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Ranks(The following are the Ranks of each of the guilds joinable in The Elder Scrolls series.)
Mages Guild
1. Associate
2. Apprentice
3. Journeyman
4. Evoker
5. Conjurer
6. Magician
7. Warlock
8. Wizard
9. Master Wizard
10. Arch-Mage

Fighters Guild
1. Associate
2. Apprentice
3. Journeyman
4. Swordsman
5. Protector
6. Defender
7. Warder
8. Guardian
9. Champion
10. Master

Thieves' Guild

Morrowind ranks

1. Toad
2. Wet Ear
3. Footpad
4. Blackcap
5. Operative
6. Bandit
7. Captain
8. Ringleader
9. Mastermind

10. Master Thief

Oblivion ranks

1. Pickpocket
2. Footpad
3. Bandit
4. Prowler
5. Cat Burglar
6. Shadowfoot
7. Master Thief
8. Guildmaster

1. Novice
2. Apprentice
3. Journeyman
4. Finder
5. Traveler
6. Operative
7. Agent
8. Spy
9. Spymaster
10. Grand Spymaster

Imperial Cult
1. Layman
2. Novice
3. Initiate
4. Acolyte
5. Adept
6. Disciple
7. Oracle
8. Invoker
9. Theurgist
10. Primate

Tribunal Temple
1. Layman

2. Novice
3. Initiate
4. Acolyte
5. Adept
6. Curate
7. Disciple
8. Diviner
9. Master
10. Patriarch

Imperial Legion

Morrowind ranks

1. Recruit
2. Spearman
3. Trooper
4. Agent
5. Champion
6. Knight Errant
7. Knight Bachelor
8. Knight Protector
9. Knight of the Garland
10. Knight of the Imperial Dragon
11. Legate
12. General

Skyrim ranks
1. Auxiliary
2. Quaestor
3. Praefect
4. Tribune
5. Legate

1. Clanfriend
2. Hearthfriend
3. Brother
4. Initiate
5. Clanholder
6. Guide
7. Champion
8. Gulakhan
9. Farseer
10. Ashkhan

House Redoran
1. Hireling
2. Retainer
3. Oathman
4. Lawman
5. Kinsman
6. House Cousin
7. House Brother
8. House Father
9. Councilman
10. Archmaster

House Hlaalu
1. Hireling
2. Retainer
3. Oathman
4. Lawman
5. Kinsman
6. House Cousin
7. House Brother
8. House Father
9. Councilman
10. Grandmaster

House Telvanni
1. Hireling
2. Retainer
3. Oathman
4. Lawman
5. Mouth
6. Spellwright
7. Wizard
8. Master
9. Magister
10. Archmagister

Morag Tong
1. Associate
2. Blind Thrall
3. Thrall
4. White Thrall
5. Thinker
6. Brother
7. Knower
8. Master
9. Exalted Master
10. Grandmaster

1. Pit Dog
2. Brawler
3. Bloodletter
4. Myrmidon
5. Warrior
6. Gladiator
7. Hero
8. Champion
9. Grand Champion

Dark Brotherhood

Tribunal ranks

1. Apprentice
2. Journeyman
3. Operator
4. Wetboy
5. Executioner
6. Punisher
7. Terminator
8. Assassin
9. Dark Brother
10. Master Assassin

Oblivion ranks

1. Murderer
2. Slayer
3. Eliminator
4. Assassin
5. Executioner
6. Silencer
7. Speaker
8. Listener

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