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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Clearly defined in the popular tango — "Buenos Aires, la reina de la Plata" — Buenos Aires is
the Silver Queen. Along the banks of the Río de la Plata, the city spreads out its eclectic culture
of art, music and incomparable nightlife. Buenos Aires was born with its eyes looking toward
Europe, and as a result, it displays a touch of Madrid and a touch of Paris. Some assert this mix
of styles surpasses the originals. However, the city does reveal its own stamp as well: the tango
districts, the ubiquitous colectivo buses, the magic of the coffeehouses, and above all, the
dynamism of the proud inhabitants, the Porteños. In this city, there are the poor areas, the
large accordians, the spirit of the tango and deeply-entrenched folklore throughout the place.
The passage of time has brought urbanism, the avant-garde and tourism which has been
caught up by the enchantment of a country that is capable of creating new scenes.
La Boca

In La Boca , you can eat lunch in a picturesque cantina while enjoying a fine tango show. Other
attractions of the district include the exhibitions organized by the Proa Foundation , and the
Museo de Cera or wax museum. Up the street in the so-called Vuelta de Rocha area, one will
encounter Caminito, the famous street that inspired the popular tango song of the same
Puerto Madero

Continuing down the riverbank, we find the recently transformed district of Puerto Madero . In
this renewed space and social scene, Porteños have found yet another excuse to celebrate life
and dine with friends in the innumerable restaurants, cafes and discos that populate this
fantastic sector by the river.
San Telmo

This district preserves colonial-style houses along narrow cobblestone lanes, illuminated with
pretty wrought iron lanterns. In San Telmo , one breathes the history of Buenos Aires. Visit the
church of Santo Domingo or investigate the city's cultural heritage in the City Museum .

This is another historic district, where evidence of Buenos Aires' past surprises visitors at every
turn. In colonial times, Monserrat was the political, economic, social and cultural center of the
city. Here, the Porteños defended themselves against English invasions. One can still
experience history in Monserrat today just by visiting a few of the buildings, streets and
underground tunnels that traverse the district. Take a stroll through Manzana de las Luces ,
contemplate the architecture of the Iglesia de San Ignacio and pass by the Cabildo de Luján.
Then take a rest in the historic Plaza de Mayo . Another option is to sit down for coffee in one
of the many cafes. The more restless can learn the two-four rhythm in a tanguería.

In Palermo, there is something for everyone. Here some of Buenos Aires' most expensive
restaurants intermix with the bars of the Feria Plaza Serrano . On weekends, the Palermo
Woods and Rose Garden are ideal spots for walking, playing soccer, and for boat rides. Other
nearby attractions include the Jardín Zoológico , the Galileo Galilei Planetarium and the tea
offered in the impeccable Japanese gardens

Belgrano is one of the busiest, most dynamic areas of the city, with people coming and going
by train, bus and subway, and with bars, cafes and kiosks everywhere. If you want to shop,
Belgrano is a paradise for the modern consumer. Cabildo gives the impression of an authentic
open-air market street. Chinatown is one of the area's newest attractions. In addition to the
typical Chinese restaurants, there is a Buddhist monastery, and every February there's a
celebration of the Chinese New Year.

Without a doubt, this is the city's most elegant district. The opulence of the houses and
manors symbolizes the splendor of the Argentine aristocracy. The area is a meeting point for
tourists and locals with an interest in international design and aesthetics.

During the day, take a stroll through the gardens of Plaza Francia , which fills each weekend
with dancers, living statues, street artists and astrologers with the future in their hands. A
world of possibilities can be found at the adjacent Buenos Aires Design , the traveler can find
souvenirs and a plethora of fine restaurants. Other areas of interest located around Plaza
Francia include the Centro Cultural Recoleta , the Palais de Glace , and the famous "City of the

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