Gopal Krishna Brahmacharya

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Gopal krishna brahmacharya

If a man gives his love to one woman, or a woman to one man, what is there left for all the world besides? Brahmacharya was quite challenging
even in old times when there were no glossy newspaper, magazines, television, movies and internet, so what to say of present times. Consider
every person of opposite gender as mother, sister or daughter father, brother or son for female aspirants depending on the age or consider every
person as Self or Consciousness. It is easy to walk over the fire. You must be ever conscious of your shortcomings and you must constantly strive
to get rid of them. This page was last edited on 30 July , at In a narrow sense, Brahmacharya is celibacy. Brahmacharya is impossible without
complete control of all senses. But there is an intimate connection between the mind and the body, and the carnal mind always lusts for delicacies
and luxuries. They will have no occasion to go astray. There is, however, a golden rule for gaining control of the carnal desire. Let no one think that
it is impossible because it is difficult. From Young India, 5 Jun A friend asks: Vichara Sakti is the power of enquiry. According to historical
testimonies Krishna-Vasudeva worship already flourished in and around Mathura several centuries before Christ. Celibacy Quotes Celibacy Links.
Most people find celibacy so hard because they sleep even in this golden period of 3 am to 7 am when the whole nature is supporting the
awakening of shushmna, raising up of kundalani and hence, a natural, fast-paced evolution of our awareness. A good combination of caution, right
strategy, will-power, honest self-analysis and regular yoga-practice is an absolute necessity to win this battle. Gandhi said fathering and supporting
children robbed him of precious energy during a time when he wanted to devote himself more completely to public service. If a man persistently
refuses to yield to his lower nature and remains a strict celibate, the sexual energy is deflected upwards to the brain and is stored up as Ojas Sakti.
But this is so difficult under our present conditions of life. But at the same time we must do the deeds with such logic that all we do is to serve the
Almighty. Every day revealed a fresh beauty in it. Those who make light of dietetic restrictions and fasting are as much in error as those who stake
their all on them. They should not mix freely with members of opposite gender. Even advanced aspirants who have made great progress in Yoga
should be very careful. The hidden strength that God has given us should be conserved by rigid self-discipline, and transmitted into energy and
power-not merely of body, but also of mind and soul. I was too loyal to her as husband and too loyal to the vow I had taken before my mother to
be slave to any other woman. It is equally a breach to take too much of what one finds to one's taste. It invigorates the mind and the nerves. There
should be full control of the palate. Then again, the light conversation carried on in the house creates a very harmful impression on the child's mind.
When one can pay Rs.

Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. If we practise simultaneous self-control in all directions, the attempt will be scientific and
possible of success. It is one thing to allow the mind to harbour impure thoughts; it is a different thing altogether if it strays among them in spite of
ourselves. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. From that day when I began brahmacharya, our freedom began. It is
easy to play with a cobra. Now, the trouble of lust is over and one is established in natural brahmacharya. Perfect brahamacharya is possible only
when kundalini rises to the 5th center Vishuddhi or higher ones. The state of mental celibacy must be kept up even amidst temptations and
sickness. What, then, is brahmacharya? You will have achieved the goal of life. Regularly read greatly inspiring brahmacharya quotes to strengthen
the brahmacharya sanskara impression of subconscious mind and resolve whole life. It may be harmful to suppress the body, if the mind is at the
same time allowed to go astray. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A man or woman completely practicing brahmacharya is
absolutely free from passion. Brahmacharya thus means control in thought, word, and action, of all the senses at all times and in all places. Strength
and fortitude are obtained. According to historical testimonies Krishna-Vasudeva worship already flourished in and around Mathura several
centuries before Christ. His home life became more "peaceful, sweet, and happy," he developed a new measure of self-restraint, and he found
increasing reserves of time and energy to devote to humanitarian and spiritual pursuits. What formerly appeared to me to be extravagant praise of
Brahmacharya in our religious books seems now, with increasing clearness every day, to be absolutely proper and founded on experience.
Because, our mind needs the spiritual food of soul-elevating thoughts daily as much as our body needs daily the material food for its nutrition
needs. So, here is a proposal: Those who are quite content with their present abject condition will find this tedious even to read; but I hope it will
be of some service to those who have realized and are disgusted with their own miserable plight. Then only you are safe. Dharana Sakti is the
power of grasping and holding the Truth. There is, however, a golden rule for gaining control of the carnal desire. It is also the experience of our
physicians that a body enfeebled by disease is always a favorite abode of carnal desire, and brahmacharya by an enfeebled race is difficult to
practice naturally. Restraint is observed in spite of conditions which render it well-nigh impossible. Some people become incorrigible, moral
wrecks also. If the mind is pure and calm, the eye also is calm and steady. It is possible that Gandhi was celibate at certains times, which is when
he did his writing, but that at other times he was not. Temptation may overcome you at any moment. The brute by nature knows no self-restraint.
What about the Married? From all that has been said, it follows that those who are still unmarried should try to remain so; but if they cannot help
marrying, they should defer it as long as possible. I have always felt, that much harm has been done by the narrow definition of brahmacharya. A
mind consciously unclean cannot be cleansed by fasting. In the same way, if we steadily work up to the ideal of brahmacharya, we may ultimately
succeed in realizing it. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. My own experiment shows that occasional fasting is very helpful in subduing
animal passions. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. But at the same time we must do the deeds with such logic that all we do is to
serve the Almighty. It is easy to play with a cobra.
Sweet Blog Brahmacharya
Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It has been thought to be very difficult to practice this brahmacharya. Ordinary Meaning of
Brahmacharya. One has to achieve perfection in both to realize the ultimate goal of Self-Realization. It is a grave misuse to fritter away for physical
gratification that which is given to man and woman for the full development of their bodily and mental powers. They are true men gopal krishna
brahmacharya women; and of them alone can it be said that they have conserved their health. Is it possible to practice it to perfection? We must
not be thinking of food all the twenty-four hours of the day. It may be harmful to suppress the body, if the mind is at gopal krishna
brahmacharya same time allowed to go astray. In fact, the role of brahmacharya is so important that it is proper to understood it with as much
clarity as possible. One of the rules for control of the palate is to abjure completely or, as much as possible, all condiments. Since our Beloved
Gour has gone international, why not appease him with this? Celibacy Quotes Celibacy Links. We are told in the Gita, and experience will
corroborate the statement, that the foolish man, who appears to control his body, gopal krishna brahmacharya is nursing evil thoughts in his
mind, makes a vain effort. So the days pass gopal krishna brahmacharya years, until at length old age comes upon us, gopal krishna
brahmacharya find us utterly emasculated in body and in mind. It is worth repeating that a true Brahmachari possesses tremendous energy, a
clear brain, gigantic willpower, bold understanding, retentive memory and good Vichara Sakti. If a child is trembling with cold, we must send him
to the fireside to warm himself or out into the street for a run, or into the field for work. You must be sincere in your purpose for the sublime life of
spirituality. Gopal krishna brahmacharya mind consciously unclean cannot be cleansed by fasting. But at the same time we must do the deeds
with such logic that all we do is to serve the Almighty. If a man persistently refuses to yield to his lower nature and remains a strict celibate, the
sexual energy gopal krishna brahmacharya deflected upwards to the brain and gopal krishna brahmacharya stored up as Ojas Sakti. Enter
your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Take for example organ of taste which leads the rest.

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