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StraitwayTruth APR | MAY | JUN 2012


S t r a i t w a y T r u t h . c o m

the facts
by Pastor Dowell
This is by no means a comprehensive study of the
name of Messiah, though it will help you greatly
understand why I continue to use the modern
name as well as the Modern Hebrew name [of
Messiah]. The Most High has the right to adjust this
teaching as He will. He is the One that gives us
knowledge and understanding as we go forward.

Over four thousand years ago, our ancient Hebrew

people heard with their own ears the name of:

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh and the name YHWH.

They heard the Covenant given to them. It was the agreement
of this Covenant that would set them apart from all other
nations and peoples on earth. They were a chosen and
special people to the Creator of the Universe.
It was their job to be examples to the
nations. It was Yisraels job to teach
the other nations about our Father
and His Covenant.

After many different slaveries, our people

have not learned much about Him unless a man from
1 among the people is raised up to teach Yisrael His ways.
He promised us Pastors according to His to stop all of the confusion (at least among us)
heart which would feed His people with His so that we will no longer be tossed to and fro,
knowledge and understanding. It is for this and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
purpose and very reason I am here today! I by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,
am here to give knowledge and understanding whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
to His people: who you are, and our purpose
before that Great Day. With this spirit, you have people proclaiming
The book of Hebrews should not be in the
After coming out of the largest pagan religion Bible. By this same spirit, you have people
on this earth (Christianity), you will be faced calling the Apostle Paul a false apostle. And
with many different strange doctrines and by this same spirit, there is division among the
teachings, and every single one of them will people of YHWH after they have experienced
claim, We are the way! conversion of heart and Spirit. Someone is
waiting to tell you that your salvation is not valid
This is the reason for this newsletter. While I because you did not say His name correctly.
believe His name is very important, many have
gone the wrong way and have overthrown the This is the doctrine according to a bunch of
faith of many by making up another gospel, illiterate, non-Hebrew speaking people. If I
meaning they have come up with another way were to put a passage of the Modern Hebrew
of salvation. Script in front of these peoples eyes, they
would not be able to read it, much less tell
Allow me to say that however one may you the meaning. Modern Hebrew is not the
pronounce His name; it is not hard to see that language that Moses or any of the Holy
we are all talking about the same One. prophets spoke.
The real issue should not be over how you say
His name, but how you represent His character. Yisrael, I want you all to know that I will not
Do you keep His words? Do you do the things pretend to be an authority on this subject. I will
that He commands you? Are you an obedient use something that seems to be lost in the time
servant? we are living in: common sense! Much has
been taken from us, and we have little time left
Here in America, I could fill up our building to learn what we need to learn. For this
with so-called teachers and preachers of this purpose, I choose to speak only about things
name doctrine, and every one of them will that I know. I refuse to stretch myself beyond
disagree on how you pronounce His name. measure.
The real question is what is salvation based
upon? Is it based upon the correct As your Pastor, chosen by the Most High to lead
pronunciation of His name? Did He ever send those who have the ears to hear, I know that He
the prophets to be messengers of His name? I has given me His Spirit of Truth to stop all of the
hope to provide understanding for His people confusion within those who hear me.
school of
Yisrael, you must understand from the very
beginning that we do not process our thoughts
from a Biblical perspective. Our modern minds
have been conditioned to think from a Western
view point, not an Eastern one. Just this statement
alone, if you can understand it, is the beginning
of your walk through the door.

Have you noticed the number of times we are admonished by the Scriptures, as well as the
Letters, to have our minds renewed and transformed?

We have all grown up in this diaspora. For those of you who do not understand this term,
continue reading.

Diaspora: Yisraelites dispersed among foreign nations; dispersed; scattered.

You must understand according to the Scriptures, that our ancestors have been in many
different slaveries: Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medes & Persian, Greek & Roman, Arab
& European as well as the European Jews and the last slavery before the coming of the King
the American captivity i.e. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade of Judah. They all have one thing
in common: every one of these nations have enslaved our ancient people. We have forgotten
who we are through the process of assimilation. The prophecies of the Scriptures are very
clear and informative as to each of these slaveries. As a result we have had a lot taken from
us: our land, heritage, culture, language, and our nationality! The Scriptures prophecies all
agree to this end. Once you understand this you will be able to follow the True Spirit of
Understanding and not be led astray.

Let me repeat this again, in part. Here in an Yisraelite who understands the
America, we think from a Western view point perspective of His people. Here in America,
and not an Eastern view point. We have been the majority so-called Biblical teachers are of
trained in this dispersion to view the world from European descent. If you teach school, no
the American perspective, which is Western matter who you are, you will teach from the
thought. The rest of the world does not think same perspective and viewpoint as you have
like we have been trained to think. been taught. (Trained)!
You will need to have your minds renewed.
The only way a mans mind can be free from
These different religions and the perspectives of this viewpoint is by faith, and the RUWACH
Christianity all think alike. This is why in function, must be dealing with him personally. Most of
they cannot perform the work! We have a saying you know what I mean. You look around and
we tell everyone who visits here, Do the Work! see and sense that something is very wrong.
Everyone else seems fine, but you are
As dispersed Yisraelites, we think from an disturbed and cannot find real peace in your
abstract view point and not a solid concrete one. heart. YHWHs Holy Spirit is calling you. You
do not understand why you are so different,
For example, the word faithful is an abstract but you are. So you search until your soul
word and cannot be detected by the five senses. finds rest. That rest will only come when you
You cannot bring an image to mind that will hear the truth. Youre not alone in this world.
clearly portray the idea of faithful. If I give you The Most High has directed you to His
the word water, you could easily think of bodies people. There are so few of us.
of water. Why? Because it is concrete, solid. It is Is this what the Bible says: Just a few?
something easy to be sensed by the five senses. A Welcome home Yisrael. Welcome home.
minimum of one of the five senses can easily
identify water at any given time. When we read The prophets & the apostles were taught by
our modern English Scriptures, we are reading a the Father Himself. It is a very tall order to
translation comprised from a western European overcome all of the different perspectives in
perspective. Abstract thinking is very vital to this world. This is why it is very important to
understand as we go forward. LIVE a set apart life! Why? Because this is
what we have been chosen to do while we
Have you noticed the confusion of our day? So are in exile to our Father.
many people profess Christ, yet they do not do
what He says. Everything is mental; its all in the During the period of slavery, Yisraelites in
mind, and truth is defined in this country as America estranged from their culture and faith
mental ascent. This culture does not function after which some called religion, fit the curses
the thought that you actually have to do brought upon them as listed in Deuteronomy
something in order to show faith. This is why 28:15-68 as well the people the prophets all
there are so many arguments among believers. wrote about. Those who could read the
One believes all he has to do is merely give Scriptures accepted the story of Exodus
mental accent and he has salvation because this literally. This story of the Yisraelites escaping
is what the American culture has taught him. from bondage in Egypt (Mitsrayim) became
perspective of His people. Here in America,
I hope you can understand my statement when I the majority so-called Biblical teachers are of
say the only way you can understand the Hebrew European descent. If you teach school, no
Scriptures is for the teacher to be a direct matter who you are, you more real to me than
descendant of our ancient Hebrew people. to those of European descent because my
When you have a pastor that is a direct bloodline people were slaves. Jewish folklore has ruled
descendant and filled with the Spirit of Yah, you the conscience of people today. Fairy tales of
will get a correct perspective and viewpoint. If
you are a descendant of another nation and you a people who have never been in slavery at
have come to the faith, you must be taught by any time in history!
I realize when I speak of those Europeans who Once you are taught according to what He has
refer to themselves as Jews, I am dealing with a ordained, you can teach the nations because you
supersensitive area where most people will hear are an Yisraelite. Do you see the order? Think!
what I did not say while stubbornly refusing to By what order is the Christian religion? Rome!
hear what I actually said. There you have the perspective and viewpoint.
When I bring public attention to this fact I
ACTS 26:24
understand I will be generally labelled as
being anti-Semitic. This charge, too often And as he thus spake for himself,
repeated, tends to infer that Jews are not to be Festus said with a loud voice,
judged by the same rules as the rest of us are. Paul, thou art beside thyself;
This statement of calling these Europeans much learning doth make thee mad.
The Chosen People, My question is, Who did ACTS 26:25
the choosing, and what are they chosen to do? But he said, I am not mad,
Lets look at a few Scriptures: most noble Festus; but speak forth
the words of truth and soberness.
And I will give you pastors according When you are set apart, it is not
to mine heart, which shall feed you with uncommon for you to be called mad.
knowledge and understanding. The people around you think and
function after a different perspective.
The I in this passage of Scripture is the They have a totally different view of life.
Father. He is the One that will give You understand where they are coming from
understanding to us because He is the One that because you have come out of their mind-set.
is the giver of every good gift. When He gives
you a Pastor, that Pastor will feed you with His If the Most High does not open their understanding,
knowledge and with His understanding and not then you cannot help them. He is the One who
the understanding of some Christian, Messianic, chose us. Our job is to discern from the Spirit if
or Jew. YHWH is not in any of these manmade the Father has opened the understanding of those
religions. You are to follow the WORD of Yah! to whom we speak. If so, then you can feed them
with knowledge, but if the Father has not chosen
I believe at this point it is very important for them, then you cannot help them.
us to understand the word Jew and where it Remember the teachings.
originated from. This word is a European
creation. Let me also say there are people of I CORINTHIANS 3:6
the Hebrew faith all over the world of many
I have planted, Apollos watered;
different colors and many different cultures,
but God gave the increase.
our nation is still in exile to our YHWH. There
are a variety of people who became followers I CORINTHIANS 3:7
of the Hebrew faith and are historically known So then neither is he that planteth
as Jews, but do not share the same history as any thing, neither he that watereth;
the ancient Yisraelites depicted in the Torah but God that giveth the increase.
Old Testament. The conversion of the Khazars
is generally neglected a chapter in their Yisrael, do not go around beating people with
history as well as modern day history. The this word. Simply try and discern to see if the
devil must continue to promote this lie in order Father is dealing with them. Are they Yisraelites
for the deception to continue to have strength, or Gentiles? Now with this ground work laid,
otherwise it would not be deception. lets go into the teaching.


Yeshuwa YHWH YAH

Yah ho shua

We live in a time of knowledge of good and evil. Our enemy, naturally and spiritually, has not
stopped in his quest to deceive the hearts and minds of the Most Highs people. Many gospels
and many ways to get to the Father are now being presented to those who want to know the truth
and are tired of all the lies and deceptions.

Seventeen years ago, I was They expressed to me that I could not be saved, nor have I ever
confronted by a few people in a been saved calling upon the name of Jesus. I quickly disagreed
certain group that told me that His with them. Why? The first thing I asked them was Have you
name was not Jesus. Of course, received the Ruwach since you have believed? Of course they
that was not hard for me to told me, Yes. I proceeded to ask them How do you know that
accept; I already knew that Jesus you have received the Ruwach? They, of course, said We
was the English translation of His know the truth. I said, You have not received Him nor do you
Hebrew name Yah ho shua. know Him! To make a long story short, I decided to do what I
I had previously learned that there have always done when presented with something new; I did
was not a J in the 1611 King not totally disregard the conversation, but I did want to know
James Version of the Scriptures. why they believe that way.
Remember: Ive already stated
that we could fill up our building Even then I was amazed at how many teachings there were out
with people who would disagree there against the name of Jesus. Now with the advent of
to even the spelling that I have YouTube, Facebook, and other social networks, we are faced
chosen to use here. with a bunch of so-called teachers expressing their form of truth.
But lets move on.
illiterate / literacy
Literacy is the ability to read and write Therefore they are illiterate and they are not an
coherently, along with the ability to understand authority on the language, and neither am I.
all forms of communication in a language. Therefore, they are not in a position to teach
99% of the people in America cannot read the anyone what they believe His name to be, yet
Modern Hebrew Script. still will not stop their false doctrine.

masoretic text
the name of the LORD is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe
The Grecians adopted the Old-Hebrew alphabet The modern day Hebrew language is a
through the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians used Babylonian, Germanic, and Yiddish
the same alphabet as the Hebrews. The ancient language of the Gentiles who are
Hebrew alphabet was read from right to left and Ashkenazi according to:
the old ancient Greek alphabet was written from
left to right. The Grecians retained the ancient GENESIS 10:2
Hebrew alphabet. They reversed it because of The sons of Japheth;
their culture. Over the centuries, the Hebrew, Gomer, and Magog, and Madai,
as well as the Greek, letters evolved into the and Javan, and Tubal,
form we see and use today. There is not a person
and Meshech, and Tiras.
alive today that heard the Most High speak His
name to the ancient Hebrew Yisraelites. Much GENESIS 10:3
has been lost because of the many different And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz,
slaveries that the ancient Yisraelites have been in. and Riphath, and Togarmah.
As a result of these slaveries, our ancestors lost GENESIS 10:4
their language, heritage, and culture through
And the sons of Javan; Elishah,
the process of assimilation.
and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
The English alphabet is Roman in nature. GENESIS 10:5
The Romans adopted the Greek alphabet. By these were the isles of the Gentiles
Throughout all of the slaveries of the ancient
divided in their lands;
Yisraelites dating back to Egypt, our ancient
alphabet has gone through many different every one after his tongue,
changes. So our ancient Hebrew has after their families,
turned/evolved/changed from then to now. in their nations.

Because of prophecy, the seed of Japheth
has enlarged himself, just as the Scriptures
have said:
Japheth (1st born)
Gomer (Germany, Crimea, Cambria, Celtis)
Ashkenaz (Germany, Saxons, Scandavia)
GENESIS 9:27 Ridpath (Carpathians)
God shall enlarge Japheth, Togarmath (Armenians)
Magog (Georgia, Scythians)
and he shall dwel
Madai (Medes, Aryans, Indians of India)
in the tents of Shem; Javan (Ionians, Greeks, the coastlands)
and Canaan shall be his servant. Elishah (Hellas)
Tarshish (Spain)
The so-called Hebrew language as we Kittim (Cyprus)
know it today is not a pure language. Dodarim (Rhodes)
If Moses or any of our ancient Yisraelite Tubal (Tobolsky)
people were here today, they would not be Meshech (Moscow)
able to understand one word that is being Tiras (Thrace, Teutons)
uttered. This information is not hard to
understand for those who have the
RUWACH Spirit and the power of
YHWH operating in their lives.

By the time that our people were in the

Babylonian captivity, our language no
longer resembled the alphabet of our
ancient ancestors. Todays Modern Hebrew
in its present form is a part of the square
script adopted from Babylon during this
captivity. We have adopted the English
alphabet and language during this modern
day captivity.

Many of the arguments we are faced

with today are from people who refuse
to acknowledge the truth of the facts In the Sinai Peninsula, many Egyptologists
presented. There are many different reasons discovered the Shemitic-pictographic Hebrew
and motivations, and I have not yet alphabet. Did you notice I wrote the word
discovered them all. These men are looking Shemitic and not Semitic?
for a doctrine of their own to say, Nobody If you go back to the table of nations
is preaching this. What they are really and read Genesis, you would discover
saying is We are right so you will have to that Shem is the father of all Hebrew people:
listen to us. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Joseph,
Moses, David, Jesus, Peter and Paul.
Here we are at the end of the nineteenth They were all Hebrew. Jacob, when he
century with the Modern Hebrew script had his name changed to Yisrael,
being well established. birthed our nation.

Shem (2nd born) Ham (3rd born)
Elam Cush (Ethiopia)
Asshur (Assyria) Seba (Meroe)
Arphaxad Havilah (Arabia)
Salah Sabtah (Sabeans)
Eber (Hebrew) Raamah (Arabia)
Peleg Sheba
Reu Dedan
Serug Nimrod (Babylon, Ninevah)
Nahor Mizraim (Egypt, King Menes?)
Terah Ludim
Abram (2300 BC) Anamim
Nahor Lehabim
Haran Naphrusim
Lot Pathrusim (Pathros)
Joktan Casluhim (Philistines)
Lud (Lydia) Saphtorim (Crete)
Ishmael (Arabs)

Aram Phut (Lybia)

Uz (Job? perhaps 2800 BC) Canaan
Esau (Edom)

Hui Sidon
Gether Heth (Hitites, Cathay)
Mash Jebusites
Arkites (Phoenicians)
Sinites (Sino, China)
Messiah Hamathites

Abraham is the father of our faith, yet he was The Jews are transplanted people who came from
not an Israelite. Isaac proceeded him and he the Caucus Mountains in Russia, via Germany. These
was a Hebrew, but he was not an Yisraelite are called Jews, not because they have any genetic
either. Jacob had his name changed to Yisrael link to Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. They do not! They
and out of him came the twelve tribes of Yisrael. are not direct bloodline descendants of our fathers.
These are the seed of Japheth and the entire world has
These men were not Semitic. You must promoted this lie for centuries. The majority of people
understand that our ancient people where not who are of European descent cannot tell
Zionist, nor were they so-called Jews. Zionism this truth, for some spiritual reason they will not. I do
is the religion of the State called Yisrael and not understand why if they claim to have the Spirit of
determined by Great Britain and the United Truth operating in their lives, why is it so painful for
States in 1948 under the League of Nations. them to acknowledge this fact.
I believe its spiritual to the core.
Much of the evolution of Judaism as it is known today, is the
hands of so-called Jewish historians, scholars, and From
interpreters of Jewish history. In 70 A.D. the Romans sac the Wikipedia:
temple and the conquered Roman homeland, commonly
called Palestine, was ruled by the Romans for a total of 711
Literacy represents the
years with 570 of those years was direct rule.
lifelong, intellectual process
of gaining meaning from
Unsuspecting minds are not familiar with the deception that
print. Key to all literacy is
has taken place today. The King James Version of the Bible,
reading development,
although not perfect, is a very good translation of our
which involves a
ancient prophets. You will have to become a student and
progression of skills that
look behind almost every word presented to you in English
begins with the ability to
in order to gain a proper understanding of our History.
understand spoken words
and decode written words,
Today people have replaced the word Shem with the
and culminates in the deep
word Semitic. A real, true Semitic/Shemitic people are
understanding of text.
those who are direct descendants from Shem, not Japheth.
Reading development
This is the painful truth.
involves a range of
complex language
So the real question is for the people who call themselves
underpinnings including
Jews today: are they Shemitic? It is not hate speech to tell
awareness of speech
the truth. These are Ashkenazi. If we stick with the facts,
sounds (phonology),
using todays terms, the real anti-Semites are those who
spelling patterns
came out of Europe and settled in Palestine, and now call
(orthography), word
themselves the true Jews, In truth, they were converted to the
meaning (semantics),
religion of Judaism, a religion Moses was not familiar with.
grammar (syntax) and
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have swallowed this
patterns of word formation
lie hook, line, and sinker, as they also have swallowed the
(morphology), all of which
religion of Rome called Christianity.
provide a necessary
platform for reading fluency
I guess the only evil I can be accused of is telling the truth.
and comprehension. Once
And if the truth is evil, then I do not want to be right. Truth
these skills are acquired the
always sets us all free if we can embrace it and love it. I
reader can attain full
have not physically hurt one person but the words of truth
language literacy, which
always cut like a knife. If I have hurt anyone by telling the
includes the abilities to
truth, I cannot apologize. All people must know that there is
approach printed material
a pastor that will not sell the truth out.
with critical analysis,
inference and synthesis; to
The pictographic inscriptions written on stone which have
write with accuracy and
been discovered were pictures of the names of Hebrew
coherence; and to use
letters. The image of an ox head is the first letter of the
information and insights
ancient pictographic Shemtic alphabet called Aleph.
from text as the basis for
Aleph has evolved into the Greek Alpha. The ancient
informed decisions and
Shemitic Hebrew alphabet evolved into the Pictographic
creative thought.
Hebraic and to the Phoenician, which is nothing more than
the old Hebrew alphabet.
Name There are many different theories and assertions,
which is exactly what they are. You cannot allow
yourself to be deceived by illiterate, uneducated
people who present theories that sound good to
the ears, but they are not backed up by any facts.

Zeus Is Not
Let me try my best to define transliteration. Its the
representation of sounds from a word in its native
tongue to another word of another language using
the closest corresponding sound in the varying
tongue. The majority of people who fight against
the name of Jesus are not linguist nor do they have
a command of any language at all.

The Greek spelling of the name Zeus is spelled DIOS. The name Zeus is actually spelled and wirtten
with a D. Here is an inscription in Athens, Greece.

This is how Wikipedia writes Temple of Olympian Zeus.

The Temple of Olympian Zeus Before I go any further, let me also state for the record that
(Greek: , for the past twenty years I have made a lot of efforts to
Naos tou Olympiou Dios) prayerfully research and search out the matter of things
before I adopt a position. The Most High does not give us
Here we see the actual spelling is Dios all the truth at one time, so I have always kept myself with
and not Jeus or Iesou. I have learned an open mind which gives me the ability to be able to
over the years that when people are accept the truth as it comes. I realize I have a lot of people
offended, they will stretch themselves in that listen to me and believe me to be their pastor, a
order to vent out their bitterness. You responsibility I do not take lightly. I am not about to adopt
must always stick to the facts and not a position on something because it is popular. The Spirit
theories, words, or statements that that is Holy will lead us into all Truth. We are commanded
sound good to your ears. to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.
HEBREW LEXICON The name written (on the left) is the Modern Hebrew
STRONG'S NUMBER 3442 Script name Joshua. This name is present without the
JESHUA vowel points which were added by the Masoretics
3442 Yeshuwa' {yay-shoo'-ah} much later. Remember, our ancient Hebraic
Jeshua = "he is saved" language did not have vowels in it, a fact you will
not hear from those who oppose the modern letter
J. The vowels were later added. This is a very
important point to remember because a lot of people
today are so dogmatic concerning pronunciation
and spelling. Please do not forget that fact!

3091 Yhowshuwa' {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} or Yhowshu'a {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah}
Joshua or Jehoshuah = "Jehovah is salvation"

After the Babylonian slavery, or captivity, disobedience, our ancient Hebrew people went into
the name Joshua was changed and evolved the Babylonian slavery. As a result, the spelling
because our people were taken out of our changed from Yah-hu-shooa to Yeh-ho-shua. This is the
land much like today. The Gentiles have very reason why you will hear people choose to
trodden down our land [Jerusalem] until this pronounce His Hebrew name as Yehshua instead of
day, and will continue to do so until the time Yahshua. This depends on what is accepted and
of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Because of their what clearance you have in your personal conscience.
Today, in the so-called country Yisrael, they There are a lot of Scriptural facts and secrets
pronounce the name Joshua as Yehshua. concerning our ancient faith that are covered
Remember, we are talking about a nation up for fear that it will destabilize or undermine
that has been established by the crown, Europes ethnocentrism, especially concerning who
Great Britain, and its side kick, the United are the real blood line descendants of Abraham.
States of America. It was these two countries
who in 1948, under the League of These are the same people who called themselves
Nations, chose to take a group of people Israelis. They were transplanted into the land of
calling themselves Jews, the Ashkenazi Palestine by the powers that be in 1948 and they
descendants from the land of the Khazars call the land Israel. Much confusion has risen and
in Southern Russia. This land extended from because of this; todays people are totally ignorant
the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, as far as of History. Read the Scriptures. You will find out
Crimea. They are natives of the Caucus that Yisrael is a people. They are direct bloodline
Mountains. They are Gentiles. I would like descendants from Jacob. They are not, nor have
to inform you that this information is not new, they ever been, a land mass. Yisrael is a people!
but an old affidavit that has been
systematically kept from the public, Today we are scattered into every single nation
especially by Messianic groups. Their on this earth. We are in exile to YHWH. This is
perception is modernly appealing because a very important fact you must understand if not
we live in a world ruled by the European you will remain under the deception and illusion
gentiles, but this deception merely rest upon of American Christian pastors as well as those
an assumption. The real tragedy is that we who called themselves Messianic.
have been trained to manipulate our minds These people, in the country that America and
to exclude truth from our conscience. Great Britain has set up, reject our Messiah,
We must hear from a Yah-sent Pastor. our Salvation, Yahshua.
Personally, I cannot accept what this country gives out, I repeat again, transliteration is
especially the rejection of our people, King and soon coming the representation of the sounds
Saviour. I chose to pronounce His name if I am going to use from one word in its native tongue
the Hebrew form as Yahshua (this would be the to another word in another
pre-Babylonian name). I am not fully convinced of the name language using the closest
Adonay. I know for a fact there were not any vowels in our corresponding sound.
ancient Hebrew language. Its very easy for me to accept
YHWH. The translators of the King James
Let me also add that twenty something years ago, before I even Version of the Bible chose to use
knew what people would call His name, I was in prayer and the transliteration name of the
asked the Father what was His name and it came into my mind Babylonian slavery (captivity)
and conscience as YHWH. Yehshua. As a result of this
I have not moved from it. I am amazed that over the years I transliteration, the representation
have gained much more knowledge and everything that I have of the sounds of the Modern
researched still points back to the name I received over twenty Hebrew as we know it are
years ago. All praises due to His name. Yehshua or Yeshua.

Okay, so we have His name in the The Greek name IESOU is the
Modern Hebrew Script as closest corresponding sound. I
looked on Google and found a
chart which is made by a man I
know personally (Richard Rives).
I have chosen to use this chart
because he did a very good job
And in the Modern Greek Script its: showing us a clear cut example
of transliteration. Note: he is using
Yehshua and I chose to use
Yahshua, but I think you will get
the understanding.

As we can see, there is not a

Greek character for the Modern
Hebrew Ayin. Also, the SH
was dropped because there is
not a Greek character for the
Modern Hebrew Shin.

There is not a word play going on

here: its just the facts. The Modern
Hebrew YEH is equivalent to the
Modern Greek IE. Greek names
end in S. Which indicates a name!

The O was dropped in the

Modern King James Version 1611 of
the Bible given us the name IESUS.

above: Old English Alphabet. source:

It is a fact: there is not a J in the Old English It is who He is, what He did, the power
language. It is also a fact, many will not be willing through His name, and the strength of His
to tell you. They are trying to make their point why sacrifice which represents His character that
you should not use the name of Jesus. gives us access to the Father. His
righteousness and His blood is now applied
There are no vowels in ancient Hebrew! to the Mercy Seat to atone for our
So why do we use vowels today? Because transgressions. For this I am very thankful
language has evolved. There is much confusion and you should be too.
today as to what His name is because many are
making it a doctrine of salvation. You are not saved Majority are at best speaking a bunch of
because you cannot pronounce His name or broken Hebrew and are totally illiterate of
because you make an attempt to pronounce His our ancient Hebrew language as well as the
name right! You are saved (you have salvation) as Modern Hebrew language.
long as you trust in the WORK Yahshua/Jesus did
for you. He alone paid the penalty for our sins. It is I personally do not believe that Jesus is from
His righteousness that atoned and reconciled us the word Zeus. Lets compare the translation
back to the Father. All one has to do is understand of Iesous in Hebrew, by looking at examples
the Tabernacle services and understand what of other Greek words translated from
Yahshua/Jesus did for us. Hebrew; we find:

Jesus [English] Zeus [English]

Jesu [Latin] Zeus [Greek]
Iesous [Greek] (identified with Roman Jupiter)
Yeshua [Hebrew]

Jacob [English] Jerusalem [English]

Iakob [Greek] Hierosoluma [Greek]
Ya'aqob [Hebrew] Yerushalaim [Hebrew]

Judas [English] Israel [English]

Ioudas [Greek] Israel [Greek]
Yahudah [Hebrew] Yisra'el [Hebrew]
Jesus is the English version of Iesous. In the Look at the first page of the Greek Lexicon
King James Version 1611 (in the so-called in your Strong's concordance if you want
New Testament), if it had been translated from confirmation of the sounds of these Greek
Hebrew instead of Greek, it would be Yeshua letters.
because this is what they chose to translate
His name into in the versions we have Another important point is that the
available to us today. Again, let me state that Septuagint, a Greek translation of the
personally, I choose to use Yahshua/Yahushua Hebrew scriptures, was completed many
because of Psalms 68:4 and it is my personal years before Yahushua came to earth. It
conviction that the Fathers name is YHWH rendered the Hebrew name "Yahushua"
according to Exodus 3. as IhsouV (Iesous).
Before the Babylonian PSALMS 68:4 This fact alone clearly
slavery, Yisraels children demonstrates that "Iesous"
would have said Yahshua Sing unto God, sing praises to is a Greek of and
instead of Yeshua which is his name: extol him that rideth wasn't a form invented
used modernly today. upon the heavens by his name by apostate Christians
who wanted to honor
While there are some JAH, and rejoice before him. Zeus in some way.
out there claiming that
"Jesus" is somehow derived from "Zeus", I People, it is very hard not to see, unless
have yet to find anyone who is willing to you chose to be willingly blind to the facts.
present hard evidence for this claim. One Those who choose to say His name, be it
person wrote a book in which they claimed Jesus, Yahsuha, Yeshua, Yah ho shua etc
that "Iesous" means "Hail Zeus". When I Its hard to miss the fact, that HE is the
contacted him by phone and asked him for same person who fits all prophecys and
evidence of this claim, he said "Iesous" means He accomplished what all of the ancient
"Hail Zeus" in the sense that when you say Holy prophets said that he would.
the "Ie" it sounds like "Yaayy" and "Yaayy"
is what people do in modern sports games Zeus is not pronounced as Zoos.
when they hail their team. Thus the statement The letter Z actually sounded like the
that "Iesous" meant "Hail Zeus" had nothing D much like in the Spanish tongues the
to do with its meaning in the Greek language. J has a YAN sound of the English Y.
A Spanish person whose name is Juan
In fact, the Greek language spells Zeus
would be, pronounced John in English.
(#2203 in the Strong's Lexicon) as ZeuV and
it doesn't have the same letters or sound as
Also, the diphthongs, ou, in Iesous
the second syllable in IhsouV (Iesous). First of
is pronounced oo, but eu would
all, the Z in ZeuV produces a "dz" sound,
be pronounced as eh-uh.
not an "s" sound. Also the eu combination
in ZeuV sounds like "eu as in feud", a letter
Every word can be translated or
combination not found in any form of
transliterated from one language to the
IhsouV/Iesous. ZeuV is actually pronounced
next, but the rules of grammar must be
"Dzyooce" and not "Sooce".
followed. In the book of Revelation the
These things alone make it appear quite words Apollyon and Abbadon mean the
impossible that Iesous comes from "Zeus". exact same thing: DESTROYER!

REVELATION 9:11 Religion cannot produce the power of Yah.
And they had a king over them, As a result, they produce philosophies, contentions,
and arguments in order to establish what they
[which is] the angel of the bottomless call truth and to deceive unsuspecting minds.
pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue The Apostle said in his letter to the Ephesians:
[is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue EPHESIANS 4:11
hath [his] name Apollyon. And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,
Let me also say that there are many people
with arguments concerning this subject. pastors and teachers;
I have seen over the years that those with EPHESIANS 4:12
the argument are always at the mercy of
For the perfecting of the saints, for the
those with the experience.
work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
Many have gone so far as to make up body of Christ:
arguments such as, Every name remains the
same no matter what language you go to!
This is a false, nonsensical statement. In English Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
my name is Charles, but in Spanish its Carlos. and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
Not one person today was around 4,000 unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the
years ago when Yisraels children heard the stature of the fullness of Christ:
name of the Most High. The best we all can EPHESIANS 4:14
do today is pronounce His name as best as
we can. For someone to go around and act That we [henceforth] be no more
like they have the market cornered on His children, tossed to and fro, and carried
name is foolish. about with every wind of doctrine, by the
His name is so powerful that the very mention sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness,
of it would cause the elements to shake and the whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
earth to move. I personally do not know one EPHESIANS 4:15
person (anyone) today that can do that.
But speaking the truth in love, may grow
There are many who profess to know His name up into him in all things, which is the head,
but they refuse to do His works, or either they [even] Christ:
lack power of the RUWACH working in their
lives. The Mashiyach [Messiah], the Father, EPHESIANS 4:16
is the One who chooses by His sovereign will From whom the whole body fitly joined
those who are His. His people possess His
together and compacted by that which every
character and His power works in their lives.
Remember: signs follow them that believe! joint supplieth, according to the effectual
If a preacher really knows the Father, his words working in the measure of every part,
will be backed up by more than just words.
maketh increase of the body unto the
The Father will confirm his words with signs
following. edifying of itself in love.

We all need to face the truth. I repeat again, there I do not believe for one minute that the name of
are certain secrets and facts concerning our Jesus derives from some false god, nor do I believe
ancient faith and the Scriptures that are modernly that there is anything wrong with it. As a matter of
covered up for the fear it will destabilize or fact, I have healed many and cast out many
undermine the powers that be in today system of devils/demons in the name of Jesus. I know that it
corruption and lies. is the Father that is doing the healing, not me!
When I say I have healed many, I am saying He
Collusion is practiced in almost every single has chosen to use me. I personally cannot heal
religion and nation today. If its not someone one person, the Most High has chosen to use His
wanting to corner the market on truth that they vessels in His work.
have and no one else has it, then its the system of
Christianity and Messianic Judasim. These two Most people who argue against using the name of
religions have an unspoken agreement, through Jesus have not ever cast out one devil calling upon
their theology and secretive press down of any of the so-called names that they use.
unspoken truth and facts by deceiving, misleading, It is remarkable that the unseen spirit realm fears,
and defrauding others of the real truth because it trembles, and quakes at the name of Jesus. If man
does not fit their doctrine. cannot understand that simple fact, it is none of my
The Messianics are chief in this trespass, simply
because they will not tell the truth of the Torah to I use and will continue to use the name of Jesus.
the people. I have a firm conviction that the only The English name Jesus is an excellent
way the people of today are going to get the transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshua. I
real truth - it must come from a real bloodline personally chose to use what I believe to be the
descendant of the ancient Hebrew Yisraelites. ancient name of Yahshua before the Babylonian
It is not a secret that the Europeans are ruling the slavery, rather than Yeshua, which was used
world today, and as a result, they are also ruling during the Babylonian slavery and is still in use
the knowledge that is allowed into the open today after the Babylonian slavery.
public. It takes the Holy Spirit to transcend these
racial barriers and reveal the truth especially if There is such an attack on our Messiah Christ
that truth has to do with the real Biblical Hebrew today. The enemy does not care how he does this.
Yisraelites according to Scriptures. All he is concerned about is keeping the division
going any way he can. Many well meaning
Interchangeable letters: for understanding, people in their zeal disparage the use of the word
the ancient letter K was exchanged for the H. Christ as well. Saints, there is no need to be
The letter I is exchanged for Y, and also pedantic in this regard. There is much to be
the letter A. References for this understanding desired in this late hour we are in. The enemy of
can be found in The Universal Jewish our soul is a master at division and deception. He
Encyclopedia, Jones Dictionary of is also a master of withholding information. He
Old Testament Proper Names. has people in this world who willingly serve him at
his will, and the rest who have not turned from
Learning is a very steep curve and no one will their sins, all under his control and Satan can use
ever know all the truth until they meet Him for them anytime he likes.
themselves. Until then, there is much to be desired
and much to learn. I personally use the name of The word Christ simply means Anointed one, in
Jesus simply because I speak English. As I learn the very same way that the word Mashiah does.
more about our ancient language, I apply it. I am sure you have heard me over and over again

test the boast of those who only have mental I teach all of Yahshuas disciples in this time the
accent and do not have the power of Yah same. We should do the works because they testify
operating in their lives. Did not the Messiah who we represent. Remember, Satan cannot cast
come to heal, deliver, and set the captivities out Satan. We oppose Satans kingdom. I teach
free? Did not He say that we should do the people to fiercely attack his kingdom every single
same thing once we are empowered by the chance they get. Its very easy to be religious, but
Holy Spirit? it is very hard to live in this faith.
Paul, in his instructions to Titus, constantly
told them what they needed to watch out for. People have become bitter against the religion of
Listen to his very sound and sobering words: Christianity. I personally am not bitter against this
religion. I do feel very sorry for those who remain
TITUS 1:14
under the delusion and deception of this Roman
Not giving heed to Jewish fables, creation.
and commandments of men, The name Yeshua was not incorrectly transliterated.
There is not any proof, just arguments founded,
that turn from the truth. upon theories, pertaining to that statement.
TITUS 1:15
Unto the pure all things [are] pure: After spending much time and research and as
one that loves the truth, its not hard to see that my
but unto them that are defiled steps and lifestyle show that I am one who loves
and unbelieving [is] nothing pure; the truth and will follow the truth without fail. I still
have much to learn. However, I am a student of the
but even their mind and conscience is
Scriptures. I am very slow to adopt a position just
defiled. because it sounds good.
TITUS 1:16
All of my research shows that those who push that
They profess that they know God; His name must be said like they say it is founded
but in works they deny [him], on faulty linguistics and esoteric doctrine. Many in
being abominable, and disobedient, this movement which I refer to as the other
gospel go so far as to say you must pronounce
and unto every good work reprobate. the Sacred Name correctly! This is utter
foolishness. The Modern Hebrew known to us
How many people today profess to know Yah? today is a Yiddish, Germanic, Babylonian
Yet there is not any work that backs up their language. It is not pure nor is the English
testimony? All they have are words, no power language. Yet when we all speak we can
by the RUWACH. understand each other.
Ive watched people be very adamant and insist The Most High understands every single word we
on referring to Jesus as Yeshua, and they insist speak and He alone understands the
people should drop the name of Jesus altogether. communication of our hearts. My case in point is
I am not of this thought. we should not allow ourselves to get caught up or
hung up on pronunciation of Hebrew. Do not
Again, the one with the argument is always become Gnostics! Jesus Christ is a very good
at the mercy of the one with the experience. translation and we all should pay attention to His
Yahshua healed the sick and He testified role as the Anointed King of Yisrael who is soon
that His power came from the Father. to come. Be at peace and DO THE WORK!

Because our people have been through many The Most High himself is gathering us, the
different slaveries, commonly called captivities, Hebrew Yisraelites and the Gentiles, who
much has been lost of our ancient heritage, culture hear this message and repent and turn from
and language. After all, the so-called Jews that the their sins, to keep His Commandments.
world accepts today do not fit one Biblical prophecy, We and all who follow YHWH are
only Genesis 9: Yisraelites and all Yisrael shall be saved.
I think the enemy of our soul is the author
God shall enlarge Japheth, of confusion and he is using whoever he
and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; can to bring about this confusion. Again,
and Canaan shall be his servant. you will continue to hear me use both
names in my speech and teaching until the
Revisit: according to the table of Nations these King comes. Please make sure you live your
are of the seed of Japheth. life representing His name by displaying
His character which lets the whole world
GENESIS 10:2 know who you are serving.
Do not take His name in vain by living a
The sons of Japheth; Gomer, life style of breaking His Commandments.
and Magog, and Madai, and Javan,
and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. Some leaders have come to the knowledge
that the name of Jesus is a very good
GENESIS 10:3 translation, but because they came out so
And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, strong against it, they cannot go back.
and Riphath, and Togarmah. Many people have been hurt and
disappointed by these Pastors.
GENESIS 10:4 Saving face has become the norm; they
And the sons of Javan; Elishah, cannot go back because their pride will
and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. not let them. So they must push forward
and do like a lot of Christian pastors.
By these were the isles of the Christian pastors know the truth associated
with these pagan holidays: Christmas,
Gentiles divided in their lands;
Easter, and Sunday Sabbath. But they
every one after his tongue, cannot go back, they have a job to
after their families, in their nations. perform. If they tell the people the truth,
they will lose their Church.
This is the real-true identity of the people today who That price is just too great for them to pay.
call themselves Jews. My people have been in slavery
for a very long time. When we read the History of It is my hope that I am able to provide
the ancient Hebrews, they went into these captivities understanding in this subject.
simply because they did not want to keep the Most
Highs Laws, Statues and Commandments. As a result, JOHN 8:32
we have a Biblical history that testifies who we are
because of the curses that have been placed upon
And ye shall know the truth,
us due to the disobedience, idolatry and immorality. and the truth shall make you free.

who is He
Concerning His Birth

Born of the seed of woman

Born of a Virgin
Seed of Abraham
Seed of Isaac
Seed of Jacob
Seed of David
Tribe of Judah
Family Line of Jesse
Born in Bethlehem
Herod kills the children
He pre-existed creation

Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 7:14
Genesis 22:18
Genesis 21:12
Numbers 24:17
Jeremiah 23:5
Genesis 49:10
Isaiah 11:1
Micah 5:2
Jeremiah 31:15
Micah 5:2
? Fulfilled

Galatians 4:4
Matthew 1:18-25
Matthew 1:1
Luke 3:23-24
Luke 3:34
Luke 3:31
Revelation 5:5
Luke 3:32
Matthew 2:1-6
Matthew 2:16-18
I Peter 1:20
12. He shall be called YHWH Psalm 110:1 Acts 2:36
13. Called Immanuel (God with us) Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:22-23
14. Prophet Deuteronomy 18:18-19 Acts 3:18-25
15. Priest Psalm 110:4 Hebrew 5:5-6
16. Judge Isaiah 33:22 John 5:22-23
17. King Psalm 2:6 John 18:33-37
18. Anointed by the Spirit Isaiah 11:2 Matthew 3:16-17
19. His zeal for the Most High Psalms 69:9 John 2:15-17
20. Preceded by a messenger Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1-3
21. To begin in Galilee Isaiah 9:1-2 Matthew 4:12-17
22. Ministry of Miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 Matt 9:35;11-4
23. Teacher of parables Psalm 78:1-4 Matt 13:34-35
24. He was enter the temple Malachi 3:1 Matt 21:10-12
25. Enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-7
26. Stone of stumbling to Jews Isaiah 28:16; Psalm 118:22 I Peter 2:6-8
27. Light to the Gentiles Isaiah 49:6 Acts13:46-48
28. Betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18-27
29. Sold for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah 11:12 Matt 27:3-5
30. 30 pieces buys potters field Zechariah 11:13 Matt 26:14-15

Concerning His Birth Prophesied Fulfilled

31. 30 pieces thrown in the Temple Zechariah 11:13 Matt 27:6-10

32. Forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13:7 Mark 14:27;50
33. Accused by false witnesses Psalm 35:11;20-21 Matt 26:59-61
34. Silent before accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matt 27:12-14
35. Wounded and bruised Isaiah 53:4-6 I Peter 2:21-25
36. Beaten and spit upon Isaiah 50:6 Matt 26:67-68
37. Mocked Psalm 22:6-8 Matt 27:27-31
38. Fell under the cross Psalm 109:24-25 John 19:17
39. Hands and feet pierced Psalm 22:16 John 20:24-28
40. Crucified with thieves Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38
41. Prayed for enemies Isaiah 53:12 Luke 23:34
42. Rejected by His own people Isaiah 53:3 John 19:14-15
43. Hatred without cause Psalm 69:4 John 15:25
44. Friends stood aloof Psalm 38:11 Luke 22:54;23:49
45. People wag their heads Psalm 22:7;109:25 Matthew 27:39
46. People stared at Him Psalm 22:17 Luke 23:35
47. Cloths divided and gambled for Psalm 22:18 John 19:23-24
48. Became very thirsty Psalm 22:15 John 19:28
49. Gall and vinegar offered Him Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34
50. His forsaken cry Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46
51. Committed Himself to God Psalm 31:5 Luke 23:46
52. Bones not broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:32-36
53. Heartbroken Psalm 69:20;22:14 John 19:34
54. His side pierced Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34;37
55. Darkness over the land Amos 8:9 Luke 23:44-45
56. Buried in rich mans tomb Isaiah 53:9 Matt 27:57-60
57. Raised from the dead Psalm 16:8-11 Acts 2:24-31
58. Begotten as Son of God Psalm 2:7 Acts 13:32-35
59. Ascended to the Father Psalm 68:18 Eph 2:8-10
60. Seated beside The Most High Psalm 110:1 Hebrews 1:3-13

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Pastor Dowell
This article is subject to change as Yah gives me
new understanding and as we advance in this diaspora. So much has been
lost and covered up over the centuries; our history, heritage, culture, and language.
He is restoring all that has been lost and all that has been kept from us, His people.
I thank him for Salvation. I thank Him for Jesus Yahshua.

All Scriptural Text is from the King James Version of the Bible.

w w w. yo u t u b e . c o m / P a s t o r D o we l l w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / S t r a i t w ay Tr u t h W i t h P a s t o r C h a r l e s D o we l l

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