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Read the following text and answer the questions below

Survival at Sea

On 24th April, 2005, Josh Long, 18, and Troy Driscoll, 15, decided to go out to sea in
their boat. They sailed out from Sullivans Island, South Carolina, USA, to go fishing
in the Atlantic Ocean. When it suddenly became very windy, they realised that they
were in trouble and tried to return to shore. However, their small boat didnt have a
motor or sails and the wind blew them out to sea. Very soon, they could see nothing
but the ocean.
Josh and Troy were lost at sea for six days. How did these young boys survive without
food and water and in extreme temperatures? Troy knew he had to eat something to
survive, so he ate jellyfish. He explained that because the jellyfish smelled terrible, he
swallowed them as quickly as he could. One night, when it rained, the boys licked the
rainwater off the boat. During the day it was very hot, so the boys took turns jumping
into the sea to cool down. But then, they discovered sharks swimming under the boat.
At night, when the temperature dropped, it was freezing. There was water on the floor
of the boat. Half our bodies were lying in water. Troy said I was freezing cold. In
order to keep warm, the boys held each other.
They tried to be positive and not to lose hope. They kept singing songs and thinking
about milkshakes and their favourite desserts. Finally, Josh and Troy were rescued more
than 160 kilometres away from the place where they had set sail six days earlier.

1. Why was it difficult for the boys to return to the island?

2. How do we know that Troy didnt like the jellyfish?
3. Why did the boys stop jumping into the sea?
4. Why is the word milkshakes mentioned in the text?
5. Where were the boys finally found?

2. Complete with the proper verbal tense

1. What time ____________ (you / catch) the bus everyday?

2. The sun ____________ (shine) at 7.30 this morning when I got up.
3. We ____________ (live) in Berja since 2002.
4. Which do you prefer tea or coffee? I ___________ (have) a tea.
5. If I ________ (be) you, I ___________ (not play) that dangerous sport.

3. Turn the following sentences into reported speech

1. Im thinking of going to live in France, Helen said to me.

2. Tom had an accident last week; she told me.

4. Dont stop the music! Paula told her friends.

5. I cant come to the party tonight, she said.

4. Translate the following things into English:

- Ella va a clase todos los das.

- Ayer fue el cumpleaos de Maria.
- Juan estuvo jugando al ftbol ayer por la tarde.
- Yo ser camionero en el futuro.
- Voy a ir a Valencia la semana que viene.
- Pedro ha vivido en Berja desde 1996.
- He estudiado durante dos horas hoy.

5.Put the sentences in the exercise above in negative and interrogative form.

6. Write a sentence with the following modal verbs: CAN, CANT, MUST,

7. Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns who, which, that, where:

a. There are many people who are overweight.

b. This novel is the best ________ Ive ever read.

c. This is the school _________ we studied many years ago.

d. Those are the girls _________ are coming to our class.

e. That one is the house ________ I want to buy.

f. Did you watch the programme _________ I told you about?

g. Those are the beaches _________ we used to go in the summer.

h. Snooker is a game __________ I played when I lived in Great Britain.

8. Complete the text with the relative pronouns where, which, that, who:

Last week I went to the cinema and saw a film ________was great. Its name is Billy

Elliot. Its about a boy __________ wants to be a ballet dancer. After the film, we

went to McDonalds, __________ we had dinner. After that, I met Kelly, the girl

__________ helps me with my English homework. We talked for twenty minutes, and

after that, we went to the parking lot __________ our car was. Finally, we went

home. It was a great night!

9. Put in passive voice:

- The judge gave him two weeks to pay the fine.

- They have built a new theatre.

- The reporter is interviewing the actress.

- My father was washing the car when I arrived.

- They must cancel all flights because of the fog.

10. Match the sentences with a relative pronoun.

- A man gave me this address. I met him on the train.

- You gave me an umbrella. I lost it.

- The singer was English. I wanted to meet him.

-The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house was destroyed by an explosion.

Read the text and tick the sentences below true (T) or false (F).
All About Garlic
Garlic was first found in Asia about 4,000 years ago and eventually it spread all over the
world. It was often used in cooking to make food taste better; however, people believed
that it had other benefits, as well. Some people thought the strong smell protected them
from evil. So, for example, people in the Balkans put garlic on their doors and windows
to protect their families from witches and to keep thieves away from their cows. Many
European fishermen wore garlic to protect themselves from danger while out at sea.
Through the ages, people have also used garlic to treat and prevent disease. The Romans
used it to treat dog bites and to keep scorpions away. Later on, in the Middle Ages,
people used garlic to try to cure themselves from the plague. Centuries later, in 1858,
the famous French scientist, Louis Pasteur proved that garlic kills germs. This explains
why during World War II, British doctors used garlic to clean soldiers wounds when
they didnt have any medicine. Garlic is also used to help sore teeth, and mixed with
honey, garlic can take the pain away from sore muscles.
Today, scientists understand much more about garlic than before. They know how
uncooked garlic helps cure infections, and which types of bacteria it can kill. Its no
wonder that garlic has been so popular throughout history! Now we also know that
garlic contains vitamins A, B, C and when its cooked, garlic is good for the heart. So,
next time your parents go to the supermarket, ask them to add garlic to their shopping

1. How did people in the Balkans use garlic for protection?

2. Why are fishermen mentioned in the text?

3. How did the Romans use garlic? Name two ways.

4. Why is the plague mentioned?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct tenses.

1. They .................................... (see) the Eiffel Tower many times.

2. Last night, I was reading the newspaper when
Brian .................................... (call) me.
3. We .................................... (wait) for our lawyer to arrive since 9 oclock.
Where is she?
4. By the time the police came, the thieves ....................................
(leave) with all the paintings.
5. If Carol .................................... (know) Alexs address, she would have
written him a letter.
6. If I had the time, I .................................... (visit) Grandfather every day.
Circle the correct answer.
1. It should / may / mustnt rain tonight.
2. I have to / could / might leave now or Ill be late.
3. Laura is / less enthusiastic than / enthusiastic / the most enthusiastic
student in our class.
4. Thats the girl which / who / when I told you about.
Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Simple Passive (Present, Past
or Future).
not paint grow cut

1. Our house .................................... last year.

2. .......................... tea .......................... only in China?
3. Unfortunately, these trees .................................... next week.

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