Interview Questions

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Vicar Michael:

1. When did you become a Christian?

2. When and why did you become a Vicar?
3. What inspiring things have influenced your beliefs?
4. What is the role of the Church in the community?
5. What influenced you to follow Protestant faith rather than Catholicism?
6. Tell me about the process that is involved during a Church service.
7. What are your opinions on new and emerging religious movements such as
8. How important is it to understand other faiths?
9. What do you most disagree with about your religion, if anything?
10. Have you ever questioned your faith?
11. How do you celebrate Christmas within the Church?
12. Church attendance has dropped in recent years, do you think this is because people
dont believe religion is important?
13. What is your opinion on gay marriage? Does this differ from the Church of
Englands view?
14. What are your views on female vicars and bishops?


1. When and why did you become an Imam?

2. What inspiring things have influenced your beliefs?
3. Is the Islamic faith adapted differently within different cultures?
4. Tell me about the process that is involved during Salat.
5. What are your opinions on new and emerging religious movements such as
6. How important is it to understand other faiths?
7. What do you most disagree with about your religion, if anything?
8. Have you ever questioned your faith?
9. Tell me about the strict dietary Islamic prohibitions and why these are so?
10. What does Ramadan symbolise?
11. Why do you celebrate Eid and how do you celebrate it?
12. How do you think Muslims are perceived through things such as the media? How do
you feel about this?
13. Extremists use faith as their reason for their actions. How do you feel about this?

John Harper:

1. Tell me about your job.

2. When did you become a Christian?
3. What is your involvement with Christian youth?
4. Have you noticed a decrease in childrens attendance to church? If so, why do you
think that is?
5. How do you aim to change and increase this attendance?
6. 0What inspiring things have influenced your beliefs?
7. What influenced you to follow Protestant faith rather than Catholicism?
8. Why did y ou choose to follow the Baptist Church teachings rather than Anglican or
Methodist teachings?
9. What are your opinions on new and emerging religious movements such as
10. How important is it to understand other faiths?
11. What do you most disagree with about your religion, if anything?
12. Have you ever questioned your faith?

MP Faisil Rashid:

1. How did you become an MP/get involved in politics?

2. What, briefly, are your political beliefs?
3. What, to you, is the most important thing about being an MP?
4. What are your religious beliefs? Do they affect your political beliefs?
5. What is your opinion on brexit?
6. What is your opinion on immigration and the current way in which we deal with
7. Do you believe that Muslims are negatively perceived in the media and by the
general public?
8. What is your opinion on the prime ministers recent cap on energy prices?
9. Tell me what you would change if you were the prime minister.
10. Are you proud to be British?
11. Do you believe in your time as MP you have made a difference?


1) When did you realise you were a Medium?

2) Is there any training you had to do to become a Medium?
3) Tell me about your spirit guide.
4) How did you get involved in the spiritualist church?
5) How often do you go to the spiritualist church?
6) What kind of things do you do there?
7) What normally happens during a reading and how do you go about it?
8) How does a reading usually affect people?
9) How does a reading affect you?
10) How many readings do you do a week?
11) What are the best and worst things that have happened during a reading?
12) Do you encounter any sceptics?

Warrington Spiritualist Church:

1. What is spiritualism?
2. How did the church start?
3. If it is separate from religion, why is it called a church?
4. What kind of things go on at the church?
5. What do you say to people who dont believe?
6. How many people typically attend each service?
7. Are there people with a variety of beliefs that attend the church?
8. How did you get involved?
9. What is the most common belief among church-goers?
10. Is it free to attend the church?
11. Are there people in charge at the church?
12. What is the dress code at the church?

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