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Author of the forthcoming book Finding Health, Finding Truth
Cape Town
Cell: +27 (0) 73 208 8524
Oce: +27 (0) 21 788 8040

Skype - ritagoRmarr
This original text is copy righted and may not be reproduced without my consent. Thank you.

When I was sixteen a Careers Advisor asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I said help others. She
said you mean Nursing? I said no, that doesnt feel right. She was dismissive. I had no idea how I was going to
help others either so I ended up in corporate life for 20 years before I made a fresh start. I have been on my
own evoluUonary journey since 1990 and in the process found my passion and made it my career. A`er
qualifying as a PracUUoner then a Trainer of NLP and becoming professionally cerUed in a number of other
healing modaliUes and bodywork I dedicated my life to helping others improve theirs. Im a Spiritual Healer
and Psychotherapist, Ascension and Life Coach, a Speaker on Personal Growth and Metaphysics and more
recently an Author. A psychic once described me as a re-connector and energeUc repairer and that's preRy
much what I do. My forthcoming book Finding Health, Finding Truth, a guided journey to self healing, will be
available soon.

I have assisted people of all dierent faiths and backgrounds. I have counselled thousands of people to help
them get more out of life both by healing themselves from within, and from nding their true life purpose.

Born in England, I moved to Cape Town some years ago and I work with clients all over the world.

You may ask what is dierent about my approach to the hundreds of others available .well here it is: if other
teachers and healers buy into the human myths then they have most of the informaUon wrong. The mythology
is just an ancient story. My spiritual guidance, The Council of Truth, the most ancient of wise truth tellers
available to all humanity, if all humanity could only listen, is only interested in energy and the pure movement
of the energy. There is no mythology in this movement of energy so my teachings are totally mythology free. I
deal only in the discovery of health and in truth.

How we stop ourselves from receiving

If we are not healthy, not living in harmony, if success is eluding us and we are living in the consciousness of
lack instead of living in abundance consciousness then the reasons are energeUc, pure and simple. There are
many reasons why we become energeUcally disconnected from Source and Earth. Trauma (I prefer the term
insult or mis-percepUon) whether physical or emoUonal, can aect the funcUon and calibraUon of all
energeUc ows within us, including those of our seven Hara Lines.

Hara Lines are our source of power - food our source of energy.

At least three of our Hara Lines, which are designed to connect us with our Earth Mother, directly inuence our
ability to receive. One line enables us to Navigate successfully through life. Another enables us to connect with
and stay focused on our Life Purpose. Another helps us gracefully receive the abundance the Universe
naturally oers us. Another gives us resilience and yet another gives us physical energy and strength. That is
why I call the seven hara lines the Seven Keys to Health, Harmony, Success and Abundance. More about that

Hara Line Healing

If the general vibraUon of our body is low and yet the vibraUon in the Hara Lines is high, we will be OK health-
wise. Many things bring down the vibraUon. ie. If our stomach and digesUve system is vibraUng at a low rate it
will bring the rest of our body down to the same low vibraUon, which impacts on our general health.
The healing of each Hara Line involves removing any occlusion, truncaUon, over extension, misalignment, or
disconnecUon from the earths core. The lines themselves should not be imagined as one single strand but
many strands like a rope. Ideally the energy needs to ow through all strands.

The intenUon is to bring healing to enable us to get back into balance so all becomes possible. SomeUmes
addiUonal emoUonal clearing is required to assist healing on a physical level.

Hara Lines as psychically perceived

The hara lines are more easily psychically perceived in the

area of the abdomen. It may be necessary to request that
they become visible metaphysically. Their colours can be
seen across the abdomen. They o`en appear like strings
of a harp that could be plucked. Its possible to call them
up by their number (one to seven) to check their colour,
condiUon and connecUvity.

Hara lines in rela8on to our other energe8c aspects

SomeUmes the priority for healing is not at the haric level. In which case of course during your session with me
the priority would be healed. Lets take the analogy of a house - the hara lines are like the structure of the
building. Our other energeUc aspects are like the furniture, xtures and mngs.

The hara lines are one piece of the puzzle. Imagine a large book of 6 chapters, a tome of which only one sixth
of the pages contains informaUon pertaining to the hara lines: in other words the hara level of our energy eld
is like just one chapter of six.

When the structure of the house is

poor the house is unsound and could
collapse. If a skilled cra`sman was
called in to remedy the problem and he
does his job well, he knows what to
remedy rst as a priority. So even
though the hara lines comprise only
one sixth of our human energy system,
when the structure is poor and
unsound, the house falls down! And
thats where I come in with my unique
Power of Two Healing Session.

The importance of the Facilitators pure


My pure heart based intenUon and respect for you enables

the opUmal placement of your hara lines in that moment of
Ume for you. I will liaise with your own Higher Self in order
to direct the unlocking. The higher self nds the highest
and best state to suit you at the Ume and can iniUate
repairs as required.

Receiving and inten8onality as an aid to Manifes8ng Abundance

The energy of intenUonality is accessed through the hara lines. In fact if hara line 4 (Receiving) is truncated it
has the same eect as omimng to pull out the aerial (antennae) of a radio. RecepUon (receiving) will be weak.
This however is not the only reason receiving can be inhibited.

If one holds extreme views on a subject Hara Line 5

(Life Purpose) can aect receiving due to the need to
resist or reject. These amtudes will act as lters which
stop or inhibit receiving.

Hara Line 3, if operaUng under the amtude of self

sacrice as an extreme view, (ie. Im here to be a
soccer ball for others instead of a human) will also
inhibit receiving. If we are in this posiUon we need to
be treated gently, so`ly and compassionately during a
healing session. The best approach is to oer a space
and an opportunity to approach the healer. I need to
let you come to me because its possible you will feel
threatened because entrenched Beliefs are easily

At any given moment we can chose to be dierent. If we decide right now we want things to change then
change they will. Or if we agree to change then that means change can occur easily. The last thing we need is
to feel threatened.

The hara lines are mul8dimensional and are designed to connect us to the mul8-
dimensional nature of the Universe

The Spirit is not fully connected into 3rd dimensionality in over 45% of the populaUon and my advice is that this
needs to be corrected.

Our connecUon to the MulU dimensional nature of the

Universe causes health to occur, therefore, a`er the
re-connecUon of our hara lines a return to health is
supported. Yes its true that re-connec0on causes
The higher the number of emoUonal or physical
insults ie. mispercepUons, the more likely a line will
be out of balance and in need of repair.

The hara lines accurately reect what our intenUon is

at a core level in the moment of assessment. Its just
impossible to fake this. Conicts show up.

The vibraUon of the hara should be higher than the

vibraUon of the rest of the body in order to support
good health and wellbeing.

The func8ons and colours of the individual
Hara Lines

The hara lines are seen in their intrinsic colours. The

colours are important because they are wavelengths
and the eyes perceive colour as wavelengths. Each
lines current status can be perceived as a shade
within the spectrum of the colour. This is an indicator
of the health or balance in that hara line. The higher
the number of mis-percepUons and insults one has
experienced, the more likely the lines will be out of
balance which will reect in their colour and status.

Hara Lines 1 and 2

Hara Lines one and two are two halves of one line. This line connects us to both
Source and the Earth and runs through the body from the top of the head and
beyond, through our transpersonal chakras, to the boRom
of our feet and beyond to the earths core, through our sub
personal chakras. Their frequency creates the colours
black and white respecUvely. These lines are where health
originates therefore aws here reect in health issues. If
these lines are disconnected then we are no longer alive.

Hara Line 3

Hara Line Threes frequency is perceived as Green and its funcUon is to be a NavigaUonal
beacon. It represents the Essence of each of us and how we relate with others of our
tribe, group or naUon. This energy will be picked up by others who will sense if we are
from their tribe. It gives us a sense of belonging,
safety and security. Others may simply refer to this
as grounding but this channel is much more that.

Hara Line 4

Hara Line Four is the Receiving line. Closely linked to the

physical plane and physical body. The colour shades of yellow
to red. This line is all about receiving through our metabolism
basic sustenance like food & drink, to taking in health, love and
allowing a connecUon to the earth. The theme of this line is
nurturance, acceptance. How the body receives good things.
How we process compliments. Auto immune disorder manifests
when this line is out of calibraUon ie. the person is killing
themselves because they are rejecUng sustenance.
This line can become truncated if we are greedy, a taker or
aRempUng to receiving too much.

Hara Line 5

Hara Line ve is our Life Purpose line. Shades of

blue to turquoise. Its all about our life force. This
lines theme is owning ones progress, spiritual
growth, aligning with All That Is. Overly
idenUfying with our job or posiUon rather than
with our authenUcity of being is reected here.

If you are born to achieve a certain purpose and you do so, then Hara Line three Green (NavigaUon and Tribe)
shows that. If you become your intent then line ve (Life Purpose) shows that. Criminals may become that
way (ie. Line ve will reect their criminal acUviUes) rather than be born to that way of life which would reect
in hara line three.

Hara Line 6 and 7

Hara Lines six and seven are the sexuality lines. They are two halves
of one line and are shaded pink to red. Pink is Yin feminine gender
and red is Yang masculine gender. Hara Line six is related to our
resilience. We can build resilience by ensuring line six is funcUoning
opUmally. Line seven contributes our physical strength and energy.
These lines are open to alteraUon by the free will of the individual in
terms of sexuality. Also by insults in this life or past lives.

Working with energy

In the healing scenario, pumng intenUon on the change of frequency and therefore colour we require for our
health and well being, will bring about a shi` which honours our highest good. This is an example of working
with energy to bring about mental, emoUonal and physical change rather than using psychotherapy or


The hara lines accurately reect what our intenUon is at a core level in the
moment the hara line is assessed. This intenUon cannot be faked. Its just like
when we turn our head and look where we want to go, the angle of our body is
naturally adjusted to the same direcUon in order to successfully get there. Just
turning the head and having the torso face another way will mean we move in
the direcUon the torso is facing regardless of whether we are looking in that
direcUon. IntenUon means we move in the direcUon our core is facing.

Live the Hearts promp0ngs

We must live our hearts prompUngs if we wish to be on purpose, not our

minds. The heart and the solar plexus provide reliable guidance.

Success Story

Problem: Tanya experienced painful sinus infec@ons every 6 months which also caused pain in the boCom jaw
and she came to me because her strong painkillers had induced vomi@ng for a whole day. Her body was
rejec@ng food and medica@on.

I found Hara line 4 was truncated and there was fear of receiving -
ie. Reluctantly receives with the expecta@on that the giver will
expect something in return that she cannot provide or give. So there
was fear of being unable to full the expecta@ons of others who
have given to her (par@cularly her mother) and her conclusion was
its beCer to not receive. I unblocked 3 points, two in the solar
plexus area and one in the sacral area and repaired hara line 4.

Hara Line 5 was also truncated due to insults received age 5 and 10

so we assisted her inner child to heal its wounds and repaired Hara Line 5.

Result: Tanya works with colour and energy on a daily basis as an intui@ve healer who easily sees colour
psychically. In her own words The rst immediate and obvious change aUer therapy sessions with Rita is the
vibrancy in colour and the way in which it aects my subtle bodies for the beCer. The shiU when I experienced
relief from pain held within my sinuses was almost immediate. My physical body responded with such relief
that the pain and swelling dissipated over a maCer of hours.
Two weeks later Tanya reported that she can now receive with gracefulness and has realised it is safe to express
her own feelings when hur@ng.
She reported The peace I have in my en@re body is one I have never felt before. I am beginning to realise how
the old pain and hurt that I was holding onto made it dicult to move forward.
Big hugs and thanks to your soul what wonderful work you do and I appreciate the love you have for
humanity. You are certainly an inspira@on. I am in awe of my body.

If you are aware of any of the following issues you will nd a

haric alignment to be especially benecial.
The Council of Truth say over 45% of the popula8on are in need of hara line repair.

Loss of grounding
Loss of Inner strength
Loss of Inner sense of security
IdenUty Crisis, or inner conict around idenUty
Feeling abandoned, alone, vulnerable
Feeling you are under psychic aRack
Survival issues
Anxiety or panic aRacks
Loss of IdenUty with self and life on earth
Diculty in receiving or accepUng good things
Using the mind and Heart funcUons separately rather than together
Feeling Lost and Alone

Unable to move forward
Lack of direcUon in life
Feel you have lost connecUon with your purpose
Lack inspiraUon or drive
FrustraUon at lack of achievement/success
Inability to cope with life in general
Living in chaos

Rita Marr

Now please watch The Four Part Presenta0on Videos 7 Keys where you will learn more
about the func0on and nature of the Hara Lines. You will understand Why we need the
hara lines, what they do for us, how they work, how they aect us when they are
dysfunc0onal and how our evolu0on is supported by being in Hara. My informa0on is
channelled from the highest source and has only just become known. This is brand new
knowledge that The Council of Truth Spirit Guides are giving to me.

Follow up the videos with the three Haric Alignment medita0ons so that you may
experience haric alignment for yourself.

For a personal Haric Healing & Alignment
please email me
please tell me your country,
time zone and your availability.
I will get back to you with appointment options.
Consultations by skype, facetime, zoom or phone
cost $150 per hour. Payment method Paypal.
South African residents please ask about local Rand rates
and EFT payments. Cape Town residents may arrange
in person consultations.

Grateful thanks to all those who shared images I have used as illustra0ons. Blessings be to you.

Crea0ve Commons License

This work is licensed under a Crea0ve Commons A[ribu0on-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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