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AP Comparative Government

Mrs. Ball

The AP Comparative Government course is a college level course in which students will examine the
governments and politics of six different countries; the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, the
People's Republic of China, Mexico, Nigeria, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In addition, students
should be familiar with the European Union. In understanding these governments, students should be
able to discuss and compare the different countries in terms of sovereignty, authority, power, political
institutions, citizens, society, the state, public policy, political and economic change.

The AP Comparative Government exam is made up of two sections: the first is a multiple choice section
with 55 questions (45 minutes), the second section is a free response question set which is comprised of
8 questions - the first five questions require students to provide brief definitions or descriptions of
concepts or terms and their significance, the next three will require students to identify and explain
relationships using major concepts from comparative politics and discuss the causes and implications of
politics and policy (100 minutes).

Each student will be expected to purchase the required textbook: AP Comparative Government and
Politics: A Study Guide by Ethel Wood (4th edition). This book can be purchased online for around $18
new. This will be very worthwhile as you can then mark up the book as you like so you will be prepared
for the AP exam in the spring. Every night will have homework, which will usually also involve reading a
selection of the textbook. At the end of each chapter, a list of terms is given. It is recommended that
students make flashcards for these terms to help them study during the review for the AP exam.

Students who get behind in their work struggle to do well and always seem to being trying to catch up,
therefore, please adhere to the following policy.
*All make up work and lectures are the student’s responsibility (look at the schedule, ask a class
member, ask me).
*All exams must be made up after school or during SIR (arrange with me prior).
*If you are absent the day before an exam, you are still expected to take the exam.
*All exams must be made up within a week or they cannot be made up.
*If you are absent, work must be made up within a week of the absence (this excludes essays- essays
are due the day they are due). This is your responsibility and you will not be given reminders.
*There is no credit if assignments are late for reasons other than absence unless prior permission is
obtained from the teacher.
*Note – Students are expected to do all of their own work. Students who copy other’s work will not be
given credit for the work. The assignments are given to prepare students for the Advanced Placement
exam and help then acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform well on the exam. Some
assignments will be graded and some will not, but will help the students develop skills and practice
Exams will be a major form of evaluation in this class. Approximately 3-4 exams will be given each term
and will significantly impact your grade. Homework, essays, assignments, and quizzes will also be used
in calculating your grade. There will be no extra credit work available, so it is imperative that you put
forth your best on all that you do. One portion of your grade will involve attendance, tardies, and class
participation. At the beginning of each term, 100 participation points are given to each student. These
points are yours to keep provided you are participating in class, on time, and in attendance. These
points can be lost for poor behavior, not participating in discussions, sleeping, tardiness, etc. They are
awarded at the end of the term. Do your best and your grade will follow. In AP Comparative
Government, the grading breakdown will be based on the following:
94-100% - A 80- 83% - B 65- 69% - C 50- 54% - D
88- 93% - A- 75- 79% - B- 60- 64% - C 45- 49% - D-
84- 87% - B+ 70- 74% - C+ 55- 59% - D 44% & below – F
You must keep track of your grade. You can keep track of your scores and figure out your grade. I also
will keep up-to-date on the school grading system so you can also check that to see where you are on
the grade scale at any time.
I have also started a blog that contains a calendar and other important information for the class. Visit it
often to keep up-to-date on what’s expected. If you’re absent, it’s a great place to check out what
you’ve missed. The website for the blog is: .

Citizenship is based on classroom behavior, attendance, and tardies. Students with 3 unexcused
absences or 4 tardies will receive an automatic “U” citizenship grade. If tardies continue to be a
problem for the student, an administrative “U” may also be issued. For every tardy you have, you will
lose 10 points out of the 100 participation points given each term. Tardies are a disruption and not
acceptable. A student must be an active participant in order to earn an “H” in citizenship.

1. Be Nice.
2. Each day come prepared with your text book, review text, workbook, and notebook
3 Do your own work – no cheating.
4. No food or hats allowed in class. You can bring drinks as long as they have a lid and do not become a
5. Come to class on time and stay until you are excused.
6. Respect others and their property – if it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Doodle on your notepad instead of
the desks.
7. Cell phones and all other electronic equipment are not to be out or in use during class. Only one
warning is given, on the second offense a “U” is given.
Every student has the right to learn in a positive environment. The teacher and other class members
should be treated with respect in order to foster learning. The teacher is the instigator of the learning,
and therefore has control of the discipline action to be taken in the classroom. Disciplinary action will
be taken according to the rule that has been broken.
It is important for all students to remember that this is a college class and I need to cover the
information and skills to enable you to pass the AP Exam. Therefore, there will be homework every class
period. You must be dedicated and responsible. I will not give homework that I consider “busywork,”
but all assigned work will require discipline and commitment. Please realize that this is a class that most
students take in college. It is necessary you realize that I will teach to that level of academic success.
I am only at Bountiful High on “A” days, but do check my email each day, therefore, if you need to get in
touch with me, please email me. I can then call you by phone or meet with you. My email address is: I do not check my school phone messages.

Mrs. Ball

I have read and agree to all the policies and rules outlined in the course disclosure. I agree to comply
with the rules. I also understand that my grade will be based on points earned through tests, quizzes,
assignments, and essays. My citizenship grade will be based on my tardies, class behavior, and

Student name

Student signature


I have reviewed the course disclosure with my student.

Parent signature
On the attached schedule, you will find daily reading assignments. Each unit also has questions that are
due at the end of the unit. These questions should be answered as students are working through the
chapter. They will also be a good review for the test.
Current Events
In addition to the daily reading and unit questions, students will be required to summarize one news
article per week that relates to one of the countries being studied. Acceptable news article sources are:
BBC News, the Economist, the New York Times, or the Washington Post. I will also accept articles from
the Salt Lake Tribune or Deseret News since articles dealing with global issues are usually provided
through the Associated Press.
Supplemental Material
Frontline and CNN programs on current issues in several of the countries studied

August 23 – Course disclosure, introductions, and syllabus

Comparative Political Literacy
25 - Comparative political literacy which will discuss generalizations of six topics. Each topic will
be expounded upon in the individual countries (Pgs. 7-22; CPT 34-49)
1. The Comparative Method
2. Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
3. Political and Economic Change
27 – (Pgs. 22-40)
4. Citizens, Society, and the State
5. Political Institutions
6. Public Policy
 answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ on pages 43-50
31- European Union (Pgs. 91-101)
 Quiz on political literacy
 answer questions 1-10 on pages 101-103
 Key terms
Advanced Democracies - (2 weeks)
Sept. 2 – Great Britain (pgs. 51-61; CPT 167-216)
 Map with the geography of Great Britain
 Brief History of Great Britain from Magna Carta –present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
 Political Culture & Economic Change
7- Citizens, Society, and State; Political Institutions (pgs. 61-76)
9- Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 76-81)
 Key Terms
13- Important People/Institutions (Briefing paper: Democratization)
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs. 83-90
15- Exam on the EU and Great Britain
Communist and Post-Communist Countries - (4 weeks)
17- Russian Federation - (pgs. 104-115; CPT 377-420)
 Map with the geography of Russia
 Brief History of Russia and Soviet Union Czar –present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
21- Citizens, Society, and State (116-121)
23- Political Culture & Economic Change; Political Institutions (121-131)
27- CNN or Frontline program
 Take home exam given on Russia (can include any discussion or readings up to this point
– includes an essay), due on Oct. 1
29- Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 131-137)
 Key Terms
Oct. 1- Important People/Institutions (Briefing paper: Globalization)
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs139-146
 Take home test due
5 –People’s Republic of China - (pgs. 147-152; CPT 425-465)
 Map with the geography of China
 Brief History of China to present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
7 – Citizens, Society, and State (157-161)
11 – Political Culture & Economic Change; Political Institutions (152-156; 161-168)
13 – Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 168-176)
 Key Terms
Fall Recess – October 14-17th
19-- Important People/Institutions
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs. 178-186
21 – Quiz on China, in-class essay, and review for exam
25- Final exam (will cover all units for the term)
27 –Review of exam
End of term
Newly Industrializing and Less Developed Countries – (6 weeks)
Nov. 1- Mexico – (pgs. 187-193; CPT 469-517)
 Map with the geography of Mexico
 Brief History of Mexico to present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
3- Citizens, Society, and State (pgs. 199-203)
5- Political Culture & Economic Change; Political Institutions (pgs. 193-199; 203-213)
9- Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 213- 218)
 Key Terms
11-- Important People/Institutions (Briefing paper: Mexico)
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs. 220-228
15- Exam on Mexico
17 – Islamic Republic of Iran - (pgs. 229-231)
 Map with the geography of Iran
 Brief History of Iran to present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
19- Citizens, Society, and State (pgs. 238-241)
23- Political Culture & Economic Change; Political Institutions (pgs. 231-238; 241-251)
Thanksgiving break November 24-28th
30-- Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 251-255)
 Frontline: Showdown with Iran
 Key Terms
Dec. 2- Important People/Institutions (Briefing paper: Iran)
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs. 257-265
6- Exam on Iran
8- Nigeria - (pgs. 266-270; CPT 687-734)
 Map with the geography of Nigeria
 Brief History of Nigeria to present
 Sovereignty, Authority, and Power
10 – Citizens, Society, and State (pgs. 275-280)
14- Political Culture & Economic Change; Political Institutions (pgs. 270-274; 280-286)
16 - Public Policy and Current Issues (pgs. 287-290)
 Key Terms
Winter Recess – December 18th -January 2nd
Jan. 3 - Important People/Institutions (Briefing paper: Nigeria)
 Answer questions 1-30 and the FRQ , pgs. 292-300
5- Review for final exam
7- Essay exam
11 – Multiple Choice final exam
13 – Review of tests
End of Semester

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