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IoT Based Communications Framework for Industrial Applications:

Bridging the gap between M2M and H2H communication

An industrial area or an industry or a section of the industry has the following components-
1. Field devices
2. Control centre
3. Communications network
Classically, industrial areas rely on human interaction and large-scale cabling infrastructures
for communication between various devices and sectors. For instance, if a plant monitors the
outflow of sewage, the team/person in charge of all documentation activities has to be
physically present at the terminals to make appropriate observations and changes to the
configuration to obtain desired results. This not only introduces elements of industrial hazards
as well as poses a serious threat of attacks on the communication network as well as a very low
level of fault detection and tolerance capabilities.
In recent years, the industries have seen a great push towards enhanced monitoring, control,
automation and management. However, for robust and effective changes to take place on a
larger scale, a complete overhaul of various sections of the industrial area is needed. Here we
propose a novel idea of a wireless communications framework for an industrial area, which
serves the following purposes-
1. Support existing applications while paving the way for next generation equipments and

2. A converged network with simplified management.

3. Dynamic and efficient use of bandwidth with application-specific hierarchical quality

of service.

4. Better safety and security measures.

With the exponential increase in the research potential of wireless communication and the rise
of next generation of communication standards and wireless sensor networks, the need for
bandwidth and efficient management of resources has become extremely vital. Internet of
Things, machine to machine communication and other such technologies enable automated
solutions which, if not eliminate, but reduce human involvement to a major extent and also
provide added efficiency and robustness to the system.

We aim to propose a novel architecture scheme for a widespread communication network,
which enables exclusive communications in the area for both primary users (i.e. the human to
human interaction) as well as secondary users (i.e. the field devices, sensor node clusters,

monitoring sectors, etc). The users are capable of communications amongst themselves as well
as hybrid modes of information sharing where primary and secondary users communicate with
each other. Furthermore, to ensure good quality of service, we wish to utilize the spectrum to
maximum efficiency, for which we shall propose various algorithms and protocols.
The ultimate aim of this project is to propose a one-of-a-kind network infrastructure for
industrial communications which not only caters to the needs of devices and human workforce
but also enables Internet of Things based solutions such as-
1. Data aggregation.

2. Data availability irrespective of geographical location of the use

3. Reduced human interaction

4. Convergence of wireless sensor networks and cellular networks

5. High quality of service

6. Improved security by providing restricted access or communications exclusive to a

particular geographical area.

In [1], the authors investigate a unique concept of maximum frequency reuse in small evolved
NodeBs, and subsequently, recommend their deployment in WSN congested areas. They also
propose a cognitive radio (CR) algorithm to offload SeNB load over Macrocell. Authors
formulate proposed SeNB-based cellular network in an analytical RACH model, where
dynamics of SeNB's and Macrocell users are scrutinised. Observations show that the proposed
scheme allocates more users with low collision probability.

Fig 1. Proposed system in [1]

The proposed system implies that SeNBs have a small radius (e.g. 50 m) and less deployment
and maintenance cost. Moreover, SeNBs with shared, sub frequency-based approach from
Macrocell's frequency can only support not more than 316 users (e.g. femtocells). Therefore,
we introduce the concept of MFR, which infers to re-use the neighbouring Macrocell's
frequencies in SeNBs. The MFR enables SeNBs to entertain more number of users (as many
as a Macrocell), within the small radius. The high spectrum bandwidth in a small radius is a
perfect solution for the heavy WSN resource requirements. The work also proposed a novel
algorithm to offload the nodes between the macrocell and the SeNodeBs.
An important part of the model is the concept of Macrocells, whose idea stems from [2]. This
study provides a cost-effective method for cellular telecommunications base stations that can
be installed in residential or business environments either as single stand-alone items or in
clusters to provide improved cellular coverage within a building. Data transmission, good
signal strengths within buildings, increase in system capacity and data rates are some of the
issues been discussed in this review work.

Fig 2. 3G femtocell architecture

The increasing demand for higher data rates in cellular networks has resulted in a trend to
smaller cell sizes (Femto cells) and Pico-cellular hot spot coverage. As a result, the user can
have the advantage of better coverage for additional services, cost benefits and also the network
operator, the use of Femto cells provides a very cost-effective means of improving coverage,
along with linking users to the network, and providing additional revenue from the provision
of additional services. Femto cells deployed in the macro cell significantly improve the indoor
coverage and provide better user experience. Femto cell architectures use IPsec tunnels to
deliver voice, messaging and packet data services to 2G, 3G or 4G handsets connected via a
fixed broadband access connection to the Internet or a managed IP network.
Further study is being done on radio resource allocation in cognitive radio sensor networks [3]
and technologies for enabling 5G communication systems [4] as well as machine-to-machine
communications [5].

The common layout of the network would be organized as inspired by [6]. The paper provides
a landscape for designing a smart community, which is a class of cyber-physical systems with
cooperating objects. The smart community architecture is divided into 3 parts-
1. Home domain, in which, a home network is formed by a number of home automation
systems (e.g., healthcare systems and security systems) for continuous real-time
monitoring of residents, the home environment, and the nearby community
environment (e.g., the street segments beside a house).

2. Community domain, in which, the core of the smart community architecture is the
community domain, where a connected community network is formed by home
gateways (representing their hosting homes) for cooperative and distributed monitoring
of the community environment and information dissemination among individual

3. Service domain, which is connected to the community centre as well, and thus able to
provide value-added data gathering services for a variety of smart community
applications related to municipal affairs, such as election and voting or utility
management, such as accounting and billing. It is possible that the service domain is
shared by multiple communities that are close to each other.

Fig 3. Smart Community Architecture

As stated earlier, the industrial area is divided into 3 parts-
1. Field devices.
2. Control centre.
3. Communications centre.
Following the proposed architecture in [6], we could assign the rudimental features of the home
domain, community domain and service domain to the field devices, control centre and
communications centre respectively. The WSN nodes can be clustered according to proper
clustering algorithms to ensure data robustness as well as power efficiency.
Each part can be serviced by an SeNB and the concept of maximum frequency reuse as per [1]
can be applied. Now, by applying the algorithm for node offloading can be applied so that each
node can communicate within the femtocell or with the BTS.
Human to Human communication remains a priority in such a system and is directly addressed
by the BTS while the indoor communications can be facilitated by the SeNBs. However, proper
handoff mechanisms and data aggregation algorithms have to be incorporated so as to provide
good QoS for both Human to Human as well as WSN communications.
Now, the concepts of cognitive radio have to be employed to decide and exploit upon white
spaces in the spectrum or to employ underlay or overlay mode of operations. Also, protocols
have to be established for node to node intra as well as inter-cluster communication.

Fig 4. Proposed Framework

The end semester goals for the project are summarized as follows-
1. Formulating architecture for the network and each of its components and finally coming
up with a unified architecture.

2. Applying developed architecture to a pre-existing industrial enterprise. (Case study).

3. Identify ways to implement the network on software.

4. WSN operation simulations such as clustering and routing protocols and checking
operation alongside cellular networks using simulations.

5. Identifying new features to incorporate into the network namely cluster to cluster
communications, data aggregation, scalability conditions, talkbacks and alerts, etc.

1. Convergence of WSN and cognitive cellular network using maximum frequency
reuse, Farooque Hassan, Abhishek Roy, Navrati Saxena1.
2. Femto cells-a new generation cellular stations, Nagashree, N., Rao, V., Hameem

3. A survey on radio resource allocation in cognitive radio sensor networks, Ahmad, A.,
Ahmad, S., Rehmani, M.H., et al.
4. Five disruptive technology directions for 5G, Boccardi, F., Heath, R.W., Lozano, A.,
et al.

5. Toward 5G densenets: architectural advances for effective machine-type

communications over femtocells, Condoluci, M., Dohler, M., Araniti, G., et al.

6. Smart community: an internet of things application, Li, X., Lu, R., Liang, X., et al.



1. Proposed system in [1] 2

2. 3G femtocell architecture 3
3. Smart community architecture 4
4. Proposed framework 5

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