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Vol. XVIII, Nos. 2 Official Publication of the Institute of Islamic Studies July 2012Dec.

Vol. IX, No. 1 University of the Philippines Diliman JanuaryJune 2013

On March 18, 2013, the UP Institute of Islamic

Studies organized an Inter-Agency Consultations
on Sabah Issue among different government
agencies and institutions attended by the Office
of the UP President, House of Representatives
Committee on Muslim Affairs, Office of the Presi-
dential Assistant for Peace Process, and UP Cen-
ter for People Empowerment in Governance. For-
mer Vice President Teofisto Guingona also partic-
ipated in the consultations including a number of
scholars and experts, policy makers and leaders
in various fields. to generate commonalities which can be the
meat of advocacy, policy, and concrete action
Dean Julkipli Wadi explained that the main ra- programs particularly on the Sabah issue. This
tionale of the forum was to explore perspectives is in accord with the message of UP President
and positions from concerned institutions in order

Institute, Abdulwahab Ak-

bar Institute, Mubarakat
Institute and Claret College of


Whats Inside?
Sabah Issue
The Research Association in Islam- Isabela City, Basilan. The prima- RTD in Basilan
ic Social Sciences, Inc. in collabora- ry goal of the annual RTD was Editorial
tion with the UP Institute of Islam- to strengthen Islamic studies News/Events
ic Studies (IIS), Basilan State Col- units in Southern Philippines.
lege (BSC), and Bureau of Madaris
Education (BME) of Department of Among the participating institu- Faculty/Staff Update
Education - Autonomous Region tions were MSU-GenSan, MSU- Special Edition: Gradua-
in Muslim Mindanao spearheaded Tawi-Tawi, BSC, Notre Dame of tion
the Fifth Round Table Discussion Jolo College, Sulu State College, Feature: Sintang Dalisay
on Islamic Research on December Mindanao Autonomous College,
Commentaries: The Role
17-19, 2012 at the BSC Campus in Basilan Ulama Council, Attaqwa
Synthesis: Sabah Issue

IIS Now offers Islamic Economics Courses

In response to the emerging trends and possibilities in Is-

lamic Economics, the IIS now offers Islamic Economics on
Banking, Trade and Investment (IS 293) and Special Topics
Recently, two issues have resonated very on Islamic Economics (IS 198B), as part of the degrees ma-
strongly in Muslim communities: the Frame- jor courses. It aims to train the students in this alternative
work Agreement and the Sabah Question.
economic system.
The signing of the Framework Agreement sent
a positive signal that the long standing so- The institute invited Professors Ikram Tawasil and Esmael
called Moro Problem is finally reaching an Ebrahim, to teach the courses and be part of the IIS faculty
end. Solutions are at hand pending the comple- line-up. Tawasil was previously connected with the Ama-
tion and approval of the annexes which will nah Islamic Bank (AIB) in the Philippines and received his
become the core body of the Bangsamoro entity.
Much optimism and celebration occurred.
academic training on Islamic Economic and Finance in Ma-
laysia while Esmael obtained his Islamic Economics degree
The sudden emergence of the Sabah issue and at the International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
the violence that accompanied it not only sur-
prised but also agitated Moros especially those On a related event, Division Heads of the Philippine Stock
in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The confrontations
Exchange (PSE) and AIB held an initial consultation with
between the Sultan of Sulus Royal Forces and
the Malaysian Police, followed by the violent IIS Dean Julkipli Wadi on Islamic Finance. The said institu-
deportation of Moros from Sabah and other tions eventually became the Technical Working Group
areas lent to the event a new drama. Much (TWG) which later included the National Commission on
pessimism and wailings occurred. Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) and Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas
(BSP). The TWG is expected to draw specific programs and
Some see these two issues as interconnected;
wider economic policies for the country. Simultaneous to
and that the Framework Agreement can be a
vehicle by which the Sabah issue can be re- this effort, according to the IIS Dean, is the continuous
solved as part of the concept of ancestral do- training of future Islamic Finance practitioners and experts.
main. The institute, he added, has to take an aggressive step in
developing the technical manpower.(see related story on page
Unfortunately, it seems that the Sabah ques- 3)
tion was never included in the discussions, so
that its exclusion gave the Sultan of Sulu the
IIS and NCMF Send Marawi Student to
sense of a continuing historical injustice that
must be addressed. International Quran-Reading Competition

The collision of these events whether intended Through the efforts of the UP IIS and the National Commis-
or not put the Moros in a hard place faced sion on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), Mohammad Dugasan
with more questions than answers. Predictions
of a bright future can still be possible if these
Amin participated in the 2012 King Abdul Aziz Interna-
questions are faced with real answers. tional Quran Recitation and Memorization Competition. It
was held at the Grand Mosque of Makkah in the Kingdom
-The Editor of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on December 3 last year. The compe-
tition encourages young Muslims to memorize and study
by heart the text of the Holy Quran.


there were a series of meetings by Dean Julkipli Wadi and a

that took place among said presentation on Islamic Fi-
major agencies discussing is- nance by Mr. Mustapha Ha-
sues on Islamic Finance. mat.

Last August 30, 2012, repre- The Shari'ah TWG met again
sentatives from the PSE; Secu- on November 29, 2012 with
rities and Exchange Commis- guest Mr. Eugene Agapay, Mr.
sion; Central Bank of the Phil- Usman's business correspond-
ippines; Bureau of Internal ent in the Philippines. The
Amin, 19, competed against con-
Revenue; Amanah Islamic agenda of the meeting in-
testants from Arab-speaking
Bank; Asian Development cludes PSE update by Mr. Leo
countries such as Saudi Arabia,
Bank; National Commission Quinitio, and the presentation
Jordan, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco,
among others. One hundred sixty on Muslim Filipinos; and the on Islamic Finance by Mr. Us-
-four (164) contestants from 54 UP IIS met. A meeting was man focusing on existing Ma-
countries competed in the said held in PSE office, Makati laysian project called Sabah
event. Although he came home City. The group is referred to Development Corridor - Ban-
without a win, he said he felt as the "Shari'ah Technical dar Samudera Project. This
privileged and honoured to have Working Group (TWG)." project focuses on tourism, ag-
represented the country consider- rofishery, and palm oil. Mr.
ing the Philippines is a non- NCMF Secretary Mehol Sadain Usman said that he would like
Arabic speaking and a non- chairs the said TWG. The to see this same project evolve
Muslim country. group discussed matters like in the Philippine setting.
Market Models, identification
Dean Julkipli Wadi said that the of other avenues or offices that
institute was happy to take part On November 30, the group
can be of big help to the
in giving opportunities and inter- assembled at UP IIS before
group's objectives, the need to
national exposure to excellent stu- proceeding to the Department
hire a Shari'ah advisor or to
dents from the Muslim south. of Agrarian Reform office to
organize a Shari'ah council,
continue discussing unre-
and the need to form commit-
Meetings on Islamic Finance: solved issues raised in earlier
tees within the TWG.
The Philippine Initiative meetings.
On November 9, 2012, the
Islamic Finance is a common no- Shari'ah TWG met again with Lunch was prepared by Mr.
menclature among Asian coun- and Mrs. Benedicto Tutay,
the presence of Mr. Mustapha
tries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Sin- both alumnus of the IIS. The
Hamat known as the Father of
gapore, and Pakistan. Lately, a group is looking forward to
Islamic Finance in Malaysia
number of major agencies in the productive years to come
and Mr. Kamarul Osman, an
Philippines, showed considerable when Islamic Finance will be
interest on it. They are spearhead- expert in Islamic Finance. The
meeting included a brief anal- concrete reality beneficial to
ed by the PSE under the leader-
ysis of the 2012 Framework both Muslims and non-
ship of Mr. Hans Sicat. In fact,
Agreement on the Bangsamoro Muslims. (KBAM)

july 2012december 2012; january 2013june 2013 3


Feb 4 at Miriam College Feb 5 at UST

The IIS together with the Miriam to come together and ponder Another forum was held at
College Center for Peace Educa- upon the significance of dia- the University of Santo To-
tion, Peacemakers Circle Founda- logue as an important tool to mas entitled Forum on Har-
tion spearheaded the fourth day bind and unite people togeth- mony with Creation, an In-
celebration of World Interfaith er. terfaith Perspective that
aimed to highlight the moral
Harmony Week 2013 at Miriam
climate of various religious
College, Quezon City. Ms. Marites G. Africa, Execu-
traditions in addressing
tive Director of Peacemaker
pressing issues and concerns
More than 200 hundred faculty Circle, also talked about
about the environment. It
members and students from dif- shared values and remind- advanced the belief that
ferent colleges and universities ed the listeners on how to cre- World Harmony requires
attended the forum. The forum ate harmony amongst all cre- unity of all religions to work
sought to increase awareness of ation regardless of religious together in healing the earth.
teachers, educators and the pub- affiliation by focusing on
lic about the World Interfaith commonalities and respect for More than 100 participants
Harmony Week and increase each others differences re- from different colleges and
peoples appreciation for the ferred to as litaarafu in the universities but comprising
shared values common amongst Quran (S.49:13) that means to mostly students from UST,
the different faiths. know and respect each others gathered at the UST Center
differences. She also ex- for Peace Studies and Inter-
Prof. Morados, UP IIS College plained the importance of faith Dialogue. The event
Secretary delivered the first lec- loving each other and cited was organized by the Uni-
ture in the forum. Her talk fo- the biblical injunction of love Harmony Partners Manila,
cused on some principles found which says: under the initiative of Reli-
in the Quran and Prophetic Tra- gions for Peace Philippines
ditions that can also be found in He who does not know how to and Silisilah Dialogue
the Holy Bible like the principles love does not know God for God is Movement.
of love, justice, equality and so love.
Venerable Mio Jing, Obis of
on. She affirmed that these
She ended her lecture by show- Fuang Shaw Mabuhay Tem-
common universal values can be
ing a picture of an imam, ple in Manila and also the
found in our daily lives as an in-
priest, monk and others in a Dean of the FLG Manila
dividual, member of a family, or
group hug and asking the au- Buddhist College, delivered
society at large. She asked the the first lecture. Her talk en-
dience hopefully to join them
invited audience to act upon the- titled Mother Earth re-
in the near future.
se principles as these are embed- minded the audience that
ded in their holy scriptures and


both the Earth and Human Be- and muamalah, the former refers to maintained that Christianity
ings share common denomina- worshiping God and the latter on does not only focus on spir-
tors such as the four funda- the dealings among men to in- itual aspects of life but also
mental elements: earth, fire, clude environment and other crea- deals with socio-
air, and water. She said that tures. In fact she said, one of the environmental issues. He
these are the elements that we core principles of Maqasid al- mentioned that in Jan, 17 2001
cannot deny, the elements that Shariah is to protect other crea- Pope John Paul II made a
reminds us of our connection tures and environment. At the end, proclamation that the Chris-
to the Earth. she emphatically asserted that Is- tians should not focus only on
lam is not only a religion of faith physical ecology as what is at
Prof. Morados talked about but also a religion of action. stake is also human ecology.
Harmony with Creation
from the Islamic perspective. The last speaker, Rev. Fr. Pablo Questions about the continu-
She laid down the Quranic Tiong OP , Director for Justice, ing environmental destruc-
and Prophetic Traditions on Peace and Care for Creation Com- tions and the reasons for the-
environmental concerns mission of the Philippines Domini- se situations were raised dur-
through the concepts of Ibadah can Province of the Philippines, ing the open forum.

The speakers all agreed that

the calamities happening in
our environment are the end
results of our negligence to
realize the importance of en-
vironmental protection and
our failure to act accordingly.

The program was closed by

Rev. Fr. Felimon Dela Cruz,
Jr. OP, Vice Rector for Reli-
gious Affairs of UST.

IIS Employees took Web Development Class

Last January 13, 2013 select- Vidal Tan Hall Building, Universi- Leila Halud, Najeeb Rasul
ed IIS employees finished ty of the Philippines, Diliman, Sali, Russel Nassir, and Kam-
their training on basic web Quezon City. Lunch, snacks and aruddin Bin Alawi Moham-
development conducted at training materials were also pro- mad.
the UP Information Technol- vided for the trainees.
ogy Training Center. The With said training, IIS web-
training was held on Sun- IIS employees who have been giv- site is expected to have a
days December 2, 9, 16, 2012 en the opportunity to attend the fresh look - upgraded and
and January 6, 13, 2013 at the training were Mary Cabacungan, always up-to-date.

july 2012december 2012; january 2013june 2013 5


others with different eyes. Dan-

iel said among his purposes of
being here and living with other
youth in Tagaytay is not only to
focus in understanding his own
religion but also to understand
other peoples faith saying, I
want to understand how we live
our daily lives.

Soren, 18, a Lutheran from Ger-

many, shared that there are a
good number of Muslim mi-
grants in his country, most of
whom are from Turkey and the
the Americans, the establish- Middle East. He had a personal
Close to fifty (50) foreign stu-
ment of the Philippine Republic exchange with some IIS students
dents visited the IIS for an in- and the inclusion of the Muslim over coffee break. IIS students
ter-faith exchange last October in the Republic. He also dis- said he was the first Lutheran
2012. The students came all cussed the Moro resistance they have met.
the way from Ecuador, Germa- movement and the peace nego-
ny, Switzerland, Italy, Laos, tiation with the MNLF and the Jomar from Davao del Sur dis-
Vietnam, Thailand as well as MILF. closed that the dialogue with
the Philippines. The Focolare Dean Wadi was among the most
Movement, based in Tagaytay After the brief introduction, intimate discussions he has had
City hosted them. sharing among the participants as a student of Theology. During
took place. Among them were the interaction, he pointed to the
Most of the visiting students the following: peaceful co-existence in the com-
were studying Religion and munity where he came from, but
Philosophy while the others Daniel who is from Italy shared there was no unity. Jomar asked
were studying to become his encounter with a Filipino for Dean Wadis help to initiate a
priests. Some of them were which led him to realize how dialogue amongst his Muslim
here for six months to know different European and Asian and non-Muslim brothers and
the multi-cultural and multi- cultures are and that he does sisters in Mindanao. I want the
religious Philippine society. not have to change his culture people to understand how to
to be able to get along with the move forward and live together
Dean Wadi provided a brief others. I do not have to change in peace and in unity, he con-
historical background on Islam myself but I have to open a new cluded.
and its arrival in the Philip- way to understand others. This
pines. He talked on the rela- is my way to build a dialogue, Richard, A Filipino student said,
tionship of the Spaniards and he said adding that it is not It is very important to engage
the Muslims, and the 300 years necessary to go deeper or focus in inter-faith dialogue because
of Moro wars, the coming of on our mistakes but instead see we will be leaders in the future.


Interfaith dialogue is important other institutions serving Mus- show them the beauty of Islamic
and relevant in our lives to- lims in the Philippines such as Arts, he said.
day. the National Commission on
Muslim Filipinos.(KBAM) The short lecture was much ap-
Sharing the same sentiment, preciated by the students as much
Roberto Mussi, head of Foco- UP CFA Students Visit as they enjoyed the native re-
lare delegates said, Our first freshment served.(NRS)
IS Library
struggle is to be close to one
another and to never give up. Visitors from the
On December 5 and 6 2012, UP
Indonesian Academe
Dean Wadi in his concluding College of Fine Arts Professor
remarks said: We have to ex- Lisa Tapang brought her stu- A group of Indonesian academics
plore more on our commonali- dents to visit the collection of
Islamic Calligraphy and Arts at visited IIS last December 19, 2012.
ties than that polarizes us.
the IIS Library. The students, They were composed of Dr. H.
Visitors from Brunei numbering almost 40 request- Mastuki as head of the delega-
ed for a short lecture on basic tion, Dr. Azhar Arsyad and Mr.
calligraphy. Irwanuddin Abbas from Alaud-
din State Islamic University, Dr.
Two Bruneian professors from
the Sultan Sharif 'Ali Islamic Jaenal Abidin from Syarif Hi-
University visited IIS last No- dayatullah Jakarta State Islamic
vember 8, 2012. They were Dr. University, and Mr. Mohammed
Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqi Saleem, an Educational Organiza-
- Deputy Dean, Senior Lecturer, tion Registration Officer from the
Faculty of Shari'ah and Law; National Skills Development Pro-
and Dr. Azme Bin Haji Matali - gram.
Faculty of Shari'ah and Law.

Russel Naser, a graduate of The visit was made since one of

They showed interest with the
Majul collection on Muslims in MA Islamic Studies and the the delegates met Dean Wadi in
the Philippines and bought Institutes Education Research one of the conferences they both
books at the IIS and the UP Assistant granted their request. attended.(KBAM)
Press. They also wanted to visit This is the opportunity to

"Be like the sun for grace and mercy. We can only learn "You were born with potential
Be like the night to cover others' faults. and advance with contradictions. You were born with goodness and trust
Be like running water for The faithful inside should You were born with ideals and dreams
generosity. meet the doubtful. You were born with greatness
Be like death for rage and anger. The doubtful should meet the faithful. You were born with wings
Be like the earth for modesty. Human slowly advances You are not meant for crawling, so don't
Appear as you are. and becomes mature when You have wings
Be as you appear." he accepts his contradictions. Learn to use them and fly!"
-Rumi -Shams Tabrizi -Rumi

july 2012december 2012; january 2013june 2013 7

News / events

Bangsamoro Framework Agreement the audience, which were mostly composed of

and the Labor Groups leaders and members of labor groups from
different parts of the country.(KBAM)
Recently, Bangsamoro Framework Agreement has
been the talk of the town. Concerned Filipinos Interfaith Breakfast with
both Muslims and non-Muslims wanted a clear
Cardinal Tagle
picture on this particular issue. So that many gath-
erings that cater to such issue were held. One such
On December 5, 2012, Dean Wadi attended an
gathering was the public session of the 32nd Alli-
interfaith community breakfast with the new-
ance of Progressive Labor Council of Leaders'
ly-appointed Cardinal, His Eminence Luis
Conference entitled "Bangsamoro Framework
Antonio G. Tagle, held in Arzobispado Build-
Agreement: The Path to Lasting Peace?" held last
ing, Intramuros, Manila.
November 8, 2012 at the SDC Conference Hall,
Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City. Alli-
Present during the occasion were people from
ance of Progressive Labor (APL) organized said different faiths like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikh-
gathering in coordination with the Norwegian ism, Judaism, and the different Christian de-
Confederation of Trade Unions (LO). nominations such as the Catholics and the
Protestants. Christian organizations like The
Dean Julkipli Wadi presented a paper entitled Focolare, The Cosmopolitan, and The Silsilah
"The Bangsamoro Struggle for Self-Rule and the from Zamboanga City. Also present were rep-
Framework Agreement: Prospects and Challenges resentatives from different Muslim organiza-
tions such as the Salaam Police, Iranian Embas-
Ahead." During the forum, Datu Antonio Kinoc,
sy, and the Turkish Chamber of Commerce in
member of the MILF Peace Panel, dialogued with the Philippines.(KBAM)

Nur-ain L. Sahibil Alkabir Pandi

Chairperson Accepted into Chaplaincy with the rank of Police Sen-
Liberal Arts & Criminology Department ior Inspector
Notre Dame of Jolo College Chaplain Service, Philippine National Police
Jolo, Sulu January 16, 2013 to present
Abdelnazer A. Tagayan Armi Evangel N. Pea
Chairman Assistant Professor
Islamic Studies Department College of Liberal Arts, History
Sulu State College
De La Salle University, Manila
Jolo, Sulu
June 2011 to present
Datuan Magon
Deputy Secretary General for Administration Alnasser L. Kasim
United Youth for Peace and Development, Inc. Executive Secretary
Cotabato City Turkish Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
September 16, 2012 to present January 2, 2013 to present

Faculty/staff updates

New Faculty Members and Staff

Esmael Ebrahim Aisha Flores Ikram Tawasil

Serving as one of the commis- Ms. Analiza Flores finished her Mr. Ikram Tawasil obtained
sioners at the National Com- undergraduate degree at the most of his technical trainings
mission for Muslim Filipinos, Philippine Normal University in Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
Ebrahim now also teaches Is- (PNU) and her graduate degree and Asian Institute of Mana-
lamic Finance at the UP IIS. at the UP Institute of Islamic gament. He was formerly the
Studies (IIS). She is now teaching Assistant Vice President and
He obtained his Islamic Eco- Materials and Methods in Islamic concurrent Acting Senior Vice
nomics degree at the Interna- Studies (IS199). President for Operations and
tional Islamic University, Is- Treasury at the Al-Amanah
lamabad, Pakistan. Ms. Flores has ten years of teach- Islamic Investment Bank of the
ing experience in various colleges Philippines.
Ebrahim was previously a and universities in Metro Manila.
Tawasil has authored several
Technical Consultant at the She is also highly active in exten-
banking-related papers which
Ministry of Hajj and Reli- sion work whose beneficiaries
are Moro women. Her latest ex- include Islamic Banking: A De-
gious Affairs in Kabul, Af-
tension project is dubbed as the velopment Imperative, Basic Prin-
ghanistan, Shariah Advisor of ciples of Islamic Banking and Fi-
Building Bridges of Justice and
Al-Amanah Islamic Invest- nance and Structural Mecha-
Harmony for Muslim Women in
ment Bank of the Philippines, nisms to implement Islamic
Jail and in Depressed Communi-
and Area Manager for Banking, Introduction to Islamic
ties in North Caloocan City. It is
ARMM of the United States funded by the Australian AID Banking Operations, Basic Phi-
Agency for International De- under the AusAID-Philippine- losophy and Principles of Islamic
velopment (USAID). Australia Community Assistance Banking, and Imperatives of Is-
Program (PACAP). lamic Banking.

Kamaruddin Bin Alawi Mohammad

Mr. Mohammad joined the IIS April 2011. His thesis is entitled, of Iran in 2008. The journal is
Staff as University Researcher Salaah A Tool for Personality called Collection of Speeches
on July 2012. He used to work Transformation: An Analysis on and Lectures Delivered on Hu-
as research assistant both on Selected Cases of Muslim in manism and Theocentrism in
foreign and local projects. He Zamboanga City. His first jour- Islamic and Western
also worked at the Center for nal article entitled Imam al- Thought.
Moderate Muslims under the Ghazzali: Revitalizing Islamic
late Comm. Taha Basman of Though in the Light of Ta- He speaks Filipino, English,
UNESCO. He has an MA in sawwuf is published by the Tausog, Bisaya and Chavaca-
Islamic Studies graduated in Embassy of the Islamic Republic no.

July may december 2011; januaryjune 2013 9

Sabah Issue, from page 1

Alfredo Pascual as read by bah situation which she consid- ended by saying: As Filipinos,
Vice President Prospero De ers as unfortunate since the cur- as Muslims, as one nation, let
Vera, which said in part: As rent peace process is going quite us pursue the Sabah claim
leaders and experts, our task well and about to complete the peacefully if we can, but fight
is to provide context and rea- annexes that will form part of if we must!
son when the temptation to the Framework Agreement on
violence is at its greatest. It is the Bangsamoro. Former UP College of Law
our duty to continue this Dean Merlin Magallona in-
great tradition of engage- Abraham Idjirani, Spokesper- formed the forum that there
ment. son of the Sultanate of Sulu, was a legal battle for the Sa-
remarked on three areas: First- bah claim pursued by the Phil-
First speaker Rep. Tupay ly, should the Philippine Re- ippines and presented before
Loong of Sulu showed con- public fail to recover North the International Court of Jus-
cern on three issues: the con- Borneo after exhausting all tice in 2001.
dition of deportees mostly peaceful means, the transfer
coming from Sulu, Tawi- document shall become null He further said , this Sabah
Tawi and Basilan who had and void and the Sultan of Su- issue should be a turning
left their jobs and livelihood lu shall be free to assert its sov- point by which the Philip-
including loved ones in Sa- ereignty over North Borneo. pines can make a very clear
bah; the effect of this inci- Secondly, the sultanate pro- affirmation as to its sovereign
dent on the Malaysia- posed to create a Sabah Refu- claim to Sabah. The claim is
Philippine relation that may gee Desk, a permanent institu- very clear.
affect the long history of tion to address the problem of Atty. Leonard De Vera of
barter trade and commercial deportation which has been VACC, on the other hand,
relations with Sabah, the life- happening since 1982. Thirdly, proposed that the President
blood of many of our people and most importantly, Sultan meet Sultan Jamalul Kiram III
in Southern Philippines; Jamalul Kiram III wants to end because this is what the Sul-
and the killing of Muslims the issue peacefully but with tanate was asking for adding
on both sides. He ended his martabat (dignity). that They wrote the Presi-
remarks by saying, they dent several letters, three let-
should settle their differ- During the discussions, former ters that got lost in the bu-
ences with dignity, honor, Vice President Teofisto reaucratic maze. It only
compassion, understanding, Guingona raised the issue of Hu- shows how little importance
fairness and justice for all. man Rights Violation happening they gave to the sultanate.
in Sabah pointing to the
GPH Panel Head for GPH- reckless and inhumane man- As a conclusion to the forum,
MILF Peace Negotiations ner of deportation procedures. Prof. Bobby Tuazon of
Prof. Miriam Colonel-Ferrer He also suggested a revisit and CENPEG, provided the syn-
(represented by Hon. Yasmin restudy of the issues in order to thesis of the forum (see page 18
Busran Lao) acknowledged formulate a good strategy. He for the synthesis).
the problem posed by the Sa-

RTD in Basilan, from page 1
Lecture-Forum on the
Isabela. volvement of groups in all levels Culture of Ashura
of dialogue.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Car- Lecture-forum on Culture of
men Abubakar, former IIS Dean Professor Macrina Morados pa-
Ashura was held last Decem-
and RAIS President said that 5th per on Exploring Ethical Milieu
ber 4, 2012 at the Bulwagang
RTD attempts to explore ap- for Islamic Research Using the Prin-
ciples of Maqasid Al-Shariah, de-
Salam, UP Diliman sponsored
proaches, methodologies and
fined an Islamic Research as one by the Iranian Embassy,
actual research conducted by the
that uses the primary sources of Imamate Islamic Center and
different units to determine the
research gaps that need to be ad- the Quran and Sunnah in the the IIS. Iran ambassador, Ali
dressed. The RTD was expected pursuit of the goals of Shariah, Asghar Mohammadi delivered
to stimulate and encourage re- namely: life, intellect, faith, line- the keynote address followed
search among the units. age/progeny and property. by five lecturers from different
organizations, namely Dean
This idea was reiterated by the Dr. Carmen Abubakar talked Julkipli Wadi, Hon. Matanog
BSC President Dr. Nasser Salain, about the historical marginaliza- Mapandi - Assistant Secretary
Al Haj, in his Keynote Address tion of women in her paper enti- of the Department of Energy,
when he informed the body that tled The Missing Link: Women in Dr. Potre Dirampatan-
research output is now one of the Local Historical Narratives. She
Diampuan - Regional Director
criteria in the budgetary allot- recommends the use of Oral His-
of United Religions Initiative,
ment of state universities. There- tory, Ethnography, Creative Fo-
Ms. Zainab Javier from the
fore , having an RTD on Islamic cused Group Discussions, and
Muslim Women's Center for
Research was indeed a timely Statistics as methodologies that
can help address the problem of
Change, and Prof. Mahmood
marginalization and thereby pro- Tajar form Al-Mustafa Interna-
Among the papers presented duce a more holistic historical tional College.
were the following: narratives that includes all sec-
tors of the population. A film on the story behind the
Prof. Alzad Sattar, Undersecre- culture of Ashura in Shi'a ver-
tary at the Bureau of Madrasa Dr. Filemon Romeros paper enti- sion was also shown. After the
Education, in his paper entitled, tled, A Case Study on the Applica- program, heavy meal was
The Contributions of Interfaith tion Fatwa on Environmental Man-
served for all.
Organizations to Coexistence and agement in Coastal Resource Man-
their Possible Role in the Peace Pro- agement in Some Municipalities of a 3.5 long squid worm found
cess between the Government of the Tawi-Tawi, discussed the differ- only in the waters of South Ubi-
Republic of the Philippines (GRP) ent fatwas (Islamic ruling) issued
an and Tandubas. It was named
and the Moro Islamic Liberation by the Local Government of Tawi
Teuthidodrilus Samae in honor
Front (MILF) in Mindanao, Philip- -Tawi to protect the environment
of the area and the people.
pines, highlighted the continu- of the area which is one of the
ing difficulties present in inter- richest but still largely unex- Adopting Multi-Media Instruction
faith dialogue but in spite of this, plored biological regions of the System in Teaching Islamic Studies,
he said, interfaith dialogue has a world. In this connection, Dr. was discussed by Professor Ca-
positive impact on the people. Romero, mentioned the discov- limba of MSU-GenSan who
Thus, he recommends the in- ery of a new specie in the form of played a video clip produced by

july 2012december 2012; january 2013july 2013 11


Message to the Graduates Introducing

Our Guest Speaker:
At the outset, we would like to WALEED AHMAD AL-
congratulate our graduates and KANDARI
extend our commendation to our
honor students on this memorable His Excellency Waleed
day. Ahmad Al-Kandari is the
Ambassador Extraordi-
To our graduates: today is your day. It is a presentation nary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Ku-
of a new feather in your cap. It is a fitting recognition wait of the Republic of the Philippines. He
of your new role as holders of Masters Degree in Is- holds a Bachelors Degree in Political Science
lamic Studies. and Masters Degree in International Rela-
The degree in Islamic Studies is like any degree gener- tions. He shows an exemplary record of For-
ally offered in many universities both in the Muslim eign Service for his country since 1984 as-
world and in the West. It is treated as a discipline or as signed across Europe, Central Asia and South
a field of specialization where specialists and experts America. As a diplomat, he has participated
are both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. in numerous international forums, confer-
ences, seminars and diplomatic meetings held
The main difference, however, is the added premium both in Kuwait and abroad .
or responsibility into which our new scholars have to
face and to play their role: their continuing task to un- The Ordem de Gran Cruz de Rio Branco
derstand and to explain the stride of Islam today and (Order of the Grand Cross of the Rio Branco)
the critical factors and forces that shaped Muslim socie- was awarded to the Ambassador from the
ty and the rest of the Muslim world as the ummah inter- Brazilian government. Ambassador Al-
acts creatively and engage harmoniously with others. Kandari speaks Arabic, English and a bit of
Portuguese and Spanish.
To our graduates: your time is, indeed, an interesting
time. There has never been a stage of history where
understanding and articulating Islam is not only oblig-
atory; it has become very challenging and promising as ABSARI, DARWIN
The Quran has a sublime reminder: Soon will We Thesis Title: Pagtuhan: Tausug
show them our signs in the (furthest) regions (of the Gnosis and Living Tradition
earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes mani-
fest to them that this is the Truth (41: 53).
Pagtuhan is defined as pangila ha Tuhan
To our graduates: While your university life may end, recognition of God which requires
your task in seeking knowledge continues. Your role in knowledge and witnessing of the object of
reading the wonders of creation and in deciphering knowledge. It is practiced, transmitted, and
Truth and its shades should remain even more intense, kept intact by Taosug Mystics known as
while selflessly sharing them to others in charting a Mukali (literally, diggers). This paper is an
better world.


exposition of the philosophy, teachings, and meth- Abstract:

ods of Pagtuhan, from an exploration of its influ- This study examined the role of the Asatidh in
ences since the 5th century, until the introduction Madrasah Education, and the methods and strat-
of Islam to the communities of the Sulu archipela- egies they employ to teach Arabic Language and
go and Mindanao in the 13th century and onwards Islamic Values Education (ALIVE). It also identi-
to the spiritual tradition as practiced today. fied the support the Asatidh get to enhance their
teaching methods.
In this thesis, Pagtuhan is identified as the essence
Conducted in ten (10) public elementary schools,
of Taosug culture and society, the source of their
the study showed that 96.66 percent of the re-
knowledge, the reason for their bravery, and their
spondents unanimously agreed that the Asatidh
hope for the future.
are the most important instruments to reduce
illiteracy Mindanao wide, and, in particular,
Zamboanga City. Majority of the Asatidh be-
Thesis Title: Forging Peace through
Community-based Shura: The Case of lieve that the integration of Madrasah Education
Selected Tribes in Muslim Compound, will eventually resolve misunderstanding and
Tandang Sora, Quezon City conflict between and among groups of different
cultural practices.
This study reveals that while elders adopted mod- MACARIMBANG, ACMAD
ern techniques in conflict resolution, the process of TOQUERO
Shurah as a mechanism for consensus is still being Thesis Title: Music in the Eyes of
utilized. Elders forged peace among the conflicting Muslims: Acceptance and Rejection
parties using the community-based shurah, which of Music in Muslim Community
involves community level of consensus limited to
settling communal disputes. The communal dis-
This study examines the acceptability and non-
putes in this study refer to marital problems such
as divorce cases, simple collection of debt, rental acceptability of music in the eyes of Muslims,
collection, damaged to property and other minor and defines the attitudes of todays Muslim soci-
disputes. ety towards music. The study focuses on genres
of music, how music are accepted and rejected
JALAD, PERRY MAHA by the clerics, and how these decisions and infor-
Thesis Title: The Role of the Trained
mation are perceived by Muslims. Such deci-
Asatidz in the Integration of Madrasah
Education under DepEd Curriculum in sions and information depend on various inter-
Zamboanga City pretations of the Quran and the Sunnah by cler-
ics of different Islamic thoughts.


What: 6th Round Table Discussion on Islamic Economics
When: 2629 November 2013
Where: Mindanao State University, Tawi-Tawi,, Philippines
Submission of Abstract: 30 June 2013
For Inquiries, call 929.8286 or email

July 2012december 2012; January 2013june 2013 13


By Prof. Macrina A. Morados

Sintang Dalisay is a Filipino ad- nao. (There is a place called imaginary community that con-
aptation of William Shake- Semporna in Sabah, Malaysia. tains some visible Islamic refer-
speares Romeo and Juliet us- The appropriation of this ences. I subscribe to the idea of
ing an awit version written by place name may have some- prominent Muslim scholar Ce-
G.D. Roke in 1901 and text thing to do with the Sama- sar Adib Majul who explained
from a translation by the late Bajau igal, the dance vocabu- that when Islam came to the
National Artist Rolando Tinio. lary employed by the chore- Philippines, it did not enter a
The Tanghalang Ateneo (TA) ographer. The real Semporna cultural vacuum. The natives
production is directed by Dr. is known as a predominantly already have their own belief
Ricardo G. Abad and choreo- Sama-Bajau community in systems and traditions. As
graphed by Dr. MCM Santama- East Malaysia). such, Majul came up with his
ria. The production design is concept of folk Islam in order to
the last complete work of the As the play unfolds, the describe the amalgamation of
late National Artist Salvador F. greatest challenge of the cast indigenous and Islamic practic-
Bernal. was to transport the audience es.
to an imaginary place where
The production presents a new the people cared so much for Majuls conceptual framework
dimension in portraying the their cultural traditions; of folk Islam came to my mind
classical play about the most where maidens are bound to when I heard the mention of
popular tragic-love story of Ro- respect the will of their par- the word Bismillah in the open-
meo and Juliet through the in- ents in choosing future hus- ing lines of the play. The word
fusion of some local and ethnic bands; where the fight of one Bismillah is very sacred to Mus-
elements in its general design. family member is the fight of lims. Literally, it means in the
This version of Shakespeares the entire family; and, where name of Allah. The entire
Romeo and Juliet shows Filipi- the word of the Sultan is Chapters of the Holy Quran
no creativity at its best as well obeyed without question. starts with Bismillah (except Su-
as potential of Philippine pro- This is the (re)constructed rah Tawbah), and Muslims ide-
ductions to be at par with those cultural milieu of Sintang Da- ally commence any actions by
created by international outfits. lisay, a world where the de- uttering Bismillah silently or
The members of the audience cidedly Christian Romeo and loudly to invoke the blessings
are truly mesmerized as they Juliet gives way to the decid- of Allah. When the character of
witnessed the reinvention of edly Muslim Rashiddin and the imam uttered the word Bis-
the Christian context of Romeo Jamila. millah it was a signal for me to
and Juliet into one that is some- see how far Islamic is incorpo-
what Islamic. From Verona, As a student of Philippine rated in the play. Academically
the setting is transferred to Studies (and Islamic Studies), however, we cannot do away
Semporna, an imaginary Is- I do not see any problems in with some issues concerning
lamic community in Minda- contextualizing the play in an religious or cultural sensitivity.


I should say that there is recited that ought to be consid- residence of a prominent fami-
nothing wrong in the mention ered cultural (or acts of li- ly.
of the word Bismillah, howev- cense) as they do not reflect ac-
er there are some actions in tual Islamic doa or prayer. I personally enjoyed the dance
the play that do not go very movements in the play. The
well with Islamic teachings. Furthermore, during the wed- choreographer must be com-
For instance, when the imam ding ceremony, the touching of mended for his ability in incor-
performed prostrations in the brides forehead by the porating some modern ele-
prayer, Rashiddin jumped grooms (Rashiddins) thumb is ments into the Sama-Bajau igal
over his prostrated figure, supposed to signal the culmina- tradition. This affirms that cul-
thus distracting him. The tion of the wedding ceremony. ture constantly evolves and can
character of the imam thereaf- Jamila, however in the same meet the demand of changing
ter stood up, leaving his pray- scene, also touched Rashiddins times brought about by the
er... which should not be the forehead. The touching of the forces of modernization and
case. It is considered unethi- grooms forehead is not done in globalization. The traditional
cal to distract someone who is the actual Muslim wedding. In igal movements like the Tausug
in a state of prayer. Also, the the play however, this act may pangalay is reflective of the peo-
act of multiple prostrations be considered innovation or ples lifestyle and the environ-
and bowing, in my mind, was artistic license, so cute that it ment in which they live. The
like seeing people performing caused some Muslim ladies in graceful and slow movements
spirit or sun worship. (I have the audience to giggle with ex- are intended to reflect the slow
discussed these points with citement. pace of communal life away
the choreographer, and he from the bustle of cities like
has assured me that these ac- The free mixing of males and Metro Manila. The arm move-
tions will be modified in the females during the dancing and ments mimic the movements of
next run... such is the beauty rituals are clearly cultural. the waves that the peoples of
of learning in the process of Muslims in the Philippines are the sea encounter in their daily
inter-cultural theatre). very accommodating unlike lives. This is the case even
Muslims in some other coun- more so with the Sama Dilaut
The presence of the role of the tries where strict segregation is (aka Bajau), as most of them
imam in the play affirms the observed. However, rigidity is used to live in houseboats.
importance of the religious in an increase among some They are keen observers of na-
leader in the community. The Muslim Filipino religious schol- ture and appreciate the move-
actor (Brian Matthew Sy) ars. An unfortunate incident ments of the leaves of the trees,
playing the role of the imam is happened in Cotabato City. An believing that trees are in con-
most excellent in his portray- aleem (religious scholar) stant dhiker (remembrance of
al. He is indeed very talent- stopped the dancing and sing- Allah) as mentioned in the holy
ed. He delivered his piece ing of Maguindanao folk ex- Quran (Surah Al-Hajj 18). In a
confidently and spoke like a pressions amidst the enjoyment higher epistemological level, Is-
native Tausug speaker. There of the people who were attend- lam stresses the continuing com-
are some incantations that he ing a wedding ceremony in the munion with nature and things


july 2012december 2012; january 2013june 2013 15


Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D. This article was published in the May 2004 issue of Islamic
Horizon (USA). It was previously published by Islam 21(UK)
and The Globalist.

The basis for happiness ditions and are familiar with to understand the world as it
in this world and the next is pedagogical and epistemological is. Ulemas discourses on how
Knowledge tools developed a thousand
(Plato, Al Farabi and Al Ghaz- years ago. It is therefore not sur-
ali) prising that under the intellectu-
al leadership of this class of
The Importance of scholars the Ummah has gone
Social Sciences from one low to another lower
There is no doubt in my mind low.
that the diminishing Muslim One area of knowledge that has
vision of knowledge and the been deeply neglected by Mus-
knowledgeable is singularly re- lims is the arena of social scienc-
sponsible for the decline of crea- es. Except for the Islamization of the world ought to be become
meaningless and therefore in-
Knowledge project and the
effective because they are not
American Journal of Islamic Social
grounded in contemporary re-
Sciences, both initiatives
alities. Very simply, if you do
launched by American Muslims
not understand where you are,
in early 1980s, there has been
even if you know where you
very little attempt by Muslims
have to go, you will go no
to indegenize social sciences.
Social sciences, unlike Islamic
sciences, which are essentially Hence you need social sciences
normative paradigms, have an to understand where you are
tivity, dynamism, vitality and
empirical focus. Social sciences and put religious knowledge of
power of the Islamic civiliza-
are more interested in under- where to go to effective use.
tion. Today, without doubt, the
standing and describing the world To put it bluntly, without so-
Muslim world lags behind all
as it is rather than on postulating cial sciences, traditional Islamic
other civilizations in its produc-
on how it ought to be. Without be- sciences are useless.
tion and consumption of
ing prejudicial about what is
knowledge. Today most Mus- The Role of Social
more important, we must realize
lims think of knowledge as that Scientists
that while medieval Islamic sci-
limited to the familiarity with
ences do provide a view of how The most important function
medieval Muslim understand-
the world ought to be a thou- that social scientists can per-
ing of law and jurisprudence.
sand years ago they do not form is provide our leaders
Scholars are only those who
equip our jurist-scholars with and the attentive public with
memorize Quran and the tra-
the training and tools necessary


an empirical understanding of the success of their social scien- on the most important and
our existential conditions. With- tists. The Muslim world, which pressing issues such as exter-
out an accurate analysis of often looks to the Ulema to ask nal and internal security, ge-
where we are effective remedial all questions such as is it halal to opolitics, globalization, inter-
policies cannot be articulated. eat gummy bears or if one can faith politics, economics, so-
Social scientists provide the in one marry two sisters simultane- cial and public policy and
depth analysis necessary for in- ously, and is it ok to join the short and long term plan-
formed decision making. WTO and is democracy a good ning. Other issues that they
idea, remains strikingly underde- can enrich are normative dis-
The Quran in a beautiful pas-
veloped. While the Ulema are cussions based on empirical
sage praises those who reflect on
trained to answer the first two experience of institutions and
the empirical realities of our
questions, contemporary reality is polities that are best suited
world contemplate the creation
outside their domain. for our times. Social sciences
in Surah Al Imran:
are now very diverse, very
The success of non-Muslims and
Verily in the creation of the complex and very advanced.
the failure of Muslims in worldly
heavens and the earth, and the They deal with issues all
matters can be explained only
alternation of night and day - across the board and their
through the knowledge deficit
there are indeed signs for men of findings impact policy at all
understanding; Men who re- that plagues the Muslim commu-
member Allah, standing, sit- nity. The Quran once again is so
ting, and lying down on their clear on this issue: Islamic sciences that were
sides, developed remember they
Allah will raise up to (suitable)
and contemplate the creation of ranks (and degrees) those of you were developed by human
the heavens and the earth. who believe and who have been beings not revealed by God
[Quran 3:190-191] granted knowledge. [Quran were quite advanced for their
58:11] time and help vitalize the Is-
The Quran also exhorts Muslims lamic world and make it a
to undertake empirical study in While I cannot comment on the dominant and thriving civili-
Surah Al Ankabut. faith of anyone, I can understand zation. However they have
Say: Travel through the earth that Allah has raised the West enjoyed little development in
and see how Allah originated and the Far East to great heights over a thousand years. In Is-
creation. [Quran 29:20] and honor purely because of their lamic Madrassahs syllabi
commitment to freedom of have not been revised in over
Some countries such as Japan, thought and knowledge. The best 200 years! All good social sci-
India and China have developed universities and the most produc- entists revise their curricu-
indegenized social scientists tive work in knowledge accumu- lum every time they teach
who use advanced analytical lation is taking place in the West their courses. While Islamic
and research skills in the interest and the Far East. Actually every- sciences have languished,
of their nations and provide the where except in the Muslim social sciences have ad-
necessary information to make World. vanced. While the former re-
effective policy. The progress
and growth and development of Social scientists must not only be mains a dead tradition the
these nations are indicative of consulted but also encouraged to latter is alive and growing.
research, speak and write freely

July 2012december 2012; January 2013june 2013 17


by Prof. Bobby M. Tuazon

management response beyond a the presidential office) but also

The reported skirmishes manifest intent to save the a solid foreign policy governance
between Malaysian security forc-
peace process with the Moro particularly with respect to the
es and members of the Sulu Roy-
Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Philippines Sabah claim. For 27
al Army (SRA) at Lahad Datu in
which is being facilitated by the years after the fall of the Marcos
the disputed territory of Sabah
Malaysian government. In the dictatorship which pursued
have opened a divisive issue in
inter-agency consultation, the aggressively the sovereignty
the Philippines. The inter-agency
member of the GPH panel, who claim the territorial claim had
round-table discussion on Sabah
is also from OPAPP, tried to be been practically dormant. The
(March 18, 2013) spotted an ap-
tactful by listening to the dis- issue was never pursued, nay,
parent dividing line between on
course, reactions, and recom- was dropped altogether: the 1987
the one hand the Philippine gov-
mendations as she said she Constitution practically removed
ernment caught unprepared on
would primarily but such im- any further claim; it was placed
the hostilities that involved Fili-
perturbation given the delicate in the backburner, says Fidel
pino Muslims and obviously
peace process was disquieting, V. Ramos even if his own sister-
cautious against antagonizing
too, in its failure to offer any senator filed a bill officially ter-
Kuala Lumpur when pressed to
enlightenment on the various minating the claim. Sources from
openly declare its stance on the
questions addressed to the the Department of Foreign Af-
Sabah issue and public opin-
state. At least the representative fairs (DFA) indicated that the
ion, on the other, calling for a
from Congress, who also hails claim had been closed or that
reinstatement of the Philippine
from Mindanao, was candid there was no intention of pursu-
claim on the disputed territory.
enough to caution that the secu- ing the claim any further. Ac-
rity tension could threaten dip- cording to the Sultan, such acts
Discernible in the consultation
lomatic and economic relations prompted the sultanate to with-
are voices concerned that the
with Malaysia but, nonetheless, draw the power of attorney
skirmishes however small-scale
the territorial dispute needed a entrusted to the Philippine gov-
or even asymmetrical as they are
peaceful resolution using the ernment probably indicating
were becoming critical and
machinery of international bod- that the Sulu sultan would fol-
thus warrant a decisive move by
ies. low up the claim by himself.
the Philippine government to
protect the human rights of Fili-
The whole fiasco, however, ex- Whether the SRA insertion into
pino workers and residents in
poses the lack of not only any Sabah was politically motivated
Sabah and prevent the conflict
crisis management system in Malaysia is slated for a national
from deteriorating into a war-
the Aquino administration election and so is the Philippines
crime scenario.
which incidentally also suffers with its mid-term elections in
from a bureaucratic maze (a let- May while the peace process is
Indeed, the government was
ter addressed to the president in the crucial stage of drafting
caught not only flat-footed but
from Sultan Jamalul Kiram III in the Bangsamoro law and form-
also without any crisis-
2010 was lost and never reached ing a transition commission it


both cases, the crucial role of Ma- RTD in Basilan, from Page 11
has just the same become a na-
tional interest issue. There were laysia in facilitating the peace his students to demonstrate the
strong sentiments in the consulta- talks can be affected and could use of modern technology in
tion including those expressed by derail the process altogether. But facilitating learning and kept IS
former high-level and regional the credibility of Malaysias role students abreast with the latest
officials as well as Mindanao CSO is now being questioned, e.g., it software technologies.
leaders that the call for revisiting has lost its moral ascendancy in
Prof. Abdulgafur Taha of the
or reviewing the claim has be- facilitating the peace talks be-
Bangsamoro Development
come moot and academic - con- cause of rights violations alleged-
Agency discussed the Frame-
sidering that legal and policy- ly perpetrated against Filipinos
work Agreement on Bangsamo-
level deliberations had been done in Sabah in the wake of the ro during this Public Forum, a
in the past and what is most an- fighting and for its hard-line section of the RTD devoted to
ticipated now is an action plan in stance on the Sabah issue, i.e., discussion of important and
pursuit of the claim. A number of that it is a dead issue. critical issues, an events taking
modalities were raised including place in Moro society. The fo-
reactivating the Philippine claim The mishandling of the Sabah rum raised many questions
before the ICJ, mediation, or even issue attests to a failure of the from the floor regarding the
a military approach. The legal ad- state in upholding a sovereignty content of the agreement.
viser to the Sulu sultan said gov- claim which is said to have a
ernment had nothing to lose if it strong historical and legal basis The different papers generated
anyway. High time, therefore, for a lively open forum. Questions
invokes the 1963 Manila Accord
harnessing a multi-stakeholders and comments from the partici-
signed between the Philippines,
pants were both appreciative
Malaysia, and Indonesia which approach as an important mecha-
and probing regarding the dif-
provided that the inclusion of Sa- nism in pursuing a territorial
ferent topics presented.
bah (formerly North Borneo) in claim of national import. This
the Federation of Malaysia was should welcome the assistance in A Business Meeting among
without prejudice to the Philip- policy strategizing offered by the RAIS members was held in the
pine claim. It was also observed UP president through the univer- evening and was presided by
that the peace process should not sitys policy think tanks and oth- Dr. Abubakar. The body agreed
be made as a reason for abandon- er resources. There have been to hold the 2013 RTD on the
ing the Sabah claim. concerns raised about the short- third week of October and fo-
The complexity of the territorial age of policy strategizing in the cus on the topic Islamic Eco-
claim is borne out of the difficul- national government particularly nomics. Dean Magsaysay Wer-
ties in reconciling the need to in foreign affairs which has been ble of MSU Tawi-Tawi told
move the peace process forward found to be devoid of a compre- RAIS that the chancellor was
and coming out with a definitive hensive policy. already committed to support
the next RTD.
state policy on the Sabah claim.
Views diverged on whether to The RTD was capped by a tour
put the territorial claim in the The author is the of the BSC campus in Lamitan
agenda of the peace process the Director for Policy Studies of organized by BSC on the third
proposed Bangsamoro sub-state CENPEG (Center for People Empow- day.
does not mention Sabah or erment in Governance )
should be taken up separately. In

july 2012december 2012; january 2013june 2013 19


Sintang Dalisay, from Page 15

surrounding us in order to see and er for Muslim women are restrict- ing the members of the audi-
witness the essence of God in them. ed and mostly confined to spaces ence free to indulge in the
In short, nature speaks the pres- at home. The gesture of bowing creation of seduction in their
ence and existence of God. before the Lakambini and taking minds. Going through the
her words with fear and respect scene is like engaging in jour-
As I recognize igal as an alluring should therefore be taken as al- ney of passions where the
form of sensual dance, I must also lowable forms of artistic license ones sensual nerves are
state that its practice contain cul- that deviates from the actual posi- locked in suspension, just at
tural norms and values that dictate tion of women in typical Muslim the edge of reality and illu-
what is allowed and what is not. communities. sion. The suggestive motions
This is evident in the dance of the of the lovers arms and their
stars (sayaw ng mga bituin) where One of the good values depicted body movements personify
young women displayed their in the play which, in my opinion, igal at the height of enchant-
grace and beauty in order to find the youth of today ought to emu- ment. It is to date the most
their future partners, in the same late is the return to that morally decent and the most passion-
manner that the young men commendable way of looking at ate, yet very professional, in-
showed their manliness and agility, relationships between lovers. The timate scene that I have ever
in order to win their future wives. decision of Rashiddin and Jamila witnessed onstage.
However, in reality, young women to be wedded, even without the
cannot always get what they want consent of Jamilas parents, is for The most touching part of the
because parents can arrange their me a strong statement against pre play is the lovers death scene
marriages. This practice is more -marital sex. The value given by framed by the remorseful
cultural than Islamic. In marriage, Jamila to puri or, in this case, vir- imam, Jamilas parents, the
Islam teaches that the consent of ginity is likewise commendable Lakambini, and the members
the bride to be must be freely given from a Muslim perspective. Los- of the Kalimuddin and Mus-
and must not be forced or coerced. ing virginity outside marriage is tafa clans. This part truly
In Sintang Dalisay, this cultural tra- something that is discouraged captured the hearts of the
dition of arranged marriage is (Zina) and frowned upon, and is members of the audience...
highlighted when Jamilas father tantamount to besmirching the not for the reason of approv-
agreed to marry her off to Datu Pi- reputation of the family. Hence, ing of suicide but for the pa-
andao. In real life, this is still hap- Muslim girls are taught to be thos of the lovers ultimate
pening especially in some remote modest and to guard their chasti- sacrifice. Here love and loy-
areas in the southern Philippines. ty at all cost. alty transcend the value of
material things in this world.
Another depiction portrayed in the In terms of portraying intimacy, Its portrayal successfully
play which is more cultural than which is unavoidable in a love crossed cultural taboos, even
Islamic is the use of a female char- story, I must say that the love sce- the supposed paramount val-
acter as Lakambini, the ruler of the ne rendered in igal form in Sin- ue of submitting to parental
community. For me this is a good tang Dalisay is delivered with so desires.
twist from the reality of place much grace. It is, beyond doubt,
where men are increasingly domi- artistically crafted, and it re- Sintang Dalisay, therefore,
nant. In reality, the spaces of pow- mained in the sensual level leav- poignantly reminds the pre-


The Role of Social...from page 17

sent generation of Filipinos of Social sciences have also added Is- Muslim social scientists
the richness of classical litera- lamic studies to their realm and stepped up to the plate and
ture expressing universal have developed a more nuanced, addressed some of these is-
themes and empowered more sophisticated and even em- sues. The community needs
through the use of local perfor- powering vision of Islam by cri- new vision and new direc-
mance traditions. (Yes, Romeo tiquing and building upon tradi- tion. In academic journals and
and Juliet or Sintang Dalisay is tional Islamic sciences. Today it is conferences Muslim social sci-
quite similar to the story of Ab- easy to find Muslim social and hu- entists have provided sophis-
dullah and Putri Isarah in the manities scholars who are also ticated analysis of our condi-
Tausug Parang Sabil Kissa. This
trained in traditions methods, who tion and also enlightening
narrative will however require
now empowered by new episte- pathways for a better and
another article to discuss fully).
mologies and are doing wonderful more secure future for all. It
If I were to rate Sintang Dalisay research that if the Ummah were to is now up to the community
as a work of inter-cultural thea- embrace would resuscitate the leaders to connect the output
tre, I will give it a 9. I withhold community. of these scholars with the di-
giving the extra point towards Today the knowledge to revive rection of the community.
perfection so as to pose a chal- and develop the Islamic Ummah is Scholars by nature are isola-
lenge to the people behind the available. It is time the community tionists. They need seclusion
production to search for even
recognizes that the for centuries we to think, research and write. It
more cultural contexts that they
have failed to become leaders of is not fair to expect them to
may include in the next run
humanity and fulfill our mandate come forward, some do like
which I look forward to with
as Allahs vicegerents on earth yours truly, but the communi-
great anticipation. Let us focus
on issues that can help us pro- (Quran 2:30) is because we have ty must also seek them and
mote our rich cultural heritage surrendered our vision, our faith seek their guidance.
as a people regardless of ethnic and our reason to deadwood. The future belongs to those
affiliations. Let us conquer the Power is a function of knowledge. who have thought the deep-
world with our beautiful tradi- Say: Are those equal, those who est about it.
tions. know and those who do not know?
[Quran 39:9]
Prof. Macrina A. Morados M. A. Muqtedar Khan is
is the College Secretary of the The Ummah is powerless because Director of International Studies
UP Institute of Islamic Studies. those who they consider as knowl- & Chair, Political Science Depart-
edgeable have failed for over 500 ment at Adrian College. He is a
(This article was originally pub- years to provide us with an em- non-resident fellow at the Brook-
lished on Some Lessons in inter- powering vision. ings Institution. He is the author
cultural theatre in Business Mir- of American Muslims: Bridging
ror, 11 December 2012; can be Faith and Freedom (2002) and
accessed at h t t p : / / American Muslims now live in Jihad for Jerusalem: Identity and times where the basic objectives Strategy in International Politics
and even values of the community (2004). He writes and maintains
are questioned. It is time American

July 2012december 2012; January 2013june 2013 21

Keynote Speech, from page 23
Selected lines from
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam communication/sciencepublishing.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit These developments are con-
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, sidered to be a big challenge
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. in the academic world to step
up and be strong in the global
And that inverted Bowl we call The Sky, arena, in terms of research
Whereunder crawling co-opt we live and die, and program offerings accord-
Lift not thy hands to It for help - for It ing to global standards. In a
Rolls impotently on as Thou or I. nutshell, Philippine universi-
ties and colleges should be
With Earth's first Clay They did the Last Man's knead, willing to embrace the so-
And then of the Last Harvest sow'd the Seed: called a Cross-Border Educa-
Yea, the first Morning of Creation wrote tion as it leads to that direc-
What the Last Dawn of Reckoning shall read. tion.

I tell Thee this - When, starting from the Goal, On the part of the college, we
Over the shoulders of the flaming Foal are still strengthening re-
Of Heav'n Parwin and Mushtara they flung, search, but this administration
In my predestind Plot of Dust and Soul. through the effort of the Di-
rector for Research and other
The Vine had struck a Fibre; which about faculty members, we were
If clings my Being - let the Sufi flout; able to present and published
Of my Base Metal may be filed a Key, five (5) researches both na-
That shall unlock the Door he howls without. tionally and internationally
for the SY 2011-2012. While
And this I know: whether the one True Light, we are still far behind in terms
Kindle to Love, or Wrath consume me quite, of research output since our
One glimpse of It within the Tavern caught college is small at least we
Better than in the Temple lost outright. have started and continue to
enjoin everyone to undertake
Oh, Thou, who didst - with Pitfall and with Gin more researches.
Beset the Road I was to wander in,
Thou wilt not with Predestination round Again, thank you for being
Enmesh me, and impute my Fall to Sin? here with us and I hope you
will enjoy the atmosphere of
Oh, Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make, our college and the province
And who with Eden didst devise the Snake; of Basilan. Welcome!
For all the Sin where with the Face of Man
Thank you and good day.
Is blacken'd, Man's Forgiveness give - and take!

Keynote Speech, from page 24

state in meeting the needs ence and Technology, Na-

created by growth and tional University of Singa- Sahiyfah
changing technologies. pore and Seoul National
University are in the top 1,
Hence, Research and De- 2 and 4, respectively; nev-
velopment are important in ertheless, University of the is a bi-annual publication of the
any institution. For this Philippines was in the top Research, Publication
will not only augment our 68, Ateneo de Manila in top & Extension Division (RPED),
institutional budget but al- 86, De La Salle top 142, Institute of Islamic Studies,
so expand our linkages University of Sto. Tomas University of the Philippines
with other funding institu- 148 and 251300 was the Diliman
tions both locally and inter- University of Southeastern
nationally. Philippines of Davao City. Dr. Carmen A. Abubakar
More significantly research Thailand and Malaysia
output publish in national showed the greatest in- Leila A. Halud
and international publica- crease in publication rate News & Feature
tions is a gauge or a crite- skill Indonesia and the
ria in ranking universities Philippines had less.
and colleges. According to Maria N. Cabacungan
Times Higher Education Layout
Here is the list of Asian
(THED) 2012, no Philippine countries and their publica-
university entered the top tion status: Prof. Macrina Morados
400 worldwide universities Muqtedar Khan, Ph.D.
because 30% of the criteria Singapore 45% paper pub- Prof. Bobby Tuazon
are research volume pre- lished Kamaruddin Mohammad
sented or published and Thailand 21% paper pub- Najeeb Sali
another 30% for research lished
influence. In other words, Malaysia 16% paper pub-
Philippine universities andlished
colleges do not have Vietnam 6% paper pub- This issue is sponsored by
enough significant num- lished H.E. MOHAMMAD BIN JOBAIR,
bers of researches with Indonesia 5% paper pub- Late President, Majlis as Shura,
quality standards com- lished Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Philippines 5% paper pub-
pared with other universi-
ties world wide.
Brunei, Cambodia, Laos
and Mayanmar together Tel. No. 981-8500 loc. 3584
However, in the Asian Uni-
produced 2% paper pub- Email:
versity ranking 2012, lished
Hongkong University Sci-


July 2012 December 2012; January 2013June 2013 23


Keynote Speech
Dr. Nasser A. Salain, Al-Hadj
President, Basilan State College
5th Round Table Discussion on Islamic Research
17 December 2012 , BSC Student Centre

Our distinguished guests headed by Dr. Carmen A. Abubakar, President of the Research
Association for Islamic Social Sciences, Inc. (RAIS), Prof. Julkipli M. Wadi, Dean of the Institute of
Islamic Studies, Hon. Alzad Sattar, Undersecretary, Bureau of Madaris Education, ARMM, Prof.
Macrina A. Morados, Secretary of the Institute of Islamic Studies, Dr. Aboukhair Tarasun, Ust. Al
Basher Ismael, Dean, IIS, Basilan State College, Prof. Filemon, Director, Coastal Resources manager
Center, MSU-Tawi-Tawi, Prof. Talib A. Benito, Professor, KFCIAAS, MSU Marawi, Prof. Maulawi
Calimba, Chair, Islamic Studies Dept., MSU Gen. Santos, Prof. Magsayssay Werble, Dean, College
of Islamic and Arabic Studies, MSU Tawi-Tawi, faculty, staff and participants, Good Morning.

Assalamu alaykum warah matulahi taala wa barakatu!

Today, we have two separate important events: the Orientation of the Accreditation and RTD Is-
lamic Research. The college is very grateful and overwhelmed for this opportunity to host this
Round Table Discussion on Islamic Research. It is our pride and honor to be part and to provide
assistance especially in areas of research with these three (3) organizations namely; the Institute of
Islamic Studies, Research Association for Islamic Social Sciences, Inc. (RAIS) and the Bureau of Ma-
daris Education of ARMM.

Research is one of our mandates as an institution of higher learning. It is important to universities

and colleges, because continuing, adequately-funded research program allows us to build and
maintain high-quality researchers as well as our human resources, and it opens the path for the
graduate students to work on and learn from research projects. Most importantly, research can
boost the level of our college to fulfill our humble ambition to be one of the universities in the re-
gion Insha-Allah.

According to CreswellResearch is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to

increase our understanding of a topic or issue. It consists of three steps: Pose a question, collect
data to answer the question, and present an answer to the question. It is also the result of advanc-
ing knowledge created in the past. Designed to solve a particular problem, requires time, effort,
and sometimes money to have the evidence you need to make a sound decision thats why many
avoid it. It is very vital to our everyday decision making. It arms us from wrong information and
save time and money. It is important to our success as we take on lifes challenges and career deci-
sions making. It is also important to the society because it assists the


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