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E0 219 Linear Algebra and Applications

Syllabus for Test-3

1. Invertible, non-singular, injective and surjective linear transformations.

2. Isomorphisms

3. Matrices of Linear Transformations

4. Composition of Linear Transformations

5. Similar Matrices

6. Linear Functionals, annihilator of a set and a subspace

7. Spectral Clustering, K-Means Clustering

8. Diagonalization, Quadratic form, Positive semi-definiteness

9. Introduction to SVD

Material corresponding to items 1-6 is drawn from the book by Hoffman and Kunze.

For material against item 7, refer to the lecture notes and assignment 3 material on the Piazza

For items 8 and 9 refer to David C Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications.

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