Software Design and Development

Some Key Definitions

Application Development Approaches

RAD Stands for Rapid Application Development. This is a generic term used to describe
any approach that leads to faster application development. Some of the RAD
approaches available are the re-use of code, the use of CASE tools and the use of

End User This form of development generally involves the adaptation of software tools by the
user. This is a very informal approach used for small solutions at a fraction of the
cost of a custom built software package.

Prototype This involves the creation of a working model of the system. Prototypes are
created, then tested and evaluated, modified and tested again.

Structured The structured approach is divided into five stages: defining the problem, planning
the solution, building the solution, checking and modifying the solution. It is
generally used for large developments by a team of developers.

Methods of Conversion
Phased Phased conversion involves the gradual implementation of the new system to carry
out certain operations while the old system is used for other operations.

Pilot The new system is fully installed but it is used for only some operations as the old
system is still being used.

Direct This form of conversion involves the complete and immediate conversion to the
new system. The old system is not used from the time the new system is used.

Parallel Parallel conversion involves the old and new system both being used for a period of
time. All operations of the new system duplicate similar operations in the old

Linear A linear search is used to search through a set of data either sorted or unsorted
that must be accessed sequentially. The first element of an array or list of data is
compared to the target value. If the target value is found then the linear search will

Binary A binary search is used to search through data that has been sorted. Binary
searching is random access (This means that a particular piece of data is accessed
directly using an index, rather than sequentially moving through data. Random
access is also called direct access and binary searches are faster than linear ones.

Bubble Data elements are compared in pairsthe larger of the pair bubbles towards the end
of the array.

Insertion An insertion sort is best to use when a large part of the data is already sorted.
During each pass of an insertion sort the last element from the unsorted part is
inserted into the appropriate part of the array.

Selection During each pass a linear search is carried out to determine the largest number that
has not been sorted. The selected value is then swapped with the last value in the
unsorted part of the array

Nathan Berger 1

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