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Research Article

Epoxy Based Ink as Versatile Material for Inkjet-Printed Devices

Malo Robin,#,, Wenlin Kuai,#, Maria Amela-Cortes, Stephane Cordier, Yann Molard,
Tayeb Mohammed-Brahim, Emmanuel Jacques, and Maxime Harnois*,

Universite Rennes 1, Institut dElectronique et des Telecommunications de Rennes, UMR CNRS 6164, Departement
Microelectronique & Microcapteurs, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Universite Rennes 1, UMR Institut des Science Chimiques de Rennes, UR1-CNRS 6226, Campus de Beaulieu, CS 74205, 35042
Rennes Cedex, France
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Drop on Demand inkjet printing is an attractive method for device

fabrication. However, the reliability of the key printing steps is still challenging. This
explains why versatile functional inks are needed. Epoxy based ink described in this
study could solve this critical issue because it can be printed with low drawbacks
(satellites droplets, long-lived laments, etc.). Moreover, a wide concentration range of
solute allows the fabrication of lms from thin to high aspect ratio. Optimizing
experimental parameters (temperature, overlap) and ink composition (single or
cosolvent) is useful to tune the lm prole. As a result, many shapes can be obtained
such as donuts or hemispherical caps for a droplet and smooth or wavy shape for a thin
lm. This study demonstrates that epoxy based versatile ink can be used in numerous
elds of applications (organic electronics, optics, sensors, MEMS, etc.). To prove this
assertion, organic eld eect transistors and light emitting lms have been fabricated.
KEYWORDS: epoxy based inks, jettability, thin lms drying, organic eld eect transistors, phosphorescent thin lms

1. INTRODUCTION droplet deposited on the surface is submitted to a drying

Drop on Demand (DoD) inkjet printing technology has gained mechanism leading to nonuniform lm formation, caused, for
interest in new application elds such as ceramics,1,2 instance, by the so-called coee stain eect.11
biotechnology,2,3 organic light emitting devices,2,4 eld eect Considering all the reports of drawbacks in the literature, ink
transistors,2,5 or solar cells.2,6 This technique allows the engineering that ts the printing process requirements remains
deposition of a very small amount of functional material (1 a challenge to overcome. The inkjet printing process is
100 pL) at high throughput and high accuracy on various kinds composed of two main steps as described above: jettability
of substrates.7 These advantages oer new perspectives and and lm formation, which must be carefully understood to
promote the development of printable functional materials such evaluate if an ink is appropriate.
as nanoparticles, conducting polymers, and insulators. The aim of this study is to show that epoxy based ink (Su-8),
The rheological properties of inks have a strong impact on presented in the rst section, is an appropriate functional ink
the jetting behavior. Inappropriate ink leads to unstable droplet for DoD technology. The second section will focus on the
formation essentially due to nozzle clogging, long-lived viscosity range of printable ink and experimental conditions to
lament, and satellite droplets. As a consequence, device optimize the jettability. The third section will describe drying
reliability suers from these drawbacks. The partial drying of mechanism of a droplet and thin lm formation obtained by
the rst jetted drop also called rst drop problem at the droplets coalescence. The fourth section reports unprecedented
orice occurs at nozzle clogging especially when low boiling applications with Su-8 based ink: printed organic eld eect
point solvent ink is used.8 When printing a highly viscous or transistor (OFET) and photoluminescent hybrid thin lms.
high-molecular-weight ink (>500 kDa for a polymer ink), the
created droplet is followed by a long lament which can stay 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
attached to the nozzle.9 Firing voltage is a way to adjust the
waveform and may help to solve the liquid lament problem. a. Epoxy Based Ink. i. Promising Processing Properties.
However, it may cause another problem: undesirable satellite Over these past 5 years, very few studies report on the use of
droplets. It has been shown that unstable satellite droplets Su-8 (epoxy based ink) inkjet printing process.2022 We wish
dramatically do not fall down through the same axis as the main here to give an overall understanding of epoxy based ink (Su-8)
droplet and play a crucial role on the pattern denition.10
Patterns formation on the substrate is another key step to Received: July 23, 2015
evaluate the printing process and consequently the ink quality. Accepted: September 15, 2015
Ink is often formed by solid material dispersed in liquid. A Published: September 15, 2015

2015 American Chemical Society 21975 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

printing parameters to dene various kinds of geometric constitute a reliable reference to qualify epoxy based ink
patterns useful for device applications. jettability. However, previous study dealt with only pure solvent
Un-cross-linked Su-8 2000 series photoresist (Bisphenol A based ink or nanoparticule based ink. This work goes further
Novolak epoxy) is an oligomer formed of eight benzene rings than previous work and will demonstrate that low-molecular-
and eight epoxy groups with low molecular weight (around 7 weight ink can also match the previously dened printable
kDa) diluted in cyclopentanone.12 Concerning the printing windows.28 More precisely, experiments performed in this
requirement, Su-8 based ink can take benets from its low study will show that low-molecular-weight ink jettability can be
molecular weight to improve its jettability behavior. One could described following the same ink design strategy than
notice that Su-8 polymerization is performed under UV light nanoparticle or pure solvent based ink. In this study, the
and after the jetting that enables easy drop ejection (small used methodology can be summed up as follows: optimizing
molecule) and good chemical resistance. the waveform and then dening the jettability windows using
ii. Promising Physical Properties. Over the last 20 years, the Ca-We representation. This set of experiments will lead to a
numerous studies have been realized on Su-8 photoresist complete description of each considered ink.
leading to a complete state of art paving the way for extending Depending on application requirements, for instance, a lm
its use as a functional ink. Focusing on optical application, Su-8 thickness adjustment, a wide concentration range of epoxy
is transparent above 365 nm exhibiting low propagation losses based inks must be characterized from a jettability point of
and is used in waveguides.13,14 Su-8 also has an interesting view. In this work, we will study inks with three epoxy based ink
Young modulus for MEMS achievement.15 Moreover, its dilutions whose physical properties are listed in Table 1 and
insulating properties in microuidic chips have been also
reported,16 as well as its interesting high-breakdown electric Table 1. Physical Parameters of Three Kinds of Epoxy Based
eld allowing the fabrication of OFET.17 Wetting properties Ink and Pure Cyclopentanone Ink Used in This Studya
combined to microfabrication technology allow the fabrication
ink (cp) (mN m1) (g mL1)
of superhydrophobic surfaces.18 Other publications deal with
the possibility to blend Su-8 with other materials such as Epoxy ink 3 15.50 33.20 1.15
solids.19 Those attractive physical properties already extensively Epoxy ink 2 7.50 34.00 1.12
reported in the literature combined to printing technology will Epoxy ink 1 2.49 35.00 1.07
permit an extensive use of epoxy based ink. Cyclopentanone 1.00 33.40 1.00
b. Jettability. Understanding the droplet generation a
Nozzle diameter, equal to 21 m, is extracted from the Dimatix
mechanism (Jettability) is an essential step to demonstrate Cartridge datasheet. , , and have been monitored as explained in
ink versatility. The idea developed in this section consists of the Experimental Section.
dening jettable bounds (printable windows) of epoxy based
ink system. Indeed, inside the printable window, optimized also presented in the Experimental Section. One could notice
jetting conditions will lead to easily tune the droplet velocity that the epoxy oligomer amount mainly tunes viscosity.
and volume leading to an accurate printing. Moreover, pure cyclopentanone based ink will also be tested
Jettability is complex and governed by inertial, viscous, and as it is the major component of Su-8 2000 series based ink with
surface tension forces. Dimensionless numbers including the lowest ink viscosity used in this study.
Reynolds (Re), Weber (We), Capillary (Ca), and Z number i. Waveform Optimization. Figure 1a shows the typical
characterize the droplet formation process.23 bipolar waveform used in this study. Droplets are formed on
inertial force vd positive ring voltage time (tdwell). Negative ring voltage time
Re = = (techo) has been xed at twice of tdwell to avoid residual
viscous force (1) deformation waves after ejection of each drop. trise and tfall have
been kept as short as possible to not perturb droplet formation
inertial force v 2d and to avoid a large volume of liquid jetting. Jetting is
We = =
surface tension (2) considered stable when the criteria described in the
Experimental Section and illustrated in Figure S1 (Supporting
viscous force v Information) are satised.
Ca = =
surface tension (3) Printable windows in a Ca-We coordinated system can be
dened by varying droplet velocity. This can be done by tuning
d voltage applied on piezoelectric actuators (Figure 1a).28
Z= However, a prerequisite step is needed and consists of dening
optimum jetting conditions for each positive ring voltage time
where , , and are the viscosity, the surface tension, and the value (tdwell). Thus, this step is performed by varying nozzle
density of the ink, respectively. is the velocity of the expelled pressure (for each tdwell) and allows covering all the printable
droplet from a nozzle (diameter equal to d). windows.28 Moreover, local optimized tdwell values are deduced
The Z number eq 4 has been identied as the key parameter from momentum versus tdwell plot (Figure 1b) and correspond
linking all the physical criterion to obtain stable droplets to the local maximum of momentum values. Momentum (i.e.,
jetting.23 However, a wide range of Z number values have been velocity mass product) results from droplet volume and mass
observed proving that Z number could not be the only measurements performed by using stroboscopic vision equip-
parameter to predict ink jettability.2426 More recently, studies ment during jetting.
have led to dene printable windows that could be plotted in a Results reported in Figure 1 b show that momentum is
coordinate system using the We-Re or Ca-We space.27,28 In this strongly impacted by tdwell. We found a wide range of printable
latter case, systematical experiments following a well-dened conditions (until tdwell equal 150 s) for the three tested inks in
methodology have validated the printable windows and could this study. Indeed, such results have been successfully obtained
21976 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 1. (a) Typical bipolar waveform. (b) Momentum evolution versus dwell time for each ink. Data related to mass and velocity are reported in
Figure S2.

by dening optimum jetting conditions. These results go The printable window experimentally dened using solvent
further than the results of Fakhouri et al.29 based on only one based ink and nanoparticule based ink is also added to the
ink without using optimum jetting conditions. graphics. Low Z values (below the low limit of printable
As expected, all the ink systems show the same behavior windows) and high Z values correspond to epoxy based ink
when keeping the amplitude waveform constant and varying with high and low viscosity, respectively. Outside the printable
tdwell. Local maximum momentum values are observed at tdwell window, the considered ink does not satisfy the jettable
18 s, 50 s, and 145 s. Moreover, optimized tdwell can be criterion described in the Experimental Section. For instance, at
determined and Ca-We values can be explored for all the low Ca and We no droplet can be jetted, and at high Ca and
considered ink. We, jetting leads to undesirable satellite droplets (Figure S1
ii. Jettability Windows Exploration. As shown in Table 1, and Movie S1).
Results reported on Figure 2 show that cyclopentanone and
viscosity is the relevant parameter of this study ( and did not
epoxy ink 3, which are the lowest and the highest tested
vary signicantly and d has been kept constant). Ca-We viscosities, respectively, are the printability bounds. This
parameter space is used to highlight the impact of viscous and interesting set of experiments demonstrates that epoxy based
inertial forces on jettability (eqs 2 and 3). This representation inks match the same printable windows than the one dened
allows minimizing the surface tension eect. Inertial forces are using nanoparticule based ink or pure solvent based ink. It
mainly governed by velocity that can be explored by tuning the means that ink based on low-molecular-weight components
amplitude of pulse waveform at optimized tdwell. (e.g., epoxy base ink) shows stable printing behavior over a
Using experimental data on obtained velocity, rheological large range of printing conditions.
parameters (Table 1) and eqs 2, 3, and 4, Weber as a function Data related to cyclopentanone reported in Figure 2
of Capillary (We versus Ca) is plotted for all the tested correspond to high Z values that are far away from the lower
functional inks (Figure 2). printability limits dened by the printable window (Z = 60).
This result shows that cyclopentanone is a convenient solvent
for inkjet printing technology. As a consequence, very high
epoxy dilution in such solvent could be performed to obtain
very low lm thickness. One could notice that another
interesting asset of cyclopentanone printability relies on its
use as ink to locally etch Su-8 in order to achieve via for
electrical interlayer connections. This concept has already been
published using ethanol ink to etch poly(4-vinylphenol) lms.30
In summary, following an ink design strategy is suitable for
understanding the jetting behavior of an ink. Indeed, each ink
has specic properties (e.g., for nanoparticle based ink:
nanoparticle size, concentration, solvent used, etc.) that must
be tuned to be printable. This work demonstrates that low-
molecular-weight ink can also fulll the printing requirements
using a rheological properties adjustment. Moreover, for the
rst time, epoxy based ink has been carefully studied proving its
Figure 2. Inkjet qualication strategy represented in a Capillary versatility from the jetting point of view. The next section will
number (Ca) -Weber number (We) coordinated system of the focus on thin lm formation, using one jetting condition for
printable inks tested. For each ink, each data point reports a printable
condition corresponding to a dierent velocity (SI Movie 1). Hatched
each epoxy based ink.
area: The printable window dened by Subramanian.28 Scheme inside c. Thin Film Formation. When a mixture of liquid and
the hatched area illustrates well-dened drop jetted from a nozzle. solid is deposited on a surface, complex drying mechanisms
Scheme outside the hatched area illustrates inappropriate jetting compete and strongly aect the patterns denition; so, these
conditions (i.e., main drop plus additional satellites droplet). mechanisms need to be described for each considered ink.
21977 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 3. 3D pictures and proles extracted along diameters of a single droplet. Morphological behavior of dierent epoxy based inks: (a) Epoxy ink
1, (b) Epoxy ink 2, (c) Epoxy ink 3, and (d) corresponding two-dimensional proles. Substrate temperature for Epoxy based ink 1: (e) room
temperature, (f) 37 C, and (g) 50 C; (h) corresponding two-dimensional proles.

Figure 4. 3D pictures and proles extracted along diameters of single droplet. Morphological behavior of epoxy based ink using cosolvent based ink
(cyclopentanone/-butyrolactone; 80/20 wt %) deposited at three dierent temperatures: (a) room temperature, (b) 37 C, and (c) 50 C; d)
corresponding two-dimensional proles.

Numerous studies have reported adjusting overlap and after complete evaporation. Increasing the solute concentration
printing frequency parameters to avoid stack coins or bulges for at xed diameter leads to the increase in prole edge thickness
a line shape, but from our point of view, not enough studies because more material is deposited on the edge. Consequently,
deal with square-shaped lm formation.3133 Indeed, regarding above a limit value of epoxy dilution (high amount of solids), a
many applications, monitoring the surface morphology of hemispherical prole is obtained (Figure 3c and d) due to a
square-shaped lms is a critical issue. That is why we decided to combination of solids concentration and coee stain eect. In
deeply investigate the experimental parameters that strongly other words, increasing the amount of solids at pinned contact
impact the topology aspect (z dimension) of epoxy printed line leads to the thickness increase of the ring formed on the
lms. edge until the formation of a dome-shaped pattern as illustrated
DoD inkjet printing is based on the coalescence of isolated in Figure 3d.
droplets (pixels) to form complex patterns (e.g., square-shaped The ring shape obtained at high ink dilution, unsuitable for
lms). As a consequence, a deep understanding of a single many applications, must be avoided. One frequently used
droplet drying behavior is a prerequisite step to controlling solution consists of introducing inward ow inside the droplet,
square-shaped pattern morphology that is not suciently e.g., the Marangoni eect. This study reports the eect of two
described and consequently still challenging at the present time. parameters such as substrate temperature and the use of
As a result, this section is divided into two parts: the rst one cosolvent based ink to improve lm homogeneity. For highly
deals with isolated droplet drying behavior and the second one diluted epoxy-based ink and substrate kept at room temper-
deals with the thin lm formation. ature, the internal droplet ow is mainly guided from the center
i. Isolated Droplet Drying Behaviors. A constant droplet to the edge (outward ow). Evaporative cooling of a droplet
volume for dierent concentrations of epoxy based ink is jetted leads to a temperature gradient along the airliquid interface
on glass substrate heated at dierent temperatures. The droplet because the lengths of the thermal conduction path decrease
proles are extracted after droplet drying and are shown on from the apex to the edge of the droplet.37 As a consequence, a
Figure 3. surface tension gradient is generated and induces an inward
At high dilution (low amount of solids) a ring shape is ow commonly called the Marangoni ow. Increasing the
observed (Figure 3a and b). This phenomenon rst described substrate temperature leads to the surface tension gradient
by Deegan and known as coee stain is due to the solvent increase enhancing the Marangoni ow. This eect competes
evaporation rate which is greater at the surroundings of the so- with the drying mechanism described by Deegan. Conse-
called triple contact line (the edge of the droplet in contact quently, the solid epoxy ink components are moved mainly in
with air and substrate).11,3436 Consequently, when the contact the droplet center, and more homogeneous lms are obtained
line is pinned, solute transport from the center to the edge is as substrate temperature increases (Figure 3eh). Increasing
induced by replenish ow, leading to inhomogeneous lms temperature beyond 50 C could be an interesting way to
21978 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 5. (a) Coee ring factor (CRF) and wave period (p) versus substrate temperature at xed overlap; (b) coee ring factor (CRF) and wave
period (p) versus overlap between adjacent droplets at xed temperature. 3D pictures and corresponding proles extracted along the dashed lines of
500 500 m2 square-shaped thin lms. Morphological behavior of epoxy based ink in function of temperature: (c) Epoxy based ink 1 at room
temperature and (d) Epoxy ink 1 at 50 C; In function of overlap: (e) Epoxy ink 1, overlap = 20 m, and (f) Epoxy ink 1, overlap = 30 m; In
function of ink mixture: (g) Epoxy ink using cosolvent (cyclopentanone/-butyrolactone); Varying ink dilution: (h) Epoxy ink 3.

obtain more uniform lms but is technically impossible with the phenomenon: As cyclopentanone is more volatile than -
printer used in this study. However, a higher substrate butyrolactone, according to the vapor pressure law versus
temperature could also dramatically lead to nozzle clogging temperature, the dierence of evaporation rate between these
and constitutes an experimental limitation. two products drastically increases at 50 C. This phenomenon
To overcome this limitation impact, cosolvent based ink is leads to evaporation of cyclopentanone before complete
also studied and resulting proles are reported in Figure 4. droplet drying. As a consequence, the evaporation mechanism
Epoxy based ink is mixed with -butyrolactone (boiling could be described as follows: First, the two solvents are in the
temperature: Tb = 204 C and surface tension: = 40.4 mN droplet enhancing circulation motion, i.e., Marangoni ow.
m1) which is another solvent able to dissolve epoxy Then, only -butyrolactone remains in the droplet enhancing
molecules.38 As described above, cyclopentanone (Tb = 130 radial outward ow. This leads to the coee ring prole.
C and = 29.5 mNm1) is the main solvent of epoxy based This additional experiment clearly shows that drying
ink. As reported in Figure 4a and d, homogeneous lms are mechanisms are complex. One could notice that solvent ratio
obtained thanks to inward ow at room temperature. For this must be adjusted versus the drying temperature to obtain the
complex cosolvent based ink composed of a mixture of low and desired prole.
high boiling point, the drying mechanism could be explained as To conclude, on a single droplet drying (pixel) behavior,
follows: as the droplet evaporation rate is higher at the edge, results previously described constitute a solid data set allowing
the mixture composition is imbalanced along the droplet radius, the fabrication of multiple prole shapes such as thin or sharp
leading to a higher fraction of high boiling point solvent at the donuts, thin homogeneous lms, and high-aspect-ratio hemi-
edge. This phenomenon leads to a surface tension gradient and spherical caps. However, many applications require lm
consequently Marangoni ow inside the droplet. As a result, a formation instead of pixel. Unfortunately, drying lms are
more homogeneous lm is obtained thanks to circulatory less described in the literature. As a consequence, taking benet
motion. Additional experiments are carried out on the eect of from the deep understanding of single droplet drying behavior,
substrate temperature and reported in Figure 4. Surprisingly, the following section will report on the main experimental
heating the substrate promotes outward ows and the resulting parameters that control thin lm drying behavior.
proles are more convenient to Deegans theory, i.e., the coee ii. Thin Film Drying Behaviors. Drying mechanisms are
stain eect (Figure 4b,c,d). A hypothesis could explain this more complex for a lm than for an isolated droplet because of
21979 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 6. Fabrication and electrical characterization of OFET. (a) Printed drain and source fabricated on printed insulator (epoxy based ink 1):
Areas in black, red, and blue squares show M0, M1, and M2 location, respectively. 3D prole showing electrodes and dierent insulator morphology:
M0, M1, and M2 illustrated in (b), (c), and (d), respectively. (e) Bottom gate/bottom contact OFET fabricated by inkjet printing (details are
mentioned in experimental part). (f) Transfer characteristics for M1 and hysteresis shown in inset at VDS = 20 V. (g) Output characteristics for M1.

the printing sequence described as follows: droplet coalescence obtained as highlighted by high standard deviation of the CRF
along x axis forms one line and line coalescence along y axis (Figure 5a and c). Concretely, inhomogeneous and non-
forms the lm. Tekin et al.39 used high-molecular-weight based reproducible lm observed on Figure 5c is unsuitable for
ink (PMMA) to achieve smooth lms using multilevel printing applications. As previously described, the increase of substrate
layers at relatively low head velocity of about 6.25 mm.s1. Our temperature enhances inward ow, which seems crucial to
study deals with the eects of printing parameters on obtain well-ordered PWF (low p standard deviation) and
morphological lm behavior (e.g., from wavy to smooth-shaped reduces p as shown on Figure 5a. These interesting results show
proles) at higher head velocity using a monolevel printing that it could be possible to obtain PWF. In addition, the
technique which ts more with industrial criterions. possibility to adjust period and amplitude of lms could be
So, additional parameters must be taken into account in useful for optical applications, for instance.
order to describe the lm drying behavior such as printing As depicted in Figure 5b, keeping xed temperature (Tsubstrate
frequency and overlap between printed droplets. For this study, = 50 C) and increasing overlap drastically reduces the CRF
printing frequency is xed at 1 kHz corresponding to 35 m.s1 and the period until reaching a smooth lm (CRF = 1).
< vprint < 50 m.s1 depending on overlapping distance between For this experiment, drying is governed by outward ow and
droplets. For the set of experiments used in this study, two mechanisms must be taken into account in order to
overlapping range is chosen in order to obtain smooth line describe lm formation in the pattern center. At low overlap,
edges. Glass substrate temperature does not exceed 50 C, the lm formation must be considered at the microscopic scale
which guarantees no nozzle clogging. Dierent experimental (lines). Below an overlap limit, the lines are formed
parameters such as substrate temperature, overlap, use of independently of each other and the evolution of the wavy-
cosolvent based ink, and ink concentration are investigated. shaped prole is due to the local coee ring eect. When the
Figure 5 shows 3D views and their corresponding prole of 500 overlap threshold value is reached, there is enough solid on the
500 m2 square thin lms. Two parameters are used to same surface area (the contact line is pinned) to overcome the
qualify the smoothness of the lms. The rst one is the coee ring eect at the local scale. As reported in Figure 5e the
periodicity (p) of wavy shape and the other one is the coee lines began to merge.
ring factor (CRF) which is the ratio between the maximum and At high overlap, the lm formation must be considered at
the minimum height of the lm for one period. All the macroscopic scale (lms). Adding material at the pinned
measurements are performed on 500 500 m2 square-shaped contact line leads to the increase of the lm thickness bypassing
lms, and calculated values of p and CRF are an average of one the coee ring eect (Figure 5f). Note that such results could
prole of the lm (Figure 5d,e,f,g: area colored in red shows a be obtained with lm thickness of about 3 m, which is 7 times
higher z height). One could notice that ink excess is observed lower than the multilevel layer printing technique.39
essentially at the beginning of the patterned area. The Cosolvent epoxy based ink is also jetted to form thin lms
phenomenon has already been described in the literature and (Figure 5g). As expected, even if the temperature is decreased,
seems to be due to the pressure dierence in the lm along the more uniform lms are obtained than those formed thanks to
printing direction which is strong enough to pump the liquid at single solvent based ink with the same overlap between
the lm start.31,39,40 For practical applications, this ink excess droplets. The ink concentration eect is reported in Figure 5h
must be taken into account and must be out of the active area. and f. The increase of solute concentration leads to high aspect
Figure 5 shows that extremely dierent morphologies can be ratio hemispherical proles certainly for the same reasons as
obtained: from disorganized lms to thin periodically waved previously explained, i.e., increasing solute amount at pinned
lms (PWF) for highly diluted epoxy based ink. At xed contact line.
overlap, substrate temperature has a strong impact on CRF and To conclude on the thin lms formation, the reported results
p (Figure 5a). At low temperature, nonuniform lms are constitute a solid data set allowing the fabrication of a wide
21980 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Table 2. Printed OFET Geometrical and Electrical Parametersa

OFET CRF W/L (m/m) insulator thickness (max/min in nm) FE (cm2.V1.s1) VTH (V) SS (V/decade) Ion/Ioff VDS (V)
M0 2.3 3800/84 700/300 -- -- -- -- --
M1 1.1 3800/84 1000/900 0.04 17.3 9.69 1.74 103 20
M2 1 3800/84 >1600 -- -- -- -- --
M0, M1, and M2 represent the three printing conditions (varying overlap). FE, VTH, subthreshold slope (SS), Ion/Ioff ratio are extracted from
transfer characteristics.

range of proles by using single or cosolvent based ink. Tuning OFET with electrical characteristics reported in Table 2. The
experimental parameters such as temperature, overlap, or ink eld eect mobility (0.04 cm2 V1 s1) and threshold voltage
concentration is a useful method to fabricate well-ordered wavy (17.3 V) values were calculated in the linear regime from the
thin lms, smooth and hemispherical proles. These results transfer characteristic using the following equation:
prove the epoxy based ink versatility and allow more complex
device fabrication. IDS = (V V )V
d. Applications. With the benets of the complete study L G TH DS
previously described, many applications can be considered. The Output characteristics, are also plotted at dierent values of
next section will describe epoxy based ink potentialities in the gate-source voltage VGS (Figure 6g) showing a modulation of
fabrication of two unprecedented devices dedicated to OFET IDS versus VGS (linear and saturation regimes are clearly
and lighting applications. identied).
i. Organic Field Eect Transistors. Fully solution processed Improvement of OFET electrical behavior could be
OFET on every kind of substrate is a topical issue and is still performed by monitoring other parameters such as monitoring
challenging. Therefore, new insulated functional inks are electrode morphology,42 chemical modication of source and
needed. To date, poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVP) is the most drain electrodes, but will not be discussed in the present study.
dielectric used for OFET fabrication by inkjet printing, but Moreover, transfer characteristics showing low hysteresis
several drawbacks could be listed. One of them, the curing value (500 mV) prove relatively low mobile charge density at
temperature around 200 C, is unacceptable for electronics the interface between organic semiconductor and printed
applications on plastic substrates. Indeed, most commonly used insulator layer (inset in Figure 6f).
plastic substrates (PEN or PET) can be processed at a In conclusion, concerning the literature, unfortunately only a
maximum temperature lower than 200 C. Consequently, other few studies deal with full inkjet printing OFET (including
printable insulating material must be suggested. We are polymeric gate insulator) and it is dicult to compare electrical
convinced that epoxy based ink is an appropriate functional performance reported in this study with others. Focusing on
material due to its excellent lm-forming properties as devices achieved using polymeric gate insulator (i.e.,
demonstrated in the rst part of this work. Moreover, ink independent of processing technics, electrodes material, OSC
shows other interesting properties such as low temperature material), a mobility in the range 0.0011 has been
processing (around 100 C), good chemical resistance, obtained.43,44 These original experiments prove that epoxy
wettability, low leakage current density, dielectric constant based inks are an alternative versatile material to achieve OFET
about 3,41 and high breakdown electric eld (evaluated at 3 devices. Moreover, this study shows that a deep understanding
mV.cm1). of jettability and morphological behavior is a prerequisite step
Results depicted in Figure 6 show that a printed epoxy thin necessary to achieve more complex devices.
lm layer can be used as gate insulator for OFET fabrication. ii. Photoluminescent Thin Film. Octahedral transition metal
The optical picture in Figure 6a shows silver ink lines (source nanocluster units of general formula [M6Li8La6]2 are strong
and drain electrodes) printed on dierent epoxy insulating emitters in the red-NIR region when excited by UV light
layers morphology (Figure 6b,c,d). These dierent morpholo- making them relevant inorganic dyes for applications ranging
gies (M0, M1, and M2) are obtained by controlling overlap as from biolabeling, lighting and displays (M = Mo, Re, W; a for
previously explained. As depicted in Table 2, M0 shows bigger apical and i for inner; Li = halogen and/or chacogen; La =
wave amplitude than M1 (higher CRF). As expected, overlap halogen or functional organic ligand).45 They are obtained by
has a strong impact on insulator thickness. As overlap increases, high-temperature solid-state synthesis as ceramic powders with
maximum and minimum insulator thickness values increase. the Ax[M6Li8La6] formula (A = alkali ions, divalent cations
Nevertheless, the minimum value is more impacted leading to a (transition metal, rare earth, or alkali earth). In the solid state,
strong decrease of CRF. the latter are brittle and exhibit a low plasticity limiting their
Only OFET fabricated using M1 is working (i.e., fabrication shaping and integration in functional devices. On the other
process described in Figure 6e and in the Experimental hand, the solubilization of M6 solid state compounds provides
Section) with electrical behavior reported in Figure 6f and g. [M6Li8La6] building blocks with individual properties (optical,
Indeed, OFET fabricated using M0 shows dramatic gate leakage electronic, and redox) that can be further used in nano-
current due to the low minimum insulator thickness leading to architectonics and for the design of functional nanocomposite
failing OFET. Moreover, OFET fabricated using M2 cannot materials or surfaces.4649 Indeed, many works have been
work, at the present time, also because of insulator thickness. dedicated over the past few years to the introduction of
We suggest that because of high insulator thickness, the electric inorganic M6 cluster-based building blocks in easy-to-handle
eld necessary to channel the establishment is too high and organic matrices forming hybrid organic/inorganic nano-
consequently leads to failing transistors. composites such as liquid crystals and copolymers. They
Epoxy based ink versatility allowed us to dene an accurate combined the luminescence properties of the inorganic clusters
insulator thickness adjustment leading to the fabrication of and the easy shaping of the organic matrices.5054 Among this
21981 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b06678
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 2197521984
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 7. (a) Optical picture of dierent proles obtained by varying the overlap parameter during printing. Scale bar is 50 m. (b) Optical picture
showing 10 10 cm2 square paper substrate. IETR is printed with red ink and ISCR is printed with cluster/epoxy hybrid based ink. Under room
light exposure, nearly only IETR is visible. (c) Under 375 nm light exposure, nearly only ISCR is visible. See Movie S2.

inorganic nanolightbulb family, the [Mo6I8(OCOCnF2n+1)6]2 thin lms here), which have never been described before with
(1 n 3) cluster unit series appears as the most promising in this ink, have been carried out to prove it. Moreover, the results
terms of applicative prospects because of its high eciency to obtained from the major printing steps have also conrmed the
emit red light. Indeed, quantum yields values up to 1 were versatility of this ink. First, the experiments on jettability limit
reported in the recent literature.55,56 The evaluation have shown that the creation of well-dened shaped
Cs2Mo6I8(OCOC2F5)6 cluster compound used in this study droplets is possible in a wide range of viscosity including pure
was synthesized starting from the Cs2Mo6I14 precursor.57 We solvent. The low molecular weight of the epoxy molecule is
chose this cluster compound to highlight the possibility to mix certainly helpful to decrease the drawbacks (rst drop problem,
epoxy based ink with such inorganic nanobuilding blocks and to long-lived lament, satellite droplets, etc.) which are often
print the mixture using the process described in the rst part of reported in the literature. Second, the experiments performed
this work. on lm formation will constitute a useful data set of proles
The mixture contains 5 wt % of the synthesized clusters. achievable using this versatile ink. To sum up, optimizing only
Rheological properties of this hybrid ink satisfy the jettability two ink parameters (dilution and cosolvent) and two printing
criterions dened in the rst section. This point demonstrates parameters (substrate temperature and overlap) have led to
the need of a jettability study before device fabrication. obtain shapes with tunable aspect ratio (donuts or hemi-
When excited at 375 nm, the mixture presents a large spherical droplets and smooth or well-ordered wavy lm).
phosphorescence emission band centered on 680 nm, CIE Moreover, we think that the drying mechanism described in
coordinates (x,y) of (0.59, 0.28) and IQE around 0.64. (See this work will be helpful to describe in detail the behavior of
Figure S3 for photoluminescence spectrum.) This value of other printable materials.
photoluminescence eciency (IQE) gures is among the best
for deep red emitting polymer lm containing octahedral metal 4. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
clusters.5860 Note that other kinds of deep red photo-
luminescent polymer lms presenting a better eciency can be a. Jettable Criterion. The jettable criterion is the ability to obtain
a droplet at a distance range (r) between 800 m and 1 mm
found eventually found in the literature.61 They are usually (acceptable working distance for the printer equipment: CERADROP
based on organic emitters that may suer from the well-known Xseries). Satellite droplets (Figure S1) or tail must be reabsorbed by
photobleaching which is not the case for cluster-doped the nozzle and jettability must be stable for a long time with low
nanocomposites.62 droplet misalignment on the substrate (x < 5 m). All the
Figure 7a shows the red emission of inkjet lm printed from measurements were performed at 1 kHz jetting frequency. The
the mixture. The printing leads to smooth or wave-shaped lms stroboscopic vision system was used to determine droplet volume and
depending on the printing conditions as for epoxy ink alone. velocity of three ink dilutions.
The right image of this gure highlights well the uniformity of b. Processing of Epoxy Based ink. Single solvent epoxy based
the lm. ink has been engineered by using SU-8 2000 series, (MicroChem,
Westborough, MA, USA). Su-8 based ink 1 and 2 correspond to the
Acronyms IETR and ISCR were printed on the same
manufacturer reference Su-8 2000.5 and Su-8 2002 photoresists,
substrate by using usual red ink (Dimatix Fujilm XL30 Fluid- respectively: Epoxy based ink 3 has been obtained from Su-8 based ink
Red) and mixture ink, respectively. Under room light 2 by the evaporation of cyclopentanone (Sigma-Aldrich) until reaching
exposition, only IETR letters were visible. ISCR letters were the desired viscosity. All the inks have been jetted without the ltering
nearly invisible (Figure 7b). Under 375 nm UV light exposition, step.
the mixed lm emits red light and, consequently, the letters Cosolvent based ink was engineered by using a mixture of the
ISCR (Figure 7c) are visible. Epoxy based ink 1 and 20 wt % of -butyrolactone (Sigma-Aldrich).
This very simple example demonstrates the possibility to use Cosolvent based ink surface tension value was 34.2 mNm1.
epoxy ink mixed with dierent nanoparticles to fabricate c. Synthesis of Cs2Mo6I8(C2F5OCO)6 Octahedral Clusters.
Cs2Mo6I14. The synthesis is reported in the literature.53
functional lms. Cs2Mo6I8(C2F5OCO)6. To a solution of Cs2Mo6I14 (1.5 g, 0.52
mmol) in 20 mL of acetone was added a solution of silver
3. CONCLUSION pentauoropropionate (0.935 g, 3.42 mmol) in 10 mL of acetone
under argon and in the dark. The mixture was left for 48 h in the dark
For the rst time, a complete study of an epoxy based ink has and then was ltered through a Celite pad. The red solution was then
been reported showing its ability to t the DoD technics evaporated to yield a red-orange powder. The integrity and purity of
requirements and consequently giving new opportunities to the compound were conrmed by 19F-NMR by the presence of only
fabricate inkjet-printed devices. Two applications such as two signals at = 83 ppm and = 120 ppm, by EDAX and by X-
organic eld eect transistor and functional lms (light emitting ray diraction on single crystals.54

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