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Comparative study of gas engines and gas

turbines in cogeneration (CHP), using the

example of a typical public district heat
distribution network

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Vogel,

Dr.-Ing. Gerd Oeljeklaus,
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Grner,
University of Duisburg-Essen

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Polklas,

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Frekers,
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
A comparative study of gas engines and gas turbines
in combined heat and power generation for a typical
public heat supply network
Tobias Vogel, Gerd Oeljeklaus, Thomas Polklas, Christian Frekers and Klaus Grner

Abstract Introduction Within the area of CHP applications, modern

and highly efficient gas engines arranged in
A comparative study of gas engines and gas The transformation of energy systems cur- combined power plants, can present an alter-
turbines in combined heat and power generation rently underway in Germany is showing an native to CCPP plants. As well as delivering
for a typical public heat supply network increasingly noticeable impact on the existing highly efficient CHP capabilities, these engines
energy industry. Due to the long-term expan- can participate in the balancing energy mar-
Besides the reinforced expansion of rene- sion targets of e.g. 80% renewable energy ket due to their high flexibility, a factor which
wable energies one other central target in the being used in electricity generation by 2050 can further increase profitability. Furthermore,
German Energiewende is the efficiency enhan- [3], it can be assumed that the demands from their modular construction with unit sizes of
cement using fossil energy. Due to the German fossil power generation will change and that approximately 10 MWel allows an operation
climatic conditions, the combined heat and po- especially time flexibility will gain even more that is tailored to requirements and simulta-
wer (CHP) generation is a suitable instrument to significance than today in order to shoulder neously offers high efficiency across the entire
achieve this goal. Therefore, it is part of the new the growing demand for balancing energy. load range. Hence the following will describe
energy concept of the German Federal Govern- According to the recently-published BMWi a study based on the possibility of providing
ment. But owing to the changing market asso- White Book [3], 25% of the fossil share is full coverage of all energy supply requirements
ciated to the Energiewende, also other techno- expected to be covered by plants based on with engine-based power plants as an alter-
logies move into spotlight, like large, stationary, the combined heat and power generation native to an existing CCPP system. Apart
high-efficient gas engines. principle (CHP). This emphasizes the signifi- from employing plants that operate purely
As modules of a power plant network these cance of CHP within thermal power plant tech- with engines, it is also possible to equip the
engines can provide thermal energy to a district nology, although the absolute amount of elec- engines with a downstream located water-/
heating network alternatively to a gas turbine tricity provided by thermal power plants, and steam cycle, with the goal of maximising the
combined cycle power plant (CCPP) in CHP- therefore CHP, will decrease in the long term electricity yield whilst simultaneously fulfilling
mode. The engines waste heat originating from with a concurrent increase of renewable ener- the CHP requirements.
cooling water and exhaust gas can be used ei- gies. Due to their lower greenhouse gas emis-
ther directly for heat supply or in a water-/steam sions, gas-powered plants offer significant ad- Specification of the scope of the
cycle with an extraction back-pressure turbine vantages. The main differentiation to be made investigation
and following heating condensers (HeaCo). in CHP application is between industrial and
These three systems (CCPP, engine, engine public heat supply. A typical example for the Considering the background of the current
+ HeaCo) have been modeled, simulated and latter are municipal power utilities with district situation on the German electricity market,
evaluated based on annual data of a representa- heating networks, which have been selected it seems interesting to compare CHP plants
tive district heating network. for this study due to their comparability. Many based on stationary gas engines with cur-
All systems comply the values for primary energy municipal power utilities are already using rently utilised systems in order to gain an
saving and fuel utilization ratio required by the gas-powered CCPP plants as thermal power evaluation. The main areas of application
German KWK-act. Regarding the annual exer- stations, which offer lower greenhouse gas for CHP plants in the multi-digit megawatt
getic utilization ratio the engine systems offer an emissions and higher efficiency levels compa- range are industrial CHPs as well as the
advantage of 1-2 %-points. Due to the higher red to CHP plants powered by solid fuels. supply of district heating. Industrial CHP
power production the system engine + WSC is Modern and highly efficient CCPP plants, as plants usually need to adhere to industry-
economically favorable. In addition, these engi- shown i.a. by the example of Irsching 5, can specific process heat restrictions. Conver-
nes have an enormous ability for residual load currently not be operated profitably in Germa- sely, the energy utilisation pathway for district
management with load transients of up to 33 % ny due to the low electricity prices and low heating takes place within a more uniform
MWel,inst/min. prices for CO2 emissions. The CHP appro- environment, which is why this area of appli-
ach, with its privileges such as revenue from cation was chosen for this case study. Due
heat sales, CHP bonus and CHP electricity to the variable heat requirements throughout
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Vogel
Dr.-Ing. Gerd Oeljeklaus input priority, offers an opportunity to improve the year, the review needs to be carried out
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Grner based on annual yield calculations. There-
University of Duisburg-Essen profitability, a notion which is also suppor-
Chair for Environmental Process Engineering ted by the planned construction projects for fore as initial step within the thermodynamic
and Plant Design (LUAT)
Essen, Deutschland thermal power plants in Dsseldorf (Lausward modelling the design layoutand the partial-
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Polklas Block Fortuna) and Cologne (thermal power load operation concept was worked out.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Frekers
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE station Niehl 3).
Oberhausen, Deutschland
Example application and boundary conditions (approx. 100 MWel). The gas engine systems approximately +107 C. A further load reduc-
For this study, the district heating network of were compared on the basis of this reference tion is carried out by reducing the auxiliary
a mid-sized city was chosen as a specific ex- plant. As a preliminary point, this section pro- firing in the gas turbine exhaust gas. The
ample, representing a typical average district vides a detailed introduction to the technical final load reduction can be achieved by
supply system in a moderate climatic area of system configurations. shutting down one gas turbine, with a further
Germany. load reduction by operating the remaining
The weather profile used for the location was CCGT plant (reference plant) gas turbine at part load being avoided. For
taken from the Meteonorm 7.0 software in For CCPP plants in the medium power seg- this reason, partial heat removal from the
hourly time resolution. At this location, the ment that are being operated as thermal provided district heat takes place via the
average annual temperature is +10.5 C, with power plants, typical configurations consist re-cooler station during times of very low dis-
the daily mean temperature varying between of two gas turbines plus a heat recovery trict heating demands, which is not shown in
-6.7 C and +26.3 C. Using degree-day steam generator with auxiliary firing and a figure 1 but is considered in the calculation.
numbers in conjunction with daily mean tem- downstream located back-pressure extrac-
peratures in accordance with VDI 2067, the tion turbine. In addition to that, an auxiliary Gas engine systems
duration of the heating period can be deter- boiler is usually installed to cover district heat The gas engine used for this study is the MAN
mined. In the reference year, with a heating peak loads. The plant schematic selected for Diesel & Turbo SE 20 V 35/44 G in the CHP
threshold of +15 C, this amounts to 262 the reference plant is shown in figure 1, along version as well as the GCC version (GCC =
days. with key process parameters and output waste heat recovery using water-/steam
data for district heating supply temperatures cycle), both of which are optimised for the
For the district heating supply, a requirement
of +130 C and +80 C. respective application. Both engine versions
profile representing the dependence of the
The hot gas turbine exhaust gas (approx. provide the same 10.6 MWel, but with slight
necessary feed temperature as well as the
500 C) is further heated in the heat recovery differences in the electrical efficiencies of
required district heat load on the ambient
steam generator with auxiliary firing as requi- 45.5 % (CHP) and 45.1 % (GCC). All figures in
temperature has to be established. With re-
red, and subsequently used for superheating, this section apply for one engine respectively.
ference to published examples, the following
evaporation and preheating of the feed water Independent of the engine version, waste heat
constellation was assumed. Depending on the
in the water-steam cycle. Following, a further accrues at a total of three temperature levels
ambient temperature Tamb, the flow tempe-
part of the waste heat contained within the gas (exhaust gas, high temperature (HT) and low
rature varies continuously between + 130 C
turbine exhaust gas is then used to provide temperature (LT) cooling water), which are
(Tamb < -10 C) and 80 C (Tamb > +15 C), with
district heating. The in the HRSG generated subsequently to be used further for energy
the return temperature remaining constant at
live steam then flows into an back-pressure efficiency purposes, for example for district
+60 C. The district heating load to be sup-
extraction turbine. Here, the steam is expan- heating or electricity production.
plied varies continuously between 161 MWth
(Tamb = -15 C) and 12 MWth (Tamb = +30 C). ded to low pressure level (LP), with partial For the CHP version in this study, the waste
This demand profile was transferred to the steam extraction taking place at intermediate heat is transferred directly to the district hea-
reference year, and the district heating pressure level (IP). Extraction steam as well as ting network using heat exchangers. At full
annual cycle was determined (also see figure exhaust steam is used and therby condensed engine load this lies at a constant at 9.47
3). The district heating demand for the re- in two heating condensers (HeaCo) to supply MWth per engine across the entire range of
ference year and the chosen location was the district heating system. In order to co- the district heating supply flow temperature
determined to be 587.8 GWhth/a under ver the peak load, a district heating auxiliary (+130 to +80 C). This configuration is descri-
the given assumptions. heater is coupled downstream of the IP bed as Engine(CHP) system.
heating condenser on the district heating side. In the GCC version, the engines exhaust gas
Power plant systems The operating concept of the CCPP plant is has a temperature of 395 C at full load. The
All power plant systems were modelled and stated to be as follows: The CCPP runs at full use of such a high temperatures for providing
simulated using the commercially available load for maximum district heating supply tem- low-temperature heat is exergetically ineffi-
power plant modelling programme Ebsi- perature. If the required district heating supply cient. Efficiency can be improved by coupling
lonProfessional (in short: Ebsilon) in version flow temperature drops, only the added ther- a water-/steam cycle for electricity generati-
10.05. The baseline was formed by a mo- mal power from the auxiliary heating is initi- on downstream of the engine exhaust path.
dern CCPP system in a medium power range ally reduced. This is then deactivated above Depending on the application, various layouts

Image 1. Process flow diagram with main process parameters of the reference plant.
are possible for this. It must be differentiated In this process flow, the district heating supply ween useful power and total power. Analo-
as to whether the requirement is to provide is provided in two ways. On the one hand by gously, a mean efficiency can be calculated
the highest-possible electricity generation directly using the engine exhaust heat in the over a period of time, which is then described
capacity (application: condensing turbine) or form of cooling water and the residiual engine as degree of utilisation, representing the relati-
to provide low temperature heat with con- exhaust heat, and on the other hand indirectly onship between the target energy output and
current electricity production (application: via the heating condenser. When the engine the energy expended. Since CHP plants are
back-pressure turbine). For the application exhaust heat is used directly, the water retur- operated under different boundary conditions,
considered here, the use of a back-pressure ning from the district heating with a tempera- the time-based evaluation approach is of
turbine similar to the CCPP reference plant ture of 60 C is routed to the heat exchanger great importance, hence why it is used here.
seems promising, since the exhaust steam LT-CW-DH-HE. Here, the water is heated for
can also provide district heating. Figure 2 the first time by using the waste heat in the Fuel utilisation factor
shows the respective process flow diagram low-temperature cooling water. After this, it When evaluating the energy characteristics
of such a module, consisting of a gas engine flows to the HT-CW-DH-HE, where the HT of a CHP plant in the form of an efficiency,
(GCC version) coupled with a downstream cooling water further heats the water (on the i.e. the ratio of useful power output to energy
located water-/steam cycle, composed of a district heating side). A further temperature expenditure, the two qualities of the different
single-stage heat recovery steam generator increase is provided by the residual heat in target energy types, electrical energy W and
(HRSG), a back-pressure extraction turbine the engine exhaust gas. Depending on the heat Q, are considered to be equal. In order to
and two heating condensers. In the following, required temperature level of the district hea- make this distinction, the efficiency of the CHP
this will be referred as engine (GCC)+Hea- ting supply flow, different mass-flow overlays plant is described according to VDI 4608 as
Cosystem. Due to the variable feed tempe- occur, which is why bypasses and additional the fuel utilisation factor ), which is calculated
rature in the district heating, the main process (district heating return) feeds are provided, as per equation 1:
parameters for both limiting cases (district which will not be discussed here further. In Table 1. Parameters for economic assessment.
heating supply flow temperature of + 130 the case of indirect provision, the water from Parameter Unit high price low price
and +80 C) are displayed in the table to give the district heating return is routed back to the scenario scenario
an impression of the range of values. heating condenser and is heated up before
Natural gas /MWhth 21 21
First, the engine exhaust gas is routed to a then being added to the water which has price

heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), con- been directly heated. A gas-fired peak load Electricity price /MWhel 60 28

sisting of superheater, evaporator with drum, boiler ensures that the maximum district hea- Heat price /MWhth 50 50

and preheater. As a result of the heat transfer ting supply flow temperature can be met. CHP bonus /MWhel 18 18
from the engine exhaust gas to the water-/ For both concepts, Engine(CHP) and Engine
CO2 costs /tCO2 7.5 7.5
steam cycle, live steam at 380 C and approx. (GCC)+HeaCo, a modular structure up to the
20 bar is generated. The live steam is then ex- level of a large combined power plant is pos-
panded in a back-pressure extraction turbine, sible. This means that the supply of district
whereby the extraction serves the supply of heating networks, such as in this example,
Since heat is also partially provided from un-
the deareator (DEA) with bleed steam and the- can be covered in a similar manner as with
coupled generation from the CHP plant, for
reby ensures degassing. The majority of the the CCPP concept. In this context, the follo-
example to cover peak demand loads, this
steam, however, is still fully expanded to the wing section describes an evaluation of the
proportion must be subtracted out of the CHP
level of possible back-pressure depending on reference year carried out with the developed
evaluation. In addition to the simple fuel utili-
the district heating supply flow temperature. calculation models.
sation factor, we therefore introduce the fuel
The turbine exhaust steam condenses in the
utilisation factor of the coupled production of
heating condenser, thereby transferring the Evaluation parameters
electricity and heat in addition to equation 1,
heat released in the process into the district
With regard to the evaluation parameters, it CHP, with the modified values flowing into the
heating network. After this, the condensed
necessary to differentiate between energetic evaluation in each case:
water is fed to the deareators by the conden-
is and exergetic parameters, as well as bet-
sate pump, from where it then returns to the
ween considerations based on specific points (2)
heat recovery steam generator via the feed
in time and time periods. For a specific point
water pump.
in time, the efficiency represents the ratio bet-

Image 2. Process flow diagram with main process parameters of the engine (GCC)+heating condenser system.
CHP coefficient of selecting the mean ambient temperature, - CCPP plant,
The CHP coefficient CHP of a CHP plant in which is summarised in [2]. Within this study, - Engine(CHP) and
equation 3 according to [5] represents the the mean ambient temperature of each heat - Engine (GCC)+HeaCo
relationship between the electrical energy requirement Tamb,i is used for their evaluation,
WCHP provided and the heat QCHP provided: which in line with VDI 4608 Sheet 1. Based on the developed calculation models,
an exemplary assessment was carried out
Cost effectiveness for the supply of the example application with
(3) As well as the investment, the economic effi- district heating and electricity based on the
ciency of a CHP plant is determined by the re- reference year. The plants were all operated
venue situation. For this reason, an estimation in heat-optimised mode. For reasons of com-
Primary Energy Savings PES of the revenue situation is also provided, with parability, the temperature dependence of the
The Primary Energy Saving (PES), defined the assumptions stated in table 1 being taken engine and gas turbine were neglected.
according to [5], represent the percentage as a basis. Due to the variable compensation
fuel saving through the coupling of heat and situation for electricity, two scenarios with high Starting situation of the CCPP plant
power for a CHP application versus separate price scenario (HPS) and low price scenario Figure 3 shows the sorted annual profile line
generation using suitable reference systems. (LPS) were used. The HPS represents roughly for the district heating demand within the
Its calculation is shown in equation 4: the price which a municipal utility can gene- supply area, as well as key performance data
rate for electricity distribution within its own (district heating load, re-cooling power, net
network, whereas the LPS is based on the electrical power and fuel requirements) of the
(4) CHP-index of the EEX electricity exchange. CCPP plant in the reference year.
In order to get the CHP bonus, it is neces- The profile of the district heating demand in
sary to target an annual fuel utilisation factor the reference year shows that the required
For the efficiencies of the reference systems, of more than 80%, as well as a PES of more district heating load lies between 142.7 MWth
the harmonised efficiency figures given in [4] than 10% [5]. and 14 MWth. But demands of more than
for natural gas were used. With the separate 120 MWth only occur on 14 days in the year.
generation of electricity, the harmonised effi- Results of the annual yield simulation Furthermore, the district heating demand pro-
ciency reference value for construction years and evaluation file shows that even in the midsummer, there
2012-2015 is 52.5%, whereas a harmonised is still a baseload demand within the district
efficiency reference value for the separate In the following, an example evaluation for the
heating network.
generation of heat in the form of steam or three technical system configurations:
hot water is reckoned to be 90%.
DH-demand 300
provided DH-power output CCPP
Exergetic efficiency provided electrical net power output CCPP
recooled power output CCPP 250
Based on VDI 4608 Sheet 1, the exergetic 120 thermal fuel input CCPP
efficiency for ne year in daily increments is

thermal fuel input [MWth]

power output [MW]

100 200
defined in equation 5 as:

(5) 60
With Ti being the temperature of the district
heating supply, and according to equation 6 20
equates to the thermodynamic mean tempe-
0 0
rature of flow and return temperatures: 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Image 3. Sorted annual profile line for the district heating demand within the supply area, as well as key performance data (district
(6) heating load, re-cooling power, net electrical power and thermal fuel power) of the CCGT plant in the reference year.

For methane, the fuel exergy proportion based
provided DH-power output engine(CHP)
on LHV according to [1] is 0.95. In contrast to provided DH-power output engine(GCC)+HeaCo
the energetic efficiency, here only the exer- provided DH-power output CCPP
thermal output [MWth]

getic proportion of the heat provided DH, year

flows into the system evaluation, and there-
fore avoids the shortcomings of the energetic 80
approach, resulting from the different quali-
ties of the two target energy types. In addition,
the heat supplied for district heating is multi- 40
plied with the applicable Carnot factor. As
well as the temperature of the provided district 20

heating supply Ti, the mean ambient tempe- 0

rature Tamb also flows into the calculation. A 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
discussion is currently ongoing within the field
of CHP application regarding the convention Image 4. Sorted annual profile line for the district heating demand within the supply area as well as the heat load supplied by the
three system configurations (excluding auxiliary boiler) for the reference year.
The selected layout of the CCPP plant allows a further degree of freedom. The goal of the With the Engine(CHP) system, during coupled
sensible deployment of the district heating. It study was to create a technically comparable generation in winter, a thermal power output of
is evident that the peak demand is not cover- starting point and then to vary the number of 104.2 MWth is provided, whereby the residual
ed completely by the CCPP plant. Therfore the model Engines (CHP) in order to provide heat load is secured by the auxiliary boiler.
peak times are covered by the supporting a similar district heating baseload in terms In the sorted annual profile line this full load
auxiliary boiler. This increases the full load of output and duration as with the reference period extends to 94 days, which correlates
operation of the CCPP plant. At around 110 plant. Based on a pre- study, 11 engines were well with the 87 days full load operation of the
MWth the nominal district heating decoupling therefore selected for the combined engine CCPP plant. If the ambient temperature increa-
of the CCPP plant takes place, which is requi- power plant, this is applicable for both engine ses to above +5.6 C, one of the 11 engines
red for 87 days in the reference year. Up to this systems. Furthermore, it was assumed that shuts down due to the reducing supply requi-
point, the auxiliary boiler is still in partial load the engines are continuously operated at red for the district heating demand. This cont-
operation and provides the residual district baseload and shut down in a modular man- inues with increasing temperatures so that the
heating load, whereas at all other times of the ner, i.e. stepwise, in order not to exceed the typical stepped profile for modular concepts
year it is shut down. If the ambient tempera- required district heating demand. The auxili- emerges. The resulting residual heat load bet-
ture increases, then the district heating supply ary boiler provides the residual district heating ween stepped profile and district heating load
demand drops. The supplied district heating load in each case. is covered in each case by the auxiliary boiler.
load is reduced analogously to this by the The comparison of the three technical confi- In contrast to the CCPP plant and particularly
power plant controls. With the selected plant gurations is first carried out time-based for the at very low district heating loads, the modular
construction of the engine combination power
140 plant allows for better matching to the district
heating demand so that at the minimum only
one engine remains in operation. In addition
electrical net power output [MWel]

to this stepped operating mode, it is of course

100 engine (CHP) also possible to provide a continuously varia-
engine (GCC)+HeaCo ble combined operation of the engines. Here,
with decreasing heat demand, one engine is
operated at part load for example, so that no
operation of the auxiliary boiler is necessary.
However, in this first case study it was deci-
ded not to apply this method, and will be co-
vered in further studies. The heat output provi-
ded by the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo model runs
0 at altogether a lower power level than with the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Engine(CHP). This is due to the fact that with
the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo, part of the waste
Image 5. Sorted annual profile line for the net electrical power supplied by the three system configurations in the reference year. heat is converted into electricity and is there-
fore no longer available for heat supply. Due to
design, the minimum district heating load reference year, using the sorted annual cycle the roughly constant heat output per engine,
which can be provided from the CCPP plant lines for heat load (Figure 4) as well as the this is more noticeable at higher numbers of
is reached above a temperature of +15 C. net electrical power output (Figure 5), before engines than at lower numbers. As a result of
Since the district heating demand still conti- the annual yield values are finally summarised the lower heat output provided in the Engine
nues to reduce further with the temperature in Table 2 and the assessment is carried out (GCC)+HeaCo model, this enables a higher
increase, a re-cooling station needs to be uti- based on the selected evaluation parameters. utilisation period resp.number of full load ope-
lised since more heat than required is decou- The district heating demand as well the ther- rating hours. The winter plateau with all engi-
pled from the CCPP plant. The electrical net mal power output provided from the CCPP nes in operation amounts to 118 days for the
power shows two plateaus in winter and plant follow the profile shown in Figure 3. Engine (GCC)+HeaCo.
summer, similar to the district heating supply,
Table 2. Comparison of the yields and evaluation parameters for the three systems for the reference year.
with around 101 MWel in the winter and 38.1
Parameter Unit CCPP plant Engine(CHP) Engine (GCC)+HeaCo
MWel in the summer. During the transitional
period, the supplied electrical power drops Annual yield values

continuously with increasing ambient tempe- Q GWhth 587.78 587.78 587.78

rature. QCHP GWhth 575.45 528.51 513.57

W GWhel 617.79 591.48 666.24

Alternative representation of the supply situation WCHP GWhel 617.79 591.48 666.24
with gas engines and gas engine combined power QFu GWhth 1,445.70 1,362.34 1,481.54
QFu,CHP GWhth 1,432.72 1,299.96 1,403.43
If the supply of a district heating network is
Evaluation parameters
provided using gas engines (Engine(CHP)) or
CHP % 83.28 86.16 84.07
gas engine combined power plants (Engine
(GCC)+HeaCo) instead of the CCPP plant, CHP - 1.07 1.12 1.30

then the first requirement is to create a com- PES % 21.11 24.15 23.71

parable base layout. As well as the technical % 49.77 50.94 51.78

plant configuration (see above), the number of Revenue costs HPS Million 45.05 44.87 48.02
engines in a combined power plant provides Revenue costs LPS Million 25.28 25.94 26.70
The provided net electrical power output from systems comparing favourably with the CCPP For the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system are due
the engine systems also shows a stepped plant. Furthermore, all three systems are abo- to the modular concept, in most cases only a
layout across the sorted annual distribution. ve the evaluation benchmark of 80% stated part of the water-/ steam cycle modules cou-
Furthermore, it should be noted that the hig- in the CHP regulations for the CHP bonus. pled to the engines in operation. Fundamen-
hest electrical net power output is provided by The highest CHP coefficient is offered by the tally, however, the investment amount would
the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system. The district Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system, at 1.3, follo- be equally high even if they were operated du-
heating supply temperature reduces with in- wed by the Engine(CHP) with 1.12 then the ring the whole year. A higher utilisation period
creasing ambient temperature, which is why CCPP plant with 1.07. As a result, the Engine of the coupled water-/ steam cycles can be
the back-pressure reduces and the net power (GCC)+HeaCo system is especially interesting achieved if not all of the engines are equipped
output increases. As a result of this behaviour, from the point of view of the CHP bonus, since with the waste heat capture. In this case, the
there is no plateau within the steps for Engine it provides a favourable ratio of electrical ener- engines with waste heat capture are used for
(GCC)+HeaCo at supply temperatures above gy to heat. To take into account the different district heating baseload, so that these engi-
80 C. For this reason, the net power output thermodynamic qualities of heat and electrical nes and the downstream processes will have
within one step increases from left to right. energy, an evaluation of the primary energy substantially higher full load hours. Ultimately,
The maximum provided net power output du- saving as well as the exergetic utilisation fac- this results in a better relationship between
ring the annual cycle is 122.6 MWel. To this tor were also used. The Engine(CHP) has the additional revenue and additional investment.
effect, a constant electrical net power output highest primary energy saving with 24.15%, Based on this approach, a sensitivity analysis
is produced in one step with the Engine(CHP) followed by the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo with was carried out for the application being con-
system. During the winter plateau, the net 23.71% and the CCPP plant with 21.11%. sidered here. Starting with a combined power
electrical power output is 116.6 MWel. The lo- Thus all three systems lie above the threshold plant comprising only Engine(CHP) modules,
west maximum electrical net power output is value of 10% required in [5]. Due to its higher the number of modules in the Engine (GC-
provided by the CCPP plant, although there electricity production, the Engine (GCC)+Hea- C)+HeaCo configuration was then increased
is also a small rise to the right (higher ambi- Co system has the highest exergetic utili- step by step until the combined power plant
ent temperature) due to the behaviour of the sation factor of 51.78%. The CCPP plant has was created is consisting only out of Engine
back-pressure turbine and heating conden- the lowest exergetic utilisation factor with (GCC)+HeaCo modules. In the intermediate
ser. The minimum power of the CCPP plant 49.77%. steps, the combined power plant consisted of
is substantially higher than that of the engines, However, all systems must also enable effi- a mixture of Engine(CHP) modules and Engi-
which can be explained by the lower number cient economic operation. The thermodyna- ne (GCC)+HeaCo modules. The results of the
of gas turbines. Overall, there is a power ad- mic evaluation factors for system efficiency sensitivity analysis are shown in Figures 6 and
vantage for the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system have shown that all plants are eligible under 7.
during the winter plateau, lying at 5.1% com- the auspices of the CHP regulations. Based At the intersection with the Y-axes, the com-
pared to the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system on the project specific costs and revenues, a bined power plant consists completely out of
and 20.7% compared to the CCPP plant. cost-revenue calculation was carried out. A Engine(CHP) modules (primary Y-axis) and
All three systems provide the required heat positive revenue was shown for all three sys- Engine (GCC)+HeaCo modules (secondary
load of 587.78 GWhth demanded by the tems, with the highest amount shown with the Y-axis). Therefore their values correspond
district heating network, with the highest Engine (GCC)+HeaCo under both scenarios with the values in Table 2. If, starting from the
heat component being delivered in CHP by (HPS and LPS). Engine (CHP), the number of Engine (GCC)+
the CCPP plant with 97.9%, excluding the
re-cooling power. This high component is pri- Eta_FUR_CHP full load operating ratio supplementary fuel income-cost
marily due to the auxiliary firing of the was-
1,00 49,00
supplementary fuel [1e5 MWh]

te heat boiler, which was not used with the

CHP fuel utilization ratio [-]
full load operating ratio[-]

engine systems. Furthermore, the maximum
0,90 48,00
CHP heat output of the engine models is al- income-cost [Mio. ]
ways below that of the CCPP plant, as already 0,80 47,00
shown in Figure 4. During electricity producti- 0,75
on, it can be observed that the entire electri- 0,70 46,00
city production is descended from CHP. The 0,65
greatest quantity of electricity is provided by 0,60 45,00
the Engine (GCC)+HeaCo system at 666.24 0,55
GWhel, which represents an increased yield 0,50 44,00
of 7.8% compared with the CCPP plant, and 0 2 4 6 8 10
number of gas engines with heating condenser
12.6% compared with the Engine (CHP) sys-
tem. The picture for fuel consumption is very
Image 6. Profile of fuel utilisation factor, fuel load amount, additional fuel requirements and revenue costs of the combined power plant
similar to that for electricity production. In this consisting of 11 engines and variable number of engine (CHP) and engine (GCC)+heating condenser modules in the reference year.
case, the highest demand also lies with En-
gine (GCC)+HeaCo, followed by CCPP plant In conclusion, it should therefore be noted that HeaCo modules in the combination power
and then the Engine(CHP). the engine combination systems reviewed in plant increases, the full load operating pro-
the chosen application may have advantages portion as well as the revenues also increase,
In order to carry out a comprehensive evalua- in terms of energy efficiency and economic whereas the CHP fuel utilisation factor drops.
tion of the systems based on the yield values efficiency compared with the CCPP reference The fuel demand can initially be slightly re-
stated, the evaluation parameters introduced plant. duced, being at its minimum with 2 Engine
previously were used. The highest CHP fuel (GCC)+HeaCo modules, before it increases
utilisation factor is shown by the Engine (CHP) Economically optimised application of the again with the increasing number of Engine
system with 86.16%, but with both engine heating condenser module (GCC)+HeaCo modules. For the investment
decision however, the key factor is the pos- heating load several days in advance, the cally attractive. When considering the future
sible advantage from the heating condenser number of modules of the combined power changes in the German energy supply sys-
application in the cost-revenue calculation plant which would be available for residual tem, it must also be pointed out that, due to
based on the installed capacity of the steam load management can always be identified. their modular operation in CHP applications,
turbine (ST), as well as the pricing basis for The gas engine used for this study, enables these highly efficient gas engines will be due
the steam turbine of the applicable power from standstill a fast start-up to full load within to their high specific load gradients in a positi-
class. Both of these parameters are therefore 180 s [6], which represents a load gradient of on to participate also in the balancing energy
shown additionally in Figure 7. 3.5 MWel/min. Based on the installed power, market.
Due to the modular illustration selected, the this means 33% MWel,inst/Min.
installed ST power increases linearly with the In comparison, modern CCPP plants such Acknowledgements
number of Engine (GCC)+HeaCo modules in as the Siemens H-class currently offer hig- The investigations were carried out under the
the combined power plant. It is possbile to her load gradients of up to 16.6 MWel/min [7]. auspices of the joint project TURIKON, which
draw from the installed ST capacity conclusi- Based on the installed power, however, this was financially supported by the federal state
ons regarding the investment needs. Funda- only equates to 3% MWel,inst/Min. As a result, of North Rhine-Westphalia as well as the
mentally, the specific investment for a steam a combined engine power plant has a clear European Fund For Regional Development
turbine decreases with increasing ST capa- advantage in this respect. Furthermore, it within the progress. NRW and the Ziel 2 pro-
city. According to this, it would be advanta- must be pointed out that for engines there is gramme 2007-2013, Phase VI (funding code:
geous to connect multiple engine modules to no lifetime consumption related with starting 64.65.69-EN-2019).
one larger steam turbine of a higher power cycles and have even lower starting costs. For
This text was first published in German lan-
class. For exact analysis of the ST invest- this reason, from the point of view of flexibility,
guage in VGB PowerTech Journal, edition
ment, manufacturer-specific information need as well as for example stated in [8], gas engi-
to be used, which was not done in this study nes are a suitable element in a future German
for reasons of comparability. energy supply system.
List of abbreviations
installed ST-power output spec. income-cost
Amb Ambient
5,00 1,80
installed ST-power output [MWel]

spec. income-cost [/Winstalliert]

4,50 1,60
CCPP Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
Power Plant
4,00 1,40
3,50 CHP Combined Heat and Power
3,00 CW Cooling Water
2,50 DH District Heating
0,60 el electrical
1,00 0,40 FL Flow Line
0,50 0,20 Eq. Equation
0,00 0,00 f Fuel
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
DEA Deareator
number of gas engines with heating condenser
GCC Gas Combined Cycle
Image 7. Profile of installed ST power and specific revenue costs with variable number of engine (CHP) and engine (GCC)+heating HE Heat Exchanger
condenser module in a combined power plant consisting of 11 engines in the reference year.
HeaCo Heating condenser
The specific revenue costs form a curve with Summary HPS High Price Scenario
a maximum, which represents the economic
In this article, using a representative example HT High Temperature
optimum in this respect and lies at one En-
application in public district heat supply, an inst installed
gine (GCC)+HeaCo module. Due to the low
installed power and the likely high specific alternative application of engine combined LHV Lower Heating Value
investment costs, we must however assume power plants instead of a typical CCPP plant LP Low Pressure
that the economic optimum is to be found was investigated in order to illustrate the sup- LPS Low Price Scenario
at a higher number of Engine (GCC)+HeaCo ply during heat-operation. As well as a classic
LT Low Temperature
modules using a common steam turbine. For CHP engine application, an engine-module
IP Intermediate Pressure
this reason, it is worthful to carry out a final configuration was developed with a down-
stream located water-/ steam cycle, including PES Primary Energy Savings
comparison of ST investment costs with spe-
back-pressure turbine and heating condenser. ref Reference
cific revenue costs.
For all three analysed systems, the heat RL Return Line
Outlook flexibility and participation in the supply was secured and all investigated ST Steam Turbine
balancing energy market systems fulfil the requirements for sup- th thermal
As well as ensuring the supply of an own mu- port under the CHP regulations. With re-
HRSG Heat recovery steam generator
nicipal power network, engine combined po- gard to energy efficiency and economic
wer plants can be used for grid supportdue to efficiency, engine combined power plants
their high flexibility and modular construction, offer advantages compared to the CCPP
Equation symbols
e.g. in order to supply residual load. Additional reference plant. When configuring such
revenues can be generated from this, which an engine combined power plant, a mix of
P electrical power
substantially increase the economic efficien- engines in simple CHP operation together
with modules with downstream coupled Q thermal power
cy of an engine combined power plant. Due
water-/ steam cycle appear to be economi- Q thermal energy
to the good planning capability of the district
T temperature
W electrical energy
exergetic efficiency
CHP coefficient
fuel utilisation factor

[1] Baehr, H. D.; Kabelac, S.: Thermodynamik.
14thEdition, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidel-
berg, 2009 ISBN 978-3-642-00555-8.
[2] Bargel, S.: Entwicklung eines exergieba-
sierten Analysemodells zum umfassenden
Technologievergleich von Wrmeversor-
gungssystemen unter Bercksichtigung des
Einflusses einer vernderlichen Auentempe-
ratur. (Development of an exergy-based analy-
sis model for holistic technology comparisons
of heat supply systems taking into account
the influence of variable outside temperatu-
res.) Dissertation Ruhr-Universitt Bochum,
Bochum, 2010.
[3] Bundesministerium fr Wirtschaft und
Energie (BMWi): Ein Strommarkt fr die Ener-
giewende - Weibuch. (An Electricity Market
for the Energy Transformation - White Book)
July, 2015
[4] European Union: Implementation De-
cision 2011/877/EU, 19th December
2011, Doc-
zwerte.pdf (Status 16.07.2015).
[5] European Union: DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU
THE COUNCIL 25th October 2012, http://
F/?uri=CELEX:32012L0027&from=DE (Status
[6] MAN Diesel & Turbo: MAN 35/44 Gas Va-
riants - For flexibility in an era of renewables.
[7] Marini, B.: Are simple cycles or combined
cycles better for renewable power integration.
Power Magazine, April 2015, p. 72-76.
[8] von Zumda, M.: Solutions for increasing
flexibility requirement in power generation to
achieve major cost savings. VGB PowerTech,
5, 2015, p. 25-30
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the sub-
sequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes
and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend
on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site
and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.

MAN Diesel & Turbo

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Phone +49 821-3220
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