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Globals and values CSP Command

Global commands and functions for the Cache Procesator language

gPublication Top level publication name. No punctuation allowed when
gPublication.label Top level publication label - use this for display only - can
contain punctuation
gPublication.description Publication description
gPublication.rssHeader The RSSHeader used by this publication
gPublication.folderCollection All the extra files & folders used by this publication
gPublication.urlNamingConvention What class do we want to use for naming
gPublication.urlNamingSetup What setup do we want to use for naming
gPublication.sections All of the sections that belong to this publication
gPublication.pageLayouts All of the pageLayouts that belong to this publication
gPublication.templates All of the templates for this publication
gPublication.Newsletters All of the newsletters in this publication
gPublication.importFixup All of the temporary xml import/export fixups for this
gPublication.getName() Same as
gPublication.getLabel() Same as gPublication.label
gPublication.getPublicationPath() Returns the complete csp path for this publication
e.g. /csp/scenery/sites/canada
gPublication.getSitePath() Return the site url
e.g. /csp/scenery/sites
gPublication.FetchURLNaming() Fetch the class name that contains the desired naming
convention will return the default if the string is null or empty
gPublication.FetchURLNamingSetup() Fetch the setup name of the naming convention setup will
return the default if the string is null or empty
gSection The name of the section as a string. This is NOT the full path of the
gSection.FullName The name of the section that includes the path.
e.g. /news/local/sport/football/
-Will always: start with / & end with /
-Has a unique index (iFullName) defined so that the id can
-be quickly found using iFullNameExists() syntax
gSection.label Section label use this for display only may contain punctuation
gSection.parentSectionID The parent section id and may be null if there is no parent
gSection.ghostSectionID Ghost section id used when the section is a subordinate section
gSection.lastUpdated Date/time stamp when the section was last updated by a background
gSection.version The level of the staging for the section
0 will always be the live version
1 will always be the was published version
-1 will be the staged version
gSection.defaultFullLayoutId The default full layout for the section.
gSection.operatorId The operator id set for the section
gSection.externalSectionId Used for exporting to external systems. Some systems require the Id
instead of the name. Integer.
gSection.externalSectionURL Used for exporting to external systems. This is the URL of this section
on the live website. Integer.
gSection.rssIgnore Used to ignore this section when the RSS 'all sections' option is being
used. Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
gSection.DefaultCommentsForm The default story comments form that is assigned to any story slotted
in this section. dt.cms.schema.Form
gSection.DefaultRankForm The default story rank form assigned to any story slotted in this
section. dt.cms.schema.Form
gSection.getLink() Builds a link to this section
gSection.getSectionId() Return the %Id() for the section
gSection.getGhostSectionId() Return the ghost section %Id. Default to -1.
gSection.getParentChildPath() Get the parent child path if it exists. Default to
gSection.getSectionPath() Get the full section path of the section
e.g. /csp/tcms/sites/Canada/News/Local
gSection.getFullSectionPath() Same as gSection.FullName but may only include the ending / if the
section name defines it.
gGrid Name of the grid
gGrid.description Description for the grid

gArea Name of the area
gArea.label Label for this area - can be used for internationalization or better
gArea.description Description for the area
gArea.sequence Display order within a grid
gArea.timed Is this a timed area? Boolean
gArea.nextArea Points to the next linked area. If this is a timed area, this link will point
to the area into which it feeds.
gArea.previousArea Points to the previous linked area
gArea.skipStaging If set the staging will ignore this area. Boolean
gStory.story The real story in in the news database
gStory.startTime Return Start Time as %TimeStamp
gStory.stopTime Return Stop Time as %TimeStamp
gStory.homeSectionID The story home section - will be filled in if this story is in CMS
gStory.defaultFullLayout This storys default full page layout - will be filled in if this story in CMS
gStory.publishedToWebDate Date & time story was published onto the live web as %TimeStamp
gStory. Date & time story was removed from the live web as %TimeStamp
gStory.formType %String
gStory.seoAutoGenerate Auto-generate SEO information if set to 1. If set to 0, allow user
override. %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ]
gStory.seoURLPatternId SEOPattern ID for the SEO based URL for this story
gStory.seoURL SEO based URL for this story
gStory.seoTitlePatternId SEOPattern ID for the SEO based Title for this story
gStory.seoTitle SEO based title for this story
gStory. SEOPattern ID for the SEO based Description for this story
gStory.seoDescription SEO based description for this story
gStory.archiveStoryID Archive Story Id if the story has been archived
gStory.webCategoryList List of web categories into which this story has been assigned
gStory. Return the name of the story
getName(Output sc As %Status)
gStory.getLastModified() Story last modified time. %TimeStamp
gStory.getDBOStoryID() Return the
gStory.getRank() Returns the rank where 0 is least important & 100 is most important
gStory.getStatus() Return the status of the story
gStory.isPublishable() Is this story publishable (based on the story status).
if true - will display live version
if false - will display any previously cached version (unless deleted)
gStory.isDeleted() Is this story deleted? %Boolean

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