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UK Round One

The time allowed is 2 hours.
Attempt all 5 questions.
Write your answers in the special answer booklet.
In your calculations, please write only the essential steps in the answer booklet.
Always give the appropriate units and number of significant figures.
You are provided with a copy of the Periodic Table.
Do NOT write anything in the right hand margin of the answer booklet.
The marks available for each question are shown below; this may be helpful when
dividing your time between questions.

Question 1 2 3 4 5 Total
12 23 31 21 13 100

Some of the questions will contain material you will not be familiar with. However, by logically
applying the skills you have learnt as a chemist, you should be able to work through the
problems. There are different ways to approach the tasks even if you cannot complete certain
parts of a question, you may still find subsequent parts straightforward.

1 18
H He
1 2
1.008 2 13 14 15 16 17 4.003

Li Be symbol B C N O F Ne
3 4 atomic number 5 6 7 8 9 10
6.94 9.01 mean atomic mass 10.81 12.01 14.01 16.00 19.00 20.18

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
22.99 24.31 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.06 35.45 39.95

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
39.102 40.08 44.96 47.90 50.94 52.00 54.94 55.85 58.93 58.71 63.55 65.37 69.72 72.59 74.92 78.96 79.904 83.80

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
85.47 87.62 88.91 91.22 92.91 95.94 101.07 102.91 106.4 107.87 112.40 114.82 118.69 121.75 127.60 126.90 131.30

Cs Ba La* Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
132.91 137.34 138.91 178.49 180.95 183.85 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.09 196.97 200.59 204.37 207.2 208.98

Fr Ra Ac+
87 88 89

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
*Lanthanides 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
140.12 140.91 144.24 150.4 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.04 174.97

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
232.01 238.03

NA = 6.02 1023 mol1 R = 8.314 J K1 mol1 standard pressure = 105 N m2 0 C = 273 K

1. This question is about energy storage using a chemical cycle

Daily fluctuations in energy usage and in

energy generation from renewables lead to a
need for energy storage methods. Energy
may be stored chemically using the sulfur-
iodine cycle. The cycle has also been
proposed as a means of producing hydrogen
fuel more efficiently than by electrolysis.

At high temperature the sulfur-iodine cycle involves the three gas-phase equilibria:

(1) I2(g) + SO2(g) + 2H2O(g) H2SO4(g) + 2HI(g)

(2) 2H2SO4(g) 2SO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + O2(g)

(3) 2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)

(a) Use the data and the equations at the end of the question to answer the following
questions for reaction (3).
(i) Calculate the standard enthalpy change at 298 K, rH (298 K).
(ii) Calculate the standard entropy change at 298 K, rS (298 K).
(iii) Calculate the standard Gibbs energy change at 298 K, rG (298 K).
(iv) Calculate the equilibrium constant, K298, at 298 K.
(v) Calculate the equilibrium constant, K723, at 723 K. Assume rH and rS are
independent of temperature.
(b) Conditions are chosen so that the three equilibrium reactions above all proceed from left
to right. Assuming that the products of reaction (1) are all consumed in reactions (2)
and (3), write an overall equation for the sulfur-iodine cycle.
(c) The standard enthalpy change of reaction at 298 K for reaction (2) is +439 kJ mol1. Use
the value of fH (298 K) for H2O(g) in the table below to calculate the standard enthalpy
change of reaction at 298 K for reaction (1).
(d) How much energy, per mol of sulfur atoms at 298 K, is stored with one revolution around
the sulfur-iodine cycle?

HI(g) H2(g) I2(g) H2O(g)

fH (298 K) / kJ mol1 26.5 62.4 242

S (298 K) / J K1 mol1 207 131 261 189

Useful equations: So = So(products) So(reactants)

G = H TS
Go = RT ln K

Useful constant: R = 8.314 J K1 mol1

2. This question is about the chemistry of tungsten
The chemistry of the transition metal tungsten has
certain similarities to that of the main-group element
sulfur since both atoms have a total of six valence
electrons. Both elements reach their maximum +6
oxidation states when combined with electronegative
elements fluorine and oxygen.

Whilst tungsten(VI) fluoride is used in the

semiconductor industry, the oxide is used in
electrochromic windows. These change colour
when an electrical voltage is applied, as shown in
the aircraft windows on the right.
Most tungsten occurs naturally in the tungstate anion, WO42, analogous to the sulfate, SO42.
A common tungsten mineral is Scheelite, calcium tungstate, CaWO4.
(a) Draw a structure showing the bonding in the WO42 ion and give the O-W-O bond angle.
Treatment of scheelite with aqueous sodium carbonate gives a solution of sodium tungstate
and a white insoluble salt. Addition of hydrochloric acid to aqueous sodium tungstate produces
tungstic acid, which on heating gives tungsten(VI) oxide. This may be reduced with hydrogen
to give pure tungsten metal.
(b) (i) Give the equation for the reaction between scheelite and aqueous sodium
(ii) Give the equation for the reaction of aqueous sodium tungstate with hydrochloric
acid and suggest a structure for tungstic acid.
(iii) Give the equation for the formation of tungsten(VI) oxide from tungstic acid.
(iv) Give the equation for the formation tungsten metal.
In electrochromic windows, a voltage is applied between a transparent layer of tungsten(VI)
oxide and a source of ions such as a lithium salt, and the following reaction takes place during
which some of the lithium ions are incorporated into the structure of the oxide:
WO3 + xLi+ + xe LixWO3
The product, LixWO3, is known as a tungsten bronze, and its colour depends on the value of x.
The value of x can vary from 0 to 1; a typical value giving a blue-black colour is when x = 0.3.
(c) (i) Calculate the oxidation state of the tungsten when x = 1.
(ii) Calculate the average oxidation state of the tungsten when x = 0.3.

Both elemental sulfur and tungsten react with fluorine gas to form the hexafluorides. SF6 and
WF6 are both gases at room temperature and pressure, with WF6 being the most dense gas
known under these conditions. WF6 is extremely toxic due to its rapid reaction with water to
form two substances. In contrast, SF6 is inert in water and non-toxic.

(d) By assuming air to be made up of nitrogen gas only, calculate the densities of SF6 and
WF6 relative to air.
(e) Calculate the actual density of WF6(g) in g cm3 at 298 K and standard pressure.
(f) Suggest an equation for the reaction of WF6 with water.

Consider the following gas-phase reaction:
SF6(g) + 4H2O(g) H2SO4(g) + 6HF(g)
(g) (i) Would you expect the standard entropy change for this reaction to be positive or
(ii) Use the data below to calculate the standard enthalpy change for this reaction.
SF6(g) H2O(g) H2SO4(g) HF(g)
fH / kJ mol1 1210 242 735 273
(iii) Which of the following is correct regarding the reaction between SF6 and water?
Circle one answer in your answer booklet.
A SF6 is kinetically stable and thermodynamically stable
B SF6 is kinetically stable but thermodynamically unstable
C SF6 is kinetically unstable but thermodynamically stable
D SF6 is kinetically unstable and thermodynamically unstable.

Two views of the unit cell of scheelite, CaWO4.

The cell dimensions are: 0.524 0.524 1.137 nm.
The view on the right is obtained by rotating the one on the left by 90.

The word tungsten itself is actually an older Swedish name for the mineral Scheelite. It
literally means heavy (tung) stone (sten) since Scheelite is considerably more dense than the
rocks commonly found with it.
The unit cell for Scheelite is shown above. A unit cell is determined by X-ray crystallography
and shows the arrangement of atoms which generates the bulk structure when the cells are
stacked together. Some of the atoms are contained completely within the boundaries of the
unit cell, whilst for those atoms centred on the corners, edges, or faces, only fractions are
contained within one unit cell.

(h) By considering the number of fractions of atoms within one unit cell, count the net
numbers of tungsten atoms, calcium atoms, and oxygen atoms within one unit cell.
(i) Use your answer in (h) and the dimensions of the cell to calculate the density of the
heavy stone scheelite in g cm3.

3. This question is about Double Bond Equivalents, DBE

The idea of Double Bond Equivalents, DBE,

the number of double bonds and / or rings that
a compound contains, can be extremely
useful when working out possible structures
from formulae.

Mr Bond, shown on the right, has 007 DBE.

(a) The general formula for a non-cyclic alkane is CnH2n+2. Give the general formulae for the
(i) an alkene or cycloalkane (ii) an alkyne (a hydrocarbon containing a CC triple bond)
(iii) a cycloalkene (iv) a di-alkyne.
For each extra ring or -bond that a hydrocarbon has, an extra two hydrogens are lost
compared with the alkane. The total number of rings and/or -bonds that a structure has is
known as the number of Double Bond Equivalents, DBE. For structures with multiple rings, the
number of rings may be determined by counting the minimum number of cuts through bonds
needed to be made in order to leave the structure ring-free.
(b) The table below shows the possible combinations of rings, double bonds and triple bonds
for DBE = 1 and DBE = 2. In your answer booklet, extend the table to show the possible
combinations for DBE = 3 and DBE = 4.

DBE Ring Double bond Triple bond

1 1 0 0
0 1 0
2 2 0 0
0 2 0
1 1 0
0 0 1

The number of DBE in a hydrocarbon may be calculated by comparing the actual number of
hydrogens (X) in a given hydrocarbon of formula CnHX with the number of hydrogens (A) in the
non-cyclic alkane with the same number of carbon atoms (CnHA):
DBE = (A X)
As an example, to work out the DBE for cyclohexene, C6H10, since the number of hydrogens in
hexane (the alkane with 6 carbons) is 14, DBE(cyclohexene) = (14 10) = 2.
(c) Determine the number of double bond equivalents in:
(i) C5H4 (ii) C18H20 (iii) C60
(iv) (v) (vi)

The types of DBE may be revealed using spectroscopic techniques, such as NMR.
In 13C NMR, the number of signals in the spectrum depends on the number of different carbon
environments in a structure. For example, in benzene, each carbon atom is equivalent and so
the spectrum shows only one peak, whereas in 1,3-dimethylbenzene there are 5 different
environments as shown below:

Carbon atoms in the following environments typically give peaks in the regions indicated:
Triple-bonded alkyne carbons: 70-100 ppm
Double-bonded alkene carbons: 100-160 ppm
Carbons with four single bonds to carbons or hydrogens: 0-50 ppm
In the rather unusual allene group, R2C=C=CR2, the central carbon gives a peak over 200
ppm, and the carbons attached directly to the central allene carbon, flanking it either side, now
fall in the same region as the triple-bonded carbons, i.e.
Allene central carbon: >200 ppm
Allene flanking carbons: 70-100 ppm

Using advanced NMR techniques, in addition to telling how many carbon atoms are in a
particular environment, it is also possible to tell how many hydrogen atoms are attached to a
particular carbon. We may denote this as (CH3), (CH2), (CH), or (C) for carbons with 3, 2, 1, or
0 hydrogens attached. The spectrum for 1,3-dimethylbenzene may be summarised as:
2 138 (C), 130 (CH), 128 (CH), 2 126 (CH), 2 21 (CH3).

(d) The following data are taken from the 13C NMR spectra of isomers with the formula C8H8
which has five DBE. For each spectrum, first complete the table in your answer booklet
and hence suggest how many triple bonds, double bonds, and rings each compound
contains. Then suggest a skeletal structure consistent with the data. [You do not need to
assign values to particular carbons.]

Spectrum Signals / ppm

A 8 132 (CH)
B 8 47 (CH)
C 4 96 (C), 4 20 (CH2)
D 2 210 (C), 134 (C), 113 (CH2), 2 93 (CH), 2 79 (CH2)
E 147 (C), 2 138 (CH), 2 131 (CH), 2 127 (CH), 112 (CH2)
F 142 (CH), 136 (CH), 127 (CH2), 120 (CH2), 117 (CH), 112 (CH), 91 (C), 89 (C)
G 2 146 (C), 2 127 (CH), 2 122 (CH), 2 30 (CH2)
H 154 (C), 151 (C), 2 136 (CH), 2 128 (CH), 2 37 (CH2)
I 157 (C), 101 (CH2), 2 26 (CH), 4 19 (CH)
4. This question is about the synthesis of Addyi

In 2015, the drug Addyi (chemical name Flibanserin)

made the news by becoming the first drug to be
approved for the treatment of female hypoactive
sexual desire disorder. The structure of Addyi is
shown below.

In making this molecule, two precursor molecules A and C are first synthesised as shown in
the scheme below.

(a) Calculate the empirical formula of A.

(b) Draw the structures of Compounds A, B and C.

The remainder of the synthesis starts with Compound Z and is shown below. In this scheme all
reactions are balanced.

(c) Draw the structures of Compounds D, E, F and G and the By-Product H.

(d) Flibanserin is formed initially as its monoprotonated salt. On the structure of Flibanserin
in your answer booklet, circle the atom that is protonated.

Compound Z itself is synthesised from 1,2-diaminobenzene and ethyl acetoacetate. The

synthesis is shown in the scheme below, where all reactions are balanced.

(e) Draw the structures of Intermediate X and Compound Y.

5. This question is about dating King Richard III.

King Richard of York gave battle in vain and

was killed in 1485. In 2015, his remains
were buried in Leicester Cathedral, after
having been found underneath the nearby
Greyfriars car park in 2012. The bones
were dated from their radiocarbon content.

Bone found in skeletal remains may be considered to be 60% hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH))

by weight, and the rest mostly collagen, a protein, whose major amino acid constituent is
glycine (H2NCH2COOH).
In the radiocarbon dating of this skeleton, a 1.0 g sample was taken from a rib bone. It was
first processed to remove the inorganic content.

(a) Which of the following will be most effective at removing the unwanted inorganic content
and leave behind the organic component? Circle one option in the answer booklet.

A Wash repeatedly with water and then propanone

B Heat to 400C
C Wash repeatedly with dilute HCl then dilute NaOH

The remaining organic component, the protein collagen, may be assumed to be polyglycine
(a polymer made only from glycine). This is burnt in excess oxygen and the carbon-
containing product is reduced back to graphite with hydrogen.

(b) (i) Draw the simplest repeat unit of the polymer polyglycine.
(ii) Write a balanced equation for the combustion of polyglycine consisting of n repeat
(iii) Write a balanced equation for the formation of the graphite from the carbon-
containing product.
(iv) What mass of graphite was produced from processing the 1.0 g sample of bone?

Radiocarbon dating relies on the existence of three isotopes of carbon, 12C, 13C and 14C. The
two lighter isotopes are stable, but 14C is radioactive with a half-life of 5568 years. The
standard abundances of these isotopes in a sample at the time of death may be taken to be:

98.93 % : 1.07 % : 1.21510-10 %.

(c) In a 2.0 mg sample analysed at the time of death, how many 14C atoms on average
would be expected to decay in one day?

Rather than counting the actual decay rate, a more sensitive technique is to determine the ratio
of 12C, 13C and 14C by counting the atoms of particular masses using mass spectrometry.

The ratio of 12C : 14C in the bone sample was found to be 1 : 1.15410-12.

(d) Using these data, determine how old the bones are and hence the date of death of the
man whose bones were being analysed.
Acknowledgements & References
The image is from iStock.

Nouvelle synthese de l' (-methyl vinyl)-9 methyl-3s-triazolo[4,3-a]benzimidazole a
partir de la methyl-4benzodiazepine-1,5 one-2.
R. Achour et al. Tetrahedron Letters, 1988, 29, 195-198.

The image is used with permission, University of Leicester.

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