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(A Sample Daily Lesson Plan)

Photo Credit: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Capiz

Published by the

Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)

Department of Education
Region VI Western Visayas
Roxas City

Copyright 2017

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This material has been developed within the context in English as

embodied in the K to 12 Program implemented by Curriculum Implementation
Division (CID) of the Department of Education, Capiz Division. It can be
reproduced for educational purposes and the source must be acknowledged. The
material may be modified for the purpose of translation into another language but
the original work must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including
creating an edited version, and enhancement or a supplementary work are
permitted provided all original work is acknowledged and the copyright is
attributed. No work may be derived from this material for commercial purposes
and profit.

Written by:
Kristene D. Guto

Edited by:
Concepcion A. Dela Cruz

Grade Level: 9 Language: English

This first digital edition has been produced for print and online distribution within
the Department of Education, Philippines via the Learning Resources
Management Division System (LRMDS) Region VI.

Capiz is a province endowed with a myriad of beautiful gifts. From its natural
resources to its very reputable and super-sumptuous seafood, Capiz also boosts its rich
cultural heritage. It is sad to think however, that these majestic affluences were unknown
to many, most especially to our younger generations. Take for instance the different
historical structures found within Roxas City, many of our students do not know that the
birthplace of the Last President of the Philippine Commonwealth and the First President
of the Philippine Republic is just a tricycle ride away and can be found in Rizal Street.
Jovita Fuentes and Daisy Hontiveros Avellana were National Artists for Theater and
were proudly Capizeas.

Making this information available in our schools will foster patriotism and self-
pride strengthening students nationalistic identity. That is why the Department of
Education is doing its best to contextualize the lessons most especially in English for
notoriety in thought that before we study other countrys literature and culture, we study
our own to realize that there is beauty around us.

With this learning material, it is expected that students become aware of their
local heritage, hence, they become proud of who they are as Capizeos the
uniqueness, ingenuity and creativity.

This material accomplishes the competencies of Grade 9 - English specifically:

EN8LT-Ie-2.2.2- Explain Literary devices used and ENRC-Ia-16- Share prior knowledge
about a text topic.
This is a contextualized lesson plan aimed to guide teachers in using local
product of the community as a springboard of the lesson through the use of teacher-
composed poem.


By: Kristene D. Guto
Capiz National High School
Division of Capiz
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American
Literature and other types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
processing, assessing. Summarizing information, word derivation and formation
strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable
him/her to participate activity in a speech choir

The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/Gestures and Audience Impact.


1. ENRC-Ia-16: Share prior knowledge about a text topic. (Reading
2. EN8LT-Ie-2.2.2: Explain the literary devises used. (Literature)

At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. Share prior knowledge about Diwal the primary product of Capiz..
2. Analyse literature as means of discovering true Capiznon identity..
3. Identify and explain the poetic devices used in the poem An Angel in the
Mudflats (Rhymes and Sounds).

II - CONTENT: Recognizing Roles in Life

Topic: An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto
Skill Focus: Reading / Literature / Speaking


Be like Picazzo
Divide the class in five groups. Ask the students to draw/paint/sketch what
comes into their mind when they hear the word Capiz.
Let them explain their illustrations.
List on the board words and phrases that suggest figurative expressions.
Lead them to the discussion of the poetic devices.
Ask the students to focus their attention to the board and ask them what
they know of the highlighted words.

The Jumpstart
Introduce the importance of poetic devices and why is there a need to
study them.
Give them a copy of the poem and ask them to share some knowledge
about the topic.

By: Kristene D. Guto

Out in deep water a bright halo appears to me.

White as the clouds in fine weathered glee.
A seashell with grandeur like no other;
She is an angel in deep sandy water.
I dive to see, i dive to dig; i dive to keep, i dive to live

This angel is a creature inimitable and to traverse this land

Gists the wonders of closed wings glow in mudflats sand.
The break of dawn comes digging a scally hand.
Beholds our eyes like an angels wings in an opened shell,
The world has witnessed a waters wonder uniquely angel

Angel wings to some, diwal to many.

Years hid her from mankinds fury.
A decade ensconced her succulent sweetness,
As the splashing waves cover the shores,
Slushy sands conceal her even more

This angel is a teacher.

Taught a lesson as hard as diamond:
Treasure and save or forever appears no more,
Preserve and conserve or it vanishes from our shore.
Protect and guard or darkness swaths Capiz ocean floor

Think and share

Discuss the following Poetic Devices:

Remember that rhyme is part of what we mean when we say poetry
is musical. When the ending sounds of words are repeated, we call it
rhyme. Rhyming words do not appear only at the end of the lines (end
rhyme) in poems, but they may appear within the line (internal rhyme).

Ex.: In the water I saw the sky

Until the sun caused it to dry end rhyme

I laughed when saw a draft and coughed when saw a shaft

Internal rhyme

The poet used words that suggest sounds and at the same time
describe actions being made.
Onomatopoeia is a sound device used by poets to suggest actions,
movements, and meanings

Ex: The buzzing of the bees

The hissing of the snake
The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of the words like:

Ex: doubting, drearing dreams no mortal enter dared to dream before

- Edgar Allan Poe, from The Raven

The repetition of vowel sounds within words;

Ex: along the window sill, the lipstick stabs glittered in their steels
- Rita dove, from Adolescence III

The repetition of consonant sounds within and at the end of the words.

Ex: Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door

- Edgar Allan Poe, from The Raven

A word or group of words repeated in the poem to add drama and

Ex. Sans eyes, sans teeth, sans everything

- William Shakespeare from The Seven Ages of

Through the words used by the poet, as expressed by the
persona/speaker, are the words that appeal to the senses - vivid images,
clear sounds and exact feelings conveyed.

Reading a poem paves the way to making meaning in life. It allows you to
share certain experiences. Oftentimes, you find and share something more in
common with the poems content than you originally thought; this makes the
poem meaningful.

Take your side
Group the students into five and let them do the activities below anchored
on the poem An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto
Give them 10 minutes to work on them.

Group 1: Looking for Rhymes

Read the poem once more and spot the words that rhyme.
Make a list of rhyming words and determine which examples of internal
rhyme and rhyme are.
Copy the table as shown below, and fill it out with the appropriate entries.

Rhyming Words in An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto

End Rhyme Internal Rhyme

Group 2: The Best Clue

Read the poem aloud once more, and watch out for words that suggest
sounds of movements, actions, and meaning.
Find examples of onomatopoeia in the poem.
Picture each word in your mind and try to bring each image in focus.
List them in the table shown below:

Onomatopoeia in An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto

Sample line / What it looks like The sound it How it moves
words makes

Group 3: The sound I hear, the sound I make

Read the poem again and look out for words or lines that sound like they
are examples of alliteration, assonance, and consonance.
List them of them and chart them on the space provided below:

From An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto

Alliteration Assonance Consonance

Group 4: Again, again and again
Read the poem silently and look for repeated lines.
Think of the feelings evoked by the line.
Share with the class
Copy the chart shown below and fill it out with the entries called for.

Repetition in An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto

Repetition Meaning

Group 5: Let the mind paint

Read the poem silently and think of the images the words created in your
Picture them in your minds and try to bring them in clear focus.
List these words that create clear pictures in your mind.
Share the feeling that each image evokes.
Point out the real-life experience of observation in life that each image
Copy the chart shown below and fill it out with the entries called for.

Imagery in An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D. Guto

Words / Lines Images Created Feelings Evoked Meaningful

Conquer the stage
The teacher lets the students explain their outputs in class following the
rubrics attached:
Furthermore instruct the students to integrate Capiznon Identity in their


Now, find out how the poem An Angel in the Mudflats by Kristene D.
Guto provides cherished pieces of information about the Capiznon culture.

Do the chart below:

New/heavy/loaded word Meaning Sentence


Trait Pts.
1 2 3 4
Content Presentation
Did the had an
had moments
presentation Presentation exceptional
have valuable Presentation had a good amount of
material? contained little amount of valuable
material was
to no valuable material and material and
present but
material. benefited the was
as a whole
class. extremely
content was
beneficial to
the class
Collaboration The
Did everyone Presentation The
contribute to There were had presentation
the minimal signs organizing was well
presentation? of ideas but organized,
Did everyone organization could have well
and had little
seem well- or been much prepared
evidence of
versed in the presentation. stronger with and easy to
material? better follow
Organization Presenters
Presenters Presenters
Did the were not
Presenters were were all very
presenters consistent
were occasionally confident in
speak clearly? with the level
unconfident confident delivery and
Did they of
and with their they did an
engage the confidence/
demonstrated presentation excellent job
audience? preparedness
little evidence was not as of engaging
Was it obvious they showed
of planning engaging as the class.
the material the classroom
prior to it could have Preparation
had been but had some
presentation. been for the is very
rehearsed? strong
class. evident

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