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Economy of Henrico County Quiz

Answer the following questions by filling in the blank.

1. What became the most important crop? ______________________ (page 22)

2. _________________ was the effect or result of this important crop. page 22

3. What was another important resource that contributed to the economy of Virginia and
Henrico? _____________________ page 25

Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the right answer.

4. Tobacco was an important crop to the settlers in the Virginia colony because _____pg 22
a. The crop provided them with food.
b. The colony liked to smoke.
c. It was a cash crop that made them money.
d. Cows were dependent on the crop.

5. A synonym for rural is ____________ page 28

a. country
b. urban
c. city
d. law
6. Some Henrico citizens prefer to work in the coalfields because __________ page 29
a. they received free coal.
b. their friends and family worked there.
c. It was an easy job
d. They were paid more money.
7. After World War I, the ______________ industry became popular in Henrico County.
a. pork
b. steel
c. dairy
d. shoe
Complete the Short Essay Questions.

8. Why did many people work in the City of Richmond but lived in Henrico? page 29

9. After World War II, what happened to the farmlands? page 29

10. How does the economy of Henrico County continue to prosper today? - page 30

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