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God of war walkthrough athens rooftops

Magic In the Minotaur Puzzle Room where you stone the Minotaur on the switch you will find this chest. Health Continue from above to the right
to the next cave entrance it has a golden Minotaur carving above its entrance. You'll be in front of the gate that leads to the Minotaurs Puzzle
Room. Magic From above, continue by jumping over to the vines and pull yourself up. Challenge of Poseidon, Architect's Tomb Gigantic and
fearsome, the cerberus can spew fire and shoot projectiles as well as back up its long-range attacks with physical nonpareil. Weaklings, to say the
least, although in later levels they will be slightly faster, have jumping attacks, and have gained magic shields that can only be broken with certain
abilities! Fun for a challenge, but for all practical purposes, go with the Blades. This chest is on the left hand side of this room. All in all, about extra
orbs Save beforehand and start the tightrope-walking. Combo After the above, in the room where you fight Medusa, this chest is waiting. This
chest is to the left of the ladder. Unfortunately, you can't open the door at the end of the room just yet, since the machine is facing the wrong way
and Kratos can't turn the thing, apparently so you'll have to take the long route. Since it drops healing orbs when repeatedly attacked, don't be
afraid to get in there and slice it up! Once obtained, return to the re-opened cliffside, save at the new location, and ascend the ladder that was
dropped. Jun 7, 07 at 2: Red Orbs North West of 3rd Siren. Run toward the foreground to find a red-orb chest sittin' pretty. This chest is to the
left of the light beam statues. Combo To the right of the above on the far wall is another cracked wall carving. If you attempted Hera's Necklace
first, you would have been able to pull a switch that would have lowered this rope for you. The corridor leads to a massive backyard, with statues,
reflection ponds, and the Oracle, dangling by a rope in midair. The "right" one has four minotaurs to destroy near a combo chest; the left way has
about the same but with more archers. There is a wooden plank there that gives access back to the first roof, so kick it down. Flip the thing
degrees and fire to reveal a Phoenix Feather chest also. Current health, magic, and orb amount 2: Red Orbs From the above, back track one
platform and then head right, and then head straight to the last platform to get this chest. Wearing 'em down and breaking their neck afterwards is
the way to go. Like before, the best way is to stun the enemy Triangle and kick them repeatedly Square. Jump up for a ledge hang and then pull
yourself up to get this chest. In fact, you will lose time and have to backtrack across 6 screens in order to get the eye to the right when it can easily
be gotten one screen further into the Temple of the Oracle. The chests are here on the left and right hand side of the statue. Here, climb down and
work your way to the right to reach another ledge with this chest. Nyad 3 - Behind a cracked wall to the left of the save point. Once three are
murdered, continue to the first savepoint. He'll give the "Poseidon's Rage" ability which can be selected by pressing right on the d-pad and then L2
for activation. Follow the path and defeat the Wraiths, and you'll eventually reach an outdoor area again. Red Orbs After the above, you have to
cross the chasm that was once a bridge. Note that when the harpy goes through you you'll automatically face the harpy, which is at this phase
should be between you and the ladder, so you can do the jump combo right away. Once on this bridge, find the broken edge about mid-way
down the bridge. Combo From above, continue down bridge to exit. As the door before you opens up, step through it to return to the walkway
where you first found the giant mobile bow. Now, for the sake of clarification, you do NOT have to interact with the Nyads. Kratos can block
their attack, but when they swarm him, watch out! The more times he does the rock summon, though, the more 5- to 6-hit chain attack can be
done. On the left and right side of the door which leads into the temple is where these 2 chests are located. Unlock the door with R2 and see the
scenes to end the level. Down the street, the houses doors can be beaten in; one has another red-orb chest. Beyond, clear the debris from the
doorway to find Come back in a few minutes to see your massive amount of orbs. The thing is purely close-range! As it tries to get up and fly, hit it
again to kill it and have it bounce on top of the ladder. If you don't need the plentiful combo chests around, just leave 'em in case y'do. Push the
block until it falls into the floor. Eventually, the button-press minigame will let Kratos decapitate her by twisting the left analog in the direction 2-
input. Before jumping onto the rope, the chest is to the right. Back down there, 3 horned cyclops will rear their heads and provide a show for
Kratos -- stay away from the rail-less edges or Kratos may be knocked off! When you see a wraith go underground, stand your guard and hold
the block button. This page has been accessed 19, times. Two stand on breakable crates and one conceals the exit.

God Of War Q&A

Walk forward to the edge of the roof as if you intend to jump off the edge you can't. Added contributed material concerning the Rooftops of
Athens, so: Kiss her using the O Button. Assist players in finding every Chest in the game. Needless to say, blocking is the key to conserving life
here. This chest is in your path on the left just before you're attacked by a Gorgon. Red Orbs After the save point, work your way up the stairs
toward the temple. Did this to clear confusion about missing a Muse Key. Hold down to aim and to fire. Pick 'em apart first, then jump off the
balcony and try to catch the red-tiled roof in the left of the screen. At the save point, to your right and slightly below you is a ledge with the chests.
While you're there, open the door and kill all the enemies! Kill the Wraiths, go down the elevator, then continue through the path for a cutscene.
Double jump straight out and away from the ledge you are standing and you will land on yet another hidden ledge. If you grab it now, you will
change Item 15 in the Temple of the Oracle into a small red orb chest only 45 red orbs. Climb up to the ledge at the top of the ladder to find these
chests. There are some moving platforms that near 6 archers. The corridor leads to a massive backyard, with statues, reflection ponds, and the
Oracle, dangling by a rope in midair. Follow it to get the chest. Follow this to an elevator, up to another savepoint that was quick! Go and jump to
the right of Athena to reach this chest. From here, shimmy its length around the corner and do a backwards double-jump to another small balcony
where the item chest's under lock and key beat down that door! He can magically make his weapons -- an axe and hammer -- appear at will.
There's approximately 20 seconds to do the last portion. The exit path will be on your left, but continue past the exit to a dead end that has this
chest. I always fall way short of that broken bridge ledge conatining the chest. Don't have an account? After the above, you reach the stairs that
lead up to the Courtyard where you fight the 3 Cyclops. Either way, the secret to finding the exit is pulling the lever and swimming into the water,
looking for a small alcove at the base of one of the pillars that emerged. Red Orbs After the above, after exiting the Wraith battle room, take a left
to get this chest. The camera angle will change to reveal this chest. Then continue up the mountain path. Break it down with the R1's dash ability
and kiss the Nyad with the O-button to get the Phoenix Feather! Combo Continue from above to reach the end of the hallway and the exit door.
Push this block forward until it falls down into the floor and reveals the trap floor. Once you cross through the exit, immediately go LEFT first to
get the camera angle to change and reveal this chest. Magic Continue from above and find this chest to the left of where you obtain Zeus' Fury.
Jump through the hole and land in the water. Apr 28, 10 at 4: Added contributed material concerning a hidden chest in the 9th House on: O, O, O
to impale the beast on the broken masthead. Break that area and uncover the nice surprise. Head forward to the Platform at the end of this pole to
find these chests. Block an attack and use Cyclone of Chaos [etc. At the first platform, you will notice that it is secured to the wall on a beam of its
own. Health From above, enter the Temple's main room and find this chest sitting against the left hand wall. It's a machine that shoots arrows, but
you won't be doing that just yet. Health Continue from above to the top of the stairs and this chest will be in your path. Jump up to this raised area,
and the chest is against the back wall.

Athens Rooftops - cant backjump to ledge!! - God of War Forum - Neoseeker Forums
Mar 15, 13 at 7: Views Read Edit View history. Beyond, a few easy traps: Immediately following, a large "log-rolling" course As for the
graverobbing, steal the [Architect's Son's Head] which will be used for later. When you are standing at Aphrodite's Necklace Statue, you can
actually see this area off in the distance! The LEFT ladder is broken, so make your way to the crane via the center ladder. Kill the God of war
walkthrough athens rooftops, go down the elevator, then continue through the path for a cutscene. Red Orbs After fight with Cyclops, in the
courtyard on left hand side is a small alley that leads to a breakable door that hides this chest. God of war walkthrough athens rooftops shoot
magical projectiles but can be overcome with goc li'l persistence. Just ahead, the path branchesfor now, take the path to the left, following the
arching walkway that gkd under a few archers. A second pack of wraiths will meet you before you reach god of war walkthrough athens
rooftops elevator platform at the end. But of course, there has to be a challenge -- some respawning legionnaire types will try to prevent the cage
from being pushed upwards. Push the stack toward the locked door near there, so it's between the wall and the small structure near off locked
door. Run into the boss' esophagus and talk with the captain to get the [Key of the Captain] for good 3rd ship. The Challenge of Atlas. If you
attempted Hera's Necklace first, you would have been able to pull a switch that lowers a rope thus opening a path above this cave meaning you
could completely SKIP this cave and the resulting fight. Red Orbs Drop down from the above and continue to a platform. Do this twice and
Artemis will athsns Kratos her gigantic blade, which comes with its own set of moves. Climb up the central mast and start digging in when its at
close-range. Health Continue from above to a large cave with a cat-walk. As the coffin walktjrough back to reveal a few chests below, continue
for a cutscene and Kratos will end up back in the "Temple of the Crystal Eye", i. Once you cross through the exit, immediately go LEFT first to get
the camera angle to change and reveal this chest. Save and jump in the pool nearest the health refill, searching for a hole in the bottom. Once you
exit the pathway, immediately go LEFT to find this chest behind some breakable barrels. Finish by spinning the central statue to light up as well,
then go to said temple and push the gemstone together to create the beaming sculpture. If the conveyor was moving, Kratos walkthhrough have to
fend them off while kicking the stone block 'upstream,' but without movement, this should be a cinch. Talk athebs the man burning bodies and he'll
have some harpies open the gate. From here you can jump to the balcony and fight off the wraiths that appear before continuing through the hall
behind to clear out the archers on the next balcony. Jump into the next room to begin Red Orbs After the above house searching, get to the two
ropes that you must swing on in order to cross the chasm. When it's depressed, it switches part of the wall; when the thing's removed, it flips back.
Combo From above, backtrack to the regular path, work your way forward to the save point and this chest is to the right of the save. From
StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki. I just turned round, which made the harpy turn, too. Blue god of war
walkthrough athens rooftops that refill magic will now appear throughout the game! They're a lot quicker and god of war walkthrough athens
rooftops dash, so getting in some hits with Cyclone of Chaos [etc. God of war walkthrough athens rooftops and jump to the right of Athena to
reach this chest. Kick down the board with and you'll be able to walk to another porch. Save and climb the wall, gov leads to a tunnel with a
combo chest beyond; then, a waterlogged passage. God of war walkthrough athens rooftops Orbs Same area as above, once you go through
the gate that leads to the Desert, immediately go to your right to get the camera angle to change and reveal this chest. The 3rd one leads toward
the exit although fiery harpies have something to say about that. Fun for a challenge, but for all practical purposes, go with the Blades. Some of the
wall panels here are semi-transparent and can be broken; this type of thing will be repeated later on as well. This will make the circle turn and so
will the arrows if god of war walkthrough athens rooftops placed them right. Before jumping in its hole, lift the two metal doors on deck for
some extra orbs. Repeat this thrice and on the fourth time, our hero can do a last combo ex: This is the room just before you fooftops Medusa.
Archers will be bearing down on Kratos from afar, so he'll have to use the mixture of jump techniques he learned a while back to get to safety in
the doorway a double-jump away. Fight off the enemies and move right across the rooftop. Zeus' Fury - Head: Gorgon Eye R P: Press it and in
the circular room, a switch descends and lets Kratos "move" the thing to find new doors. There are red orb chests around the desert, but they can
be kinda hard to seek god of war walkthrough athens rooftops with the way the weather is. Of course, one can also repeatedly petrify and kill
the baddies for orbs if the Blades of Chaos [etc. God of war walkthrough athens rooftops are 3 cracked walls here; one cracked wall behind
each waterfall. Thus, if there are any past what's listed, I'd be happy to add them in if someone can pinpoint them. Once you leave this room, you
CAN come back and get this chest as it will have re-spawned if you used it prior to solving this puzzle. It's mostly easy god of war walkthrough
athens rooftops long as the athebs goes slow, but repeatedly tap X-button if he should fall. A woman who sees Kratos in the corridor will flee to
an ornate foyer beyond. When they attempt to shoot the retractable mace-hand weapon, evade it by rolling directly away from it not laterally to
avoid some damage, 'cause it can't be blocked. All rights are reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Get on the
ladder and climb UP instead of down. Attack with quick combos and watch for his attackwhen the cyclops pulls back to attack you, roll to the
right to dodge the blow. At the junction, the offshoot path leads down to a Gorgon Eye! Red Orbs Continue forward and you come to a point in
the "road" god of war walkthrough athens rooftops its raised and you have to climb up - this is the FIRST raised area in the sewers, you'll be
facing a gate in the wall where the water passes through. Take hold of the bow and shove it down the hall ahead and into a room with a gear on
the floor. There's a finite number of wraits that appear on the rope, so if you fall off, they can all be fought back near the ballista and dispatched
easier. If Kratos does it, and he should, he gains a lot of health and can daze Ares for a little while. From there you will continue waljthrough and
see Ares in the distance waging war on the City of Athens.

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